Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Serial Killer Stranglers Serial Killer Quick Reference Guides #1 by Kevin Smith Kevin Smith survives 'massive heart attack' after being rushed to hospital. American filmmaker Kevin Smith — best known for helming Clerks and Chasing Amy — has revealed he survived a “massive heart attack” over the weekend. The 47-year-old Tweeted a picture of himself from a hospital bed covered with tubes on Monday (26 February) morning. Smith had performed a stand-up show the evening prior, and was due to perform again but cancelled the second show. “After the first show this evening, I had a massive heart attack,” he wrote on social media alongside the picture. “The Doctor who saved my life told me I had 100 per cent blockage of my LAD artery (aka “the Widow-Maker”). If I hadn’t canceled show two to go to the hospital, I would’ve died tonight. But for now, I’m still above ground!” Fans were quick to respond on social media, including Guardians of the Galaxy actor Chris Pratt, who wrote: “Kevin we don’t know each other too good but I have loved you since Clerks and I’m praying my ass off for you cause I believe in the healing power of prayer.” Writer Sean Francis posted to Twitter: “I keep reading this in shock. Damn. It’s an understatement to say, but myself and so many others are glad you cancelled and are recovering. Sending love to you and yours.” Smith had performed a stand-up show at 6pm PT at the Alex Theater in Glendale, California, and was due to perform once again at 9pm. The comic book writer and filmmaker posted the photo from hospital 21 minutes after midnight, local time. Smith later posted a lengthy message to Facebook , explaining what had happened: "I was trying to do a killer stand-up special this evening but I might’ve gone too far," the post reads. "After the first show, I felt kinda nauseous. I threw up a little but it didn’t seem to help. Then I started sweating buckets and my chest felt heavy. Turns out I had a massive heart attack. The Doctor who saved my life at the Glendale hospital told me I had 100 per cent blockage of my LAD artery (also known as “the Widow-Maker” because when it goes, you’re a goner). "If I hadn’t canceled the second show to go to the hospital, the Doc said I would’ve died tonight. For now, I’m still above ground! But this is what I learned about myself during this crisis: death was always the thing I was most terrified of in life. When the time came, I never imagined I’d ever be able to die with dignity - I assumed I’d die screaming, like my Dad (who lost his life to a massive heart attack). But even as they cut into my groin to slip a stent into the lethal Widow-Maker, I was filled with a sense of calm. Recommended. "I’ve had a great life: loved by parents who raised me to become the individual I am. I’ve had a weird, wonderful career in all sorts of media, amazing friends, the best wife in the world and an incredible daughter who made me a Dad. But as I stared into the infinite, I realized I was relatively content. Yes, I’d miss life as it moved on without me - and I was bummed we weren’t gonna get to make Jay and Silent Bob reboot before I shuffled loose the mortal coil. But generally speaking, I was okay with the end, if this was gonna be it. "I’ve gotten to do so many cool things and I’ve had so many adventures - how could I be shitty about finally paying the tab. But the good folks at the Glendale hospital had other plans and the expertise to mend me. Total strangers saved my life tonight (as well as my friends Jordan Monsanto and Mily Dawn, who called the ambulance). "This is all a part of my mythology now and I’m sure I’ll be facing some lifestyle changes (maybe it’s time to go Vegan). But the point of this post is to tell you that I faced my greatest fear tonight. and it wasn’t as bad as I’ve always imagined it’d be. I don’t want my life to end but if it ends, I can’t complain. It was such a gift." Join our new commenting forum. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. Who was Shannan Gilbert? True story behind Lifetime's 'The Long Island Serial Killer: A Mother's Hunt for Justice' Streaming platforms are always on the search for content based on real-life events. The storylines instantly make a connection with the viewers and give them a reel-life perspective of a particular event that shocked the entire world. One such movie that is set to take the viewers on a roller- coaster ride is Lifetime’s upcoming project ‘The Long Island Serial Killer: A Mother’s Hunt for Justice’. The true-crime movie revolves around a woman named Mari Gilbert and her search for the truth behind what happened to her daughter Shannan, a sometime escort who disappeared after a ‘date’ on Long Island. The movie is based on one of the most notorious criminals of all time - the Long Island Serial Killer. RELATED ARTICLES. With the release of the movie just around the corner, there comes some curiosity — who is the Long Island Serial Killer? What’s his real-name? And why did he kill so many women? The story of the upcoming movie revolves around the notorious Long Island Serial Killer, an unidentified suspected serial killer who has killed 10 to 17 people over a period of nearly 20 years. The serial killer grabbed all the attention after the disappearance of the 24-year-old female escort, who was reported missing on May 1, 2010. Shannan Gilbert (Facebook) According to the investigation, Gilbert was last seen running from one of her client’s home in the Oak Beach area. Authorities launched an extensive search after finding a body in the same area and what happened next was something even more terrifying. Two days later police officers found three more bodies on the north side of the Ocean Parkway. Finding four bodies in the same area sent shockwaves among the people, with police saying that recovering four bodies from the same area was “not a coincidence”. Police did not stop the investigation and began searching for more bodies. To everyone’s horror, in 2011, four more bodies were discovered in another area off the parkway, near Osk Beach and Gilgo Beach. There was a sense of panic among the people of Long Island who started to give the police a lot of information that could lead them to the killer. Meanwhile, some believed that the killer is a rogue police officer who has served in the area. Suffolk County Police and police recruits search an area of beach near where police recently found human remains on April 5, 2011 in Babylon, New York. (Getty Images) However, Det. Lt. Kevin Smith categorically said that the rumors are baseless. Smith said, “For anyone to come out and say that it’s a specific person, a specific occupation, or a specific type is unfair and I think it’s mere suspicion, it’s mere speculation. Right now, it could be anybody.” In the next few weeks, an additional set of partial human remains were found along with a separate skull. After an extensive search for almost a year, Shannan Gilbert’s remains were found in a marsh about half a mile from where she had disappeared. A week earlier, they had found some of her clothes and belongings in the nearby area. Identity of the Killer. According to various media reports, the serial killer is most likely a white male who is very familiar with the South Shore of Long Island and is in his mid-20s to mid-40s. A former resident of Long Island, Joel Rifkin, may have been responsible for all the . However, he denied having a role in any of the killings. Joel Rifkin (YouTube) Victims. Four out of the 10 bodies or remains found since late 2010 were identified as missing prostitutes. Apart from them, police were able to identify only two other victims. Names of the identified victims were: Maureen Brainard-Barnes, Melissa Barthélemy, Megan Waterman, Amber Lynn Costello, Jessica Taylor, and Valerie Mack. It will be interesting to see how Lifetime tackles the movie because Shannan Gilbert’s case is still “unsolved.” The movie will exclusively premiere on Lifetime on Saturday, February 20, at 8 pm ET and stars Kim Delaney and Katherine Isabelle in pivotal roles. If you have an entertainment scoop or a story for us, please reach out to us on (323) 421-7515. Kevin Smith Wants to Write Arrow Episode with Villain Onomatopoeia. Kevin Smith wants to write an Arrow arc for The CW and bring in Onomatopoeia, the Green Arrow villain he created. Kevin Smith has been making the rounds as of late, promoting 'The Runaway Dinosaur,' the episode of The Flash that he directed. The hour is the antepenultimate installment of the Scarlet Speedster's second season and naturally, all eyes will be on it to see not only how it ties in to the upcoming finale and what will presumably be The Flash's climactic run-in with Zoom, but also to see how the director of Clerks , Mallrats , and the upcoming Yoga Hosers handles the FX-heavy world of The CW's fastest superhero show. This isn't Smith's first foray into directing for The CW, however, as he previously helmed the pilot episode of the network's short-lived dark comedy Reaper in 2007. And it certainly won't be has last, as it seems Smith's time behind the camera on The Flash was successful enough it has already been announced he will return for another episode in season 3. But given that Smith is perhaps as widely known for his writing as he is directing, the next natural question might be: Would he consider penning an episode of The Flash in the future -- perhaps one that he would direct? Apparently, the answer to that is: no. But in a recent interview with Variety , Smith was quick to say that he would happily take on the task of writing an episode (or two) of another one of The CW's hit superhero series: Arrow . "I wouldn’t want to write on ‘Flash.’ I would, though, like to write on ‘Arrow’ … I would love to jump in for a one or two episode arc just to bring that Onomatopoeia character to life. That would be so badass – I created this character in the comics and then to do a live-action version of it that fit into their universe, fit into the run of their show? That would be exciting to me. That’s the one I can get my head around writing, but ‘Flash,’ whenever they bring me back, I think I prefer somebody else doing it." Smith professing a desire to write for Arrow shouldn't come as much of a surprise for readers of Green Arrow , as he wrote a 15-issue run of the comic book series beginning in 2001. The bulk of the run, titled 'Quiver,' earned Smith accolades among critics. Smith followed that up with a three-issue arc, 'The Sounds of Violence,' wherein he tried his hand at creating a brand new villain – the abovementioned Onomatopoeia – and introducing him into Green Arrow's rogues' gallery. Onomatopoeia is a serial killer with a penchant for murdering non-powered superheroes. When he was first introduced, he made Oliver Queen's son Connor Hawke his target, but his efforts were eventually thwarted. The villain gets his name from his unique ability to imitate sounds around him, just as certain words are named by the vocal action that reproduces what they sound like. Oddly enough, according to a 2013 TVLine interview with Andrew Kreisberg, the plan was to bring Onomatopoeia to Arrow in the season 1 episode 'Home Invasion', but after reading Smith's comments on the difficulty of bringing the character to TV, they instead went with J. August Richards as the assassin Mr. Blank. Kreisberg had this to say at the time: "Originally, we were going to try to do Onomatopoeia, a villain from Kevin Smith’s run [of New Earth comics], but Kevin apparently said in an interview that there was no way to bring that character to television and film — and after a while we agreed with him!" Apparently, Smith has had a change of heart with regard to whether or not TV can bring Onomatopoeia and his particular set of skills to life. Perhaps it's just time that has changed the filmmakers mind or maybe his experience on the set of The Flash finally convinced him there's a way to do the character justice (and a team of technical wizards at the ready to help do so). Either way, it would be interesting to see an episode of Arrow where the characters speak dialogue crafted by Smith, and to find out whether or not Onomatopoeia actually can be translated into live action. The Flash returns with ‘The Runaway Dinosaur’ on Tuesday, May 10 at 8pm on The CW. Arrow returns Wednesday, May 11 with ‘Monument Point’ at 8pm on The CW. Legends of Tomorrow continues with ‘Desinty’ on Thursday, May 12 at 8pm on The CW. Mikhail Popkov. Mikhail Popkov (Mikhail Viktorovich Popkov) a Russian serial killer former police officer and rapist known as The Werewolf and the Angarsk maniac. Popkov sexually assaulted and murdered numerous young women between 1992 and 2010. He was convicted of twenty-two murders in 2015 and confessed to fifty-nine additional homicides three years later. He killed and mutilated his victims, while dressed in his police uniform, with weapons including knives, axes, baseball bats and screwdrivers. Popkov contracted syphilis while raping one of his victims. On December 10th 2018, Popkov was convicted of fifty-six additional murders in the regional court of in . Mikhail Popkov Serial Killer Profile. Serial Killer Mikhail Popkov (aka) The Werewolf, The Angarsk maniac, was active for 19 years between 1992-2010, known to have ( 78 confirmed / 81 possible ) victims. This Serial Killer was active in the following countries: . Mikhail Popkov was born on March 7th 1964 in Angarsk, , Russia. His mother, an alcoholic who abused Mikhail during childhood. His mother abused alcohol and/or drugs. Mikhail Popkov was physically abused at some point of his life. Popkov a heterosexual male citizen of . Popkov married fellow police officer, Elena Popkov. He had one daughter, Ekaterina Popkov. In 1992 (Age 27/28) Mikhail Popkov started his killing spree, during his crimes as a serial killer he was known to commit acts of necrophilia, strangle, rape, mutilate, and his victims. At the time of his crimes he was living with his wife and daughter while working as a police officer and security guard in the Irkutsk region of Russia, where Popkov was known to work as a militsiya, serial killer. He was arrested on June 23rd 2012 (Age 48), convicted on December 10th 2018 (Age 54), sentenced to life imprisonment at a prison in Russia. Popkov was convicted on charges of murder, attempted murder and other possible charges during his lifetime. Profile Completeness: 85% Mikhail Popkov has been listed on Killer.Cloud since September of 2018 and was last updated 2 years ago. Mikhail Popkov a known: ( 651 killers ) SERIAL KILLER. The unlawful killing of two or more victims by the same offender(s), in separate events. Serial Killer as defined by the FBI at the 2005 symposium. ( 308 killers ) RAPIST. Rape is usually defined as having sexual intercourse with a person who does not want to, or cannot consent. ( 60 killers ) NECROPHILIAC. Necrophilia, also called thanatophilia, is a sexual attraction or sexual act involving corpses. Serial Killer Necrophiliacs have been known to have sex with the body of their victim(s). ( 251 killers ) STRANGLER. Strangulation is death by compressing the neck until the supply of oxygen is cut off. Stranglers kill by Strangulation. Catwoman Just Teamed-Up With a Classic Kevin Smith Character in DC's Dark Future. Catwoman's daring Future State train heist has forced her to team up with one of the DC Universe's most dangerous serial killers. WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Future State: Catwoman #1 by Ram V., Otto Schmidt, and Tom Napolitano, on sale now. Past, present, or future, Selina Kyle has always been a thief with a heart of gold. This has not changed in DC's Future State. If anything, it has only become more obvious, as Selina surrounds herself with friends and followers that trust her to do the right thing. However, in Future State: Catwoman #1, her daring heist to steal one of the Magistrate's trains leads her to team up with an unexpected supervillain, the serial killer Onomatopoeia. His presence may very well explain how Gotham has managed to fall so far in the first place. The Magistrate had been taking a large group of civilians and their children to what is heavily implied to a reeducation camp. Catwoman, having built a network of "Strays" to resist the Magistrate, orchestrated an elaborate heist to rescue the people on board. But what Catwoman didn't count on was the train also transporting two high-risk prisoners captured by the Magistrate. One of those prisoners turned out to be Onomatopoeia. Catwoman had never formally met him until now but knew who he was and what he was capable of. She promised to let him go if he helped her take the train, which he did with little resistance. Onomatopoeia first debuted in Green Arrow #12 by Kevin Smith, Phil Hester and Sean Konot. The man who became Onomatopoeia is perhaps one of DC's creepiest serial killers. His preferred victims are non-powered vigilantes. The reason for this is unknown to this day, but Green Arrow speculated that Onomatopoeia was enhanced in some way, so perhaps this was merely about asserting dominance for him. But Onomatopoeia did not satisfy himself with just being an enemy of the Green Arrow. He eventually came after Batman, the one man who could be considered his ultimate target. He teamed up with the Joker several times to lure Batman out into the open, but this failed and Onomatopoeia was forced to flee by severely injuring the Joker, leaving Batman to save him. He took a slower approach after that, masquerading as a vigilante until he earned enough of Batman's trust for him to reveal that he was secretly Bruce Wayne. This might explain what he is doing on the train. In Future State, Bruce Wayne is presumed dead. It has been implied that Peacekeeper-01 knew that Bruce Wayne was Batman and that's why he was targeted, but the question remained: How did he know? If Onomatopoeia is a captive of the Magistrate, then it is possible that he was forced into confessing this information. He certainly looked bedraggled enough to imply the Magistrate tortured him. None of this has been confirmed yet, but one thing is certain: Onomatopoeia's very presence brings a wildcard into Selina's heist and she had best not give him an inch before all is said and done. Howard Howe. Howard Howe is the main antagonist of the 2014 horror/comedy film Tusk by Kevin Smith. He is a serial killer and a former sailor who has a disturbing fascination with walruses. He was portrayed by the late Michael Parks, who also portrayed Esteban Vihaio in Kill Bill Part II . Contents. Biography. Howard Howe was a Duplessis orphan who suffered years of sexual and physical abuse at the hands of the clergy who were housing him. As a result, he despises the human race. As a teenager, Howard escaped from the orphanage and hopped on a boat and never looked back. Wallace and Howard. When podcast host Wallace Bryton travels to Canada to interview an Internet celebrity nicknamed "Kill Bill Kid" just to find out he committed suicide, Wallace refuses to return to U.S.A without a story so he stays to see if he finds one. He finds a handbill from someone offering a room in his home for free and the guarantee of hearing a lifetime of interesting stories. His interest piqued, Wallace arrives at the mansion of Howard Howe, a retired seaman in a wheelchair. Howard tells the story of how a walrus, whom he named Mr. Tusk, rescued him after a shipwreck. Wallace then passes out from the secobarbital laced in his tea that Howard made for him. Howe's Plan. Wallace wakes up numb on a chair with Howard starring at him, Howard lies to Wallace telling him that a brown recluse spider bit him and a doctor called Mosseeay had to amputate his left leg but in the process the doctor stepped on Wallace's phone breaking it, as Wallace starts to suspect Howard is lying, Howard not only reveals that he can still walk, but lays out his plans for Wallace: he plans to fit Wallace into a perfectly constructed walrus costume. Howard reveals his insanity. Wallace finds his phone intact and attempts to contact his friend Teddy and girlfriend Ally but neither answer their phone. It is then revealed that Ally and Teddy are in fact lovers. Wallace leaves his girlfriend Ally a voicemail apologizing for mistreating her, and Howard surprises him and knocks him unconscious. Now aware that Wallace is in danger, Ally and their friend Teddy fly to Canada to look for him. Back at the mansion, Howard continues to mutilate and alter Wallace, while relating his tragic backstory. He sews Wallace into a walrus costume made of human skin, complete with tusks made of the tibia bones from Wallace's severed legs. As days pass, Howard breaks Wallace's mind and conditions him to believe that he actually is a walrus. Bartholomew Mosseeay and Guy LaPointe. Howe as Bartholomew Mosseeay. A local detective puts Ally and Teddy in touch with Guy LaPointe, a former Sûreté du Québec inspector who has been hunting Howard for years. LaPointe reveals that Howard, nicknamed “The First Wife" - because he doesn't let his victims talk or go anywhere, and doesn't have sex with them - has been kidnapping and murdering people for years; he says he believes Wallace may still be alive, but not as they remember him. LaPointe meets Howe/Mosseeay. LaPointe tells them the story of how 2 years before he without knowing it, met Howard Howe once under the name of Bartholomew Mosseeay posing as a senile funny-talking old man. They eventually find Howard's address through two convenience store clerks, whom Wallace had annoyed earlier. Mr. Tusk. Howard and Wallace/Mr. Tusk. By now, Wallace’s psyche has been completely broken and has been conditioned to think and behave like a walrus. Howard reveals that, while shipwrecked, he was saved and nursed back to health by a walrus he named Mr. Tusk. He and Mr. Tusk lived on the island for six months until Howe killed and ate the walrus to keep from starving to death, only to be rescued moments later. For the past 15 years, he has attempted to turn his victims into his beloved savior in order to relive their last day and give Mr. Tusk another chance at survival. Dressed in his own homemade pelt, Howard engages in a fight with Wallace. LaPointe gives Ally and Teddy guns and he carries a shotgun, they arrive to Howe's property, as they hear Wallace's screams they find Howard's house, they break in and look for Wallace. Meanwhile, Howe forces Wallace to release his inner beast, and Wallace brutally attacks his tormentor. At the climax of the fight, Howe raises a machete to kill Wallace, but Wallace impales Howe with his tusk. As Howard falls to the ground, Wallace repeatedly stabs Howard in the chest with his tusks. Just before he dies, Howe tells Wallace that he really is Mr. Tusk.