Sean O Donoghue 20Th August 2013 Inspector Environmental Licensing Programme EPA Inniscarra Co Cork

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Sean O Donoghue 20Th August 2013 Inspector Environmental Licensing Programme EPA Inniscarra Co Cork Sean O Donoghue 20th August 2013 Inspector Environmental Licensing Programme EPA Inniscarra Co Cork Re: DO336-01 Urlingford REG 18 (3) (b) Notice A Chara, Kilkenny County Council hereby submits its response to the above notice for the Urlingford Agglomeration. 1. Confirm the correct name of the agglomeration a. Urlingford Agglomeration. 2. Please confirm the normal and maximum daily treated effluent flow from the WWTP 3 3 a. Min 130 m /day Max 418 m /day For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. • The population equivalent of the agglomeration in 2012. a. Average daily loading into the plant in 2012 was 1,142 PE • Please also confirm whether the sewerage system is separate or combined. a. Combined 3. Provide an update regarding the proposed Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrade. a. Approval received from An Bord Pleanala 19th Dec 2012 b. Awaiting approval from DOE for Preliminary Outline Design Report application made 14th Feb 2012 4. Provide details of the programme of improvements for the agglomeration a. No improvements within the agglomeration EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 5. Include a timeframe for completion of the improvement works a. From commencement of detailed design to completion 14 months approx. Attachment 1 6. Funds required and availability of funds a. awaiting approval of Appendix IV Budget from DOE - €447,548.31 7. The type of treatment proposed a. New Inlet works, b. new Buffer Tank –convert existing Sludge Holding tank c. Phosphorous removal, d. 1 new SBR Tank in addition to existing 2 SBR tanks e. New Picket Fence Thickener –to reduce volume of sludge produced 8. The standards to which the upgraded WWTP will treat the effluent a. BOD - 20mg/l b. Total Ammonia – 2.5mg/l NH4 c. Orthophosphate – 1.0 mg/l 9. The population equivalent for which the WWTP will cater. a. 1500p.e. For inspection purposes only. 10. Please provide a copy ofConsent the ofplanning copyright owner ap requiredproval for any for other the use. WWTP upgrade a. Please find attached approval from an Bord Pleanala. Attachment 2 11. Confirm whether an EIS was submitted as part of the planning application. a. No EIS was required however a Natura Impact Statement/Appropriate Assessment was completed and is attached. Attachment 3 Is Mise, le meas Signed___________________________ Eamonn Morrissey Executive Chemist Water Services Dept Kilkenny County Council Email: [email protected] EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 ID Task Name Duration 2012 2013 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 1 Project Start 0 days 2 Stage (ii) 15 days 3 Prepare Design Report 10 days 4 Submit Design Report 0 days 5 Client Review of Design Report 5 days 6 Approval of Design Report 0 days 7 Stage (iii) 115 days 8 Funding Approval for Scheme 30 days 9 Detailed site surveys & investigations 30 days 10 Bord Pleanala Approval 40 days 11 Prepare Works Requirements and CDs 25 days 12 Submit Draft CDs 0 days 13 Client Review of CDs 5 days 14 Approval of CDs 0 days 15 Prepare Tender Documents 10 days 16 Submit Tender Docs 0 days 17 Advertise for Tenders 0 days 18 Tender Period 20 days 19 Report on Tenders 15 days 20 Submit Report on Tenders to Kilkenny Co Co 0 days 21 Kilkenny Co Co approval to Report on Tenders 10 days 22 Stage (iv) 90 days For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. 23 Letter of Acceptance to Contractor 0 days 24 Construction management 90 days 25 Issue Cert of Substantial Completion 0 days 26 Stage (v) 60 days 27 Final Account & Report 60 days 28 Compile As Constructed Drawings 20 days 29 Collate Health and Safety File 20 days 30 Project complete 0 days TOBIN Task Milestone Project: Urlingford WWTW Upgrade Date: December 2011 Kilkenny Co Co Task Summary 6676- Urlingford WWTW Upgrade Preliminary Report - Outline Project Programme Rev C EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 Natura Impact Statement for Appropriate Assessment Ecological Assessment of Likely Significant Impacts of Upgrading of Urlingford WWTP on Conservation Objectives of Special Area of Conservation 002162 January 2012 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Prepared by: Pascal Sweeney M.Sc., MIEEM, Consultant Ecologist, Sweeney Consultancy, Rahan, Mallow Co. Cork. Tel. 022/26780 EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 4. SECTION 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 6. SECTION 3 NATURA 2000 SITE 7. SECTION 4 IMPACT PREDICTION 11. SECTION 5 MITIGATION MEASURES 20. SECTION 6 NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY 21. APPENDIX 1 REFERENCES 22. APPENDIX 2 SAC 002162 SITE SYNOPSIS 25. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. APPENDIX 3 SAC 002162 QUALIFYING INTERESTS 32. APPENDIX 4 SAC 002162 CONSERVATION OBJECTIVES 33. APPENDIX 5 SAMPLING SITE LOCATIONS 35. AND SITE DETAILS APPENDIX 6 PHOTOGRAPHS 36. APPENDIX 7 INVERTEBRATE SPECIES LIST 37. AND ABUNDANCE RATINGS EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 3 APPENDIX 8 PLANT COVER AT SAMPLING SITES 38. APPENDIX 9 EPA BIOLOGICAL WATER QUALITY RESULTS 39. APPENDIX 10 CHEMICAL MONITORING 40. APPENDIX 11 MITIGATION MEASURES 41. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 4 1. INTRODUCTION Kilkenny County Council applied to the EPA in March 2009 for a Waste Water Discharge License for the agglomeration of Urlingford and anticipates the increased treatment capacity which will be required in order to improve current effluent quality to comply with expected emission limit values arising from EPA licensing. Kilkenny County Council therefore proposes to upgrade the existing treatment capacity at Urlingford WWTP in anticipation of these impending emission limit values. The discharge from Urlingford Waste Water Treatment Plant enters the River Goul upstream of Special Area of Conservation 002162 (River Barrow and River Nore SAC). Because the biological water quality recorded in the River Goul by EPA in 2010 at the first sampling site upstream of the SAC was unsatisfactory, the possibility of significant effects of the discharge from the Urlingford WWTP on the European Site cannot be eliminated. As a screening process could not rule out the possibility of a significant negative impact by the proposed development on the SAC, Pascal Sweeney, Sweeney Consultancy, was commissioned by Kilkenny County Council to carry out a Natura Impact Statement to scientifically examine the project and the Natura 2000 site, in order For inspection purposes only. to identify and characterise anyConsent possible of copyright implications owner required for of any theother use.project in view of the conservation objectives of the site, and to provide any further information needed to enable the carrying out of an Appropriate Assessment, as required under Article 42 (9) of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations, 2011. The objective of this report is the assessment of the current effect of the WWTP discharge to the River Goul and the likely effects of an improved effluent discharge on the biota of the river in order to establish the implications of any such effects for the Conservation Objectives of SAC 002162. The Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government guidance “Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland – guidance for Planning EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 5 Authorities, 2009” and the European Commission (2001) guidelines “Assessment of plans and projects significantly affecting Natura 2000 sites - Methodological guidance on the provisions of Article 6(3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC” are followed. As a conservation plan for the River Barrow and River Nore SAC is not yet available, this report focuses on potential impacts on each specific qualifying feature of the SAC, in the context of the particular site, as well as on the NPWS draft conservation objectives. The aims of this report are to assess: • information relating to the ecology of the Natura 2000 site; • the scale and nature of the proposed development in relation to the Natura 2000 site; • the status of Qualifying Interests of the Natura 2000 site (Annex I habitats and Annex II species of the EU Habitats Directive) in proximity to and downstream of the proposed development and the relevant conservation status and objectives for these species; • the key structural and functional relationships maintaining the integrity of the Natura 2000 site; • likely potential effects, including direct, indirect and secondary impacts, of the proposed development, either on its own or in combination with other plans or For inspection purposes only. projects, on the NaturaConsent 2000 of site.copyright owner required for any other use. • Measures to mitigate negative impacts on the protected species and habitats. EPA Export 22-08-2013:23:47:20 6 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Proposed Development The proposal is for an upgrading of the Urlingford WWTP, so that the final effluent will be at a higher standard than is currently the case.
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