Parish Magazine - St Anne’s, Syston

SEPTEMBER 2020 40p

Happy Harvesting!



Role Name Telephone, Email & Address 0117 9672724 Vicar The Rev. [email protected] & Acting Jeremy Andrew The Vicarage, Church Avenue, , Churchwarden BS30 5JJ Hon. The Rev. 0117 9561551 Curate Jillianne Norman 74 Blackhorse Road, , Lay Minister 0117 9405086 Leslie Willcox & Treasurer 29 Neville Road, Kingswood Lay 0117 9679478 John Sibley Minister 94 Cock Road, Kingswood 0117 956 5331 Church Bells Mervyn Gibbs 8 Shepherds Close, Staple Hill, BS16 5LE 0117 937 2692 Church Hall Bookings, [email protected] Magazine Editor, Pam Gardner 1 Langton Cottage, Syston, Mangotsfield, PCC Secretary BS16 9LT Safeguarding Officer Deb Denny 0117 957 4443 (Children) Safeguarding Officer Catherine Bendrey 0117 961 0933 (Vunerable Adults) Churchwarden Vacant

Church Flowers Vacant

Group Committee • Rev. Jeremy Andrew (Chair) • Roger Newman St Anne’s (Acting Church Warden) • Edgar Webb Parochial • Catherine Bendrey • Leslie Willcox Church (Safeguarding) (Treasurer) Council • Deb Denny (Safeguarding) • Anne Woolcock (PCC) • Pam Gardner (Secretary) • Paul Woolcock • Mervyn Gibbs • Rev. Jeremy Andrew (Chair) • Jessica Maggs • Pam Gardner (Secretary) • Julie Maggs Fete Committee • Carole Grover • Pam & Steve Sweet • Fiona Hill • Jenny Weston



Page Page St Anne’s Contacts 2 Church Service Details 7 Benefice Letter 4-5 Syston Snippets 8 C of E / Diocese News 5 Just for a Laugh 9 Harvest Appeal 6 Michaelmas Day 9-11 Adverts 12-18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The deadline for articles for the October Parish Magazine is Friday 18th September. email: [email protected] Telephone: 0117 937 2692 Address: 1 Langton Cottage, Syston, Mangotsfield, BS16 9LT

E U General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

The PCCs of this Benefice hold password protected information on electoral rolls and in other PCC authorised records which includes names, postal and email addresses and phone numbers. This is held under 'legitimate interest' and we will not release your information to any third party without your permission. Should you wish all or any of the information relating to yourself to be removed from our records please notify your PCC Secretary by post or email.

Syston PCC Secretary: Pam Gardner email: [email protected] Telephone: 0117 937 2692 Address: 1 Langton Cottage, Syston, Mangotsfield, BS16 9LT

Magazine Printing and Delivery Please note - Parish magazines will not be printed and delivered until the advice from the Church of changes. Some studies suggest Coronavirus can live on paper and cardboard surfaces for up to 24 hours, and so any paper delivery represents a transmission risk. Local hand-deliveries also mean that delivery volunteers will touch gates and letterboxes and may come into close proximity with those who may be shielding. For these reasons, parishes have been encouraged to look to digital communication and telephone calls to keep in touch. Do please forward this magazine to others that may enjoy it. The magazine is also available online at:



Dear Friends,

As I write this we had been basking in Mediterranean weather with mid thirty degree temperatures during the day and hot sultry nights making sleep difficult. After violent thunderstorms and torrential rain we are back to normal British weather conditions with cool wet days wondering where the sunshine has gone. Whatever the weather, we will always complain. These weather conditions which are unusually extreme we are told will become more and more usual as the earth’s weather patterns change.

Climate change has recently taken a less prominent place in the news bulletins as the Corona virus pandemic has rightly taken centre stage. Last month, in his letter, John alluded to the respite from pollution that less travel had provided and there is a feeling that perhaps we shouldn’t (as conditions or government pronouncements allow) simply return to the previous status quo. A ‘new normal’ needs to be found.

In November last year the Diocesan Synod unanimously declared a climate emergency acknowledging and owning a commitment to do what it could to reverse the effects of climate change. As a diocese the church will make efforts to be carbon neutral by the year 2030. As parishes we should be looking to contribute in a significant way towards meeting this target. There is a suggestion that PCC agendas should have a standing item entitled ‘climate emergency’ at every meeting so as not to lose focus. Bishop Viv has said, ‘We have got to look at every aspect of Church life and our own lives’ to work towards this goal.

PCC’s officers have received the offer of a financial incentive to carry out an energy audit. We are told that the typical saving from implementing recommendations is 20%. There is also an added focus on making changes in both Warmley and Bitton as both churches have boilers which are obsolete and in the event of a breakdown engineers won’t be able to source replacement parts. Changes to greener and more sustainable energy use may come sooner than we expect throughout the whole benefice.

We are being asked to use September as a ‘Season of Creation’. Christians around the world will use this period to renew their relationship with our creator and all creation through celebration, conversation and commitment. This year’s Season of Creation is a time to consider the integral relationship between rest for the Earth and ecological, economic, social and political ways of living more in sympathy with God’s created world.


Usually in September and October we give thanks for the bounty of harvest and the gifts God has given us through nature. Because of restrictions on worship and meetings imposed by the pandemic regulations we are unlikely to be able to celebrate in the usual way. Instead, please can we listen to Bishop Viv and think, pray about how we make space to consider as a church and as individuals how we can respond the climate emergency.

With love,

Leslie Willcox

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHURCH OF ENGLAND & DIOCESE OF BRISTOL NEWS

Bishop Viv's week in the House of Lords

Parliament returned from recess this week and met on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September, with the Lord Bishop of Bristol beginning each sitting day in the House of Lords with prayers.

Over the two days, the Bishop also asked questions relating to: ▪ the intent to overturn the legal commitment to spend 0.7% of gross national income on international aid; ▪ the steps they are taking to raise public awareness of so-called ‘long- COVID’ and investment in the care of those now chronically ill; ▪ plans to launch the new global resettlement scheme and why it has continued deportations and not inward refugee resettlement. For more information go to: of-lords.php



The Community of the Sisters of the Church 82 Road Bristol BS6 5NT Tel 0117 941 3268 Mob 07846 629086 [email protected]


What a year we have had so far!

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected us all, and those who have come to our door recently have been struggling to find enough food - some have even been sanctioned during this period which we find to be so inhumane.

As always, we are grateful for your ongoing support, and we reach out to you, yet again, for your continued support. We are interested in all ambient food items and here is a reminder of what goes in our basic food parcel:

Tinned: fish, meat or vegetarian, soup, baked beans, vegetables, rice pudding or custard and fruit. Dried pasta or rice, cereal, long-life milk and tea bags. We also serve hot drinks along with sandwiches and biscuits - so, anything that would contribute to this is always gratefully received.

Donations of money are also very helpful as we buy in food and help people with gas/electric top-up and bus fares.

NEWS UPDATE: We have another member in our household! Rev’d Alison Jones moved in during April to live alongside us and help us run the Loaves and Fishes Project - please pray for us as we settle in together.

As always, yours in Christ,

Teresa Mary CSC Rosina CSC Alison Sister in Charge


ST. ANNE’S CHURCH SERVICES St Anne’s Church opened again for services on Sunday 26th July. Following the guidelines set out by the Government and the Church of England, work has been done to ensure that the building is clean and safe for everyone. Sunday services are now set in the normal pattern in terms of timings except that there will be no 3rd Sunday Family Worship service until further notice. The church has been set out for social distancing and hand sanitiser is provided. Those attending do need to wear to wear a mask/face covering. Services will look at bit different for a while whilst restrictions remain in place; the services will be said, there will be no singing, but it is good to be able to open the doors again. A warm welcome awaits you!

Sunday 6th September: No Morning Service 6.30pm The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity at St Anne’s Evening Prayer Sunday 13th September: 10.30am No Evening Service The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion at St Anne’s Sunday 20th September: No Family Worship 6.30pm The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity at St Anne’s Holy Communion Sunday 27th September: 10.30am No Evening Service The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Morning Prayer at St Anne’s

Sunday 4th October No Morning Service 6.30pm The Seventeenth Sunday at St Anne’s Evening Prayer after Trinity Sunday 11th October 10.30am No Evening Service The Eigthteenth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion at St Anne’s Sunday 18th October No Family Worship 6.30pm Luke the Evangelist at St Anne’s Holy Communion Sunday 25th October 10.30am No Evening Service The Last Sunday after Trinity Morning Prayer at St Anne’s

Please note: Services may sometimes be subject to change.

For those who are unable to attend church or those who enjoy our services online, for the foreseeable future the links will still be available at: ▪ St Anne’s page on the Church of England’s A Church Near You oneoff/?event_selection=allyou Just click ‘Show All Events’, find the date of the service would like to watch and click on ‘More about this event’ ▪ St Anne’s Syston Facebook Page



Burglaries in the Area Worryingly there have been quite a lot of reports on social media lately about burglaries in our area and damage done to property, vehicles and pets stolen etc. Phil Barry recently emailed neighbours (Thanks Phil) to let us know that a stable block a couple of fields back behind the church on Siston Lane was also broken into, property damaged, CCCTV camera cables cut, security lights torn down and bizarrely a horse’s mane plaited. Strangers have also been seen parking and walking out of the church car park after dark when the church and hall are not in use. As a result the car park gate is now being closed sometimes in an effort to help deter this.

With so many more strangers out here for walks these days it is very easy to either ignore everyone or be suspicious of everyone. It is very hard to get the balance right. We recognise that we are lucky living in such a beautiful and tranquil spot and want others to enjoy too, so don’t want to appear unwelcoming. However, we do want to be sure that people are here for legitimate reasons and understandably expect them to be respectful of our privacy, property and businesses and follow the countryside code. Please do continue to be vigilant and if you see or hear anything suspicious, please email neighbourhood contacts to keep us all informed. With more of us spending time at home these days, it is a great opportunity to get the grapevine working working and help look out for each other.

St Anne’s PCC We have resumed meetings again but they are taking place online by Zoom. The next meeting is the APCM on 29th September.

Obituary John Hunt the ex chair of Siston Parish Council has died. Many of you will remember him in recent years in the M4 Junction consultation meetings. He actively worked on behalf of the Labour party all of his life and practically held virtually every role possible locally, both in the Labour Party, and as a councillor on Avon County Council and South Council. John only resigned as a member of Siston Parish Council three days before his death, having just come home from hospital.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MICHAELMAS DAY – 29TH SEPTEMBER

Michaelmas Day was once more formally known as the Feast of St Michael the Archangel. It was once one of the most important days of the Christian year - not as important as Christmas Day but it did rank alongside Shrove Tuesday. It differs from the other saints’ days in that it honours a spirit and not a human being. It is the feast day of St Michael the Archangel.

He was known in the Old Testament as the protector of the Israelites and in the New Testament as the opponent to the Devil. He is patron saint of soldiers and horses. Widely popular in the middle ages, he was depicted in art as a winged young man clad either in white robes, or in armour. He is the patron saint of knights and grocers.


St Michael was given his own feast day by Pope Gelasius in AD 487, afterwards several apparitions of Michael were reported from around the world. One was in the 8th century at what is now Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, and another at St Michael’s Mount in Cornwall.

Michaelmas is on one of the ancient quarter days – a time for paying rents, and settling financial debts. It was also a time when people could terminate their service and look for new work at the many Hiring or Mop Fairs that would take place on this day. At these fairs the workers would carry an emblem of their trade - a mop for a maid, straw for a cowman, crook for a shepherd etc These emblems would then be swapped with the new employer for a ribbon and a good-will token of a shilling to be spent at the fair.

Michaelmas Day is also known in some places as Goose Day and to this day Goose Fairs are held in some towns, though geese are no longer sold.

It is a well known English custom to eat goose on this day. This is thought to be because tenants wanting to delay rent payments at this time would traditionally buy a goose as a present for their landlord to help seek his indulgence. Geese were supposedly very tasty at this time of year! Another explanation for eating goose on this day is said to be down to Queen Elizabeth I. Apparently she was eating goose on Michaelmas Day when she received the news that the Spanish Armada had been defeated. In celebration she said she would always eat goose on this day and others naturally followed her lead.

There are a number of sayings and superstitions surrounding the day……

Whoever eats goose on Michaelmas Day, Shall never lack money for his debts to pay

If St Michael brings many acorns, Christmas will cover the fields with snow.

A dark Michaelmas, a light Christmas.

When eating goose on this day, if the breast bones are brown after roasting the following winter will be mild. If the bones are white or have a blue tinge then the winter will be severe. 10

It is also said that the devil was kicked out of heaven on St Michael’s Day, but as he fell from the skies he landed on a bramble bush. He cursed the berries on the plant, scorched them with his breath and stamped and spat on them, making them unfit for human consumption. Legend has it that he renews his curse on this day each year and therefore one should not pick blackberries after this date!

The Michaelmas Daisy, which flowers between late August and early October, provides welcome colour to gardens as the majority of flowers are come to an end.

As suggested by the saying below, the daisy is probably associated with this celebration because, as mentioned previously, St Michael is celebrated as a protector from darkness and evil, just as the daisy fights against the advancing gloom of Autumn and Winter.

The Michaelmas Daisies, among dede weeds, Bloom for St Michael’s valorous deeds. And seems the last of flowers that stood, Till the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude. (The Feast of St. Simon and Jude is 28 October)

The act of giving a Michaelmas Daisy symbolises saying farewell, perhaps in the same way as Michaelmas Day is seen to say farewell to the productive and welcome in a new season.



SISTON PARISH COUNCIL [email protected] Serving at the Heart of the Community

Chairman Andrew Stacey 12 Mitchell Walk, 0117 960 3553 Bridgeyate, BS30 5XY Councillors Alan Bryant Deanery Lodge, 7 Deanery Road, 0117 983 3028 Kingswood, BS15 9JA. Pippa Gibbs 30 London Road, 0750 393 6005 Warmley, BS30 5JH James Hackett Cherry Orchard Farm, 0758 862 2372 Goose Green, Siston Hill, BS30 5LT Johnathan Maytham 30 London Road, 0797 107 3731 Warmley, BS30 5JH Vacancy




Clerk to Siston Parish Council Ellen Kenny [email protected] 0794 685 8048

Full Council Meetings:

Day: Third Thursday of every month Time: 7.30pm Venue: Warmley Community Centre All members of the public are welcome to attend and talk directly to Councillors for up to 5 minutes about any matter of interest or concern.




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Bags or Loads

Collection or Delivery

Mobile: 0797 368 9165 Telephone: 0117 937 2528


Hay and straw for sale.

Competitive prices – please telephone for a quote 07890398327

We also sell free range eggs, and potatoes in season.


Available for hire – perfect for children’s and family parties.

Skittle alley and equipment available for hire too!

To book or enquire about availability or facilities call Pam Gardner on: 0117 937 2692 or email: [email protected]