The Struggle for Power, 1671-1725 Paul Bushkovitch Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 0521805856 - Peter the Great: The Struggle for Power, 1671-1725 Paul Bushkovitch Index More information Index The abbreviation pr refers to prince or princess Aberdeenshire, 155 AltranstaÈdt, 253±4 Abo, 356, 382 Ambassadorial Chancellery (Posol'skii prikaz), Achitophel, 53 28, 43±4, 49, 51±5, 64, 77±8, 83±4, Adam and Eve, 45, 439±40 98±9, 116±17, 130±1, 140, 170±1, Admiralty, 270, 273, 294, 304, 326±7, 333, 183, 187, 224, 294, 320 353, 394 Amsterdam, 199, 208, 315, 360, 375, 412, 437 Admiralty College, 377 Anastas'ia, tsaritsa, 38 Adrian, patriarch, 172, 184, 199±205, 208, Andreev Monastery, 188 211, 435±6 Andrew, Order of St., 218, 228, 235, 346, Afanas'ev, Ivan bol'shoi, 389±98, 402±6, 349, 423 422±3 Andrusovo, treaty of (1667), 7, 52 Agaf 'ia Semenovna, tsaritsa, 63, 112±15, Anglo-Dutch War, 67 117±18, 123, 132 Anisimov, E. V.,2, 270 Agapetus, 26 Anna Ivanovna, of Kurland, empress, 309, Ahasuerus, 45 313 Akhtyrka, 436 Anna Petrovna, tsarevna (duchess of Akinf 'ev, Kanbar, 417, 422±3 Holstein), 344, 356, 366, 432±4 Al-Razi, 25 Anne, queen of EnglandandGreat Britain, Aland, 353±7, 360, 403±4 7, 255, 293, 352 Alatyr', 103 Annunciation, 19 Alef, Gustave, 3 Annunciation, cathedral of, 14±15, 19 Aleksei Alekseevich, tsarevich, 41, 52, 61 Antichrist, 223 Aleksei Mikhailovich, tsar, 5, 10, 14, 22, Apocalypse, 19 24±7, 29±30, 31±3, 35, 41±2, 46±9, Apostol, Danylo, 287, 290 51±5, 57, 63, 65, 68±79, 80±5, 87, Apothecary Chancellery (Aptekarskii prikaz), 95±6, 112, 145, 152, 182, 271, 404 30, 51, 64, 76, 83, 91±3, 391
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