Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative

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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative



TUESDAY, JUNE 10. 1986



The House convened at I I a.m., e.d.l. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majority leader. Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, I move that SB 1276 THE SPEAKER (K. LEROY IRVIS) and SB 1421 be lifted from the tabled calendar and placed on IN THE CHAIR the active calendar. PRAYER On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? The SPEAKER. The prayer today will be offered by a Motion was agreed to. .ruest cha~lain,and the Chair invites his -rood friend. Re~re- sentative Kenneth Brandt, to introduce that guest chaplain. Mr. BRANDT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. HOUSE BILLS Ladies and gentlemen of the House, and guests, it is with INTRODUCED AND REFERRED great honor that I present to you my son, Pastor K. Edward No. 2584 By Represenlatives ITREEMAN,kISCHER, Brandt, First Church of God, Newport, Pennsylvania. COHEN, LEVDANSKY, RYBAK, The SPEAKER. The Reverend Brandt. PETRONE, DAWIDA, BELFANTI, REVEREND BRANDT. Let us pray: RICHARDSON, PISTELLA, HALUSKA God of our hearts, minds, and souls, we confess that we and PRESTON know how much we need Thee, yet our swelled heads and stubborn wills and shallow hearts keep us trying to do without An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P. L. 30, No. 14), known as the "Public School Code of 1949," providing for Thee. We confess our adherence to the popular opinion rather the teaching of labor history in high schools. than clinging to the unpopular strands of truth. We find it easier to talk about numbers than the faces behind those Referred to Committee on EDUCATION, June 10, 1986. numbers. No. 2585 By Representatives ACOSTA, TRELLO, And Lord, we need Thy stillness in an unstill environment, KUKOVICH, JOSLPHS, TRUMAN, where the telephones never cease ringing; where intimate DONATUCCI, KOSINSKI, ROEBUCK and moments with family are interrupted; where values and com- I.INTON mitments are often compromised away. Still our hearts, An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Con- minds, and souls for a moment. solidated Statutes, further providing fbr vehicle insurance; estab-

Forgive us for making mountains out of molehills, and for liqhine~~,~~~~~ the vehicle .~~~~~~ ownrr\~ ~~.~ Protection~ ~~~~~ Roard~ ~ and the Vehicle

exaggerating~ - both our own importance and the problems that I Owners Protection Fund; and providing penalties confront us. Let our concerns reflect the needs of people from Referred to Committeeon INSURANCE, June 10, 1986. all walks of life and not the stick-and-carrot game of politics. We give thanks for the leadership of this body and ask that No. 2586 By Representatives LESCOVITZ, SWEET all people handle positions with an undeniable responsibility and VEON reflecting the meaning and sacrifices of public service. We An Act amending the act of June 11, 1879 (P. L. 147, No. pray this. Amen. 153), entitled "An act fixing the compensation of pcrsons called to servc a, coroner's jurors in this commonwcalth." increasing the compensation to be paid to jurors; and providing for mileage PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE payments. (The Pledge of Allegiance was enunciated by members.) 1 Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. June 10, 1986 So. 2587 By Rcpresentative? LASHINGER, JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED I O'DONNELI., KOSlNSKl and TRELI,O The SPEAKER. Without objection, thc approval of the An Act amending thc act of March 10, 1949 (P. L. 30, No. Journal for Monday, June 9, 1986, will be postponed until 14), known as the "Public School Code of 1949," further provid- ing for the education of children with revere lcarliing disabilities. that Journal is in print. The Chair hears no such objection. 1124 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Referred to Committee on EDUCATION, June 10, 1986. RESOLVED, (the House of ~cpreientatives concurring), That when the Senate adjourns this week it reconvene on No. 2588 By Representative LASHINGER Monday. June 16, 1986, unless sooner recalled by the President An Act making an appropriation to the Montgomery County Or Ihe and beit Association for the Blind, Norristown, Pennsylvania. RESOLVED, That when the House of Representatives adjourns this week it reconvene on Monday, June 16, 1986, Referred to Committee on APPROPRIATIONS, June 10, unless sooner recalled by the Speaker of the House of Representa- 1986. tives. No. 2589 By Representatives VROON, CORNELL, Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the House of PITTS, CLYMER, PHILLIPS, JOHNSON, Representatives for its concurrence. FOSTER, BIRMELIN, STEVENS, On the question, DISTLER, MERRY, HERSHEY, Will the House concur in the resolution of the Senate? LANGTRY, ROBBINS, E. Z. TAYLOR, Resolution was concurred in. PERZEL, NOYE and FARGO Ordered, That the clcrk inform the Senate accordingly. An Act regulating investments of public pension or retirement systems. BILL SIGNED BY SPElrJhR Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, June 10, 1986. The Chair gave notice that he was about to sign the follow- No. 2590 By Representatives VROON and HERSHEY ing bill, which was then signed: An Act designating a certain bridge on Charlestown Road in SB 745, p~ 2133 Chester County as the Baughman Bridge. An Act amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P. L. 789. No. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, 285), entitled "The Insurance Department ~ctof one thousand June 10, 1986. nine hundred and twenty-one," further providing for admitted assets. No. 2591 By Representatives VROON, HERSHEY and FOX WELCOMES An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Con- solidated Statutes, further providing for funding for the Cata- The SPEAKER. The Chair welcomes Girl Scout Troop 253 strophic LOSSTrust Fund. from Beaver County. They are here as the guests of Mike Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, Veon. Welcome to the hall of the House, girls. We are June LO, 1986. delighted to have you. The Chair is particularly pleased to welcome, after having HOUSE RESOLUTIONS a delightful interview with the gentleman, Dr. Zia Mahmood, INTRODUCED AND REFERRED who is from Berks County. It is the first time the Chair had met the young man. The Chair is very much impressed with No. 307 him. He is the Democratic candidate for the 129th Legislative (Concurrent) By Representative HUTCHINSON District. He is here as the guest of Tom Caltagirone and of the Rescinding the request to the Congress of the united states Speaker. Dr. Mahmood, to the left of the speaker. Welcome that it call a Constitutional Convention to propose an amend- to the hall of the House, Doctor. ment to the Constitution to balance the public debt. Referred to Committee on RULES, June 10, 1986. LEAVES OF ABSENCE

No. 308 By Representatives LANGTRY and BOOK The SPEAKER. The Chair turns to leaves of absence. Congratulating the Municipality of ~ethelpark, pennsyl. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Lawrence, Mr. vania, on its 100th Anniversary. Fee. Mr. Fee indicates there are no requests. Referred to Committee on RULES, June 10, 1986. Mr. Hayes indicates he has no rcquests for leaves of absence. SENATE MESSAGE MASTER ROLL CALL ADJOURNMENT RESOLUTION The SPEAKER. The Chair now takes the master roll call FOR CONCURRENCE for the day. Members will proceed to vote. The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, presented the followine extract from the Journal of the Senate. which was The following roll call was recorded: read as follows: I PRESENT-201 In the Senate, June 9, 1986 Acosta Diclz Lashinper Robbins Afflerbach Dininni I.aughlin Kacbuck Angstadt Distler L.eicuvirr Rudy Argall Dornbro\r$Li I.etterman Ryan LEGISLATIVE J( URNAL-HOUSE 1125

Donatui~, Lr\dansk! Ryhak BI1,I.S RH'ORTEI) FROM COMMITTEE, Dorr Linton Saloom CONSIDERED FIRST TIME, AND oorr~ l ~vcngood Saiirrnan Oorham l loyd Scilcef/ RECOMMITTED TO COMMITTEE ON RULES Batti;ro kvanr 1 ucyl Scllolcr Bclardi Fargo McCall Scmmel HB 1913. PN 2529 By Rep. GEORGE I3cllanli Fallah hlsClalchi Seralini Ail Act requiring that certain defects or hrrakdowns of munici- Birmclin lice LlcHalc Scicnty pal sewage systems and municipal sewer authority systems be Black Fiichrr AIcVrrry Shoivr~, Blaum Flick hlacko\\\ki Sirlanlli reported and investigated; and providing pcnaltics. Book Foster hlaiale Smith. B. CONSERVATION. Burtnrr Fox hlandrrinu Smith. L. E. Rowicy blanmillcr Snbder. I>. W. HR 2498. PS 3611 (Amended) Bouier Irlarkosei Sn!dcr, G. By Rep. GEORGE Bo ye? Fryer hlabernik Stahack Brandl C;iillaghrr An Act amending the act of blay I, 1984 (P. L. 206, No. 43), Rroujos Gallen hlto\rn as the "Pennsylvania Safe Ilrinking Water Act," provid- Uunr Gamhle ing for notice to ratepayers of cun\truction, repair or mainte- Uurd Gaonon nance work on water sy5tcms. t3orni Gci. Bil,h Georgc CONSERVATION. Callagironc Gladcck C;ippabianca God\hall HB 2559, PN 3584 By Rep. GEORGE C;irl,on Grcc~~wood An Act amellding the acl of .luly 7, 19x0 (P. 1.. 380, No. 97), C31" Gnlll~a known as the "Solid Waste blanagcment Act," furtl~erproviding ('a,x.lcy (iruppo for licensing, pci-mitring and olhcr rcqttircmcnts lor the land di\- Ccwnr Hagar,! Halusha poral of \c\bagc 5ludgc. liar~>cr CONSERVATION. ('li~lri liaia! Clark Ha!c\ CIyme! Hern~an FILMING PERMISSION Cohen Herrhe~ Honaman Phillips Hn\iicll Piccola 'The SI'EAKER. The Cltair has given permipsion lo Hutchin$on l'ic\,k! blackenlie Carpenter of "The People's Business" to film on Itkin I'i~lcIIa the floor oflhe Housc. Jackson Pill5 Jarolir, Poll Johnion Plci,nla,,n WELCOME Jos~I,< I'reilon . , De\'ertcr Ka~onir. I'unr \Vrisl~t,k. C. The SPEAKER. Representalive Joe Markosek has as his I>e\\'ecrc Kenned! I31 ic~ KorinAi Rcina~d Il\i\. Welconie lo llle hall of the House. We ate delighted to have Ilaw~dn KuLo~ich K~~hlird\oil Spcnkr.~ you here. I>c;il l.a~~.ctri K~ceci ADDITIONS-0 ANNOUNCEMENT BY SPEAKER NOT VOTING-0 The SPEAKER. There will be a l'lood of amertdnier~ts today; thcrc i\ no question about that. But the Chair advises those of you uho are orderins amendnient5 lo niake sure you Itavc eight - that i\ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 copies in your folder. We musl have eight copies in lhose folders when you offer The SPEAKE R. For those of you who \%erenot on the floor amendments, and thc Chair has been advised by the Assistant when the prayer \\;as ofleted, this is to inl'ot~nyou tlial we had Parliamentarian that they ought io be signcd. thc very high honor of presenting the son of one of our respected Representa~ivesas the guest chaplai~t.Rev. Edibard Urandt, the \on of Kennq Brandt, presided at thc prayer chis BILLS ON THIRI) CONSIDERATION morn in.^, and I \vould like vou to uclconie him to the hall of t~ic~oisc. \~c all s~iou~cibc so lucky tliat our sons 2nd I The House nroceedeci to tllird consideration of HB ,379. daughters would grou up like tlrat. PS 3426, entitled: 'The Lancaster County delegation is host to the Farm An Act amending tlic acl of June 3, 1037 (IJ. L. 1333, NO.320). \\'omen Society No. 24. Wclcomc to the hall of the Housc. Inin\n as thr "l'enlr\>l\alria Electiot~Code," providirrg liiitited I'e~~~rcvlvani;~Fair C'arnn;ti~n. - funding of certain Statcwidc iudi- cia1 elections; lirnililtg celrailr corttributions: imposing poi\crs ;tnd dulics on thr ilep:tiln,rnt rlf Statr; and lploviding penallie\. 1126 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

On the question, Mr. KUKOVICH. In response to that, the language that Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Mr. Piccola wants to amend out was not part of the original Mr. PICCOLA offered the following amendments No. bill. There were very delicate negotiations taking place. Some A2430: elements of labor were against the bill as drafted, and as a compromise, 1 went along with this language. I knew that Amend Sec. I (Sec. 1612-A)... .naae - 9. line 4. bv strikine out 1 "TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($250) and inserting Representative Piccola was going to offer this amendment, one thousand dollars ($1,000) and to a certain extent I tend to agree with it. But because of Amend Sec. I (Sec. 1612-A), page 9, line 5, by striking out the commitment 1 made in committee as part of the compro- "TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($250) and inserting mise, I decided not to take a position on the floor on this one... - thn~t~and.. . ., -. .- dnllnrc- -. . -. . ($1 NO) - - ,-. , . . . , amendment and let the members vote their conscience on this Amend Sec. I (Set. 1612-A). Daae 9. lines 7 through 15. bv I striking out "NO' MORE THAN -TWO HUNDRED FIFTY particular issue. DOLLARS ($250) PER" in line 7, all of lines 8 through 15 and Mr. LLOYD. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. inwrtine The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes up to one thousand dollars ($1,000). I thegentleman from Washington, Mr. Sweet. On the question, Mr. SWEET. Mr. Speaker, 1 would oppose the Piccola Will the House agree to the amendments? amendment. I think the way the bill is now drafted is very consistent with some of the strong reforms that have been The SPEAKER. I suggest you pay attention. If you do not made in campaign finance law at the Federal level. For pay attention on this day and tomorrow, you may find your- example, at the Federal level an individual may give $1,000 to selves voting for something you did not know you were voting a candidate for Congress or for the United States Senate. A for. PAC (political action committee) is allowed to go up to On the amendment, the Chair recognizes the gentleman $5,000. from Dauphin, Mr. Piccola. PAC's are groups of like-minded individuals who have Mr. PICCOLA. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. decided to pool their economic clout in order to elect candi- As the members of the House are aware, this bill provides dates who have a certain point of view with which they have for the financing of statewide judicial candidates for our sympathy. 1 think there are a number of PAC's that will have appellate courts, and on page 9 of that bill, certain limitations good and noble intentions as they address the whole question are imposed upon those who would make contributions to of campaign finance. I think really we ought to allow PAC's those candidates. to contribute more than individuals. Therefore, 1 think we The original bill, as introduced, provided that the limitation really ought to allow the hill to stand as it currently is before for contributions for individuals, political action committees, us, and therefore, 1 would oppose the Piccola amendment. and partnerships would all be the same. However, during the The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from committee process, that was changed to provide for a limita- Dauphin, Mr. Piccola. tion of contributions by individuals of $250; partnerships, Mr. PICCOLA. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. $250; but the limitation on political action committees was I would agree with the gentleman, Mr. Sweet, except for the increased to $5,000. Now, it is my view, Mr. Speaker, that this fact that we are imposing limitations on the contributions to would place greater advantage to those political action com- judicial candidates only. There are very limited numbers of mittees and denigrate the ability of individuals to make contri- groups that are going to want to contribute, and I am afraid if butions to these candidates. As we all know, political action we increase that limitation for PAC's, we are going to have committees represent special interests, and the whole purpose judicial candidates virtually supported by nothing but PAC's. of this legislation was to try to level out the influence of Further, the bill only permits a $250 limitation on individuals special interests on our judicial candidates. 1 believe, therefore, Mr. Speaker, this amendment should and partnerships, which is substantially below what the Federal requirements are. I believe in Pennsylvania that we be adopted so that each group specified - that is, individuals, should ignore what they do in Washington, particularly since partnerships, and political action committees - would be limited in their contributions identically, and that is to the we are dealing with judges, and we should level out those con- tributions across the board and make those limitations apply amount of $1,000 for each election. I urge the adoption of the equally to every group and individual. amendment, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from The SPEAKER. On the question of the adoption of the amendment, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Somer- Allegheny, Mr. Michlovic, on the amendment. set, Mr. Lloyd. Mr. MICHLOVIC. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. LLOYD. Mr. Speaker, I would be interested in Mr. Speaker, 1, too, oppose the Piccola amendment. As the knowing what the prime sponsor of the hill's position is on person who offered the amendment in committee, 1 did so this amendment. very much in the mind that this is a compromise negotiation, The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from and much of what Representative Sweet said does apply. We have to remember here that this is really statewide elec- Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich. tions, and a contribution of $5,000 to a statewide election is LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE certainly by no means an exaggeration of influence over that Barley Durham Lucyk Scheetz particular candidate. Mr. Piccola is right - there are darn few Battisto Fargo McCall Schulei Belardi Fischer McClatchy Semmel political action committees that would be interested in a state- Birmelin Flick McVerry Serafini wide judicial election, but those that are ought to be able to Black Foster Mackowski Showers provide some sort of resources of their collective members in a Book Fox Manmiller Sirianni Bawsei Freind Mayernik Smith. B. reasonable amount. I would suggest to you that $250 for a Boyes Fryer Merry Smith; L. E. statewide judicial election is not really a reasonable amount, Brandt Gallen Micozrie Snyder, D. W. and so I would oppose the Piccola amendment. Thank you, Bunt Cannon Miller Snyder, G. Burd Geist Moehlmann Stairs Mr. Speaker. Burns George Morris Stevens The SPEAKER. On the Piccola amendment, the Chair rec- Bush Gladeck Stewart ognizes the gentleman from Berks, Mr. Davies. Caltagirone Godshall Mrkanic Swifr Carlson Greenwood Nahill Taylor, E. Z. Mr. DAVIES. Mr. Speaker, may 1 ask a question of inter- Cawley Gruppo Taylor, J. rogation of the maker of the amendment? Cessar Hagarty Telek The SPEAKER. Mr. Piccola, will you stand for inter- Chadwick Haluska Tigue Cimini Hasay Vl00" rogation? Civera Hayes Wasa Mr. Davies, Mr. Piccola says he is available for inter- Clymcr Herman Weston rogation. You are in order, and you may proceed. Colafella Hershey Piccola Wilson Cornell Honarnan I'ott Wogan Mr. DAVIES. Under the provisions of the current proposal coslctt Jackson Punt Wozniak before us in your amendment, would a law firm of two COY Johnson Reber Wright, D. R. lawyers be able to form a PAC and register under the provi- DeVertcr Kennedy Reinard Wright, R. C. Kenney sions of this proposal? Mr. PICCOLA. That provision is not contained in this leg- islation. The formation of a political action committee is the AcosLa Dombrawski I.inton Rybak subject of other legislation. Not being totally familiar with Afflerbach Donatucci Livengood Saloom Barber Duffy McHalc Seventy that, 1 believe it is possible for two individuals to form such a Belfanti Evans Maiale Staback PAC, but 1 cannot absolutely be certain, Mr. Speaker. Blaum Fattah Manderino Steighner Mr. DAVIES. All right. If that were a case then, the poten- Bortner Fee Markoaek Stuhan Bowley Freeman Michlovic Sweet tial would be that two lawyers, under the provision as it stands Brauias Gallagher Murphy Taylor, F. now without your amendment, would be able to make a con- Cappabianca Gamble Olasr Trello tribution of approximately $2,500 to those candidates, Clark Harper Petrone Truman Cahen Howlerr Pievsky Van Horne whereas under your provision that would be limited to $1,250. Cole ltkin Pistella Veon Is that correct? Cordisco Jaialin Pitts Wambach Mr. PICCOLA. You have obviously done the math, Mr. Cowell Josephs Pressman" Wiggins Deluca Kasunic Preston Wright, J. L. Speaker, but I think you are probably correct. If in your DeWeese Kukovich Raymond Yandriseviti scenario two attorneys could form a PAC, they could contrib- Daley Laughlin Richardson ute through the PAC and then also individually, and perhaps Dau,ida Letterman Rieger Irvis, Deal Levdansky Roebuck Speaker even through the partnership. Under the bill as it is currently NOT VOTING-5 written, that PAC would be able to contribute $5,000; the individuals would be limited to $250 each. I have not done the Carn Hutchinson Lescavitz Perrarca math, Mr. Speaker, but I will assume that you are correct. Gruitza EXCUSED-0 Mr. DAVIES. All right. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, may I make a statement? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER. The gentleman is in order and may amendments were agreed to. proceed. Mr. DAVIES. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On the question, I think the math speaks for itself; it is no flimflam. In limit- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as ing that particular potential, I think that the mathematics amended? speak for themselves and 1 say it would speak in favor of Mr. Mr. KUKOVICH offered the following amendments No. Piccola's amendment. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. A2340: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1604-A), page 2, lines 28 and 29, by strik- ing out "one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50)" and inserting Will the House agree to the amendments? one dollar ($1.00) The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1604-A).,. .oaee - 2. lines 29 and 30. bv strik- ing out "one dolla; and fifty cents ($1 .SO)" and inserting one dollar ($1.00) Amend Sec. I (Sec. 1604-A). page 3, lines 2 and 3, by striking Angstadl Dietz Kasinrki Robbins Argall Dininni Langtry Rudy out "one dollar and fifty cents ($1 SO)" and inserting Arty Distler Lashinger Ryan one dollar ($1.00) Baldwin Dorr Lloyd Saurman


Will the House agree to the amendments? EXCUSED-0 The WEAKER. On the Kukovich amendment, the Chair The question was determined in the affirmative, and the recognizes the gentleman from Dauphin, Mr. Piccola. amendments were agreed to. Mr. PICCOLA. Mr. Speaker, I would agree to the Kukovich amendment. Thank you. On the question recurring, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as On the question recurring, amended? Will the House agree to the amendments? Mr. KUKOVICH offered the following amendments No. The following roll call was recorded: A2351: YEAS- I89 Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1601-A), page 2, line 2, by inserting a colon after "w' Acosta Dietr Lescovitz Rudy Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1601-A), page 2, lines 2 and 3, by striking Aftlerbach Dininni Letterman Ryan out "who elect to apply for Pennsylvania Fair" in line 2 and all Angstadt Distler Levdansky Rybak Argall Dombrawiki Linton Saloom of line 3 Arty Dorr Livengoad Saurman Amend Sec. I (Sec. 1606-A), page 3, line 21, by inserting after Baldwin Dully I.loyd Scheetr "apply," Barley Durham Lucyk Schulcr only Battisto Fargo McCall Sernrnel Amend (Sec. 1606-A), page 3, line 22, by inserting after Bclardi Fattsh McClatchy Serafini "article" Belfanti Fee McHale Seventy pertaining to limits on contributions, as set forth in Black Fischer McVerry Showers section 1612-A(a) Blaum Flick Mackonski Sirianni Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1606-A), page 3, line 22, by striking out Book Faslcr Maialc Smith. B. Bortner Fox Manderino Smith, L. E. "inapplicable" and inserting Bowley Frcind Manmiller Snyder, D. W. applicable Bowser Fryer Markoqek Snyder, G. Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1606-A), page 3, line 28, by striking out Boyes Gallagher Mayernik Staback "section 1612-A" and inserting Brandt Gallen Merry Stairs this article, unless otherwise speciiied herein Broujos Gamble Michlovic Steighner Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1611-A), page 8, line 6, by inserting after Bunt George Micorzie Stevens "candidate" Buid Gladeck Miller Stewart who accepts Pennsylvania Fair Campaign funding Burns Codshall Moehlmann Stuban Amend Sec. I (Sec. 1612-A), page 9, lines 2 through 4, by Bush Greenwood Morris Sweet Caltagirone Gruitra Mowery S*.ifr striking out all of lines 2 and 3 and "(2)" in line 4 and inserting Carlron Giuppo Mrkonic Taylor, E. Z. (1) Carn Hagarty Murphy Taylor, F. Amend s;. 1 (Sec. 1612-A), page 9, line 5, by striking out Cawley Haluska Nahill Taylor, J. "(3)"- and inserting Cessar Harper Noye Tclck (2) Chadwick Hasay O'Brien Tigue Amend s;. I (Sec. 1612-A), page 9, line 6, by striking out Cimini Hayes O'Donnell Treilo "(4)" and inserting Civera Herman Olasl Truman - (3) Clark Hershey Perrel Van Horne Amend SF. I (Sec. 1612-A). page 9, by inserting between Clyrner Honaman Petrarca Veon Cohen Howlett Petrone Vroon lines 15 and 16 Colafella Hutchinsan Phillips Wambach (b) Any candidate for a State-wide judicial office who Cole ltkin Piccola Wass accepts Pennsylvania Fair Campaign funding may nor spend over Cordisco Jackson Pievsky Werton twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) of his own and his Cornell Jarolin Pistella Wilson spouse's personal funds for each primary, general or special elec- Coslett Johnson Pitts Wogan tion. If such candidate does not accept Pennsylvania Fair Cam- Cowell Jorephs Pott Womiak paign funding, this limit shall not apply. Cay Kasunic Preiirnann Wright, D. R. Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1612-A), page 9, line 16, by striking out Kennedy Preston Wright, J. L. Deluca "(b)"- and inscrting DeVerter Kenney Punt Wright. R. C. DeWeese Koainski Raymond Ysndriievits -(c) Dalcy Kukavich Reber On the question, Davier Langtry Reinard livis, Dawida Lashinger Richardson Spcakcr Will the House agree to the amendments? Dcal Laughlin Roebuck The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from NAYS-6 Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich, on the amendment. Birrnelin Freeman Geist Rubbins Mr. KUKOVICH. Mr. Speaker, this is a technical amend- Cappabianca Gannon ment. NOT VOTING-6 In caucus some issues were raised by some of the members Barber Evans Kieger Wiggins on a particular constitutional provision. There was an over- Donatucci Oliver sight in the original drafting of the bill and this is to correct that, to show that the limits that apply to an individual's own campaign can only bc imposcd whenever they voluntarily clect to opt into this system. If they decide not to, they are not LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10, bound by that particular provision. This conforms with the NOT VOTING-4 Federal case, Buckley v. Valeo, of 1976, which held the Barber Cohen Evans Wiggins Federal election law constitutional, and 1 would ask that this EXCUSED-0 amendment he adopted to conform with that constitutional decision. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes amendments were agreed to. the gentleman from Dauphin, Mr. Piccola. On the question recurring, Mr. PICCOLA. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as I would agree to the Kukovich amendment amended? On the question recurring, Mrs. HONAMAN offered the following amendment No. Will the House agree to the amendments? A2356: The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 2. paEe 11, lines I I through 17, by striking out all of said lines and inserting Section 2. (a) This act shall be applicable to personal Acosta Dininni Laughlin Robbins income tax returns of taxpayers of calendar years commencing Afflerbach Distler Lescovitz Roebuck January 1. 1986, and thereafter. Public funding shall be first pro- Angstadt Dombrowski Lerterman Rudy vided for eligible candidates in the primary election for the year Argall Donatucci Levdansky Ryan next following the tax year in which a majority of participating Arty Darr Linton Rybak taxpayers approve such funding in the manner specified in sub- Baldwin Duffy Livengoad Saloom section (b), and such public funding, insofar as authorized by Barley Durham Lloyd Saurman Article XVI-A, shall be provided in each applicable primary, Farga Lucyk Scheetz Battisto municipal and general election thereafter. Belardi Fauah McCall Schuler Belfanti Fee McClatchy Sernmel (b) Notwithstanding anything in Article XVI-A to the con- Birmelin Fischer McHale Serafini trary, no personal income tax revenues shall be paid into the Black Flick McVerry Seventy Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund until after a majority of those Blaum Foster Mackowaki Showers eligible taxpayers who participate in making a designation for or Book Fax Maiale Sirianni against the use of personal income tax revenues for the public Bortner Freeman Manderino Smith, B. funding of elections approve the use of personal income tax reve- Bowley Freind Manmiller Smith, L. E. nues for this purpose by marking the appropriate block on their Bowser Fryer Markosek Snyder, D. W return. Until such time as the approval required by this section is Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, G. Boyei obtained, the Department of Revenue shall set aside a place on Brandt Gallen Merry Staback Broujos Gamble Michlovic Stairs the personal income tax return where each taxpayer whose per- Bunt Cannon Micozzie Steighner sonal income tax liability is equal to or greater than the minimum Burd Ceist Miller Stevens amount specified in section 1604-A for individual returns can des- Burns George Maehlmann Stewart ignate approval or disapproval of the use of personal income tax Bush Cladeck Morris Stuban revenues for the public funding of elections. The return shall Caltagirone Godshall Mowery Sweet contain a sufficient number of blocks to enable married persons Cappabianca Greenwood Mrkonic Swift filing joint returns to each designate approval or disapproval on Carlson Gruitra Murphy Taylor. E. Z. the return if their tax liability is equal to or greater than the Carn Gruppo Nahill Taylor, F. minimum amount specified in section 1604-A for joint returns. Cawley Hagarty Noye Taylor, J. Cessar Haluska O'Brien Telek The designations and instructions required by this section shall be Chadwick Harper O'Donnell Tigue prominently displayed on the first page of the return and the Cimini Hasay Olasz Trella instructions shall readily indicate that any such designations Civera Hayes Oliver Truman neither increase nor decrease an individual's tax liability. After Clark Herman Perrel Van Horne the approval required by this section is obtained, moneys shall be Clymer Hershey Petrarca Veon paid into the Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund in accordance Calalella Hanaman Petrone Vroon with Article XVI-A for said tax year and for each tax year there- Cole Howlett Phillips Wambach after. The designation for disapproval shall not be placed on the Cordiaco Hutchinson Piccola Was, Cornell ltkin Pievsky Weiton return to be filed in any tax year after the year in which required Coslett Jackson Piitella Wilson taxpayer approval is obtained. Cowell Jarolin Pills Wogan On the question, COY Johnson Part Worniak Deluca Josephs Presamann Wright. D. R. Will the House agree to the amendment? DeVerter Kasunic Preston N'cighl, J. 1.. DcWeese Kennedy Punt Wright, R. C. The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Daley Kenney Raymond Yandrisevits the lady from Lancaster, Mrs. Honaman. Davies Kosin~ki Rcber Mrs. HONAMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Dawida Kukovich Reinard Irvis, Deal Langtry Richardson Speaker This is the same amendment I offered last year which you Dietz Lashinger Rieger were good enough to accept. NAYS-0 I have a problem with this hill because there is a fallacy in the thinking behind it. It states that if you want to give a certain amount of your money to the campaign, you check it off. There is a fiscal note on it which proves that there is a 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1131

fallacy, because it is not your money; it is money out of the amendment is absolutely fair to the taxpayer who is going to General Fund. If we had a choice and it said, what do you pay this bill for the politicians. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. want to do with it, I think we would take it back. So you are The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from really taking money from the General Fund which might go to Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich, on the Honaman amendment. other programs to finance some attorney's campaign who is Mr. KUKOVICH. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. running for judge. It is just that simple. If you want to give So it is clear, anyone who is interested in judicial reform $1.50 or $2 or whatever you set it at and add it to your tax, and who feels that there has been an abuse of the process in that is fine. But what we are doing in creating a checkoff is which there are large contributions, a predomination of large allowing those who want to do this to really pass a law that it law firms giving money to elected judges, 1 want it to be clear is permissible. that if you vote for this amendment, you are totally defeating So what I am saying is very simple, that the person should this piece of legislation. indicate on their income tax whether they are for or against Of the 17 States that have some system such as this and the this. If they are for it and check it off, and over 50 percent of Federal Government that already has it on their Federal the people who are involved in it vote in favor of it, then it is income tax form, none of those jurisdictions have such a pro- fine with me. But to me, we are abrogating our position as leg- vision, the reason being that this is a complex issue and that islators and allowing a few taxpayers to create something that this type of amendment does not provide a scientific measure we could do ourselves. of public opinion. It is difficult to explain. And in all those 1 ask for your affirmative vote on this. Thank you. other jurisdictions, whenever anywhere from about 16 to 27 The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the minority leader. percent participate, that is enough to adequately fund that Do you wish to comment on the Honaman amendment? program. Mr. RYAN. Yes, Mr. Speaker. I would suggest to the minority leader, if he put anything up Mr. Speaker, 1 agree with the lady, Mrs. Honaman. I made for referendum, whether it was welfare payments or anything the mistake a couple of years ago when this same bill came up else that he mentioned, that would probably go down to of not reading it, which I am sure comes as a great surprise to defeat. We could not fund anything in this Commonwealth many of you that I neglected to read a bill, the way it would using that sort of a system. surprise me if you had not read all of the bills. If you are concerned about judicial reform, if you are con- When this matter came up before, there was a great deal of cerned about eliminating or at least reducing the reliance on debate centering around the present checkoffs for conserva- big money buying the appellate judgeships of this State, then tion, wildlife, and the like, and there was a big difference you have got to vote "no" on this amendment, and that is pointed out to us a few years ago. In the present checkoff situ- what I would ask the members to do. ations, you are giving to the cause of your choice your money. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the minority leader. You are checking off a dollar of your refund to go to the Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, I am really amused at Mr. cause that you are in favor of. When you check off, under the Kukovich taking the position that judicial reform would be Kukovich proposal, money for judicial races, you are not helped by this bill. 1 am not suggesting that it would not, but I checking off your money; you are checking off our money. am looking at a news release or a news article from the Associ- The checkoff is no different than a bill passing through this ated Press. There is a judicial reform bill in the Democratic- House which is an appropriation from the General Fund of controlled Housr Judiciary Committee where Mr. Kukovich dollars to a political campaign. It is really that simple. Now, it says that they are not going to run the reform bill that has is clothed in a different garb than that which I have described, already passed the Senate, but rather amend into a House bill but it is that simple. What Mr. Kukovich would have us do for, quote, "partisan reasons." So if you want to do some- with this bill is take money from the General Fund - that is, thing about judicial reform, you ought to forget your partisan money that otherwise would have been available for welfare, reasons and bring out the judicial reform bill that has already to improve the court system, for education, for reduction of passed the Senate instead of doing it on a partisan basis, and 1 taxes - and these moneys are being appropriated by a minority have no reason to believe that the Associated Press writer of people who check off their tax return. would not be accurate in his quotes. Now, what Mrs. Honaman is doing with her amendment, But here what Mrs. Honaman is trying to prevent is a defi- and I approve of it, is she in effect is saying to the taxpayers, nite minority of people who are marking their tax returns for those of you who want to vote on this issue, mark your ballot donations of the whole Commonwealth's money to political "yes" or "no," and of those who are interested in the idea of candidates for judge. They are political candidates, and that public financing of judicial races, when a majority of them money-and I do not know whether you have read the bill have said, yes, we should support judicial races with public carefully-that money can go to a judicial candidate who in moneys, then and only then would it become effective to turn can give it to State Committee. remove all of our money - that is, the money of all of the tax- Now, indirectly-and I am not suggesting that any judicial payers -into the political arena. candidate would do ~ucha thing-but indirectly, State Com- I have an amendment that I will offer shortly that I believe mittee, Republican and Democrat, can benefit by this bill the goes even further than Mrs. Honaman's, but I think her way Mr. Kukovich has it before us. Mrs. Honamari is giving 1132 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10, the people of Pennsylvania an opportunity, through a referen- Spaeth refused to run for retention in large part because of his dum of a sort, to become involved in this process as to unwillingness to accept campaign contributions from attor- whether or not State tax dollars should fund Republican and neys. Democratic State Committee. 1 submit to you that all of that is in jeopardy if this amend- The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from ment passes. 1 ask you to vote "no" on the Honaman amend- Allegheny, Mr. Michlovic. ment. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. MICHLOVIC. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, this amendment is a very cunning and effec- Lehigh, Mr. Afflerhach, on the Honaman amendment. tive maneuver to derail this hill. Make no mistake about it Mr. AFFLERBACH. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. that if this amendment passes, there will not be judicial public The lady's amendment has a certain philosophical ring to it financing in Pennsylvania. The experience in 17 other States, which many find appealing - a direct referendum, direct the experience in every State in the Union for the Federal democracy, direct participation in deciding an expenditure. checkoff shows that there is not a 50-percent participation Unfortunately, should we enact this particular amendment rate, and it is not likely that there is going to be one in Penn- into law, it will probably be the only expenditure in State Gov- sylvania on judicial checkoffs as well. ernment which has been decided in such fashion. 1 ask the members to listen to their own judges in Pennsyl- The nearest we have come to anything of that nature is vania. I recently had the pleasure of participating on the panel when we place a bond issue referendum on the ballot, hut I of the Pennsylvania Bar and Bench Conference made up of am aware of no situation where we have asked the public to both attorneys and judges discussing issues of particular vote directly upon a single program or a single appropriation importance to both of them. Judicial public financing was one authorized by this Assembly, nor do I think we should do so. of the issues that they were very much interested in. Furthermore, we will consider this afternoon a budget which Although some of those judges and attorneys at that time will have many appropriations in it, and 1 would suspect that felt that this particular bill did not do as much as they would if a number of those particular appropriations were placed want, 1 think they were all in agreement that this bill was far upon the ballot in a referendum fashion as the lady proposes better than not doing anything at all, far better than derailing with this program, they, too, would find that there is not a it through a 50-percent participation rate as required by this majority of the taxpayers in Pennsylvania willing to support legislation. them. I remind you that, as Representative Kukovich said, if the I think we make a mistake as a General Assembly if we public had a referendum on any issue of financing, whether it begin to decide expenditures for programs based upon some is welfare payments, tax credits for businesses, the variety of idea of participatory democracy and direct decision by the issues that are commonplace in our budget, it would he very taxpayer, and I would urge defeat of this amendment. unlikely that they would vote 50 percent for any of them or all The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from of them. Bucks, Mr. Greenwood, on the Honaman amendment. I suggest that this amendment ought to be defeated. I have Mr. GREENWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I would like to inter- a national survey from Louis Harris, who in 1983 found that rogate the minority leader for a moment, if 1 may. an overwhelming 84 percent of the people agreed with the The SPEAKER. Mr. Ryan indicates he will stand for inter- statement, "...those who contribute large sums of money rogation. You are in order, and you may proceed, sir. have too much influence over the government." A 1984 Mr. GREENWOOD. One of the concerns that 1 have with Gallup poll found that the majority of the respondents, this amendment is that on the one hand what it does is it fore- including a plurality of Republican respondents, identified as stalls the creation of the Fair Campaign Fund or at least it a "good idea" a system in which "the federal government forestalls its availability to the candidates over some period of [would] provide a fixed amount of money for the election time until a majority of taxpayers check off the appropriate campaigns of candidates ...." block, but what it does not do at the same time is forestall the According to a recent Pittsburgh Press survey of all the fundraising limitations that are contained in another section sitting trial court judges in Pennsylvania in 1984, 68 percent of the bill, specifically section 1612-A on page 8, line 22. So of the respondents agreed with the statement, "Judges often would it not be the case that since we are imposing the limita- feel uncomfortable about accepting campaign contributions tions on dollar amount contributions from individuals and from attorneys because the public perceives them as a conflict PAC's and partnerships, et cetera, in one part of the bill and of interest." In fact, 43 percent of the respondents indicated then through the Honaman amendment, at least for a number that all political contributions to judicial candidates should be of years, not supplanting that difference with the campaign eliminated. fund, that the judicial candidates are not going to he able to Former Chief Justice Samuel Roberts said in 1983, raise enough money to run for office? 1 just want to know if "...large financial contributions from members of the Bar to you share that concern or if you see it another way. candidates for judicial office are a kind of support that may Mr. RYAN. My legal counsel, Mr. Hussie, advises me that well serve to bring the judiciary's independence and impartial- the amendment that he has ordered in my name is to clarify ity into question." Recently, Superior Court Judge Edmund that prohlem, to take care of that problem. That is not in this amendment, but it would he in the subsequent amendment. 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1133

Mr. GREENWOOD. Okay. Well, then, what we would The SPEAKER. Mr. Kukovich, will you stand for inter- have to do if we supported the Honaman amendment is do so rogation? in hopes that your amendment also will be adopted. Other- The gentleman indicates he will so stand. You are in order, wise, we have, I think, hobbled judicial candidates. and you may proceed, sir. 1 do not know whether it would be in order or how to do it Mr. GALLEN. Mr. Speaker, under this bill is it possible for procedurally, but perhaps we ought to run your amendment you when you check off to determine to which candidate you first. would like your dollar to go? Mr. KUKOVICH. No, Mr. Speaker, because no one at that PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY point in each year knows exactly who is going to be running I for that office. Mr. GREENWOOD. Mr. Speaker, if I may, a point of par- Mr. GALLEN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. liamentary inquiry. Now, the big difference between this checkoff and the The SPEAKER. The gentleman may state the parlia- Wildlife Preservation Fund or others is that when you are mentary inquiry. checking off a dollar for wildlife preservation, you know that Mr. GREENWOOD. Mr. Ryan's response to my inter- it is going to go to wildlife preservation, a cause in which you rogation was that an amendment that he proposes to offer are interested. When you check off a dollar or whatever would solve the problem that 1 posed in my interrogation, and amount in this bill, it may go to someone whom you do not 1 am questioning whether there is a procedural way to ask that want to see be elected, and, Mr. Speaker, I think you are the Ryan amendment run first. buying a pig in a poke here. The SPEAKER. Yes, indeed. All the lady would have to do is withdraw her amendment, and the Chair would then recog- PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY nize Mr. Ryan. However, we are informed that the amend- ment is not down from the Reference Bureau yet on the Ryan Mr. KUKOVICH. Mr. Speaker, point of parliamentary amendment. Is that true, Mr. Ryan? inquiry. Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, the amendment that Mr. Hussie The SPEAKER. What is the gentleman, Mr. Kukovich's has ordered for me is not down yet, but to solve it-and I do point? not think it would be controversial-it would add to page 8 of Mr. KUKOVICH. How does this relate to the Honaman the bill, section 1612-A, after the words "for a State-wide amendment? judicial office," "who applies for and receives public Mr. GALLEN. I am getting to that. funding." I do not believe that that is a controversial amend- The SPEAKER. Mr. Gallen, you may continue. ment. I think it would go in, because I believe it is something Mr. GALLEN. Mr. Speaker, the Honaman amendment that Mr. Kukovich would agree to to clear up this point. would at least say that a majority of people would have to I think we ought to just get along with the Honaman really be interested in funding these elections, and, Mr. amendment while it is so fresh in the minds of all of us that Speaker, I feel it would have an effect of crippling this bill to without it political parties will benefit from the public Trea- some extent and that is what it needs. sury without us having the nerve to vote the appropriation If we are indeed to reform the statewide judiciary, Repre- directly to our political parties. sentative DeWeese has a bill in his committee which will do Mr. GREENWOOD. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. 1 have con- that. As a matter of fact, a bill passed the Senate either last cluded my interrogation. week or yesterday which will indeed bring about big reform in The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from the statewide judiciary. This legislation will not, and 1 support Centre, Mr. Letterman. Why do you rise? the Honaman amendment. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. LETTERMAN. Can we go over this hill until these The SPEAKER. On the Honaman amendment, the Chair amendments get corrected so we can go on with other business recognizes the gentleman from Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich. like we should? Mr. KUKOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I cannot respond to Repre- The SPEAKER. The problem, Mr. Letterman, is that we sentative Gallen because he did not say anything that per- have no other business that is ready for the House. tained to this amendment, except on behalf of Representative Mr. LETTERMAN. Let us adjourn and have a happy hour DeWeese, he has sincere interest in moving judicial reform. then. But even if one of those bills moves, that is not adequate to The SPEAKER. The happy hour will come on the budget get to the heart of the problem, and that is the undue influ- later on. ence the large campaign contributions have on these elections. No; we are stuck with what we have, Mr. Letterman. Sorry Whether that moves or not, this is of paramount importance. to tell you that. In response to what Representative Ryan said, first of all, I On the Honaman amendment, the Chair recognizes the am flattered that he so closely reads my press clippings, but gentleman from Berks, Mr. Gallen. what 1 was referring to in that instance was a particular bill to Mr. GALLEN. Mr. Speaker, a very brief interrogation of try to break through a partisan stalemate. If that does not Mr. Kukovich. work, thcre are other things that we can do, including using Republican bills in the committee. 1134 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

This is not a partisan bill. We have bipartisan cosponsor- dollar that is going out at the direction of a minority of the ship. This legislation is supported by bipartisan groups such people who want to support political activity. as the League of Women Voters and Common Cause. It has That is the difference, 1 think, in the answer between Mr. been supported by newspapers - Democratic and Republican Kukovich and myself. newspapers - on their editorial pages all over this State. And, The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from once again, if you accept this amendment, you kill this bill, Philadelphia, Mr. Fattah, on the Honaman amendment. and that will certainly not be lost on those editorial writers. Mr. FATTAH. I rise to oppose the Honaman amendment 1 would ask for a "no" on this amendment, which has and to support the concept of public financing for judicial nothing to do with judicial reform except to sidetrack it. candidates here in the Commonwealth. The SPEAKER. On the Honaman amendment, the Chair The minority leader's logic on his last statement is some- recognizes the gentleman from York, Mr. Bortner. what wanting. The taxpayer's money is the taxpayer's money, Mr. BORTNER. Would the gentleman stand for some and if people want to voluntarily check off that they want to interrogation? support this attempt to reform our judicial branch of govern- The SPEAKER. Which gentleman? ment, I think that they should have that opportunity. Mr. BORTNER. Mr. Kukovich. We need to vote this amendment down so that we can move The SPEAKER. Mr. Kukovich indicates he will stand. You to themajor issueof the bill. Thank you. may proceed, Mr. Bortner. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the lady from Mr. BORTNER. Mr. Speaker, 1 would like to clarify one Lancaster, Mrs. Honaman, on her own amendment. point in the amendment. Is it my understanding that only Mrs. HONAMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I will be dollars designated by a taxpayer would go into the campaign brief. fund? There seem to be two arguments against this bill. One argu- Mr. KUKOVICH. That is correct. ment is that everybody wants it; all the different organizations Mr. BORTNER. So that if there was absolutely no interest and all the people are in favor of judicial reform. But the in this, no support from the members of the public, the tax- other argument is just the opposite, and that is that the people payers, there would be no fund. Is that correct? will not accept it. Mr. KUKOVICH. That is absolutely correct. This program I have a funny idea. I think 1 was sen1 here to represent the is voluntary in two respects. Candidates do not have to accept people, and if the people do not want this, I leave it up to their it and taxpayers only voluntarily have to check off. If not good judgment tovote. enough check off, if the requisite funds are not there, the 1 ask for your favorable vote on this amendment. Thank program does not work. you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. BORTNER. So Mr. Gallen's question concerning On the question recurring, people's reluctance to contribute to this fund because they do Willthe House agree to the amendment? not support that candidate would simply not put money into , the fund if they had that concern. Is that the way you would The call was recorded: interpret that? YEAS-98 Mr. KUKOVICH. Yes; I would interpret it that way, and I Argall Durham McClatchy Saurman would also add that in the 17 other States and the Federal Arty Farga McVcrry Scheetr Government nobody has done what this amendment attests to Barley Fischer Mackowski Schuler do. Rirrnelin Flick Maycrnik Semmel Black Foster Merry Serafini Mr. BORTNER. I think that answers my questions, Mr. Book Fax Micorzie Seventy Speaker. Thank you. Bowscr Freind Miller Sirianni The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the minority leader. Fryer Maehlmann Smith, B. Bunt Gallen Morris Smith. L. E. Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman, Mr. Bortner's Burd Cannon Mawery Snyder, D. W. response that he received, I think, was not inaccurate but cer- Bush Gcist Mrkonic Snyder, G. tainly not complete. The people of Pennsylvania all share in Gladeck Nahill Stairs Cessai Godshall Noye Stevens the giving of the money to the political party or the political Gruppa O'Brien Stuban candidate, because it is the money not of the person who Cimini Hagany Olasz Swift checks the return but it is the money of all of the people of Civcra Hasay Perrel Taylor, E. Z. Clyrner Hayes Phillips Taylor, I Pennsylvania. It is not their dollar or their $2 that is going to Cornell Herman Pitts Telek the campaign; it is money that is coming from the general Coslett Hershey Putt Vroon Treasury of Pennsylvania. It is tantamount, in my opinion, it Honaman Punt Wass DeVerter Jackson Raymond Weston is tantamount to 20 members of the House and 10 members of D,,i,s Johnson Robbins Wilson the Senate passing a bill that appropriates money. It is less Dietz Kenncdy Ryan Wagan than a majority appropriating the money of the people of Di"L'er Kenncy Saloom Wright. R. C. Dorr Langtry Pennsylvania from their Treasury, their tax dollar, not just the guy who marked the return, but it is everybody's tax LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

NAYS-103 ( CONSIDERATION OF HB 1379 CONTINUED Acasta Dawida Laughlin Reinard On the question recurring, Afnerbach Deal Lescovitz Richardson Angstadt Dininni Letterman Ricger Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Baldwin Dombrowski I.eudansky Roebuck amended? Barber Danatucci Lintan Rudy Mr. FOSTER offered the following amendment No. Battisto Duffy Livengood Rybak Belardi Evans Lloyd Showers A2309: Beifanti Fattah Lucyk Staback Blaum Fee McCail Sreighrler Amend Sec. I (Sec. 1604-A), page 2, lines 28 through 30; page Bartner Freeman McHalc Stewart 3, lines I through 4, by striking out all of said lines on said pages Bowley Gallagher Maiale Sweet and inserting Boyes Gamble Manderino Taylor, F. may designate that one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) be added to Broujos George Manmiller Tigue his or her personal income tax liability and be paid into the Penn- Bum5 Greenwood Markasek Trello sylvania Fair Campaign Fund. In the case of married taxpayers Caltagirone Gruitza Michlovic Truman filing a joint return, each spouse may designate that one dollar Cappabianca Haluska Murphy Van Horne and fifty cents ($1.50) be added to their personal income tan lia- Harper O'Dannell Veon Carn bility and be paid into said fund. A taxpayer who designates Cawley H0wl:tt Oliver Wambach Clark Hutchinson Petrarca Wiggins payment under this section shall add the required amount to the Cohen ltkin Petrone Worniak payment due the Commonwealth or subtract the required amount Colafclla Sarolin Piccala Wright, D. K. from the refund due the taxpayer, as appropriate. All such Cole Sosephs Pievsky Wright, 1. L. Cardisco Kasunic Pistella Yandrisevits On thequestion, Cowell Kosinski Pressmann Will the House agree to the amendment? Deluca Kukovich Preston Irvis, DeWeesc Lashinger Reber Speaker The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Daley the gentleman from York, Mr. Foster. NOT VOTING-0 Mr. FOSTER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. EXCUSED-0 The way HB 1379 is presently drafted, it reminds me of a situation where a robbery was in progress one time, and as the The question was determined in the negative, and the gunman came down the line, there was one fellow toward the amendment was not agreed to. end who was nervously looking back and forth, and finally when the gunman was about two people away from him, he WELCOMES took $20 out of his pocket and turned to his neighbor and said, hey, Joe, here is the 20 bucks I owe you. The moral The SPEAKER. The Chair welcomes to the hall of the being, it is very easy to give away that which is not about to be House Robert and Dale Newman. They are the guests of the yours for much longer. Allegheny County delegation. Welcome to the hall of the I have tried to correct that with the amendment that 1 have House. which makes HB 1379 an add-on bill in which the individual The Chair welcomes a young woman who is a graduate of contributes his or her money rather than yours or mine, and I the Creative and Performing Arts High School in Philadel- think that is absolutely the fair approach to this and I think it phia. She is here with her father, the Reverend Lonnie Ross. will meet the objections that Mr. Kukovich had to the She is Lorie Ross and she is the Pennsylvania Shrine Talent Honaman amendment. Queen. They are here as the guests of the Philadelphia delega- It is very easy to say that we will give out of tax dollars, but tion. Welcome to the hall of the House. as has been brought forth by other members, this is the money Why does the gentleman from Dauphin, Mr. Wambach, of all of us. It is no longer your money when you sign your rise? name to that tax form. It is the Commonwealth's money; it is Mr. WAMBACH. Mr. Speaker, in recognition of the tax dollars dedicated to other purposes. Therefore, I think the young lady's talent award winning here, which was held at fair and democratic way is to make this an add-on, and 1 William Penn High School in Harrisburg, we have representa- propose in my amendment that anyone who is interested in tives in the rear of the House, members of Himyar Temple of public financing may contribute $1.50 which they either add the Shrine of Pennsylvania from my legislative district, whom on to their tax liability or subtract from their tax refund. I would like to welcome with the recognition of the young This will answer the objections of everyone. I think it is the lady from Philadelphia. middle ground that we seek in public financing, and I ask an The SPEAKER. The Chair thanks the gentleman. The affirmative vote. Chair recognized that there were Shriners present but did not The SPEAKER. On the Foster amendment, the Chair rec- know their origin. Welcome to the hall of the House. We are ognizes the gentleman from Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich. delighted to have you. Mr. KUKOVICH. Mr. Speaker, 1 ask for anegativevote. The Chair thanks the gentleman, Mr. Wambach, and apol- This also would have the effect of rendering the bill useless. ogizes to the Shriners. The Chair recognized the regalia but I base that on what has happened in a few other States, espe- did not know the origin of the group and therefore could not cially Maryland, that has had a public financing law for 10 announce it. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

years. They have had an add-on system. They have never been system. Why not spend some of that money to make sure that able to use that law. Because of the difficulty of a number of it is an impartial system, that it is not under the influence of people even seeing this on their income tax and understanding particular large money groups. the complicated nature of this, most people do not check that That is what this legislation is saying. It is a quality factor in off whenever it is an add-on. our statewide judiciary system. We are voting here for making Mr. Speaker, a lot of analogies have been drawn to using all a better system, an improved system, a more impartial system. the taxpayers' money. We could run this system and not have I suggest to you that we are already spending plenty of money a checkoff. We could make it not voluntary for the taxpayers. for that system; let us improve it and oppose this amendment. We could put a bill in that we simply appropriate the money. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We are doing it this way because we think it is more equitable The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from because it is voluntary. Greene, Mr. DeWeese, on the amendment. Whenever we had an avian flu problem, you had votes from Mr. DeWEESE. Mr. Foster, in his typical style, talks about members of the Allegheny and Philadelphia delegations who the "poor me" attitude of Pennsylvania voters and whether did not have any advantage to those funds, yet they voted and or not they will give a dollar and a half to secure a better judi- they used their taxpayers' money to help out a Pennsylvania ciary. Realistically Mr. Foster knows exactly what I know, problem. We have a serious problem in Pennsylvania with our and that is that our judiciary needs enhanced, and it is going appellate judiciary. This does something about it. I think that to be changed for the better only if we do something drastic. is meaningful to every resident of this State. Now we have a Now, the composition of that change will be multifold and chance to do it. If we accept this amendment, we destroy that multiplex and multifaceted, and one of the multifaceted chance. efforts that we are trying to achieve here today is initiated, as Again, 1 would ask the members for a "no" vote on the is usual in the vanguard in this rather sleepy chamber, by the amendment. young man from Westmoreland County. Mr. "Peck" Foster is wrong, Mr. Speaker, as he observes the judiciary and its WELCOME potential for change. A dollar or a dollar and a half from the people out in the hinterlands; that is what he says. If they The SPEAKER. The Chair welcomes here the Golden Age think that it is worth it, they will give it. Well, God bless the Club of Roslyn. 1 think they are in the gallery now. They are people in the hinterlands, Mr. Speaker. They are not awareof the guests of Representative Fox. Welcome to the hall of the who is running for the judiciary. House. We are delighted to have you. Right now in Pennsylvania for men and women to aspire to those rarefied and lofty echelons of judicial service known as CONSIDERATION OF HB 1379 CONTINUED the Superior and Supreme and Commonwealth Courts, they are in a lottery; they are gamblers. If we as a legislature do not The SPEAKER. On the Foster amendment for the second change the system by several maneuvers, by several initiatives, time, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from York, Mr. this being one of them, we are going to be the recipients of an Foster. average or less than average judicial system. Mr. FOSTER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would contend that he is wrong to believe that everyone I am amazed that the gentleman, Mr. Kukovich, can object wants to give a dollar or a dollar and a half. I would think, to this amendment in that it seems to do the very thing that he and it is sad, that his idealistic perspective is skewed and wants to do - provide public financing and provide it from flawed and vacuous. I do not think that he is right. I think willing participants. And, Mr. Speaker, if he does not believe that my young liberal friend is right, and I think we need to in it a dollar and 50 cents' worth and if the people of the Com- change the judicial system in a variety of ways as a layman, as monwealth do not believe in it a dollar and 50 cents' worth, a layman. I do not want Bruce Kauffman and a lot of million- they obviously do not believe in it very deeply. So let us find aire bluebloods from Fox Chapel and Montgomery County out, Mr. Speaker, and let us have people contribute their running the Supreme Court. But at the same time, but at the money rather than funding campaigns out of tax dollars, same time, I do not think that ethnicity in and of itself is a which I think the majority of people object to. reason for advancing to the Supreme Court or that you have a 1 ask an affirmative vote on this very reasonable amend- popular name. Darn it, Mr. Speaker, we need to change the ment. judicial system in this State and Allen Kukovich is leading the The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from way. Thank you. Allegheny, Mr. Michlovic, on the amendment. The SPEAKER. Hopefully on the amendment, the Chair Mr. MICHLOVIC. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. recognizes the gentleman from Blair, Mr. Geist. Mr. Speaker, I am looking at the budget which will be Mr. GEIST. Mr. Speaker, would the gentleman, Mr. debated later this afternoon, and there are line items of $9 DeWeese, stand for brief interrogation? million in there for the Supreme Court, $8.25 million for the The SPEAKER. On the amendment? Not on the multiplex Superior Court, $4.3 million for the Commonwealth Court - or multifolded thing? all of those the statewide judiciary. Make no mistake, we spend, as taxpayers, plenty of money on our statewide judicial 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1137

Mr. GEIST. No; just a question. The SPEAKER. Fine; on the amendment, Mr. DeWeese. Acosta Dawida Laughlin Rieger Mr. GEIST. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Afflerbach Deal Lescovitz Roebuck I would just like to ask one simple question since we Barber Dombrowski Letterman Rudy Belardi Donatucci Levdansky Rybak covered the width and breadth of this State and how they Bellanti Evans Linton Seventy finance the iudicial elections. Could he inform us how they do Blaum Fatrah Livenaoad Showers it in Nicaragua? Bortner Fee ~layd Staback Bowley Freeman McCall Steighner Mr. DeWEESE. In Nicaragua the oligarchs decide, one Broujor Frycr McHale Stewart man usually decides, and that is what we are trying to avoid. BU~~S Gallagher Maialc Swect We want an egalitarian system in this Commonwealth. Caltagirone Gamble Manderina Taylor, F. Cappabianca George Markasek Tigue The SPEAKER. Are you in favor of oligarchs, Mr. Geist? (iruitza Michlovic Trello Mr. GEIST. I like Bruce Kauffman. Cawlcv, Haluska Murohv Truman The SPEAKER. Who is not an oligarch. Cohen Harper O'D~~~IIVan Harne Colafclla Howlett Oliver Veon The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Dauphin, Mr. Cole Hutchinran Petrarca Wiggins Piccola, on the amendment. Cordirco ltkin Petrone Wright, D. R. Mr. PICCOLA. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Cowell Jarolin Pievsky Wright, J. L. Coy Josephs Pistella Yandrisevits I would agree with the remarks of the Speaker, that Dcluca Kasunic Pressman" although Mr. DeWeese's remarks were very elucidating, they DeWeese Kosinski Preston Irvis, had absolutely nothing to do with the Foster amendment. The Daley Kukovich Richardson Speaker Foster amendment is an amendment that determines from NOT VOTING-0 which fund or from which pool of money this fund is going to EXCUSED-0 be financed. The bill provides that the funds would come from the tax liability of the taxpayers, and Mr. Foster is sug- The question was determined in the affirmative, and the gesting that the $1.50 come into the fund over and above that amendment was agreed to. tax liability by an additional contribution of the taxpayer. On the question recurring, I personally do not see anything wrong with either Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as approach; however, if this amendment by Mr. Foster is going amended? to derive more support for this legislation and the concept of public financing, I would support that amendment, Mr. The SPEAKER. On that question, Mr. Ryan is offering an Speaker. Thank you. amendment- Not yet here? Oh, it is here. Has duplicating sent the amendment out yel? On the question recurring, Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, this is a technical amendment Will the House agree to the amendment? that Mr. Kukovich agrees with. It is language that was in the The following- roll call was recorded: earlier bill that for some reason was not included in this par- ticular bill. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Angstadt Distler Laahinger Ryan Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich. Argall Dorr Lucyk Saloom Arty Duffs McCIatchy Saurman Mr. KUKOVICH. I can agree to this, Mr. Speaker. Baldwin Durham McVerry Schectr The SPEAKER. Is there objection to taking the technical Barley Fargo Mackowski Schuler amendment offered by Mr. Ryan and agreed to by Mr. Battiuo Fischer Manmiller Semmrl Birmelin Flick Maycrnik Serafini Kukovich? If not, the Chair recognizes the minority leader, Black Foster Merry Sirianni Mr. Ryan, to explain his amendment. The clerk will read the Book Fax Mico~rie Smith, B. amendment. Hawser Freind Millcr Smith, L. E. Bayer Gallen Moehlrnann Snyder. D. W On the auesfion recurring,- Rrandl Cannon Morrir Snyder, ti. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Bunt Geist Mowery Stairs Burd (iladcck Mrkonic Stevcns amended? Bush Godshall Nahill Stuban Mr. RYAN offered the following amendment No. A2889: Carlson Greenwood Noye Suifr Ccwar tiruppo O'Bricn Taylor. E. Z. Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1612-A), page 8, line 23, by inserting after Chadwick Hagarty Olasz Taylor. J. - Cimini Hasay Perrrl Telek who applies for and receives public funding Civera Hayes Phillips Vroan Clark Hcrman Piccola Wambach On the question, Clymer Herrhey Pit15 Was Will the House agree to the amendment? Cornell Honaman Pot1 Webton Coslett Jackson Punt Wilson The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the minority leader. IleVertri Johnson Raymond Wogan Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, this is a clarifying amendment Davira Kennedy Rebei Wozniak Di~tr Kenney Rcinard Wright, R. C. that, as I said, for some reason was neglected to be put into Dininni I.angtry Robbins LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10, this bill. It clarifies that only those who apply for these funds On the question recurring, would be caught up with the limits of the bill. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as The SPEAKER. Any questions on the amendment? Is amended? everyone satisfied with the language? Bill as amended was agreed to. On the question recurring, The SPEAKER. This bill has been considered on three dif- Will the House aeree- to the amendment? ferent days and agreed. to and is now on final passage. . The following roll call was recorded: The question is, shall the bill pass finally? Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas YEAS- 199 and nays will now be taken. Acosta Dietz Lashinger Robbins Afflerbach Dininni Laughlin Roebuck Angstadt Distlcr Lescovitz Rudy AcoSla Davies Letterman Rudy Argall Dombrowiki Letterman Ryan Aftlerbdch Dawida Levdansky Ryan Arty Danatucci Levdansky Rybak Angstadt Deal Linton Rybak Baldwin Dorr Linton Saloom Arty Diitler Livengood Saloam Barber Duily Livengood Saurman Baldwin Dambrowski Lloyd Scheetr Barley Durham Lloyd Scheetz Barber Donatucci Lucyk Schuler Battisto Evans Lucyk Schuler Barley Durham McCall Semmel Belardi Fargo McCall Semmel Batristo Evans McClatchy Serafini Belfanti Fatlah McClatchy Serafini Belardi Fattah McHale Showers Birmelin Fee McHale Seventy Beifanti Fee McVerry Sirianni Black Fischer McVerry Showers Blaum Flick Mackawski Snyder, D. W. Blaum Flick Mackowski Sirianni Book Foster Maiale Snyder. G. Book Foster Maiale Smith. B. Bortner Fax Mandcrina Staback Bortner Fox Mandcrinn Smith, L. E. Bowley Freeman Manmiller Steighner Bowley Freeman Manmiller Snyder, D. W. Bowier Freind Markosek Stevens Bowser Freind Markosek Snyder, C. Boyes Fryer Mayernik Stewart Boyes Fryer Mayernik Staback Brandt Gallagher Michlovic Sweet Brandt Gallagher Merry Stairs Burns Gamble Micorzie Taylor, E. 2. Broujos Gallen Michlovic Steighner Bush Cannon Miller Taylor, F. Bunt Gamble Micorzic Stevens Caltagirone George Marrib Taylor, J. Burd Gannon Miller Stewart Cappabianca Greenwood Murphy Tigue Burns Geist Moehlmann Stuban Carlion Gruitza Nahill Trella Bush George Morris Swcet Carn Gruppo O'Brien Truman Caltagirone Gladeck Mowery Swift Carley Hagarty 0'Dannell Van Horne Cappabianca Codshall Mrkonic Taylor, E. 2. Cessar Haluska Oliver Veon Carlson Greenwood Murphy Taylor, F. Chadwick Harper Petrarca Vroon Carn Cruitra Nahill Taylor. J. Cimini Herihey Petrone Wambach Cawley Gruppo Noye Telek Civera Honaman Piccola Was6 Cessar Hagarty O'Brien Tigue Clark Howlett Pievsky Weston Chadwick Haluska 0' Donnell Trello Cohen ltkin Pistella Wiggins Cimini Harper Olasz Truman Colafella Jarolin Pott Wilson Civera Hasay Oliver Van Horne Cole Joiephs Pressman" Wogan Clark Hayes Petrarca Veon Cordisco Kasunic Preston Wozniak Clymer Herman Petrone Vroon Carnell Kenney Punt Wrieht. V. R. Cohen Hershey Phillips Wambach Coslett Kosinski Raymond Colafella Honaman Piccoia Wars Cowell Kukovich Reber Cole Howletr Pievsky Weston COY Langtry Rcinard Yandrisevits Cordisco Hutchinsan Pist ella Wiggins Deluca Laihinger Richardson Cornell ltkin Pitts Wilson DeWeese Laughlin Rieger Coslett Jackson P~tt Wogan Dalev Lescovitz Roebuck Cowell Jaralin Pressman" Wozniak Cov Johnson Preston Wri~ht.D. R. I Deluca Josephs Punt Wright. 1. L. Argall Duffy Hutchinson Pitts DeVerter Kasunic Raymond Wright, R. C Birmelin Fargo Jackson Robbins DeWeese Kenney Reber Yandrisevits Black Fischer Johnson Saurman Daley Kasinski Reinard Broujos Gallen Merry Seventy Davies Kukovich Richardson Irvis. Bunt Geist Moehlmann Smith, B. Dawida Langtry Rieger Speaker -. Burd Gladeck Mowery Smith, L. E Deal 1 Clymer Godshall Mrkonic Stairs DeVerter Hasay Noye Stuban I Dietl Haves Olasz Swift NOT VOTING-2 Dininni Hcrman Phillips Telek I Dorr Kennedy Perrel NOT VOTING-2 EXCUSED-0 I Kennedy Perrel The question was determined in the affirmative, and the amendment was agreed to. 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1139


The majority required by the Constitution having voted in The time of recess having expired, the House was called to the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- order. tive and the bill passes finally. Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the Senate for CALENDAR CONTINUED concurrence. BILLS ON THIRD CONSIDERATION

STATEMENT BY MAJORITY WHIP The SPEAKER. The Chair had intended that HB 2518, PN 3525, go over, without objection. There has been objection to The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majority whip to the passing over of the bill. make an announcement. Mr. O'DONNELL. Mr. Speaker, 1 request unanimous The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 2518, PN 3525, entitled: consent to make a comment on a matter not before the House. An Act making an appropriation to the Trustees of Drexel Uni- The SPEAKER. The Chair hears no objection to unani- versity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. mous consent being granted. The gentleman is in order and On the question, may proceed. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Mr. O'DONNELL. This concerns the events of last night: The outlook wasn't brilliant BILL RECOMMITTED For the Republican nine last night. The score reached 26 to 9, The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majority leader. Leaving very little left to fight. Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, I move that HB 2518, And then when Greenwood bobbled the ball PN 3525, be recommitted to the Committee on Appropri- And Lashinger did the same, ations. There was only one hero left Who could possibly save the game. On the question, There was ease in the hero's manner Will the House agree to the motion? As he stepped into his place, Motion was agreed to. But Broujos was doing the pitching, And he had a smile upon his face. SUNSHINE NOTICE And when responding to the cheers The batter lightly doffed his hat, The SPEAKER. The clerk will read the necessary notice for No stranger in the crowd could doubt, sunshining tomorrow's meeting of the General Assembly, 'Twas Gladeck at the bat. House of Representatives. Oh, somewhere in Pennsylvania The sun is shining" bright.- The following communication was read: The band is playing somewhere, And somewhere hearts are light Housr of Representatives Commonwealth of Pennsylvania And somewhere men are laughing, Harrisburg And somewhere children shout, But there is no joy among Republicans, NOTICE Mighty Gladeck has struck out. SESSION TIME HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The SPEAKER. Too bad you could not have saved that Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the Act of July 19, until later in the afternoon when we are going to really need it. 1974, P.L. 486, No. 175, that the House of Representatives will convene in oDen session in the Hall of the House on the following RULES COMMITTEE MEETING date and time: Wednesday, June 11, 1986 at 9:30 a.m. The SPEAKER. There will be a Committee of Rules instead of 11:OO a.m. meeting in the majority leader's office on the declaration of John J. Zubeck the recess. Chief Clerk House of Representatives RECESS June 10, I986 House of Representatives The SPEAKER. The House will stand in recess until 1:30. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Be prompt. When we come back here, we have the banking Harrisburg bill to take up. I hereby certify that thirty copies of the foregoing notice were The House stands in recess unlil 1 :30. delivered to the Supervisor of the Newsroom of the State Capitol Building in Harrisburg, and a copy was also posted on the bulle- 1140 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

tin board outside the main entrance to the Chief Clerk's Office on Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116). page 9, lines 7 through 11, by strik- the following date: ing out "either, within the" in line 7, all of lines 8 through 10 and June 10, 1986 "companies or, at any time," in line 11 Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116), page 9, lines 12 and 13, by striking John J. Zubeck out ",in either event," Chief Clerk House of Representatives On the question, June 10, 1986 Will the House agree to the amendments? The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes REMARKS ON VOTE I the gentleman from Luzerne, Mr. Tigue. Mr. TIGUE. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, this amendment, 2705, what it does is it does Washington, Mr. Lescovitz. Why do you rise? away with regionalization. It establishes straight reciprocity in Mr. LESCOVITZ. Mr. Speaker, a correction of a vote on the banking industry. In other words, if banks in Illinois allow HB 1379. Pennsylvania banks to do business within their boundaries, The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state the correction of we will allow the banks in Illinois to do business within our the record. boundaries under the same guidelines or rules. Mr. LESCOVITZ. 1 would like to be recorded as "no" on The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the amendment A2430. gentleman from Jefferson, Mr. Smith. The SPEAKER. The gentleman's remarks will be spread Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, what this amendment does upon the record. is provide for immediate entry by anyone and it eliminates the region. BILLS ON THIRD Now, when this bill went to the Senate, it had a 3-year CONSIDERATION CONTINUED national trigger in it that would allow anyone to come into The House proceeded to third consideration of SB 1075, Pennsylvania after 3 years. That hill was amended in the Senate to go to 5 years, and when it came to the House, fol- PN 2188, entitled: lowing our committee meeting, it was determined that the An Act amendingthe act Of 30, 1965 (P. L. 847, No. trigger, the national trigger, would come at the end of the time 356). entitled "Banking Code of 1965," authorizing acquisitions that our intrastate legislation would come to an end. In other of bank holding companies and banks in Pennsylvania by bank holding companies located in other states on a regional, recipro. words, all of the intrastate provisions would be accomplished cal basis for a certain period of time and on a reciprocal basis by whatever Pennsylvania banks wanted to do that, and then without a regional requirement thereafter. the national trigger would kick in, and that date at the present On the question, time in this bill is March 1990 at the time that our intrastate Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? legislation ends. M~, TI^^^ offered the following amendments No. ~2705: New York State has had intrastate banking since the early 1970's. They are in place. They are ready to come into Penn- Amend Title, page 1, line 18, by striking out "regional," sylvania. We do not want them here yet until our banks are in Amend Title, page I, line 18, by inserting a period after "basis" shape, and I would ask that this amendment for immediate Amend Title, page 1, lines 18 through 20, by striking out "for entry be defeated. a neriod of" in line 18 and all of lines 19 and 20 The SPEAKER. On the amendment. the Chair recoenizes- ~ Amend Preamble, page 2, lines 13 through 19, by striking out the gentleman from Fayette, Mr. Taylor. all of said lines Mr. F. TAYLOR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 1161, page 3, lines 19 through 22, by strik- ing out all of lines 19 through 21 and "w'in line 22 and insert- I also rise to ask for a "no" vote on this amendment. ing Basically what we would be doing is exactly what the previous @) speaker said, allowing national banking to immediately take Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116), page 4, line 4, by striking out "w' place in Pennsylvania. and inserting- I offered an amendment in committee that would have 0 Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116). page 4, lines 16 through 22, by strik- allowed an alternate source of entry into the State of Pennsyl- ing out all of lines 16 through 21 and ''@IJ" in line 22 and insert- vania by those institutions wishing to do so, and with that ing they would have been giving approximately $1 billion over a (ii) 5-year period. The amendment failed by a sizable majority, Amend ~ec.2(Sec. 116), page 4, lines 26 through 28, by strik- and I think that to stand and shake the hands of these people ing out "in the region if the requirement of" in line 26, all of line 27 and "(ii) and in any event are in banks located in states" in line coming in and allowing them to come in for nothing right 28 away I think is contrary to what we should be doing. I would rather see the other but it failed. I will not argue that point here today, but I think that we ought not to allow national banking to take place in this State immediately and allow our banking


Clark Hayes Perrel Truman ( I urge the members to vote in favor of the amendment, Mr. Clymer Herman Petrarca Van Horne Speaker. Colafella Hershey Petrone Veon Cornell Honaman Phillips Vroon The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes

Cowell~ ~ Howlett Piccala Wambach the gentleman- from Jefferson, Mr. Smith. COY Hutchinaon Pievsky Wass Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to oppose this Deluca ltkin Pistella Weston DeVerter Jackson Pitts Wiggini amendment. For one thing, I do not know where Representa- DeWeese Johnson Pot1 Wilson tive Dorr got the 10-percent figure. Maybe it should be 3 Davies Josephs Pressmann Wogan percent or 7 percent or 20 percent or whatever figure you Dawida Karunic Preston Wozniak Deal Kennedy Punt Wright, D. R might think of. If we are going to put all of these regulations Dietz Kennev Raymond Wright. J. L. into statute, then we do not need the regulators. We should Dininni Kosinai ~eber right, R. C not be putting these kinds of figures in this bill, and I would Distler Kukovich Reinard Vandrisevits Danatufci Langtry Richardson ask that you vote in the negative. Darr Lashinger Rieger IIY~S, The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Duffy Laughlin Robbins Speaker Fayette, Mr. Taylor. Durham Lescavitz Roebuck Mr. F. TAYLOR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. NOT VOTING-4 I rise also to oppose the amendment. Conceptually, 1 may Cohen Cole Daley . Sweet agree with the 10 percent, but I think if we are going to use the EXCUSED-0 10-percent figure, then we ought to use that exception to the rule that Mr. Dorr speaks about in the other part of the The question was determined in the negative, and the amendment to address those institutions that might have amendments were not agreed to. financial difficulty or may run into financial difficulty that On the question recurring, could be addressed under this amendment. The amendment Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? does not go far enough if he is to address that part which 1 Mr. DORR offered the following amendment No. A2683: think is necessary to protect a failing institution in this State which may run into financial problems. I think that it would Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116). page 6, by inserting between lines 22 and 23 be better addressed if another amendment was prepared to address that besides the 10 percent, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Chester, Mr. Morris. Mr. MORRIS. Along with what Mr. Dorr said about the danger of bank failure from outside the State bringing down large banks, medium-size banks, and bank holding companies in Pennsylvania, it has been my experience-and I speak from personal experience-that the further the bank gets away On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? from its customers, and that is true with large banks, the less the service is. 1 think that the people in this House of Repre- The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes sentatives who represent rural people in the Commonwealth the gentleman from York, Mr. Dorr. of Pennsylvania had better support this amendment. Mr. DORR. Mr. Speaker, this amendment would prevent a Our constituents want the kind of service that we get out of bank from outside of Pennsylvania from acquiring more than our local banks, and we would rather not see them eaten up 10 percent of the deposits of Pennsylvania banks by purchas- and gobbled up by Citicorp or Chase or one of the big New ing some one or more Pennsylvania bank holding companies York banks if they ever get started in here. all in one fell swoop. I have no objection, Mr. Speaker, to The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes banks coming into Pennsylvania and growing as a result of the gentleman from Berks, Mr. Fryer. their competitive abilities, but I think it is bad for Pennsyl- Mr. FRYER. Mr. Speaker, 1 rise in support of free enter- vania to encourage a situation in which we may end up with prise, capitalism, and the traditional American virtue of com- five or six banks controlling 80 or 90 percent of the deposits in petition. I favor the Dorr amendment before the House Pennsylvania, and that, Mr. Speaker, very well could happen because it guarantees that at least for the time being there will if we allow the acquisition of major banks in Pennsylvania be freedom of choice for banking customers here in our fair holding more than I0 percent of the deposits. State of Pennsylvania. It guarantees that no out-of-State bank This amendment will preserve the situation in which our with an enormous amount of money can simply buy up all our assets in Pennsylvania, our bank assets in Pennsylvania, are Pennsylvania deposits and funnel them off to distant places. protected against a major failure by one institution holding a Out-of-State banks would still be able to grow and to major portion of the deposits in Pennsylvania and thus tying corner more than 10 percent of the Pennsylvania market, but up the bank assets, the deposits, if you will, of Pennsylvania they would have to do so by excelling at the same marketing citizens for a lengthy period of time at best and the loss of functions as everyone else in any other competitive field; those deposits at worst. 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1143 namely, by product, by price, place, and promotion. That is On the question recurring, how the people of this State will have a hand in deciding Will the House agree to the amendment? which banking enterprises should flourish - not necessarily The following roll call was recorded: those who have the most money to start with, hut those who provide the best service to the consumer. YEAS-78 The other course is to allow a few giant banks to gobble up Baldwin Diitler Laughlin Saloom everything in sight. And how will they behave after they do? Barley Dombrowski Letterman Saurrnan Belardi Dorr Levdansky Scheetz They are already gouging the public with their credit card Belfanti Durham Livengood Schuler interest rates of 19.8 percent and above. They are already Black Fargo Lloyd Serafini making their small depositors use automatic teller machines Blaum Fee McHale Showers Broujos Fischer Mackowiki Sirianni instead of getting personal attention from real, live hank Bush Faster Manderino Smith, B employees. They are already flexing their considerable muscle Caltagirone Fax Miller Stairs on this very hill that is before you, refusing to make even this Cawley Freeman Moehlmann Steighner Chadwick Fryer Morris Stevens one small concession to our independent small hanks. They Cimini Geist Mrkonic Stewart think that they have the votes to do whatever they want, what- Cole George Murphy Stuban ever they feel like, whatever it may do to their smaller compet- COY Haluska Noye Swifl Deluca Hayes Phillip, Telek itors. I say, shame. DeVerter Herman Piccola Tigue When an organization has so many billions of dollars that it DeWeese Hershey Pislella Veon does not know what to do, there is a certain arrogance that Davies tjonarnan Pitts Wass Dawida Jarolin Punt Wozniak develops, and that is present today. Possibly in downtown Dietz Kukavich New York City people are accustomed to this kind of treat- NAYS-118 ment, hut where I come from and where you come from, people expect better. They expect to have several hanks to Acosta Deal Linron Roebuck Afflerbach Dininni Lucyk Rudy choose from among hanks that strive for their business and Angntadt Donatucci McCall Ryan appreciate when they get it. Argall Duffy McClatchy Rybak It may be someday that Citicorp or BankAmerica is the Arty Evans McVerry Semrnel Barber Fatlah Maiale Seventv only game in town. If they get there fair and square, so be it. Battisto Flick Manmiller Smith, L. E. That is competition. However, they should earn that position Birmelin Freind Markosek Snyder, D. W by winning our hearts and minds, not just by appealing to the Book Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, C. Bartner Gallen Merry Staback greed of a handful of shareholders and corporate officers. Bowley Gamble Michlovic Sweet Mr. Speaker, I would urge a "yes" vote on the Dorr Bowser Cannon Micorrie Taylor, E. Z. amendment. Boyes Gladeck Mowery Taylor.. . F. Brandt Godshall Nahill Taylor, J. The SPEAKER. For the second time on the amendment, Bunt Greenwood O'Brien Trella the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Jefferson, Mr. Burd Gruitra Olasz Truman Smith. Burns Cruppa Oliver Van Horne Cappabianca Hagarty Perzel Vroon Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, we heard all this before Carlsan Harper Petrarca Warnbach when our intrastate hill passed. I want to cite you some figures Carn Hasay Petrane Weston from the Pennsylvania Banking Department regarding new Ceirar Hawlett Pievsky Wiggins Civera ltkin Pot1 Wilson hanks chartered in Pennsylvania since 1982. There have been Clark Jackson Pressrnann Wogan 11 new hanks chartered in Pennsylvania, and that was more Clymer Johnson Preston Wright, D. R. than the previous 10 years. That is a good indication to me Colafella Josephs Raymond Wright, J. L. Cordisca Kenney Reber Wright, R. C. that the small banks are going to survive. They are the people Cornell Kosinski Reinard Yandrisevits who are going to give the service and they are going to do a Coslett Langtry Richardson certain amount of the business no matter how many giants Cowell Lashinger Rieger Irvis, Daley Lesc~vitz Robbins Speaker come into Pennsylvania. NOT VOTING-5 The only other thing I want to mention in regard to Mr. Fryer's remarks is that deposits in Pennsylvania are controlled Cohen Kasunic Kennedy by the regulators, not by bankers. Thank you. Hutchinson The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes EXCUSED-0 the gentleman from Centre, Mr. Letterman. The question was determined in the negative, and the Mr. LETTERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I would just like to make amendment was not agreed to. a little comment on Mr. Fryer's statement. 1 understand when Hefty goes in to make a withdrawal, On the question recurring, there is no independent hank in the State of Pennsylvania big Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration? enough to handle the withdrawal. So according to that, I Mr. F. TAYLOR offered the following amendments No. think we should go ahead with this larger bank business. A2614: Thank you. 1144 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Amend Title, page I, line 20, by removing the period after service charge, finance charge and interest for purposes of "thereafter" and inserting Federal law. ; and further providing for interest rates. (0 Determination of domicile-In determining whether a Amend Sec. 2, page 3, line 3, by striking out "a section" and cardholder is domiciled in Pennsylvania, an institution may con- inserting clusively assume that such cardholder is domiciled outside Penn- sections sylvania if the institution has not mailed any solicitation to the Amend Bill, page 14, by inserting between lines 22 and 23 cardholder at a Pennsylvania address, has not entered into a Section 322. Interest Rates on Credit Cards credit card agreement with a cardholder pursuant to a personal (a) Rate of interest-An institution may charge, receive and meeting at an office of the institution in Pennsylvania and does collect, from a credit card holder domiciled in Pennsylvania, on not mail the cardholder's monthly billing statements to a Penn- transactions otherwise subject to the act of October 28, 1966 (1st sylvaniaaddress. Sp.Sess., P.L.55, NO.^), known as the "Goods and Services Section 3. Sections 501 and 904 of the act of October 28, Installment Sales Act," interest measured for a period between 1966 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.55, NO.^), known as the Goods and Ser- the date debt is incurred and the due date of the last installment vices Installment Sales Act, are repealed insofar as they are incon- and calculated for that period according to the actuarial method sistent with this act. of computation or by application of the United States rule at a Amend Sec. 3, page 14, line 23, by striking Out "3" and rate which does not exceed the equivalent of eighteen percent inserting simple interest per annum or a rate of simple interest per annum 4 computed in accordance with subsection (b), whichever is less. Amend Sec. 4, page 14, line 25, by striking out "4" and (b) Determination-An institution may charge, receive and inserting collect interest, as provided in subsection (a), at a rate of fifteen 5 percent simple interest per annum for a period of ninety days On thequestion, from the effective date of this act and thereafter at a rate as deter- mined and published by the secretary on a quarterly basis by Will the House agree to the amendments? determining the yield in effect for three-year United States Trea- ~h~ SPEAKER, on the amendment, the Chair recognizes sury hills on the last day of the quarter plus eight percent and thegentleman from Mr. Taylor. cause the same to be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin as the maximum permissible rate for the succeeding period. Such rate Mr. F. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. shall become effective thirty days after publication in the Penn- We in this House of Representatives have wrestled with the sylvania Bulletin, except for the initial rate determination by the question of interest rates on credit cards for a long period of secretary under this subsection, which shall become effective time. 1, as of the ~~~i~~~~and commercecommit. ninety days after the effective date of this act. tee, supported the position to raise the interest rates to a cap (c) Existing balances-Whenever an institution increases the rate of interest it will charge, receive and collect in accordance l8 percent when interest Iates were high and the cost Of with the provisions of this section, it shall provide a credit card money was high in this country. Over the past 8 or 9 months, holder domiciled in Pennsylvania at least thirty days' prior interest rates have dramatically dropped in every other sector written notice of such increase and shall provide such credit card of the banking and financial institutions but credit cards. holder with the option of satisfying the total outstanding balance Over that same period of time I have conveyed on an ongoing in effect rior to the increase at the previously existing rate of interest, cardholder does not satisfy the total basis to the representatives of the financial institutions of this balance within thirty days of receiving notice of such an increase State that they ought to, by their own initiative and their own or if such cardholder incurs any debt after the effective date of volition, take it upon themselves to voluntarily start to reduce such increase, the institution shall be permitted to charge, receive interest rates on cards in this state,~h~~~ was no rhyme and collect interest on the entire outstanding balance at the new or reason for those rates to stay that high for this long of a rate of interest: Provided, however, That no advance notice shall he required res ect to a rate plan where rates of period of time. Some of the institutions in this State heeded interest are tied to anPndex agreed upon by the institution and the that message and did start to reduce those interest rates. cardholder. This amendment here today is what I consider to be the best (d) charges after default-Notwithstanding the foregoing, approach to making interest rates mirror the approximate cost after acceleration of the amounts due under a credit card by of money to the institutions and what they should be charging virtue of a default of a credit card holder domiciled in Pennsyl- vania, an institution may impose finance charges at a maximum the public. annual rate of eighteen percent, in addition to any other rights the Also, over a long period of time we have had the bank institution may have under applicable law. credit cards mixed up with the consumer goods of this State, (e) Interest to persons outside of State-Notwithstanding under the c~~~~~~~ and services ~~t of this state. any provision in this act or any other act to the contrary, there This amendment will extract that from that and let it stand on shall be no limitation on the rate, amount or manner of assessing or ad.usting service char es, finance char es, interest, annual or itsown. What it will do is this: It will establish immediately otherJperiodic fees, or a& other fees or ctargesimposed in con- for a 90-day period a 15-percent interest rate on credit cards in nection with credit cards issued by an institution located in Penn- this State, and then the interest rate will be reflected from the sylvania to cardholders domiciled outside Pennsylvania: Pro- united statesT~~~~~~~ notes which are sold every 3 months, vided, however, That the rate, amount and manner of assessing That rate at which they are sold, an 8.percent add.on, and adjusting such service charges, finance charges, interest, or other fees and ,.barges shall be set forth in writing and agreed to will then be the interest rate charged on credit cards in this by the institution and the cardholder. This subsection, the annual State for the next quarter. During that period of time, when or other periodic fees, and any additional fees and charges, other the quarter is coming down, they will then have to notify the than the service charge, finance charge or interest, shall all be consumer that they have the option of continuing at that rate deemed to be material to the determination of the rate of the of interest or they may pay off the at the old rate, 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1145

1 believe that it is the most fair system we can have for high of 14.5 percent. This is not only considerably below the credit card interest rates, and I would certainly urge the adop- present credit card rate but also below the rate that Mr. tion of this amendment. Taylor would establish with his amendment. The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes What happens with credit cards is that they are used as a the gentleman from Jefferson, Mr. Smith. convenience loan, and that is essentially the problem. The Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, I have to go back a few consumer credit in this Nation exceeds well over $400 billion - years to what happened in the State of South Dakota and the that is over $400 billion. It increased 19 percent in the past State of Delaware. Delaware is the one who has come out the year alone, and much of that credit is unsecured credit. It was winner. Their 10-year plan was an economic development extended for the purchase of consumptive items. People in plan, and they took the rates off of credit cards and other some States actually go into grocery stores and purchase their bank lending, and as a result of that, most of our credit card groceries with the use of a bank credit card. 1 am not aware of issuers, our bank credit card issuers, have gone to Delaware. whether or not that is done in Pennsylvania, but certainly a They are the people who are presently charging the 19 and 20 number of consumptive items are purchased in that manner. percent, and nothing that you do today is going to change While the economists of the country have disagreed on that. We are talking strictly about bank credit cards. We are many of the problems with our economy, one thing they all not talking about retail credit cards, we are not talking about agree upon and have agreed upon for centuries, and that is: If cards that are issued by savings and loans or discount loan a country, if a nation, indebts itself with a significant amount companies, just bank credit cards. of unsecured credit, the economy will remain in jeopardy so Now, I do not think that that is exactly fair. We presently long as that unsecured credit is out there. That is the problem have 17 banks in Pennsylvania-and incidentally, they are of with plastic credit cards. Again I repeat, instead of talking the smaller nature-17 banks presently issuing bank credit about trying to reduce that rate, we ought to keep the rate cards in Pennsylvania. A lot of those banks stayed here when high on consumptive credit and instead utilize the personal we put our ceiling at 18 percent. 1 want to cite for you the service loans for those necessities which are already at rates rates that some of those banks are charging their customers far below that which Mr. Taylor's amendment addresses. presently. Fulton Bank has no annual fee, their rate is 15.5 I would urge defeat of the amendment. percent; Merchants in Allentown has a floating rate which The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes was 14.6 percent in May; Continental in Philadelphia was the gentleman from Franklin, Mr. Coy. 16.9 percent; and PNB (Philadelphia National Bank) from Mr. COY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Delaware was 16.9 percent. Mr. Speaker, many times in the legislature we concern our- Now, if we were talking about all of the credit cards and all selves with jobs in Pennsylvania. We concern ourselves, espe- of the credit cards that are issued in Pennsylvania from out of cially today, with where we can look to securing jobs in our State, I would say perhaps we are doing the right thing. But to economy today. We have seen the loss of heavy industry in just single out those bank credit cards that are issued by Penn- Pennsylvania and we talk high tech; we talk the service indus- sylvania banks and not touch anyone else, I think we are tries. Wherecan weget jobs? doing wrong, 1 think we are making a mistake, and I would A rather large bank in our Nation is locating just south of resist this amendment. Pennsylvania in the State of Maryland, Citicorp, for a credit The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes card service type of facility where they will employ hundreds the gentleman from Lehigh, Mr. Afflerbach. of people just outside the Pennsylvania border in Maryland. Mr. AFFLERBACH. Mr. Speaker, I, too, stand to oppose Why? Because the laws in Pennsylvania are not conducive to this particular amendment. In addition to what my colleague, that type of working place in Pennsylvania. Mr. Smith, has already stated, there are several other factors We have already lost jobs in the service industry, in banking that ought to be kept in mind. service industries, to the State of Delaware. As Mr. Smith First of all, this particular kind of an amendment, in my pointed out earlier, many of the banks in Pennsylvania that opinion, should be considered on its own merits and not do business in Pennsylvania are headquartered in other States attached to a bill of this nature, which is a bill dealing with because the laws of those States permit them to compete on a reorganization of the banking industry and not specific pro- fairer environment than we do in Pennsylvania. With this grams within that industry. amendment we make it even more difficult. We place an arti- But setting that aside, 1 also happen to be of the firm belief ficial rate, or would attempt to place an artificial rate, on that the interest rate on plastic credit cards is entirely too low those credit card charges, which would be unfairly competi- and should in fact be higher than it is. If an individual abso- tive with other States. lutely needs a home appliance, which is the example we are Mr. Speaker, there are banks in each and every district rep- always given, and must purchase that appliance on credit, the resented here in the House of Representatives today that offer appropriate type of loan for that kind of a purchase would be loans at a lower rate. You can go borrow money to buy a car - a personal loan. It would be a personal service signature loan, a used car or a new car - at a lower rate than 18 percent. You and the rate on those loans in every institution offering them can go get a household loan to improve your house at a lower in the Lehigh Valley ranges from a low of 11.95 percent to a rate than 18 percent. Many mortgages are being offered. 1146 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Banks in my district offer mortgage rates of 9, 9 1/2 percent. Now, Mr. Speaker, no one knows more than I the emphasis We are talking here about credit card rates which, as Repre- on good jobs. The job issue many times has been very promi- sentative Afflerbach said, is a particular type of credit. The nent in the halls of this General Assembly, and yet we have problem is, and the fact of the matter is, that it is easy money. before us jobs that we could possibly lose if we are not careful It is used by consumers across the State very easily, and it with this legislation. These jobs provide security, good wages, costs banks money to handle the charges that are involved good benefits, and they do not pollute the environment. So we with these credit cards. are talking about a major growth industry here in Pennsyl- Mr. Speaker, if we really want to do something about the vania. Let us not hurt it. Let us give them a helping hand. issue of credit card interest rates and if Mr. Taylor is really Mr. Speaker, 1 urge that the members look carefully at this interested in the subject, HB 402 was introduced in the amendment, and hopefully they will oppose the amendment General Assembly several months ago and has been in the to keep these very important jobs here in Pennsylvania. Business and Commerce Committee for several months and it Thank you. addresses the whole subject of interest rates, and that is the The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes vehicle, if we are going to do something about credit card thegentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Olasz. interest rates or other types of interest rates, that ought to be Mr. OLASZ. Would the maker of the amendment stand for used. This is not the vehicle. This is not the time to consider interrogation, please? an interest rate change of any sort. The vehicle is in Mr. Mr. F. TAYLOR. I am here, Mr. Speaker. Taylor's committee. 1 would commend that bill to his consid- The SPEAKER. Mr. Taylor indicates he will stand for eration, as he has considered this one. And I hope, therefore, interrogation. You are in order, and you may proceed. that the members of the committee and the members of the Mr. OLASZ. A question, Mr. Speaker, regarding sections House will see the wisdom in voting "no" on this amendment (a) and (b). Say 1 have a very active credit card - stretched out and urging, along with myself, the action of Mr. Taylor on over a period of 3 years I may have used $10,000. Is the rate of HB 402 dealing with the whole subject of interest rates. Thank payment on my initial borrowing or as of the effective date of you, Mr. Speaker. your amendment? The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. F. TAYLOR. What it does is it reflects it every 30days. Bucks, Mr. Clymer, on theamendment. In other words, immediately the interest rate would drop to 15 Mr. CLYMER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. percent, and then after 90 days of that, then the chief Trea- I will make my remarks brief. I just want to reaffirm the sury bills that are sold, 30 days prior to your expiration of that remarks that were made by the other three members of this 3-month period they will notify you of the interest increase or House. I also oppose the Taylor amendment for the following decrease. You have the option of paying off the balance or reasons: As has been mentioned, since 1981 when the Finan- allowing it to flow over into the other 3-month period. So it is cia1 Institute Act was enacted by the State of Delaware, over every 3 months that these will be adjusted. New Jersey is 6,500 jobs in the credit card industry have gone to that State, doing this presently. many of those Pennsylvania jobs. The spinoff effect of those Mr. OLASZ. So conceivably if 1 took a cash advance at 6.500 has resulted in hundreds of other jobs being established high interest rates and the bank had to go out and borrow that in that small State. Translated, that means in retail sales in money at that high interest rate, I would then be getting a that 5-year period, $100 million for that particular State; they break by paying at alower rate? gained $24 million in sales tax; and in personal income tax, Mr. F. TAYLOR. Well, 1 think if that works to your $238 million. It has been mentioned previously, should we advantage, then takeadvantage of it. penalize those handful of banks that have stayed in Pennsyl- Mr. OLASZ. So that is a possibility that the bank would vania when there was great exodus by their peers out of State then be receiving a much lower return on the money that they in order to get a higher interest rate on their credit cards? This had borrowed initially to advance you. occurred back in the 1981-82 era. Mr. F. TAYLOR. Well, they presently do that on houses This amendment, in my opinion, will hurt our own base that they mortgaged 20 years ago. banking industry. We will he putting them at a disadvantage Mr. OLASZ. Well, I know a lot of them would like to take to other banks, and what we are really doing is punishing back that 5-percent mortgage. those who have been loyal to the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- Mr. F. TAYLOR. 1 am not going to give them back my 5 I/ vania. 2-percent interest rate that I have on my home. Mr. Speaker, an aggressive financial institution has told me Mr. OLASZ. But then would this continuing various inter- that presently they have 200 jobs and they are hiring up to 300 est rate be printed on your monthly statement? more for their credit department as it relates to credit cards. Mr. F. TAYLOR. Yes, it would be printed on your monthly Their base of operation is in Philadelphia. But if this particu- statement. lar amendment should go through and they were forced to Mr. OLASZ. So it would not necessarily involve extensive restructure, they would seriously consider moving their credit bookkeeping. operations to a neighboring State. Mr. F. TAYLOR. No. It isvery easy todo. 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1147

Mr. OLASZ. Thank you. Mr. REINARD. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. That is all I have to say, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes WELCOME the gentleman from Washington, Mr. Fischer. Mr. FISCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to support Mr. Taylor's The SPEAKER. The Chair is delighted to welcome to the amendment to lower interest rates from 18 to 15 percent for hall of the House Mary Beth Khalil, with her fifth and sixth 90 days. This should be a beginning of our attempts and the grade students from the Northampton area. They are the use of our strength and abilities to bring interest rates down guestsof Representative Yandrisevits. across the Commonwealth and our influence on the Federal Government to bring them down across the United States. CONSIDERATION OF SB 1075 CONTINUED You can now pay more than double the current mortgage interest rates for your credit card purchase, and I think it is The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from time that we began with this first step and continued on from Chester, Mr. Vroon. there with our influence. Mr. VROON. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from I am going to be very brief and to the point. Bucks, Mr. Reinard, on the amendment. Mr. Speaker, I certainly do sympathize with the maker of Mr. REINARD. Thank yon, Mr. Speaker. this amendment in trying to achieve something for the people Mr. Speaker, you made an interesting comment that New of Pennsylvania. 1 would like to point out, however, that Jersey has a similar provision. Do they also have a cap? money and food are the two most competitive commodities M~.F. TAYLOR. 1 do not know. 1 do not know whether we have throughout the United States and also in Pennsyl- they use the cap procedure over there, but they have a vania. Where there is a competitive commodity, the market interest rate procedure of collecting. will set the rate, regardless of what we try to do. If we fix the Mr. REINARD. Is there any other State that you are aware rate arbitrarily, then we will be tampering with the rules and of that uses a variable rate that- order of the market. I do not think that is going to help us one Mr. F. TAYLOR. There are various States, 1 have a list of little bit. It is just going to chase business into some other different States that have different things. Some are capped; State. some are not capped; some just reduced their rates as much as Mr. Speaker, may 1 interrogate the maker of the amend- 4 percent in one fell swoop. 1 can get those for you. There are ment? States that have dropped the rate, like I said, 4 percent, some Mr. F. TAYLOR. Yes. 5. There is legislation presently pending in bfaryland that The SPEAKER. Mr. Taylor indicates he will stand for would allow the rate to be 5 percent above the discount rate. interrogation. You may proceed. We are saying 8 percent above the discount rate on the Trea- Mr. VIlOON. Mr. Speaker, what is the current Treasury sury notes. There are other ones that are saying 2 1/2 percent bill rate that You are referring to in Your amendment? above prime. l-hat is in ~~~~~~h~~~tt~.N~~ york is talking Mr. F. TAYLOR. I believe the last ones that were sold were about the same type of arrangement tied to the Treasury note at 7.5 or 7.3, something between that, 7.3 and 7.5. or the discount note or the prime. ,411 the States throughout Mr. VROON. This changes quite frequently, does it not? the Union I think are starting to move in this direction, that Mr. F. TAYLOR. It is every 3 months that this would be that is the way to properly mirror the actual cost of money on geared to. It is a 3-year Treasury note that is sold, but we bank credit cards. would gear it to a 3-month period. Now, that could vary; it Mr. REINARD. In that list, or possibly it does not show, Could go up or down and with the limitation at the top of 18 but is there any State that you are aware of that has a variable percent. rate as well as a top-end cap? Mr. VROON. Mr. Speaker, now what is the prime rate? MI. F. TAYLOR. 1 can give you some figures that were Mr. F. TAYLOR. This is not the prime rate. This is a Trea- done on a poll that was done across the country, and this is on Su'Y note. constituents' responses to the type of what you are talking Mr. VROON. know. What is the prime rate, Mr. about here. Sixty-one percent of the senior citizens of this Speaker? country said that they favor a cap and a floating type of inter- Mr. F. TAYLOR. Prime rate right now is probably about, I est rate. That is 61 percent of the senior citizens in the do "01 know, I think it is 8 1/2 or 9 percent, something like country. Something like 72 percent of the young people that. between theages of 20and 34 said that they favor that type of Mr. VROON. It is 8 112 Percent. Yes. thing and a more favorable disclosure on how they are Mr. F. TAYLOR. It is 8 112. charged. Mr. VROON. Now the question that arises from this is that These are new innovations that they are talking about. hi^ ~incethe nature of this borrowing is all very short term as a is a new type of innovation here, and I would like to see Penn- general rule, would it not be more appropriate to tie it to a sylvania move forward this type of innovation so that we short-term rate, and that would he the prime rate in this have something that properly mirrors and reflects the actual cost of money to the banks. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Mr. F. TAYLOR. 1 do not believe so. 1 think the Treasury The SPEAKER. For the second time, the Chair recognizes note is actually the best thing to tie it to, because the prime thegentleman from Fayette, Mr. Taylor. rate, to my estimation, a lot of banks do not pay prime rate. Mr. F. TAYLOR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. That is a customer who buys money off the bank who pays the I would like to bring to the attention of the House, and 1 prime rate. Some banks are able to buy money cheaper than want to apologize to each and every one of you, that 1 inad- the prime rate. vertently forgot to mention section (e) under the amendment. Mr. VROON. Okay. That is all for my interrogation, Mr. Section (e) under the amendment addresses some of the Speaker. problems that were alluded to by Mr. Coy over here, this dra- The SPEAKER. The gentleman may proceed on the matic loss of jobs to Pennsylvania. Yes, there has been a dra- amendment. matic loss of jobs to Pennsylvania, not only in the banking Mr. VROON. Getting back to the competitive nature of business but throughout our whole economy of Pennsylvania. money, Mr. Speaker, 1 would remind you of the day when we But section (e), which I should have explained and 1 forgot to were standing here and talking about the interest rate on auto- inadvertently, says this in effect, that you, Mr. Banker, now, mobile loans. If you were here, as I was, you will recall that if you will come back to Pennsylvania, or ones that are here the statement was made very forcibly that if we raise the rate now, you may extend credit to people outside of this Com- on automobile loans to 18 percent, we are going to pay 18 monwealth and charge them anything you want to charge percent on automobile loans. This was stated very clearly, and them, just like Delaware does, Mr. Speaker. I remember the majority leader stating that. So we may be able to use this as a job incentive bill to create Now, 1 just remind all of you, to prove my point, that the some new jobs in the banking industry. 1 do not see them automobile loan situation today is anything but at the ceiling opening up the floodgates and running out of the State if we which we created at that time, a higher ceiling. Automobile did not even have that in it, but we have that in there. That loans are pegged at the place which the market will bear and will create new possible jobs to Pennsylvania. What is to say which the market calls for, very vividly proving the point that to them that they cannot come back? Nothing. We are giving money will set its own rates and that we would be doing a very them that opportunity under this provision to come back and bad thing by fixing the rate of interest at any level. I call for a reestablish some of their credit card operations in Pennsyl- defeat of this amendment on the basis of the fact that money vania, in the Philadelphia area, which was dramatically is competitive and you will pay what it is worth. impacted by a tremendous amount of jobs to Delaware. This Mr. Speaker, I also want to mention the fact that I have will address that problem. But more than anything else, it will been a user of a credit card for many, many long years, and, address the problem that is nationwide in this country, and let Mr. Speaker, I very seldom, if ever, pay 1 cent of interest. I me quote from no other source than the greatest source of get borrowing on that credit card, I get credit on that credit information on credit cards and financial institutions, and card up to 60 and 90 days free, absolutely free, and I think everyone recognizes him as such, and that is Congressman St. this is a very good accommodation. Somebody has to pay for Germain. He said in one hold word, do you know what is that carrying charge that I am incurring and not paying for. wrong with credit card interest in the United States today? It So obviously that is the nature of the beast. This is the way is "outrageous"; "outrageous" is what it is, and you know it credit cards operate. If you want to borrow for any length of and I know it. time, do not use your credit card. You are being very foolish Some people say, let us do this in HB 402. 1 tried to get indeed. But if you have to use it, if you are foolish enough to moving on HB 402, but some of the people who put drafting get stuck on it, then you are going to have to pay the price. language in that bill fouled it up so badly that it stunk to the Mr. Speaker, this is a good deal, and I think we ought to high heavens and I kept it in committee. And when that girl leave it alone. Let us defeat this amendment. Thank you, Mr. gets properly dressed, I will bring her to this floor to dance Speaker. any day of the week, anytime you want to debate those bills The SPEAKER. For the second time on the amendment, too. That is what 1 will do. But I made that remark. That girl the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Jefferson, Mr. would not come dancing on this floor until she was properly Smith. dressed, and then 1 will bring her dancing. That is going to be Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, I just want to make a theanswer. couple brief points. Now, let us get down to what else is wrong here today. It is The first one is that nobody needs a credit card. I would be all right for the banking industry to use their leverage when- glad to yield the floor to anyone who will get up and explain ever they want to, but when a member of this House wants to to me how they cannot live for 3 days without a credit card. use his leverage to a degree, then it is red flags all over the The other point is that approximately half of the people place. Well, the day of the red flags is over, because I intend, who carry this convenience in their wallet do not pay any so long as I am a member of this House and chairman of the interest. They pay their bill off each month as it comes. To Business and Commerce Committee, to bring this measure to penalize the few banks that we have left in Pennsylvania is this floor until we get this mess straightened out with credit wrong, and I would ask for a "no" vote. cards. We do not put off until tomorrow what we can do today. Let us do it today; let us not be pussyfooting around LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE and saying, let us do it in some other fashion. Do it today. Vote "yes" on this amendment and we will correct a multi- tude of problems out there. Thank you. The question was determined in the negative, and the The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman, Mr. Taylor, have any amendments were not agreed to. words about the amendment? On the question recurring, Mr. F. TAYLOR. No more words, Mr. Speaker. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? 1 ask for an affirmative vote. Mr. CHADWICK offered the following amendments No. On the question recurring, A283 1: Will the House agree to the amendments? Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116)... .Daee - 3.. line 21. . bv. striking- out ".- West Virginia and the District of Columbia." and inserting The following roll call was recorded: and West Virginia; the District of Columbia; and YEAS-84 counties of other states which (counties) are contigu- ous to this Commonwealth. Angstadt Fischer McClatchy Staback Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116). page 4, line 26, by striking out ''g Belardi Freeman McHale Stairs stares" Belfanti Fryer Manderina Steighner Blaum Gamble Mayernik Stevens On the question, Bowser George Michlovic Stewan Will the House agree to the amendments? Burns Godshall Miller Sruban Caltagirone Greenwood Moehlmann Swift The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Cawley Gruitra Morris Taylor, F. Colafella Gruppo Murphy Taylor, J. Bradford, Mr. Chadwick, on the amendment. Cordiaco Hagarty Nahill Tigue Mr. CHADWICK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Cornell Haluska Perzel Trello I think most of us here in this room agree that interstate Cowell Harper Petrarca Veon Deluca Hasay Pistella Wambach banking is an idea whose time has come. It will stimulate our DeWeese ltkin Punt Wass economy, provide jobs, and bring about increased banking Daley Josephs Reinard Weston services. Unfortunately, under the bill in its current form, Dawida Kasunic Richardson Wozniak Deal Kosinski Saloorn Wright, D. R. there is one group of Pennsylvanians who will not benefit Distler Kukovich Semmel Wright, J. L. from interstate banking - those who live in our northern tier. Dombrawski Laughlin Seventy As you know, New York is excluded by the bill until March Durham Letterman Smith. B. Irvis, Fattah Linton Snyder, D. W. Speaker 4, 1990. This means that the hanks in Pennsylvania's northern Fee McCall tier will be prevented from moving into their natural area of NAYS- 108 expansion, which is southern New York. Banks in the north- ern tier are anxious to open branch offices in New York's Afflerbach Coslett Langtry Raymond Argall COY Lashinger Reber southern tier, and banks in places like Elmira and Arty DeVerter Le6covitz Rieger ! Binghamton would like to move into northern Pennsylvania. Baldwin Davits Livengood Robbina This expansion would significantly stimulate the economy in Barber Dietz Lloyd Roebuck Barley Dininni Lucyk Rudy the northern tier, where our unemployment is well above the Birrnelin Donatucci McVrrry Ryan State average. We need interstate banking and we need it now, Black Dorr Mackawski Rybak not in 1990. This contiguous counties amendment would Book Duffy Maiale Saurman Bortner Evans Manmiller Scheetr provide us with the help we need. Bowley Fargo Markosek Schuler Under this amendment our region would include only those Bayes Flick Merry Serafini counties in New York that border on Pennsylvania. We Brandt Foster Micozzie Showers Broujos Fox Mowery Sirianni understand and share the concerns raised in committee over Bunt Freind Noye Smith, L. E. allowing New York City banks into Pennsylvania before Burd Gallen O'Brien Snyder, G. 1990. This amendment would exclude those hanks until then Bush Gannon O'Donnell Sweet Cappabianca Geist Olasr Taylor, E. Z. while allowing our citizens in the northern tier to share in the Carlson Gladeck Oliver Telek benefits of interstate banking right away. Carn Hayes Petrone Truman We look at this as an issue of fairness and an issue of equal- Cessar Herman Phillips Van Horne Chadwick Hershey Piccola Vroon ity, and we need your help. I would appreciate an affirmative Cimini Honaman Pievsky Wiggins vote. Thank you. Civera Hawlett Pitts Wilson The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Clark Jackson Pott Wogan Clymer Johnson Pressman" Wright, R. C the gentleman from Jefferson, Mr. Smith. Cole Kenney Preston Yandriievits Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, I regret having to oppose NOT VOTING-9 this amendment, but in all fairness it has to be defeated because the New York State counties would be the only ones Acasta Gallagher Jaralin Levdansky Battisto Hutchinson Kennedy Mrkonic that would be affected by this. Cohen In October of 1984 the New York Superintendent of Banking met with a group of people from Pennsylvania, and 1150 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

-- he was asked about this possibility and said that it was abso- Court has said that a State can discriminate in establishing its lutely unworkable. The main reason for this is that any money region as long as that discrimination is rationally based upon center bank in New York City could move their offices to one a traditional, legitimate desire to preserve local control of of these contiguous counties and then come into Pennsyl- banking. vania, but the Pennsylvania banks would be restricted to only I do not see any problems with this amendment. Please do the border counties. So it destroys the reciprocity that is not let us be second-class citizens in interstate banking in the written into this bill, and I would ask for a "no" vote. northern tier. Please support this amendment. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Fayette, Mr. Taylor. the gentleman from Adams, Mr. Cole. Mr. F. TAYLOR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. COLE. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise also to oppose the amendment under the same expla- I rise to support the amendment. I think it is only fair that nation Representative Smith has given. One step further, we give the smaller banks that are located in the northern tier though: I think that this amendment would be flaunted with a of the State of Pennsylvania the same opportunity that other long-term litigation in the courts. I think that the process that banks have that are on the borders, whether they are the we are about here today, even though 1 have failed in getting southern or the eastern or the western borders of Pennsyl- forth my amendments, I am still going to support the bill in its vania. We know that most of these banks are in sparse areas, concept. I think that to accept this amendment would only tie and it would be to their benefit if we could have interstate this measure up in the courts for an unreasonable length of banking in those counties adjacent to the northern tier of time. We do need interstate banking now, and I ask an affir- Pennsylvania with the few banks across the State line in New mative vote on this. York. The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes I urge an affirmative vote on this amendment. the gentleman from Armstrong, Mr. Livengood. The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Mr. LIVENGOOD. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. the gentleman from Centre, Mr. Letterman. Mr. Speaker, this is one amendment that should be sup- Mr. LETTERMAN. Mr. Speaker, 1 rise in support of this ported by every member, every legislator on the floor of this amendment. I think this is really the best thing we could look House. Anyone who supports economic development and cre- at for the banks in the northern-tier counties and where we ating jobs, if you support stimulating the economy in the can go into New York and buy but they cannot come here and highly depressed and stagnated portions of Pennsylvania, if buy. I think this is a good amendment and one that should you support allowing every region in Pennsylvania to partici- and does deserveour support. Thank you. pate in interstate banking, if you can support a proconsumer, The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from probanking, pro-Pennsylvania amendment, then I ask you to Jefferson, Mr. Smith, for the second time on the amendment. support this particular amendment. It is good for Pennsyl- Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, 1 just want to remind the vania. Thank you. members that we are dealing here with an eight-State region, The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes and if you adopt this amendment, it destroys that reciprocity the lady from Susquehanna, Miss Sirianni. which seven other States have already passed. We are the last Miss SIRIANNI. Mr. Speaker, 1 rise in support of this one. We must pass this bill with its present language. Thank amendment. I believe that it is definitely a consumers' amend- you. ment, and we are supposed to be concerned with the con- the question recurring, sumer. It will help, as the gentleman across the aisle said, with Will the House agree to the amendments? economic development, and it also should help with interest rates because there will be more competition. The following roll call was recorded: The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes YEAS-79 the gentleman from Bradford, Mr. Chadwick, for the second Argall COY Hutchinsan Rebcr time. Baldwin DeVerter Jackson Salaom Mr. CHADWICK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I will be brief. Barley Dawida Jarolin Saurman 1 would just like to address the concerns raised by a couple Dietz Johnson Scheetr Belfanti Dininni Kukovieh Schuler of the previous speakers. There was concern that a New York Birmelin Distler Laughlin Showers City bank could move its corporate offices to the southern tier Blaum Dombrawski Letterman Sirianni of New York and then come into Pennsylvania. That could Bowley Dorr Livengood Smith, B. Bawser Durham McHale Steighner not happen under the bill in its current form because the bill Farga Mackawski Stewart requires that 75 percent of a bank's domestic deposits be Bush Fee Manderino Stuban located within the region. A New York City bank would have Caltagirone Fischer Manmiller Swift Carlson Foster Michlovic Taylor, E. 2. to move 75 percent of its domestic deposits into the southern Cawley Fox Morris Telek tier of New York to enable it to come into Pennsylvania. Chadwick Fryer Noye Tigue Second of all, I do not see a problem with the courts. Con- Clark George Petrarca Vean Clymcr Gadshall Phillips Wambach gress has given this authority to the States, and the Supreme Calafella Hasay Piccola Wass Cole Hayes Pitts Wozniak Coslett Hershey Punt LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1151

NAYS-112 Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, I do not have this amend- ment. Acosta Flick McCall Rudy Afflerbach Freeman McClatchy Ryan The SPEAKER. The Chair was informed the amendment Angstadt Freind McVerry Rybak had been circulated. Is that not correct? All right. The Arty Gallagher Maiale Semmel member now has the amendment. Mr. Taylor does not have it Barber Gallen Markoiek Serafini Baitisto Gamble Mayernik Seventy either? Will one of the pages give a copy to Mr. Taylor. Black Gannan Merry Smith, L. E. Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, may I interrogate the Book Ccist Miller Snyder, D. W. maker of the amendment? Bortner Gladeck Moehlmann Snyder, G. Boyes Greenwood Mawery Staback The SPEAKER. You certainly may. He indicates he will Bunt Gruppo Murphy Stevens stand for interrogation. Burd Hagarty Nahill Sweet Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, as I understand this Burns Haluska O'Brien Taylor, F. Cappabianca Harper O'Donnell Taylor, J. amendment, you are adjusting the times that this committee Carn Herman Olasz Trella would meet following the first year. Is that correct? Cersar Honaman Oliver Truman Mr. FREEMAN. Yes. Under the amendment I am offering, Cimini Howlett Pcrd Van Hornr Civera ltkin Petrone Vraon instead of making it discretionary for the commission to meet, Cardisco losephi Pievsky Weston say, once a year, they would have to maintain the quarterly Cornell Kasunic Pott Wiggins meetings that are set up for the first year. Cowell Kennedy Pressmann Wilson Deluca Kennev Preston Wogan Mr. F. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker? DeWeese Kosinki Raymond Wright, D. R. The SPEAKER. Just a moment, Mr. Taylor. I do not know Daley Langtry Reinard Wright, R. C. whether or not Mr. Smith is finished with his interrogation Davies Lashinger Richardson Yandriseviis Deal Lercovitz Rieger yet. Donatucci Levdaniky Rabbini lrvis. Mr. L. E. SMITH. Yes; I am, Mr. Speaker, and I really do Duffy Lloyd Roebuck Speaker not see any reason for this committee to meet on that basis, so Evans Lucyk I would resist the amendment. NOT VOTING-10 The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Brandt Cruitza Mrkonic Stairs the gentleman from Fayette, Mr. Taylor. Cahen Linton Pist ella Wright, J. L Fattah Micorrie Mr. F. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, 1 rise in support of the EXCUSED-0 amendment. I do not see anything dramatically wrong with having them meeting on a quarterly basis, because 1 think The question was determined in the negative, and the when you have a meeting just once a year on a subject that is amendments were not agreed to. as important as this and where we are getting into a new type of regional banking, I think that the committee ought to meet On the question recurring, on at least a quarterly basis and not on an annual basis, and I Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? would ask for an affirmative vote. I do not think it does any Mr. FREEMAN offered the following amendment No. harm to the bill structurally or otherwise. I think it is good A2855: that we keep track of it. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116)... .oaee - 14. lines 5 and 6. bv strikine The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes out "FOR THE FIRST YEAR, THEREAFTER AT LEAS? the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. McVerry. ANNUALLY" Mr. McVERRY. Mr. Speaker, it very well may be that the On the question, advisory commission should meet more than once a year after Will the House agree to the amendment? the first year. However, there is no one in a better position The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from than the members of the advisory commission to decide Northampton, Mr. Freeman, on the amendment. whether they need to meet more than once a year after the Mr. FREEMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. first year. The bill as it is currently structured calls for quar- Mr. Speaker, this amendment strikes language which would terly meetings in the first year, at least quarterly meetings in allow the advisory commission set up under the bill to meet the first year, and thereafter at least annually. There will be only annually after the first year. Under language existing in nobody in a better position to decide how many meetings they the bill, they are required to meet quarterly but, after the first need than the people who are on the advisory commission. year, they may reduce that to an annual meeting. 1 think the language in the bill is perfect as it is, and I urge a The role of the advisory commission is to monitor the deci- negative vote. sions of the Department of Banking and to provide advice. If On the question recurring, they are to do that successfully and effectively, I think they Will the House agree to the amendment? should be required to at least meet quarterly throughout the The following roll call was recorded: year. I would urge a "yes" vote. The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Jefferson, Mr. Smith. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

I Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116)... .naee - 13. line 25.. bv. insertine- after "LEAGUE," Angstadt Dambrowski Kasunic Pievsky one of whom shall have been selected from a list of Baldwin Darr Kosinski Pistella at least three names submitted by the Pennsylvania Belardi Fattah Kukovich Pressman" Belfanti Fischer Lashinger Richardson AFL-CIO, Blaum Foster Letterman Showers Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116). page 13, line 27, by striking out Broujos Freeman Levdansky Snyder, G. I "AND" and inserting a comma Caltagirone Gallagher Linton Steighner Cappabianca Gamble Livengood Stewart Cawley George McHale Stuban Cole Gruitza Manderino Taylor. F. Cardisco Haluska Morris Tigue Cowell Harper Murphy Vean DeWeese Hutchinson O'Donnell Wass Daley ltkin Oliver Wozniak Dawida Jarolin Petrarca Yandrisevits Deal Jasephs NAYS-135 On the question, Acosta Dininni McCall Rybak Will the House agree to the amendments? Afflerbach Distler McClatchy Saloam Argall Donatucci McVerry Saurrnan The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Arts Duffy Mackowski Scheetr the gentleman from Northampton, Mr. Freeman. Barber Durham Maiale Schuler Mr. FREEMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Barley Evans Manmiller Semmel Battisto Fargo Markosek Serafini The purpose of this amendment is to increase the size of the Birmelin Fee Mayernik Seventy advisory commission from 9 to 13 members. The four addi- Black Flick Merry Smith, B. tional members are as follows: One will be selected from Book Fox Michlovic Smith. L. E Bortner Freind Micorzie ~nyde;, D. W. labor; one will be a senior citizen whose total income does not Bowley Fryer Miller Staback exceed $15,000 a year; one will be an elected local government Bowser Gallen Moehlmann Stairs official from a municipality whose unemployment rate is at Boyes Cannon Mowers Stevens Brand1 Geist Nahill Sweet least 10 percent; and one will he an employee of a nonprofit Bunt Gladeck NOY~ Swift social service agency that assists low-income individuals. Burd Godshall 0'~rien Taylor, E. Z. The intention of the advisory commission, as 1 read it in Burns Greenwood Olasz Taylor, J. Bush Gruppo Perzel Telek this legislation, is to advise the Department of Banking as to Carlson Hagarty Petrane Trello the conduct and the functioning of subsections (I) and (J). Carn Hasay Phillips Truman Those subsections were supposedly set up to insure that any Cessar Hayes Piccola Van Horne Chadwick Herman Pitts Vroan kinds of interstate banking that were to come about in Penn- Cimini Hershey Pott Wambach sylvania will make every effort to insure that basic accounts - Civera Honaman Preston Weston savings accounts, checking accounts - are provided for low- Clark Howlett Punt Wiggins Clymer Jackson Raymond Wilson and moderate-income individuals and to insure that economic Colafella Johnson Reber Wogan development opportunities in this State are protected, that the Cornell Kenney Reinard Wright, D. R. employment opportunities in this State are protected. To Coslett Langtry Rieger Wright, J. L. insure those ends, I think it is very crucial that we have on COY Laughlin Rabbins Wright, R. C. Deluca Lescovitz Roebuck such an advisory commission those affected individuals. DeVerter Lloyd Rudy Irvis, As the commission is presently composed, there are four Davies Lucyk Ryan Speaker Dietz legislators, there is one consumer, there is one business NOT VOTING-4 person, and there are three individuals from either banking or financial interests. Not one single iudividual represents the Cohen Kennedy Mrkonic low-income individuals unless, say, the consumer representa- EXCUSED-0 tive were to be such a representative. My amendment will insure that the low- and moderate- The question was determined in the negative, and the income individuals, that the working people of the State, are amendment was not agreed to. represented and can effectively advise the Secretary of On the question recurring, Banking on these crucial issues covered under subsections (1) Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? and (J). I urge a "yes" vote. Mr. FREEMAN offered the following amendments No. The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes A2863: the gentleman from Jefferson, Mr. Smith. Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116). page 13, line 18, by striking out Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to oppose this "NINE"- and inserting amendment. For one thing, I do not understand where the thirteen expertise would come from from the group of people that Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116), page 13, line 19, by striking out Representative Freeman is suggesting be added to this list. "FIVE" and inserting -nine


Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116), page 7, line 21, by inserting after Mr. MURPHY. Mr. Speaker, my amendment refers to both section (1) and section (J), primarily to (I). The Commu- nity Reinvestment Act deals with residential mortgage and commercial loan activities. So it would reference primarily "act." section (I) of the legislation, which requires the Secretary of he department shall report to the legislature on its findings and Banking to review the activity of banks. So it references both list by county, separately, the total amount of residential loans sections. and the total amount of commercial loans closed within the Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, this information is counly. available to anyone from the Banking Department, and to On the question, add these additional requirements I do not believe is neces- Will the House agree to the amendments? sary. Therefore, I would oppose the amendment. ~h~ SPEAKER. on the amendment, the chair recognizes The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Murphy. Fayette, Mr. Taylor, on the amendment. Mr. MURPHY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. F. TAYLOR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my amendment does three things: the first I concur with Representative Smith. I think there are ade- section what it does is require any notice of merger to be pub- quate safeguards built into the present legislation. Under the ljshed in the newspaper; the second part of it requires the Community Reinvestment Act, I believe that all that informa- advisory commission and the secretary of ~~~ki~~to refer to tion is made available on an ongoing basis and all they have to information that the banks are required to give a ~~d~~~ldo is ask for it. I know that some banks that had some prob- agency pursuant to the Community Reinvestment and lems in the Philadelphia area had to, before they could the third portion of my amendment requires that the depart- acquire any mergers or do anything, had to come out with ment provide to the legislature a list by county of the total res. their statements and things on the community reinvestment. idential loans and the total amount of commercial loans SOas a result of that, they had to solve those problems within granted within that county annually. the community. And I think that those people who are inter- what this does is basically put in place some reporting ested in it have that information available; the Department of requirements for the language that is now in the legislation Banking has it; it is there already, and to just do the record that was put in in the Appropriations Committee. 1 think that over again, I do not think there is any reason for it. language took a far step in protecting consumers in Pennsyl- The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman from Cumberland, vania and providing access to additional capital for both cor- Mr. Broujos, wish to debate the amendment? porations and residential mortgages, but my concern is the Mr. BROUJOS. I Mr. Speaker. information is not going to be readily available unless we Mr. Speaker, there is, by the supporters of this bill, talk require the department and the advisory commission to look about all the precautions that are being taken to provide rec- at the Community Reinvestment Act information. That is a ognition of local control - local people being involved, Federal law that requires banks to report by ZIP code their responding to the needs of small business, insuring that cus- mortgage activity and their deposit activity. So that informa. tomers and depositors are taken care of, that charges will not tion is available. It does not require banks to do any addi. increase. Well, simply by having in SB 1075 a mere reference tional work, but what it does is give us access, make it more that the department shall insure availability of service is insuf- accessible to us through the department, and we would be able ficient. In fact, the Murphy amendment does not go far to better measure what banks are doing in pennsylvania in enough. There should be the right of third parties, the public, regard to residential mortgage activity and commercial loans. to come in; there should be the right of hearings, petitions, F~~ that reason, MK. speaker, because it puts no major and an opportunity for the public to participate in the deter- additional burdens either on the banks or the department, I mination of whether the banking industry is moving in a would urge your support of the amendment. direction of not providing services and not making services The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the chair available. Therefore, this small degree of effort to give notice the gentleman from Jefferson, Mr. Smith. to the public of what is going on is essential, and 1 ask an Mr. L. E. SMITH. MI. Speaker, I rise to oppose this affirmativevote. amendment. The amendment provides that the Department of The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Banking shall have the authority to assure that bank holding Mr. Smith. companies and institutions that become part of interstate Mr. L E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, let me just reiterate. banking organizations by reason of acquisitions This information is readily available from the Banking approval under this section make basic transaction account Department, and to require them to take on this additional services available to the public, which is what Representative paperwork burden is unnecessary and unfair. I would ask for Murphy's amendment is doing. a "no" vote. Mr. MURPHY. No; it does not. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. L. E. SMITH. Am 1 wrong? Philadelphia, Mr. Linton, on the amendment. 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1155

Mr. LINTON. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. that is already available to people more accessible and more Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the Murphy amendment. easily gotten. It seems to me that we are taking a tremendous step today I want you to read this bill, SB 1075, and look at where in regard to interstate banking, and 1 think that the members there is public access to the question of acquisitions. In fact, of all committees who worked on this bill have made a tre- there is not any. There is not one place where the general mendous effort to make sure that there are provisions to public has to be notified that there will be an acquisition of a protect the economic development and well-being of the Com- bank in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. My amendment monwealth. requiring newspaper notification is the only public informa- l think the Murphy amendment adds an added protection. tion, the only public notice provided for in this whole act. So It enables this House and enables the public to have an over- you are depending entirely on the Secretary of Banking to sight position on the status of interstate banking. Therefore, make the decisions for the people in this Commonwealth. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the Murphy amendment and When we talk about the Community Reinvestment Act, it is would hope that my colleagues would vote in the affirmative. Federal legislation that happened about 10 years ago because Thank you, Mr. Speaker. there was wholesale redlining by some financial institutions in this Commonwealth and various municipalities in the State, WELCOMES redlining in both the residential and the commercial markets. So to suggest that the Secretary of Banking and the advisory The SPEAKER. We have in the gallery Gold Card Club committee should use that information that is already members from Bethel Park. They are the guests of Represen- available is not asking for anybody to do any more work. The tative Langtry and Representative Book. Welcome to the hall information is in fact available. My concern is that many of the House. We are delighted to have you. people will not know that it is available unless we require them We are honored to have as our guest Senator Carmen A. to look at it. It is very simply asking people to make a more Orechio, who is the President of the New Jersey State Senate reasoned decision on the basis of the information available. and the vice chairman of the Eastern Regional Conference of TO deny that is only to say that what the banks want for Penn- the Council of State Governments. He is here with Mr. Alan sylvania is what is best for Pennsylvanians regardless of what Sokolow, whom we have met before, of course, who is the the rest of the people know, because in fact the rest of the director of the eastern office of the Council of State Govern- people will not know anything; they are beheld in ignorance. ments. We are delighted to have you here. 1 have here lists of papers from financial institutions showing the availability of mortgages in the State, all of them CONSIDERATION OF SB 1075 CONTINUED sent to real estate agents around the State saying, come and get it; we have lots of mortgage money. But in fact in almost he SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from every one of these, they have minimum loaned amount, Allegheny, Mr. Michlovic, on the Murphy amendment. $40,000; minimum loaned amount, $30,000. For some of us Mr. MICHLOVIC. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. who represent modest-income areas, what you are in effect ~r.speaker, let us really talk about what this amendment by these sheets is, you may as well not try to sell a is about. house in a neighborhood that has values below $40,OCO There are people in this State who do not know there is a because there is no mortgage money available for you. State Department of Banking, much less go to it for informa- N~~,that is the kind of information that 1 like to tion. What we are talking about in this amendment is people know about and I am sure all of you would, and you all want having information. How can you vote against people having to vote for the legislation here because of language in there the information to determine whether Proper investments are that encourages the banks to provide mortgages to low- and going into their county? I cannot believe that people can vote moderate.income in low. and moderate-income neigh- against that when the information is provided for anyway. borhoods. yet, if you do not have the information to judge With computerization, it is no more difficult for them to that, how are you going to know where the mortgages go in provide this information. The fact is, a vote against this this ~~~~~~~~~lth?~h~tinformation is already reported to amendment keeps the information from people. and that is a Federal agency, so why would you be against requiring the what the banking industry would like You to do. That is what secretary of ~anki~~to get that information? 1 do not know the issue is. Now let us call it straight. Vote for that Murphy ,hy you would be it unless it would provide some amendment that gives your constituents a chance to at least information on a part of what the banks are evaluate banking and what those banks are doing in your own doing in this state. district. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I believe that the banks are important to the Common- he SPEAKER. On the Murphy amendment for the second wealth, important to the business, but 1 am not prepared to time, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. tell the banks that they can do what they want in this State Murphy. without some oversight. That is why my very modest amend- Mr. MURPHY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. ment provides some very modest oversight. It requires the I did not expect this amendment to cause any controversy. banks to let people know when mergers are going to take place It really is simply a sunshine amendment making information 1156 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10, and it requires us to look at the information [hat is available Colafella Cruitza Michlovic to know where those residential loans are being given and to Cole Haluska Mrkanic Irvis, Cowell Harper Murphy Speaker know where commercial loans are being giver1 so when com- Delufa panies in Fayette County and other counties in this State NAYS-135 cannot get a loan to expand their businesses, we are going to eventually know that, and we ought to then provide some pen- Afflerbach Dorr McVerry Saurman Angstadt Duffy Mackawski Scheetz alties for that bank when they are taking deposits out of that Argall Durham Maiale Schuler county but not putting in mortgages and loans. That is all we Arty Evans Manmiller Semmel are asking, to monitor the good rhetoric we have in this legis- Barber Fargo Mayernik Serafini Barley Flick Merry Seventy lation. For that reason I urge your support of this amend- Birmelin Fox Micozzie Showers ment. Thank you. Black Freind Miller Sirianni The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Book Gallagher Maehlmann Smith, B. Bawser Gallen Morris Smith, L. E. Allegheny, Mr. McVerry. Bayes Cannon Mowery Snyder, D. W, Mr. McVERRY. Mr. Speaker, with all due respect to my Brandt Gladeck Nahill Snyder, G. colleague, I think this amendment is much ado about little or Bunt Godshall Noye Stairs Burd Greenwood O'Brien Steighner nothing. I submit to you that the need to publish the intention Burns Gruppa Olasz Stevens to merge or the intention to acquire a bank has about as much Bush Hagarty Perzel Stuban interest to John Q. Public as an analogy that i will not put in Carlsan Hasay Petronc Swift Cessar Hayes Phillips Taylor, E. Z. words before this honorable body. And that is the only public Chadwick Herman Piccola Taylor. F. notice that is required, the only other notice that is required, Cimini Hershey Pievaky Taylor, J. to give information to us, as members of the General Assem- Civera Honaman Pitts Telek Clark Howlett Pott Trello bly, who are supposed to represent that public. If we want the Clymer Jackson Pressmann Truman information, it is readily accessible to us. All you have to do is Cordisco Jaralin Preston Vroon call the Secretary of Banking and you can have it. Represent Cornell Johnson Punt Wambach Coslett Kasunic Raymond Weston your constituents in that fashion. COY Kennedy Reinard Wiggins I urge a negative vote. DeVerter Kenney Rieger Wilson The SPEAKER. On the amendment for the second time, Daley Kosinski Robbins Wogan Davies Langtry Roebuck Wright, D. R. the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Fayette, Mr. Taylor. Dietz Lashinger Rudy Wright, 1. L. Mr. F. TAYLOR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Dininni Lescovitz Ryan Wright, R. C. I rise to continue to oppose the amendment. Basically all Distler Lncyk Rybak Yandrisevils Danatucci McClatchy Saloom you are going to have is a lot of redundancy here; you are NOT VOTING-3 going to have duplication. And let me say, we have the Penn- sylvania Bulletin, and I daresay that out of the 203 members Cohen Livengood Wazniak of this House, nobody reads that publication either. 1 would EXCUSED-0 think that out of these publications and information that would be put out there, Poor Richard's Almanac would prob- The question was determined in the negative, and the ably be read more broadly than what that is going to be read. amendments were not agreed to. It just is going to be an additional cost, it is going to be addi- On the question recurring, tional duplication, and I want to tell you, I do not think it will Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? serve much purpose because there is ample notification there Mr. DORR offered the following amendments No. A2795: now, and if they want to find it, the Secretary of Banking has Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116), page 13, line 20, by striking out it and we can get it. Thank you very much. "SHALL HAVE BEEN" and inserting On the question recurring, may be Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116), page 13, line 22, by striking out Will the House agree to the amendments? "SHALL HAVE BEEN" and inserting The following roll call was recorded: -may be Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 1161, page 13, line 24, by striking out "SHALL HAVE BEEN" and inserting & Acosta Hutchinion O'Donnell Baldwin -. ltkin Oliver On the question, Battisto Deal Josephs Petrarca Will the House agree to the amendments? Belardi Dombrowski Kukovich Pislella Belfanti Fattah Laughlin Reber The SPEAKER. On that question, the Chair recognizes the Blaum Fee Letterman Richardson gentleman from York, Mr. Dorr. Boriner Fischer Levdansky Staback Bowley Foster Linton Stewart Mr. DORR. Mr. Speaker, I may be wrong, but 1 think this Broujos Freeman Lloyd Sweet is an agreed-to amendment. But 1 think the issue is one that Caltagirone Fryer McCall Tigue Cappabianca Gamble McHale Van Horne we face often enough that we ought to give some thought to it. Carn Ceist Manderino Veon Cawley George Markasek Wass 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1157

This bill is written so that members of outside soecial inter- I Clymer Herman Perzel Veon est groups - that is, certain interest groups - may dictate who ahe en Hershey Petrarca Vroon Colafella Honaman Petrone Wambach the appointees shall be of the Governor with regard to an Cole Hutchinson Phillips Wass advisory committee to this government. Cordisco Itkin Piccola Weston Mr. Speaker, I think that is bad public policy. We have Cornell Jackson Pievsky Wilson Coslett Jarolin Pistella Wogan done it on numerous occasions, and that kind of thing is Cawell Johnson Pitts Worniak replete through our laws. I think they are bad laws in that coy Jasephs P~tt Wright, D. R. respect. I would like the members to give some thought to leg- Deluca Kasunic Pressman" Wright, J. L. DeWeese Kennedy Preston Wright, R. C. islation that is being introduced from time to time which con- Dalev Kennev Punt Yandrisevits tains these kinds of provisions and determine whether we Davies Kosinski Raymond cannot write it a different way. Dawida Kukovich Reber Irvis, Deal Langtry Reinard Speaker I have not gone a long way in this amendment. What 1 have Dietz done is to make those lists that are supplied by the outside NAYS-15 groups, to make the Governor's appointment a "may" appointment from those lists. I have no objection to citizens Acosta Evans Maiale Serafini Barber Cladeck Miller Truman of this Commonwealth, whether they are from a group or oth- Boyes Howlett Richardson Wiggins erwise, making suggestions to the Governor as to who ought Clark Levdansky Roebuck to be appointed, but, Mr. Speaker, I do not think we ought to NOT VOTING-3 write them into law. I do not think we ought to delegate that DeVerter Hagarty Staback responsibility to those groups definitely. EXCUSED-0 I ask, Mr. Speaker, that the members vote in favor of this amendment changing those provisions to "may ." The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes amendments were aereed to. the gentleman from Fayette, Mr. Taylor. On the question, Mr. F. TAYLOR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as I agree with Mr. Dorr. I think that they should not be amended? directed and dictated to and that they "may" make those appointments, and I would ask for an affirmative vote on this The SPEAKER. The House will stand at ease. There is no amendment. sense in our trying to go forward, because this is the only bill we have currently ready and Mr. Broujos has amendments On the question recurring, which are not yet duplicated or circulated. Will the House agree to the amendments? The amendment, Mr. Broujos, which had been circulated is The following roll call was recorded: the one we are informed you have withdrawn. The amend- YEAS-183 ment you wish to offer is not yet duplicated and, therefore, not yet circulated. Afflerbach Dininni Lashinger Rieger Ang~tadt Distler Laughlin Robbins Argall Dombrowski Lescovitz Rudy JUDICIARY COMMITTEE MEETING Arty Donatucci Letterman Ryan Baldwin Dorr Lint on Rybak The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Barley Duffy Livengood Saloom Baitisto Durham Lloyd Saurman Greene, Mr. DeWeese. Belardi Fargo Lucyk Scheetz Mr. DeWEESE. Mr. Speaker, the House Judiciary Com- Belfanti Fattah McCall Schulfr mittee will meet tomorrow at 9:30 at the back of the hall of Birmelin Fee McCiatchy Scmmel Black Fischcr McHale Seventy the House. The change in the scene of the meeting is due to Blaum Flick McVerry Showers the Speaker's announced schedule for tomorrow. Nine-thirty, Book Faster Mackawski Sirianni House Judiciary Committee meeting tomorrow morning. Bortner Fox Manderino Smith, B. Bowley Freeman Manmiller Smith. L. E. Thank you. Bowser Freind Markosek Snyder, D. W The SPEAKER. Mr. DeWeese, the House goes in session at Brandt Frver Maycrnik Snyder. C. 9:30. Broujos Gallagher Mcrry Stairs Bunt Gallen Michlavic Steighner Mr. DeWEESE. Sir, with all due respect, we will take a Burd Gamble Micozzie Stevens quorum, we will recess at that time, and then at the first break Burns Gannan Maehlmann Stewart of the House, we will commence with the rest of our commit- Bush Geist Morris Stuban Caltagirone George Mowers Sweet tee business. Cappabianca Godshall Mrkonic Swift The SPEAKER. Fine. That will be acceptable. Carlson Greenwood Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Carn Cruitza Nahill Taylor, F. Cawley Cruppo Noyc Taylor, J. Cessar Haluska O'Brien Telek Chadwick Harper O'Donnell Tigut Cimini Hasay Olasz Trello Civera Hayes Oliver Van Harne LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

COMMITTEE MEETING CANCELED shares, it must first form a Pennsylvania bank holding company. Presently under this act, if a bank holding company The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from of Maryland would come into Pennsylvania, that bank Philadelphia, Mr. Oliver. Why do you rise, sir? holding company is organized and structured under Maryland Mr. OLIVER. Mr. Speaker, the State Government Com- law. There is no requirement, of course, that that bank mittee was to meet tomorrow morning at 9:30. Because of the holding company in Maryland have a majority of directors fact that we will be in session, that meeting will be canceled. I from Pennsylvania. Therefore, when it acquires control of an will call a meeting later on in the day. institution in Pennsylvania, that control is by a Maryland cor- The SPEAKER. Very well. poration. This amendment says that first you form a Pennsyl- vania bank holding company, and that bank holding RESOLUTIONS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE comDanv. . in Pennsvlvania must have a maioritv-. of directors which shall be residents of Pennsylvania. HR 303, PN 3580 By Rep. MANDERINO Now, this is important, because the existing law is that a Designating the week of June 15 through June 21, 1986, as bank in Pennsylvania must have, under section 1403 of the "Safety in the Workplace Week" in Pennsylvania. Bank Code, two-thirds of its directors as residents of Pennsyl- RULES. vania, which means under the present act we are not only HR 304, PN 3581 By Rep. MANDERINO reducing the Pennsylvania control but we are eliminating the Amending House Resolution No. 192, adopted December 11, basic control of the basic organization, the holding company. 1985, entitled "A Resolution establishing an investigatory com- The control would be, under this act, under a Maryland mittee to investigate the circumstances preceding and existing holding company. Now, I want to emphasize the fact that during and subsequent to the massive flooding of the Pennsylvania banks, under section 1403, require two-thirds of Monongahela River Basin which occurred on and around November 5, 1985," providing for a survey of Presidentially the directors to be residents of Pennsylvania, and you, the leg- declared disasters in Pennsylvania in 1985. islators, put that in for a reason. You want Pennsylvania to have control of these banks because you want local people to RULES. make the decisions. HR 305, PN 3582 By Rep. MANDERINO What happens if you do not have local control? The results Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the development of of interstate banking, under a Federal Reserve study, indicate the world's first all-electronic computing device. that five-in average of States-five institutions control 75 RULES. percent of domestic deposits in those States. That is control. In 1982, in Pennsylvania, five institutions controlled 30 HR 306, PN 3583 By Rep. MANDERINO percent; in 1985, five institutions controlled 50 percent. The Amending House Resolution No. 207, adopted December 11, greater the concentration of banking institutions, the less 1985, entitled "A resolution establishing a special committee to investigate the Pennsylvania State Police," increasing the competition there is, the less service there is, the higher prices funding allocated for the special committee's investigation. there are, and the less loan money is available for small busi- nesses. RULES. We give lip service to small businesses when we let an act such as this come in and create an interstate system without CONSIDERATION OF SB 1075 CONTINUED regard to the practices that those companies are going to go On the question recurring, about. What do they do? The small business locally is known Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as to the local hanker, the local bank director. He plays golf with amended? him, he plays softball with him, he goes to Kiwanis with him, Mr. BROUJOS offered the following amendment No. he has lunch with him. Have you ever seen a director from A2919: Mellon Bank come in and have lunch with somebody in Farmers Trust Company in Carlisle? Have you ever seen them Amend Sec. 2 (Sec. 116), page 4, line 7, by inserting after go out and play golf with them? Have you ever seen them "mav"- form a Pennsylvania bank holding company, a understand their problems, know their business, know their majority of the directors of which shall be residents employees? The local director and the local manager are of Pennsylvania, to people who make the intangible decisions about loans and the On the question, risks that have started a heck of a lot of people on the way to Will the House agree to the amendment? business that a big bank would never consider. And in addition, consider that the bottom-line philosophy The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes means that the larger banks are not going to look at small the gentleman from Cumberland, Mr. Broujos. businesses. They will say, we have to have investment on our Mr. BROUJOS. Mr. Speaker, this amendment provides assets. They will say, we want to take this $10-million loan to that where a bank holding company of another State, on page a company or million-dollar loan to a company; that is the 4, line 7, seeks to acquire control of an institution or a Penn- simple way, that is the quick way, that is the cheap way; we do sylvania holding company or 5 percent or more of the voting 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1159

not want a lot of small business loans. No matter how much The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from they say they will do it, no matter how much this act tries to Fayette, Mr. Taylor. say that the Banking Secretary will try to guarantee, will try to Mr. F. TAYLOR. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. oversee that services are guaranteed, they will not be done I rise to also oppose the amendment. Basically, what we are unless you insure that they are done by some modicum of going to create here is additional entities in banking that do local control. not need to be there. If they want to come into the State, the The history is that there have been larger charges for retail way it is set up presently, they can come in. The bank that banking services as there has been greater concentration. they are going to take over, the board of directors already has Small businesses are denied the fair share of their loans. We to be two-thirds Pennsylvanians, and we will just set up must keep competition in the market. A highly competitive another entity that they have to go through. I think it would banking system of a large number of banks providing small be just additional costs. 1 do not think that there will be any business and small deposit services with reasonable charges is benefits derived from it. our goal. Those small banks have the capacity now to make I know that the hour is late and I know that John would like large loans by participation. The big banks tell me that; the to have it his way and Frank would like to have it his way, but sponsors of this bill tell me that. Really, they say, if we want I see the PBA (Pennsylvania Bankers Association) is getting it to go out and make a big loan for somebody, we can partici- this way today, so let us go ahead and defeat this amendment pate with other banks, and that participation bas a great value also. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. - it spreads the risk. The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes The result then of the limited number of banks controlled the gentleman from York, Mr. Dorr. by fewer people is a risk to small businesses. Banks make busi- Mr. DORR. Mr. Speaker, I think the members who have ness judgments. When they make those business judgments in had the experience of the banks in their hometowns or com- a volatile and unpredictable economy, individual mismanage- munities acquired by other banks ought to give some serious ment may occur. We had mismanagement in First Pennsyl- consideration to this amendment. What has happened to you, vania on two different occasions. First Pennsylvania thought in all likelihood, is that when those banks are acquired, for that they would go out and seek a number of loans because of maybe a brief period of time the new big bank retains a local the low interest. Because of those bad decisions, they were in board of directors. Sooner or later, however, the bottom deep financial trouble. The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance liners at headquarters convince the bankers that it is no longer Corporation) did not walk in and pay because it would have necessary to have that local board of directors. It is just a drag cost too much. The FDIC went in and took control and on our profits. And that is the kind of argument you heard managed and still controls, to a certain extent. The Great from the gentleman, Mr. Smith. Just another layer of bureau- Continental Illinois Bank has the FDIC running it. We sit here cracy. today and we turn our eyes, we turn our ears, from the fact Mr. Speaker, I suggest to the members that that is not, in that there have been serious bank problems, and we permit fact, the case, that those local directors do represent their those same problems to be incorporated into our system by an community in the corporate structure of the new bank. They ever-increasing concentration of power in a few banks speak up for the downtown. They speak up for the neighbor- without insuring local control. hood. They speak up for the financial development of your The value of this bill is that it does permit interstate recipro- community the way you want it to develop, not the way the cal banking. It permits a Maryland bank to come into Penn- big city bankers want it to develop. sylvania. It simply says, you have to have a majority of direc- I would request, Mr. Speaker, that you give some serious tors in the local holding company. That does not occur now consideration to the Broujos amendment, which will keep in under this bill; it does occur with two-thirds of the directors place some Pennsylvanians on the banks that are coming in who are in existing banks. We certainly do not want to have here from out of State. less than that. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from 1 ask that you support this as a simple bill which says direc- Jefferson, Mr. Smith. tors of a holding company are going to be a majority of Penn- Mr. L. E. SMITH. 1 will be very brief. sylvanians. Holding company, form one, and then go about The two-thirds requirement is already in the bill, and what your business. I ask for an affirmative vote on this bill. Representative Dorr is talking about are the directors on the The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from holding company. I do not think it makes any difference who Jefferson, Mr. Smith. the directors of the holding company are, as long as the local Mr. L. E. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, 1 know the members are bank has two-thirds of its directors Pennsylvania residents. weary of interstate banking amendments. Hopefully, this is The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from the last one I am going to have to resist. Lehigh, Mr. Afflerbach, for the first time. What this- If I were a bank accountant, I might be able to Mr. AFFLERBACH. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. see through this a little better, hut this just adds another layer Will Mr. Broujos stand for brief interrogation? of corporate bureaucracy in this legislation and could possibly The SPEAKER. Mr. Broujos indicates he will so stand. affect the Treasury of Pennsylvania down the road. So I You may proceed, Mr. Afflerbach. would ask for a negative vote. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Mr. AFFLERBACH. Mr. Speaker, do you know whether This amendment provides for a bank holding company to be or not any of the other States that are in the proposed created, which is the normal practice - not what this bill says, compact have enacted this kind of a provision into their but is the normal practice - because a bank holding company enabling legislation? will form one in Pennsylvania and then have a local bank Mr. BROUJOS. I have checked some other States for their transfer to what is known as a phantom bank. It is a rather requirements. West Virginia does in fact have a requirement elaborate structure, hut it will not create a layer. for a majority of directors. Other States, in their reciprocal And as far as creating a layer, hanks form corporations in a provision: Maryland is generous in it, they do not mind too twinkling of an eye. You yourself have provided, in the busi- much other changes by States; Michigan is not unduly restrict- ness corporation law, the simplest possible way to form a cor- ive; New Jersey has some tough provisions; Kentucky, Con- poration in a matter of minutes - name, address, stock, capital necticut, and Washington have some restrictions. I am aware structure, name of directors, and in a couple of minutes it can that the requirement for domestic membership and residence be formed. So that is not a good reason. is prevalent throughout the United States in States. 1 know of Finally, nobody, nobody who has spoken has addressed the nothing that would prevent this from being reciprocal. harm done to small businesses. Nobody has said that that Mr. AFFLERBACH. Thank you. small business community will not be harmed. They will be I now wish to comment on the amendment itself, Mr. harmed, and this is a simple way to help keep some modicum Speaker. of control locally. I ask for your support for this amendment. The SPEAKER. The gentleman is in order, and he may On the auestion recurring,. proceed. Will the House agree to the amendment? Mr. AFFLERBACH. As the gentleman, Mr. Smith, indi- cated. havine-. iust reviewed this for the Dast 15 minutes. it is The following roll call was recorded: difficht for me to ascertain what the projected impact'may I YEAS-48 be, but I would suspect that it will greatly inhibit the intent of Baldwin Dietz Kukovich Petrarca the legislation. Belardi Dorr Laughlin Pistella I also suspect that the surrounding States that we propose Belfanti Durham Levdansky Salaom to include in the regional compact are not this restrictive with B1aum Foster Linton Scheetz Bartner Freeman Livengood Smith, B. respect to the directors of their holding company or in terms Bowley George Lloyd Snyder, G. of requiring Pennsylvania holding companies or Pennsylvania Braujas Gruitza McHale Stewart institutions to create a holding company in that particular Caltagirone Haluska Mackowski Stuban Cawley Hayes Michlovic Tigue State, under that particular State's law, nor do I think would Clark Herman Morris Veon we want them to retaliate in such a fashion. The fact of the Cole Hutchinsan Mrkanic Wass matter is that Pennsylvania stands in a very prime position in Dawida Josephs Murphy Wozniak the financial industry to be able to move into the other States, NAYS-I50 in most cases, to a far greater degree than they would be able A~~~~~ Dininni Lescovitr Roebuck to move into Pennsylvania, and I would hate to see retaliatory Afflerbach Distler Letterman Rudy restrictiveness by the other States in exchange for this particu- Dombrowski Lucyk Ryan i:E;;dt Donatucci McCall Rybak lar provision. Arty Duffy McClatchy Saurman Therefore, I ask for defeat of this amendment. Barber Evans McVerry Schuler The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Fargo Maiale Semmel i:::;io Fee Manderino Scrafini Cumberland, Mr. Broujos, for the second time on the amend- ~i~~~\i,,Fischer Manmiller Seventy ment. Black Flick Markasek Showers Mr. BROUJOS. If 1 could have the attention of the House, Fox Mayernik Sirianni :z::er Freind Merry Smith, L. E. Mr. Speaker, there are some misstatements that have been B~~~~ Fryer Micozzie Snyder, D. W. made that must be clarified. Brandt Gallagher Miller Staback Number one, when anyone says this will create another ""' Gallen Moehlmann Stairs Burd Gamble Mowery Steighner structure in a bureaucracy, another layer, they are absolutely B,,,, Cannon Nahill Stevens false, and here is the reason: I will ask anyone who com- Bush Geist Noye Swift mented to stand up and say that this is not in fact the way in Gladeck O'Brien Taylor, E. Z. E:pi:p Gadshall O'Donnell Taylor, F. which a foreign bank holding company comes into Pennsyl- c,,, Greenwood Olasr Taylor, I. vania and acquires a Pennsylvania bank now. The manner in Cessar Gruppa Oliver Telek which there is procurement of a local bank is by creation of a Hagarty Perzel Trello E?!'?? Harper Petrone Truman holding company. Bank holding companies form bank ci,,,, Hasay Phillips Van Horne holding companies now. Under this bill it says a foreign Clymer Herqhey Piccola Vroon Maryland bank holding company can come in and acquire a 'Ohen Honaman Pievsky Wambaeh Cordisco Howlett Pitts Weslon bank, and that permits that bank holding company to come cornell ltkin Pot1 Wiggins into Pennsylvania without forming a hank holding company. Coslett Jackson Pressman" Wilson Cowell Jarolin Preston Wogan COY Johnson Punt Wright, D. R. 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1161

Deluca Kasunic Raymond Wright, J. L. DeVerter Kennedy Reber Wright, R. C. DeWeese Kenney Reinard Yandrisevits Broujos Foster McCall Richardson Daley Kosinski Richardson Caltagirone Freeman Miller Scheetz Davits 1.angtry Rieger Irvis, Carn Fryer Moehlmann Wass Deal Lashinger Rabbins Speaker Dininni Ciladeck NOT VOTING-3 NOT VOTING-5 Colafella Fattah Sweet Blaum Davies Gannan Laughlin Daley EXCUSED-0 EXCUSED-0 The question was determined in the negative, and the amendment was not agreed to. The majority required by the Constitution having voted in the affirmative. the auestion was determined in the affirma- On the question recurring, tive and the bill passes finally. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as ordered, ~h~~ the clerk return the same to the senatewith amended? the information that the House has passed the same with Bill as amended was agreed to. amendment in which the concurrence of the Senate is The SPEAKER. This bill has been considered on three dif- requested. ferent days and agreed to and is now on final passage. The question is, shall the bill pass finally? REMARKS ON VOTES Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken. The SPEAKER. Why does the gentleman from Lycoming, Mr. Cimini, rise? YEAS-182 Mr. CIMINI. I would like to change a vote on one of the Acosta Distler Letterman Rudy amendments. Is it appropriate at this time? Afnerbach Dombrowski Levdansky Ryan The SPEAKER. The gentleman will make the statement. Angstadt Donatucci Linton Rybak Argall Dorr Livengood Salaom Mr. CIMINI. On Representative Chadwick's amendment Art" Duffv Llovd Saurman No. A2831. 1 inadvertentlv voted in the neeative. I would like Ba~hwin Durham ~ucyk Schuler the record to show that I would have voted in the affirmative. Barber Evans McClatchy Semmel Barley Fargo McHale Serafini Thank you. Battista Fattah McVerry Seventy The SPEAKER. The gentleman's remarks will be spread Belardi Fee Mackowski Showers upon the record. Belfanti Fischer Maiale Sirianni Birmelin Flick Manderina Smith. B. Why does the gentleman from Delaware, Mr. Cannon, Black Fox Manmiller smith; L. E. rise? Book Freind Markosek Snyder, D. W. Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, my switch did not function Bortner Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, G. Bowley Gallen Merry Staback on final passage of SB 1075, and I would like to be recorded in Bawser Gamble Michlavic Stairs the affirmative. Boyes Geist Micazzie Steighner The SPEAKER. The gentleman's remarks will be spread Brandt George Morris Stevens upon the record. Bunt- ~ ~~ Gadshall Mowerv Stewart Burd Greenwood Mrkanic Stuban Burns Gruitra Murphy Sweet BILLS ON THIRD Bush Gruppo Nahill Swift Ca~pabianca Hagarty Noye Taylor, E. Z. CONSIDERATION CONTINUED ails son Haluska O'Brien Taylor, F. Cawley Harper O'Dannell Taylor, J. The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 2508, Cessar Hasay Olasl Telek PN 3515, entitled: Chadwick~~ ~-Haves , Oliver Ticue Cimini Herman Perzel ~rello An Act to provide from the General Fund for the expenses of Civera Hershey Petrarca Truman the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the Com- Clark Honaman Pelrone Van Horne Clymer Howleu Phillips Vean monwealth, the public debt and for the public schools for the Cohen Hutchinson Piccola vroon fiscal year July 1, 1986, to June 30, 1987, and for the payment of Colafella ltkin Pievsky Wambach bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year Cole Jackson Pistella Weston ending June 30, 1986; to provide appropriations from the Penn- Cordisca Jarolin Pitts Wiggins sylvania Economic Revitalization Fund to the Executive Depart- Cornell Johnson POCI wiisin ment; to provide for the appropriation of Federal funds to the Coslett Josephs Pressman" Wogan Executive and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth and Cowell Kasunic Preston Worniak for the establishment of restricted receipt accounts for the fiscal Cay Kennedy Punt Wright, D. R. year July 1, 1986, to June 30, 1987, and for the payment of bills Deluca Kenney Raymond Wright, J. L. incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year DeVerter Kosinski Reber Wright, R. C. DeWeese Kukovich Reinard Yandrisevits ending July 30, 1986, and providing additional appropriations to Dawida Langtry Riegrr the Executive Department of the Commonwealth for the fiscal Deal Lashinger Robbins lrvis. year July 1, 1985, to June30, 1986. Dietz Lescovitr Roebuck Speaker LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

On the question, NOT VOTING-13 Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Angstadt Cahen Kasunic Sweet Any Dombrowski Levdansky Wiggins RULES SUSPENDED Barber Evans Mowery Wogan Cappabianca The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from EXCUSED-0 Franklin, Mr. Coy. Why do you rise? A majority of the members elected to the House having Mr. COY. Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend rule 77 to allow voted in the affirmative, the question was determined in the for the adoption of a special rule concerning the limiting of affirmative and the motion was agreed to. debate on the upcoming bill. The SPEAKER. This is on a temporary suspension of the MOTION TO LIMIT DEBATE rules so that a rule may be adopted by the House limiting debate. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from On the question, Franklin, Mr. Coy. Will the House agree to the motion? Mr. COY. Mr. Speaker, I move to amend the rules to limit debate for each member to speak one time for no more than 2 The following roll call was recorded: minutes on any given amendment for the duration of the YEAS-176 debate on HB 2508. Acosta Dietz Laughlin Roebuck On the question, Afflerbach Dininni Lescavitz Rudy Argall Distler Letterman Ryan Will the House agree to the motion? Baldwin Donatucci Lintan Rybak The following roll call was recorded: Barley Duffy Livengoad Saloom Battista Durham Lloyd Saurman YEAS-155 Belardi Fargo Lucyk Scheetz Belfanti Fattah McCall Schuler Acosta Dawida Linton Rudy Birmelin Fee McClatchy Semmel Afflerbach Dietz Livengood Ryan Black Fischer McVerry Serafini Angstadt Distler Lloyd Rybak Blaum Flick Mackawski Seventy Argall Dombrowski Lucyk Saloom Book Foster Maiale Showers Arty Donatucci McCall Saurman Bortner Fox Manderino Sirianni Baldwin Duffy McClatchy Scheetz Bowley Freind Manmiller Smith, B. Barley Durham McVerry Schuler Bowser Fryer Markorek Smith, L. E. Battista Fattah Mackowski Semmel Boyes Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, D. W. Belardi Fee Maiale Serafini Brandt Gamble Merry Staback Belfanti Fischer Manderino Seventy Broulas Cannon Michlovic Stairs Birmelin Flick Manmiller Showers Bunt Geist Micorzie Steighner Black Fox Markosek Sirianni Burd George Moehlmann Stevens Book Gamble Mayernik Smith. L. E. Burns Godshall Morris Stewart Bartner Gannon Merry Snyder, D. W. Bush Grrenwood Mrkonic Stuban Bowley George Michlovic Staback Caltagirone Gruitza Murphy Swift Bayes Gadshall Micorrie Stairs Carlson Gruppo Nahill Taylor, E. Z. Brandt Gruppo Miller Steighner Carn Hagarty Noye Taylor. F. Broujos Hagarty Morris Stevens Cawley Haluika O'Brien Taylor, J. Bunt Haluska Mrkonic Stewart Cessar Harper O'Donnell Telek Burd Harper Murphy Stuban Chadwick Hasay Olasz Trello Burns Hasay Nahill Swift Cimini Hayes Oliver Truman Bush Hayes Noye Taylor, E. Z. Civera Herman Perzel Van Harne Caltagirone Herman O'Brien Taylor, F. Clark Hershey Petrarfa Veon Carlson Hershey O'Donnell Taylor, 1. Clymer Honaman Petrone Vroon Carn Honaman Olasz Telek Colafella Howlett Phillips Wambach Cessar Hawlett Oliver Trello Cole Hutchinson Pievsky Was$ Chadwick Hutchinson Perzel Truman Cornell ltkin Pistella Weston Cimini ltkin Petrarca Van Horne Coslett Jackson Pitts Wilson Civera Jackson Petrone Veon Cowell Jarolin Poll Wozniak Clark Johnson Phillips Wass COY Johnson Pressmann Wright, D. R. Clymer Josephs Pievsky Weston Deluca Josephs Preston Wright, 1. L. Cole Kasunic Pitts Wilson DeVerter Kennedy Punt Wright, R. C. Carnell Kennedy Pott Warniak DeWeese Kenney Raymond Yandrisevits Caslett Kenney Pressman" Wright, D. R. Daley Kasinski Reinard Cawell Kosinski Punt Wright, 1. L. Davies Kukovich Rieger Irvis. COY Langtry Raymond Wright, R. C. Dawida Langtry Robbins Speaker DeVener Lashinger Reinard Deal Lashinger DeWeese Laughlin Rieger Irvis, NAYS-12 Daley Levdansky Robbins Speaker Davies Cardisco Gallen Miller Richardson Dorr Gladeck Piccola Snyder, G. Freeman McHale Reber Tigue


Cordisco Howlett Piccola Wambach Baldwin Durham Livengood Rybak Cornell Hutchinson Pievskv Wass 1 Barlev Evans Lloyd Saloom Coslett ltkin pistella Weston Battiito Farga Lucyk Saurman Cowell Jackson Pitts Wiggins Belardi Fattah McCall Scheetz COY Jaralin Pott Wilson Belfanti Fee McClarchy Schuler Deluca Johnson Pressmann Wozniak Birmelin Fischer McHale Sernmel DeVeRer Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. Black Flick McVerry Serafini DeWeese Kennedy Punt Wright, J. L. Blaum Foster Mackowski Seventy Dales Kenney Raymond Wright, R. C. I Book Fax Maiale Showers Davies Kosinski Reber Yandrisevits Bortner Freeman Manderino Sirianni Dawida Kukovich Reinard Bowley Freind Manmiller Smith, B. Deal Langtry Richardson Irvis, Bowser Fryer Markosek Smith, L. E. Dietz Lashinger Rieger Speaker Boyes Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, D. W. NAYS- I Brandt Gallen Merry Snyder, 0. Brauios Gamble Michlovic Staback Gladeck ~unt~ Cannon Micozzie Stairs Burd Geist Miller Steighner NOT VOTING-6 Burns George Moehlmann Stevens Barber Cole O'Brien Wogan Bush Gladeck Morris Stewart Cahen Kasunic Caltagirune Godshall Mawery Stuban Cappabianca Greenwood Mrkonic Sweet EXCUSED-0 Carlson Gruilza Murphy Swift Carn GIUPP~ Nahill Taylor, E. 2. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cawley Hagany Naye Taylor, F. amendment was agreed to. Cessar Haluska O'Brien Taylor. J. Chadwick Harper O'Dannell Telek On the question, Cimini Hasay Olasz Tigue Civera Hayes Oliver Trello Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Clark Herman Perzel Truman amended? Clymer Hershey Petrarca Van Horne Mr. LETTERMAN offered the following amendment No. Colafella Hanaman Petrone Veon Cordisco Howlett Phillips Vroon A2892: Cornell Hurchinson Piccola Wambach Amend Sec. 212, page 83, by inserting between lines 21 and 22 Coslett ltkin Pievsky Wass For grants to resolve problems in community Cowell Jackson Pistella Weston COY Jarolin Pitts Wiggins water systems caused by giardiasis and for the Deluca Johnson Pot1 Wogan improvement of such water systems, in the DeVertec losephs Pressman" Wozniak amount of 50% of thecosts. DeWeese Kasunic Preston Wright, D. R State a~propriation...... 5.000.000. . Dales Kennedy Punt Wriaht. J. L. ~avies Kenney Raymond ~andrisevits On the question, Dawida Kasinski Reber Will the House agree to the amendment? Deal Kukovich Reinard Irvis, Dietz Langtry Richardson Speaker The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Dininni Lashinger the gentleman from Centre, Mr. Letterman. Run the clock. NAYS-0 Mr. LETTERMAN. Mr. Speaker, we have a very serious NOT VOTING-5 situation in the State of Pennsylvania. The Department of Environmental Resources is going out and investigating for Barber Cole Wilson Wright, R. C. Cohen giardiasis, as most of you are aware. They are coming to small EXCUSED-0 communities and telling us that we cannot use our water; we must boil it. They tell them that you will have to replace that The question was determined in the affirmative, and the water with another source. amendment was agreed to. I am asking that you appropriate $5 million to put into the Department of Environmental Resources to give a 50-percent On the question recurring, grant to these small communities to assist them in developing Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as a new and better water system, and 1 do not think that is too amended? much. I ask for an affirmative vote. PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY On the question recurring, The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the minority leader. Will the House agree to the amendment? Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman, Mr. Manderino, The following roll call was recorded: if I could get his attention. 1 know he is busy right now with a discussion. YEAS-196 The SPEAKER. Will someone back there talkine- to the Acosta Distler Laughlin Rieger majority leader indicate to him that his attention is required Afflerbach Dombrowski Lescovitr Robbins by Mr. Ryan. I think you now have his attention, Mr. Ryan. Angstadt Donatucci Letterman Roebuck ~rgall Dorr Levdansky Rudy Arty Duffy Linton Ryan LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, it is my guess only that the as quickly as we can, do not look for people to make speeches. amendments that are going to be offered here today-and 1 Members should not posture. If they have an amendment and understand that there are some 175, 185, 190 amendments to it is a good amendment, a simple explanation to the House, be offered-1 rather think that the bulk of these amendments and if there is any controversy, a quick explanation of that will be accepted, probably every amendment will be accepted, controversy, and I think that in the next 2 days we will get and I am asking the Speaker at this time-and I have already through the budget amendments. But 1 do not think that we talked to the Parliamentarian so that I am not attempting to ought to at this time in the history of the House of Represen- catch the Speaker cold-the following parliamentary inquiry. tatives in Pennsylvania so bastardize-and I will use the word We have had distributed packet No. 1, which consists-and again-the process to the point that it has been suggested. I am guessing this-of exactly 50 amendments. My parlia- The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the minority leader. mentary inquiry goes like this: If this were submitted as an Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, far be it for me to father an ille- amendment, one amendment, and considered as one amend- gitimate offspring in the form of amendments such as these. I ment, would the Chair find this objectionable? And then, if I think the point that Mr. Manderino is missing, and there is may go the next step, because it is a single amendment, the nothing here intended to bastardize the process any further amendment is capable of division so that if one of the than we have already done to it, there is nothing to prevent- members wants to debate against a given amendment, there is if my suggestion had been adopted-there is nothing to nothing under the rules that I am aware of that would pre- prevent, Mr. Manderino, doing exactly what you want to do, clude-assuming that the Speaker found that it was permis- and that is, the amendment is offered in bulk; it is then moved sible to offer it as a packet amendment-there is nothing to be divided; if there is a question that comes up on any one under the rules that would preclude any member from stand- of the divided questions, meaning the individual amendments, ing up on the divided amendment and saying, I would like you there would be an independent vote on that as the rules now to go to number 23, for instance, which is an amendment provide for an amended process. The only thing I was offered, as I look at the packet, by Mr. Book, and debating attempting to do was to ease the process in the House - the that particular amendment. I am going to guess-and this is repetition of calling up each amendment, reading each based on my own experience-that the Chair just in process- amendment, which I think is unnecessary. But far be it for me ing, just in processing these amendments, reading each addi- to try and influence the majority leader, although I note for tional amendment, running a vote on each additional amend- the record that the Speaker said for the record that it was a ment, will use up two-thirds of the time just going through good idea, and I appreciate that. that administrative process of moving the amendments. The SPEAKER. The Speaker may suggest something else Now, the point of parliamentary inquiry. What do you which comes in between the two leaders. Would it be possible think, Mr. Speaker? for us to have the clerk call up the amendment and have the The SPEAKER. The Chair thinks it is a brilliant sugges- Speaker put the question immediately and then only if tion. The Chair finds nothing wrong with that provided the someone wishes to debate, recognize that person. Would that majority leader has checked over the packet and provided that be acceptable? the members have an opportunity to turn through packet No. Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, if you would just look 1 to see that there is nothing in that amendment with which for a few seconds at some of the amendments, you will note they would object. Therefore, the House will stand at ease for that the amendment does very little, if anything, in many a few moments to give you a chance. If there are no objec- cases in telling you anything about what the subject matter is. tions- It simply amends line 33, page 3, by striking out all of said line Has the majority leader made up his mind on it? and inserting State appropriation 600,000. Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, the majority leader The SPEAKER. Very well. The Speaker understands the strenuously objects. explanation, and the majority leader is quite correct. The SPEAKER. Objects? All right. Then it cannot be done Mr. MANDERINO. There is just not enough information that way. in these. Mr. MANDERINO. Mr. Speaker, this process has been The SPEAKER. There is not enough information on the bastardized enough. If the amendments being offered by the printed page to warrant the Speaker's suggestion. Very well. members are worthy, then they ought to he explained and Let us not waste any more time debating the debate; let us get voted on individually. I would agree to the suggestion of Mr. on with it. Ryan if, once the master amendment were offered, 1 could On the question recurring, offer it and I could withdraw it, and we would pass the bill as Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as it came from committee, and that makes eminently more amended? sense than what has just been suggested. Mrs. RUDY offered the following amendment No. A2609: Mr. Speaker, I know that members who have these amend- ments would not agree to that. I would not ask them to agree Amend Sec. 202, page 16, by inserting between lines 13 and 14 For the Women's Mental Health Task Force. to that, and 1 think that we ought to proceed one by one State appropriation ...... 66,000 through the amendments, vote them on their merits, do them


Cimini Hasay Oliver Van Horne Blaurn Fischer McHale Sirianni Civera Hayes Perzel Veon Book Flick McVerry Smith. B. Clark Herman Petrarca Vroan Bortner Foster Mackowski Smith, L. E. Clymer Hershey Phillips Wambach Bowley Fox Maiale Snyder, D. W Calafella Honaman Piccola wass Bowrer Freeman Manmiller Snyder, G. Cole Hutchinson Pistella Weston Boyes Freind Markosek Staback Cordiseo Ltkin Pitts Wiggins Brandt Fryer Mayernik Stairs Cornell Jackson P~tt Wilson Broujos Gallagher Merry Steighner Coilett Jarolin Pressmann Wogan Bunt Gallen Michlovic Stevens Cowell Johnson Preston Worniak Burd Gamble Miller Stewart Cay Josephs Punt Wright, D. R. Burns Gannan Moehlmann Stuban Deluca Kasunic Raymond Wright, J. L. Bush Geist Morris Sweet DeVerter Kennedy Reber Wright, R. C. Caltagirone George Mawery Swift DeWeese Kenney Reinard Yandrisevits Cappabianca Gladeck Mrkonic Taylor, E. 2. Daley Kosinski Richardson Carlson Godshall Murphy Taylor, F. Davies Kukavich Rieger Irvis, Carn Greenwood Nahill Taylor, J. Dawida Langtry Rabbins Speaker Cawley Gruitra Noye Telek Dietr Lashinaer Cessar Gruppo O'Brien Tigue Chadwick Hagarty O'Donnell Trello

Cimini~~~~~~~~~ Haluska Olasz Truman Gruitza Manderino Pievsky Civera Harper Oliver Van Horne Clark Hasay Perzel Veon NOT VOTING-10 Clymer Hayes Petrarca Vroon Barber Deal Maiale Serafini Cahen Herman Petrone Wambach Ballislo Fattah Petrone Trella Calafella Hershey Phillips Wass Cohen Hawlett Cole Hanaman Piccola Weston Cordisca Howleft PisLella Wiggins

EXCUSED-0 Cornell-~~~~~~~ Hutchinson Pitts Wilson~ ~~ Caslelt ltkin Pott Wogan The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cawell Jackson Pressman" Worniak coy Jarolin Preston Wright, D. R. amendment was agreed to. Deluca Johnson Punt Wright, J. L. On the question recurring, DeVerler Josephs Raymond Wright, R. C. DeWeese Kaiunic Reber Yandrisevits Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Daley Kennedy Reinard amended? Davies Kenney Richardson Irvis, Mr. HERMAN offered the following amendment No. Dawida Kasinski Rieger Speaker Deal Kukovich A2550: Amend Sec. 208, page 33, line 3, by striking out all of said line and inserting Manderino Pievsky State appropriation ...... 600,000 NOT VOTING-3 On the question, Barber Micazzie Seraiini Will the House agree to the amendment? EXCUSED-0

The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the The question was determined in the affirmative, and the gentleman from Centre, Mr. Herman. amendment was agreed to. Mr. HERMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This amendment would increase the appropriation to indus- On the question recurring, trial development assistance to $600,000, an increase of Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as $100,000. This money is funneled to your local industrial amended? development agencies for local economic development. Mr. HERMAN offered the following amendment No. I appreciate your support. A2549: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 208, page 33, line 6, by striking out all of said line and inserting Will the House agree to the amendment? State appropriation ...... 15,000,000 The following roll call was recorded: On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment?

Acosta Dietz Langtry Robbins The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Afflerbach Dininni Lashinger Roebuck the gentleman from Centre, Mr. Herman. Angstadt Distler Laughlin Rudy Argall Dombrawski Lescovitz Ryan Mr. HERMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Arty Donatufci Letterman Rybak This amendment would provide $2 million additional Baldwin Dorr Levdansky Saloom money to PIDA, Pennsylvania Industrial Development Barley Duiiy Linton Saurman Battisto Durham Livengoad Scheetz Authority, which is identical to the Governor's request. This Belardi Evans Llovd Schuler monev. of course. is used to orovide low-interest loans to 1168 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

On the question recurring, Mr. KOSINSKI offered the following amendment No. Will the House agree to the amendment? A2714: The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 210, page 46, by inserting between lines 9 and 10 For job training and related supportive ser- YEAS-194 vices in cities of the first class by United Polish Acasta Dietr Langtry Rieger American Social Services. Afflerbach Dininni Lashinger Rabbins State appropriation ...... 151,000 Angstadt Distler Laughlin Roebuck Argall Dombrowski Lescovitz Rudy On the question, Arty Donatucci Letterman Ryan Will the House agree to the amendment? Baldwin Dorr Levdansky Rybak Barley Duffy Linton Salaom The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Battisto Durham Livengood Saurman the gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Kosinski. Belardi Evans Lloyd Scheetr Mr. KOSINSKI. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Belfanti Fargo Lucyk Schuler Birmelin Fattah McCall Semmel This is my annual appearance for this particular amend- Black Fee McClatchy Seventy ment. For the past years I have served in the House, I have Blaum Fischer McHale Showers had the pleasure of putting this line item in the budget. Boak Flick McVerry Sirianni Bortner Faster Mackowski Smith, 9. You may be familiar with the publication The Polish Amer- Bowley Fox Maiale Smith, L. E. ican News that you receive once a month. Part of the informa- Bowser Freeman Manmiller Snyder, D. W. tion in that Polish American News is about United Polish Boyes Fryer Markosek Snyder, G. Brandt Gallagher Mayernik Staback American Social Services. Now, do not be scared off by the Broujas Gallen Merry Stairs title. The main purpose is to provide social services to a dis- Bunt Gamble Michlovic Steighner tinct ethnic group in Philadelphia, the Polish, who have tradi- Burd Cannon Micazzie Stevens Burns Geist Miller Stewart tional barriers to receiving some sort of government programs Bush George Moehlmann Stuban and other remedial help. It provides information to the Caltagirone Gladeck Morris Sweet Polish-American community, but not exclusively. It does help Cappabianca Godshall Mowery Swift Carlson Greenwood Mrkonic Taylor. E. 2. other ethnic groups if they do come in to their offices. Carn Gruitza Murphy Taylor, F. Again, 1 ask for your support, and 1 would appreciate it Cawley Gruppo Nahill Taylor, J. greatly. Cessar Hagarty Noye Telek Chadwick Haluska O'Brien Tigue On the question recurring, Cimini Harper O'Donnell Trella Civera Hasay Olasz Truman Will the House agree to the amendment? Clark Hayes Oliver Van Horne The following roll call was recorded: Clymer Herman Perrel Veon Colafella Hershey Petrarca Vroon YEAS-190 Cole Honaman Petrone Wambach Cardisco Howlett Phillips Wass Acosta Dietz Langtry Rieger Cornell Hutchinson Piccola Westan Angrtadt Dininni Lashinger Robbins Coslett ltkin Pistella Wilson Argall Distler Laughlin Roebuck Cowell Jackson Pitts Wagan Arty Dombrowski Lescavitr Rudy COY Jarolin Pott Worniak Baldwin Donatucci Letterman Ryan Deluca Johnson Pressmann Wright, D. R. Barley Dorr Levdansky Rybak DeVener Jasephs Preston Wright, J. L. Battisto Duffy Linton Saloom DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, R. C. Belardi Durham Livengood Saurman Daley Kennedy Raymond Yandrisevits Belfanti Evans Lloyd Scheetr Davies Kenney Reber Birmelin Fargo Lucyk Schuler Dawida Kasinski Reinard Irvis, Black Fce McCall Semmel Deal Kukovich Richardson Speaker Blaum Fischer McClatchy Seventy NAYS-2 Book Flick McHale Showers Bortner Foster McVerry Sirianni Manderino Pievsky Bowley Fox Mackowrki Smith, 9. NOT VOTING-5 Bowser Freeman Maiale Smith, L. E. Boyes Freind Manmiller Snyder, D. W. Barber Freind Serafini Wiggins Brandt Fryer Markosek Snyder, G. Cohen Broujoi Gallagher Mayernik Staback Bunt Gamble Merry Steighner EXCUSED-0 Burd Cannon Michlovic Stevens Burns Geist Miller Stewart The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Bush George Moehlmann Stuban amendment was agreed to. Caltagirone Gladeck Morris Sweet Cappabianca Godshall Mowery Swift On the question recurring, Carlson Greenwood Mrkonic Taylor, E. Z. Carn Cruitza Murphy Taylor, F. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Cawley Gruppa Nahill Taylor, J. amended? Cessar Hagarty Noye Telek Chadwick Haluska O'Brien Tigue Cimini Harper O'Donnell Trello Civera Hasay Olasr Truman Clark Hayes Oliver Van Horne LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Clymer Herman Perzel Vean Boyes Gamble Mayernik Smith, L. E. Calafella Hershey Petrarca Vroon Brandt Cannon Merry Snyder, D. W Cole Honaman Petrone Wambach Braujos Geist Michlovic Snyder, G. Cordisco Howlett Phillips Wass Bunt George Micozzie Steighner Cornell Hutchinson Piccola Weston Burd Gladeck Miller Stevens Coslett ltkin Pievsky Wilson Burns Godshall Moehlmann Stewart Cowell Jackson Pistella Wogan Bush Greenwood Morris Stuban COY Jaralin Pitts Worniak Caltagirune Gruitra Mowery Sweet Deluca Johnson Pott Wright, D. R. Cappabianca Gruppo Mrkonic Swift DeVerter Josephs Pressmann Wright. J. L. Carlson Hagarty Murphy Taylor, E. Z. DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, R. C. Carn Haluska Nahill Taylor. F. Daley Kennedy Raymond Yandriievita Cawley Harper Noye Taylor, J. Davies Kenney Reber Cessar Hasay O'Brien Telek Dawida Kosinski Reinard Irvis, Chadwick Hayes Trello Deal Kukovich Richardson Speaker Cimini Herman Truman NAYS-3 Civera Hershey Oliver Van Horne Clark Honaman Perzel Veon Afflerbach Manderino Preston Clymer Howlett Petrarca Vroon Colafella Hutchinson Petrone Wambach NOT VOTING-8 Cole~ ~ ltkin~~~~~ Phillios Wass Piccola Weston Barber Fattah Micorrir Stairs Cordisca Jackson Jarolin Pistella Wilson Cahen Gallen Serafini Wiggins Cornell Coslett Johnson Pitls Wogan EXCUSED-0 Cowell Josephs POLL Wozniak Deluca Kasunic Pressmann Wright, D. R. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Daley Kennedy Preston Wright, J. L. Daviei Kenney Punt Wright, R. C. amendment was agreed to. Dawida Kosinski Raymond Yandrisevits On the question recurring, Dietz Kukavich Reber Dininni Langtry Reinard Irvis, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Distler Lashinger Richardson Speaker amended? Dombrow ski Laughlin Rieger Mr. HERMAN offered the following amendment No. NAYS-6 A2559: COY Lloyd Pievsky Tigue Amend Sec. 21 1, page 53, by inserting after line 30 DeWeese Manderina State appropriation ...... 82,000 NOT VOTING-14 On the question, Acosta Cohen Fattah Staback Will the House agree to the amendment? Afflerbach DeVerter Freind Stairs Arty Deal Serafini Wiggins The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Barber Farga gentleman from Centre, Mr. Herman. EXCUSED-0 Mr. HERMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This amendment would provide $82,000 to the United The question was determined in the affirmative, and the States newspaper project. Many of you as members have been amendment was agreed to. contacted by their representatives who have indicated that On the question recurring, they need this money for matching funds from the Federal Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Government to document historical records for the Pennsyl- amended? vania State Library. Mr. RAYMOND offered the following amendments No. 1 would appreciate your support. A2567: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 211, page 57, line 12, by inserting after "trans- Will the House agree to the amendment? portation." School districts shall be paid the sum of $100 for The following roll call was recorded: each nonpublic school pupil transported. YEAS-I81 Amend Sec. 211, page 57, line 13, by striking out all of said line and inserting Angstadt Donatucfi Lescoviiz Rabbins State appropriation ...... 18,176,000 Argall Dorr Letterman Roebuck Baldwin Duff? Levdansky Rudy On the question, Barley Durham Linton Ryan Will the House agree to the amendments? Battiato Evans Livengood Rybak Belardi Fee Lucyk Saloam The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Belfanti Fischer McCall Saurman Delaware, Mr. Raymond, on the amendment. Birmelin Flick McClatchy Scheetr Black Foster McHale Schuler Mr. RAYMOND. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Blaum Fox McVerry Semmel Mr. Speaker, this amendment increases the per pupil reim- Book Freeman Mackowski Seventy bursement for nonpublic school transportation from $70 to Bortner Fryer Maialc Showers Bowley Gallagher Manmillei Sirianni $100 and adds $5 million to the appropriation. Bower Gallen Markosek Smith, B. 1170 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

I would appreciate an affirmative vote. Mr. FREIND offered the following amendment No. A2564: On the question recurring, Will the House agree to the amendments? Amend Sec. 211, page 61, line 18, by striking out all of said line and inserting The following roll call was recorded: State appropriation ...... 46,990,000 YEAS-186 On the question, Angstadt Distler Laughlin Roebuck Will the House agree to the amendment? Argall Dombrowski Lescovitz Rudy Arty Donatucci Letterman Ryan The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Baldwin Dorr Levdansky Rybak Delaware, Mr. Freind, on the amendment. Barley Duffy Livengood Saloom Mr. FREIND. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Battista Durham Lloyd Saurman Belardi Evans Lucyk Scheetr This amendment calls for an additional $5.2 million for Act Belfanti Fargo McCall Schuler 89, which is the auxiliary services for nonpublic schools. Birmelin Fee McClatchy Semmel Because of the unfavorable court decision relating to the title Black Fischer McHale Serafini Blaum Flick McVerry Seventy 1 Federal funds throwing more people into Act 89 and Book Fox Mackawski Showers because of rising costs, this has been requested by our non- Bortner Freeman Maiale Sirianni public schools. Bowley Freind Manmiller Smith, 8. Bowser Fryer Markosek Smith, L. E. I ask for your support. Bayes Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, D. W On the question recurring, Brandt Gallen Merry Snyder, G. Broujos Gamble Michlovic Staback Will the House agree to the! amendment? Bunt Gannon Micozzie Stairs Burd Geist Miller Steighner The following roll call was recorded: Burns George Moehlmann Stevens Bush Gladeck Morris Stewart Caltagirone Godshall Mowery Stuban Angstadt Dambrowski Laughlin Roebuck Cappabianca Greenwood Mrkonic Sweet Argall Donalucci Lescovitz Rudy Gruppa Murphy Swift Carlson Arty Dorr Letterman Ryan Carn Hagarty Nahill Taylor, E. 2. Baldwin Duffy Levdansky Rybak Cawley Haluska Naye Taylor. F. Barley Durham Livengood Saloom Cessar Harper O'Brien Taylor, J. Battist0 Evans Lloyd Saurman Chadwick Hasay O'Donnell Telek Belardi Fargo Lucyk Scheetz Cimini Hayes Olasz Tigue Belfanti Fee McCall Schuler Civera Herman Oliver Trello Birmelin Fischer McClatchy Semmel Clark Hershey Perzel Truman Black Flick McHale Serafini Clymer Honaman Petrarca Veon Blaum FosIer McVerry Seventy Cole Howlett Petrone Vroon Book Fox Mackowski Showers Cordisco Hutchinson Phillips Wambach Bawley Freeman Maiale Sirianni Cornell ltkin Piccola Wass Bowser Fryer Manmiller Smith, B. Coslett Jackson Pistella Weston Boyes Gallagher Markosek Smith. L. E. Cowell Jaralin Pills Wilson Brandt Gallen Mayernik Snyder, D. W, coy Johnson P~tt Wogan Broujos Gamble Merry Snyder, G. Deluca Josephs Pressman" Wozniak Bunt Gannon Michlovic Staback DeVerter Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. Burd Geist Micazzie Stairs DeWeese Kennedy Raymond Wright. J. L. Burns George Miller Steighner Daley Kenney Reber Wright, R. C. Bush Gladeck Moehlmann Stevens Davies Kosinski Reinard Yandrisevits Caltagirone Godshall Morris Stewart Dawida Kukovich Richardson Cappabianca Greenwood Mowery Stuban Dietz Langtry Rieger Irvis, Carlson Gruitza Mrkonic Sweet Dininni Lashinger Robbins Speaker Carn-~~~~~ Gruooa. . Mur~hv Swift Cawley Hagarty ahi ill . Taylor, E. 2. Cessar Haluska Noye Taylor. F. Afflerbach Manderina Preston Van Harne Chadwick Harper O'Brien Taylor, J. Colafella Pievsky Cimini Hasay O'Donnell Telek NOT VOTING-9 Civera Hayes Olasz Trello Clark Herman Oliver Truman Acosla Deal Faster Linton Clymer Hershey Perrel Van Horne Barber Fattah Gruitza Wiggins Cole Honaman Petrarca Veon Cohen Cordisca Howlett Petrone Vroon Cornell Hutchinson Phillips Wambach EXCUSED-0 Coslett ltkin Piccola Wass Cowell Jackson Pistella Weston The question was determined in the affirmative, and the coy Jaralin Pitls Wilson amendments were agreed to. Deluca Johnson P~tt Wogan DeVerter losephs Pressmann Wazniak On the question recurring, DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Daley Kennedy Raymond Wright, 1. L. Davies Kenney Reber Wright, R. C. amended? Dawida Kosinski Reinard Yandrisevits Dietz Kukavich Richardson Dininni Langtr y Rieger Irvis. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Distler Lashinger Robbins Speaker Clark Hayes Olasz Trello NAYS-7 Clymer Herman Oliver Van Horne Colafella Hershey Perzel Vean Afflerbach Calafella Pievsky Tigue Cole Honaman Petrarca Vroan Bortner Manderino Preston Cordisco Houlett Petrone Wambach Carnell Hutchinsan Phillips Wass NOT VOTING-8 Cnqlett...... ltkin Piccola~ ~~~ Weston Cowell Jackson Pistella Wilson Acasta Cohen Fattah Linton Barber Deal Freind Wiggins COY Jarolin Pitts Wogan Deluca Johnson Pott Wazniak EXCUSED-0 DeVerter Josephs Pressman" Wright, D. R. DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, 1. L. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Dale? Kennedy Raymond right, R. C. Davies Kenney Reber Yandrisevits amendment was agreed to. Dawida Kosinski Reinard On the question recurring, Uietz Kukovi~h Richardson Irvis, Dininni Langtry Rieger Speaker Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as NAYS-7 amended? Mr. FREIND offered the following amendment No. Afflerbach Gruitra Pievsky Roebuck A2563: Bonner Manderina Preston NOT VOTING-8 Amend Sec. 211, page 61, line 21, by striking out all of said line and inserting Acasta Cohen Fattah Truman State appropriation ...... 9,895,500 Barber Deal Linton Wigging EXCUSED-0 On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes amendment was agreed to. the gentleman from Delaware, Mr. Freind. On the question recurring, Mr. FREIND. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as This calls for an additional $2.5 million for the textbook amended? loan program for the nonpublic schools. The funding is M~.FREIND offered the following amendment NO. becoming inadequate because of the rising cost of textbooks. ~2565: 1 would once again ask for your support. Amend Sec. 211, page 61, line 24, by striking out all of said On the question recurring, line and inserting Will the House agree to the amendment? State appropriation ...... 7,330,000 The following roll call was recorded: On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? YEAS-186 The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Angstadt Distler Lashinger Robbins Arpall Dombrowski Laughlin Rudy the gentleman from Delaware, Mr. Freind. Arty Danatucci Lescovitz Ryan Mr. FREIND. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Baldwin barr Letterman Rybak This calls for $2.6 million additional for Act 90, which is Barley Duffy Levdansky Saloom Battisto Durham Livengood Saurman the instructional material loan program for nonpublic Belardi Evans Lloyd Scheetz schools. Again, the major reason is the Aguilar Supreme Belfanti Fargo Lucyk Schuler Court decision, which will force many of the students who Birmelin Fee McCall Semmel formerly received chapter 1 to utilize these materials. Black Fischer~~~~~~~ McClatchv Serafini Blaum Flick McHale Seventy 1 ask for your support. Book Foster McVerry Showers Bowley Fox Mackowski Sirianni On the question recurring, Bowser Freeman Maiale Smith, B. Will the House agree to the amendment? Boyes Freind Manmiller Smith, L. E. Brandt Fryer Markosek Snyder. D. W. The following roll call was recorded: Braujas Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, G. Bun[ Gallen Merrv Staback I Burd Gamble Michiovic Stairs Burns Cannon Micazzie Steighner Acosta Dininni Langtry Richardson Bush Geist Miller Stevens Angstadt Distler Lashinger Rieger Caltagirone George Moehlmann Stewart Argall Dombrowski Laughlin Robbins Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Stuban Arty Donatucci Lescovitr Rudy Carlson Godshall Mowery Sweet Baldwin Dorr Letterman Ryan Carn Greenwood Mrkonic Swift Barley Duffy Levdansky Rybak Durham Saloam Cawley Gruppo Murphy Taylor, E. 2 Battisto Linlon Cessar Hagarty Nahill Taylor, F. Belardi Evans Livengood Saurman Chadwick haluska Noye Taylor, 1. Belfanti Fargo Lloyd Scheetz Cimini Harper O'Brien Telek Birmelin Fee Lucyk Schuler Civera Hasay O'Donnell Tigue Black Fischer McCall Semmel Blaum Flick McClatchy Serafini LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Book Foster McHale Seventy Mr. FREIND. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Bortner Fox McVerry Showers This calls for an additional $5.2 million. This is the supple- Bowley Freeman Mackowski Smith. B. Bawser Freind Maiale Smith. L. E. ment to chapter 1 program. Because of the court decision, the Bayes Fryer Manmiller Snyder, D. W. students can no longer receive the instructions in the nonpub- Brandt Gallagher Markosek Snyder, G. lic schools. There is a massive increase in transportation costs. Broujos Gallen Mayernik Staback Bunt Gamble Merry Stairs All this will do is keep things the way they were this year. We Burd Gannon Michlovic Steighner are still going to face a problem down the road. Burns Geist Micozzie Stevens 1 ask for your support. Bush George Miller Stewart Caltagirone Gladeck Moehlmann Stuban On the question recurring, Cappabianca Godshall Morris Sweet Will the House agree to the amendment? Carlson Greenwood Mowery Swift Cawley Gruitra Mrkanic Taylor, E. 2. The following roll call was recorded: Cessar Gruppo Murphy Taylor, F. Chadwick Hagarty Nahill Taylor, I. YEAS-187 Cimini Haluska Noye Telek Civera Harper O'Brien Trello Afflerbach Distler Langtry Robbins Clark Hasay O'Donnell Van Horne Angstadt Dombrawski Lashinger Rudy Clymer Hayes Olasz Veon Argall Danatucci Laughlin Ryan Colafella Herman Oliver Vroon Arty Dorr Lescovitz Rybak Cole Hershey Perzel Wambach Baldwin Duffy Letterman Saloom Cordisco Honaman Petrarca Wass Barley Durham Levdansky Saurman Cornell Howlett Petrone Weston Battisto Evans Linton Scheetr Coslett Hutchinson Phillips Wilson Belardi Fargo Livengood Schuler Cowell ltkin Piccola Wogan Belfanti Fee Lloyd Semmel COY Jackson Pistella Wozniak Birmelin Fischer Lucyk Serafini Deluca Jarolin Pitts Wrieht. D. R. Black Flick McCall Seventy DeVerter Johnson Pott Blaum Foster McClatchy Showers DeWeese Josephs Pressmann Book Fox McHale Sirianni Daley Kasunic Punt Yandrisevits Bartner Freeman McVerry Smith, B. Davies Kennedy Raymond Bowley Freind Mackowski Smith, L. E. Dawida Kenney Reber Irvis, Bowser Fryer Maiale Snyder, D. W Deal Kosinski Reinard Speaker Boyes Gallagher Manmiller Snyder, G. Dietz Kukovich Brandt Gallen Markosek Staback NAYS-6 Broujos Gamble Mayernik Stairs Bunt Cannon Merry Steighner Afflerbach Pievsky Roebuck Tigue Burd Geist Michlovic Stevens Manderino Preston Burns George Micozzie Stewart Bush Gladeck Miller Stuban NOT VOTING-7 Caltaeirone Codshall Moehlmann Sweet Cappabianca Greenwood Morris Swift Barber Cohen Sirianni Wiggins Carn Fattah Truman Carlsan Gruitza Mowery Taylor, E. Z. Cawley Gruppo Mrkonic Taylor, F. EXCUSED-0 Cessar Hagarty Murphy Taylor, I. Chadwick Haluska Nahill Telek The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cimini Harper Noye Tigue Civera Hasay O'Brien Trello amendment was agreed to. Clark Haves O'Donnell Van Horne On the question recurring, Clymer Herman Olasz Veon Calafella Hershey Oliver Vroon Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as Honaman Perrel Wambach amended? Cordisco Howlett Petrarca Wass Mr. FRElND offered the following amendment No. Co'nell Hutchinson Phillips Westan Coslett ltkin Piccola Wilson A2566: Cowell Jackson Pistella Woean 21 61, lines COY Jarolin Pitts ~ainiak Amend Sec. 1, page by inserting between 24 and 25 Deluca Johnson Pott Wright, D. R. For the purpose of maintaining programs for DeVerter Josephs Pressmann Wright, I. L. disadvantaged students attending public and DeWeese Kasunic Raymond Wright, R. C. nonpublic schools since services for nonpublic Daley Kennedy Reber Yandrisevits school students can no longer be provided in Davies Kenney Reinard non~ublicschools. Funds for oronrams for non- Dawida Kosinski Richardson Irvis, school students shall be distributed Dietz Kukovich Rieger Speaker directly to school districts. Dininni State appropriation ...... 5,216,000 NAYS-5 On the auestion. I Manderino Preston Punt Roebuck Will the House agree to the amendment? NOT VOTING-9 The SPEAKER. On the amendment. the Chair reconnizes the gentleman from Delaware, Mr. Freind. Acosta Cohen Fattah Truman Barber Deal Petrone Wiggins Carn 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1173

Colafella Hershey Petrarca Vean Cole Hanaman Phillips Vroon Cordisca Howlett Piccola Wambach The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Carnell Hutchinson Pistella Wass

amendment was agreed to. Cnslett- ~ ~~ ltkin Pitts Weston Cowell Jackson P0tt Wilson On the question recurring, COY Jarolin Pressmann Wagan Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Deluca Johnson Preston Wazniak amended? DeVerter Josephs Punt Wright, D. R. DeWeese Kasunic Raymond Wright, J. L. Mr. KUKOVICH offered the following amendment No. Daley Kennedy Reber Wright, R. C. A2667: Davies Kenney Reinard Yandrisevits Dawida Kosinski Richardson Amend Sec. 211... naee - 63. line 13, by striking out all of said Oietz Kukovich Rieger Irvis, line and inserting Dininni Langlry Rabbins Speaker State annronriation ...... Distler Lashinger On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? Afflerbach Birmelin Manderino Pievsky NOT VOTING-5 The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich. Barber Deal Petrone Wiggins Mr. KUKOVICH. Mr. Speaker, this increases the appropri- Cohen ation through Act 101 by $398,000. Now, that is a program EXCUSED-0 that you are well aware of that has been in existence since 1971 The question was determined in the affirmative, and the in this State, and it serviced about 15,000 students through all amendment was agreed to. the State-related schools, some private schools and commu- nity colleges for those who have been unable to get the neces- On the question recurring, sary financial assistance to get them through college. There Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as has been no increase for many, many years, and a lot of the amended? schools are going to have to cut back on students unless this Mr. FLICK offered the following amendment No. A2669: increase goes through. Amend Sec. 211. Daze. - 63, line 20, by striking out all of said On the question recurring, line and inserting State appropriation ...... Will the House agree to the amendment? The following roll call was recorded: On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? YEAS-192 The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Acosta Dombrawski Laughlin Roebuck gentleman from Chester, Mr. Flick. Angrtadt Donatucfi Lescavitz Rudy Argall Dorr Letterman Ryan Mr. FLICK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

.---,Arfv Duffv Levdanskv Rybak This will increase the appropriation.~ ~ for customized job Baldwin Durham ~a~oom training funds by $3 million. Barley Evans Livengood Saurman Battisto Fargo Lloyd Scheetr I ask for an affirmative vote. It is a good program. Belardi Fattah Lucyk Schuler On the question recurring, Belfanti Fee McCall Semmel Black Fischer McClatchy Serafini Will the House agree to the amendment? Blaum Flick McHale Seventy Book Faster McVeriy Showers The following roll call was recorded: Bortner Fox Mackawski Sirianni YEAS-186 Bowley Freeman Maiale Smith, B. Smith, L. E. Bawser Freind Manmiller Acasta Dininni Langtry Robbins Boyes Fryer Markosek Snyder, D. W Angstadt Disfler I.ashinger Roebuck Brandt Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, G. Argall Dambrowski Laughlin Rudy Broujos Gallen Merry Staback Arty Donatucci Lescovitr Ryan Bunt Gamble Michlavic Stairs Baldwin Darr Letterman Rybak Burd Cannon Micozrie Steighner Barley Duffy Levdanrky Salaom Burns Geist Miller Stevens Battist0 Durham Livengood Saurman Bush George Moehlmann Stewart Belardi Evans Lloyd Seheetz Caltagirone Gladeck Morris Stuban Belfanti Fargo Lucyk Schuler Cappabianca Godshall Mawery Sweet Birmelin Fee McCall Semmel Carlson Greenwood Mrkonic Swift Black Fischer McClatchy Serafini Carn Cruiiza Murphy Taylor, E. 2. Blaum Flick McHale Seventy Cawley Gruppo Nahill Taylor, F. Book Foster McVerry Showers Cessar Hagarty No ye Taylor, J. Bortner Fox Mackawski Sirianni Chadwick Haluska O'Brien Telek Bowley Freeman Maiaie Smith, B. Cimini Harper O'Donnell Tigue Bawser Fryer Manmiller Smith, L. E. Civera Hasay Olasr Trello Boyes Gallagher Markosek Snyder, D. W. Clark Hayes Oliver Truman Brandt Gallen Mayernik Snyder, G. Van Horne Clymer Herman Perzel Broujos Gamble Merry Staback


On the question, Clark Hasay Olasr Trello Will the House agree to the amendment? Clymer Hayes Oliver Truman Colafella Hershey Perzel Veon The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Cole Hanaman Pelrarca Vroon Cardisco Howlett Phillips Wambach Centre, Mr. Herman, on the amendment. Carnell Hutchinson Piccola Wass Mr. HERMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Coslett ltkin Pistella Weslon This amendment would add $1 million to the Governor's Cowell Jackson Pitts Wilson COY Jarolin Pot1 Wagan original request for gypsy moth disease control. Deluca Johnson Pressman" Wazniak The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes DeVerter Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. the gentleman from Dauphin, Mr. Wambach. DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, J. L. Daley Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. Mr. WAMBACH. The gentleman indicates that it adds, I Davies Kenney Reber Yandrisevits think, $1 million. Unless the amendment is misprinted, it only Dawida Kosinski Reinard adds $1,000. Deal Kukovich Richardson Iwis, Dietz Langtry Rieger Speaker Mr. HERMAN. Excuse me, Mr. Speaker. I did mean to say Dininni Lashinger Robbins $1,000. He is absolutely correct. Only $1,000. NAYS-6 The SPEAKER. $1,000; correction. Now stop laughing. A million here, a million there; it begins to add up to money. Afflerbach Gruitza Pievsky Van Horne Belfanti Manderino Mr. HERMAN. It is only $1,000, come on. NOT VOTING-6 The SPEAKER. Going by the thousands, it takes a little longer. Acosta Cohen Petrone Wiggins Mr. WAMBACH. Is there a purpose to the $1,000 increase, Barber Herman Mr. Sneaker. that I do not reason? EXCUSED-0 Mr. HERMAN. The increase, if you look at your printout, The question was determined in the affirmative, and the would restore the amount of money to the Governor's origi- amendment was agreed to. nal request. You realize the infestation of gypsy moth that we have had in previous years, and certainly we do not want to On the question recurring, have that happen again. That $1,000 could be used to supple- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as ment a research person, for example, to investigate gypsy amended? moth disease control. Mr. HERMAN offered the following amendment No. Mr. WAMBACH. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. A2557: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 212, page 80, line 7, by striking out all of said line Will the House agree to the amendment? and inserting State appropriation ...... 28,368,000 The following roll call was recorded: On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? Angstadt Distler Laughlin Roebuck The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Argall Dombrowski Lescavitr Rudy Centre, Mr. Herman, on the amendment. Any Donatucci Letterman Ryan Baldwin Dorr Levdansky Rybak Mr. HERMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Barley Dufiy Linton Saloam This amendment would add $20,000 to the State parks line Battisto Durham Livengood Saurman item, restoring the Governor's original request, and this Belardi Evans Lloyd Scheetz Birmelin Fargo Lucyk Schuler money, of course, would be used to fill vacancies that might Black Fattah McCall Semmel exist that are seasonal and provide for the smooth operation Blaum Fee McClatchy Serafini of our State parks during the busy summer season. Book Fischer McHale Seventy Bortner Flick McVerry Showers On the question recurring, Bowley Faster Mackowski Sirianni Bowser Fax Maiale Smith, B. Will the House agree to the amendment? Boyes Freeman Manmiller Smith, L. E. The following roll call was recorded: Brandt Freind Markosek Snyder, D. W. Broujas Fryer Mayernik Snyder, G. Bunt Gallagher Merry Staback Burd Gallen Michlovic Stairs Acosta Dininni Langtry Robbins Burns Gamble Micozzie Steighner Angstadt Distler Lashinger Roebuck Bush Miller Stevens Argall Dombrowski Lescovitz Rudy Caltagirone Moehlmann Stewan Any Donatucci Letterman Ryan Cappabianca George Morris Stuban Baldwin Dorr Levdansky Rybak Carlson Gladeck Mawery Sweet Barley Duffy Lint an Salaam Carn Godshall Mrkonic Swift Battista Durham Livengood Saurman Cawley Greenwood Murphy Taylor, E. 2. Belardi Evans Lloyd Scheetr Cessar Gruppo Nahill Taylor, F. Belfanti Fargo Lucyk Schuler Chadwick Hagarty Noye Taylor, J. Birmelin Fattah McCall Semmel Cimini Haluska O'Brien Telek Black Fee McClatchy Serafini Civera Harper O'Donnell Tigue Blaum Fischer McHale Seventy


On the question recurring, I Clark Herman Oliver Van Horne Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Clymer Hershey Perrel Veon Colafella Honaman Petrarca Vroon amended? Cole Howlett Phillips Wambach Mr. LUCYK offered the following amendment No. A2637: Cardisco Hutchinson Piccola Wass Cornell ltkin Pist ella Weston Amend Sec. 212, page 83, by inserting between lines 21 and 22 Coslett Jackson Pitts Wilson For matching grants to local water companies Cawell Jarolin Pott Wagan which obtain loans from the Water Facilities Coy Johnson Pressmann Wozniak Loan Fund. Grants from this appropriation shall Deluca Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. be used for dam rehabilitation and repair and DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, J. L. other purposes related to public health and Daley Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. Davies Kenney Reber Yandrirevits safety. Dawida Kosinski Reinard State appropriation ...... 40,000,000 Deal Kukovich Richardson Irvis, On the question, Dietz Langtry Rieger Speaker Dininni Will the House agree to the amendment? The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Afflerbach Foster Pievsky Schuylkill, Mr. Lucyk, on the amendment. DeVerter Manderino Mr. LUCYK. Mr. Speaker, this amendment appropriates NOT VOTING-4 $40 million in matching money for local water companies to Wiggins combat giardiasis and to abide by the mandates of DER Barber Cohen Petrone (Deoartment. . of Environmental Resources) and dam reoair. EXCUSED-0 We some time ago instituted the Water Facilities Loan The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Fund. However, with interest rates the way they are, some of amendment was agreed to. our companies cannot even afford to borrow from the Water Facilities Loan Fund. This money would match any money On the question recurring, borrowed. In other words, if a company borrowed one-half Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as million dollars, we would match one-half million dollars from amended? this money. Mr. AFFLERBACH offered the following amendments 1 ask for an affirmative vote. Thank you. No. A2608: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 213, page 83, line 28, by striking out all of said line and inserting Will the House agree to the amendment? State appropriation ...... 42,902,000 The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 213, page 84, by inserting between lines 22 and 23 YEAS-191 For a pilot project to remanufacture State- owned motor vehicles. Acosta Distler Lashinger Robbins State appropriation ...... 70,000 Anestadt Dornbrowski Lauahlin Roebuck Donatucci Lescovitz Rudy On the question, Arty Dorr Letterman Rybak Baldwin Duffy Lerdansky Saloom Will the House agree to the amendments? Barley Durham Lint on Saurman The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Battisto Evans Livengood Scheetz Belardi Fargo Lloyd Schuler Lehigh, Mr. Afflerhach, on the amendment. Belfanti Fattah Lucyk Semmel Mr. AFFLERBACH. Mr. Speaker, this amendment neither Birrnelin Fee McCall Serafini increases nor reduces the budget by 1 cent. What it does is Black Fischer McClatchy Seventy Blaum Flick McHale Showers provide specific legislative authorization for the Department Book Fox McVerry Sirianni of General Services to engage in a pilot project to remanufac- Bortner Freeman Mackawski Smith, B. ture State-owned motor vehicles. Bowley Freind Maiale Smith, L. E. Bawser Fryer Manmiller Snyder, D. W. It is anticipated that the amendment itself will save the State Boyes Gallagher Markosek Snyder, G. some $35,000 to $50,000, and I would urge support for the Brandt Gallen Mayernik Staback amendment. Brouios Gamble Merry Stairs ~""t- Cannon ~ichiovic Steighner On the question recurring, Micozzie Stevens Burd Geist Will the House agree to the amendments? Burns George Miller Stewart Bush Gladeck Moehlmann Stuban The following roll call was recorded: Caltagirane Godshall Morris Sweet Cappabianca Greenwood Mowery Swift Carlson Gruitra Mrkonic Taylor, E. Z Carn Gruppo Murphy Taylor, F. Acosta Distler Langtry Robbins Cawley Hagarty Nahill Taylor, 1. Angstadt Dombrowski Lashinger Roebuck Cessar Haluska Noye Tclek Argall Donarucci Laughlin Rudy Chadwick Harper O'Brien Tigue Arty Dorr Les~ovitz Rybak Cimini Hasay O'Donnell Trello Baldwin Duffy Letterman Saloam Civera Hayes Olasz Truman Barley Durham Levdansky Saurman


On the question recurring, I ~aalett Jarolin Pott Wilson Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Cowell Johnson Pressmann Wogan COY Jasephr Preston Wozniak amended? Deluca Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. Mr. COLE offered the following amendment No. A2546: DeVerter Kennedy Raymond Wright, J. L. DeWeese Kenney Reber Wright, R. C. Amend Sec. 214, page 91, line 27, by striking out all of said Daley Kosinski Reinard Yandrisevits line and inserting Davies Kukovich Richardson State aoorooriation...... 603.000 Dawida Langtry Rieger Irvis, Dietz Lashinger Robbins Speaker On the question, NAYS-3 Will the House aeree- to the amendment? Afflerbach Manderino Pievsky The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes NOT VOTING-8 the -gentleman from Adams. Mr. Cole. Mr. COLE. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Barber Deal Fattah Petrane Cohen Duffy Freind Wiggins This has to do with the tumor registry for the Cancer EXCUSED-0 Control Plan. The Governor requested $603,000 for this program, and I am bringing this money up to that $603,000. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the In the proposed budget bill, only $505,000 was appropriated. amendment was agreed to. The reason for this is because that program has not been fully staffed, and in the next coming year I would like to see a very On the question recurring, aggressive program which has not been done by this adminis- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as tration. So in order to have an effective tumor registry, we amended? need the full funding so we can hire the people so those jobs Mr. MARKOSEK offered the following amendment No. will not be frozen. A2545: 1 ask for an affirmative vote Amend Sec. 214, page 92, by inserting between lines 16 and 17 For the Pennsylvania Nutrition Adjustment On the question recurring, Center to further a study on the effects of nutri- Will the House agree to the amendment? tion and food sensitivity in developmentally disa- The following roll call was recorded: bled chtldren. State appropriation ...... 80,000 On the question, Acosta Dininni Laughlin Roebuck Will the House agree to the amendment? Angstadt Distler Lescovitz Rudy Argall Dombraw ski Letterman Ryan The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Arty Danatucci Levdansky Rybak the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Markosek. Baldwin Darr Linton Saloom Barley Durham Livengoad Saurman Mr. MARKOSEK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Battista Evans Llavd Scheetz Mr. Speaker, this amendment allocates $80,000 for the Belardi Farga ~ucik Schuler Pennsylvania Nutrition Adjustment Center to further a study Belfanti Fee McCall Semmel Birmelin Fischer McClatchy Serafini on the effects of nutrition and food sensitivity in develop- Black Flick McHale Seventy mentally disabled children. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Blaum Faster McVerry Showers Book Fox Mackowski Sirianni On the question recurring, Bortner Freeman Maiale Smith, 8. Will the House agree to the amendment? Bowley Fryer Manmiller Smith, L. E. Bowser Gallagher Markosek Snyder. D. W. The following roll call was recorded: Boyes Gallen Mayernik Snyder. G. Brand1 Gamble Merry Staback Michlovic I Broujos Gannan Stairs Dininni Bunt Geist Micorzie Steighner Acosta Lashinger Roebuck Laughlin Rudy Burd George Miller Stevens Afflerbach Distler Burns Gladeck Moehlmann Stewart Angstadt Dombrowaki Lescovitz Ryan Bush Morris Stuban Argall Donatucci Letterman Rybak Godshall Darr Saloom Caltagirone Greenwood Mowery Sweet Arty Levdansky Cappabianca Gruitza Mrkonic Swift Baldwin Durham Linton Saurman Carlson Gruppo Murphy Taylor, E. Z Barley Evans Livengood Scheetr Carn Hagarty Nahill Taylor, F. Battist0 Fargo Lloyd Schuler Cawley Haluska Noye Taylor, J. Belardi Faltah Lucyk Sernmel Cessar O'Brien Belfanti Fee McCall Serafini Harper Telek Fischer Chadwick Hasay O'Donnell Tigue Birrnelin McClatchy Seventy Cimini Hayes Olaiz Trello Black Flick McHale Showers Civera Herman Oliver Truman Blaurn Foster McVerry Sirianni Clark Hershey Perrel Van Harne Book Fox Mackawski Smith, B. Clymer Honaman Petrarca Veon Bortner Freeman Maiale Smith, L. E. Colafella Howlett Phillips Vraon Bowley Freind Manmiller Snyder. D. W. Cole Piccala Wambach Bowser Fryer Markosek Snyder. G. Hutchinson Gallagher Staback Cordisco ltkin Pistella Wass Boyes Mayernik Cornell Jackson Pitts Westan Brandt Gallen Merry Stairs LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Broujos Gamble Michlovic Steighner Baldwin Evans Linton Saloon Bunt Cannon Micozzie Stevens Barley Farga Livengood Saurman Burd Geist Miller Stewan Battisto Fattah Lloyd Scheetz Burns George Moehlmann Stuban Belardi Fee Lucyk Schuler Bush Gladeck Morris Sweet Belfanti Fischer McCall Semmel Caltagirone Godshall Mowery Swift Black Flick McClalchy Serafini Cappabianca Greenwood Mrkonic Taylor, E. Z. Blaum Foster McHale Seventy Carlson Gruitra Murphy Taylor, F. Book Fox McVerry Showers Carn Gruppo Nahill Taylor, 1. Bortner Freeman Mackowski Sirianni Cawley Hagarty Noye Telek Bowley Freind Maiale Smith, B. Cessar Haluska O'Brien Tigue Bowser Fryer Manmiller Smith, L. E. Chadwick Harper O'Donnell Trello Boyes Gallagher Markosek Snyder, D. W. Cimini Hasay Olasz Truman Brandt Gallen Mayernik Snyder. G. Civera Hayes Oliver Van Horne Broujos Gamble Merry Stabaek Clark Herman Perzel Veon Bunt Cannon Michlovic Stairs Clymer Hershey Petrarca Vroon Burd Geist Micozrie Steighner Colafella Honaman Phillips Wambach Burns George Miller Stevens Cole Howleft Piccola WBSS Bush Gladeck Moehlmann Stewart Cordisco Hutchinson Pistella Weston Caltagirone Godshall Morris Stuban Cornell ltkin Pittr Wilson Cappabianca Greenwood Mowery Sweet Caslett Jackson Pat1 Wogan Carlson Gruitza Mrkonic Swift Cowell Iarolin Pressman" Wozniak Carn Gruppo Murphy Taylor. E. Z. COY Johnson Preston Wright, D. R. Cawley Hagarty Nahill Taylor, F. Deluca Jasephs Punt Wright, I. L. Cessar Haluska Noye Taylor, J. DeVener Kasunic Raymond Wright, R. C. Chadwick Harper O'Brien Telek DeWeese Kennedy Reber Yandrisevits Cimini Hasay O'Donnell Tigue Daley Kenney Reinard Civera Hayes Olasz Trello Davies Kosinski Richardson Irvis, Clark Herman Oliver Truman Dawida Kukavich Rieger Speaker Clymer Hershey Perzel Van Harne Dielz Langtry Robbins Calafella Honaman Petrarca Veon NAYS-2 Cole Howlett Phillips Vroon Cordisco Hurchinson Piccola Wambach Manderino Pievsky Cornell ltkin Pistella Wass Coslett Jackson Pitts Weston NOT VOTING-6 Cowell Jarolin Pot1 Wilson Barber Deal Petrone Wiggins COY Johnson Pressman" Wagan Deluca Josephs Preston Wazniak Cohen Duffy DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. EXCUSED-0 Dale? Kennedy Raymond Wright, J. L. Davies Kenney Reber Wright, R. C. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Dawida Kosinski Reinard Yandrisevits Dietz Kukovich Richardson amendment was agreed to. Dininni Langtry Rieger Irvis, On the question recurring, Distler Lashinger Robbins Speaker Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as NAYS-5 amended? Afflerbach DeVerter Manderina Pievsky Mr. BOOK offered the following amendment No. A2527: Birmelin NOT VOTING-6 Amend Sec. 214, page 92, line 21, by striking out all of said line and inserting Barber Deal Petrone Wiggins State appropriation ...... 13,7W,000 Cohen Duffy On the question, EXCUSED-0 Will the House agree to the amendment? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the amendment wasagreed to. gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Book. On the question recurring, Mr. BOOK. Mr. Speaker, what my amendment does is it Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as increases the appropriation $3.7 million for the WIC (women, amended? infants, and children) Program. It is a much-needed increase Mr. KUKOVICH offered the following amendment No. to help the women, infants, and children on this nutrition A2519: program. So I ask your support for this amendment. Amend Sec. 214, page 94, line 18, by striking out all of said On the question recurring, line and inserting Will the House agree to the amendment? Federal appropriation ...... 1,150,000 The following roll call was recorded: On the question, YEAS-190 Will the House agree to the amendment? Acasta Dambrowski Laughlin Roebuck The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Angstadt Danatucci Lescovitz Rudy gentleman from Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich. Argall Dorr Letterman Ryan ARY Durham Levdansky Rybak LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Mr. KUKOVICH. Mr. Speaker, this is a $200,000 increase [ EXCUSED-0 to simply bring the Federal appropriation on the SSI (supple- mental security income) disabled children program back up to The question was determined in the affirmative, and the where it was last year. If we do not adopt this amendment, amendment was agreed roughly 700 low-income, severely disabled children will not On the question recurring, receive the services of this program. Will the House agree- to the bill on third consideration as On the question recurring, amended? Will the House agree to the amendment? Mr. DOMBROWSKI offered the following amendment No. A2688: The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 214, page 98, by inserting between lines 28 and 29 YEAS-192 For health care services provided by the United Neighborhood Facilities Health Care Acosta Dininni Lescavitz Roebuck Afnerbach Distler Letterman Rudy Corporation of Erie. Angstadt Donatucci Levdansky Ryan State appropriation ...... 175,000 Argall Dorr Linton Rybak Any Durham Livengood Saloom On the question, Baldwin Evans Lloyd Saurman Will the House agree to the amendment? Barley Fargo Lucyk Scheetz Battisto Fattah McCall Schuler The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Belardi Fee McClatchy Semmel gentleman from Erie, Mr. Dombrowski. Belfanti Fischer McHale Serafini Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Birmelin Flick McVerry Seventy Black Foster Mackawski Showers This amendment would add $175,000 to the budget for Blaum Fox Maiale Sirianni health care services provided by the United Neighborhood Book Freeman Manmiller Smith, B. Facilities Health Care Corporation. Bonner Freind Markosek Smith, L. E. Bowley Fryer Mayernik Snyder, D. W On the question recurring, Bowser Gallagher Merry Snyder, G. BOY~S Gallen Michlovic Staback Will the House agree to the amendment? Brandt Gamble Micorzie Stairs The following roll call was recorded: Broujos Gannon Miller Steighner Bunt Geist Moehlmann Stevens Burd George Morris Stewart Burns Gladeck Mawery Stuban AEOS~~ Distler Laughlin Roebuck Bush Godshall Mrkonic Sweet Angstadt Dombrawski Lescovitr Rudy Caltagirone Greenwood Murphy Swift Argall Donatucci Letterman Ryan Cappabianea Gruitza Nahill Taylor, E. Z. Arty Darr Levdansky Saloom Carlson Gruppa Noye Taylor, F. Baldwin Durham Linton Saurman Carn Hagany O'Brien Tavlor. 1. Barley Evans Livengood Scheetz Cawley Haluska O'Donnell ~eiek Battist0 Fargo Lucyk Schuler Cessar Harper Olasz Tigue Belardi Fattah McCall Semmel Chadwick Hasay Oliver Trello Belfanti Fee McClatchy Serafini Cimini Haycs Perrel Truman Birmelin Fischer McHale Seventy Civera Herman Petrarca Van Harne Black Flick McVerry Showers Clark Hershey Petrone Veon Blaum Foster Mackowski Sirianni Clvmer Honaman Phillips Vroon Book Fox Maiale Smith. B. C~I~C~II~Howlett Piccola Wambach Bortner Freeman Manmiller Smith, L. E. Cole Hutchinson Pistella Wass Bowley Freind Markosek Snyder, D. W Cardisco ltkin Pitts Weston Bowser Fryer Mayernik Snyder, G. Cornell Jackson Patt Wilson Boyes Gallagher Merry Staback COSlett Jarolin Pressmann Wogan Brandt Gallen Michlovic Stairs Cowell Johnson Preston Worniak Broulos Gamble Micozzie Steighner COY Josephs Punt Wright, D. R. Bunt Gannon Miller Stevens Deluca Kasunic Raymond Wright. J. L. Burd Geist Maehlmann Stewart DeVerter Kennedy Reber Wright, R. C. Burns George Morris Stuban DeWeese Kenney Reinard Yandrisevits Bush Cladeck Mowery Sweet Daley Kosinski Richardson Caltagirone Godshall Mrkonic Swift Davies Kukovich Rieger ITY~S, Cappabianca Gruitza Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Dawida Langtry Robbins Speaker Carlsan Gruppo Nahill Taylor, F. Dietz Lashinger Carn Hagany Noye Taylor, I. NAYS-2 Cawley Haluska O'Brien Telek Cessar Harper O'Donnell Tigue Manderino Pievsky Chadwick Hasay Olasz Trello Cimini Hayes Oliver Truman VOTING-7 NOT Civera Herman Perzel Van Horne Barber Deal Duffy Wiggins Clark Herrhey Petrarca Veon Cohen Dombrowski Laughlin Clymer Honaman Petrone Vroan Calafella Howlett Phillips Wambach Cole Hutchinson Piccola Wass Cordisca ltkin Pistella Weston Cornell Jackson Pitts Wilson Coslett Jarolin Pott Wogan LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL- JUNE 10,

Cowell Johnson Pressman" Wazniak Belardi Fattah Schuler COY Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. Belfanti Fee Semmel Deluca Kasunic Punt Wright, 1. L. Birmelin Fischer McHale Serafini DeWeese Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. Black Flick MeVerry Seventy Daley Kenney Reber Yandrisevits Blaum Foster Mackowski Showers Davies Kosinski Reinard Book Fox Maiale Sirianni Dawida Kukovifh Richardson Irvin, Bartner Freeman Manmiller Smith. B. Dietz Langtry Rieger Speaker Bowley Freind Markasek Smith, L. E. Dininni Lashinger Robbins Bowser Fryer Mayernik Snyder, D. W. NAYS-7 Boyes Gallagher Merry Snyder, G. Brandt Gallen Michlavic Staback Afflerbach Greenwood Manderino Rvbak Broujos Gamble Micozzie Stairs DeVerter Lloyd Pievsky Bunt Cannon Miller Sleighner / Bud Geist Moehlmann Stevens NOT VOTING-5 Burns George Morris Stewart Barber Deal Duffy Wiggins Bush Gladick Mowery Stuban Cohen Calragirone Godshall Mrkonic Sweet Cappabianca Greenwood Murphy Swift EXCUSED-0 Carlson Gruitza Nahill Taylor, E. 2. Gruppo Naye Taylor, F The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cawley Hagarty O'Brien Taylor, J. O'Donnell Telek amendment was agreed to. Cessar I %wick HaluskaHaroer Olasz Tinue On the question recurring, Cimini ~asay Oliver ~rillo Civera Hayes Perzel Truman Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Clark Herman Petrarca Van Horne amended? Clymer Hershey Petrone Vean Mr. PISTELLA offered the following amendments No. Colafella Honaman Phillips Vraon Cole Howlett Piccola Wambach A2525: Cardisco ltkin Pist ella Wass Cornell Jackson Pills Weston Amend Sec. 218, page 125, line 16, by inserting after "ceil- Coslett Jarolin Pot1 Wilson ings." Cowell Johnson Pressmann Wogan The department shall not set a limitation on COY Josephs Preston Wozniak medical assistance payments for depreciation Deluca Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. costs of county homes or nonpublic nursing DeWeese Kennedy Raymond Wright, J. L. homes which is less than $28.000. .ner bed. and Dalev Kennev Reber Wrieht. R. C. shall not set a limit on medical assistance pay- Kosinski Reinard Yandrisevits ments for interest on caoital indebtedness which I DawldaDavies Kukovich Richardson is less than the capitai indebtedness which is Dietz Langtry Rieger Irvis, Dininni Lashinger Robbins Speaker incurred to finance a construction cost of Distler $28,000 per bed. NAYS-4 Amend Sec. 218... oaee - 125. line 17.. bv. striking out all of said line and inserting Afflerbach DeVerter Manderino Pievsky State appropriation ...... 149,447,000 NOT VOTING-6 On the question, Barber Deal Letterman Wiggins Will the House agree to the amendments? Cohen Hutchinson The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Pistella. Mr. PISTELLA. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The amendment that I am about to offer does two things: amendments were agreed to. First is that it increases the capital indebtedness for each indi- On the question recurring, vidual bed in a nursing home from $22,000 to $28,000, and it Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as increases the line-item appropriation from $143,043,000 to amended? $149,447,000, unless you want what is behind door No. 2, Mr. Mr. COWELL offered the following amendments No. Speaker. A2541:

On the question recurring, I Amend Sec. 218. . are . 128. line 17. by inserting- after "1986- Will the House agree to the amendments? 1987." These funds shall be distributed to assure that The following roll call was recorded: not less than a 5% overall base budget increase is YEAS-191 given to existing providers for each Department of Public Welfare licensed or approved service Acosta Dombrawski Laughlin Roebuck provided. Angstadt Donatucci Lescovitr Rudy Amend Sec. 218, page 128, line 18, by striking out all of said Argall Dorr Levtiansky Ryan line and inserting Arty Duffy Linton Rybak State appropriation ...... 131,383,000 Baldwin Durham Livengood Saloam Barley Evans Lloyd Saurman Battitto Fargo Lucyk Scheetz 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1183

On the question, Dambrowski Laughlin Robbins Speaker Will the House agree to the amendments? Danatucci NAYS-6 The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Cowell. Afflerbach Birmelin Manderina Pievsky Barley DeVener Mr. COWELL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. NOT VOTING-4 Mr. Speaker, this amendment has two purposes. First, it is to guarantee that there is in fact a 5-percent increase for com- Barber Cohen Deal Wiggins munity-based mental health services. The current budget pro- EXCUSED-0 vides a 5-percent increase in State funding, hut because of a reduction or an inadequate increase on the Federal side, there The question was determined in the affirmative, and the is not a net 5-percent increase. We would provide sufficient amendments were agreed to. State money to make it a 5-percent increase. On the question recurring, There is also narrative language that is intended to insure Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as that the funds and the 5-percent increase actually filter down amended? to community-based organizations. It would require that the Mr. BOOK offered the following amendment No. A2522: increase be provided locally. Amend Sec. 218, page 128, line 18, by striking out all of said On the question recurring, line and inserting Will the House agree to the amendments? State appropriation ...... 131,387,000 The following roll call was recorded: On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? YEAS-I91 The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Acosta Darr Lescovitr Roebuck Angstadt Duffy Leaerman Rudy the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Book. Araall Durham Levdanskv Ryan Mr. BOOK. Mr. Speaker, my amendment increases the ~rty Evans Linton ~Gbak appropriation $4.7 million for the mental health program. I Baldwin Fargo Livengood Saloom Ballisto Fattah Lloyd Saurman would appreciate your support. Belardi Fee Lucyk Scheetz The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Belfanti Fischer McCall Schuler the gentleman from Dauphin, Mr. Wamhach. Black Flick McClarchy Sernmel Blaum Faster McHale Serafini Mr. WAMBACH. Mr. Speaker, this is almost identical to Book Fox McVerry Seventy the Cowell amendment. I was wondering what would take Bortner Freeman Mackawski Showers precedence, because Representative Cowell also had some Bowley Freind Maiale Sirianni Bowser Fryer Manmiller Smith, B. clarifying language in his amendment. Boycr Oallagher Markasek Smith, L. E. The SPEAKER. We see that Mr. B\ook3samendment is to Brandt Gallen Mayernik Snyder, D. W. page 128, section 218. Mr. Cowell's is to section 218, page Broujos Gamble Merry Snyder, ti. Bunt Cannon Michlovic Staback 129. Burd Geist Micorrie Stairs Mr. COWELL. Mr. Speaker, you are looking at the wrong Burns Gemge Miller Sleighnet amendment. You are looking at the amendment 1 have not yet Bush Gladeck Moehlmann Stevens Caltagirone Godshall Morris Stewart offered. Cappabianca Greenwood Mowery Stuban Mr. WAMBACH. The previous amendment, Mr. Speaker. Carlsan tiruitza Mrkanic Sweet Mr. COWELL. Which should be No. 27 in the packet. Carn Gruppa Murphy Swift Cawley Hagarty Nahill Taylor, E. Z The SPEAKER. It appears at first glance that the only Cessar Haluska Noye Taylor, F. effect of adopting the Book amendment would be to increase Chadwick Harper O'Brien Taylor, J. the appropriation from $131,383,000 to $131,387,000. It Cimini Hasay O'Donnell Telek Civera Hayes Olasr would be a $4,000 increase. Therefore, the amendments are Clark Herman Oliver not in conflict. Clymer Hershey Perzel Truman Mr. WAMBACH. Okay. Calafella Honaman Petrarca Van Horne Cole Howlett Petrone Veos On the question recurring, Cordisco Hutchinson Phillips Vraon Will the House agree to the amendment? Cornell ltkin Piccola Wambach Coslett Jackson Pistella Was$ The following roll call was recorded: Cowell Jarolin Pitts Weston 1 COY Johnson Pot1 Wilson Deluca Josephs Prosmann Wogan DeWeese Kasunic Preston Woroiak Aeosta Dombrowski Laughlin Roebuck Daley Kennedy Punt Wright, D. R. Afflerbach Danatucci Lescovitr Rudy Davies Kenney Raymond Wright, 1. L. Angatadt Dorr Letterman Ryan Dawida Kosinski Reber Wright, R. C. Argall Duffy Levdansky Rybak Dierz Kukovich Reinard YanUrisevits Arty Durham Linton Saloom Dininni Langtry Richardson Baldwin Evans Livengood Saurman Distler Lashinger Rieger Barley Fargo Lloyd Scheetr Baitisto Fattah Lucyk Schuler 1184 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Belardi Fee McCall Semmel On the question, Belfanti Fischer McClatchy Serafini Will the House agree to the amendments? Black Flick McHale Seventy Blaum Foster MeVerry Showers The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Book Fox Mackawski Sirianni the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Cowell. Bonner Freeman Maiale Smith. B. Bawley Freind Manmiller Smith, L. E. Mr. COWELL. Mr. Speaker, the amendment 1 dealt with Bowser Fryer Markorek Snyder, D. W just a moment ago dealt with community-based services for Boyes Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, G. mental health. This amendment deals with community-based Brandt Gallen Merry Staback Broujos Gamble Michlovic Stairs services for mental retardation. It reflects the same two pur- Bunt Gannon Micozrie Steighner poses - to guarantee a 5-percent increase statewide and to Burd Geist Miller Stevens guarantee that the 5-percent increase filters down to our local Burns George Moehlmann Stewart Bush Gladeck Morris Stuban agencies. Caltagirone Godshall Mowery Sweet Caooabianca Greenwood Mrkonic Swift On the question recurring, cakison Gruitza Murphy Taylor, E. 2. Will the House agree to the amendments? Carn Gruppo Nahill Taylor.. . F. Cawley Hagarty Naye Taylor, J. The following roll call was recorded: Cessar Haluska O'Brien Telek Chadwick Harper O'Donnell Tigue YEAS-189 Hasay Olasc Trello Cimini Acosta Dombrowski Lescovitr Rudy Civera Hayes Oliver Truman Afflerbach Donatucci Letterman Ryan Clark Herman Perzel Van Harne Angstadt Duffy Levdansky Rybak Veon Clymer Hershey Petrarca Argall Durham Linton Salaom Honaman Petrone Vroon Colafella Arty Evans Livengood Saurman Howlett Phillips Cole Wambach Baldwin Fargo Lloyd Scheetz Hutchinsan Piccola Wass Cardisca Battist0 Fattah Lueyk Schuler Weston Carnell ltkin Pirtella Belardi Fee McCall Semmel Jackson Pitts Wilson Coslett Belfanti Fischer McClatchy Serafini Jaralin Pott Cowell Wogan Black Flick McHale Seventy COY Johnson Pressmano Wozniak Blaum Foster McVerry Showers Wright. D. R. Deluca Jasephs Preston Book Fox Mackowski Sirianni Kasunic Punt Wright. J. L. DeWeese Bortner Freeman Maiale Smith, B. Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. Daley Bawley Freind Manmiller Smith. L. E. Kenney Reber Yandrisevits Davies Bawser Fryer Markosek Snyder, D. W. Kasinski Reinard Dawida Bayes Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, G. Kukovich Richardson Irvir, Dietz Brandt Gallen Merry Staback Dininni Langtry Rieger Soeaker Broujos Gamble Michlovic Stairs Lashinger Robbins Distler Bunt Cannon Micazzie Sleighner NAYS-3 Burd Geist Miller Stevens Burns George Moehlmann Stewart Manderina Pievsky Bush Gladeck Morris Stuban NOT VOTING-5 Caltagirane Godshall Mowery Sweet Cappabianca Greenwood Mrkonic Swift Barber Cohen Deal Carlson Gruitza Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Birmelin Carn Gruppo Nahill Taylor, F. EXCUSED-0 Cawley Hagarty O'Brien Taylor, J. Cessar Halurka O'Dannell Telek Chadwick Harper Olasr Tigue The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cimini Hasay Oliver Trello amendment was agreed to. Civera Hayes Perzel Truman Clark Herman Pelrarca Van Horne On the question recurring, Clymer Hershey Petrone Veon Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Calafella Honaman Phillips Vroon Cole Howlett Piccola Wambach amended? Cardisco ltkin Pistella Wass Mr. COWELL offered the following amendments No. Cornell Jackson Pitts Westan A2561: Coslett Jaralin Pot1 Wilson Cowell Johnson Pressmann Wogan Amend Sec. 218, page 129, line 25, by inserting after "1986- COY Josephs Preston Worniak 1987." Deluca Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. These funds shall be distributed to assure that DeWeese Kennedy Raymond Wright, J. 1. not less than a 5% overall base budget increase is Daley Kenney Reber Wright, R. C. given to existing providers for each Department Davies Kasinski Reinard Yandrisevits Dawida Kukavich Richardson of Public Welfare licensed or approved service Dietz Langlry Rieger Irvis. provided. Dininni Lashinger Robbins Speaker Amend Sec. 218, page 129, line 26, by striking out all of said Distler Laughlin Roebuck line and inserting NAYS-4 State appropriation ...... 71,076,000 Barley Birmelin Manderina Pievsky 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1185

NOT VOTING-8 Clymer Howlett Phillips Vroon Colafella Hutchinson Piccola Wambach Barber DeVerter Dorr Naye Cole Itkin Pistella Wass Cahen Deal Hutchinson Wiggins Cordisco Jackson Pitts Westan EXCUSED-0 Cornell Jarolin Patt Wilson Coslett Johnson Pressman" Wogan Cowell Josephs Preston Warniak The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Coy Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. amendments were agreed to. Deluca Kennedy Raymond Wright, J. L. DeWeese Kenney Reber Wright. R. C. On the question recurring, Daley Kosinski Reinard Yandrisevits Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Davies Kukavich Richardson Langtry Rieger Irvis, Lashinrer Robbins Speaker

DeVerter Manderina Pievsky Amend Sec. 218, page 135, line 11, by striking out all of said line and inserting NOT VOTING-8 State appropriation ...... 1,160,000 Barber Deal Dorr Noye Cohen Dombrowiki Harper Wiggins On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? EXCUSED-0 The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes The question was determined in the affirmative, and the the gentleman from Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich. amendment was agreed to. Mr. KUKOVICH. Mr. Speaker, this is an increase in On the question recurring, funding for rape crisis services. The amount is $265,000, Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as mostly to make up for Gramm-Rudman cuts through title 20 amended? and also because of the huge increase in child victims now Mr. KUKOVICH offered the following amendment No. going into rape crisis centers - a 20-percent increase just within A2619: the last 9 months. Amend Sec. 218, page 138, line 6, by striking out all of said On the question recurring, line and inserting Will the House agree to the amendment? State appropriation ...... 5,300,000 The following roll call was recorded: On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment?

Acasta Dininni Laughlin Roebuck The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Afflerbach Distler Lescavitz Rudy the gentleman from Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich. Angstadt Donatucci Lctterman Ryan Mr. KUKOVICH. Mr. Speaker, this is a $Cmillion increase Argall Duffy Levdansky Rybak Arty Durham Lint on Saloom in attendant care services. This is to coincide with HB 459, Baldwin Evans Livengood Saurman which is supported by both sides of the aisle. If that is passed Barley Fargo Lloyd Scheetr this session, we will need this funding source. Battisfo Fattah Lucyk Schulcr Belardi Fee McCall Semmel On the question recurring, Belfanti Fischer McClatchy Serafini Will the House agree to the amendment? Birmelin Flick McHale Seventv Black Foster McVerry ~haweks The following roll call was recorded: Blaum Fox Mackowski Sirianni I Baok Freeman Maiale Smith, B. Bortner Freind Manmiller Smith, L. E. Bowley Fryer Markosek Snyder, D. W Acosta Dombrawski Lescovitz Roebuck Bowser Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, G. Afflerbach Donatucci Letterman Rudy Boyes Gallen Merry Staback Angstadt Dorr Levdansky Ryan Brandr Gamble Michlovic Stairs Argall Duffy Lint on Rybak Broujos Gannan Micorzie Steighner Arty Durham Livengoad Saloom Bunt Geist Miller Stevens Baldwin Evans Lloyd Saurman Burd George Moehlmann Stewart Barley Fargo Lucyk Scheetz Burns Gladeck Morris Stuban Battisto Fattah McCall Schuler Bush Gadshall Mowery Sweet Belardi Fee McClatchy Semmel Caltagirone Greenwood Mrkanic Swift Belfanti Fischer McHale Serafini Cappabianca Gruitza Murphy Taylor, E. Z Black Flick McVerry Seventy Carlson Gruppo Nahill Taylor, F. Blaum Foster Mackowski Showers Carn Hagarty O'Brien Tavlor. J. Baok Fox Maiale Sirianni Cawley Haluska O'Donneil reiek Borlner Freeman Manmiller Smith, B. Ceisar Hasay Olai~ Tigue Bowley Freind Markosek Smith, L. E. Chadwick Hayes Oliver Trello Bowser Frycr Mayernik Snyder, D. W. Cimini Herman Perzel Truman Boyes Gallagher Merry Snyder, G. Civera Hershey Petrarca Van Harne Brandt Gallen Michlavic Staback Clark Honaman Petrone Veon Broujos Gamble Micozzie Stairs Bunt Cannon Miller Steighner LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Burd Geist Maehlmann Stevens YEAS-191 Burns George Morris Stewart Bush Gladeck Mowery Stuban Acosta Distler Laughlin Robbins Caltagirone Godshall Mrkonic Sweet Angstadt Dombrowski Lescavitz Roebuck Cappabianca Greenwood Murphy Swift Argall Donatucci Letterman Rudy Carlson Gruitza Nahill Taylor. E. Z. Arty Dorr Levdansky Ryan Carn Gruppo Noye Taylor, F. Baldwin Duffy Linton Rybak Cawley Hagarty O'Brien Taylor, J. Barley Durham Livengood Saloom Cessar Haluska O'Dannell Telek Battisto Evans Lloyd Saurman Chadwick Hasay Olasz Tigue Belardi Fargo Lucyk Scheetz Cimini Hayes Oliver Trello Belfanti Fattah McCall Schuler Civera Herman Perrel Truman Birmelin Fee McClatchy Semmel Clark Hershey Petrarca Van Horne Black Fischer McHale Serafini Clymer Honaman Petrone Vean Blaum Flick McVerry Seventy Colafella Howlett Phillips Vroon Book Foster Mackowski Showers Cole Hutchinson Piccola Wambach Bortner Fox Maiale Sirianni Cordisco ltkin Pistella W~SE Bowley Freeman Manmiller Smith, 9. Cornell Jackson Pitt~ Weston Bowser Freind Markosek Smith, L. E. Coslett Jarolin Pott Wilson Boyes Fryer Mayernik Snyder. D. W Cowell Johnson Pressmann Wogan Brandt Gallagher Merry Snyder, G. COY Jorephs Preston Wazniak Braujas Callen Michlovic Staback Deluca Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. Bunt Gamble Micorzie Stairs DeWeese Kennedy Raymond Wright. 1. L. Burd Cannon Miller Steighner Daley Kenney Reber Wright. R. C. Burns Geist Moehlmann Stevens Davies Kosinski Reinard Yandrisevits Bush George Morris Stewart Dawida Kukovich Richardson Caltagirone Gladeck Mowery Stuban Dietr Langtry Rieger IN~s, Cappabianca Godshall Mrkonic Sweet Dininni Lashinger Robbins Speaker Carlson Greenwood Murphy Swift Distler Laughlin Carn Gruitza Nahill Taylor, E. Z. Cawley Gruppo Naye Taylor, F. NAYS-4 Cessar Hagarty O'Brien Taylor, J. Birmelin DeVerter Manderino Pievsky Chadwick Haluska O'Donnell Telek Cimini Hasay Olasz Trello NOT VOTING-5 Civera Hayes Oliver Truman Clark Herman Perzel Van Harne Barber Deal Harper Wiggins Clymer Hershey Petrarca Veon Cohen Calafella Hanaman Petrone Vroon Cole Howlett Phillips Wambach Cordirco ltkin Piccola Wass The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cornell Jackson Pistella Weston Coslett Jarolin Pitts Wilson amendment was agreed to. Cowell Johnson Pott Wogan On the question recurring, COY Josephs Pressmann Wazniak Deluca Kasunic Preston Wright, D. R. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as DeWeese Kennedy Punt Wright, 1. L. amended? Daley Kenney Raymond Wright, R. C. Mr. BRANDT offered the following amendment No. Davies Kasinski Reber Yandrisevits Dawida Kukovich Reinard A2589: Deal Langtry Richardson Irvis, Dietz Lashinger Rieger Speaker Amend Sec. 218, page 138, by inserting between lines 15 and Dininni .I6. For demonstration projects for respite ser- vices to provide needed relief for caregivers of all Afflerbach DeVerter Manderina Pievsky Alzheimer's Disease victims. NOT VOTING-6 State appropriation ...... 1,000,000 Barber Harper Tigue On the question, Cahen Hutchinson Will the Houseagree to the amendment? EXCUSED-0 The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Lancaster, Mr. Brandt. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Mr. BRANDT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. amendment was agreed to. Under the Department of Welfare, demonstration projects On the question recurring, to give relief for respite services for those caregivers of Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Alzheimer's disease victims. amended? On the question recurring, Mr. MARKOSEK offered the following amendment No. Will the House agree to the amendment? A2731: The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 218, page 139, by inserting between lines 6 and 7 For developmental disabilities identification, 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1187

State appropriation ...... 1,000,000 I NOT VOTING-6 On the question, Arty Cohen Hutchinson Wiggins Will the House agree to the amendment? Barber Harper EXCUSED-0 The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Markosek, on the amendment. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Mr. MARKOSEK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. amendment was agreed to. Mr. Speaker, this amendment allocates $1 million to the On the question recurring, Departmerlt of Welfare for developmental disabilities identifi- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as cation, planning, and placement program. Thank you, Mr. amended? Speaker. Mr. GAMBLE offered the following amendment No. On the question recurring, A2581: Will the House agree to the amendment? Amend Sec. 218, page 139, by inserting between lines 6 and 7 The following roll call was recorded: For allocation to the Greater Pittsburgh Guild for the Blind, Bridgeville, Allegheny YEAS-I90 County, for services to the blind and for the pre- Acasta Dambrowsii Lescovitz Roebuck vention of blindness. Afnerbach Donatucci Letterman Rudy State appropriation ...... 100,000 Angstadt Dorr Levdansky Ryan Argall Duffy Linton Rybak On the question, Baldwin Durham Livengood Salaom Will the House agree to the amendment? Battisto Evans Lloyd Saurman Belardi Fargo Lucyk Scheetz The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Belfanti Fattah McCall Schuler gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Gamble. Black Fee McClatchy Semmel Mr. GAMBLE. Mr. Speaker, this is an allocation for the Blaum Fischer McHale Serafini Book Flick McVerry Seventy Greater Pittsburgh Guild for the Blind of $100,000. They do a Bortner Foster Mackowski Showers tremendous job in the entire Allegheny County-western Penn- Bowley Fox Maiaie Sirianni sylvania area in rehabilitating the blind. I would appreciate Bowser Freeman Manmiller Smith, B. Boyes Freind Markosek Smith, L. E. your support. Brandt Fryer Mayernik Snyder, D. W Broujor Galiagher Merry Snyder, C. On the question recurring, Bunt Gallen Michlovic Staback Will the House agree to the amendment? Burd Gamble Micozzie Stairs Burns Gannon Miller Steighner I The following roll call was recorded: Bush Geist Moehlmann Stevens Caitagirone George Morris Stewart Cappabianca Gladeck Mowery Stuban Acosta Distler Lashinger Robbins Godshall Mrkonic Sweet Carlson Angstadt Dombrowski Laughlin Roebuck Swift Carn Greenwood Murphy Argall Danatucci Lescovitz Rudy Cawiey Gruitra Nahill Taylor, E. 2. Any Dorr Letterman Ryan Cessar Gruppo Noye Taylor, F. Baldwin Duffy Levdansky Rybak Chadwick Hagarty O'Brien Taylor, J. Barley Durham Linton Saloom O'Dannell Cimini Haluska Telek Battisto Evans Livengood Saurman Civera Hasay Olasz Tigue Belardi Fargo Lucyk Scheetz Clark Hayes Oliver Trello Belfanti Fattah McCall Schuler Clymer Herman Perzel Truman Biack Fee McClatchy Semmel Colafelia Hershey Petrarca Van Home Blaum Fischer McHale Serafini Cole Honaman Petrone Vean Book Flick McVerry Seventy Cordisco Howlett Phillips Vroan Bortner Foster Mackawski Showers Cornell ltkin Piecola Wambach Bowley Fox Maiale Sirianni Coslett Jackson Pistella Wass Bawser Freeman Manmiller Smith, B. Cowell Jarolin Pitts Weston Bayes Freind Markosek Smith, L. E. COY Johnson Pott Wilson Brandt Fryer Mayernik Snyder, D. W. Deluca Jasephs Pressman" Wogan Broujos Gallagher Merry Snyder, G. DeWeese Kasunic Preston Wozniak Bunt Gallen Michlovic Staback Daiey Kennedy Punt Wright, D. R. Burd Gamble Micazzie Stairs Davies Kenney Raymond Wright, 1. L. Burns Gannon Miller Steighner Dawida Kosinski Reber Wright, R. C. Bush Geist Moehlmann Stevens Deal Kukovich Reinard Yandrisevits Caitaeirane George Morris Stewart Dietz Langtry Richardson Cappabianca Gladeck Mawery Stuban Dininni Lashinger Rieger Irvis, Carlson Godshall Mrkonic Sweet Distler Laughlin Robbins Sneaker Carn Greenwood Murphy Swift NAYS-5 Cawley Gruitza Nahill Taylor, E. 2. Cessar Gruppo Noye Taylor, F. Barley DeVertn Manderino Pievsky Chadwick Hagarty O'Brien Taylor, I. Birmelin Cimini Haluska O'Donnell Telek Civera Hasay Oiasz Trello Clark Hayes Oliver Truman 1188 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Clymer Herman Perzel Van Horne The following roll call was recorded: Colafella Hershey Petrarca Veon Cole Honaman Petrone Vroon YEAS-192 Cordisco Howlett Phillips Wambach Acosta Roebuck Cornell Hutchinson Piccola Wass Distler Lescovitz Afflerbach Dombrowski Letterman Rudy Coslett ltkin Pistella Weston Donatucci Levdansky Ryan Cowell Jackson Pitts Wilson Angstadt Jaralin Pott Argall Dorr Linton Rybak Cay Saloom Deluca Johnson Pressmann w&ak Arty Duffs Livengood DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright. D. R Baldwin Durham Lloyd Saurman Scheetr Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, 1. L. Barley Evans Lucyk Schuler Davies Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. Batcisto Fargo McCall Belardi Fattah McClatchy Semmel -Dawida ~~ Kenney Reber Yandrisevits Serafini Deal Kosinski Reinard Belfanti Fee McHale Seventy Dietz Kukovich Richardson Irvis, Black Fischer McVerry Dininni Langtry Rieger Speaker Blaum Flick Mackowski Showers Book Foster Maiale Sirianni NAYS-7 Bortner Fox Manmiller Smith, B. Bowley Freeman Markasek Smith, L. E. Afflerbach DeVerter Manderino Tigue Bawser Freind Mayernik Snyder, D. W Birmelin Lloyd Pievsky Boyes Fryer Merry Snyder, G. NOT VOTING-4 Brand1 Gallaeher Michlovic Staback Broujos alle en Micozrie Stairs Barber Cohen Harper Wiggins Bunt Gamble Miller Steighner EXCUSED-0 Burd Cannon Moehlmann Stevens Burns Geist Morris Stewart Bush George Mawery Stuban The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Caltagirone Gladeck Mrkonic Sweet amendment was agreed to. Caooabianca Godshall Murohv Swift caiison Greenwood ahi ill Tavlor.. . E. Z. On the question recurring, Carn Gruitza Noye Taylor, F. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Cawley Gruppa O'Brien Taylor. J. amended? Cessar Hagarty O'Dannell Telek Chadwick Haluska Olasz Tigue Mr. TRELLO offered the following amendments No. Cimini Hasay Oliver Trello A2679: Civera Hayes Perrel Truman Clark Herman Petrarca Van Horne Amend Sec. 219, page 139, line 15, by inserting after "Tax" Clymer Hershey Petrone Veon under the act of (P.L. , No. ), known as Colafella Honaman Phillips Vroon the Political Subdivision Revenue Sharing Act Cole Howlett Piccola Wambach Amend Sec. 219, page 139, line 16, by striking out all of said Cardisco Hutchinson Pistella Wass line and inserting Cornell ltkin Pitts Weston State appropriation ...... 142,300,CXM Coslett Jackson Pott Wilson Cowell Johnson Pressman" Wogan On the question, COY Jasephs Preston Wazniak Deluca Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. Will the House agree to the amendments? DeWeese Kennedy Raymond Wright, J. L. The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Daley Kenney Reber Wright, R. C. Davies Kosinaki Reinard Yandrisevits gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Trello. Dawida Kukavich Richardson Mr. TRELLO. Mr. Speaker, this amendment is whole- Deal Langtry Rieger Irvis, heartedly supported by the Pennsylvania League of Cities, the Dietz Lashinger Rabbins Speaker Dininni Laughlin Boroughs Association of Pennsylvania, and PSEA (Pennsyl- NAYS-4 vania State Education Association). This amendment does two things: First, it increases the State appropriation for the Birmelin DeVerter Manderina Pievsky Public Utility Reality Tax Act from $87,315,000 to NOT VOTING-5 $142,300,000; and second, it provides that PURTA moneys Barber Harper Jarolin be distributed in accordance with the Political Subdivision Cahen Revenue Sharing Act. The difference in the dollar appropri- ation in this bill is currently that the State keeps a large part of the PURTA revenue for General Fund purposes. This was The question was determined in the affirmative, and the never the intention of the State legislature when enacting the amendments were agreed to. original legislation. What we are doing here is distributing the On the question recurring, entire proceeds of the PURTA revenues to local taxing juris- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as diction, and I urge that you adopt the amendment. amended? On the question recurring, Mr. TRELLO offered the following amendment No. Will the House agree to the amendments? A2680: LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Amend Sec. 219, page 139, by inserting between lines 16 and Greenwood Murphy Sweet 17 Gruitca Nahill Swift For distribution under the act Cawley Gruppo Noye Taylor, E. Z of (P.L. , No. ), known as the Politi- Cessar Hagarty O'Brien Taylor, F. cal Subdivision Revenue Sharing Act. Chadwiek Haluska O'Donnell Taylor, J. Cimini Hasay Olasz Telek State appropriation ...... 114,000,000 CiVera Hayes Oliver Trello On the question, Clark Herman Perrel Truman Clymer Hershey Petrarca Van Horne Will the House agree to the amendment? Calafella Honaman Petrone Veon Cole Howlett Phillips Vraon The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Cordisco ltkin Piccola Wambach Allegheny, Mr. Trello, on the amendment. Cornell Jackson Pistella Wass Mr. TRELLO. Mr. Speaker, this amendment is also sup- Coslett Johnson Pitts Weston Cowell Josephs Patt Wilson ported by the League of Municipalities, boroughs, third-class COY Kasunic Pressmann Wogan cities, cities, everybody in Pennsylvania. What this amend- Deluca Kennedy Preston Worniak ment does is it appropriates one-tenth of 1 percent of the per- DeWeese Kenney Punt Wright, D. R. Daley Kosinski Raymond Wright, J. L. sonal income tax, namely $114 million, for use under the Davies Kukavich Reber Wright, R. C. Political Subdivision Revenue Sharing Act. This money will Dawida Langtry Reinard Yandrisevits be distributed under the general revenue sharing formula to Deal Lashinger Richardson Dietz Laughlin Rieger Irvis, all the municipalities in the State of Pennsylvania, and I urge Dininni Lescavitr Robbins Speaker adoption of the amendment. Distler The SPEAKER. Did the gentleman, Mr. Trello, say that this is supported by everybody in Pennsylvania? Argall DeVerter Hutchinson Pievrky Mr. TRELLO. Everybody in Pennsylvania. Birmelin Foster Manderina Tigue The SPEAKER. That ought to do it. NOT VOTING-6 Mr. TRELLO. Would I offer an amendment that would not be supported by everybody? Baldwin Cahen Jaralin Wigginr Barber Harper The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the minority leader. EXCUSED-0 Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, I know some of the members are curious. When this one goes in, probably with few "no" The question was determined in the affirmative, and the votes, we will then be at $263 million this afternoon. amendment was agreed to. The SPEAKER. And counting. On the question recurring, Mr. TRELLO. Mr. Speaker, if 1 could elaborate on that. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as The SPEAKER. You may elaborate at the cost of your time amended? on the floor. Mr. ITKIN offered the following amendment No. A2520: No; no. You have talked one time. Mr. TRELLO. 1 rest my case. Amend Sec. 220, page 140, by inserting between lines 1 and 2 For county costs incurred in census reconcili- On the question recurring, ation. Will the House agree to the amendment? State appropriation ...... 500,000 The following roll call was recorded: For administrative costs incurred in census reconciliation. YEAS-187 State appropriation ...... 250,000 Acosta Dambrowski Letterman Roebuck On the question, Afflerbach Donatucci Levdansky Rudy Angstadt Darr Linton Ryan Will the House agree to the amendment? Arty Duffy Livengoad Rybak Barley Durham Lloyd Saloom The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Battist0 Evans Lucyk Saurman gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Itkin. Belardi Fargo McCall Scheetz Mr. ITKIN. Mr. Speaker, the 1985-86 budget appropriated Belfanti Fattah McClatchy Schuler Black Pee McHale Semmel $750,000 for census reconciliation costs incurred by counties. Blaum Fischer McVerry Serafini That money will lapse because no enabling legislation exists to Book Flick Mackowski Seventy allow the Secretary of the Commonwealth to allocate these Bortner Fax Maiale Showers Bowley Freeman Manmiller Sirianni funds. Legislation has been recently introduced, HB 2500, to Bowser Freind Markosek Smith. B. do this. This amendment will simply reappropriate the same Boyes Fryer Mayernik Smith, L. E. amount of funding as will lapse this fiscal year. Brandt Gallagher Merry Snyder, D. W. Braujas Gallen Michlavic Snyder, G. On the question recurring, Bunt Gamble Micozzie Staback Will the House agree to the amendment? Burd Cannon Miller Stairs Burns Geisl Moehlmann Stcighncr Bush George Morris Stcveni Caltagirone Cladeck Mawery Stewart Cappabianca Godshall Mrkanic Stuban


Chadwick Haluska O'Donnell Tigue Cimini Hasay Olasr Trello Afflerbach DeVerter Lloyd Pievsky Civera Hayes Oliver Truman Baldwin Foster Manderino Showers Clark Herman Perrel Van Horne Birmelin Clvmer Hershev Petrarca Veon NOT VOTING-7 ~ilafella Honaman Petrone Vroan Cole Howlell Phillips Wambach Barber Harper Jarolin Wiggins Cordisco Hutchinson Piccola Wass Cohen Hutchinson Mrkonic Cornell ltkin Pistella Weston Caslett Jackson Pitts Wilson EXCUSED-0 Cawell Jaralin Pott Wogan COY Johnson Pressman" Wozniak

The question was determined in the affirmative, and the -Deluca ~~~ ~~ Joseohs. Preston Wright. D. R. amendment was agreed to. DeWeese Kasunic Punt right; J. L. Daley Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. On the question recurring, Davies Kenney Reber Yandrisevits Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as Dawida Kosinski Reinard Deal Kukovich Richardson Irvis, amended? Dietr Langtry Rieger Speaker Mr. NAHILL offered the following amendment No. Dininni Lashinger Rabbins

Amend Sec. 221, page 142, by inserting between lines 29 and Afflerbach DeVerter Manderina Showers 2n Birmelin Foster Pievsky For safety training programs for railroad per- NOT VOTING-5 sonnel involved in rail mass transit operations. State appropriation...... 1,000,000 Barber Harper Mrkanif Wiggins Cohen On the question, EXCUSED-0 Will the House agree to the amendment? The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes The question was determined in the affirmative, and the the gentleman from Montgomery, Mr. Nahill. amendment was agreed to. Mr. NAHILL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On the question recurring, Mr. Speaker, this establishes a line item in the amount of $1 Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as million for safety training programs for railroad personnel amended? under the railroad mass transit operation across the State of Mr. NAHILL offered the following amendment No. Pennsylvania. A2648: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 221, page 142, by inserting between lines 29 and Will the House agree to the amendment? 30 For programs by urban mass transportation The following roll call was recorded: authorities and organizations to improve elderly and handicapped train accessibility. State appropriation ...... Acosta Distler Laughlin Roebuck Angstadt Dambrowski Lescovitz Rudy On the question, Argall Donatucci Letterman Ryan Will the House agree to the amendment? Arty Dorr Levdansky Rybak Baldwin Duffy Linton Saloarn The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Barley Durham Livengoad Saurman the gentleman from Montgomery, Mr. Nahill. Battisto Evans Lloyd Scheetz Mr. NAHILL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Belardi Fareo Lucyk Schuler Belfanti ~atiah McCall Semmel Mr. Speaker, this establishes a line item of $802,000 to Black Fee McClatchy Serafini improve the access for the elderly and handicapped to our Blaum Fischer McHale Seventy mass transit and our trains. Thank you. Book Flick McVerry Sirianni Bartner For Mackowski Smith, B. On the question recurring, Bowley Freeman Maiale Smith, L. E. Bowser Freind Manmiller Snyder, D. W. Will the House agree to the amendment? Boyes Fryer Markosek Snyder, G. The following roll call was recorded: Brand1 Gallagher Mayernik Staback Braujos Gallen Merry Stairs Bunt Gamble Michlovic Steighner Burd Gannan Micorzie Stevens Angstadt Distler Laughlin Rudy Burns Geist Miller Stewan Argall Dombrowski Lescovitz Ryan Bush George Moehlmann Stuban Arty Danatucci Letterman Rybak Caltagirone Gladeck Morris Sweet Baldwin Dorr Levdansky Saloom Cappabianca Godshall Mowery Swift Barley Duffy Linton Saurman Carlson Greenwood Murphy Taylor, E. 2. Battisto Durham Livengoad Scheetz Carn Gruitra Nahill Taylor. F. Belardi Evans Lucyk Schuler Cawley Gruppo Noye ailo or, J Belfanti Fargo McCall Semmel Cessar Hagarty O'Brien Telek Black Fattah McClatchy Serafini 1192 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Blaum Fee McHale Seventy Mr. NAHILL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Book Fischer McVerry Showers This establishes a line item of $100,000 for the replacement Bortner Flick Mackowski Sirianni Bowley Fox Maiale Smith, B. of some rotary frequency converters on the railroad urban Bowser Freeman Manmiller Smith, L. E. mass transit system. Boyes Freind Markosek Snyder, D. W. Brandt Fryer Mayernik Snyder, G. On the question recurring, Broujos Gallagher Merry Staback Will the House agree to the amendment? Bunt Gallen Michlovic Stairs Burd Gamble Micozzie Steighner The following roll call was recorded: Burns Cannon Miller Stevens Bush Geist Moehlmann Stewart YEAS-186 Caltagirane George Morris Stuban Cappabianca Gladeck Mowery Sweet Acosta Dininni Lashinger Robbins Carlsan Gadshall Murphy Swift Angstadt Distler Laughlin Roebuck Carn Greenwood Nahill Taylor, E. 2. Argall Dambrowski Lescovifz Rudy Cawley Gruitza Noye Taylor, F. ARY Donatucci Letterman Ryan Cessar Gruppo O'Brien Taylor, J. Baldwin Darr Levdansky R ybak Chadwick Hagarty O'Dannell Telek Barley Duffy Linton Saloom Cimini Haluska Olasz Tigue Battist0 Durham Livengood Saurman Civera Hasay Oliver Trello Belardi Evans Lucyk Scheetz Clark Hayes Perzel Truman Belfanti Fargo McCall Schuler Clymer Herman Petrarca Van Horne Black Fattah McClatchy Semmel Colafella Hershey Petrone Veon Blaum Fee McHale Serafini Cole Honaman Phillips Vroon Book Fischer McVerry Seventy Cordisco Howlett Piccola Wambach Bortner Flick Mackowski Sirianni Carnell Hutchinson Pistella Wass Bowley Fox Maiale Smith, B. Coslett Itkin Pitts Weston Bowser Freeman Manmiller Smith. L. E. Cowell Jackson Poll Wilson Boyes Freind Markosek Snyder, D. W. COY Jarolin Pressman" Wogan Brandt Fryer Mayernik Snyder. G. Deluca Johnson Preston Wozniak Broujos Gallagher Merry Staback DeVerter Iosephs Punt Wright, D. R. Bunt Gallen Michlovic Stairs DeWeere Kasunic Raymond Wright, J. L. Burd Gamble Micazzie Steighner Daley Kennedy Reber Wright, R. C. Burns Cannon Miller Stevens Davies Kenney Reinard Yandrisevits Bush Geist Moehlmann Stewan Dawida Kosinski Richardson Caltagirone George Morris Stuban Deal Kukovich Rieger Irvis, Cappabianca Gladeck Mowery Sweet Dietz Langtry Rabbins Speaker Carlson Godshall Murphy Swift Dininni Larhinger Roebuck Carn Greenwood Nahill Taylor, E. Z. Cawley Gruitra Noye Taylor, F. NAYS-6 Ceasar Gruppo O'Brien Taylor, J. Chadwick Hagany O'Donnell Telek Afflerbach Foster Manderino Pievsky Birmelin Lloyd Cimini Haluska Olasz Trello Civera Hasay Oliver Truman NOT VOTING-6 Clark Hayes Perzel Van Horne Clymer Herman Petrarca Venn Acosta Cohen Mrkonic Wiggins Colafella Hershey Petrone Vroon Barber Harper Cole Honaman Phillips Wambach EXCUSED-0 Cordisco Huwlrll Piccola Wass Cornell lrkin Pistella Weston Coslett Jackson Pitts Wilson The question was determined in the affirmative, and the cowell Jaralin Pott Wogan amendment was agreed to. COY Johnson Pressmann Wozniak Deluca Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. On the question recurring, DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, J. L. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Daley Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. amended? Davies Kenney Reber Yandrisevits Dawida Kosinski Reinard Mr. NAHILL offered the following amendment No. Deal Kukavich Richardson Irvis, A2658: Diefz Langtry Rieger Speaker Amend Sec. 221, page 142, by inserting between lines 29 and NAYS-10 30 Afflerbach Faster Manderino Showers For replacement of a rotary frequency con- Birmelin Hutchinson Pievsky Tigue verter on a rail urban mass transportation DeVerter Lloyd system. NOT VOTING-5 State appropriation...... 100,000 Barber Harper Mrkonic Wiggins Onthe question, Cohen Will the House agree to the amendment? EXCUSED-0 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

On the question recurring, Deal Kukovich Richardson Irvis, Dietz Langtry Rieger Speakel Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as NAYS-10 amended?

Mr. NAHILL offered the following amendment No. ~~~~~~~~Afflerbach Foster Manderino Showers A2659: Birmelin Hutchinsan Pievsky Tigue DeVerter Lloyd Amend Sec. 221, page 142, by inserting between lines 29 and NOT VOTING-5 -"qn For replacement of centrifugal track relays Barber Harper Mrkonic Wiggins on rail urban mass transportation systems. Cohen State appropriation ...... 3,000,000 EXCUSED-0 On the question, The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Will the House agree to the amendment? amendment was agreed to. The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes On the question recurring, the gentleman from Montgomery, Mr. Nahill. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Mr. NAHILL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. amended? This establishes a line item of $3 million for replacement of Mr. NAHILL offered the following amendment No. centrifugal track relays on our rail urban mass transportation A2660: systems across the State of Pennsylvania. Amend Sec. 221, page 142, by inserting between lines 29 and On the question recurring, -3n - Will the House agree to the amendment? For replacement of a fire protection system on a rail urban mass transportation system. The following roll was recorded: call State appropriation ...... 175,000 YEAS-186 On the question, Acosta Dininni Lashinger Robbins Will the House agree to the amendment? Angstadt Distler Laughlin Roebuck Areall Dombrowski Lescavitz Rudy The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Arty Danatucci Letterman Ryan gentleman from Montgomery, Mr. Nahill. Baldwin Dorr Levdansky Rybak Mr. NAHILL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Barley Duffy Lint on Saloom Battisto Durham Livengoad Saurman This establishes a line item of $175,000 for replacement of Belardi Evans Lucyk Scheetz fire protection systems on the State rail urban mass transpor- Belfanti Fargo McCall Schuler tation system. Black Fattah McClatchy Semmel Blaum Fee McHale Serafini On the question recurring, Book Fircher McVerry Seventy Bortner Flick Mackowski Sirianni Will the House agree to the amendment? Fox Maiale Smith, B. Bowley The following roll call was recorded: Bowser Freeman Manmiller Smith. L. E. Bayes Freind Markorek Snyder, D. W. Brandt Fryer Mayernik Snyder, G. Broujos Gallagher Merry Staback Acosta Distler Langtry Rieger Bunt Gallen Michlovic Stairs Angstadt Dambrowski Lashinger Robbins Burd Gamble Micorzie Steighner Argall Danatucci Laughlin Roebuck Burns Cannon Miller Stevens Any Dorr Lescavitz Ryan Bush Geist Maehlmann Stewart Baldwin Duffy Letterman Rybak Caltagirone George Marris Stuban Barley Durham Levdansky Saloam Cappabianca Gladeck Mowery Sweet Battist0 Evans Linton Saurman Carlson Godshall Murphy Swift Belardi Fargo Livengood Scheetz Carn Greenwood Nahill Taylor, E. 2. Belfanti Fattah Lucyk Schuler Cawley Gruitza Noye Taylor.. . F. Black Fee McCall Semmel Cessar Gruppo O'Brien Taylor. J. Blaum Fischer McClatchy Serafini Chadwick Hagarty O'Donnell Telek Book Flick McHale Seventy Cimini Haluska Olasz Trello Bortner Foster McVerry Sirianni Civera Hasay Oliver Truman Bowley Fox Mackowski Smith. B. Clark Hayes Perzel Van Harne Bawser Freeman Maiale Smith, L. E. Clymer Herman Petrarca Vean Boyes Freind Manmiller Snyder, D. W Colafella Hershey Petrone Vraon Brandt Fryer Markosek Snyder, G. Cole Honaman Phillips Wambach Broulos Gallagher Mayernik Staback Cordisca Howlett Piecola Wass Bunt Gallen Merry Stairs Cornell Itkin Pistella Weston Burd Gamble Michlovic Steighner Coslett Jackson Pitts Wilson Burns Gannon Micozrie Stevens Cowell Jarolin Patt Wogan Bush Geist Miller Stewart COY Johnson Pressmann Wozniak Caltagirone George Moehlmann Stuban Deluca Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Sweet DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, J. L. Carlson Godshall Mowery Swift Daley Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. Carn Greenwood Murphy Taylor, E. 2. Davies Kenney Reber Yandrisevits Cawley Gruitza Nahill Taylor, F. Dawida Kosinski Reinard


Cordisca Honaman Phillips Wambach Cornell Howlett Piccola Wass Afnerbach Boyes Manderino Pievsky Coslett ltkin Pistella Weston Bortner Cowell Jackson Pitts Wilson NOT VOTING-4 COY Jarolin Pott Wagan Deluca Johnson Pressmann Wozniak Barber Cohen Mrkonic Wiggins DeWcese Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. EXCUSED-0 Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, 1. L. Davies Kennedy Kavmond Wrieht.-. R. C. Dawida Kenney ~eber Yandrisevits The question was determined in the affirmative, and the ~,,l Kosinski Reinard amendment was agreed to. Dietz Kukovich Richardson Irvis, Dininni Langtry Rieger Speaker On the question recurring, Distler Lashinger Robbins Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as amended? Afnerbach Birmelin Manderino Tigue Mrs. RUDY offered the following amendment No. A2606: Barlev DeVerter Pievskv Amend Sec. 232, page 152, line 30, by striking out all of said NOT VOTING-5 line and inserting Barber Hutchinson Mrkanic Wiggins State appropriation ...... 7,650,000 Cohen On the question, 1 EXCUSED-0 Will the House agree to the amendment? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes amendment was agreed to. the lady from Centre, Mrs. Rudy. Mrs. RUDY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On the question recurring, This amendment increases by $1,317,000 the appropriation Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as for program services for the Public Television Network Com- amended? mission, bringing the total up to the original amount that was The SPEAKER. Mr. Herman, your amendment A2570 is in the Governor's budget. I urge support of this amendment. precisely the same as we just voted on. On the question recurring, Mr. HERMAN. I will withdraw the amendment. Will the House agree to the amendment? The SPEAKER. The Chair thanks the gentleman. The I amendment is withdrawn The following roll call was recorded: On the question recurring, YEAS-189 Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Acosta Dombrowski Lauehlin Roebuck I amended? Angstadt Donatucci ~escivitz Rudy Mr. KUKOVICH offered the following amendment No. Argall Dorr Letterman Ryan Arty Duffy Levdansky Rybak A2640: Baldwin Durham Linton Saloom Battisto Evans Livengood Saurman Amend Sec. 237, page 156, line 8, by striking out all of said Belardi Fargo Lloyd Scheetz line and inserting Belfanti Fattah Lucyk Schuler State appropriation ...... 12,000,000 Black Fee McCall Semmel Blaum Fischer McClatchy Seralini On the question, Book Flick McHale Seventy Will the House agree to the amendment? Bortner Foster McVerry Showers Bowley FOX Mackowski Sirianni The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Bowser Freeman Maiale Smith, B. gentleman from Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich. Boyes Freind Manmiller Smith, L. E. Mr. KUKOVICH. Mr. Speaker, this is an amendment to Brandt Fryer Markosek Snyder, D. W Broujos Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, G. the food bank bill which would increase it another $4 million, Bunt Gallen Merry Staback up to $12 million. Burd Gamble Michlovic Stairs Burns Gannon Micozzie Steighner On the question recurring, Bush Geist Miller Stevens Will the House agree to the amendment? Caltagirone George Moehlmann Stewan Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Stuban The following roll call was recorded: Carlson Godshall Mowery Sweet ( Carn Greenwood Murphy Swift Cawley Gruitza Nahill Taylor, E. 2. Cessar Gruppo Naye Taylor, F. Ac06ta Dombrowski Laughlin Roebuck Chadwick Hagany O'Brien Taylor, J. Afflerbach Donatucci Lescovitz Rudy Cimini Haluska O'Donnell Telek Angstadt Dorr Letterman Ryan Civera Harper Olasz Trello Argall Duffy Levdansky Rybak Clark Hasay Oliver Truman Arty Durham Linton Saloom Clymer Hayes Perzel Van Horne Baldwin Evans Livengood Saurman Colafella Herman Petrarca Veon Barley Fargo Lloyd Scheetr Cole Hershey Petrone Vroon Battisto Fattah Lucyk Schuler 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1197

Belardi Fee McCall Semmel Mr. PITTS. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Belfanti Fischer McClatchy Serafini This amendment does nothing to change the amount of the Black Flick McHale Seventy Blaum FOX McVerry Showers appropriation for Capitol restoration. It merely changes the Baok Freeman Mackowski Sirianni language so that we can use some of the funds to renovate BORner Freind Maiale Smith. B. some space so that we can have a permanent site to store the Bowley Fryer Manmiller Smith. L. E. Bowser Gallagher Markosek Snyder, D. W. Civil War flags as they are restored. Boyes Gallen Mayernik Snyder, G. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I urge support. Brandt Gamble Merry Staback Braujos Gannon Michlavic Stairs On the question recurring, Bunt Geist Micazzie Steighner Will the House agree to the amendments? Burd George Miller Stevens Burns Gladeck Moehlmann Stewart The following roll call was recorded: Bush Godshall Morris Stuban Caltagirone Greenwood Mowery Sweet YEAS-194 ~appabianca Gruitza Murphy Swift Carlson Gruppo Nahill Taylor. E. Z. Acosta Dietz Langtry Rabbins Carn Hagany Naye Taylor, F. Afflerbach Dininni Lashinger Roebuck Cawley Haluska O'Brien Taylor, J. Angstadt Distler Laughlin Rudy Cessar Harper O'Donnell Telek Argall Dombrowski Lescovitz Ryan Chadwick Hasay Olasz Tigue Arty Donatufci Letterman Rybak Cimini Hayes Oliver Trella Baldwin Darr Levdansky Saloom Civera Herman Perzel Truman Barley D"fh Linton Saurman Clark Hershey Petrarca Van Horne Battisto Durham Livengoad Scheetz Clvmer Honaman Petrane Veon Belardi Evans Lloyd Schuler ~ilafella Howlett Phillips Vroon Belfanti Fargo Lucyk Semmel Cole Hutchinson Piccala Wambach Birmelin Fattah McCall Serafini Cordisco ltkin Pistella Wass Black Fee McClatchy Seventy Carnell Jackson Pitts Weston Blaum Fischer McHale Showers Coslett Jarolin Pott Wilson Baok Flick McVerry Sirianni Cowell Johnson Pressmann Wogan Bartner Faster Mackowski Smith, B. Deluca Josephs Preston Wozniak Bowley Fox Maiale Smith, L. E. DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. Bowser Freeman Manmiller Snyder, D. W. Daley Kennedy Raymond Wright, I. L. Boyes Freind Markosek Snyder, G. Davies Kenney Reber Wright, R. C. Brandt Fryer Mayernik Staback Dawida Kosinski Reinard Yandrisevits Braujas Gallagher Merry Stairs Deal Kukovich Richardson Bunt Gallen Michlovic Steighner Dietr Langtry Rieger Irvis, Burd Gamble Micozzie Stevens Dininni Lashinger Robbins Soeaker Burns Gannon Miller Stewart Distler Bush Ceist Moehlmann Stuban Caltagirone George Morris Sweet Cappabianca Gladeck Mowery Swift Carlson Godshall Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Birmelin DeVener Manderina Pievsky Cam Greenwood Nahill Taylor, F. Foster COY Cawley Gruitza Noye Taylor. 1. NOT VOTING-4 Cessar Gruppa O'Brien Telek Chadwick Hagarry O'Donnell Tigue Barber Cohen Mrkonic Cimini Haluska Olasz Trella EXCUSED-0 Civera Hasay Oliver Truman Clark Hayes Perzel Van Horne Clymer Herman Petrarca Veon The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Calafella Hershey Petrone Vroon amendment was agreed to. Cole Honaman Phillips Wambach Cardisco Howlett Piccola Wass On the question recurring, Cornell Hutchinson Pistella Weston Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Coslett Ilkin Pitts Wilson amended? Cowell Jackson Pot1 Wogan COY Jarolin Pressman" Wozniak Mr. PITTS offered the following amendments No. A2607: Deluca Johnson Preston Wright, D. R. Punt Wright, J. L. 263, line DeVerter Josephs Amend Sec. page 185, 8, by inserting after "capitol" DeWeese Kasunic Raymond Wright, R. C. and its artifacts, including support facilities and ser- Daley Kennedy Reber Yandrisevits vices Davies Kenney Reinard Amend Sec. 263, page 185, line LO, by inserting after "For" Dawida Koainski Richardson Irvis. renovation of space for use by the Capitol Preserva- Deal Kukavich Rieger Speaker tion Committee as a permanent site for NAYS-2 On the question, Manderino Pievsky Will the House agree to the amendments? NOT VOTING-5 The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Barber Harper Mrkanic Wiggins gentleman from Chester, Mr. Pitts. Cohen


Carn Gruppo Noye Taylor, F. Cawley Hagarty O'Brien Taylor, J. Blaum Dininni Freeman Miller Cessar Haluska O'Donnell Telek Broujos Foster Fryer Wass Chadwick Harper Olasz Tigue NOT VOTING-3 Cimini Hasay Oliver Trello Civera Hayes Perzel Truman Barber McCall Wie~ins Clark Herman Petrarca Van Horne I ~lymer Hershey Petrone Vean Calafella Honaman Phillioa Vroon Cordisco Howlett ~iecaia Wambach The majority required by the Constitution having voted in Cornell ltkin Pistella Was6 the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirma- Coslett Jackson Pitts Weston tive and the bill passes finally. Cowell Jarolin Pot1 Wilson COY Johnson Pressman" Wogan Ordered, That the clerk return the same to the Senate with Deluca Josephs Preston Worniak the information that the House has passed the same with DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. amendment in which the concurrence of the Senate is Daley Kennedy Raymond Wright, J. L. Davies Kenney Reber Wright, R. C. reauested. Dawida Kosinski Reinard Yandrisevits Deal Kukovich Richardson Dietz Langtry Rieger Irvis, CONSIDERATION OF HB 2508 CONTINUED Dininni Lashinger Robbins Speaker Distler On the question recurring, Will the House aeree- to the bill on third consideration as amended? Afflerbach DeVerter Manderina Pievsky Birmelin Foster Mrs. LANGTRY offered the following amendment No. NOT VOTING-8 A2560: Barber Cole Laughlin Seventy Amend Sec. 202, page 15, line 15, by striking out all of said Cahen Hutchinson Mrkanic Wiggins line and inserting State appropriation ...... 7,500,000 EXCUSED-0 On the question, The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Will the House agree to the amendment? amendment was agreed to. The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the On the question recurring, lady from Allegheny, Mrs. Langtry. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Mrs. LANGTRY. Mr. Speaker, this amendment increases amended? the funding to the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts by Mr. SAURMAN offered the following amendment No. $429,000. A2739: On the question recurring: Amend Sec. 202, page 20, line 19, by striking out all of said Will the House agree to the amendment? line and inserting State appropriation ...... 3,402,000 The following roll call was recorded: On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? Acasta Donbrowski Lescovitz Roebuck The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Angstadt Donatucci Letterman Rudy Argall Dorr Levdansky Ryan gentleman from Montgomery, Mr. Saurman. Arty Duffy Linton Rybak Mr. SAURMAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Baldwin Durham Livengood Saloam This would increase the line item by $500,000 for juvenile Barley Evans Llayd Saurman Battist0 Farga Lucyk Scheetz probation grants in aid. 1 would appreciate an affirmative Belardi Fattah MeCall Schuler vote. Belfanti Fee McClatchy Semmel Black Fischer McHale Serafini On the question recurring, Blaum Flick McVerry Showers Will the House agree to the amendment? Book Fax Mackowski Sirianni Bortner Freeman Maiale Smith, B. The following roll call was recorded: Bowley Freind Manmiller Smith, L. E. Bowser Frver Markosek Snyder. D. W. YEAS-189 Bayes Callagher Mayernik snider, C. Brandt Callen Merry Staback Acosta Distler Lashinger Roebuck Broujos Gamble Michlovic Stairs Angstadt Dombrowski Lescovitz Rudy Bunt Gannon Micozrie Steighner Argall Donatucci Letterman Ryan Burd Geist Miller Stevens Arty Dorr Levdansky Rybak Burns George Maehlmann Stewart Baldwin Duffy Linton Saloam Bush Gladeck Morris Stuban Barley Durham Livengood Saurman Caltagirone Godshall Mowery Sweet Battist0 Evans Lloyd Schectr Cappabianca Greenwood Murphy Swift Belardi Fargo Lucyk Schuler Carlsan Gruitza Nahill Taylor, E. Z Belfanti Fattah McCall Semmel Birmelin Fee McClatchy Serafini


Clark Hayes Perzel Veon Boyes Freeman Markasek Snyder, G. Clymer Herman Petrarca Vraon Brandt Freind Mayernik Stairs Colafella Hershey Petrone Wambach Broujos Fryer Merry Steighner Cole Honaman Phillips Wass Bunt Gallagher Michlovic Stevens Cordisco Howlett Piccola Weston Burd Gallen Micozzie Stewart Cornell Hutchinson Pistella Wilson Burns Gamble Miller Stuban Coslett ltkin Pitts Wogan Bush Cannon Maehlmann Sweet Cowell Jackson pou Wozniak Caltagirone Geist Morris Swift COY Jarolin Pressmann Wright. D. R, Cappabianca George Mowery Taylor. E. Z. Deluca Johnson Preston Wright, J. L. Carlsan Gladeck Murphy Taylor. F. DeWeere Jasephs Punt Wright. R. C. Carn Godshall Nahill Taylor, J. Daley Kasunic Raymond Yandrisevits Cawley Greenwood Naye Telek Davies Kennedy Reber Cessar Gruppo O'Brien Tigue Dawida Kenney Reinard Irvis, Chadwick Hagany O'Donnell Trello Deal Kosinski Richardson Speaker Cimini Haluska Olasz Truman Dietr Kukovich Rieger Civera Harper Oliver Van Horne NAYS-9 Clark Hasay Perzel Veon Clymer Hayes Petrarca Vraon Afflerbach Foster Manderino Rudy Colafella Herman Petrone Wambach Birmelin Lloyd Pievsky Tigue Cole Hershey Phillips Wass n-"-rtsr Cordisco Honaman Piccola Weston Cornell Hutchinson Pistella Wilson NOT VOTING-7 Coslett ltkin Pitts Wogan Jackson Pott Wozniak Barber Dombrowski Mrkonic Wiggins Cawell Jarolin Pressmann Cohen Laughlin Seventy COY Wright, D. R. Deluca Johnson Preston Wright, J. L. EXCUSED-0 DeVerter Josephs Punt Wright. R. C. DeWeese Kasunic Raymond Yandrisevits The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Daley Kennedy Reber amendment was agreed to. Davies Kenney Reinard Irvis, Dawida Kosinski Richardson Speaker On the question recurring, NAYS-8 Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Afflerbach Gruitza Maiale Pievsky amended? Foster Howlett Manderino Showers Mr. VROON offered the following amendment No. A2628: NOT VOTING-7 Amend Sec. 208, page 33, line 8, by striking out all of said line Barber Laughlin Seventy Wiggins and inserting Cohen Mrkonic Staback State appropriation ...... 1,500,000 EXCUSED-0 On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the amendment was agreed to. The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Chester, Mr. Pitts. Mr. Pitts is speaking for On the question recurring, Mr. Vroon on amendment A2628. Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as Mr. PITTS. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. amended? This increases the appropriation for site development Mr. CLYMER offered the following amendment No. $500,000, to $1,500,000 for new enterprises. Thank you, Mr. A2574: Speaker. Amend Sec. 208, page 34, line 8, by striking out all of said line and inserting On the question recurring, State appropriation ...... 35,000,000 Will the House agree to the amendment? On the question, The following roll call was recorded: Will the House agree to the amendment? YEAS-186 The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Acosta Deal Kukovich Rieger the gentleman from Bucks, Mr. Clymer. Angstadt Dietr Langtry Robbins Mr. CLYMER. Mr. Speaker, I am amending the Ben Argall Dininni Lashinger Roebuck Arty Distler Lescovitz Rudv Franklin Program to increase that funding by a mere $7 Baldwin Dambrowski Letterman Ryan million, and 1 ask for a positive vote. Thank you. Barley Donatucci Levdansky Rybak Battisto Dorr Linton Saloom On the question recurring, Belardi Duffy Livengoad Saurman Will the House agree to the amendment? Belfanti Durham Lloyd Scheetz Birmelin Evans Lucyk Schuler The followina roll call was recorded: Black Fargo McCall Semmel Blaurn Fattah McClatchy Serafini Book Fee McHale Sirianni Bonner Fischer McVerry Smith, B. Bowley Flick Mackowski Smith, L. E. Bawser Fox Manmiller Snyder, D. W. 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1203

On the question, Acosta Dietz Kukovich Robbins Will the House agree to the amendment? Angstadt Dininni Langtry Roebuck The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Argall Distler Lashinger Rudy Arty Dombrawski Laughlin Ryan the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Michlovic. Baldwin Donatucci Lescovitz Rybak Mr. MICHLOVIC. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Barley Dorr Levdansky Saloam Amendment A2530 would increase the appropriation from Battisto Duffy Linton Saurman Belardi Durham Lloyd Scheetz $375,000 to $750,000 for a metals reuse study in the Mon Belfanti Evans Lucyk Schuler Valley. I urge approval of the amendment. Birmelin Fargo McCall Semmel Black Fattah McClatchy Serafini On the question recurring, Blaum Fee MeHale Showers Will the House agree to the amendment? Book Fischer McVerry Sirianni Bortner Flick Mackowski Smith, B. The following roll call was recorded: Bowley Foster Manmiller Smith, L. E. Bowser Fox Markosek Snyder, D. W YEAS-186 Boyes Freeman Mayernik Snyder, G. Brandt Freind Merry Staback Acosta Dininni Langtry Rieger Broujos Fryer Michlovic Stairs Angstadt Distler Lashinger Robbins Bunt Gallagher Micozrie Steighner Argall Dombrawski1 Laughlin Roebuck Burd Gallen Miller Stevens Arty Danatucci Lescovitz Rudy Burns Gamble Moehlmann Stewart Baldwin Dorr Letterman Ryan Bush Gannon Morris Stuban Barley Duffy Levdansky Saloom Caltagirone Geist Mawery Sweet Ballisto Durham Linton Saurman Cappabianca George Murphy Swift Belardi Evans Livengood Scheetr Carlson Gladeck Nahill Taylor, E. Z. Belfanti Fargo Lloyd Schuler Black Fattah Lucyk Semmel Carn Godshall Noye Tavlor., . F. Cawley Greenwood O'Brien Taylor, J. Blaum Fee McCall Serafini Cessar Gruitza O'Donnell Telek Book Fischer McCIatchy Showers Chadwick Gruppo Olasr Trello Bortner Flick McHale Sirianni Cimini Hagarty Oliver Truman Bowley Foster McVerry Smith, B. Civera Haluska Perzel Van Horne Bowser Fox Mackowski Smith, L. E. Clark Harper Petrarca Veon Bayes Freeman Manmiller Snyder, D. W Clymer Hasay Petrone Vroon Brandt Freind Markasek Snyder, G. Colafella Hayes Phillips Wambach Broujos Fryer Mayernik Stairs Cole Herman Piccola Wass Bunt Gallagher Merry Steighner Cardisco Hershey Pistella Weston Burd Gallen Michlovic Stevens Carnell Honaman Pitts Wilson Burns Gamble Micorzie Stewan Coslett Itkin Pott Wogan Bush Gannon Miller Stuban Cowell Jackson Pressman" Wozniak Caltaeirone Geist Moehlmann Sweet COY Jarolin Preston Wright, D. R. Cappabianca George Morris Swift Deluca Johnson Punt Wright, J. L. Carlson Gladeck Mawery Taylor, E. 2. DeVerter Josephs Raymond Wright, R. C. Carn Godshall Murphy Taylor, F. DeWeese Kasunic Reber Yandrisevits Cawley Greenwood Nahill Taylor, J. Daley Kennedy Reinard Cessar Gruitza Noye Telek Davies Kenney Richardson Chadwick Gruppo O'Brien Tigue Dawida Kosinski Rieger Cimini Hagarty O'Donnell Trello Deal Civera Haluska Olasz Truman Clark Hasay Oliver Van Horne Clymer Hayes Perrel Vean Colafella Herman Petrarca Vroan Afflerbach Maiale Pievsky Tigue Cole Hershey Petrone Wambach Howleft Manderino Cardisco Hanaman Phillips Wass NOT VOTING-8 Cornell Hutchinson Piccola Weston Coslett ltkin Pistella Wilson Barber Hutchinson Livengood Seventy Cowell Jackson Pitts Wogan Cahen Letterman Mrkonic Wiggins COY Jarolin Pott Wozniak EXCUSED-0 Deluca Johnson Pressman" Wright, D. R. DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, J. L. Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, R. C. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Davies Kennedy Raymond Yandrisevits amendment was agreed to. Dawida Kenney Reber Deal Kosinrki Reinard Irvis, On the question recurring, Dietz Kukavich Richardson Speaker Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as NAYS-8 amended? Mr. MICHLOVIC offered the following amendment No. Afflerbach DeVerter Maiale Pievsky Birmelin Howlett Manderino Rybak A2530: NOT VOTING-? Amend Sec. 208, page 37, line 9, by striking out all of said line and inserting Barber Harper Seventy Wiggins Cohen Mrkonic Staback State appropriation ...... 750,000 1204 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

EXCUSED-0 Daley Kennedy Reber Yandrisevits Davies Kenney Reinard The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Dawida Kosinski Richardson Irvis, Deal Kukovich Rieger Speaker amendment was agreed to. Dietz On the question recurring, NAYS-5 will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Afflerbach Maiale Manderino Pievsky amended? Howlett Mr. STAIRS offered the following amendment No. A2533: NOT VOTING-5 Amend Sec. 210, page 43, line 9, by striking out all of said line Barber Mrkonic Seventy Wiggins and inserting Cohen State appropriation ...... 200,000 EXCUSED-0 On the question, The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Will the House agree to the amendment? amendment was agreed to. The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the On the question recurring, gentleman from Westmoreland, Mr. Stairs. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Mr. STAIRS. Mr. Speaker, this amendment restores appro- amended? priations for the planning assistance grants from $100,000 to Mrs. RUDY offered the following amendment No. A2804: $200,000. Amend Sec. 21 1, page 53, by inserting after line 30 On the question recurring, For the cost of inventorying and cataloging Will the House agree to the amendment? newspapers published in Pentlsylvania or held in The following roll call was recorded: files and other collections in Pennsylvania. State appropriation ...... 87,000 YEAS-191 On the question, Acasta Dininni Langtry Robbins Will the House agree to the amendment? Ang~tadt Distler Lashinger Roebuck Argall Dombrowski Laughlin Rudy The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Arty Danatucci Lescavitz Ryan lady from Centre, Mrs. Rudy. Baldwin Darr Letterman Rybak Barley Duffy Levdansky Saloom Mrs. RUDY. This amendment adds $87,000 for the United Battisto Durham Linton Saurman States newspaper project for the cost of inventorying and cat- Belardi Evans Livengood Scheetr aloging newspapers published in Pennsylvania or held in files Belfanti Fargo Lloyd Schuler Birmelin Fattah Lucyk Semmel and other collections in Pennsylvania. Black Fee McCall Serafini On the question recurring, Blaum Fischer McClatchy Showers Book Flick McHale Sirianni Will the House agree to the amendment? Bortner Foster McVerry Smith, B. Bowley Fax Mackowski Smith. L. E. The following roll call was recorded: Bowser Freeman Manmiller Snyder, D. W. YEAS-187 Boyes Freind Markosek Snyder, G. Brandt Fryer Mayernik Staback ACOS~B Dininni Kukovich Rieger Broujas Gallagher Merry Stairs Angstadt Distler Langtry Robbins Bunt Gallen Michlavic Steighner Argall Dombrowski Lashinger Roebuck Burd Gamble Micozrie Stevens Arty Donatucci Lescovitz Rudy Burns Gannon Miller Stewart Baldwin Dorr Letterman Ryan Bush Geist Moehlmann Stuban Barley Duffy Levdansky Saloom Caltagirone George Morris Sweet Battisto Durham Linton Saurman Cappabianca Gladeck Mowery Swift Belardi Evans Livengood Scheetz Carlson Godshall Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Belfanti Fargo Lucyk Schuler Carn Greenwood Nahill Taylor, F. Birmelin Fattah McCall Semmel Cawley Gruitza Noye Taylor, J. Black Fee McClatchy Serafini Cessar Gruppo O'Brien Telek Blaum Fischer McHale Showers Chadwick Hagarty O'Dannell Tigue Book Flick McVerry Sirianni Cimini Haluska Olasz Trella Bortner FOX Mackowski Smith, B. Civera Harper Oliver Truman Bowley Freeman Maiale Smith, L. E. Clark Hasay Perrel Van Harne Bowser Freind Manmiller Snyder, D. W. Clymer Hayes Petrarca Veon Boyes Fryer Markosek Snyder, G. Calafella Herman Petrone Vroon Brandt Gallagher Mayernik Staback Cole Hershey Phillips Wambach Broujos Gallen Merry Stairs Cardisco Honarnan Piccola Wass Bunt Gamble Michlovic Steighner Cornell Hutchinsan Pistella Weston Burd Gannon Micozzie Stevens Coslett Itkin Pitts Wilson Burns Geist Miller Stewart Cowell Jackson Pott Wogan Bush George Moehlmann Stuban COY Jarolin Preasmann Worniak Caltagirane Gladeck Morris Sweet Deluca Johnson Preston Wright, D. R. Cappabianca Godshall Mowery Swift DeVerter Josephs Punt Wright, 1. L. Carlson Greenwood Murphy Taylor, E. Z. DeWeese Kasunic Raymond Wright. R. C. Carn Gruitza Nahill Taylor, F.

1206 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10, quality of instruction. It is the intent of the Cowell Jackson Pitts Wilson General Assembly that funds for this program COY Jarolin Pott Wogan shall not be allocated on a competitive grant Deluca Johnson Pressmann Wozniak basis and that all school districts be given an DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. Dale? Kasunic Punt Wright. J. L. equal chance to receive funding. Funds shall be Davies Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. distributed to those districts choosing to partici- Dawida Kenney Reber Yandrisevita pate with programs approved by the Secretary of Deal Kasinski Reinard Education based on the number of full-time Dietz Kukavich Richardson Irvis, equivalent professional employees and the dis- Dininni Langtry Rieger Speaker trict market value/income aid ratio. The funds Distler will be provided to school districts to assist in the NAYS-5 cost of instructional materials, training programs for faculty and staff and other efforts to improve Afflerbach DeVerter Manderino Pievsky the instructional program of the school district. Birmelin The denartment shall inform all school districts NOT VOTING-5 of the funds allocated to them. State appropriation. 8,OCQ.CUN Barber Mrkonic Seventy Wiggins 1 Cohen On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes amendment was agreed to. the gentleman- from Bucks, Mr. Burns. Mr. BURNS. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On the question recurring, This amendment provides $8 million to the Department of Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Education for the continuance of the instructional improve- amended? ment grants program. Mr. FREIND offered the following amendment No. A2690: On the ouestion recurrine.-. Will the House agree to the amendment? Amend Sec. 21 1, page 56, by inserting between lines 23 and 24 For Excellence in Education. This appropri- The following roll call was recorded: ation shall be allocated for the purpose of funding the Excellence in Education program in an effort to provide quality education for the Amta Dombrowski Lashinger Rabbins young citizens of Pennsylvania. This educational Angstadt Donatucci Laughlin Roebuck goal shall he predicated upon remedial instruc- Argall Dorr Lescovitr Rudy tion in the school districts of Pennsylvania. Arty Duffy Letterman Ryan These funds shall be distributed pursuant to Baldwin Durham Levdansky Rybak section 1511.1 of the act of March 10, 1949 Barley Evans Linton Saloom (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Battista Fargo Livengood Saurman Belardi Fattah Lloyd Scheetr Code of 1949. Funds allocated to intermediate Belfanti Fee Lucyk Schuler units shall be distributed with funds allocated Black Fischer McCall Sernmel under section 922.1-A but qhall be for remedial Blaum Flick McClatchy Serafini instruction that is in addition to services pro- Book Foster McHale Showers vided in section 922.1-A. Banner FOX McVerry Sirianni State appropriation ...... 28,000,000 Bowley Freeman Mackowski Smith, B. Bowaer Freind Maiale Smith, L. E. On the question, Bayes Fryer Manmiller Snyder, D. W Will the House agree to the amendment? Brandt Gallagher Markasek Snyder, G. Broujos Gallen Mayernik Slaback The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Bunt Gamble Merry Stairs Burd Gannon Michlovic Steighner the gentleman from Delaware, Mr. Freind. Burns Geist Micozzie Stevens Mr. FREIND. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Bush George Miller Stewart This is the cheapest amendment so far. It does not cost any- Caltagirone Gladeck Maehlmann Stuban Cappabianca Gadshall Morris Sweet thing. Since Mr. Burns' amendment went in, all this does is Carlson Greenwood Mowery Swift insure that the TELLS program for nonpublic school students Carn Gruitza Murphy Taylor, E. Z. is coordinated with Act 89. I ask for your support. Cawley Gruppa Nahill Taylor, F. Cessar Hagarty Noye On the question recurring, Chadwick Halurka O'Brien ~eick Will the House agree to the amendment? Cimini Harper O'Donnell Tigue Civera Hasay Olasz Trello The following roll call was recorded: Clark Hayes Oliver Truman Clymer Herman Perzel Van Horne YEAS-192 Colafella Hershey Petrarca Veon Cole Honaman Petrone Vroon Acasta Dininni Langtry Rieger Cordisco Howlett Phillips Wambach Angstadt Distler Lashinger Robbins Cornell Hutchinson Piccola Wass Argall Dambrowski Laughlin Rudy Coslett Itkin Pistella Weston Arty Donatucci Lescavilz Ryan Baldwin Dorr Letterman Rybak


Onthe question recurring, Dietz Kukovich Richardson Speaker Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as Dininni amended? NAYS-4 Mr. FOX offered the following amendment No. A2672: Afflerbach Birmelin Manderino Pievsky Amend Sec. 21 1, page 59, line 2, by striking out all of said line NOT VOTING-6 and inserting Barber Mrkanic Staback Wiggins State appropriation ...... 13,435,000 Cohen Seventy Onthe question, Will the House agree to the amendment? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from amendment was agreed to. Montgomery, Mr. Fox, on the amendment. Mr. FOX. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Onthe question recurring, This amendment adds $1.9 million to the line item for inter- Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as mediate unit operating costs, which will allow for full imple- amended? mentation of a new, more equitable funding formula pro- Mr. DAVIES offered the following amendment No. posed by the State's 29 intermediate units. Thank you. A2691 : On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 211, page 61, line 8, by striking out all of said line and inserting Will the House agree to the amendment? State appropriation ...... 19,000,000 The following roll call was recorded: Onthe question, Will the House agree to the amendment? Acosta Distler Langtry Rieger The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Angstadt Dombrowski Lashinger Robbins thegentleman from Berks, Mr. Davies. Argall Donatucci Laughlin Roebuck Arty Dorr Lesfovitz Rudy Mr. DAVIES. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Baldwin Duffy Letterman Ryan This asks for increased funding for the State schools and Barley Durham Levdansky Rybak hospitals for the special education program which now has Battisto Evans Linton Saloom $17,754,000, an increase of $1,245,000. Thank you, Mr. Relardi- Fareo Liven~aod Saurman Belfantl ~at;ah ~~ayd Scheetz Speaker. Black Fee Lucyk Schuler Blaum Fischer McCall Semmel On the question recurring, Book Flick McClatchy Serafini Will the House agree to the amendment? Bartner Foster McHale Showers Bowley Fax McVerry Sirianni The following roll call was recorded: Bowser Freeman Mackowski Smith, B. YEAS-191 Boves Freind Maiale Smith.~~ L. E. Brandt Fryer Manmiller Snyder, D. W Broujas Gallagher Markosek Snyder, G. Acosta Distler Langtry Rieger Bunt Gallen Mayernik Stairs Angstadt Dombrowski Lashinger Robbins Burd Gamble Merry Steighner Argall Donatucci Laughlin Roebuck Burns Cannon Michlovic Stevens Arty Dorr Lescavitr Rudy Bush Geist Micozzie Stewart Baldwin Duffy Letterman Ryan Caltagirone George Miller Stuban Barley Durham Levdansky Rybak Cappabianca Gladeck Moehlmann Sweet Battisto Evans Linton Saloom Carlson Godshall Morris Swift Belardi Fargo Livengood Saurman Carn Greenwood Mowery Taylor, E. 7. Belfanti Fattah Lloyd Scheetr Cawley Gruitza Murphy Taylor, F. Black Fee Lucyk Schuler Cesaar Gruppo Nahill Taylor. I. Blaum Fischer McCall Semmel Chadwick Hagarty Noye Telek Book Flick McClatehy Serafini Cimini Haluska O'Brien Tigue Bortner Foster McHale Showers Civera Harper O'Donnell Trello Bowley FOX McVerry Sirianni Clark Hasay Olasz Truman Bowaer Freeman Mackawski Smith. B. Clymer Hayes Oliver Van Horne Boyea Freind Maiale Smith. L. E. Colafella Herman Perzel Veon Brandt Fryer Manmiller Snyder, D. W. Cole Hershey Pelrarca Vroon Broujos Gallagher Markosek Snyder. G. Cordisca Honaman Petrone Wambach Bunt Gallen Mayernik Stairs Carnell Howlett Phillips Wass Burd Gamble Merry Steighner Coslett Hutchinson Piccola Weston Burns Cannon Michlovic Stevens Cowell ltkin Pistella Wilson Bush Geist Micarrie Stewart COY Jackson Pirts Wogan Caltagirone George Miller Stuban Deluca Jaralin Pott Worniak Cappabianca Cladeck Moehlmann Sweet DeVener Johnson Pressman" Wright. D. R. Carlnon Godshall Morris Swift DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, J. L. Carn Greenwood Mowery Taylor, E. Z. Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, R. C. Cawley Gruitza Murphy Taylor, F. Davies Kennedy Raymond Yandrisevits Cessar cruppo Nahill Taylor. J. Dawida Kenneg Reber Chadwick Hagarty Noye Telek Deal Kosinski Reinard Cimini Haluska O'Brien Tigue 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1209

Civera Harper O'Donnell Trello Bartner Flick McVerry Sirianni Clark Hasay Olasr Truman Bowley Fox Mackowski Smith, B. Clymer Hayes Oliver Van Harne Bowser Freeman Maiale Smith, L. E. Colafella Herman Perzel Vean Bayes Freind Manmiller Snyder, D. W Cole Hershey Petrarca Vroon Brandt Fryer Markosek Snyder, G. Cordisco Honaman Petrone Wambach Broujos Gallagher Mayernik Stairs Cornell Howlctt Phillips Wass Bunt Gallen Merry Steighner c051ett Hutchinson Piccola Weston Burd Gamble Michlovic Stevens Cawell Itkin Pistella Wilson Burns Gannon hlicozzie Stewan COY Jackson Pitts Wogan Bush Ceist Miller Stuban Deluca Jarolin Pott Wazniak Caltagirone George Moehlmann Sweet DeVerter Johnson Pressman" Wright, D. R. Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Swift DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, J. L. Carlson Godshall Mowery Taylor, E. Z. Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, R. C. Carn Greenwood Murphy Taylor, F. Davies Kennedy Raymond Yandrisevits Cawley Gruitza Nahill Taylor, J. Dawida Kenney Reber Cessar Gruppo Noye Telek Deal Kosinski Reinard Irvis, Chadwick Hagarty O'Brien Tigue Dietz Kukouich Richardson Speaker Cimini Haluska O'Dannell Trello Dininni Civera Harper Olasz Truman Clark Hasay Oliver Van Horne Clymer Hayes Perzel Veon Afflerbach Birmelin Manderino Pievsky Colafella Herman Petrarca Vroon Cole Hershey Petrone Wambach NOT VOTING-6 Cordireo Honaman Philli~s Wass Cornell Howlett ~iccoia Weston Barber Mrkonic Staback Wiggins Coslert Hutchinson Pistella Wilson Cohen Seventy Cowell ltkin Pitts Wogan EXCUSED-0 COY Jackson Pott Wazniak Deluca Jarolin Pressmann Wright, D. R. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the DeVerter Johnson Preston Wright, J. L. De Weese Josephs Punt Wright, R. C. amendment was agreed to. Dalev Kasunic Ravmond Yandrisevits On the question recurring, Davies Kennedy ~eber Dawida Kenney Reinard Irvis, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Deal Kasinski Richardson Speaker amended? Dietr Kukavich Rieger Mr. COWELL offered the following amendment No. A2623: Afflerbach Foster Manderina Pievsky Amend Sec. 211, page 62, line 27, by striking out all of said Birmelin Lloyd line and inserting NOT VOTING-6 State appropriation ...... 108,536,M)O Barber Mrkonic Staback Wiggins On the question, Cahen Seventy Will the House agree to the amendment? EXCUSED-0

The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes The question was determined in the affirmative, and the the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Cowell. amendment was agreed to. Mr. COWELL. Mr. Speaker, HB 2508 currently provides for a 6-percent increase for all sectors of higher education On the question recurring, except the community colleges, for which no increase is pro- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as vided. This would increase the community college appropri- amended? ation line item by 6 percent to treat that sector as we do all Mr. CLYMER offered the following amendment No. other sectors of higher education in this budget. Thank you. A2585: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 21 1. Dage- 62... bv inserting . between lines 27 and 28 For local tax relief. Will the House agree to the amendment? State appropriation ...... The following roll call was recorded: On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment?

Acosta Dininni Langtry Robbins The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Ang~tadt Distler Lashinger Roebuck Bucks, Mr. Clymer, on the amendment. Argall Dombrowski Laughlin Rudy Any Donatucci Lescovitr Ryan Mr. CLYMER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Baldwin Darr Letterman Rvbak Mr. Soeaker. I am outting. hack in the budaet- the $30 Barley Duffy Levdansky ~aloom million for local tax relief, the one-time deal that was recom- Battisto Durham Linton Saurrnan Belardi Evans Livengood Scheetz mended by Governor Thornburgh with the surplus money. I Belfanti Fargo Lucyk Schuler ask for a positive vote. Black Fattah hlcCall Semmel Blaum Fee McClatchy Serafini Book Fischer McHale Showers LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 211, page 63, by inserting between lines 13 and I4 Will the House agree to the amendment? For rural initiatives. State appropriation ...... 1,305,MWI The following roll call was recorded: On the question, YEAS-190 Will the House agree to the amendment? Acosta Dininni Kukovich Richardson The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Angstadt Distler Langtry Rieger Argall Dambrowski Lashinger Robbins McKean, Mr. Mackowski. Any Donatucci Laughlin Roebuck Mr. MACKOWSKI. My amendment will only restore some Baldwin Dorr Lescovitz Rudy money and add to for the benefits of rural initiatives, as pro- Barley Duffy Letterman Ryan Battisto Durham Levdansky Rybak posed by the Governor but with an increase. Belardi Evans Linton Saloom On the question recurring, Belfanti Fargo Livengood Saurman Black Fanah Lloyd Scheetz Will the House agree to the amendment? Blaum Fee Lucyk Schuler Book Fischer McCall Semmel The following roll call was recorded: Bortner Flick McClatchy Serafini YEAS-190 Bowley Foster McHale Sirianni Bawser Fox McVerry Smith, B. Acosta Dininni Kukovich Richardson Bayes Freeman Mackowski Smith, L. E. Angstadt Distler Lawtry Rieger Brandt Freind Maiale Snvder. D. W Argall Dombrowski Lashinger Rabbins Broujos Fryer Manmiller snider; G. Arty Donatucci Laughlin Roebuck Bunt Gallagher Markosek Stairs Baldwin Dorr Lescovitr Rudy Burd Gallen Mayernik Steighner Barley Duffy Letterman Ryan Burns Gamble Merry Stevens Battisto Durham Levdansky Saloom Bush Cannon Michlovic Stewart Belardi Evans Linton Saurman Caltagirone Geist Micazzie Stuban Belfanti Fargo Livengood Scheetz Cappabianca George Miller Sweet Black Fattah Lloyd Schuler Carlson Gladeck Moehlmann Swift Blaum Fee Lucyk Semmel Carn Gadshall Morris Taylor, E. Z. Book Fischer McCall Serafini Cawley Greenwood Mowers Taylor, F. Banner Flick McClatchy Showers Cessar Gruitza Murphy Taylor, J. Bowley Foster McHale Sirianni Chadwick G~PPO Nahill Telek Bowser Fox McVerry Smith, B. Cimini Hagarty Noye Tigue Bases Freeman Mackowski Smith, L. E. Civera Haluska O'Brien Trello Brandt Freind Maiale Snyder, D. W. Clark Harper O'Dannell Truman Broujos Fryer Manmiller Snyder, G. CIymer Hasay Olasz Van Horne Bunt Gallagher Markosek Stairs Colafella Hayes Oliver Vean Burd Gallen Mayernik Steighner Cole Herman Perzel Vroon Burns Gamble Merry Stevens Cardisco Hershey Petrarca Wambach Bush Cannon Michlovic Stewart Cornell Honaman Petrone Wass Caltagirone Geist Micozrie Stuban Coslett Howlett Phillips weston Cappabianca George Miller Sweet Cowell Hutchinson Piccola Wilson Carlson Gladeck Moehlmann Swift COY ltkin Pistella Wogan Carn Godshall Morris Taylor, E. 2. Deluca Jackson Pins Wozniak Cawley Greenwood Mowery Taylor. F. DeVetter Jaralin Pott Wright, D. R. Cessar Gruitza Murphy Taylor. J. DeWeese Johnson Pressmann Wright, J. L. Chadwick Gruppo Nahill Telek Daley Josephs Preston Wright, R. C. Cimini Hagarty Naye Tigue Davies Kasunic Punt Yandrisevits Civera Haluska O'Brien Trella Dawida Kennedy Raymond Clark Harper O'Donnell Truman Deal Kenney Reber Lrvis. Clymer Hasay Olaaz Van Horne Dietz Kosinski Reinard Speaker Calafella Hayes Oliver Veon NAYS-4 Cole Herman Perzel Vroon Cardisca Hershey Petrarca Wambach Afflerbach Birmelin Manderino Pievsky Cornell Honaman Petrane Wass NOT VOTING-7 Coslett Howlett Phillips Weston Cowell Hutchinson Piccola Wilson Barber Mrkonic Showers Wiggins COY ltkin Pistella Wogan Cahen Seventy Staback Deluca Jackson Pitts Wazniak DeVerter Jarolin Pott Wright. D. R. EXCUSED-0 DeWeese Johnson Pressmann Wright, 1. L. Daley Josephs Preston Wright, R. C. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Davies Kasunic Punt Yandrisevits amendment was agreed to. Dawida Kennedy Raymond Deal Kenney Reber Irvis, On the question recurring, Dietz Kosinski Reinard Speaker Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as NAYS-5 amended? Afflerbach Manderina Pievsky Rybak Mr. MACKOWSKI offered the following amendment No. Birmelin A2584: 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1211

NOT VOTING-6 Brandt Gallagher Markosek Staback Braujos Gallen Mayernik Stairs Barber Mrkonic Staback Wiggins Bunt Gamble Merry Steighner Cohen Seventy Burd Cannon Michlovic Stevens EXCUSED-0 Burns Geist Micorzie Stewart Bush George Miller Stuban Caltagirone Gladeck Moehlmann Sweet The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cappabianca Godshall Morris Swift amendment was agreed to. Carlson Greenwood Mowery Taylor, E. 2. Carn Gruitra Murphy Taylor, F. On the question recurring, Cawley Gruppo Nahill Taylor, J. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Cessar Hagarty Noye Telek amended? Chadwick Haluska O'Brien Tigue Cimini Harper O'Donnell Trello Mr. MACKOWSKI offered the following amendments No. Civera Hasay Olasr Truman A2654: Clark Hayes Oliver Van Harne Clymer Herman Perzel Veon Amend Sec. 21 1, page 63, by inserting between lines 13 and 14 Colafella Hershey Petrarca Vroon For distribution to universities, colleges and Cole Hanaman Petrone Wambach other educational facilities for program imple- Cardisco Howlett Phillips Wass mentation to improve access in educationally Cornell Hutchinson Piccola Weston underserved areas. Coslett ltkin Pistella Wilson State appropriation ...... 10,000,000 Cowell Jackson Pitts Wogan COY Jarolin P~tt Wozniak For technical, educational and vocational Deluca Johnson Pressmann Wright. D. R equipment necessary to provide access in educa- DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, J. L. Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, R. C. tionally underserved areas. Davies Kennedy Raymond Yandrisevits State appropriation ...... 5,000,000 Dawida Kenney Reber Amend Sec. 211, page 63, by inserting between lines 18 and 19 Deal Kasinski Reinard Irvis, For administration of rural education and Dietz Kukovich Richardson Speaker Dininni Langtry Riegcr job-training initiative. NAYS-7 State appropriation ...... 250,000 Afflerbach DeVerter Manderino Rybak On the question, Birmelin Faster Pievsky Will the House agree to the amendments? NOT VOTING-5 The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Barber Mrkonic Seventy Wiggins McKean, Mr. Mackowski. Cohen Mr. MACKOWSKI. What this amendment intends to do is EXCUSED-0 make available higher education in many of the rural areas in the State of Pennsylvania. There are some 20 counties of our The question was determined in the affirmative, and the 67 that have no higher education facilities. This will extend amendments were agreed to. the opportunity of higher education within thoseareas. On the question recurring, I might also add that within the 20 counties, 15 of them Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as suffer from high unemployment, so 1 think there is a relation- amended? ship to the lack of higher education as it deals with unemploy- Mr. COWELL offered the following amendment No. ment, too. A2622: On the question recurring, Amend Sec. 21 I, page 64, by inserting between lines 2 and 3 Will the House aeree- to the amendments? For the Pennsylvania Humanities Council. State appropriation ...... 200,000 The following roll call was recorded: On the question, YEAS-189 Will the House agree to the amendment? Acosta Distler Lashinger Robbins Angstadt Dombrowski Laughlin Roebuck The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Argall Donatucci Lescavitz Rudy Allegheny, Mr. Cowell. An? Dorr Letterman Ryan Mr. COWELL. Mr. Speaker, this amendment proposes a Baldwin Duffy Levdansky Salaam $200,000 appropriation to the Pennsylvania Humanities Barley Durham Linton Saurman Battisto Evans Livengood Scheetz Council in support of several programs which the council Belardi Fargo Lloyd Schuler offers on a statewide basis. Belfanti Fattah Lucvk Semmel Black Fee McCall Serafini On the question recurring, Blaum Fischer McClatchy Showers Will the House agree to the amendment? Book Flick McHale Sirianni Bonner Fox McVerry Smith, B. The following roll call was recorded: Bowley Freeman Mackowski Smiih, L. E. Bowser Freind Maiale Snyder, D. W Boyes Fryer Manmiller Snyder, G.


Brandt Gallagher Markasek Snyder, G. YEAS-193 Broujos Gallen Mayernik Staback Bunt Gamble Merry Stairs Acosta Distler Lashinger Robbins Burd Gannon Michlovic Steighner Angsradt Dombrowski Laughlin Roebuck Burns Geist Micozzie Stevens Argall Donatucci Lescovitz Rudy Bush George Miller Stewart Arty Dorr Letterman Ryan Caltagirone Gladeck Maehlmann Stuban Baldwin Duffy Levdansky Rybak Cappabianea Gadshall Morris Sweet Barley Durham Linton Saloam Carlson Greenwood Mowery Swift Battisto Evans Livengood Saurman Carn Gruitza Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Belardi Fargo Lloyd Scheetr Cawley Gruppo Nahill Taylor, F. Belfanti Fattah Lucyk Schuler Cessar Hagarty Noye Taylor, J. Black Fee McCall Semmel Chadwick Haluska O'Brien Telek Blaum Fischer McClatchy Serafini Cimini Harper O'Donnell Tigue Book Flick McHale Showers Civera Hasay Olasz Trello Bonner Foster McVerry Sirianni Clark Hayes Oliver Truman Bowley Fox Mackowski Smith, B. Clymer Herman Perzel Van Horne Bowser Freeman Maiale Smith, L. E. Colafella Hershey Petrarca Veon Boyes Freind Manmiller Snyder, D. W. Cole Honaman Petrone Vroan Brandt Fryer Markosek Snyder, 0. Cordisco Howlett Phillips Wambach Broujos Gallagher Mayernik Staback Cornell Hutchinson Piccala Wass Bunt Gallen Merry Stairs Caslett ltkin Pistella Weston Burd Gamble Michlovic Steighner Cowell Jackson Pitts Wilson Burns Gannon Micozzie Stevens COY Jarolin Patt Wagan Bush Geist Miller Stewart Deluca Johnsan Pressman" Wozniak Caltagirane George Moehlmann Stuban DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Sweet Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, J. L. Carlsan Godshall Mowery Swift Davies Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. Carn Greenwood Mrkonic Taylor, E. 2. Dawida Kenney Reber Yandrisevits Cawley Gruitza Murphy Taylor, F. Deal Kasinski Reinard Cessar Gruppo Nahill Taylor, J. Dietz Kukovich Richardson Lrvis, Chadwick Hagarty Noye Telek Dininni Langtry Rieger Speaker Cimini Haluska O'Brien Tigue Distler Civera Harper O'Donnell Trello NAYS-4 Clark Hasay Olasz Truman Clvmer Haves Oliver Van Horne--~~~ Afflerbach Birmelin Manderina Pievsky ~ilafella Herman Perzel Veon Cole Hershey Petrarca Vroon NOT VOTING-6 Cordisco Honaman Petrane Wambach Cornell Howlett Phillips Wass Barber DeVerter Seventy Wiggins Coslett Hutchinson Piccola weston Cahen Mrkonic Cawell ltkin Pistella Wilson EXCUSED-0 COY Jackson Pitts Wogan

Deluca Jarolin~ ~ Pot1 Woznisk~ The question was determined in the affirmative, and the DeVerter Johnson Pressmann Wright, D. R. DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, J. L. amendment was agreed to. Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, R. C. On the question recurring, Davies Kennedy Raymond Yandrisevits Dawida Kenney Reber Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as Deal Kosinski Reinard Irvis. amended? Dietz Kukovich Richardson Speaker Mr. DeVERTER offered the following amendment No. Dininni Langtry Rieger A2760: NAYS-4 Amend Sec. 212, page 80, line 7, by striking out all of said line Afflerbach Birmelin Manderino Pievsky and inserting NOT VOTING-4 State appropriation ...... 28,848,000 Barber Cohen Seventy Wiggins On the question, EXCUSED-0 Will the House agree to the amendment? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from amendment was agreed to. Mifflin, Mr. DeVerter. Mr. DeVERTER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On the question recurring, Mr. Speaker, this provides an additional half million Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as dollars to the State park systems so that we can begin to bring amended? them back to snuff. I would appreciate an affirmative vote. Mr. MORRIS offered the following amendments No. A2772: On the question recurring, Will the House agree to the amendment? Amend Sec. 212, page 81, line 30; page 82, lines 1 and 2, by striking out all of said lines on said pages The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 212, page 82, line 5, by striking out all of said line and inserting LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

State appropriation ...... 1,100,000 1 NOT VOTING-5 On the question, Barber Seventy Showers Wiggins Will the House agree to the amendments? Cohen EXCUSED-0 The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from I Chester, Mr. Morris. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Mr. MORRIS. Mr. Speaker, this amendment increases the amendments were agreed to. appropriation for local conservation districts by $150,000. Please vote "yes." On the question recurring, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as On the question recurring, amended? Will the House agree to the amendments? Mr. DeVERTER offered the following amendment No. The following roll call was recorded: A2761: Amend Sec. 212, page 82, line 5, by striking out all of said line and inserting Acosta Disller Lashinger Rieger State appropriation ...... 1,450,000 Angstadt Dombrowski Laughlin Robbins Argall Donatucci Lescovitz Roebuck On the question, Arty Dorr Letterman Rudy Will the House agree to the amendment? Baldwin Duffy Levdansky Ryan Barley Durham Linton ~;bak The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Battista Evans Livengood Saloom Belardi Fargo Lloyd Saurman Mifflin, Mr. DeVerter. Belfanti Fattah Lucyk Scheetz Mr. DeVERTER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Black Fee McCall Schuler Mr. Speaker, my effort duplicates somewhat Mr. Morris' Blaum Fischer McClatchy Semmel Book Flick McHale Serafini previous amendment, but it increases the appropriation to Banner Foster McVerrv Sirianni $1,450,000, as requested by the soil conservation districts. Bowley Fox ~ackowski Smith. B. I Thank you. Bawser Freeman Maiale Smith, L. E. Boyes Freind Manmiller Snyder, D. W On the question recurring, Brandt Fryer Markosek Snyder, G. Will the House agree to the amendment? Broujos Gallagher Mayernik Staback Bunt Gallen Merry Stairs The following roll call was recorded: Burd Gamble Michlovic Steighner Burns Gannon Micorzie Stevens YEAS-193 Bush Geist Miller Stewart Caltagirone George Moehlmann Stuban Afosta Dininni Langtry Rieger Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Sweet Angstadt Distler Lashinger Robbins Carlsan Godshall Mowery Swift Argall Dambrowski Laughlin Roebuck Carn Greenwood Mrkonic Taylor, E. 2. Artv Donatucci Lescovitr Rudy Cawley Gruitza Murphy Taylor, F. Dorr Letterman Ryan Cessar Gruppo Nahill Taylor, 1. Barley Duffy Levdansky Rybak Chadwick Hagany Noye Telek Battisto Durham Linton Saloam Cimini Haluska O'Brien Tigue Belardi Evans Livengood Saurman Civera Harper O'Dannell Trello Belfanti Farga Lloyd Scheetz Clark Haray Olasr Truman Birmelin Fattah Lucyk Schuler Clymer Hayes Oliver Van Horne Black Fee McCall Semmel Calafella Herman Perzel Veon Blaum Fischcr McCIatchy Serafini Cale Hershey Petrarca Vraon Book Flick McHale Showers Cordisco Honaman Petrone Wambach Bortner Faster McVerry Sirianni Cornell Howlett Phillips Wass Bowley Fox Mackawski Smith, B. Coslett Hutchinsan Piccola Wcston Bawser Freeman Maiale Smith, L. E. Cowell ltkin Pistella Wilson Bayes Freind Manmiller Snyder, D. W COY Jackson Pitts Wagan Brandt Fryer Markosek Snyder, G. Deluca laralin P~tt N'omiak Broujos Gallagher Mayernik Staback DeVerter Johnson Pressman" Wright, D. R. Bunt Gallen Merry Stairs DeWeese Josephr Preston Wright. J. L. Burd Gamble Mifhlavic Steighner Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, R. C. Burns Gannon Micozzie Stevens Davies Kennedy Raymond Yandrisevits Bush Geist Miller Stewart Dawida Kenney Reber Caltagirone George Moehlmann Stuban Deal Kosinski Reinard Irvis. Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Swift Dietz Kukovich Richardson Speaker Carlson Godshall Mowery Taylor. E. 2. Dininni Langtry Carn Greenwood Mrkonic ailo or, F. Cawley Gruitza Murphy Taylor, J. Cessar Gruppo Nahill Telek Afflerbach Birmelin Manderino Pievsky Chadwick Hagarty Noye Tiguc Cimini Halurka O'Brien Trello Civera Harper O'Donnell Truman Clark Hasay Olasz Van Horne Clymer llaycs Oliver Vmn Calafella Herman Perzel Vroan Cale Hershey Petrarca Wambach 1216 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Cordisco Hanaman Petrone Wass Burns Gannon Micozzie Stewart Cornell Howlett Phillips Weston Bush Geist Miller Stuban Coslett Hutchinson Piccola Wilson Caltagirone George Maehlmann Sweet Cowell ltkin Pistella Wogan Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Swift COY Jackson Pitts Wozniak Carlsan Godshall Mowery Taylor, E. 2. Deluca Jarolin Pott Wright, D. R. Carn Greenwood Mrkonic Taylor, F. DeVerter Johnson Pressman" Wright, J. L. Cawley Gruitra Murphy Taylor, J. DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, R. C. Cessar Gruppo Nahill Telek Daley Kasunic Punt Yandrisevits Chadwick Hagarty Naye Tigue Davies Kennedy Raymond Cimini Haluska O'Brien Trello Dawida Kenney Reber Irvis. Civera Harper O'Donnell Truman Deal Kosinski Reinard Speaker Clark Hasay Olasz Van Horne Dietz Kukovich Richardson Clymer Hayes Oliver Vean NAYS-4 Colafella Herman Perrel Vraon Cole Hershey Petrarca Wambach Afflerbach Manderino Pievsky Sweet Cordisco Honaman Petrone Wass Cornell Howlett Phillips Weston NOT VOTING-4 Coslett Hutchinson Piccola Wilson Cawell ltkin Pistella Wogan Barber Cohen Seventy Wiggins COY Jackson Pitts Wozniak EXCUSED-0 Deluca Jarolin Pott Wright, D. R. DeVeRer Johnson Pressman" Wright, J. L. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the DeWeese Jasephs Preston Wright, R. C. Daley Kasunic Punt Yandrisevits amendment was agreed to. Davies Kennedy Raymond Dawida Kenney Reber Irvis, On the question recurring, Deal Kosinski Reinard Speaker Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Dietl Kukovich Richardson amended? NAYS-3 Mr. J. L. WRIGHT offered the following amendment No. Afflerbach Manderina Pievsky A2686: NOT VOTING-5 Amend Sec. 212, page 83, by inserting between lines 21 and 22 For the oil recycling program to enforce the Barber Seventy Snyder, D. W. Wiggins provisions of the Pennsylvania Used Oil Recy- Cohen cling Act. EXCUSED-0 State appropriation ...... 25,000 The question was determined in the affirmative, and the On the question, amendment was agreed to. Will the House agree to the amendment? On the question recurring, The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from 1 Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Bucks, Mr. James Wright, on the amendment. amended? Mr. J. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, this allocates $25,000 to L. Mr. WOGAN offered the following amendment No. the Department of Environmental Resources to publicize our A2548: oil recycling program. Amend Sec. 214, page 91, line 27, by striking out all of said On the question recurring, line and inserting Will the House agree to the amendment? State appropriation ...... 603,000 The following roll call was recorded: On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment?

Acosta Dininni Langtry Rieger The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Angstadt Distler Lashinger Robbins Philadelphia, Mr. Wogan, on the amendment. Argall Dombrowski Laughlin Roebuck Mr. WOGAN. Mr. Speaker, this would merely restore Arty Donatucci Lescovitz Rudy Baldwin Dorr Letterman Ryan $98,000 to the State appropriation for the Cancer Registry. Rybak Barley Duffy Levdansky On the question recurring, Battisto Durham Lint on Saloom Belardi Evans Livengood Saurman Will the House agree to the amendment? Belfanti Fargo Lloyd Scheetz Birmelin Fattah Lucyk Schuler The following roll call was recorded: Black Fee~ ~~ McCall Semmel YEAS-193 Blaum Fischer McClatchy Serafini Book Flick McHale Showers Acasta Distler Lashinger Robbins Banner Foster McVerry S~rianni Angstadt Dombrowski Laughlin Roebuck Bowley FOX Mackowski Smith, 9. Argall Donatucci Lescovitz Rudy Bowser Freeman Maiale Smith, L. E Arty Dorr Letterman Ryan Boyes Freind Manmiller Snyder, G. Baldwin Duify Levdansky Rybak Brandt Fryer Markosek Staback Barley Durham Linton Saloom Broujos Gallagher Mayernik Stairs Battisto Evans Livengood Saurman Bunt Gallen Merry Steighner Belardi Fargo Lloyd Seheetz Burd Gamble Michlovic Stevens


Colafella Herman Perzel Veon Bawser Freeman Maiale Smith, B. Cole Hershey Petrarca Vraon Boyes Freind hlanmiller Smith, L. E. Cordisco Honaman Petrone Wambach Brandt Fryer Markosek Snyder, D. W Cornell Howlett Phillips Wasa Broujos Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, G. Coslett Hutchinson Piccola Weston Bunt Gallen Merry Staback Cowell ltkin Pistella Wilson Burd Gamble Michlovic Stairs COY Jackson Pitts Wagan Burns Cannon Micozrie Steighner Deluca Jaralin Pot1 Wazniak Bush Geist Miller Stevens DeVerter Johnson Pressmann Wright, D. R. Caltagirone George Moehlmann Stewan DeWeese Jasephs Preston Wright, 1. L. Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Stuban Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, R. C. Carlson Godshall Mowery Sweet Davies Kennedy Raymond Yandrisevits Carn Greenwood Mrkonic Swift Dawida Kenney Reber Cawley Gruitza Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Deal Kosinski Reinard Cessar Gruppa Nahill Taylor, F. Dietr Kukovich Richardson Chadwick Hagany Noye Taylor, J. NAYS-4 Cimini Haluska O'Brien Telek Civera Haroer O'Donnell Tieue Afflerbach Manderino Pievsky Rybak Clark ~asiy Olasz ~rello Clymer Hayes Oliver Truman NOT VOTING-3 Colafella Herman Perzel Van Harne Cole Hershey Petrarca Veon Barber Cohen Wiggins Cardisco Honaman Petrone Vraon EXCUSED-0 Cornell Howlett Phillips Wambach Coilett Hutchinson Piccola Was8 The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cowell ltkin Pistella Weston COY Jackson Pills Wilson amendment was agreed to. Deluca Jarolin Pott Wagan On the question recurring, DeVerter Johnson Pressmann Worniak DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, J. L. amended? Davies Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. Mrs. ARTY offered the following amendment No. A2528: Dawida Kenney Reber Yandrisevits Deal Kosinski Reinard Amend Sec. 214, page 96, by inserting between lines 17 and 18 Dietz Kukovich Richardson Irvis, For the pediatric oncology network. Dininni Langtry Rieger Speaker State appropriation ...... 1,000,MH) NAYS-4 On the question, Afflerbach Birmelin Manderino Pievsky Will the House agree to the amendment? NOT VOTING-3 The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the lady from Barber Cohen Wiggins Delaware, Mrs. Arty. EXCUSED-0 Mrs. ARTY. Mr. Speaker, there are 1,000 children cur- rently being treated as outpatients in five of our major The question was determined in the affirmative, and the medical centers in Pennsylvania - at Children's Hospital in amendment was agreed to. Philadelphia, Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh, Geisinger, On the question recurring, Hershey Medical Center, and St. Christopher's Hospital for Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Children in Philadelphia. We need, sir, for the chemotherapy amended? for these children-65 percent of whom can be cured-a Mr. COWELL offered the following amendment No. support system from the State in order to pay for the chemi- A2744: cals that are used in the treatment. Amend Sec. 214, page 99, by inserting between lines 13 and 14 On the question recurring, For the Poison Control Center to help Will the House agree to the amendment? strengthen and reinforce poison information, treatment, education and prevention for children The following roll call was recorded: in Southwestern Pennsylvania. State appropriation ...... 300,000

Acosta Distler Lashinger Robbins On the question, Angstadt Dombrawski Laughlin Roebuck Will the House agree to the amendment? Argall Donatucci Lescovitz Rudy Arty Darr Letterman Ryan The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Baldwin Duffy Levdansky Rybak Allegheny, Mr. Cowell, on the amendment. Barley Durham Linton Saloom Mr. COWELL. Mr. Speaker, this is a $300,000 appropri- Battista Evans Livengood Saurman Belardi Farga Lloyd Scheetz ation to the Department of Health for the purpose of support- Belfanti Fattah Lucyk Schuler ing a poison control center. More specifically, the intent is to Black Fee McCall Semmel provide support to the poison control center at Pittsburgh Blavm Fischer McClarchy Serafini Book Flick McHale Seventy Children's Hospital, which serves as the headquarters or core Bortner Foster McVerry Showers for a statewide network of poison control information and Bowley FOX Mackowski Sirianni treatment.


Deal Kukovich Richardson Irvis, Chadwick Harper O'Brien Telek Dietz Langtry Rieger Speaker Cimini Hasay O'Donnell Tigue Dininni Lashinger Robbins Civera Hayes Olasr Trello NAYS-4 Clark Herman Oliver Truman Clymer Hershey Perzel Van Horne Afflerbach DeVener Manderina Pievsky Colafella Honaman Petrarca Veon Cole Howletl Petrone Vraon NOT VOTING-4 Cordirco Hutchinson Phillips Wambach Carnell Wass Barber Cohen Duffy Wiggins ltkin Piccola Caslett Jackson Pistella Weston EXCUSED-0 Cawell Jaralin Pitts Wilson COY Johnson Pott Wogan The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Deluca Josephs Pressmann Worniak DeWeese Kasunic Preston Wright, D. R. amendment was agreed to. Daley Kennedy Punt Wright, J. L. On the question recurring, Davies Kenney Raymond Wright, R. C. Dawida Kasinski Reber Yandrisevits Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Deal Kukovifh Reinard amended? Dietz Langtry Richardson Irvis, Mr. DUFFY offered the following amendment No. A2785: Dininni Lasbinger Rieger Speaker Distler Amend Sec. 216, page 102, by inserting between lines 10 and I I I For provision of services by the Harmarville Afflerbach DeVerter Manderino Rybak Rehabilitation Center. This appropriation shall Birmelin Foster Pievsky be in addition to any other State grants or funds NOT VOTING-3 received by the center. State appropriation ...... Barber Cohen Wiggins EXCUSED-0 On the auestion. Will the House agree to the amendment? The question was determined in the affirmative, and the The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the amendment was agreed gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Duffy. On the question recurring, Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, this is an appropriation of Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as $100,000 for the Harmarville Rehabilitation Center. It is amended? being offered by myself, Mr. Van Home, Mr. DeLuca, and Mrs. ARTY offered the following amendment No. A2633: the rest of our delegation. Thank you. Amend Sec. 216, page 103, line 22. by striking out all of said On the question recurring, line and inserting Will the House agree to the amendment? State appropriation ...... 1,211,000 The following roll call was recorded: On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? YEAS-191 The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the lady from Acosta Darnbrowski Laughlin Robbins Angstadt Donatucci Lescovilz Roebuck Delaware, Mrs. Arty, on the amendment. Argall Dorr Letterman Rudy Mrs. ARTY. The amendment increases the appropriation Any Duffy Levdansky Ryan for the program that assists pregnant teenagers and teenage Baldwin Durham Linton Saloom Barley Evans Livengood Saurman parents to obtain a GED or a diploma or acquire a skill that Battisto Farga Lloyd Scheetr will help them become employed. The amendment increases Belardi Fattah Lucyk Schuler the appropriation to the amount recommended by the Gover- Belfanti Fee McCall Semmel nor. Black- ~ ~~~ Fischer McClatchv Serafini~ ~ Blaurn Flick McHale Seventy On the question recurring, Book Fox McVerry Showers Bortner Freeman Mackowski Sirianni Will the House agree to the amendment? Bowley Freind Maiale Smith, B. ' The following roll call was recorded: Bowser Fryer Manmiller Smith, L. E. Bayes Gallagher Markosek Snyder, D. W YEAS-193 Brand1 Gallen Mayernik Snyder, G. Broujos Gamble Merry Staback Acasta Distler Laughlin Roebuck Bunt Cannon Michlovic Stairs Angstadt Dombrowski Lescovitz Rudy Burd Geist Mieozrie Steighner Argall Donatucci Letterman Ryan Burns George Miller Stevens Arty Dorr Levdansky Rybak Bush Gladeck Moehlrnann Stewart Baldwin Duff,. Linton Salaom Caltagirane Godshall Morris Stuban Barley Durham Livengood Saurman Cappabianca Greenwood Mowery Sweet Battisto Evans Lloyd Scheetr Carlson Gruitza Mrkanic Swift Belardi Fargo Lucyk Schuler Carn Gruppo Murphy Taylor, E. 2. Beltanti Fattah McCall Semmel Cawley Hagarty Nahill Taylor, F. Birmelin Fee McClavhy Serafini Cessar Haluska Noye Taylor, I. Black Fischer McHale Seventv


Mr. DOMBROWSKI offered the following amendments Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, R. C No. A2752: Davies Kennedy Raymond Yandrisevits Dawida Kennev Reber Amend Sec. 217, page 105, line 25, by striking out all of said Deal ~osinski Reinard Irvis, line and inserting Dietz Kukovich Richardson Speaker NAYS-4 State appropriation~~ ~ ...... 3,044,000 Amend Sec. 217, page 106, line 17, by striking out all of said Afflerbach Manderino Pievsky Rybak line and inserting NOT VOTING-3 State appropriation ...... 8,222,000 Barber Cahen Wiggins On the question, EXCUSED-0 Will the House agree to the amendments? The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the The question was determined in the affirmative, and the gentleman from Erie, Mr. Dombrowski. amendments were agreed to. Mr. DOMBROWSKI. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On the question recurring, This amendment would increase the appropriation to the Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Department of Military Affairs by $100,000 - $30,000 for the amended? operation of the home in Erie and $70,000 for the operation Mr. NAHlLL offered the following amendments No. of the home in Hollidaysburg. A2638: I request an affirmative vote. Amend Sec. 218, page 123, line 7, by striking out all of said On the question recurring, line and inserting Will the House aeree- to the amendments? State appropriation ...... 272,005,000 Amend Sec. 218, page 123, line 21, by striking out all of said The following roll call was recorded: line and inserting. YEAS-194 I Federal appropriation ...... 229,596,000 Acosta Dininni Langtry Rieger On the question, Angstad1 Distler Lashinger Robbins Will the House agree to the amendments? Argall Dambrowski Laughlin Roebuck Arts Donatucci Lescavitr Rudy The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Baldwin Dorr Letterman Ryan Barley Duffy Levdansky Salaam gentleman from Montgomery, Mr. Nahill. Battisto Durham Linton Saurman Mr. NAHILL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Belardi Evans Livengood Scheetz Mr. Speaker, the background on this line item is a proposal Belfanti Fargo Lloyd Schuler Birmelin Fattah Lucyk Semmel made by the Governor to reduce the amount of money that Black Fee McCall Serafini was appropriated to reimburse pharmacists for the wholesale Blaum Fischer McClatchy Seventy cost. That idea and that regulation was rejected by the Health Book Flick McHale Showers Borlner Foster McVerry Sirianni and Welfare Committee of both the House and the Senate and Bowley Fox Mackawski Smith, B. by the Regulatory Review Commission, and so this amend- Bowser Freeman Maiale Smith. L. E. ment reinstates the amount of money necessary to reimburse Bayes Freind Manmiller Snyder, D. W. Brandt Fryer Markosek Snyder, G. the pharmacists to the full extent of our laws. Thank you. Broujor Gallagher Mayernik Stabaek On the question recurring, Bunt Gallen Merry Stairs Burd Gamble Michlovic Steighner Will the House agree to the amendments? Burns Cannon Micorzie Stevens Bush Geist Miller Stewart The following roll call was recorded: Caltagirone George Moehlmann Stuban Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Sweet Carlson Godshall Mawery Swift Acosta Distler Lashinger Robbins Carn Greenwood Mrkonic Taylor, E. Z. Angstadt Dombrowski Laughlin Roebuck Cawley Gruitza Murphy Taylor, F. Argall Donatucci Lescovitr Rudy Cessar Gruppo Nahill Taylor, J. Arty Darr Letterman Ryan Chadwick Hagarty Noye Telek Baldwin Duffy Levdansky Rybak Cimini Haluska O'Brien Tigue Barley Durham Linton Saloom Civera Harper O'Donnell Trella Barrista Evans Livengoad Saurman Clark Hasay Olasz Truman Belardi Fargo Lloyd Scheetz Clymer Hayes Oliver Van Harne Belfanti Fattah Lucyk Schuler Calafella Herman Perzel Veon Black Fee McCall Semmel Cole Hershey Petrarca Vraon Blaum Fischer McClatchy Serafini Cordisco Honaman Petrone Wambach Book Flick McHale Seventy Cornell Howlett Phillips Wasa Bortner Foster McVerry Showers Coslett Hutchinson Piccola Westan Bowley Fax Mackowski Sirianni Cowell ltkin Pistella Wilson Bowser Freeman Maiale Smith, B. COY Jackson Pitts Wogan Boyes Freind Manmiller Smith, L. E. Deluca Jarolin POtt Wozniak Brandt Fryer Markasek Snyder, D. W. DeVerter Johnson Pressman" Wright. D. R. Braujas Gallagher Mayernik Snyder. G. DeWeese Jasephs Preston Wright, 1. L. Bunt Gallen Merry Staback LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Burd Gamble Michlovic Stairs Barley Durham Lint on Rybak Burns Cannon Micazzie Steighner Battisto Evans Livengood Saloom Bush Geist Miller Stevens Belardi Fargo Lloyd Saurman Caltagirone George Moehlmann Stewart Belfanti Fattah Lucyk Scheetz Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Stuban Black Fee McCall Schuler Carlson Godshall Mowery Swift Blaum Fischer McClatchy Semmel Carn Greenwood Mrkonic Taylor. E. Z. Book Flick McHale Seralini Cawley Gruitza Murphy Taylor. F. Bortner Fox McVerry Seventy Cessar Gruppo Nahill Taylor, J. Bowley Freeman Mackowski Sirianni Chadwick Hagarty Noye Telek Bowser Freind Maiale Smith, B. Cimini Haluska O'Brien Tigue Boyes Fryer Manmiller Smith, L. E. Civera Harper O'Donnell Trello Brandt Gallagher Markosek Snyder, D. W. Clark Hasay Olasz Truman Braujos Gallen Mayernik Snyder, G. Clymer Hayes Oliver Van Horne Bunt Gamble Merry Staback Colafella Herman Perzel Veon Burd Cannon Michlovic Stairs Cole Hershey Petrarca Vroon Burns Geist Micazrie Steighner Cordisco Honaman Petrone Wambach Bush George Miller Stevens Carnell Howlett Phillips Wass Caltagirone Gladeck Maehlmann Stewart Coslett Hutchinson Piccola Weston Cappabianca Godshall Morris Stuban Cowell Itkin Pistella Wilson Carlson Greenwood Mowery Swift COY Jackson Pitts Wogan Carn Gruitza Mrkanic Taylor, E. Z. Deluca Jarolin Pott Worniak Cawley Gruppa Murphy Taylor, F. DeVerter Johnson Pressman" Wright, D. R. Cessar Hagarty Nahill Taylor, J. DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, J. L. Chadwick Haluska Noye Telek Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, R. C. Cimini Harper O'Brien Tigue Davies Kennedy Raymond Yandrisevits Civera Hasay O'Dannell Trello Dawida Kenney Reber Clark Hayes Olasz Truman Deal Kosinski Reinard Irvis, Clymer Herman Oliver Van Horne Dietz Kukovich Richardson Sneaker Colafella Hershey Perzel Veon

Dininni Langtry Rieger Cole~~~ Honaman Petrarca Vroon NAYS-4 Cordisco Howlett Petrone Wambach Cornell Hutchinsan Phillips Wass Afflerbach Birmelin Manderino Pievsky Corlett ltkin Piccola Weston Jackson Pistella Wilson NOT VOTING-4 COY Jarolin Pitts Wogan Deluca Johnson Patt Wozniak Barber Cohen Sweet Wiggins DeWeese Josephs Pressman" Wrieht." , D. R. EXCUSED-0 Daley Kasunic Preston Wright, J. L. Davies Kennedy Punt Wright, R. C. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Dawida Kenney Raymond Yandrisevits amendments were agreed to. Deal Kasinski Reber Dietz Kukovich Reinard Irvis, On the question recurring, Dininni Langtry Richardson Sneaker Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as NAYS-7 amended? Afflerbach DeVerter Manderina Showers Mr. CLYMER offered the following amendment No. Birmelin Foster Pievsky A2555: NOT VOTING-4 Amend Sec. 218, page 128, line 18, by striking out all of said Barber Cahen Sweet Wiggins line and inserting EXCUSED-0 State appropriation ...... 136,687,000 On the question, The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Will the House agree to the amendment? amendment was agreed to. The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the On the question recurring, gentleman from Bucks, Mr. Clymer. Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as Mr. CLYMER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. amended? Mr. Speaker, this appropriates $10 million more for com- Mr. CLYMER offered the following amendment No. munity health services. I would ask for an affirmative vote. A2544: Thank you. Amend Sec. 218, page 129, by inserting between lines 4 and 5 For a mobile crisis intervention pilot project. On the question recurring, State appropriation ...... 3,000,000 Will the House agree to the amendment? On the question, The following roll call was recorded: Will the House agree to the amendment? YEAS-190 The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Acorta Dirtler Lashinger Rieger gentleman from Bucks, Mr. Clymer. Angstadt Dombrawski Laughlin Robbins Argall Donatucci Lescovitz Roebuck Arty Dorr Letterman Rudy Baldwin Duffy Levdansky Ryan LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE

Mr. CLYMER. Mr. Speaker, this appropriates $3 million Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as in State funds for a mobile crisis intervention pilot program. I amended? ask for an affirmative vote. Mr. GREENWOOD offered the following amendment No. On the question recurring, A2802: Will the House agree to the amendment? Amend Sec. 218, page 131, by inserting between lines 27 and 28 The following roll call was recorded: For transfer of residents of Woodhaven ICF/ MR to community residential facilities in their counties. Acosta Distler Lashinger Rieger State appropriation ...... 110,000 Angstadt Dombrawski Laughlin Rabbins For residential services for students of Over- Argall Donatucci Lescavitz Roebuck Art" Dorr Letterman Rudv brook School for the Blind. ~aldwin Duffy Levdansky Ryan State appropriation ...... 900,000 Barley Durham Linton Rybak I Battisto Evans Livengood Saloom On the question, Belardi Fargo Lloyd Saurman Will the House agree to the amendment? Belfanti Fattah Lucyk Scheetz Black Fee McCall Schuler The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Blaum Fischer McClatchv Semmel the gentleman from Bucks, Mr. Greenwood. Book Flick McHale Serafini Banner Fox McVerry Seventy Mr. GREENWOOD. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Bowley Freeman Mackowski Sirianni This amendment provides $110,000 to transfer some Bawser Freind Maiale Smith, B. patients from the Woodhaven mental retardation facility and Boyes Fryer Manmiller Smith, L. E. Brandt Gallagher Markosek Snyder, D. W also $900,000 to provide services for the deaf and blind stu- Broujos Gallen Mayernik Snyder, C. dents at Overbrook School. Bunt Gamble Merry Staback Burd Cannon Michlovic Stairs On the question recurring, Burns Geist Micozzie Steighner Will the House agree to the amendment? Bush George Miller Stevens Caltagirone Gladeck Moehlmann Stewart The following roll call was recorded: Cappabianca Godshall Morris Stuban I Carlson Greenwood Mowery Swift Carn Gruitza Mrkonic Taylor, E. Z. Cawley Gruppa Murphy Taylor, F. Amsta Dombrowski Laughlin Robbins Cessar Hagany Nahill Taylor, 1. Angatadt Donatucci Lescovitn Roebuck Chadwick Haluska Noye Telek Argall Dorr Letterman Rudy Cimini Harper O'Brien Tigue Arty Duffy Levdansky Ryan Civera Hasay O'Donnell Trello Baldwin Durham Linton Rybak Clark Hayes Olasz Truman Barley Evans Livengood Saloam Clymer Herman Oliver Van Horne Balfi~lo Farga Lucyk Saurman Colafella Hershey Perrel Vean Belardi Fattah McCall Scheetz Cole Hanaman Petrarca Vroon Belfanti Fee McClatchy Schuler Cordisco Hawlett Petrone Wambach Blaum Fischer McHale Semmel Cornell Hutchinson Phillips Wass Book Flick McVerry Serafini Cosletl ltkin Piccola Weston Bortner Fox Mackowski Seventy Cowell Jackson Pislella Wilson Bowley Freeman Maiale Sirianni COY Jarolin Pitts Wogan Bawser Freind Manmiller Smith, B. Deluca Johnson Pott Wozniak Boyes Fryer Markasek Smith, L. E. DeWeese Josephs Pressman" Wright, D. R. Brandt Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, D. W Daley Kasunic Preston Wright, J. L. Broujos Gallen Merry Snyder, G. Davies Kennedy Punt Wright, R. C. Bunt Gamble Michlavic Staback Dawida Kenney Raymond Yandrisevits Burd Gannon Micozzie Stairs Deal Kasinski Reber Burns Geist Miller Steighnrr Dietz Kukovich Reinard Irvis. Bush George Moehlmann Stevens Dininni Langtry Richardson Speaker Caltagirone Gladeck Morris Stewart Cappabianca Gadshall Mowery Stuban Carlson Greenwood Mrkonic Swift Carn Gruitra Afflerbach DeVerter Manderino Showers Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Birmelin Foster Pievsky Cawley Gruppo Nahjll Taylor, F. Cessar Hagarty Noye Taylor, J. NOT VOTING-4 Chadwick Haluska O'Brien Telek Cimini Harper O'Donnell Tigue Barber Cohen Sweet Wiggins Civera Hasay Olasz Trello EXCUSED-0 Clark Hayes Oliver Truman Clymer Herman Perrel Van Horne The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Colafella Hershey Petrarca Veon Cole Hanaman Petrone Vroon amendment was agreed to. Cordisco Howlett Phillips Wambach Cornell Hutchinson Piccola Wass On the question recurring, Coslett ltkin Pistella Weston Cowell Jackson Pitts Wilson Coy Jarolin P~tt Wogan Deluca Johnson Pressmann Wozniak 1226 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. Cappabianca Godshall Morris Stuban Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, 1. L. Carlson Greenwood Mowers Swift Davits Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. Carn Gruitza Mrkonic Taylor. E. Z Dawida Kenney Reber Yandrisevits Cawley Gruppo Murphy ~ailar;F. Deal Kosinski Reinard Cessar Hagany Nahill Taylor, J. Dietz Kukovich Richardson Irvis, Chadwick Haluska Noye Telek Dininni Langtry Rieger S~eaker Cimini Harper O'Brien Tigue Distler Lashinger Civera Hasay O'Donnell Trella Clark Hayes Olasr Truman Clvmer Herman Oliver Van Horne Afflerbach DeVerter Lloyd Pievsky ~d~afe~~aHershey Perzel Vean Birmelin Foster Manderino Showers Cole Honaman Petrarca Vroon Black Cordisco Howlett Petrone Wambach Carnell Hutchinson Phillips Wass NOT VOTING-4 Coslett ltkin Piccola Weston Cowell Jackson Pistella Wilson Barber Cohen Sweet Wiggins COY Jaralin Pitts Wogan EXCUSED-0 Deluca Johnson Pott Wozniak DeWeese Josephs Pressmann Wright, D. R. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Daley Kasunic Preston Wright, J. L. Davies Kennedy Punt Wright. R. C. amendment was agreed to. Dawida Kenney Raymond Yandrisevits On the question recurring, Deal Kasinski Reber Dietz Kukovich Reinard Irvis, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Dininni Langtry. . Richardson S~eaker amended? Distler Mr. BROUJOS offered the following amendment No. NAYS-5 Aftlerbach DeVerter Manderino Pievsky Amend Sec. 218, page 136, line 27, by striking out all of said Birmelin line and inserting NOT VOTING-5 State appropriation ...... 28,543,000 Barber Showers Sweet Wiggins On the question, Cohen Will the House agree to the amendment? EXCUSED-0

The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the The question was determined in the affirmative, and the gentleman from Cumberland, Mr. Broujos. amendment was agreed to. Mr. BROUJOS. Mr. Speaker, this provides county discre- tionary funds subject to legislation establishing the subject On the question recurring, matter, standards, and an allocation formula to equalize dis- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as tribution of State funds and to recognize the ability of coun- amended? ties to determine their own priorities. Mr. STUBAN offered the following amendment No. On the question recurring, Will the House agree to the amendment? Amend Sec. 218, page 136, line 27, by striking out all of said I line and inserting- The following roll call was recorded: State appropriation ...... 16,000,000 YEAS-191 On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment? Acosta Dambrowski Lashinger Rieger Angstadt Donatucci Laughlin Robbins The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Argall Dorr Lescouitz Roebuck Arty Duffy Letterman Rudy gentleman from Columbia, Mr. Stuban. Baldwin Durham Levdansky Ryan Mr. STUBAN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Barley Evans Lint on Rybak This amendment increases the line item to the Human Battista Fargo Livengood Saloam Belardi Fattah Lloyd Saurman Service Development Fund to the counties from $2 million to Belfanti Fee Lucvk Scheetz $16 million. Black Fischer Mc~all Schuler The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Blaurn Flick McClatchy Semmel Book Foster McHale Serafini Dauphin, Mr. Wambach. Bortner Fox McVerry Seventy Mr. WAMBACH. Mr. Speaker, the way I look at the Bowley Freeman Mackawski Sirianni Stuban amendment and the Broujos amendment, they are dif- Bowser Freind Maiale Smith, 9. Bayes Fryer Manmiller Smith, L. E. ferent to the tune of $12 million, I believe. Based on the Brandl Gallagher Markosek Snyder, D. W formula that Mr. Broujos talked about, I do not know what Broujas Gallen Mayernik Snyder, G. figure is more correct. Bunt Gamble Merry Staback Burd Gannon Michlovic Stairs The SPEAKER. If the gentleman's question is what Burns Geist Micozzie Steighner happens to the ~rdujosamendment, an amendment which is Bush George Miller Stevens Callagin1°C Gladeck Maehlmann Stewan


Washington and Wayne Townshius in Schuylkill 1 NAYS-7 County. State appropriation ...... Afflerbaeh DeVerter Lloyd Pievsk) Birmelin Foster Manderina On the question, I NOT VOTING-4 Will the House agree to the amendment? Barber Cohen Kosinski Wiggins The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes EXCUSED-0 the gentleman from Schuylkill, Mr. Baldwin. Mr. BALDWIN. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the This amendment appropriates $100,000 for the establish- amendment was agreed to. ment and operation of an emergency grid system in rural sec- On the question recurring, tions of Schuylkill County to enable quick emergency Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as response time when there is no address available. amended? On the question recurring, Mr. MORRIS offered the following amendment No. Will the House agree to the amendment? A2764: The following roll call was recorded: Amend Sec. 228, page 150, line 9, by striking out all of said line and inserting YEAS-190 State appropriation ...... 10,006,000 Acosta Distler Laughlin Roebuck On the question, Angstadt Dombrowski Lescovitz Rudy Argall Donatucci Letterman Ryan Will the House agree to the amendment? Any Dorr Levdansky Rybak Baldwin Duffy Lint on Saloam The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Barley Durham Livengood Saurman gentleman from Chester, Mr. Morris. Battist0 Evans Lucyk Scheetz Mr. MORRIS. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Belardi Fargo McCall Schuler This restores $527,000 to the Historical and Museum Com- Belfanti Fattah McClatchy Semmel Black Fee McHale Serafini mission, the reason being that it is needed to keep up with the Blaum Fischer McVerry Seventy present personnel.

Book Flick Mackawski Showers~~~ Bortner Fox Maiale Sirianni~~~~~~~~... On the question recurring, Bowley Freeman Manmiller Smith, B. Will the House agree to the amendment? Bowser Freind Markasek Smith, L. E. Boyes Fryer Mayernik Snyder, D. W. The following roll call was recorded: Brandt Gallagher Merry Snyder, G Broujos Gallen Michlovic Staback Bunt Gamble Micozzie Stairs Burd Gannon Miller Steighner ACOS~B Dombrowski Lescovitr Roebuck Burns Geist Moehlmann Stevens Angstadt Donatucci Letterman Rudy Bush George Morris Stewart Argall Dorr Levdansky Ryan Caltagirane Gladeck Mawery Stuban Arty Duffy Linton Rybak Cappabianca GOdlhall Mrkonic Sweet Baldwin Durham Livengoad Saloom Carlson Greenwood Murphy Swift Barley Evans Lloyd Saurman Carn Gruitza Nahill Taylor, E. Z. Battista Fargo Lucyk Scheetr Cawley Gru~po Noye Taylor, F. Belardi Fattah McCall Sehuler Cessar Hagarty O'Brien Taylor, J. Belfanti Fee McClatchy Semmel Chadwiek Haluska O'Donnell Telek Black Fischer McHale Serafini Cimini Harper Olasz Tigue Blaum Flick McVerry Seventy Civera Hasay Oliver Trello Book Fox Mackawski Showers Clark Hayes Perrel Truman Banner Freeman Maiale Sirianni Clymer Hernran Prtrarca Van Iiorne Bowley Freind Manrnillcr Smith. B. Colafella Herrhey Petrone Veon Bowser Fryer Markosek Smith. L. E. Cole Honaman Phillips vroor, Boyes Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, D. W Cordisco Howlett Piccola Wambach Brandt Gallen Merry Snyder, G. Cornell Hutchinson Pistella Wass Broujos Gamble Michlovic Staback Coslett ltkin Pitts Westcln Bunt Gannon Micazzie Stairs Cawell Jackson P~tt Wilson Burd Geist Miller Steighner COY Jarolin Pressman" Wogan Burns George Moehlmann Stevens Deluca Johnson Preston Wozniak Bush Gladeck Morris Stewart DeWeese Josephs Punt Wright, D. R. Caltagirane Godshall Mowery Stuban Daley Kasunic Raymond Wright, J. L. Cappabianca Greenwood Mrkonic Sweet Davies Kennedy Reber Wright, R. C. Carlsan Gruitra Murphy Swift Dawida Kenney Reinard Yandrisevits Carn Gruppa Nahill Taylor, E. Z. Deal Kukovich Richardson Cawley Hagarty Naye Taylor, F. Dietz Langtry Rieger Irvis, Cessar Haluska O'Brien Taylor, J. Dininni Lashinger Robbins Speaker Chadwick Harper O'Donnell Telek Cimini Hasay Olasr Tigue Civera Hayes Oliver Trello Clark Herman Perzel Truman Clymer Hershey Petrarca Van Horne Calafella Honaman Petrone Veon 1230 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

Cale Howlett Phillips Vroan Burd Cannon Michlovic Steighner Cordisco Hutchinson Piccola Wambach Burns Geist Micorrie Stevens Cornell ltkin Pistella Was$ Bush George Miller Stewart Coslett Jackson Pins Weston Caltagirone Gladeck Moehlmann Stuban Cowell Jarolin P~tt Wilson Caooabianca. . Codshall Morris Sweet COY Johnson Pressmann Wogan Carlson Greenwood Mowery Swift Deluca Jasephs Preston Wozniak Carn Gruitza Mrkanif Taylor. E. Z. DeWeese Kasunic Punt Wright, D. R. Cawley Gruppo Murphy Taylor. F. Daley Kennedy Raymond Wright, J. L. Cessar Hagarty Nahill Taylor, J. Davies Kenney Reber Wright. R. C. Chadwick Haluska Noye Telek Dawida Kasinski Reinard Cimini Harper O'Brien Tigue Deal Kukovich Richardson Civera Hasay O'Donnell Trello Dietz Langtry Rieger Irvis, Clark Hayes Olasz Truman Dininni Lashinger Robbins Speaker Clyrner Herman Oliver Van Horne Distler Laughlin Colafella Hershey Perzel Veon Cale Honaman Petrarca Vroon Cordisca Howlett Petrone Wambach Afflerbach DeVerter Manderino Pievsky Cornell Hutchinson Phillips Wars Birmelin Foster Coslett ltkin Piccola Weston Cowell Jackson Pistella Wilson NOT VOTING-3 COY Jarolin Pitts Wogan Deluca Johnson Pot t Wozniak Barber Cohen Wiggins DeVerter Josephs Pressmann Wright, D. R. EXCUSED-0 DeWeese Kasunic Preston Wright, J. L. Daley Kennedy Punt Wright, R. C. The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Davies Kenney Raymond Yandrisevits Dawida Kasinski Reber amendment was agreed to. Deal Kukovifh Reinard Irvis, On the question recurring, Dietz Langtry Richardson Soeaker Dininni Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as amended? Mr. PHILLIPS offered the following amendment No. Afflerbach Foster Pievsky Rybak Manderina Rudy A2700: Birmelin NOT VOTING-3 Amend Sec. 228, page 151, line 1, by striking out all of said line and inserting Barber Cohen Wiggins State appropriation ...... 530,000 EXCUSED-0

On the question, The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Will the House agree to the amendment? amendment was agreed to. The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the On the question recurring, gentleman from Northumberland, Mr. Phillips. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Mr. PHILLIPS. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. amended? This would add $30,000 to the Historical Commission for Mr. KUKOVICH offered the following amendment No. the purpose of adding a parking lot to Fort Augusta which at A2674: the present time is being restored. Thank you. Amend Sec. 254, page 181, line 19, by striking out all of said On the question recurring, line and insertine" Will the House agree to the amendment? State appropriation ...... 1,420,000 The following roll call was recorded: On the question, Will the House agree to the amendment?

Acasta Distler Lashinger Rieger The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Angstadt Dombrowski Laughlin Rabbins gentleman from Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich. Argall Donatucci Lescavitz Roebuck Mr. KUKOVICH. Mr. Speaker, this amendment appropri- Arty Dorr Letterman Ryan Baldwin Duffy Levdansky Saloom ates an additional $100,000 to cover the cost of two studies Barley Durham Linton Saurman through the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee: one a Batlislo Evans Livengood Scheetz review of subsidized day care, and the other pursuant to HR Belardi Farm Llovd Schuler Belfanti ~alrah Lucyk Semmel 252 to study the State Certificate of Need Program. Black Fee McCall Serafini On the question recurring, Blaum Fischer McClatchy Seventy Book Flick McHale Showers Will the House agree to the amendment? Bortner Fox McVerry Sirianni Bowley Freeman Mackowski Smith, B. The following roll call was recorded: Bowser Freind Maiale Smith, L. E. Bayes Fryer Manmiller Snyder, D. W. Brandt Gallagher Markasek Snyder, G. Broujos Gallen Mayernik Staback Bunt Gamble Merry Stairs 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1231

YEAS-191 I State appropriation ...... 150,000 ACOS~P Dombrowski Laughlin Robbins On the question, Angstadt Donatucci Lescovitz Roebuck Will the House agree to the amendment? Argall Dorr Letterman Rudy Arty Duffy Levdansky Ryan The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Baldwin Durham Lintan Saloom gentleman from Bucks, Mr. Wright. Barley Evans Livengood Saurman Battisto Fargo Lloyd Scheetz Mr. J. L. WRIGHT. This amendment offers $150,000 to Belardi Fattah Lucyk Schuler the Capitol Preservation Committee for the development of Belfanti Fee McCall Semmel an exhibit on Pennsylvania capitols from Independence Hall Black Fischer McClatchy Serafini Blaum Flick McHale Seventy through to the present capitol. Book Fox McVerry Showers Bortner Freeman Mackawski Sirianni On the question recurring, Bowley Freind Maiale Smith, B. Will the House agree to the amendment? Bowser Fryer Manmiller Smith. L. E. Boyes Gallagher Markasek Snyder, D. W. The following roll call was recorded: Brandt Gallen Mayernik Snyder. G. Broujos Gamble Merry Staback YEAS-191 Bunt Gannan Michlovic Stairs Angstadt Dombrowski Laughlin Robbins Micazzie Steighner Burd Geist Argall Donatucci Lescavitz Roebuck Miller Stevens Burns George Arty Dorr Letterman Rudy Gladeck Moehlmann Stewart Bush Baldwin Duffy Levdansky Ryan Godshall Morris Stuban Caltagirone Barley Durham Linton Saloom Cappabianca Greenwood Mowery Sweet Battisto Evans Livengood Saurman Mrkonic Swift Carlsan Gruitza Belardi Fargo Lloyd Scheetr Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Carn Gruppo Belfanti Fattah Lucyk Schuler Nahill Taylor, F. Cawley Hagarty Black Fee McCall Semmel Noye Taylor, J. Cessar Haluska Blaum Fischer McClatchy Serafini Chadwick Harper O'Brien Telek Book Flick McHale Seventy O'Donnell Tigue Cimini Hasay Bortner Foster McVerry Showers Trella Civera Hayes Olasr Bowley Fox Mackowski Sirianni Oliver Truman Clark Herman Bowser Freeman Maiale Smith, B. Clymer Herrhey Perzel Van Horne Boyes Freind Manmiller Smith, L. E. Calafella Honaman Petrarca Veon Brandt Fryer Markasek Snyder, D. W. Cole Howlett Petrone Vroon Broujos Gallagher Mayernik Snyder, G. Cordisco Hutchinson Phillips Wambach Bunt Gallen Merry Staback Cornell ltkin Piccola Wass Burd Gamble Michlavic Stairs Coslett Jackson Pistella Weston Burns Gannon Micozzie Steighner Wilson Cowell Jarolin Pitts Bush Geist Miller Stevens COY Johnson Poll Wogan Caltagirone George Moehlmann Stewart Wozniak Deluca Jorephs Pressman" Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Stuban Wright, D. R. DeWeese Kasunic Preston Carlsan Godshall Mowery Sweet Punt Wright, J. L. Daley Kennedy Carn Greenwood Mrkonic Swift Davies Kenney Raymond Wright. R. C. Cawley Gruitza Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Yandrisevits Dawida Kosinski Reber Cessar Gruppa Nahill Taylor, F. Reinard Deal Kukavich Chadwick Hagarty Naye Taylor, I. Dietz Langtry Richardson Irvis, Cimini Haluska O'Brien Telek Dininni Lashinger Rieger Speaker Civera Harper O'Donnell Tigue Distler Clark Hasay Olasz Trello Clymer Hayes Oliver Truman Colafella Herman Perzel Van Horne Afflerbach DeVerter Manderino Rybak Cole Hershey Petrarca Veon Birmelin Faster Pievsky Cardisco Honaman Petrone Vraan NOT VOTING-3 Cornell Howlett Phillips Wambach Coslett Hutchinsan Piccola Wass Barber Cohen Wiggins Cowell ltkin Pistella Westan EXCUSED-0 COY Jackson Pitts Wilson Deluca Jarolin Pott Wogan DeVerter Johnson Pressmann Warniak The question was determined in the affirmative, and the DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright, D. R. amendment was agreed to. Daley Kasunic Punt Wright, J. L. Davies Kennedy Raymond Wright, R. C. On the question recurring, Dawida Kenney Reber Yandrisevits Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as Deal Kosinski Reinard Dietz Langtry Richardson Irvis, amended? Dininni Lashinger Rieger Speaker Mr. J. L. WRIGHT offered the following amendment No. Distler A2625: NAYS-6

Amend Sec. 263, page 185, by inserting between lines 22 and Afflerbach Kukovich Pievsky Rybak --71 Birmelin Manderino For a Capitol Historical Exhibit. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

NOT VOTING-4 Clymer Hayes Perzel Van Horne Colafella Herman Petrarca Veon Acosta Barber Cohen Wiggins Cole Hershey Petrone Vroon EXCUSED-0 Cordisco Honaman Phillips Wambach Cornell Hawlett Piccola Was$ Coslett Hutchinson Pistella Westan The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cowell ltkin Pitt~ Wilson amendment was agreed to. COY Jackson Pot1 Wogan Deluca Jarolin Pressmann Wozniak

On the auestion recurring, -DeVerter ~ ~~~~~ Johnson Preston Wright. D. R Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as DeWeese losephs Punt Wright, J. L. Daley Kasunic Raymond Wright, R. C. amended? Davies Kennedy Reber Yandrisevits Mr. MERRY offered the following amendment No. A2755: id^ Kenney Reinard Deal Kasinski Richardson Irvis, Amend Sec. 301, page 196, by inserting between lines 24 and Dietz Langtry. ~ Rieger Speaker 25 NAY S-4 For expansion of revolving loans through the regional planning and development commissions Afflerbach Kukovich Manderino Pievsky for rural counties with high unemployment. NOT VOTING-3 State appropriation ...... 8,000,000 Barber Cohen Wiggins On the question, EXCUSED-0 Will the House agree to the amendment? The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Crawford, Mr. Merry, on the amendment. amendment was agreed to. Mr. MERRY. Mr. Speaker, this amendment provides for On the question recurring, $8 million to be used as a revolving loan program to be admin- the House agree to the bill on third as istered by the eight regional planning commissions in Pennsyl- amended? vania to be used for rural counties where they have high ~ - FARGO offered the followinr- amendment No, A2756: unemployment. 1 ask for an affirmative vote. I -- Amend Sec. 301, page 196, by inserting between lines 27 and On the question recurring, For regional marketing assistance provided Will the House agree to the amendment? through the regional planning and development commissions for rural counties with high unem- The following roll call was recorded: ployment. State appropriation 2,000,000 YEAS-194 ...... On the question, Acosta Dininni Lashinger Rabbins Angatadt Distler Laughlin Roebuck Will the House agree to the amendment? Argall Dombrowski Lescovitz Rudy Arty Donatucci Letterman Ryan The SPEAKER. On the amendment, the Chair recognizes Baldwin Dorr Levdansky Rybak the gentleman from Mercer, Mr. Fargo. Barley Duffy Linton Saloom Mr. FARGO. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Battisto Durham Livengood Saurman Belardi Evans Lloyd Scheetz This is a line item for $2 million for regional marketing Belfanti Farga LuCyk Schuler assistance to attract business and create jobs in our rural Birmelin Fattah McCall Semmel counties with high unemployment. Black Fee McClatchy Serafini Blaum Fischer McHale Seventy On the question recurring, Book Flick McVerry Showers Will the House agree to the amendment? Bortner Foster Mackowrki Sirianni Bowley Fox Maiale Smith. B. The following roll call was recorded: Bowser Freeman Manmiller Smith, L. E. Boyes Freind Markosek Snyder. D. W YEAS-193 Brandt Fryer Mayernik Snyder. G. Braujas Gallagher Merry Staback Aeosta Dininni Langtry Rieger Bunt Gallen Michlovic Stairs Angstadt Distler Lashinger Robbins Burd Gamble Micozzie Steighner Argall Dombrowski Laughlin Roebuck Burns Gannon Miller Stevens Arty Donatucci Lescovitz Rudy Bush Geist Moehlmann Stewart Baldwin Dorr Letterman Ryan Caltaxirone" George Morris Stuban Barley Duffy Levdansky Saloom Cappabianca Gladeck Mowery Sweet Battisto Durham Linton Saurman Carlson Godshall Mrkonic Swift Belardi Evans Livengoad Scheetz Carn Greenwood Murphy Taylor, E. 2. Belfanti Fargo Lloyd Schuler Cawley Gruitza Nahill Taylor, F. Birmelin Fattah Lucyk Semmel Cessar Gruppo NOVP..-,. Taylor. 1. Black Fee McCall Serafini Chadwick Hagarty O'Brien Telek Blaum Fischer McClatchy Seventy Cimini Haluska O'Donnell Tigue Book Flick McHale Showers Civera Harper Olaaz Trello Banner Faster McVerry Sirianni Clark Hasay Oliver Truman Bowley Fox Mackawski Smith, B. 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 1233

Bowser Freeman Maiale Smith, L. E. On the question recurring, Boyes Freind Manmiller Snyder, D. W, Will the House agree to the amendment? Brandt Fryer Markosek Snyder, G. Broujos Gallagher Mayernik Stairs The following roll call was recorded: Bunt Gallen Merry Steighner Burd Gamble Michlovic Stevens YEAS-189 Burns Gannon Micorzie Stewart Bush Geist Miller Stuban Acosta Distler Lashinger Rieger Caltagirone George Maehlmann Sweet Angstadt Dornbrowski Laughlin Robbins Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Swift Argall Donatucci Lescovitz Roebuck Carlson Godshall Mowery Taylor, E. Z. Any Dorr Letterman Rudy Carn Greenwood Mrkonic Taylor.. . F. Baldwin Duffy Levdansky Ryan Cawley Gruitza Murphy Taylor. J. Barley Durham Linton Saloom Cessar Gruppo Nahill Telek Battisto Evans Livengood Saurman Chadwick Hagarty Naye Tigue Belardi Fargo Lloyd Schuler Cimini Haluska O'Brien Trella Belfanti Fattah Lucyk Semmel Civera Harper O'Donnell Truman Black Fee McCall Serafini Clark Hasay Olasz Van Horne Blaum Fischer McClatchy Seventy Clymer Hayes Oliver Vean Book Flick McHale Sirianni Colafella Herman Perzel Vraon Bortner Foster McVerry Smith, B. Cole Hershey Petrarca Wambach Bowley FOX Mackowski Smith, L. E. Cordisca Hanaman Petrane Wass Bowser Freeman Maiale Snyder, D. W Cornell Howlett Phillips Weston Boyes Freind Manmiller Snyder. G. Coslett Hutchinson Piccola Wilson Brandt Fryer Markasek Staback Cowell ltkin Pistella Wogan Broujos Gallagher Mayernik Stairs coy Jackson Pit is Wozniak Bunt Gallen Merry Steighner Deluca Jarolin Pott Wright, D. R. Burd Gamble Michlovic Stevens DeVerter Johnson Pressmann Wright, J. L. Burns Gannon Micorrie Stewart DeWeese Josephs Preston Wright. R. C. Bush Geist Miller Stuban Daley Kasunic Punt Yandrirevits Caltagirone George Moehlmann Sweet Davies Kennedy Raymond Cappabianca Gladeck Morris Swift Dawida Kenney Reber Irvis, Carlson Godshall Mowery Taylor, E. Z. Deal Rosinski Reinard S~eaker Carn Greenwood Mrkonic Taylor, F. Dietz Kukovich Richardson Cawley Gruitza Murphy Taylor, I. Cessar Gruppo Nahill Telek NAYS-4 Chadwick Hagarty Naye Tigue Afflerbach Manderino Pievsky Rybak Cimini Haluska O'Brien Trello Civera Harper O'Donnell Truman NOT VOTING-4 Clark Hasay Olasz Van Horne Clymer Hayes Oliver Veon Barber Cohen Staback Calafella Herman Perrel Vroon EXCUSED-0 Cole Hershey Petrarca Wambach Cordisco Honaman Petrone Wass The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Cornell Howlett Phillips Weiton Coslett Hutchinson Piccola Wilson amendment was agreed to. Cawcll ltkin Pistella Woean On the question recurring, 1 COY Jackson Pitts ~ ~ Deluca larolin Port Wright, D. R. Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as DeWeese Johnson Pressrnann Wright. I. L. amended? Daley Joscphs Preston Wright. R. C. Mr. BLACK offered the following amendment No. A2750: Davies Kasunic Punt Yandrisevits Dawida Kennedy Raymond Amend Sec. 302, page 197, by inserting between lines 12 and Deal Kenney Reber Irvis, .-I? Dietz Kosinski Reinard Speaker Dininni For research for developing methods of uti- Langtry Richardson lizing brine components or disposing of brine. NAYS-8 1,000,000 State appropriation ...... Afflerbach DeVener Manderino Rybak On the question, Birmelin Kukavich Pievsky Showers Will the House agree to the amendment? NOT VOTING-4 The SPEAKER. On the question, the Chair recognizes the Barber Cohen Scheetz gentleman from Venango, Mr. Black. EXCUSED-0 Mr. BLACK. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This amendment is for research for developing methods of The question was determined in the affirmative, and the amendment was agreed to. utilizing- brine comoonents or dis~osine- of brine connected with oil well drilling, and it will provide the research necessary On the question recurring, to make these byproducts into fertilizer and make it techni- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as cally sound and economically feasible and help us with our amended? environmental problems: $1 million. Thank you. Mr. MOWERY offered the following amendment No.


Deluca Jarolin Pressman" Wozniak WHEREAS, Kenneth B. Prince, R. Stephen DeVerter Johnson Preston Wright, D. R. Anderson, Jr., and Andrew Peter Leary have earned DeWeese Josephs Punt Wright, 1. L. the Eagle award in Scouting. This is the highest award Daley Kasunic Raymond Wright. R. C. that Boy Scouts can bestow and as such represents Davies Kennedy Reber Yandrisevils great sacrifice and tremendous effort on the part of Dawida Kenney Reinard these young men. They are a member of Troop 204. Deal Kosinski Richardson Irvis, Dietz Langtry Rieger Speaker NOW THEREFORE, The House of Representa- Dininni Lashinger Robbins tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania con- gratulates Kenneth B. Prince, R. Stephen Anderson, NAYS-4 Jr., and Andrew Peter Leary on the occasion of their Afflerbach Birmelin Manderino Pievsky being honored with the Eagle Scout Award, com- NOT VOTING-4 mends them on the outstanding work they have done to earn this coveted honor, and wishes them contin- Barbel Cohen Kukovifh ued success in the future. EXCUSED-0 Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure that I place in the Legislative Journal the names of Kenneth B. Prince, R. Stephen Anderson, The question was determined in the affirmative, and the Jr., and Andrew Peter Leary. amendment was agreed to. Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to bring to the attention of the On the question recurring, Speaker and the Members of the Pennsylvania House of Repre- Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as sentatives the name of Joseph W. Bartish IV, who has been awarded Scouting's highest honor - Eagle Scout. amended? Mr. Speaker, I would like to read to the Members of the House BILL PASSED OVER of Representatives the following Citation of Merit honoring Joseph W. Bartish IV. The SPEAKER. Without objection, HB 2508 will be passed WHEREAS, Joseph W. Bartish IV has earned the over for the day. The Chair hears no objection. Eagle award in Scouting. This is the highest award that Boy Scouts can bestow and as such represents REMARKS ON VOTE great sacrifice and tremendous effort on the part of this young man. He is a member of Troop 147. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the lady from NOW THEREFORE, The House of Representa- tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania con- Delaware, Mrs. Arty. You wished to change avote earlier? gratulates Joseph W. Bartish IV on the occasion of Mrs. ARTY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. his being honored with the Eagle Scout Award, com- On amendment A2731 to HB 2508, Mr. Markosek's mends him on the outstanding work he has done to amendment, my switch failed to operate. I want to be earn this coveted honor, and wishes him continued recorded as being in the affirmative. Thank you. success in the future. The SPEAKER. The lady's remarks will be spread upon the Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure that I place in the Legislative Journal the name of Joseph W. Bartish IV. record.


The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Bucks, Mr. Reinard. Philadelphia, Mr. Kosinski. Mr. KOSINSKI. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. REINARD. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On HB 2508, amendment A2786, 1 was not recorded. I wish Mr. Speaker, I would just like to submit some comments for a matter of record. to be recorded in the affirmative. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will send the comments The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from forward. They will be recorded. Lehigh, Mr. Snyder. Mr. D. W. SNYDER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. REINARD submitted the following remarks for the On HB 2508, amendment No. 2548 and amendment 2751, I Legislative Journal: was not recorded. 1 would like to be recorded in the affirma- Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to bring to the attention of the tive. Also, on today's voting record on HB 1379, PN 3426, 1 Speaker and the Members of the Pennsylvania House of Repre- was erroneously recorded in the affirmative. I would like to be sentatives the names of Kenneth B. Prince, R. Stephen Anderson, shown in the negative, l-hank you, Jr., and Andrew Peter Leary, who will he awarded Scouting's The SPEAKER. The gentleman.s remarks will be spread highest honor - Eagle Scout. Mr. Speaker, on Thursday, June 19, 1986, Kenneth B. Prince, Uponthe R. Stephen Anderson, Jr., and Andrew Peter Leary will be offi- The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. cially recognized in their induction ceremony as Eagle Scouts. Levdansky. Mr. Speaker, I would like to read to the Members of the House MI. LEVDANSKY. Mr. Speaker, on amendment A2614 to of Representatives the following Citation of Merit honoring SB was not recorded. I would like to be recorded in the Kenneth B. Prince, R. Stephen Anderson, Jr., and Andrew Peter Leary. affirmative. 1236 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 10,

The SPEAKER. The gentleman's remarks will be spread Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, this deliberate body this after- upon the record. noon adopted an additional $553,230,000 while we were The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Lancaster, Mr. "rehearsing" for tomorrow. Brandt. Mr. BRANDT. Mr. Speaker, on the Chadwick amendment HOUSE BILL No. A2831 to SB 1075,I would like to be recorded "yes." INTRODUCED AND REFERRED The SPEAKER. The gentleman's remarks will be spread upon the record. No. 25% By Representatives MANDERINO, The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Erie, Mr. Cap- PIEVSKY, TRELLO, IRVIS, pabianca. O'DONNELL, ITKIN, D. R. WRIGHT, Mr. CAPPABIANCA. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. DOMBROWSKI and FEE On amendment A2340, the Kukovich amendment to HB An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P. L. 6, No. 2), 1379, 1 was recorded in the negative. I wish to be recorded in known as the "Tax Reform Code of 1971," providing for an the oositive. sir. unemployment compensation tax credit. The SPEAKER. The gentleman's remarks will be spread Referred to Committee on APPROPRIATIONS, June 10, upon the record. 1986. The Chair recognizes the lady from Susquehanna, Miss Sirianni. BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS PASSED OVER Miss SIRIANNI. Mr. Speaker, on amendment A2855 to SB I 1075,I wish to be recorded in the negative. The SPEAKER. Without objection, all remaining bills and The SPEAKER. The lady's remarks will be spread upon the resolutions on today's calendar will be passed over. The Chair record. hears no objection. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Luzerne, Mr. Tigue. ADJOURNMENT Mr. TIGUE. Mr. Soeaker, on amendments 2536.2589. and 2669 to HB 2508, I failed to cast a vote. If I had voted, I The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from would have voted in the affirmative. Philadelphia, Mr. Taylor. The SPEAKER. The gentleman's remarks will be spread Mr. J. J. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, I move that this House upon the record. do now adjourn until Wednesday, June 11, 1986, at 9:30 Are there any other corrections to the record? If not, we a.m., e.d.t., unless sooner recalled by the Speaker. will be in session at 9:30 tomorrow morning, and today was On the question, only a rehearsal. The real battles begin tomorrow morning, so Will the House agree to the motion? come prepared. Motion was agreed to, and at 5:49 p.m., e.d.t., the House adjourned. ANNOUNCEMENT BY MR. ITKIN

The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. Itkin. Mr. ITKIN. Mr. Speaker, I just want to make an announce- ment to the membership. We did fine today. We disposed of approximately 110 amendments. Unfortunately, there is about an equal number still to be done and more are being processed. In order to expedite the process tomorrow and get through so we do not have to be here Thursday, please get your amendments that you wish to offer prepared as quickly as possible and send them to my office and Mr. McClatchy's office as soon as you have them so that we can get them put in a packet and get them to reproduction. It takes about an hour and a half for us to reproduce a packet. So the order of the day is to expedite things as quickly as possible and get your amendments to us as early tomorrow as you possibly can. Packet 3 is now being reproduced, and we will begin tomorrow morning at 9:30 with packet No. 3. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the minority leader.

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