to tbe oooncll to eraot franchisee Hon. J. 8. forced by the troop* now going Dy way given I O. B. Whitney, O. D. Libby, wee another feature whlob be streonooe of so Mint rcllaf eannol bo far dis- _mwnxMioni E. E. Bslra, Mr. bad Malay, F. E. Potter, Norton, tant. ly opposed. Cooper taken great Martin Burne, H. A. Hildreth and W.H. TO BE READY. HOUSE GIVES H pride In tbe provisions of tbe House bill IS A DEMOCRAT BOERS IN rOHOK. relating to franoblees and oerpornllons alerted M attend tba state (Jay, Delegates and be wltb muob feeling. Ur ad- , 0.—Tbo Bloemfontein epoke oon rent loo nt Lewiston were Hon. A. M. April In the tariff fnatorrt correspondent of tbe Times telegraphing vocated oonocrrsnee 8. Whit and non-ooneurrenov la tbe Senate's Hpaar, Hon. J. T. Klobarda, U. Wednesday mys: civil scheme. Mr. Moodv of Hon. Freeman Patten, E. W. Mer- Xb# Boars snowed In some form yester- government nay, Maeeeehnertts followed Mr, along K Dark! day with thro# guns, towara Bushman’s Cooper WOMEN rill, W. 0. Atkina, V. Bardie, tbe enme llnea. Mr. f Indi- Kop. Dotaobed gronps skirmished op to Uemenway O. 0. Knox. A. C. Harlaw, moved oonoorrenoe in all the Senate Donglaas, gar outposts, but this morning shows ana, Mothers E. Bneaall and further amendments. Ula motion evoked enthu- 8, Ueorge Karanagk. that tbs snsmy desired to sweep Especially Will to Whole Senate siasm and it wae evident tbat a large most to appreciate the Roberts round to tbe right of BlosmronUtn. Agree Are competent Admits That Much in Guarding Against of tbe oanons favored a termi- of Ciiti- Dewey artillery lira In the south majority sweetness, and delicacy CONFRONTED BY FATHER. Early today nation ot the the shortest parity, was audible. struggle by and to discover now uses for ptjaA 8oap, The Times publishes tbs following Bill. route. Mr. Urosvenor of Ohio, Mr. Can- It daily. dated non of Illinois and Ur. Hey of New York Philadelphia. Woold-Be Mnrilerof Prince af Wales Surprise. from Wopsner, Wednesday, April and oonoarrsnoe In Hen Its remarkable emollient, cleansing, 4: advocated the entire Ccn- ate bill. As the debate the derived from Meets Hie Father. Tbo Borrs ars out proceeded purifying properties _ sniping patrols. its us© leaders one after another urged this cuua, the great skin cure, warrant A party of blindfolded Boers ws* course. Speaker Henderson oonolnded in and beautifying brought In with tbs following written preserving, purifying, wltb n rousing urging ocnonnecoe and hair, and in , Aplrl 6.—Jean Baptiste message: “I am hern with several tbou- apeeoh the complexion, hands, Asked His Wife to In the Senate amendments In gross and solutions for ulcer- Speak tba youth who attempt- and bnrgbers; and, In tbs mum of hu- the form of washes and Blpldo, Belgian when tne vote was taken on Mr. Heman- and manity and to save snob a dreadful aacrl- alive weaknesses, annoying irritations ed tha life of tha Prlnoe of Wales yester- the chorus cf eyes was Him dm of life as occurred Id tbe last battle, So Vote in way's motion, as for sanative pur- For to farther Attack Boers Not Republicans Without division. It was chafings.aswell many day, was not submitted any by demand your Immediate surrender.*• overwhelming. themselves. declared oarrled and the oauoue ad- poses which readily suggest examination today. Hla attitude Is da Tbit was signed “Banks, General.’’ In of the above conditions, gentl© « Tbe was sent baok with the answer, Caucus. journed. many Jeoted and ha appears eery tired, haring Expected. party with Cirrict'UA, the great skin “No anointings dose re- reply." had little sleep. Ha not oxpraaa form Isobars and will ADMIHAL WALKKK HbPOKTS. care and purest of emollients, in addition, "Gen. Brabant’s at bis crime hnt bee repeatedly re- some trouble to any Body ol Boers will provo of astonishing benefit. gret give Washington, April 6.— John aeo hla mother. No to attack ns." quested permission to likely Walker, president of the Iathmlao Canal will 1 a ter r law between them, howeror, LORO CLEMENTS ARRIVES. com mission, called at the state depart- Was ment to to When An Interview Sought by os allowed for some daye. today report Secretary Hay 8.—Tbs Bloemfontein the return to this from the tha London, April country Lata ; this afternoon examining of tbs says: \ot as correspondent Dally Mall, The Porto Rican Isthmus of that part of tbe osmmlaslon Reporters. moglstrate decided to oomfort Blpldo But it is Evidently Regarded "General Clemente’ division six thou*- Question Practically wblcb was under bla Immediate oen- HAVILAND & CO. I has arrived from tbs south- has beea reeohed with hla father and n touching soene and strong, daot. The oonelusloo ward and bas Use mile north of the comm lesion ensued. Bat Blpldo no attanlon to saoampsd Settled. that the foil report paid Impossible. •f tbe after a continuous maroh for for eabmlsiloa hla father’s appeals, maintaining hla olty, oannot he made ready a Then Is no danger of a tbe session of Leads the Procession. prerioos declaration s. fortnight. daring present Congress Quality water ramlne here. and the members are loth to lb It appears that Blpldo sent tho follow- put pre- An engagement lasting ing latter to bla father, excusing hla ob- unimportant liminary report. several boors was yesterday after- Is our latest open senoa oa tha ground that be had obtained fought noon at Borman’s Kop between tne Boer DK.JAMh.SON AX CASH TOWN. ; No. stock pattern of Told Him to a sltuatlou at the Matson Du People: 15,686 Lady Speak and British ontports." _' Havilftnd * Co. To Cltlzan Jean Baptiste Blpldo, Balnt gCape Town April 8.—Dr. Jameson, the China Dinner Ware Ullles, Bruasc 1st SAW. leader of the fanaoai raid Into Transvaal for Himself. of aasieetant Continued Cause WHAT COL. PLDMKK Leaders Advocate Quick la a neat attractive decoration, good Ultlaeu—Tha polities Delay territory, has arrived here. Ue Is very cashier la recant at the Maleoo da Peo- shapes ami Moderate in Price. We Unberonss, Beobnansland, Wednesday, 111. room 18, tomorrow (Wednesday) be Marsh 8.—Colonel Plumer with a form Settlement. ■ a have a so juat received the balance of ple, of Complaint. tweeo L80 aad 8 In tha afternoon." of British mountod Infantry started on a their that wero ordered for goods The doonment nurported to ha signed march March V6, with with NoveltioB in tlieir daring Sunday, Christmas, by three names, "Van Uaort, Van Loo tbe object of tbrreatenlog the Boer lines richer decorations. and De Fuat." at Mafeklng. Blpldo declared today that be did not After two rapid night marches through Declines to Say If He Will He know tha author of tha latter bot met Transvaal territory they arrived at dawn, Dim at UMUUgH in WD aaiwu uu ■ »u- Moron a, witntn twelve ranee oi /.serum ■nil heard the bombardment of Independent Candidate. pla. distinctly Refuse to & The police are continuing theli Investi- Dinner Was Within Six Miles Mafeklng. The Free Traders Burbank, Douglass Co,, gation. Having reoonnoltered tba oonntry with the view of future operations without Attend Caucus. AX COPENHAUEN. of Mafeking. 242 MIDDLE ST. PRINCE a white man, Ool. Plum- ■ sighting single apr3ilU«10p , April 6.—The Prlnoe ol er crossed the railroad sooth of Lobaatl Wales and hie petty arrived hate at eight wbloh bs found In possession of a Boer and returned. Then the rail- p. to. today. fore finding Xhe Prlnoe and Prlnoees of Walea were road damaged by Ueneral Snyman's Philadelphia, April 5.—i'he aeoond and force to tbe of met at the railroad station by King main he returned vlolalty Quality mide laat orohestral oonoert la aid of the Christian of Denmark and the entire Mafeklng. Humors reaohed hers that a thrm the leading Cigar in and sailors who As the train drew at the relief column Is approaohlng Mafeklng YOUR families of ths soldiers royal family. op 8 a. m.—The war Washington, April, 5.—lbere ana a to ||Londun, April 6, from the aoutb. the was platform tne king advanced the royal were killed In given Issued no news and little large attendance at the oonferenoe NEW ENGLAND. saloon oar and, entering It alone, waa otlloe yesterday fairly this afternoon. BOER ATTACKS REPULSED. Z at the Academy of Mnslo af- com* from the of the iloote held In SILK the Qret to greet Its oooupants. Soon wee allowed to through Keputllcaue tonight A favorite in feature of the occa- of Walea A—10 60 a.m.—A every home, club, The overshadowing ter the Prlnoe and Prlnoees correspondents et Bloemfontein. Accord- London, April special the ball of representative. to agree upon Prlnoe Lorenso or of choice was cf Admiral and on the platform. Xhe despatch from Marques says office. Every HAT sion ths presenoe alighted to Ihs Standard's representative, a oourae of notion regarding the Porto judge smiled cheerfully and after exchanging ing sharp fighting occurred April 2, In tbe has Mrs. Dewey, who came from Washington Klcan tarltl bill. Not one of the (even cigars oordlal greetings with tbe other members than Is no elan that the Boer* Intend neighborhood of Mafeklng. Tbe garrison FOR EASTER for the porpoaa of attending the oonoert. of tbe family oonversed for a few mo- taking tt# offends*, and General Clem- mads a sortie while Colonel Plnmsr’s Republicans who oppossd the original PERFECT CONFIDENCE In lhe Admiral and ble wife an ments with tbe ohlaf at- oaralry attacked tbe Boers at Ramath- ooeupled dlgnatarles eot Is so disposing his forces aa to guard bill—Messrs. McCall of Massachusetts. make Stylish Hats, guar- seuibled. Outside tbe s tatlon a large lablloi. BotbSlattaoks wars repulsed. Waitt & Bond Black stones WE uppsr proaoenlnm box with Mr. and Mrs. al- LlttleL'sld of Maine, Lorlmsr of Illinois, orowd bad gathered and ae the vlaltora against any furrrlee attack, which, Twenty of Col.Plurarr's men were found "Jassett. Xhs oouple ware of No. Si Blackstonc Boston. anteed in every detail. distinguished dtove towards the palace they were though improbable la evl lently not re- dead on the Held and six others were Ueatwole of Minnesota, Crumpaoker St., reoelved the audl- were made Tha federal loaaes were ■—I. 11, M .. I, enthusiastically by greeted with ringing oheere, which ne from the prisoners. Indiana, Lane of Iowa, and Warner of time to have a new garded Impossible, judging Ample yet After oonoert had been con- as tney progressed through the small. a enee. the repeated preparations of Lord Hobart*. As usual, Illinois, was present. At oonferenoe cluded Admiral and Mrs. were olty. BOERS TAKE PRISONERS. decided not to recede one made to your measure. Dewey whenever there la any check In the pro- held by them, they eroorted to the of the AXXEMPX PREMEDITAXKD. tha tbstr and conse- foyer academy gress of the British campaign, the war Pretoria, 'Tuesday. April 6.—In from former position This season’s SILK HATS were to a dozen of March the where they Introduced Brussels, April 5.—I'ne attempt of tbe otllot Is being severely oensured for fall- Bght Hetaathlabama, 01, quently they consider'd It useless to at- of were taken prisoners: society young ladles whn were aeueslnatlon of the Prlnoe Wales yes- following tend the oonferenoe are handsome. prominent ing to maintain the necessary supply of Dunoan-Hobertson tonight. particularly terday was tbe sole toplo of conversation Captain* Crewe, /TONICS^ dressed us Ked Dross nurses and who for the It Is Cannon of Illinois, chairman of on tbe streets and In tbe oaf as and remounts army. possible and MoLarsa,Crewe and Dur.oan-Robert- |Mr. and ware selling programmes serving theatre# last evening Lord Hobs.ts has difficulties other than son have cinoe died. the Rspublleau oaucus presided. Mr. Stoll Oliloers Cecil and Granville and / For , sat. Both Adm.Tal and Mrs. Dtfwsy l'be Patriot ears: “Investigation remounts with wblob to ocjten.. Much Payne of New York, the floor lea er of Spring. THE soldiers of whom six were wounded. HATTER, and then proves Tbe Interrogation r.lne , drunk a cup of the beverage premediation. Is tslt at to the Water tie tha majority, made a short preliminary of tbe prisoner lasted four bours and It anxiety supply Tbe prisoners all belonged to CoL Plant- followed a scramble among young un- that there Is ne fear of Rhodesian force. statement as to the necessity for har- GF.O. A. COFFIST, M’<;*B. 197 Middle St. tljg shows tbat he was instigated by an spite the reports ers out of which the Ad- Is now in of f 1 oef Iron ami ladies for the cup known person, wbo persuaded him to a water famine. Thabn N'Chu posresslon monious action. He said that tha Repub- Wine, • on In the old market tbs Federal*. miral drunk. buy pistol Sunday reasons consid- licans of the anad means commit Lee Whatever the may bp, were es- ways I Paudcllon 5*.*o for three franos. Forty-one British subleote Bi'tcrt, | Prom the academy the Admiral and his erable dissatisfaction Is to bs this were agreed that the £enate amendments “Aooompanled ny this person Slpldo beginning oorted soross the frontier morning. wife were driven to the bolel end there a Id the to the tariff of the bill should I Elixir Calisaja Bark, 75c I went on Tuesday to meeting expressed bare al the unaooountabls delay LOT LORD CKOIL. provision re- tbe Mellon the Admiral, In response to pressing Flemish theatre and then to both at Bloemfontein and In be oonourred in. He polntsd out that the Nstal, that I Malt Extracts. I T'£2B a du where they bad drlnke. Then London, April 6.—It is thought quests, granted an Interview to nearly l’eupel, wblob enable* the Boer* ta recover from amendments supported the position cf 20c and 25c hot. I they went to a win# sbop where Slpldo tba ofltoer named Cecil, oapturod by tbe 15c, dozen me n. lie eald he was tha demoralisation oanssd br Lord Hab- Rmh at HaibAlhlaliHtnn Is net Lord Hal- 1 Also fresh herbs, roots and I glad to receive the reporters hut added He then went to the railway arts' moremente. The ene- Isburj'a eon Lord Cecil 11 tbe despatch renoe involved no alandonmont of the CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK ployment. former'rapid for own / to At tbla mo- 6teflon and eeked the boor of tbe arrival ■ays be belonged to Col. Planter's foroe \ barks your receipts. that he had nothing say. now to nitard the oourse to vrhloh the Kepnbllears of the he a my evldeutly hopes Boers bed tbe her husband In of tbe Prlnoe's train. Later entered eud If tbe oeptured House bad ooromUltd themselves He of Portland, .Halite. ment Mrs. Dewey joined advance threatening tbe railway be- tor neighboring oafs and loaded hie revolver by Premier’s eon they would assuredly further stated that the provisions except- the reosptlon room and after Introducing So far at tbe Nation- In its lavatory. hind Lord Roberta eld tbe foot. ing bread stuffs from the tariff would \ HAY’S PHARMACY, her he said: refused to tbe nnme of hie “Slpldo give al rallwaya are ooneerned, repairs are be- STEYN HAS NOT LOST HERAT. allay some of| the popular and unrea- J ST. to which abe be said was a yonng mac com- niDDLE / “Mrs. Dewey will talk," oompanlon.who made hllandalnagte and tbe sonable clamor against the bill and CAPITAL, some older than himself. After ing beyond Pretoria. 3.—Is his $100,000.00 with a that "the Admiral years Monday, April mended tbs five oent duty on eoffee as be- replied, smile, the rate Id ea, eo aflen Is that an adranea the of the Free State for Slpldo wae locked op maglst repeated speech at opening ing in line with tbs protective policy. has a mind of his own; he thinks In went to the house of bis parents." le lmroln ent. Hnad, Presidmt Steyn declared that lie moved that tbe oauoua deolare In End Undivided Profits, $29,000.00 himself." he Surplus ~ of the surrender or Bloemfontein favor of oonourrenoe In tbe amendments "Are yon eorreetly reported to be a A despatch to tbe Dally Telegraph from spite DHOVK OUT. had not lost hope of the triumph of tbe to tbe tariff With to Solicits tlic accounts of Bunks.ltler- Demooratf" QUKKN says that the lloer Investing provision. regard Ladyemltb Republican cause. The wer, he added, the olvll aohevne embodied In and After a moment's hesitation the Ad- Vic- Immense government cantlle Firms, Corporations , April 6.-7 m.—Qneen positions reveal strength,Ingen- was forced the Transvaal and noth- think can p. upon the {senate amendment, be thought It but to fur- miral replied: “Ye* I I a drive In Phoenix construction and immunity from Individuals, and is prepared toria went ont for uity, remained tor tbe Urnage Free State members cf tho Insular CARPETS CLEANED that. I am a Deinoorat." ing proper that the the best facilities answer Yus, Park tbe arternoon as as tba British tire. the slater rc- nish its patrons during quietly but to throw In Its lot with committee who bad evolved a bill should ut small cost, "if the Republicans nominate McKin- she have done in London. She A despatch from Ladysmith to tbe terms or without injur) and liberal uccouiutodulloiis. would publlo. In nooordenoe with the be beard. After some minor discussion ley and the Democrats name Bryan for return to the saluta- Dally Chronicle gives serious news of the bowed In frequent tbe treaty. about the of the word Porto EXPERIENCED MEN TOTAKE UP A RELAVTHEM, the Presidency, would you run Independ- did not enter the outbreak of a Jung alokneva fpelllrg tions. Her Majesty elty deadly Mr. of Wlioonslo, chairman ently f” to the vloe among the oxen, which. If It Klco, Cooper We u>r ml) the Uletl liuprevtil on streets and returned regal spreads. IN THE SENATE. of the Insular affairs committee, made an Interest Paid "I won't answer that Is to Usd. Bailer’s Klcctrlvel .U.c-htuer)'. Deposits. question." lodge for dinner. likely orlppls opera- tbe of “The Democratic oonvsntlon of Penn- tions. Washington, April During today's earnest speech against aoceptanoe certain features of tbe Senate bill. His Wall Paper Cleaned. sylvania baa just endorsed Bryan for the Froas Loureaso Marques comes the comparatively brlel open eeselon of the SAVINGS. FOUND UUIXLY. remarks were directed obleily against tbe (Trailed without tak- SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR Presidency," was suggested by one re- PUOTOUHAPUKR report tnal Mr.Steyn has been appointed Senate, Mr. Ualllnger ef New Hampshire Carpet* I Senate's provlalou regarding the upper porter, to whlob ths Admiral replied: trial of Porter commandant of the brae State toroes. presented an argument against the mat- ing up If desired. Interviews and Invited. Boston, April 6.—The house or oounoll of the Porto Hluan Correspondence usually goes Republican, Col. Plumer la to of Hon. M. B. as a Senator " N. the Boston photographer who Although reported ing Quay Senate bill OF ALL KINDS doesn't Itf" Bliss, wltb'n six miles of Mafe- He devoted himself legislature. The provided RENOVATING bas been on trial In tbe have gotten from Pennsylvania. CCI.LEN C. CHAPMAN, President. UuSinaal nnastl/MId 1 ■ nlllhtr stn nnual <~>*a constitutional that all the members should te appointed or tbrve blog, It Is svldent that the aelge had not almost entirely to the l» steam and naphtha processes dlstrlot oourt for the past two by the whereas the House bill about any Intended oonferenoe between ended been raised on April 1. Toward tbe and phases of tbe question. Most of the day President, THOMAS II. EATON, Casliicr. da jo obarged with counterfeiting, makes half of them elective. The power Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. him and Grover Cleveland and William Col. Plumer will be rain- was in azeoutlve session. this evening with a verdlot of guilty. of the month, apent DIRECTORS: C. Whitney or any otner political men of prominence ware answered with the same HOOPER’S SONS. CULLEN C. CHAPMAN. SETH L. LARRABEE. pbmee, ”1 came here to attend the oon- OREN E. M. STEADMAN. PERLEY P. BURNHAM. oert.” niardtfl3 asked the Admiral who M. JAMES F. HAWKES One reporter BRICE EDWARDS, would munoge hie campaign if he entered HENRY S. OSGOOD WILLIAM M. MARKS. one, and he laughed and said: ”1 don't ADAM P. LEIGHTON. know, bow would yon like the job, I EYES * would probably need a bright yonag SO MANY BUCK man.” from a stick of wood flying up while This Admiral and hie evenlag Dewey could bo avoided l>y wife were the guests of JUr. and hire. chopping kindlings THE WEATHER. Cassatt at dinner at their city residence using Henson's t harcoal for on Klttenboose at which Secre- Fqnare, kindling the fire. It is cheaper besides. tary and Mrs. Kool were among the guests. BIG BAGS 10c. AT ALL GROCERS Admiral and hire. Dewey will remain here until tomorrow. No. DEWEYS IN PHILADELPHIA. (TALK 100.) Philadelphia, April 6.—Admiral and JUST RICHT. hire. Dewey arrived here at two-thirty one about Ufccal o’clock this afternoon and attended the There Is point stoond coaoert In aid of the families of lenses that oanoot be neglaoted. the soldiers and euliors who have lost vkef la is« nnsUiAii of tba frame*. their lives In the Philippines. The eyes > sally have two pairs ot lease* before them and they cannot Koeoo. April 5—Lorsl tor ore'i Fair, INSTRUCTED FOR IJRYAN. change their adjustments satisfactori- warmer weather Friday; Saturday fair, unless the frames are just right. continued warm; variable winds. I'cuusylvaulM Democrats Choose Dele- ly I hare eeeu them so low that when Washington, April 6 —Forecast for gate* to ^lutloual Convention. the wearer wished to reed they had to Friday and Saturday for New England: he hi 11 op with the baud, to bring Fair and warmer Friday and probably Harrisburg, Pa., April 6,—The elxty- the reading Into place. 1 have them Saturday; winds shifting n fresh south- four delegates from Pennsylvania to tha so that the distance apart was national Democratic convention at Kan- high erly. a It was _ above the line of vision, and sas City were Instructed by today’s state BOY PROVED A MURDERER. necessary to bend torwntd In order to oonveatlon to William J. Bryan Powder support Cleveland’s I have seen April 6.—Peter Gra- Baking see across the street. Bridgeport, ct., for President Xhey are bound by the ham (he years old boy, who was them with one eye looking through unit rule and oannot change to any other oharged with murder In the first degree distance and the other de- and the flavor and adds the glass In causing the death of Louis BtahlmaD Presidential aspirant unless It be so improves the reading The tit a was of greatest through glasses. Hebrew redslar found guilty cided hy a majority of the delegatee Xhe a suoerler ocurt jury of the frame la the sole reason why manslaughter by platform strongly endorses Bryan’s can- late tele afternoon and he will receive hie to the healthfulness of the food. so are against didacy : denounces the war policy nf the in many people prejudiced eentenoe next Tuesday. UcKtnley administration and a££»•&» ■Known. |Cboria« Lawrence, A. W. McCouoland,


I 4 Man* all,; Portland Ha*. W. & Borard. N BOM OF TARBELL. Portland. Ka*. K. 8. J. Ho A Ulster. THE CAM TREATY. Pettlaad: Varna W. Cola, ■’■Uni; cap*. John Don nett, Portland| J.B. k.anting, UrltlaO Vlaa Coaaol, Portland, C. W. T. Boding, Portland; Kdgar B. Payton, Portlaad; Artbnr K. Hunt, Ed. 8. BrataM, Portland; Portland; * Maine of Uoorgo a Pry*, Portlaad; Prod Howland, Senators Want It Managers Portlaad; Walter W. Babin, Portland; Han. Uaa. H. Caldera. Portlaad: P. M. Amended. Equitable Life Liiwranaa, Portland; Kllaa Thom at, Jr., Portland; Dr. W. L. Confine, Portland; Andrew Sanborn, Portland; Claranoe Halo, Pori I tod &1. D Herein, Portland; U C. Baxter, Portlaad; P. D. Mura hall, Portland; P. V. Chaee; Portland; Ban. Joa. A. Cooke, Portland; Hon, W. W. Give a Banquet in Honor of Com- Cotter,Weatbrook; Dartd 8. Knapp, Nor- To (!ive tutted Slates Sights in Case way: Dr. Prank 1. Brown, Bomb Port- Tiee-President, land; Cbaa. Irrlng Bailey, Dr. W. K. of War. pany’s Uakeo, Auburn; Dr. J. K. Torll, Au- cuata; Ularenoo H. Unrlelab, Anguata; j Hoo. Bamurl W. Lana. Augoata; Uba*. I B. Ulabborn, Anguata; Hugh A. Cralgl*. Weatbrook; lion.Jobs K. Warren, Weat- I rook; Hoa. Kimball Peatman, Wcet- Prominent Men From brook; Hon. Chaa. B. Woodman, Waat- Sen. Morgan Favors brook; Dr. Jobn Haeefurd, Blddarord; All Over State Ur. w. L. Hawkra, York; Her. I. Coer, couth Uarwlok; Ur. H. C. Wedgwood. Treaty Unchanged. Cewlaton; Hon. A. H. Spear. Uardlner; Pred E. MoCnnalaod, Uardlner; Ur. J. K. Btardlraat,DitOald; Chaa.K. Phenlx: V. M. Whitman; Prank B. Clark; Powder Charlea Dar; I. F. Momated; 4. F. a Dinner and Make Charlie A. KoDtaeon; Walter Chairman Davis in Ita Baking Eat Good Kyan; Argom K. Hwelt; J. E. Wade worth, H. D.; J. Afterwards. K Sawyer; K remoat Allea; Wllford K. Favor. # Speeches Joaee, So. Uardlner; Dan. B. Weak*, Bo. Uardloer; M. W. Brown, *; K 8. Nocked CherryOeld; Darld B. Knapp, Norway; Hoary U. Brook, Port- lond; J. K. P. Hogora, South Portland; F. U. Pateett. Portland: P. M. Klobard, of hotel last Washington, April a.—On notion At the Falmouth evening Portlaad; H. U. Barker. Uardlner; J. ! Senator the Sonats oonild- ■ wee given the annual bnnquet of tbv H. Hrewetc*. Clabtn Pella; Dr. W. H. Doris, today Hon. Joshua la darod tho treaty far tho : v \ Maine manager* of the Equitable 1*1 fe Kimball, Portland; Hay-Pauaeofote Hoa. Hr, J. the guest of the Chamberlain, Bronewlok; modlUoaltoo of Uo Gleytoa-Batwer A tauranoe society, C. Han. K. B. Win- Uorr, Weetorook; t behind closed deers. A boot throe nine be log Uagv K. Tar bell. the seoood alow, Portland. rooty tkeamsnd- Tice president of the compear. Among honro wars spent lndlsoanlBg tbo Heaete the othn guest* were eeToral of the lead- FOl'LED OWN NEST. mrnta to tbo treaty made by relations use a ing representatives of th* oompany from aommlttas on foreign providing We take it for that know better than to but and granted you anything other statue and a large non bar of Opponents of Senator Clark Denounced "that ona of tbo oondltlone stlpn- 1 and 6 of arti- prominent eltlasns of Portland and other Before Senate Committee. latlone In oeotlons I, 8, 3, aMasnios which tba Maine 01 Ue* and town*. the banquet cle a, shall apply to cream of tartar If don’t know better, we leave it to United antes Had nsesssary ta tabs you your eras one of tbs most elaborate ever served Washington,April, 5.—Attorney Blraoy may baking powder. Ita own tbs de- at the Falmouth and that Is saying a oontlnuad his argument In tba ones ol for toanilng, by forces, fense of the United States and tbs main- good deal. When the guests after a reoep- Senator Clark of Hantaan, before tba Son- s to order.” doctor, and doctor bills convince tlon laeltn g atout an hour entered the ala oommltteo on election* today. Ha tenance of pnbllo your you. Darla tbs debate with dtolug hall they gathered at long table* woe followed by Mr. Kogar Potter In Hr. Senator opened la of tba adorned with a profusion of Doweri and Clark'* behalf. Mr. Poster’* plea waa a general statement support bat directed bis remarks especi- We take it for also that if use a cream of tartar potted plants and they gave hearty atten- qolte nun fallen ul In Ita denunciation of treaty, granted you baking tbs of tks oom- tion So a deUolcus dinner. The menu tba prceecutlon agetnat Mr. Clark. Con- ally towards explanation He stated that In cards were of a style In keeping with the1 gressman Campbell was denounoed In mlttao amendment. dinner In addition to the llet of good nnmeasared terms a* were Whltealde, all other sciential respects tbs psndiag want the best that is made. That’s Solar Powder. toe ui wu- you very Baking things to ant they oontalned the numbers Attorney tienoral Nolan and Speaker treaty was similar to treaty powder Into Id connection tendered by Burnham's orchestra during Stiff, l'bere waa an effort, he aald, to etantlaople entered the Hoax, for soma Mason, how- the feast and the following list of toasts, make It appear that Mr.Clark waa more with an cream of tartar and it is tbe United It is F. H. Hazclton, toastmaster! profligate and more oori apt than any of ever, the provision permitting absolutely pure baking powder Thu KanlfAble—(4am H.'l'arbmiL ■Mood them—a veritable Count of Monte Crie- States to defend lte property was omit- ▼Jos president. to. But this was all the dream of an ted. A Sewell C. totrout, LESS than the trust Ksserlpt—Hon. opium fiinoker and was untrue. This omlreloD was a palpable error. EIGHT CENTS A POUND JUST Jvdue Court. powders. touprems was not a modern rtodom and Gomor- Senator Morgan tbe only naembev of the What Help*—Ur. to. H. Weeks, Maine rahr and these people were bringing upon oo min It tee on foMlgn relations who did Medical Nominator. themselves deserved condemnation that not concur In tbe amendment made the loo Good—Hon. I. K. Stet- Best None falls the head of the bird that foola epeeoh In oppoeltlon to It. He MADE BY A TRUST. House of upon prloolpal BECAUSE IT IS NOT son. tofeaktr Khpressntatlvas. Its own nest ae they do la thus casting consumed tbe greater part of the execu- 1 am an Agent—L. A. Why Equitable aspersion upon their own state. Mr.Fos- tive session, Mr. Davie's epeeoh being Cerf, New York. ter turned his attention to the law In the brief. Kennabeo Kohoea-Hon. A. M. fc'pear, comparatively oase. He asserted that If all the teeti- Senator Lodge made a plea tor tbe Gardiner. toony taken were would not affect amendment, saying that however great ‘•Little Hound J. L. Top”—Gen. Mr. Clerk's right to his H*at In the Sen- tbe present eoulldence was In the power Chamberlain. ate and proceeded to sustain this position of neutrality nod mutual undeHtamllng to. Ulobborn, Csshler Security—Charles by an elaborate preeetatloa of antbori among nations, we sbonld tabs Into con- First National Bank, Augusts. ties. sideration the possibility of future tie- Home—Col. F. K. Boothby. Coming Mr. Foet«r had cot ooneluded when the and lose no opportunity to Who—Hon. John C. New- taoglemente Wfco'a Klsie, oonventioo adjourned make for eafe-guardlng.our In- N. provision krcedom Strout is 111 with ark, J. terrsts Id all that might arise. Mr*, very Finis—M. H. oxlgauolee MAINE TOWNS. Willey. Senator Morgan's speech was a plea double pneumonia. PISTOLS IN KKNTITKY. Mis. Sarah Gllocs has returned Mr Hazelton presided most gracefully for neutrality as tbe beat guarantee of Strout tbe oenal. to her old home at this plaoe. over the exercises. Second the safety and usetulneea of linns of Interest tiatlierfd Our l«oeal post prandial by Tbs roads In this are In a He said It wss to be a highway for tbe vicinity very Vioe President Tart ell Is an eloquent All Clmirt of Men Seem Careless of Hu- ndrnta. bed condition from the oomraeroe of tbe nation and that the Cormpo resulting spring speaker in addition to being one cf the man Ijtfe. amendment not only would thaws. The water in sosae plaoea a and* TWO DAYS. proposed Si' one foot deep an J covered a thick Tni' public wants Carls, anil after rrailiug our advertise- s coee fill life Ineuranoe men of the fell to provide for Its protection, but by por- BOOTHBA ous ice ment mill inspecting our good* they are satisfied. law his remark* he referred might be tbe means of eaetlng compli- country. In ap- Prices and First Goods are the John Gilmer Speed, a grand-nephew cations whichever oould arise If tbe 5.—A. F. fluatity Carts. to Elaine as the home of lioothbay, April Sldelinger PAKtsONSFlEBD. propriately vai not Inserted. The con- of the poet Keats, and himself a Ken- amendment and Wealey Pinkhain have been drawn Blaine ai d Heed and other distinguished ditions, be ooniendend, were entirely hast Parannsdeld, April 5.— Ibe farm WE ADVERTISE FOR FRIOAY AND SATURDAY SALES: tuckian by birth and breeding, contri- as traverse from this town to at- led Goadborne men. | dissimilar from these eonnsoted with tbs jurors bnildlDgs ooo up by George butes a of “The Kentuck- tire la*l about evaporated Apples, best, 3 lbs rpr Best Bound Steak, 12 l-2c lb ~ Mostly study Suez canal. possessing territory tend court al Wlsoasset, April term. caught Sunday, noon, £dc today, Other speakers were Judge totrout, Ur. Turkey Good Kitchen 5c ian to In tbs Immediate vlolulty of that oanal from the and would have keso Ammonia, bottle Legs Spring Lamb. lUc L. the.Ontury," Schools In town will begin Monday. chimney, Weeks, Hon. 1. K. Stetson, Bangor, and the United States base no sueb poe- totally destroyed bad It not b*en for th» 3 cakes Host Sand Soap, lOe Forequarter Spring Lamb. 6p Whsn 1 take op my morning paper and . A. Cerf, one cf tho company's New York seealons wltblu thousands of miles of timely arrival and prompt efforts of tb» Iilood Bed Salmon, 10c Boast Fork Loins. Oc to 10c lb read In grant head lines, “Duel to the canal. He tbare- Mrs. William C. who hae who succeeded in pnttlng oat S. & P. 8c agents, Hon. A. M. Spear of Gardiner, the proposed Nloaraguan Plnkham, neighbor*, French Mustard, Salt Fat Fork. 7c jo announce- the lire before rouob dr was done. Death," or acme other lurid fem thought the reelrletlon superfluous been In feeble health (or 6ome time past, mage Alpha Home assorted, 0 for25c 10 lbs Tub Lc'istJPuro i<6c who brought down the house by referring Mrs. are Pudding, Lard, ment to like 1 shudder and to end Indicated a disposition to grant to Mr. and George Chadborne 3 bottles 25c Best effect, say Is very much worse at this writing ana ; Sunnyslde Ketchup, Gpions, 15c pk to Bon. George M. toel-Jvra a* the next Great Britain power over us which that sick with German roeaslis. near- 0 lbs. Best Pi»p Corn, 25o Fine Native Potatoes, 70a bush myself, “ again." Pretty not to assert. hsr recovery is considered doubtful. Mrs. Frank Day Is slok with nervous attorney general of Maine; Gen. Joshua country did attempt Best Laundry Search, 0 pks. for 25o ly always—almost seven limes In ten— tbe Three of our best Neville trouble. Fine Vuivc nt l.iuv Chain bet Mr. Hich Col. He also contended agalnet neoeeslty young men, 10 lbs. Best 25c Poultry 1/. lain, borne, Wilbur born's wbloh was Boiled Oats, my foreboding* are aoonrate. Then I tor tbe measure, arguing and Newell Mat- | band, Prices. F. and Hon. John C. Elsie precautionary lilies, U«orgs Tibbetts Homo made Sauerkraut, 10c nt E, Boothby that In case of war we would taka recently wounded by the aoeldeotai dis- read of a Congressman killing a consti- pos- thews, start next Monday for the Alaska Lean Smoked 8 l-*2c il> Nice S and lb one of tbs most successful agents in the session of tbs oanal without any previous | charge if bis revolver. Is getting well Shoulders, Corned Beef, 3, 7o tuent. a colonel killing a lieutenant, an fields. We with them success In j tie is now able to do *eme California Seedless 16c do* Common 15c hundred country. agreement to that effect. Asked by Sena- geld rapidly, light Oian^os. Crackers, ex-minister to a forelng court killing an tor Meson If be It would be con- tbelr work with It. Country Quartered Sun Dried Apples, 4 lbs New Dates, 25c Then oame the of the thought undertaking. surprise evening Grant Britain to Mr. Will Powers ef Maplewood Is visit- 16c 1 eternal-revenue collector, and so on sistent on tbe part of The American Fisheries Oo. will soon Coned Bones and liocks, 7 l-2c when Mr. M. U. Willey In babalf of the Jam iloa and atlll prevent our log his friend. Hartley M. Johnson. 6 lbs New Cal. Prunes, 26c fresh 16c do* through the whole horrible list. 1 mast fortify In to their factories here In Strictly Eggs, to Mr. tall a Ins month of tbe Mr. rag get Porgle Mis* Allie liurncll has gone to Sanford Maine agents presented Tor fortifying oanal, ■irno inis 11*1 over ;iim or n inri:' win’ lor however, that in most Instanoea readiness for a season's to work lor Dr. Hnrnbam. nuyininsi yon silver Mr. say, Morgan replied that tbs neutrality pro- good business, mesflve loving cup. Willey Mlsa Fannie Cobb has leturned horn* Friday or Saturday at (li■ so prices. Delivered lo »njr part of (lie these private quarrels whloh lead to mur- vision only extended to tbe tbree lulls end we lish may be lo abundance To uie a worn out. hope and steamboat or railroad station. ■poke appr opr lately. limit and not to a p'aen so distant as from Itoohibior, where she has been pass- eify any landing der are among the mountaineers, who are os this Industry is a greet bouefit to this expresalon, which Is nevertheless tru.- in Jctnaloa koitllloatlons of outlying pos- ing several weeks with friends. in no sense the kind of Kentaoklans end towns. James Cartland has the 1 this Instance, Mr.Tarbell, although takeo lessluns be said were oenetantly golLg on surrounding purchased clast Parsonslleld known as whose characteristics 1 am disauteing. and the good faith of no nation oould HAKP8WELL. proparty at completely by surprise had a fitting the Frank Dearborn and moved The mountaineer* of Kentucky are, be attacked because of them. properly, JOHNSON & acknowledgment. This pleasant Incident the controversy Senator Wol- Uarpswell, April 6 —Mr. H. O. his family there LAMBERT, to a great extent, the descendants of the During 24 WILJVIOT STREET. was the close of the ooIt asked several questions Indicating Coombs has recently received a valuable TELEPHONE 228-5. evening's enjoyment. sold into in DAMAH1SGOT1A apr(ta2t convicts who were slavery bis to the amendment, while CIf6 from his friend, Mr. Henry lMvis of | The following were presents and from the opposition odoulal Virginia, escaping Senator Me.on by the tame course ludl- Woburn, Mass. Ife Is a line dear's head, Daiuaiiiootta, April 4.—At the annual W. H. Anderson, Howard tied Into the mountains, I'orHand; plantations oate.l his opposition to tbe treaty without teactlfully mounted. The deer was shot meeting and election of oflicers of the Port H. have ocntlnned from Gould, laud; B. Turner, Portland; where they genera- the amendment. Neither ef them how- rt Bangeley Lakes by Mr. Davis, who Is &laE*a3olt Login* ccropany last meeting, F. H. F. B. tion to a wild and semi-sav- Hazelton, PtrLluuJ; Fish, generation gver, male any elllrmatlve statement. no enthusiastic sportsman. the following officers weit* eleoted: C. to. at once and defiant Portland; Eastman, Portland; pgt) people, ignorant At tbe oJohs of Senator Morgen's speech Miss Ellen H. Coapmeu Is visHlng rel- Foreman—Ghas. W. Steteon. £ Before railroads these f Thirty-Fifth Charles R. Pollard, Portland; William of law. penetrated the Senate returned to tbe oocelderatlon atives In Harpswsll lit A tut. Foreman—Chas. M Jjnes. L. K. P. Port- mountain fastnesses to bring out the Allen, Portland; Noble, of legislative business, do oue being Mrs. Emma Coombs has returned from L'd Asst Foreman—Ulrum Osier. land ; Arthur L. Hcraoe iron and coal and timber, we did not a friends In Luoe, Deerlng; prepared to speak on the treaty visit to Mass. Steward— Uoo. P. Lswla. F. Atwood. Deerlng; frank W. Brooks, often hear of these feuds. When we did The grippe has chosen Its vlotlms for Xru*fees—Hiram Osier, T. A. Jenes, G. to. we wore not disturbed them. We Lewiston; N. F. Currie, Lewiston; by paid the most past among children. The C. M Jones. BJI ANNUAL P. Branoen, Uanfortb; Paul D. Luce, no need to these people and their quar- BOUKKE COCHRAN. childreu of Mr. and Mrs. Acn«r Harris; Clerk—U. A. heath. Bna«or Walter A.Uanfortb,Bangor; Wal- rels, but, unwisely, perhaps, left them to and the Infant son or Mr and Mrs. Peter Treasurer—E. K. Gaskner. ter Thomas P. Ira ay, their own devices, upon the theory that K.towett, Bacgor; llo» ttir Xrw York Orator Won Ilei* Hanson have suffered severely from it, Tte company is well equipped and in OPENING Bar H.F. the more killed of ox>e soother the ? Bsngor; M.P.Cleaves, Harbor; they but are on the mending band. a very flourishing condition, having had null From Mrnlta. \ f. would tie. Pecuniary Carter, Bar Harbor; William Dutch, better off the world Newspa- »n average attendance for the year of Jd. Milo: Wallace G. Freeman. Detrlng; of statement is OTI»S FIELD. per extravagance rrsponsl- H.^freshments were served after th* SEASON OF 15)00. £ M.B. uit< ciuior bboh ui uuin »-u- G.W. Ucshee, Appleton; Haseiltue, uinciu« Bourke Cochran, the New York poli- East OlltUeld, April 4 — Mrs. Martha eleotlon, of olam stew, oake, coffee and EUowheguu; Charles p.Kimball, Andover* counters between mountaineer outlaws ST"i Newest Designs. There is inatked difference in carriage anil A of A. WbtCham slipped >nd fell on the loe cigars. ilesigniug Horace an Ken- tician, le non a lender the hunting \Ve the m G.l.Lowe, Lisbon Kalla; O’Brien, appears to be allair between Kuv. W. F. Berry, secretary of the construction. invite public to inspection of Urn production of our A William Brunswick It is not famous and Hie rise Peering; M.Pennell. tucky gentlemen. aoourats, but set. Be U rloh, Mr. Leon Ward well of Auburn, la at Christian Glvio League of Maine, spoke 0 factory the past winter. A line stock of pneumatic gear vehicles. Every « K. A. Bhaw, Caribou; Edgar IS. Turner, Inasmuch as Kentucky gentlemen do not a has Perfection A was rapid. Be married lot of money, home fcr a few days. 0 carriage “Thompson's Spring Cushion." Augueta; M. 11. Will ey. Cheirytleld; G. behave with self-restraint, tbs result to under of and has made a deal In real estate Mrs. Nellie Bowker ot Auburn, la stop- Sunday evening, toe auaploes W. C. tbelr Is In that not un- great (> HARNESS AND CARRIAGE RUBES. A B.Ward, Cberrytield; Woolburv, reputation degree ping with her parents, Mr. aod Mrs. the We C. X. U. J. O. Orono; A. G. deserved. tv nice Investment of his wife's dot. Cover; Whitcomb, Moses Splller, fur a fe w weeks. Frel bus ion, who hne bean Id Wiu N. B. Wees Kven the of the Wiley, Brunwlok; Woodanm, gentlemen bine-grass Bat there were dark days for Bourke. Metoalf'a employ for a long time, leavee Chas. Id. region are careless of life, and there Is no Peru; Pennell, Karmlngton Ona day be was sitting on the stone CUMBERLAND. for Hath aoon, where he hae employment K.Voter, Karmtngton; Mason Parker, oily, and few villages. In wbtoh ther* W. H. Kr.-klue baa returned from Z. THOMPSON ft In City Hall square, hurled In uumbrrland 4.—Mr. BRO., f.ronswiok; ltev. E. O Thayer. Peer- does not walk free some man with hu- steps Centra, April 'ftv K. I. | | >rton, was Samuel Merrill has leased a 00-08 ing; N. L. Hlidiatb, Portland; Chas. K. man blood upon his hands. I will not misery. His drvts not presentabla paoklng shop Hobart Linton la In Augusta for a A ELM ST. t at Jay for the season. apr;Jeori2w Zk Morse, Portland; Chas E. a. , *ay that suob ro«n enjoy the entire contt- and his pooketa were absolutely empty. week or two. 4 Randall Wlls»n ot West Port lad a; E.C. Mo A Ulster, Old OrobArd; deno* and rested of the whole communi- Kate took Ambrose K Purdy tbat way, Cumberland, Usman Sumner, foreman of tbe Ifamar- la at work for S. W. Hamilton. W. H. H. MllUken, Old Orchard; Dr. ty In the same measure that those do and, reoogn Islng Bourke In despair, the laootta and Mite Maud Hilton Missis Parsons of Portland and Pollard lleiald, K. J. Bailey, Brunswick; Harris B. who have been blameless in tbelr Ilfs. assistant district attorney tapped blm who baa been In the employ af tha Pr.Seth Hut a In the on tbs shoulder. of Richmond, spent a few days last weak school before, iier Coe. Portland: C. Gordon, Port- arquittal by jury does. opin- Herald here for aatue time, have been pupils gladly wel- An •-.!»> uruoun. with friends at Ibis land; K. P.Plokard, Portland; Frederic ion of many, reinstate a man complete- “Braoe up, Bourke,’1 be said, obcorlly. plaoe. s-outed by the Kennebec Journal, and come her back. There was a small break at the store ot “Pa, why is spring called spring?"* Brunei, Portland; Ainml Whitney, Port- ly. not only in bis political righto, but “What's the tronblef” Bourke oon- will leave aoon to take up tbalr duties Mr. D. Clifton Fowler ba* accepted a S. W. Hamilton at the on Fri- “Don't bother me, lan; G. L. Brannon, Pat. forth; J. E. in bis soolal privileges. fided In him: junction there. position In li-rlin, New Hampshire. Jimmy.” " last. and soma “I Gould, Portland; J. H. Brewatar, Port- Only just now we have had as oandi- 1 owe $150 (or lodging and "am to te day night UTgars,;eutables Andrew and Everett Wilson are at Mr. Ularenoe Hall has been quite 111, kgnw, pa.” loose from the draw was laud; Col. Thomas B. Bhaw, Portland; date for governor one who had killed his turned out. I live over a beer etloou. change money Christmas Cove, at work for Win. Me bnt wo are glad to learn he Is able to be “Well, why is it?” tacen. Suspicion rests on three Hod. E. C. Boutelle, Bangor; Barry man. It Is qalte true that very many of I can't get a job. There's nothing for naturally Farland. out again. “Sose folks won’t go round thiakin who were the Chapman,Bangor; Bangor; bis own party revolted at the Idea of me to do I think I better give np. alrangera loafing atcund Mr. John A. Uunnew-U of Bare oal- Journal. Pr.Uenoowy, station and atora winter.”—Indianapolis H. M. Smith, Bangor; Hon. I. K. Stet- having for the ohlef executive of the com- "Not on your Ilfs,” said Purdy. '"We'll during tbs afternoon. SCAHbORO. lege was the guest of till father, Mr. M. The town school* eo, Bangor; Mr. Plalstod, Bangor; Gage monwealth a man who had taken the law fix things. begin Monday, April Rev. P. Huunewell. Bandar. It Came IGth. Eight Corners, April 8.—The Out. E. Tarbel, second vloa preaidant KoiilU Into his own hands to the extent of kil- An eleolion was pending and spell- Mr. brown of South Pareonslleld “I had my fortune told today.” ble Lila Assnrauce sooLly, New York; ling a fellow mao. The faot, however, binders were In demand. Purdy proposed: preached la the Free baptist ohurob at Gen. John (J. N. A. did not to make him au entire don’t GRAY. Pnblte “Well?" Elsie, Newark, J.; appear “Bourke, why you give your this plaaa Sunday. Although he was Opinion to lie Thoiitht Of. L. Carl, New Mr. New as It no doubt would have landlord nots te him who “The medium said 1 was about to lose York; Gorham, impossibility, your promising pay Dry Mills, April E—Percy Frank, satiating from saaeie hsadaoha ha gave Mrs. McSwatters—Why do men call it York; E. B. Moore, Pr. G. done In almost anv other state In the In six months or some suoh iaattsrf" was the at the mill of some money and then asked me for a Bangor; formerly engineer h very helpful talk. a stag party? W. Curtis, Lisboa Falls; Harry Hodg- Union. I need not go cn giving proof of Note 1 Note I My nose wouldn’t be C. K. Llbbys' of this place, has gone to Much to tbs bapnlnais of hla little dollar.”—Philadelphia North American. that In McSwatters—Well. It would not sound kins, Bar Harbor; K. S, Nickels, Bar humlliutlng fact Ksntooky, even accepted anywhere," said Bourke, “I'd Lawreooa, Mass., to learn the maobialst frlalda Master Winslow Fowler has re- those who so- te well to cull it a stagger party.—Cleve- Harbor; Hon. Hiram Koowlton, Port- among hold lO'Uleal and ktoked out." trade with hla brother, Walter. turned home from New Hampshire, Knvouruffement, land; Hon. W.J.Knowlton,Portland; Hon olal position, there is a singular disre- "Nonsense! We’ll irn and mace out Mttoe Elder at Is slatting at where ha been land Plain Dealer. Westbrook, baa (pending the winter. “How’s your Mrs. O'Malll- Chas. Hoses, Portland; Col.K.E. Booth- gard of the snored ness of human Ilfs. It the paper for $500. I'll Indorse it. You M. U. Morrill's. husband, Odr tehool oommenors nail Monday. hsn V* bay, Portland; Bon. Sawall C. Strout, la a result of tbair peculiar evolution, give It to your landlord, and have him Mr. Charles Baldwin,| who has bean Mies iiukb Ella Libby of Moaeaueb Cor. Another Victim. Portland; Welsey G. Purtland; and the penalty ninst bs paid until tbat take out hie $150 and let you have the la Boston far ths few “Sure, sor, the doctor do be sayin if he Smith, slatting past ner, taaolav. Mlai Libby baa taoght this “What la your order, sir?” asked the Pr. S. H, Ur M. evolution goes a or so and difference." lives to well, he’ll be all an Weeks, Portland; H, step forward, weeks, baa returned home, waiter. get right, i# makes of the Kentuoklxn something dif- It was done. Purdy's lnderaeiaeat prov- Mr. Georg# W. has returned to #MB.N IKAVELINkJ he dou’t, he’ll die.”—Harlem Life. Quint me a an- ferent from whet he Is today. ing oooeptablv, Bourkv got $350 In oosb, bla work In wbleh ha “Bring puerterhonse steak,’’ In Portland, .will n hat her on bent ot wbloh ho dlvldvd friend. pleasure business, swered the government with ble With labor antll farm work oeglns. employee.—Chi The Enjoyable Feature. on n bottle el of the remainder he bought new olethrs It la that Mlaa Alma taka every trip Syrnp csgo Tribune. reported Karory “Do you enjoy sleigh Miss Ber- and la a or two was an the of the as it acts moat and ef- riding, day hustings, of Kaat Gray, la to he taadhei Flge, pleasantly tha?” Anything to Suit. and shouting te hla party.— soboel at this PERUNA pleading Dry Mills, term. fectually on tbs kidneys, liver, and bow- An Angel. “Ever so much. It’s such tare “I never give money to beggars on tbs New York Mlaa Anale Ballsy ot this who fun stop- Press._ plaoe. If els, pravantlng fsvera, baadaahes. and Cynic—Now that Annie has broken her 1

i \ WICIUAWOW. raCBLLAtmCli mCBIXABBOn. the merer wUl *b»n go *0 eonferenee be GIVES (IS GOOD HARE. ^——am TARIFF QUESTION CLOSED. tWMA the two bomsos. There will be a etroeg eeatlmeas la the Hoar* la faroi of tha Hooee'e peeltloa. The Ineular Committee of tha House, which haadlss all subjects reUtlag to tbs Face an* No Sold Blotched reresae A new ap- Openly Can't Be Reopened In posseselsas sxoept Liquor Pimply propriation bills, baa decided upoa Is caused the in the blood. Smith’s Green aa In Portland. by impurities the House, fj "Puerto" tha proper epelllog. They did thle beoaose the Puerto Kloone wbo Mountain Renovator is a Vegetable Blood Medicine that appeared tofore their oomwliteo eatd that 1 will remove and Blotches and beautify wae the epelllog need bp tbe natlrsa of disfiguring Pimples the Island, and that they ware mo oh at- the complexion by cleansing the blood of all impurities. tached to It. Tbe mombore of tbo Iaeolor So Littlefield Tells the Representative Parliamentary Stains of Commute* thought It emlaontly proper to defer to tbte eeotlmoot. Bill. Congress. EVERY WOMAN 1)KWKY'S CANDIDACY. who wants a soft _ Sot T«kni Kfrlonalf as n Presidentlal skin State of Maine Field velvety to Committee Possibility. Referred should take Smith’s Green i that will make her very attractive [irECXAXe TO TUK PBC1S.] Day Thursday. ij by Speaker. Mountain and she will have a beautiful complexion. Washington, April 5.—Tha announce- Renovator, f be convinced of the meet that Admiral Diwey la a candidate FREE SAMPLE BOTTLE n order that sufferers may Mountain we will seiui for the Presidency la nooepted by tha boat wonderful curative properties of Smith’s Green Renovator, send us full name and address. in as a Free Bottle, if you will your Informed public man Washington of you Sample of Krntnrky Man Libel* quality RENOVATOR, Si- Aibmns, Vim Government Amendment Made trut,?and as rspresantlng tha attitude Smith's GREEN MOUNTAIN tbe vlotor of Manila. Hut 11 la also Our Ituui. This Possible. thought that be Is too lata In launching big Doom. Having unduly exaltJd him tha Araerloan people seem new to have to the other extreme of unduly neg- Cyrr/tf GREEK MOUNTAIN gone lecting him. Hscause he did wisely and [SPECIAL TO THE PRKS..1 (irKClAP to THE rBESSJ tha fleet of In tbe nobly against tipaln Washington. April ft. —There wee a Orient, the Imagination at once Washington, April 6.—Now that tb* popular stale of Maine field day In the committee Invested him not with military Porto Hiean bill ha* came baok to the only of the whole ef the House for abou‘, but alto with all tbe virtues Uouaa with tha Senate amendment., the genius, fifteen minutes this afternoon. The ques- REKOVATOR whloh the teachers of ethics would pre- parliamentary atatue of th e measure la tion before the committee was the or- scribe for an Ideal man. a matter of no little Interest. In the gnnlo law of , and to the section When the Admiral came home, Ural place the Speaker has referred the great nruhlblllng lotteries, Mr. Ulllrtte of the fell In and married,like an ordinary bill to the Committee, on Waya and loTe, bprlngfleld alstrlot of Messeobusette. of- that he moved on the altar Means. This la In acocrdanoe with the man, except fered an amendment prohibiting saloone with the same that he moved Insure your prop- rules and practice, of the House. In promptness Mr. Hnox, In obnrge of the till, oppoied on Mauila there was a feeling that he the 61st Congress Speaker Hied did the this, bnt the debate was mild until Mr. was not a dem 1-god after all. And than the beck our eaire thing with a free coinage amend- Llttl"fln]d of Maine, aroee la erty with when be foolishly transferred the nation*! a ment, the oomnatttee receiving the bill teal an tte Hepuolloau aide and began UI _ _ r_ oh— lennf Mill has wee tint'. He on that occasion being Inst on Coinage, eueeeb In furor of the amendment. local ft aotcally made for a agents. Weights and Measures. The ellver force* deiul-god people said that he wee heartily In faror of the INSURANCE COMPANY set him down a little lower than the In that Cohgrea^ led bj Mr. bland, of day pioblbllory syitem for Hawaii. It had wire or foolish inan. Mlaeourl, did not want tbe bill referred ordinarily worked well many years In Maine, end Of London and Edinburgh, Great Britain. There were many people jealous of hi* la to tbe committee; but wanted to ooatlder no men ooold put his fingsr on s plaoe fame and and they have not RALPH S. NORTON, It at ones In tbe Houee and concur In tbe popularity that state where liquor wee openly eold. allowod the house Incident to be forgot- The largest Insurance Company Senate amendment. Tbey tkerefure'un- The sentiment of ths people there wss STATE ACENT ten. bo the whole, it may be eald In the world a fire business. rild tbe Speaker's notion by striking tbe upon tour to one In faror of the law. There doing that so far as Washington Is oonoerned. AND ADJUSTER. record of It irom tbe Junrnal. But It wee no open saloon any where In Mnlna at least, Admiral Dewey has oeaeed to took a long time to do tble, and by that “I deny that,1’ ehonted John F. Flts- attention. Ue Is not much time the Bonnd money toroee bad rallied attraot great gerald of Massaohoeetta rising txoltsdly Total Assets, $70,325,675 17 Exchange St. talked about, and little was eald even and the action of the Speaker In refer- on tha Democratic side. marl2M,\V&Ktf when the announcement of hie oaadldaoy TOO LATE ring the bill was sustained. "Name the plsoe, suld Mr. r,iM,ieusjo. was now to think of but light weight Tbs of the to rifsr a bill made hotel In Portland." The seat of Nervpua Disease* ts at base of brala. anything right Speaker “Why, any And If think of us at the same le ocedtted When the nerve cel. sat this point waste, a tcrrtM* goods. you kind la now to well settled that Mrs. Dewey quite generally hotel in Portland ami of tbit “There la not a decline of the system occurs. Nervous Debility, time and put these two thoughts together her husband's ambi- make a selection from the handsome showing arose over Hen- with stimulating said Mr. Memory, Fata in Back no disturbance Speaker where llqaor is openly told," Atrophy, Varioocale,Failing mixed blue and black sister the McLean Insomnia. are of this of fancy caaslmeree, derson's of tbe Porto Hloo tion. bhe li a of John Dyspepsia, Ktc., symptoms for dlspos'tlen Littlefield confidently. condition. it resultsi n Paresis, C serges, cheviots, etc., who made the light for the governorblp Neglected, fl a bill. “1 deny It. I say that It Is sold openly Insanity, or Consumption. PalmoTablets If Your SIk Hut lent fall and ambition the starved or Trousers W hen the bill came from tbe of Ohio political snd in cure these ills Suit originally In every hotel apotheoary shop by renewing weakness one of the characteristics wells all drains and replacing well with tit and finish and M-ant oouimlttee It dealt en- has always been cheesing you will be pleased Ways Portland," retorted Fitzgerald hotly. when the cloth Is transformed into the gar of the hlcLsan wbioh has long DEBILITY. with revenue, and was therefore family Insisted Mr NERVOUS ‘*»TrS ment*. tirely “Naina a plaoe," again ----—:-==■ O. beea in Oblo. Old Ago PtMlpoud. took. I1ALS1D DRL'Q CO., CLEVELAND, privileged under tbe rules, and could be distinguished Little field. TRY US It is however that Admiral O.H. GUPPY ft CO.. AGENTS. fORTLAED. ME. TT&S reported and considered at any time. probable Mr. Fitzgerald then named a leading It El' BEY k. DYER, In at Tble le revenue bills un- Dewey le stronger the oouutry large privilege given Portland hotel. 'Olcrrliiinl Tsillor, than In where are at wrote the great German der tbe rules btoauee of their great Impor- Washington petty jsalous- Mr. Littlefield doubted tble. Mr. Lit- present," BOTTOM IN BAD SHAPE. le« are apt ta have undue Intluenoe; end statesman In hi? msmolis shortly before tance. Hut the Senate have attached to tlefield then went on to eay that the 375 Fore, Near Fool of Exchange Street. For Your Next Pair. his have Indi- hie death, "It le not that tbe inar.ll if tbe bill an amendment providing for oaodldaoy may Important olvlllsed nations had united to keep probable IHvrn Kx n m I n til the California lfl- rect Intluenoes. That he oan achieve the Hnlten expects from England, or Aus- civil government, of Porto Kloo, tbit liquor from the uncivilised tribes of tsrdny. I* not seriously believed here. as much aeeletanos and protection destroys the privilege of the bill, and will Presidency and he thought the eame policy tria, To Ihe Holder* of llie Comoll- Alrloa, are n on as Hueela could promise wltboot ear- We make It neoeissry for tbe Committee should be applied to tbs people of Ha- Several tug* went oat to tbe dlaabled daled HorlKiiKe BiiikU of (lie making MEETING GRAND TRUNK. rendering bar own Interests, and In vir- Pules to Intervene with a tpeolel order well. If tble amendment should not be steamer California yesterday morning Fort Smith Witter Company ol' of tue of her proximity eueoesefn’ly afford. specialty C'llstOI to eneble tbe bill to be considered with- agreed to the Anglo Saxon element In and aa they remained In the vlolnlty of Fori Smith, Arkniiuo. o> Portland Dlvlilos To Hr If as soon ss ebe le out Ilrtilgrs be down three to one Hue-in, sufficiently t te disabled eraft for some time It waa delay. Hawaii would voted some immediate action be Hoots to 3Ieasm to fall and over- fT Is necessary that The committee on and Meant Reconstructed. ready. If necessary, upon evident wo* to be done, I Wuys on any moral proposition. It wae time that something taken for the protection of the interests of and the s of will examine tbe Senate amendments In this ran the Saltan Uoephorue by □own at the end of the wharves consid- the Consolidated Mortgage Bondholde the on lasts whic for the United States to declare of Fort special makes a and oonffden- Fort Smith Water (ompguy. Smith. recommendations In to Loudon, April At the meeting to- land orjaoa, personal er ible exottement was aronsed this and make regard bill that It was against the saloon. | by Arkansas. A circular In regard to the affairs ooneur of the shareholders of the Grand tlal proposal to tbe Snltan to guarantee of the Company, sinl a bondholders’ agreement we make to 1 them, probably that tue House day Mr. Berry of Kentnoky, a gigantic an- aotlon as nobody seemed to know just up tbe and all has been prepared and can be nan uponappll- nonconcur In and oonoor Trunk railroad of Canada the report of him his position In eeragilo waa Within a few to some, others, (1-lioetMl Democrat, replied to Mr. Little- what to take plaoe cation at the Treasurer's office of the Portland the of foo". amendments These reo- the Sir Charles River* Wilson hie provinces, not only agelnet foreign was sm- havings Bank. rtr2$dtf shape any $ In others with president, field. He wae not ready to vote for euob mlnutee, however, the cariosity count rise but also ble own sub- omuendstlons tbe’Uouse was adopted, lie **11 In the course of a egelnel ithed. The steamer was out a being reported, an amendment, “even to eattafy the pulled so that difficult feet that he nelleved the In return lor permission to erect will consider them and act co them. long speeob reorgani- fanatical Stats of Maine." The llqaor In jects, short dlatanoe from th# Beach ofl Willard fortifications end maintain a has been aeeumed in some zation of the Chicago Grand Trunk sufficient where she had turn since Sat- It quarters Maine wae always worse than anywhere Cove lying CITY OF PORTLAND. can be fitted to at tbe noith- that when tbe bill comet a free trade would ue outicq out tnocgu one tniru 01 sufficient number of treope and here remained all up and more of It was drank there urday eba day else, tbyn would and thus tbe tbe first bondholders still dissented. en entrance to tbe Uoephorne— this wars shoes amendment may be offered, anywhere else. In Kenluoky, where the while tbe divers allowed the best good looking be an offer whloh be would be mnoh TO OE DOGS : j.uuit* iineu wn *ur Thera was no Indication tbo president had far In examining OWNERS illci/ uy again y*w morel aentlmeDt was as high as any cbnnoe they tbua wae Ulemerck’s all of leath- tariff or free trade. This added ct better freight rates oa snob tempted to aooepl." It in position for where, the whiskey was pare, but when the bottom. VERY owner or keeper of a dog more than Styles Interests as tboee of the Penn- that If tbe Sultan should refuse, four rooutus old. snail cause it to be reels resumption le not carreot. The aubjeot powerful Ohio river the opinion Bnt comparatively little woik was you got north of the tered, numbered, described and licensed for er and all Kinds of KIoo hae beeD railroad and tbe Vanderbilts Uuaila might more by foroe. Of oouree cf tariff for Porto passed sylvania whiskey began to be adulterated, and done during the day, the time being cue year In the office of the city clerk In the at Ibis time where me Is on or before the first oh both House and Seuate, and It le were uoabls to maintain tbe tariff nor England's pre-ooepnatlon In the to city dog kept, by when yon got to Mains the stuff was so mostly (pent arranging pleas All of dogs Shoes at a Moderate the day of April of eSch yeAr. owners now in The House'a could tbe gnat finanolal Interests of New would make opportunity favorable. In tbe matter of not onolroTerey. bad that It was no wonder the gentlemen he folio*od repairing are requested to comply with the law relating York enforoe Used, rates. This was diffi- etateeman foreeaw that If not tariff has been to by The German tbe atsamer. Tbe Grew And to the licensing ot the same. Dogs proper- proposition agreed bot It eeamad to him that from Maine wee agalnat It. But this wae wrecking he killed. Price. cult to explain and Anetrla ehonld threaten ly licensed are liable to the Senate with an amendment wnloh England bottom le la a worse condition than tbo groat shippers ware able to compel do time to adopt amend- the GEORGE W. BYLVE8TEK, prohibitory Marshal. luakee eertaln to the Houae reductions. Some were never war to prevent the move, Koesla wonld There still remalas a mr30d2w City axoeptluaa shippers mente, we wire expanding trade. Only they antlolpated. are under known to poy fell rate usd tbe smaller ask what part ehe Intended to on provisions. These exceptions six oarloade of beer left bis small portion of the oargo board. and weaker struggling were the other day consideration, but they do not Involve shipper* take. It was Ulamarok'e advloe that obliterated. The remedy had legalised Kentnoky Dome for the Philippine PALIER sIe ehonld not bnl recant School CO., the main tariff whloh has Germany Interfere; TUE HAWAIIAN BILL. Supplies. proposition, pooling. Islands. been both Houses. The Tbe of tbs di- press despatches have lndtoated that the be tho under- 511 Street. passed upon by bridges Portland, Maine, taken a I PROPOSALS will received by Congress Charles The question being by rising for text of the bill to whloh both Houses vision, Sir eontlnued, wonld German statesmen of the present day House Agreed lo -\uiuher of Amend- 1 signed unlit .Saturday. . 1900, be reconstructed In time for the winter vote them were fifty-six for the amend- furnishing the public schools of the city of hnve not now be may take n different view. ments Yesteldey. agreed may obanged Irsflio. Tbe slso said tbe Cen- ment and It. Mr. Portland. Me., for the current year beglnuhig president fifty-sewn against The European complications possible and 14. 1901, with This le old and well understood Parlia- tral Vermont was most satisfac- April 14, 1900, ending April doing Littlefield oalled for tellers, and the front England's pre-oocupatlon In South books, stationery and other supplies usually tbo and Minnesota, House did mentary law. Ur. Jefferson lays It down tory, having Afrioa are ooneldered with considerable Washington, April 5.—The fur alined for SCIlOOl II'C All prupasaia win ur done fairly well und tbe Cbloago and on Estimates ami In ble manual 'wblch Is .ciliolal autho- lntereet’ln Waehlngton, although the tfl- not Unlah the bill to provide territorial opened by the committee ♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦ • ♦♦♦ Grand Trunk was dolog wall. llrst to stream between tbe tellers. Fore- who will reserve the rlgut tore fairly Interest of this government When the Expenditure* rity Id the House, and the came principle reot'praotloal government lor Hawaii today. all such a* inav be deemed con tuoet were Ur. Ldttlefleld and ble Maine in tbe matter le not g of oouree. Ject proposal* rest, a 4 to the Interests of the said city. has been followed In rgllngi of Speakers EASTEK IN WASHINGTON. hour Axed for taking vole, o'clock, trary oolleagues, Ur. Allen and Mr. iiurlelf k, Schedules of said supplies will bo furnished less than half the bill had Kandall. Kelfer. Carlisle and Heed. ADMIKAU ijAMl'aO.V8 DAUGHTER arrived, on at office of tupL of School Personally oondaotad tour via Penn- and they were followed by a large num- application : TIRE i It Is probabls that this situation will MAKK1KD. been oovered and so many amendments Buildings and Supplies. RUBBER sylvania Kailroad will lsavo Boston, ber from ell parte of tbe oonutry. 'X’berj WILLIAM L. BKADLKY. prevsnt the exoltement whloh has been far remained that 11 was agreed to eontlaus School and April 13tb. Hat* $23. Additional tours wee Uriels Jasper Talbert, tbe eld Con- Iloeton, April ft.—A eoolety event Supt. Buildings supplies. expeoted In the House by a revival of overreaohtng In Its brllllanoy any social unoelderatlon under tbe Ave mlnote apr4d lw On Your April 27th and May lltb. Detailed itin- federate of Mouth Carolina, who light* I Carriage the ovvr and tree function of reoenl veers In local naval rnle until It was Anlehed. Several Impor- \ light tariff trade. erary of D. N. Bell, toorlet agent, 2115 pension sessions, Joe Plbley of Pennsyl- elrolee wae the this evening of the vehicle and Z wedding ainendmants were to, will save wear of Walker tant agreed among Washington street, Boston. vania, Demoorats from North Carolina, Mies Hannah Sampson, yonngesl the strain T T. them the following! lessen upon your and daughter of Hear Admiral W. Samp- PORTO OK PUERTO. Month Carolina, Mtealsalpol Indiana, now + UNKNOWN SHUOTKK WON. con. commandant of the Iloeton navy To nalllfy any labor contracts In the nervous system. We have from $100 Reward. Popnllate Nebraska, Republicans yard, and Ensign Watt Tyler Giurerloe, Islands; to extend tne allen-eoatract established the maohin* New 5.—H. D. a necessary { York, April Bates, from New England, Iowa and California, U. S. N., wbloh was eolemnlzed at the labor laws to the Islands: to prohltl'. Senate at Our Portland Electric Light will at our * llunae and l.o^Krrlieadi Canadian field shooter of St. aninmenilenl'l rMlflancA At thrt UftTT iha fw!« nf IntmliviMna llnunr In ulunn«: Company for doing this work young la faot antl-saloonlets of all kinds. There THEpay $100 to any one who will furnish evi- I had the iluratlon. a man wbo was yard. Home two hundred Invitations to limit tbs land-holdings of corpora- dence that will convict any person of tamper- factory. Send us your wheels. Z Thomae, Out., compara- were tixty-six of them, and only elxty been sent out for the wedding and the tions to lt'00 acres and to substitute for ing with their Hues, lamps or machinery. Wo also tively unknown In tbe trap sbootlng bo the Wiite for particulars. main bare opposed. prohibitory company that gathered to wltneee the tbe House provision relating to tbe ap- PORTLAND ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY J FECIAL TO THE PItESS.1 antll bse won tbo Grand furnish and on S Lb world today, amendment went Into tbe bill. The ac- ceremony included a boat of friend* and pointment of Judges and otber slUscrt of Geo. W. Brown. President repairs put pneu- tbe moat of tha two 6.— The House and American Handicap, Important tion of the oommlttse of tbe whole will relatives familiar, prominent tbe Island, tbe Senate provision. iery tires on vehicles. Z Washington, April others event of the for abots. Ue bas army and navy people and equally Xbe House provision lodged tbe appoint- Senate are at leiue over the of year wing have to te oonllrmed the Mouse and spelling by well known In the racial and boelneae power In tbs governor tbe Senate shot only twlo* previously In pigeon ing the name of the Pearl of the Antilles, as go to the Panels before brooming a lew. life of Beaton. Tha aervloa was par- It In the President. CHICAGO IN DOUBT. tournaments and hae never be- piaoed sbootlng formed Key. Frank J. Uoodwln. the Ur Llttleileld referred to It In tils teutons tbe thut be by fore competed In event won from Ulen N. J. BISMARCK’S PROPHECY. larally paator, Bulge, FORCE WONT RE BsED Know \VI»«t to Do ZEN4STHOMPSON &BR0. apeeoh. j) The House In lie tariff bill In euob magnificent fashion today. There C'ltlxrus Duu’t j was In ths divided in- — spelled It "Puerto Klco," now the Senate $6,655 sweepstakes, Frinkfort, Ky., April 6 Kerrsssrts- About Dewey’* Visit* SI., I’orllaiid. to monies, $8,618.76 of which Imatic fifcy-Iour tlves of the Beckham administration Bir26 ao 43 30 \v*f#r bftcomer the least soiled, fet freek; follow almost, In rUrred adsday, nople, 1878, England &cEftK£fnu(*tcR. ton then.1' CHKATKH IHltH KKUIMKM disluuces its a fftft, dry cheese cloth, and wipa dry yUKAM Rates for itrcaler np Enrope to oall a halt, lletore that a true and tried friend to irafi beds can also be wasted by this is London. April B.-T.lBp. ra—Th# army WbiW was war. OF MOREY F6k NAT X. proportion. the Crimean LOTS ardors today ooutaln tha followlogi method, but must be wiped dry quickly. ones. It Apply for schedules of rales to j Bltmarok prophesied that when the the little give* "The Qaaan having d**m*d It dealrnbl. boor arrived, that le, when her Black to **u* mem oral* th# bravery abown by them the all tha Irlah raglmaatt in th* reoenl opera- NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE tact frta pea fleet ehould be strong enough, when just plumpness tion* (n Month Africa, h** boon grnoloaf- —AND— other Interested should be babies should an powers basy, healthy have. ly Bleated to annlwand that Irlah real- be under company. eto., Russia would make e move for pos- aoc. and fi.eo, all drugfiats. # uunt of Foot (retards formed TELEGRAPH SCOTT & Cham is Naw York. of Irish (i horde. m.rSISIW session of the Boapborna. ‘•As things BOWfiE, ts, the designation «

I I ANVUUISm / AHVlMgm to forgotten. Iknt K ana eat any fig are w*W " THE PRESS.- at at that of too national oenveatloac W vastly Improbable, PORTLAND THEATRE, rttIDil, APRIL «, IMA SPRING 1900. Week of April ». Matinees Dolly Commencing Tuesday. CURRENT COMMENT. My «toc« for tko Spring »n<1 Rumm«r Soogon Tinas comprises th» nlVHt poitoru It PHK8- EDNA--THE SPOONERS-cecil DAILY PKKS8- ADMIRAL DKWKY AMD TBS SPECIAL SALES napaRTozna, or at tba and ol Worsted and Cbavic'. Saltings, Bj Um yaw. #6 In advance IT IDKNOY. This Aftsraaon—THE flIKL FKOM TEXAS. (ha JEKYLL ASD MR. HYDE yaw. (Maw York Peek) Spring :: Overcoatings Tonight—DR. By lh« month. 60 cent*._ «OF«. EVENINGS. MATINEES. Tbrra aeami to to no doaM that Ad- and Trouserings. The Wager of Din. Saturday. The Old Line Klin. miral Da wants to to President. The el these rate* way stock is now for and as Th* DAILY Pit KBS Is delivered ah trail- The open inspection V-10-11. Matiness fact la greatly te to regretted, of these are In and cannot Monday, Tuesday k Wednesday, April Taesdsy k Wednesday to subscriber* M nil parte ol many goods patterns every n.ornln* ing baa not him for the re.poo he the cowers will have the La Matte aad eitraordtnory Faroe sad south Port- qualified duplicated early S*ern»Sy*i Comedy, Portland, and In Weetbrooh elblllllea ef the oBcv, eren It be were la advantage In having the entire stock to select land. tee prime ef life and toe tart pkyrloel from. ™ _ BROWN S TOWKT. MAINE STATE TRESS (Weeklyl- condition, while bis eg# and his health combine to readdr him usable te beer Without a doubt th* best and funniest ever written, lew H. Newcomb as Brown th* year. *1 :n advance, or 11.36 «t the W. II. comedy By Tba wll- Shirts KOIII.ING, It Is ibe hit of the season. If you forget It, you'll reeret It. taw terrible strata. Admiral', Gents’ end el the yew. Prices—Evening tAy SB, *», flic. Matinee IB, *Bc. llngaaar—orer-willingness. It will sea mrffl Baxter Block. dim ela months. 60 cents (or tore* month*. Per to some—to to e raedldate will eot oense ?6 ceni* an- __ tbe senmtlen now tbet rash on THE nouncement woo Id barn pradaoed a year Subscribers whoso are not delivered mate aad papers ago. Hit repntatloa for good The Return of ***—*«^* promptly wo requested to notify tbe office of goed tears than atood ao high, bis pres- Ibe DAILY THESS. No. »J Exchange street, tige grraklaud th.JpopuUr faith In that Portland Me. hla Inrlnolbillly was ao widespread W. _ CEO. both MoKInlay aad Dry an might wall RINES BROS. 00. WILSON, hare dreaded him as a for the and his excellent rompanr Including Special %'audevllle Acta, LAIUKv ORdlRNTRA, town competitor Patrons of the PRESS who ere leaving Preeldentlal nomination. Bat the Ad- RRAl'TlKt'li M'RNKRY, KI.M THK IPFBCTS, etc. A Splendid Repertoire of Flays here tbe addressee of their temporarily may miral waa a much greater figure on tba 6lh. we shall sell a lot of gents' This Afternoon—The Etick of a Factory Oirl. datlre to Today, Friday, April ptpere changed as oftan at they may by Olympia in the harbor of Manila thee \in»s Eves nud regular soft front percale »Oc shirts In assorted Tonight—Two Inqulslllve I>arkey9 notifying tba ofnea la aa a realdent In a Washington bouse, Jcfeai MATIN KFS. EVENINGS. and naltner tbe nos the of different made with • BICYCLES polltlolans people patterns colorings! The Great Diamond Robbery. Saturday. Messenger from Jarvis Section. now attach anything like the Importance tnrn down collars to match each shirt? Harbor Lights. Monday. Harbor Llrhta. Mr. Van Stcklan, who la the prlnolpal toh la opinions or wishes that they com- Two Xmas Kves and Darkey. Tuesday. The Great Diamond cuffs detached also attache ull sixes Inquisitive Robbery. Boar apokaaraan In tbla oonntry, declared manded before he oime borne. I? TheGoVnor. Wednesday. The Luck of a Factory Girl. Fit the whole The l.uek of a Girl. Fantlan Romance. the other from Id to 17 neck band, family Factory Thursday. M n maee meeting In Trenton WIDESPREAD KEUKKT. Messenger from Jam* Section. Friday. The Guv'nor. that the United estates eboald take Why Dudley Was Hypnotized. Saturday. The Mystery ot Romany Rye. night Admiral Dewey Is a fine type of tbe tot of four there For the little Vaudeville Features. FRICKS—Evening—lo, 20 and 30c. Matinees -10 and 20. the two Bow repnbltoe and annas them. Yenkee tba auojeasor Special seaman, worthy Is a beautiful little wheel—for That's an of settling It. of John Pan! Janes sal Dertd Ulaagow aaay way the larger sisters and brothers Karrsgut. Wa bare given him the Ad UNDERWOOD SPRINC. AUCTION >ALC1 folks losses In wo four stars with unanim- and for the grown really The Republican Mlohlgan mlral'a hearty Spacious Dining Hall alwavs Music baa him tbs safe bicycles. open. explained by tbs tact that the Dutob, ity. Nobody begrudged at only each. gooc, Card and Smoking Rooms, all with open fires F. O. BAILEY & CO. triumph be won after .what seemed bis brilliantly lighted by electricity and heated by numerous In tbo state, Who are quite banishment to tbs otooarrd Aalatto •team, decorated with palms and evergreen. ALL voted tbe Democratic ticket because they station, lint Ueorge Daway as Prssl- BEAUTIES An excellent menu from which to order. Aietioann lad CoaaiiuiM Kerekantn and fish dlnrers a of tbe adminis- dentr should ws doubt tbe ereen- Game specially. Snle.roaa 4< did not like tbe attitude Why made for Dinner, Dancing or KxckaafB Street. Ual of Ms own aelf-eatlmatef If Arrangements war. Nevertheless accuracy t'aid with or without social oars at tration on the Baer of It” parties r O. BAILBI. C. W. ALI.K'. bo should escape “mebtng a mew to office of Portland A Yarraoutn Klectrto Rall- wblob be* been one of strict la Price* assn » tl Its attitude, In tbe presidential office It would to $20 $35 w oond term ayndloatea" at Washington MmlNb $60,000of dividends & Aroostook Railroad. 5's. 1943 .or. or elaa could have withstood shows that we will not have to spread our Bangor ekUttment In tble part of tbe anywhere polltloal of aa 1* the case with for a single day the mighty tide Gents’ White out over a large capitalisation The plurality is Shirts, & Oil 1943 oonntry. Bepublloao Dewey ism. That be would hate been the companies which are capitalised for millions. Banger Piscataquis 5's, PORTLAND, MAINE. tbe less than at tbe last election, but nominated by the Democrats If be bed at A moat Important fact to take Into considera- to own our absolutely. It ♦* not Is not to have any sig- that time made known a wllllngnea tion. We property West Chicago Tunnel. 5's. 1909 1824. dlfferenee enough APRIL 7 and 9. teased It consists of 160 acres In Mnrlon Incorporated mo on tbelr Is not at all so clear. SATURDAY mid MONDAY, ground. A* far as Hbode Island Is con- ticket. Arkansas. Marlon County la rich In Zinc nificance. of docs not County, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Mere piofeestoa party fidelity and our mlnea are situated right In tbo RaProad Co.. 5's. 1918 tbe Democratic la In the deposit* Quincy cerned party go far with the men wbo at present con- heart of this marvelous section. same moribund condition as for many trol the Democratic organisation In the Still another fact. This Is not a stork Jobbing We shall sell a lot of unlauntlered while The Director* and Officers have In- Portland & Yarmouth Railroad 4’s. 1919 and Its oondltlon oountry as a whole and In nearly every genu’ operation. yaaiB past; doubtless vested their own money In this company and are one of the statea Those men want Bry- these !i at 3 for which that In shirts dnrlng days $1.00, bound to make It u success. Their entire energies In Khode Island fairly represents are to have Oakland Mo.. Water Co.. 1908-18 ONE MILLION and they bound Interests ol the 5's, an, Bryanlam Is less than wholesale price. The shirt* are will be exerted to furthering the other New England states. New Eng- at all eventa. Meet likely, though, Daway Stock holders. least a material, land* till remains, from Ur. Kryan's could, last fall, have had at well made of good wearing Write today for our booklet entitled 'IPiofits Newport Me. Water Co, 4’s. 1929 chance’" for the Democratic reinforced in Y.ixc Miminu '. Profitable investments In “the enemy's country.” fighting double stitched seams, are not so to find us they standpoint, nomination by deolaring for the Ubloago reliable companies easy DOLLARS. once were, therefore It Is for your be*6 lutcresta to And Other Choice Investments He oan get not a single electoral vole trnatv and Im- front and back, short closed bosom, ulatform and against Invest at once before the stock advances. band. Circular sent on from this notion. perialism. and In all sizes from 13 up to 17 Inch neck Address Special Descriptive applica- tion. Interest Paid on NUTMEG ZINC MINES DO., CEO. C. IRVIN, Ssc'* The yellow journals are again trying TilE MOTHEK CHURCH. White MO Nassau St., New York, N. 1. to make It neoeeeory for Admiral Dewey Also a lot of gents’ 73c unlnundered Shirts, TIRE DEPOSITS. to deny that he lie up .for presidential made extra large and longs also have short closed II. G. STEVENSON & CO MERCANTILE TRUST CO., can't let tbe nation's the of honors. Why they A Demand for P.r.phrruall. man- 92 lioom Boston. Mast. well-earned reel bosom (linen), are made up In drsl-cla** Stale .sis, 66, .He. bero enjoy In pesos bis mar30 F&M4m Portland, Draft! drawn on National Provincial eternal The Edward VI.*. Time. from and back and Instead of pestering him lyf ner with reinforced Jan27dtf-to Bank of England, London. In large or him Is too for aliased lrtertew with tleby double stitched seams, all sizes from 14 •mail aiuonuli, for aalr at current rates. anything, tor Instance, bale made to (Eastern Argue.) Current Accounts received on favor- want me to 18 Inch neck baud. able terms. say- “It the American people Cod man will re- up We hops that Hl.bop I'orreauondener solicited from Indt- for this high offioa 1 shall be only too for and 3 for $1.79. tb. service of mother church with Sale price Saturday Monday, vldnala, Corporation*, Hank* and to serve them. It le tbe highest atore willing others to accounts as well what and dealring open honor In tbs of this nation; Its altar and tnoense sanctuary The Knack as from gift light, those wishing to trausact Bank- citizen would refuse ttf Since th. Shirts are to satis faction. Bonds business of ^studying lamp a. It was in tha time of Edward All of these guaranteed give ing any description through •Mi 1 am oonvlnoed that the Municipal this Ha uk subject. VI. Lai ns hat. the trn* and th. grand Otherwise wc will refund the price othce of the President le not snoh a very churoh wbloh was for returned. Of Good is difficult one to Dll, hie duties being A nglioan Catholle putd uny Printing STEPHEN R. SMALL PmidMt to execute the laws of our and other mainly Uongrees." founded by Lord. the artistic insight into the MARSHAL. R. 600ING. Cuhlor. Do you suppose Ueorge Dewey talks that ISDTdtf “ art of all arts.” kind of tominyrotf—■Kennebec Journal. NEW USE FOB CON U BESS MEN. preservative We should not have supposed that With us is not [srsciiL to the rtual printing tisorge Dewey would talk euob "tommy- HIGH GRADE Washington, April 6.—From time mechanical—we treat it as an — FOR — rot,” but as he confesres to doing so we to time Congressmen hare experi- are ralnotantly oompellzd to oonolude art should be treated. enced some embarrassment from con- thst he did. BROTHERS CO. Wouldn’t it be wise for you to wl.h their RINES stituents who pic- APRIL Admiral Dewey announces that he tures and testimonials to shew the place a trial order with us ? Con- Securities shall make a mole extended and formal elHeacy of patent medlelnee. The dsolaratlon to the Amerloan people short- gressman of one stats not long ago gays INVESTMENTS ly. Presumably In the coming aommunl- suoh testimonials to tbs virtue, of a very THE THURSTON PRINT FOR SALK BY oatlon he will tell them his views on suooaasful remedy manufactured In his 17 1-2 EXCHANGE STREET WE OFFER some of the pressing publlo questions of •tats. These testimonials were published It’s Not the day. This le quite necessary If he ex- broadcast, and bud a great lnduenoe. ’PHONE 30 PORTLANO, MAINE a roan who to more than pects to be supported for the Presidency. They suggested to enturprl.lng people In like possesses average intelligence pay the market for when he can secure the best obtain- SWAN & BARRETT Municipal Bonds, Neither party not even the "people" other elate, a proper uietbod of utilising price meats, whose oandldate he wants especially to the Congressman. Mr. Ball of Texa.s able, and at the market price here. Attempted imitations of our be, le likely to take up a man without hay some constltnent. wbo make a patent methods show that we are doing business on correct principles. Bankers, Water Works Bonds, knowing something as to bis Ideaa on medlolne. Although be la the plotnre of as he these polltloal questions. ‘I'ne most sensible health, and Is ss well looks, MAINE. Railroad that be oan sent to him some of the The Difference PORTLAND, Bonds, communication, however, constituents tQariiUf with the that he take make to tae American people will be one medlolne request in prioo are explainable on the ground that wo believe in many a testimonial forth that makes no mention of polltloal mat- It, and write setting sales and small protits—Wa must sell three pounds of meat to Bank Stock. cere turiuer mao tu soy ms* no use agnio the good whloh It had done blm. Mr. Home others one, to make the same profit. Municipal reooaetdered and deoidad not to oliaas Hall was very- anxious to oblige bis and Prices: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Blood Poison ■ ■In bows. friend a; bat wee foroea to write to taem Friday Saturday Permanently Cured. You can be treated at to 16o 80 borne under same guarantee. If you have taken a bagging tbem to ask of 13 Lettuce, klndlf l.ttsei, Turkeys, Iodide i>otash, and still have aches news- 5c mercury. Tbs attempt of some English him someth log easier. Pork to roast, 9c Radishes, and pains. Mucus Patches In Mouth. Sore ta oonneot tbe attempted assassina- 14 to 1 Co 7o Throat, Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers H. M. & Co. papers Cucumbers, the Hair or BONDS Chicken, on of body, Eyebrows Payson Wales with tbe any part tion of tbs Prlnee of pres- Fowl, 13o Celery. 15c falling out. write 32 EXCHANCE 9T. ence Dr. tbe Transvaal agent, Beware of Ointments for Catarrh tebOdS of Loyds, Lamb Legs. lie Dandelion Greens, 85c COOK REMEDY CO. For April Investments. le There le not the slight- pretty oheep. lliat Contain Mercury Lamb Fores, Co lleet Greens, 35c 328 Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111., for proofs est evtgenoe of oonneotlon between of cures, capital g& Wo solicit the most Lewiston, 4’s any destroy the sense of as mercury will surely Spinach Greens, 25o obstinate cases. We have cured the worst tbe twe, and tbe existence ef any euob smell and derange the w hole system 4’s completely Native 12c eases lu is to 33 days, loo-page book tree. 9aco, oonneotlon la absurdly Improbable. Tbe when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Rhubarb, uov27dtf Such articles should never be used exocut on 4’s BOlINrDS. assassin le a an- Water Cress, 12c I Deering, Prlnee'e professional from physicians, as the _ prescriptions reputable 4’s archist, end tbe motive whleb Inspired damage they will do is ten fold to the good you Westbrook, IND., ILL., AND IOWA R. R. CO., can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh was 4’s him to lire at the Prlnoe doubtless Cure, manufactured by V. J. Cheney & Co.. To- Calais, Fist Mor'gage Gold 5's. due 1948 no aud is taken in- ERCIER sama as that whleb all of ledo, O.. conialus mercury WHICH PREFER.? entire Including equipment tbs lnaptrsa the blood and 4’s Covering property ternally, acting directly upon Hollis, and terminal* at the rate of * 16,000 per uule. his Ilk—a vague hatred of the existing mucous surfaces of th" system. In buying sure the EAT Cumberland 4’s. STATEMENT. 1*99. 1898. •rder of things coupled with a desire for Hall’s Catarrh Cure be you get genuine. County, It is taken Internally, and made In Toledo, Gross ta90.384 Libs all of bis breed be was forcing!.1902.303 notoriety. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. Also Portland Bank Net Kumlng.. 293.339 220 030 bottle. ARKET. doubtless more or leas laeaae, but yet lb Sold by Druggists, price 75. per iprtut Inlore»t. 116,90779,330 Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Stocks and other a Stolen! possession of his fitoultlea to be able to distinguish right from wrong Jirst class Bonds Surplus, $176,432 $140,700 Honda 4.W and are (or Mala* and re- WHEN IN TRY They haveitood the*•*» of years. yield legal and ooBStuoently legally morally DOUBT, suitable for Trust Banks. ATnnllA \ and have cured thousands ol Savings sponsible. \TKllNh atetofNmiDi«im.Mch « Funds and Conser- Nasal 0 I nunu Debility. DMaets, SleepJeas- F. ■ a a tea* and Varicocda.Alrophy.&c. CHARLES FLAQQ, Tbe only taupe for Dewey was that mi vative Investors. InllR I They dear the brain, atrengthe* 17 Exchange St, Portland. theta was still In tbe oouawy a RwAin I tbe circulatioa. make dlgeatloa large CATARRH mir9ru>adtf and a In all Its there _ perfect, Apart healthy amoant ol dormant snthoslasm for him stages ■■-■■Ml. ■■■ should be cleanliness. vigor to Ik. whole bdll. All drelos eed tan .r. checked Ueleapetleou ALL. would be revived tbe announoe- os Doeth. whleb by property cored, their coeditloe often worries them Into leteglty. Coosucsptlon 'TM RmURaI* Ouin meat of bis oandldcoy. Mo of It Ely’s Cream Bala Melted seeled. Price gt pee hoe: « knees, with Iron-clod legel fnereelee to sufe or rofuedtke signs boMi. PEAL MEDICINE soothes and beale Avon. Seed lor he. Addroe* CO., OlevgltAd, 0. ail»eodtf Carpet beaTing have On tbs contrary, bis cleanses, "oe«y yet appeared. GUPPY A Ha Portland Trust Go. the diseased membrane. C. H CO.. AGENTS, PORTLAND, dif announcement seems ta have fallen mar26 It cures catarrh and drives la some to know Set. There curiosity aw ay a cold m the head EVERY WOMAN AND UPHOLSTERING what lnduoed him to change hie mind, quickly. Disturbance. BMpetimea noedj» & reliable Sunday medicine* Foatlier Bed* renovated. Hair but that le about all. A few gold Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads monthly regulating Is Im- one v» (or those la Mattresses made over. Carpets oyer the membrane and is absorbed. Relief Every sorry people DR. PEAL'S For Women. Democrat* have shown some little Inter- church lest who were suffering Monthly has lifted and lata. mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying—dees Sunday Dr. Tolman's Regulator brought cleansed, altered, est In bte beoauee It come to our notice a full dose of to or anxious Women. jf oaodldacy, they hoped 50 eenta at Drug- having with distressing cough. A happiness hundreos not produce sneezing. Large Size, PENNYROYAL piLLS, is bo other known Promptitude. It la *orue way prove a that we are reported a* having Downs' Elixir on going to bed at night There positively remedy Efficiency, might or Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. arc safe and certain In result. The reqs- to medical that will so and in all of the gists by mail; the of the Hard- and small doses tbs dav will ours prompt, science, quickly Teams parts city daily. cheek to but even ere New York. given up agensy during never dlaeppotnt. Sent any where* do the work. Have never had a Dryan, they kLY liKOTHKRS, 66 Warren Street, our £e nSrPtal'.) safely single man Plano, we deem It duly tbs most severe Whenever there Peal Mediate* Co.. Cleveland. 0. cases not enttaoilestlo. Dewey him cell cough. *1.00. failure. The longest and most obstinate to the and ourselves to a sensation In the throat take are relieved in $ without fail. No other public, Is tickling ft Portland. Me. days professes to be pleased with tbe re- C. B. GUPPY CO. Agfa. will do this. No no no state iliut we still couirot the a few of the Elixir en the remedy pain, danger, JOHN ROBERTSON & CO., drops tongue most dTfllcnlt ception his announcement bae met, the Hardman nod interference with work. The sale of Plano, and let It run slowly down the throat treated corres- 41 Cross Street. to NOTICE. cases successfully through which would etem to show that be was Notice. ■hull continue as heretofore and immediate relief will follow. We, pondence, and the moat complete satiafai tion full line of tbe death o( Mr Rufus H. lllnkley. the hun- Telephone 8*1-4. either very obtuse or that be had baooiae Distriot of Maine. carry la stock a the agree to re- By guaranteed in every Instance, i relieve SfrMtf undersigned, druggists, late business under see. for Portland, t two. renowned Instruments. erne partnership, transacting dreds of ladle# whom 1 never Write a oaadldate bis will and was not those fund the money tf It does not any ttrm name oF SWAB ft ha* against Pursuant to tho rules of the Circuit Court of the BAltKBTT, farther nartionlars. All letters trutbtullv NOTICE. or throat been averse, to see bis bxa show- the United SUtes for the Dismct of Maine, cough, cold, whooping cough dissolved. answered. Free confidential advice in all left home therefore, IK. STEINERT 4c SOM CO., there. Mr. H. Rich- My wife Sarah J. Qline.. having the notice Is that Charles D Booth trouble. Tbe surviving pa George matters of s private or delicate natufe. Hear board, ered wllb the oddest kind of odd water. hereby given, ardson and Mr. Arthur K Hunt, wilt continue provided for har by yie sod my bed *ud of Portland, In said District has for SIT Street in mind this remedy is absolutely safe under dtie* that 1 applied Congress business In all Its branches under the same without lutt cause. J hereby give We an aud counsellor of said the condition and will should eey, judging from present admission a< attorney C. H. OUPPY A CO., •very possible positively .hall not pay any bill oi her *ttar Circuit Court. A. H. DAVIS, firm name. leave no after 111 effect# upon the health. By coatraatJM that bis de- T. C. McOOl'LDRIC, Mgr. Haaaatil Bf«ar«, bWAM ft BARRRTT. this April 2nd. .eon. bAMLitL er< iadlaatlona, aandldaey'was clerk U. S. Circuit Court. Maluo District. mail seonrelv sealed, fi.oo. Dr. R. M. TOD- isbSdt PORTLAAD.MK, March Slat, 1900. upraeedlw asj*, ijO£ land to be a nine days' wonder and then apr6-3t MAN CO., 170 Tteinont St.. Boston, Mass. • 6. IWW. OLD MB WEEK. | rwllMd. April

i $c., Board of Trade Discusses §. %.£ibbii Plan. Silk Waists - - Our Newest. To neglect telling you instantly of our new- lift ('omnittee *P City Cdintil nesses In Spring Silk Waists would be as unfair Vwtfrday. as for your daily newspaper to forget to publish hemstitched and a deli- the latest news. cate row of needle em- Telegraph Different Views as to broidery inside the bor- Waists'are arriving In quick succession. Four Time. der, thirty or forty styles^” New Beauties came while we were in the midst all different, to go on sale of the Kid Glove Carnival. this morning at 25c each, the dozen. They’re well worth your seeing. Got. RollinH of N. H. May Sleet $2.75 A hundred dozen pure You’ll find them on Sale Friday and Saturday Committee. linen hemstitched Hand- on Second floor. judge must have both experience kerchiefs with small initial in These downs are from a oapany about to and A housekeeper should needle-wrought make a cbanae Iti their business, and so sold learning. under price. Than was • largely attended meeting the corner at two for 25c 69c. be a for she too must have of Mo Portland Hoard of Trad# rooma good judge in same yesterday afternoon, Me oklef bnalnaaa department. Easter Cards and rGOODand or she may think that being to dlaenaa plana for tho bolding of Made of good experience learning UM Homo Weak In Mis sMte. As soon as Booklets. the made to look like are tba mooting bad convened and Me rwords soaps Ivory Soap just quality Print, of the last mealing bad bean approved The Draperies room A four-aided counter loaded yitli as With she will know tba following wen alaeled members: I. them, and a pretty collection it is. good. experience a Bar- K. Ullkey. Ueorgs H. Weeks, Jr., L. H. offers very special washable Colors, Cards, Novelties, Booklets. that lack the remarkable of the Usrrlat Crederlok W. Thompson, Ad ward in white Muslin bed- Flat Cards, 5e they qualities gain holding Cards, i, «. 10. 1 '.<• V. O'Urlaa, Lnmy L. Ulgbt, J. Neal twelve with yoke, wide Cara Crosses. 5c cent. Hoad, U. W. Norton. room Curtains, booklets. 2ft, J3. 39. 5do genuine. Ivory Soap—99*Vioo per pure. 28c Hon. Chariot /. Libby moved that Ms different kinds, plaids, Sachet'*, 10. 15. follawlag sst of resolutions bs adopted In Skirt, an«9c Wrap- shot memeory of the late Angustua K.Wright: stripes, figures, etc., Jardenieres for Eas- I Slaoe Me last masting of this a wool a all with full our board has been called to mourn deep ruffle, Tlds ELECTED OFFICERS. MAINE BIBLE SOCIETY. iloo. For $3.98. per. AQs ter. Mo death of ons of Ito members, Augus- at the Sale at 05“ tus K. Wright, who died suddenly at 98c pair. Mark down ail along the line. Held In Tills of Hire* tor* of M. A. S. The Annual Meeting City Uostoa on tba 16th nit. In vlaw of Ml* Waist of fine Taffeta Annual Meeting Elegant stylo too ones for 15c $2.39 odch $1.89 which removes from us a •* •• Yesterday. event, promi- :»c 44 31C 2.49 3.00 »*• A* ef Silk; colors are old blue, red, royal, nent oltlsan and an active member 79C 4‘ 63C 2.69 2.16 79c. *' " 44 turquoise, lavender, (several shades) color* such as i$c 72C 2 89 2.:a Finest Print, dark •* •* Tbe dlreotcra of tba Main* State Sool- The annual meeting of tbe Maine Bible Ms records an axprraslcn of our approola- The new McCall Pat- with $1.39 $112 3.69 2 96 and Is made full front, 44 gray. small ** 3 of Maine waa bald at tba rooma llon of bis Ufa and oharaoter. blue, red, black, with white, 1.49 1.19 80 3 12 ety for the Protection cf Animals mot ■Society French 44 44 While not a native cf Maine. Mr. many rows of fine tucking, 169 1.35 5.W 4.01 In tba First National Bank yea- terns for have neat ruffle-trimmed yoke; " yesterday afternoon and sleeted the fol- building bis home In Portland May just figures, 1.89 1.5** 8 69 5.68 Wright bad mada back, tucked in perpendicular clus- M 4 a number of mem- fitting Waist 2.19 2.19 lows olUoere for tbe ensuing year : 'erday at p.m. large for more than twant7 yaara and Had illus- turn-down collar, tight arrived—also the ters; dress sleeve and high collar, President—lion. Stanliy X. Fallen, bers beljR pretent. grown to ba an Important faotor In tbe lining, wide Skirt, pocket, a Dollar won This Saie was rend boalnaae life of this oommunlty. He trated for free well lined. Portland. The report of tbe trneteee by catalog QO Wrapper. This Sale *f Q Vloa Presidents—Mre.L D. M. Sweat, bla success by tba ardor, watchfulness, g Hotel Table Ware Her. Luther Freeman of tba Chestnut price, )9a90 ■ ® Portland; John Wars, WatervlHe', K. O. courage and tireless energy with whlab distribution—at the Lin- price, eburcb. ileal, Bangor; C. B Uesiltlna, Brltast; Street ba prosecuted bla bualnaaa antarprlaaa. Frank L>. lMngley, Lewiston. The following memorial was edoited One oould not meet blm without talng counter. McCall’s 98c. tba earn eat Dess and sluoarl ings Recording Secretary—Or. 11.C. Vaughn, tbe of Hufae B. Binkley: impressed by $5.00. Of best dark and medium on death Mai and direct Print, FoxorofL ty of tbe man, and tbe Patterns, you know, are and This society wishes to express Its higher wblob be bla alma colors, yoke, shoulder cape Corresponding Secretary—Flra S. T. neaa with pursued flue texture. of tbe long oontlnoed and attention to bla Black Taffeta Silk, Pullen, Portland. appreciation Wbila uarsmltliug In bla sold for io and none collar trimmed with fancy braid, valuable eertioea of Mr. Bolus H. Bink- tbe 15c Is ruffle Treasurer-—— — private affairs ba did nst forgat The entire front Corded, Waist yard In Its bebalf and cf tbe lorn It ha* and was al- light fitting lining, N. Portland. ley larger duties of citizenship, and are to back Is Corded in fan-effect, Agent—then Perry, Buffered In bis death. higher equal effect; a Port- ways wllllag to bear bla fair share of Skirt, Ideal make, *1.S3 Attorney*—Edward Woodman, Mr. wag oboesn sec- with rows of QOn WIlford U. Portland. Hlnkley reoordlng publlo burdens and to give freely of bis at high collar, ripple This Sale at land, Chapman. In and ooatlnued In any any price. Wrapper. retary May, 1804, lima and srrvloa to say enterprise that on of sleeve, flare cuffs, Veterinary Snrgeans—F. W.Uuutlau- tbe Cording top that position until elected one of tba of our to, D. V.S., Port’and; Ueorge F.Weeootl, would promote prlnolplei nlty. well lined. This Sale trustees of tbs society In 1871. In 187V we $1.25. Portland. Wa shall not soon forget tbe debt he was made He treasurer,an off! os wblob Fine new pattern Percale, elabo- Finance and Committee— Ed- owe blm and bla associates whose enter- $5.00 Auditing he held until his death. In all tbe eereloe Edward Wood- and publlo spirit oarrltd to a suo- trimmed with Swiss embroid- ward H. Darla. Portland; and rendered prise rately he rendered to tbe soolety oeaaful conclusion tba long delayed erec- man, Portland; Edward 1). Noyes. Port- Mr. Hlnk- MOORE & CO. ery ruffle and braid. Flounce wltbout any oompenectloa, tion of tba Jf Hereon theatre. OWEN, pattern., Maddock Vitrified land. tbe Sale ley displayed lidellty, devotion,kind- While In bla oonvlotlons and $5.00. Style. This touch > t him strong The thick, quality, li ness and ability wblob distinguished ba waa oonalderate of tbe feelings always $1.25 but delicate in su with men and OBITUARY. In ell bis relations with was mindful of tbs style, opinion of others aod Of imported Taffeta Silk, in all the Island Percale and eooletlee for tbe good of men. Sea Dirally Wrappers, the best Hotels in t laot that oourlasy smooths the way to small gored ttklrt. with deep flounce, Used by bis servtors bemads tbe work of best colors, Corded all over includ- figures, ALBION BLACKSIONE. By agreement. Aa a maiubar of Ibis board ba removable collars, 91.5®, 91-75. I’onc-e do bis aacoolatea easier, patting also Leon, thereby waa alive to tba lntereata of our elty aa a ing sleeves; the high collar is ■■ well known them and tbe entire State under lordova, Fir. Albion Blaokstone, the great commercial port and was always ready to flare finished with Sl'ISLTALS. to him. Corded, cutis, TWO NIUHTUUWa The Plant of mason and builder, late of tbe Arm of obligations co-operate In all measures of publlo In- ! System Tbe life be lived ennobled boman life, two rows of Silk Stitch- AP IIA died terest. We snail miss at our meetings bis Steamers, Harvard College, Blaokstone and Smith, yaiterday tbe Master be served and was giorltled kindly preMnoe and bis obeerfnl, lined wOilIU at bis home In Woodfords of a tervlee In oordlaj ing, throughout, lege, Pennsylvania, Southern morning lit preparation for blgber greetings Neck. conditions. We with him In High iirlght'e disease, with wbloh he had been higher [art Kssolved, that tbs foregoing be spread Northern Pacilie, L. V., B. Jr 0. Rail- sorrow, but also Id gratitude and In faith bo for- Made of choice selected Muslin, efilleted for the past two years At the upon our reoords, and that a oopy roads. one of a sot. Prices for blm to ills waa Buy piece that gain. warded to bis family to whom we tender $5.00. Pointed of Solid last bis death was quite sudden, though joke embroidery, that will suit you. The following ollioers were elected for our si not re sympathy In their cflllollon. he had not been able to attend to busi- the new effect, embroidery nifties, tbe ensuing yean These resolutions were unanimously Of extra heavy imported Taffeta finished with ness for two years. In neck and sleeves; President— Bev. A. T. Dunn, IX D. adopted. Silk; pretty shades of red, old blue, Mr. Blaskstona was a native of the Vloe President—Bev. Lather Freeman. fine Feather stitched braid, good Boston Tbe subjeot ot Old Home Week was turquoise, lavender (several shades) Bankrupt town of Pownal and lived tbeie daring Treasurer— L. M. Webb. length, double-back-yoke, Dal- then discussed at length. Hon. Cbarlaa and AUover tucked clus- QOn In Ilfs ne learned the Coireepondiog Secretary—Bev.Asa gray, front, Stocks. bis toyhood. curly of tba of tlma Thia Sale price, 06“ ton, D. D. F. Libby spoke question ter of tucks in the mama's trade In Portland, bring associ- back, perpendicu- We have several Heeordlng Secretary— Newell W. Kd- for tba oelabratlon and was at tba bought departments opin- lar tucked lrom shoulders to ated with Messrs. Knight, Uedlop, Ureen eon. effect, of a Boston ion that it should take plaoa at a later great Bankrupt Stock, just and Later he wat la buslneas Auditors—H. W. Sbaylor, Osman flare cuffs, a bow tie attached, Empire Style. Jordan. 11 rat In wblob pretty the needed in family. The Adams tlma than tba weak July, soft finished re vers goods every men and nil were euooees Allover tucked AP, muslin, ^ with these tour Collar, Oil are and will be Board of Trustees—Ksv. W. Spenoer, had been suggested. of Allow goods arriving arranged fnl as masons and builders. For lined Embroidery, very open eighteen D. D„ Skowbegan: Bar. Smith Baker, President said that so far tba throughout, wDaUU for Sale in a few Boothby broad front finished days. ha has been In buslnsts with Fir. D. D. Portland; W. K. Neal, Portland; at our effect, insertion, years olubs in tba other states bad bought 1 are L. M. Heine Every garment Some of the goods outside of any Ueorge Smith, tbe Arm being blaokstone D. P. Parker, Portland; Coueens, with Feather Stitche I braid, revers Portland; Alfred Woodmen. Portland; seemed to be doing tba moat of tba work store bears the stamp of WRAPPER SALE FRIDAY lines we have ever kept before, and Smith. have been ma- plainly and sleeves trimmed with wide em- They leading A. F. Goodhue, Fort Felrllsld; Osoar connection with tba affair. Hut tba In in Watch the papers for announcement sons and builders for a long time. Hoi J.W. Ameok,Freeport; April, 1900, its make up. broidery ruffle, double wav, Aogneta; oluba needed tba oo-opuratloa or the peo- QOp Prof. A. Charles AND SATURDAY. of <>oods and day of Sale. Mr, Blaukatone belonged to the Leer- W.Antbooy. Lewiston; We’re not a store house but yoke back This Sale price 38** 1. WlnthroD; James P. Baxter, ple of this state and some looal associa- ing lodges of Masons and Odd Fellows, Bailey, Portland; H. N. Bolster, South Paris: tions should ba.formad for this purpose. rather a way station where also the of the Uolden Cross, Knights Perolval Bonney. Portland; A. W. But- Mr. Libby thought that It wonll baao Builders' Mechanic Associa- Book laud; Wllllem W. Brown, Port- reliable goods Exchange, ler, admirable for tbe State Board cf snappy sty'e, J. R. LIBBY CO. J. R. LIBBY GO. J. R. LIBBY CO. lead: A. L. Portland; Sam thing tion and Board of Trade. He was a mem- Barbenk, in and out at a reason- uel H.Ceme, Allred; Prof H. L, Chap- Trade, or soma other organization, to ar- passes ber of State street ohurob. man, Bfunswlok; Moses Glddlugs, Ban- range for a publication wblob would ex- able or a cut price figure. He had beau inarrlsd twloe ana his Bev, gor; President A. W.Harris. Orono; tbe of to the different plan way getting for we offer. second wife survive him. He had one son George B. 1 Beley, Bangur; Bev. J. L. Today, instance, .lunLine IT II PnrtUml: KftV. IMai- parts ot tba state and the aooommcda- First—A tail- vern. Portland; Galen 0. Mooea. Hath; tlons wblob oould be bad at tbe summer^ P nobby, finely ANNOUNCE NT Mr. lilaokstoae was an honest, upright K P. Sanr- Her.J. C.lVrkins, Portland; boarding bouses. In answer to n question ored worsted Suit in a small word was as as bis •on, tiaoo: A. ii. Uangor; Her. man, whose good Taylor, /.snas tba statement her. K. P. Wll- by Thompson, Ksq, no a and a naan Cbarlee Whittier. Orono; check. cut, 6 button, bond. Me was good ottlzen that Me High eo, He*. A. K. Wright, Porltand; Walleoe wm mada by Col. Boothby all who knew him He was breasted vest. resptcted by H. Noyse, Portland; I. N Holliday, Maine Central had a few yaara ago Issued collar, single always aosoessful In business and was re- Ha*. U C. Wentworth, Ber- Portland; a circular similar giving tbsss tacts, la That’s the very latest cut. as one of the builders In wick ; Her. K. K. Smith, Farmington. garded leading New Hampshire tbs state officials had this section of the state. The nnnlTereary of the eoetety will be The price, 89.89. taken hold ot the affelzs pertaining to held on April dWtb at State Street oburoh. Second — A dark Oxford FOK AGED WOMEN. Uld Home Week end the govsrno* of the HOME The addreee will be made by Prof. Neal stnte was the president of the aseoetation mixed Overcoat with The ladles at the Home were given a of Amherst. Spring having the matter In abarge. Thus far line mnaloal on rich silk to the CO. Wednesday evening tty lining edge. r L'NKKAL OF PHKBK b. BIMONTON the stats offiolals of Maine had taken no STANDA*RD"cloThTnG the Mandolin olub, through Invitation of 20 Years Looated at 255 Middle Street.) notion regard) ng the matter. Cal. Booth- The price, 812. (For Mrs. Ablel M. Smith. The following The funeral of blue Phebe b. Sim on- bad written to Governor Powers In- wee at her late by programme was rendered, every nnmtei to, which held residence. We here leased the store at X'o. 544 Congress street (where Mr. ( has. l»ay has been located for a number of after- viting him to oome to Portland nod at- of which was very greatly enjoyed: Over No. 6b Uanfortb street, yesterday we’re for a which the Yes; open evenings are it remodeled, aud fitted up for our special use, and shall waa relatives tend meeting at prelimi- years), liariug elegantly the Wavee, olob; sang. Miss Noyes; noon, largely attended by naries of the event wonld be arranged. your convenience. a.—Vent, Vldl.Vlol, b.—Sweet and Low, end friend* who came to Pay their lest was .Secretary Rich explained the troubles OPEN THE NEW STORE Club; mandolin solo, Miss Marlon Vtr- reapeots to one whom tc know only wbloh Commissioner Matthews was of James labor rlll; an gala serenade, Miss Foster; Char to love. She the daughter one hsd experienced la obtaining faotaregard- our thousands of for Easter, with the newest things In latan. Miss Marjorie Alien, Miss Carney; end buoy Slmontoa and the laet^but The first of the coming week In order to accommodate patrons lng the summer business ss the state rnANK m. LUW & darkles cradle song, olub; Kenluoky of n family of twelve children. UU„ hsd tailed to appropriate enough money babe, Miss Foster Her life was on* of patlant enduring • for the Men’s Outfitters, and lot lag self serlfloe, alwaye having a object. Mr. believed that If the matter *»° OPEN CONGRESS. comforting word for those In distress and Libby MOXlT.11K.Vr MtlJ.tKK. CAPS FURNISHING GOODS. was laid before the CLOTHING, bo a of the Into hearts end properly legislature aprOdlt HATS, There will regular meeting bringing sunshine the on sesured from i-.- --u, of Mes- of all who were appropriation oould ba Open Congress at the Choroh t'-.e lives favorsd We are assured our friends and Ihe that a Grand Benellt awaits ms. lou will bare I’leaty tbs stats. Portland board and of tba by mu; public siah this si Hi. The for She had been an Invalid the pari of the evening aubjeet acquaintance. the Randall said that this was a eommlttea from tba olty government to of to secure all tbs good tiling, lu our line tor Easter Holiday. dlaooaalon will be, Hesolved, that there for tbe past sevsn year* yet no on* ever Kx-Msyor Opportunity matter and that It should mnttara far tba aalsbraUna. should I a no discrimination In the mat- heard of n oomplalnt from her Up*. Kver vary Important arrnagd be before the ask- Roblnaon at tbit oonfsr- ter of tariff between Porto Rloo and other mindful cf the waata of other* without;* presented legislators, Mayor praaidad for an aaea and It ttaa voted to onll a territory of the United States. thought of self waa charaetvrletle of her ing appropriation. meeting eonaell rooma whole life. Mr. Albert B. Hall said that the action to be held In the common HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Co. ot tbs New Hampshire officials should of the City bolkllng at i.aO o'clook an tba Standard The services were ronduoted by the aa Incentive of 17 th. In vital! ant are Harlan M. Raymond of Westbrook to Kev. Dr. Blanchard, bis remarks, serve an to ths offiolals afternoon of April Clothing who,la S. of for this state In affairs to be lent te dllTeieat elate King Raymond Westbrook, II, touched feelingly on the life and Worth arranging regarding tbroagbont land on the southerly side of Warren of tbe deoaaaed. the celebration. He enggeeted that the tbe state to toad delagntea to tbla meat- Manufacturers and promoters of Fashionable, Perfect Fitting Clothing for Men aud Boys, Operators of ill) More. Westbrook. n Portland board taka the Initiative eo that ean be tt- in Ameiloa. apOiltf street, Interment was at Kvergreea cemetery might lag plans formally Largest Wholesale and Retail Dealers Charles L. Lewis to Benjamin Thomp- In ashing for an appropriation from the rangad and a time eel far tba celebration. A ZINK. son, both of Portland, for 11 a lot of land 4 NKW MAG Mgleletnre. An Invitation la also to ba mat to tbe MARRIAGES. In South Norrldaawock. Henry A. Sewell o! Massachusetts and Canada patters please copp. and Its Hats near Mnnjoy Nook. Tbe Portland Home Journal Is a new Upon motion of Charles S.Fobes, Ksq., offlolele of tbla state and to Oovaraar Wilton end Mine Ella Skillings of Norrhlge- In ilils city. Apr 1 6. Mary C. Fernald. Moitoe of funeral hereafter. a a of three of Presi- of finw who la dtalrtd wock. t ) monthly aspirant to public favor. It la oommlttse consisting Bolllna Hampshire _ E. W W'eb- In Union, Mai on 01, Joshua U Mayo, aped 62 Wardwell tc dent fioethby, Hon. Charles P. Libby far tba tpeelal purpose of giving “polate" la Kumford Falla, April A. by ttev. monthly, published by ba:. ol Mechanic rails, assisted by H*v. M. B OEA1 MS. years 0 months. Shall We D. Carlton, What Have for Dessert ? Clark, handsomer printed and wall and Hen. Charles M. Randall was ap- on bow tbe celebration was as tuesste- Townsend of I'lvfleld. Kdwarrt A. Allen and In Ruekpert. April 1.William aged Lean Una Putnam, both of Kumford. 60 years. This queatiou arises In the family every clothed. Itt oolored covered to be varied pointed to re pros sat the Portland board fully carried out la hie state last; year. Miss In North Haven. March 88, Loander B. Smith ID tills city. April •. Chen M., aged In Roekport, March 31. William Morton, aged Let us answer It Jell-O. are that Governor t» day. today. Try front month to month I* of pink ftr at the next mooting ot the state hoard for There strong hopes of Vtnalhavon and Mrs. Aldaaa C. Too mas of SB yeare days. SO years. a delicious and healthful dessert Pre- ter»;oe Sunday afternoon at 2.S0 end hue n handsome out of the the of oa sub- Bolllna will ba abla to ba present. North Havsu. [Funeral In 1. Rebhcca Conant, widow April, spoolol purpose conferring March .Tamos P. o’clock, at hie late residence. Nil MB Congress Camden, April pared in two minutes. No no m Rockland. 18, Aylward Cant. t enant. boiling' Blvertaa oeelao. For matter them Old Home Week. President Boothby, Bon. Cher lee I. street. of Joseph baking ! add water and reeding jects regarding and Annla Moore. In Thorndike. March SO, Mrs. Walter Flye, simply boiling March it. Frank Sargent and Ida In tklt ally. April 6, Albion Blackatone. aged ’a a histories! artlol* on the Portland The board of trade won at this and Alderman Moulton wars ap- Ill Potior, _ set to cool, flavors;— l.emon. Orange, meeting Libby aged SO years. In Rockland, March M, Id win Wade, aged and a Advertises sad other article* of and was followed a tub committee to the Gardiner on afternoon at 2 JO o'clock-, Raspberry Strawbeuy. Get pack- special point ndjooraed by pointed arreagi T°Ih r'berryleld. March *S»V. ®. had [funeral Sunday 4 months. Irani hie late residence, he, SB Hackle* street. M years age st your grocers today. 10 ots. Internet to Portland people. brief meetlag of the joint eammltfee on plhlus for this meeting. Miss Unrrial Moualiau. MHCRLLAX ROm. H. Duha, Mr. aad Mr*. John J. ITS ANNUAL MEETING. _mic»UA»«ow._HCUMBBOIH_ TRUSTEE’S SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION WESTBRM. Uoady, Mr. aad Mia, Jobs W. Worn. Mr. of rnorKirrr of ^ aad Mr*. Iraao A. Clough, Mr. aad Mas. Charitable Mechanic Aiearlatlea Richmond Water W. Mr. aad Mia. U. Mala* Company. Georg# Mltoball, Whereas the Kichmond Water a OMrrra Year. Company, It. Denials, Mr. aad Mrs. Itaroy Yarn*. ■Cirri Par Baialaf corporation existing under and by virtue of the of Us deed of W. Mr. aad Mrs. Bar- laws of tl»«.|}late Maine, by trust A. Datrab, J.'.fc and mortgage. Itearing date October 73d. 1*«6, WILL maa, Mira Mnrray, Mlai KHa Yaks*. Mira Tka anaual meeting at Me Mala* and recorded In tiie Hagadahou K- gistry ot Man * Deeds, volume 74. to 14 Inclusive. con- Aged Injured By Kdna A. Charitable Meobaal* was pages Kawry. ;Aa*oelatlon veyed to the Portland Trust Company, a corpo- Tba prliaa wars woa as followai K bald laat araniog at lie room* *a Con- ration existing under and by virtue of tiie laws A. W. MOORE’S FalL of said Htaie of Maine, as trustee, the follow- For Mr. J. B. Har- grew straat. The attaodano* was sot as gaatlanaa—Flrat, ~ Iiir described franchises, rignts, privileges aud BLOOD AND NERVE MEDICINE riott; booby, Mr. P. R. Nel.on. large a* baa uiaallp been Me | oaa# la property, to wit;— Far Mrs. Tatar; First. A certain of land situate in said ladles—First, Leroy other pearl. piece Dooby, Mr*. J. B. Harrlab. Kichmond, on the northerly side of the Litch- Mr. J. N. Hand, the preeldmt of field road, so-called, and bounded as follow*;— f .• YOU. an boond WILL CURE on ssld road at Iron Mo awoelatloa wai In Mo chair. Usorgo Accidents Commencing Tills Medicine lias and Is selling on its SOUTH PORTLAND. Every Oay ninety-' ijlit (M) feet westerly from a point 4 the southwest corner of merits when von take care of the (lorliaio Nan Tried For Cruelty A. Harmon, Mo soorotarp of tbo auo- bites, stings, cuts and brnises all cause on s.ild road opposite k alone, Barm, the dwelhug house of James Park*. tiieuce on care of made hi* aaaaal Id wblob t.lnlment Blood nnd nerves, they will take olat'.oa, report inflammation. Johnson's Anodyne sa:d road north 04°, west two hundred and your Rheumatism, you can neither rub To Animals. PLKAMANTDALK. be etotod Mat that tbo legislator* bad, cures Inflammation. When the wounded spot is eighty-one ard one-half -*hI 1 %) feet to an Iron north atr. erst neven hundred Bor It out. As the public is fast srased- with it is hard to have to wait for boll; thence I’hyalc of ot Me request of tbs aasoototloo, tingling pain fourteen and on*-ha If leet to sn Iron is what tlda Mrs. i. K. UlUatlald aad obPdrsa <714'*) \ finding out, and that gives So a bottle of Johnson's Anodyne two amt ; Atlas tie Annul, bars raturnad fra la sd Its ohsrtor so Mat It map bold $160,003 relief. bny bolt; thence south 70 east hundred remedy, the demand of the thinking peo- and will be for the feet to an iron bolt thence south • faw weak* In Boston aad astoto. The aasoolatloa Liniment to-day you prepared eighty (2*0) friends tno re- rlslally of root or poreoaal JO west ssven hundred forty-three and one- ple, try it and tell your Tba will be worst. For years it has been a household cottage prayer meeting boo lost mrsD member* bp death daring ninety half i7I3( feet to bound first mentioned, with sults. bald this waak at tba of An- lininieut ever had such a a) bom* Mm. remedy. No other long, the right of way from said road to said parcel, Team tbs as follows! Elijah A. Total*, as »*kl Presumpscot Ball al* Klttarlda*, Kim street. past pear thorough trial and no remedy auch popularity and over and la any part of the laud of Master Charles Cool broth baa returned William H. Pod Dell, Blmon H. Sawpor, .1 .lines Parks for tne purpose of laying, operat- JOHN W. PERKINS CO., Agents, from a rlalt la Hparwlak. ing and maintaining water pipes connected with pleasant S. H. OolmWorMp, Albert Hawea, Al- reservoir of llie Kichmond Water Mira Bertb* Board man, who baa baaa the propcsed Organizes. Z it fhe said James parks reserving llie i Wholesale Mi. tba guest of Mti* Carrla Watarbour* for fred Krans and Augustus H.Wright, Coinpaui, Druggist, Portland, Johnsons right to enange the location of his barn without *( same baa far also leal drstb oo* hooorarp ftmia.ioou,we. Hummer atrast. water mark. f.ltv- Styles-New. Ilyer, IotoiI wools, M2-00 east to a stake at low (M's) four leet and three inches irom said Hondlet e’§ Mr. Patrick O Brlcn, an aged and re- To raoalrad from llbrarlae, 66 48 northeast corner, ihence southerly by the river received from anl* of old oi- epee ted sltlsan of a boat eighty yuan, fall (1 OKU AM. To at low water mark lo said Houdlette’s north t A 00 nonh down tin (lain at Me none* on foe tar triala, eas; corner; thence by said lloudlette’s Designs—Novel. To annual does, £80 00 line westerly to the point begun at; excepting and aa result Tbs spring term of the common aebool. •trert yteterday forenoon, a To Portland Motional bank, AOOftlW snd reserving a strip two rods wide on the threw hie shoulder oat of A began Monday, April And wltb the fol bills M00-00 # southerly side of said parcel from Front street place. To pap able, to Westou in of Cha seboole: to the Kennebec Liver, onvoyed wan summons! and the lowing taaoharr sbarga A. 1). physician Injured 71 Lewis and J. S. Maxcv Heptcmbcr 24, Froderlak Uobls and $3,843 sum* describe* In Prices-Riglit, Hath was scon pot beck late Its proper I aehnol, high 1KH6. it beinu the premises grammar,—Hoioo* L Pivthall, prlaol To catb oa band April 4, 1838, 1,073.71 two deeds ot warranty given by Prom » H* thorn a tints Mrs. O’Brlon I plaoc. A chert ago Knai M Harlr, as.lataat; primary, to tiie Klchmoud Water Company, dale respect- A. iwc. aud 24th. bad the mlsfortoa* to fell on the las, sue arltt O. HamUeo $8,817.42 ively .inly J8, 1). r-eptemher CJ; MODERN RUGS. A. D. IM6. ttie former recorded In the Keglstry an to her ana. Waaoott aahnol— Loube A- Libby. ANTIQUE of for nUi.oe book «». page talnlan lajary Expenditures. Deeds Hag County, Fort Hill-Julia H. Johnson. M3, and the latter record* In the same Regis- Tbs workmen ere laying tba clone for to ) West Uorbam—Alloa P. Hay. To pold fas), t£21 try, book 6 erly tide of Front afreet, southerly \ White Hook—Mary V. Caffla, principal; We follow one line of merchandising;-give all Canton lloudlctte's southwest corner bound, Patcb of Uorhaia was tried on a oharge 11 <6 Annie K. Files, amletaat to paid printing, J, as fixed by him in writing July 2l**>. given to *: of to animals aad latoxleatlon. Lowell. To 21.76 t',*- town of Lichmond; ttieuce southerly on oruelty Moebsr—Hernia M. paid advertising, our devote all our center all our time, energy, said east line of Front street seventy-six feet ADAMS 4 The offense wss committed a few days The Leri Hall a .bool began March ltitb io a Ihence In a course CO., as 73 60 and four inches stake; ANDERSON, with same washers last year. and tbe aatborltlea bare been ta We’ve 8. K. to a stake at low water mark at the v ago club mat this waak with To 676,04 on rug and carpet trading. ft3V%° The Monday prli salaries, thoughts comer ol land to llie Kicli- Fire of Patcb but without auooess. 71.48 northeast couveyed Ineiirunee, searob Mia. Aanl* Mayo, South street. Tba To paid expense nooounl, Emma llathornt £00.10 inoud Wat r Company by , Patou returned to bis horns and Hud lag meeting war wall attended Hereral fpa- To psld school ao-oast, worth thence northerly along the river at low water £60 63 learned about all that’s to 31 EXCHANGE ST.( that tba oflleera bad been looking for him per* war* read. Tba mua'o was by Mile To paid repairs, JI mark fllty-four feet and three inches an mm cun; uirucc uj a ™«in ■» /* »»• »«■*» — AMENTS OF— Hattie Harmon. Tha next meeting cf To socoont to wit: he started for tbe station where he pold Llbrnrp the same de- poltee tha olub will be bald wltb Mia Laura knowing con- cernlng floor point begun at. It being premises ?*liooka_ $11 73 scribed in a deed of \vsrrainy given (o the Rich- gars himself up to tbe author Itles. The Mnabar. Mala street. J( ate 1» so mond Water Company by Mallie Brown et als. U. and Mrs. U P. Blading, judge heard the case aad lmpoaad a flue Mr*. John Biggins * 10 I fabrics, proved our reliability, dated July A. I». recorded In .Svgadaboc PHCENIX Stationery, 3>, Craaton of wars tba aud iu a deed ot war- of tire dollars and ooate for to an- Hearing, gpasta Hi table, 81.66 Registry, book eo, paaeMK*. oruelty uf Mr. aad Mrs. Ira Oils, adlng ranty to the Richmond Water Company Wednesday Salaries 460.(0 and our cus- tomers find It 11 given imals. This has and ousts wars paid, for Main street. by Mary A. Brown, dated September -*4th. A. I». Insurance book Company Infrtvlantlitii Datflh was ft mart ft wss rinllnan left * IhN, recorded In sail Kegiscy, (JO, page OF HARTFORD, CONN Mia Kva Merritt, Main street, yes- tec.* to here. 562. .. ■££ terday a taaeb eohool la Hoyalsms, Mara. profitable buy and ocste. X'be otiU In thin oana wan To paid Improvement on library, 1,416 4& IJ Fourth: All the right, iitloand Interest, estate Statement lat January, 1900. Mia Merritt Is a graduate of the Gor- of theBiclinmud W ater bna waa To 1 osararioe for five 634 63 and property Company Orrrn.nl7a Loans on Keal Estate. 101,523.18 taken tbe northern part ot tbe town, Mr. ing. rerat lug or maintaining said waterworks; be held next Tre-kaurar aud revenues toailso Accumulated Interest aud Rents— 27,033.30 Naomi Hebekab lodge Is to Godding tbe eastern and southern and AUUUSTUS F. UKKKISH, un all *lie profits, income therefrom, including ad the rentals from hy- at o'olesk. Uaole Mr. Whitney has tbe western. Tbe per- H. obalrmao of the Total Cash Assets.*... >3.523,049.70 Monday evening algbt Ceorga likbb, drant* and income fiom water rates, nnd all be a local sonal propertr will ba Irel than last yaar. that the asso- emoluments derived fiorn ™ lorn's Cabin Is to prase ted by aohool oommlttee, reported p oms. Income aud Mr. y. P. Johnson baa bean wnh smiI vowii of Rich- LIABILITIES. to appointed from any nnd all contracts talent, the last night of the fair be ciation aohool bad been open No- KILBORN COMPANY or street commissioner by tba selectmen for W. T. mond ; ami all other property, real, personal Cash Capital. $2,000,000.03 bad been to Richmond Water Coni l eld In May. the aasulog year, for district No. I. vember is to hlarob ll. Thar* mixed, b lought.' s*!l Reserve lor Outstanding losses- ‘i71.I99.54 ij its franchises, charter and with Frank of Standlsh has been Mrs. Bennett, a former of three Una la maobanloal draw- pany. together Reserve for Reinsurance. 2.029,575.53 | Mr. Hooper graduate elaaree. amendments made thereto, sbd all powers, tba Normal aehool and now a teacher In Net Surplus. 12J22,877.58 the gneet of bis brother, Kdward Hooper, ing, on* In aroblleotnral drawing and STREET rights, grams, privileges. oenehts, advantages, Boston, Mass., visited tba Normal aehool 24 FREE immunities ana exemptions granted thereby, Lamb for tbe two weeks. Mr. on* la odvanoed meobacical Total Assets. $5.523.649.70 street, past Ibla week. drawing. j| aud ail the propcity of • very mime and nature Hooper la nearly blind and baa been un- Mr. K. 11. Emery, our large dry and In all 40 8ration* of the aohool bad been 0 which now belong* to the Richmond Water I>. W. C. SKI President. -4 m and connected with or aopet turning ETON, treatment at the hands of Port- fancy goods dsaler. In In Boston this hakl. lb* attendance at tbeae Company, dergoing average to said water works now being constructed, EDU ARD .MILLIGAN, Secretary, week on business. mrcocodrsw olaaiea bad been 17 eaok eeaaton with the and within the said town of land physicians. Twelve of tbe Normal school puDlls eoulpped operated of at 30 Richmond. Mrs. Klla Holaton, wife of Llent. L. O. were teken down with the grippe et their average age the poplla year*. 8*1-1 deed of trust aud mortgage aavlog be* n Uoliton of Cheater, Penn., baa returned homes during their vacetlon. Toe library oommlttee reported that made to secure an issue of bonds of said Rich- mond Water t ompany lo the amount at par of to htr borne Mrs. Holaton baa been In the library had teen equipped with new on RANDALL k 1ALLISEEB THE CUIKTS. sixty thousaiid (eo.oout dollars, payable tbe this olty slnoe last lleoember,being oalled •helve* and that It waa aaaantlal that a first day of November, 190U, in lawful money of the United States of America, at the Portland of the book* abould be here by the sickness and death of her new catalogue Trust Company, in Portland, Maine, bearing in- & CIKCUIT GUUHT. cent mother, who died only a few weeks ago. U. m ade at onoe. terest at the rate of five per per annum, 1 with Interest attached thereto, payable tba District coupons Xbe Preeumpaoot baseball olub baa or- A bankruptcy session of The librarian,Charlea H.French,report- I, •emi-annualiv mi the first days of 1-eiu uary and COAL. the ofHoets; oourt was held ed th* whole number of book* In the August, at said Portland * run. Company, in like ganised with following yesterday morning by lawiul money, on presentation am! surrender of Juatlee Webb and several tloners ad- to be with three hundred Manager, Joe Burnell; oaptaln, Parley pet library 13,710 said coupons as they respectively become due, Stanford; secretary anil treasurer, Joe judged. Petitions In bankruptcy have added daring the peat year. 15u ranc- forty ot said bonds living of the denomination of one thousand dollars each, and forty of sahl of had availed them A Full Assortmeet tf Lehlgii and Free Burnell. Ihe team Is to be made up as teen filed by John G. Buoklay Veazie, her* of the association bonds being ot the denomination o! five hundred follows) Catcher, Irving MoKenney; Hiram li. Foes ot Charlestown, Calvin aelVJ* of tbs privileges of the library dollar* oaeb. all of which bonds have been nego- tiated by said Richmond Water Company and Ceils far Domestic Use. and Bert C. Dow f Cbarlea 8. Clough the and In all 1,(00 bock* Bunleg pitchers. Albeit Uilman Hloe; Walersllle, daring year New Top are now outstanding lu the ban ts of the several first base, Kdward Shaw; second bate, of Island Falls and Charles H. Uetohell bad been taken out. holders thereof. Pocahontas (Semi-Bituminous) mid Ana whereas it is provided hi the second ar- Pule; Stanford; third baas, William et WatervlUs. The aaeoelatlou then unanimously ticle of said deed or ti u*t and mortgage, that m sre George* Creek Cumberland Coal* ra-e default sh ill be made in the payment of the Walker; Andrew Kelley; left The oase of Mlnale Haggett ot Port- eleotad the following officer* for the ensu- shortstop, Coats principal of any of said bonds a', maturity, or in for steam aud vs. Steamboat com unsurpassed general field, William Mann; oentre field, Uoraoe land the Casco Bay ing year: payment of any of the said coupons attached to of said bonds, according to the tenor there- Oil Henderson, sub- paay, an aetlon for persona] lnjurlea Preaidant— Fredarlok A. We know whit any forgo use. Stevens, right field, Tompson. good of, or in the fuifiltneni ot any of the other re- sustained while on steamer leased by tbe Vlo* H. Uutohlaa. or stitute. Kdward West. Pnaidant—Joseph clothes ire, where to buy quirements to be kept performed by the said Genuine l.jkcns lallej Franklin. V. Uairi'b. as In said deed of Mr. A. Cragle haa con- defendant, bus been settled by the pay- Treasurer—Augustus Richmond Water Company Hugh kindly A. Harmon. • them ind how to select the trust slid mortgage is provided, tnen the said and American < ante 1. ment of to Secretary—lieorge English sented to give an Illustrated lecture on damages plaintiff. Benjamin secretary—W. Herbert Port and Trust Company, or its successor or Corresponding nobby styles ind patterns. m and the Home sad Abroad" for the bene- for the Cssoo Bay oompany, successors, Its discretion, may. upon "Views Thompson Avarlll. of the holders of a of Above Coals Constant* K. We want to siy that we written request majority fit of tbe Warren Congregational Sunday end Morrill and Moulton for tbe plain- Trust*** for thiea years—Frank the bonds secured by said deed of trust ami Hedlon, Thomas P. Baala hive never hid is choice ■ then outstanding and unpaid, shall, On Hand. school, lb 9 lecture la to be at some tiff. mortgage ly given Trnatee for Una Year— Jaroee N. Head. wbh or without entry, sell and dispose of the TCEEPHOVE ... 100-0 stock of clothes in our time during tbe month of May. 8UPEKIUH GUUHT. Committee of Keller—Ward 1, Franola good premises aud property thereby conveyed, and substitutions, renewals Xhe olub was ward C. A. Manolx; wardtfb store is we hive right now, all the improvement*, Ammonoongln delight- Nellla ve. John W. Higgins; 3, Quptlll Gupttll. N. K. Hedlon; ware OFFICE: entertained afternoon at W. Klrroh; ward 4, and we're to made thereto, at auction In the town of fully Wednesday Is aui action to reoover ready quote public This damages 6. J. F. Hover, ward 6. Thomas Connor: Richmond, first a notice of the time tbe borne of Mlm Laura Forest r\ri<'«»e that will interest vou. publishing Foster, for Injuries received by plaintiff la aon- Kuril 7, Henry Soule; ward S, J. L. Saw- and place ol said sale in soiuo newsjtaper put) Eichanre Sts. street. Xhe several read the Ward H. ELoee. a». llshed in said town. If any. and also In soiuo 7b Commercial & 70 papers by kSQUvnoe of aa alleged assault noon Bar yer; V, We sell the Hart, Schaff- aprS ILWkFtf in the city ol Portland, on-e in men)Del • were an uo Mr. tbe new was paper published very interesting by the defendant. Tbe plaintiff apd de- Thompson, president ner & Marx tailor made each week* for three mouths next preceding the tbe eoloe render* 1 lire. then Introduced to tbe association and la lime tor said saie, amt shall convey by Evelyn Bay fendant were bueband and wife. and coata. appointed formerly auits top the same by proper deed or deeds to the pur- White and Mies Mildred Uogere. both ot the made a brief ad- In 18117 the a dlvoroe. accepting position chaser or absolutely anil in fee sim- WM. M. MARKS, were vary rauob appreciated. plaintiff proeured purchasers, Portland, dress. Tbs association tben ad turned. ami such sale shall forever bar the said Kstreeh raente were served the af- A abort time afterwarda Mr. J ple. daring Uuptlll per- Richmond Water Compauv. and all persons ternoon Tbe next meeting te to be held ■uaded tbe plaintiff to come and keep claiming until r|it. from all right and interest at the home ot Mia. C. B. X. P. 8. G.E. therein, whether at law or iu equity; aud for the Woodman, bouee for blm at bla home la North Deer- CONUKE88 8THXKX Card Cbarcb street. of completing such sale, authority irre- purpose the Book, was on a and abe continued with blm In tble Tbs X. P. 8. C. E. of tbe Osagrest vocable is hereby conferred upon said Trust Tbe rank ot knlgbt conferred Ing AND- as trustee, to make, execute and de- candidate tbe of tbe ae- strsst M. E. oborob held Its annual ban- Compauv by Proeompsoot Valley lodge, capacity until day alleged liver all the proper deeds to Pass to the pur- of last After the K. P., evening. work, aault on the


Address on Subject by F. D. Cummings. We snail Make Regular $O Oo Caniuet Photos lor Maine’s Greatest Store. le Cl iins That Religion Is Taught in Schools. $1.00—PER DOZEN.—$1.00 $0.00 OarTx>n Photos YOUR OLD WALL PAPER WILL LOOK LIKE NEW And It Is Contrary To The Constitution. $2.00—PER DOZEN—$2.00 if you let us clean it.. The work is done un- ABE HERE TO STAY. EMPLOY MONK BUT KIHBT CLAM ARTIST* I AW UP TO STUDIO. W small and HAVE DATE der your own eye, at expense, As reme HAVE THE VERY BEST FACILIT1KM. ft jW j Quotes Authority Sup TO PLEASE YOU. ABE UOI'RD AMD DKTRRMIMKD gjag^B Conrts of Several States. WART YOUR FATHOM AUK MOW. without the to the paper. The WANT \BIH PATRORAUR IN THE PITI RB. slighest injury will amaze And this Great Offer is Merely For An Advertisement to thoroughly improvement you. delivered an ad- Mr. ». D. Camming! WAIT until draaa la Ataembly hall olty bolldlog laat introduce our work and show you what we can do. DON’T InatruMlon In tbo cleaned the wall, and celling, of one of the most prominent residences In the city. evening on rallglaoa of this offer but come and avoid the rush. We have just been the last days early almost a. fresh as the It wa. publlo Mhoola. Mr. Cummtaga baa The paper ha. been np for over Hfty years and to-day looks day hung. ndeavorlng to prohibit all rellrleaa la* That's what the owner .ays. She doe. not wish her name axed, bat will he glad to have anyone Inter- ot kind In the publlo atraetlon erery ested call and see what a marvellous change ha. been wrought, roll particulars at our oilier. oohooU of Portland. Una of hla children want to a kindergarten In ward one and wae than taught by tha teacher, ao Mr. olalme. a prayer or a gram Camming! UPHOLSTERED PATENT before loo oh. Mr. Cnmmlngi upon learn* CLASS WARE. Desks. tba aokool Writing lng of tbit appeared before THE SMITH PHOTO "ir ootnmlttee and triad te them to make CO., gat TUMBLERS. Hsndsoms pressed Fieot floor .Iteration, hare crowded thorn SWING ROCKERS. the tome rule ateolntely prohibiting TELEPHONE 988-12. gloss. Almost ss showy ** their cut glass pretty bard. We are .bowing aome fifty school of aprflM.W.Ptl cents dozen K**member thia It', an oak teaching In the publlo prayera, brethren, 25 ■tylea. apecial. and comfortable action. oak and Delightfully easy tba reading of tha Blbla or anything alee ladtea’ df.k with quartered panel ahelf. There i* aome nice earring back, aeat and back in which might be oonetrued aa religion, ANOTHER PROBLEM. Real Cut Qlsss Tumblers, writing High upholstered on the front lid. Tha inaide ia arranged in and durable velour. Your choice of inetruotlon. dozen pretty $1.26 eight conrenient pigeon hol«e. nicely fioieh- The attandanm at Aaeemhly hall laat oak or mahogany finish. We have never U’htl Kind nf Shall We Knee ed. There ia a liberal alaed drawer with was Light! evening when Mr. Camming! epoke bra., The leg. here the corr.ot seen them advertised for less than $5 50 on the Islands. WATER BOTTLES, one pattern trimming*. not In faet the audleum be od- for large. of clear glass. graceful French curre. $6.00 ralue We sell them at $4.98 Mr. particular grace, pressed draaaed waa eery email. Cuumtoge cents each $3.08 a for tbe Walsbacb 1? •aid In henlnntns that tbla waa a grata Mr. tiarcla, gaol Al- to the light. In answer to a summons from Stein-Bloch Clothes. question, fraught with dangers Jsrman chairman of the light state. He raid that religion In the pnbllo Brown, lo town Mr. Tbit show! on* way in which the schools Ig both In prlnolple and In faot a committee, was yesterday. Uarela la to submit a to tbe union of ohuroU and slate—e union of re* proposition WERNICKE “ELASTIC” A “Smooth commltte for Peake end Bong For the season the Stein-Bloch Edged” 1Igloo and law. Mr. Cummings claimed lighting present Spring ia ot,ta built- You know Islands with Welebach lights. BOOKCASE that this was contrary to ths principles naphtha clo.hes are made from Exclusive patterns, build them Or wide or nar- Their brilliancy Is about equal to tha gas practically you high low, of ths republic. Me said thst la claiming Can Opener. Welebach. not found elsewhere. The of euit the and own the teaohing of religion in ths pnbllo of special designs, styles row, to epace, your fancy. one ot the oona- he ooula Councilman Slomao, a of cobools was unconstitutional tho as are and to Juet ee you would build op pile of blocke. aale in the baaement thia week was In rela- garments, usual, original designed Special as Jefferson, mltt e on lights, Interviewed quote sash authorities can Instantly ad- He he doesn't The unit* can be readily moved with the Hopper's patent opener. franklin and tirnnt and a tion to the project. says meet tho of that class of men who Madison, specific requirements to size can, makes a smooth care how of these are In- booke all in them. They’re bendeome, too, justed any many of the great ana nobis men many lights great clothes" when see them. For several no to cut the stalled on the Island never can take know “fine they ae well aa convenient. Your choice of oak, cut, and leases rough edges of this ooantt7 ns well as the decisions of they tbe of the aro lights oo Peake or eolid We are The 20 cent kind for the Supreme courts of several states. pleoe years we have been selling large quantities of clothing birch, walnut, mahogany. angers. as tbe Island should be made as IB cents TOoss people who sneered at him and Island, aole agente. attractive as for the many thous- of this celebrated make and feel in who regarded him as a mdntaJ curiosity possible justified claiming ands of rliltore which throng at this — cr monstrosity wars trampling under the Suits and Overcoats resort. of tbe oot- Stein-Bloch unequalled foot the opinions of thsss great msn. Mr. famous summer Many have been Interviewed by Mr. tile- to wear on the market Cummings went on to ray that It was tagers by any ready clothing today. mao lo relation to tbe ohange. They feel not right that aay sort of rallgloos teach- Suits and Overcoats are for now. DRESSING TAI £8 that It Is a step backward for tbe eleotrle ready inspection Special Maple ings should be forced upon the pnplis of furnished the Peake Island all saots In the pnbllo schools whose lights by .-tramboet company are very brilliant too, have been ctowd r parents be tbay Protestants, Catholics, These, much to the cot- Chamber Suits. or In or and afford; pleasure *♦ * Hebrews believers aay religion •V to make room for the paper hang' and boarders In their svening are to maintain ths tagers no religion taxed • to and from the .theatre are giving the first floor a new schools. walk a and going No 248 it*, consists of bed, which stands tha most than referred to ths de- Peaks Island la by far sought ALLEN foim a notable collection, worth Mr. & with bevelled mirror 24 Cummings COMPANY, f> ft bureau, tha high, oourt of Maine of placa In Casoo bay. He also says that cision of ths Supreme has in any metropolitan store. We committee will never to substitute 30 inches, and commode. The bed drawn to whlob agree oy lb58, by Judge Shepley at below t > oil on this island. What them, though, way big and Howard eoaonrred for*electricity 204 MIDDLE STREET. some beautiful bird’s eye Just Juittoss Tenney aprGdlt panelling. which crowd a toilet had been to hlu as ths law would the multitude say For instance, dainty maple table, which quoted the thing for a young girl’s room or for cf this stats. This deolslon proclaims hlvertoo and Underwood every evening curved and 00 with convenient drawers, legs the summer months if the oom- use. Regular price $31 Special "that ths use of the Bible as a readlog Is during cottage French mirror as low as should with ere lights? bevelled not prohibited by any express language pany dispense price, $18.75 never It because ere of the Constitution." Tbs oourt not only They will do lights A fourth floor “trade puller.” $7.00 decided that ths Protestant Bible oould are a little more expensive. livery year I* there 1* an Increase in and sum- S’1 be read tut that ths tssohers bad a right cottages PEOPLE WERE SATISFIED mer travel. As one af the oomml.tia I — to oompsl ths Homan Catbollo ohlldren \ shall not vote for anything at tha kind. j their wills. Mr. Cum- to read It agaiost X wit* ▼« y ♦ said that this deolslon wonld net It would be driving people away. Tha IN mings z crude materials and methods in old » Z CHIPPONIERS island was so well last season now bold watar among the people of lighted feel Z ti mcs. X WHITE ENAMEL. Maine. He farther quoted from Jndge that ladles and children perfeolly CHILDREN’S FURNITURE. What would our if ♦ safe to be out In the evening without an X grandmothers say Thomas Uolntlre Cooley, from the de- Here's ft special for Frida? and Saturday- • they could see the white, light, delicious + cision of the Wleooneln Supreme oourt, escort. A five drawer chiffjniera in white enamel Z cookery made from “Henkel’s Seal of X with bevelled mirror. Not a large •nd other authorities to snpport his tinisb, HIGH CHAIRS twenty fire styles, in prices anywhere X flour, if were ♦ of furniture, but and conven- claims. ROSSIM CULB. Purity” especially they piece pretty ♦ from OOc to $5.00 “Shall instruction be la told that none of the nutriment of the X ient, $8,75 religious given Tbs Rossini club observed President's ths pnbllo subonls of this oltyf la It right Z wheat had been sacrificed. t day yestsrdsy with a oonoert at tbs ball. to give such Instruction? la It Jnst? la Try It—your grocer has it ♦ Tbs following la tbs programme: It lawful? I waa brought up tJ believe ^ Our is a one with leatherette seat, mahogany Sobuman Odd Bedsteads. special strong was the f Commercial that each one of us equal before Andante and variation* for two piano* Willing Co., of oonsolenee and Miss | finish, has strap instead of tray at shown in cot 08 cents law, that we have liberty Mls* Hlsnohard, Trlokey ♦ DKTKOIT, MIC H. T A number of odd wooden beds, just right se tu that no one has a shadow of a right to Vassal. ‘‘Ah, dorrnl,” for servant’s rooms, or summer cottage use, Vocal Solo, * NOTE—Other Commercial Mills products are: "Henkel's Koyal star Flour," X In way open oar rlghta or Pastry to close out at Infringe any Miss Rogers. X (highest grade); “Heukel'i* Fancy straight Flour"; "Henkel's Whole Wheat Flour." + Impose upon another any form of In- Romeo et Ulallotto Llest Each brand the best in its class on the market. Ask your grocer about them. + CHILDREN’S ROCKERS. at 50, 76, 90 cents, struction In violation of oonsolenee. No Polonaise In K Oat Plano solo. ^ naan bos a right to depend upon law to Invalid Wheel Chairs. 15 to 60 Miss Mary U. Jordan. $1 up $3 bis faith. No one ean interfere propagate Cberublne Av* Marla for rent A great variety of these, eith-r with right of belief and no eub division Vocal solo. W ATCHERS ARE OUT. ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE or sale. in the world contributes Mis* Fetter. Sfatruirut of 3l»t Dec. Nothing of has the to Impart In (ourilttou, INVtt, an government right so much to tbs comfort of invalid I Weber Concerto quite form of Instruc- I'KITKD STATES BRANCH. any way any religions Saloon Are More or convalescent I Arrangement for seoond piano by Uenaalt Keepers Brrouilug person. 4* tion to a oltlzsn." ASSET*. Miss Lowell, Mrs. Smith. Vigilant. Mr. Cnmmlngs sold that the people of Liszt Rolturno 3, Llebsstrau me Untied States Government Bonds....9348,808.50 Municipal and Other Bonds 731.88X00 this country should take warning that Plano solo. Mis* Fobes. The police seizure, oonttnoe one bated Csib In Bank. 33.282.8t do not under toot the rights Interest Due.. 10.298.0A •bey trample bear waa another In Mayor and yesterday bney day Premium* In course of collecilou .... 122.651.72 of any citizen, that there was a oomplete Ah Coma Raplda from 11 Croslato Cradles. Barber’s Outfit. the department, two more large seizure, Total Admitted Asset*.$1,245,826.08 Don't Onr separation of ohurah and state lest at Vocal solo, Forget Miss Varnoy. being made. Lots la the afternoon LI A III LIT IKS. credit* *t *nd We here some future time they should 11 nd tbem- At 85 cent., $15.00 Wagner Feuerzaubor Depqttee Frith and Chanary left the sta- I.o**es Unpaid.... •$ 47,400.00 finished com- aelvss some religions power. Ke-Insurance Reserve. 608,17X38 •bout «ll between. oppressed by Dio Walknro down to tbs corner of price* e number tion. journeyed Ail other Demands .. 33,82L32 plete went on to that the he had Plano Be lay olergy, solo, and oalled of in this Miss Phil brook. Center and Commercial (treat# Total Liabilities ....••••. 680,403.70 shops bean told, would favor religions Instruc- Ih- Carpet Cleaning Department Weber, Invitation la Valeo at tbs saloon of Fatrlok Kane. The >et Surplus to Policy Holders 606.422.38 vicinity tion In the publlo schools. Us said he cluding Quarlotto tor two piano*, patrol wagon waa backed up te the door did not believe that they wonld. Mis* Pblll'rook.Mh* Mia* Elwall Morse Smith's Hotel Fcrbes; and tbeo the otboers rolled out two bar- & Guptill, Agents, Cribs In ooneluelon Mr. Gumming sold that MU* Cobb. apt>dlaw3ws Chester I Orr, We take out all the dirt, kill moths and rels of ale, twenty-one bottlaa of lager on at the bands of his to Carpenter’s be wanted nothing bed. .11 the w.y up remove all and beer and a email quantity of hard stuff. And children-, Temple Bt, etc. microbes, spots stains, and hot fair and and » bearers, play Justiae M. LKWSKN & CO.'S OPRMRU. nl the aa i* Wrongly R. Kane happened to bo out time our offering tod.y a full line of revive the colors. We their old la such Instruction be- •19<0, We ere showing chairs, guarautee against stopplog Several men crib, with woeen lb* store of R. M. Lswssn & Co., was did alio the bar tender. < ♦♦♦♦♦ built, well BnUhed folding ranks, stands, tnlrror, etc. ing glvsn la the publlo sobools. | poles, any iujury to fabric and charge only a nomi- on of ware seated at a table behind the oonater *t.nd fl.t the is the automatic overcrowded yesterday tb* oooaaion wire nettrew. Will »g.ln»t One special ‘•Ecllpie” at nal for the whole work. HKKVlCEd AX GHKHXNUX SSXUEEX thalr Qlven'a orobeatra far- engaged la playing a game of earns. under . bed ehair, upholstered in rich car plush price opening. w^il or m.y be pu»h.d »w»y CHURCH. nlsned delightful mn*lo and tb* aasort- Karly In the evening the two deputies $30.00 when not in uie. $3.75 shown exalted tb* admira- started oat on another of their raids, go* A service of speslal Interest will be held ment of goods EYES BAD re- to saloon of ‘Thomas MoL> llnohy In Chestnut street churoh tonight. Xha tion uf alL Tb* management only lng the | In a pastor, Rsv. Lather Freeman, will gret that on a*oonnt of tb* crowd* they at 844 Fore street. They gathered That’s Too Bad. the attention to each barrel whloh was abont one-third ailed preach and several persona will be re- ware unable to glvs would wish. wit h three barrels whloh ware one- aelved Into the ohnrch os probationers. Individual visitor they ale, < > But we can make you eee just half fall of one-belt barrel of 1 e ale, porter | a* well as ever. We guarantee , ram. refund and a small lot of whiskey, gin and , perreot fit or we your At this plaoe nobody was abont the money. We make and repair J all kinda of iu our awn pram lees. Watchers In tbe vielnlty had glasses ! on the premises. A com- < Dr. Bull's cousyrup tbs word of approach of the I factory ^ given > piste stock of Gold, Gold Filled deputies. and Nickle Frames of erery dea- IS WHAT YOU WANT bean la blocs these raids have program \ | crlptiou. < Don't be imposed upon I If some one tells you tba watohsra have been obliged to hoop that another mixture is as cough “just good,” busy aad ora far more alert than over. don’t believe it! Dr. Bull’s cures—it never More of them seem to bo employed, os all fails. It is a Doctor’s made of the prescription to make efforts finest ingredients, and is a wholesome, honerft, of tba dealers plan special i; i from the saloons, MoKenney, sure and quick cure. Ask any mother what she to absent themselves recommends—she knows. white the raid* are being made. “It baa THE 0P1TCIAN, besoms quite generally knoWa tl a‘ wa Sukuitntu. ” Rifmt are making a number of seizures. said one of the deputies teat evening, in speaking of them raids. “Xeu ean now !!"SsssMsaasi dad wa token standing sat any whsrs < 80^000^0 $004 botew Middle street. ^8 ^^^^888$

\ f TOUT. row lALfc ELECTRIC LINEMAN HURT. TO LET. _row Mi*__B Forty warts lasrrtod sawder thla head RENT The detaehed two MOUSES AND APARTMENTS- We have S 4 LI—ino fe#| rf second hand wall U»OR pleasant 11 owe WMk tor U coata la * story house No. 147 Hi ale street, eentatn- the largest 11*1 of bouse* and apartmei.t* FOBesses and shelving complete. WIL- reals, Uraaso ■ of Por«loa4 Company Ing nice room# and bath; new furnace, large for sale and to let of any Heal Estate office tn LIAMS MANT FACT U KI NO CO.. Kennebec Portland. Our Is roort- it. 6-i gronuds: close to Longfellow square. Lower specialty negotiating L'Oft SALE—91.00 per feoffor some of best (aim Severe Pall. collecting rente and the economral r tenement No. 60 Pine street, seven rooms, bath, gales, 6ft SALK—Sti r* new and second- counters made; a (bargain mile of First Na- nnines, genuine pantry and large store room; Steam heat, opep management real estate.* Office hand. Bargain* In second-hand fixtures used. WILMA MS M ARC?ACTC KINO ClJL sad all modern conveniences; every, tional Hank Building FREDERICK 8. V A ILL. Kennebec kltetrle plumbing always on hand. WILLIAMS MANI’KaC- Bt,at A lineman at tk. Portland thing In good order. New fist No. 101 Pay son 6-1 TTRINU j._ CO.. Kennebec SALK—Magnificent cottage lots ami an ex- street, first floor; six rooms, bath and pantrvt St._6-1 Light oompaay had nnconfartabl* front room with FJORnew at Park, (t’iiff Cot- steam bear, fireplace, separate LET-Pleasant, sunny 170it 8ALF--Extra large new trunk, made cottages open plumbing, and two on electric near* yaatarday forenoon In handling cellar, etc., etc. Whole bouse No. 110 Brack- IlO alcove on floor with batb, square •T to order. WILLIAMS MANUFACTUR- tage Properi>) Cape line, Cape table board. Casino. Home of the are ett street, close to street; ten rooms and rooms: near electr • <; nrst-clas* ING CO., Kennebec advantage* good tint, while at work on a pal* an Plana- Bpring l St_8-1 streets, excellent car service. hath, larae yard; well arranged for a boarding MBS. kK l LUNGS. ft Congress Pari._ft Hebago water, SALE—Yacht 24 fL over all. * R electric fine beach, to dale restaurant ant av.aa*, Woodfordo. Tk* lineman In house Lower tenement No. 10 Forest avenue fliO IiT=A nice sunny rent, containing tire 17011 sloop. light*, up A e In. beam; new last year. For further on the grounds, only desirable no de- (ireen street) clove to Congress X room*, besides batb, situated corner partes, question, Mr. Bart Blakrp, while (formerly address F. O. Box ensap cottages, even thing first class. itrset; six rooms, sufficient land for a Franklin and Oxford street*, up stairs. Pov particulars strlctlj garden; 857._&-» Prices and at our offiec. * tbe tack bald aoetdentolly has beeu renovated. to JOHN F. plans DALTON annding pol* iust thoroughly Upper session at one* Apply PROCTOR, DOR HALF.-One 6 ft. portable French range. 53 six * CO., Exchange street. 3-tf at two wires. At ho aa atandlag on on. tenement No. 73 Elm street, containing Centennial Block. _ft-1 In pet feet ordei. Can he seen at the Fark rooms and be sold low If bath; sonny exposure, large yard. hotel. 121 Forest avenue Will HALE— House with 11 rooms and about of tho Iron on tn* tb. In n tenement No. 9 street: live LET— Pleasant, unfurnished, connecting WADE. atapa polo, Upper Bradford applied for at ouce. fuqlitre of K. M. FOIttwo acre* of land filled with fruit trees. (COPYRIGHT rooms and yard. BENJAMIN SHAW A IlO rooms, one flight front; also single room; 8-1 fc- the elrenlt and aa n re»ul» large Also house lots in Hast at a completed ft! bath, hot and cold water on same floor; steam adjoining, Deeilng. CO., Kachange street.___6-1 OKO. W. 108 Exchange received n heavy check, lie heat, j Gray St., corner and Park, ft-1 SALK—0 cent, net; two-flat house. biigain by ahaMh. Bishop qnlte Gray per Ht. Kxecu'or of the estate of the i..te ben ad LET—targe new collage. Peaks; partly new. Will above |»er- jam fill tor n ehort dlataneo whore ho wrv FORpmctically pay Adams. 3 tf TO furnished; one nr two families. Opposite LET—Bright sunny lower rent. No. 10 centageafier deducing lives. Insurance and bold np by Ibo broorbn of n tree near tb. White Head. A. P. WELCH. »3 Exchange BUS ItONew Douglas St. UEO.|T EDWARDS. Wil- water. GEO. T. EDWARDS. Williams Man 6-1 liams Port- haLE—House lo * situated In tbo Manufacturing Co.,Kennebec street, ufaclurlug To.. Kennebec Ht. 5-i finely pol* A fellow work even west np land. ft-l r^OftPortlanJ. Fast Deering District, near rooms and to and It too la- LET—Tenement .'of five bath. Me._ NOR BALE—1» per cent, net, four family Tlike) h bridge on main road at low t,fioes ml or the heck of the stove for a while, the polo load nalotaao* LKl— i»er mouth, two seven room NURSERY COOKERY. TO central. Also tenements at Woodfords IS fipo |2fl I! house; will pay about m i>«r cei.t. net in- on terms. Anyone looking for a nice Jot o It a X houses modern easy cream will rUe thickly on top. When it ad alight ebook eo that b* deelacd lo flH. House and land at Riverton for a term Decrlng Highlands; every vestment. GEO. T. EDWARDS, Williams of land at a low It will them to Ionic T. price p*v of years. Htores, offices, barns, etc., efc. convenience; ready May 1Mb. UBU. Kennebec st 8-1 these lots over. oi reaches this stage the cream may be he- to got bl* rubber glove* before trying to Manufacturing <:o., Inquiro A, C. Li If BY A CO.. TIIE ANEMIC AND NERVOUS Houses, farms and lots for sale. WATSON, 16 FD WARDS. William* Manufacturing Co.. Ht. HiK HALE—At Wood fords; new nine room 42V* Exchange 8-2 CHILD. moved and put into a Jar for safe keep- tot Biobop down to tbo ground. Monument square. H ^cpfiebec St., Portland, Me._ft^l_ _ single house, excellent location; price ing. It will remain good for two or thie? Ulobep an token Into Dr. Ohellle'e LI I Rent, fora small GKO. T. M*n DOR 8A LE—Home of the finest building lots LET— Maitland cottage, Peaks Island. family, pleasantly r»ph\ EDWARDS, Williams A TO on the corner. to No. ti» nn Peaks Island located near Forest € lay from last If in a cold place. It Is good to oflioi nearby where for n time bo In a for season of 1900. GEO. T. EI>WAHI»S. situated Apply ufacturlng Co.. Kennebec (Continued week.) days lay 170 OXFORD St._8-1 landing and hi lull view of the water, and at Williams Manufacturing Co.,! Kennebec Ht., room house spread on bread or to eat with bread and •eml-aooevlona oondltloa. No banae were ST.4-i_ HA LE—Fourteen two family that cannot fall to suit, or full particu- Portland. 6-1 j FORat Excellent location, or other Me.__ fTOLET-Nloe large furnished front room. Dieting Highlands. friersirs Inquire of A. C. LIBBY' & CO., 42V* Ex- Christine Terhune Herrick. guava simple Jelly. broken In the fall, bnt b* waa found to someone By fl^O LI-T-A modern tenement of six rooms ■ In private house, gas and use of bath, very grand view, excellent opportunity for change Ht. :t 2 Sweets should not be eaten largely, (To be continued next week.) tar* been btrntd acreoa tbo thumb end J and hath, with garden and stable If de- pleasant. Inquire at 147 l'KARL ST. 4-1 to occupy one r«nt and derive good Income from the olb-r. GKO. T EDWARDS but some of the giv- sired; on line of Westbrook electrics; very ha Li 1900 feet second band iksw simple preparations Brat two Ungers. A team wn ooourod at TO LKl 98uo per month, f W in < KennebOC 81 1 reasonable to Call 4*0 Brighton J Manufacturing ■».. tjV>Krases mshog.iuy. rosewood, oak. WJL- en In be and most right persons on line of electric oars. SCOTT WILSON, diarrhoea may taken, FOR YOUR SCRAP-BOOK. Lreaaer'o atable and waa aooom- or l». 439 Con- lAMi MANUFACTURING keoarbto Bishop Ave.. addreVs Q. ('HITMAN, 170’* Middle SL I VOk SaLK- Farm ;-l Gorham village. CO., of* arrowroot and Hr. 6-1 _ft * plain puddings sago, paoled lo ble homo 11 Portland street by gress acres, good pasture, plenty of fruit, apple*, Ht__5-1 blanc LET—Furnished rent four rooms, on nice and also cui farina, ns well as creams and From Sources and of 607 Cumberland 8t, corner pears piums: raspberries, u Recipes Many the wbo that with tb* « e e -tr cs. Suitable for BUYS nice 2' story traaie doctor, eaye excep- 2 bath TO street, n lute of and gooseberries, bouse of 0 rooms, barn and Nil fldlfh arc are of Kim 8L. containing 14 rooms. ommf house, nine good rooms ami manges, permitted. They j Acknowledged Worth. TO~LET—House two ladles or man and wife. Price ftl i.oo. Ref- ho se, W. II. WALDRON tion of the burns tb* man will he all rooms, etc.; Is centrally located; ve»y sunny poultry prloe$2,0$). new and erences Call at 72 (X FAN AVE, bath, plumbing heating, lot *9x100 on value as furnishing the much sought and ali front rooms. to M. II. FOSTER. required. A GO.. 180 Middle street.4-1 HRAIN CAKES. lb a few Apply 3-1 corner Eastern Promenade an Turner 8t, full mi- right daye. 6-1 Woodfords. after variety, and besides their own house of w yew of Balance can remain for ( Wash about five ounces of calf’s brains DOB SALE—on Cumberland Ht, bay. $*,♦;■*>, tritlon s rve as a vehicle for the HI NT -A df.lrabl.* on O.k ■ rooms and bulb. In flr*t class renslr. hot five years. GKO Ii. HEitsKY, :j Exchange they with salt and two LRT— Lower tenement, 232 High street In cold water. Season MUSIC AM) DRAMA. Woodfords; a house with enter heat, hot end cold water, suite of cream that must often be taken until I“pOR8?., two-story TO »rooms, all modern conveniences, hot parlors, St._3-1 leaves. Set the pan on the stove; 10 rooms, windows and also nice central loca- dining room mid kitchen, oil first floor, will bo of It In its sage bay piazza, water heat, good yard room, good IllCYCLEH The ‘-old reliable” the patient becomes weary UtOKUli WILSON. stable, garden with fruit trees and spacious for sold at a great b.ugain. W. ll. WALDRON A imperial blcy- when it comes to a boil skim the broth tion, shades, screens, awnings »tc., ready ■* «*les arc still un tbe market and at the timnixed condition. Inquire at so Commercial Bt., or W. 1st Address P. O. Box icia. CO., 180 Middle top. for ten minutes; Occupancy April Ht.__4»t | Thero are none better made. It Is thoroughly and simmer Ibo popular and talented aetor, Ooorge U.frounds. PURSUER. ho Hxcliauge HI., City. 6-2 ft 2 poor policy FLORENTINE CREAM. SALE—An old estatlished busi- to uuy a * heel that has no behind ft the brains and on a cold Drug factory take out put W. commenced a aloe day*’en- thous- wnere can be obtained even If the o box of cov- Wllleon, r»Kness in a thrlveln* towu over fl.t*«en repairs price Soak quarter gelatine, KI.P. LRT—Brick bouse No. 126 Pearl street. Is low. The plate; when the brains are quite cold at tb* JelTrrean af- 75 6NTKD-NALK H and inhabitants. Good location and root very jmpenal has a woild wide reputa- fci half an hour In a of cold gagement yaetarday TO P room* and bath, steam heat, hot and cold tion as a flrsi class wfceel and ered. gill small nnd mix with reasonable. Address K” this ofllce' 61 the price* are cut into very pieces and was water e’c. about the house lr< wate't*. (The necessity of keeping the ternoon and evening warmly Everything good way down. The Wolverine Is a fine l<»w juiced three ounces of bread crumbs; wash Forty words Inserted under this hend condition. Kent 9300 a year. For further par- finished! who-I und will give goo I satisfaction. Pi Ices a elaod audience that r\ OOL BU8INEHS-Eight h mdred gelatine covered is emphasised because gloated by good ticulars of G. A. HARFORD, 128 Pearl ■ and G. L some parsley, squeeze dry, and chop one week for 35 milt, cash Its advance. Inquire Tools, tliree II. H. Patents an same tope h 923. 925. |3'» #33. BAILEY. Agent, It is raid to attract germs from the air thorough It enjoyed the work of both thlo rtfft or with the coi will he sclri for t»l>o. 263 Mid d 1 a small peratlon faKt._31 enough to fill teaspoon; place rave »n a source of ill- ■ artlet and the olever These tools retail at 8J.80 each ami and may thus become ioelleot company ANTED—American young man of good ad- ra O LE f—Lower of slo e, No. 8 Union tfOK SALE—New summer cottage, Loreitt’s a level tablespoonful of butter In a \\r77 part established sale. This Is a clean safe Lsdne s. dress, and wnh moderate to take • to GKO. A. A Hill. (near ness.) ll?at a pint of milk In a double In his anpport. Tha aftsraooa bill wee capital, wharf. Apply 8IIUKTLKFF. Mi.WKK TOOL CO.. 63 Excll mge St 3-t Willard, Cape Casino), eighteen stew pan, put It on the fire and w hen an interest mi an established all cash buMne-s moms; built for house; fur- boiler and stir into It the of two In lodging cemp defy yolks of one-half *v;hy Dudley waa Uypaotlird," lo this cliv. Address with references and real Wharfinger.__ nished, Schago water, lot melted add lbne ounce flour, SALE—A 12 home power horizontal open plumbing, eggs, beaten with two tablespoon* name A. U.. Box Puri mo LET—New house on Woodford Bt., near 80 x loo feet. i>oumi'‘d on tnrec streets. This light and the whloh play Mr.Wfllson aa Unole Dadley 431, land._5-1 FtOBboner and 8 horse horizontal engine a teacup of stock, chopped pars- l Nevrns. 8 rooms, bath, npeu plumbing, power contains a oorner building lot. Enquire 22 fills of sugar. Be cautious how you put AN WANTED -In Portland, Me., one nearly uv good a* new. .lust the thing for h stir the suuce until It bolls and was tern lo a strong comedy part, creat- hot water heater, tine pantry, plana, large WIL.MOT s UEE r, Portland, Me. mar30-tt ley; from ths Country preferred, logo into a creamery or other business. Will “ell them In lest the eggs curdle. As soon as effort* yard, very choice. Will be let low to desirable any light thickens, add the bread crumbs and ing continued laughter by ble store and receive goods from a wholesale Bos- at a narzuin for cash. A. L. MANN. West 8AI.F. Between to thicken a GEO. F. JUNK INS, 270 Middle St., POR Frankiin and Pearl the mixture begins little, ton house, also t«» sec lo the and col party. Paris. Mo. 3-1 R brains, and season with grated and oeoonaed tbe different delivery near Monument 1 8ts latniiv house, 16 rooms. In chopped being ably by State of Maine. To a Square.31 perfect pour It upon the gelatine and stir until lections through the good repair, new furnace, first flat rents 920, second. nutmeg, salt and pepper; beat the yolk member* of lb* company. Last nlgbt tb* honest mau we will aficr a few this Is dissolved. Flavor with half a tea- pay LET—Queen Ann Cottage. 335 Brackett DOR SALE—Sloop, 3»Mi over all. If VStSf 9*m per month, 1 minute from city Had. a good weeks’ trial first four * of an egg, udd it to the sauce and stir till waa tb* Qve act malo- $1* weekly, TiO St.. 11 loom*, bath, furnace, extra closets, line, non capsizable. built and designed home and an Income. First time offered. \V. H. of and when the cream pretested weeks not essential; spoonful vanilla, turn the gli; experience thorough repair, very sunny; also pleasant by experts, very fast. Wilson Sllsby cross cut WALDRON A < «k, 199 Middle 81 over the fire until cooked; then In Ibis play will with until has cooled, but not stiffened, stir in the droica, “Kcmanj Hya." manager stay you lower rent, 78 Pine 8L, 6 rooms. GEO. F. sails, metal. Tobin broti/.e. blocks same, sta- mixture onto a and let it fnllv we hive teams there. SALE—One anl half house, Oil ami whole plate Wlleon wo a seen In n comedy capable; already .1 UN KINS, 270 Middle 8t„ near Monument tionary doors, slide, quartered oak curbing, story whites of the eggs, beaten stiff. Set In Mr. again neuoslt of F{M)Kstatde attached, line lot and an hour the mixture The company requires a cash 6500; to her cushions, life preservers, garden cool; after make and ble Bquaie. everything situated at South a cold place to form. Eat with cream. part, tbat of Boas Knivett, by no bonds. Address. BRADLEY, President. ___31-1 must sell NO. FINE. Foriland, Me 3-1 orchard, pleasantly Freeport; Into cakes of size, them 5-1 also five acres more or less land equal dredging made tbe ratber In- No. ,0 Ml Pleasant Ave., ltoxbury, Mass. grass adjoin- SAUO CREAM. aitletlo performance ing. Inquire ot 8. H. K ELSE Y. Portland, ner. with flour to prevent their clicking; It'ANTED- Printer. A sober man of DOR SALK OR LKASK—Blacksmith business. different one of for capable RAILROAD WATCHES. Soak half a of over part, prominence, 77 * cup sago night brush over with egg.roll In bread crumbs doing ti»e Job amt newspaper work of a 2 fires, a good business shoeing and Job- In be aa Portland tbrntre-goera know, any part ofnc». can find eniplo\ incut address- The kind that win pass Inspection. Wt carry BALE OH TO LET—Summer cold water. There should just and set In a cook in boil- country by pOK cottage, frying basket; Maine. 3-1 ho Inrimat sfi.ek of It. It. Watches instill* * seven mat w. nnson win ue ing NEWS. Waldoboro, room*, furnished* bioad Piazza**, enough water to cover It. In the morn- ueorge esaajs v. ing fat until a golden brown; this will right kind at the lowest prices and we ill situated tm main street at South Freeport, near put it over the fire In u double boil- an artlatlo and finished Interpre- give time to pay for them. McKKN NK Y, KING. Mass. 2-1&W steamers ing take about two minutes. The cakes must given wanted to deliver and collect In yon Marlboro, landing, tine drives, boating and tlsh- THE JKWKLElt. Monument Sq. feb24dtf Ing. of S. It. Pi er with a pint of milk and let it simmer touched little the hands. tation. Mr. Wilson's supporting compa- MANPortland and vicinity; $16.00 a week and Inquire KELSEY, Portland, r, be very with roK SAI.K—Fins otoe room house, besides Portland, until the Is clear. Half an hour Address Del very Department, Me.__29-2 sago ny Is one of merit, many of whom are expenses. '■•O LET-Fleasant lower rent on Quincy St.. r ba n and two years old, tluee PEOPLE'S CO., 10th and Market Sts., I'blind el- pantry, ■jAURBALH- House and cottaga lots for sale to be enough for this. Stir in two I 8 100ms and furnace, In flue order; also minute* to electrics either verv tine vb w, ought BOII.ED COD AND OYSTER SAUCE. p'scsintly remembered from tbs ooraps- phla, Fa 2-2w way. JL at Willard Beach. Choice nice 17 St., 8 rooms and natural bouhler 75 cent location, fine of sugar, add one upper rent, Quincy foundation; price per tablespoonfuls e^g. visit while some nsw G rooms. view ofiheoceau. Eor te ms and in- If a fish kettle is not at hand, a plate ry’s previous hsrs, \\TASTI1.D— several machinists and latTie shed, and lower rent, 40 ( hestnut St.. of actual value. Great bargain. L. M particulars, beaten very light, flavor to taste—a lit- F. Mludle near quire of H. E. WILLARD, 7 Beach street. Wil- of an sauce fares ere teeo. As Jack Hearn vl hands. Addres M <\. Box 1557. 31-1 GKO. JUNKIN8, 270 8t., LEIGHTON. Exchange t t-1 In the bottom ordinary large Harry •' _ ard. mar24dtm tle lemon and some of the Monuineut Square. 1-1 Me._ Juice grated _ pan will answer the purpose. The cod is 1 waa very J.Francis Klrke \». Gir;it Diamond Island, cot e'gbton good. for sale at peel are good for the purpose, and give rro LET—Cottage. G4 Woodford* St.. 6 rooms, 18ORNALKtags of 8 furnished room*, bsth. running kh^ate south then sewed in a piece of cheese cloth, as j a ads an uoel!ent Philip Koyeton, Frank MWrELLASEOl’S. PORTLAND—There never was a time It to the patient with cream either I |0.00; also lower rent, t Highland St. 6 wa'er. open Are place, large lot of Ian 1; will be Real one when such trades could be bought In south there must be only thickness of Heal did good work aa Joe Hackett, Agnea rooms. $10.00; lower rent. 29 Boyd St, 6 to>ms. sold at a bargain. F\ K. llKIGGS. Peeling w or plain. All these derserts are vtordi under Ibis bend Portland real estate as at present Will sell hipped cloth over the fish. First wash the fish Forty inirrtril fto.oo; lower rent, tM Smt*h St. 6 rooms, $io.on. Center, Me. 2-3 * Farnurn waa sweet and pleasing aa Ger- bouses with good lots tn good better when very cold. one week for 43 cnsli In advance. GKO. F. .1 UN KINS, 270 Middle St., near neighborhoods In cold sew on the cents, with most modern at inrlces water, up. lay plate tie Helen Frost as Mother Ship- Monument Square. 31 -I OOK SALE—Sl*e of lot, 4*1 x 105. frame In use Improvements far Food, no matter how light, should not Hackett, _ and cover w ith boiling salted water, ten w 2 1-2 stones, 85 x .V». 3 rooms and bath, below anything ever offered before. irous9.Iligh ton aarnsd deserved excellect on street. S1200i boas--. Sliawin ut be given to a child suffering from debil- applause’fcr MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED — We have LKT—Desirable upper flat Congress St, cemented cellar, furnace heat, hardwood floors *drect, $1000 minutes Deing allowed for each pound. bath aud built hous*. Front street. $1000; hou«o. Parker l ane when he Is or he work and Florence Aabbrooke aa Laura a»1 fluids of clients to invest in first TO near Vaughan, 0 looms, shed, In dining-room and kitchen, hou e all ity overtired, rather, the fish Mortgages York $ 00; lot of $100; lot at Cash’s While is cooking make a sauce on Real Estate security a 6 per cent interest. aunny and convenient; pleasant rent 20«> over, newly plumbed and heated one year ago. land, Broadway, 1 ee waa excellent. St.. 5 Corner. 100x400 ft.. $150. 1 also have some of one of slfied We make a of loans on St.. 7 rooms, $11; lower rent 73 Merrill location in flue community, full view of the bay. by stirring tablespoonful specialty placing city the moat desirable lots ai South Port- tired before his meal. If he has been ex- The Introduced between tbe and suburban Real Estate rojm«, $10: also stabl* 3* Fl.swortb St. fJKo. Owner la obliged to sell as bis business calls building f.our into one of then ad- specialties property. Apply the from to all In boiling butter, office. Eirit National Bank FRED- F. JUNKIN'*, 270 Middle St., near Monument Idm to another part of the Slate. This is land, prices ranging $100 $200. He should he mode to lie down acta were and Building. of where is improv- ercising ding gradually to this one-half each numerous, pleasing promi- ERICK S. t another one of DeLoug's good bargains. I belt part village properly pint VAll.L. __f Square._31«1 In value each to and rest for a little while before eating. nent features of the entertain- have only sold five houses in three weeks. ing year. Any person wishing of hot milk and oyster Juice; when all evening’s LKT—Four or five rooms furnished for a building lot can one dollar week of rest should follow his Heat that and you beat me. C. S. PeLONG. buy pay per A short period Included the "Cc. IiO also furnished house a rare for one smooth stir In the oysters, salt.and pep- ment They eonge by lighthousekeeping; Exchange 1 II desired. This Is opportunity imals. In instances, the child for table board of two persons. Congress St. street._31 w to secure a lot that will ti crease In many per to taste. When the curl at Inmhla Louise Hotnrr, a elote- CLOCK WON’T GO. tailing oysters Four," One furnished or unfurnished. Hou*e. value The If de- should be encouraged to lie in bed until cottage, roll SALE-We have had Placed In our hands each year. undersigned will. the edges the sauce is done; pour over dancer, Jobn Hartz, oomedy juggler, Send postal or bring It to us. We do only the Washington avenue, next Tukey’a bridge. * tome of the most centrally located building sired. give ihe names of parties who have with- well along In the course of the morning. :*>ou!h Portland. Kepis $4 to $13. 8. in 'he last cozen years made from one to two the fish and serve at once. Fcrenoe Lionise oornet soloist, best of work, and have made a suechltv of It House. L, ’ots lu Peering District, lust off Forest Avenue Horn, and fet. Lawreuce. hundred dollars In one on lo s that cost but It is a great mistake to fancy that there for years. Al'work warranted. McKKNNKY CAKlETON, Congress and adjoining * oylo Lark. Special induce- year moving pictures and Illustrated songs mar5 I ments and cred.t alven those who will build little above ono hundred dollars. The public Is to the child In forcing i HE j Wklhk, MomumbI BqiMV. JtuMdtf any advantage BEEFSTEAK PIE. good hou e.s. Funicular*. FREDERICK s. must remember tb«t In buying lots at South ell of whtoh were received with generous to LET-At 2«7 street. Ap- him to take active exercise when he ■ kON’T suffer with lame hack or dyspepsia. Congre-s VaILI Agent, First National Portland It Is not like going out of town where Throe pounds of round steak; trim off This afternoon "The Luok cf STORKply to JAMKS CUN NlNGHA M, 277 Con- Bank.__31*1__ some has bought up a farm and shows a marked disinclination for it. applanee. ■ rheumatics or piles when you can be cured speculator gress street. dec23dtf el the best Sole In divided the same Into lots at a all the fat and skin; cut into two-inch a and one of Dr. Drew’s electro-generators, ____ DOR BALE—One butldtag building poinj are such active little Faotory Girl" will be presented by using » Children usually or the city, flue location, near West street; removed from stores, post effl e. church, neigh- roll in It Into a for sale at Hay’s drug store by Cook, Everett »rO LET-Four rents tn Dcering, In pieces, flour, put porce- a double "Two Xmas elegant also 23 acr s of elevated land ou Cottage road, bors, sidewalk, sewers and many other privi- beings that they are not. except In rare tonight grand bill, A Fennell, wholesale druggists. 3-1 1 he>t residential steam heat, lights, lain lined or agate saucepan, dust with section, on Hue oi the electric*, commanding finest sea leges that are enjoyed 4 res dent at South to avoid activity unless and the "Inqnliltlve Darkey’ bells, architects plans, between two car Hues, by cases, disposed Kvra," V OT ICE—Ou account < f our Small expenses views. to FLEMISH LORI NO, -ft Ex- Portland. For plans, etc., call on F. II. H All- plenty of salt and pepper, cover with everything ii- to date aiul houses are new, Apply they are so far from w ell that they should will be tbe bill. In "Two Xmas Eves’’ as we can make a first class Suit or Overcoat change FORD, 31l,Y Exchange street. marl4-tf cold water, it on a slow fire and let never occupied. Will rent low 11 taken at sired._ put r-r “The Cricket on the Hearth,’’ Mr. for less money than any custom tailor in the be kept still. It la then that massage Is once. Look at them before you settle any- l?OK BALE— Desirable two’story brick house. lot of masons’ simmer until tender. For the crust take aa Caleb Plumber will be aea In Warranted first class workmauship and BALE—Fancy Jobbers outdoor exercise Allaon city. where, DaLTON, f»3 Exchange T eleven room* and bath. In good repair, on pole ladders, all kinds of of value, and that for tit guaranteed. th ing and pressing at St._25-tf_ II*OR and extension one quart of flour, one-half pound of one of ble greatest and most famous char- Rep one of tho best 'treets In I lie near Western ladders oh hand. built should be encouraged rather lowest prices. NANhKX the Tailor, 4031-2 Posses- Oily, ronitantly Thoroughly driving acters In whlob he la said to te un- liENT—House 140 Pine street. bflAW & M 1*2 fresh beef suet, one tablespoonful of aud Promenade. BENJAMIN CO., safe sTcp ladders for house ire, 200 per foot. than walking or playing. When the Congress street._5M FORsion given Immediately. Enquire at PORT- REUBEN WKBCOTT. 137 Lancnaaier ,Lin- lard and salt to taste. Hub lard Into equalled. a PAVINGS S3 street. Exchange street._81*1 the is the best teacher and my 20 LAND Rank. Exchange coln) street, foot of Myrtle. Telephone No. child cannot obtain the fresh air In any EXPERIENCE 1-1 f SALE—A first class wall case, black the flour, chop the suet fine, add to the BHOWN’S IN TOWN. years’ experience with W. F. Todd is the &4-I. inarl6dl2w other manner he may be up 1 h?OR 2J feet long, with rlass doors, wrapped best gusrantee ot first-class work. My special- walnut, flour and roll out on pie board. Line the mo LET—Furnished rooms, located. drawers and closets. Sold at a ou and allowed to sit near an open window, "Brown’s In Town," the latest fardel ity Is watch and clock olsaning and repairing. centrally bargain of a dish with the ■ utth hath room aud steam heat. At No. 11 account of alterations In sto e. Can le seen at edge deep paste, put which cornea to tbe Portland 1 also do all kinds of jewelry My but always out of a draft. itfualon repairing. MYRTLE 8T.. opposite CPy ft. B. sv. li 18,813 Congress air—I, M I In the meat, cover with the are reisonahle. GEORGE W. BAR Hall._2-1 paste (leav- and Wed- prices For the child afflicted with tubercular theatre on Monday, Tuesday BO UK, 38k Congress St., Opp. City Hall. 311 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, ing a good sired vent In the center), and j LET—Eight rooms, ba h, pantry and laun- SALK—8 story brick house, 13 rooms. In disease in any of its forms, as to the one nesday Is described by tbe management ISO dry, steam heat. fine neighbor boo t. tine FORperfect repair, new open plumbing, slated Odd Fellows. Masonic, Knight* of Columbus, bake in a very hot oven until & rich IVK WILL BUY household or store w ith a to nervous weakness, goods rent. a? Grant 8t., down stairs. If In want of roo*. well located In central part. Is completely Knight* of Holden Sag *,$ noldeu Cross and disposition as a balm for jaded nerves. Ita story IT fixtures of or will re- brown. any description, a rent it wid pay to look at this. L. arranged f<*r two f*m lid*, rent* $25.00 per all oilier Secret Order Pins and Charm**. We fats are The for g.»od you usually prescribed. simplest which la an entirely new one, Is said to ceive the same at our auction rooms M. LEIGHTON.53 Exchange month; must bs sold; price $2,K-0. W. H. make a specially of these goods and always to these Is as sale on commission. GOSH «Sf WHJSON, street._2-1 31-1 ! a stock on THE form In which give cream, ba wltb humorous complications, WALPK*>N cw CD- 180 Middle street. h ve hand. M'KENNEY APPLE PUDDING. replete Auctioneers, 154 Middle street, corner Silver JEWELER. Monumeut Bquire. mat lMdtf and the patient who can take this in feLJ-tf rich old ■ be dialogue le sparkllngly wilt/, and street. l^OR SALE—Large quantity garden Prepare apples as for sauce. Cook the Price abundance on his cereals, on the arrow- JC loam, delivered by ihe load only. SALE Avenue. Fessenden the tit nations ara well timid and btgbly TO Also lot of |S()R Peering •auce in a wide, open basin. While the money loaned Salaried holdfast RENT, low. as 1 am obliged to move It. a x new nine <9> room with every root the blanc manges and people Baric, house, jelly, plain tTeoi I re. lbs raroe Is free from mar Its 1 with furnished for the Sum me.'. cottage L. LEIGHTON. 53 Ex- apples are cooking prepare the permanent position responsible My cheaper grade. £M. modern convenience; location unsurpassed, that are him, is dump- or innuendo of and or mar 24-4 puddings given probably felicity Immorality, firms; can repay In weekly monthly pay- with small barn at Grand Beach, adjoin- change sheet. electric cars and lights, paths, etc Price only lings by sifting one and one-half tea- worn bnld-beadrd benedict who strlcilv coufldcn.lal (Cut this getting fats in the best way. But again tnsttims ments; out.) ing estate* of James C. Hamlcu and Dr. $3,600. Easy terms. DALTON & CO., 63 Ex- spoonfuls baking powder, and one-half dirts with a muslo ball singer la alio ’’Private Party,” P. O. Box 1438. inar22d4w change street. febO-tf comes in the question of variety, and Weeks; price #3-V». Address FOR.SALE. teaspoonful of salt, into one pint of flour; eliminated. the home caterer must devise a charge S. Delong, contractor and JIKN. V. t«. WHITE, 10 Fairfield 6t., VOR SALE—Hearing Highlands, five (6) ele- rub in one-half tablespoonful of butter NOTICE-C. In the method of giving fa ts if flu- w ishf s PORTLAND THEATRE. Is builder; Jobbing promptly attended to; Boston. I gant new houses directly on car line. and mix into a soft with estimates houses for sa o and to let; modem from her to continue to eat well. Sim- dough sweet given; Ml. Pleasant Hotel Property, Every convenience; prices range charge Tbe eontlnua to draw large negotiated, also care ot property, riso LET—Furnished rooms: one large to aud terms are and milk. Roll out one-half inch thick and Epoonara mortgages of Pleasant Mountain, $2,800 $4,5*K) right easy. cream soups and vegetable purees rentiiur and collecting. Call or write 8C EX- * J5 teei with alcove, furnace Twenty acres on summit Is booming remember. ple rouses at tbe Portland theatre and last parlor, square 2018 It.. House Det-ring \ roperty cut into small cakes. As soon as the ST. Office hours {Ml a. m. and from with very also near Hrldgton, Maine. Elevation & 5t St. fel»9-tf are excellent, an may be ap- CHANGE heat, open grnt-. pleasant; DALTON CO., Exchange oyster bisque as has 25 rooms, partly furnished. Immediate ples are all done, sweeten and drop in nlxbt waa no exception tbe theatre 1-5 p. m Telephone 434 2. mar21dtf desirable chamber*. Terms reasonable. In- made half cream, a bit of broiled bacon Great bargain. Address SALE — I he only available lot of land well quire with references at 181 CUMBERLAND possession. |301t the little cukes over the as was tilled by a larga and pleased r on the Western Promenade, located be- w ill tempt the a little fat may top carefully punish with colds in the head, STREET. mar2$»tl apr4d2w* Ho* ‘414, Hrlilgtoii, Mr. | appetite, jvON’T yourself _ of Messers Cart land and as Cover The cover sldlinoe. Last McAlllr • of tlie mucous matter Into the tween the residences be mixed with the sand- possible. tight. evening Manager dropping on Great Diamond Is judiciously throat catarrhil bronchial TU LKT-Cottages Conley. Also a flmt-class furnished cottage, must not touch the cakes. Steam er on for lbs drat tints In the state. causing ltiflueuzs, I of H. N. Bo* wiches of underdone beef. Bread spread fifteen pet laud. Inquire MERRILL, WANTED. stable and land at Willard Beach. Apply minutes. Serve with A women's Ufvoucn, ana juaging ey II) ill r. onuo-. jm rmo .vidci. oi-n Devonshire cream will sometimes whipped cream using L>r. Drew's electro-botanic powder, with demonstrations of the audlenr* by martOtoJel* and sugar. the large it kills the germs. For sale at Hay's popu ar be eaten more than that spread In on street willingly ircMDt they were perfectly entlefled. drug sic re and at the doctor's office, t Bryant Forty uorda liurrlrd under this Iteud SALE—New houses Dcrring, car for $2000. $24 0 and I with butter. illsH Edna May took the street, or sent to any address for 8ft cents. 3-1 FOR RENT. tn udvaure. FOR line, fltiOQ, $2800; Spooner leading work for ‘43 cmIi APPLE FRUIT CAKE. our rents, ail modern convenience*, heat, bath room, fire- made with of milk, role of Madeline Merton, Mlf>a Cecil as St. Cocoa, plenty may 11' B Will. cl.I \ N Oil ID 1* A I1C Tlir N,i.( Inin Stare No. '433 Mldtlle places. etc. Term* of payment same a* rents Soak two of dried 'i lek Jcnee has become a general favorite be u!*ed as a drink. A little whipped cups apples over ** iuk Machine at your home, and guaran- For by Standard \T7ANTED— Jellycon makes a dessert In a remember our houses are entirely new and Fhllllpe as Jack Merton vrae as when new. We many years occupied never been Call and see them* cream on a slice of milk right In cold water. In the* Augustus tee It to work as perfectly v f minute without sugar that all like; no have occupied. heaped toast morning bis Co. Possession given 1, very strong In part. give two weeks' trial of our work, and if not Clothing April Flavors, lemon, orange, raspberry, DALTON, M Exchange a chop them fine and add two cups of mo- cooking. street._26-tf will vajy nourishing dish, and the For this afternoon "The Girl From satisfactory charge nothing. Sen 1 postal or 1900. For terms apply to wild cherry and calfsfool; strawberry, peach, 8A1E-House lots at Woodfords, Ka** same addition may be made to clam or lasses and stew for an hour. When cold will he the bill and for the eve call. J. B. 6i II. M. BRONSON, 114 Fearl 8L lull size this Instead of other Trias" D. T. EMERY Jit package. Try FOR1 leering and Peering Center. lor 4c and V one of Klebard about halt size of Jellycon. It ovster broth, and. Indeed, to any cream add cup sugar, three-quarters of Ding performance Mansfield** 12-3_ First IV nil. Rank lttiildliig or preparations I>er foot; land ts rapidly advancing and now t«i "Dr. and Mr. w It p ease. >5-1 at old Besides the article? men- a cup of butter, two well-beaten eggs, trreat sucre**, Jakyll TO LOAN on tlrst and second mort- ISN Middle St. the tune to secure a lot price*. Easy soup. already W. IM. Itmdloy, 53 Ex will be the play. MONEY on real esta e, personal property, ir a N l 1 Your Old furniture to re- payments. Call afternoons. DALTON, tioned, under done beef and mutton, one teaspoonful soda, dissolved in one Hyde" gages marsdtl D— ADtlqos w~tt stocks, bonds or ativ good collateral securities. f f pair and polish. flr.M class work a; reason- change street. tender poultry, sweetbreads, boiled or cup of sweet milk, spices to taste. a of A. C. LIBBY & CO.. 43 1 2 Excnange desk for sal*. WIT AM) WISDOM. Inquire able price; also one mahogany f* Wilson, auetljneer*. re. of salt and one of 8t n»ar»-4 or send to I*. If. 3d TVOTICF—Goss broiled fish, and most fresh vegetables pinch teaspoonful Fall postal WALL, Spruce IN moved to 154 to 160 Middle bL, coiner of street, may be eaten by the anemic patient. cream of tartar sifted into two and one- City._*•> Silver 81_ l»r ANTKD— Families for the sum- Never should the of half cups of flour. Bake one hour. to going away duty eating he Always Blaine. A PART OF THE ff cats WATCH REPAIRING. mer can have their pet du_s and made too much of a point to the invalid, j She—Oh, Harry, did you mail that hor- taken care of at reasonable rates by applying to whether child or adult. There are few M APLE SUGAR BISCUIT. rid, hateful letter I wrote papa? lie We make a specialty of Watcn Repairing. GEO. A. CROCKETT, 303 Commercial street, JEWELRY : REPAIRING We do your work In the best possible manner, City. 5-1 grown people to whom the thought of A plec:* of lard the size of an egg, one must have sent this $100 check the day 1 are aud and guarantee every Job. Wo prompt Saco House, In Our Factory On the Premises. the necessity of eating a certain amount quart of flour, two and one-half tea- wrote It. always have a Job don** when piomlseJ. m now ready to buy all kb 4s Monument room, kitchen, hath and WANTED—I certain I mailed it. He’s it McKENNKY THE JEWELER. including office, dining ff of cast off lalles', gents' ami childrens We make this a principal In our business. at a time does not bring an ab- spoonfuls baking powder (heaping.) suf- He—Yes, got by some other gooa Square. Jan26dtf toilet rooms Mid twruty-live 1 more than any purchaser in We take the utmost pains to execute your aversion to this time. all in steam clothing. pav solute food, a sensation as of ficient milk to mix like ordinary bisrult. and convenient rooms, good repair, the Send letters to Mr. or Mrs. I>e- order properly, whether that be for a Diamond eleotrlo lights In room, no bar city an almost physical clutch on the throat. Roll out one-half inch thick, with She—That’s you! Whenever I give 1 ADIES don’t suffer with coustlpatlou, hard neat and every GROOT, 7. ot most wonderful cures of doctor It. I or the any tite and health will both be tlie so on the to gainers. tom together that sugar won’t run premises the Mate. Call at the office and te convinced. OYSTER BISQUE, out. set close together In a pan and bake WE TEST EYES IIIR4.M lAOl.ltV. Vo. 13 Temple Tumors, cancers, plies cured without using t e to Mothora. No Important Saco. mrSSdtf knife, Dyspepsia and catarrhal troubles. Drain the from half a of twenty-five minutes. Free of We have the larges* stock of St., wordl itn. rtfd nudtr this lven«l liquor pint Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOETA, charge. cure, no pay. 3-1 Forty Glasses and In the Solid In oysters and heat It. the and Spectacle* city. one week for ^3 centx, fMli udvxnoii Chop oysters a safe and sure remedy for iufauts children, aud Nicklo 1 Gold, Gold Filled, Aluminum for u of Tears. fine. Heat a large cupful of rich milk MUTTON RAGOUT. Our To Leaso Term and see that It «r Frames. Wp guarantee a perfect fit the best. over the fire and thicken It with a tea- Put one tablespoonful of butter In the prices are the lowest, our glasses 1 will build a three or four story brick IN McKENNKY THE OPTICIAN, Monument WANTEO $1000.00 GOLD. woman for general housework spoonful each of butter and flour. When frying pan, dredge In a little flour, add Bears the to suit the wants ot tenant ami ANTED—A gquare. Janaultf building If the readers of the FRE8S will pet out theli Hr m a family of two. Mud be a good all It is f-Tnooth and the thickening U well two small sliced onions, and fry a light Signature of C it with ail modern facilities includ- or send L to us, and oune well recommeuded. Ad- equip old gold or stiver Jewelry bring round cook __ In a few thick slices of cold etc., I can we will remit Imme- dress, where can be seen, BOX 40lf blended, put the oysters and let them color, put in Over 30 Years. FOUND. ing power, elovator, provided by mail or express, stating In Use For LOST AND a or value, as wo _ the whole or a for term of diately mouoy check lor full Cortland. become hot. Beat an egg light, pour a mutton and fry a rich brown, then a lease part Me.____^ The Kind Yon Have Always Bought use it in our factory. McKKNNEY, Manufac- lot number 5 to 18 Plum St., fron- nurse io take care of little of the hot soup upon It In a cup, re- cup of cold water, one-half can of peas, years; turing Jeweler. Monument Square. martfdtf WANTED Competent word* Inserted under tills bead tage on Plum St., 83 feet, with a depth if yo nf baby: must be well reoomme. detl. turn all to the'fire and cook one minute. salt and a 11111 butter, and Forty pepper, on throe sides and a TTr wanted carload lots; at once to 36ft VAUGHN 8T. 3-t one week for !45 cents, cask In advance. of 50 feet, light ANTED—Hay by Apply As was said before, this may be made thicken with a little flour. If state price wanted. Address W. E. Not Always. drive-way on the south side in addition richer by using half cream Instead of BARNE8, JU Brighton, Maas._mariz-tf WANTED-A cook, with knowledge of | The Colonel has been For Terrier to Plum street frontage. f v housew ork, for summer boarding milk, and It Is rendered more attractive A LA DUCH ESSE. (who standing I OST OR STRAYED—Female Putter. general POTATOES JLa face WWT ANTKD-i’otatocs. Apples. KfffS, at moderate wages, give reference#, j with his back to the fire)—Ah! This is Fnp. black markings on and Mft8k Address bouse, If a tablcspoonful of cream is and of Fadle. Had ff Squashes, Turnips and Unions. wages expected.- Address at whipped Take cold mashed potatoes roll spot on back ; answers to name marmf experience and an Englishman’s privilege, my dear. 28 Lan- ELIAS W. E. Barnes, JR., Brighton, Mass, L. 1*. CROCKETT, bouth Naples. put on top of It after it Is In the cup. into small biscuit on new collar, not marked. Return to THOMAS, once.. Me.^ out and form shaped — 8be That may be, but 1 always caster street and receive reward. Mlti. G. A. DEVONSHIRE flour will be to who wants a new CREAM. cakes (a little required a colouel should face CROCKETT. 8-1 WrANTED—Everyone the westeru of thought it.—Judy. 184 1-2 Middle Street. ft or Its suburbs to see us "a ladv iu part not mix the flour house In Portland WaNTKD—By for Ret a Urge pan of new rich cream on form them, but do with bouses which we vf the city, a good capable jrauog girl sorae- febndtf at once; we have several uew the on a oarriaee Friday afternoon second work, oue and willing to go •he stove, putting It well to one side, the potato); arrange cakes pie _ will sell low on easy terms, or will exchange experienced I08T—From•a where between the foot of Union street aud the seashore for the summer. Good refer- er Years Extract been for no Tatr offer refused; this is to where the will rise glaze them over with beaten egg Ov Fifty has Pond's a roll bills, SPACE TO LET-Hoom *», First good collateral; temperature not to plate, Meeting Route Hlh on the Cape, of 68 Exchange ences at Y. W. C. A. Rooms, and aa the best OFFICE Bank with private your chance. DALTON A CO. required. Apply more than a hundred and and bake to a delicate brown in a used by the people profession will finder plftaae leave with C. V. FICKKli, National Building, Mi 1-2 immediately. 21-1 fifty degrees moder- and vault, *1-1 street. JuueOdiI Coitgxess it., — Cor. Portlaud and Mechanic Sts. 8-1 office After It has stood there, well at the side ate oven. remedy (or Pain, Sarto, Catarrh, etc. ^

l 1 r_____-___-___======•TEAHCm. MILMAIH fredMNb bulls t 7504 66; belters at 8 26 $4 76 : oaives Null, to. Ill 10 4 60*6 60; Texas fed steers 4 003.6 OO. J FIN MCI AL AND C0MERC1AL leans. CaHforuta to.1 «C K> flats—reeeiots 16.00): shade higher mixed tons Yellow hrm.0 00*9 60 and botchers 6 8ft<*6 86: good lo cuqiee neavy The Missouri-Kansas Zinc Fields Beaus, Red Kidney....tMv9|60 at 6 66; rough heavy 6 3606 46; light at DOMINION LINE. 6006 are the the world. other I bbl. OO 00 I rlrheitin Pp induetry Unions, 61006 oflert such tPdaedkaau lor the lit I 1899-1900. 26 Sheen reeolpta 13/ 0 >; slow; good to choice tawaoMey aueras Wlntvr Sraion unions.«.M reetm«nt ol ae ilac Produced Potatoes ® bus. m*o wethers at 6 00O« 301 fair to oholee mixed at capital raining at one-third the eipente of capper or goM, Products in Ut Sweet Potatoes, Norfolk. R9 59 6 ood.6 uOt Western sheep 6 76 26 30; native Portland to via. Quotations of with a inareet at the door ol Ihe mill, Liverpool Queenstown Staple Bwssf, VlnUod. «4 S5 lambs 6 40; West 6 0007 40.: ready Mwafta From 6007 ■tec requires leu rapllai and paya better din- la Effect Dccrabtr 4. IN99. Io». Kastern^reeh.. is 14 Liverpool. From western fresb. « 14 Leadin' Markets. Regs. Psnsills Market* to Portland Portland, Trains leave Union Station. Rid way Square, Kgg*. neld.

% fc&U 1 a nay »U»M of irimi wbleh Inn TH E PBES8. TIIG BISHOP’S BIKTIIIItV. beei auimiJ by 10* people of tbo as- tir* diooeoo. NICW ADVKKTIfcKMKKTB TODAY Ulohop Haaly baa for many year* baoa regarded aa one *f tba forameat laadara of Oren Hooper’* Son*. tba oborob la Awrloa Be baa lahoreJ Ka-ttnn'i Bros. A Haoeroft. la Ita oaoaa aad bla J. K. l.tbby C*. Head of Catholic Diocese long aad ardoooaly Bines Bros. Co. # □ a tiring efforla Bare ratal tad la a gnat HI FROM US THIS I Atkinson Furuishlng Co. I of aaeoaae to tba dlocaaa of tbla Owen. M' orr A Co. Celebrates It degrte Merrier Meat Market* Today. r. K. O. Pickett. lio doaialaa rf tblr oountry. During Co. Commercial Milling nearly *6 yeara aa tba leader of tbo dloeeee Solar Baking Powder. Years Old and is in In tba baa Bade a Allen A Co. ile in Smnty tbla elate eburob Johnson A lumber t. marked progie a. ft Ellaabetb'a Orphan li. M. LeWacn. * Good Hralth. from Wbltefleld Frank M. Low A Co. Aayluin bae been inored SUITS. to tbla oily and tbs proptrty on rthlob To Let. Found New Wants. For Hair. Lost, baa now etcod for aereral yeara tba HI. ou now most and similar adveiUsemente will be found The Spring Suit is a paramount question in the minds of in under appropriate bea Is. Joaaph’a aonrant In Daerlag, war a-> page What shall it be ? Been qaired. Tbo large traot of land on Dia- women, CASTOStA Has Bishop Nearly mond Island where tbs orphans spend Top Is shaped. 2i in square of Chao. H. Fletchb*. tba aumaiw waa alee encored under tba |f> Brers the signature Years. I.nrge shelf under top. I'n- r* For the past two months we have been preparing and now are ready than and *" Twenty-five dlrtotlon of Dlahop Haaly. In use for more thirty years, derstand and line of suits we have ever shown. hna long boon known oa Sjj with the largest best Tha Kind Vou Have Always Bought, Ulahop Haaly one of tba moat eloquent craters of tba CASTORIA IT .IS NOT A STAND. and we invite oountry, bla fame In tbla dlrsetlsn being We have every facility for supplying Suits of ail grades the of Chas. If. Fr.rTCKEB. Boars signature widespread. It Is a Parlor Table, (loldeu R and Hrccinng Many your inspection. ln use for more than thirty years, Rishop Healy Ulahop a Hontboraor by birth, Oak Finish. Tha Kind Vo» Have Always Bought, bla entire plsoe being near tba olty of filled and free Congratulatory Messages. Mailorders yj Our Suits are distinctive. You will like them. CASTORIA Haoon, Ua. In ohlldboad ba aunt North dellrerjr. In taker Bears the of Chas. H. Fletcher. and studied Q aohools In Brng signature can We know it. and In New He enland We please you. In use for more than thirty years, and Jereey. Moly Croee college, Wore >• tar, Meee ATKINSON I The Kind Von Have Always Bong hi. and the Ike MTootUth birthday ot tbs haloved aid f rad a ttl from tbi I 1 net It men In We have Suits at $10.00 and 12.00, good style all wool Suits Wlailow'i Syrup. bo etodled Furnishinc Co., Mr*. Soothing bead of the Uatbollo Utneern ot Mala* 18ID. 'then, Ike logy In the best that can be at those prices. IT** been used over Fifty Years t»y millions of Jam*! Aofoatlae Healy. U to la Urtnd 8-Binary In Hontreal. llnleblng bUhop il .MO.II JIKNT SUVAItK. Teething, yf mothers for their children while celebrated at Iba retlrioaeo of the bishop bla oourae at that Inatltotlon ba want at 18.00 and 20.00 in numerous It soothes tho child, We have Suits $14.00, 15.00, 16.00, with per feet success. In this city today. to Parla and etndlad at tba Hemlnary Wlud totieus the gums, allays Fain, cures a id colors—all the best in and the suits at these prices A largs ouin bar of ths fi 1 X WE MAKE TO ORDER Moved To at $18.00. 20.00 and 24.00, according to quality of cloth, finely man-tailored V with x 562 Baxter Block i Familiarity advertising Congress St., Suits, giving you choice of many styles and cloths. Some children thrive better than C 111m* KOO.HS II TO 11. y • X T Telephone 1061-3. aprOct.Un «

i skillful hand at other*. It is the # * knowing “when” in advertising. do their own < .Some people try to < JACKETS. advertising who wouldn’t dare do- { < ride a point of law—one is as difficult as the other. Eton either silk or faced ( < Separate Jackets, applique I Some advertising plans are built 1 and some of are a fad of the season. ^ on sand—other* on rock. entirely applique, > to the found.* According plans, ( black We are a line of these in > tion* and workmanship, so will showing repiesentative < the finished structure be. Erect i from to $25.00. * and colors at all prices $6.00 > your advertising House carefully 1 —get experienced builders. > — Uo^ton Herald ^ ^ In fly front Jackets, reefer Jackets and tight fitting both Jackets we are showing a good assortment as usual, * (SIOWH 60 -1 in black at lilill'F iJOiTIM.S. Bfe'lfE 7 in black and colors. Excellent Jackets $^50, STORES IN THE > &■\ | and and in colors at URGE CITIES, i " 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00 13-50, It. regular monthly tmetlng of the 61- r»\ extra We sell 5 8.00 and 10.00. In black we show some reotor. cf the home for Frlendhss I.’ots throughII $5.00, r our own stores !■ * will b. BeM with Mr,. M. E McGreg- Jackets at and 15.00. o Cj 133 from lacto-TM -a length $12.00 295 Spring .treat on Friday, April {direct or, BHlry to wearer at oneVS ‘J 4 80 m. nth, p. p,» profit, which, v/ithl® 5 wa. bafore J^9f Bartholomew Curran |m our Isrge business, IS 'n Judgs Hill yes'e-dsy morning oharged enables us to Pr°-•0L * ° with malnts’nlng a carol Hog nul.aros. £ H|Tduoe a higher grade la, f<-yp til cdl than pop «\ He wrlr.d nn eininlne'l’’n and wii MISSES’ SUITS. be had elsewhere. Our S3. hounl or.r In the sain cf MOD. I). A. jjy les areappreciated Our line of Misses’ Suits is now ready. are not smaller editions i’either wee Us counsel. MBmodernsty ^ They #Er by young men everywhere. The next leetur* In 111. tenrbera’ eonra? the Ladies’ Suits but are designed for young girls. Most of the fit fl of especially Mr.. Kata next JjFA guaranteed._ will ba given by Tryen coats are on the Eton style and the cloths are pretty and durable. Monday evening. The eobjaot. will te The are 9.00, 10.00, 12.00, 13-50, 15.00. ‘"The Hong li’ri. Around Fortland. prices easy—$7.50, itiMior jA.nes ai gustine ueu.y The lenture will ba lllumrated by the itereoptleon. On June At the 40th meeting of the Mains of the oountry. The only erent out of the Boston from 18C« to 187$. 2, Academy of Medicine and Science. wblec usual daily oonrae at the rfeildence will 187$ be was ordained aa tbe bltbop it Real Worth $5, for $3.50. H bo tho of a clieer in hoa* the Ulooese of Maine. Hla silver anni- DRESSES. will ba held In Dr.F J. holding special CHILDREN'S Fortland, April 9, Why do we make and sell moteU cr of the dinner Is to as the head of the ehnroh HU1 nlllopen the aitcutsion on the papei birthday. This versary In $3.50 shoes than any other two B Already we are showing a large line of Dresses for girls from four to eerved at one o'clock and will be attend- tbla state will be oelebrated In the U. S. ? B "Hanning Hotu* In Childhood," Ladle.’ appropi lately manufacturers of on 2nd and are the best.B twelve years age. night will be observed and a very pleat- ed by the clergy. £oturday,June great prepa- H Because they we ever The affair will be a mast happy one rations are now being made for that The Sailor Dresses are the handsomest have seen. We ing programme baa been arranged, with STORE: B Serge and the la much effected tbe memorable event. 1 OUR PORTLAND a banquet. l>r. W. F. Biddings of Gar- blehop by have them in blue, brown and red with various styles of trimming. Prices diner will ales he the dl.putanU among ft 546 Congress %\.i from $j.75 to 8.50. of the queet’on. dlaou.eed. la frlinds on Waihbnrnr avenue. MODELS OV THE WAK6HIPS. vl'ltlog A. J. Hamilton, The better of Sailor Dresses in Crash, Duck and Galatea are in The funeral of Willard 8. Axtell wa. Alar.nail Karr ot la In grades Airs. Al. Hsugor A floe mimical ei. tertalnruent and es- Mgr.^/¥ Wt Sent ana where for be soon. The Dresses we show now at held at hi. late home, 46 fctale ctreet, town ter a few weeks. now and the ones will along hlbltloa of models of Unltad States war- Xf* 49.76. cheaper at 10 o'clock morning. The and Alias Hattie ^yeaterday Airs.A.P.Uoudy Houdy ships was given at lied Man's ball, 43s» from $2.00 to 4.00 are beauties. One piece Dresses in Percale and Ging- service were conducted by Kev.Edward of Portland are gueate of Air formerly Congress street last avsnlng. It was to in Chase of Mr. Axtell was a ham at from 50c $3-50, large variety. Winthrop. and Alra. Lewis A. Uoudy of tbe West- under the ansploss of Ueorge Washing- (l,ruber of the 17th Maine Volunteers. ern Promenade. ton Connell, O. U. A. M. Tba enter- The of the regular monthly meeting MraPateraon and Alisa Clarabel Petsr- tainment const9ted of vooal selections by directors of the Horn, will be held a week wltb frlende a t lioy'e •on are aprndlng Nickerson and Johnson and tbe phono- 226 this afternoon at 4 A CARPET at Spring street Lents Hill. graph. 1 he models of the warships which o'clock. Allea Ueilhtt Webb received a telegram are splendid epeoln.ona of workmanship his Olty Auditor Sanborn celebrated Wednesday night aaylog that ber trother, wore greatly edmlred. WORTH BEATING CAPES. flftltth A few steward wltb ooulveraary yeeterdiy. Kugene C. Webb, hospital There was a good attendance. of hi. many friends aurprUed him yes- gist Infantry, had arrived In Presidio, IS WORTH BEATING RIGHT. ZSNAS THOMPSON Garment is not so much in terday morning by presenting him with ban Kranolsoo, well and happy. & CO._” HOW? Although the Cape as stylish, dressy a handsome chain anl obaru u» a token Urown tbe veteran Z nae Thurston, publish- Thompson & Co. Invite the ONE AT A exclusive. a demand for this serviceable TIME, now as formerly, we recognize continual of their esteem. er, wbo has Leon sotlouely 111 fur the past publlo to an lnspeotlon of tbelr stook of DC *T Hit AW Y AWAY by exhaust fans. vogue TllKN moths amt microbes Prof. Frank L Burnham of this oily It his home on btate 8TKAMKD, we are are in black. tbrea weeks at street, carriages, harness, eto now ready, f This Willed. article. Aside from Golf Capes what showing mostly to havs charge of the orchestra at the le now Improving. well known house krapa abreast of tbe THAT’S THE WjAY WE HO IT. Flake House, Old Urohard, the coming Urn. Josbnn L. Chamberlain of Uruns- times In tbe manufacture of flue vehicles Fnrrat Clly Dye llonirautl T. Wilson of rAQ*rrpiQ in broadcloths, camel’s hairs and worsteds season, and Prof. George wlok, the reoenlly appointed surveyor of and up to the wants of the riling pub- lUO I Lit 0 Strain Carpel Cleansing We have these Capes plain who has for about twelve hotel. Ha Works, this city yoars the port, la at tbe Kalmoutb Ho. Tbe *‘Perfeo;lon Cushion Spring" with neck trimming of ribbon and ruches in all lengths from 21 to }0 inches, noted at master of ceremonies at the same will qualify In a few days. a sad la all their vehicles, Is the Inven- 13 Preble .St., opp. Preble House. resume his duties there this tion ot Mr. K. U Thompson, and le of or ^ house will s Taken and Relaid also with trimming braid, applique embroidery. A bHAKhlSPKKIAN HLVIVAL. to warrant the Carpe Up by Experts season. pronounoed tully name It bears. Women’s Christian asso- Commencing wtth Caster Alonday and The Young 15.00, 18.00. ciation will eontlnus their sale today. ronnlng for tbrre avanlng performances Prices—£5.00, 6.00, 7.50, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00, The committee on estimates met with and one matinee, the Lyceum company order: tbs overseers of the poor and the commis- wll 1 present ua In the following sioner of public works last eveulng. The "The Alerchant of Venice," "Othello,” »nd "Hamlet.” CROWDS AT THE OPEMIWG. oommUtee Is floundering In the mud of "David Uarrick," puhllo demands and the more they It has been acme years since an oppor- SKIRTS. floumlor tbs deeper grows tha mud. tunity has been affored the thrntre going witness three of tbe Major Collins drilled eouipaiaes B nnd public cf Portland to There nre still a number of the Fine Imported and Domestic Too much sties cannot be laid upon the fact that we have a magnificent B last In battalion movements at most Interesting plays of bhokesprare, evening left. Our was never so as this season. The line Skirts. We have the Skirt stock extra room this season wiu nan Garments Slock lar^e of given tbs armory. A large number of spectators pracencen uy a uompecent, Separate of whloh mere will be rantres :— a as a favor that will examine our skirts. were present lo enjoy tne manoeuvring. snced company, assortment and better light. We ask you said later. All the new bpring patterns in Belt Id order to Insure liberal patronage for We carry all grades from an elegantly trimmed Skirt at $35.00 down to Willis A. Suits from $7.98 to 75.00 Buckles are ready; Cates, aucb produotlona a subscription olub rate the figured mohair Skiit at $1.25. the Skirts we show at $3.98,4.50, 5.00, jeweler. will ba mads, which reduoes tbs prloea of to 35.00 10.00 cannot be excelled for and value. seats to one-ball tbe regular Silk Waists from 2.98 0.00, 7.50, 8.50 and style, shape PERSONAL tbs nearly rates. Xbus two people may attend tbe a line have in four performances In the dollar ssaia for Jackets from 3.98 to 15.00 In Storm Skirts we show full of colors and all lengths reserve their seats two tire dollar*, and of these is the best that can be Mr. and Mrs. ttdward who have rn-eu three at $4.50, 5.75 and 7.50. Each Corey, days In sdranou. To n beer: bars the Dress Skirts from 1.25 to 40.00 grades been at the bherwood for a year, re- regulai prices will prevail. Tbs subscrip- at the We have also at $9-00 and 10.00 reversible Skirts of list Is now at tbs box office cf bought price. turned to their house on Neal street tion open tbe tbeatre, and Ur. ahepmaa. one of These are with favor. their abaenoe exten- Given’s Orchestra will furnish music from 2 until 4 Frida; cravenetted goods. meeting great yesterday. During the company managers will oall on as sive alterations have been made. many paople as be can possibly see In the afternoon. Mr. F. L'. Uankln played at Bath Wed- next few days. nesday night In ooncerl wltb Mi. Weloh ALL ARB INVITED. of this olty, violinist, and Miss Bow, a Pain pnpll af Clara Hunger, soloist. No Gripe, Mrs. Stanley McUeooh and Miss Nellie Or discomfort, no irritation of the fn- thorough Whitts more went to Boston yesterday testmes-but gentle, prompt, healthful cleansing, when you take wornlag. R. M. Lewsen & Co Mia. Kd—-d P.Chase of Deeilog street BROS. & BANCROFT. r»tu c4 om a short visit to Boston. Piiia EASTMAN has Hood9a CONGRESS ST. 26 cents 538 Miss K.W atterson af Drooktoa.Maag Bold by all druggists.