Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative
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COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, JUNE 10. 1986 SESSION OF 1986 170TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 43 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BILLS REMOVED FROM TABLE The House convened at I I a.m., e.d.l. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majority leader. Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, I move that SB 1276 THE SPEAKER (K. LEROY IRVIS) and SB 1421 be lifted from the tabled calendar and placed on IN THE CHAIR the active calendar. PRAYER On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? The SPEAKER. The prayer today will be offered by a Motion was agreed to. .ruest cha~lain,and the Chair invites his -rood friend. Re~re- sentative Kenneth Brandt, to introduce that guest chaplain. Mr. BRANDT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. HOUSE BILLS Ladies and gentlemen of the House, and guests, it is with INTRODUCED AND REFERRED great honor that I present to you my son, Pastor K. Edward No. 2584 By Represenlatives ITREEMAN,kISCHER, Brandt, First Church of God, Newport, Pennsylvania. COHEN, LEVDANSKY, RYBAK, The SPEAKER. The Reverend Brandt. PETRONE, DAWIDA, BELFANTI, REVEREND BRANDT. Let us pray: RICHARDSON, PISTELLA, HALUSKA God of our hearts, minds, and souls, we confess that we and PRESTON know how much we need Thee, yet our swelled heads and stubborn wills and shallow hearts keep us trying to do without An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P. L. 30, No. 14), known as the "Public School Code of 1949," providing for Thee. We confess our adherence to the popular opinion rather the teaching of labor history in high schools. than clinging to the unpopular strands of truth. We find it easier to talk about numbers than the faces behind those Referred to Committee on EDUCATION, June 10, 1986. numbers. No. 2585 By Representatives ACOSTA, TRELLO, And Lord, we need Thy stillness in an unstill environment, KUKOVICH, JOSLPHS, TRUMAN, where the telephones never cease ringing; where intimate DONATUCCI, KOSINSKI, ROEBUCK and moments with family are interrupted; where values and com- I.INTON mitments are often compromised away. Still our hearts, An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Con- minds, and souls for a moment. solidated Statutes, further providing fbr vehicle insurance; estab- Forgive us for making mountains out of molehills, and for liqhine~~,~~~~~ the vehicle .~~~~~~ ownrr\~ ~~.~ Protection~ ~~~~~ Roard~ ~ and the Vehicle exaggerating~ - both our own importance and the problems that I Owners Protection Fund; and providing penalties confront us. Let our concerns reflect the needs of people from Referred to Committeeon INSURANCE, June 10, 1986. all walks of life and not the stick-and-carrot game of politics. We give thanks for the leadership of this body and ask that No. 2586 By Representatives LESCOVITZ, SWEET all people handle positions with an undeniable responsibility and VEON reflecting the meaning and sacrifices of public service. We An Act amending the act of June 11, 1879 (P. L. 147, No. pray this. Amen. 153), entitled "An act fixing the compensation of pcrsons called to servc a, coroner's jurors in this commonwcalth." increasing the compensation to be paid to jurors; and providing for mileage PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE payments. (The Pledge of Allegiance was enunciated by members.) 1 Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. June 10, 1986 So. 2587 By Rcpresentative? LASHINGER, JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED I O'DONNELI., KOSlNSKl and TRELI,O The SPEAKER. Without objection, thc approval of the An Act amending thc act of March 10, 1949 (P. L. 30, No. Journal for Monday, June 9, 1986, will be postponed until 14), known as the "Public School Code of 1949," further provid- ing for the education of children with revere lcarliing disabilities. that Journal is in print. The Chair hears no such objection. 1124 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10, Referred to Committee on EDUCATION, June 10, 1986. RESOLVED, (the House of ~cpreientatives concurring), That when the Senate adjourns this week it reconvene on No. 2588 By Representative LASHINGER Monday. June 16, 1986, unless sooner recalled by the President An Act making an appropriation to the Montgomery County Or Ihe and beit Association for the Blind, Norristown, Pennsylvania. RESOLVED, That when the House of Representatives adjourns this week it reconvene on Monday, June 16, 1986, Referred to Committee on APPROPRIATIONS, June 10, unless sooner recalled by the Speaker of the House of Representa- 1986. tives. No. 2589 By Representatives VROON, CORNELL, Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the House of PITTS, CLYMER, PHILLIPS, JOHNSON, Representatives for its concurrence. FOSTER, BIRMELIN, STEVENS, On the question, DISTLER, MERRY, HERSHEY, Will the House concur in the resolution of the Senate? LANGTRY, ROBBINS, E. Z. TAYLOR, Resolution was concurred in. PERZEL, NOYE and FARGO Ordered, That the clcrk inform the Senate accordingly. An Act regulating investments of public pension or retirement systems. BILL SIGNED BY SPElrJhR Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, June 10, 1986. The Chair gave notice that he was about to sign the follow- No. 2590 By Representatives VROON and HERSHEY ing bill, which was then signed: An Act designating a certain bridge on Charlestown Road in SB 745, p~ 2133 Chester County as the Baughman Bridge. An Act amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P. L. 789. No. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, 285), entitled "The Insurance Department ~ctof one thousand June 10, 1986. nine hundred and twenty-one," further providing for admitted assets. No. 2591 By Representatives VROON, HERSHEY and FOX WELCOMES An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Con- solidated Statutes, further providing for funding for the Cata- The SPEAKER. The Chair welcomes Girl Scout Troop 253 strophic LOSSTrust Fund. from Beaver County. They are here as the guests of Mike Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, Veon. Welcome to the hall of the House, girls. We are June LO, 1986. delighted to have you. The Chair is particularly pleased to welcome, after having HOUSE RESOLUTIONS a delightful interview with the gentleman, Dr. Zia Mahmood, INTRODUCED AND REFERRED who is from Berks County. It is the first time the Chair had met the young man. The Chair is very much impressed with No. 307 him. He is the Democratic candidate for the 129th Legislative (Concurrent) By Representative HUTCHINSON District. He is here as the guest of Tom Caltagirone and of the Rescinding the request to the Congress of the united states Speaker. Dr. Mahmood, to the left of the speaker. Welcome that it call a Constitutional Convention to propose an amend- to the hall of the House, Doctor. ment to the Constitution to balance the public debt. Referred to Committee on RULES, June 10, 1986. LEAVES OF ABSENCE No. 308 By Representatives LANGTRY and BOOK The SPEAKER. The Chair turns to leaves of absence. Congratulating the Municipality of ~ethelpark, pennsyl. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Lawrence, Mr. vania, on its 100th Anniversary. Fee. Mr. Fee indicates there are no requests. Referred to Committee on RULES, June 10, 1986. Mr. Hayes indicates he has no rcquests for leaves of absence. SENATE MESSAGE MASTER ROLL CALL ADJOURNMENT RESOLUTION The SPEAKER. The Chair now takes the master roll call FOR CONCURRENCE for the day. Members will proceed to vote. The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, presented the followine extract from the Journal of the Senate. which was The following roll call was recorded: read as follows: I PRESENT-201 In the Senate, June 9, 1986 Acosta Diclz Lashinper Robbins Afflerbach Dininni I.aughlin Kacbuck Angstadt Distler L.eicuvirr Rudy Argall Dornbro\r$Li I.etterman Ryan LEGISLATIVE J( URNAL-HOUSE 1125 Donatui~, Lr\dansk! Ryhak BI1,I.S RH'ORTEI) FROM COMMITTEE, Dorr Linton Saloom CONSIDERED FIRST TIME, AND oorr~ l ~vcngood Saiirrnan Oorham l loyd Scilcef/ RECOMMITTED TO COMMITTEE ON RULES Batti;ro kvanr 1 ucyl Scllolcr Bclardi Fargo McCall Scmmel HB 1913. PN 2529 By Rep. GEORGE I3cllanli Fallah hlsClalchi Seralini Ail Act requiring that certain defects or hrrakdowns of munici- Birmclin lice LlcHalc Scicnty pal sewage systems and municipal sewer authority systems be Black Fiichrr AIcVrrry Shoivr~, Blaum Flick hlacko\\\ki Sirlanlli reported and investigated; and providing pcnaltics. Book Foster hlaiale Smith. B. CONSERVATION. Burtnrr Fox hlandrrinu Smith. L. E. Rowicy blanmillcr Snbder. I>. W. HR 2498. PS 3611 (Amended) Bouier Irlarkosei Sn!dcr, G. By Rep. GEORGE Bo ye? Fryer hlabernik Stahack Brandl C;iillaghrr An Act amending the act of blay I, 1984 (P. L. 206, No. 43), Rroujos Gallen hlto\rn as the "Pennsylvania Safe Ilrinking Water Act," provid- Uunr Gamhle ing for notice to ratepayers of cun\truction, repair or mainte- Uurd Gaonon nance work on water sy5tcms. t3orni Gci. Bil,h Georgc CONSERVATION. Callagironc Gladcck C;ippabianca God\hall HB 2559, PN 3584 By Rep. GEORGE C;irl,on Grcc~~wood An Act amellding the acl of .luly 7, 19x0 (P. 1.. 380, No. 97), C31" Gnlll~a known as the "Solid Waste blanagcment Act," furtl~erproviding ('a,x.lcy (iruppo for licensing, pci-mitring and olhcr rcqttircmcnts lor the land di\- Ccwnr Hagar,! Halusha poral of \c\bagc 5ludgc. liar~>cr CONSERVATION. ('li~lri liaia! Clark Ha!c\ CIyme! Hern~an FILMING PERMISSION Cohen Herrhe~ Honaman Phillips Hn\iicll Piccola 'The SI'EAKER. The Cltair has given permipsion lo Hutchin$on l'ic\,k! blackenlie Carpenter of "The People's Business" to film on Itkin I'i~lcIIa the floor oflhe Housc. Jackson Pill5 Jarolir, Poll Johnion Plci,nla,,n WELCOME Jos~I,< I'reilon . , De\'ertcr Ka~onir. I'unr \Vrisl~t,k. C. The SPEAKER. Representalive Joe Markosek has as his I>e\\'ecrc Kenned! I<a!rnond \andr~<eiili Dale! ticnnc) Kcbcr guests a Boy Scout troop from Murrysvillc, Pcnnsylvani;~.