Total to mary

Continue The Blessed Virgin Mary as the Virgin of Mercy was revered as the Virgin of the Seafarers, 1531-1536, with her protective robe covering those entrusted to her. Over the centuries, Mariana devotion among Catholics has included many examples of personal or collective acts of initiation and belief in the Virgin Mary, with Latin terms oblatio, servitus, commendatio and dedicatio used in this context. Consecration is the action by which a person dedicates himself to sacred service, or act, separates an object, location, or area from a common and worldly regime to a regime for sacred use. The Congregation for Divine Worship and discipline of the Sacrament explains that in this context it should be recalled, however, that the term consecration is used here in a broad and non-technical sense: the expression is the use of the consecration of the children of Our Lady by which children should be protected by her and ask for her maternal blessing for them. The consecration of the Virgin Mary by Catholics took place from three points of view: personal, social and regional, and under a number of different names: The , the , or most recently Mary, the . At the beginning of the 20th century, Saint , who is called the Apostle of The Initiation of Mary, began an active program to promote the initiation of the Immaculata. In Catholic teachings, the initiation of Mary does not detract or replace God's love, but strengthens it, for all consecration is ultimately done to God. The theologian Garrigu-Lagrange marked Maria's personal dedication as the highest level among The Mariana legends. John Paul II's motto, Totus Tous (totally yours), reflects his personal dedication to Mary. He consecrated the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. History and development of the Consecrated Shelter under the protective robe of the Virgin, Ravensburg, c. 1480. The beginning of the concept of Mary's belonging attributed to Michel Earhart can be seen in the writings of Saint Ephraim of Syria in the 4th century, and the form of Mary's personal initiation dates back to the 5th century, where his practitioners were called the servants of Mary, a practice sometimes called holy slavery. However, the first consistent and repeated use of the concept of Mary's initiation was perhaps Saint Ildephonsus Toledo in the 7th century, and Pope John VII also mentioned it in the 8th century. The notion that Mary's consecration is related to the dedication to Christ and has an ultimate Christ-centric purpose was already present in the works of Ildefons of the 7th century, when he wrote, What is delivered to mother bounces back to the Son; thus conveying to the king the honor that is in the service of In the 8th century, St. John Damascen continued the theme of Mary's initiation, and when he wrote to you, we consecrate (anathema) our minds, our souls and our bodies, in short, we ourselves he used the Greek term anathema, which indicates the adasing for sacred use. By the 9th century, being Mary's servant, he practiced in Ireland. The act of consecration of cities and regions dates back at least to the 9th century, when Abbo Cernuu of Saint-Germain-de-Preux composed a poem in which he explained the inability of the Vikings in the siege of Paris (885-886) to consecrate the city of mary and protect it. In the medieval period of the abbey, towns and cities began to devote themselves to the Virgin Mary to seek her protection. In the 12th century, coto Abbey in France used the motif of the protective mantle of the Virgin Mary, which covered the kneeling abbots and the abbey. In the 13th century Caesar Heisterbach also knew about this motif, which eventually led to the iconography of the Virgin of Mercy. Although previous saints had discussed the concept of consecration, it was not until the 11th century in France that Saint Odilo began to spread the official practice of Mary's personal initiation in The Abbey of Clooney. In the 12th century, the Cistercian Orders began to consecrate themselves to Mary, first individually and then as a group, and the practice then extended to the Benedictines and Carmelites. In the 17th century, the custom of consecrating May to the Blessed Virgin was also adopted. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the traditions of The Mariana consecration grew, and by 1860 the first communion in France included the initiation of the Virgin Mary. By this time the Mariana had spread beyond continental Europe, and in England Father Frederick Faber composed the hymn of initiation of the Virgin Mary, which included a petition to her maternal role. Beginning in the 19th century, the devotion and dedication of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was encouraged by several , including Pius IX, Pius XII and John Paul II. Personal consecration See also: - Marian devotion theologian Reginald Garrigu-Lagrange, Professor Angelicum analyzed various forms and stages of Marian devotion. He marked Mary's personal dedication as the highest level among these initiations. In his theological analysis, Marian's devotion is classified into stages, from beginner to advanced, as follows: Sometimes prayer, such as prayer from time to time. Regular and daily devotion, such as the devout recitation of the on a daily basis. The formal act of Mary's initiation and life in the habitual dependence on her as a means of unification with Christ. The theology of Mary's personal initiation was explained pope John Paul II in , where, drawing on John 19:27, he declared that the word house refers to the spiritual and inner life of believers, and to take Mary into her home means family to trust her as a mother in all aspects of life. John Paul II offered St. John as an example of how every Christian should respond to the gift of Mary's spiritual motherhood. The complete devotion of Montfort and the dedication of the main article: Practice of Initiation of Mary was further enhanced in the 18th century by Louis de Montfort. The heart of Montfort's classic work is the formal act of Mary's initiation, so through it it is possible to be sanctuared to Christ. For Montfort, consecration begins a gradual process of consecration in which man's attention turns away from self-love and God through Mary. According to Montfort, different people reach different levels on this scale, depending on their efforts and purity of intentions. Montfort's classification of multiple levels of spiritual progress is similar to the spiritual dwellings described by Saint Teresa Avila in the Castle of the Interior. However, Montfort's view differs from modern Theresa, St. John of the Cross in that Monfort sees Marian's path to Jesus as far more positive, hopeful and smooth than the path that St. John follows in the Dark Night of the Soul. The concept of The Consecration of Montfort was influenced by Henri Budon's book Dieu Seoul: le Saint esclavage de l'admirable Mere de Dieu (Only God, Holy Slavery of the Wonderful Mother of God). Reading Budon, Monfort came to the conclusion that any consecration is ultimately done for One God, for only God deserves a loving human slavery. Later, One God became Montfort's motto. Monfort's approach followed Budon very closely, but differed in one element: while Budon's consecration was based on the queen Mary, Montfort's approach was based on divine motherhood. Pope John Paul II stated that, as a young seminarian, he had read and reread Montfort many times and understood that I could not exclude the Mother of the Lord from my life without ignoring the will of the God-Trinity. The Immaculate Heart of Mary Main Article: The Immaculate Heart of Mary Francis de Seyce began to write about the perfections of the Heart of Mary as a model of love for God in the early 17th century, and his work influenced St. Jean Eudes, who then developed a joint devotion to the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Two factors that helped the rapid progress of devotion were the introduction of the of St. Catherine of Labor in 1830 and the creation of the Notre Dame de Victoire, Paris Archcont of the Brotherhood of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Asylum of Sinners. In 1838, Father Desgenette, pastor organized the Association in honor of the Holy and Immaculate Heart of Mary, which Pope Gregory XVI made a fraternity in the same year. In July 1855, the Congregation of Rites approved the Office and Mass for the Immaculate Heart. Another driving force of devotion and dedication of the Immaculate Heart of Mary appeared in the messages of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917. Three children who reported on the messages of the Mariana phenomenon in Fatima referred to the Immaculate Heart. The third phenomenon reported in Fatima on 13 July 1917 specifically encouraged devotion and dedication to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart. Although reports on Fatima's phenomena were initially met with scepticism, they grew in popularity and were approved by the in 1930. On May 13, 1967, on the 50th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, Pope Paul VI visited Fatima, , and issued the Apostolic Exhortation of Signum (meaning a great sign in Latin), in which he asked all the sons of the Church to renew their dedication to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In 1986, speaking to the participants of the 1986 International Theological Symposium on the Union of Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Pope John Paul II stated, Our act of dedication to the Immaculate Heart of Mary ultimately belongs to the Heart of her Son, for as the Mother of Christ she is completely united with his redemptive mission. As on Kana's marriage feast, when she said, Do what he tells you, Mary directs all things to her Son, who answers our prayers and forgives our sins. In 1854, Pope Pius IX defined the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary in the Apostolic Constitution of . This greatly contributed to the dissemination of legends and initiations to the Immaculates. In the early 20th century, Saint Maximilian Kolbe began his efforts to promote the initiation of the Immaculata, relying in part on the messages of in 1858. He argued that because Mary is immaculate, by its very nature, it is the ideal instrument of the Holy Spirit, mediated by all grace, given that every grace is the Gift of the Father through His Son by the Holy Spirit. Kolbe founded the Monastery of the Immaculate Town and insused the Immaculatae militia in several languages, which sold 750,000 copies a month until it was stopped when Kolbe was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Kolbe's efforts to promote the initiation of the Imakuata made him known as the Apostle of The Initiation of Mary. The social consecration of the brown shoulder blade has been worn by the Carmelites for centuries as a sign of their dedication to Mary. For centuries, the Carmelites wore the Brown scapular as a sign of their dedication to Mary, and her above them. In the 13th century, the Order of the Servite (The Servants of Mary), whose focus was on Mary's sorrows, was approved in Florence, Italy. Over the centuries, a number of Mariana movements and societies have been consecrated by the Virgin Mary, for example, the fourth oath taken by the Marianist fathers, whose order was formed in the 18th century, during the French Revolution includes the consecration of the Virgin Mary. In the Apostolic Constitution of 1948, Pope Pius XII encouraged the Mariana consecrations of Mariana societies such as Our Lady's Sodalia. On Sunday, October 8, 2000, after the completion of the Bishops' Jubilee ceremonies, Pope John Paul II and the bishops dedicated themselves and the to the new millennium mary. On May 12, 2010, at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Fatima, Portugal, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the beatification of Jacinta and Francisco Marto, Pope Benedict XVI dedicated all priests of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The consecration of places and regions The main article: Pope Pius XII The Consecration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Statue of Pope Pius XII in Fatima, Portugal, representing the Marian consecration based on the messages of Our Lady of Fatima. Pius XII was made by the in Rome on May 13, 1917 (the 1st day of Fatima) and believed that his papacy was specifically associated with him. The consecration of the cities and districts of the Virgin Mary dates back at least to the 9th century, and during the feud of the medieval period, the abbeys, towns and cities began to consecrate the Virgin Mary to seek her protection. In the 17th century, France was consecrated by the Virgin Mary Louis XIII, and a number of other countries, such as Portugal, followed this trend. In 1917, in the supposed phenomena of Our Lady of Fatima, the Virgin Mary is said to have specifically asked for the to her Immaculate Heart. In June 1938, the Portuguese bishops, based on messages allegedly received by the mystic Alexandrina Maria da Costa, asked Pius XI to consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This request has been extended several times. On October 31, 1942, Pius XII adopted the solemn Act of Consecration of the Church and the World of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, joined by the bishops of Portugal gathered at the Cathedral in Lisbon. The consecration was performed on Portuguese radio and then resumed on 8 December 1942 in Rome. In July 1952, Pope Pius XII specially performed the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the Apostolic Letter of Sacro Vergente. According to author Edward Sri, given Pius XII's emphasis on the queen Mary, the consecration underlined the importance of Pius XII, made to Mary's powerful role as intercession protector of humanity. Mariologist Gabriel Roshchini wrote that the consecration of Mary's humanity in 1942 can be considered as the pinnacle of Mari culture. On May 13, 1982, in Fatima, Portugal, Pope John Paul II once again consecrated the world of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and said, The dedication of the world of the Immaculate Heart of Mary means approaching, through the intercession of the mother, to the very source of life that emerged from Calvary. This fountain pours out incessant redemption and grace. It constantly makes reparations for the sins of the world. It is a continuous source of new life and holiness. On March 25, 1984, Pope John Paul II once again performed the solemn consecration of the world of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary of Fatima, brought to St. Peter's Square in the Vatican for the ceremony. In his Mariana Consecration and Belief Program, John Paul II considered the consecration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary a divine purpose to complement the initiation to the of Jesus. Two consecrations of Pope Pius XII were made in October 1942 and July 1952, as well as in John Paul II in May 1982 and March 1984. This is parallel to the consecration of the world to the Holy Heart of Jesus by Pope Leo XIII, as mentioned in the encyclical The Annual Baptist in May 1899. On June 28, 2003, John Paul II entrusted Europe to the Virgin Mary and resumed entrusting it on August 31, 2003. Canadian missionaries of the early Jesuits dedicated their missions to Maria the Immaculate. On June 22, 1947, as part of the National Mariana Congress to mark the centenary of the archdiocese of Ottawa, the Dominion bishops dedicated Canada to Mary's Immaculate Heart. The consecration was renewed in 1954 at the National Temple of Our Lady of Cape. In 2017, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops invited local customs to consecrate their dioceses of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on July 1 (or another date that could better satisfy the local pastoral situation) to mark the 150th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation. Among the participants were: Archdiocese of Ottawa (July 1, 2017, Abp. Terrence Thomas Prendergast) Bishop Gary Michael Gordon) Archbishop Victoria Martin William Curry Archbishop of St. John Richard William Smith Edmonton Bishop William Terrence McGrathtan of Calgary Cardinal Thomas Christopher Collins) Archbishop of Toronto John Michael Miller of Vancouver Cardinal Gerald Siprien Lacroix of quebec (July 2, 2017) Bishop Luz-Andre Bouchard of Trois-Riviera (August 15, 2017) Bishop Andre Gazei Nikolsky (December 8, 2017) Canadian bishops took part in the consecration of the blessed Mother's country during the Plenum of the Central Bank on September 6, 2017. On May 1, 2020, members of the CCB dedicated Mary's Canada under the title of Mother of the Church. The bishops were invited to participate in the re-consecration of their dioceses on May 1, 2020. Among the participants was Bishop of Saskatoon Mark Hageman. England and Wales Our Lady of Walsingham The name The Dowry Mary in England dates back to Edward the Confessor, and was officially proclaimed in 1399 by the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Arundel. Eight years ago, during the Peasant Rebellion of 1381, the fourteen-year-old King of England, Richard II, entrusted his kingdom to the Virgin Mary at a ceremony at Westminster Abbey. The bishops of England dedicated the country to Mary in 1893. On July 16, 1948, Cardinal Bernard William Griffin consecrated England and Wales to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Cardinal , President of the Bishops of England and Wales, resumed consecration at Westminster Cathedral in early 2017. The re-enaction of England as The DowRy Mary took place on 29 March 2020 at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Walsingham. On Easter Sunday 2020, CELAM, a conference of bishops from Latin America and the Caribbean, dedicated Latin America and the Caribbean to with a request for health and an end to the pandemic. Ecuador - The Holy Heart of Mary (1892) - In 1792, Bishop Carroll of Baltimore consecrated the United States of Mary under the name of the Immaculate Conception. In 1846, bishops attending the Sixth Provincial Council in Baltimore chose Mary under this title as the patron saint of the country. On November 19, 1959, Bishop Patrick O'Boyle of Washington consecrated the United States to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was renewed by American bishops on November 11, 2006. Like Canadian bishops, on May 1, 2000, Archbishop Jose Horacio Gomez, President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of the United States, led the Renewal of the Consecration of the United States of America to the Blessed Virgin Mary entitled Mary, Mother of the Church at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels in Los Angeles. On the same day, the consecration ceremony was also performed by Archbishop Gregory in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. Archbishop Gomez also sent a letter to the bishops of the United States inviting them to join the re-consecration. Among those who joined Mary's consecration, the Mother of the Church was Bishop Glen Vice-Chancellor of the Diocese of Lake Charles, and Bishop Lawrence T. Persicuf of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie. On May 6, 2018, the Bishop of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Gregory Parks, resumed the dedication of the Diocese of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, previously performed by Bishop Phoma Larkin on Friday, May 13, 1983, at the request of St. John Paul II. The consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary the whole world has been consecrated many times by the Immaculate Heart of Mary by various popes: Pius XII, October 31, 1942 Paul VI, November 21, 1964 John Paul II, May 13, 1982 John Paul II together with all the bishops of the world, March 25, 1984 Francis, October 13, 2013 Countries dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary March 25, 2020, Feast , Annuncia , in Fatima, Cardinal Antonio Marto, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Leiria-Fatima presided over the consecration of twenty-two countries to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Although originally intended for Portugal and Spain as the days approached consecration, episcopal conferences from twenty-two other countries expressed interest in joining. These countries include: Albania, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Kenya, Mexico, Moldova, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Tanzania and zimbabwe. Previous acts of consecration Several nations were consecrated by their bishops of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in particular: Portugal (May 13, 1931, May 13, 1938) France (November 22, 1940 - March 28, 1943) Netherlands and Belgium (August 15, 1943) Poland (September 8, 1946, June 4, 1979, June 6, 2017 - Bp. Stanislav Gedezki) Japan (1947) Austria (May 18, 1947) Brazil (1948) , May 13, 2020 - Cardinal Orani Joan) Argentina (1948) Australia (1948) Bolivia (October 12, 1948 , April 15, 2018) Indonesia (1951) Germany (September 4, 1954) Spain (October 12, 1954, 25 May 2005) Italy (September 13, 1959) Switzerland (December 8, 1960) Angola (October 13, 1985) Hungary (October 19, 2006 - card. Peter Erdo Samoa (December 7, 2007, December 3, 2017 - Abp. Alapati Louis Mataeliga) Dominican Republic (25 September 2008 - Map. Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez) Colombia (October 12, 2008 - Abp. Pedro Rubiano Sanchez) Philippines (June 8, 2013 May 4, 2018) -May 13, 2020, CBCP, Lebanon and the Middle East (June 16, 2013, June 25, 2017, Bechara Boutros Rai) Ireland (August 15, 2013 - Sean Brady Map, March 25, 2020 - Abp. Eamon Martin (October 23, 2016 - B. Sviatoslav Shevchuk) Congo (February 4, 2017 - Map. ) Panama (March 9, 2017 - Abp. Jose Domingo Ulloa Mendieta) Russia and Central Asia (May 13, 2017 - Map. Joseph Cordes) Scotland (September 3, 2017 - September 3, 2017) Scotland (September 3, 2017 - 3 September 2017) Abp. Philip Tartaglia) Afghanistan (October 13, 2017 - fr. Giovanni Scalese) Nigeria (October 13, 2017) Lithuania (February 11, 2018 - Abb. Gintaras Pearas) (April 28, 2018 - map. , Ms. Silvio Jose Boves Ortega) diocese dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary This section does not refer to any sources. You are welcome improve this section by adding links to reliable sources. Non-sources of materials can be challenged and removed. Find sources: Consecration and Trust Mary - Newspaper News Book Scientist JSTOR (May 2020) (Learn, how and when to remove this template of the message) Holy See Personal Custom of Chairman St. Peter (October 15, 2017, Bp. Steven J. Lopez) North America United States Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin (10 September 2009, Bp. David L. Ricken) Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardo, Missouri (March 25, 2010, Bp. , Minnesota (September 8, 2011, Bp. John M. queen) archdiocese of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (October 13, 2013, Abp. Paul S. Coakley) archdiocese of Portland, Oregon (June 28, 2014, Abp. Alexander K. Sample) Diocese of Fort Wayne South Bend, Indiana (August 15, 2014, bp. Kevin C. Rhoades) Diocese of Albany, New York (April 4, 2016, bp. Edward B. Scharfenberger) archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (October 7, 2016, Abp. E. Listecki) Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin (October 7, 2016, bpd Robert Morlino) Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin (October 7, 2016, Bp. William P. Callahan) Diocese of Superior, Wisconsin (October 7, 2016, Bp. James P. Powers) Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama (January 14, 2017, Bp. Robert J. Baker) Diocese of Tyler, Texas (May 13, 2017, Bp. Joseph E. Strickland) Diocese of Kansas City St. Joseph, Missouri (May 13, 2017) Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri (May 13, 2017) Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri (May 13, 2017) , Bp. James Vann Johnston) Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island (May 13, 2017, Bp. Thomas J. Tobin) Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan (May 13, 2017, Abp. Allen H. Vigneron) Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey (May 13, 2017, Bp. Arthur J. Serratelli) Diocese of Fargo, North Dakota (May 13-14, 2017, bp. John T. Folda) Diocese of Worcester, Mass. (June 3, 2017, Bp. Robert J. McManus) Diocese of San Angelo, Texas (27 September 2017, Bp. Michael J. Sis) Archdiocese of San Francisco, California (October 7, 2017, Abp. Salvatore J. Cordileone) Diocese of Jackson, Mississippi (October 8, 2017, Bp. Joseph Kopacz) Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky (October 8, 2017, Abp. Joseph E. Kurtz) Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona (October 13, 2017, Bp. Thomas J. Olmsted) Archdiocese of Denver, Colorado (October 13, 2017, Abp. Samuel J. Aquila) Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis , Minnesota (October 13, 2017, Abp. Bernard Hebda) Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (October 15, 2017, Abp. Charles J. Chaput) Diocese of Colorado Springs, Colorado (October 15, 2017, Bp. Michael J. Sheridan) Diocese of Santa Rosa, California (December 8- 12, 2017, Bp. Robert Vasa) Diocese of Austin, Texas (December 10, 2017, Bp. Joe S. Vazquez) Diocese of Venice, Florida (December 24, 2017, Bp. Frank Dewane) Diocese of St. Petersburg Diocese, Florida (May 6, 2018, bp. Gregory Parkes) Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan (December 8, 2018, Bp. Paul J. Diocese of Wilmington, Delaware (August 19 Bp. William Francis Malooly) Diocese of Buffalo, New York (2 February 2020, Apostolic Administrator Most Reverend Edward B. Scharfenberger) Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah (March 27, 2020 - Bp. Oscar A. Solis) Canadian Archdiocese of Montreal (November 23, 2013, Abp. Christian Lepin) Europe Portugal All 21 Portuguese Dioceses (May 13, 2016, Map. along with all bishops of Portugal) Poland All 42 Polish dioceses (September 9, 2017 Abp. Stanislav Gedetsky together with all bishops of Poland) Netherlands All Dutch dioceses (May 13, 2017, Card. Willem J. Ake together with all bishops of the Netherlands) Italian Diocese of Cioggia, Veneto (October 10, 1954, bp. Giovanni Battista Piacentini) Diocese of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla, Emilia-Romagna (May 13, 2017, bp. Massimo Camisaska) Diocese of Pavia, Lombardy (May 13, 2017, Bp. Corrado San , Emilia-Romagna (September 16, 2017, bp. Campaign (October 13, 2017, Bp. Pietro Lagnese) Diocese of Sesen-Sarsin, Emilia-Romagna (December 8, 2017, Bp. Douglas Regattieri) Diocese of Ariano Irpino-Lakedonia, Campaign (8 December 2017, Bp. Sergio Melillo) Diocese of San Miniato, Tuscany (May 12, 2017, Bp. Andrea Migliavacca) Archdiocese of Syracuse, Sicily (September 1, 2018, Abp. Salvatore Pappalardo) Archdiocese of Verselli , Piedmont (October 13, 2018, Abp. Marco Arnolfo) Archdiocese of Potenza, Basilicata (30 ottobre 2018, Abp. Salvatore Regorio) French Diocese of Frijus-Toulon (May 18, 2008, Bp. Dominique Rey) Diocese of Bayonne, Lescar and Oloron (June 8, 2014, bp. Marc Aillet) Diocese of Angouleme (May 7, 2017, B. Herve Gosselin) Archdiocese of Bordeaux (May 13, 2017, Card, Abp. Jean-Pierre Cattenoz) Archdiocese of Aix-en-Provence and Arla (December 8, 2017, Abp. Christophe Dufour) Diocese of Vann (December 8, 2017, Bp. Raymond Centen) Diocese of Perpignan-Elne (December 8, 2017, Bp. Norbert Turini) Diocese of Tulle (30 September 2018, Bp. Francis Bestion) Diocese of Nevers (8 September 2018, Bp. Thierry Braque de la Perrier) Diocese of Sees (May 13, 2018, Bp. Jacques Habert) Spanish Diocese of Alcare de Henares (June 12, 2010 , Bp. Juan Antonio Reig) , Bp. Jose Maria Yangouas Sans) Archdiocese of Valladolid (June 10, 2017, Abp. Luis Javier Arguello Garcia) Diocese of San Sebastian (May 14, 2017, Bp. Jose Ignacio Munilla) Archdiocese of Valencia (June 28, 2018, Card. Antonio Canizares Llavera) Diocese of Getafe (December 7, 2018, Bp. Giner Ramon Garcia Beltran) German archdiocese of Freiburg (August 15, 2017) , Abp. Stefan Burger) Austrian Diocese of Linz (8 December 2015, Bp. Ludwig Schwartz) England Diocese of Shrewsbury (October 13, 2013, Bp. Mark Davies) Scottish Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh (October 20 Abp. Roman Catholic Diocese of Motherwell (May 20, 2017) Consecration performed by Bishop Joseph Toal at The Cathedral of Our Lady of Good Help, Motherwell. Helsinki Diocese (December 8, 2005, B. Yazef Vrebel) South American Mexican Archdiocese of Monterrey (November 23, 2013, Abb. Rogelio Cabrera Lopez) archdiocese of Mexico City (December 12, 2014, Carta. Juan Sandoval Sigigues) Venezuela Archdiocese of Maracaibo (October 13, 2017, Abp. Ubaldo Ramon Santana Sekera) Diocese of Macchices (December 8, 2017, Bp. Ramiro Diaz) Colombian Archdiocese of Barranquilla (June 9, 2018 , Abp. Pablo Emiro Salas Annelis) Uruguayan archdiocese of Montevideo (October 8, 2017 Map. ) Brazilian Diocese of San Luis de Caceres (May 22, 2016, Bp. Antonio Emio Vilar) Argentine archdiocese of Rosario (August 1, 2019, bp. Eduardo Eliseo Martin) Oceania Australian Archdiocese of Hobart, Tasmania (May 13, 2017, Abp. Julian Porteous) New york Metropolitan Archdiocese of Wellington (December 8, 2016, Card. John Atherley Dew) Samoa, Abp. Alapati Lui Mataeliga) Asia Philippines All 89 Philippine dioceses (May 4, 2018, Map Romulo Valles along with all bishops of the Philippines) Indian Archdiocese of Bombay (May 13, 2017, Map. ) Archdiocese of Goa and Daman (May 13, 2017, Abp. Filipe Neri Ferrao) Africa Angola Diocese of Uige (April 23, 2017, Bp. Emelio Sumbelelo) Prayers consecration Part series on The of the Catholic ChurchVirgo Joseph Moroder-Lusenberg Review of the Holy Society of Consecration and Prayer I loved you Fatima prayer hail Mary Hale Mary Golden Immaculata prayer Maria, Mother Grace Antiphons , As Rose E'er Blossoming Initiation Practice Laws on the dedication of Mary First Saturday Rosary Seven Sorrows Mary Three Grad Marys movements and societies congregation Marian Fathers Company Maria (Montfort) Marianists (Society of Mary) Marist Fathers Schoenstatt Movement World Apostle Fatima (Blue Army) Mariological Society of Our Lady of the Rosary Makers Marian Movement of priests Fatima Family Apostolic Queen of Angels Foundation Of Appearances Approved by Pope Aparecida Banne Boraing Fatima Guadalupe La Salette La Salette Lourdes Miraculous Medal Pontmaine Key Marian Holiday Days Mother of God (January 1) Annuncation (March 25) Assumption (August 15) Immaculate Conception (December 8) Catholic portalvte various prayers can be used as part of the initiation of the Virgin Mary. The Act of The Initiation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary appears in Rakkolta's official book of indulgence prayers. The prayer originally composed by St. Louis de Montfort is this: Today I, the unfaithful sinner, renew my christening vows in my hands; I renounce Satan forever, his pomp and works; and I am fully giving myself to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, and I will bear my cross after Him all the days of my life, and I will be more faithful to Him than I have ever been. With the whole heavenly judgment as my witness, I choose you on this day for my mother. I deliver and dedicate myself to you, my body and soul, to myself, both to the interior and the exterior, and to the value of my good deeds, past, present and future; leaving you every right to remove me, and all that belongs to me, according to your will, for greater God's glory in time and eternity. The prayer used by Pope John Paul II as an act to entrust all the bishops of Mary was much longer. It all started with John 19:26 and included the laying as follows: Here we stand before you to entrust our maternal care to ourselves, the Church, the world. Beg me and your beloved Son so that He can give us in abundance the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, which is the source of life. See. also Catholic DevotionMarian Devotion to the Mother of God (Roman Catholic) Roman Catholic Marian movements and societies Further reading Kalvelage, Frances Mary, 2001. Kolbe, St. Immaculata Ignatius Press, ISBN 0-89870- 885-0 Norman, Nicholas, 1988. The Consecration of the Immaculate Heart of Maria Paluh Press 1952 ASIN: B003DML8SK Links - Images of Our Lady of Mary Vasilake ISBN 0-7546-3603-8 page 307-308 - b Consecration and laying on Mary, No. 204, Catalogue for People's Piety and Liturgy, Vatican and Schulte, Augustin Joseph. Consecration. Catholic encyclopedia. It's Tom. 4. New York: The Company of Robert Appleton, 1908. 9 Aug. 2014 - b Armstrong, Regis J.; Peterson, Ingrid Jay and zagano, Phyllis. Franciscan Tradition, 2010 ISBN 0-8146-3030-8 p. 51 - Trigilio, John and Briggenthy, Kenneth, Catholicism Answer Book, 2007 ISBN 1-4022-0806-5 p. 325 McLaughlin, William. Mary Is for Everyone, Jill Pinnock 1998 ISBN 0-85244-429-X p. 79 - b c d e Calkins, Arthur. Marian consecration and initiation, Burke, Raymond L. et al. (2008) Mariology: A Guide to Priests, Deacons, seminarians, and consecrated faces ISBN 978-1-57918-355-4 p. 725-737 - b Little, Lester K., Plague and The End of Antiquity, 2006 ISBN 0-521-84639-0 p. 139 - McNally, Terrence. 2009 What every Catholic should know about Mary ISBN 1-4415-1051-6 pages 76-78 and b Thurston, Herbert. Dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Catholic encyclopedia. Volume 15. New York: Appleton, 1912. August 9, 2014 - McGill, Peter. First Communion: Ritual, Church and Popular Religious Identity, 2007 ISBN 0-7546-5741-8 p. 22 - Doyle, Mary E., Standard Catholic Readers, 2008 ISBN 0-554-65914-X p. 33 - Kenneth Baker, Kenneth. The Basics of Catholicism, 1983 ISBN 0-89870-019-1 p. 383 - Pepinster, Catherine and Wilkins, John. John Paul II: Reflections from Tablets, 2005 ISBN 0-86012-404-5 page 22 - Pope John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater and Raja Rao, Joseph. Mystical Experience and Doctrine of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, Loyola Press, 2005, page 265-271 ISBN 978-88-7839-030-0 - Budon, Henri-Marie. Dieu seul: le Saint esclavage de l'admirable Mere de Dieu, Paris 1674 - De Montfort, Louis-Marie Grignon God one: collected works of St. Louis Mary de Montfort 1995 ISBN 0-910984-55-7 p. xvi Stephen J. Here is your mother, 2007 ISBN 1-59471-028-7 p. 30 - Pope John Paul II shows the role of the Virgin Mary in his life zenith news, 15 October 2000 - Immaculate heart of Mary John F. Murphy 2007 ISBN 1-4067-3409-8 page 24 Georges. Paris. Catholic encyclopedia. Volume 11. New York: The Robert Appleton Company, 1911. 9 Aug. 2014 - Bainvel, Jin. Dedication to Mary's Immaculate Heart. Catholic encyclopedia. It's Tom. 7. New York: The Company of Robert Appleton, 1910. 9 Aug. 2014 - The Youngest Prophet christopher Rengers 1998 ISBN 0-85342-8 pp. 38 - Patron Michael Frese 1992 ISBN 0-87973-464-7 p. 211 - , May 13, 1967, Vatican City - Union of Two Hearts and the consecration of Mrs. Arthur B. Calkins in miles Immaculat's XXXI (July-December 1995) 389-407. Creed of Churches: Reader in john H. Leith's Christian Doctrine 1983 ISBN 0-8042-0526-4 page 442-446 - Majority, William G., Immaculate Conception mary, Our Lady of Doctrine and Devotion, 1994 - Catholic Church: First 2000 Years of Martha Rasmussen 2003 ISBN 0-89870-969-5 p. 261 - Encyclopedia Catholic Frank K. Flynn, J. Gordon Melton 2007 IS BN 0-8160-5455-X pages 409-410 - Immaculata Militia, zenith, 15 June 2006 Archive 6 July 2011 on Wayback Machine th Ann Ball , 2003 Encyclopedia of Catholic Initiations and Practices ISBN 0-87973-910-X page 365 - Jackson, Gregory Lee, Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant: doctrinal comparison 1993 ISBN 978-0-615-16635-3 page 238 - Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions by Gerald H. Anderson 1999 ISBN 0-8028-4680-7 page 124 , Vatican City - b anniversary trust of Mary by Pope John Paul II 2000, All About Mary, International Marian Research Institute, Dayton University. Act of Trust Mary, October 8, 2000 on the Vatican website No. 2010 The consecration of priests on the Vatican website: Benedict XVI 13 May 2010 Sermon Archived 14 December 2014 in Machine - Church in the Modern Era Hubert Jedinak, Gabriel Adriani, John Dolan 1994 ISBN 0-86012-092-9 pages 318-320 - Marian Phenomenon, Bible, and Modern World Donal Anthony Foley 2002 ISBN 0-85244-313-7 page 69 - Raymond L.; et al. (2008). Mariology: A Guide to Priests, Deacons, Seminarists and Consecrated Persons ISBN 978-1-57918-355-4 Pages 879-889 - Calkins, Arthur Burton. : John Paul II Program of The Mariana Consecration and Belief, 1992, ISBN 0-9635345-0-5 page 97 - The Immaculate Heart of Mary by John F. Murphy 2007 ISBN 1-4067-3409-8 pages 96-103 - Guide to the pilgrim Fatime Leo Madigan 2001 ISBN page 145 - Pope Pius XII, Sacro Vergente Anno, July 7, 1952, Vatican City - 44, 1952, p. 505 - The queen-mother: The Biblical Theology of the queen Mary Edward. Sri 2005 ISBN 1-931018-24-3 page 13 - Immaculate Heart of Mary John F. Murphy 2007 ISBN 1-4067-3409-8 page 105 - Gabriele Roshchin, Compenddium Mariologiae, Rome, 1946, page 512 - a b, Raymond et al. (2008). Mariology: A guide for priests, deacons, seminarians, and the consecrated faces of ISBN 978-1-57918-355-4 page 746-750 - Prayers and Initiations: 365 John Paul's Daily Meditations II 1998 ISBN 0-14-024725-2 4 page 3 Totus tuus: John Paul II Marian Program consecration and beliefs Arthur Burton Calkins 1992 ISBN 0-9635345-0-5 page 106 - Immaculate Heart of Mary John F. Murphy 2007 ISBN 1-406 7-3409-8 page 96 - Christology : Dogmatic treatise on the incarnation of Paul Joseph 2009 ISBN 1-113-14521-8 page 291 - Pope John Paul II , Ecclesia in Europe, 28 June 2003, Vatican City - Vatican website: 31 August 2003 - Consecration of Canada in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Ottawa Marian Congress 1947 - Catholic bishops of Canada invited to consecrate Canada Happy Virgin Mary, CCCB, 28 April 2017 , Kipley Lucan. Canada and the U.S. should be consecratedMaria, The Mother of the Church with special prayers on May 1, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Catholic Saskatoon News, 23 April 2020 - b Consecration of Mary, Mother of the Church during the pandemic, Friday 1 May 2020, CCCB, 28 April 2020 - England and Wales re-consecrated the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Diocese of Shrewsbury - England, which will be re-dedicated as The Pridano , Vatican News, March 28, 2020 - Britons revisit England's Blessed Virgin Mary, CNA, March 30, 2020 - Agren, David. CELAM calls for the act of initiation of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Easter, April 2, 2020 - Prien, Hans-Yargen. Christianity in Latin America, Brill, 2012, page 331ISBN 9789004222625 - Bishops of the United States, Canada will consecrate their peoples mary May 1, Catholic News Service, April 28, 2020. The bishops will consecrate the United States and Canada to Mary. Here's what it means, Catholic news April 30, 2020 - Pattison, Mark. Bishops across the country consecrate the U.S. Mary amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Crux, May 2, 2020 - Mary, Mother of Our Church - Consecration, USCCB - Diocese, consecrated by Mary, Mother of the Church, Diocese of Lake Charles, April 28, 2020 - Vankel, Jollen. Families encouraged to participate in Friday's renewal of the consecration of Mary, The Era of Bradford, April 30, 2020 - The Diocese of St. Petersburg will be consecrated in the Immaculate Heart of Mary on May 6, St. Petersburg Diocese, 2 February 2018 : The consecration has reached 22 countries whose bishops have joined the Portuguese and Spanish prelates, Santuario de Fatima, March 25, 2020 In Fatima 24 countries dedicated to Jesus and Mary in the coronavirus pandemic, CNA, March 25, 2020 - Flight, Fsp, Bernad Mary. Bishops in the Philippines consecrate the country of Mary, Vatican News, May 1, 2020 - The consecration of Ireland's Immaculate Heart of Mary. Conference of Irish Catholic Bishops. Received on March 29, 2020. Vilnyaus Archviskutia The Consecration of Lithuania's Immaculate Heart of Mary, the patron saint of Lithuania. Received on June 2, 2019. Raccotta Joseph. Christopher, Charles E. Spence, D.D. Rt Rowan 2003 ISBN 0-9706526-6-6 page 390 (2) - Miravalle, Mark Introduction to Mary 1993, ISBN 978-1-882972-06-7, Page 158 - Vatican Website: John Paul II The Trust of Bishops in 2000 Sources of Rao, Joseph Jaya, 2005, Mystic Experience and Doctrine of St. Louis- Marie Grignion de Montfort, Ignatius Press ISBN 978-88-7839-030-0 External Relations Johann Rothen, S.M., Meaning consecration of Mary, International Marian Research Institute, University of Daytona works St. Louis de Montfort online International Marian Research Institute at the University of Dayton. The Institute, the leading research and scholarship center for the Virgin Mary, has a huge presence in cyberspace. The Mariana Library of Dayton University. The Mariana Library is the world's largest repository of books, periodicals, works of art and artifacts about Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. The Immaculata Militia Consecration of Prayer Marian consecration listed by the International Mariana Research Institute. 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