ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to determine the reliability and concurrent validity of two pain rating scales - Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) OLAOGUN MOB, ADEDOYIN RA, 1 and Verbal Rating Scale (VRS). The verbal rating scale was modified by ANIFALOBA RO 1 translating the English description of subjective pain experience into Department of Medical Rehabilitation, College vernacular (Yoruba) equivalents and rating the knee pain when the patient of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. was standing with the knee flexed . Twenty seven patients who were clinically and radiologically diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA) and with knee pain were purposively selected for the study. Two testers (physiotherapists) independently rated the pain experienced by patients, when bearing full weight while standing on the affected leg with slight knee flexion, over a period of several days. For each patient pain was rated with the VAS and the modified VRS (MVRS). There were significant correlations between VAS and MVRS by the same tester (tester 1 and tester2) (r=0.92, p<0.01; r = 0.89, p<0.01respectively,)) and between VAS and MVRS between tester 1 and tester 2 (r=0.91,p<0.01). There were no significant differences between VAS for tester 1 and VAS for tester 2, and between MVRS for tester 1 and MVRS for tester 2 (p> 0.01). According to this study, the two pain rating scales for knee OA are reliable. Our use of VAS and MVRS together with the procedure involving the flexed knee posture is, therefore, recommended for wider clinical trials.


INTRODUCTION could be the loss of a precious item, or that in the absence of adequate protec- According to the International Asso- witnessing the of another tion by the articular cartilage, subchon- ciation for the Study of Pain, pain is person. Budd (1996) classified physical drial tissue at the articulating ends of the defined as an unpleasant and emotional pain according to causes viz: nociceptive tibia and femur and at the posterior sur- experience associated with actual or (stimulation of ) neurogenic face of the patella are open to irritations potential tissue damage, or described in (malfunction or damage to nervous tis- by compressive forces. Mechanical irri- terms of such damage (Readyard and sues) sympathogenic (malfunction of the tation of such nerves may generate pain. Edwards, 1992). Pain is differentiated sympathetic arm of the autonomic There are also nociceptive receptors in from other sensations by characteristic system) and visceral pain (prolonged the individual sheaths of the vessel in expressions. Pain can also be described noxious stimulation of high threshold the wall of the synovial sac. According as being a highly subjective experience, receptors, intensity encoding receptors to Baldry (1993) and Shipton (2000) and response to noxious stimuli may be and silent nociceptors). pain can also occur as a result of the modified by psychological factors such The mechanism of pain production in effect of chemical substances such as as state of mind, past experience and OA of the knee suggests that the cause is 5-Hydroxytryptamine, prostaglandin, conditioning influences, as well as physical and can be a combination of histamine and polypeptides released from sociological factors such as gender and nociceptive and neurogenic type. There inflamed synovial cells and carried in culture (French, 1989). Physically pain are no receptor nerve endings in the the synovial fluid to the adjacent articular could be a burn, , inflam- articular cartilage synovium or menisci fat pad and articular joint capsule where mation, migraine etc. Psychologically it (Baldry,1993). Pain, therefore, can not they have irritant effect on the nocicep- arise directly from the cartilage itself. tive receptors. It behoves the clinician to Subchondrial bone is however well understand the possible mechanism of CORRESPONDENCE TO: supplied with nerves. Following the pain production in OA before attempting M.O.B. Olaogun denudation of the cartilage, in the early to assess the intensity and to plan the Email: [email protected] stage of the disease, it is conceivable rehabilitation of the pain.

12 SA JOURNAL OF PHYSIOTHERAPY 2003 VOL 59 NO 2 The main reasons for assessing pain Table 1: in rehabilitative management of symp- TECHNIQUES FOR GRADING PAIN tomatic osteoarthritis of the knee are to (Instruction in parentheses) assist in establishing a baseline, to select appropriate interventions and to evalu- Technique Grading ate the patients response to treatment Verbal Rating Scale 0 . . . . 5 . . . . 10 and rehabilitative management. Since None Worst Pain Possible pain is localized to the individual, (What number describes your pain?) assessment may be difficult as it is subjective to patient’s understanding, Visual Analogue Scale No pain Worst Pain Possible cooperation, functional status and response. Behavioural and subjective (Please mark on the line to show how approaches adopted by some recent much pain you are having.) authors have therefore offered reliable tools for clinical assessment of pain IASP Task Force on Acute Pain (Borg, 1982, Briggs,1999, Finch and 1992, IASP Pub Seatle. Melzack, 1987, Olaogun et. al, 2001, Varni et. al, 1987). Such approaches include the Verbal Rating Scale (VRS) Table 2: and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) MODIFIED VERBAL RATING SCALE (in Flexed Knee Position) (Readyard and Edwards, 1992) - see table 1. This present study aims at English Yoruba determining the inter and intra -tester No pain Kosi irora rara reliability and concurrent validity of Barely Perceptible pain Irora ti ko lonkan lati furasi 2 VAS and modified VRS (MVRS) in an Mild Pain Irora to se faramo indigenous environment without bias for Moderate Pain Irora ni won ba 4 gender and literacy level. VRS was Barely Strong Pain Irora to po die modified by translating the English Strong/Severe Pain Irora to le 6 descriptions of subjective pain expe- Intense Pain Irora to po rience into Yoruba, the dominant indi- Very Intense Pain Irora to po lopolopo 8 genous language in the locality of the Horrible (most uncomfortable) Pain Irora to lini lara Worst (Excrutiating) Pain Irora to pojulo (to le payan) 10 study. Reference was made to similar translations by Akinpelu and Olowe (Mark the one that corresponds to the pain you feel at this moment) (2000) for rating physical function and physical performance. Furthermore, for the purpose of uniqueness and clinical ing the criteria of Altman (1986): which the testers and the principal application, a condition that can be easily • Patients presented with knee pain and researcher agreed on the position to be diagnosed and characterized by physical radiographic osteophytes adopted while rating the pain experi- pain was chosen - osteoarthritis (OA) of • Age equal to or greater than 40 years ence. Seven patients were used. Patients the knee. It was hypothesized that • Morning stiffness less than or equal were asked to describe when pain was (i) there will be no significant corre- to 30 minutes duration experienced in these movements - free lation between MVRS and VAS by • Crepitus on motion walking, ascending stairs and descend- the same tester (tester 1 or tester 2), ing stairs. In four it was during mid- (ii) there will be no significant correla- Instrumentation stance phase while walking and in three tion in MVRS and VAS between For this study a questionnaire consisting it was when descending stairs with the testers; of two sections, A and B, were used. affected leg leading in a forward down- (iii) there will be no significant differ- A contained the demographic data of ward leading (FDL) stepping manoeuvre; ence in MVRS between testers and subjects. Section B contained the Visual but all experienced greatest pain when (iv) there will be no significant differ- Analogue Scale and Modified Verbal climbing stairs with Forward Upward ence in VAS between testers. Rating Scales for two Testers - refer to Leading (FUL) stepping manoeuver, tables 1 and 2. (Olaogun et. al, 1989). It was then agreed METHOD that pain would be rated with the patient Subjects Pilot work bearing full weight while standing on Twenty-seven patients clinically and Two physiotherapists with clinical expe- the affected leg with slight knee flexion. radiologically diagnosed with OA with rience of 5 and 8 years were recruited This adopted position is similar to that knee pain were purposively selected for as testers (tester 1 and tester 2). Two of the painful phase of FUL as shown in this study. Patients were selected follow- practice sessions were arranged during figures I and 2.

SA JOURNAL OF PHYSIOTHERAPY 2003 VOL 59 NO 2 13 Figure 1: Patient in Forward Upward Step- Figure 2: Patient in Full Weight Bearing on of the first rating scale to be used was ping Movement with the Right Leg Right Leg with Slight Knee Flexion randomized. The two testers were pre- vented access to the raw data with the principal researcher during the data collection phase.

Procedure Pain rating was taken in a testing cubi- cle. The other tester was not allowed to be in the testing cubicle whenever the other tester took measurement. Patient was asked to stand on the more painful knee and flex the knee slightly. The tester administered the two rating scales separately. The principal investigator was in the testing room to monitor and record the measurement.

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the analysis of the data. Table 3: Ranges, Means and Standard Deviations of Anthropometric Characteristics Mean values of age, height, weight and (N=27) BMI were obtained. Mean values of Range Mean SD ( + ) pain ratings for VAS and MVRS were Minimum Maximum obtained. Weight (kg) 60 89 72.4 8.6 With the aid of SPSS computer programme Pearson Product Movement Height (m) 1.25 1.90 1.61 .16 Correlation Coefficients were computed BMI 22.37 39.68 28.36 4.1 to compare intra-tester agreements of the two scales and inter-tester agree- Legend: ments of the testers. T-test was invoked SD: Standard Deviation (+) to compare inter-tester ratings of the BMI: Body Mass Index (Weight(kg)/ Height(m)2) two scales. A 1% level of probability was used. Table 4: Correlation Matrix of OA Pain ratings with Visual Analogue Scale and with Modified Verbal Rating Scale. RESULTS Test of Intra and Inter tester agreement. The mean, range and standard devia- VAS1 VAS2 MVRS1 MVRS2 tions (SD) of the patients’ physical cha- racteristics are shown in Table 3. The VAS1 1 mean BMI of 28.36 and low SD of + 4.1 VAS2 .959 1 indicated that the patients sample was MVRS1 .922 .909 1 fairly homogenous with tendency to overweight. MVRS2 .989 .892 .934 1 Table 4 shows intra-tester and inter Legend: tester correlation matrix for VAS and VAS - Visual Analogue scale MVRS for testers (intra) and for VAS VRS - Verbal Rating Scale between testers and MVRS between VAS1 - Pain Rating with VAS by Tester 1 testers. There was a strong intra-tester VAS2 - Pain Rating with VAS by Tester 2 correlation between VAS and MVRS MVRS - Pain Rating with MVRS by Tester 1 and strong inter-tester correlation for MVRS2 - Pain Rating with MVRS by tester 2 VAS and MVRS. For tester 1 correlation co-efficient (r) was 0.92 for VAS vs Experimental design days. MVRS was modified by trans- MVRS (P<0.01). For tester 2 r-value Two ratings using the VAS and modified lating pain intensity description into was 0.892 for VAS vs. MVRS (P<0.01). MVRS were taken by testers for the vernacular generally understood by all For inter-tester correlation r-value was same patients on the same days. Ratings patients. The descriptions were assigned 0.909 for MVRS and (0.959) for VAS for the patients were taken across several values as shown in Table 2. The choice (p <0.01).

14 SA JOURNAL OF PHYSIOTHERAPY 2003 VOL 59 NO 2 Table 5: Interater Reliability of VAS and MVRS Pain Rating Paired T-Test Mean Std Std 95% Confidence Deviation Error Mean Interval of t df Sig Difference (2-tailed Lower Upper Pair1 VAS1-VAS2 .1333 .4057 7.808E-02 . -2.72E-02 .2938 1.708 26 .100NS Pair2 MVRS1-MVRS2 -3.70E-02 1.3723 .2641 -.5799 .5058 -.140 26 .890NS

NS= Not significant P>.01

The result of t-test in Table 5 shows observation was noted in our pilot study. Borg GAV 1982 Psychological Bases of that there was no significant difference But since the pain differed much with Perceived Exertion, Medicine and Science in between pain rating with VAS for tester respect to weight bearing on the affected Sports and Exercise, 14:377-381. 1 and with VAS for tester 2 (P>0.01). knee our approach in asking our subject Briggs M 1999 A Descriptive Study of VAS Similarly, there was no significant dif- to bear weight and slightly flex the and VRS for the assessment of post operative ference between pain rating with MVRS knee generalizes functional location of pain in Orthopaedic patients, Journal of Pain for tester 1 and with MVRS for tester 2 pain by combining patellofemoral and Symptom Management, 18 (6), 438-446 (P>0.01). tibiofemoral involvement. In other words the flexed knee position compro- Budd K 1996 and its Treatment. Therapy Express No.106, Dec., P.4 DISCUSSION mises compressive forces at the patello The results of this study showed that femoral and tibio femoral joints for all Creamer P, Lethbridg-Cejku M, Hochberg MC there was no significant difference in the patients. Further studies will however 1998 Determinants of Pain Severity in Knee mean scores obtained in the VAS con- be recommended to limit the hetero- Osteoarthritis: Effect of Demographic and ducted by the two testers (P>0.01); and geneity of pain location for better results Psychological variables using 3 pain measures. J. Rheumatology 1999 Aug. 26 (8): 1785-92 in MVRS by the two testers ( P>0.01) on in assessing pain in knee ostoearthritis. patients with symptomatic pain of knee Finch L, Melzack R 1987 Objective Pain OA. Our hypothesis that there will be no CONCLUSION Measurement, a case for increased clinical significant difference between MVRS Overall our study concludes that the two usage, Physiotherapy Canada, 34 (6): 343-345 for tester1 and MVRS for tester 2 is methods of pain rating are reliable and therefore accepted. Similarly our hypo- valid for clinical use. Our use of VAS French S 1989 Some Physiological and thesis that there will be no significance Sociological aspects of pain: Physiotherapy; and MVRS together with the flexed 75:255-259 difference between VAS for tester 1 and knee procedure is, therefore, suggested VAS for tester 2 is also accepted. There for wider clinical trials in assessing the Olaogun MOB, Abereoje OK, Obajuluwa VA were, however, significant correlations outcome measure of pain modulation in 1989 Step Test for Clinical Evaluation of between scores of patients on VAS and the rehabilitative management of symp- Locomotor Ability. Clinical Rehabilitation, 3, 41-45 MVRS for tester 1 and for tester 2. Our tomatic osteoarthritis of the knee. first and second hypotheses that there Olaogun MOB, Fagade OO, Akinloye AA, will be no significant correlations are Omojolowo O 2001 Effects of TENS on Pain, therefore rejected. Our findings support Swelling and Trismus following Third Molar the previous work by Briggs (1999). He REFERENCES Tooth Extraction, Nig. Jour. Health Sci., (1); reported good correlations between VAS 18-21 and VRS in rating post-operative pain. Altman R 1986 Development of criteria for Other pain rating procedures like the classification and reporting of osteoarthri- Readyard LB, Edwards WT 1992 Manage- ment of Acute Pain. A Practical Guide, McGill Pain Questionaire (MPQ) (Finch tis. Arthritis Rheumatology 29: 1030-1044 I.A.S.P. Publication, Seattle, Pg.2. and Melzack, 1987) may not be easily Akinpelu AO, Olowe OO 2000 Physical func- understood in low literacy setting Shipton EA 2000 Pain in the New Millenium. tions and physical performances in patients like that of this study. In their study to The First African Congress on Pain - Pain Free with pain. Presentation at the 3rd Annual Africa. Alexandra, Egypt; Abstract Book: identify the most common sites of pain Conference of the Society for the Study of pp.107-124 in symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, Pain, Ibadan, Nigeria. 27th- 28th July, 2000 Creamer et al (1998) found that knee Varni JW, Thompson KL, Hanson V 1987 The pain is not the same with respect to Baldry P 1993 Acupuncture. Trigger Points Varni-Thompson Pain Questionnaire Con- location in all individuals. This indicated and Musculoskeletal Pain.5th edn pp130-135. structed for the Dutch Language (MPQ-DU). the heterogeneity of the condition. This Churchhill Livingstone, Edinburg Pain; 30:395-408