WEATHER FORECASTS WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT For SI hour* ending S p. m Saturday: Paata -Vaudeville. Victoria and vicinity—Light to moder­ ate wind*, continued fine and moderately Dominion—Charlie Chaplin Romano—Franklyn Farnum Lower Mainland—Light to moderate wind*, continued fine and moderately Royal Victoria—Marguerite Clark. Columbia—W dm an hood

[VOL. 52. NO. 157 [VICTORIA, B. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1918 tw EIGHTEEN PAGES UNCONFIRMED REPORTS SAY BOLSHEVIKI OVERTHROWN === New Bond Issue of TROOPS REBEL IN TWO CITIES OF $8,000,000,000 in Ü.S. REPORTS COMING VIA COPENHAGEN HUNGARY AS SPIRIT OF REVOLT Approved by House SAY LENINE’S GOVERNMENT OUSTED Washington, Jdne 28 —Without a dissenting vote and with virtually no debate, tne House to-day passed the bill authorising an additional bond SPREADS IN THE DUAL MONARCHY Issue of 8t.090.000.000. AND MOSCOW TAKEN BY KORNILOFF Government of U. S. 2,000 Soldiers Who Mutinied at Gyor and Pecs Con­ FRENCH TROOPS MAKE GAIN Grand Duke Nicholas Is Said to Have Been Proclaim­ demned to Death, Says Report; Violent Demon­ Choosing Commission ed Emperor of Russia and Lenine and Trotzky in strations in Numerous Cities; Army Affected IN A WOOD SOUTHEAST OF to Aid the Russians Flight; London Receives Rumors With Reserve Washington, June 28.—Plans Lead** Jtuw 28.—According to unconfirmed-Yeports to-day the Psris, June 28.—There have been rebellions outbreak* among the for sending a commission to Rus­ AMIENS, TAKING 100 MEN Bolshevilti Government at Moscow has been overthrown, says a dis­ garrisons of the cities of Oyor and Pecs, Hungary, as a result of which sia to assist that country eco­ patch to the Exchange Telegraph Company from Copenhagen. 2,000 of the military involved in the mutinies have been condemned to nomically and industrially have Pari*. June 28.—French troops laat night carried out an oper­ Moscow, the report adds, has been captured by General Korniloff, death, according to a report received by The Matin to-day. ation on the front southeast of Amiena, by means of which their line advanced to the point where it is supported by German troops. General Kaledinas is said to have- co­ Both Austria and Hungary are affected by the revolutionary waa advanced in Senecat Wood, on the Avre River, the War Office possible to announce on official movement, which is said to be in progress on a large scale in Austria, announced thia afternoon. In this action and in other fighting be­ authority that the personnel of the operated. the newspaper’s advices declare. The spirit of revolt is said to be tween the Marne and the Ourcq, south of Dammard, prisoners to the commission is now being dis­ Advices from the same sources assert that Grand Duke Nicholas strongly pervasive in the army.- number of 122 were takeiL._ cussed. has been proclaimed Emperor. Nikolai Lenine. the Bolaheviki Pre­ The text of the statement follows : mier, and Leon Trotsky, Minister of War, are said to have fled to the Violent demonstrations are reported to have taken place in nu­ "Northwest of Montdldler troops advanced their line in Senecat Murman coast. merous cities. Wood and captured 100 prisoners. “Between the Marne and the Ourcq a The Copenhagen newspapers, the dispatch says, give prominence Pecs is the Hungarian name for the city of Funfkehcn, 106 miles local operation was carried out south of VIKUEHLMANNS VERY SMALL BILLOT to a Berlin dispatch quoting The Berlin Tages Zeitung as saying it Dammard, our troops taking twenty- southwest of Budapest The city has s two prisoners. had received a message from its Petrograd correspondent reading population of about 45,000. "The night was calm on the rest of Oyor, more commonly known the front" as follows; Raab, is a city of about 28.000. and la British Report RESIGNATION GIVEN UP TO ONE O'CLOCK "It Is believed here In Petrograd that sixty-seven miles northwest of Buda- IE London. June 28.—Considerable artil­ the Bolshevlkl Government will soon be lery activity developed last night on Attitude of Sts tes. both sides in the region southeast of overthrown and that Kerensky Is the Washington, June 28.—German and Gommecourt, southwest of Arras, the Less Than Two Thousand Had man of the future In Russia" Austrian propaganda representing the Reported to Have Been Offered TCHITCHERIN SAYS War Office announced to-day. British The advices declare that the sup­ United States Government as favoring patrols inflicted casualties upon the Polled; Preponderance porters of Grand Duke Nicholas have the freedom of Poland without regard Wednesday; Probably Will Germans in clashes In this area. overthrown the Soviets throughout the for what hapi>ens to the Csecho- British troops carried out a success­ Be Accepted of Women Rlovaks and the Jugo-Slavs generally, ful raid yesterday near Mericourt, Siberian Provinces of Irkutsk. Kha­ led Secretary Lansing to Issue a state­ Several Deputy Registrars1 Of­ northeast of Amiens. An attempted raid EX-CZAR KILLED barovsk and Blagovleschenek. ment to-day definitely announcing that by German troupe near Mertnnevllle. The defeat of the Bolaheviki is sal* the position of the American Govern­ south of Arras^ was driven off with ment Is that all branches of the Slav ficers Were Looted and Paris. June 28.—Dr. von Kuehlmann At one o’clock to-day less than two to have been made poelble by the vic­ loes to the enemy. tories of the Cxecho-Slovak forces and rgee should be completely freed from The text of the statement follows: offered his resignation as German thousand voters had marked ballots, Bolshevik! Foreign Minister German and Austrian rule. Records Destroyed the treachery of the Red Guards. Sev­ "A raid attempted by enemy troops Foreign Secretary on Wednesday, says but with that number recorded Lib­ eral detachments of the latter are de­ Wednesday night against one of our erals. Returned Soldiers, and Conserva­ Quoted as Stating Nicholas a Zurich dispatch to The Journal. The clared to have murdered their officers posts in the neighborhood of Merinne- tives were equally certain of sufficient Romanoff Assassinated and then surrendered. r vllle, south of Arras, was repulsed with dispatch adds that It is believed the margin to ensure victory. Very little The Exchange Telegraph publishes Quebee, June 2*.—Evidence e# a loss. Kaiser will accept the resignation. claim appears to be held by the sup­ its message containing the report of the EVEN DETAILS ARE eeriee of daring raide en and looting of Daylight Raid. Hertiiitg at Headquarters. porters of the Independent So Bolshevlkl overthrow and the accom­ a number of efficee of deputy registrar, "A part of our troops carried out a Copenhagen. June 28.—Count von panying details "with reserve.” and under the Military Service Act In rural successful daylight raid yesterday near Hertllng. the German Chancellor, paid that Mr. McDonald has other than an Paris, June 28.—The court mar points out, that the information eman­ Mericourt. capturing a few prisoners "also ran" chance. The lunch hour Quebec reached this city te-dey. At a visit to-day to Germany army head­ ates mostly from German sources and without suffering casualties. quarters to attend an Important con­ rush, expected at all polling stations, tial at Darmstadt, Germany, has therefore should be received with cau­ KNOWN BY WILSON St. Luce da Betugard, Mentmagny "During the night our own and the materialised at i.'a* and the slow, ference. according to The Berlin Vos- received a telegram "from M. Tchit- tion. County, an Wcdneeday the deputy enemy's artillery was active in the sische Zeilung. steady stream of voters which char -fft-, under the direct**» flSiÜBneighborhood * of‘ ~Rossignol • Wood. acterlsed the morning hours was main­ London, June 28 —Dispatches from,r1, •ffice. under tne a rec* aou<&ea*t Df Commeeourt. Casualties Long War Idea. tained between twelve and one o’clock. cherin, announcing that Nicholas of J. A. L. Rodrigue, wee leetet Copenhagen to-day carry unconfirmed So Deadly in* Earnest About were inflicted upon the enemy in thie London. June 28.—Dr. von Kuehl­ At Wards Three ami Five polling dtomanoff, former Russian Em reports of the overthrow of'the Bolshe­ the carde that had been filled in neighborhood by our patrol»." mann. the Oermarf Foreign Secretary, booths there had been a preponder­ ppror, has been assassinated, says vik! Government at Moscow. ' War His Efforts Are destroyed in a large bonfire In the Lull Continuée. replying to criticism during the course ance of women voters and at the other The reports, which are received with etreet. At Hoaquam the deputy regis­ London. June W.—There are a» yet of yesterday’s debate in the Reichstag, three étalons the coming and going of a dispatch to The Matin from caution here because of their origin Unbounded the members of the fair sex was to lie trar-* office, under Erneat Lallberte. no outward indications as to when and said ; noted throughout the morning This Berne. The assassination in German sources, state that Generals auffered the name fate. . In Beau ce where the German command will “Once legends have arisen they are Is the happy augury which gives the Korniloff and Kaiedlnes led the anti- ounty. at St. Kgldeon. 8t latdger and launch its next effort against the Al­ difficult to destroy, hut I must declare, supporters of ex-Private Uiolma high place between Ekaterinburg and Perm. Soviet forces which took Moscow. They Stou Francis, the deputy reglatrar-o of lied lines. The fighting lull on the with a view to counter-attacking the hopes that their man will top the poll add that Grand Duke Nicholas, a cou­ Chicago, June 28.—An intimate pic­ Western front continues; with only growth of a legend, that there can be flees also were looted, but It was not when the ballots come to be counted The dispatch from Berne gives sin of the former Emperor and Com- ture of President Wilson's familiarity known when the reports were sent raids and local attacks, while on the no question of my having bound my* this evening. Supporters of the Gov mander-in-Chief of the Russian army whether the cards were destroyed. 1 tad tan, front_ . the— _ Austrians,. . reeling.. self to the idea of a long war." weight to the increasing number of re­ With the Industrial phases of the from the shock of their repulse on the ■*.*.__ ------»--*-« *------efnment record the fact that their or­ |HdBfL the campaign early in Jb* _ A4- Fmnels. 11.-1*. ragnrtart .Aypanute PuYTwT^rod ,« D, v„rKu.M- ganization work is running tlong ports Of t** ItfsasiffYatTOft or th* T6*- war. has been proclaimed "Emperor. * preparations of the United ~Statf*s wXl smoothly and that pre-election prom­ was resorted to to destroy, the Italians to have the initiative. mer Russian Emperor. Darmstadt is Coherence Lacking. given to-day by Edward N. Hurley, but the fuse failed to work. matin's expectation of a war of very ises-of support will turn tfre scales In capital of the Grand Duchy- of It Is two weeks since the German long duration. favor of Major Langley. Liberals, A lack of coherence in noted In the chairman of the Shipping Board, In an Crown Prince ceased tits Ineffectual: se and the former Empress Alexis reports through their Inclusion of a efforts to reach Compiegne and the however, are not looking for any big a meeting here of the majority and many a supporter of the Is * sister of the reigning Grand Duke. quotation from The Berlin Tages IHtnnts Manufacturers* Association. which ha* her, * 4t ■'liver administration with a sporty e It is not unttkety that the Russian Zeitung. which says that “Kerensky is er than between the offensive cSeT îs inasmtg tttwth -ways. ■the man^of ntc future Ifl Russia;** Hits’ - - "W«‘ are applying manufacturing EMU BOMBS KILL the Aisne and that on the Neyon Forelgti TiTnlsler, M. TchUcherin, would Staunch followers of the Opposition principles to the shipbuilding business, Montdldler front, has been sufficient Inform the Hessian Court of the death hardly agreeing with the statement and we find these methods successful." Leader are depending upon a custom­ that Grand Duke Nicholas has been to permit the Germans to prepare fully Premier of Alberta ary "stick-together" policy as a means Mr. Hurlejygpld. "Incidentally it may for a renewal of the offensive. of Nicholas Romanoff before making It made Emperor by the counter-revolu­ -Interest yo^o know that' the methods to leg Mr; Perry to the top of the poll public through regular channels. tionaries. adopted have been followed with close Enemy Effort Expected. Arrested as Evader At the same time, however, there is a Generals Korniloff and Kaiedlnes are ELEVEN IN PUBIS The Allied capitals look for another sort of premonition abroad that all the Berlin had reported recently that the Interest by President Wilson. I think former Emperor was being removed said to bave been assisted by German enemy blow soqn. Military observers King s horses and all the King s roei troops in the reported capture of Mos­ there is no Impropriety In telling you believe it wffl wiw en tte front be would find it difficult to secure suffi from Ekaterinburg to Moscow. Perm that the President handle* nil his work tween Montdldler and Y pres. For the Calgary. June 28.—C. L. Stewart, son clent votes to permit the Conservative is on the northern railroad from Ekat­ cow and this adds another note of so systematically that he finds time to last few days the German artillery fire of Hon. C. Stewart» P: mler of Alberta, candidate's entry to Parliament as a erinburg to Moscow. Csecho-Slovak confusion to the account, as no Ger­ Wound Fourteen; Attack Made man troops have been reported near give a part of his time even to the more has been violent on sectors of Arras, the is alleged to have been arrested under supporter of the present Leader of the troops control the southern route and InitlnAte problems of the various de by Enemy Machines in northern and southern leg of the Ljrs Opposition. Nevertheless. Mr. Perry it is probable that if the Bolshevik! did enough to Moscow to tender the gen­ part men ts. salient and south of the Aisne. The the Military Service Act and detained places a good deal of reliance on his take the former Emperor from Ekater­ erals any aid. even if Germany were "The President knows more about Several Groups Germans, however, may attempt to at Victoria Barracks, according to The record in the capital city to win vic­ inburg they took him by the railway inclined to array herself definitely costs than any of you would believe to surprise the Allies by attacking where Calgary Canadian to-day. Young Stew- tory for him Meantime Uiolma and running through Perm. against the Bolaheviki authorities be possible In the case of a great war they hope their effort will not be are is being examined by the medical Langley are smiling. The former Russian Empress x which she has seemed undisposed to executive. You know that Congress pected. last reported as being in Ekaterinburg do. allotted the President an appropria­ authorities and will corns before the with her husband and daughter. The two generals named, it may he ParU. June Z8.—Eleven persona were court this afternoon for alleged evasion tion of 1100.000.000 for emergency war A Few Days Ago. noted, have t>oth previously been re­ killed aVid fourteen were Injured Amuidsen’s New North ported Id be killed In battle or assas­ purposes. He personally kept his own British Steamship of the Military Service Act. His father London. June 28.—The Frankfurter accounts, and you may be confident through the explosion of bombs drop- is in the Old Country. Zeitung reports that M. Tchitcherin. the sinated. that.çyery dollar was carefully expand­ ped by-German alrman-in. last night’# , Pole Expedition Has Russian Foreign Minister, has tele- Washington Skeptical. ed under his direction. Carrying Munitions raid over the Parle district. graphed*me Russian representative-at Wjublnxtan, June .iV-A!Lr&ports_af____ No Profiteering. LABOR-SOCIALIST Darmstadt that the former Russian ‘ sensational developments in Russia are 4 Reports of the raid said there were Started Us Journey "The ^President has been steadfast In Sunk; No Lives Lost CONGRESS AT PARIS Cxar was murdered a few days ago treated by officials here with the utmost his determination there shall be no pro­ several groups of enemy machines between Ekaterinburg and Perm, says reserve end with a disposition to be­ an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from. fiteering in thls*war. which took different courses in an Christiania, June 28.—Roald Amund­ lieve nothing until the information "President Wilson's whole thought Is effort to break through the defences. Pari*. June 2S.—The French Socialist Copenhagen. comes through direct official circles. In A Gulf Port of the United States, party, in co-operation With the Gen­ sen's ship Maude, in which the famous By a Red Guard. regard to anything that comes out of given to the successful prosecution of During the commotion in the air thus explorer will attempt to reach the the war, and when the end of it comes created, some of the machines evident­ June 28.—Private advices have been eral Confederation of Labor, will hold Washington. June 28. — Ukrainian Berlin or from any German source. a congress In Parts on July 28. it is an­ North Pole, left Christiania to-day for the United Stales will have the con­ ly were able to effect a penetration, received here that the munitions-laden newspaper reports quoted in German State Department officials are frankly nounced by the Havas Agency. The the north. Captain Amundsen himself skeptical. sciousness that there will be no repeti­ for bombs began to drop almost Imme­ British steamship Atlanttan has been will board the vessel when she reaches official wireless bulletins say the former diately. There was a lull, after which conference will take up International Cxar Nicholas was killed by a member tion of it, and that the peace of the torpedoed and sunk. There were questions. world will be secure." the bombardment again grew in Inten­ casualties, the report says, but there Is of the Russian Red Guard In a personal sity and then finally subsided. The no mention of the date or place of the damage done by the raiders is reported disaster. Another German bulletin States ru­ KERENSKY’S RETURN TO t as considerable. mors are current that the family "bt the « ( President Pol neat re sent the victims Cxar has been taken to Peru». , POLITICAL ARENA IS messages of sympathy and solicitude JUNKERS AND BOLSHEVIKI Killed in Train. on behalf of the Government. German Deserters WELCOMED IN FRANCE There were several cases of careless Amsterdam. June 28.—The Wolff onlookers being wounded by frag-* Bureau, the semi-official German news CANADIAN DEEDS monts of shells from the anti-aircraft Get Across Border agency, says It has learned from Rus­ Paris, June 28 —The return of Ker­ SECRETLY AGREE TO CRUSH sian sources that the former Russian ensky, the former Russian Premier, to guns. Emperor was murdered In a train the arena of active politics Is hailed as M. Teyselere, chief of the Paris Are Into Switzerland while leaving Ekaterinburg immediate­ a happy event by several newspapers department, died of suffocation while ly after the city had been captured by War Records Office in London here; Including The Petit Journal directing the rescue of victims of Csecho-Slovak forces. L'Homme Libre and L'Humanlte. Wednesday night's raid. Farts. June 28.—Three barbed wire OUT POLES’ ASPIRATIONS The Wolff Bureau also reports the Doing Very Exten­ Mantel Hembat, former Minister, of fences, one of which ts charged with report that Alexis, the former Russian Public Works and the United Socialist Crown Prince, died a fortnight ago sive" Work TYPES OF AUfOMOBILE electricity, have proved Ineffectual In Deputy for Montmartre, •writing In London, June 28.—The German Government and the Russian after a long illness L'Humanlte. says: "Kerensky's re­ hindering German soldiers from de­ appearance Is likely to facilitate greatly TIRES WILL BE FEWER serting across the frontier Into Switz­ Bolaheviki Government in a secrelj convention regarding the future Allied Intervention and a rehabilita­ IN UNITED STATES erland, says a Havas Agency dispatch of Poland, have virtually agreed to co-operate in crushing Polish Typhoid Epidemic Ottawa, June 28.—That the Can ad ta* tion of Russia." from Basel. The German military au­ War Records Office in England is do­ Basil Maklakoff. the Russian Am­ thorities have attempted to remedy the nationalist aspirations. Details of the treaty have been printed in ing highly valuable work, the import* bassador to 8Trance. expresses satisfac­ Washington. June 28—Immediate evil by cancelling all leaves of ab­ The Nation’s Voice, a newspaper of Cracow, according to a dispatch Among Enemy Troops an ce of Which is hardly realized in tion in an interview printed in The Ex­ reduction in the number of types and sence and special privileges for sol­ to The London Times from Milan. Canada, is indicated in the following celsior. | ______sixes <0r automobile tires from 287 to diers balling from Alsace-Lorraine. in France Reported article issued by the Militia Depart­ thirty-two. has been determined upon The Bolaheviki Government has pledged itself to recognize Aus- ment to-day. by automobile tire manufacturers in ’Under Lord Beaver brook the Cana­ DUTCH GRAIN SHIP AMERICAN-GERMAN tro-German hegemony in Poland and to aid in defending it against dian War Records Office has been do­ accord with recommendations of the Amsterdam. June 28.—Rumors, are In conservation division of the War In­ the former allies of Russia. ing splendid work. Its Official photo­ REACHES HOLLAND PRIS0NEB CONFERENCE The Cracow newspaper describes the circulation, aay The Echo Beige, that graphs. Its moving ptetùre films dustries Board. Under the programme an epidemic of typhoid is raging among announced to-day, by November 1. treaty as a "scandalous document, pledges itself not to interfere with the its contemporary histories have been ; fro:.: united states showing the treachery of the Bofchevlkl organisation of Poland. the German soldiers in Northern apafllal exclusive feature*. MÈNKÊÊtÊtÊÊ 1820, all but nine type» and sixes will Washington. June 28.—Germany has France. Several units are reported to have been discontinued. The nine accepted the invitation of the United and the baseness of the Germans." "Third—The Russian Government tu res have resulted In Canada’s war It gives the substance of the fight may keep in touch with democratic and have had virtually their entire person­ effort becoming a byword In all parte Amsterdam. June II.—The Dutch types will range in sise from 20 by 2% States to send representatives to Berne. nel affected with this disease. This, of the world. The books have been to 40 by 8. and include standard non- Switzerland, for a conference on August articles of the agreement as follow»: revolutionary clubs in Poland through , grain ship Stella has arrived at Rotter- •First—The Polish policy shall be agitators known to the German infor­ together with losses In the laat offen­ translated Into many languages and ' dam from New York. She la the second skid patterns. The elimination of the 6 with an American delegation on the the picture* sent to many lands. so-called non-essential types will be general subject of exchange and treat­ conducted by Germany/ mation service. sive, is said to account for the delay in vessel loaded with grain to reach Hol­ "Second—The Russian Government (Concluded on pegs t) resuming the offensive. (Concluded on page 4.) land from the United States this week. gradual* ment of prisoner* A war. VICTORIA DAILY 1 FRIDAY, JUNE 28,' 1918 üî:_-.____-i-___:___ 1____i-ii-jl.-.------a

We Are Prompt. W« Am C.mIuL We Uee the Beet hi Our Werk. ONTARIO HEADED FURTHER AIR RAIDS New Arrivals FOR INSOLVENCY ON OERMAN CENTRES Save the food and help thé fighter fight. So Says Senator Edwards in iritish Bombed Works at Lud- Week-End Savings in Sports J. B. L. Cascade. Djer Kies ami Mary Garden Toilet Discussing New Quebec wigshafen and Saarbrucken Preparations. Timber Tariff and Bolchen Aerodrome and Outing Wear Palmer’s Removable Cushion-Bavk Hair Brush. Ilubigant’a Perfumes (including Quelques Pleura) A splendid line of extra good quality Corduroy Sports otiawe, June 27.~The Province of London. June It.—A communica­ Skirts in white, rose, green and Belgian blue. Regular Ontario le g«»lng headlong Into In- tion Issued by the Air Ministry on the Shoulder Braces—AU Sises. *k4vem-y.‘ devjarwd Senator W- C. work of British air squadrons says: 46.00 values at the special pnee of ...... Tm the -aHht uf June 86»tft Wash Middies, nicely triujmed, with pockets, belts and tariff whit h the Quebec dovenuhent our aeroplanes bombed the chemical large collars. Special fur thé week-end at...... 91-W has just put into effect. While ad- works at Ludwigehafen, factories and mini ns that he aad other l«r»e him- Silk Waists, in a wide range of dainty shadings. All sizes. barmen would be seriously affected by railway sidings at Saarbrucken and Special at ...... fl.95 the new tariff, which has Increased the aerodrome at Bolchen. Several stum page and ground rent rates as bombs fell on an active furnace at Sweaters; just the thing for street and beach wear [.many Campbell’s Prescription Drug Store high as 100 per cent.. Senator Edwards Saarbrucken. At the Bolchen-,; aero­ styles and colorings to ehpose from. Largest and best COR. OF rORT AND DOUGLAS. RHONE IMh took a complimentary attitude toward drome. two tiahgars were net on fire, the Province of Quebec. and also one machine which was out assortment in the city. Prices range up from. -97.85 -After all.*' he said, -the Province of on the aerodrome. Quebec Is the only civilised province -All our machines returned safely. New Arrivals of Silk and Serge Dresses of the Dominion, because it Is the only “One of our machines which yester­ An inspect inn of Our Display of Suits, Coat* and Dresse» province that is solvent and the only day was reported missing has since p______Will Surely Interest You—Prices Are Right. NINETEEN FRENCH TAROUCA MAY BE-NEW provide* that has a stable Govern­ returned. ' ment. There Is not much difference “The enemy bombed one of our aero­ GENERALS RETIRED AUSTRIAN PREMIER between Ontario and the Russ-an Bol­ dromes during the night. No dam­ shevik l Government, for the Province age was done to our aeroplanes." of Ontario is going headlong into in­ Paris, June IS.—Transfer to the re- * Amsterdam, June 29.--Vienna dis­ Along the Front. The Ladies’ Sample Suit House solvency.** •enrae of Gen Barrai Lwho waa recalled patches say that Count Silva Tarouca. Senator Edwards said the new tariff London, June I*.—Field-Marshal "Where Style Meets Moderate Price’ Phone 1901 last December aa chief commander of* at present Minister of Agriculture, and would have very serious effects. “It Haig reported last night : 721 Yates Street the Entente operations In the Balkans, an intimate friend of Empeser Charles, may put the lumbermen out of busi­ "i 'asualtiee were inflicted on the was announced In an official list of staff probably will be the next Premier of ness.” he said, "because we can not enemy during the night tn patrol en­ change* Issued last night Eight other Austria, In succession to Baron von stand the present dues. There Is counters In the neighborhood of major-generals and ten brigadier-gen­ nothing in luml»erlng to-4ay and I do Boyelle. erals also are placed In reserve. not think there Is a lumberman who “There Is nothing further to report, ha:t made money for the past four Among the officers promoted are A Zurich despatch* of June 16 said except artillery activity by both sides Brig.-Gen. Mordae. head of the military that I*remier von Seydler had proposed yUira- on certain sectors. CASUALTIES AMONG cabinet of the Minister of War; Brig - as his successor Baron Bahnhsus. and “Aviation- Seven German * machines uan. Maxime-Wélghandr former mem­ thm-the- Austrian Emperen--he* invited ... -lialltax.-Juae-H^saPI. Flnn.--M> were- brought- dtrwn -by-own al erne n -o*v- CANADIAN SOLDIERS ber of the Inter-Allied Supreme War the Baron to begin negotiations with for Halifax, has been appointed a mem­ June 26. and two others were driven Council and now assistant to Gen. Foch. the various political parties, with the ber of the Nova Scotia Government down out of control. Two of our aero­ They are made major-generals object of forming a Cabinet. without portfolio. planes are missing. Ottawa. June 29.—The following Save Health and Labor "With the Improvement in the casualties have been announced: weather, more photographie and obser­ vation work was accomplished than Infantry. had been possible for some time. Our Died of woYinds—Pte. W. Haldane, bombing machines dropped fourteen Chaw. B. C. . ; COOK WITH GAS ! and one-half tons of explosives on 1‘resumed to have died—-Pte. A. enemy railway station*, dumps.. bil­ Fletcher. Vancouver; Lieçt. R. M. Arm­ lets and the Bruges docks. strong. Moncton, N. B. > “On the night of June 26-27 bomb­ Prisoner - of - war—LHsût. J. R- Of* McClsry Gas Range No. 183.------; ---- ing operations continued and sixteen man, Toronto. _; _ Light Four Sludebaker and ton* of bombs were dropped by our Missing—L**ut. A. B. Pike. Be the- A low priced range, very suitable for the small kitchen. da. Ont. night flying machines on various tar­ Artillery. gets without lose.” Price, $37 A0; Discount, 10 per cent for Cash. French Report. Wounded—Lieut. I. K Desberhlnin, Toronto. Paris. June 2*.—The War Office re­ ported last night: Gray Doit Motor Cars “There was no Infantry activity. The Died—Pte. C. R. Barnes, Detroit, artillery fire was Intermittent on var­ Mich., U.S.A.; Pte. G. A Jeannette; Ste. VICTORIA GAS CO., LD. ious sectors between the Oise and the Rose du Lac. Man ; Sergt. W F Tay­ Aisne." lor, Senlac. Bask; Pta A. H. Taylor, Phone 123 JUST ARRIVED ! Gtrmin Statement. Clinton, Miss., U.S.A.; Pte- A-L. Tay­ lor. Stafford ville. Ont; Pte. B. BthaJl, Berlin, June 27.—Via London. June Harrisburg, Pa, US A.; Pte- O. E. 29.—An official statement Issued here Sadler. Hamilton. Ont; Pte W. Shea, Prices From Including War Tax to-day says that enemy observers $1,295 Brandon, Man.; Sergt. G. Welsh, M M., KUEHLMANN’S LIBEL hpve again been seen on Rhelms Hensall, Ont; Pte W. F. Kingrey. Irv­ Do not buy until you have seen these remarkable values. Demonstrations at any time. Cathedral. 1 ington, III, U.JLA ; Pte R E. Ray. DISHOP GA1XED TO SUIT WILL BE TRIED Miami, Man.; Pte. D. Reid, Hamilton. The announcement by the German Ont; Pte. C. Bradley, Transcona, IN BERLIN NEXT WEEK high command that enemy observer* Man.; Pte. P. Christenecn, Woodland, have been seen on Rhelms cathedral Wash. U.SJL; Pte. C. Budrtck. Can- POST IN ENGLAND Is usually the preliminary to a bom ora, Saak.; Pte F. R Carr, Lyndon- Paris, June 29—The Hbel suit bardment of that .edifice. The French vtoe, Vt, USA.; Pte. A. Campbell. brought by Dr. von Kuehlmann, the authorities have denied that the cathe Stratbclair. Man ; Pta J. Cantrell German Foreign Secretary, against JAMESON. ROUE & WILLIS dral was ever used for observation Kansas City; Pte G. H. Suddaby, Eden, The Deutsche Zeitung, of Berlin, fol­ purposes. There Is little left of the Man.; Pte. 8. J Slye, Calgary; Pte. R Great Canadian Airman is lowing the publication of articles re­ MOTOR ACCESSORIES, ETC. edifice but the west front and the R Skinner, Toronto ; Pte. A. C. White, lating to the Secretary's conduct while pillars. Toronto; Pta F. Colvin. Yorkton. Given Appointment at in Bucharest in April, will be called Cor. Courtney and Gordon Sts. Mask. ; Sergt <1. Mutton. Bellevue, nixt week, according to reports re­ Alta; Pte. W. B. Mather, RueeelMlle, the Air Ministry ceived from Switzerland and trans­ WORKERS OF LONDON N. R ; Pte. R Martin. Madison. Win, mitted by the Havas Agency. Many WILL SHOW LOYALTY U,8.A.; Pte J Lowry. winslde, Sask.; witnesses have been summoned by Pta H. Keown, Windy Oatea Man ; both sides, including the chauffeurs Pte. S. J. Jeans, Whitney Pier. N.S. who drove the Foreign Secretary’s TO ALLIES’ CAUSE Wounded—Pte. J A. Taylor, Eng­ London. June Si.—It is learned that Major W. O. Bishop, Y- C.. D. 8. 0„M. C., automobile during the night rides in land; Pte. A. Morris. England; Lance- Bucharest. London, June 26.—The committee In Corpl. K Blais. 8L Godfrey. PQ.; Pte. Canada's premier airman and pilot, charge of a pro-Ally Labor and Social O. Mersey, Yarmouth, NS.; Pte. L P. who has the largest number of air vic­ 1st demonstration to be held in Tra­ tories to his credit of any airman in The Deutsche Zeltung late in April Cadotte. Cumberland India Bask. ; Pte published an article asserting that von falgar Square on July 14 appeals to S. Marshall North Rustic©, P.RI.; the war, has returned to England to the members of the trade unions of take up an appointment at the Air Kuehlmann and Count Cxernin. the Sergt A. Lamoureua Cacouna PQ : Austrian Foreign Minister, at that London to attend the demonstration in Pta F Marsh. Selkirk. Man ; Pta A. Ministry in the department of the order to express sympathy with the Chief of the Air Staff. time had acted in a manner which Bourget, Montreal; Pte. R . Guertln, abased their countries during rhe countries which have been overrun by Linn wood. Mass, U.8.A ;/Pt>. J. Lam­ Major Bishop's recall was ordered the armed might of Prussian militar­ negotiations at Bucharest. Secretary bert, Montreal; Corpl/A Richer, St. by Lord Weir, the Air Minister, at the von Kuehlmann. it was said, was eeen ism. and to let it be known to the Jovlta PQ ; Pta, C. 0ioate, Calgary; special request of Sir Edward Kemp, democracy of the United States, that Pte W. R. Lockhart, Petitcodlac, often with a well-known member of the Canadian Overseas Minister of the underworld. come what may. even if Paris should N.R; Pte E. J, Good, Ireland; pta F Militia, as it was considered Import­ fall and the Channel ports he taken, the Beattie. Beechwood/ N.B.; Pte. G. A. ant thaf Major Bishop should be placed _ , fttOnfi^Brititin srs. revived to CampbeUton, —KJLa» Pta. L tn a position where Ms war experience QUEBEC CITY AN0 -— support the Allied nations to the fullest ilneral, >I.B.; Pt#7 C D. could be used to advantage, especial­ Aleut of their energy and power. Campbell, Toronto; Pta A. L Gray, ly In connection with any develop­ RIOT DAMAGE CLAIMS Tb'e appeal adds Lonsdale, N B.; Oorpl H. Murray, Ire- ; What would foltnqr nsqrf prgottfi; Hnf; ments that might take place in re - km* with the Central Power» vtctori- k. p.^^n Australia; Pta G. a. Low ; QueT>ec, June 28.—The civic financé/ ous can be Judged from the treaties of Hier. Crapaud, P.RI.: Pte. A. MàcKay. committee last night dismissed the Brest-Lttoynk and Bucharest and that Marble Mountain, N.S_: PtiL. R- Mac­ Three weeks ago Major Btihpp took claim* againat the city foe property . which the new Caucasian republic has Leod, St. Ann's, *4.8.; Pte. M. Quin­ to France a ha#d-picked fighting damage caused during theWots here been compelled to sign with the Otto- lan. Port La Tour. N.R; Pte. J. Mc- squadron, of whom a large percentage last spring. The claim* totalled $f>S,0P0. CORAS & YOUNG’S GROCERY PRICES were Canadian*. The squadron was The city holds that It is not responsible Kensie, St. Rose du Lac, Man.; Pte. for any damage caused after the mili­ M. Tobin, Toronto; Pte. J. Foster, Tor­ equipped with the latest and best fight­ ing aeroplanes, and in the short time tary took over control or for the lose of Read Them Over, BUY THE GOODS, and Get Satisfaction. C. 6 Y. Guar DUTY OF DEALERS TO onto; Pte. A. Bernard, Granby, P.Q.; life, for which the families of the four Pte. A. Veslna, Quebec; Lance-Corpi. It nas been at the front hg* accounted an tee It SELL FLOUR SUBSTITUTES E. Binet, Quebec; Pte. R Lacroix, for an extraordinary number of victims shot by gunfire have filed Quebec : Pte. J. Potfcter, Ft Gene vie vs nemy machines. The committee authorized dfayor de Batiscan. P.Q ; Pte. V. Parmentier,A Major Bishop's record in enemy aero­ Ottawa, June 29.—H. B. Thomson, planes brought down In aerial com­ Lavigueur to effect a settlement for the Vaudn-iuL P.Q ; Pte. J. A- Wiggins, damage caused Marc^t 28 and 29. ANTI-COMBINE TEA, the best chairman of the Canada Food Board, Sunbury, N.B.; Pte. C. McCumber, bats has now reached a total of SHREDDED WHEAT in an interview yesterday afternoon, Halifax, N.8.; Lance-Corpl. J. McNeil, seventy-two. If reckoned on the same BISCUITS, 2 pkts.. value to be had. B* A — said that the public should not accept Caledonia Mines. N.S; Pte. S. R. basis a* the fights of the late Baron SUN SHINING ON Per lb...... OVC any excuses from retailers in the mat­ Hunter, Sussex. N.B.; Pte. X Ed­ von Richthofen, the champion German ter of flour substitutes, because R Is wards, England; Pie. J. R. Godfrey, airman, who counted a double-seated BOTTLES CAUSED FIRE tSe duty of dealers to obtain and carry Ford, Ont.; Pte. A. L. Wolls. Woods- machine a* two victories. Major CORN STARCH sufficient supplies of such substitutes ley, Ont.; Pte. J. Peloquin, St Joseph Bishop's total would be well oVer the 2 pkts. ... ST< CLARK’S POTTED MEAT, for to meet all requirements. , de Sorel, P.Q.; Pte E. Mercier. Belle- century mark. New Westminster. June 29.—Fire sandwiches. 1 — In answer to questions as to the at chasse, P.Q., Pte. D. Hebert St. On the morning of the day he re which broke out in the Model Groc­ -tUude of the Canada Food Board in Thomaa de picrravllje, p.Q„ JKrgt W ceived the order to return to England, ery on Sixth Street here on Wodnes- - NICE I BROKEN BI8- 2 tins for case of any attempt to advance prices, C. Ryen Middle Clyde, N.S ; Pte T fc qüîte' ùnexpectêd by 'hlm. lie wch^dfit day aQf wen caused by tbe sua Mr. Thomson pointed out that the Food Turner, Moose Jaw, Bask.; Pte. P. K. for ene last fling at the German» and shining on empty bottles in the rear CUITS Board had not the power to control the Sharpe* Scotland before his return had brought down of the building, according to Fire Chief CANADIAN SAB OCa prices of the grains, but he said that Artillery. five enemy machines. Upon hie re­ Watson. The loss is 'estimated at Per lb. $2.000 on the stock and a few hundred DINES 3 tins>wC un lefts there was an advance in the Wounded—Gnr. J. M< Robbie, Lud­ turn he said good-bye to hi* com­ price of the grains, no Increase in the low. Mass, U.S.A. ; CorpL A B. L rades. Jumped into a motor and dollars on the building. EMPRESS SODA BISCUITS, large price of substitutes either by millers Murray. Winnipeg; Gnr J. C. Fry, caught a boat fqr England. CLARK’S PORK, BEANS AND TO­ or wholesale or retail dealers, would h* Chesley, Ont; Dvr. R Gamble, Lem­ carton , OAa MATO SAUCE allowed. berg. Sack.; Dvr. P. Gamble, Lem­ "No advance in the price of substl berg, Saak.; Corpl. A. Hancock, Scot­ BODY OF EXEMPTED for .. * Mr w Per can 12%# and.. ...- | tutes Is warranted at the present time,' land; Gnr W. H. Passmore, England; added Mr. Thompson. "Millers and Acting Bdr. W. H. Brownlee, Kempt- MEN BEING FORMED wholesale and retail dealers are now vllle, Ont; Dvr. "G. Monro, England. PUBLIC INDEPENDENT CREAMERY REINDEER COFFEE OR COCOA operating under license from the Can­ Gassed—Gnr. J. J.eBerry, Montreal; IN EASTERN CANADA AND MILK « g- ada Food Board, and any dealer who Gnr. J. Phelan, Charlottetown, P.RI. ; BUTTER, the nicest £■ £■ ** attempts to take advantage of the Gnr. W. Walker, Port Hawkeebury. Quebec. June 29.—Branches of the Butter made. Per lb . Small can .. .. . r.»I MV order requiring the use of substitutes N. S. Honorably Exempted Association, will be liable to have hie license sus­ which is composed of men who were NOTICE pended or cancelled." hfinorably exempted from service over­ MARGARINE OBa LIQUID VENEER AA. seas previous to the coming into force PREMISES MAY BE , of the Military Service Act, will be or­ Every day, except .Sunday, Per lb...... rv •.. Per bottle, 40* and. RAILWÂYÛÏÏESÏÏ0NS ganised in Quebec, Montreal and To SEARCHED TO STOP ronto. where the idea originated. This Women's and Men’s Suits - AWAIT RETURN OF society would Include all those who. al­ RED LABEL COFFEE AA* MALKIN’S BEST MAR­ • HOARDING OF FOOD though not called for service, willingly made to order from genuine 1-lb. tin...... OVC MALADE ■ye* BORDEN TO OTTAWA signed for overseas service. Engl ink Suitings. Ottawa, June 29.—In order to facili­ Ottawa. June IS —Pendlns the return tate the operation of the anti-hoarding CANADAURGED TO , NICE RICH FLAVORY TEA, law, an Order-Ip-Council has been of the Prime Minister and his col­ passed giving an authorised represent­ ■ s ibs.

Washington. June 18.—German 8o- London, June 28.—That the Bolshe London, ,lune 27.—Via Reuter's Ot claiiHta heard of Secretary Baker's an­ viki in Siberia are weak and could be tawa Agency. June .28.—At a luncheon A Notably Large and Interesting Bulletin of nouncement on June Id that more than overthrown easily but for the support given by the London Chamber of Com- HU aoe in the raw nun itwu the contention of the Harbin corner sent to France, In time to use the in­ Hon. W. M. Hughes, Prime Minister of s pondent of The Daily Mail In a long formation In heckling Foreign Minis­ Australia, said the Allies were facing ter von Kuehlmann during his speech dispatch dated June 22 he says that of the supreme criais of the war. The next In the Reichstag on Monday. 20,00 prisoners fighting on thé side of few weeks were pregnant with tre­ Advices reaching France through a the Bolshevik! in Trans-Bakaila, 4,000 mendous possibilities. neutral country and received here by are Magyars, who are the chief source The German militarists fully recog- Saturday’s Selling cable, quote Hufe. one of the Social­ of the Bolshevik! strength. Two or three nixed that they muet either achieve a ist deputies. Si blaming the war on Allied divisions, says the correspondent, decisive victory now or continue a Austria, denouncing the policy of the could put down all opposition ln.tilberia. hopeless struggle against dally Increas­ German Government and ridiculing the He adds: ing forces. It would be foolish for the failure of the submarines to keep “The weakness of the Bolsheviki may Allies to underestimate the immediate Women’s Suits to Clear American soldiers out of France. He be imagined from the fact that a few danger, but it was clear that the enemy Women’s said: “In our country the rulin#party scattered Csecho-Slovak forces are able was becoming Increasingly anxtoils. Is military It Is very desirable that to hold the Siberia* railway for a dis­ The recent speech of von Kuehlmann, Saturday at $16.90 . this situation should be cleared up— tance of 1,600 miles and keep in touch the German Foreign Secretary was a Khaki Colored clear admission that the recent enemy- st least that General Ludendorff should with the counter- revolutionary move­ ment in Southeastern Russia led by offensive had been but barren in its Intending Suit buyers will find it to their advantage to visit the take the ‘responsibility of power instead gains, and that military success, if not wf the Chancellor t - Gen. Alexieff. Suit Section to-morrow and note the interesting values being of­ Overalls ’ Bolsheviklsm is a living corpse. Al­ Impossible, was farther off than ever, “It is said that money is the ruling lied intervention is \ ital, not only to and unless victory was gained political­ fered at S 16.90. Suita that are well cut, well-finiahed and per- Regular $4.90, —lift with th** Kngllsh. This war save the Russians from the Germans, ly. Germany must prepare for a longer has shown that the homage to the but to save the Russians from them­ war. lectly tailored throughout. Coats are well lined aud at $25.00 goldtm calf Is as ardent in our country selves." The ..change In the German tone. Mr. Saturday at $3.95 as In Rngland or America. * The correspondent then gives Infor­ Hughes thought, was due to n realisa­ they would tie conaidered excellent value. To-morrow we offer “Many times we have been told that mation concerning conditions In leading tion of the great effort of the United One-piece Style. victory was ours. On January 1. 1917, Siberian towns. He says there are 40,000 States. The Germans also knew that the this social group of women's smart Suits at the low figure when the submarine warfare was be­ unarmed Austrian prisoners at Omsk, Apgio-French armies were confidently of ...... f 16.90 3 Dozen Women's Khaki- awaiting the next onslaught, while the gun. Herr Helfferich assured us that where a German consul has Just ar­ Colored Overalls, ideal for the United States would not take any rived. The consul ha* received 250.000 much vaunted Austrian offensive hail xctivr part tn the war." Admiral von robt""$tsmute iisut JtioWKtifcfc-asiy! JB&BlJJfEtf.«Ht Ail f tUi iiijglff vex me berry picking, " gardening, Capelle marked his entrance 'fiWfinrfie ëfin ruent a* an indemnity for the liqui Austrian army in headlong' rout and factory and camp wear. war with an effective result which dation of Gennan business*, while re­ the civil population ojienly rebelling. Brassieres Specially .Germany had completely lost control Made with long sleeves and amounts to nil. Now there are 700,000 presentatives of British and American Americans in France. The submarines firms are being mulcted heavily under of the air. and the failure of her sub­ in the popular one-piece marine campaign was obvious. Great Priced Saturday have not been able to impede them in threats of Imprisonment. The American consul at Irkutsk re­ Britain’s mastery of the sea was more style; sises 36 to 46. Regu­ porta that the town is pock-marked complete than ever. lar $4 90. Clearing Satur­ "This war was caused by Austria. Referring to the economic situation, at 50c with bullet and shell holes, and that day at ...... The Flemish movement that we im­ the Bolsheviki and Vsechg-Slovaks are Mr Hughes recalled, that during his #3.95 agined is a pure swindle. The situ­ fighting there. No business is being previous visit he had urged the need For Saturday's selling the Corset Section ation of Rsthonia and Livonia-under transacted and there is no frtod. Bus! at Empire organisation arid eritpharized ' has ready 10 dosen front" and back’fast­ our occupation is deplorable and hope­ ness also has ceased at Krasnoyarsk*. the folly of Great Britain’s reverting to 50 Doien Large less. That is what they pompously Industries and mines have been na­ the financial and economic methods on ening Brassieres, specially designed for rail IIIteration of the smaller peoples tionalized, but the workmen are idle. which she had fatuously relied so long. all types of figures and in a good range Overall Print Aprons, from Russian oppression If the Rus­ Eight furnaces of a big steel works in The people longed tor peace, but was sian people rise again it will be a life the Ufal Mountains solidified with the Great Britain better prepared for peace of the most wanted sises. Regular 60c. Beg. 90c, for 75t. and death struggle between us.** workmen discussing whether or not to than she had been for war? But for the Marked special Saturday at ...... 50# work. war Germany would have destroyed the son omauresTs- Order is ensured in Vladivostok, says British trade by iieaceful penetration the correspondent, by the presence of and reduced Britain and most of her Allied,warships in the harbor and Ja­ Allies Lo a state of economic vassalage. MISSING AT FRONT panese and British patrols in thé The war had revealed that the indus­ 18 Only Pure Wool streets. trial and commercial greatness of the Smart White British Emplr* was honeycombed by Paris, June 28.—A son of the late German influence and control. 500 Pair of Black Jean Jaurès, the French Socialist leader WASHINGTON LABOR who was assassinated in Paris on the Two Steps. “Jaeger” Bathing eve of the outbreak of the war. is re­ UNIONS AGAINST Two things were necessary to enable Outing Skirts for ported to be missing. It is. not known the British to hold their control after Cashmerino whether he was killed or taken prisoner. ORIENTAL LABOR the war. said Mr. Hughes. First, the ability to defend themselves against Suits their enemies; second, the ability to Dominion « PROTEST AGAINST Aberdeen, Wash., June 28.—The produce wealth and develop the econo­ Stockings Washington State Federation of Labor, mic resources of labor and capital for Regular $5.00 for NEW BREAD ORDER at seventeenth annual convention here the support of numbers of virile and “Factory Seconds,’’ # - yesterday reconsidered the “Asiatic happy people. Day Mr. Hughes emphasised the danger Montreal. June 28.—A group of labor resolution" in much modified French-speaking bakers held a meeting form, and passed it as amended by which British commerce and Indus­ Smartly designed and perfect fitting here yesterray and protested against committee. The new draft "recognises try would stand after the war unless At 3 Pr. for $1.00 the latest regulation of the Canada this great labor evil" and "discourages the Empire is at least as well organ­ White Outing Skirts in a host of vari­ Food Board, requiring them to use ten the employment and patronage of Ori­ ized as other nations. Reconstruction 500 pair* of Women's Black Cashmerino II Only, Navy All Pure Wool “Jaeger” Bath­ per cent, of wheat substitutes in their ental and Asiatic labor.'* after the war would be a mighty and ous popular styles are on display and Hose selling to-morrow at below to-day's The original resolution as introduced complex task. There would be a colos­ wholesale price. They are of the well-known ing Suits, trimmed with bands of white, As a result of the measure these and first dealt with made it mandatory sal demobilisation of many millions of ready for those who will enjoy a good Penman make, willt very slight imperfec­ will be on sale to-morrow at $2.95. Any men and women. Unemployment of bakers declared their intention of rais­ upon subordinate unions to refuse to tions. It will pay you and pay well to invest woman contemplating the purchase of a ing their bread from twelve to fifteen accept this class of labor Into union labor and capital would create a crisis day'a outing on Monday, July 1st. which would shake the national fabric in a half a dosen pairs or more for next win­ per cent, within the next few weeks. ranks. Bathing Suit should make a point of being to its foundation unless there was ef­ Viait the Skirt Section Saturday and ter's wear. Sises 8% to 10 Substitutes cost more than wheat and The convention also passed résolu here early to-morrow morning. Regular they could no longer afford to sell at tiens favoring the eight-hour day. and fective organization. Something had make your selections. the current prices, they stated. to be done, and more was !>eing done. 44 Penman \s Make. *9 $5.00 for ...... $2.95 discouraging the overtime system; In order to empire a sufficiency of food Local English-speaking bakers do seeking legislation for labelling prison- and raw materials, but hitherto no not endorse any Of the statements made made goods, and went tin record This is an exceptional Hosiery offering. at this meeting of the French bakers. definite |w>lley, fiscal or economical, had At $1.75. $2.25, 82.50. 82.75 favoring the forty - foil r-hour week. been declared. No national organiza­ Take advantage of it. S Early Morning Shopping if you tion had been established and no ma­ 83.50 and up to 87.50. want one of these Bathing Suits. REBELLIOUS TRIBES COLD WAVE DAMAGES chinery had been created to deal with IN LIBERIA SUBDUED the many inevitable problems. CROPS IN GERMANY Without Delay. This ought to be done without delay. Au Atlantic Port of the United States. London. June 28.— Snow has fallen to It would be too late to do it after the Women’s Cotton 50 Dozen Fine Nemo Self-Reducing June 28.—The last of the rebellious na­ war, when confusion would reign tive tribes which have been causing a depth of one to three Inches in sev­ eral parts of Germany, according to a supreme. trouble to the Government of Liberia After urging an Incessant and most Lisle Knickers Chamoisette •Ince the war began have been subdued, dispatch from Amsterdam to the Ex­ change Telegraph. vigorous far against ...pacifistsjghot-i Corsets ■ according to T. C. Mitchell, of Thom Se­ consciously " or un consciously, were ville. Lia. a traps-Atlantic passenger Havoc has been caused to the fruit A rreW by frost The roM wave, the- dia- agents .of. Germany, - Mr. Hughe* erne* Gloves arriving here. eluded by saying that effective action Mr. Mitchell left Libéria In May patch adds, is consider*» to be an eco­ nomic catastrophe. by the Dominions must .await the after a two-year service as chief com- of a cleat1 afid deBiiitc for UtatTla in llie FrftfiCTT- perienced four days of uninterrupted economic policy by. Britain, which Knickers, with elastic at knee and At $1:06 Pair  Cornet eëpëcTâlty designed for tall, Liberta boundary question. should be declared without delay. waist, in these colors—saxe, tan, Women's Fine Quality Imported full figures. Self-reducing straps WILL BE EXTRADITED. EX-POLICE SERGT. SENTENCED. T0R0NT0-T0-ÛUEBEC grey, navy and white. Regular 75c. Chsmoisette Gloves are speci­ create a gentle auto-massage that Washington, June 28.—Frank J. God­ Saturday, special at ...... 65# softens fat and drives it away, firm­ ent. a French citlsen held here on Vancouver, June 28.—David Màrr. a AIR MAIL SERVICE ally priced to-morrow at $1.00. former police sergeant, was sentenced charges of the French Government that At the regular price of $1.25 ly support abdomen. Nemo Lasti- he profiled to the_ egtent of several yesterday to three years in thé peni- IS PLANNED NOW curve back reduces hips and back n.âïï'.ns ôf frwtïanrnn rrntor -true* r-m* tewtWy, having pleaded guilty, lo mix thfcs-ttae is good valu». For tracts, was held yesterday by the dis­ charges of being in possession 6f "; with utmost comfort. Msar or frac stolen goods. Quebec, June 28.—It is expected that Saturday we have marked trict court for extradition to France. before July 16 a through aeroplane mail SLIP-PON VEILS, white coutil in sizes 22 to 36. Re­ circuit between Toronto, Montreal and them special at, pair. .$1.00 markable corset value $t, per Quebec will be established. It Is under­ Black or Brown. stood that a party of officers from the pair...... $4.00 137 Royal Air Force will arrive in Quebec At 2 for 2Sf In these colors—Grsy, Natu­ Vdtex*'"»" soon to look over conditions. Should the plans be carried out a mail service will ral, Black and White. Ask for Style Number 137. be established between the Queen City and the ancient f'apital, and under favorable conditions nine hours should SWIMMERS covet the "distancé" *bel4v.*éh ffië cities, allowing a stop In Montreal. Scores of Pretty ; 10 Doz. “Skull-Shape” BREAK RECORDS PATENT MEDICINE LAW IN ALBERTA PROVINCE Cotton Frocks for Rubber Bathing Caps

Edmonton. June 2$.- Steps are be­ ^ WE SELL ing taken by the Government of Al­ berta to enforce the regulations under Dominion Day At 35c the liquor act in respect to patent and proprietary medicines, which require Snug-fitting skull-shape Rubber Bathing Caps approval before they can be legally sold Outings in Alberta. An Order-ln-Vouncll has in colors of green, white, navy anil rose, are been passed prohibiting the sale of any < medicine not approved by the advisory What woman would not like to have one of selling to-morrow at 35< eaeh. Other styles committee and Jointly appointed by the Government and the University, and all these dainty and smart Cotton Frocks to wear druggists and other dealers handling are specially priced at 50C, 65<, and RECORDS such goods will be held liable under the on Dominion Day. Scores of pretty dresses, law. at ...... 90* -----AND THEY ARE------simple in design and attractively displayed in AUSTRALIA TO HAVE the Cotton Dress Section, and at prices to suit HEAVIER TAXATION all pocket-books. View this showing of new “Holeproof” London, June 28.—(Via Reuter's Ot­ summer frocks to-morrow, g, , tawa Agency)—A dispatch from Mel bourne states that the Acting Prime SILK STOCKINGS VICTORS Minister of the .Commonwealth said Many Interesting Values at that- heavy direct taxation would be In all the most wanted colore, at $1.50 -TOO- necessary in the near future. A defensive alliance between Aus pair. traita. New Zealand and some of the Pacific Islands is entirely probable $4.75 to $15.09 A Guarantee With Every Pair. after the war. Styles for Women ami Misses. “Everything in Music.” Kindly give ua a trial. Phone or 5. C. AIRMAN KILLED. 111- write us for Musical Supplies of all kinds. Prince Rupert June 28.—Superin­ tendent F. W. Dowling, of the Govern­ ment Telegraph Service, has been no­ tified by the secretary of the Aerial HIGHER PAY AWARDED. equal pay for men and women doing prices recently fixed be reconsidered to bershlp of eight unions. The new War Council. London, that his second scales run from twenty-five to thirty- The Morris Music Store eldest son, Lieut. John W. Dowling, the same work, was announced to-day determine whether there be a further three per cent, above the schedules Royal Air Force, was killed in aft ac­ Washington. June 28.—Award of a by the War Labor Board, which at the increase to cover the advanced cost of 1013 Government St. established in October, 1117. Phone 3298 cident Wednesday. Lieut Dowling general wage increase of ten cents an same time made public a letter to thé production. was born In Vancouver, B. C„ twenty hour for workers' in the wood pulp Federal Trade Commission reco ni­ The wage advances are binding on year* ago. ------and newsprint paper industry ai lb mending that the newsprint paper UTILIZE TIMES WANT AOS VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1918

the German Embassy ta London when Prince Iaeh- do much, to bring tSe personal side of The Daily Times the war close to the people at bom nowsky was Ambassador and while subordinate to WAS IN PARIS WEN "An lliuetrated handbook of the Ch­ adian V. C.'e containing a description Published every afternoon (except Sunday) by - the Prince was really the secret Ambassador of the •f their deeds also I», to he Issued. There also will he a book of honors sad THE TIMES PRINTING 4 PUBLISHING COMPANY, Prussian warbund and for whom Lichnowsky, awards, with descriptions of the more LIMITED man of lofty motives and a aincefo jpeacc-worker, BOMBARDMENT BEGAN spectacular deeds." OEleeei Cerner Bread end Fort Streets Business Office (Advertising)...... Phene 16* waa skilfully used as camouflage unknown to him­ JUNKERS AND BOLSHEVIKI Circulation ...... Phone 1146 self. In his memoirs Lichnowsky bitterly assails editorial Office ...... Phone 41 Archie Wills Writes Interest­ SECRETLY AGREE TO Summer Rugs the way in Which he was double-crossed by his own SUBSCRIPTION RATESi ing Letter About CRUSH OUT POLES’ AS­ City Delivery ...... 66c per month Government. Von Kuehlmann must have read the By mall (exclusive of city) Canada and Prince’s celebrated memorandum and noted Experiences PIRATIONS Greet Britain ...... |4.* per annum 1C U. S. A...... »...... $1.66 per annum following Nothing Better Than These (Continued from paf# 1.) To Prance. Belgium. Greece, etc...... SLM per month “The impression became ever stronger that we desired war in all circumstances. .Otherwise onr Archie Wills, formerly Shipping “Fourth—The ^sending of agitators We.a re making a special showing of Crex De Lux Grass attitude in a question which, after all, did not di Editor of The Times, writes an Inter to Germany and Austria shall be eus THE LATEST FROM RUSSIA. eating letter from the Canadian line In pended by the Russian Government. Rugs—the ideal floor covering for Summer-time use. rcetly concern us, waa uuinteUigble. The urgent France. * He has been away from TW Te Prevent Enlistment. There is a splendid assortment of sizes, patterns and col-^ AHinals and dsfinita disilssstinns nf M Sainnnff *wnirforrowiT twit ,ve.ti[i, an

JULY DESIGNER JULY DESIGNER c IS IN 1 We Are Ready to Supply All Your Needs IS IN ) j ' ...... Don’t Forget Your White Skirt “Billie Burke” Enjoy the Comfort of a Panama You will need one for the holiday» and it is just as well Pyjamas to be prepared with an extra one in ease .of alt emergency, or Straw Hat Just Received Complete your Holiday Outfit by wearing a nice light weight Panama for it may save you the worry and bother of an extra Many of our customers hurried trip to the wash tub. or Boater Straw. It will add greatly to your appearance, protect you will welcome the news from the severe mid-day heat and the lightness of weight may prevent We have just opened up a late shipment of new styles. that this shipment has ar­ many a headache. Make your choice to-day from this assortment. You will therefore find a full stock of styles, sizes and rived as they have been Panamas—Fedora aqd telescope , Boys’ Straw Hats. Newest blocks; values here and qualities bound to please, as instance : waiting for same. Includ­ shapes, with black silk braids droop hats or large sailor Wash Skirts at |1.60. ed in the shipment are: or fancy pugaree bamls. Latest shapes, in finest quality Milan —Made from heavy duck with a nice soft satin finish Billie Burke Pyjamas at styles in all sizes. Each, $3.75, straws. Each, 75#, $1.00,‘j. and trimmed with pearl buttons. $2.75. $3.95 to ...... $5.00 $1.50 to ..'...... $2.50 —These dainty gar­ Men’s Straw Boater Hats, each, Skirts at $1.76 and $8.25. ments are made of fine —Men’s Clothing, $1.50, $1.75 to .....$3.00 —Made.from the finer qualities of white duck, in styles mercerized mull, trim­ Cor. View and Broad to button part or all way down the front and with patch med with filet lace. pockets. Specially good value. Billie Burke Combina-1 Special White Pique Skirt at $2.76. lions, $2.50. For Satisfactory Wear and Service, Buy —Specially good value this, and it's one of the best —Of flesh-colored mull, selling lines in the whole stock. Splendid gradç of white finished with silk tops a Pair of English Flannel Outing Pants pique—one that looks superior, and after laundering and trimmed with filet They — equally ao. • » • - lace. f wear better, look smarter and therefore the most satisfactory in the long Other good values White Skirts priced at $3.75 to ,,,,,...... $4.75 —Whitewear, First Floor run, even though at the outset they cost you a little more than the cheaper grade fabrics. l aâSr. d.A i • —Mantles, First Floor We are offering a full range in light and dark greys, finished with cuff bottoms, belt loops and pockets, at the special price, a pair, $5.00 and...... $6.00 Holiday*— All-Wool Cream Serge Paata, and in fancy stripe effects. Superior grade, a Inexpensive Wash Frocks pair...... $6.95 Gloves for for the Picnic —Men’s Clothing, Cor. View and Broad Women Yoe Will Need Some Candies Boys' Shirt Waists for Children '« Cotton Gloves, white $2.50, $3.50 and $4.75 « for the Week-End only ; all sizes. A pair..50f —So buy them to-day and take —Made in the season’s latest styles and all very dainty and the Holidays Women's Cotton Gloves, in advantage of our specials. All most serviceable. The materials are good and will launder candies offered are fresh and Boys’ Black Sateen Shirt Waists, finished with double turndown white, champagne, navy and wholesome. attached collar with loops, pocket and band cuffs; all sizes. A well when necessary. There are styles and sizes appropriate shirt that saves mothers a lot of washing^ Special, each . v75# tan; 2-dome. Special at, a Peppermint Bulla’-Byes—Reg. pair ...... 50<* for all. 40c, for, lb...... 29# Boys' Outing Shirts, made from fine quality prints in light fancy v stripes. Each shirt finished with starched collar band, soft Women's Chamoisette Gloves, Plain Butterscotch—Reg. 40c, At $2.50. for, lb...... 29# double cuffs and separate soft double collar, with loops to in white and white with match ; sizes 12 to 14. Special, each...... $1.00 —Serviceable Cotton Dresses in plain and striped materials, made in Almond Butterscotch—Reg. 45c black points; 2-domc. Dent's Youths’ Shirts made in the same style, but cut larger in body and neat but practical styles for picnic or home wear. for, lb...... 35# make. Special, pair, $1.00 Turkish Delight—Reg. 50c for, sleeves; sizes 13, 13% and 14 neck. Special, each ....$1.15 lb...... 35# —Boys’ Shirts, Main Floor Women's Chamoisttte Gloves, At $3.50. Tutti-Frutti Caramels — Reg. in grey, blapk and white ; 2- —New dainty styles, made from serviceable quality chambra vs. 50c for, lb...... 35# dome. Pair...... $1.25 These will make excellent dresses for picnic wear. Various colors Assorted Bon Bona—Reg. 50c, Good Values in Smart Outing Women’s Pearl Chamois Gloves and style; to choose from. for, lb...... e,... .35# Cowboy Popcorn—Each ... 5# Shirts for Men in white and natural. Spech At $4.75. Soldier Chocolate—A package ally selected skins; finished for...... 25# A special offering in Men's White Cambric Outing Shirts, $1.35 with self and black points. —Serviceable moddt of striped percale, attractive styles, mostly fin­ Assorted Box Gum...... 25# A well-made Shirt and a smart outing style, with open sports ished with belts. SpKndid for picnic wear. Como in and see these A pair ...... $1.85 Wrigley's Doublemint Gum, collar attached. This collar can also be worn buttoned to neck, dresses. Make your choice early. for...... 25# forming a soft double style collar; soft French cuffs and pocket. —Gloves, Main Floor . _ —Mantles, First Floor Creamy Toffee...... 25# A good wearing quality and splendid value at, each... .$1.35 Men’s Quting Shirts of fancy light striped prints, finished with sports collar Attached, which can be worn open or buttoned up Women’s 75c Cotton Combinations to neckq-daep band cuffs and pocket. These shirts are well A Smart Smock or Middy to Wear With made and finished in coat shape. All aiaee. Superior value at 50c at ...... $1.65 A very special offer this and oae that many women will take ad­ Your White Skirt Men’s Fancy Stripe Outing Shirts, finished with turndown re- vantage of— ;')/ aa the grade and weight garment olff-r- Yes, there’s nothing more appropriate fae tha young~ tiftlltf, n>p poffkftn md doop bind ouffo. A otylinK éd uso suitable for wear w'ltEeir summer outing apparel. lady or miss to wear to an outing than one of these stylish shirt far holiday wear. AU sizes. Each...... $2.25 Knit from a fine eel ton and tinibed in 1 >w neck style, with Smocks or Middy Blouses. Matches beautifully Vith a , —Shirts. Main Floor narrow straps over shoulder; tight knee ; sizes :l€ and 38. white skirt and suits,the majority. Regular 75c grade. To-day, a suit...... 50# The following garment» are new, the styles are new Women’s Zimmerknit Drawers, 75c a Pair—Of fine cotton, open this season, many of them entirely different in effects to and closed style, loose and tight knee. those of previous years. Better cothe along and see them You are Sure to Need * —Knit Underwear, First Floor for yourself before deciding to buy any other kind. Smocks in various materials, and serviceable styles, many a Bathing Suit Picnic Supplies at trimmed neatly with embroidered work in colors. All So don’t forget to buy one to-day and choose it right here Low Prices prices up to ...... $4.50 where there’s a big selection of styles and the values are the best. Ladies’ Coat Middy of Lonsdale Jean, finished with belt, square Daisy Picnic Package, contain- collar and aide,pockets. - Each v- $2.60 ■ v™ BATHING SUITS FOR MEN ing 1 tableebuh, 12 napkins Men's One-Piece Bathing Suite to Heavy Woven Cotton Bathing Suite, — Collars and 12 plates. Complete, 15# Coat Middy of Lonsdale Je&n, front closing, with belt and in one-piece, style, with skirt at­ sailor collar. Each ...... -...... $1.75 go at too—These are worth-one Paper Plates, a dozen, 5#, tached; button on shoulder and no Also a big variety of Sports Waists, in lingerie styles, priced up from...... $2.90 dollar, but buying a big quantity sleeves. Navy blue trimmed Special at 7V2# and ...... 10# cardinal; sizes 34 to „40. Kach —Waists, First Moor direct from the factory enables at ...... $1.35 Lily Drinking Cups, a package • * t $1.00 us to offer them about 16 per Same style Bathing Suit as above, of 8 for ...... 10# but with short sleeves; navy In all the newest styles Wax Bolls for wrapping sand­ cent, leas than regular. Made In trimmed orangé1; sizes 34 to 40 plain navy blue, also blue trim­ Each ...... $1.50 and materials. Very wiches, a roll ...... 5# Dennison's Floral Lunch Sets, Extra Holiday Shoe Special med with white. One-piece style, dainty shapes for dress or each ...... 75# ;i with skirt attached; button on Woven Cotton Bath­ holiday wear. Dennison's White Table Nap- shoulder and no sleeves; sites 34 ing Suits for Men or —Neckwear, Main Floor Idas, a hundred ...... 20# for Saturday to 42 chest Special at each, 8S^ Women $1.25 a Suit —Stationery, Main Floor Made in two-piece style. Drawers v_ Women’s White Canvas Oxford Shoes, with’ One-Pieee Bathing Suit, with skirt are separate from the top piece low heels, a pair ...... $2.45 and tie at the waist with tape; attached; button on shoulder and short sleeves. In colors navy blue Cool Muslin Dresses in Dainty This is a smart shoe, made on the latest no sleeves. In navy blue trimmed trimmed cardinal; sizes 34 to 44, chest 22 to 42. Special, the suit with-orange; sises 36 to 40 chest Styles for Girls I style last and a good comfortable model for at ...... $1.25 Splendid Dresses for hot weather wear, and they outing or street wear. All ^sizes included, Special value at ...... $1.00 —Bathing . Suits, Main Floor look so clean and dainty for the picnic. Quite a big but early shopping advisable to save dis­ variety to choose from in all the latest styles appropri­ appointment. BATHING SUITS FOR WOMEN —Women’s Shoes, First Floor Women's Bathing $uits of Navy Women's Navy Blue Bathing Cash* ate for girls from 2 to 14 years. « Lustre, three-piece style, blouse mere Suita, fine quality. A suit There are Dresses of fine organdie and embroidery, and bloomers attached. Small at ...... éft.75 Other Bargains in Outing Shoes for Men and Women sizes only Special a suit, $1.50 trimmed daintily with colored ribbons and laces. Women's All-Wool Bathing Suits, In Women's Bathing Suita of fine Women’s White Canvas Boots, witkxnilitary or Men’s White Canvas Lace Boots, with leather various smart styles. The shades stockinette. In navy blue trimmed Sizes 2 to 6 vears. Special values at $2.00, $2.50 French heel*, a pair ...... $3.35 are navy, cardinal, green, gold and cardinal, gold and white. Sizes soles, a pair . .•...... $3.50 24 to 44. A suit ...... $1.542 to...... $3.50 Women’s White Canvas High-Cut Boots, with Men s White Canvas Lace Boots, with heavy black, trimmed with contrasting Sizes 8,10, 12 and 14 years. Special values at $2.50 shades. Good rants of" values Women’s Bathing Suite of plain rubber soles and heels, a pair $2.75 rubber soles and heels. A pair ...... $3.00 from $4.75 to ...... $7.50 navy blue, finished with short to ...... $4.50 Women’s White Canvas Pumps, with rubber •—Women's Slices, First Floor Wesson's Bathing Suits of fine rib­ sleeves. Special, a suit..$1.25 soles and heels, a pair ...... $2,00 —Men’s Shoes, Main Floor bed wool and cotton mixture. 1—Children’s, First Floor Smart styles. A suit ....$3.75 —Wo; i's, First Floor

iDAVID SPENCER, LIMITEDl VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1918 '-I- " -...... 1 - - ■■ ■" - 1 ------■-*!- - ......

if CANADIAN FOOD BOARD UCEN8* NO. 8-647 . IN WOMAN’S DOMAIN BATHING TREFOUSSB , SUITS u GLOVES y*' i am «o « pas. 1 5oda^keonal r. 1 e* a Saturday Md u rn. ! That Picnic! Mrs. A. T. Coward has gone over to Vancouver to spend a few days as the June's Birtbstone— guest of Mrs. W. 8. Buttar, of the Hie Pearl. which mainland city. Mans Purity. Picnickers Will find a large assortment of good tilings to it it it choose from at th* Big Cash Store. Mrs. Ralph Smith, M. P. P„ returned Midsummer Clearance Sale to her home In Vancouver by last night’s boat; after addressing two PROVISION DEPARTMENT meetings here yesterday. "Cl it it Monte Cooked Hem, per Tft T6< Chicken end Hem Piee, J. TL Reese, the wejl-known mining!" CLOCKS 16* emt ...... « ffrf of tWt fiVf, ti a s been up to the it»-j ' Perk Piee. «t, U lO< end 86* terior to examine the Hanna-Chariton lb...... «Of mining property in the interior. Freeh Cream Cheese each. 26* Dr * A Hem# Cooked React Perk, per College Cheese, rech ...... lO* In London recently Richard F. J. D. CLOCKS lb...... 70f Finest Ontario Cheese, a lb. 29* le l*oer Trench, Lord Kllconnel, eon of $45.00 .Values Now $29.50 the Earl of Clancarty, was granted a decree nisi against his wltv, Edith FRESH MEAT DEPARTMENT Lady Kllconnel. CLOCKS These include all our best model Taffeta Local Fresh Killed Island Lamb. A it A Friends will be Interested to learn Every kind of dock for Suits in the following colors: Sand, pur­ Legs and Loins 4 Q _ | Shoulders that a cable message has been received •very perpooo end eronr from Mrs. George Stevenson announc­ ple, Copenhagen, navy or black, $29.50, Per lb...... ‘tOÇ I Per lb...... 38c ing that she and her little daughter have arrived safely in London. me llkrerjr—the toll— GROCERY DEPARTMENT AAA the bedroom—th. kitchen sale price. Yesterday at "Breadalbene" CapV the —Clock, for tto fectery— Watson's Bloater Paste, 1 tins Rev. Dr. Campbell celebrated the mar­ Cambridge Sausage, per tin. riage of Henry Lindsay Atkins and «to efUeo—«to automo­ *6* end ...... 90* for ...... 26* Mise Nellie Crookson, both of Victoria. bile. Handaomt Suit of brownish shade of taupe, in loft satin. Davies’ Lunch Tongue, per tin. Clerk's Read, LSnch Meats, per Mr. and Mrs. Atkina, after visiting the Clocks that chime on tin ...... 20* Sound elites, will make their home in cathedral gongs—Clocks Coat has a shirred effect, with wide firdle having 26* and ...... 66* this city. Clerk's Devilled Hem, at. per Choice Pink Salmon, per tin IS* AAA that merely strike the fringed end* and collar of white hengaline silk. Regular tin, 16* and ...... 16* Clark's Beef Steak and Oniene, Mr. and Mrs. N. Savage, of Victoria, hour, half-hour and quar­ C. a B. Petted Tongue, In (lass. per tin, *6* and ...... 90* were among the guests at the marriage ter—Clocks that don’t 855.00, now «38X0. . „ . Per jar ...... 30* Land ef Evangeline Cider, per of Miss Elise, Roenleoe PentUuad and chime at all and Clocks C. 6 B. Sardine Pew* In glass. bottle 20* Alexander 8. Matthew. which took that have the alarm, such place in Vancouver on Wednesday as “Big Ben." Per Jar ...... 86* Welch's Crape Juice, per bottle, evening. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew are Silver Tep Cider, per bottle 16* 10*, 26* and ,.*....~.60* spending their honeymoon on Van- ..ÇQUvmr. Island*...... —------—------— Mitchell* Duses» Black and Colored Silks A A A LTD. ; Novelty Shantung, in an assortment of plain colors, 36 inches The Red Cross will benefit to the ex­ JEWELERS * | SATURDAY ’S SPECIAL IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT tent of $13 as the result of a collection wide, 85* value, 50* a yard. Health Bran, 5 Roses. QC v» taker, up at a service held aboard the ' Central Building C. P. R. steamship Princess Alice last View end Bread Sts* ^ Spot and Figured Shantung, in ring or coin spot design in 7-lb. sark..regular 50c. Special___...... __ OvV Sunday while ee- route here from medium and dark colors, 36 inches wide, |l-25 value, 95* a Alaska. " Those taking part In the ser­ CJUL and B.C. Elec trie vice were T. T. Rowe, Bishop of yard. Alaska, Dean Christian and Rev. J. A. Da via 88-Inch Chiffon Taffeta Silk, pin*^ old rose, cerise or cham­ / ft ft ft pagne, $2.75 value for «1.75 a yard. Splendid photographs of the impres­ New Beach H. 0. K1RKHAM & CO., LTD. sive scenes attending the funeral of the 36-Inch Black Messaline Silk. Special, «1.65 qft yard. late Nursing-Sister Gladys M Wake, Victoria and Vancouver. of Victoria are featured on the front 86-Inch Black Pellette. Special, «1.50 and «1.85 per yard. Dresses —7- page of The London Daily Sketch, of 86-Inch Black Chiffon Taffeta. Special, «1.95 per ylrd. Oroc**7> 178 and 178 Delivery. 6522 Friday, May 31. It will be remember­ FAMOUS SWIMMERS For Women. PUHMtre. ed that this hemne lost her life during 86-Inch Black Chiffon Taffeta. Special, «2.95 per yard. rnunco. Fi*h and Provisions, 8620. Meat, 8621 the recent bombing of a Canadian hos­ Practical and pleasing styles in pital in France. She was laid to rest 36-Inch Guaranteed Taffeta. Special, «3.50 per yard. In a quiet little cemetery somewhere In ATTEND JOLLY RANGE fancy chambrays, prints and France, with full military honors, and A big detachment of nursing sisters ami ginghams, and also plain soldiers attended the last rites and beach cloths in pink, green, paid tribute to her memory. Sale of Gloves Mr. Justice Martin Presented 2-Dome Silk Gloves, in white or black, 75c values for 50* a tan, blue, etc. Various good I. 0. D. E. WILL TAG Cups to Kahanamoku and pair. designs at «3.50 each. FOR WOOL TO-MORROW Companions Yesterday Chamoiaette Gloves, in white with white or black pointa, 2- V dome, «1.25 values for «1.00 a pair. Panamas at $1.00 To-morrow, Saturday, June II, an Disposal of ajrny of L O. D. E. taggers will appeal White Chamoiaette Gloves, $1.75 values for «1.00 a pair. to the public for help with their held A Jolly little flannel dance at the Summer Millinery comforts wool fund. » Burlelth last night made a particularly Elbow-length Silk Gloves, in white or black ; all sizes. Special, Constant and steady supplies of happy wind-up to the visit of Duke warm comforts have been sent during Kahanamoku and his companion swim­ «1.00 a pair. Embracing a splendid col­ 120 MORE PANAMAS AT $1.00 the last three years to the men at the mers. Nearly one hundred and fifty lection of fine Model Hats in front, while the men in the navy have attended the event which was held White Kid Glove* in 6%, 7, 7Vi only. $1.50 values for «1.00 not been forgotten, as .several cases of under the auspices of the Vancquver a pair. black and light or dark colors. warm scarves, sweaters, etc., have been Island Athletic Association, and danc­ These arc exclusive makes and forwarded to them through the LO.P.E. ing was continued to the strains of To-day and Saturday we offer 120 more Pana­ depot at Halifax. Now the wool funds music furnished by Ozard’e.orchestra, include somti French models. are low and the L O. D. E. are appealing until the early hours of the morning. mas to be sold at $1.00. for help to replenish the supply. Owing to the famous swimmers hav­ Hosiery Values $12.50 Hats for..'....«8.50 Eleven of the primary chapters are ing to catch the boat to Vancouver, Black Cotton Hole, heavy make. Special, 25* a pair. * $15.00 Hats for...... «10.00 taking the dowmtown section and the their attendance at the dance was of These Panamas are wonderfully smart, and Mower Guild wllr be found in their usual poet. The James Bay district is being necessarily short duration, but they White Cotton Hose, 35* a pair. $18.50 Hats for...... «12.50 wpre meant to be sold for $5.00. undertaken by- Mrs. Wilkinson; Oak made the most of the opportunity, and Black Lisle Hose, 3 pairs for 85*. $20.00 Hats for...... «13.50 Bay Junction by Mrs. Hod gins; Vic­ even Kruger and Lane, famous for Special, one to a customer, while they last. .$1.00 toria Weal has Mrs. Mulrhead as con­ their bashfulness, gaily tripped through Fine Black Lisle Hose, values to 85c to dear at 50* a pair. $25.00 Hate for...... «16.50 vener; Gardiner's Drug Store will be the mazes of fox-trot and three-step Trimmed with bands, one to a customer, while Mrs. Rat horn's headquarters; Mrs. with their fair partners.. Much pleas­ Special Value, Lisle Hose in Champagne, Sand, Grey and $27.60 Hats for...... «18.50 Laundy will be at Oak Bay; Mrs ure was added to the enjoyable even­ Taupe, 50* a pair. they last ...... :...... $1.50 Aetee at Burnside; Mrs Baker at the ing by the Impromptu concert given by Bank of Cotnmefce; the Esqulmalt Duke Kahanamoku playing the guitar, < 'hapter tag Esqulmalt; the Herbert Claire Tait the ateel guitar yd Clar­ New Shipment of Linen Outing Hats—Just the right thing for the Beaumont Boggs the Gorge and other ence Lane the ukulele, the three In­ .....T“ places, the Alexandra Rose Chapter go strumenta in the hands of the experts Knit Underwear Beach Cloth Suitings beach and outdoor sport. Regular up do $3.. to the Willows, and Ore Gtrl Otrtdea w*B bf ending with dellghtf »1 harmony.-, be at Alpha Street. Mrs. Duce's dog Knit Cotton Vests with short or no sleeves. Special, 25* and Special .....«..*■.; .$1.00 “Peter" wilt be et the Hayward Build­ A pleasing little Incident was the Just Received -< ing and Mrs. Woodward's "Muggins at presentation to the visitors of a series 36* each. William’s Drug Store. of cups which had been specially do­ Combinations for Children, short sleeve*, 75* each. 36 Inches Wide, 76c and 86c The headquarters for the day wilt be nated for the occasion. Mr. Justice Martin with a few happily-chosen Women’s Combinations, short or no sleeves, tight or loose knee, per Yard. LLJr THE SOUTH AFRICAN PLUME SHOP at $14 View Street, Central Building, by kind permission of Mr. McPherson, words of congratulation presented to fine ribbed. Special «1.00, all sizes. Stocked in two textures, mXfttftlJterML Phone 2818 and Mrs. C. K. Gardiner with a number Dqke Kahanamoku a handsome sliver I ! tallies - will sere* -wartime ratnatii- ilunalM hi H.-U*. Brvwn.itt CAMB- weight tt)f xml rot-nu in the Held comforts rooms at 16 memoration of the swIiiiiudSs estai»» 85* each. 1 r Arcade Building throughout the day. Halting a new world’s record for the heavy weight for suite and Sixty-live yards. Silver cups were also presented to Clarence Latte, “Stubby" skirt* Colors range as follows i Kruger and Claire Tait, the trainer. Shell pink, old rose, wild rose, And then, with Isl acknowledging the presentations, Childrens Section A BEDTIME STORY j i Nurse Jar reseda, apple green. Alice, >d yellow. Then Duke expressed the keen pleasure it Children's Nightgowns in fine cambric trimmed embroidery, ------had afforded him and his companions to visit Victoria, happy recollections of ages 6 months to 6 years. Special, 85*, «1.00. ‘«1.15 Hague blue, champagne, Baud UNCLE WIGGILY AND THE TREE TOAD "Oh,'my!’’ suddenly cried the Skee- which would remain long in their and «1.25. and ivory. «-Ct-Fright. ISIS, by McClofo Newspaper Syndicats memories. v (By Howard R. darts.) se different colors "Oh, dear! Children’s Crepe Drawer* embroidery trimmed, for ages 2 to ling must be the matter with my ■jI’id seeing things! I’d better go 6 year* 35* to 75*. see a doctor!" WOMEN WHO HAVE i Out in front of the hollow stump do. But I. can neither climb up nor Children’s Wash Dresses in middy style, in all white or white Remnant Day down, for 1 am stuck In the gum." Then the bad Skeeslcks ran away, with striped Skirts, in pretty style* check* stripes, plaids or E “I’ll soon «et you free." epokf the not hurting the bunny uncle at all, and Saturday ji, the rabbit gentleman, lived, some- Mr. Ivngears asked the tree toad: plaid ginghams, «1.75 and «1.85. bunny, and then, by the light of a fire­ "How is It you could turn so many HONE “OVEH THE TOP” Ing was making -a cheerful, funny fly lightning bug who flew past Just colors and scare the Skeezicks?" Children’s Rompers for .ages .6 months to-*years,- in- colored Gearing short "lengths'of noise one evening. then, the rabbit gentleman saw a little .“GW J-am.-made-that way—to turn gingham* finished with white belt, also others in pink or Dress Goods, Suitings, Coat­ I I Mine IMII fe -font friend the toed, about ms big as a* quarter of k the color of almost anything I hop on.” cricket," said Nurse Jane Fuzzy dollar, on the limb of a tree close to the was the answer. “I am like a chame­ blue print, «1.00 and «1.25. ings. Silks of all kinds. Wash ,Wussy. the muskrat lady housekeeper ground. The tree toad was caught fast leon that way. I'm so little and help­ Children’s Dresses, in white in fancy voile, mull and organdie, Goods, Household Cottons, tor the bunny gentleropn. in some of the resin, or gum. that oozes less, you see, that If I was red on a Stirring Address b? Mrs. • **|t doesn't sound like a cricket, out of some trees, especially apple and green leaf, some bad animal would Ralph Smith, M. P. P., at trimmed with lace and embroidery, for ages 2 to 6 year* Laees, * Ribbons and Em­ .. spoke Uncle Wiggily. “It seems to be cherry. And the gum Is good to chew, see me and bite me. So I turn myself broideries. up In a tree, and, though crickets may if it is dean, but it is no fun to get green when I’m on a green leaf, brown *■' Women’s Meeting «2.50 for «1.75 «5.75 for «3.50 I sometimes climb trees, 1 have never stuck In It when I’m on the brown bark of a tree «3.75 for «2.50 «6.75 for «3.75 seen one do It*.- Ill take a look.” x “Nurse Jane, bring me some warm and gray If I'm on a gray stone. In Out to the edge bf the woods, near water!" called Uncle Wiggily to the that way I keep myself hid. But I Just .where his bungalow stood, went the muskrat lady. "I want to get the tree thought I’d fool the Skeezicks by turn­ ing a lot of new colors to make him The tenues at «take In the election as rabbit gentleman, and there he heard toad out of the gum." acre from the woman’s point of view, Hayward Building l a voice sort of chirping and singing. With the water, which was not hot think his eyes were wrong." were ably expounded to an enthusias­ Phone 1878 And the voice said: V enough td burn the little fellow. Uncle “Thank yotTfor saving my souse for tic audience of the fair eex yesterday ••Oh. dear. I'm stuck fast, and 1 can't Wiggily soaked the gum off the tree me” spoke Uncle Wiggily And then First Floor, 1877. J 1211 Douglas Street the tree toad sang some Jolly songs. afternoon at the Princess Theatre by get loose! Oh, 1 wish 1 had never toad’s feet and set him free. Mrs. Ralph Smith, M. P. P- and Mr». * come in this tree!* “Now I'll sing for you again," spoke And, if the talking machine doesn’t speak a piece in school and make the J. W de B. Farr!». “Well. I'm sorry if you are. In the tpad, and, perched on another The lady member for Vancouver, trouble." said Uncle Wiggily. looking limb where there was no gum, the cute chalk laugh at the blackboard, I’ll tell you next about Uncle W|iggily and while professing but » slUtM knowledge about, but seeing no one, “though I am little chap sang his cheerful song, of the situation surrounding the bye- which Is something like a grasshop­ Italy Did.______not sorry you came In one of my trees, election In this city due to her non­ that the serious problems facing the tunate woman who had Indeed gone the Jurisdiction of the Provincial Gov­ for 1 like the sound of your cheerful per's, a cricket's, a Katy-Bid’s and a Opening Gorge Park Dancing residence here, declared that had there’ country were not to be solved by "over the top." ernment nor within its power to Katy-Didn’t all mixed together. been a woman candidate she would j "°“WelI, I'm sorry,” went on the voice, “That’a fine." said Unele Wiggily, as Pavilion Thursday evening, June 2T. shirking the facta Her brief experi­ Mr. Perry'# Short-Comings. change. Referring to Mr. Perry, the under management Mrs. Simpson, have worked hard for that woman, l sadly. he listened. “Would you mind coming Irrespective of party. In the absence ence on the floor of the house had Mrs. J. W. de B. Farris, briefly re­ Bowser nominee, Mrs. Farris, remind­ ! "Why?" asked the bunny. into my hollow stump bungalow and music. • singing for Grandpa Goosey Gander? of a woman candidate Mrs. Smith felt taught her that the opposition believed capitulated the measures passed for the ed thf women of the attitude taken by L "Because I am fast in some sticky It her duty and privilege to do all In betterment of the conditions of the him, ae a member of the School Board, . gum from this tree." I expect him over this evening." Fire Dose Damage.—About $1,000 “not In a constructive criticism, but in “Most gladly will 1 come In and sing," damage was donç to the building, and her power to help gleet the candidate a tirade or the vilcqt abuse," In eplte women and children of the province In connection with certain matters re­ "Who are you?" asked Unde Wig- cently placed before him by the rate­ said the tree toad. $600 to contents by a fire yesterday who would support the Government of their many opportunities to redress since the Liberal Government s return : ««r . ., So JJncle Wiggily carried the little evening at 46 Douglas Street, late which had In Its short term of office the alleged sine of omission and com­ to power. The Equal Guardianship payers and parents of the Hollywood -A tree toed/ the answer. done so much In the Interests of the law, the extension of the franchise, and and Fairfield districts. If Mr. Perry 4 mm somewhat like a regular tea* ex­ green fellow into the hollow stump Corrig College premises. A spark from mission during their thirteen year* ses­ bungalow and put hlni down on the red women and children of the province. sions in the House. *WeIl may we eay the various step* taken fir the interests took such nn attitude where the health cept that 1 have little cushion», or the chimney ignited the roof, and the •Dr. Ernest Hall at a recent meeting of of the children was at stake, she did tablecloth The tree toad was Just flames spread downwards to the attic of the opposition ‘Consistency thou art of the education of the children and î CUPA on the end" of my toes, so 1 can women accused me of having deserted the returned soldiers were dealt with not consider him fit to be entrusted * climb trees, which other toads cannot getting ready to sing for Grandfather and a room below. The premises are a Jewel/ " continued the speaker. Goosey Gander who came in the bunga­ my Independent attitude and supported Referring to the allegations that In clear and concise fashion. with the far wider responsibilities occupied by Mrs. Church. The fire­ the Liberal Government. Cÿui any, one Major Lanfcley, as the Liberal can­ which would fall on his shoulders were low to see the bunny when, all of a men were engaged for an hour con­ Major Langley had failed to "Go over sudden, without being invited, in tell me of one single solitary Instance didate, deserved the support of the he elected to the legislature. trolling the outbreak. the top," Mrs. Smith pointed out that popped a bad old Skeezicks. during the past session harhsn I could many thousands of heroes in this war women if only to show that woman The Liberal candidate. Major Lang­ "Ah, ha!" «nickered the Skeezlcl^ conscientiously have supported Mr. appreciated the measures which that ley. gave a brief talk setting forth hie JUST ARRIVED "Bobby," said his mother, "you had not done eo, but no one had denied opening wide hie eyes. *T see a lot or Bowser?" asked Mr». Smith. “If Mr, that they were heroes. Hundreds of government during lie brief tenure of alms in the event of hie being elected, beautiful styles souse on your ears. Uncle Wiggily. and haven't been begging cookies from Mrs. Bowser at the next session gives me a office had taken to ameliorate the lot and the meeting closed after a har­ Nexdore again? You know I told you thousands of wives and mothers lit* In silk an* Wort Bwaatsre. Bee these, I’m going to bite it off. Ah, ha!" chance in which I can feel It my duty panada and throughout « the British of the women and children. Taking the monious seksion unattended by the at popular prices. Then, all of a sudden, the Skeezicks yoy muSn’t do such a thing when you to support any measure he may bring various planks In the platform of Ex- raising of one dissenting voice. went In there.f "No. mamma, I didn’t," Empire had gone “over the top” In looked at the tree toad. The little forward then I ehnll certainly do eo.” sorrow and pain, and It behooved the Private Giolma, Mrs. Farris pointed out The Famous Store chap, that had been green, was slowly answered Botiby. “I Jugt said: 'This that the majority were solely Federal Coffee Is like the earth—when It M house smells as If It was full of cookies, Thirteen Veers' Inconsistency. women of the country to stand shoulder HI* Government SL turning red. Then, when tt was ft to shoulder and help the more unfor­ matters, and aa such catne not within ground. nice bright color, the tree toad hopped but what* met to m*" ______Mrs. Smith reminded ber audience *v.: Victoria daily times, Friday, june 28, i9is T l 1ENSKY APPEALS HOLD CAEE CHANTANT Save Money on a unburn IE S AND DANCE TO-NIGHT Meridac Shaving Smart, Well-Tailored Heat-Rash At Alexandra Club Under /.us Asks Allies to Aid Russians in Bi/sreos pices of Army and Navy Lotion . * Suit ' Establishing Their Own Veterans Liberty Site s Regular Values to $55 THE BEST AFTER SHAVE Now:------The ideal weather conditions, coupled Loaves the face cool and allays irritation. I^ondon, June 28.—"Kerensky comes Cuts & with the extensive preparations which with the strongest credentials, first, as have been made to ensure the enjoy the former leader of the Russian Social­ ists, who has .learned by bitter exper­ ment of patrons, should attract a big ience the rocks and shoals that M- crowd to the cafe chantant and dance ÜPMftHSà |F* Veterans for to-night. The.concert will clallst and non-socialist parties of USE ONLY be given In the pleasant grounds of the Russia," says the former correspondent Alexandra Club, while the spacious of The Times in Petrograd. who Is now ballroom will be thnmrt open for danc­ Merryfield 6? Dack In London and writes regarding the mission of the former Russian Premier ing, and the cool recesses of the garden DISPENSING DRUGGISTS should make delightful “cdsy corners" In Britain and the United States. He Three Store* Free Delivery This is an offer of out­ continues: for those seeking a reeplte between Kerensky, has wisely resolved to dances. 1S43 standing importance — one confine hlmdlelf to pro|>agating the les The concert programme will Include that should be grasped by sons of the Russian revolution among selections by the band, a song and the Allies. He has no thbught or in­ dance by .Girls'"pierrot quar every woman who desires to tention of returning to realms of polit­ tètte, vocal solos by Mrs. Harry Pooley, ical experiment. His mission Is In­ Miss Mamie Fraser and Miss Lillian dress fashionably and still tended as .-in appeal to the Allies for aid Haggerty, and Sergt.-Major Merry In the only way It can be effective- weather, humorous songs by George study economy. arms and supphes to enable his coun­ Menelaws and cello solos by Sergt. Ed­ Each Suit is a model of trymen to drive out the Germans and munds. The newly-formed band of the again to-night, and Manager Denham rejoin the fighting against the enemy association organization ha# arranged promisee a most adequate presenta­ rare beauty and distinctive­ of freedom. He Insists first of all That LABOR CONFERENCE an exceptionally attractive programme tion. of dance music, delicious refreshments ROMANO the Allies take a hand in this task and ness, the fabrics—tweeds that they do not impose their will In will be served by the members of the TO-DAY establishing the future form of gov various I. O. D. E. chapters who are as­ ROMANO and serges—are of genuine ernment In hie country Russia, lx HEARD M. KERENSKY sisting the veterans, and altogether good quality; the tailoring says, does not want to chooee between every effort has been made to ensure Franklyn Farnum Germany and any other country. 8he the enjoyment of ail who attend. Juanita Hansen heard a little Blue­ is high-grade in every detail wants to be free, but can not achieve bird call her one day after she had run freedom under the Bolshevlkl." the gauntlet of screen emotion from Keystone comedy to Lois Weber drama. Visit our store to-day and Sign Awaited. r NEW OVERSEAS PARER British Workers Listened While The latest picture In which Miss Han­ inspect this array- of stun­ London. June 28 —Alexander F. Ker sen appears to "Fast Company," in y was seen by a correspondent but He Stated Russia's Case Ormond T. Smith# Edits Sluie Chips which she to the principal support of “Fiji Company” ning models at this unusual­ refused To discuss his présence here or for 122nd Ce* C. F. 8. FruoklynJEarnum. it -will be seen in. his mission. , Yesterday _ j_ . ^Wf Aleb Marie Wstehamp in ly low price. At ~the~tatoor Conference: ■peantnif ' the- Romano Theatre to-day. on the Russian situation, M. Kerenskv Ormond T. Smiths, whose home Is “THE LION’S CLAWS" said In Duncan, is the editor of the new "I ana here to appeal to the people of monthly publication across the water VARIETY westerrfhandM in behalf of the Russian London, June t8—The British Tabor entitled "Sluie Chips." a copy of the l>eople. I am here to assure the Allies Conference capitulated to M. Kerensky first edition of which has just been re The theme of "The Woman Forgot­ that Russia is ready to rejoin them In yesterday when he appeared on the celved here. The mission of the Sluie ten" at the Variety Theatre this week the struggle for the triumph of liberty. platform at the close of a long after - Chips Is to disseminate the news of is the story of a Princess who sells her The Russians are determined never to 728-730-734 Yale. 81. Phene 3383 nocn session during which considerable the 122nd Co., C. F. 8.. amongst its country for the man she loves. It is submit to the German yoke. On every members and to stir up interest In Its taken from a chapter in the early his­ hand throughout the country there are enti-Kerensky sentiment had been work. The paper is printed at 1 Gor­ now indications, despite the chaos and tory of America, telling how the Span­ manifest. With Jiis appearance the op- don Street. Forres...... iard* invaded Mexico and of their, qon* mweiT of the Bolshevik! regime <>i the poglHonto him vanished, and before fig Of tiré lit men wfio left Victoria possibility of a great regeneration quest of Montezuma and nil Aitecs. which the aid of the Allies and the had finished his speech he received a with a Forestry draft in March. 1S17. The production to one of the most ela­ .. United States may help bring about. great ovation. Finally he had to 104 are now with the 122nd Co., which borate and beautiful ever made by now numbers ’ 176 men. Among the OcHrDf Mille. ------— TO-DAY PUBLIC MARKET When the Allies tonic to our aid the the hall by a side door in order to es­ days of the Bolshevlkl rule will be news Items It to stated that Q.-M.-8gt. numbered and Russia will become her cape the crowd of besiegers who >v<*re A. J. Kenning, of Victoria, who has THE WOMAN old self She Is now only awaiting a clamoring for his autograph or a Uand- been In Scotland for some time, pre PANTAGES sign of help and sympathy." fers the smell of powder to that of FORGOTTEN MIDSUMMER MARKET DAY The way for his speech was paved by sawdust and ha# applied for his trans­ This week at the Pantages there is lit U n Arthur Henderson. fer to some company In France. All a character actor who equals the best FOOD PROFITEER IN M. Kerensky In opening his spee *h of Sergt. Kenning’s six non# are in of the legitimate theatre’s mummers Saturday, June 29,1918 sad: uniform, except one. who was gassed In his delineation of the reuben from U.S. “FINED" HEAVILY ’’Yesterday one of the members of early in the war and to now in Van­ the hinterland. Charles Althoff has the Conference asked what right had couver. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS FOR THIS DAY FOR THE REO CROSS Kerensky to be present. 1 shall answer i spent many years in studying the ec­ PANTAGES VAUDEVILLE There will be the finest display of HOME GROWN PRO­ the question. 1 am not here as a mat centricities of the native rube.charac­ HARRY OIRARO A CO. ter of right, but as & matter of duty. ter. In addition, he to a thorough art­ “The Reel Guys." New York. June 2S.—Jacob Kulla, BIG DIVIDENDS DUCTS ever seen in the VICTORIA Pl’iy.lC MARKET. It is iny duty as a man who knows ist on the violin. He has succeeded in Charles Althoff. wholesaler charged with making ex­ all that truth which for a long time Mining Companies Pay Well During working together his musical talent PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES amt buy at the PUBLIC cessive profits on the sale of large and his character Impersonation abil­ And Other Fine Attractions. did not reach the ears of Western Eur­ Period of. War. Matinee, 3; Night, and $. MARKET. quantities of flour, was ordered by the ope and America. In this terrible world ity Into one of the really big laugh­ Federal Food Boar3 here last night -to ing acts of the modern vaudeville The Auction Hale for the benefit of the REO CROSS will com­ war the Interests of the Allied nations Vancouver, June 28.—According to contribute 426,000 to Ute Red Gros» are Inextricably interwoven, and the stage. As The Sheriff of Hick ville." mence I N p m. The Raffle for the benefit of the RED CROSS W1L.L an official compilation the following or forfeit his license The "fine." if fate of the country which bore the bur­ he appears as one of the familiar an­ CLoHE at 1 o'clock and be drawn for at 3.30 p m. dividends have been declared by five paid, will be the lyrgcqt contribution den of a front greater in length than leading companies of British Columbia cient inhabitants to be found in any List df prises up to the time of going to the press: thus far to the Red Cross by a viola­ the combined fronts of all the other for the first half of 1918: small town and. In addition to dis­ Allies cannot be a matter of Indifference coursing upon the village gossip In a One Gold Nugget Neeklet-*-Donated by Mrs. Fellow, Lake HUL tor of the food regulations. Granby Consolidated M. S. A P. COLUMBIA THEATRE to all the Allies. quaint and original manner, he ren­ Six Table Napkine—Donated by Mrs. Fellow, Lake Hill. Company. 1749.924.00, Consolidated ders several selections upon hie chosen ALL THIS WEEK One Caee of Egge—Donated by Mr. Hylands, Rockside Poultry Farm. Net Begging. Mining and Smelting Company. Trail, CONTROL OF WHEAT I have not come here to beg. or Instrument. Althoff has never before Alice Joyce and Peggy Hyland in One Large Cupid Doll—Donated by Miss Hylands, Rockside Poultry 8524.872 50; Howe Hound Company appeared in the West. Althoff is one complain. The Russian people has in (Britannia Mine» $193.41500; Hedley “WOMANHOOD” Farm TRADING IN STATES the past gone through trials like the of the added attractions on a bill of One Large Palm—Donated by Flewln's Gardens Gold Mining Company. $98,000 00; extra good vaudeville at the Pantages The Glory of • Nation present, and has always emerged Crow's Nest Pass Coal Company, One Large Box of Chocolatée—Donated by Mr. Prase. Hamsterley Farm. strengthened and renewed. Now, bend­ this week. New York. June 28.—The series of $82,126.00. Total, $1.630.337.68. One Large Basket of Sprengeri—Donated by Qua»4afGreenhouses. conferences called to consider modifi­ ing under the merciless hand of Ger­ Ône Large Fern—Donated by Quadra Greenhouses. cations in the existing Government many. bleeding at every pore, shg still One Large Fern—Donated by Quadra Greenhouses. control of wheat trading are etpected opposes the enemy. I bear witness here that the Russian people will never Seven Leeeone in Dancing— Donated by Mrs. C. J. Brown. 1724 Lee Ave. to end to-day. About 200 producers, millers, traders and representatives of recognise the treaty of Brest-Lltovek, One Live Ewe Lamb—Donated by Messrs. J. Lock A Sons. the United States Grain Corporation which is hurling Russia into the abyss One Can Tpmatpte—Donated by Salop Nurseries. have participated in the conference, of anniliilxUaa. ______One Canary and Cage—Donated by Waverley Farm Julius Barnes, chairman of the Grain “For three years Russian soldiers ROYAL VICTORIA One New Zealand Buck Rabbit—Donated by Madrona Farm. tion, has announced that he had to fight an enemy perfectly equip­ will Éive out the details of the new ped and cruelly merciless under con­ To-night amt Saturday One Red Croee Doll—Donated by Mr. Allan Fielding. Gorge Park. ditions which no one‘outside of Russia Ono Eight-Week-Old Pig—Donated by Watt A Sons, Firbrae Farm, rules. It is expected that the modifi­ er hole. wilt assure greater can imaging.1 tt Is net te be wondered 4 I be. Beet Butter—Donated bv Watt A Sons, Firbrae Farm. freedom in transactions but that spec­ that having repeatedly suffered the •eabright Bantam Cockerel and Hen (wi$h Barred Rock Chicks)—Do­ ulative activities will continue to be blows of the enemy, and having again nated by Mr. W. K. HIM, Gordpn Head. prohibited. hit him hard by saving the Western front, the Russian soldiers were the Marguerite Clark One Smoked Salman—Donated by Mr. R. Spouse. first amoug the belligerents to faint in TO-DAY’S AMUSEMENTS One Bex Cigars—Donated by Mr. J. Lucas, Commercial Hotel. MEZERGUES, FRENCH the struggle. Two Linen Sheets— Donated by Mrs. Cooper. Lake Hill Poultry Farm. it Is a thousand pities that the IN AIRMAN. WOUNDED warning voices coming from ^ Russia PaMagos—Vaudeville. —: One Large Box of Choeoletee—Donated by Mr*. Phillips. Government St. wee nul hM'ded Uj - -Westen •PoroiAHflfi« Ls>ulgs . Baiim in lies. —“Rich Man, Poor Man” The whole of the Proceeds from sale of Tickets and Auction Sale Paris. June SI.—Lieut. Mexergues, of Were Deceived. Charlie Chaplin in “A Dog’s Life." Will *o to the CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY. - the French air service, one of the The treacherous Invitations to peace Romeno—Frankly n Farnum in noted French aviators who escaped by Germany were not unmasked, and “Fast Company." ASK THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE SEEN IT. IT IS CER­ from prison In Germany and resumed the masses of the soldiers, incited by Royal Victoria—Marguerite Clark Tickets, 10c each. his flights, bas been serrousjy wounded fanatics and German agents, were de­ in “Rich Man, Pear Man-1*------TAINLY GOOD. in a fight with an enemy aeroplane, ceived. Now they know what a Ger­ Variety—“The Woman Forgot- the Havas Agency reports. The bomb- man peace la. The Ukranlan peasant thrower of Meserguew’ machine was understands how the Germans secure Columbia — “Womanhood; the ELECTION RETURNS FROM STAGE killed in the encounter. the independence of small nations when Glory of the Nation." German bayonets and chemical vapors are employed to rob them and reinstate all of the atrocities of the old regime. DOMINION Tyranny of Bolsheviki. Don’t Forge! Miss M. E. Livi-gstone All classes o( Russian# strongly The Dominion has for it# attraction protest now against the tyranny that to-day and to-morrow Louise Glaum In You cannot procure anything again reigns in Russia. To my aston­ "Sweetheart of the Doomed." This pic­ better for the money than our Crown Millinery ishment. some very serious European ture has a big example of originality Portage Sausage. Call at Stall political men consider Bolshevikism as with surprises in store. It has been pro­ Are Mow About democratic, although It has abolished duced with beautiful settings and tine 9%aad 10 and see . for yourself Parlors photography and the scenario writer freedom of speech, has made human DOMINION how nice and fresh our g >uds VIEW ST. life the easy prey of every Red Guards­ must be congratulated for furnishing At Their Lowest look. man, and has made an end of all Insti­ the director with such artistic scenery. TO NIGHT AND SATT7BDAY tutions of .self-government. In addition to this picture Charlie UeuseboWere-ere- advised •if This be democratic, then T ask ctrxpMn in "A png’! Yfffy" wiM tie stoffWL Mrs. Perrier what can be reaction? The Bolshevlkl again in this city the demand for this to buy their supplies for put­ claim that the present state of Russia subject has been so great owing a Stalls 9 and 10 Is a dictatorship of the proletariat, al­ number of patrons being unable to see ting down. though ruthless repression is directed it on Its last visit here the house being crowded at all performances. This film Louise Glaum against the Your We shall offer over 1,000 to loved by some one. This truth to many must paralyze i. That is exemplified in "Rich Man. Poor Man." GRAND PAEON I ES at 50c the sure inwardness o. .auction be­ the superb Paramount photoplay, ------EXTRA------— Turkeys, Bet leeks tween the interior affairs of Russia starring M*nD**rt$* Clark,, known far and the world war. We Invite you to inspect our and wide to screen patrons as “the and Chick Significance for World. REX BEGONIA» and a fine sweetest girl in motion pictures." See our display at U BLiC "The fate of Russia has special sig­ "I regard the role of Betty Wynne, MARKET strain of ICELAND POPPIES. nificance and* value for the whole Which 1 portray in thia really splendid Dueka, Turkeys, Geeee, Panama Hats world. The Russian people «done may picture, as one of the best I have ever not be able to overcome the Germans. dbne." said Miss Clark to an Inter­ Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, i FLEWW’S GARDENS Perhaps, abandoned by all, Russia will viewer recently. "Betty la a niée girl perish from want of blood, but she will whose birth is enshrouded In some Charlie Chaplin never of her own will submit to the mystery, and she finds herself perfect­ humiliating treaty of Brest-Lttovsk. ly at home In the mansion of a IN "It Is for you, the oldest and most grouchy financier when she to Intro­ mature of the democracies of the world, duced as his grandchild through forged STALL 63 to~ ------settle the question whether it to documents of which she to completely poneilH- to remain a aim apecLatur at Umomnrr For Dominion Day Outing*. this tragedy. I have crossed thousands "Betty dissolves the Icicles In the n of miles of the Arctic to tell you and old man’s Heart and he learns to love “A DdG’S LIFE" A most Interesting group of the United States this, which I pro­ her deeply, so that when It develops Roland Park Lambs Panama Hats are specially foundly know to be the absolute truth." that Betty isn't hie granddaughter af­ This picture is being shown owing to a large demand of —SO very different priced for Saturday's selling at ter all. he doesn't want to give her up. Halt Spring Island at the low figure of |1.50. Vari­ Of course, everything ends happily, many who were iftiable to see this screaming comedy on DUTCH MINISTER and the development of this attractive ous shapes to choose from. Nice Lot of Lambs on Saturday story, which is based upon. Maximilian You’ll Msd one for Dominion OF MARINE RESIGNS its last visit here, through the theatre being packed at all Lees of Lamb...... 46e psr tb. Foster's successful novel, is responsible The Tea Kettle Day. On sale to-morrow for many situations of real dramatic performances. Miss LL Wooldridge at ...... *1.50 The Hague. June 28.—J. J. Rambon- power. Frederick Ward# plays the Corner Douglas and View Street» nett has resigned the portfolio of Min­ part of the old financier in his usual Look Out for the Sheep's Head View Window Display ister of Marine. Jonkheer .longe. Min­ artistic manner." ister of War, will temporarily filF the “Rich Man, Poor Man." will be l»osition vacated by Rambonnett. shown at the Royal Victoria Theatre - -xi • - v ■


Sub-district; Haselton Sub-district; ra Sub-district, with, this year, TeJkwa Sub-district; Manson Sub-dis­ shipments recorded from the trict. Skeena River Hub-district. “ r Cariboo Division—Barkervllle Sub- No. 6 District. v dlstrlct ; Port George-Fraser River A. O. Langley, Resident Engineer for Sub-district • the Eastern District No. I, is responsi­ Quesnel Division—Queen el River ble for the following sections: Golden. Sub-district ; Timothy Mountain Sub- Windermere. Fort Steele, Revelstoke. district. * Lardeau, Ainsworth. Slocan, Slocan Generafly summarizing the activity City, Trout Lake, Nelson, Arrow Lake of his district Mr. Galloway has the and Trail Creek. following to say In part; “The min­ He observes in part: eral production of the North-eastern “During the year the mining activity District for 1917 was a little less than throughout the various districts com­ in the year 1918. The principal reason pares very favorably with last year, for this decrease In value of output which was a banner year in mining for was, first, a smaller production of British Columbia. Regarding the value placer gold in all parts of the district, of the production of silver, lead and end, secondly, to the fact that the.two zinc for this district, from the available principal lode mines—the Rocher De- Information at hand it also compares boule and Silver Standard—were only very favorably with that of last year, shipping during one-half ot the year. in aplte of industrial troubles and the Both these mines are In shape, how­ decrease In the demand for lead for ever, to make a good production In munition purposes. However, more ITUS There were, however, a greater sine was produced by the electrolytic number of small shippers in 1*17 plant at Trail than in ny previous. t ^______As long as you delay trying couraging sign for the future. The representing a value of $3,000,000. The lode-mineral production of the district lead production for the district, al­ comes almost entirely frdm the Hanoi - though not as great as the previous ton-Telkwa section, while the bulk of year, shows an increase in value; the BLUE RIBBON the placer gold is obtained from hyd­ same applies to the silver production. raulic mines close to Barkerville, In the There has been little activity In the Cariboo Division." gold mines, on account of economic TEA conditions not being favorable at the Total Value. present time for the mining of this The total value of the mineral pro­ metal, which has remained the same in duction In the North-eastern District price, while the cost, of labor and sup­ ELCOME! The Yorkshire Bakery has moved so long do you postpone apises* la given aa: $629.897. divided aa fol­ plies have increased. However, the lower Omlneca, $277.141; Cariboo. gold production would have been much across the road to its new home in the King * uts easily acquired $1*7,764; Queenel, $14,040. “It will be greater had it not been for industrial noted.” he says, “that in the foregoing troubles, which curtailed the output of Edward Hotel Block and bids the citizens of the Kossland mines to about one-fourth the Peace River Division does not of the normal amount/* figure at all; so far aa la known, no Victoria a hearty welcome. mineral production has ever been offi­ Southern Section. cially recorded from this Division. Southern District No. 4 Includes the The move has been prompted by a desire to offer our Prospecting for placer gold baa been Grand Forks, Greenwood, Osoyoos and Columbia, Alaska and the Yukon on done on the Peace River and tributary the north. It is comprised of the seven Similkameen Mining Division and in high-grade Bakery products under the very best condi­ ANNUAL REPORT OF Mining Divisions, Vis.: Bella.Coola. streams, and probably small amounts hia report for the District Resident En­ Queen Charlotte, Skeena, Portland of placer gold have been taken out in gineer Philip B. Freeland says In his tions possible. This store answers the purpose admir­ Canal ^Htlkine, Allin and Want. Its this way; it la certain, however, that Introduction in part: “There has been total lcnctli Is annroximately 700 miles, thMl JtoS never amounted to more th$m a marked activity throughout the en­ ably. It is by far the largest Bakery and Ice Cream Par­ of which about 400 miles, if Portland a few hundred dollars In a season. As tire district in the prospecting for both NINES DEPARTMENT Canal be Included, is open coast; the a hopeful sign for the future. It may metallic and non-metallic minerals, es­ lor in Victoria and in its furnishings and lighting ar­ remaining 300 ml lea la east of the be noted that fifteen dredging leases pecially those which are necessary for Alaska strip. were taken up In this Division “during munition-making and for use in the the summer of 1917. Systematic pros­ upbuilding of our Ipduetrlee. Hitherto rangements it is va model of attractiveness. Mr. Clothier has the following to say a great many minerals were Imported ISSUED ÏESTERDAY In part : "The district In 1117 pro­ pecting of these leases to test them for dredging possibilities, will be carried to this country from Europe. These duced 822,819 tons, of which 784.001 imports are closed to us during the - You will find thisnew Yorkshire Bakcjrya pleasant, tons was mined and smelted by the out next year by the lessees, Wadley A end stilt probably be cor some Granby Company, of Anyox. which ton­ Galbraith. times after it cesses, owing to the ne­ place to shop at. The products of our Bakery, Ice-Cream nage Includes the low grade quartz “The production of zinc was entirely cessary demands for material for the First to Include Reports From mined for use as flux. Several pros­ from the Silvejr Standard mine, and the upbuilding of the areas >w York. In dangerous proximity to the blank wall and M. Calllaux himself appear beff 1917 was occupied by PUMPS SHOE the writer in making examinations of properties for which applications for Holiday Worth *1.75 Government assistance for either price ...... $1.90 Saturday ...... > $1.45 wagon-roads or trails had been made. As these were scattered throughout the large district, where transportation was ■ .<>- dependent on lines of steamers with la- Also Holiday Price» on all White Rubber Shoes. Come in and see for yourself. frequent schedules, considerable time wak often unavoidably occupied by the writer in travelling from place to place. During the coming season of 191$ it is 15 cent a r hoped to so systematize the work as will permit examitiâtlon of portions of (Usually 2-for-25c.) ***■------* the district of which at present practi­ cally little is known, except from the Mild,—Yet Delightfully Rich ! WATSON’S reporta of a few prospectors and tim­ 413 9. DAVIS 9 SONS. Limited, MONTREAL. n 635 Yates Street. 635 Yates Street ber-cruisers who visited the sections some years back.” Ne. 3 District. R. W. Thomson. Resident Engineer


[OKS 00BKB0TLT Special Sale of Children’s Candy for Your dgk SHOES Dominion Day =% .5B Bfr. ft ■gyLadies' Pumps... $2.95 Outing— Children’s White Boots...... $1.05 Take a pound of our Butternut Crisp along in your lunch bas­ Child's Tan Oxfords...... $1.05 ket on Monday. It haa the rich, creamy, nuts and butter flavor that makes a hit with everybody. It ia A A., Child's Patent Oxfords ...... $1.05 specially low priced this week-end at, per lb...... "IVV •' " O'.-;..' Maynard’s Shoe Store OTHER CAN fl Y STIC GESTIONS FOR YOUR PICNIO Phone 1232 . 64» Yatee BASKET I WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRAD] ...... 75* Opera Boll ...... 75* Made for Out-of-Door Music Melba Roll ...... »...... $1.00 For those jolly, informel partie* by Take the Knocks Out ef your Motor Chocolate Crisp Bits...... t.s.ssssssssa ^le25 seashore, lake, or river, the most popu­ with Johnson’s Carbon Remover, it lar entertainer is always the Columbia works. Jameson. Rolfe * Willis. • Cherry Cocktails ...... »...... $1.25 ft ft ft ...... $1.25 Vacation Grafonola. This friendly, Fairall’s De Yeur Welle With Alabastine.—It " Brasil Nuts, in cream ...... companionable Grafonola i# a good makes a lovely finish and Is easy to sort Sind a good sport. Take him along put on; 66c pkg., at It. A. Brown A with you on your holiday trip this year. Cider Co'a. 1262 Douglasft ft St.ft • > At the Soda Fountains The Beehive Is the best place tor Price $65.00 Middy Blouses and White Skirts. $1,26 Pineapple Fruit Ice Cream ia the special dish at both APPLE CIDER to $2.60; these are made from mater­ ials that can stand washing. «V our Soda Fountains. Price ...... TRavelling light strong and compact with CHERRY CIDER ft ft ft rcai 2k„TT ?r- S voice that ia ebsjdy. eweeL and deal, the CRAPE CIDER Library Cloesd. - The Victoria Pub­ Vacation Gtafoaoia will sit up all night to LOGANBERRY CIDER lic Library win be closed on Monday, Dçmlnlon Day. give you music lot dancing— and then.he ’ •Tea’ll net waste a taita" ft ft ft reedy end cheetful for e bathing or selling Numbers Vaccinated#—A return on On eal. at all nrat-class bars the number of children vaccinated and party bright and early in the morning, __ end refreshment booths un vaccinated in the city schools has reached the City Health Officer, show­ Wherever won go m the joyous vacation ing 2,$6« vaccinated and 1,900 unvac­ lands, hr seashore, lake, or river, the Grafo­ cinated. ft ft ft nola will give you music. Fairall’s, Limited Pickpockets Busy.—Several people are minus pocketbooks and purees as Phone 212 a result of the crowded conditions at the Gorge yesterday evening for the swimming gala Far Outing Hats Me The Beehive. ft ft ft tOc. to 12.00. • Red Cross Baseball.—The Garrison LOST CERTIFICATE; and the Metropolis baseball teams will ft ft ft Fites $37.00 contend to-night In the second game Visiting Motorists’ Numerous. — A NEWS IN BRIEF of the series now proceeding In aid large number of automobiles are com­ of the Red .Cross. The game Wrlll ing in from the United States each day several care being carried across TICKET WAS REFUSED Any Columbia dealer will show Picnic Backet», 26<\ to 11 SO; Picnic be played at the Royal Athletic Park commencing at half past six. on the steamers. The majority regis­ these Vacation Model Grafonola». T PI*test l*e. Sewn: Pkwkj Bpoon., Sc...... ^ ter with the Victoria and island de­ range in price from >27 to >80. t each; Picnic Kettles. 60c.; Picnic velopment Association, and take ad­ Returning on Thursday.—Commis­ .00 you can twenty Grid*. $1; Can Openers, 16c; Cork sioner Armstrong wires to his office vantage of the route map» Issued by Screws, 10c. R. A.- Brown St Co., 1302 that he will reach Victoria about the Association. The direct advertis­ Registration Proved Real to standard lia Record» Douglas SL • Thursday next as on the completion ing of the Island Highway as part variety of vacation * (t ft Local Girl; Chinese Popu­ will gki of the Rotary Club convention to-day of the Georgian circuit is undoubtedly musk—po. hits, war so: [a, dance "Why Pay High Kate tor Pire In­ at Kansas City, he intends to leave at a factor In the securing of travel on lation is 4,000 surance? Bee the Anti-Combine dnee for home, staying off'at Denver the Island. music—anything yon Axante end save money. Deck A and Salt I»ake City. He reports that ft ft * great Columbia musical library. the Development Association pam­ Strawberry Specials, Saturday night ft ft ft phlets have been used to good advan­ whist drive. Patrons take notice. tage at the convention. - One local girl already at least has good rsW Aj Let IK# Lawn Mower Hospital cure Crates of strawberries fdi^nrises in learnt that the Registration last week ft ft ft Foresters* Hall, Saturday. Jpnq 2». g "es It. C.kwhs OrrfmaU ram $42.00 that a: aemie mower. «11 Cormorant Appointments.—The following have creates unexpected obligation. She been appointed to various offices, ac­ ft ft ft wished to obtain a ticket to croee to ft ft ft cording to the British Columbia Ga- Died in the Yukon#—Néwe the Mainland, but had unfortunately New CilcpHa TwcnJi mrm e* «rie thm Lawn Mowers Sharpened, latest pro* xette: To be Justices df the peace: received In the city of h of lost her slip, and could not secure a Mʧh ai every mentA. Send some Neotds to year soldier. eeaa. Jack's Stove store. S0$ Yates. John Topham Collins, of Ganges; Nor­ Dan. C. Campbell, which occi ticket without the certificate of regis­ Them', s Colombie Grafonola Is hi. tration. The regulations provide that Phone »TIt. * man 8. Fraser, of Lucerne; James B. night at White Horse. Yukon Terri­ COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY YJLCA. e. Knight, of Colombo, hot. ~ " -*'•*“ ■» ft- * ft-...... — — - Allan, of-Vancouver: Frederick Page tory, following a brief Hines*. The such case# ffbhtt be dealt with by the Barton, of Victoria, major, 2nd Depot late Mr. Campbell, who formerly lived Central Board at Ottawa, but as the TORONTO Rub it On.—It ehlnea up your furni­ cards have not gone forward yet. It ture And. floors. Nusurface Polish, S Battalion. Willows Camp, and Ernest In Victoria for some ten or fifteen o*.. 26c; qt. He. R. A. Brown * Co. * John Gook. of Victoria major. No. II years following hie trade as a car­ was Impossible to lake that course. Registrar Osunoe has supplied her with ft ft,, * Military District. To be notaries pub­ penter, was well-known In this city. lic—William Henry Coy, A. Hnllgate- For many years past he haa made his a letter certifying the actual registra­ When ' you have your tion. because It was possible to trace it ____ printing done In Victoria HlUa solicitor, and George R. Price, of home at White Horae. coming out from the City of Vancouver; Frank T. the North every three or four years, up from the cards still In the office. the money stays here. Aak for this label Abey. of the City of Ka*lo, to be a and he only returned to his northern However, as soon as these cards go ft ft ft court of revision and appeal for the home In March last after spending the forward, no action of this kind will be Boys* White Serge Pants, $1jOO. The place of James Anderson. winter In this city. | any longer possible Beehive. * It is known within a few persons ft ft ft now how many Chinese there are In There will be no social at Willows the district, for it has been ascertained FLETCHER BROS. Camp to-night. Local C. EL Union that 161 married women have 407 minor members take notice. * children under sixteen years of age. ft ft ft Fifty-nine Chinese women above six-* Bole Columbia Distributor A Great Painting en Exhibition— teen years of age, are single or widows I 1 •*The Communion of Saint Clare,” be­ Smart New Things to without family. In view of the fact 1121 GOVERNMENT STREET and 607 VIEW STREET lieved to be by Titian, restored by J. that 1.607 was the total Chinese regis­ Sanders, will be on exhibition all day tration for the district, the Chinese Saturday In the ladles' writing room population may be set down as 4,000. In the New Spencer Bldg. * - Also at Vancouver of the Empress Hotel, and all day Wear on Dominion Day The returns are coming' in very Sunday in Bt. Andrews Cathedral. slowly at the present time, and at noon :$M*ie|*ba..a.$ OiSft, JRtBUBSJWM, fee , W4ach our wlmlnws .thia wfcfck-ttn4. Thers you wUl .scc.mAhY .MH&z- to-day there were fourteen flepuMsi h— procured from Mr. Banders. ■ prise values in holiday garb for Dominion Day outings and general who had not yet reported. The total 1 Summer wear. at that time stood at 28,499. Averag­ ing 100 eac4i, which Is stated to be well within the mark, officials look now to BLOUSES SKIRTS a total of from $0,600 to UNO. It Is shortly advancing. One eord blocks hoped to have a final figure to-mor­ IMS. Pretty Voile Blouses in a splen­ Nice quality Waeh Skirts of rep did variety of styles. Fash- row, and for that purpose the laggard PHONE 2*74 FOR SPECIAL PRICES. and pique; madë in button deputies are being pressed to make re- IS NOW A CAPTAIN —. kinakU oaHars.—peatUliy |4s* "ïrèn-l slyle^ with >ëit, ' ..tucked and embroidered fronts, rt. Neville Rentier Served L • and slight fulness at batic. 100 promt f Victoria Wood Co. dainty cuffs. Regularly pric­ Time in Machine Gun Corps. The People's 3? ed from $2.00 to $3.60. This Prices as low aa Never Troubled Value la Bee*. Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard Rosher. $1.75, $2.25 and $3.50 11.50 « , Meal aai With Headache "Ambleside,” Carey Road,, havo been Netting la advised that their eon, Lieut. Neville Expeaslve BATHING SUITS $1.76 AND $2L60 Roehffr, has been promoted to captain. Pendergaâ Street e Heavy black material with white trimmings. Excellent This Relief From Buffering Fully Servie» and all elsee at these prices. Appreciated by the Writer of In 1816 he joined the BOti^Gordon Grocerteria Loi 14, til. «7 by 115. doM to the Park. Highlander*, and on reaching England Feed Control Uceree I MS. This Letter—Tells Others he received a commission in the 12th •1,500.00 How Cure Was Hampshire Regiment Showing con­ & Effected. siderable proficiency In the Machine One hundred doHsm down, balance at I G. A. RICHARDSON CO. Oun Section, he was sent over tb per cerdfcr per annum for 20 years. Cost ” originally $2.666. Victoria House. 636 Yates Street France with the machine gun corpe ot Local Spring Lamb IF. Swift's Pure Lard QC „ the J6V1 Battalion, B. B. F. Apply at Smith Fork, Sssk., June 28.-^Mr«. Legs, per lb...... 4*0 V Per poubd...... uOv Lett», of this place, haa a happy ex­ In September, 191$. the young officer perience to relate. She .uttered terribly was wounded In the Battle of the STMBMrS JEWELRY STORE with headaches, but headache medi­ Somme, following which he was in Vi ~...... —t|1| Méfié* Street».--. - — England for five months recovering cines never seemed to help her, from hie Injurie». I» February, 1817, Local Spring Lamb ^ ç Finest Ontario 28 C - The-trouble came from tnrpld. slug­ ho returned to the tiring tine, and tor Shoulders, per Cheeie, per lb., “If You Get It at PUmley’s It’s All Right" gish action of the liver, kidneys and some time past has been acting cap-" bowels, and when this condition waa tain of hie unit, recently being confirm­ overcome by the use of Dr. Chace’s ed in the rank of Captain. Fire Kldney-Uver Pills, the headaches dis­ Rump Roasts of £ Manitoba Fresh appeared, and Mrs Letts felt that her READY TO BEGIN health was greatly benefited. Beef, per lb., Egg* per dozen.. 44c Insurance Mrs X. F. Letts. South Fork. Bask.. Board of Conciliation Into Civic Wigee writes: Will Start Probably on The Overland 1 suffered from terrible headache*, Thursday. Sirloin Roasts of Northwest Biscuits -| Q Jo* Rates so severe 1 thought «ometimee 1 would go era,y from them. No remedy I ever The Board ot Conciliation Into civic Beef,, per lb...... ' Per p'kt...... lOL tried helped me until I used Dr. Chase's wages here will commece Its sittings f Always Fresh and Crisp) Strong Protection at the City Hall at the latter part of Kldney-Uver Pilla Since using these next week, probably on Thursday rrpfr Roadster I can nay I am never troubled with morning. The Board Is now ready to Peanut Butter,r, rion in foodfo Prompt Settlement headache, now, and feel much better commence its Inquiry. generally." Ila personnel Is W. E. Burns, of Van­ value. Per Welsh’s Grape Juice This statement I» endorsed by Mr. O. couver, chairman; R. F. Taylor, for the pound 46C and. The most comfortable two-seater for the pro­ City, and James D&kere for the Pro­ 29c P. Cole, Postmaster at South Fork, tective Association. Some delay oc­ fessional and business man. Very economical, Soak. ' ------: - : . rv. curred owing to reference to Ottawa George Brown Mrs. TV L. Harris; Keattey, P. O-, for the Minister of Labor to name the INSURANCE AGENT with powerful engine and full floating rear Saak., writes: chairman. **I waa suffering from liver trouble 6 McCallum Bldg. axle, f, —had a heavy pain under one shoulder- VICTORIA CRICKET TEAM. blade all the time, and waa nearly aa The People's Grocerteria Phone 4176 The following will represent Victoria black ai dirt around the eyes. so I against the Congoe at Beacon Hill on 749-761- -YATES STREET- -749-761 concluded to try aome of Dr. Chase’s Saturday next: Messrs H. A. Cow­ Kidney-Liver Pilla. I did ao, and ard (capt.), W. York, H. Middleton. E. satisfaction unconditionally guaranteed Pride $1,330.00 before I had taken one 26c. box the Verrai!, W. H. M. Robertson. A. F. Picitic Transfer Co. pain had left me, and I commenced to Mitchell. F. Wright, J. C. Wilson. J. E...... P, Q. B. Victoria. gala ia flesh* and. by the time I had Flack, Beret N. H. Stevens and A. H. CALWELL ------take» Two boxee I "waa completely * velue, rose I BE, EX. ». cured and felt Ilka a new pereon. My also was nominated for the presidency Heavy Teal ulna ef Every Again Put Over,—-1The charge of al­ trouble waa caused by heavy work leged bigamy against William Reed INTERNATIONAL ROTARY Description a fpsolelty but requested hat his nfine be with "Buy the articles in eàch of the groups of food which are out of doors, and, of course, heavy eat­ was called in the City Policy Court drawn because he le In war ing. and constipation. I would advlae to-day, and set over until to-morrow. CLUB_NOMINATIONS Phenes 248-841. not required by the armies."—Canada Food Board. anyone suffering from Kidney or Liver A charge under the Motor 'Regulation work and If ejected would bo unable Ksn—s City, Mo.. June to spare the time the duties Express» Furniture Removed. trouble to give Dr. Chaee’e Pille a Act was set over for hearing on Tues­ of the day. McDowell, of Louisville. Ky.. now first Rsoosee Cheeked end Stored trial.” vice-president; Henry J. Brunler, of office would require. The election will Dr. Chaae'a Kidney-Liver Fills, one be-held to-day. Cycles PUTTING UP A KICK. San Franclsdb, now second vice-presi­ pill a dose, 26c. a box. at all dealers,, dent, and John Poole, of Washington, Phone « Thomas Plimley Phone 698 or Edmonson, Bates A CO., Limited, Recruiting Officer—We can’t accept D. C., yesterday were nominated for It will be ltlt Toronto. Refuse substitutes. The gen­ the presidency of the International Night Phene ItlSR or 2147L Day Phene you, your feet are In bad shape." be In full force. In the 726 to 716 Johnson SL uine bears the portrait and signature Applicant—What the deuce! You Association of Rotary Clubs. end should be to hor of A. W. Chase, M.D., on the label 4 must think a soldier fights like a mule. Frank Herring, of South Bend, Ind, fox-hunting.* . W. C F 10 nCTORTA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JTTNE 28, 1018 = will do some tall talking about the old town all over the continent, and Vic­ umm and toria Will he mentioned in all Mr. Mer­ co. rick’s articles to his paper‘In Honolulu. -It was certainly a profitable vUlt. ami TENNIS the Ideas of the world champions on HAD A RUSHING TIME the subject of the V. 1. A. A.'* way of 1918 1918 running things was best expressed In the Duke’s parting words as he strode BALLS X up the gang plank : “We’ll come back ALL DAY YESTERDAY If we have to swim!” v- We have juat reeeived by parcel post a consignment of Those boys with their fine vnaseum ing modesty made some hit here. Slazcnger and Davis Tennis Balls. Price, 50# each, or, per dozen ...... $5.75 Saw Observatory and Went KAHMOKU’S PARTY lilt Government 8L PE DEN BROS. Phone 117 Over Malahat, Did Fox Trot and Met Davies Twins WILL PRORARLY COME most of the last few days going around toria that the Duke had dark designs with us.” and villainous ideas of missing the Victoria's Swimmers. boat so that he could enjoy for a little The Duke . was keenly interested In The pace Kabunuinoku and his party the Victoria boys and girls who swam longer the “whale of a time” he was RACK HERE IN FALL having at -the Burteith flaiim-l «Line*, Get Ready For That went during the time spent here fit tfie gala last night and he was par­ have made ordinary mortals candidates ticularly complimentary concerning which is described elsewhere in these for the nearest hospital. And indeed Audrey Griffin's splendid performance. column* The other boys were just He stood on the top of the club house crasy to see the boat sail away .without some of the V. I. A. A. people who watching the races very closely and them, and as the) were driving to town were responsible for the good time given Were Given Best Time They the other boys and the coach dropped they kept up a constant murmer of Dominion Day the visitors feel more or less like Had Since Leaving Honolulu; casual remarks, which from the athletic “I think we‘ve missed the old boat corpses. But. as was demonstrated at standpoint, were like the omens of an aloah!” The Duke was even more oracle. the gala, it affected the swimmers not anxious to stay, and Mr. Merrick had a Wanted to Miss Boat They one and all pronounced Vic­ hard time t*» pack them onto th," wharf. a bit, and even after his splendid per­ toria’s mermaids some of the most He, ton, would have enjoyed nothing formance at Uie Gorge the Duke and promising they had seen on the tour more than to remain hehe for a few hla companions were quite fresh for the and they agreed that the boys had days, but as he pointed out they must " Outing wonderful possibilities “I’d like noth­ dance in which they rrtade a big hit, LOCAL SWIMMERS HAVE ing I tetter.” said the Duke while watch- not break their engagements In1 the especially with the ladles leg Miss Griffin swim, “than to stay East, and by hurrying away now they here and give these girls some point­ will be more likely to come back in the Tho shelves and racks at O’Connell's are loaded with Summer Clothes— The programme yesterday started BIG FUTURE, SAYS DUKE fall. As It was they very nearly miss­ with a drive all over the country to the ers. for they have the interest and en­ things that every man will need in order to be neatly and sensibly clad for thusiasm that makes champlori*. You ed the steamer. north of the city. The party visited can quote me as saying that you have Big Advertising. Monday’s outing. Drop in to-day or to-morrow and take a look at this splen­ the observatory and Kahanamoku. Who some fine swimmers In Victoria, and “We’ll come back' If we have to Those boys will be one of the biggest did assemblage of seasonable merchandise. The styles and qualities are care­ Is interested in mechanics, took the ut­ all they need is good coaching.” advertising stunts for this city yet de­ fully picked, and we conscientiously believe that our values cannot be bettered most delight in watching the dome swim!” said Duke Kahanamoku Just Wanted to Miss Beat. vised. for they are as enthusiastic turn around anti examining, with Dr. before getting on the boat for Vancou­ The party took such a shine to Vic­ about It as the' oldest residents. They anywhere in British Columbia to-day. Plaskslt, the machinery of tho institu ver last night And his comrades and tion. Lane couldn’t quite get the idea, their manager Owen Merrick echoed The "list below may contain an item or two vmi ne*d. If not, step inside, but as usual he said with his big ivory Jhl* sentiment. So that, if all goes well smite tfsar- ft was "fThe**" Kruger and p«M»ple here remain In their pres­ and it is a hundred to one we’ll be able to jtroduce the-right tiling at the right agreed. Then the party. In company with the entertainment committee of ent frame of mind, the party of world- price. the V< I. A. A., went away out over the famous record-breaking natators may FANS AND Malahat. and when they came back again be seen In action In Victoria “Stubby” told everybody what a fine some time in the late summer They Flannel Pants—Well made 1‘ants of kii|ht- Suits—Extra values in two-piece Norfolk big lake they had seen from the road But the Duke k/iew it was the sea all are due to swim In Banff on Sunday ior quality flannel. Finished with or Suits. Cool and comfortable for Summer the time, he said. Then the party and from there they go to the Bast, FANTASIES without cuff to your mras- 7 AA went out towards Albert Head and appearing in the larger cities en route. wear—good style—good quality—smart were taken through the Uunamuir It was formerly their Intention to re­ lire. Prices. $5.00 to...... tP I e W Jf «hades. Priées, $15.00 late. turn to Hawaii by way of 'Frisco from They did not get back to town until New- York, but so impressed have they Fans want to be careful these days. health Poor old Con s exchequer must White Duck Pants $22.50 three In the afternoon and after lunch been with Victoria, and such a time Very careful. Hi they, don’t watch out have (ell about like the. Bri.nk ot.BStitiL, S .ML ...... ••••- the boys took a sleep -and thetr “man hàv'e they had ' that riot one of them* on July 1 they may be disappointed. when the contract was signed at . . : ,...... $2.00 tger put his buxines* affairs In order. will rest until he has visited this fair For Instance, don’t go to the Gorge and AAA Suits—Genuine Donegal ffweed Suits. Cut At about four Tait and Lane started smokeless city once again. The pro­ expect to se*. rough riding or to oak For five hundred per game or a trifle Panama HatF—Fedora and telescope styles their usual concert with the guitars posed visit is by no means an Idle Bay to witness a water gala, nor to and tailored to perfection. Suita of this and Kruger wrote a letter to Honolulu in genuine Panama straws. All sizes. dream for Mr. Merrick, the real dic­ thf Hospital Grounds with the id* ;» *.f Newsy Lalonde ' * telling them about Victoria It was rooting at a baseball game And against Westminster' stands the Iteg. $t>.50 to $8.00. Now AA quality eannot be bought wholesale at amusing to watch the Duke trying to tator of the party, told- The Times late last night that he was almost certain û ft û $5.00 and .:...... «PUeUU our selling Ixack his trunk arid play the ukulele at Jess Willard Is some fighter sure, For* a dollar ten a whole long day. the same time in company with the dial tv weak! t.e hM* to make the trip, Tommy Atkins gets into the fray. other boys. Finally, after about an and the Duke stated emphatically he And Tommy is the same. Your Choice of Any Straw Hat price...... $30.00 But unlike Jess our Atkins chap And stands the Huns’ shrapnel for this hour's preparation and after Tait liad would he along anyway. It will be small pay. got his rub down, towels and so forth something for the athletic fraternity Knows how to play the game in the store ...... $2.00 Sport Shirts—Heavy quality White Cotton 6 A O Which is peculiar. together the party was ready and it to look forward to. A A A proceeded by motor to the Gorge about Jack Johnson is learning to become See Our Neckwear Display—Special holiday Sport Shirts. Several styles to choose Best City Ever! professional toreador in Spain. He Ladles’ bathing dresses now closely six. resemble the food supply in Austria. styles moderately priced at C* 1 PA from. Prices. $1.50 A A That Autograph Stunt. “You can go as strong as you like in couldn’t beat up a cow puncher so now talking about how we found your he’s tackling the ball. AAA 75#, $1.00 and...... «Pl.UV and ...... «P^.UU After abdut an hour and a quarter’s AAA The only trouble we see about the preparation the mermen took the water city,” said Mr. Merrick. “It is the finest we have been in since we left Fred Fulton said a while ago that he local lacrosse team visiting James with results recorded elsewhere in these Island again is the terrible possibility Honolulu and you have given us the wanted to fight Dempsey and Mlske columns. After their performance^in of Sweeney sitting on a stick of dyna­ the sea the Troys went up on top of the beet time on the tout. We expected all Iq one ring and at one time. Might we suggest that over there in France mite or something. Then it would be Club House and were introduced to about a thousand people to watch the anybody can find good husky Huns everybody in sight. If the Duke hadn't boys swim, but look.” he continued "You'll Like 1117 by the gross ? AAA muscles like bands of steel he would pointing to the multitude which have had a cramp, so many were the AAA The pro. lacrosse players on the Our Clothes." Government thronged either bank of the Gorge, There appear* 4* be something raaiwUiad seem to be having a .hard eager admirers who jostled about to here are not less than six thousand press his hand But he greeted every wrung with the Vancouver summer time getting satisfactory Referees —Rgd. Street one with his big radiant smile while Well, there’s no good talking about IL footballers. No reports of stupendous Home of the best of Canada's athletes the other boys blushed Soriieone We absolutely couldn't have been stunts They were going to put! off have have found that General Haig makes started the autograph stunt and before treated better.” appeared in the Terminal City papers. a splendid referee. many minutes had passed the whole “Then you and the boys really en­ Perhaps they don't admit the press. AAA party, including their rotund little joyed yourselves?” he was asked. Perhaps they don’t admit the public. There has been so much hot air shot manager, was busy signing its collec­ Say. listen.” said the energetic fat More likely they don’t play soccer. over the Willard-Fulton fight that it is tive signatures. The programmes were little manager, button-holing the per­ AAA now suggested that the bout should be used for this purpose and they form son who made this demand. *Van a Con Jones must have had to dig staged in Mexico, where bull fighting souvenirs for many an admiring Vic­ German eat sausage? Can the Duke down pretty deep Into his jeans to is the national pastime. torian. and the Duke's bold splash will swim? Can Tail play the guitar? bring Newsy Lalonde out to the coast. AAA not be uncommon In the city. Can--can- oh. slosh! I hate to say Newsy is no philanthropist when it It would seem that some athlètes Duke Meets Deviee Boys. anything to people who have treated comes to athletics and it’s a cinch he who play even in these time* for the •fVlCTOD The whole hunch, the Duke enter­ didn't journey to Vancouver for the money in the game know less about the us like prince*, but honestly, you do Red Cross than the double cross taining the others with selections from ask the damdest fool questions I’ve climate, the scenery or the good of his Hawaiian' ditties and edifying remarks ever head. Enjoy ourselves? Why, in the language of the Islands, drove man. enjoyment has been our second Coast. to the home of W. H. Davies, to whose name ever since we arrived. It's been since leaving Honolulu. The V. L A. A. energy and hard work a great part of At San Francisco— EL H. E. wonderful And We're coming back, LEAGUE BASEBALL Vernon ...... <• 9 0 free swimming class gave an exhibition the gala’s success was due. Here the too. We'd give anything to stay _ » of stroke* much to the delight of boys refreshed themselves after their Oakland ...... 1 3 0 week, and In the fall. If all goes well. WORLD’S RECORDS CREATED Kahanamoku. who praised the move exciting day with supper and alto­ National League. Batteries—Chech and Devormer; I‘rough gether enjoyed a merry time of it e will.” At Cincinnati— R- H. E. and- Murray. Refreshments were served by the The famous Davies twins were in- Mr. ,Merrick and the boys were par- Chicago. ------.7 1A-----X. At Ix>s Angeles— R H. E. irodueed to the three great swlmmers, tleularty Cincinnati ...... 1 6 4 [Sait taw ; .. : « • of »ong» and music was rendered on and It was amusing to see the giant gala was conducted, and their praises Batterie*—Douglas. Carter. Klittfer and Lon Angela* ...... 1 11 1 BY SWIMMERS LAST NIGHT Batteries—Penner and Dunn; Crandall the roof of the V, L A. A. club house. bronze Duke, probably the biggest and for W. H. Davies and the V. I A. A. O’Farrell; Began and Wingo. The expeditious way in which the meet most perfectly built athlete living, grere unbounded. They agreed that it At Philadelphia— . ... R- IL E. and Lapan was pulled 'off suriwssed. said Mr. shaking hands with Albie who was was the best-managed affair they had Brooklyn ...... 6 11 » At Sacrament*— - R ft—B. abrfut up to his knee. The kiddies gave splashed in since starting on their Philadelphia ...... 2 8 3 Han Francisco ...... 1 6 0 Magnificent Performance by Kahanamoku and Fellow ^LrlcmJ!nywL^h.'i£Ln ,Z an exhibition bout with their usual dis­ trip. Which, considering conditions In Batteries—Grimes and Miller. Watson. Sacramento ...... > 8 13 0 Batteries—Seaton and McKee. Gardner regard for family connections and the California, means a whole lot. Davis and Adams. and Easterley. Mermen; Huge Crowd Sees Event; ~Lootl Wft thVkliiûr Vu.* x TT1*; mermen gil gill is fulled mm th* ------A-wythteemw.1 " ■l,|-"r—1 B—U—B. w 9 andkitd Into ila1U aiumiiias.energetio» aiiinirmmn<(*ntsuperintendent, fistic stunts. Lane and Kruger ex­ Not only It L W. H. Davies. To put -it shortly for changing many gutters] remarks con­ Boston ...... 1 * * ( Does Splendidly lack of space, the gala was the biggest cerning the skill exhibited, for they enjoy every moment of the time spent Batteries—Causey, Rosa. Anderson and and most successful event of the kind >th box themselves. here, but they were much struck with Rarlden; FIDtngTm. Ragan and Henry HAWAIIAN SWIMMERS the cleanliness and beauty of the town ever staged in this city. Kahanamoku waxed enthusiastic and At St. Louis— R H. E. nothing would do but he should take and its environs. They thought that Pittsburg...... 4 8 1 RAISE $700 FOR RED I At the present moment the scribes of this continent arç ponder­ The following Is the full programme: _ <*! hip. knee, and act as his sec­ the Gorge was about the greatest place SLlsmla ...... I. 7 .. JL ond. fanping him In the prescribed they Tiad seen, and in the words of the Batteries—Cooper and Schmidt, Archer; GROSS AT BIG GALA ing over telegraphic dispatches stating that Kahanamoku, Lane and 66 yards breast-stroke—1. Lane; S. Duke. “If you had Honolulu’s water Shaw cVXA-A-1; ,1, Simpson fashion, and Claire Tait backed Albie. Desk sad Gonzales. Kruger., swimming in Victoria, B, C, established four world ’s tidal (V.I.A.À.). Tithe. «1 f-S see. The Davies boys wtl! probably forget here ft would be the finest swimming place In the world, bar none. As It la. American League. * , In spite of the fact that the whole records last night at the big Gorge gala, and that a huge crowd as 40 yards open, backstroke — lt they grow up that they were cheered and petted by the men over the water Is much warmer than in some At Washington— (^affair only lasted about an hour Kruger; Î. Kennedy * (V.I.A.A.); 3. places in California. What you want Uni hied to witness this magnificent performance. Five prominent Shaw. Time. 22 8-6 sec. whom the athletic world went mad and First game— R- H. E. the big gala held at the Gorge last about whom It is still inclined to be to do after the war Is to build a nata- Philadelphia ...... 0 6 I night according to an approximate business men of this city, holding the atop watches, recorded the mo­ 26 yards, for boys - I, J. Muir torium. and believe me. I’ll come and (V.LA.A.); 2. W. Wilson; 3. a little dippy. And justly no. The Washington ...... * 7 1 estimate issued this morning mentous fact that Lane created world ’a record for the 40 yards breast visiting boys said they had never seen christen it for you. And I’ll bring along Batteries—Adams. Holmes and Me- raised $700 for the Red Crows So­ Barnes. Time. 31 sec. Lane and Kruger with me. eh boys?*’ stroke ; that Kruger broke hia own world’s record in the backstroke Ladles’ 35 yards—1. Audrey Griffin anything like the pugilistic prodigies, Avoy ; Johnson and Ainsmlth. ciety. As only twenty-five cents “You bet. fine,” said the boys, who Second game— R- H.. E. for the same distance that Lane be- (V.LA.A.); 2. Rosie Robertson (Vic. ■ ‘ they had heard about them all have never been known to say any­ was charged for admission to the A.S.C.); 3. Florence Smith (VJLA.A.) along the Coast. Philadelphia ...... 2 6 1 grounds about the course, and as a sides covered the forty mark in unpre­ bathing suit. When the bronse frame thing stronger than this. Washington ...... 3 » 2 cedented time, surpassing hi* former of the world’s greatest swimmer slip­ Time, 26 sec. A Last Fond Farewell. Mr. Merrick grew quite eloquent over great proportion of the spectators 40 yards open—1. Lane; 8. McKin­ Batteries—Perry and Perkins; Shaw. performance and laying up another ped Into _lhe water enthusiasm reach­ -After Hie da nee. when it-was grow­ and. Lane and Kruger- tin; *L: thronged the opposite bank where reco r rT IumTA na if y that PukeHRTahana- non me" 'A ST?.); " IF Kérihedy Ayers itwd PMNmoh, Ainsmlth------mr-rharg* wa* made- Ahis-is ed Its height, and the other boys were ing perilously near the time when -the lent world-beaters, said Victoria “was At New York— R- H E. (V.LA.A.). Time. 16 2-5 sec. maraaWe Mini. The raffle for the . rooku established a world’s record for accorded a reception quite as enthusi­ boat was scheduled to leave, the party, fine ” “It’s more than I expected.” Boston ...... 5 I? 6 the sixty-live yard*, smashing one pre­ 60 yards for war veterans—1. Shaw echoed the Duke. Which from him muffler knitted by Kahanamoku is astic." for people seemed to realise that (V.LA.A.) ; 2. Warn (V.LA.A.); 3. accompanied by divers enthusiasts, New York ...... ;•••• 7 » 1 viously held by an Australian. A book they were witnessing events that are was drlyen to the wharf, the Duke sur­ means a whole lot. Batteries—Bush. Baden and Agnew; proceeding with the utmost suc­ wherein these facts are set down in Lucas (V.I.AA.). Time. 26 sec. “In one way I’m glad we’re leaving," cess and some 500 tickets have al­ history-making, and that will be re­ Open mixed relay—I, Audrey Grif rounded by a bevy of beauties. It was Mogridge. Caldwell and Hannah black and white over the signatures of corded all over the continent to the some party. Quite a gathering stood said Mr. Merrick at the dock. “If we At Detroit— R H E. ready been sold, representing $50. the timekeepers will be preserved for An. W. Muir. Florence Smith and stayed any longer I’d never get my great advertisement of this clfy. Clarence Lane ( V.I.A A.) ; 2, McKin­ about the gang plank and all the boys’ Chicago ...... 0 Î ? Tickets for the handiwork of the future generations, and claim will be correspondence in order, the boys would non’s team (Vic. A.S.C.); 3, Krue­ hands worked overtime and It was all Detroit ...... 1 • * world's greatest swimmer will be advanced to the proper authorities In Some Performance. Mr. Merrick could do to get them on be physical wrecks, the V. I. A. A. sold until Monday night. ger’s team (V.1AA). Time, 68 sec. men would never be able to attend to Batteries—Danforth and Schalk; Boland .order that these achtevemnts may be "25 yards for girls -1, Helen Fox the vessel before the cable was loosed. recognised as tidal records. Lane’s greatest performance was in their business, for they have spent and Telle.----- — — the forty-yard event when he estab­ (Vic A.S.C.); 2, Kathleen Robertson Kahanamoku walked up the gang plank A Hug# Crowd. lished a world's record and outdid his (V.LA.A.); 3, Bernice Ruddock (Vic. backwards waving to the people who previous times which have been con­ A.8.C.). Time, 21 t-6 see; had seen him off. A huge crowd lined both sides of the Thus ended the biggest thing that sidered the best yet Recorded. Lane'S Open ladles. 65 yards—L Audrey Gorge, and even some of the trees Grllfln; 2, Rosie Robertson ; 3, Mrs. has happened to Victoria from an ath­ formed points of vantage for eager backstroke swimming! was a veritable letic standpoint for years past. revelation to Victorians,-and, of oourse. Dalsiel (Vic. A.S.C.). Time, 41 sec. spectators. It was reckoned by the Open 65 yards — 1. Duke Kahana­ officials who measured off the grounds Duke put everything else In the shade moku; 2, McKinnon; 3. Wilburn TROEH WINS MATCH. r that 5,000 people were present to see by his magnificent swimming in the {Vic. A.8.0 ) Time. 26 1-5 sec. l the great Duke in action. The top of sixty-five. But It was In the mixed Canoe tilting—1, Audrey Griffin and Fort Snelling, Minn., June 28.— the V. I. A. A. club-house accommo­ relay that the champion really sur­ Shotbolt. Frank M. Troeh, amateur Washington dated th- prominent guests including passed hiipself. When Kahanamoku Open ladles’ relay—1, Vic. A.8.C. State champion, won yesterday’s regu­ the Lieutenant-Governor and I«ady started. Lane and his team had finish­ (Miss Robertson, Mrs. Dalziel, Miss F. lar event at the annual tournament Barnard, and scows were so adjusted ed. but nevertheless the Duke used Hewitt and Miss M. Miller); 2, here of the Minnesota State Trapshoot that the course was almost surrounded every rterve, every muscle In hla body V, I. A, A. (Miss Audrey Griffin and Ing Association. He got 187 breaksts out DOMINION DAY by onlookers. The raft from which the to make speed, and there is no doubt he Miss 8mlth). In this nice Miss Grif­ of a possible 200 and won the Hutudsoft’ races started was adjusted by cables, was faster in this event than In any fin, who swam three parts of the whole trophy. L. D. Maytag, of Newton, The greater part of the Holiday enjoyment is “Being suitably attired for it." We ran supply and the distances were measured by other, and it Is probable, that he broke course, no other competitors starting, finished second with 114, and Harry D. was beaten by about half a second. the necessary requirements in seasonable goods and reasonable prives surveyors, so that there could .be no his old time. Those who were present Taylor, of North Dakota, was third with will not forget how he slipped through Among those present were His Honor 193. mistakes Batteries of. kodaks were the Lieutenant -Governor and Lady The special event of the d»y for the grelng strong and deafening applause the water, but they will probably not realize that they were witnessing a Barnard and their party,, numbering medal donated by O. N. Ford, of San Bilk Shirts...... $2.25 to $7.50 Soft Felt Hats...... $2.00 to $6.00 greeted the great swimmers, who made Miss Vera Mason. Miss Jones, Capt. Jose. Cat., wa* won by Drz F H. Allen, themselves Immensely popular with the performance equal to or better than -Tan and Grey Sox...... 35# to 75# that which shook thé athletic world a Harold Eberts and Mr. H. J- Muskvtt. of Staples, Minn., with aAcore of 18». Flannel Pants...... $5.25 to $6.00 few years ago when Kahanamoku Others who occupied reserved seats Local Record. on the float were Hon. J. D. MacLean White and Black Summer Box. .25# to 85# swam at the Olympic games. FULTON-DEMPSEY BOUT. it would be Impossible to describe and Mrs. MacLean, tbsi* American Con- Panama Hats...... $3.50 to $10.00 Sports Shirts, various colors, from $1-25 every race, but It was noticeable that Many Did WsM. Major-General Baltimore. June 28.—Promoters of Leek le, C M G.. O.O.C.; Capt. Martin. the proposed fight between Jack Straw Hsta...... $1.50 to $3.00 to...... fxas the local girls and boys did remarkably It would be hard to pay sufficient well Audrey Griffin, acquitting her­ B N ; the Mayor and Mrs. Todd; Ma­ Dempsey and Fred Fulton will try to tribute to the sportsmanship of the jor-General 81r Louis Jackson, of Lon­ self wonderfully Miss Griffin created arrange an eight-round bout in Phila­ local athletes and lack of space only don. Eng.; Reeve Coles, of Esquimau ; delphia or Jersey City, where limited “Suits ready to wear, and made to measure” a world’s record for the sixty-five prevents them being mentioned in de­ Mr. Justice Eberts and Mrs. Eberts, bouts with gloves are permitted. yards, -which shows that this city çan tail. Billy, Muir and Archie McKinnon Mr Justice McPhiltlps. T. W. Pater­ After the ruling of the Baltimore produce swimmers. starred and Miss. Rosie Robertson and son and Mrs. Paterson. Mrs. Arm­ police putting the ban on glove con­ It would be Idle to attempt a descrip­ Miss Smith did well. Unfortunately, strong, Mrs. Harold Fleming, W. tests during the war there was talk of tion of the. actual swimming of the Miss Edna Currie and Mrs. Tait, owing Jones, Charles Williams and D. J. trying to secure a place in Baltimore ‘0ÜR CLOTHES FIT' champion, and it 1* sufficient to say to illness, could not swim. Angus, representing the Victoria Red county, but this has been abandoned. that, according to their manager and The visiting swimmers gave an ex­ Cross Society ; Miss Jones, Miss Hilda 727 Yates Next to their trainer they were swimming as hibition of their famous triple oar in Fleming. Joshua Kingham, represent­ fast as they ever did. and tbslr times Which they swam in line close up to­ ing the Board of Trade; J, F. Scott, of Justice Martin received the invited Street Gordons guests and ushered them to their seats CUMINC & CO. show this. Great excitement arose gether and in perfect time, their arms the Rotary1 Club, and Mrs. Scott; Ken­ when Duke came out on the rafUn his and leg* going like a machine.' This is ____neth Ferguson, representing the Can- at the float, and was assisted at the dwaiog-gown and a sav-colored silk the first time they have done this stunt adian Club, and‘ Mrs. Ferguson. Mr. entrance by F. F. McKlttrick. TIOTOELf BMC? TIMES, PRIBAT, 7ÜÏTÈ 28, 1918 « li

this summer than usual* and the pu­ pils are how released until the Tues­ SCHOOL CLOSING day after Labor Day. There will be an HOSPITAL SHOULD BE •dials «nodes to the beaches and i IV r-«**rtrts* following the breaking up of 77k Liver regulates the health |i •chodlschool EXERCISES TO-Di Usually at thin time of year the staff changes are numerous' but very COMMUNITY CENTRE fvw are reported as imminent In the <<<> I city and district schools when work resumes. Mias Juniper. Supervisor of Domestic Science lor city school* Is Bargains Pupils Will Have Longer Sum­ leaving for New BeaLuid shortly. Dr.H, E, Young and Miss J. Otherwise there are few alterations, mer Vacation Than Usual febly essential repairs will be car­ McKenzie Speak at Van­ ried out at the schools during the holi­ This Year days. couver Convention Margaret Jenkins Seheel. IN Rolls of honor were awarded %thls School plosing exercisee were held In morning es follows: Division L, de­ eme of {he city eclkKile to-day, while portment, Charlie Christie; proficiency, Dr. H. HL Young, secretary. of the B others the breaking up for the George Stark; punctuality, Ben Mc- Provincial Board of Health, and Miss ummer vacation was not ausAed with MlUen, Wilson McDonald and Albert Wtroam 6lti£'ifcre among the speakers at the VÊrmt kAymng should" hi thrown W Wtbe iumme- months many df 1 Division 11.. proftefoey. sway which coufd fn 9f way be util­ regular helpers Hive gone away were North Ward (Principal J. M Webber; deportment, Fred Marconi, hospitals conve*|lœ which has been ized. vacation, but the mark must still be Campbell) and Margaret Jenkins and .punctuality, Alfred Atherton and held in Vancouver this week. Other speakers at the same session kept up. Ranges (PrtnolLpal W. H. One). Wilfred Hughes. Included Major A. P. Proctor who dealt The school holiday week longer Division 1IL, proficiency, Kenneth Co-eperstion Necessary. In dealing with the subject of "The with the tuberculosis problem; Dr. W. Webber; deportment, William Winter, Wrlnch, of New Hazelton ; Dr. Mc- and punctuality, \rchie Smith. -J, Hospital as a Community Centre,” Dr. Eachern, of Vancouver; J. J. Ban- WILL NOTALLFTHE Division IV, deportment, Lome H. E. Young, secretary of the Provln. Proctor; punctuaUty. William Ander­ fleld. of the Vancouver General Hos­ clal Board of Health, gave Ids Ideas pital, and JL B. Leders, general pur­ son and Frank Hughes; proficiency, of what the hospitals should aim to 1 Eric Young. j chasing agent of Vancouver Hospital, AutoStrop be. The sociological side of the hos­ all of their '■papers being followed by BRASS NOW If Men Had to On the Conking- Division V, regularity. Edith Part­ pital work was becoming more and general discussion ridge and Dwight Bunnell; deport- more Important. One of the first du­ •eat, Kathleen Moon; proficiency, They would throw out al­ And how much of your mBR Alan San bum. ties of a hospital was to conserve the most 37 per cent, of the cook- wife’s precious nervous en­ Division VI., rolls of honor, deport­ man-power of the Empire. Co-oper ation of the armies of the Empire with Frontier Oliver Slips Another to stoves in use to-day. ment, Jessie Grant; regularity. Arthur Bred cross work ergy it is consuming every Jb> Stott; proficient}, Edith Green. those of their Allies had brought forth Why f Because investiga­ Division VXL, punctuality, Alfred co-operation in Almost everything else. Dr. Reid Who is Week- tions show that nearly 37 per day! Ernest Campbell and George James The great masses of the pe You’d consider all these Clark; proficiency, Margaret Living- through the taxes, were paying the Fern wood Branch. Ending cent of them are not even deportment. Marjorie Ersklne. costs; and all were entitled to «tuai The committee of the Fernwood worth repairing, they are so things if you were running a Division One. He dealt with the difficulties branch will be in charge of the candy wasteful. business proposition such as Proficiency—Betty lone Qiolm* In the way of finances, which ha< and popcorn booth at the Gorge on Do­ faced . hospital manage menu. - am Premier Oliver flow Dot Intend to Why not investigate the a restaurant. Deportment—Dorothy Rhoda Teape minion Dey. Regularity and punctuality-^Ethel spoke of the acts passed in other pro permit Ottawa to slumber on the eeeo- range in your own kitchen! Why not put your hem* on Hannah Brown. William Charles vlnces which bad resulted la severs Mrs. Snelling will represent the lady tlon of the mile tor Vancouver I eland the name basis! Brown, Charlie William Dougan, David municipalities getting together to es­ with a thousand pockets Friends of the and the conetruction of that section Find out how much costly Bernard Hunter, Neil John Pollock. tablish one large hospital, and to do branch are asked to contribute small to connect Victoria and Sooke Harbor coal it ia burning, how much Equip it with an up-to- Divieion Two. away with smaller ones, as this led articles for this, and are asked to com­ and the etretch to tap the apruce Um­ date one that will burn cost­ to economy and efficiency of manage­ municate with the convener. Mrs. Hud­ ber in the Mill net Country. ft is wasting. Proficiency—Herbert Arthur Tripp. ment. son or Mrs. SneJUng, 1339 Harrison Yesterday afternoon he wired to the And expensive foodt flow ly coal savingly instead of Deportment—Doris Mae MeMorran. Street. Regularity and punctuality—Janet Gospel of Health. Hon. J. D. Reid, Minister of Railways much of that it is spoiling! wastefully. A Han. Gebble Stewart, George Ernest From these centres nurses, highly Hollywood Branch. and Canale, for further advices In Bennett Dyke, Janies Peter Rennie. trained, could go out spreading the The Hollywood branch will serve ice connection with the point raised as to This Range has polished top (six hole), gas-consuming Ian Archibald Rennie. gospel.of health through the commun­ cream cones at two booths at the Do- price for the Terminal lands on the fire-back (burning the gaa from the coals instead of letting it ity. In places where this system had Mlnlon Day carnival at the Gorge, Son*here Reserve. received BEACON HILL SCHOOL. been tried the cost was only about two when they hope that residents of by the Premier this morning merely escape), large bottom cup water jacket (loti of hot water), Division Three. mills on the dollar. If arrangements of Hollywood district will support them in Indicated that Dr. Reid wee away from plain nickel trimmings. A good baker and at last year’s price. their effort* Workers are urgently the capital for another week end and Deportment—Victoria Sangeter. this kind could be worked out in con­ would not be back until Tuesday when Proficiency—Phyllis Wbeldon. nection with their schools why p>uld needed at the rooms as with the com- Two sizes. "Regularity and punctuality—Eleanor It not be done with the hospitals As Blanche Schroeder. soon as the people of districts were Mechanical Perfection Divieion Four. organized very thoroughly they .would $60 and $70 be able to insist on their demands for There are many reasens why Proficiency—William Jodson McDon­ ~Tsm« in and see the many other good features. the AutoStrop is the ideal ald, decent treatment being compiled with •Water's IUor. bat ooe stands eat Deportment — WinnJfred Eleanor In the prevention of disease, in child OULD YOU risk a postage more prominently than the others Cuthbert. welfare, the 'most fundamental thing and will Instantly appeal to every was education of the pedfile. There "knight of the AJ?\ that Is. Its Punctuality and regularity—John stamp to learn more about "'**>>ntt*l perfection. Mitchell Jamieson. Walter Victor Jam­ were more deaths from measles than w B. C. Hardware & Paint Co., Ltd. Beery aviet or knows and a ieson. John Andrew Kirkpatrick. from almost any other 'disease. The Phene 82 Board of Heelth had asked the medi­ ±±± coffee?* 717 Fort St. KING’S ROAD SCHOOL. cal men to report any cases of tuber­ Division One. culosis which came to their knowledge, ÎT’eS’iSîl'tSîSSrW Regularity and punctuality—Jessie but he could not congratulate the medi­ AirtoStro^U tk« «h*t ^ will Alexander cal fraternity on the enthusiasm with SEAL BRAND COFFEE the Premier's wire would be laid be­ Deportment—Lily Dobbin. which this had been tArn up. State loysece ci baying new I Proficiency—Mary Laird, Muriel controLwf medicine, and other phases fore him. I ••are It Is the oafar rue end how to make it?' How to equal It will be recalled that the important - urpees It own hledee ul------Poulton, Frances Patton. of the finest ion were also dealt* with. crlly — the la bleees yon receive Division Two. Hospital Economies. America’s most famous chefs? wires sent from this end during the with the AetoStrup will give roe at latter days of last week had to be leaet SOS eleen. ooexiortable she wee. Deportment—Mary Burnett. Miss McKenzie gave a brief reading Punctuality * and regularity—Lome forwarded to the Doctor, who war Speciel Military Oat## i "Economy in the Hospital." In which Our booklet "Perfect Coffw-Perfectly Mad.", tnlls McClair. she cited many instances where sav­ •away until Tuesday." Mr Oliver has ------Price, saw Proficiency—Frederick John Crook, now asked that hie wire of yesterday Al Uria tec bcrrici ings could be made. She showed w here you. It’i free. Write for it. 1,1 Victoria Mary Wormald, Marguerite considerable saving could be made be allowed to follow the Doctor into Evelyn McIntosh, Barbara Martin. AatoStrap Safety Razor Ca. through utilizing bread cruets, small CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL hie «elusion, so that the people of o«7Dri.«c, t ' hat# Division Three. pieces of soap, rubber which has out­ Vancouver Inland may know at once Deportment— Beryl Daisy Rickman. lived Its usefulness In manufactured how noon construction may be com­ Punctuality and regularity—John El- forms, gauze, etc. In fact, she said. menced. ford McNeil. Proficiency—Vera Baker, Edith Wln- n If red Deavllle. > . OBITUARY RECORD

The funeral of the late Neil Stewart Paul took place yesterday afternoon at o’clock from the Banda Funeral Chapel. There was an unusually large attendance of relatives and friend* and the many beautiful flowers testified to the high esteem in which the young man was held. A. P. Blyth took the services and the hymns sung were “If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee,” and “Jesu Lover of My Soul.” The paJB CRUSHED W. M Johnson. Inurment look place To a fraction above cost, and in many eases below manufacturer’s cost. at Row Bey Cemetery. To-morrow—Saturday—will see soin e startling snaps at the innirn i M DAiQn ] Mntji TTTn TinTTvnr OVATIV SERVICE FOR B. C. E. R. DISPUTE Ottawa. June 28.—The Minuter of AND Labor baa established a board of con­ Big Bargain Shoe Sale ciliation to deal with the dispute be- twiflffHw BliAlifcmifiwar Q|ps> pan y and its electrical worker* Mr. Justice Macdonald, of the B. C. Su­ preme Court, has been appointed chair- of the board; F. Bueeembe, of PRICE Vancouver, will represent the com- >any, and Thomas J. Coughlin, also of are three things yon are ae- fan couver, will represent the men. Sold The board will start sitting Imme­ snred of if Qoodacrels diately. The same board also will deal with 636 to 639 Johnson Street Meats and Poultry are the differences between the Western ...... Canada Power Company, of Vancou­ LADIES’ WHITE CANVAS CHILDREN’S SANDALS MEN S MAHOGANY bought for your home. ver, And he electrical workers, as the points In dispute are of a similar na- Ladies9 White ------SUMPS...... BROWN CALF SHOES See Our Special ONI GRADE ONLY, AND THAT THE BEST. White Extra Public 'Notice Canvas Phone ns your order. Fine Button Size 3 to 7...... 90* L Macro & Sons Genuine Chemainos Size 8 to 10%...... $l.a5 Canvas Cor. Johnson and Gov’t Sts. Boots High and low heels ; all sizes ; Boys’ or Girls’ 11 to 2, Phones 31 and 33. Dry Fir Millwood Saturday, <|>-| QC at ...... *1.35 Made on the new last, with Neolin nudes and rubber Lace Phone 1*79. Ferris, Sole Agent, 1419 Douglas Street. Wood Yard, Rock l£ay. Men’s Tennis Oxfords, heels. *7.50 ** oilers as they during her short career- on the ocean and Taylor were present to voice the $75 large barn. to handle cargo when It did not guar­ are called here, on each watch. This, Fruit Trees In full bearing. blue. labor side of the question. antee steady employment. With proper with a white crew. On the ships built full luff and Ticket Office, Only $1,900. With Capt Stout, formerly com­ It was admitted by Captain George facilities which would insure greater In this province, complements for five WO WharfWI Street Phone 1143. mander of the liner Lxlon, on the McGregor that there was an Ingde- business at the $6.000.000 worth of ef which have been on this coast for bridge, the Tyndareus arrived in port qviacy in relation, to the ability of thej dock* the Government had built, the Bungalow tn Oak Bay wanted. 6 some thne. -waiting for delivery of this forenoon after.* a 12-day* passage coast steamers handling the amount of men would have something to stay for. their vessel* three engineers are pro­ or 6 room». We have client wait­ from Yokohama. This is the second cargo landed here for transhipment ex­ Lack ef Carriers. vided, one white donkey man, with no ing. Send in your listing at once. trans-Pacific voyage that the liner has peditiously enough to meet the reason­ greasers. This with a Chinese crew. made since she narrowly escaped being able demands of the Vancouver mer­ W. Alien, of a P. Rithet * Company CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY Nine acre*, choice land, all cultl- destroyed by a mine off the South chants, who naturally did not like the said that want of carriers was a big Claims Well Founded. vated. close to city. $275 per acre, African coast idea of their freight lying in Victoria factor in strengthening Vancouver's After hearing evidence from several How Capt Flynn, by splendid sea­ for a couple of weeks, no matter what or will consider part exchange. hand In the present situation, though, parties and listening to the opinion of manship. succeeded in saving the Tyn­ the reason ay how justifiable. in the main, he agreed with what Mr. Captain George McGregor, who held Local Summer Service dareus and got her back to port with It was the opinion of all who spoke Taylor said regarding the future. There that the men's claims were well her forward decks awash, and the hero­ on the matter that Vancouver had a was a difficulty ifi the matter of get­ founded. It was decided that Captain EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, ISIS. ism displayed by the gallant skipper Just right to kick, but Capt. McGregor Snowdon and Chief Engineer Adair, SWIRIRTOI $ MUSIRAVE pointed out that the coast shipping had ting longshoremen, however, on .occas­ LEAVE VICTORIA. in encouraging the spirit of thg, troops ions when needed, and It was the pre­ representatives here from the Old Winch Bid, . <40 Port St. been hard hit by conscription ana re­ No 1 No. 8 No 5 No. 7 No 9 No. 11 No. 13 when It was realized that the vessel sent position that required some tem­ Country to whom the ships are being might submerge in the heavy sea that sultant shortage of men. He got at Station» Except Except Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Except the crux of the situation by asking the porary arranging. This, however, was delivered, should be asked to attend Sunday Sunday Only Only Only Only Sunday was running. Is now emblazoned on subsequently solved apparently by Mr the adjourned meeting of the Board A.M. PM. PM. AM. the liages of marine history, a labor delegates. “Would the unions be willing to allow outside men to come Taylor’s agreeing that outside men this afternoon. It is possible also that VICTORIA ...... 1 49 7 SO 10.3# ‘NIELSEN’S COMMANDER Even when the soldiers of- tne Mid­ might be called in when longshoremen Captain Troup, in the absence of R. P. JUNCTION .... 1 45 7.37 10.35 in and work at union wages when ne- QUADRA ...... 1 60 7.41 10.49 dlesex regime# t. had been safely Iran»-, C&ggr? nrsmn Vases where Ship»-were of the Union were not-available. But chart, director of .shipbuilding for TAKES SHORE BERTH ferred to rescue vessels. Capt. Flynn the Imperial Munitions Board. Will at­ MT DOUGLAS . m_____ 1M , . IMS tied up here for want of men to handle A very friendfy feeling prevailed be­ CORDOVA ..... 2.00 7 50 10.60 and his trusty officers remained with the cargo, even if tht#« were made to tend to give his opinion on the matter. 2 05 7 S3 19.51 the sinking liner, which was flnaWy tween the Board and the Labor dele HAYWARD ...... f Capt. C. D. Dletrtchaen. who was In apply only to the smaller vessels?” gates, who assured the Boar* that they Type Little Used. 1IÛRB1DGB .... Command of the Norwegian steamship towed into Hlmonstown with a gaping to 10.02 i i“ 5 A Ready Reply. wt-re willing at any. time to r*n< The engineer* allege that with the 1005 Kicls Nielsen on two occasions when hole in her hull forward. But for the splendid work of the gal­ “Not only would we allow them, and what assist ones they could to promote type of boiler used in the ships built SCOTT" ..a...... S 47 6 69 3 IS 19 97 ** !" if she came to Esquimau for repairs and lant skipper and his men the chances have done so In the past,” said Mr. the best Interests of Victoria. Pres I In British CMumbta, a type not used in HAZAN ...... a ... tit -9.59---- —314 10 10 10 13 Who has been in charge of the big are that the Tyndareus would now be Taylor, “but we will do everything dent Klngham said the Board of Trade ships to any extent during the past EAST ROAD ...... 1.53 9.01 2 19 is il! 35 freighter ever since she was launched, possible to rush up the necessary men. was igad to have the labor representa­ twenty years. It Is not only Impossible RANGE ROAD ... S 56 «06 2.21 10.15 resting on the bed of the ocean off the PATRICIA BAY . ... 990 9 10 J2S 19 29 3 il! ü has quit the sea for a shore berth. South African seaboard. When it comes to working in ships’ tive* present, and . he thanked them but extremely dangerous to set out on Capt. Dletrtchaen will take an active hold*, however. It would be advisable cordially for their attendance. He a journey of over 6,000 miles, without LEAVE PATRICIA BAV. The heroism of Capt. Flynn was re­ No 10 No. 12 part in the management of the Norway cognized by the King and he was also for the protection of all concerned, to thought It was a very fine thing to the aid of the additional greasers, and No. 2 No. 4 No. « No. 8 have our experienced men work in the Stations Exrept Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Pacific Construction and Drydoek highly complimented by the Admiralty. have all branches of opinion get to­ they state that even then they would tiundAy Sunday Only Only Only Only Company at Everett The mining of the Tyndareus occur­ holds while the green hpnds worked on gether In the common welfare of the be obliged to put in very long shifts. AM P M. PM. AM. PM. PM red seventeen months ago when the the dock end.” city. "We all have the same Interests Would Never Get Home. PATRICIA BAT .. ... 9 05 8 15 3 JO 19.25 liner was on her maiden voyage. Matter of Facilities. at heart, and it would be a good thing RANGE ROAD ...... 9.19 « 29 1 35 10 SO The attitude of the engineers was SSI 10 IS LINER SUWA MARU To-day this marine leviathan is en­ Delegates Taylor and Watchman env for the Board to keeTwsin touch with HAST ROAD ...... 9.11 « 22 expressive of extreme loyalty. “We BAZAN ...... 9 IS « 26 2 40 10 36 gaged iÂtransiHirtlng huge cargoes of phaticaily declared that it was not ow­ labor,” he said. He suggested it might 1 43 10.38 CLEARS FOR ORIENT m^rcha^pàe between the Orient and want to keep faith with our Govern SCOTT ...... 9 13 «28 ing to shortage of labor that the ships be a good Idea If the Longshoremen’s ment and take those ships to their SAANICH ...... 9 29 • 39 2 46 10 49 British mdumbia. Capt. Flynn brought were not calling at Victoria with their Union and the Trades and Labor Coun­ destination.” they said, “but It.Is Im­ MICH ELL ...... 9 34 9 24 2 49 10 44 her across on her last voyage and « 38 2 51 19 48 On her outward voyage to the Ori­ cargoes The matter was boiled down cil would work In conjunction with the possible and it would be a menace to BURBIDGE ...... its turned his ship over to Capt. Stout to the disclosure of the facts that Van­ Board by wiring to Ottawa to urge SAYWARD ...... 9 35 «49 2 67 1999 ent the Nippon Yuaen Kuisha liner «hipping to try to get those ships 19 58 when he was ordered home. couver and Seattle had better docking them to speed up the completion of the CORIXWA ...... 9.SS « 41 1.06 Buwa Maru got away from the Outer home under the present order of MT DOUGLAS .. ... 9.43 • 93 3.13 11.99 pDocks ai S o'clock last night, carrying The Tyndareus crossed from Yoko­ and warehousing facilities and. cheaper facilities at the. new dock* which were hama In twelve days and averaged a rates. Shippers and buyers had to things. The ship» would never get -QUADRA " v a full cargo and a large saloon list of now about to be begun. home. We would have to put Into JU NOTION ...... *.*.* 9.63 7.03 3.21 11.IS speed of fourteen knots. Her officers consider every Item of expense and 11.S9 passengers. Her steerage accommoda some port and we would likely have to VICTORIA ...... 19 90 7.10 2 25 say the Pacific was like a millpond. had u* eliminate as much cargo hand­ Sorry Not Represented. Tickets on sale at Depot. Alpha Street. Take Burnside < lion was also well filled. Her cargo amounts to 20,000 tone ling as possible The port that had the send back here for some parts that we Mr. Watchman stated he was only could not get. . Without any bias at Phone 4479 and 111. The next Inbound ship of the N. Y. measurement and includes 1.200 tons best to offer in these respecta was the sorry that labor was not represented on K. fleet will be the liner Fushimi Maru. for Victoria consignees. The liner Will port that would get the business. all we are satisfied w» could not do It/' “It Is nothing new that ships have the Board of Trade, and both he and Engineer» Willing. She is looked for early In July. get away late to-night for Seattle. Mr. Taylor assured the Board that iiV there would probably be a hearty re­ The-engineers stated that they had sponse to the request for labor to as­ every desire to put forth every effort Wanted lor sist matters by wiring Ottawa." and do everything possible, no matter at what cost to themselves, to get the ships overseas, and they had taken the matter under discussion up with Canadian Naval Service the Government representatives here WIRELESS REPORTS but as they had obtained no definite STAR VALUE assurance they were anxious to have the matter adjusted before they left Mate*. Limited eumbef of partira- Seamen. A limited eember of June 28, 8 a.m. lortr, moo with deep era pertieol.Hr eoiteblo mm with era Uere't something you can’t buy Point Grey—Clear; calm; 30.00; 5T; ------Aégrfÿ tè Sail. «périra* rad bolding Mete', we- experience. Ag* IS to 45. elsewhere. hazy seaward. Three ships are nearly ready to sail. doing certifie.!. Ad. 23 to 40. Stokers. Men with e, Gaps Lazo—Cloudy; N. W. light; The first will probably leave Victoria going wrun .. Age «qnired. Age 18 to «5. Also men 30.09; sea moderate. Spoke str. Port­ in a- fortnight, une ship following at an Cklel Artificer Engineers. ,Dder MiUtoryngn bnt who her. pmrad Children’s White land. 8 p.m., abeam, northbound. interval of every two weeks there­ Pachena—Clear, calm; 29.99; 61; sea Artificer Engineers. their 18th hirthdey required to train WHERE THE DOLLARS THE STORE OF CENT after. In the trial trip of the first Engine Boone Artificers. , ne Stoker». RubberSoled Shoe moderate. steamer it took six skilled men all SA VINOS Estevan—Clear; N. Wx strong: 29.90; their time to look after the situation. Only particularly mitebl. mm required. Cooks. Men who here experience ia LAST LONGER 56. sea rough. The boilers used in the Iqcal vessels Applicant, meet hold Marine Engineer. cooking end not liable to Military Albert Bay-Clear; N. W strong; Certiorate. Age I* to SO. Seme er. required. 38 706 FORT ST. 706 roar 09. used in about five steamers in the last Caoioaun. 3-46 am., northbound. twenty years, stated the delegation. NO OllES BANKS OR RATINGS ABE REQUIRED AT PRESENT. Triangle—^'loudy; N. W. light; 38.38; 14; sea moderate. Spoke Katherine D., www.RaJp uH ngppofrpfvf.RàtdAAftiufl 8.40, Queen < ’harlottc Sound, north­ Thé Board of Trade evidenced a H. M. C. S. RAINBOW Boys’ Running bound; sir. Prince Albert, S I0 p.m.. 30, lively interest in thg maBcf and were. inlTes B. W. of Stiff Ihlèt BOftfibOimd. oT opinion that something should be ESQUIMALT. B. C. Sandals Dead Tree Point—Clear; calm; 30.40; done at once, though Captain Mc­ Shoesr 64; sea smooth. Gregor pointed out to the tnen that the or Navel Recruiting Secretary, 279 Wellington, Ottawa. -J Ikeda Bay—Clear; calm: 30.11: 57. local Board of Trade was not consti­ This is a regular “Fleet Foot” Shoe, sea smooth. Passed out *tr. Prince John. tuted tike the English Board of Trade made with the new ventilated ab­ 2 a.m.. northbound. and had not the same powers in such sorbent Insole. Absolutely cool for Prince- Rupert—Cbwdy ; cairn ^ 30,11; matters. However. If satisfaction can­ the hot day. These shoes are really 46; sea smooth. Spoke str. Tees. .1130 not be obtained through local negotia­ -worth $1.60, but the “C. 8. H.” has p.m.. Skeen* Hiver. southbound. str. tions the matter may be taken up with Admiral Nicholson. T.ld am. Brown’s Ottawa. exclusive selling rights at, pair The “Hygle" Sandal, Is wonder- Passage, northbound. X P. Rithet S Co . Ltd, Peaeencer ■tip to size 6^ These are sold at $1 35 by most stores in Victoria. guaranteed not to rip, or hurt the • Point Grey—Clear; N.W ; 30.07; 65; end Freight Agents HIT Whorl St The “C. 8 H." will dispose of sea moderate. Spoke stf Humboldt 11 tenderest foot, welt sewn *| OQ a.m^ Active Pass, northbound. v S. 6. President Leaves Victoria limited number Satur­ $1.00 99c soles. Up to 7t4. pair.. ^ Cape Lazo—Clear; "N.)V. light; 30.45; day at, pair...... 65: sea smooth. S|x>ke/str Santa Ana, . June 28, 6 p.m. 11 a m., off Sister’s Island, northbound. Pachena—Clear; . S B. light; 39.99; For San Francisco, Log Ange. 59; sea moderate. DOMINION DAY Estevan—Clear; N.W.; 29.91; 55; sea 1m and Ban Diego Direct AWe. anilines tram Cattle, T net dur». Three Snappy Values For Ladies ’’’_J5rlAwl Bay—Clear: N.W.; muoswN Fridays end Sunday*. sea moderate. For particulars Phone No. A. Triangle—Cloudy; N. W.; 30.28; 53;j julV i SAFETY—SPEED-COMFORT sea rough WHITE COLONIAL PUMPS A Snap al lhe CASH STORE Dead Tree Point—Overcast; N. W. light; 30 40; 58: sea smooth. to Ikeda Bay—Clear; N. W.; 30.18; 68; sea smooth. Special Rales The Union Steamship Ladies' Prince Rupert—Overcast ; S.: 30.19; Cowlchan 63 ; sea smooth. Passed in, sir. Prinçe for Co., of B. C. Ltd. High Cut Rupert, 10.46 a.m., northbound. Bay 8. 8. Cantoeun sails from Victoria THE IROQUOIS AND Dominioà Day every Tuesday 11 p, m. for Campbell Top White for the CHIPPEWA ARE NOW River. Bella Cools. Alert Bay. PL JULY 1, Hardy, Rivers Inlet Canneries, ate. - Boots A beauty In look* a perfect fitter; TRAINING VESSELS Regular sailings from Vancouver to •This natty little Pump from 3’, to Cowichan Prince Rupert and other B. G Pointa lust as shown here- The “C. S. H.” Between porta on the fol­ Daily service to Powell River. r,an*t sell them, again at this price, 6', only gqee on sale Saturday at Thé Pfiget Sound Navigation Com­ lowing routes? mîy 22 pairs left up to 6’s. Satur- this price. New design. An all pany’s steamers Iroquois and Chippe­ Bay wa. chartered by the United States Victoria-Vancourer GEO. McGREGOR, Agent, I I ftr*...... :... $1,88 Government for use as training ships, sr...... sm have now been turned over to the Vancouver-NanAimo Regatta training station being established at Nanaimo-Union-Comox Seattle and will Immediately be fitted |1-2S return. Some Other C. S. H. Snap» with duarters for apprentice». Vanconver-Powell River- •A. PRINCESS MARY BOYS’ BROWN “8. O. S."- BOOTS.BOOTS MEN'S RUNNING OXFORDS The Seattle training station has been Union-Comox DAY STEAMER TO established for the purpose of training Heavy Corrugated Soles. The "Range." Any else »"| 99 Vancouver-Ladyimith - Gulf wiU leave C.P.R. Whorl. Belle­ Regular 11.5»..,..,.... young men for positions as deck and BEATTLE Up to 5’s ...... i7.... $1.45 engine room workers In the American Islands ville Street, et 1.10 a.m., July J. * for Cowlchan Boy, and on return HOES. - WHITE BEAUTY merchant marine. The Iroquois and THX We challenge competition In this CHILD’S WHITE BEACH SHOES. Chippewa have frequently been oper­ One way fare and one- Up to size The bottle of white for fine shoes. trip wlU leave Cowlchan Bay et well known , line of -Fleet .Foot- ated in the Victoria service relieving third for the round trip. S.S. "Sol Duo” 40’S t. v . * < 79c « * m.7 ; ini nil, —19. the steamer Sot Dec. -»»****** t pjn. for Victoria. Shoes Here’, a «Imply lovely pure price, bottle ...... ltJv Tickets good going June P. R. Wharf dear et- ‘ white Boot, just aa shown, with LET THE KIDDIES 29, 30, July 1, 1918. COME IN AND LOOK PILOT REFUSED TO Ticket» may be purchased at white sole, and covered have a swing. ' Final Return Limit, July 3, C.P.R. Ticket Offices. Only S Sffevï^&Æy *d5y L enreegt heel. All sise, ...... AROUND NAVIGATE WAR TYEE limited number will be no id. $2.89 Our Children’s Department 1918. Saturday at midnight, arriving will please the little folks. You won’t be pressed to bay. THROUGH FRASER DRAW Extended sale dates and, *££1 *£££». and ticket. WHITE POLISH limita on certain routes. from Capt. L. H. Ford. Fraser River pilot, PUGET SOUND NAVIGATION CO. Cake* P declined to pilot the wooden ehlp War For further information, ALL-ROUND ENTERTAINMENT. Tyee through the draw of the Fraser apply to any C. P. R. Ticket Reg. 10c ...... 1’c C.S.H. 705 Fort Street River bridge until the veiael la The Watkins Pres*—"Next week. equipped with proper steering appar­ Agent. atus, so that she can be propertly con­ Mr and Mrs. Forbes will entertain trolled under tow. The War Tyee was their parent» on both side».** UTILIZE TIMES WANT ADS VICTORIA DAJIY TIME®, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1918 13 15 (M, KÀR; FINAL SHOTS IN MC free a fnUil'i htttr NOW RAISES mm mil! h fur- SHIT CAMPAIGN 600 CHICKENS After Being Relieved of Or- A'fA powder possesses the FIRED YESTERDAY genic Trouble by Lydia E. best antiseptic and cleans­ Pinkham’s Vegetable Enthusiastic Meeting of Gov­ Compound. o lann FRICTION REDUCING MOTOR OIL ing qualities. The neces­ ernment Supporters at n. in.—"I took Lvdia B. Pink- sary ingredients to liber­ Princess Theatre "Makes a good car better! ate Oxygen in the mouth SIXTY CONSERVATIVES For are contained only in MET AT THE COLUMBIA piston ring “seal" maintains the power of your engine * It made it very for bucking steep grades, for racing at top speed for me. and for loafing along on high. When the oil film Between three and four hundred of "I saw the Com­ A the electorate had an opportunity of pound advertised in between the piston rings and cylinder walls has the correct hearing something of the accomplish­ our peper, and tried body and lubricating qualities it holds compression tight, ments of the present administration it It he» restored last night. The gathering in the Prin­ my health so I can do all my work and keeps your engine running quietly, makes your motor cess Theatre In support of the candi­ I am eo grateful that I am recommend­ responsive to the slightest shift of the throttle. dature of Major Langley was the final ing. It to my friends. Mr». D. M. THE OXYGEN Alters, R. R. 4, Oregon, III. IS YOUR CAR A GOOD CLIMBER? rally of Government supporters, and Only women who have suffered the tor­ was marked throughout by a quiet en­ tures of such troubles and hare dragged Almost any car makes a good showing along smooth pavements and TOOTH POWDER thusiasm which augured well for a big along from day to day can realize the up gentle grades. But to take stiff grades on high, to get a flying Qamna-WMm Rootmo Langley vote to-day. The candidate relief which this famous root and herb start when you opeivthe throttle, to get most miles and most power had the benefit of the Premier's nasis- remedy, d.ydla E. Pinkhnm'a Vegetable A package eeScienl for one week’s Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters. out of every gallon of gas, requires piston rings made gas-tight with . lance as well as that of three cabinet an oil of the right body and lubricating quality—an oil that forms a trial and authoritative booklet tell- ’ ministers, a city member, and the lady, Women everywhere In Mrs. Alters’ condition should profit by her recom­ ing-Wky a Powder is Better Than a member for Vancouver, qp seal between piston rings and cylinder walls, that minimizes wear^ mendation, and If there an any com­ Paste** will be sent free on request A Delusion. plications write Lydia K. Pmi ham's that helps the .gas to give full value in dependable power. MY. Oliver took an entirely dEffereht Medicine Co . Lynn, Mas*., for advice Tell Your Friends theme last night. He was omcerned The result of their 40 years experience the oxv about the interpretation which had is at your servie». About Calox been lavishly bestowed upon that sec­ The large sise contains more than tion of Mr. Gfolnta’s platform, wherein twice as much as the smaller ssec. was the covert suggestion of pension scale adjustment as on attendant re­ has just the right body to form this gas-tight seal between the piston sult ob the victory of the returned SOLDIER IS GIVEN H men's candidate at the polls to-day. rings and cylinder walls. It does not break down or loeehs lubri­ MCKESSON l ROBBINS The ITemler was not in a mood to cating qualities under intense heat. It doesn't gum in summer nor mince words, and he flatly declared congeal in winter. It overcomes friction and lessens carbon trouble— KnYwk that an attempt to delude the women GREAT RECEPTION folk was the cruellest kind of election lengthens the motor’s useful life and keeps it in prime condition the propaganda that could cross the year round. "Your 32 Teeth are.32 Reason»" threshold of any house already affllct- Folarine ie made in two grade*—Polar i ne and Polarine Heavy. It ie supplied in edhythe tortures of -war. JSaoltemairt one-half, ona-awl four gallon etmled ram, alee in 124 gaUhn.ated.kcga» barrels end of hopes that the returned men's can­ Royal Victoria Theatre Was half-barrels. There are aleo Polarine oils and greases for effective transmission didate was totally unable to realise was and differential lubrication. sufficient for himself, afc ITemler of Crowded at Ex-Fle. Buy Polarine where you get Premier Gasoline—at the sign of the “Red Ball." the Province, to compel him to call for Japan to go to Honolulu, and thence protection of those brave women who Giolma's Meeting WrHo m ml Ream 7&4 Imperial Oil BIJr . Taranto, far interesting AUSTRALIAN TRADE hack to Australia. might already be laboring under the kedfrlti an Polmrina far Automobile Lubrication delusion. Halde Merchant Says Commet Co-Operate Net Antagonize. wealth Hopes to Extend Business •BfcWEATHER in Neighboring Insular Groups. Major Langley Inclined to the Ex-Pte. Glolma wan given a- great IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED, Daily Bulletin Furnished reasonable vle*w that there was « good reception by the audience which pack­ .ustralla is looking forward to a by tbft Victoria Meteor­ ileal more hope of success In tackling ed the Royal Victoria Theatre to the BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA at impetus in trade after the war, ologies I Department. the returned men’s problem by co­ operation with the Government than by doors last night In the candidate's last I that trade will be with the British campaign meeting of the present by- pire, according to Frederick Simon- Victoria. June 21—6 a m —The baro­ the stud> and practise of opposition tactics. Thin the present administra­ election. lie was ably supported by Dmeetor of Goode. Durrant & Co., meter remains high over this Province returned officers and "men. among ell-ltnuwn firm whose headquarters and fine, moderately warm weather Is tion was delivering the goods he had not the slightest hesitation in assert­ whom was ex-Chaplain the Rev. Iff fUelaide. South Australia. general, while in the prairie provinces Comyn t hing. Introduced to the meet­ . Ir Slmonett, who arrived at the more rain has fallen. ing. And so long as the Oliver Govern­ ing as an es-N W M P. and fighting ment lived up to its duty It would be in press Hotel yesterday, is on his way Reports. parson of the 11th C.M.R. sü? the Orient. the best interests of the community at The latter speaker made a great hit Victoria—Barometer. 30 13 tempera­ large t«*-permit of fruition for a pro­ - Ie states that before the war the ture. maximum yesterday, 12; minimum, with the audience and was repeatedly strallan merchant. Irvubled very lit - 41; w ind. 4 miles 8. W.. weather, fair gressive |H>licy. greeted with marked expressions of premier. about M nument, ami w«»ui«l buy Vancouver— Barometer, tempera­ — Finanças and Facts. approval. He • quoted from the- ad­ t as readily from a German trader as ture, maximum yesterday, 76. minimum, The Hon. John Hart subjected the vertisement In the local press which <-> » 9 rn a BritTsh. Now he would be. a r.0: wind. 4 miles 8. W ; weather, .lea'r Opposition Leader's finance wizardry purported to compare the platforms of tt men who would venture to wish K am loops— Barometer. 71*98; tempera* to a mercVess X-ray process, and the . \ -Ptf dolma an»! Major. 1 -angtey, renew pre-trade connections with* turei maximum yesterday; 72; minimum, figurative negative obtained required the "Galloping Major." as the speaker (jdsu line ■ atone The future of Australian 41; wind, ------miles------8.; weather,------fair no “re-touching" to show how fur Mr. named the latter, to the great amuse­ ustrlal exponslon, he states, lies Prince ltupert—Barometer, 30.18; tem­ Bowser had been from truth. The ment of the audience, which was com­ rseas in the Fast Indies, the Phil- perature. maximum yesterday. 56; mini­ Minister took pride in the fact that the posed for the most part of women. ines, and>lwwhere along the bord- mum. 48; wind, calm; weather, cloudy Oliver Government had already shown Shew Year Appreciation. of the archipelago, because the Newrt Haselton—Temperature, maximum and would* continue to show policies, “If I had a thousand tongues, every­ oulation of the Island continent is y«st*rday» 61; rain. 01 the top, middle, and centre of which one of those tongues would appeal to 1ted. Temperature. would be straight business. The Hon. Jke so many South Australians ho Max Min. you to-night for the Returned Sol­ William Sloan, as was only to be sup­ diers. If you have any appreciation nks that the stole will have to wake Barkers llle ...... M posed, took for his text the develop­ to Its opportunities. It will require for them you can show it by casting Tatoosh ...... •• ment of Vancouver Island. He ex­ your vote to-morrow for Comrade settle the hinterland Immediately Portland, Ore...... <1 •• plained in one of the best speeches he lflguous to Adelaide, which would Seattle ...... 70 has made for many a day Just how Glolma.” said the speaker In his open­ ing remarks, after which he went on Intaln a vast population, and also San Francisco ------i* .» much Vancouver isllmd's future de­ *1ernte The development of the area Penticton ...... T...... 71 velopment was dependent upon the to tell of the brave deeds i*f the men who were fighting and had fought lucent to the River Murray, before Grand Forks ...... 70 final translation Into more vigorous “over there" and who came home only will be in a position to exercise the Nelson ...... 67 action auil, the policies formulated by ne Influence a» the Eastern State*, Calgary .r. .T.'T...... rr;47 to find that the politician still held the present administration. The Gov­ sway and had the audacity to char­ e railway communication with Edmonton ...... »...... « 60 ernment would not rest until the load­ •stern Australia opened last fall is Qu Appelle ...... 54 41 stone to that development had been acterize as "interference" any en­ deavor on the r*art of the returned elv to prove beneficial, Winnipeg ...... »...... ** 48 reduced to featherweight. FOR PISTON RINGS Toronto ...... •».-•••...... 7* men to speak up for their rights. dr. Slmonett will make a short stay Answered a Canard. Victoria awaiting the arrival of the Ottawa ...... W Draws s Comparison. it Australian steamer upon which Is St. John ...... 70 Tumult on Tuesday evening pre­ The speaker pointed to the fearful Vrelative. He plans, after leaving Halifax ...... 84 vented the Attorney-General from ef­ consequences if the Government did fectively answering the charge that he ___ woe wake qi tff• a rvwRaattow «("'il» Ttgtrt W have represewtaitim* tn tion have all needed these women an* =S5S=55S T^n-rtrm&wrUi-mea tné Jtownerd Infduty1?04 to thus returned men. The alien hospital* the vote. Mr. Karris itieGovernment ami’ The ’aoUe sacri­ have profited decidedly by the fact question iras., one thing, lor that Once, plained just what had taken place fice* they had made to more than en­ CAMBRIDGE IS that the women were available. when he was asked If a returning of­ that wanted fixing Vince fvr thc purpose uf Uiki^_ihe weak, crippled soldiers dragging their With dramatic effect. That the atti­ vote* of soldiers In hospital. He hairhad 1tant»* Thtmr the street*-pf Vancouver tude of the political parties in oppos­ Ohe qf .the moat amazing things to­ admitting women to degrees the same . whilst pgst him on the pavement sped a* men. They are proposing to* admit" merely quoted--as the first law ul? ing the candidature of es-Pte. Glolma day is the way in which gifts are'being fleer —the lack of provision in the extravagant fimo]usines full of China­ women as equals of men in matricu­ statute for such a. procedure. He re­ men with expensive cigars sticking was therefore difficult to understand showered into the hands of women who lation. keeping terms, admission to ex­ sented so grave a charge In the stout­ out of their mouths at an angle of was the conclusion .arrived at by the have, up t® . the present time, been aminations, and degrees ; they must be floyed making the most of matriculated from such colleges and fair-minded returned man Yould dis­ gan< e on their faces. public hostels aa Glrton and Newham The claims of the returned men to Both Parties No Good. their opportunities Instead of. railing College*. Fee* for women and men sociate Mm from any such motive ad unduly at the "lord» of creation"' for the charge implied. "Bowser says the present adminis­ shall be the same and the women’s; tration in the most incompetent Gov­ depriving them of greater opportuni­ liostFls shall be responsible for certain Mrs. Ralph Smith. ties. U is not many years since the ernment this country has ever been other fee*. This provision as to fee» Mrs Ralph Smith followed a similar entrance of women into the medical would add considerably to the Univer­ lhem- to that used by her in the af­ cursed with and Oliver makes about profession was denounced a* danger­ the same remarks about the Conserva - sity** finances. Women may qualify ternoon meeting, which Is referred To ous and even worse. Women lawyers for any office of the University and elsewhere In this Issue. Geotgc Hell, lives, therefore it ha* been forced upon are not accorded a hearty welcome me that neither party is any good everything relating to discipline an* one of the city members, stoutly de-, even yet, in some parts of this conti­ academic dress will be open to women. whatsoever. Therefore you can nee our nent and co-etlucation has not yet fended the present administration as logic—rather than support either of These things are not included in the one doing good Work for the Island as these two parties we have brought out l>een accepted by all of the leading main demand which is only that, the well as the province. Dr. Lewis Hall an independent candidate, connected universities on this side of the Atlan­ Council of the Senate shall be asked was in the chair. in no way with any political party tic. to nominate a syndicate to report o» ...... CenMrv.tixt EiasUN'y- I whaWM And ..we StoKim-M. Just at the time women forsook their the measures order te influence and support in his behalf, chtWh work In order whrtfi “earry admit women to full membership s# It was a valiant little band of some on" or just as they have been able to fifty-eight members of the commun­ said the ex-chaplain. Cambridge University. Red • blooded men of courgge art on Mr. Giolma Speaks. demonstrate the superior advantages Among the signatories to this state­ ity who attended the Conservative which their special training has given rally at the Columbia Theatre last the firing line — and there are many ment are the master of Gonville and In hie last address to the elector* them they are being rewarded with Cains College, the master of Downing, night. Mr Perry had the “advantage" anemic, weak, discouraged men and before the election ex-Pte. Giolma wide-open doors where hitherto they of howitzer accompaniment In another again reviewed his claims to the seat Rev. Professor Bethune Baker. Pro­ women left at home. hâve been confronted by closed por­ fessor Bevan, Dr. Henry Bond. Dr, peroration from the leader of the op­ in the local House as a representative tals. Nurses and V.A.D.'s, women position. Mr. Bowser repealed his At this time of the year most people of the men who had "gone over the Clapham. Mr. W. Durnford, Professor doctors like Elsie Inglis and hundred* F. «lowland Hopkins, Mr. Arthur previous utterances and had little dif­ suffer from a condition often called top." Taking the stand that the polit­ of others rushed to help In the world’s ficulty In coming to the conclusion ical parties seemed afraid to let a re­ Hutchinson, Mr. H. Courtney Kenney, Spring Fever. They feel tired, worn turned soldier into the legislature he crisis. Men watching, the work, have Dr. J, N. Keyne*. Dr. J. R. McTaggart, that the^ytiFeaent administration had said: "Take all you wish of medical remarked that there ‘must be some­ Rev. Canon Parry, Mr. A. 8. Ramsey, gone beyond grdemptbm. He resented out, before the day is hslf thru. They training. You are welcome. The pro­ very much the charges of untruthful­ thing in It.* He did not take it as a Professor J., S. Reid, Rev. Professor may have frequent headaches and great compliment to the Ministers if fession is safe in your hands." Univer­ V. H. Stanton. Rev. Dr. Stewart and ness which had been persistently sities are admitting women on equal levelled at him. Although he was not sometimes * pimply ” or psle skin. one returned man. a wounded one at Professor James Ward. that, was going to boss the other forty- terms with men for medical training. t very well-known in Victoria, he said Bldodlese people, thin, anemic people, McGill, at Montreal, is the latest addi­ he possessed a reputation In the city seven in the House. The little word “but" blunts the those with pale cheeks and lips, who tion to the list. point of many a good argument. iummer Shoes of Charm «.f Vanconv*r ami distortion of fact Explains Interruptions. Coming almost as a shock l* the an­ was not Included in the list of weak­ have a poor appetite and feel that In explanation of the interruptions nouncement that Cambridge Univer­ nesses lo Which man Is heir. On the tired, worn or feverish condition in at the Prtw**s Thpatre meeting he sity has broken away from its con­ and Distinction subject of Settlers' Right* he felt that stated that the Attorney-General had the springtime of the year, should try servative position, token Tn" 18S7, at the Government at Ottawa knew what told two of hjs comrades that the which time the Senate on Cambridge FLEET FOOT offer. • new comfert. • new grace end style, It was doing when It disallowed the the refreshing tonic powers of a good wounded men in the hospitals would University voted to reject the proposal end ■ new economy wortK while, in pleasing summer footwear. provincial statute—not that he was alterative and blood purifier. Such a not be able to vote. "Is it any wonder to admit women to the titles of de­ holding any brief for the Federal au­ our boys refused to be addressed by grees although not hindering women thorities. Premier Oliver’s endeavors one ie extracted from Blood root, Golden him at that meeting?" asked Mr. Seal and Stone root. Queen's root Glolma. "We have ten thousand of from qualifying tor those degrees. The in regard to Johnsok Street bridge and subjects necessary to a Cambridge B. the C. N. R. only conjured up in Mr. and Oregon Grape root, made up with your best boys at the front. We want chemically pure glycerine and without to be prepared for the day when they A. could be pursued by a woman and Ie«T com Bowser’s, mind a series of insulting the credits which would cause that de­ letters, telegrams, and camouflage. the use of alcohol. This can be come back and how can you give them a square deal? That Is all we are out gree to be conferred on a man might Cel ers te the Mast. obtained in ready-to-use tablet form in be won by a woman but the meet ah* fifty-cent vials, as druggists have sold for." declared the speaker. Shoes hrOe cool tops of fine vas, and comfortaMe, flexible Mr. Perry said he had nailed his A Sympathetic Response. could hope for was a mere certificate colors to the Conservative mast and If H for fifty years as Doctor Pierce’s which was not the degree. It has come «des. Theÿ era the ideal f ir for holiday? time—for see- iGolden Medical Discovery. It is a On the platform were returned of­ about, however, that a woman who elected he vo,uM be depended upon to fice re and men and representatives of shore,, mountains and countItrj. go the limit In furthering the Interests standard remedy that can be obtained ha* thus “qualified” for « degree Is the women's organizations. Lieut.- entitled to a place on the Parliamen­ of the city In which he felt his record in tablet or liquid form. Col. J. Harvey. O.C. District Depot Don’t leave for $eut holiday» Without would have some weight on the minds tary register and may vote for Uni­ i Windsor, Ont —" Dr Pierce's Golden acted as chairman, who. with Major versity members of the House of Com­ having one or t*> pairs of FLEET FOOT. of the electors once they reached the Medical Discovery and his 1 Pleasant Edwards. Beaumont Boggs, ex-Pte. J. polling booth. mon* Thi* fact breaks down the bar­ Pellets’ are wonderful medicines for home J. Taylor, Bergt- Ault and Captain rier of years. The last vestige of an None genuine Without the name FLEET Ex-Mayor Stewart creditably filled use. I used to suffer with weak lungs, Crompton constituted the list of speak­ pifihlff*! ot chairman. ers In addition to those already quoted. objection ha* been kwept away by the FOOT «temped on the sole—your guarantee smothering spells and yick-beadaehes, but women themselves at a time when "they of style, comfort, service. • —& since I have, taken the above mentioned A spontaneous and sympathetic re­ WELL-NAMED medicines these conditions have left me sponse greeted all of the speakers and were least thinking of such a thing. l * Such medicine?, as Dr. Pierce’s are the musical programme In which Mrs. It hitii been shown that Cambridge- TM bst Shot Stem sell Fleet Feet What kind of a man Is Close?" . worthy of praise and 1 am very glad to Macdonald Fahey, Mre^ Harry Brlgge, trained women are a national asset of Well, he’s one of those fellows who add my testimonial to the thousands of Miss Lilian Haggerty and Mrs. Gibson no mean importance in profession* not 30 can take a glass and stop—provided others.--Mas. Ellen UuNie, U Erie contributed their part, was greatly ap­ easily recruited. Medicine, teaching, gvu treat him first." * Street, Weak preciated by the audience. scientific research, public administra­ m y* A VICTORIA DAILY TI MISS. FRIDAY, ,TVNE 28. 1018 fHOftr (Copyright, 1918. By H. C. Fisher, Trs. j MUTT AND JEFF 11 Nothing to Do With This Piflure But Oh Boy Where You Ever jr Mark Beg. in Canada.)

ip you »hoold not to None*.1 you c»Awi eer ih no-nam'i Hovuevee, THAT’% QUIT* land* an» Him otHiht> a mauI Be tULLCb BV TH« €«W« f nutt, mitt Me.' AM HomoT*. Pite «* W«i» ShiPto* tteh'r fHecte can fee mo Ho»s« o* lOfAerHiuG AhO f want to Ï'M'M seneS, Soy "WAT'S F0RWA*b Gtr' you, twKV YOU U ÏU AWLV M16HT r &0UWV THAT THE 0B>enw6 uiHewe eu* cmjaj j i oe%eauih AoweRPuu WHAT 1$ AN MIGHT? W6^k l* "Wt WAR. F.O. 1he,e P R INCA PAL ®"6AhU AT 10 W ' tB*"

We wa-a-c, H'Mica IXAMbS Fc*. ^OhENT AuXItCEFY

ARm> CORFs, oh,

** >e $Ay oven


/'ow Wat- t tw*. etpLA/het» WHAT- wa.a.c. ^Vaac“ L6ri

Go on wcw the

Pit Tv»e, a \ me y

MOTOR ÇVCLE8 AMO CYCLES COMING EVENTS ••Dni-ir-tone. APPBTiziNO.- FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—MISCCLLEOU S _ PERSONAL nCTORH nnAirn mapmaiadi (Continued 1 •'CUOT’UI’S iiÔMBAY CIIUTNiT." OKNI'INK BKVII.I.F. Oil AN'IK MAH EVERYBODY’S EATING IT. TIMES' SPECIAL TUITION Victoria Daily Times !>* BP vim;. HI’y rd;ht: •VK'TOKIA dRANtr* ______Sx AT AL1, onOCICRH ______MAI-ADIC ■ VICTOHIA BRAWP* "COOPETVB BOMBAY CTPITNEY- ZMiME CAN TN* THlh. IF A GUARANTEE OF PtmiTT RICH >t>RN1TURR St moderate prleee. CCLUMR andTsoSIS Can't .. .. OUT TOITR CTfT.B pul b, order for 1188 KINNEY AND MISS COOPER, But thn-w wh.> buy at Ferrt* e on« * M vl i.a; jïito «j>» rnire to please. VlctorU Furniture Oe. eprtng riding. We here good men who after »Lx year*1 experience with Madam ADVERTISING flume No. 1690 "help l»u?";rrf rirWt, 'aT-otfr-prw»s oee irtofc :to|. ftoverWment Ft *20 Yslew Street. - -— ^.JS will etee pee e peed lob. Il POU need Wet to. have opened dressmaking EDUCATIONAL STv'Nlï GINÔFR BKKÙ In gallon Jar* ' ‘~ PRIZE'S ^ORMPICTmtEH llbbêii."pilmtor'eTpcie *m7l Viré roem* at 1721 Bank Street. Orders right alco taken at 710 Belton A va Phone IT MirHAEI/S fb'H COMMISSION Phone «22 * 11 3«83L. J25tf-50 w%ted W C Fitts for ( ltsiM Aivtflistaeats the 2 priera offered for the beat picture cfriTrjj r.vïntH Ü’I Krv, tiree end mena M A. (Oxen ). HOI'S K. UNFURNISHED HOUSE 1 111 net m ting nttr ‘'Kcwplc Pool” rnrmee. .LADIES AND GENTLEMEN are Invit­ Milton A.C.P. Phone I 1119 Douglas Street. Phone |I7>. which will appear In the perennal column lubee (Hied Al ihe •'Hub" OeU (Here. Prep, W W llarkrr. Ill» DougUe Ht ed to try ’’Tonlfnam.” an excellent hair COl.LfiSGfATE ST HOOt. Situation# Vacant. Situation» Wanted, jMuUKLX. eight roomed house, corner of both dailies, and will be changed twice tonic and dandruff cure. 60c and «1, tm Rockland A va Phot fo Rent. Articles for Sale, Lo«l or Pound, ci; » mart, m rwi «ttggh- U »J 4 fr.imibiwer Road and fame Street. druggisu and barbers. Get a bottle to- feue nn a notice tton. etc., le. per word per Insertion, fee. per look tor r.w hergetns to .«rondhsnd re»-.fiable rent to net infactory tana at. The com petition win he open fof one -day- ______:______-v u •0rd for afex days. Com tract rales ee ap­ furniture, carpet*, etc., rati *nd tnspeet A Johnston. g|5 Johnson Street. toonth, ending June 2f, ahi liny ar an of ENGINEERING INSTRUCTION! plies ttoa. _ •nr prices. Wanted to hwy. fiimlWr» ) tf ii the rhvmee ran he Illustrated If the beat For Cleveland Bicycles. NOTICE—Ashton ft Farrow, plumbers. Ko edverttsement for lees than tte. No ef en deerrtottone Phone Hi_____ » pk-ture la submitted bv a returned soldier Fee Ifarrl* ft Smith For the convenience of customers re­ FTNGINHKlis Instruct'd P*r .-rtin. m FAlKFl KLlx -lioimr, ’? rcMUti*. modern, or member of the Next-of-KIn Associa­ adv^Ttis-ricni charged for lees thee an# s;-', »;-t(d condition; r-:.t Llo> d.- We do all kinds repair* siding In Oak Bay we have opened a marine. eUttonerv. DtoeeL W. O. Y Sollhr. tollar $\)R I'.KNT -'Summer cottage at Brent­ Government Street. Victoria._____ HARRIS ft SMITH, ANNUAIa PICNIU, Salvation Army. Deep PflfSii'l!HTii»S'S .crerolrlr flllM Few- Ray. Monday. July 1. Train leave* In- marks end all abbreviation» count as one c*tr. r>m* F-ofo. 1* wood For i>ai tlcular* Phone 2211K 1220 Broad St. Wot 4. Jyt-H KEWPIK HH>!. (NO. «.). terurban Station 9 a. m. Ticket*: MANDOLIN. Advertisers who ee drafts wav have MOtiFUN HAM*lKO i-roprrlr t.u*ht Water Kewplea in ugh and "wtm Adult*. 75c.: children between 6 and 12 Ptinn, ftoft.i. T n VNFI UNISHI.;n HOUSES TO MÎT. Ml uround the briny l>rlm years. 40c. 1*9 PLOWBrnirrs vrsfo . replies Addressed te a N»v at The Time# THE DOVOIeA* CYCLE ft MOTORCO.. Reown Blortr 111* Broad Ft. Office end forwarded to their private *d- LAUREL TANK, off St" Char lee Street. 9 Of the world-encircling sea. CONGREGATIONAL— Sale of work, home OABI'KM TOO*# .h.rpruM .t>« rwlr- Mirny miles from far R C. sea Dougta» m ^ Hour»: 1 to 9 81) p.m., ex«*»o» Ini. A Aim of Mr to m»A. <•* IM« rd k»r« maéa le Bt »«r UK* rru-». room \ an i tod. rn. $4t. New and Second-hand Motorcycle», rooking, etc., Saturday, June 29, 1016 Rut they very often hear Acceienrle*.Acce-i-nrle*. Gas,Ga*. OILOH Government. Luncheon, 12 to 2 p. m.: Other heure by ai». «17 Furl. Phon. «ü I» People ? imaklng loud and clear Birth, maman, «-«tti »»' (»B«I 7*1 CRAIOHX1B Er"rOAD. f room». $12 Repair* Specialty. afternoon tea*. Tn"»dcrate charge )29-w«* BANJO. •etlcra le. per word per Insertion. III 7 .AlldBlI PinXLt S. celjue. .1er- Of chocolate» coming safe by t>eet BiWMgWr Fnulnped Machlr Ossstfled » Avert toement» mar he t«»e- «ere.» »>.«_ Won-ne«* lflfe WILMOT PT.ACE? Oak Bay. 7 rooms, Right from the Pacific Coast. ï»N T FORGET the Fore*tern’ military rMep awnot or w»» phorrl to The Time» Office. but such me* Thrr-tr !». bwt- TK. Wertwm From Hamster ley WANTED—To buy, a 22-Inch frame f.Wi. A <> F Halt. Hfoad Street, every Benedlrf Bantty. nrtnelpel 11M edv '-‘l«emeHe should afterwsrds he con- Hrktlee Wee*. tJB.. yv«ert». »C. » modem. $3*. bicycle-. mu*t be ir, drat -claw condition, Friday night. Good prise*. All wd- Street. Victoria B. C Violin, IF TOIT WANT lh. fam prtnlln» »■ r»»- fhonr inn. mill DA'IirulAT»,. JM-li 4«ome ------—.— ---- 69. JemaL to writing. G*cn OIKS from • s»1 KtM-FTON" STTtrrrr. 1 room" St*: miN, nrli-M. mil II» The QOAlltr ergwn. verel and theorv of mu * nCWE.BTi OF FW.PF IM. w*« tm CHhAPRer FTOHB In lowe 1er Po*r FTÎRRSTKRS’ WHIST 1 *kTvE Saturday. UÆ1.W .»* Krtitlrm-e". amn*-l-2> 26c., Including dance. No tables after ;< NIFMF—* No n'after heir light Ballroom. Lad1** er fermât lumbar, ehingie*. etc CliT in# NORTH PArI^T STREET, S rooms WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS 8 to o’clock. J29-&S OtotM*» orchestra Mr* ■î»’* *h.«e# are r-ke nevvr like.-- t« er eoentrv orders receive onrefwl at- Uu«t done up). |lî 5« FOR COOT, AND COMFORT In .'knowledge the .or».'* rbggon —K W Wh'ttlnethn Lumber garments, see onr «plendtd line of mlk CAST OPT Clolhln- of eny drecrlpttoe DEMI’ DOVE <’AMUERS—Unnecessary to M»* ______y I [ Bridge end Hihtodn____ U bring grocerte* from town. Save time, P *ifg Co . Tes Yale- Street. tdd . Si« BBACTI DRIVE. 7 room*, alghtdrcsaes Kwong Tal Tune. 1«22 bought end brnl prices pnld- Fentnn. Ill LATEST DANGER TAltnffT-Mrs. H« Idrre for Registration Governwient /llreet Johmicn-jnnrurn. Phoner imiir Evening. «84R.----- 11 trouble and cxperiee by ordering from teacher Alexandra Ballroom (aB Î1 IN K SA1.R-Comfortable aar.ltatT.odor- ern. $3i I»eep Cove Trading C7o Mail order* re­ Certificate*. fit the vent _ I WTNTKrv By r arpenter rrpelr work at •on* private). To arrange date* Ptv pocket lir______*-*-* j cal c'oeet. r-iaranteed Hard­ LADIES, don’t w»eh your hair and catch ceive prompt attention. Baggage trans­ Rtudto. 619 Campbell Bldg. 9 te It ie Specialties.- ‘ ■ m Ltd . Vancouver P R BROWN, ooM Tonlf»«T U a delightfully re­ Any kind: fence building » «prchUty: ferred from Tallow Station. Plume or>npt?R-n noMRkT rw r«CT j.ri4-11 lilt Broad Street. freshing ahampoo without water, re­ ecreen dior, end windows put on. Tele- 30L, Sidney ______J28-59 I IS jrwvxr OX Tfr UtoYT FUR R F NT—Three - room cottage garden pbene I Mil. If"-» MnnienN HAT.LRrntM DANCING tt move* dirt end cures dandruff, leaving FIRST PR ES BYT ERIA N Sunday School perle tanfiit Private leeaone et ’ fr'wTKr- Roy Apply Ütûë A T^rU* and thicken house. $* month 1**3 the scalp soft and healthy. 5#c. and WK Wild. RVT your furniture Glee nlcnic* to Uadboro Bily,. Saturday first. Phone feWWT, Fort Street J*»-» .Ceorgt Street. Fairfield. J>2-1$ 81, druggists and barber*. ** beet pomlble price end peyepot eeeh. I*. C. E. car* leave corner Pandora and SURHTI.T rSKl* Sing-r drop-head Mngnet Auction Rooms. Phone SUE W x NTKr—Flret-cIhf- soda fountain db^- HOUSES TO LET. lluadra 1 p. m. Return from Bay. 7.30. PIANO TUNING rotary- and vibra*or ma- htnee at rr- L‘A?4 M VP.ION ST. (Oak Ray). S roomed "OR INFORMATION with regard to C P COX. 159 South Turner. Phj »rt*o.‘tr Apply Be* AM. Time# frh« du«e«l prive*, fuuy guerantewd <*■ dwethne with large lot. N per month Darjeeling Tea inquire at The Fern. OROWERB-Wi will contrée, to buy cu- 1812L «5 WTntED -Bgy to carry Time» route. 1711 PAY ST.. « roomed cottage, fl per «!• Tatee Street. Mrs. Sandlford^ MILITARY 5(m will be held in th^ Com­ eumbere. ceullflower, red eebbej. end rade* New land. •Month * no to’Hoo 2811 CUANMORF-: ROAD. 7 n>omed. 1% NEW RKfilOKNTS wish to hey and pi.-k AdiuiHaion 2F>c J-3-59 d^kii*gJc and. other icuwur».» Ale LTlfWf ev hauge far livestock or anything u#e- the Great Central Lake district, should rherrlr,. Ftrew-herriee- and any ether to—t Street ffhvrth __ and d#v.u»t«r# for firat-ciaa^ fuL Addrc-*- Hot g»Tt; Times. atom house and tor about SûxSêê. $17 6# salt at Dor. WatWfiM motor garage DANCING TAUGHT privately. thorr.uehlv taught Albernt. and have their eer* ever- fruit, or v.-getnblee. tor home use only, Macmillan principal. Phone S9t v .»rk. "Nag • Paint Co.. Ltd _ J2*-« FOR HAI.F Tent house. Widows bench. •if^fYTOK f*f., 1 roomed, modern dwell­ from persons near city with over- buM. Fr—r oMIWIlMtc. tnr*< > • supplies Phene 16171...... Jyl-11 fT x XTKP—Man or women for Inside snap. 2SM Bca.-h I>rire. Phone m ing. will put In good order for suitably breakd< vna. Phone Albernt 82 AUTOMOBILES x. ..rk, Victoria Private Hospital. 1114 after S.______. j— tenant. $26 per month- WANTED TO BTTT food mnreu o AUTOMOBILES Rockland Avenue ' JX-~9 CAMFMMÏ STf>VE. flve holee. 8; alas VKR ST. I roomed dwell­ s^i’iirTLr-TrsLo'm.1 ing, $;e per month Magnet Auction furniture bar^ 1917 McLAUGHI.IN D-46 SPECIAL left Mit AUTO OWNER, tf you wlah toj W A XT RI>—A reliable man for collect ion.*« gi.«d sise beater. |5 W H. UK ET ST.. 7 roomed house. $19 gal ns in our hand* for quick «ale. run less p—e of your used car. get to touch and solicit new business, must be a H >11 Pont Office Victoria than 7.999I * uillïfmi |ee and in excellent condj- ir month , UghL We have buyer* awaiting f~ Kim BTto-remûBV- , ttorrr “Phone- 2241. ■ right eert. Cmtht- Brea., 721 military service. Apply Box 531, Times honey-flg chocolates. 6âc. Wfigh'it. wanted- Box 699. Time* Jy2.-l« ft WUlts for demonstration. jiS-31 m39tfL J2S-I cheap, tt monthly. 1117 modern dwelling, with large grounds, ICENL-We iMiy ttae hlffeiiiir iitaM fnr fttow. »>WNKtt ha-R inxtrur-trd us to offer f»r HffeAf ' I'md iHugnr'haad toeohine. • B*C CX.nT^JMNVKST AflKNCT. LTP-. carded cfaTbing- Phone M« in morn WANTEIW.T*ft-|wuwsh«pr Ford. In VA Sxl¥^ft—AsmoII i ne ""engTSHg^^TO^^ order, only |ir>. Tit Yale*. three rtayx hts Xtudcbaker touring ear condition from owner; spot cash. perience bn fishir* Iwai luge-or evenings, or bring them te SSS at $«25 c»Mh; has everything, la running 216. Times. JB m ptKR RAt/l»-^ b pr - fitir-eyete mart»» Johnson Street. H fine and...... look* likec new.i (’artier Bros . :■ ss. eagyne Call ■^4- VaavJ?uycLJfeU:£5^,!^1 734 Johnson street .■»T9:?.lbi JAMES BAY GARAGE, SIS V v xTEfk—Two a»#wtaBte £ëë saali and tween 7 and I i* m .VPTOMORI1.K KKI’AIK HI SlMLti—Old factory 1 >mon -tibnnason Co.. ÔIMAV. rich. mcRow tone. *Trttnhle smatt TOC KNOW ANTTH1NO ABOOT tnre. earneU. established: ffx>d reason for eelfing. 2324 Government Street. frM church. IV ntsm, e»l«d Walnut cune; ac­ UNFIRNIHHKI> __ .7 I do. I can convince you at Box 3022.' Time». 1Y7-33 FIVE RCOMS. close le car Barns, Ctevef* ff.1Fw» •» T.t«e mraat. • GOOD ffiWD HAND PIANO wanted, MOTOR SERVICE STATION. IM BHKl-rr METAL WilRKEKF Apply cept >!'. «mly «he price of e gram»- will par eaeh. P O. Draw r 798 11 W ANTE!»—Two-scatrd rd runabout ^ V^wimaiaa Night Pheae : |«Ii.>ne ITiQTie 1141 .***'** dnle rent fed. r , iflv Plied M. ’ 41 Work*. Ltd , toon AiX IU« *MKI * Rt’NUALUW, *kum- High oar aey late eiedek - 624, Time».- - - TSVSW Ffre#1 ...... THRF.R large oak barrel.'*J- WANTFD- 9*v 8786. On*r. Box 687. Ttmee. j>8-6l decorated: rent $15 Inch: nil In Arsl-cla»» condition Box I paid for bottle», sacks edge, price 112. also 4 volf Teachers' VICTORIA W»$T—Five-room bungalow, auto tfree. Mirpcntera' tools, etc. Rina CHI-X'K THIS LIST for the car you think ARTHUR DANDI'.IIXîR Ford eperlal and Pupil#’ Cy clopaedia, and 2 Students Ml 1. Time* Jyl-11 ■ÜÜF BéHHÉHiMH will sun you: Hudson roadster; Hudson . Pi u kleyer and Uberern, for James lelund. rent I*. Including water up 722» City Junk Ce.. B. Aaroneoa. m Tate* Ftr»»t. (S'clopnedia. i>ric* $12 223 > Bowker BURDICK BROS ft BRKTLXIft »ix; 4 Overland touring care, $32». $359. Avenue. Widows____ fe.1-!! BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET Johnson Btrret. TTmiee phow* 0441, 18 8476. $595. a Ford roadster and a F«*rd BlMCK FOR BALE, tost overhauled, m* i CANADIAN EKPL03IVE8. LTD.. 4M Fort St. PUotu -04031 fin»* Seen nf Garage, or Ph. ; Arcade Uidg . Vicloria. jil-i WANTED-Furniture aw louring. Cadillac ’with starter and lights IÎ8 i FURNITURE—A complete * new dining QUADRA STREET, near Cloverdale. highest eeeh i>rU - nald Phone 4441 a good buy for- a service car. Carl 1er 2144X DemonHtr;|tion room outfit, consisting of bullet, exten­ FINK, modem, seven roomed house. Fair- store and dwelling. $29. Bros., 7*4 Johnson street. J29-81 BKCiV MOTOR CO.. sion tabb-. chine ceMnef. w* of « fhalre Held district, .close to sea. only $20 per ROOM AND BOARD m Flrt. Cadillac . and congoteum rug. complete, for $k*. month: also 6 roomed, modern bunga­ Ü.NV..LN HOTEL. 45-room*, very mod­ fair. Mgr. Tel. ” Bl: AN ACfXH NTANT—Learn by mail or seiMtratcly The Statidaid Furniture low, life H. O. Datby ft Co, «15 Port ern. billiard hall, etc . $190. WANTED— Board and lodging for gentle­ MOTOR TRUCKr for hire by the «lay. Dodge from the Cooper institute of Account* Co.. 711 Tate», next to Sylvester s J21-18 men. Fairfield district: correspondence hour or contract; prlcaa_ reasonable. Hudson endI Cedtlh ency. Winnipeg. Individual attention Jyl-12 GARAGE, »©Ptojlte Russell » Station, solicited and confidential: hare refer­ Kirk ft Co. Lift. 1*1$ Breed Street, 1). Cooper. C A., and others Dozens FURNISHED HOUSBS Esquimau Road. $1$. ence Re ply to Box 30.M>. Timor. J 29-24 Phone 181. CAMERON MOTOR CO . 5Chartered Accountants (ex student») BEES FOR SAIaK 7#5 Connaught Road. LMÛSI are recommending this course, write corner Alderman. Jyî-is room*, unfur- TTTE BOX-AUCORD. ta Frtoceaa Arm. we* gPT,, — '-'g. I s* toX CIJRAN. furnished. 4 rooms, piano, range BELLEVUE HOTEL, H Room*, with o*- wlWiuUt board. twiWf BALMORAL AÜTO itAl8D-B»im^-pa»^ for particular*. 10Û Carlton Bldg. Win- A RBry?n;lL>T!0>( CARD HpI^DEU. eenger autos for hire. Jea Morgan 1 wlpeg..... -■ - - " ’ arm ff»s.~Y71 1261 PAitdora Phone moderate. Phone 2I87L. Jyll-24 FURNISHED SUITES. 47*31. J2Y-H Phones 8710-SMIL, # LKARM TO DANCB properly. 1221 Wharf Street J29-I2 116 MOSS STREET, small store and fix­ ROOM. AN!» BOARD, home ^xjklng Fl'IÏNISHKD, 2-room, fronl a|»artm< JUNE BR11FS should see the eetoctlon TO RENT—FURNISHED.. tures. $19 eonable term». It. Phone light and water. fn»m $16; perfee !!*L A 6-RO<>M BUNC,AI,OW. near Oak Bay J17tf-2« FIVE-PASSENGER TOURINO. light but clean ; adult* only. 1179 Yule*. Jy*7 of exclusive wedding announcement» «MIL roomy, will make a fine family car, ha» NAVIGATION COURUE and invitations at the Aetne Prase. 761 Junction, e-ell furnished. 921 FORT STREET, store, tlO.Sf. *. Now Ready. A BUNtîALOW. close to Fowl Bay beach POULTRY AND EGGS had the best of care, owner will sacri­ FOUR-rWKLL FtTINISHFD KOOMR. t International Correspondence Schools. View Street Phone tMt. M RITZ HOTEL. 109 nroms, modern, unfur­ fice for cash; terms arranged Tçr re­ •>f piano, near cars and beach. Phe 1799R JfS 1222 Douglas Street. — ----- MÂGNFT AUCTION ROOMS—To-days “buUDICK BROS A BRETT,'LTD.» nished. FOR SALK—Twenty-eight young fowl*, sponsible party Cartier Bros .724 bargain.-: Tents and fly. Inlaid linoleum, «23 Fort St Phone 182^138^ all laying: also chicken house, wire net­ Johnson. , Jl8tf-31 TO RKNT—Five nv-romed auite. lit. LOST two piano*, two organs, several good OFFICES, Brown Bldg . at reduced rents. ting and incubator; «’heep. Apply é"2w rinding water; also•o a 8 r»*om«*d *iMil carpets, ranges and «torse, gramo­ TO RENT—A small, furnished house. 4 Victor Street Phone 6821R. J38-*» r r»Af $12. including light and water; 1/-ST—Wire-haired fox terrier, white. phones and record*, child » p R dROWN, Tatee fftreefe. ______■ newly furnished. Apply 2014 Fernw< black markings, in i collar. Liberal re- bicycles, bed» and apring*. rooms and bath, near shipyard*. Phone lllS Broad Street Phone 107«. TRUSS POI LTRY property for the table. •Reas:’ ...... * • fl* a ltd Phone 22ft. Krichen —Jy’-n corner Douglas and Fort * 4I83L. Jyl-K See the Poultry Journal; 521 YatcivBt Sii(H)Nr»-liÀND M« iTtVintrs For pfir- LADY, alone, would where her cottage, 4 LIVESTOCK 19c per copy. 75c. per annum. CiuO. ticulars apply to Run hnslng Agent. NonuAsnu. aits —rorti*r at C« rooms, strictly private, phone, light und prices for rabbit article» thif monthu ('Miiadian Explosives, Limited. Arcade and^ Fisgard Btroeta, furnished “ AUTOMATIC DROP-HKAI» MAvmMfe Bldg . Victoria. $1 i».->ney and regislration • ard woodwork in fine shape, only $26. .18 water, adults only. I*hone 6272Y FOR SALE—One Imported Pedigree Plume 4721$ or Box 872. Times. Tates Torn Apply te K. I,. Knell. I».Il«- WE BrlSH to contract to purchase Italian ARTHUR DANDR1DUB. Ford ep^toilet APARTMKNTH TO RENT- FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. Street, or O. T. P. Ticket Of- prunes this fail in half ton lots or up­ Tates Ittreet. I elon* Apply 1721 Quadra. ON THl'RSDAT. at ook STATION KRT.^/hlna. J>—2« wards. Hamsterley Farm. Victoria containing sum of money. two return HAVE YOU A CAR FOR HALE? nici.n ArAitTMBNTS—rmbM i ,r*. , 1719 STANLEY AVENUE. 6 rooms, com- FOR SAÎ3: -llu«r etui yeuii* pin* »reuud b. c. ____ If so. park it. at the- Metropolitan Gar-; nrkets to Seattle and keepsakes, own­ 4..t--- er's business cards and accidental • In - « Ihonlb- H-w. Ijike n.wd. Penww BrMfe lll-H winner. —>ST—One bunch key*, either on Hast Big Bargains all tht* week. 1848 FORT STREET. 7 rooms, very well ipnmrrantan nnirntiimi1 pup. *Phone v J21-21-- 191* Stmlehaker delivery truck. In good <*r West Saanich Koad. Reward Syl­ It will i>ay you to visit furnished, gee. etc . $4d. running order. 1214). THREE nl-27 THE ISLAND EXCHANGE gelding*, two mare*. 1.099 to 1.209 lbe. of bath 795 Connaught Road. T* (The Big Second-hand Furniture Store), «48 COURTNEY STREET, cor. Douglas, Teleibhone. 244. or apply «81 Transit HOTELS good; snap. $400. Oorgr car to Alderman. Jy* I.OST—Saturday night. girl s coat, on 788 to 743 Fort St. Phone 3408. doctor’s offices with garage. Ill* Wlnton Fir. perfect condition, bench, comer Queen's and I Xfugla*. Road Oak Bay; where they can be seen cord tire* rear, new Goodyear non-skid TO LET—A large, furntohed roomTdBC Finder Phone 523.0 U Reward J 21-27 gcntlema^n preferred. Fhone 4711 WE nur AND HET.L any kind second­ 139 HT ANDREW’S STREET. « rooms, front; good buy, 1759. LOST—White wired ‘trrler, black mark­ very modern, $M 1911 Overland i«arta hand goods, false teeth. Can vw^,"mh Tb.:"™. ings. pale brown head, generous re­ anytime.' Phone 2215. Bvmlng*. «34R. 11 Fond slip cover*. 11.99 W ELK—Two roomed cabins ward Phone 6J77LS. J2»-»7 lfe ROOMED DlVELIuING In Fairfield, other 9 J21-28 Flret-clase mechanic*. Jt9tf-31 batching. 140 Johnson Street. alt WE RE NOT WITTY, but largv garden and well furnished, $M. WANTKl>-Any quenfity wu BRUNSWICK HOTFL-feta. night m. S FOUND can’t get It. Lane ft Son ' HOTEL WBSTHOLMM. Try ua foe that next erde P. R BROWN, SStT^WÆVtr". KScLrMn, I>£ Phone «11. «W Oonfthgy SI. .55” Everything I-XH1ND—Tonlfoam. a successful cure for 111$ Broad Street Phone 1»7«. NEW FORDS FOR HIRE WITHOUT las Fhone IT. dandruff, falling halt and ticking OVAL FRAMlCS, convex glas*, for that TO 1.KT -FURNISHED . AUTO LIVERY DRIVER. scalp, makes a delightfully refreshing enlargement, from $2 50 and up. Jit SEVEN HOOMFJ>. MODERN DWELL­ HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS shampoo without water. 60c. and $1. Yates Your photograph enlarged. 12 ING, fully furnished, c.loee to the water For your holiday* and week-end* take and in Arkt-clnea shape, ooly $35 per HOUSES WANTED. > Imweki drugglrt* and barber*. ..H» CALL and get our price» before < year friends te the heeota. and cabin*. $1 g*«k up. light and watt Sïâgnêt Auction Room* ure bar^ Victoria fourniture Co.. Tdd. mU"p Phon. tit. 187 Broughton St minutes from City Hall, < "i£ Apply Mellor Bros , i ♦** to, COOK AND BAKER, for camp. 701 J2«V a-n WANTEIv-To rent, four roomed, fur­ Ltd . SHI or* KOI >T BKF.R I. O K Try » S»l- couver Street.1 Phone 1231L. nished house Tel. I199L aM-2S Pheae 1S97R Broughton Street. ______Jl6tf-17 ton Vletort. Botutilc B-twtm»» O» 1» MA8FKY RiCYCl.W the erer!4*e"_„ MA as FT BICYtT-tSS. the irorld'e beet. MASS ET BîCYCIaBS. the world’s MASSKT BICTCJ.IOfl. Ih. wnrlll', bert, MASSEY BICYCLES, the world’s beet, for ladies aud geoU, $69. PUmley’e, 1 m a tn View. Xi*m Vire. Yi#e View. Viwr- VICTORIA DAILY TIMES. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1918

phoi4k numbers you shouls WANTED—Farm, «bent three-mile COMMERCIAL PRINTING LAv/N MOWEA HOSPITAL tion end September; KNOW k. Newton, VICTORIA lawn vo*rm hosfttai* et Bm rSZZSon m, rêyU‘tbe: COüiww «créé, beautiful!: r ntm want ad. van. .... situated «1 near park anil 1 tMFIR1 DEPARTMENT »*• done to cil 8-room, new and excep- 6Û Y alee Street B. C LAUNORIES SHIP CHANDLERS t tonally we! Jut-47 \ cmOITT HALL ...... 414# ttoe, etc,, «______, ,— •HIP TO THE METHOD yS-JU5D for quick a«le $2,600, terme; worth to- CURIOS North Park. CROSS SOCIETY — Currie A Power, 1114 Doug- Wharf JUBILEE HOSPITAL 4U< Phone I486. Jy*-4« bjUTlLLS JOHN t ■T. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL .. LEADING GRILLS MARVINZSZJCT A CO.. S«Jig B.. UW 1»T Whart BMi. HOUSES Fvrt SALE detective agency BALMORAL ST. JAMIIBS HOThL OKILL—Eventually, FOR SALK—Six roomed, modern bunga­ phivatk DKTHCTIVI now? On parle Praneaia low. Apply mornings, 1276 Johnson St, sporting ooooe Jy*-*e s^iSr LEGAL CAMPING SITES FOR RENT. FIVE BOOMED, modern cottage dyeing and cleaning alteration». Orahame Street, quite olooe to Central B1UMHAW À STAl ItKAVTIKt I. CAMPING SITES for rent Park, cottage quite modern, lot 60x100, B.k C. STEAM DTE WOl ELECTORS at books RIVER. Water laid on. Price 82,166, terms can be had. dyeing and «leaning a LIFE INSURANCE load and river f.-ontage, close to hotel. GORDON HEAD—Fir, Ktu of land, nsis Country order» P O.. school, main Books eetUement portion In strawberries, comfortable J. C. Renfrew, proprietor. NORTH LIFE ASSURAI SHOE REPAIRING and harbor. Finest bathing, boating, cottag* land all good; price 66,600, aagK"522tome office, Toronto, Canada, CITY DYE WORKS—The moot up-to-date MANN1NU. «1» Trounce Alley. fishing and shooting. Three auto terms to suit purchaser. dyeing and cleaning works is Jhe Pro- stages per day. Apply W. T. Wil­ CHAPMAN ST.. FAIRFIELD ESTATE— deliver. aaThaaraug1 SATISFACTION OF liams. fare of "Ns*" PaintPa* ‘ Co^ *Ltd.. ‘ * Modern cottage and lot 48x131, cottage ■UN *-*£■I ASSURANCE OO. OP ST Yates, betweeMWVMa UOTtm has good basement; price $3,000; smal Conn, proprietor. fort a T.I. 1L 17 amount of dash wtU handle, balance U EXCHANGE payments very easy •% ACRES of good land at Fooke. In the Branch ofllee. settlement, no rock, land easy to clear, jL-OartUnyr. prop. L VI E EXCHANGE. close to Sooke Harbor; price $800, on OAK BAY—Six room*, modern, to trade TOGO Cl Ô7à Tates Sfr.-.-t. LIME-, for four rooms In city or suburban. term* or $700 cash mural lime, aaaijrale *.7 per NORTH, SOUTH. EAST OU Wkrtl B. C. LAND * INVESTMENT AGENCY, Victoria.*ton la eacka. Rosebank NORTH QUADRA—Store and four llv LIMITED, Bog 1164. Kilns, lug rooms; trade for house In Kern 822 Government Street. O. THE. cleaning lulmalt Harbor. Phone Bdli wood or Hillside districts, five or six FOR SALE—186 acres, 40 acres hay land. and repatrine. *7*4. m. m-4i stenographer VICTORIA ORCA8 ISLAND—166 seres, I in fuU DENTISTS Nine K. KXHA bearing orchard. 16 cultivated, good price $8,600; good terms LEATHER GOODS 808 Centre! Bull FRASER. DIC W. buildings, property shows good Income; IKS at Cowtchan Lake, with fou TRUNKS, haica automobile rug». trade for house In Victoria: value E C. Saddlery Co , Ltd.. Ml Tates. sky; ►UR. public eteno roomed house, can be reached by roai m to • p. m. $10,666. or launch, good summer home; price Phone MM. MANITOBA—166 acres, clear UU* good this le a bargain. MALI LEWI LIVERY STABLES location, value $2.400; trade for 4 or ' •UR ROOMED HOUSE on Vine Street, MISS UNWIN,iber£Sea*e official rooms, high situation. “ , Douglas Street car terminus: K rests, Victoria, KAY-3 STAB LBS. TM Johnson. ALBERTA—160 acres, some Improve I; $60 cash and I 5«ce. 07; Reeidei ment* good situation, values $2.400, njO Sunoalow, trade for house in city. •MED ENGRAVERS •EWING MACHINES Do you back the Government up in trying SASKATCHEWAN—166 acre* 60 eul MACARONI FACTORY GENERAL ENGRAVER. Stenell Cutter MACHINES FtSR" R BN T by wt«a mated, small house, granaries, stable, we wlU and Seal Engraver, doe. Crowther. til LIBERTY BRAND Naples macaroni. to have the Canadian Northern Pacific rail­ etc. $2,606; trade for Victoria pro­ the two, on isrf Street, behind Poet Office. perty. A real bargain. It. or at 681 Cor DUNFORITS. LIMITED, FOUR ROOMED HOUS1 LK-TONK AND LINE HNURAVINU TEA ROOMS way completed on Vancouver Island I 1221 Government St. a specialty. tain Street; price 6L business stationery can be arranged. MERCHANT TAILORS TEA ROOl IS—Exclusive homelike. LOTS on the 1)6-mile SS SS225L ferent; M THEN VOTE FOR LANGLEY each, terme AH HOY—PR- gaoriatooS. Bianehard Ml-47 SJrarus » ACRES t 664 per *AM LOV, tailors; SWAPS—Acreage for motor car. Shotgun wiseIFK Aa, ELECTROLYSIS ««rials:1er we: expertexpen wortwor tor kéoycle, cash tor 16 pairs roller 168 Pemberton Bldg. fit; trial elicited. TIBBITTS A KEYS, skate* 1807 Broad Street Phone 3676. ELECTRICITY Is the only safe and per­ High-daaa 20 ACRES of first-class bottom land, all manent method of removing super ft ts- PUBLIC tafior.NOTARY Do you endorse the Government in its en­ cleared and under cultivation, a 6-room eps hair; absolute cure guaranteed. cottage and the necessary outbuildings, Miss Henman, quslifted London special- E. 6. TODD. deavors to have iron and steel produced in MISCELLANEOUS good water supply, close to school and MS1"* ”uUd,ne and prepared. TEA AND COFFEE transportation, about 16 miles from the 8AÜNCS W. publie and la- CORDOVA BAY STAGE leaves Roy City. Pemberton A Son. 1*8-46 am. British Columbia1? Dairy 8. 10.80 a. m . 1 10, 2.80, 6 06. 6 I k l » TKi U. Y RIB—Fourteen rears' prac­ FOR SALE—Six-room bungalow, 1 min­ tical experience In removing superflu City, suburban and fa.-m lands. p. m. ; Saturday only, 11.16 p. m. Leav< rijs hairs Mr* Barker. Phoae «£ 713 Cordova Bay 7.40 a. m. (except Sui ute car; snap for cash or terms; cleat PASSPORTS PREPARED. eup- title. Phone 4603L 128-21 View Street THEN VOTE FOR LANGLEY d«y).. 8.40, 1L10 a. pHc|jfei 2.10, 6.4 C J. CARET. 111 p. m. X. H Jennings. Phone 26481 FINE 6 ROOMED BUNGALOW, snap, off Fort Street car line, good location; cost ELECTRICIANS. DIRECT IMPORTER PIANO STUDENTS wishing t<» take ad­ 88,000 to build to-day , price only $2,800; KURèlNG vantage of the special rates offered by cashrun $1,000,u.w, balanceDHiam r easyway terms.ici me. H. O. OÔX à DOUG AL, electrician* Motor» AND Dalby A Co., 816 Fort, upstairs. bought, sold, repaired. Estimât ee ERA KSTCA mi TllUnw. Misa Heming for July and-August (no given for re-winding motor* armatures 1216 DOUGLAS. Do you support Premier Olivers efforts reduction for one month) must register FUIt SALE—Snap, 4-room bouse, good a»»d colls; elevator repairs. Phone*. before! July 8. Studio, 1021 Cook Street, lot; 61,68* terms. Rfttaneeurt'e Auction Office. Iff] private. 176ÎR. S410R IS Suite 8 Jy4-61 Room. 1807 Broad Street- Phone 2671 PLUMBING AND HEATING WHY NOT PHONE 20627 to ensure the continuance of shipbuilding in CORDOVA BAT STAGE lei NOW'S DAIRY THACKER A HOLT. «66 T8,nî«A WE DELIVER. Dairy June 26. 16.26, 1.16, CHEAP HOME. Plumbing and heating Jy4-4T .Victoria Î leaves Cordova, 11.10, 1.40. 6.46, 7.16. BREA DIN DAIRY—Cream, milk, butter. NOTICE—Ashton Farrow, plumbers. DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL SATURDAY. J. H. Jennings, Phone 2648L. eggs, delivered dally. 1761 Cook Street. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WAR TRICES. Phone 8184. 47 For the convenience of cueti A QUANTITY of old newspaper In Oak we have opened a THEN VOTE FOR LANGLEY Apply Circulation Dept., Tin 1761 HAVLTAIN HT —Four roomed cot situate at tage with bath and pantry, modern, k»t EMPLOY lew utNCY. 40 ft. x 120 ft. ; price $1,400, easy terms. Magnet Auction Rooms, furniture bar- TIM KICK a CO.. Nil Government. Phone DO NOT let the so-called "handy man' 1486 GLADSTONE AVE—Cottage of etx HI All help supplied at short notice. 0 TRANSFERS room* with all modem convenirncea, ZETLAND LUNCH AND TEA ROOMS EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. malt Road. Phone 64Î Fort Street. UPSTAIRS, entrance kit about 62 ft. x 186 ft., wbodshed and 'Are you in favor of a policy that will even­ next to Terry*a. ------chicken house; price 82, ANSKTT. e# Discovery. Stables to let. «7 HAYWARD A DOD& LTD. partie» a specialty- Open Plumhlne and heetlag. 2634 WORK FT—Cottage of five rooms, TAXIDERMISTS tually secure the establishment of steel ship­ FIRE INSURANCE VNTORIA PLUMBING CO.. Mti P»n with lot 50 ft. x 133 ft to 1*ne; price dora Street. MM enj NMI. BIG GAME si BADS, rugs a specialty HELP WANTED—PEMALt $1,600: terms, flOO cash, balance 616 BURNED OUT and only half Insured. An ateasee taxidermy. Wherry ê Taw. building on this coast Î per month, including interest st 6 per Cost of everything nearly doubled. I HASKNFRATR. 08 Pandora Phoae 00. represent first-class companies. Phone Cook*©» PlumPlumbing (h. 1046 Yates St WANTED—Young lady, for store; one 74 and 4CT7X. 646 CLOVBRDALE^ÂVE.-Ottage of four Arthur Cole* 1206 Broad Street. Pbor-e TRUNK AND HARNESS MFORS. THEN VOTE FOR LANGLEY who cap une typewriter preferred, state NOTT CO . LTD.. STS Yatee St. experience and age. Box 574, Times rooms on side hill, good lot: price $1.160. F. NORRIS A Sol 1X8 Government ML Jyi-o terms, $150 ea*h, balowoe $10 per month. LADY COMPANION wanted during hus­ Including interest at 6 per cSStr FISH IOCKINQ—James Bay. 114 Tomato SL band*» absence, comfortable home near D. K. CHUNG KAN BS. LTD- -Flee, Phone 8T7L Ranges TYPEWRITERS beach; would be nice holiday for MITCHELL FT. (Oak Bay)—Bungalow poultry, fruit and vegetable* 4M Do you hack the Government up in its person; salary. Phone 3964L 5S-J of six rooms, with basement, hot air Breuetiten Street Phoae 80 furnace; price $8,260, terras. •HER ET. ANDREW. 1U4 Btanah TYPKWKJTUKA-Mew and rd» WANTED—A good general servant for MEATLESS DAYS, WwwMwt and heettny npnllee Tel repairs, rentals; ribbons ft plans to end dual control of minerals in the E. small family. Apply 870 Hey wood Ave. 1264 PINE ST.—Four roomed cottag* Friday». Wrigteew '1Î6-6 partly constructed, lot 40 ft. x 120 ft., «1 Johnson. Aione FAINTING ShE, 8E2? ECX"-» & N. railway belt! fflRLS wanted, also a hand ironer. Apply price $600. terms, $100 cash, balance $10 CENTRAL FISH MARKET, 611 Jobaeoa. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 841 View Street. Standard Steam per month, including interest at 6 per A KNIGHT, pa: Laundry.Jyl-9 ALL KINDS of typewriters 1 Juried, bought »oMlv ex. * THEN VOTE FOR LANGLEY WANTED—Girls to work in laundry. Ap­ FOOT SPECIALISTS PLASTERER ply Victoria Steam Laundry Co., 84' P. R. tî’ It. * North Park Street. J28-I 1112 Broad* Street. Phone 1676. JOSJQPHJfi FRANK THOMAS, plasterer SMART GIRLS wanted, UPHOLSTERERS ton A Printing Work». ACCIDENT INSURANCE 82. JBTV F. KROEOIf*. IMS Fo.t SL EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKERS want­ MERCHANTS' CASUALTY •Nme carried" eut Te» 114* Do you desire that the Dominion Govern­ ed; also a machinist: two vacancies for Union Bank Bldg. FRENC: I POLISHER PHOTOGRAPHERS upprentlçee. Apply Madam Watts, 1176 ■HAW BROS., commercial photogrape- VACUUM CLEANERS ment, the C. P. R. and the C. N. R. shall know Fort Street. J28-8 AGENTS BEST WORK- WANTED—Women who can give their Have AUTO VACUUM for spare time taking orders for good sell­ MAISLE. 717 Johnson BL FRUITS A NO VEGETABLES that you are behind Premier Oliver in the ne­ ing line of goods; good commission. Mr», Cockahutt Implement», plough parta. noherry, Hdcel Rtrarhconx, Room roT. low sin co; \ViUk •.fa.v.f i E H BROW N ING—Commercial photo- VULCANIZINQ AND REPAIRERS gotiations now pending concerning Johnson 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p m. _____ J29-9 ANTIQUE DEALERS graph*. amateur finishing, cai FLORISTS gaged Room * Mahoa Blk.. UKULELE, mandolin, banjo leneons, 60c AMiwltB at ye of ye Old Curt- THE TYRE SHOP—Vulcanising and Street bridge, the railway terminals on the an hour. 846 Fort. Phone 6884. Jy2S-8 salty Shoppe. 816 CUT FLOWERS and floral designs. GIRLJ;21H23S£ WANTED—GoodI wages paid. tar* pictures. < TIRE AGENCY—A. McGavlj, Laundry.- Phone bought-awd wM REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE old reserve and rail connection between these 3339, 2612 Bridge Street. ______Jyl-9 BABY CARRIAGE SPECIALISTS CAMERON LADIES Wanted to try Toniroam and FUMRAL DIRECTORS and the new océan docks at Outer WharfT" prove Its worth. A shampoo without iOM-8 A UGu t. H.. 78* Fi FERAL OO. (Hayward's). LTD.. Bsmovna—dirt WATCHMAKERS AND REPAIRERS THEN VOTE FOR LANGLEY -qetwbottte/to^axy. We. lid requtred*’ SwkilaiiTji «ATMB Government F. L. HAYNES for n. aruBBtt, CTff totrtnT». eaehaagu « EXPERIENCED children » a 8ANIW KVNirftAL FmtNIITTÎNG OO.. WENGER. J. immediately for 1 children. Apply 1176 Ml* LTD 1611 Ooedre St. Fort Street. ml7tf-8 Phone EE. 713 fD A INVESTMENT AGENCY THOMSON. FRANK ~Si Pandora TM. IE WANTED—Immediately, ekir BRASS FOUNDRY DAY Rest «state. LITTLE * TAYLOR. «7 Port St. Expert 'Are youin favor of a policy that will make workers; also t»ilorea»< rs- f "S3J^rsrrmh. Johnson Street. itl teacher of mathematics and oné of McTAVISH BROS., it SL THEno LENZIEijEiuziIE, CO.w., 1817 Broad Street collect- BiLLINOSLE' senior Latin. Victoria High School ; one Custom broker* shipping and forward- Fur set* fur coats supervisor and teacher of domestic lag agente Tel. ED. American Express $6-18-47 THEN VOTE FOR LANGLEY science and needlework. Graded Schools. repreaen tntl ve. P. O. Box lilt SCAVENGING VETERINARY I jy$ BOTTLES FURNITURE MOVERS MOVE VICTORIA SCAVENGING CO., ACREAGE BELL ME YOUR HOTiUiS or let me YOUR FURNITURE by motor VETERINARIAN* Canine hoepltal. Phone 12». City Junk d cuPher; prices ■re. Phoae BOR I ACREAGE WANTED, J. D. Williams Phone I Do you support a Government that has set CIJENT8 WAITING for Gordon Head. SEWERu:u.p.ui-«.u'u.%mil AND CEMENT WORK WINDOW CLEANING Saanich and suburban acreage. Bet 1 BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOrS GARDENING have your listing. T. BUTCHER, sewer and ISLAND WINDOW CLEANING OO. aside lands for returned soldiers, has provided LOCK LE Y* contractor. LANDSCAPEuraa 2666 Lea Ai DITNFORD'S. LIMITED, connection SI Me New Offices, 1284 Government Street. fitting». im Kami I Jy8-44i SILKS AND CURIOS» FOR A GOOD SERVICE, try the City technical educational facilities and hospital jWindow. Cleaner* ML Fort -Phone MR RETURN SOLDIER—Our land of- NOVELTY HEADS AND TÏ Jyll-47 equipment, has established employment bur­ redfe have Investigate. Call 12 to 2. 321 GENERAL GARD] Small Yun* WHOLESALE IMPORTERSTal Return Soldiers’ Homestead, Bennett Straw- eaus throughout the Province, is seeking to tion it Realty, Co., Capt. A. JOBBING—J. harry Vale P. Secy.* LEEyis.ji'ev. DYE A CO.. Ttt View Street. DIRECT SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, FIVE-ACRE FARMS at SOOKE HAIR AND SC AU* SPECIALIST SECOND-HAND DEALERS closet* electric co-operate with the Dominion Government in fancy goods. tiofto IW2. It RIVER, 1166 per acre. Alt good soil. CARPENTER AND JOBBING LADIES, CALL—Mrs. Hunt no rock, partly cleared, road and river HAIR L 7 KINO. shampooing. IMPORT WOOLEN OO. 606| Cormorant matters pertaining to the welfare of the re­ frontage, water laid on. electric light McGRBOOft. jobbing carpenter waving, violet ray dealer, of Wtm and Calgary, le and power and telephone available; Established 1863, still In business and toupee making. hlgh-claae prepared to do emâll work. 07 Cale- Bldg.. Fort Street Phone *8t high-grade suiting» tor turned men, and amongst other things has set close to tourist hotel, ml», P. -O., end party donla Ave Pn< per »Vot <*sh R- STATION and harbor. Govern- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Nat works ÏZSZ ws,done strictly LODGES aside $500,000 to purchase lands as part of pent has promised that C. N. R. will LADIES' STRAW all horeetf to /« In operation as far as Stroke THIS RAW DEN. KIDD A CO.—Chartered Panamas blocked. SUMMER, when this property Is bound Hat Factory, corner Fort and rasters' Halt this plant to double In value. This Is positively r. Full.r- the cheapest acreage anywhere In the Nathan a umr. THEN VOTE FOR LANGLEY vicinity of Victoria. Delightful place CHIMNEY SWEEPING mmh), meeeew aim mwi CANADIAN OKDBR OF FOU RATER»- for summer home, good fishing, shoot­ )>i vs ivi iULI AMERICAN HAT WORKS, ment* tool* ste. Tet 8461 [acts. Rh Monday.•day, In.I m.. 108 Ta ing. bathing and boating. Speculative CHIMNEYS CLEANED-Defective flues 628 Yates Street THIS Best L Cox. Centrai Block. Fhoi t desired. ims. care Our motte le promptness, 8W7. nr cell 7*4 Yatee Street. ITOHTEP.S...... - OF ENGLAND B. S- "Nag" Paint Co. 1862 Wharf St. Prlmroee, 4th Thursday, A.O.F. O’CONNELL chimney a end Mock your old Into LOU!) and wastemetal merchant. p m. A. L. Harrison, secy., fn Do you want to have as your representa­ Jyl8-46- eleaned Phone 160 ftitf-47 the latest style. We do the beet Panama WANTED—Hoi arns. etc with about We wfll land and some gar-' CHILDREN'S OUTFITTERS call at SHAW A CO. (the Lancashire firm) posi­ COLUMBIA LODGE No. 1 I. O. O. tive a returned soldier who, while maintain­ ►ut three-mile circle; turn It i me day. tively pay top cash prices for gentle- meets Wednesdays, Odd Fellows' Hall CHILDREN'S Outfitter*. men'» and ladles' cast-off clothing. ptlon of purchase Young. "bootAx etc. Phone 46i, or call 7* Fort DAUGHTERS ENGLAND ing his independence, will seek to co-operate Phone 474* FURNITURE Street. Night phone TER.«7 ice»» Alexai 2nd Thursday, K. P. Hatt. Bridge* Be*: If7 PROPERTIESEE3SEC FOR SALE. iltur* 5SEKI CTO RIA JUNK AGENCY CO. with the Government in the solution of the OLIVE STREET, FAJEFIHLD—Pour CHIROPODISTS bed», bedding, linen* ruga, etc. rooms, basement, good w; price $1,706. subsidy K. OF P. HOLLAND AVENUE—214 acres, over IAT BATHS, towage anJ monthly payment» at e**y prie -Far Wept Victoria Lodge. No returned soldier problem? 2.606 fun bearing fruit- tapes, small U: Stewart Oe., Ltd., ttt Tam WKul «M JM fruit* no bulldliup; price P.606. m Jim IRON WO IKS diaMon: i g%SkTM A LADYSMITH DISTRICT—57 acres, 8$ THEN VOTE FOR LANGLEY under cultivation, seeded to clover and B. C. IRON WonKS-Bonm&Eei I St. orocsReerne site Amro»Ai CampbelTs. INS OF EN< ND B. 8. -Pride of the timothy, 4-room cottage, barn for 82 CHIROPRACTORS HCKTBEST PRICESPRIi r» paid for(< f island Lodge, meet* 2nd and head, fitted with manure carrier, milk Government and house, feed house, poultry house, eigh­ 1,1KEI.LBT A W. J. Cobbett. $284 Street. Secretary. A. B. Brlnd teen Jtead of fine cattle and mHk route HORSESHOES (worth 6466 per month); price 616,600. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOW CARDS sy, 1617 Pembroke Street. City. Are you in favor of a policy of progress Could bo bought without cattle If re- McD^NA7 t> A V1CQT. «S Pandore TH * THE EASTERN STAR 1Ulred DUN FORD’S. LTD., * K H1N—Suits «loaned and W. A. BLAKE, WH Tate» SL Phone MSB WOOD A TODD. 70 J« No. If. meets en tnri and development? 1222 Government Street. Hk M< iyp at t m. In the K. ef SODA WATER forth Park CONTRACTORS KINDLING AND MILLWOOD 476 fruit tree* FIRST ginger THEN VOTE FOR LANGLEY .tming. VANCOI VKK INLAND PILE •-CLASS^firy ORDER OF EASTERN STAR •RIVING PHONE 411 syphon mt. No. * meets on Hate sale Wharf building, Op;d* et*. Spring Water Suj •days at • o'clock hi rs.*vsMft!r.sai«.;.?< «ring. Street. Topes b park SL VMtin« 16 Victoria üaily tim;es, Friday, juw 28, m» MINERAL ACT.

Certificate of British on Italian NOTICE. UÜWED AFTER BEING MORE CRITICISM OF HOLD OH TO TOUX Iren Prince Fraction Mineral Claim. Front Carried Out situate In the Victoria Minins Dtrtrtuee# Renfrew District. Where loan tad: Buga a Successful Raid R. A. F. AT TORONTO Take notice that H. HIFTJGHT DAYS Miner's Certificate No. intends. VICTORY LOAN BONDS itr days from the date Want Credit «• thefll. Millifi,inir"iliïôrd.r'tiw"&r*"àmrtinSïi. Rome.- June 28.—British troops on THE PRICE HAS ALBBADY RISEN of Improvements, for the nnrpone of ob­ the Asiago Plateau yesterday penetrat­ taining a Crown Grant of the above claim. Twenty-Four of S, S. Dwinsk's ed Austro-Hungarian trenches, inflict­ Coroner's Jury Attributes Death Any information yon may want giren by * And further take notice that action, ing losses on their occupants and bring- under Section té. must be commenced be­ Crew Put Ashore in irig back prisoners, it was announced of Man to Authorities' fore the leeuance of eu to-day by the War Office here. On BURDICK BROS. A BRETT, Limited Improvement». other parts of the front Italian scôut- Negligence Dated this Sint dag of Mar. A. D ISIS. Nova Scotia ing parties engaged in brisk fighting. STOCK AND BOND BROKERS h. o. boss*- substantial Savings Telephones8724-3725 -, 620 Broughton Street Shelburne, N. 8„ June 28.—Twenty- Toronto. June 28.—Again the Admin PUBLIC NOTICE. four of the crew of the former Russian SAYS GREECE MEANS istratiori of the Royal Air Force Units steamship Dwlnak, which wax torpedo here has been criticised by a coroner's Notice -la-àerahy given In accordai ed 700 mlie* southeast of New York on Jury. This Jury, presided over by Dr. with the provisionsivialens or the Provincial Rlec- Oatmeal helped i “7» Scotchman to reach manhood, Try i tlons Act, the following agents have been June 18. were landed at Sandy Point, H J. Tandy, returned s verdict last by the Canada Food Board. appointed for an election to he held on regularly near here, late last night by the tllou TO miff TO END night attributing tl June Î8, tell, ft* the WtOHh CH y Elec­ Her fishing schooner James H. Mar Chapman to "great negligence on the Om 90 tfre best AUTHORIZED investments tor TRUST FUNDS is i toral instil. •hall. They had been drifting In an part of the military authorities In the Beaumont Begot. 113* Cathitherine Street, open lifeboat for eight days before storing of powder and allowing the bV*% DEBENTURE Victoria. B C.. Bibroker . for' Francis Wil- they were picked up by the Gloucester troops and public generally to smoke Ham HenryGlolma. Greek Minister to U. S. Speaks vessel, and subsisted all that time on where the same was sifted." Ask Hr Beeklel -Abeet Debentures* James Stuart Yates, 1429 Rtford Street, a small quantity of ship's biscuits and Chapman was killed by thé explosion Victoria. B C.. Barrlster-at-Law, for Wil­ at Celebration in Honor of powder at the R.A.F. wireless sta C*«U« ...... V.™...... PJItMUl liam Henry Langley | water. When rescued they had only Decide, now. to let one day's supply of water and two tlon, when he went to summon to din . ',rUM .W ...... Pat McDonald. 1119 Quadra Street. Vic­ of Greece ner the operator, who was billeted at ***** ••••••••eeee ••••••••••••••••ee««e««e••••••« 7#188,S37Jl toria. H C. Express Driver, for John us help you to save. days' rations of biscuits left. Phillip Larbellestter. of Davenport, the house. He placed a lighted cigar- I>onald McDonald. •tte on top of-a box of forty pounds of Henry William Herchmer, 487 Hayward paid every England, boatswain's mate, who was Block. Douglas Street. Victoria, B C.. six months. In command of the lifeboat, said this gunpowder. He is survived by The Great W est Permanent Barrister, for Richard William Perry morning that the Dwinsk was torpedo­ New York. June 28.—George Rousses. widow and six children. Given under by hand this 26th day of Minister of Greece to the United Loan Company Juno. 191S. ed without warning. The torpedo States, was the chief speaker last night Paid mp Capital f 8,300,009 struck the vessel s port quarter, and WINNIPEO. TORONTO. REOINA. CALOARY. EDMONTON H. E. A. COURTNEY. Reserve Fuad 13.000.000 at a celebration of the entry of Greece .^.'"COUVER, VICTORIA, EDINBURGH VZ Returning Officer. she sank rapidly. The 'aptaln at one1 into the war one year ogo. SASKATOON, ordered the crew, numbering 140. to Asserting that If the Allies had un DUTCH VESSELS ARE VICTORIA BRANCH, eie View «L R. W. PERRY. take to the boats, of which there were dertaken the situation in the Near Hast NOTICE OP CANCELLATION in 1114. and had accepted the assist­ RESERVE. THE BANK OF Nerrpw Escapes. ance offered by Government “We all got sway safely." said Lar- before the battle of the Marne they IMPROVED BY STATES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Reserve on Lots 4879 to 4690 inclusive. Ivelleslier. "but some of our boats hud might have averted many disasters, the Group 1. New Westminster District. In NOVA SCOTIA a mrmw escape, as the submarine speaker said that since entering the conformity with the Notice in The British shelled the ship as we were rowing war Greece had sacrificed thousands of Columbia Gasette of the 27th of Decent-; J. W. CORNING sway, and some of the projectiles came her sons "for the triumph of the com­ her. 1907. la cancelled and that all of the Manager Victoria Branch unpleasantly close to us. The submar­ mon Ideal" and is determined “to se Hollanders Led to Believe Thai said I»ts. with the exception of Lot 4688. ine mnm submerged -when she hnmehed the struggle; through to the hitter end will be ^pen to -pre-emption - hr returned After staying Uint "foqr peoplps wjio soldiers only.' rtmjer the T$rdvtüTrîrts'of tfie the torpedo at the Dwlnak. and the first hnif 'fttrfhed a' coalition to take from Depreciating "Soldiers' I-and Act:" applications there­ we saw of her was when she opened their neighbors all they could get" were for to he submitted to the Government fire." in Value Agent at Vancouver between the 14th and now taking precautions against one {1st days Indugive of August, lilt. The boatswain's mate said that the another while dividing their spoils," he ship's seven lifeboats left together that added than when "an evil act is ac­ U. 8 Ind Alcohol ... .125 124% 124% The allotment of the lands will be made afternoon, hut during the night they U 8. Rubber ...... 60 on the 29th day of August. 191S. at the complished and unlawful gains an- <»b 58% 58% separated, and next morning his boat tslngd. disunion necessarily results, for The Hague. June 28 —Advices from STOCKS AT NEW YORK U. 8. Steel, com.'...... 109 107% 108 Office of the Government Agent, at Van­ the America# minister to Holland tndl couver. by drawing In a manner to be de­ was all alone. It had a compass, but ‘honor among thieves* is, after all. ex­ D» , pref...... termined by the Minister of Lands Forms no chart.«and although he knew his tremely rare." . cates that propaganda, the origin of Virginia Chem...... 60% 60% 60% for application and further particulars position roughly, bis navigation was Turning to the Russian situation, he which can only Ik- conjectured here, is Wisconsin Cent...... 36 38 36 may lie obtained at the Government said that If that "prostrate nation be being employed In that country to cre­ Wabash R. R. Co. ... . 11% mostly guess work. He estimated that ate alarm among the people over -the IRREGULAR TO-DAY 11% 11% Agent's Office. Vancouver, or at the De­ Ww -Wt netted -or drifted «00 mites organised with Prumttan effieteney a Wabash R. R. "A" ... . 42% 42% «2% partment of - Lands, VIctoria. more terrible war awaits the world." safety of the Dutch ships now being Willy * Overland ...... 20% 20 20% north and northwest from the point operated under the control of the Should any of tlfc said Lota not be al­ where the Dwinsk was torpedoed.■■■ and that if Allied victory be incom­ Westinghouse Elec .. 43% 42% «% lotted on the 29th of August, such Lots L ni led States Government. An. Ft. Loan ...... “Ihirintt that lime.'' he said, "we plete. "the curtain will rise upon a .93% 92% 92% may be applied for by returned soldiers ""life more terrible tragedy." • The matter is, so exploited in the Amer. Linseed ...... 143% 141% 142 only and a Record thereof granted in such sighted one small steamer and two Dutch press that readers are led to be­ Coppers and Motors Advanced Cuban Cane Sugar ... manner as the Minister of Lands may do tt Schooners, but they kept at lieve the eighty-nine Dutch vessels 32% 31% «I* termine. Col. Gas ...... 31% 31% 31% safe distance, evidently taking us for a taken over by the United States on at.Session; Steel Stocks Gen. Motors ...... 154% 151% G. R. NADKN. SANDS FM*m tmiss t submarine craft March 21. in accordance with 153% Deputy Minister of Lands. PROFESSOR BROCK Ohio Ga* ...... *7% U% 374* Rescued by Schooner. visions ofeinternational law. are „„ Sold Off Tenu. Copper ...... Department of Lands. Corny. llalM badly manned and operated that by the “The Gloucester fishing schooner Sta. Oil...... 32% 30% •#2V* Victoria. B. C.. June 11. lilt. Licensed Rmbalmers and Funeral end of the war there will be nothing Directors Competent lady in at­ James M. Marshall. Captain Rodrigues, Tob. Prod...... 65% 64% «<% tendance. Authorised Naval and bound for the fishing banks, rescued owners***** wortl* ^^roiat to the Dll. Cigar' Store ...... 102% 101% 101% Military Contractors. GOES TO HOLY LAND (By Burdick Bros. A Brett. Ltd.) Lib. Loan ...... us at 7.2# o'clock last Wednesday No Foundation. . 99 60 99 50 99 50 Phone 110*. 1012 Quadra SL morning when we were about sixty Do., 4a ...... 94 40 94 30 94 40 Inquiry Into the facts would show New York. June 28—There were many miles south of Seal Island. N. S The that not only is there no foundation ernes Currents In the stock market here fishermen evidently were not afraid of for disquiet on the part of the Dutch to-day. The copper stocks came to life us, for they Imre down on us and took Chosen as Geological Expert people over the manning of their ships, and advanced from one to two point*, TO-DAY'S TRADING IN us on board immediately. I want to but that the vessels are in better con­ holding most of the rise to the end. G*n say that we have nothing but fine dition than they were when tinder the eral Motors was erratic, with wide flue WINNIPEG MARKET £ TENDERS FOR CELLS. URTIiSb MARRIAGES AND DEATHS words and appreciation for the treat-| With British; Went From control of their owners. tuations The steel stocks were heavy Sealed tenders addressed to the under ment accorded us by Captain Rodri The ships have been improved and appeared to be heavily sold on every Wlnnliwf, June II —Ce.h tredin* on signed and endorsed "Tender for Celia. MARRIED gues and his crew " B. C. University through the expenditure of several show of strength. The railroads were Work Point Barracks. Esquimau, B C.." The rescued men are all British sub dormant, showing even lees activity than the locsl exchnn.e continue* to be of HOLI>KN-NICOL—On March 8. at Edlp hundred thousand dollars for equip­ will be received at this Office untU 4.0. Jectn, and will go to Halifax for trans­ ment they did not have when taken during the last week. licht volume in ill (rein. The offering» P- m. on Wednesday. July J, ISIS, far the burgh. Scotland. Leila Nlcol, daughter portation to England. work mentioned. Of Mr and Mrs À T Nicol. Edrom. over. Electric Mgtrts. wireless instal­ High. Low Last »” veer .matt and the demand I» appar­ Vancouver. June 28. — Professor lations and refrigerating plants have Alii»-Chalmers Plans and specifications can be seen at Berwickshire. Scotland. to Lieut. Two Boats Missing. 32% M ently Indifferent. The 'apread* in oat* Alexander B Holden, of Victoria. B C. Brock. d»»an of the faculty of applied been put on all the vessels that did not Am. Beet Sugar . .... 68% 68 the Denar linen t of Public Works Office. New York, June 28.—The landing of and flax were unctoanaed from Thumday Post Office Building. Victoria. B. C. science In the University ef British have them before—and that means a Am. Sugar Rfg . ...112% 112% twenty-four survivors of the steam­ Am. Can Co., com. and barley prive* remained the unit. Each tender must be in duplicate and . IN MEMORIAM. ship Dwinsk *t Shelburne, N. 8.. Columbia, has been selected by the majority of the fleet—while extensive .... 4«4 48% accompanied by an accepted cheque on a LONG!.AND—In loving memory of a dear Imperial authorities as geological px general repairs have been made and Am. Car Kd>. ... *«% O.U viewed n hieher for July and 1% Chartered Bank, payable to the Honor­ day. definitely accounts for all but two the crew's quarters on all the ships Cotton Oil ...... 42% Nicher for Ovlober, Flax chmed 1 hlcher husband and father. Harry Dacon boatloads of the crew. Three boat­ pert with the British forces In the 42% able the Minister of Public Works, equal Isongland. who died June 27. 1917. have been greatly improved, to bring Locomotive ...... 69 68 for July and It* hlcher for October. to ten per cent. (10%) of the amount of loads containing sixty-seven survivors Holy Land and will leave England shortly for Palestine to take up Ms them up to the American standard. Am. Hinelt. A Ref...... 80% 78% _ °et.— Open. Hlch. Low Clow. the tender. When alone in my sorrow. had been previously reported missing. As a result of these changes the Am T A Tel...... »5% tears flow. The vessel was torpedoed on June IS. new duties. 95% ...... 85% »«% 85% «% WM. HENDERSON. ships are in a different class than Wool, com...... 58 68 “ly ...... 877 178% 178% 171 Victoria, B C . June 25.- ISIS. Two were picked up by a steamship sities Battalion, has been overseas for the entire fleet is doing more effect over two years. When the Khaki Uni Atchison ...... 84 4 84% <**■ ...... HI 36, 35» 343 And whlsiwrs. my dear one. don't freL which brought their occupants here; tive service now than it could have Atlantic Gulf ...... 105% 105 Canto price»: Oat»—I V w . 45%; I c Death cannot divide. another boatload was rescued and versity was started at Sea ford camp done before the changes were made. Baldwin Loco...... 92% 92% W . »I%: extra 1 feed. I!%; 1 feed. 75%: brought to Hampton -Roads. Va., and Major Brock was chosen for Its head. Large Expenditure. Baltimore A Ohio...... 54% 1 feed. 76% fourth to Bermuda by a sailing He was in charge of the Dominion 54% •ssel. Because of the liberal and judicious Bethlehem Steel B .... 85% 85% Barley—J C. W , 118; 4 C. W . 111! re- Geological Survey before Joining Brit Butte Sup Mining ".... 29% 27% Jccted. 1W: feed. 1.7% The Dwinsk. originally Russian, had iah Columbia University. expenditure of money on these ships, by the United States, the vessels will Brooklyn Transit ...... 2S% 26% Hax-1 N. W c„ 371: IC,W. 375; 1 C been taken over by the British. be handed back to their owners at the Canadian Pacific ...... 147% 147% W„ 35» ' VANCOUVER’S STREET end of the war in better condition, Central Leather 71% 70 % % * BRITISH LABOR MEN barring natural wear and tear, OurlMe Steel ...... 70% 68% NEW YORK CURB MARKET. when they relinquished it. Chesapeake A Ohio ... 56% 56% CITY RAILWAY SITUATION (By Burdick Brow * Biwtt. Ud.y ...... URGE SETTLEMENT OF A- II bet a I potfey has been pursued Chic . MU ABi. P .... 42% 42% OF CANCELLATION also in all the United Stifles Govern­ Chic.. R. 1. A Pac...... 21% 23 . _ Bid. Asked RESERVE. THE IRISH QUESTION Vancouver, «Jupe 28 —By an under­ ment's dealings with both owners and Colo. Fuel A Iron...... 49 49 •da Copper ...... 1% 1% standing between1 the City Council and crews of the Dutch vessels. Charters Cons. Gas ...... 84 84 Standard Silver Lead. % % the B. C. Electric • Railway Company. have been made at rates that hand­ Chino Copper ...... 40% 39% Submarine Boat ...... 16% 17 OF lamtion. Jurait :______Aetna Explosives ...... ix% ■ , 13% The British Labor Period b*m>e the expiration of somely pay the owners of the ships tad. Petroleum .... .ir. l»% 19% United Motors ...... 33 3]% th« notice n, The Brltleh Columbia Conference at its concluding session which the city must give notice of Its for their ass. Chile Copper ...... 40% 39% Gamte of the 57th December. IM7. Is here to-day passed a resolution calling intention to purchase the electric The Dutch officers and crews, after Cal. Petroleum ...... 19% 19% Nlppâssing (x-dlv.) ... 8% 8% CAiH'eUed. and that elt the mild lot. wttl «y stem or....aallow the turning over their vessels to the Chile Copper ...... 16% Chevrolet Motors...... 139 141 toe open for pre emptinn toy returned w.l1*' H% Curtiss Aeroplane .... 38 38% dlere onBr under the provisions of the .tins .at the Imperial Conference to tn ranewefr..__ Hoiilmi gwt* of gjjll frNKia ,,k,Ot, 48: s-AL. VICTORIA has been extended two months, termin­ nation, and not only were paid for :-Uy'S.-Bk—nb4q»aasaiaery^M"—■—> ■.-.■"wig»».. o».,a Soldiers land Act." si.plkAtions there­ sist On the British Government set ikstmers 8eqi .. 59% for should be submitted to the Oovern- tllng the Irish question by granting to ating October 11 Instead of August 11, their time, at their usual seagoing Bri. 15* 15% Wright-MartIn Aero. . 9% 9% ** v*inewuver between the trd Mwjwftd a large measure of Home In the meantime conferences will be f, but were gtvmrttbsrwt afldl Do.. l*t pref...... 12% 88% 33% Coedsn Oil 7 , ___days. inclusive, of V*» pits» bar. held between representative» of m tor tb»lr personal expens Oee Electric ...... m% 141% 141% Hereto Oil ...... 2t% - 28 5lA Per Cent. company and the City Council and while here—these allowances varying Goodrich (B. F.) ...... 46% 46% 46% Mid West Oil ...... 113 116 The Allotment otthe lends will be msde other public organisations of the city from 83 a daiy In the case of seamen m. Nor Ore ...... 22% 82% 82% on the 17Ui September. 1911. at the of «ce EMMY OESTINN IS looking toward the development of i to as high as $12 a day in the case of Ot. Northern, pref. .... 90% 90% 90% Northwest Oil ...... 60 63 of the Government Agent, at Vancouver.. wr franchise wtrtçtt would W'SWistH officers. The. Untied State» began vie Hide A Lea. prer. .... si Sapulpa. Refining Bonds to Yield pay their wages when they left tl se...w Caledonia ...... BARREDJTtOM STAGE able to both company and publie and . : 68% 64% plication£7 and further particulars may be which would provide for various con­ ships. These wages do not cease In Infl Nickel ...... $8% 38% 28% Cons Copper ...... * 'wiAlno?r at the Government Agent's 71 PER CENT. NOW IN PRAGUE tingency* in operation and service any case until the recipient reaches hi» Int i Mer Marine .. 23% 33% Hecla Mining ...... Office. Vancouver, or at the Department home, and a month's pay Is added to . 28% Howe Sound Mining .. which have arisen In modern city ,102 102% 102% of Lands. Victoria. transportation, important modification the total for good measure. Kerr Lake ...... Amsterdam, June It— Emmy Dee- Illinois Central ...... 94 96 94 Should any of the sgid lots not be al- of the light and power rates are ex­ Kenneeott Copper . 88% 32% 32% Magma Copper ...... lotted on the 17th of September, such lots tinn. the Bohemian opera linger, haa pected as a concession from the com­ Success Mining ...... may be applied for t»y returned soldiers Maturing 5, 10, IS and 20 $12,000,000.000 ARMY Kan. City Southern . 18% 18% 18% been lianne* from the stage tn Prague pany. Lack. Steel ...... 84% 64% 64% Ray Hercules ...... only and a record thereof granted In such on the ground that «he "has placed her New Cornelia ...... manner as the Minister of Lands may years. Buy your city’a MEASURE IN STATES Louisville A N...... 115% 116% 116% determine servicea entirety at the disposal of the Midvale Steri ...... Ceecho-Slovak agitation “ WASHINGTON LABOR ... 62% 62% 52% % % _ O R NADEN. Bonds and keep the interest Mex. Petroleum ...100% 99% 99% Minister of Lands. NORTH OAKOTA~PWIhtARlgg. Washiest!», June. A*—CouldueUw JdAatai .Copper. *8% $8%. GRAIN PRICES STILL Department of lands;l.ands. at home. — CONVENTION ENDS of the 112,000.000.000 army appropria­ Victoria. B. C.. June M. 1918. MlHHouri Pacific ...... 22% 21% 22% tion bill was resumed in the Senate to­ National Lead ...... 69% 59% 69% CLIMBING AT CHICAGO Bismarck. N- D.. June 28.—Governor Aberdeen. Wash.. June 28.—William day with leaders hopeful of not only N Y.. N. H. A Hart. .. 88% 38 38% Full particulars on applica­ Lynn J. Frasier, Non-Partisan League Shorn was re-elected president of the disposing of the much -debated amend­ New York Central .... 72% 72% 72% candidateJor re-nomination, to-day in ment for extension of the draft ages to Norfolk A Western ....103% 101% 103% (By Burdick Bros. A Brett. Ltd.) I- Washington State Federation of Labor Chicago, June 28.—Tho*e who sold corn tion. creased his lead over John Steen. In­ and Charles Perry Taylor was re­ twenty and forty years, but of passing Northern Pacific ...... 87% »7% 87% dependent candidate Returns from recently are having a hard time to get elected secretary at this morning's the measure itself before adjournment. T.. Ont. A Western 22 23 23 the grain for delivery on the expiring 1.217 of 2.100 precincts give Frazier ^ a . L - *____ geyadJI. Çona, Cypptr. * A2% . .JL9%_ .19% 44,403 and Hteen 14.382 T-----— sessiçn pf the seventeenth annual <* oonAeecXe.—-The shorts -had another bad- ventlon. which adjourned sine die TO NEW ZEALAND. Pennnylvaniannsylvgnia £.1 R. .... 43% 43% 43% day to-day and corn closed tbo cents up Indications this afternoon were that People's Gas ...... 43% Oats options were active and gained one the entire Non-Partisan League ticket, shortly after noon after completing HEISTERMAN. What was termed “the most successful Winnipeg, June 29.—W. D. Bayley, Pressed Steel Car ..... 67% with the possible exception of Con­ with his wife and two children, will Reading ...... 93% t»— Open. High. Low. Close. gressman Baer in the first district, and largest attended meeting in the leave to-day for the Pacific epast en Ry. Steel Spring...... 58% Federation's history." The vice-presi­ July ...... 148% 148% 14|% 148% FORMAN would be re-nomlnatfd. route for New Zealand to take k hand Ray Cons. Mining 34% Aug eeTt,,.... 141 161% 14$ 151 dent's were re-elected also. In the national prohibition ‘campaign Republic Steel ...... 92% Oats— INSTEAD OF BUYING THRIFT The morning session was occupied being waged in that country. He will Southern Pacific ...... 82% July ...... 72% 72% 72% 73% STAMPS. largely with the report of the consti­ be Joined in Winnipeg by James Simp­ Southern Ry., com...... 24% Aug...... 88% 69% 68% 69% &C0. tution committee. which submitted son. Toronto's ex-Labor Controller. At Do., pref...... 82 SAVE resolutions which were acted on with­ B.udeebaker Corpn...... 47 ...... -»■-%*------— th“Ar* r»* makln* attjr 8acrfffces for ■'ictoria. George Bell, M. P. P., a pro 608 View Street. Phone 55 out much debate, except one regard­ minent prohibitionist of British Colum The Yexas Company . .152% NEW YORK SUGAR. “Oh, yes. I am paying six cents for ing changing the per capita tax. which bla. will Join the group. Union Pacific ...... 111% New York. June 28.—Raw sugar steady; YOUR eight cigarettes, when formerly I got was voted down after some spirited Utah Copper...... 82% centrifugal. $6.065; fine granulated. $7 68. ten for five."—Brooklyn Union. discussion. NEW YORK BOND MARKET. (By Burdick Bros A Brett. Ltd.) WOMAN SUFFRAGE Bid. Asked. Anglo-Fr. S ...... 92% n% The Young-Man’s * J TA II, U H ID ML? 1 _ PROPOSAL IN U. S. V. K. 6. mi ..—. _ 99% 98% DISCOUNT V. K. 584. 1115...... 5714 98 U. K. 6%. sec. cnv. .. 99 99% VICTORIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. Washington. June 28.—Indefinite U K 5%. 1921 ...... 94 94% Best Recommendation Taxpayers are hereby reminded that postponement of a vote In the Senate Am. For. Sec. 5 ...... 96% 97 A Savings Account is more than a start Saturday, June 29. is the last day on on the woman suffrage resolution, Fr Govt. 6 ...... 130 146 blocked yesterday, virtually was decid­ Parts 6 ...... towards financial independence—it is a which the discount will be allowed on the IMPERIAL BANK. .. 82 83% ed upon to-day by Senate suffrage Fr Cities 6 ...... 91 mark of character. asas due the Crown for the year ISIS on OF CANADA • 93 leaders. They are ready to abandon the Russ Oort 5%.'1921 .. 37 44 One of the strongest recommendations LAND CAPITAL PAID UP. #7,000,000. RESERVE FUND, #7,000,0* plan to force a vote next week and to I>o. 1926 ...... 87 94 withhold action until after the pro- Dom. Can. 6, 1919 MR in the world of business that a young man PERSONAL PROPERTY ised—racees—Consween,____ , j INCOME ^ "* ' M* canprase^UA a Merchant* Bank Pass-Book, After making polls of the probable Dom. Can. 6, 1921 .. ; 9o 98 RURAL SCHOOL TAXES Vote if the resolution should be forced Dom. Can. 6. 1926 .. .. 91% 94 showing 9 record of consistent savings, Taxpayers will also take notice that the WAR SUPPLIES to a Anal issue next week, leading sup­ Argentine Oort. 6 .. *€(4 97% wa A Saymjis Account may be opened with local Collector*» offleb has been removed porters were convinced that an effort Chinese Rep. 6 ...... 87 91 to pass the resolution before the Con­ l>om Can. 6. 1937 .. 93 _ el. 00, which shows how highly we regard from Balmont House and is now located This Bank is ready to assist merchants and manu­ gressional recess would fall on account Fr. Republic 6% .... :!?S the accounts of those who desire to save. near the corner of Superior and Govern­ HR facturers to increase their production of war supplies. of absentees. % % % ment Street^, In the Annex to the Gov- NEW YORK COTTON. ernmept Buildings. When a loan will effect this, consult our local INDIANA'S PROHIBITION. (By Burdick Bros. A Brett Ltd.) Office hours. 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.; Satur­ Open. High. Low. Last THC MCRCHANTJ BANK day. t a. in. to 1 p. m. Indianapolis. June 28.—The Indiana July ...... 27.85 28.16 27.10 27.98 Mwd Office : MontneL OF CANADA THOS. H. LEEMINO, state-wide prohibition law was upheld Oct...... 26 16 26.40 24.92 26 21 Established 1804, Ai - Provincial Assessor and Collector. VICTORIA BRANCH, by the State Supreme Court here to­ IX*...... 24 68 24.98 24.48 24.81 VICTORIA BRANCH, A. C. FRASER, MwrtM Victoria Assessment District. A. R. GREEN, day. The decision was Your to one. Jan...... 24.68 24.79 24.40,„Mi» Judge John W. Spencer, of Evansville, OAK BAT BRANCH, J. SHERRATT, Aotie# u—ifp Victoria. B. Ç.. June 13, 1918. March ...... v.... 84 68 14 77 24.41 ÜM casting the only dissenting vote Spot ...... 31.90 VICTÔRIÀ: DAILY FRIDAY, JüNÉ 28,' 1918 17 TO MAKE EXPERIMENTS HAVE YOU SEEN -BRITISH BORN AND BRED' WITH SOCKEYE SALMON The TOOKE HOOK Holiday Footwear at Mutrie’s in Tooke SoftCollar^ At price* that speak for themselves at the great values that we are offering to the Shoe Buying Exhaustive Tests Planned to Pub lie Determine Time of Run From Banks to Fraser Frank For the Little Beattie, June SS.—Officers of the Tm Toohc Hoo* * Jasnrrsp in Ktiut| PâT. Orr. ie, 1»l?x IfNOCSNCATM United States and Canadian Fisheries Folk Department*,: co-operating with repre­ sentatives frdm this state and British White Beet* « to IS...... 91.25 Columbia, will make an exhaustive Giolma I. White Beet* 11 to 1...... 91.50 teat this year to determine the length Late Private 29th Batt., C. F„ of Victoria Block Boot* 4 to 10...'...91-00 of time eockeye salmon require to make the trip from the salmon banka Blech Beet* 11 to lt....|lll in Washington waters to a point above Is the One and Only Service Man’s Candidate. White Pump* 4 to 10....91.25 the New Westminster bridge on the Fraser River, in British Columbia. Jt-lUv Shows Moo* Booh Compacte*,*/ Unanimously chosen hy the following Vèt- White Pump* 11 to 1....91.50 Representatives of the Fisheries De­ .Unoss Tis Cut os SigHT i H erens’ Associations of Victoria: partments of both governments will be 1*1* devte»-greatly Improve,''ih* here next week to make preliminary arrangements. The test* will be con appeamaee ef Soft Collar* Keep» tie n Army and Navy, British Campaigners, Comrades of WOMEN'S OB OBOWINO tinued throughout the fishing season to top of collar. Hold, the ride, down in Boys* White or approximately between the dates of jxwitioa. Aik your dealer to ehow you the Great War, Great War Veterans and Woman's GIRLS' WHITE POMPS July 20 and August U or SO. 4-Tooke Collar with the Patcaltiook, The two Governments will arrange Auxiliary to the G. W. V. A. With or without strap, Athletic Men’s Bathing Slippers. to permit some traps to operate dur spring heel. Saturday Saturday 9C„ Ing the weekly thirty-six hour closed ;Tookxbros. Limited. MoNTREAt’ W season. Salmon will be taken and Not representing Conservative, Liberal, Labor or Special...... Oüt Special, marked with a button placed in the ©3 Oxfords Men’s Athletic Oxford*— upper lobe of the caudal tin and then jfflBES Socialism, but all Loyal Citizens at $1.45 released. They will be caught again 4 to 13...... 85< Special, at...... *1.25 later in the Fraser River and the Men’s Athletic Boot *1.45 time between releasing and recatching Women’s White Colonial 1 to 5...... 954 Men’s Yachting Oxfords— the fish will be ascertained. It Is ex­ BANNING GERMAN LANGUAGE. pected by this method, which Is an old Be Loyal to the Men Whs Are Fighting for You and Sup­ Pump, military heel. Sat- Special ...... *1.50 and well-proven one, to determine how port Their Candidate Men’s Yachting Boot *1.75 long the fish must be protected so as Toronto. June 28.—A meeting was Special...... *1.75 to permit them to escape to the spawn­ held yesterday between representative* E&... $2.25 For the Girls ing beds on tha Fraser and. it* tribu ­ of the modern language. department of ______i______- Men’s Leisure Low Boots or taries. The outer traps on salmon the University of Toronto and Hon. Dr. Bathing Slipper* with Blockings FRANK GIOLMA Oxfords, best quality of banks are the first In Washington Cody, Provincial Minister of Education, Women’s White Yachting attached. Reg. value 11.16, waters to get the sockeyee and the Reignskin, recede toe, low point. Where they will be recaptured on relative to the removal of the teaching Boots. -Regular $2.00. eleee 11 to 2. Saturday... .541# heels, reg. value $4.50. the Fraser Is the last that British Co­ of German from the curriculum. No lumbia fishermen can fish. definite decision was reached. The Men’s See Shore Slipper* elsee Saturday Saturday (P-| OP Big Controversy. senate of the University will meet to­ Special .... «P AmtLttJ 11 to 2. Saturday...... 35* Special .... «DO# 4 O morrow to discuss the change made Time was when seme merchants vied with eaeh other Is ex There Is a serious controversy be­ aecescutry by the Government's an­ tween Washington and British Colum­ trsveganee of statement in their ads. The wise merchants of to­ bia fishermen over the length of time nouncement. that is required for this run and this day vie with eeeh other in the ACCURACY of their statement! year's experiments may be used an a SUITABLE. about goods and values. Nowadays deliberate misrepresentation basis for fixing a closed season In the in advertising would surely and quickly Mil say store indulging fisheries treaty now being drafted by Blx—I want to sweep the cobwebs MUTRIE & SON the two Govermnewt* Washington from my brain. in it Dix—I would suggest a vacuum fishermen proposed that a half closed cleaner. 1203 Douglas Street , 1203 Douglas Street season! beginning July 20 and extend­ ing to.. August i be established In Washington and that a closed season from July 26 to August S be fixed for THX RED BXOW CLOTHING STORE British Columbia. The Canadian fish­ Canada are passing through Vancou­ ermen contend the closed season dates RAILS FOR LOGGING ver en route north to various logging 0937 should be identical on both sides of the camps and other Industries and there DISCARDS line, but It Is believed the American , BEING SHIPPED NORTH Is quite a demand for coastwise space. and Canadian authorities have rejected this Idea. Vancouver, June 2S.—A large quant- I Time Isn’t always money to the man Canning Mussels. Buy Your Holiday Togs ly'of rails manufactured In eastern I who does business on credit SURPLICE FOR SWORD State Fish Commissioner L. H. Dar­ win has arranged with the San Juan Canning Company, of Friday Harbor, and Professor Trevor Kincaid. In charge of the University of Washing At the J. N. Harvey, Ltd. Stores Rev. W. F. France, After Ten ton biological station at the same point, to conduct a series of experi­ Years' Mission Work in ment# in canning mussels this year Here ii a Partial List Goods You Will Need In Order to Properly Enjoy Dominion Day. SCHOOL IS OVER Professor Kincaid says that there is Japan, Prepared to Fight a large suppty of Puget Sound mi sels that are available for canning and which would add materially to the food Camp Time Is Here production of the Sound. Discarding the eurpHce to take op Belted and Plain Standard For the next two month* camping and picnic* will be the order the sword in the great light for liberty, TWO WOODEN CARRIERS of the day. Buy gome cheap uteusile to take with you and save Kev. W. F. France, a Church of Eng­ your good one* land clergyman who has been engaged ARE NOW APPROACHING on mise Ion work in Japan for the past COMPLETION AT QUEBEC Pinch Back Suits Any ten years. Is en route to England to Refills ef Alcohol at ...... 15* Tin Tea Kettle* Special at 40* offer hif services as a combatant. Quebec. June X*—The two new Tin Saucepan* will not ruet. at Cc.cerole* at 92.25. 91.16, “I do not consider that 1 am qualified wooden ships recently launched from OO*. 55*. 40* and ...30* 91.00 and ...... 80* to go to the war sone as chaplain, but the Quinlan and Robertson shipyards at Suits Man Can Wear 1 am eager to do my share, so am go­ Llmoilou to be converted into steam- Enamel Saucepan* without cov­ A Cup. and Saucers, at, a dozen. carriers in the service of the Imperial er* 45*. 40*. 35*. 342* only ...... 92.00 ing to do some killing.” Such was the Government during the war and now startling remark made by the Rev. Mr. and ...... 23* Cupe only, at. a dozen... .91*80 docked at the Louise docks, are making Two and three-button styles, France to a Times man this morning good progress with the Installation of For Young Fellows Enamel Saucepans, with cgvore. Picnic Plate* at 2 dqgen for 16* aboard the Hiue Funnel liner Tyndar- their machinery. at 80*, «5*. 56* and 46* eua. In port to-day from the Far BaaL of course they have some Lunch Basket* at 70*. OO*. A splendid showing of finely Tin Pail* at 46*. 40* and 30* The clergyman Is the reverse of be­ SARCASM. 60*. 40* and ...... 35* ing a bloodthirsty individual, but he tailored garment, in theae new features, but nothing Galvaniaed Pail* at 05*. OO*. " Knivec an* Perks, at a doeen. realises that It Is the duty of every Cltlsen—Unless I am mistaken you two styles. Theae Suite 85*. 76* and ...... 06* —. .liri Usher to rentier assistance to the VisjMtteXsAxeJsn cenlA tu ye» Tin Tee and Coffee Pet* et 48*. «Hd Land In thwarting the German aim -designed specially for the- extreme: MB BSVBj ' Teaspoon* at. a doeen ....50* 44»* and ...... 25* U* destroy the liberty and freedom of lugger—I am. sir. Did you think i yonng chap and have many me weald make » waau ot roe? Sett* aieehll Stove» at.. .50* "T——I tpt—-, “ a doeen .94»*. wwatir vnçes. He has -a brother 4tew style feature» that -ap­ tirry* and Mixtures, Fry P«* at 95*. 15*. 45*. whr. has been serving with the Cana­ Beanpot* will Stand the beat at 35*. 25* and ...... 20* dian forces In Europe, Oliver France, peal to him. x Tailored to fit 4-qt. al 40*. 2-qt. at 26*. II Aluminum Collapsible Cupe lO* *4 Kelowna. Okanagan, who he be­ GAS ON STOMACH 1-qt. at ...... 20* lieves is In oqe of the military eeuva- New Colorings and Weaves. with noale and coupling» for 9®-** trtocent hospttiriw tn Yirtorm. 3 S-Pty Rubber Hoe* 6» ft, complete To Join Artillery. SOUR STOMACH Cotton Covered Hoe* 60 ft. for ...... 98.50 ...... 910.60 Armed With a letter of recommend»-. Corrugate* Hoee,' 60 ft. for ...... Uon secured at the liritish Embassy at INDIGESTION $18, $20 Tokyo, Rev, W V. will make $18 bls way to England and endeavor to HEARTBURN Peeples* Cash Hardware er Fernwood Hardware secure a commission In the Royal Ar­ tillery. He is a graduate of Cam­ Instantly Relieved by 411------Fort —81, —Phone 2884.------2008 Fernwood Rd, Phone 4221 bridge. Capt. Arthur W, Dixon, superintend­ $20 to $25 to ent for the Blue Funnel Une at Hhanghai. accompanied by his wife, was also a cabin passenger by the Tyn­ dareus. Capt. and Mrs. Dixon are on BISURATED a. vacation,, tyring, to. WAT coadUiona . $35 It was impossible for the captain to go to England, so he decided to make the Magnesia round voyage on the Tyndareus. *Tt is good to be on British territory' and JN 5 GRAIN TABLETS English Made White JUST RECEIVED Don’t Wa&e Your Money! meet white people again,” said Capt. AND POWDER FORM. IMxon, “and we intend to make the Trousers, #5.00 mSURATBD MAGNESIA is Magnesls Ladies’ Bathing Suits, in smart By buying what is not to your liking. Take meat, for instance. best of our stay on the Pacific coast.” especially prepared for the safe, speedy and $6.00 Arthur G. Moorehouae, an American and certain correction of dangerou» Mtom- colors, aaxe, Copen, navy blue, A lot depend* on the way the butcher cuts the ythrt. The New busfnesir twin; haw been to- Japan tos- aeh acidity.- 4i. wtmw -only in the form, English Made ■ Grey Flannel the past ten weeks Investigating trade of five-grain tablets and powder In sealed blue packages Do not confuse with blaek and gold, etc. Theae are England Market understand their business thoroughly and possibilities. With Mrs. Moorehouse commercial magnesia, milk of mAgnenia he took passage on the Tyndareus. or citrate of magnexla. lxwk for the extra value, fl»/» guarantee you QUALITY and the BEST OF SERVICE. They are bound to New York by way word BI8URATKI> and get the genuine XT', $7.50 of Seattle. — from DRUGGISTS EVERY WHERE. White Tennis Shirts, collar at­ #4.00, #6.50 and «PO.UU tached. white duck and cellu­ ^Éfcie Ribs Best Men’s Bathing Suite all sizes. Choice Lege lar. Extra 40c Per lb...... value ___ ... $1.25, Nfivy blue, trimmed white j Choies Shoulder Pot Roast Beef Sports Shirts, convertible collar, worth #1.00. Or _ Mutton ...... 30c Per lb...... 30c plain white and tan, also white Special ...... OOV Choice Mutton Prime Ribs, Rolled CARS WITHOUT DRIVERS 25c Per lb...... 35c with fancy striped collar*. Ex­ tra value, #1.25, Q» "1 f7pr Men’s Cashmere Bathing Suit*, Choice Mutton Shoulder* Spring SPECIAL RATES all aizea. These are made with .-.ll. ' 35c Lamb, per lb. ... 35c #1.50 ...... «pie 4 D skirt, are mostly wool and ac­ Choice ,...... 25c Weekday*. from 9 a. m. till 1 p. m...... $3.75 Men’s Soft Collars, plain white Sauaage ...... •••• Weekdays, from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m...... $7.00 and fancy stripes, 50C tually leas than to- ^ J 85 FISH DEPARTMENT One dollar extra if gate g over Malahat Mountain. 25f to day’s cost price... Separate rates Sundays and holidays (not including Wednes­ Spring Salmon Fraeh Cad, day afternoon), from 9 a. m. till 1 p. m...... $4.50 W. 0. * R. Tan Boisette Shirts, English White Cashmere Sox, Per lb...... 23c Sliced ...... 9%c Take a Whole Fish Ordinary rates, weekdays, #1.00 an hour. •oft cuffs and separate col­ Local Halibut #1.50 for the find hour, up to 5 hour*. ?r.,Z,:...... 85c Per lb. «a...... 23c Per lb...... 8c For a longer time #1.00 per hour straight. lar. This material has the White Fibre KQt Sox. Kipper. i2y2c Ordinary rate* on Wednesday afternoon, Sundays and holi­ f appearance of silk and ie Per pair...... 50c days. #1.50 an hour straight. , Colored Silk Lisle Sox, tan, Our Cars are insured against accident, thus relieving yon of grey and helio. 55C heavy damages in case of collision. Zz...... $2.50 ' Pair New England Market Our cars are neat in appearance and in good running order. 614-616 Yates Street, Victoria TWO STORES J. W. OILLIS 41 CO. VICTORIA AUTO LIVERY 128-127 Hastings Street W, Vancouver SB 1220 Government St, Phene 2MS-2MS 1108 Gladstone Ave, Phene I 737 Broughton St. Phone 3053 18 MONEY SUNK IN MANY SATURDAY’S SPECIALS ’ DOMESTIC SERVICES! ' ,NO C.O.D. OB PHONE ORDERS DELIVERED AUBURN CREAMERY BUTTER 3 lbs...... PINE CEYLON TEA $1.50 Laterals to Residential Prop­ 3 lbs...... $1.35 erty Were Installed Regard* Continuing the Big Sale of N. A. OLEOMARGARINE less of Necessity 3 lbs...... $ SESQUI MATCHES 1.00 Package ...... ;.... „.20c . _ParIn* the dream period of prosper- I LITTLE COMET MATCHES ftp Itjf half a million dollars worth of I sewer laterals and similar service con- j Manufacturers^ Samples 3 packages .....'...... drfDC nectlons were burled In the streets of j CANADIAN CANNED PEACHES nr Victoria. Many of U*eee will be rust- 1 Urge Tin ...... ed before they are ever used, and j many may never be used. This state­ It will pay you to supply your needs at this store during our big Sample Sale. See yesterday’s CANADIAN CANNED PEARS OET ment was made yesterday before the Large Tin ...... ZDC Local Improvement Commission when papers for the many bargains. objections were b«ing taken to extra LOCAL FRESH BOOS r/\ charges on Gorge Road. Dozen ...... Mr. Rust stated that shortly after SUNFLOWER SALMON.. ftp he became City Engineer, he advised the Council to cease putting in these 2 Tins ...... mOC Installations on the ground that It was y OLD CANADIAN CHEESE ftr „ cheaper to tear up sidewalks If the services should ever be wanted than Lb...... —...... ZoC to lnatal material which would mean- j while rust, but the aldermen had per- I Smart Apparel for Holiday 'Wear sisted In the policy of placing laterals I at regular intervals throughout. “Theo­ retically.- he said, "the practice Is all I A right, but in practice It is not any I New good." Arrivals in Many Attractive DIXI ROSS1 The cases before the Commission I "QUALITY GROCERS" 1317 GOVERNMENT ST. were those of John Barnsley. 415,4 feet i Ladies' Silk and Cot- New Styles in Smock at a cost of $9.00 per foot, and Miss Canada Food Board Li sense 8-17620 Grace M. Parshall. 699 feet, at $9.t< j per foot. In neither case had asset „ ton Parasols Middies monts been paid. dr The reason explained by B. 8.1 New shapes in Silk .Parasols, with One pretty style is made of White Heist or man for Mr. Barnsley, and ex- I short handles and cord attached. Drill, with pink jand blue cotton Judge Harrison for Miss Parshall was I Shades of helio', paddy, navy and thst they had lost the practical value I cuffs and pockets!" smock' to match,- of a large portion of the frontage by 1 grey, with bordera in check effect. finished with large pearl buttons. Victrolas and Victor Records the construction of the Gorge Road Price...... ;...... $4.75 Price ...... $3.50 bridge, which shut them off from a frontage of many feet of the property Parasols, in plsin shades of paddy, It was stated to be impossible to build saxe and navy; also striped green, Dainty Smocks in shades of Copen, re­ for Everybody to use much of the property. They seda and rose; coat styles, with col­ also raised the Issue above mentioned with short handles. Price... $4.50 of excessive laterals Installed from the | Cotton Parasols, in shades of green, lar, cuffs aud pockets trimmed with This is the store for Victor street which could not be used. saxe, navy, sky, red and pongee, contrasting colors ; front smocked in The Commissioners agreed largely I pretty designs. Price $4.75 1HHT service I We have a complete with the remarks made about the ex- I with borders of contrasting ma­ stock of Victrolas and Victor cessive installation of laterals. The | terial, in Paisley designs and spot Natural Color Silk Smocks, Jn slipover — Solid tor advised the® Hxt .other oh-. ....effeetST ehio-many tn Toee, green and Records for immediate selection." Ject.ions were outlawed by lapse of j middy style, with sash and novelty time. I bine stripes, with plain borders and collars; front smocked in rose and vwwuva. mi.. Mo one need delay—our easy A considerable period was occupied I with regard to Burnside Road, where short handles. Price ...... $2.75 green. Price ...... $5.75 payment plan makes it possible to have a It was shown that realty values have I gone to pieces, and A. J. Woodward Victrola in your home at once. was heard with regard to Brooke | Come in and let us give you a demonstration. Street expropriation. ^ Victors and Victrol-- From $34.00 Smart Holiday Hosiery Silk Beet and Silk Li.le He.. Radium Silk Hoee in good me­ A Pre-Holiday Sale of YE OLDE FIRME DO CARS DESTROY for women, made with elastic dium quality. In $ hades of top, reinforced heels and toes; champagne, maize, silver, grey, colors, silver, gunmetal, white navy, bronse, white. Price Trimmed Hats at $2.98 and black; all sizes. Price» per ...... *1 so fleintzman & Co., Ltd. HARD SURFACE ROADS?! pair ...... SO* Opp. Post Office Pure Silk Hoee, made with lisle Begular Values to $10.00 Silk Boot Hose, In colors of pink, elastic top, full fashioned, extra grey, champagne. Copenhagen, spliced heels and toes; colors 60 only of these stylish Hats to Quadra Street Owners Dislike | tan, white and black. Price. silver, ivory, navy, white. per pair ...... 7&* Price ...... *2.00 be offered at a fragment of Thoroughfare Being Turned •ilk Boot end Silk Lisle Hoee, In colors grey, sand. pink, cham­ Fine Grade Silk Hose, In shades their original markings. Women ! Sprusetejc! Into Speedway pagne, white and black. Price of grey, navy, champagne, Hive you tried the Sprueetex Mops'...... V...... $1.00 - ...... es* white and black, with fancy Many attractive styles, in Have you tried the Sprusetex Oil? $1.00 to ...... US# stripe or polka dots. Priced Women's Gotten Hoee, In good at *2.00 The Mop alone sella for ...... 75# That additional traffic on a street I wearing quality, reinforced in georgette crepe, caterpiller drWs not necessarily imply extra wear, wearing parts; white, tan and Children’s Silk Lists- Seeks, in DRAKE HARDWARE CO., LTD. provided that the traffic is not exceed- I black; sixes 9% to 10. Price, white with colored tops; sixes Braid and Fancy straws, they 1418 Douglas Street Phone 1648 Ingly heavy, was the statement of City 35* or 3 pairs for....*1.00 4% to 8%. Price. 36* or 3 Kngineer Rust yesterday to the Local | Radium Silk Hoee, made with for...... *1.00 will set off your holiday Improvement Commission. This state­ liste tope and double heels and ment was made when a deputation I Children's Artificial Silk Socks* frocks to great advantage. ÏAI COUVE* HAND FRUIT UNDO, LIMITED headed by Alderman Dtnsdale appeared toes; colors grey, silver, navy, in sky. pink and white; all to put the situation with regard to bronse, white and black. elsea Price ...... 50* Balmont Building, Victor!., a. C., Rhone M00 Quadra Street, north, end. before the | Price ...... *1.25 —Hosiery. Main Floor EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT Commission. DIMrflmtor. for BrltUh durable, for THE CLEVELAND TRACTOR, HOME They pointed out that the greater I AND COMMERCIAL CANNINO OUTFITS, OVNBTO ISOLATED part of the bulk of the automobile and | LIOHTINO PLANTE motor truck traffic to Saanich points ( passed along the road, and that Winter Underwear Sundays particularly there was Ladies9 Summer Gloves stream of traffic. They wanted an as- I 36 Inch Tussah IS sura nee that the City should undertake The Kayeer-Made Chameieette The Kayeer Silk Glevee, in Can- at Midsummer the restoration of the road, as a trunk Glevee, In white, grey, natural adian make; colors black# HENFOOD” human* thoroughfare, at the time when .Uie.l. Silks and Silk and mastic; also white with white, pongee, grey; also tho Just received "Watson's sam­ t; suitable for the production pavteg wore dût, otherwise the gen­ black points; neatly sewn same colors with black points; «T j eral community would benefit at the I ples of Women’s and Chil­ ftrtea of the frontagenâ" ' I Crepes at 69c a seams and two dome fasteners. double tipped fingers and two dren’s Winter Underwear. On Til. 411 SYLVESTER FEED CO. 709 Y.t.. Mr. Rust explained (hat asphalt pav- [ A very neat fitting glove and dome fasteners; sises 8 to-8«*. ing rather improved under use, pro­ can be washed lastly. Sixes Price. 86*. *1.85, *1.50 sale Saturday at Money-eaviug vided that the traffic was fairly steady | and not excessive as in the case of J Yard SW to 7W- Price, per pair and...... ,....*1.75 pn ces.- ■ ■ ...... Quadra Street ...... *1,25 260 yards of these popular The Jeinville Glove in Perrin’s It was pointed out that an extra Ladies’ Chameieette Glevee, Can- Make—Made of splendid qual- C. T. C; Underwear samples - fabrics to sell at this special OFFICERS ELECTED BY heavy concrete base, and asphalt sur­ adlan made, in black, white, tty of kid with pique sewn also on sale. facing had been laid in this Section In price. They are shewn in Bathing view of the fact that the Council had natural, mind and chamois, a seams: black and white; *I*o anticipated the changed conditions In floral, spot, foulard and good-fitting glove, suitable for black with white points ahd CONSERVATION LEAGUE the traffic on this street. IpStead of figured designs In colors present wear; sises 8 to 7%. white with black points. Sizes contributing one-flftfh as usual in sand. saxe, etmw berry, Price ...... *1.00 8 to 7%. Per pair ... *2.60 Pretty Middy Caps paving schemes to the cost the Coun­ gr^f-ns, browns and easy; Qlace # Kid Glevee, In Townes' Trefeusse Suede Glevee, In black, cil had accordingly made a contribu­ a.. » black and white, navy Our Une Is the most distinc­ tion of one-third of the cost. and white and white and make. Colors black, white, tan. grey, tans and browns, with Handkerchief Ties tive In the city, up-to-date in Marriage Restrictions and James Maynard, vfie of the delega­ black. Regular 89c value. browns and irreys; also white pique or oversewn beams and with heavy black points and tWo dome fasteners at wrist; Smart Middy Handkerchief Ties in color combinations and of the tion. did not consider that the character Saturday, yard...... 69* best manufacture. See this line School Training Necessary, of the present traffic along Quadra two dome fasteners at wrist; sises S toJL Price ... .*2.25 shades of cardinal, navy, paddy before you» make any purchases. Street improved the property, which —Silks, Main Floor all sises. Price...... *1.50 and black, with hemstitched Says Speaker edges; good sise. Prices, 86c and was strictly residential in character, Panama Shapes for outing Children’s Silk Gloves, in long Prices from 35 Cents to 91-50. Ladies’ Lisle Glevee. in white, and short styles; double tipped, and considerable automobile traffic, in and beach wear, special ...... 90* his opinion, was detrimental to rest- black and grey, with two dome A good summer glove, in all Smaller sizes, with contrasting at ...... *1.50 avniMUHviferty. ------fasteners at wrist; sixes 6 to sises. Prices. *1.00 and 75* bordera. Price ...... 40* At the annual meeting of the Conser­ The Commissioners promised consid­ —Per pair —Gloves, Main Floor —Main Floor vation of Life League held this week eration of the two posits of mainten­ JOHN COCHRANE officers were elected tor the ensuing ante of the surface, and of extension DRUGGIST year as follows: Hon. President.|pion. rtime for repayment N.W. Cor. Tates and Douglas Dr MacLean; President, Dr. Higging; Showing a Big Range of Womens Wash Skirts for 'BiMm of the B. C. Electric Clock. 1st Vice-President. Miss Winn; 2nd MIDSUMMER MARKET Vice-President, Mrs. Menken; Secre­ tary-Treasurer, Mr. George. Thé Execu­ Decorations Are in Progress To-day for Auction and Raffle. New Neck Fixings Holiday Wear tive Committee consists of :/t>r. Bluest City Market Auction Hall. Rey Robert Oonnell, Mrs. fL A. Decorations are In progress to-day Pretty Neckwear in voiles, plain and figured piques Plain Repp Wash Skirts in buttoned down front sml TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. MacMillan. Mrs. Boydep. Miss McNair. for the midsummer market to-morrow, and miislina, daintily trimmed with lace or em­ plain styles, with gathered and plain patch pockets; Tuesday. June IS. S p. m.; usual Live­ Mn. R. K. Young. Mrs J. D. Gordon. for which arrangements have been In band during the last two weeks. Ac­ broidered. Special, each ...... 504 stock and Poultry sale, including fine Messrs Dooley. E, J. Daniels, W. W. belted and non-belted, with gathered backs; sixes 24- Wyandotte*. Ducks, Rabbits, etc. cording to Market Superintendent Duncan, Mrs. Laiindy and the Misses Smith the prospects of a record gather­ Dainty Collars for costa and dresses in roll or flat- 36. Priced at...... $1.75 Wark and Cridge, with representatives ing in the building to-morrow are of ARTHUR HEMINGWAY, back style. Made of pique, gaberdine, voile and from leading organisations in the city. the brightest Phone 14*4. Auctioneer. A raffle of miscellaneous articles do­ muslin. Some are trimmed with lace or buttons, White Pique and Bepp Skirts with double gathered At the» meeting a letter from Dr. nated by various persons, and embrac­ others are plain, also a few collar and cuff sets in Price was rehd on the question of rum­ ing all kinds of produce, is the centre pockets or plain patch pocket», belted at waist, with mage -Na!es and one from Bishop Scho- of attraction. The proceeds go to Red gaberdine and pique. Price, each...... 754 W plain and buttoned fronts. Price ...... $2.00 -Ueid: expressing his sympathy with the Cross funds. Tickets for this raffle may wot* which Is carried