Minutes of the


Tuesday, November 6, 2001 Roughrider Room, State Capitol Bismarck, North Dakota

Representative Wesley R. Belter, Chairman, called provided that for any district that had more than the the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. allowed number of incumbent legislators, the incum- Members present: Representatives Wesley R. bents had to run for election and every attempt was Belter, LeRoy G. Bernstein, Merle Boucher, Duane made to give that district an even-number to continue DeKrey, , Jeff Delzer, , John the staggering of even and odd districts. If District 26 Mahoney, Amy Warnke; Senators John M. Andrist, were kept as an even number, he said, an election Dwight Cook, Aaron Krauter, Judy Lee, Tim Mathern, would still be required because the number of incum- Dave Nething, Larry J. Robinson, Bob Stenehjem bents in the district exceeds the number of legislative Others present: David Monson, State Represen- positions allowed. tative, Osnabrock In response to a question from Senator Krauter, Mike Timm, State Representative, Minot Mr. Bjornson said he was not aware of any specific Randel Christmann, State Senator, Hazen criteria for designating the numbers for legislative John Bjornson, Karen Mund; Legislative Council, districts. Bismarck Senator Mathern urged the Council to revisit two Jay Johnson, Minot Daily News, Minot areas of the bill draft. He said Section 6 authorizes Bev Nielson, Bismarck the Secretary of State to modify election deadlines if J. Stvercer, Bismarck necessary. He said this gives too much discretionary Jennifer Ring, ACLU of the Dakotas, Fargo power to an executive official. He said Section 8 It was moved by Representative Delmore, provides for an effective date of December 7, 2001, seconded by Representative Mahoney, and but the committee originally approved December 1, carried on a voice vote to approve the minutes of 2001, as the effective date. He said an early effective the June 14, 2001, meeting of the committee. date is important to maintain pressure on getting the work done as quickly as possible. Mr. Bjornson said INTERIM COMMITTEE REPORTS the December 7 date was used to allow time for the Legislative Redistricting Committee bill to be enrolled, sent to the Governor, reviewed by the Governor, and filed with the Secretary of State. Representative Mike Timm, Chairman, Legislative Representative Belter said it is the intent of the Redistricting Committee, presented the Report of the majority party to complete the special session as Legislative Redistricting Committee. He said the plan quickly as possible, with the assistance of the minority recommended by the committee provides for 47 party. legislative districts. He said four computers were acquired with legislative redistricting software and he It was moved by Representative Delzer and recommended this method be followed in 10 years. seconded by Representative DeKrey to accept the In response to a question from Representative report of the Legislative Redistricting Committee. Mahoney, Representative Timm said the 1991-92 Senator Mathern said he does not believe the plan is interim Legislative Redistricting and Elections workable, there are problems with boundary lines of Committee recommended two 49-district plans to the many legislative districts, the district boundaries in Legislative Council, which accepted those plans and Cass County were not available until the morning of forwarded them to the Legislative Assembly. the vote on the plan, and he has a problem with the Mr. John Bjornson, committee counsel for the method of determining which incumbents have to Legislative Redistricting Committee, reviewed the bill stand for election in 2002. Senator Lee said there are draft that provides for the 47 legislative districts as district boundary lines in Cass County which are of recommended by the committee. concern to Cass County legislators, but the bill draft Senator Mathern noted District 26 was kept essen- provides a vehicle for consideration during the special tially intact but was redesignated as District 27, and session. After this discussion, the motion carried on thus the term of incumbents was shortened to two a roll call vote. Representatives Belter, Bernstein, years and they must run for election in 2002. Boucher, DeKrey, Delmore, Delzer, Kelsh, Mahoney, Mr. Bjornson said 10 years ago the redistricting plan and Warnke and Senators Andrist, Cook, Lee, Legislative Council 2 November 6, 2001

Nething, and Stenehjem voted “aye.” Senators two districts or an entirely new plan, should be drafted Krauter, Mathern, and Robinson voted “nay.” as amendments to the bill because the bill is the only legislative measure that will address legislative redis- Legislative Management Committee tricting. He urged the legislative leaders to inform At the request of Senator Stenehjem, Chairman of their caucuses that as legislators propose amend- the Legislative Management Committee, the assistant ments to the plan, they should keep in mind the effect director presented the Report of the Legislative of any amendment on the entire plan and the amount Management Committee. He said the report of time necessary to prepare a complete set of describes the arrangements approved or recom- amendments. He said no legislator will be denied the mended by the Legislative Management Committee opportunity to propose amendments, but everyone with respect to the special session. He said recom- should understand the work that is involved in mended amendments to the legislative rules involve ensuring the accuracy of legal descriptions as well as eliminating the one-day delay in voting on bills the population figures. He said the Legislative reported from committee and on engrossed bills, and Council staff would prepare legal descriptions of limiting introduction of bills and resolutions to those proposed amendments as time permits. If time does introduced by the Legislative Council or approved by not permit, he said, the staff will prepare maps of the the Delayed Bills Committee. He said similar amend- proposed changes and will prepare legal descriptions ments were recommended and adopted during the of those changes for placement in the bill once the 1991 special session relating to legislative redistrict- changes are approved by the Joint Legislative Redis- ing. He said the committee recommends the Employ- tricting Committee. ment Committees employ 22 employees for the 2001 After this discussion, the motion carried on a roll special session and set guidelines on the days each call vote. Representatives Belter, Bernstein, employee is to work, especially with respect to Boucher, DeKrey, Delmore, Delzer, Kelsh, Mahoney, presession and postsession activities. and Warnke and Senators Andrist, Cook, Krauter, In response to a question from Senator Krauter, Lee, Mathern, Nething, and Stenehjem voted “aye.” the assistant director said although a reference to No negative votes were cast. session employees receiving expense reimbursement during the special session at the same rate allowed STATE CAPITOL ACCESS state employees is not included in the report, that Senator Lee inquired about the ability of legislators issue is covered in the minutes of the Legislative to enter the State Capitol through the west doors. Management Committee. Representative Boucher Representative Belter said this issue had been emphasized the decision of the Legislative Manage- discussed during the Legislative Management ment Committee is that Legislative Assembly Committee meeting and security access cards will be employees during the special session would be reim- issued to all legislators so they can enter the Capitol bursed for housing, mileage, and meals at the same through the west doors at any time. He said the west rate allowed state employees. parking lot will be reserved for legislators during the It was moved by Senator Stenehjem and special session. seconded by Representative Bernstein to accept No further business appearing, Chairman Belter the report of the Legislative Management adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m. Committee. Senator Mathern inquired about the process for requesting amendments to the legislative redistricting bill or proposing a new plan. ______Representative Belter said any changes to the Jay E. Buringrud redistricting plan, whether a simple change between Assistant Director