Innovative Energy Solutions for Military Application 16 18 NOVEMBER 2016, VILNIUS, LITHUANIA


Virginia Economic Development Partnership is proud to support Innovative Energy Solutions for Military Application (IESMA) 2016.

VEDP and Virginia’s defense industry stand ready to assist the NATO Energy Security COE, the State Military Scientific Technical Center “DELTA” of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO Support and Procurement Agency, as well as Ministries of Defense of NATO members and partner states in meeting, and overcoming, the security challenges they face. Innovations that drive energy efficient solutions that will power the defense forces of the future, contributing to resiliency and troop readiness, will come from industry. Virginia’s defense industrial base is the largest in the United States. With today’s ever increasing threats and diminishing resources, collaborating with Virginia’s defense companies is a logical solution. Virginia serves as home to 34 commands, with 19 commands having three or four star leadership. Virginia also remains the top state in the nation for prime contracts. Whatever your organization’s needs, Virginia is home to the companies that have the innovative energy solutions, materiel, and resources to train, equip and protect your war fighters.

Joining VEDP & exhibiting at IESMA 2016 are these Virginia companies: Codan Radio NOVA Power Solutions, Inc. Frontier Inc. RISE International

If your component has a specific need and would like to consider collaborating with VEDP and tapping into Virginia’s defense industry resources, contact Theodora von Hohenstaufen Noll, Defense Program Manager, by email at [email protected].

International Inquiries (804) 545-5750 | P.O. Box 798, 901 East Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23218-0798 | CONTENT

IESMA 2016 Conference Agenda Speakers and Moderators IESMA 2016 Exhibition: Exhibitors Profiles

3 IESMA 2016 Conference Agenda


09:00 – 10:00 Registration and welcome coffee

10:00 – 10:20 Official opening of IESMA 2016

Opening remarks by: Opening remarks given by moderator: Letter from H. E. Dalia GRYBAUSKAITE, President of the Republic of Lithuania

Welcome address by: Rokas MASIULIS, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania Juozas OLEKAS, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Lithuania Ambassador Sorin DUCARU (ROU), NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges Ambassador Khatuna SALUKVADZE, Ambassador of Georgia to Lithuania Colonel Gintaras BAGDONAS (LTU), Director of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE)

10:20 – 11:00 Tour of the exhibition



11:05 – 11:25

Enhancing Energy Efficiency in the Military: NATO’s Way Forward Ambassador Sorin DUCARU (ROU), NATO Assistant Secretary General

11:25 – 11:30

Military Energy Efficiency: Enhancing Capabilities (video message) RADM Peter GUMATAOTAO (USA), NATO SACT (Supreme Allied Commander Transfor- mation) Deputy Chief of Staff, USA

11:30 – 11:50

Operational Energy Ms Amanda SIMPSON (USA), Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy, USA

4 11:50 – 12:10 Energy Factor in the Modern Military Domain: The French approach LTGEN Jean Luc VOLPI (FRA), Commander of SEA (Joint Fuel Service), France

12:10 – 12:30

Activities in Energy and Environmental Solutions for Military Applications (NSPA) Mr John BOSMANS (BEL), Programme Manager, NATO NSPA (Support and Procurement Agency), Luxembourg

12:30 – 12:45

Industry: Your Go-To Source for Energy Innovation Ms Theodora E. von HOHENSTAUFEN NOLL (USA), Defense Program Manager of Virginia Economic Development Partnership, USA

12:45 – 13:15 Q&A

13:15 – 15:00 Networking lunch and tour of the exhibition

13:30 - 15:00 INDUSTRY SESSION 1 – Exhibition stage

13:30 Renovagen

13:45 Multicon Solar

14:00 Power - Blox AG

14:15 Pfisterer

14:30 Gogogen

14:45 Setolite

15:00 – 15:30 NSPA Workshop – Exhibition stage The workshop will provide an introduction and overview of NSPA, its capability portfolio and areas of activities for which NSPA engages with industry. The discussion will include the business model of NSPA in its role as support and procurement agency within NATO, the various possible contractual vehicles with industry and a recommendation and best practice session for industry on how to do business with NSPA.


MODERATOR COL Romualdas PETKEVICIUS (LTU), National Liaison Representative at NATO SACT (Supreme Allied Commander Transformation), USA

15:00 – 15:20 A Systems Approach to Energy Resilience Dr Rachel LESLIE (GBR), Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Programme Manager Resilience of Ministry of Defense in United Kingdom

15:20 – 15:40 The NATO Science & Technology Organization, your emissionless greenhouse for Innovative Energy Mr Ben VAN HECKE (BEL), Office of the Chief Scientist, NATO HQ, Belgium

15:40 – 16:00 Innovative Energy Solutions for the Canadian Armed Forces - from Soldier to Deployed Camps Mr Ed ANDRUKAITIS (CAN), Group Leader – Power and Energy Project at Defence R&D Canada of Ministry of Defense in Canada

16:00 – 16:20 The Art of addressing Microgrid challenges, Get it Right the First Time Mr Robert TURK (USA), Group Leader – Power and Energy Project at Defence R&D Canada of Idaho National Lab, USA

16:20 – 16:40 Engineering Energy Efficiency Networking: Energy Solutions in Exercises Dr Susanne MICHAELIS (DEU), Officer (Environment and Smart Energy) of NATO Headquarters, Belgium MLCC (Multinational Logistics Coordination Centre) and its Involvement in Multina- tional Logistics COL Andrzej MAKSYMIUK (POL), Deputy Director of MLCC, Czechia

16:40 – 17:00 Forces are at the turning point in energy supply – Microgrids are ready to be put into practice Mr Martin SCHUSTER (DEU), Senior Advisor at PFISTERER, PLATINUM SPONSOR

17:00 – 17:30 Q&A

17:30– 19:30 Networking reception and exhibition


08:30 – 09:00 Welcome coffee, tour of the exhibition


MODERATOR COL Nicolas HENRY (FRA), Liaison Officer to DGA (French Defence Technology and Procurement Agency), SEA (Joint Fuel Service), France

09:00 – 09:20

2016 United States Pacific Command Supporting Strategy for Energy Security Ms Benita SHULTS (USA), Project Manager, Energy Security of PACOM (Pacific Command), USA

09:20 – 09:40

Electrochemical Technologies Supporting the Reduction of the Logistical Foot Print of Future Land Missions Dr Carsten CREMERS (DEU), Team Leader Fuel Cells at Fraunhofer Institute, Germany

09:40 – 10:00

Integrated Camp Energy Technologies: A Simulation Tool to Predict and Evaluate Power and Energy Requirements of a Deployment Camp Mr Martin KEGEL (CAN), Research Engineer of Natural Resources, Canada

10:00 – 10:20

NATO Military Engineering Vision on Innovative Energy in Operations LTC Bart LINSEN (DEU), Policies, Concepts & Doctrine Branch Chief of NATO MILENG COE (Military Engineering Centre of Excellence), Germany

10:20 – 10:40

DEFSHELL & Smart Energy Management by G&G Partners and ROLD Lighting A revolution in deployable structures - Innovative tents to reduce energy consumption Mr Roberto VOLANTE (ITA), Consultant as Chief Engineer of the military department at G&G Partners (DEFSHELL)

10:40 – 11:00 Q&A

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

7 11:30 – 12:00 Workshop on Smart Defence project "Smart Energy Training and Assessment (SETAC)" – Exhibition stage

The NATO Smart Defence (SD) project "SETAC" is aiming to bring together equipment and experts from those nations that have already invested in deployable energy saving micro grids demonstrators. The components of such demonstrators will include technologies for hybrid power generation, energy storage, energy management and energy efficient consumption, especially insulation, LED lights and heat exchange. Existing micro grid demonstrators are closed systems. Hence, it is important to establish standard for interoperability to ensure that the hard- and software, the data and the expertise are interchangeable. The SETAC project will include the development of standards, the training of experts, the data collection in a standard laboratory and the testing of components in a military exercise in 2019. If successful, SETAC can continue as a multinational platform to include new hardware, software and expertise.


MODERATOR Mr Alan HOWARD (USA), Deputy Director, Energy Academic Group of Naval Postgraduate School, USA

11:30-11:50 More Mission, Less Energy: Transforming Naval Operations Mr Jim CALEY (USA), Director of Operational Energy Department of the Navy, USA

11:50-12:10 Environment, Alternative Fuel Certification and Energy Conservation Efforts: The Italian Navy Approach CMDR Antonio BIGNONE (ITA), Head of Engine Plants Office at Italian NAVY

12:10 – 12:30 The Holistic Approach of the Fuel Management is the Driving Force for the Future Prof Stamatis KALLIGEROS (GRC), Director of Hellenic Military Naval Laboratory,

12:30 – 12:50

Innovative Energy Solutions - Experiences of the Polish Naval Dr Bartłomiej PĄCZEK (POL), Vice-Dean for education and students of Faculty of Command and Maritime Operations at Polish

12:50 – 13:10

Leveraging US Navy Energy Best Practices to Support NATO (Conserving Energy with Big Data Analytics) Mr Michael WEATHERLY, Vice President of Frontier Technology, Inc. (VEDP), PREMIUM SPONSOR

8 13:10 – 13:30 Optimising Maritime Performance Through Data Exploitation Mr Chris COURTAUX, BAE Systems

13:30 – 13:40 An Energy and Emissions Optimizer onboard the PRT Navy ships LT Nuno PESSANHA SANTOS (PRT), Electrical Engineer Officer of PRT-Navy Ships Directorate, Portugal

13:40 – 14: 00 Q&A

13:30 – 15:00 Networking lunch, tour of the exhibition

14:00 - 15:00 00 INDUSTRY SESSION 2 – Exhibition stage

14:00 Frontier Technology, Inc. (FTI)

14:15 Nova Power Solutions

14:30 Intracom Defense Electronics

14:45 PowiDian


MODERATOR Col. Stefano CIMICHELLA (ITA), Italian Ministry of Defence Energy Structure, Italy

15:00 – 15:30 Aviation Operational Energy Initiatives and Lessons Learned from the U.S. Mr. Roberto I. GUERRERO (USA), Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Operational Energy), USA

15:30 – 15:50 Drones and Alternative Energies: mixing technologies to achieve a new model? Ms Océane ZUBELDIA, Research Fellow at Ministry of Defense, France

9 15:50 – 16:10 ITAF Smart Energy NDAB Solution Lt Col Angelo MONTINARO (ITA AF) Deputy Head Combat Service Support & Infrastructure Branch at Air Force, Italy

16:10 – 16:30 Q&A

16:30 – 17:00 Closing session

Closing remarks by: COL Jean Marc BOUILLET (FRA), NATO ENSEC COE Deputy Director, Lithuania Mr Shota KVARATSKHELIA (GEO), Acting Director General, State Military Scientific-Technical Center “DELTA”, Georgia

17:30 – 19:00 Tour of the exhibition

19:00 Adjourn


Education and Director Intelligence, EU Military Staff, Major Profession- (interim Brigadier General Rank), Brussels. al Qualification: Vilnius University, Director of the Second Investigation Institute of Department under the Ministry of National International Defence of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius, Relations and Lithuania, 2001 – 2007; Diplomacy, MA in Assistant of Chief of Staff for Intelligence and Security (G-2) at the HQ of National Defence Political Sciences, 2004 – 2006; Volunteer Forces, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1998-2000; Kaunas, University of Technology, Faculty of Energetics, Engineer, 1986 – 1991; Defence Attaché of the Republic of Lithuania Program on Terrorism and Security Studies, to the Republics of Latvia and Estonia, Tallinn, George C. Marshall European Centre for Estonia, 1995 – 1998; Security Studies, Germany, 2005; Languages: Lithuanian (native), English, Key Employment History / Russian, basics of French and Persian. Military Service: Head of Special Mission of the Republic of Lithuania to the Islamic Interests: Mountaineering, bicycle tourism, Republic of Afghanistan, Minister Counsellor, reading of professional and historical under the subordination of Ministry of literature. Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, Kabul, Afghanistan, 2012 – 2014;

Commandant of General Jonas Zemaitis of Lithuania, Colonel, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2010 – 2012;

11 AMBASSADOR SORIN DUCARU NATO Assistant Secretary General

Ambassador Sorin He joined the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Ducaru took over Affairs in 1993, assuming various posts such the post of as member of the Policy Planning team, Assistant Secretary counsellor to the Minister, spokesman of the General (ASG) for MFA and Director for NATO and Strategic Emerging Security Issues. From 2001 to 2006, he served as Challenges in Romania’s Ambassador to the United States September 2013. of America. In 2000–2001, Ambassador He is responsible Ducaru served as Permanent Representative for providing of Romania to the United Nations, in New support to the York. North- Atlantic Council and for advising the Secretary General on the evolution of In the year 2000, Ambassador Ducaru was emerging security challenges and their awarded by the President of Romania the potential impact on NATO’s security. National Order of “Faithful Service” in rank of Commander, followed by, in 2006 the Order Prior to his appointment as ASG, Ambassador for “Diplomatic Merit” and in 2008 the rank of Ducaru served as Romania’s Permanent Knight of the National Order “The Star of Representative to the North Atlantic Council, Romania”. He received the title of “Ambassa- from September 2006 to September 2013. dor of the Year” in 2003 and 2012 from the From November 2011, Ambassador Ducaru Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania. was the Dean of the North Atlantic Council. He is married to Carmen Ducaru (a graduate Ambassador Ducaru was born on 22 June of the Bucharest Academy of Economic 1964, in Baia-Mare, Romania. He graduated Studies and of the National School of Political from the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest in Studies and Public Administration) and has 1988 and the Romanian National School of two children: Maria-Teodora and Matei-Nico- Political Studies and Public Administration in lae. 1992. He holds a MPhil Degree in Internation- Ambassador Ducaru speaks German, English al Relations from the University of Amster- and French, and enjoys playing the guitar, dam (1993) and a PhD degree in International skiing, tennis, photography and cinema. Economics from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest (2005). Topic: Enhancing Energy Efficiency in the Military: NATO’s Way Forward

12 RADM Peter GUMATAOTAO NATO SACT (Supreme Allied Commander Transformation) Deputy Chief of Staff A native of Guam, His flag assignments were commander, Rear Peter U.S. Naval Forces Korea for U.S. Pacific Gumataotao Fleet; U.S. Naval Regional commander for joined the Navy in Naval Installations Command; command- 1976 and er, Task Force 78 for U.S. 7th Fleet; Naval attended the component commander of United Nations Naval Academy Command; deputy naval component Preparatory commander for Combined Forces School in Newport, Command, Korea; commander, Carrier Rhode Island. He Strike Group (CSG) 11 (Nimitz Strike is a 1981 graduate of the United States Group); assistant deputy chief of Naval Naval Academy and earned his Master of Operation for Operations, Plans and Arts in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Strategy (N3/N5B) and commander, Naval Naval War College in 1994. Surface Force Atlantic.

A surface warfare officer, Gumataotao has He is currently deputy chief of staff, deployed extensively to the Western Strategic Plans and Policy, Supreme Allied Pacific, Indian Ocean, and Arabian Gulf. Command Transformation, Norfolk. His sea assignments include: USS Bagley Gumataotao’s decorations include the (FF 1069), USS Worden (CG 18), USS Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Reuben James (FFG 57) and Destroyer Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, and Squadron (DESRON) 31. His previous other personal, unit and campaign awards. command-at-sea tours include: USS Curtis He was also the recipient of the first Wilbur (DDG 54), USS Decatur (DDG 73), Admiral Zumwalt Award for visionary and commander, DESRON-31. leadership in 2001.

Ashore, Gumataotao served as assistant Topic: Military Energy Efficiency: Enhanc- surface operations officer and surface ing Capabilities (video message) systems analysis officer for Commander, U.S. 3rd Fleet; a fellow for the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group at the Center for Naval Analysis in Washington, D.C.; a congressional liaison for Surface Programs at the Navy Office of Legislative Affairs; current operations officer for Commander, Pacific Fleet; chief of division for Current Operations for the Pacific Command Headquarters; and chief of staff for Naval Surface Forces.

13 MS. AMANDA SIMPSON Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Ms. Amanda R. Texan II. Previous to her tenure in Simpson is the program management, Ms. Simpson was Deputy Assistant the manager of captive flight test opera- Secretary of tions for Raytheon Company and Hughes Defense for Aircraft Company which included the Operational duties of mission director and project pilot Energy, responsi- on numerous developmental test ble for developing programs. Her team received the DARPA the strategy for Award for Significant Technical Achieve- the utilization of ment in 1999. energy for military operational forces worldwide. Her former posting was as the Ms. Simpson began her aerospace career Executive Director of the U.S. Office at Hughes Helicopter Company on the of Energy Initiatives [previously the Energy Apache Target Acquisition and Designation Initiatives Task Force (EITF)] and was Sight/Pilot Night Vision Systems for the responsible for large scale renewable AH-64 Apache Advanced Attack Helicopter energy projects to bring energy security to during its development phase and later as Army installations leveraging private the program manager for F-14 traveling sector financing. Previously she was the wave tube production at Hughes Electron Special Assistant to the Army Acquisition Dynamics. Executive. In that role she was a principal advisor to the Assistant Secretary of the Amanda was the 2001 recipient of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technolo- Raytheon Woman on the Move award, the gy) on all matters relating to Army 2004 Tucson YWCA Woman on the Move, acquisition, procurement, research & 2005 Arizona Human Rights Fund development and logistics. In her first Individual Award, the 2006 Raytheon government assignment, she was the Missile Systems Team Excellence Award Senior Technical Advisor to the Under and the 2015 National Conference for Secretary of Commerce for Industry and College Women Student Leaders Women Security where she advised on policy and of Distinction Award. She is a nationally export control issues necessary to protect renowned speaker and has presented at the security of the United States. corporations, government agencies, civic organizations, conferences and colleges Prior to her government appointments, around the country on gender and Ms. Simpson was the Deputy Director for diversity. Force Protection in the Advanced Missiles and Unmanned Systems Product Line at Ms. Simpson earned a Bachelor of Science Raytheon Company Missile Systems in in from Harvey Mudd College, a Tucson, Arizona. She held several in Engineering from program management positions on California State University, and a Master in technology development activities for Business Administration from the missile systems sensors and development University of Arizona. She is an Associate programs including the upgrades to the Fellow of the American Institute of AMRAAM and Standard Missile Systems, Aeronautics and Astronautics where she Tomahawk Cruise Missile, Unmanned served on the Systems Engineering Combat Armed Rotorcraft and the AT-6B Technical Committee.

14 Ms. Simpson holds a Federal Aviation Synopsis: Faced with risks to the assured Administration Airline Transport Pilot delivery of energy, the US Department of certificate with several type specific ratings Defense is pursuing a comprehensive as well as a Certified Flight Instructor Operational Energy Strategy. Deputy license. She has nearly 3000 hours flying Assistant Secretary of Defense Amanda over 60 different types of aircraft from Simpson will discuss these challenges and single seat micro-lights to float planes and the U.S. approach to increasing military flying boats to unmanned drones to capability, identifying and reducing risks, multi-engine jets. and enhancing current mission effective- ness. Topic: US Operational Energy Strategy

LTGEN JEAN-LUC VOLPI French Joint Petroleum Service (SEA) Commander Married and father of a son In 1997, he took command of the liaison and two daugh- detachment of the Joint Petroleum Service ters, LT-Gen (Joint in the North-East Region Air Force Petroleum Service) Headquarters at VILLACOUBLAY. Promot- Jean-Luc VOLPI ed to the rank of Colonel, he was born on 11th was deployed later on in the Balkans in November 1961 at 1998 where he was responsible for the Oran (Algeria). fuel supply of the NATO forces deployed in the Former Yugoslavian Republic of After having graduated from the French Macedonia and in Kosovo. Air Force Academy in 1984 (promotion GENERAL D’HARCOURT) and serving in the On completion of this operational tour in Air Force Rifles Commandos, he was 1999 he took up the appointment of chief promoted to the rank of flight lieutenant in of the Petroleum Supply Security Office of 1989, and appointed to serve in the Rifles the Economy, Finance and Industry Commandos Training Squadron at NÎMES Ministry. He led the French delegation to as deputy commander. He was engaged in the expert boards of the European 1991 in the Persian Gulf as an observer in Commission and the International Energy the United Nations in Iraq and Agency. Observation Mission. In 2001 he returned to the Joint Petroleum Recruited in 1992 into the Petroleum Service Headquarters (DCSEA) to complete Military Engineers Corps, he joined the three years as the chief of petroleum Joint Petroleum Service in 1994 with the operations office. He was promoted to rank of Major after graduating with a Colonel and was appointed to the Armed Master’s degree in engineering from the Forces Headquarters as petroleum supply Petroleum and Engines National University adviser inside the Joint Logistical Support (French Petroleum Institute). The same Division. From 2002 to 2007, he taught year, he joined the Joint Petroleum Base to petroleum logistics at the Petroleum and serve as deputy commander of the Engines National University. education and training department.

15 He took command of the Joint Petroleum Topic: Energy Factor in the Modern Base at CHALON-SUR-SAÔNE, from July Military Domain: The French approach 2007 to July 2009, and from September 2009 to July 2010 was an auditor of the Synopsis: The objective is to share French 59th promotion of the Military Centre of experiences on operational energy. The High Studies and of the 62nd promotion of joint Petroleum service covers all aspects the National Defence Institute. Promoted of operational energy within the French to brigadier general on the 1st February MOD, which makes the management very 2012 he took command of Joint Petroleum effective with a low footprint. Lessons Operations and Logistic headquarter at learned of fuel supply in operations Nancy. He is currently head of the Joint conducted by the French army will be Petroleum Service as Director and was presented related with interoperability, promoted to lieutenant General on the 1st standardization, outsourcing and of September 2016. command and control.

Lieutenant General Volpi is officer of the “Légion d’honneur” Order and of the “Ordre national du mérite”.

MR. JOHN BOSMANS NSPA (NATO Support and Procurement Agency) Programme Manager John Bosmans is Defence Reform pulled back forces from Belgian national, Germany. In 1992 he becomes a Major born on the 31st and was assigned to the Logistics Division January 1956. He at Tervuren. spent much of his youth in Germany In 1993 he took the Higher Staff Course at before returning the Royal Defence College. He delivered a to Belgium in thesis on Personnel Information Systems 1970. In 1974 he and achieved with distinction the title of enrolled at the General Staff Officer. Royal Military School in Brussels, earning a Masters degree in Military and Social In 1994 he is appointed the Commander of Science. the 1st Maintenance Company of the 1st Mechanized Brigade. Shortly after In 1979 he began his military career as an becoming Lieutenant-Colonel, in 1997, he Army Logistics Officer in Germanyand in is assigned as Commander of the 92nd 1985 became Commander of a Supply Logistics Battalion responsible for depot Company responsible for Corps sustain- level supply of electronic end items, ment (including a field bakery and components and spare parts. The expeditionary Fuel System Supply Point. Battalion manages a yearly procurement As the Brigade Logistician of the 4th budget of approximately 250 million Mechanized Brigade he successfully lead EURO. In June 2000 he is appointed the dismantling of the Brigade as Belgian Logistics at the Royal Defence

16 College, coordinator of the Synopsis: "The NSPA Joint Operations curriculum and responsi- General Services and Cooperative Services ble for the outreach programme. Programme (LB) is committed to achieving the highest standards of environmental In 2001, he made Colonel General Staff performance, preventing pollution and and shortly after his promotion was tasked minimizing the impact of its services and to establish the newly created G4 Division activities on the environment by means of of the Land Component. The G4 Division continual improvement on behalf of the ensures operational and logistics NATO Nations. LB Programme has ISO readiness of the Land Component with 14001 (Environmental Management functional control of the six organic System) certification pioneering the Logistic Battalions. environmental management system at NSPA. LB Programme contractors shall be In 2003, he began his multinational NATO in compliance with EC Directives and Logistics career and became the Branch regulations, multilateral international Head Logistics Operations and Plans in conventions, NATO STANAGs, National, Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS). regional and local environmental laws and He was instrumental in improving the regulations. Contractors shall also have an sustainment in ISAF (mainly in the area of implemented Environmental Management bulk fuel supply) and lead the develop- System (EMS) in compliance with ISO14001 ment of MC526 – the foundation for the or equivalent. Joint Logistics Support Group (JSG). In 2006 he became Executive Officer of the Chief NSPA LB programme has a wide range of of Staff JFCBS and lead the major opera- environmental projects such as: procure- tion of the JFCBS in Afghanistan. ment of solar power systems for remote areas; military site remediation; the In 2007, he joined the NATO Maintenance treatment and destruction of pesticides; Supply Agency in Capellen and in 2012 was environmental assessments of military handpicked to serve as Transformation facilities; and overseeing the safe storage Czar, working directly for the General of radioactive waste. Manager and the Executive Board on development and execution of NATO Recognizing NSPA LB Programme’s Support Agency initiatives. expertise, NATO Science and Technology Organization (NATO STO) has requested On 1 May 2016 he was appointed the LB experts to be part of their “green Manager of the NSPA General & Coopera- ammunition” development project and LB tive Services Programme. represents the Agency on NATO’s Environmental Protection Working Group John Bosmans is married to Carine and (EPWG) and was observer at NATO’s Smart has a son Marc who practices as a Energy Team (SENT). NSPA LB Programme Neuropsychologist. is working closely with NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division on Smart Topic: NATO Support Agency (NSPA) Energy and also has close collaborations Activities in Energy and Environmental with ENSEC COE." Solutions for Military Applications

17 MS. THEODORA VON HOHENSTAUFEN NOLL Virginia Economic Development Partnership, Defense Program Manager JWith Virginia Theodora is a member of the Virginia Economic International Business Council (VAIBC), Development founding President of the Organization of Partnership (VEDP) Women in International Trade - Central for over ten years, Virginia (OWIT-CVA), and lifetime member Theodora of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society and the manages the first Gold Key Honor Society in Graduate defense program Studies at George Mason University. She of its nature in the has working proficiency in German and United States, the Russian. In her spare time, she enjoys a Going Global Defense Initiative (GGDI). variety of activities such as traveling, Theodora works with private sector shooting, indoor skydiving, sewing, reading defense companies to help them promote and studies the harp and piano. security cooperation, interoperability, capacity building and economic stabiliza- Topic: Industry: Your Go-To Source for tion activities with partner and at-risk Energy Innovation states. She advises companies in how to interface with the military to tackle the Synopsis: So much of what the human challenges that confront our partner race does requires energy, from the most states’ collective security. She facilitates basic aspects of daily life to the most relationships with Virginia companies to complex military maneuvers. They cannot U.S. COCOMs and foreign militaries. happen without energy and power generation. It's not merely enough, Theodora has her bachelor’s degree in though, to generate power, but in order to German from Virginia Commonwealth gain a competitive advantage, it must be University and is completing her first done in a manner that is less expensive, master's degree in conflict analysis and faster, lighter or otherwise more efficient. resolution from George Mason University, Ms. von Hohenstaufen Noll will examine focusing on stabilization in at-risk states. the important role that industry plays in She is working on an additional masters leading the advancements that energy degree through the UN mandated innovation has to offer that ultimately University for Peace, with a focus on benefits our cooperative security. sustainable peacekeeping. Theodora’s Increased collaboration between industry focus within the conflict analysis and and the military is vital for future progress resolution field is primarily at the inter/in- in the area of energy solutions for the war trastate level with emphasis on women’s fighter. peace and security issues. She addresses the underlying motivations of conflict and seeks to reduce those. Her efforts promote capacity building, developing cross cutting ties and understanding the significance that narratives play in igniting, or resolving conflict. Theodora teaches effective strategies and tools for bridging differences in a holistic, non-violent manner.

18 COL ROMUALDAS PETKEVICIUS – MODERATOR OF SESSION 2 HQ SACT, LTU National Liaison Representative (former NATO ENSEC COE Director 2012-2014) Col. R. Petkevičius RECENT EXPERIENCE graduated from 2004 – 2008 the Military Defense, Military, Air and Naval Attaché Academy in Riga, to the United States and Canada. Latvia in 1990 with a degree in 2008 – 2011 engineering. He LTU NMR to SHAPE. joined the Lithuanian Air 2011 – 2012 Force in 1992 and Deputy Director of the ESC. held various positions from Chief Engineer at First Airbase in Šiauliai, Lithuania to 2012 – May 2014 Chief of the A4 branch of the Lithuanian Director NATO ENSEC COE. Air Force. In 2000, Col. Petkevičius was appointed Director of the NATO Depart- May 2014 – July 2015 ment at the Ministry of National Defense Director, Armaments and C2 Systems of Lithuania. His responsibilities included Department, MOD, Lithuania interaction with NATO and national institutions in order to ensure Lithuania‘s August 2015 – Present preparation for NATO membership. National Liasion Representative, Allied Command Transformation Later in his carrier, Col. R. Petekvičius was appointed to the position of Defense, AWARDS Military, Air and Naval Attaché to the The Order for Merits to Lithuania the United States and Canada. This was Cross of Officer – 2004 followed by serving as the National U.S. Legion of Merit (Degree of Officer) – Military Representative (NMR) of Lithuania 2010 to the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers (SHAPE). Before his latest PERSONAL DATA assignment Col. R. Petkevičius held the Col. Romualdas Petkevičius was born on positions of Director of NATO ENSEC COE January 30, 1967 in Skuodas, Lithuania. He and later Director of armaments and C2 is fluent in Lithuanian, English and Systems Department, MOD, Lithuania. Russian; can communicate in French. Among his hobbies are ultra-distance EDUCATION running, computers and technology, and 1985-1990 beer sampling. Col. R. Petkevičius is Military Academy, Riga, Latvia. married to Larisa (Petkevičienė) and has one adult son, Artūras. 1997-1998 Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL, USA.

2003-2004 Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Montgom ery, AL, USA.

19 DR. RACHEL LESLIE DSTL, UK MOD Programme Manager Resilience Dr. Rachel Leslie Topic: A Systems Approach to Energy has worked for the Resilience UK Defence Science and Synopsis: The United Kingdom’s Ministry Technology of Defence needs to maintain its capability Laboratory (and plans and deliver its required effects its predecessor despite being exposed to sustainability organizations) drivers outside of its direct control. These since 1995, where factors include fuel supply security, fuel she began her price volatility, coalition fuel interoperabili- career as a microbiologist working on ty, emissions legislation and implications rapid microbiological detection systems. to capability from using alternative and She later managed the chemical and emergent fuel blends. In order to develop biological sample analysis facility in and maintain its energy resilience, the UK support of UK Ministry of Defence and MOD has a Capability Energy Strategy that other government departments. Having takes a systems approach to increase held various posts relating to chemical and energy consciousness in decision making biological defence, Rachel changed and improve energy efficiency in the direction in 2009 to lead the defence delivery of capability. This systematic research programme in Acquisition Policy, approach starts from understanding the focusing primarily on cost reduction and complete picture of fuel usage across the acquisition systems research. Front Line Commands, to developing tools to help consider energy in military decision In July 2013, Rachel’s research portfolio making, through to understanding how expanded to encompass the sustainability energy is used by people and what can be component of MOD’s research done to change energy behaviours to programme. The broader portfolio is reduce energy use. termed Resilience to reflect its role in supporting MOD to deliver its required effects despite external considerations and constraints over which it has limited or no control. Resilience comprises research related to both budgetary and operational resilience, with operational resilience encompassing energy, climate change, critical and strategic materials, global environmental legislation and government targets, and support to policy development and decision making.

20 MR. BEN VAN HECKE Coordination Officer of the NATO Chief Scientist Ben VAN HECKE Ever since 2014, Ben is the Coordination graduated in 1997 Officer of the NATO Chief Scientist. No as Civil Engineer in wonder he represents the Science & Telecommunica- Technology Organization ( tion Sciences in ) for Green matters. Brussels, Belgium (Polytechnics). In Topic: The NATO Science & Technology 2008 he obtained Organization, your emissionless green- a second MSc Eng house for Innovative Energy Technologies in Environmental Sciences in Paris, France (ParisTech) and Synopsis: What would we do without was invited to embark a PhD. energy? Is what strategic commands used to say for decades: “Energy should be As an officer in the Belgian Ministry of abundantly available on the place we need Defence, Ben occupied in the first 10 years it, however.”, still that evident? Questions of his career positions as Head Study on which the NATO Science & Technology Bureau for Telecommunication and Head Organization (STO) cannot give strategic Instruction Teams in Electronics, Optron- comprehensive answers. No, in the STO ics, Telecommunications and Avionics. In nations voluntary work intensely together addition, he gave courses in Project to find innovative technological and Management. He directed studies on Life tactical solutions and reflect on the Cycle Cost of Military Capabilities and strategic vulnerability of energy. In world’s became familiar with Life Cycle Analysis biggest Defence and Security Assurance (LCA), after which his administration Company, Allies use STO to address the invited him to perform Ecologic LCA’s. As political, economic and security implica- he enjoyed, he was motivated for his tions of a very fast changing global energy Environmental MSc Eng. environment. This briefing will highlight how STO works and what exactly they do The second decade of his Military Career on energy. Furthermore, there will be he first performed as an Environmental room for questions and hopefully a small Risk Manager for the Material Resources brainstorming on: ‘What would you like to Department. His main realizations were see in the STO Program of Work on the Treatment Installations for the Energy?’ Neutralization of Old Chemical Weapons and Conventional Energetic Substances, for all aspects compliant with actual environmental emission limits. Later on, he became Products Office Manager. Fuels, gasses, paints, glues, and all kinds of other potential dangerous product were in his portfolio. All over his career, he was and still is pro-active in related EDA, NATO and other International Organizations Subject Matter Expert Workgroups and Committees.

21 DR. ED ANDRUKAITIS MOD, Canada Group Leader – Power and Energy Project at Defence R&D Canada (DRDC) Dr. Andrukaitis and manages R&D contracts with industry graduated from and Canadian universities and provides The University of advice and requirements recommenda- Western Ontario, tions to Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) London Ontario in clients through a multitude of reports, 1990 with a PhD in briefings and technical advice. Chemistry. His research on Addittionally, he engages with planning/- lithium recharge- formulation on future S&T investment to able batteries enable knowledge access for DND in key have resulted in several presentations and power and energy areas. He continues to publications in international journals and represent DND on many national and symposia. Over his career he has international committees, recently published over 50 papers and conference completing a 5 year term as Chair of the proceedings. The Technology Cooperation Program Panel (TTCP) ‘Power and Energy, Materials He has gained expertise in electrochemical and Systems’. Dr. Andrukaitis is also a power and energy (P&E) for electrical Member of the NATO Team of Experts and energy generation and storage, with STO Working Groups on Soldier Power specific expertise on all military battery Interoperability and Technology assess- technologies in use and in development ment. for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). This includes fuel cells and renewable energy Topic: Innovative Energy Solutions for the technologies and the integration of hybrid Canadian Armed Forces - from Soldier to energy storage and power management Deployed Camps technologies into the CAF. Through his research he has conducted numerous R&D Synopsis: It is very important to under- investigations on electrical power sources stand how energy is being utilized in the safety and performance evaluation as the Army from the soldier up to the operation- Canadian Department of National Defence al camp. Because the military operates subject matter expert. under very adverse conditions and different operational scenarios, patterns of As a Canadian Defence Scientist, Dr. energy use are sometimes difficult to Andrukaitis is currently the Group Leader – determine from soldier to camp opera- Power and Energy Project at Defence R&D tions. The presentation will outline some Canada (DRDC), Department of National of Canada's efforts in innovative energy Defence and the responsible project solutions across the soldier to deployed manager for all DRDC power sources R&D camp boundaries. In particular, it will projects. One particular area of responsi- cover the Integrated Camp Energy bility that has been gaining importance is technologies project (run over the past five sustainable camp power and energy. years in collaboration with Natural Resources Canada) which aimed to reduce Dr. Andrukaitis conducts and supervises the diesel dependency of military deploy- performance, safety and failure analyses able camps, both nationally and abroad. A on power systems, providing DND summary on the tools which offer the expertise on fielded batteries and ability for DND to accurately estimate and advanced electrical power systems. In this evaluate a deployment camp’s energy and role he formulates, directs and manages power requirements will also be an R&D project in electrical power source discussed. technologies and systems. He initiates

22 MR. ROBERT J. TURK Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Manager Technical Business Development

Summary: Professional Societies Experience Certified by the International Council on includes 30+ years Systems Engineers as a Expert Systems of professional Engineer engineering International Council of System experience, with a Engineers Certification Advisory Board proven record of Chair, Present accomplishments. International Council of System Internationally Engineers Board Member, 1998-Present recognized as a Eastern Idaho Engineering Council, subject matter expert (SME) in Renewable President, Board of Director, 2000-2013. Energy Technologies. Primary experience has been in developing advanced energy References and publications provided systems, engineering, research, produc- upon request tion/manufacturing, systems engineering, , and decision analysis. Topic: The Art of addressing Microgrid Certified Expert Systems Engineering challenges, Get it Right the First Time Profession (ESEP) by the International Council on Systems Engineering. Synopsis: The apparent challenges with Microgrids are vast. This presentation Education describes the "Total System" and address- 2001 MASTERS OF ENGINEERING IN es the integration, for totally functional, SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, University of useable systems by using a Systems Idaho, Idaho Falls, ID approach to installation, security, opera- 1978 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL tions, maintenance, and resiliency. ENGINEERING, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT

Employment History 1997- Present: Manager Technical Business Development, Idaho National Laboratory (INL) ESEP Idaho Falls, Idaho

1990-1997 Vice President Production, Kingston Produce Company Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho

1978-1990 Manufacturing Plant Manager, United States Gypsum Corporation, Chicago Illinois Division Quality Manager Production Superintendent Project Engineer

23 DR SUSANNE MICHAELIS Officer (Environment and Smart Energy) of NATO Headquarters Dr. Susanne During 2007 she developed a strategy to Michaelis, born in improve the communication on NATO’s Germany, studied Science Programme which was implement- molecular biology ed through NATO press releases, news and obtained her stories, exhibitions and video clips. She PhD in human held the newly created position of Science genetics. Following Communication Manager until joining completion of her NATO’s Emerging Challenges Division in research she August 2010. joined the European Commission in 1995, as In her current role, Susanne has been manager of one of the life science topics. instrumental in bringing together an In 1996, Susanne took up a position at extensive stakeholder network to advance NATO Headquarters in Brussels, where energy efficiency in the military. The she has worked for NATO’s Science for initiative combines research & develop- Peace and Security (SPS) Programme, ment, awareness raising and policy making Public Diplomacy and Emerging Security and became the ‘Smart Energy Initiative’. Challenges. She developed the NATO-hosted Internet platform “LibGuide Smart Energy” and Throughout her career, she initiated and launched the Smart Energy Team (SENT), a managed cooperative projects on scientific group of experts supported by NATO’s priorities in NATO, with a special focus on Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Ukraine. Additionally she developed Programme. A highlight of the Smart strategies and concepts on emerging Energy Initiative was a multinational Smart topics, bringing to NATO extended expert Energy camp that Susanne set-up with networks, increased information sharing support by Allied nations in the military and new partnerships. exercise Capable Logistician 2013. Energy efficiency is now an integrated part of Following extensive negotiation, she NATO’s agenda. succeeded in 2004 to include NATO as a partner in the Environment and Security (ENVSEC) Initiative, under which six international organizations coordinate their environmental security activities in partner nations.

24 COL ANDRZEJ MAKSYMIUK Multinational Logistics Coordination Centre Deputy Director

1. Military/pro- 2011- 2014 fessional career Deputy Chief of Organizational – 1987 - 1988 Planning Branch in P4 Division of Polish 28th General Staff tank regiment, deputy batt. Cmdr 2014- for technical Deputy Director of Multinational matters, Logistics Coordination Centre

2. Education 1988 - 1991 1981- 1985 Engineer of 28th tank regiment Car Service Military High School, Pila

1991 - 1998 1985- 1987 Lecturer of Tank - Car Service Training Military Academy of Technology, Warsaw Centre 1989- 1991 1991 - 1992 English courses –three levels, Lodź, Maintenance Oficer in HQ UNDOF, Syria 1998 1994 - 1995 Tactical & Operational Course with NATO Deputy Transport Coy Cmdr in PMC in integration aspects, National Defense UNIFIL, Lebanon Academy, Warsaw

1996 - 1997 2000 UN Military Observer in UNAVEM III, Strategic Movement Course, Deepcut, Angola Great Britain

1999 - 2002 2001 Specialist in Polish Liaison Team at HQ NATO Logistic Course, Aachen, Germany AFNORTH, Brunssum, Netherlands 2008 2002 - 2005 Postgraduate Studies – Logistics Senior Specialist of Logistic Planning management in enterprises, in Land Forces HQ Academy of Technology, Warsaw

2006 - 2007 Topic: MLCC and its involvement in Deputy Chief of Logistic Planning Branch Multinational Logistics in Land Forces HQ Synopsis: The presentation will include 2007 - 2008 MLCC background and introduction Deputy Chief of Organizational – including its main activities and goals. It Planning Branch in G4 of Land Forces HQ will also cover short description of CL 15 exercise with more concentration on 2008 - 2011 Smart Energy MILU activity. The presenta- Senior Specialist for logistics matters in tion will end with invitation for next Polish Military Representation at NATO exercise CL 19 which will be in . and EU Military Committees, Brussels

25 MR. MARTIN SCHUSTER PFISTERER Kontaktsysteme GmbH, Senior Adviser

I.Personal Data 1999 – Present September 21, PFISTERER Kontaktsysteme 1951 Born in Schroz 1999 – 2009 berg, Managing Director Baden-Wuert temberg, 2009 – Present Germany Senior Advisor

III. Career Highlight 1970 – 1972 Membership and leaderships of National Military service, Trained Reserve Officer and International Standardization Working Groups (1980 – Present) 1972 – 1977 Studies in High IV. Recent Participation in National and Voltage Technique, University of International Technical Committees Karlsruhe 2005 – 2008 Delegate to IEC SC 17C “Development of II. Career History a common interface standard of GIS and 1977 – 1999 Power Cables of 52 kV and above” Karl Pfisterer Elektrotechnische Spezialartikel GmbH & Co. KG 1980 – Present Speaker in international conferences, 1977 – 1980 e.g. Jicable, CIRED, CICED Assistant of testing and developing laboratories Topic: Forces are at the turning point in energy supply – Microgrids are ready to be 1980 – 1985 put into practice Manager of Laboratories Synopsis: The striving for the creation of 1985 – 1987 more energy efficiency through decentral- Head of High Voltage Technique ized microgrids in all sectors is a rethinking Department of energy generation, transmission, distribution and consumption. Martin 1987 – 1994 Schuster will speak about the industries, Head of Engineering and Sales Depart- implementation, technologies for signifi- ment cant progress and proposal for a modern hybrid system and its controller. 1995 – 1999 Head of High & Medium Voltage Technology Division

26 COL NICOLAS HENRY – MODERATOR OF SESSION 3 Armament Procurement Agency, Joint Fuel Support Service, Liaison Officer Armament Later in his carrier, 2009 – 2013, he took Procurement the responsibility of Head of Equipment Agency, Joint Fuel and Head of the Infrastructure Depart- Support Service, ment in the SEA Headquarters in Paris, Liaison Officer defining and driving his Service policy in petroleum equipment procurement and Colonel N. Henry bulk fuel infrastructure. During these years graduated from he also performed various expert missions the French Army in particular in African countries (Gabon, academy of Thad, Libya). In 2013 he coordinated, from Saint-Cyr in 1993 with a Master of Sciences Paris, the organization of the fuel support and from the Artillery Academy in 1994 for the first months of the French military (specialising in air defense artillery). He operation in Mali. held various positions in the French Army, from platoon leader to battery command- From August 2013, Colonel N. Henry was er and NCO instructor and was sent assigned for 3 years as the first Deputy abroad for 4 months with his unit. After Director/Chief of Staff of the NATO Energy graduating with a Master of Science Security Center of Excellence (NATO ENSEC degree (petroleum products and engines), COE) with the task to support NATO and from IFP-School, in 2003 COL. Henry joined the Nations in the areas of: the awareness the French Joint Fuel Service (Service des of energy developments with security Essences des Armées, SEA) as an opera- implications; supporting the protection of tion and logistics officer in a regional Critical Energy Infrastructures; and command and was in charge of Army and enhancing the Energy Efficiency of the Air Forces fuel support. During this time he Alliance military forces. was appointed for 6 month as being responsible for NATO Kosovo Forces fuel In September 2016, Colonel N. Henry support (France Role Specialist Nation) in joined the French Defence Technology and NATO KFOR HQ Pristina. Procurement Agency (DGA) as liaison officer for the Joint Fuel Service (SEA) and In 2006, COL. Henry was seconded to the as a fuel and lubricant expert. NATO Center Europe Pipeline Manage- ment Agency (NSPA – program CEPS), as a pipeline and buck fuel storages infrastruc- ture engineer.

27 MR. ROBERTO VOLANTE G&G Partners Srl, Consultant as Chief Engineer of the military department Born 18/07/1943 Synopsis: Hight tech products able to Italian nationality guarantee low weight, reduced volume, Retired Colonel of excellent habitability and low energy the Italian Air consumption. Tents of different sizes, force hangars with various types and sizes of University degree access doors, light buildings and multi-pur- in aeronautical pose tents systems that can serve as field engineering hospitals, air terminals C&C centres etc. The Technologies used allow to create turnkey structures that can also replace Main military experiences: traditional concrete buildings with limited Chief of an Italian maintenance centre for cost and short delivery times. Becoming F 104 Starfighter even more energy-efficient - A Full range Participation to the development of the of last generation accessories: Tornado Aircraft by MBB Munich Ministry of Defence-Rome, DGCAAS, 5th Light, adaptable, flexible photovoltaic Division, Section leader Engines RB 199 high-performance panels;

After retirement: Smart Energy Management: An innova- Various leader positions in the automotive, tive platform and software that enable chemical and environmental industry efficient energy monitoring, control and proactive management of any connected From 2010 till today: electrical devices; Consultant for G&G Partners Srl as Chief Engineer of the military department Versatile and modular LED lighting (Hangars and Tents design) systems;

Topic: A revolution in deployable Field air conditioning systems. structures - Innovative tents to reduce energy consumption The presentation will be split into two sections, a video message by Mr. Paolo Barbatelli and a comment by Mr. Roberto Volante.

28 MS. BENITA A. SHULTS Cubic Global Defense Supports USPACOM Joint Energy Security Program Project Manager, Energy Security Benita Shults is a primary logistical advisor to the Project Manager Commander for Theater Medical opera- from Cubic Global tions in the Pacific. She designed and Defense support- implemented training strategies from ing USPACOM plan individual skills to multi-level training and implement its events. She designed and implemented Joint Energy training programs in order to improve Security Program readiness, corporate knowledge, and best at the Headquar- business practices. Training includes: ters located at team building, procurement processes, Camp H.M. Smith in Honolulu, Hawaii. In logistics systems, and general knowledge. this position, she handles a broad range of strategic energy security issues providing Mrs. Shults is a graduate of the Depart- in-depth analysis and collaboration within ment of Defense Intermediate Level the diverse cultures in the Indo-Asia-Pacif- Officer Education Program, a graduate ic. As the Project Manager for USPACOM’s from Seattle Pacific University with a Joint Energy Security Working Group Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education, (JESWG), Mrs. Shults supports the Director, and a Certified Project Management JESWG, in creating and executing strate- Professional. gies, plans, engagements, conferences and meetings that enhances the energy Topic: 2016 United States Pacific security of US forces in the region. Command (USPACOM) Supporting Additionally, Mrs. Shults focuses on using Strategy for Energy Security energy as an engagement tool with US partners and allies in the Indo-Asia-Pacific Synopsis: Energy security is more than region. She is currently working with the just fossil fuels. Energy is a fundamental Pacific Area Senior Officers Logistics enabler of military capability and can come Seminar by establishing an Energy Security in a number of forms to include renewable training program for over 31 nations energy, energy storage, efficiencies, and within the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region. stable infrastructure. Technology and logistics have come a long way; yet, Prior to joining Cubic Global Defense USPACOM still faces the persistent Systems, Mrs. Shults served over 20 years challenge of powering energy -demanding the United States Army as a Supply Chain weapons systems across the expanse of Manager. She served as a primary staff the region in the midst of a variety of officer and subject matter expert during operational environments. The 2016 bi-lateral and multi-lateral theater health USPACOM Supporting Strategy for Energy engagement exercises. Led the two of the Security defines the Commands approach Army’s largest medical companies to the energy environment in the consisting of over 80 personnel each and Indo-Asia-Pacific and aims at mitigating over $8.5 million in equipment with zero energy related risks through four loss of accountability, including a deploy- interlocking concepts: operational reach, ment in support of Operation Iraqi integration, interoperability, and resiliency. Freedom. She conducted strategic mission Ultimately, USPACOM will use this analysis and established measures of supporting strategy to manage operational effectiveness for key tasks for Theater energy and bolster energy security Campaign Plans in both the Pacific and resulting in a more capable warfighting Horn of Africa. Mrs. Shults served as the force.

29 DR. CARSTEN CREMERS Fraunhofer ICT, Team Leader Fuel Cells Dr. Carsten Topic: Electrochemical technologies Cremers, a supporting the reduction of the logistic German National, foot print of future land missions was born and grew up in Krefeld, Synopsis: The reduction of the logistic Germany. He burden of future land missions is an received his important goal of current research and Diploma in technology efforts at all scales, from single Chemistry from dismounted soldiers over military vehicles the University of to larger installations. Energy suppies Düsseldorf, where he also did his PhD exploiting local sources where possible is thesis in Theoretical Chemistry working on one important topic. Other topics like the laser spectroscopy. Subsequently he disinfection of water are also of high became a post-doc at the French National relevance. A further option is to use Synchrotron Laboratory LURE in Orsay, locally available energy to provide France where he worked on deep etch electricity and produce the required X-Ray lithography for MEMS applications. commodities on-site. As the harvesting of Afterwards, he joined the group of Ulrich local energy will yield electricity in most Stimming at the Technische Universität cases electrochemical solutions are very München working on micros-structured promising. reformers, direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). In this talk, current developments in After four years he changed to the electrochemical systems for the realization Bavarian Centre for Applied Energy of distributed solutions will be discussed Research, also directed by Prof. Stimming, with respect to their potential to help as group manager for fuel cells, continuing reduce the logistic burden of future his work on DMFC and SOFC. missions. In the main, this discussion will focus on electrochemical power sources In 2006 he changed to the Fraunhofer-In- and their possible use for different military stitut für chemische Technologie (ICT). systems e.g. power supply solutions for Here he worked as a project manager in dismounted soldiers or unmanned the field of direct alcohol fuel cells and fuel vehicles or auxiliary power units for larger cells for military applications. Since vehicles. Discussion will also address the January 2010 he has become Team Leader possibility of integrating power sources Fuel Cells at the Fraunhofer ICT. Dr. into generic system architectures following Cremers is a member of the VDI technical the NATO architecture framework committee on fuel cells, a member of the approach, to facilitate the conception of former NATO STO task groups SET 173 and systems and later interoperability. Finally, SET 206 on Portable Power Sources and a electrochemical approaches to water member of the CapTech network of the disinfection by hydrogen peroxide or European Defence Agency. He also is ozone will be discussed based on current engaged in the International Energy civil developments. Agency’s Advanced Fuel Cell Implementa- tion Agreement Annexes on Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Fuel Cells for Portable Applications.

30 MR. MARTIN KEGEL Natural Resources, Canada, Research Engineer Martin Kegel is a Development Canada (DRDC), have been research engineer engaged in an Integrated Camp Energy at Natural technologies project for the past five Resources years. This has the the aim of reducing the Canada, Canme- diesel dependency of military deployable tENERGY Buildings camps, both nationally and abroad. Group. In collaboration with As part of the project, the ability for DND the Department of to accurately estimate and evaluate a National Defence deployment camp’s energy and power and Defence Research and Development requirements was identified. A deployable Canada, Martin has been actively involved plug and play energy monitoring kit was in various projects to reduce the energy developed for DND, which included consumption and GHG emissions of the training and mentoring to ensure a Canadian Armed Forces‘ permanent and successful transfer. Along with providing semi-permanent infrastructure. Most DND insight into the total energy notably he has: performed an extensive consumption of their deployment camps, energy audit of the Canadian Forces these kits also have the capability to Station Alert; helped demonstrate measure the power and energy require- substantial energy savings and GHG ments of new shelter systems introduced. emission reductions in cold weather A simplified simulation tool has been deployment camps through the use of developed, permitting the user to create heat recovery and heat pumping technolo- an energy model of a customizable gies; and participated in numerous deployment camp in any region, occupan- Exercises and Operations to develop and cy and time period in order to estimate the deploy semi-permanent camp energy power and energy requirements. The tool monitoring kits, in order to gain a better is comprised of a database of shelter understanding of deployment camp energy models and the user selects key energy flows. inputs such as space heating equipment, lighting loads, plug loads and schedules, Recently, Martin has successfully which is ultimately put together to create transferred the energy monitoring an energy model of a deployment camp. capability over to the Canadian Armed The validity of the simulation tool was Forces, in addition to developing a recently tested to an Exercise conducted in simplified energy simulation tool. Martin Wainwright, AB, which was comprised of Kegel is a University of Waterloo graduate, over 200 shelters and 1500 occupants. The completing his MASc in 2006 and BASc in simulation tool was able to predict the 2004 specializing in heat transfer and total camp fuel consumption within 10% thermodynamics. and the peak draw with 5%. Future improvements to the tool will permit the Topic: Integrated Camp Energy Technolo- user to evaluate alternative and renewable gies: A simulation tool to predict and energy technologies such as solar, wind evaluate the power and energy require- and heat pumping technologies and help ments of a deployment camp DND make informed decisions on suitable technologies to reduce diesel dependency. Synopsis: Natural Resources Canada, in Please note: the presentation will be collaboration with the Department of presented with Ed Andrukaitis under his Defence (DND) and Defence Research and "soldier system integration" timeslot.

31 LTC BART LINSEN NATO MILENG COE (Military Engineering Centre of Excellence), Policies, Concepts & Doctrine Branch Chief LtCol Linsen LtCol Linsen gained a Masters degree in commenced his Business Management (Radboud Universi- military career in ty Nijmegen), while serving as an internal August 1981. He defence consultant in 2004. has served mostly in the Engineer In his latest operational appointment he branch since then, was commander of a high qualified in both command specialist Engineer team and advisor to positions within the operational staff at MOD. construction units and with Battalion and Brigade staff. He is Topic: NATO Military Engineering vision on a senior infra development and Military Innovative Energy in operations Engineer officer, with broad experience in leading multinational teams, in both NATO Synopsis: Innovation makes us happy. and Defence organisations. And energy efficiency makes engineers especially happy, because it provides them Currently he is Head of Department and with a safer base camp design and it is Chief of Policy, Concept and Development better for the environment. However, the at the Military Engineering Centre of engineer is also responsible for supporting Excellence in Ingolstadt. For the Centre, he operational units in the field when tension is responsible for leading and guiding is very high – this is the direction that the international teams of experts on Wales & Warsaw Summits gave us. challenging NATO engineering topics. Therefore it is necessary to look at the Before this position, he was Chief of Staff whole concept of deployed units and see and Second in Command at the Nether- how innovative, but guaranteed success- lands Engineer Training Centre. He also ful, solutions can help. commanded a construction team in Tarin Kowt (Afghanistan) during the deployment and building phase in 2007, and complet- ed four missions in the Balkans and St. Martin.

He developed expertise in post-conflict and initial infra development projects, with three decades of broad international experience. He is experienced in change management and project-based planning and completed a Master Class of Technical Project Management in 2014.

32 MR. ALAN HOWARD – MODERATOR OF SESSION 4 Naval Postgraduate School Deputy Director, Energy Academic Group Mr. Alan Howard academic and research resources across joined the faculty Department of Defense, State Depart- of the Naval ment, and NATO partner capacity building Postgraduate goals and objectives. School in 2009 as the Deputy Mr. Howard received a Bachelor of Arts Director for the degree in Economics with Minors in United States German Language and Chinese Studies Partnership for from Wheaton College in 1994 and Peace Training received his MBA/MIM in International and Education Center (USPTC) Program Management from Thunderbird in 2000. In Office. The U.S. Naval Postgraduate School 2007 and again in 2010, Governor Arnold (NPS) was designated in 2004 by the State Schwarzenegger appointed him to serve Department as the U.S. contribution to on the Osteopathic Medical Board of NATO and, in that role, utilizes the full California. In 2013 he was reappointed by capabilities of NPS in a prevention of Governor Jerry Brown. Mr. Howard is a conflict mission, reaching out to partner recipient of the Navy Meritorious Civilian countries to build sustainable capacity in Service award. the spirit of “Academic Diplomacy”. In 2013 he became the Deputy Director for the newly-formed Energy Academic Group, formed by mandate from SECNAV to create an Energy Center of Excellence at NPS and to focus on the Navy’s Energy mission.

Prior to joining NPS, he spent 15 years in International Shipping and Logistics and, as Director of eBusiness Development for a large multinational with over 10B Euro in annual revenue, had global responsibility for strategy, product development, and operations in the online space. Having spent most of his career based in Europe, Mr. Howard returned to his native Monterey, California in 2002. His responsi- bilities include international outreach and partnering efforts, business process review, program management, and leveraging opportunities to match


Jim Caley was technological and operational solutions to appointed as the our energy challenges; an approach that Director for encompasses everything from more Operational effective renewable energy sources and Energy in storage batteries to operational proce- September 2016. dures that optimize fuel and electricity He serves as the use. Afloat, our efforts include certifying Secretary of the ships and aircraft on as many alternative Navy’s focal point fuels as possible to enhance our strategic on all matters flexibility. We are also encouraging ship pertaining to Operational Energy. drivers to use procedures including trail shaft, and pilots to employ Short-cycle Jim came from the United States Marine Mission and Recovery Tanking in order to Corps where he served in the transporta- use less fuel when the tactical situation tion, logistics, and communications fields allows. Ashore, we are equipping the since 1989, rising to the rank of Colonel. Marine Corps expeditionary forces with His final post was as Director of the Marine solar power generators to support and Corps Expeditionary Energy Office (E2O), extend the operational life of diesel where he was tasked with coordinating generators and reduce the number of fuel innovative energy technology and policy convoys needed, a time when Marines are development for the Marines. During his at their most vulnerable. time as Director, Jim refocused the Marine Corp’s Expeditionary Energy Concepts We are looking inside and outside the initiative to focus on developing Navy and Marine Corps to accomplish our infantry-related technology in concert with transformation. We are creating an energy private industry. culture within the Services that drives all Marines and Sailors to treat fuel as a Jim is an experienced operational and tactical enabler, and to see they get the strategic planner on issues relating to the most capability out of every gallon of fuel Asia-Pacific, South Asia, and the Middle or kilowatt hour of electricity. Externally, East. He has commanded at the Battalion we are partnering with industry, academia, and Regimental levels. and international allies to capitalize on innovative technologies they have Topic: More Mission, Less Energy: developed, best practices they have Transforming Naval Operations learned, and non-traditional approaches they have used to solve their own energy Synopsis: We are transforming the U.S. challenges. Energy will only become more Navy and Marine Corps’ energy use to critical to our operational capability as we make us more effective in all operations, move further into the 21st century. We are from combat to intelligence gathering and committed to ensuring that Marines and from humanitarian assistance to disaster Sailors have every advantage while relief. We are focused on developing both conducting operations, globally.

34 CDR ANTONIO BIGNONE Italian Navy General Staff Head of Engine Plants Office Personal details Topic: The Italian Navy Flotta Verde and education Lt Crd. Antonio Synopsis: The Italian Navy has always had BIGNONE was in its mission the safeguarding of the born in 1976. He marine environment, and is strongly has attended the focussed on contributing towards the Italian Naval "2020 Climate and Energy package" Academy from European Union targets. In 2012 the 1994 to 1998 and Italian Navy launched the Flotta Verde graduated in initiative, with the purpose of reducing gas Naval Engineering at Federico II Napoli emissions and improving national energy University in 2000. security. To achieve these goals ITN follows three main strategies: adoption of Employment History/Military Service: a renewable synthetic fuel; development and use of innovative eco-design technolo- 2015–Present: gies (eg LED lighting, SCR, silicone paints); Service in the Italian Navy General Staff, and the adoption of energy saving as Head of Propulsion Plants Office, and operating procedures (eg electric propul- responsible for Flotta Verde Program. sion, energy dashboard). The Italian Navy is a leader in the biofuels sector in Europe, 2013-2015: being the first to use a blend of up to 50% Service in the Italian Navy General Staff, of green renewable diesel, well ahead of as responsible for Propulsion Plants of the mandatory 10% target set by the EU to the new ships of “2014 Naval Program” be achieved by 2020. The use of biofuels allows significant reduction in carbon 2010-2013: dioxide emissions, of about 52% Chief Engineer of ITS Doria, a Horizon compared to fossil fuels. The Green Class Destroyer; DieselTM biofuel used by Italian Navy is completely different from common FAME 2009-2010: biofuelsas it is produced with the Ecofining Service in the Italian Navy General Staff, ™ technology. It can be blended up to 50% Propulsion Plant Office. CBM project; with conventional fossil fuel, is compliant with the strict NATO requirements for 2007-2009: naval fuels, and does not need any engine Masters Course in Propulsion Plants, at nor equipment modifications. ITN has an Italian Navy General Staff; active cooperation with USN in the research into and use of alternative fuels 2005-2007: and last June conducted a joint exercise Chief Engineer of ITS Orione, a Patrol between the two in the Mediterra- Vessel with anti-pollution plants; nean Sea, with the delivery of Green Diesel produced in Italy to a US Navy vessel. 2002-2005: Head of Propulsion Equipments Team aboard ITS Perseo, a Lupo’s class Frigate;

2001-2002: Head of Auxiliary Equipments Team aboard ITS Perseo.

35 PROF. STAMATIS S. KALLIGEROS Assistant Professor , Director of Fuels & Lubricants Laboratory Stamatis Kalligeros is environment, biofuels, alternative fuels, married to Naval energy management, standardization of Architect & Marine fuels and lubricants, quality assurance and Engineer Eleni biolubricants. He has published numerous Dimopoulou and has highly cited pieces of research (over 1,100 two children. He citations) in well respected scientific received his Diploma journals and has presented in internation- Degree in Mechanical al conferences. Addittionally, he serves as Engineering from the a member of the editorial team and as a National Technical reviewer in well-respected international University of Athens, Greece, in 1996, journals. which was followed by an MSc degree in Industrial Management with specialization Topic: The Holistic Approach of Fuel in Energy Management & Environmental Management is the Driving Force for the Protection from the University of , Future Greece, in 2000. He then completed a Ph.D. degree in Fuels & Lubricants Synopsis: Smart, sustainable and inclusive Technology from the National Technical growth needs an effective and innovative University of Athens, Greece, in 2002. management of energy resources. This strategy aims to maintain security of After a career in the Industrial Energy energy supply and defence capability sector as R&D manager (Engineering & alongside a mitigation of environmental Constructing a Biofuel Plant and a Fossil pollution and the loss of energy resources. Fuels Plant) and in the Public Sector as an In this context, the Fuels and Lubricants Advisor he was elected as a Lecturer at the Laboratory (FLL) of the Hellenic Naval Hellenic Naval Academy, Mechanics & Academy ( is active in Materials Division, Laboratory of Fuels & implementing Best Energy Resources Lubricants, from 2010. His current position Management Policies available to the is Assistant Professor and Director of the and to the Greek Armed Fuels & Lubricants Laboratory, responsible Forces in general. for its Overall Operations. Performing applied research, and relying He is also the Technical Conveyor of on its experience in the combination of National Quality Infrastructure System - management and standardized proce- Hellenic Organization for Standardization dures, saves fuel through the development (NQIS - ELOT) and is the National Contact of the procedure of the proved reuse of Point (NCP) for standardization of Fuels to the waste fuels and lubricants. Additional- European Organization for Standardiza- ly, studying the recycling of antifreeze tion (CEN). He is an elected member of the (coolants) fluids proved how to save the European Commission of the European environment along with energy resources. Sustainable Shipping Forum (ESSF) and a member of the steering committee of the Additionally, based on the NATO Single Sub Group of Advanced Biofuels (SGAB) of Fuel Policy, the HNA - FLL examined the the European Sustainable Transport possibility of using NATO JP-5 code fuel in Forum (STF). Evaluator of the European gas turbine Naval propulsion (which Commission in various Research Programs usually burns a middle petroleum distillate (Framework 6th, 7th and HORIZON 2020). NATO code F-76 fuel) along with the use of biofuels and synthetic fuels. The results His research areas cover the impacts of were encouraging and the conclusions fuels on engine performance and the were fully recoverable.

36 CDR. BARTŁOMIEJ PĄCZEK, PH.D. Faculty of Command and Maritime Operations , Vice-Dean for education and students Cdr. Bartłomiej He obtained a Ph.D. diploma in the area of PĄCZEK has security sciences in 2011 and took the post served in the of the Head of Maritime Forces Command since Branch within the Faculty of Command 1994. He graduat- and Maritime Operations. ed from the Faculty of The scientific activity of Cdr. Bartłomiej Navigation and PĄCZEK manifests itself in the form of Naval Weapons of multiple publications related to the the Polish Naval command and management of maritime Academy in 1999, starting his service forces and the security of the state. His aboard the hydrographic vessel ORP current scientific interests focus on: naval “Arctowski” of the Hydrographic Support forces in the security system of the state, Squadron. His six-year service on the ship national security, internal security, the was crowned by obtaining the rights to theory of decision-making, and decision self-command the ship of the project 874. support systems.

In 2006, he graduated from his postgradu- In 2016 he was elected by the academic ate studies in Management and Leader- community to take the post of the ship, with a specialization in Maritime Vice-Dean for Education and Students of Forces Command, and after graduation the Faculty of Command and Maritime assumed the position of the Chief of the Operations of the Polish Naval Academy. Hydrographic Branch in the Headquarters His personal interests include cycling of the Hydrographic Support Squadron. tourism and language learning. He fluently speaks English, German and Russian, as Whilst in service he began scientific well as basic French. research, participating in multiple national and international conferences, during Topic: Innovative energy solutions - which he presented innovative solutions to experiences of the Polish Naval Academy scientific problems which he had identified in the area of planning and conduct of Synopsis: The presentation will focus on maritime operations. research results and tests run by the Faculty of of the His scientific research led him to the Polish Polish Naval Academy in the area of Naval Academy, where Cdr. PĄCZEK began innovative marine propulsion systems. his service in 2007, initially as a lecturer and later on as professor-assistant. During this period, his scientific activities focused on the role of naval forces in the state’s security system and the theory and practice of naval forces command.

37 DR. MICHAEL WEATHERLY Frontier Technologies, Inc., Vice President of Strategic Growth Dr. Weatherly IT initiatives including data management, has over 17 energy policy, predictive analytics and years of IT business intelligence working with project manage- high-level government officials. ment experi- ence in multiple Dr. Weatherly has a working knowledge of industries Six Sigma concepts and methods through including Doctoral studies, ASQ Certified Lean Six defense, Sigma Green Belt and is considered an healthcare, and expert in statistical and research concepts. education. He is the Vice President of He is proficient with MS Project, Server, Strategic Growth at Frontier Technology Access, Word, Excel, T-SQL, SharePoint, Inc., (FTI), and an entrepreneur. He has PowerPoint, Outlook (MS Office Suite), supported multiple government and Website Development & SPSS. He commercial Project Management Organi- conducts innovative strategies to engage zations (PMO’s). and motivate clients and employees to increase productivity and efficiency and Dr. Weatherly has a Secret Clearance and provides an intrinsic ability to prioritize five degrees including a in and manage multiple, competing Business Management and Organizational priorities. Development and an MBA with a concen- tration in Information Systems. He is an Dr. Weatherly has proven the ability to adjunct professor at three accredited expand international business networks universities, working with doctoral, and produce international product and graduate and undergraduate students. service sales including NATO and Foreign Militaries in Europe, South America and He serves on the Board of Directors for Asia. He is proficient in English and Italian. NATOFestival and works side by side with NATO personnel supporting NATO Topic: Leveraging US Navy Energy Best Supreme AlliedCommand Transformation Practices to Support NATO (Conserving (NATO SACT). He is a certified PMI Project Energy with Big Data Analytics) Management Professional (PMP) & Principal Instructor. Dr. Weatherly has Synopsis: 2014-2016, Frontier Technology, managed over $100M in defense contracts Inc. (FTI) utilized Small Business Innovative and procured over $300M of new business Research (SBIR) funded technologies to on DoD programs including CMMI Level 5 develop a Decision Support and Optimiza- maturity, complex, high-profile, and tion System Model for energy consump- sensitive data enriched projects from tion for the United States Navy’s Fleet inception to closure. His management Forces Command (USFF). SBIR technolo- and business development experience gies provided innovative high-end data has led to company strategic frame- processing (ELAPS ™), predictive analytics works, and business pipelines totaling over (NormNet ™) and a metrics progress $1B of annual revenue. He provides analysis engine (MPAE ™). This effort extensive experience with tactical resulted in the Fleet Energy Conservation assessment support and operational Dashboard (FECD) that is part of the analytics and is a corporate leader in DoD Global Energy Information System

38 (GENISYS) Program. FECD encompasses Defense (DoD) systems and assets in both a shore based data warehouse and achieving the DoD energy program’s three analysis system and a ship based informa- pillars 1) Expand Supply, 2) Reduce tion system focused on energy security, Demand and 3) Adapt Future Forces consumption and efficiency. FECD was Technology. FECD software uses an developed to support the Chief of Naval extensible architectural framework to Operations (CNO) goal to reduce ship allow the addition of ships, data sources, consumption by 15% and non-tactical and analysis capabilities. Leveraging best petroleum use in the commercial fleet by practices from FECD provides NATO an 50% by 2020 to improve Fleet readiness. energy decision support system(s) capable This model utilizes multiple data stores of transforming data into actionable, from disparate systems and serves as a intelligent information required for template for universal Department of decision making.

LT NUNO PESSANHAS SANTOS Electrical Engineer Officer, PRT-Navy Ships Directorate Lieutenant (OF-2) Topic: An Energy and Emissions Optimizer Nuno Pessanha onboard the PRT Navy ships Santos holds an integrated master Synopsis: The Energy and Emissions degree in Naval Optimizer system makes an interface with Military Sciences multiple existing ship´s systems and in Weapons and instruments to deliver comprehensive Electronics knowledge and analysis of the perfor- engineering mance of all the main energy consumers. branch from the Using this integrated management Portuguese Naval Academy and an MSc in approach, it is possible to easily identify Electrical Engineering (Specialization in inefficiencies and optimize the perfor- Automation and Industrial Electronics) mance of the main propulsion engines, from the High Institute of Engineering of Diesel power generators and auxiliary Lisbon. He served on board a Portuguese machinery. This system also produces Navy (PRT-Navy) frigate as the deputy reports, historical trend analysis and Weapons and Electronics Engineer Officer future vessel performance predictions that and on board a hydrographic Ship as the enables global management of the fleet electrical engineer officer. He currently and ships regarding energy use. serves as an electrical engineer officer at the PRT-Navy Ships Directorate and is an associate researcher at the PRT-Navy Research Center.

39 MR ROBERTO I. GUERRERO DOD, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Operational Energy Mr. Roberto I. Mr. Guerrero entered civil service in 2010 Guerrero, a where he served as Deputy Chief of Safety, member of the U.S. Air Force, and Executive Director, Air Senior Executive Force Safety Center, Kirtland AFB, New Service, is the Mexico. Following this tour of duty, he was Deputy Assistant Director of Staff, Headquarters Air Force Secretary of the Reserve Command, Robins AFB, Georgia. Air Force for Operational EDUCATION Energy, Office of 1987 Bachelor's degree in aeronautical the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for engineering, California Poly State Universi- Installations, Environment and Energy, ty, San Luis Obispo Washington, D.C. Mr. Guerrero is responsi- ble for providing oversight and direction 1991 Aviation Safety Officer's Course, for matters pertaining to the formulation, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, review, and execution of plans, policies, California and programs for the effective use of the Air Force’s $7.4B operational energy bill. 2001 Air Command and Staff College, by correspondence Mr. Guerrero earned his commission in the Navy through Aviation Officer 2006 Air War College, by correspondence Candidate School in 1988 and received his wings as a Naval Aviator in 1989. He held KEY AWARDS AND HONORS assignments in Florida, California, Virginia Legion of Merit and Texas, culminating his Navy career in Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf 1999 as operations officer and flight cluster instructor in the T-34C. In 2000, Mr. Air Medal with gold numeral one and two Guerrero was selected for inter-service oak leaf clusters Aerial Achievement transfer to the Air Force. He qualified in Medal the E-3 AWACS and held assignments in Navy Commendation Medal with gold star Oklahoma and Okinawa, Japan, where he commanded the 961st Airborne Air Topic: Aviation Operational Energy Control Squadron. He later served at the Initiatives and Lessons Learned from the Air Force Safety Center as a division chief U.S. Air Force and concluded his military career as the center's Vice Commander. During his Synopsis: Operational energy costs the military service he participated in opera- U.S. Air Force around $8 billion annually tions Deep Freeze, Korean Contingency, and is critical to every aspect of the Noble Eagle, and Enduring Freedom. He service's mission. The Deputy Assistant was a command pilot with more than Secretary for Operational Energy, Mr. 4,100 flight hours, including more than 350 Roberto Guerrero will share initiatives and combat hours. best practices underway to improve resiliency, optimize demand and assure the supply of energy to support the Air Force's mission to fly, fight and win in air, space and cyberspace.

40 DR. OCÉANE ZUBELDIA Strategic Research Institute, Ecole Militaire, France

Research Fellow Synopsis: Drones, qualified under the Océane Zubeldia acronym RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft is a research System), offer significant potentialities and fellow in the occupy a first-rate place in defense and in Armament and security policies of states. Extant studies Defense Econom- on drones have generally been focused on ics department at their military use, the debate aiming at the Strategic armed drones in the US and in Europe. Research However the questions of the use to Institute of the autonomous and eco-compatible systems Ecole militaire (Paris). She obtained a Ph.D. occupy more and more strongly the in History of Technic and Innovation from spirits. Indeed, the ambitions of the fossil the University Paris IV-Sorbonne (2009), fuel-consuming countries concern the and previously was an officer in the French diversification and the development of Air Force (2003-2014). Her current work new sources of energy. To this extend, examines Industrial Strategies, Innovation, several challenges must be added for the New Energies, and Green Defense. armed forces: terrorism, cyber threats, global warming, and defense budgets Publications and Lecturing: tightening. To address these we can First academic book about drones in imagine new processes and policies. What French and foreign from XX are the stakes and the needs? The Century to nowadays: Histoire des Drones, question of energy security represents a Perrin, Paris, 238 p., May 2012. crucial issue for the strategic and environ- Article « Drones et infrastructures mental performance in operations. This is énergétiques : plus qu’un projet un nouvel considered to be two of the major outil », Les Cahiers de la Sécurité, n°33,Fe- challenges that need to be built. Economic bruary 2016. and technological readiness do not seem to be sufficient for the moment to allow a Lecturing on “New military technologies, large-scale generalization of the alterna- lethality, defense economics”, Workshop tive energies applied to drones. The The European Union: a cybersecurity cooperation between European states is actor?, Manchester Jean Monnet Centre more than ever necessary. In this perspec- d’Excellence (MJMCE) and IRSEM, Manches- tive, dual-use technology and innovative ter University, 22-23 January 2015. applications, may contribute to new developments and to a change in the Topic: Drones and Alternative Energies: global frame. mixing technologies to achieve a new model?

41 COL JEAN-MARC BOUILLET NATO ENSEC COE Deputy Director Col. Jean-Marc doctrines. Later on, he was appointed as BOUILLET deputy director on a POL regional graduated from command in Marseille. In 2011, he was the French Army promoted as director of the French fuel academy of service in the west of Africa in Saint-Cyr in 1991 Libreville/Gabon with an area of responsi- with a Master of bility which included Chad, Congo, Central Sciences and Africa, Senegal, Mali, Niger… from the artillery academy in 1992. When he returned back to France he was in charge of the steering office of the POL He held various positions in French Army, Service, with responsibilities ranging from from platoon leader to air-defense battery internal control to inspections to the commander officer. After graduated as a quality policy. Master of Science from IFP-School (with the specialty of petroleum products and During his career was appointed to force engines) in 2002 Col. BOUILLET joined the protection of the United Nations in French Joint Fuel Service (Service des Yugoslavia for six months,was responsible Essences des Armées, SEA) as an opera- for NATO Kosovo Forces fuel support in tion and logistics officer in a regional the NATO KFOR HQ Pristina for 6 month, command and was in charge of Army, and for 4 months was in charge of the fuel Navy and Air Forces fuel support. supply of the French contingent in In 2005, Col. BOUILLET attended the Afghanistan. French joint staff college. In August 2016, Col. BOUILLET was During the 3 next years, he was in charge assigned as Deputy Director and Chief of of operational Fuel supply concepts and Staff of the NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE)


Synopsis: Energy supply is a critical object process model approach that will vulnerability in military operations and its be implemented within the SEDA Project. protection may compromise operational The Smart Energy Deployable Airfield is effectiveness. At the same time, energy the project through which the ItAF has accounts for a significant amount of conceived a full set of 12 Deployable expenditure and is a major driver in the Modules (e.g. RLS, POL, Base Servicing, Air cost of operations. The logistics to provide Terminal, etc) to generate a Deployable fuel, as primary source of energy, to power Airfield. In this presentation on IT SEDA, a deployed camp utilities in the most remote general overview of the project outline will regions where Forces are deployed is very provided, through the comparison of expensive and the security of the fuel parametric model, highlighting the convoys can be a heavy burden. In this objective benefits of using energy efficient light, Italian Air Force has adopted an solutions such as renewables in opera- tions.



BAE Systems delivers advanced defence, aerospace and security solutions that provide a technological and performance edge. We work together with local partners to develop, engineer, manufacture and support the innovations that increase defence sovereignty, sustain economies and safeguard commercial interests in the physical and virtual world. With some 88,200 employees in six continents, our story is about talented people who are committed to serving our customers’ needs and creating solutions that protect and strengthen nations, commerce, communities and people. We apply our engineering expertise, problem-solving skills and manufacturing know-how to benefit our customers in areas beyond defence. Our Energy Solutions and Services team develop products and systems that enable users to predict, manage and reduce energy G&G.pdf 1 09/05/14 12:25 consumption. These solutions are proven to improve the efficiency of operations, maintain operational effectiveness and reduce through life costs.

C G&G Partners is a modern company specializing in lightweight highly M Y thermaly insulated under the brand name of DEFSHELL. CM MY G&G Partners services: CY CMY Design planning of tents/hangars/light buildings K Development of projects and set up of suitable technical specifications Installation and Turnkey delivery of structures Consultancy and technical support for the assembly, disassembly and maintenance of structures Re-engineering of structures After-sales service, spare parts and maintenance (cleaning and repair)

PFISTERER is the specialist for connection elements and systems in low, medium and high-voltage networks: we offer medium and high-voltage cable terminations and joints, mechanical and compression type connectors, safety equipment, components and complete solutions for overhead power lines and components for railway catenary systems. Based on that knowledge, we have developed mobile and scalable decentralized energy supply systems. Different energy sources and loads are connected with a management system providing smart energy and optimized operation.


Intracom Defense Electronics (IDE), the leading defense electronics and communications systems provider in Greece, possesses unique know-how in the design, development and manufacturing of products that incorporate state-of-the-art technology in the domains of: tactical military communications systems; information security; command, control and communications systems (C³I); missile electronics; data links & telemetries; surveillance, reconnaissance and security systems; hybrid electric power and electric energy storage systems; missile data links and electronic components; software for military applications; and testing equipment. IDE participates in international development and production programs and in international cooperation for the production and export of defense equipment and is a registered member on NATO’s vendors list. SETOLITE Lichttechnik GmbH, which is based in Hückeswagen, has been a successful participant in the business of mobile lighting since 1995. Professional Lighting Solutions Within a short period, our company SETOLITE Lichttechnik has managed to establish itself in this market with high-quality products, a profession- al advisory service and an allegiant clientele. The industry, craftsmen of all sections, as well as action forces of all kinds have confidence in us. Armed forces in the European area trust in the light technological equipment products of the company SETOLITE Lichttechnik.

KIC InnoEnergy - a company that supports start-ups in the sustainable energy field: • Atawey designs and manufactures turnkey hydrogen solutions in the energy storage and mobility sectors: Standalone hydrogen energy systems to ensure continuous energy supply for key off-grid equipment in the transmission area (telecom/radio base stations); Hydrogen recharging stations for vehicles. • CorPower Ocean has become one of the leading wave energy power plants providers in the world by utilising 40 years of know-how and ocean energy experience in order to develop a product that can compete on the global market with reliable low cost renewable energy production. • GasLiner utilizes its field proven unique patented technology and develops mobile fast refueling systems that can serve any type of gas (Natural gas, Biomethane, Hydrogen). GasLiner refuelers enable wide use of remote gas filling stations and refueling services for Natural Gas Vehicles and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles. • HYGEN brings to life a novel refueling solution for our cars in the form of a cost effective and convenient to use home refueling appliance for Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) and Extended Range Electric Vehicles (E-REVs). • NAWATechnologies is a global supplier of innovative VACNT (vertically aligned carbon nanotube) materials, targeting specific applications such as thermal, electrical storage, optical and fluidic. Using a disruptive and cost effective process, NAWATechnologies is focused on the manufacture of Ultra capacitors for a wide range of applications. • Solable brings to the market a super-efficient integrated shower system, LaDouche, which is very useful for collective needs, as well as a water sanitation system, DrinkingBox, with uses no consumables and is entirely powered by solar radiation. • TEXTIL ENERGY designs and commercializes portable solar products with the latest light and flexible photovoltaic technology. We are specialized in developing portable and easy to transport solar power projects that require ease and speed in your installation.

OTHER EXHIBITORS Building Intellingence Group (BIG) is one of the leading companies specialized in home automation, building automation, hotel automation and technologies for energy efficiency. BIG is probably one of the most important Italian system integrators. BIG is a partner of the leading manufacturers of automation technology products and is a member of KNX Italy. BIG is one of the leading software houses for the development of software and systems for home, hotel and building automation. BIG’s software is developed to help users to evaluate energy-efficiency in new or existing buildings.

Dantherm Air Handling A/S - Our climate control solutions are used in military camps, relief camps, field hospitals and at similar sites. We work closely with tent and container suppliers to develop site-specific, customized solutions. All of our units are produced at state-of-the-art Dantherm manufacturing facilities in Denmark and are built to comply with advanced AQAP requirements as well as the ISO 9001 and 14001 standards. Operational at temperatures from -40°C to +60°C, our mobile heating and cooling systems are exceptionally versatile, rugged and reliable. They are easy to set up and maintain, and our light-weight designs and materials keep logistics costs low.

44 FTI (Frontier Technologies, Inc.) develops and supports customized software and provides studies and analysis of high technology operational and advanced systems for the Department of Defense and the aerospace industry.

GogoGen SRL is an innovative start-up that has designed, developed and produced a microgenerator with low fuel consumption and high-tech working logic.

Gourmet Services SRL is a company specializing in the production of special and innovative restaurant equipment with energy efficient and low consumption.

Greencamp Solutions are developing power solutions for FOBs GCS Powershade® is scalable and modular system.

KiteGen Venture is an industrial engineering firm specialized in the design of software, electrical/electronic components, control systems and mechanical systems. It has conducted numerous R&D activities and gasined over 40 patents registered worldwide. It has managed European funded research projects. Its involvement in activities in the field of energy has given it a profound knowledge of the industry. It has developed the concept of High Altitude Wind Power and pushed the technology (KiteGen Stem) up to TRL8. Other developed systems, include supercapacitors, inertial platforms and energy regeneration systems in vehicles.

Magister Energy Engineering is an Italian society dedicated to R&D, design and realization of energy systems, using renewable sources. The consolidated expertise gained through applied research and use of proven management methods has led to the development of innovative systems in the renewable energy field. Our priorities `are energy saving, zero pollution and environmental common sense. Magister Energy Engineering mainly invests in research and development with the help of a team of experienced researchers in collaboration with the best universities and research laboratories. The purpose is to improve quality of life by eliminating all kind of harmful emissions, reducing the costs of electricity production, and designing unique technologies that work through “Green” renewable sources and significantly cutting the costs necessary for its production and use.

The Multicon Solar Group is providing services for the PV-Industry and is developing new products for the electrification of remote areas. Our main focus is the development of mobile solar powerstations for military and civil missions.

45 Nexter Electronics (Toulouse France), a subsidiary of the Nexter Group, designs, supplies, maintains and sustains electronic equipment with a very high quality requirement for systems with a long service life. It offers innovative solutions adapted to suit each of its customers, in the domain of power energy management and distribution and for failsafe computers. To meet current needs and requirements, Nexter Electronics presents its innovative range in the field of energy, especially the simple and complete HCube which maximizes autonomy in the field. The emphasis is on new portable power generator HCube, based on hydrogen fuel cells, which is lightweight and without acoustic and thermal signature and therefore intended for missions in severe environmenst.

NOVA Power Solutions is specialized in providing high quality, reliable and rugged custom tailored continuous power quality protection solutions to global defense and industrial markets since 1988. NOVA’s power conditioners, converters, distribution and battery backup solutions provide customers a wide range of power protection and backup alternatives. NOVA Power Solutions is focused on solving problems created by the generation, distribution and use of electrical energy. NOVA’s power-conditioning solutions eliminate 100% of distributed electrical system anomalies, increasing system reliability and electrical generation efficiency. NOVA’s power-conversation solutions optimize load side electrical efficiency, further enhancing reliability and allowing for the use of a wide spectrum of electronic solutions to meet your requirements.

Power-Blox AG is a self-learning and modular energy system with an open architecture, based on a swarm algorithm. By using the military concept ARPANET (the first Internet) and adapting it to the field of energy, Power-Blox developed and patented a product to create independent, robust and highly flexible energy-grids from scratch.

PowiDian is a technologic leader for electric energy production and storage for mobile applications for small to medium consumption (up to 500kW). Powidian products are used by the French Air Forces.

Protecno SRL - Professional Technology: these simple words sum up our management strategy. Established 40 years ago, today we are an important Italian company using advanced water treatment techniques. An accurate selection of specialized technologies, experience and qualified staff make us the ideal partner for the design and construction of plants and for the provision of water treatment services. We proudly design and manufacture plants and systems for primary and wastewater treatment, reverse osmosis plants, as well as chemical-physical and biological units. We are present all over Italy and have agencies and branches in Europe, America, Africa and Asia.

Renovagen develops portable Solar Power systems with a unique rollable solar field - up to 15kW in an air pallet container or small trailer.

RISE International is a cutting edge IT Integrator/Engineering Firm specializing in "Emerging Technologies” concept design, UseCase Development and implementation. Our Solutions are completely "tailor-made" based on the input from our customers and what is then on the Market already in terms of HW+SW or what is coming. PON or Passive Optical Networking is the newest "Green Solution" available to modernize a Customers Layer I to III Network Infrastructure. Combined with other Technologies as the "backbone", PON can save not only money across an entire Enterprise but make the network more efficient with more capacity.

46 Saft is a global, multi-technology defence battery specialist with a unique capability to provide fully integrated primary and rechargeable lithium battery solutions to power a wide range of equipment on land, at sea and in the air. Saft lightweight, compact batteries are field proven to deliver exceptional reliability and performance for military applications from infantry communications, base camps and weapon systems to torpedoes, UAVs/UUVs, aircraft and hybrid armoured vehicles.

Special Purpose Powertrain GmbH - Powering Mobility! Solutions driving your Mission! Special Purpose Powertrain GmbH (SPP), member of the AVL Group is a globally active engineering company developing powertrain systems (engine, transmission, hybrid, control unit, e-motor, fuel-cell and battery) for defense applications. Our innovative energy technologies include mobile and stationary SOFC fuel-cell generators, waste heat recovery systems, batteries as well as efficient and emission optimized internal combustion engines of all sizes and fuel types. SPP is part of the AVL Group, the world’s largest independent company for development, simulation and testing technology of powertrains offering scalable, customized and robust solutions, from first concept to introduction.


Multinational Logistics Coordination Centre (MLCC) is Multinational Organisation based in the Czech Republic whose vision is to build and/or enhance multinational logistics capabilities, reduce shortfalls and costs of the MLCC Members and Non-Members by providing multinational solutions for the logistic support of their forces. MLCC supports Smart Defence concepts and is in the line with the NATO Connected Forces Initiative in order to build capabilities through multinational approaches and to maintain readiness and combat effectiveness through expanded education and training. MLCC has signed Note of Accesion with 16 nations so far.

LEPL State Military Scientific-Technical Center „DELTA“ is a legal entity of public law under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Develop- ment of Georgia withmain objective to construct, develop and produce new types of military products and armament which will help to enhance defense capabilities of Georgia. Today the entity supports the Georgian Armed Forces with: • Ammunition; • Small arms; • Artillery systems; • Military vehicles; • Military unarmed aerial vehicles; • Military aircrafts; • Specialized Buildings and Fortifications; • Implementation/Application of new weapon systems and their subsequent support; • Humanitarian Demining and Demilitarization Works.

47 Lithuanian Defence and Security Industry Association (LDSIA) - a public, independent, non profit organization, which seeks to unite and oversee Lithuanian security and defence industries association in order to optimize and expand the potential and capacity of the Lithuanian security and defence industries via transparent cooperation with local and foreign GOs, NGOs and institutions. It seeks to ensure effective, sustainable and timely supplies for Lithuanian defence and security capabilities by supporting, maintaining and supplying them with the newest high technologies in armament, machinery, engineering, medicine, informa- tional technologies, etc. It aims to provide necessary means, services, consultations, training and education; promote and expand Lithuanian industry and science to local and international theater. LDSIA aims to protect and represent the interests of LDSIA members in Lithuanian and foreign public, private sector and non-governmental organizations; promote the mutual development of LDSIA members; strengthen Lithuanian defense and security industries.

Ministry of Defense in France

Ministry of Defense in Italy

48 We’veText 8.5/10pt. engineered Lorem the mostipsum advanced, dolor sit amet, technology-centredconsectetur adipiscing systems elit. Nullam to save at energy quam and ensureeros. Ut UK sagittis troops vehicula remain consectetur.with power, ready for Vestibulum vel erat urna, ut consectetur dui. TITLING ONLY IN operation. Aliquam quis elit id felis tempor eleifend et et neque.In operational Praesent trials sit foramet on dictumfront line risus. bases, Sed our intelligent energy solutions are saving energy, POWERING tristique massa non lacus iaculis in iaculis erat reducing costs and protecting the military ITC FRANKLIN faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectusagainst critical et netus power et malesuada failures. egestas. It is our intelligent energy solutions that delivered a 35% fuel saving and a 50% reduction GOTHIC BAES in generator running hours for the Ministry THE of Defence. It is our engineering expertise, problem-solving skills and manufacturing know- DEMI CONDENSED how which inspire our solutions. CAPITALS.FRONTLINE SIZE DEPENDING ON FORMAT, IMAGE AND COPY LENGTH. HERE 44/36PT. CS042714.02.D02 CrossPower: Smart Energy wherever you need it

CrossPower provides a stable, reliable power supply for civil or military camps, sup- ply centers and field hospitals – anywhere it is needed. The scalable hybrid power gen- eration system combines an energy management system and a mobile solar and wind farm with conventional diesel generators and battery storage. The system offers more than 50 % fossil fuel savings and en- sures 100 % availability of supply day and night. the power connection 0MKLXEHETXEFPIƥI\MFPITLSXSZSPXEMGLMKLTIVJSVQERGITERIPW



*MIPHEMVGSRHMXMSRMRKW]WXIQW Created by: Monika Drungilaitė, Rūta Ūsaitė