Lesson: Washing dishes & cleaning up the as part of the cooking process.

Objective: To allow students to identify and perform the steps for washing dishes. Students will also identify items that need to be put away after using them and be able to put them away.

Materials: Dirty dishes, dishrag or sponge, soap, towel, kitchen , and various washable kitchen objects. Optional drainer.

Kitchen • Do not touch sharp knives or sharp kitchen objects. Safety: • Never place knives in a sink full of soapy water. • Do not touch hot kitchen appliances. • Use hot water to wash dishes but be careful!! • Be careful when washing glass or breakable items. • Replace sponge after several uses to avoid bacteria growth.

Procedure/ 1. After students have finished preparing item(s), discuss the Interactions: importance of cleaning the kitchen/work area after cooking. 2. Discuss with students that some items need to be washed and some just need to be put away. 3. Help students identify any kitchen items that need to be put away but do not need to be washed. Have the student(s) put away any items, such as mitts, that do not need to be washed. 4. Assist students with identifying kitchen items that need to be washed and place items in the sink area. 5. Discuss that dishes can be washed using a or washed by hand. Situation 1 (Dishwasher): Rinse used dishes and place them into the dishwasher. Load plates, bowls, and utensils in the proper locations. Add the proper dishwasher soap to the dishwasher. When ready, start the dishwasher.

Situation 2 (Handwashing): Put the stopper in the sink drain. Fill the sink with water and add a small dash of soap to the water. Wash and rinse each dish individually. Place the dishes in a drainer or use a towel to dry. Put the dry dishes away into the proper storage area. 6. Have the student wipe the work area used for preparing and cooking. Suggest using a cleaner solution and paper towels. 7. When the towel or dishrag is dirty, they need to be washed. We recommend that you do not put wet items in the laundry.

Check for • Did you clean or put away all the things you used to make the Understanding recipe? • What were the challenges of cleaning up? • Were any of the big or small dishes harder to wash? • Did you clean the knives in a way to be safe? • Why do you think it is important to clean up after we finish cooking?

Follow Next time you do this lesson to change it up by using different types of up/Extension dishes, different ways of cleaning counters, ask about different types of Activities: soaps to use, use a dishcloth instead of a sponge. Explain the importance of washing dishcloths or replacing sponges to keep you healthy. www.thecolorcodedchef.com