A government technology® Profile | Esri

Unlocking Open Data for the Public Esri’s ArcGIS platform gives government an easy strategy to provide accessible, authoritative information. Bringing Data to Life ake a look at a city calendar But hackathons are only one common picture of intelligence that and you’re likely to find words component of a much bigger trend drives decisions across the nation. T that didn’t exist in the gov- marked by transparency and govern- For decades, government agen- ernment lexicon a few years ago. ment efforts to better communicate cies have relied on Esri to support “Hackathons,” “datapaloozas” and and collaborate with citizens: mission-critical tasks and daily even “code-a-paloozas” are popping open data. Open data is powerful, operations. Now, after supporting up across the country as local gov- allowing states and municipalities the open exchange of geospatial ernment and states use the collective to share a wealth of information on data, geospatial analysis, data power of the public to create better the Web, and enabling citizens and models, and workflows for many government services. government agencies to share a years, Esri launched a new open

“The site gives us the ability to search and discover data, to explore that data interactively right within the Web page, and download that data in multiple formats. Users can also build solutions off of live data feeds.”

Tim Abdella, Geographic Information Officer, , D.C.

One Site, One Source: Washington, D.C., Simplifies Open Data

Washington, D.C., has been “This was our challenge,” says “The site gives us the ability to and then exposing that data,” he a front runner in data dissemi- Geographic Information Officer Tim search and discover data, to explore says. “The issue with loading data nation — its Data.dc.gov site Abdella. “We had all of these differ- that data interactively right within in multiple places is maintaining the was one of the first open data ent avenues to find data, but did not the Web page, and download that data. If I only have one place where catalogs in the and have a singular point of view that data in multiple formats. Users can the data is loaded, I only have one predated even the federal gov- made sense for the GIS consumer.” also build solutions off of live data place to maintain the data.” ernment’s Data.gov. Now the city is moving forward feeds,” says Abdella. Abdella says the beauty of However, in the past, the city with the perfect fit — an open data Importantly, the ArcGIS Open Data ArcGIS Open Data is that it had several different websites dedi- site leveraging ArcGIS Open Data platform also allows the city to keep leverages a central repository of cated to open data but lacked one — which will wrap around the city’s the data where it already resides content. “Every time I make a site that included a robust search existing infrastructure and allow it — which is a critical sticking point change, it’s automatically cascaded capability and the ability for users to to expose its data to the public in a for Abdella. “I am a big advocate of as a change in the open data site. explore information spatially. simple and intuitive way. storing data one time, in one place, It’s brilliant and simple.” data initiative, ArcGIS Open data. Governments create a signifi- Data, which is an addition to cant amount of map and spatial data ArcGIS Online. that could be put to good use. ArcGIS Open Data ArcGIS Open Data leverages For the thousands of governments leverages an organization’s GIS investment, an organization’s GIS investment, that already use ArcGIS Online, enabling agencies to simply and efficiently deliver their data in an easy-to-consume format. enabling agencies to simply and ArcGIS Open Data is part of their https://opendata.arcgis.com efficiently deliver their data in an online account — allowing these easy-to-consume format. More agencies to leverage their investment than that, it provides a way for in Esri’s ArcGIS platform. This open the thousands of governments that data capability, combined with Esri’s already use Esri to quickly and smart community solutions to govern- seamlessly deploy open data sites. ments, ArcGIS for Local Government This tool allows its users to create and ArcGIS for State Government, a custom website that helps provides a powerful foundation for citizens find data and view it government agencies to not only in a spatial context. easily expose data to the public in an accessible, user-friendly format, but to share data across government agen- Opening Data with the cies and jurisdictions to enable better Power of the Platform communication and collaboration. As with any emerging practice, there have been limitations with open data. Today, government agencies and An Open Data Strategy constituents are increasingly realizing That Just Works the benefits that can come from highly ArcGIS Open Data provides organized, simple-to-access open the piece of the puzzle that was • CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE

Coding with Open Data in Charlotte

Charlotte, N.C., relies heavily Charlotte also has a vibrant This site has been a beneficial systems of record and makes it on Esri’s ArcGIS platform to civic tech community that the addition to the community as easy for residents to understand the manage the city’s daily public city encourages and embraces. Charlotte is a 2014 host city for the information. Citizens also have the service activities. In order to make innovation thrive Code for America Fellowship pro- option to go to the open data site “We could not run the city to in Charlotte, the city’s data needed gram. The Code for America Fellows itself and search for information. the degree that we do without to be more readily available are using the ArcGIS Open Data The Charlotte civic tech com- Esri’s GIS technology,” says Twyla and work with the technology Portal to source data as they build munity has shown they are excited McDermott, Charlotte’s corporate infrastructure the city uses in an app for the city, called Citygram. about the city’s open data site. IT program manager. “It’s used for the back office. In its initial implementation as a “In February, Esri set up an open everything from predictive crime In order to better serve the demonstration project for the Open data portal to expose what was analysis to recycling pickups. It civic tech community and Data Portal, the application will possible to the community,” says helps us determine eligible ser- promote government innovation, help citizens stay up to date on city McDermott. “It was the first time vices by geography and manage Charlotte created an open data activities (land development, street as a government employee that I our water and wastewater sys- site through ArcGIS Open Data so closures, reported traffic accidents, ever received applause for anything tems. We just couldn’t do it with- it can ensure the community is etc.). This app relies heavily on the we have produced. This positive out the software that models the receiving the most current data City of Charlotte’s ArcGIS Open Data and enthusiastic response was real world from our office.” the city produces. portal as it pulls information from astounding to me.” Powering Performance with Open Data in

Due to its popular StateStat open data and GIS are now man- The state’s open data site However, the state’s open website implemented by Gov. aged as two closely parallel efforts. (data.maryland.gov) provides similar data components extend beyond Martin O’Malley, Maryland has To maximize geospatial col- capabilities for alphanumeric data. the MD iMap site. “Our GIS become synonymous with perfor- laboration, the state is leveraging For Maryland, making data avail- capabilities allow us to provide a mance management and efforts ArcGIS Open Data for its mapping able for download is paramount. “It’s user interface that is embedded to increase transparency and and GIS portal, MD iMap (data.imap. very important that people are able in our websites. Users may be openness in government. maryland.gov), which will increase to access the raw data,” says Barney exposed to the open data from In 2014, O’Malley signed into search capabilities, make data Krucoff, Maryland’s geographic a state government website and law an Open Data Act. The new law available for download, and expose information officer. “For a significant not necessarily realize all that combines the state’s GIS capabilities more application programming number of citizens, the power is in is going on in the background,” with its open data initiatives and interfaces (APIs) for developers. going to see the data themselves.” says Krucoff.

• CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE previously missing from open data efforts, allowing government agencies Dreamin’: Endless Possibilities on the West Coast to communicate complex data in Washington, D.C., Charlotte, and Maryland aren’t the only governments easy-to-understand geographic, opening data. These counties are also maximizing open data’s potential with tabular and chart formats. In doing ArcGIS Open Data: so, they are better engaging with • In June 2014, Riverside County, Calif., was the latest municipality to citizens, increasing transparency combine the power of the public with open APIs, hosting its first hackathon and improving accountability. (aka RivCodes). The county took advantage of its open data site, powered As Charlotte’s Corporate IT Program by ArcGIS Open Data, to connect innovative software developers, designers, Manager Twyla McDermott said, “I and other techies to open information and empower them to create simple think this changes the conversation solutions to common municipal problems. because data will be so readily avail- • In San Bernardino, Calif., the county Public Works Department is leveraging able in map tabular forms and as open data to enable constituent self-service. The county has lowered costs by visualizations that we will have a more simply and efficiently providing information to citizens, alleviating the amount empowered citizenry.” of requests for county employees to provide this data. It’s an open data strategy that just works.

Interested in how your agency can use open data more effectively? Try ArcGIS Open Data for yourself at esri.com/GTopendata and sign up for your 30-day trial of ArcGIS Online.

With a subscription to ArcGIS Online you will have the ability to build your own open data site, allowing the public to explore your data through interactive maps and charts that they can search and download.

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