Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-01-31
.. \ On The Inside The Weath.r Excrma Stop IntetlancU .. , Fair aa4 wanner ....,.. '" Paq.2 parU,. cloud,. aJUI mUd What an H·Bomb Plant Coats ... Frida,.. B"h tocta,.. 45; Paqe 3 low, !S. BI,h WedDelda,.. Henry TlO's Satterfield owan 3'7; low. 1. Pa~4 Est. 1868 - AP. Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday. January 31, 19S2-Vol. 86, No. 84 Taft to Test Ike's P.opularitv 'House Backs Truman; Plan In N.H. Election WASHINGTON (IP) - Sen. Robert A. Tart Wednesday agreed to a "popularity" test with Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower in the na- I For' Ta~ Bureau Cleanup tion's first presidential primary election, on March 11, in New Hampshire. Taft indicated he is entering the U.S. Makes Progress Resolution race with some misgivings. He Said the "poli Ucal machine" there is Cor Eisenhower, but neverthe In European Defense less declared he is going ahead lro ~ill lIill "win, lose or draw." Truman" NaJIle Also Entered Acheson Decla res On the Democratic side, Presi~ Is Defeated WASHINGTON (JP) - Secretary dent Truman's name was also en of State Dean Acheson, respond tered in the New Hampshire pri ing to a new toreign policy chal W ASHlNGTON (JP) - The mary during the day-thus con. lenge from Herbert Hoover, de house gave a thumping endorse fronting him with a 10-day dead ment Wednesday to President clared Wednesday the United Truman's plan to remove political line for accepting or rejecting a States has made tremendous prog bid for reelection. The WbJte patronage (rom the internal reve ress in strengthening the defens nue bureau and convert it Into House.
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