m*. A Welsh Opinio t of Loyalty. germingf London Figaro. v,'HIT AKER STRKILT, It is, we think, to beregretted that the to allow 31 NEWS BUILPdtQX ■ Prince of-Waiee has declined (MOBNISa his name tp.be used in connection with =:===:= ==== icBSCRIPTIONS. the National Eisteddfod of Wales. The News, one yew, 810 00; six loyalty of the Welsh £eop]e is beyond „ Voltsixo §5 CO, three months, $2 50; one question, but.when they ask a little favor possible, granted. 00; months, it ought, it to he As SviLtNees, one yew. $6 Six there have -been -reasons why His three months, fl 50. must one $3 00; six months, declined to have any- v ,M3. year, morning Royal Highness v E Vt thing to do with the Eisteddford, it v ‘ „ *- DELIVEREDu BV C ARRIER OR PREPAID seems a pity they were not stated. We n*ad'aM BTHAIU make these remarks ..because the refusal please observe Savannah wi.l the date News. M subscribers J. H. ESTILL, of the Prince to patronize the Eistedd- on their wrappers. PROPRIETOR. SAVANNAH, FKIDAY, MAY 27, 1881 has only feeling A ESTABLISHED 1850. ford not created a sore BATES OF DVERTISING. in the Principality, it has also exposed es make a square—a line averages e “ Advertisements, square. him to vulgar abuse, and has given the ‘ ‘V wools. per eD 80; BUTLER AND STEPHENS. TO THE ins,-riion $1 80: two insertions SI FOLLY'S AWFUL PENALTY OF POLITICS- BOSTON RICHMOND. ON CITY OP AUGUSTA. enemies of the monarchy the opportu- insertions $J 80; six insertions 85 00; THE CENTRE COLE'S MIGHTY SCHEME.
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