'■ *»* *- v- ^ F' V. .. c* y** V'» -A- ; * u PORTLAND DAILY PRESS


ASSASSINS SHOT. were (meets of W. Batter, Jr., on board Morin raged hero this afternoon Detween Defender daring tbe raoe. Itio honre of three nnd four. Two sopa- ALGER WELCOMED ABOVE HER DECKS ‘ate etorma met ovar the section oocom- STORM TERRIFIC. pinled a of Murderer* of President Heareawx by heavy downpour rain, LOOKING SIGHT. hllndlng Hashes of and load and Shot. QUEER lightning Captured I tala of thunder. Several large elraa The Colnuihla Some Worse For Her sere blown down nnd damage to the Santo Domingo,August 8.—Two of the Accident. silent of «t v*ral thourand dollars was fit ne to the electrto power station of the assassins of President Hourenux have Bristol, K. I., August 2—Tbs Colom- Lyun Sc boston inlliosd. The fcjnan be- Given Ovation to klrs. F. A. Willis ms was in Native been captured and shot. The Colombia Is a Total bia sailed In here tonight a queer locking Florida Town Almost De- longing itruo't by and Mrs. William* sight. Her masthead was bent over on llghtmrg The country Is entirely quiet and no was rer ilemi unconscious. to the starboard side and bad tbe appear- The lightning struck In several plaoee State. movements of troops, eto., are In pro- .Wreck, anoe of being a great shear, snoh aa la stroyed. In Nabant and tiwampaoott destroying gress. used In to lift The the tire alarm system nnd badly washing shipbuilding weight!. roads. SITUATION GRAVE. main topmast and bowsprit ware In plaoe all and tbe boom and were not Port an Prlnoe, August A—Tbe autho- right gnll SECRETARY LONG COMING TO Had to Shake Hands rities continue making arrests. In addi- Injared. MAINE. tion to the prominent persons reported Columbia anobored oil the Heireahnffa IJoiton, August r.—lien. John D.Long, se been taken Into New Defender Crescent Prob- baring custody Is Cup and a floating dsrrlok waa sent out at 7 Steamer teirelary of the navy, arrived here this M. minister of For Hours. Fouobard, formerly tonight.Tbe boom wits eet up on crutches. afternoon nrd went at once to his home 11 nance. The mainsail is lying on the deck and In m. He was by have Lost. Hughs aceoropsnied Many refugees sought protection Badly Damaged the head sails are stored below. Tbe ably Mrs. and Mis* He will remain In at the American Long legation, among them toat la stripped of her rigging. Tomor- Hlngham for a day or two. Then M. minister of only Menos, formerly foreign row morning the steamer Archer of Fall he will go to Uuekfielil, Me ,ble old home affairs. Mirer, will be here to take off the brok- for three weeks’ vaoatlon. In the course The situation Is grave. en mast which will be at once replaced of a conversation, Secretary l.ong di- ON tbe mmed to snr ACTS.GENTLV THE Gov. Makes a Characteristic REPORT FROM MACUlAS. by Oregon Pine mast originally In be interviewed at length. ringree Her Steel Mast Bent Double and use. la Be did sty, however, that bo did not be- Washington, August S.—The navy de- Nat HerreshoS was on tbe Columbia City of Apalachicola Completely lieve that Dewey ever told anybody either Liver Speech. partment has received the following by on btr way to Bristol, and hailed the as an Interview or In oonlldense that Kidneys, of the to oar war telegraph from Commander Logan Rigging Destroyed. Archer make these arrangements Cat Off. nest would be with Germany. Maohlas. which; arrived at San;Domlogo Fifteen Hillman rlggora have been secured Admiral Dewey, be aald. was too wise and olty yesterday: to be on band early tomorrow morning to make any such statement. Bowels “San Domingo, August 1.—U. S. Con- to go at the work of getting tbe Colum- sul says that report of tbs death of the bia lo racing trim again at as early a BELFAST SHOE STUIKK. the as will President of ban Domingo believed not date possible, but that probably Belfast, August if.—The shoo factory System to have not be this week. Tbe mast will be ClEAnses Blames for Al- any political slgnltloanoe. Motive pine strike here remains about the seme, al- Papers of the assassin * to be se t noon tomorrow, but It will take opposed personal Will Have To Be by Rumor Places Loss of lbough the prospects for a settlement ore revenge. The vice-president of San Do- Rigged tbe rest of the week to get tbe rigging hrlgbter. The manufacturers tave asked baa ger's Retirement. mingo succeeded without political all on. for a statement of the exaot at steel Life at 15. wage disturbance and reappointed former cabi- Over. Tbe aooldent shows Columbia's which the strikers will return to work. net. No disorder exists. roast to be broken In two seotlcns or I request per- The cutters have also struok In sympathy mission to delay sailing five days to re- about 12 feet each, and tbe present pi in wlih the other help. OVERCOMES pair boiler. | Is to repleoe these with new sections, so “Logon." that Columbia will eventually have|her COMMANDER LOGAN RECEIVED. steel mast for tbe great race with the hAB.TUAECONST.PAT.ON Ex-Secretary Says He Will tihamrook. PERMANENTLY Santo Domingo, Augost 8.—Command- Difllcalt To Explain Cause of Elizabeth, N. J., Also Visiled by Leave His Record to History. er L. C. Logan, commanding the United CITY TOOK STARVED. Stales gunboat Maohlas, now In tbeea the Accident. Tornado. waters, has been officially received by BEhtFlciAL EffECTS President Flguereo. The future move- Strlona Chargri Agalnit Alma House BUT THE M 0 ment of the are not known. GENUINt AH'f By warship Keeper In Calais. I MAINE FIREMEN. (AURRNIA pG ^VFvVP®. Detroit, Mtobigan, August 8.— Gen. Russell A. Alger was tendered a Newport, August 2 —A most unfortu- meeting of the .Ualals oily board was Tallabasres, Fla., August 8.—The tcwu ningnlll- Opening of Hie Annual Muster at 11a n- row SAL! BY All 0RU96ASTS P»*U Ml PtR SOTTlL of a ou the oent welcome by the people of his own nate (incident to tbe Columbia today, held Monday evening, Att rney It. J. Currabelle, prosperous port gor. Gulf olty and state this afternoon and evening. marred the pleasure of what promised to M jGarrlgle appearing on behalf of the In- of Mellon, southwest of this olty, From 4 o'clock when the welcoming com- be a thorough teat of the relative sp-eds mates of the poor boose, claiming that Is reported lalmort completely destroyed Bangor, Angost 2.—The Maine Fire- terrltlc mittee entered bis private car at Toledo, of that boat and Defender In a nice top- the unfortunates living on the bounty of by a wind and rain storm which men's annuel muster began today with until 8 o'clock when tbe General ceased sail breeze and late this afternoon the the city werj being literally starved to raged In this section all yesterday and a business meeting ot tbe association In until lste last shaking bands, the scene was a constant new boat was towed up to her builders' deatb In spits’of the faot that an; abun- night. Many bouts In the City ball. Tbe convention was called to harbor hare been wrecked and most of ovation, works at a total wreok above dance of food was furnished the spontaneous Bristol, good by wharf is order at 10 a. m. Tbe programme In- the long gone together wit h A new mast was overseers of the poor as well as a great crush at the lodoor reception decks. Her steel bent largo large of naval stores cluded the address ot was raised on the quantities Coming In ball was tbe line) feature. The welcome by Mayor anioont which year'y -TO-- City double, just about bail way between the At Lurnork the houses, pavilion ah d special train which met Gsu. and "Fire streams and poor farm. Mr. Moliarrlglo among other Alger Chapman; address, deck and the and all thut re- oats bavu been deitroye l. Uneon tinned carried 400 maat-head, things, claimed tbat although there were party at Toledo, members of nozzles and their effectiveness nnder va- reports say that the steamer Cresoeut the committee. Headed EOJ mained of her magntflent spread of can- three oowt on the tarm no butter or milk reception by rious Chief McAllister ot probably has beeo lost between Apalach- over conditions,” was ever given the Inmates; that they bicyclists, 100 inarobere, escorted vas and specially made rigging, was piled icola snd Carrnbellti. A few houses were to the "The relative merits of were fed on soar bread and molasses, no Ueu. Alger reviewing stand, when Calais; address, In a about the of the a at St. Theresa and heap stump mast, meat or although the overseer destroyed McIntyre there was a roar of applause from the gravity and tbe direct pressure tor water potatoes, Curtis mills suffered severe!v. tangled mass of wire shrouds,metal turn- both; that tbetr vegetables, crowd. Mason supplier) A passenger train on the works," ex-Chlef John of Bangor wbensvrr were were Carabelle, Mayor Maybury formally called tbe ae- buckles, blocks and ropes. Practically tbry given any, Tsllabasaee and Gulf road,35 miles below Resolutions on the death of John A. oooked simply In water, without meat eemblage to order, and made an address all that remained whole was tbe steel Tallahassee was badly wrecked, but no Portland. were or butter, and In he welcoming Gen. In of Bath eloquent language ted Alger, saying part: .Parshiey adopted. boom and and and even tbe one Is repot killed or Injured. The Ladies’ welcome a gaff bowsprit depleted tbe lllthy condition of the poor you home, sir, to people The secretary's report was read by turpentine Interests uf this seotlon are I was dnmaged a trifle at tbe jaws. wards of the city. who love Justice and fair play. Thla wel- gaff greatly damaged and much Injury hat Fraok B. Moody of Portland. After this severe arraignment, the al- come is by your neighbors. They come 2 he dismasting of tbe Colombia occurred been done to ihe crops. The wires are from all of this Ex-Chlef John Mawn of Bangor wae dermen who were on the poor committee parts glorious state, only less than an half hour alter the new and down south of here and railroad traffic the overeeer of the poor to re- for the purpose of ‘Gcd bless elected to the national conven- requested to the Gulf saying delegate started on the beat out ports Is suspended. For you’ and welcome hone, old cup defender fute tbe charges, but that official said they Russet and hours was Tennis tion of lire whloh Is to be held the wind and the rain PROF. J. L. engineers were too true and that tbe bouse bad terrific, COWAN, “You will command and carry with to a Hug tost off the north end of Blook poor full In this torrents, wasblug awsy many same Id Syracuse, S. Y., mouth. really been an open house for friends of you the contldence, affection and Island, when the two contestants had bridges, endangering thoroughfares and esteem that have been with all The officers were elected: tbe keeper of the farm who came to tbe -THE—- you youi following oovered about half the distance Columbia railroads. GOODS. life. M>n will that an bouse and ate the food whloh was fur- say with upright President, John Mason ot Bangor; senior The city of Apalaobtcola is entirely out so well Is wa s at the time an.! was steadily nished for the. inmates. Me was then Character established there no leedl’jg off from communication and can Oar stock Is compile:# tat Russet and Ten- vice-president, Chief C. M. Gregg of Gar- he had uotlflcrl the nothing powea on earth that can detract from away frem her rival, Captain asked wl j jol;1 poor drawing Iw learned from the rr. A pew trestle uis Goods for summer wear. Oar the fame of a and diner; vlce-pr sldents, Chief B. W. committee. Mis reply was that this was styles are good neighbor oitlzsn Estes, Barr giving her sails a goed full, pre- over the Uohlocknee river at Molntyre honest man.” going on over four years ago and at that latest World Renown- and Lisbon Fulls; Chief W. B. MoAUlater, was blown away. A train the and up-to-date, aud our prices terri ng to bold along at an increased rate tlmo he had made a rrangementf to re- wrecking Gov. Flngree In bis speech, read In te- which went out lu Ihe Calais; ex-Chlef John L eland, Ellsworth; move the arlles in of the today storm- reasonable (or fashionable footwear. balf of the some of talber then toe Defend- j charge poor state,made pointed refer- speed outpoint devastated terrl.ory found over two hun- ences to ex-Chlef Andrew J. Cummings, Port- farm, but that the aldermen of that time ed Healer. Incidents leading to Gen. Alger’s er ae he had done. dred trees on the track in a run of thir- previously would not to his there- home and bred some character- Chief R. Chief agree proposition, coming land; W.Currier, Brewer; The two boats were on a ty miles. General Manager Crittenden, istics shots at the bolding along fore he did not consider It necessary to newspapers, which he 8. E. Jewett, Fort Falrllild. wno hud ot the train, says that Secretary, tack and into tbe Point Judith say farther. charge asserted, were largely responsible. port anything town the line Is desoluted. ex-Chlef C. U. Leighton of Westbrook; The committee will tbe every along Gen. Alger responding said, In part: channel, about three miles off the point, Investigate Thera are rumors alloat here to- ma'.ter. many FOR 3 DAYS “I can command no to ex- treasurer, Engineer J, B. Lougley of new boat the weather ONLY, language the having position night us to the loss of life. One mill press my grailtuds to you for tbls royal Lewiston. Executive oommtttee, for two and fairly tearing through the water, hand Is known to have been drowned at welcome to borne. 1 am from when there woe a sound of breaking claim dismissed. my glad years, Capt. W. 8. Mason, Bangor and spars Molntyre. One man was drowned at tit. tba bottom of heart to te and In an InstaDt lb» wont my released alolt topmast Falmouth, August 2.— In tbe admiralty Murks, but rumors place tne loss of Ufa from official oure and F. D. Moody, Portland. Sesrgeant-at- leeward 5. to again enter the crashing down to carrying with court today the pilots belonging to pilot there at 15. Aug. 3, 4, ol 1 home and live tbe M. J. Lewiston. tbe tine club and smnll among people of urme, Holmes, It pew topsail jib- boat No, 13, sued the owners of the Ame- It Is not believed hers that any lives Mtcblaan. ill seemed to tbe It nus voted that tbe next meeting of tops It eye witnesses rican line steamer Paris for 80 pounds were lost at the numerous summer re- “Since I went two and a half but n brief o( a seoond when tbe away the association be held In Gardiner. part salvase, services In showing the vessel u sorts. years ago, the country has been through steel mainmast buckled In tbe middle and warning light, thru oaualng tbe Paris A large relief party will leave here for CLEANSING a terrible struggle. The office of whloh THE down came the end of tbe and ENTRIES. upper Bpar to chunge her course and avoid tbe Mana- the stricken section tomorrow. The promptly clone for 1 was the head, was taxed to tbe utmost tbe huge mainsail Into the water steamer which events dropped cles. Creeosnt City, is reported of man's who The programme of and'entries side. For an every strength oooupledaoy on the starboard Instant Cspt. Watkins and the seoond and third loss, carried u crew of eight, but the In for races and at tbe lireman’s position it. I gave my best thought parade everyone on Columbia held their breuth officers of the steamer denied having In- number of past-toners Is not known. It and honest effort and did I and then wss heard Mr. Delin'* voice everything muster nt Bangi r today are as follows: terpreted tbe pilot boats Hash light as a Is believed here tonight that she tnudo the TOURISTS oonld to carry out my part of that great whether anyone had been bnrt American Hook and Ladder Inquiring danger signal. The course was altered Chattahoochee river safely. as well as for home work. What bas been done Is a matter of oompany or but all people. of swept overboard, fortunately to allow for tbe tide. Watkins said record ot Rockland, 2> men; Fairfield Falr- Capt. of Silk Waists and 1 am perfectly to bauds Injury. Mr. tvelln and was dear the Dry cleansing willing 15 men; of 10 escaped tbe night and Paris was rest the o»se with my oountrymen.” tield, Blrlgo Ellsworth, Mats Allen bad the closest call of all A JERSEY TORNADO. men; Senator Hale of 25 going at fall speed. The llrst Indication Ellsworth, wers on the leeward side of lteucb of Unn- I hey down of danger was when land was sighted. FOUR MURK CASES. men; Lang Bath,18_men: the craft the trim of her head Swath Cut Through the Center of A SPECIALTY. neiuan ot men watching Tbe court dlemlaaed tbe claim. ■ Ellsworth, 75 ;'B!r!go, No. satis and hearing tbe noise aloft y\o nave lanor s Washington, August 2.—Advices re- 8 of Ellsworth 8 < men; Casco of Port- Ullzabeth City. protsmen. ceived General to scrambled up to windward and were bare- YELLOW FKVKK AT SANTIAGO. by Surgeon Wyman up land, 21 men; Eagle of Orooo. 21 men; l> o’clock In tline.forthemalnmaatdropped to the tonight from Hampton show Birigo, Jr., of Ellsworth, 18 men; Bovcr ly New the eteel spar Allen’s hat Washington, August 2.—The war de- York, August H.—Klizibeth, N..J, * *• that the only,change In the yellow fever a nd 40 deck, brushing ”- Foxorott ot Bover, men; Farm- Is was visited a form of rnQTC D^ situation Is the addition of lour overboard. partment watching with great solici- by tornado this af- suspected ington ot Farmington, 14 men; Heels tude cases to those Mrs. lselln was below at tbe but the progress of yellow fever at San- ternoon which out a swath abeut lUO I tin Of rtufworS”"* already in existence. These of 40 n en; Torrent of Baxter, time, 1000 Randolph, she came on deck after the tiago. Hepcrts received yesterday were 13 Preble St., have been sent from the camp to the 25 of 12 Tor- Immediately feet wide the een'.re of the flpp. Preblo House. men; Beluge brewer, men; more H Is realized through elty, hospital. This information and the ad- acoldent and when tbe Assoolated Press encouraging, but that tV~ Kid Ulovea cleansed 1 I rent of Buoksport. 80 men; Old Town cf to every day. ... ditional tug rang alongside a few minutes later, tbete Is still danger In tbe eltuatlou. raudng great damage buildings and statement that there has not Old Town, 14 men; Tlconlc of Ellsworth, she was the In this It ts learned that uronertv but Htranao tn aav nn5 a r.nmnn been a death since 7 o’clock last night ft 1 man calmly taking Boapshots of connection, as late as the 8th of lint month Ueu. was and that everything with referenco to Steamer oonteet—Fairfield of Fairfield; seriously injured. the disease is more than w*s Thu discipline was excellent, not a man uiiica iui luniij tc"juiuuuuaDU tuv inaiunai Tho wind attained u velocity of favorable, Engine 5 of Portland ; Long Kauoh No. eighty 3 YOU {* received bis place until Harr of the United States troops now quart- miles an hour. The of the tornado from Gov. Woodfln of the Sold- 3 of Bath; Deluge of Brewer; Old Town leaving Captain gave path ( iers’ He orders to clear away tbe wreckage and ered at Santiago to some port on the Included cf the church WHO home. algo wired that he is of Old Town; Liberty of Bangor. First many prominent 3 sure the canvas aboard, und thou the orew northern ocast of Amerlou. Thus far and other structures and no ( quite the pestilence will be stamped prize, (100; second, (to. get bolldlngs out. went 10 work with a will, clearing up his recommendations bare not been car- other course could have teen token 1 HAVE L __ Hand first olass— Hunnemun No. tabs, the the Columbia with ried out, but today Secretary Root and the where the ( 1 of Ellsworth; Tieanlo of Ellsworth tangle, drlltlng through olty possibilities w young children TO PROSECUTE liOYCOTTEHS. the waves, a dismantled and sad Uvn. Miles had a conference on tno sub- or damage were ar great. The towers of | rTorront No. 8 of Dexter; Dirlgo looking should purchase c Fells; craft. ject. the First Presbyterian, Third Cleveland, Ohio, August 2—Major J.R. No. 3 of Ellsworth. First prize, (ICO; Presbyteri- was As soon as the accident tbe an ami Central Chur hes were McQuigg today appointed acting second, (51. ooourred, Baptist advocate Defender, which was the neureet to CEBU UNPACIFIED. blown down. judge by Adjutant General Hand tabs, second class—Heala of yacht A MILK STERILIZER PROF. J. L. COWAN. the Columbia, lowered her rib topsail and, The Lyceum theatre was totally no F Axline, commanding Ohio national Randolph; Dover and Foxoroft of Dover; Manila, August 3—3.65 p. m.—Mail ad- on her unfortunate ri- rooted. The star theatre's rcof was milk can form idea won- guard troops duty here, lie will at 'J oi rent No. ranging up alongside ytces from the Island of Cebn anoconce keeps sweet Nobody any of tlio 3 of Bucltsport. First prize, off hurls two ^ onoe take the case of tha bo far val, Mr. Dunoan Inquire! anxiously If ripped and 1 blocks away. for 44 hours. L iderfnl cures this man un- up boycott (100; second, (51. that n oompany of Americans attacked performed by as it relctes to the one had been burt, act! upon receiv- soores of dwelling houses In tbe path soldiers. Gen. Axline Hose race— sny the trenches, situated two kilo- (less tliey go to the Hotel Preble and see reel Dirtgoe of Ellsworth, Ftllpluo of the storm were * said that cf stoies who ing a reassuring answer, stood by for a unrcnfed. Trees and It done. Prof. Cowan today proprietors Dlrlgos of Brewer, Senator Halos nnd metres Irom the town of K1 Pardo. The in his remarkable refused to time, and tbeu went on a little out eleutrlo poles went down lietore the gule. sell goods to either soldiers or lllrlgo Jrs. of kllswoitfa. of Oro- jaunt rebels were commanded by tbe brothers makes no extravagant claims of civilians oonld Eagles to set. The steam craft near at hau l The root was lifted off the three stury undoubtedly be punished no, Unions of Bangor. First prize, (73; Cllmacos, who are prominent and wealthy A FOOD WARMER L miraculous power. Neither does be re- under the hv. raced up to the disabled Columbia at full shirt factory In which several score of second, (36. persons. The Charleston shelled the ene- blind faith on the of tho sub- the torpsdo boat Dupont girls and men were at work and the milk quire part Hose of Brew- speed, reaching my and the Filipinos retreated. The keeps warm k who comes coupling oonteet-Dirlgo her llrst and medical ince waa blown llvo Inches out of for 10 hours. C (healingject to him for treatment. offering assist American oasnalties wera The unlldtog er, Dirlgo and Senator Hale of Ellsworth, slight. is is the If H was needed All kinds of plamb. 11 underlying principle of all of ol Union yurhts presenoe of the Cllmaoos with the rebels Eagle Orono, Tiger Foxoroft, scon reached tbe There was a In the science, and be has demonstrated It beat, and foremost or- canlo building but i* to of and Old Town of Old Town, la reported to hays been due to rebel Bangor, them was tbe steam all The will ALSO INFANT FOODS. P the public by actual work, done in the One prize, (35, among yacht Augus- ders from Luzon. escaped Injury. building j ta, with Jobu B. Uerreshoff and a have to be torn down If It does not fall. most public manner. Whether sick or There hae been only one entry In the party nf ladles aloard. Mr. Herrrsboff was TheJ roof was lifted off the home of well do not fail to go to Hotel Preble GREATEST ladder oonteet. Champion Hcok and Lad WHOLE SYSTEM THREATENED. grieved when Informed of the acci- Counollman Ksinbardt and oarrled two and see Prof. Cowan’s maivellous der company of Bangor. The priza is (35. deeply power dent but was pleased to learo that na one Fort Hnron, Mtob., August 3.—The blooks and then crashed Into another H. demonstrated. In bis baud over HAY & SON. I placing bad been machinists in the Cram I Trunk In the aide. In THE hurt. Many of the yachts shops house, breaking many i the diseased parts of the body bis hand WEATHEll. offered to tow the Colombia back Into here went on a strike today. The trouble cases tbe wind after unroofing houses, Tr7Pir-?r?r'jr?rTrTrtI and arm twice its natural but as Mr.Ieelln was caused the fore nan a non- all the furniture out or tbe LH. enlarges size, Newport, bad previously by setting whipped up- a dark color and to all tbe offer made from the Associa- union man to work. Every branch of the stories and scattered it the .turns very ap- Boston, Aug. 2.—Foreoaat for Boston accepted per through pearances loses its vitality. ted Press t'lg Id. C. Hart, to standby and International Machinists’ Association streets and yards many blocks distant and take Columbia Id was and tbe Association of At tbe First I This is due to jhe great electric forces vicinity, Thursday:—Partly cloudy tow, be obliged td Amalgamated Presbyterian church when HUMAN decline the with was notified and tower crashed it which absorb the disease from the dis- weather with local thunder storms in the offers, thanks. Engineers the strike tbe down rell upon the 4 t or some time none knew what bad will extend today over the entire In the ohurch yard. This caused eased organs of the patient. People who variable winds. Fair sys- graves j afternoon; light been the cause of the fur there tem. Two hnndrsd and men are oat an of the earth and to 'have been suffering for years should not acoldent, lift/ upheaval brought Friday. oertalnly was not strong enough breeze here. the surface skeletons and skulls that had 1 neglect this opportunity for being cured blowing to causa It. but it was later seeu long Urn under ground. Old trees In the no mateer bow have Washington, Aug. 2—Forecast for t many physicians that the port spreader had broken upwurd IOWA REPUBLICAN ohurch yard were uprooted and these this man cannot fail. No such CONVENTION. BLESSINGS and by the strain of the up In their roots other skeletons (failed, Thursday Friday:—New England topmast shroud, brought man has ever visited Portland before, A skin without blemish and a body nour* and causing the topmast to treik off. The Des Moines, la., Angnst 3.—At the Re- and, skulls. The streets are almost Im- i Showers thunder storm Thursday; He stands without an equal as a healer Ished with pure blood. Such Is the happy scdrten'foice of the spar, tbe weight of publican state convention here today L. passable with debris. Fair fresh to brisk was in the known world and has the strong- condition produced by CUTICURA SOAP Friday Southerly the topsail and clubs coining against M. Shaw of Denison renomlnutcd It took about ten minutes for the est testimonials to substantiate this and CUTICURA Pint men;, eternally, and shifting to westerly winds. the starboard masthead shrouds was too for governor by acclamation. J. C. Mll- tornado to pass thiough tbe olty troth. CUTICURA RESOLVENT, Ul too for end It ool- llmaa of Harrison, for lieutenant-govern- and then the rain fell In torrents taierSalf?, ■*Sr juuch tl)S Jtee) magr flooding Don’t forget tho date and Prof. severest cases of torturing, disfiguring. r~JT- lapsed. The expense of iT-rlgglcg Colum- or: K. U. Barrett of Mltohell, fur super- everything and adding to the dnmaue place. LOCAL and Cowan will be at Itching, burning, and scaly humors. -v WEATHER REPORT. bia will be although must of intendent of public instruction, E done by the wind. Just ahead of the Preble House, Mona- _ heivy, an^ thfc wire shrouds ana stays chn be used A. Dawson of Bruner for railroad com- stsrm oloud Itself thero was a severe mept Square, on August 3, 4, 5, Thurs- Sold Portland, Aug. 2, 1393.—The loon) ertrrw\^ Piltfis, f h e Skt. fl Ut«. CmctrsA necessarily hare to under- missioner, were re-noininuted by acclama- shower of bill atones. day, Friday and Saturday of tills week. "n*L -rjT CHwtmebt. «0c Rkmolvkkt (half *1*0. Wc* again,tbeyjwlll weather bureau records the severe test as to were Come earlv and avoid thn rofTBR Dbuo ABI> Chkm. Com* Solo Prop*, Burtoa. following: go a their strength. Thu tion, klany persons slightly Injured by 01“ How to Cure Humors,” 64-p«*e book, free. 8 a. m.—Barometer, 80.020: thermome- hull of the.boat wes not seriously dam- being strnok by Hying debris. ter. dew RsL the The excitement In 70; point, 69: humidity aged, only perceptible Injury being a greatest prevailed ____ and ware Mamma CS; direction of wind, calm; wind veloc- large.dent In one of tbe meral plates on the olty. Firemen police pi teed My elves ma after office hours ADAMS on In The by special appoint* ANDERSON, «TC0, ity, state of weather, p oldy. the starboard side, just abaft of the mast. Headache duty the wrecked section. po- BROWN'S INSTANT RELIEF, 8 p. ra.— Barometer, thermome- The plate can Biliousness, sour stomach, constipa- lice and firemen say the loa< will be oloas meat. 29.983; damaged easily by beat For cousin. Colds, Collo. Cholera. Fire Insurance ter, 68; 62; rel. Into and so for tion and all liver ills are cured by to a quarter million, but this estimate Agency dewpoint, humidity, 83; shape being above the Morbus, Dysentery, Croup, Bor. direction of wind, wind cannot interfere Is believed to be exoessHe, three 31 Street. B; velooity, waterline, seriously perhaps Throat, Diphtheria, eto. 0 lice Hours From 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. exchange 4; stale of weather, oldy. with tbe bust's times the aotual lose. speed. I Max. 81; min. 60; mean Admiral W. !’. bis Hood’s Pills THINK IT IS REAL MICE TO TAKE, first Class American and Foreign Companlei temp., temp., Sampson, ff-’g non- Price LINN HAS VISIT. Consultation, Examination and Ad wax. wind Lieutenant The non-irritating cathartic. ttOBACC AXBEUSOM. CEA8. C. ADAMS, temp., 70; velocity 14S; pre tenant, Commander Winslow Pn-!>»™i t J Seaway Slrmcixi of all druggists or by mail ol Co. Xovwiy, Ha Tice Free. dccis Xbob, J. I.ITTU. 1, eodU cijdtntlon—84 hour*, Republic." short, Sprattat Con- The 2.13 paoe was an easy (or to do to set rid of tbene Deals which mar will be t (Second winning Tbe road, formally opened might by or oourw at Unit, 1 or the first Game.) elation and tbelr friends at tbelr lie d evening entertainment consisted roy time Maxine, a which the wheelman. It la expected that ever? Philadelphia mare, of a recital "The Book of Mrs. tbe appearance at tbe white marble build- this season we had a fast maa at second St. Louis, 00001000 0—1 at island that an annual Held Job," by same here with a record of 1.11 8-4 and day Long who believes In roads and Boston, 10100300 0—5 Ida Judd. ing very rapidly. person good and while be had one Is to be held In order to Benfey base, only chance, went buok to her stall after the llrat day perpetuate While this matter was under would Ilka to tee the beautiful tides Base bite—St. Louis, 8; Boston, 0. Er- The attendance at tbe lectures and discussion the good results of the change will b< the memory of this society that has !>* n rors—St. Louis 1. Batteries — beat with a new murk of 2 09 1-3 Marl- there came tbo about Portland In eondition so that 1; Boston, classes continue) along street one day a put seen 1n future Behind the so beneficial to our men. It w. a large. games. bat.wai Cuppy and Sohreok; Bailey and Clark. on U., a Boston raare.whlob beat MaxlDe young man can ride with oomfort and Thu chorus Is several named Taylor. Now this Mr. Taylor bicyclists the new man who halls from a conceited by a few of rehearsing pieces Nelson, At Louisville— Louisville, 7; New York, In the nine-heat race at Dover last happy thought Is a In his will be at 8 wok, of for the cocoon Thurs- genius way and bearing at tbe safety, present tonight our East farm and whose work 6w the members to hold this reunion and musig opening Douglass foroed the favorite to that fast and orobtem of the o'clock to try this new and show At clip, day Among the selections which government oflloers he path yesterday gives promise that wj shall not Philadelphia—First game, Phila- met with the heartiest response. In a evening. In the next heat waa again a close said that be was their of It. A oar delphia, 8| Cleveland, 5; Ovs Innings, eeooad, will be rendered is the famous "Miserere" prepared to offer a eola- appreciation speolal miss Toft. Nelson Is a few the whole matter was Neighbor stocky darkness. Seoond game, darkness. hot lacked the speed to head her. days arranged * tion to It. Ho asked of Will leave the bead of Preble street at 8 from "II Trovatore." permission Inspec- little fellow, built a good deal on Uu At Pittsburg—Pittsburg, 8; by the committee, Messrs. Welsh, for Klvsrtun Baltimore, Today’s programme Includes a 8. II tor Condon to try bis soheme. “Uo o’olpolt and will carry the but a flu and whose efforts ground, splendid baokstop aod 2.30 trot and 3.18 Dougherty MoGowan, WILLIAM WALDORF DECLINES TO said members of the pace, paoe. ahead,” Mr. Condon, “and if yonr Mayor, city government judging by hts work In praotlce has as NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING. were highly appreciated by the gentle- TALK. and the Summary: remedy works I dare say yon will make a Bicycle Path association to the arm on him that needs no non who attenedd the festivities. favoring. Won. Lost. Per ct 2.13 August 2.—Mr. William Wal out of new traok. There the Portland wheel Claes, Paolng; Purse $800. , good thing your Invention for tbe Thanks to S'lanaghan, the Pawluoketi Brooklyn.fto 29 uvh After full justice bad been done to the dor.VA>tor bits been besieged by reporters club will be and Boston ..55 34 oh William government would give much to know Inspected then there didn't do any base and Nelson A18 Maxine, m, by C. P. delicious shore dinner at Cushing’s oafe since tbe official announcement running Philadelphia... S3 3fl A95 —dam yesterday will be a at by Strathmore, (Grady,) 111 was just bow to keep tbe sparrow# and pleasant evening the Hlvsr- therefore hed no to ebon 8t. General J. J. first of, that be naturalized a British sub- pigeons opportunity Louis. 51 3H .513 Merlon G., b (O’Nell) 2 2 5 Lynch, president ton casino with halt an hour’s concert Baltimore. 51 37 A80 m, ject July 27th of this year. He absolute- away from lte buildings. by what he oould do the At B 4 2 the society, oallad upon Mr. T. J. Welsh during play. Chicago. 47 49 .575 Marjorie, bjaa, (Kervtok), ly declines to see any one, but has autho- Tbe the Fadettee. Mazle b next day Taylor returned and bat be was the only Portland player who Cincinnati.48 42 .523 Sidney, m, (Drlakwater), 8 B 3 to act as toastmaster. Interesting epiech' ( rized bis agents to say he considers the ■eland Wilkes. b 5 3 4 brorght six Iron rats. They were aa near It was stated yesterday that the Port- failed to bit at the Pittsburg. 40 44 All Jr., a, (Pickle), were made by Messrs. matter purely personal, has no safely, butjbe swung Louisville.1 40 Lynch, Looney, explana- land Kallroad has 48 .545 Libby C., m, (James), 4 5 6 tion* to to for tbe the real thing sb mould could mske them. offered to give |10» to ball well, and drove It when he met It. New York. 35 63 Keating. McGowan, Col. offer, quite prepared A92 2.09 2.10 8.14 1-.4 O’Donogbne, attacks of the the Path association with Washington. 31 Xme, 1-3, 3-4, American newspapers who Their appearnnse was ferocious In tbe Bicycle which Onoe he got U over right field fence, but 58 .370 Copt. Kelly of the Thompson line, Moln- attacked him when it was Cleveland. 18 78 .174 2.14 Purse previous ‘sug- extreme and their wire whiskers bristled to oontlnne the path farther toward Riv- just ontslde the flagpole. Claes, Trotting; $560, tyie of faoo. Judge Gould, E. J. Mur- gest sd that there was a possibility of hii with all the of tbe wildest erton. This news will be very gratifying In the Bonnie becoming a British subject, and in con- savagery eighth O'Connor jnst managed S01EGBEAT RACING. Lecoo.blk s.by Boy—Lucy phy, Joseph E. JT. Connolly while J, P. to of Portland who Homer, 1 1 1 clusion, that any interviews purporting rodent. Mr. Taylor with the assistance the wheelmen are to get In front of hie long line drive to by Homer, (btberldge,) Welsh, the gifted baritone, aroused the to come from are devoid of founda- In the Greenbrlno, e (Otlert), 8 3 2 him, of tbe janitor soon pat these iron rata In much Interested completion of this, oenter. The of tlx A enthusiasm sere re tion. right hitting powers .World's Record for -1-Year-Old Marcs Celibate, g, (Cheney) 3 4 7 greatest by rendering Two were over the first real bloycta path In Maine. plaoe. plaeed each door Pawtuoket team were weakened some- ■established. Little Dlok, r g. (Pone), 6 2 8 popular selections. as far as went where the what of Muo g, 0 5 4 was JUDGMENT DEFERRED. they sparrows LEWISTON BATH STOCK course by the absenoe of Whiting Ado, (Kennedy), It ths universal expression of all an!) SOLD 4 8 3 and are accustomed to roost Columbus, Ohio. 8.—This was Nicola, it, (Payne,) irs Madrid, 2.—At pigeons who is laid up from Injatles received tb« August the speak that the good work of the August today’s sitting oh _ 7 7 5 dur the WarAvlIle. August 8.—L C. Libby, a of Confessor, g, (Brady), of the court martial before which Gen- n' day aud night. The Inspector, day before but when snoh men ns Wiley, day great racing at the Columbus White Grattans shall be oonttnued ar.it that ni treasurer of the Brunswick Points, g, (O'Nell), 8 B 6 erals Toral and are tried the and others wbo were Lewiston, driving The weather was ideal Raraja being janitor Interested Leplne and Weisbecker oould do nothing park. Time, 2.12 1-4, 2.12 3-4 2.13 1-4. field day shall be held annually. It wm on charges of having surrendered to the and Bath street railway today sold New and the traok 'n tbe soheme then gathered on the side- with Klanagban It It pretty safe to say very fast. Searchlight a tepresentntlve gathering and one tha AmericuDS before exhausting all mean: York (300 worth of bonds 3.15 Claes, Posing; Parse $500. walk across tbe street to see parties ,006 the three fastest heats of the rea- Of defense at their how It that Hobart would have proved no great paced appreciated the good work anompllsheJ command, Gen. and worth of stock In this Of course (£6,000 road. son, 8.03 8.04 and The Shah, g s, by Pareja's counsel read telegrams ex- worked. the pigeons and spar- assistance to them. A new man Greene 1-4, 1-4,and 2.04, dipped Thorr—Tlpay by this society whose efforts to elevate tt» Tuts deal closes out all the securi- by Alcalde, (Allen). 4 111 changed with the rows bad been when tbe nearly a half seoond off bis record. The Maid commander-in-chief, frightened away played right field and took what came tc Journeyman, be. by litsrary standard have alwsye met wit showing that Guantanamo only ties and gives the New Yorkers an oreated a sensation by winning the Prodigal— capitu- rats were put In but him. Bone's work was rather off on the post- Winneil William success lated on orders being position they bjr L., from a officer of three-fourths of a million poned 2.10 paoe after falling to finish bet- superior soon came back with all of the ownership (O'Neil,) 18 6 3 and, that tit) town was without either circling whole, but outside of thst Pawtucket ter than third In any one of the four dollars In the road. Unolo Torn, b g, (Base), 9 2 8 3 CHANGED WITH STEALING JUNK. previsions or means of defease. Th« cooing and chattering of birds rightly in- played good ball. beats paced Tsesday. The Maid also es Ralph ODe, b m, (Smith), 3 6 8 4 other officers advanced a similar defense. tablisbed a new world's rsoora for four- Last Charles Stafford was arrest- dignant at being disturbed. But when MAINE PENSIONS. Colbotb, b g, (Brewster), 8 5 2 7 night The judgment ct tbe court martial wai ycsr-old metes, when she paced the U fth these knowing birds spied Mr. Mercury Wilkes, oh s. 8 4 9 ed on tbs complaint of Joel Leighton, a deterred. Taylor’s 3.—The Portland won the game In the seoond heat Ik 8.06 8-4, The best reo (Palmer),3 Washington, Angus! following previous American Girl, eh m, 4 5 Iron rats there was a flutter of a ord was 2.00 made The Maid (Conley),« 7 jnnk man, charged with stealing junk wings, hare been to Maine Inning when a lot of base nits aided b) 1-4, by at br Rev. A. J. Walsh of pensions granted peo- Cleveland last week. George:if., g, (Stanwood), 5 7 B 8 from his Stafford that Minneapolis and renewed chattering of frightened sparrows three errors and nsslstei farther a Del blk place. says he has by The 2 U4 to, .g, (Gatcomb), 7 9 9 0 J. W. ple: paoe, despite the fast never taken Caph Kelley of London, weri and pigeons aud they flew across tbe base on time, any junk front Leighton's CtCBXASX. balls, netted us seven runs. Tbs was wots with- Time. 3.11 1-4, 3.11 1-4. 2.14, 9.13 3-4. tha invited the by Heerohlight apparently He that his among guests at Grattans street to bold a consultation. Where tbe fan started when Clark fumbled Hub out effort. The results: shop. says mother Is sick outing at Island. Wm. S. Hanecome, Sebago Lake, (10 8.10 and he has been to bul yesterday Long Iron rnts were, there tbe birds would not Jim Hmith'B bit, and Sullivan and Pul- paoe; purse MOCO, (Postponed from AWARDING CONTRACTS. trying help her, to (13. yesterday)—The Maid, Utst; Ass, second; that he has been go bnt tbe other door were sifer followed We contin- persecuted by Leighton. combings dames H. Turner, HeadiMd, (8 to #10. wilth singles. Eyelet, third. Best time, 2,06 1-4. ooveced with them as of old. He wad arrested last night and 1 okgl ued to make It warm for Mr. Callahac 2 04 pace; purse 62000—riearohlight, ■eUrnUeg Kvldeaee As To Mow It Is “I reckon bave struck tbe WILL VISIT KOUULAND. Frank up to swalt examination. j you remedy until eleven men had been at bat. Thai first; Anaconda, seoond; Bogush, Boise In Wcw York. KECHAM SPILLS at said the third; Directly, fourth; Beasla Benehill, last,” and Mr. 3.—Hon. C. E. Lit- of oourse la dm Inspector, Tay- Koekland, August Inning pot the game sixth. Best MAINE EDIIOHS AT CALAIS. lor rubbed fifth; Chshalir, time,2.03 1-4. cure bttfous and nervous ills, gleefully his hands and sold bs tlefield, received a telegram from Admi- hands beyond doutt and from then on the 2 23 The New trot; pusse *3000— Queen, It rut; Vorh, Avgust 3.—The most Inter- CilaiB, August 3.—About 60 members disordered knew bis plsn would work. But tbs ral this afternoon, stating that sport oooslstet tb« second; Chain Best sick headache, Sampson chlifir in watching Owyhee, Shot,third. esting thing that developed today In oon- of the Maine Press association, with Ja. Is a Dine, i 10 1-4. liver and sparrow cunning bird and was not the United States battleship Texas, and visitors lu vats to break th< neotlon With the dies, arriva l here over ths impaired digestion. struggle 2 12 Mnzat legislative inves- Washington to driven bis favorite cruiser will arrive at this trot; purse *30)0.—Bonntella, first; county railroad, this on theli I.Htn and »5 c.nt., at all ani, atom. easily away from Brooklyn, port, spell big Thomas had woven nboot them. tigation committee was the fact that afternoon, Air aha, second; Dr. Leek, third. Best annual Tbs Was en'er- an s a excursion., party i roosting place. After hour or so Sunday morning, for two days’ visit. Up to the ninth r.r t a lad teen mads 2 10 1-4. member bit time, every of the municipal council talne 1 this evening at the ft. Crolr (clubs ■1ICKUA.1KOCI. THE LAW COURT. •ft to examine witnesses for the state, al- SOUTH Mias Oigcod cf /.uburn la visiting Miss ■iKRUARCon. I «uarici.t.A the Presiding Justices. Hilton & Hilton for plaintiff and Cost- returned George Peters and Georgia Wether- home. i » SEVEN ner for defendant. | Soott Oliver bee. and family are enjoying At four o'clock the oonrt un- : : adjourned a two weeks’ outing at Higgins Uegob. The law court opened this morning, til thl* morning. i > with the action of the Inhabitants of MUNICIPAL OBITUARY. i SUTHERLAND COURT. about dark South Monday evening jnct 3onth Thomaston vs. tho inhabitants of Hill, judge. Nine drank* were expe- Portland came very near being the soene Friendship. This wss an notion brought ditiously disposed of with sentences rang- of a aid and bat for tbe hereto MICHAEL J. TIERNEY. to recover for drowning i > pauper supplies furnished ing from 13 and costs to CO in days jail. action of little Oeorglo Wetherbee, a ooy Mr. Mlohael J. cf this i SISTERS the family of one, Albert Watson. The John Tierney city, > Qulnonnnon was arraigned on about 4 old and of Is years tieorge Peters, who enlisted In Co. 11. Gtb U. S. lnfm- » question whether this family has la- two Intoxication and warrants, aharglng tbe two year old girl of Mr. Bert Dyer try, died la Uuantansmo, Cuba, July ; gal rosldenoj In Thomaston or Friend- au resisting officer, respectively, lie pro- would have gone to a watery 10th. ship. It Is not oontsnded either side probably Mr.Tierney's doath will be learned by cured a continuance of bis coses to Thurs- grave. of with muob sorrow. He was hg that the were residents of South years paupers day morning and was ordered to furnish Tba little girl was walking along a cf age. The burial took place In Cuba. Thomaston. A vsrdlet for (50 was re- ft ICO ball on e tob warrant for hi* appear- near e not plaak tbe waters Ige far from Mr. Tierney was a brother-in-law cf Mr. covered at nisi prim and from this Ter- ance at that time. the marine railway, when she slipped Peter Sullivan lu the if dlct the defense excepts on account of W. employ Varney George Horry, charged with assault- and fell Into waler almost to her neok. & amendment of declaration al- up Co. Commercial street. plaintiff’s ing was Henry Langhl'.l, dlsobarge.l at Ueorgie Wetherbee who was with the lowed by the preeldlng justice at the the of the CAPT. MANSON HUME. request olty marshal In the ab- Dyer girl at the time, with a presence of trial. Littlefield for the plaintiff; Mort- st’noo of material Capt. Maoscn a retired evidence for the prose- mind rather remarkable for oi.j of bis Hume, ship- land & Johnson for the defense. outrun. master, died suddenly at bis home 11? years, reached over and grabbing the girl Next followed the action of John H. York’etreet, Tuesday of heart U. R DISTRICT COURT. by tbe hair held her head out of the afternoon, Lsrrabee In equity vs. Mary M. Jackson; disease. GASTOIIA Webb, judge. Petitions In water. Ueorgo Peters who lives on Front For Infants and Children. a bill brought to compel defendant to bankruptcy Capt. Hume was born In Watervllle have been filed by John L. South street happened to te sitting at a window convoy to the plaintiff certain real estate ilset, In 1SS2, and while yet yomig, hie pniente Portland; Osborne L. Hollo- inthc sjcoaJ story of his bouse, aud In accordance with her alleged written Reynolds, moved to Calais, Me. In the year 1S40 Hair Grower and well, and Rimer N. Bradley of seeing tbe aooldent an 1 recognizing the agreement at time ut tho conveyance by Augusta. be moved to this otty where he resided The Kind You Have The next sesilon of tho cf aotlon, from virtue of whloh she agreed to reconvey to oeurJ fur the ad- nooesslty prompt Jumped until the time cf ble death. He went to judication of will tbe window and landing on the grass him at any time on demand certain prop- bankruptcy petitions sea very young, and at the age cf 23 was beneath rnehed to tbe assistance of the Gleaner lnnumhranoes be held on the fourth In Au- on Saturday Scalp erty free of all put by master cf a fine sohooner. Until 15 years gust. little party and resouod them from their As- Always Bought her. Chief Justice Peters decreed tho ago he followed the sea, being engaged AVegetaWcPreparationfor Invited to call and traublog. Of ooarss, tbe little girl got a theFood Everybody prayed-for reconveyance of the property CUMBKHLAND BAR most cf the time In the coasting and West similating andReguta- 8ec the of PICNIC. good dueklng but yesterday she was about Stomachs magnificent growth and from this tlocree the defendant ap- India trade. Some cf the vessels Capt. ting the antlBowels of The annual plonlo of tho Cumberland as lively ns usual and was suffering In no hair of the ladies in attendance peals. Littlefield for the plaintiff; J. U. Homo commanded 'were (the Graoe Web- Bar aesoolatlon will he hold at tbo Gem way from ber accident. and at the same time secure free & C. O. Montgomery for the defense. ster, Electric Light, and the tbno mast'd of the Bay hoiel, Prince's point, Satur- DEATH Otf MISS AQUSUTA H. ■- advice as to how to treat the hair Kdwlu K. Thorndike, administrator of cobconer Nellie True, said to be tho tlrct ■— • ■ ■ — dey, August 6th. Tho party will take the and to obtain best results. the estate of Lucy Thorndike, vs. Fred TITCOMB. three-masted schooner to sail from Maine scalp steamer Pejspsrol at Portland pier at ten Promotes DTgeslion.Cheerful- A W. Andrews, Is an actlou In trover tc re- Miss Augusta H. Tltcomb died at ber waters. She was built by the Sou’ei cf C. H. GUPPY o'clock sharp, reaching Prlnoe’s point at ness and Rest.Contains neither CO., cover talus of a $500 bond alleged to bate home, 3 Bhawmnt street in South Port- Ki amort eleven. Dinner at 1.3’J. Return ty Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. POIITEA3D. !»IE. been the propel ty of his Intestate at time land Tuesday night. Mies Tltcomb war Capt. Hume was twice married, his Yarmouth eleotrlos about Qve p. in. Not Narcotic. of her decease and later convorted to his far many years a member rf the Brm of Urat wife being Hannah Brooks cl Rob- The entertainment committee is com- Hilts. H. A.SMALL’S own uso by the d< fend ant. A non suit M. S. & A. U. Tltcomb, dealers In mil- ertson, by whom he had three children, posed of H. T. Whltehcuse, C. W. Pea- at nisi and to this the linery and at 150 Brackett the one Mrs. K. iea~|.,rdered prlns 1 fdr. R P Thnmniiin fanoy goods only survlrlDg being KKVtafOtdTtSAMUELPOVBER plaintiff for BtHiflt:. A ill)lif. a tamp arm i.ha firm crslil N. Thornes of Denmark, His second wife excepts. Montgomery plain- JhunpAm Smd- OINTMENT. tiff; Littlefield far defense. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. out ami Miss Tltoomb with her sister, nraB Adeline Keen, by whom be bad two MxJmnm ItcJulU SJ* I ss. sou xravciers tnsnrancs ■vmoved to Soutb whore she ohlldren Cora A. and Nellies Both THIRTY El ward L. Pickard of Newton, Mass Portland, company will bo argued la wrltlug. In to Frederick O. Bailey of Portland, for lived to the time cf her death. She took wife and ohlldren survive him. > State vs. a lot of land on Lynde and tlvs other appealed $1. the easterly slda of an active Interest In ohnroh affairs, ami Capt. Hume was au icgersollian In I YEARS Brown street: lu that part of Portland HimSud- liquor oases the defendants’ exception' was prominently Identified In every matters cf religion, honest and straight- wbioh was formerly Bering. have been overruled. movement as a man ns ) SALE. Ansel Harmon of Bridgton to Ina E. fir the betterment cf the Bap- forward and friend, lorlng Albert L Dutch vs. The Bodwell Gran- Kimball, of Brilgton.for 8lO,» lot of land tist church to which she belonged. Her a husband and was a kind, devoted pur ite In on tbe side Remedy forConstipa- company. This la an notion brought Bridgton easterly of the lo- sister, Miss M. S. Tltoomb, with whom ent. His word was as grod as gold, and Apetfect cation of the Bridgton & s'nuo Rite: rail- tion, SourStomach.Diarrhoca. CURES to rcoover from the defendant she Is at in a hla life bis was company road. resided, present very pre- during greatest pride Worms .Convulsions,Feverish- damages for personal Injuries, alleged to Ueoico A. By non of Portland to Frank carious condition. that he had never Injured a f-liow man. BURNS, BRUISES, have P. Bradford of ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. boen sustained through the detect- South Portland, for $1, a The age cf the deceased was £6 years The funeral will occur from his late BACK ACHE, lot of land In South ive construction of a dray used by them Fortlaod, being a and she Is survived by two slaters, Mrs. residence at 117 York street this after- PAINS IN portion of the Spring property. Tac Sinule Signature of SIDE, In the of stone nni driven Thomas noon at 2.30 o'clock. transportation Walter W. Pnrington of Harrison to Files and Miss M. 8. Tltoomb. Stomach, Groin. Soro Ki'lnuyw, Piles, by the plaintiff. At nisi prlus a verdlot John E. Prootor of Hurrlsen, for 8 a A brief service will be held at the house or Inflamed *o, MILTON 8. BR1RY, M. D. Eyes, Scrofula. X third of a lot of land In lor |1,€31 was recovered and to this vei- part Harrison on No. 3 Shawmut street, this afternoon, NEW YORK. Years Put UD In a green p&sto board wrapper. tbe southerly sice of the oounty rood Bath, August 3.—Milton 8. Brlry M Thirty Pi ice 33 cents. dlct tho defense excepts. fter wbtoh the funeral servtoe will take leading over Dawes hill and on the west- D. tbs oldest Ask your druggist for It. This homeepathlo practitioner completes the Knox county docket, erly side of the road the place at the Bethel ahuroh. Kev. Frau- leallng part In tbla city, and ooe of the oldest In the following whioh comes Llnooln county. homestead farm of Charles A. Whitney. ds Soutbwortb cf the Seamen’s Bethel, died this noon after n brief H. Nehemlah W. Hire of Boston Mass., to state, Illness, Ths Mrs. A. Small Ointment Co., In the action of Hilda Burnet le vs. ard Kev. Mr. Wilson will olUolate at the Krederlok U. Bailey of Portland for $1 n aged 71 years. He was born In Howdoln AUBURN, MAINE. Jamrs E. it has been Mulligan agreed lot of landfand on the norther- ohuroh. Interment will he at Western Ju24 buildings and bad praotloed In Hath since 185?. EXACT COPYCF WRAPPEB. tu.th&sat that dt fendunt’e exceptions shall bo over- ly side of Spring street In that of part oometery. He was president of the Bath Savings In- ruled and on verdict Is Portland which was formerly at Judgment record- Deering I [CUSTOMTHC CENTAUR COMRANT, NEW YORK C»TV. Ita with the CLAM BAKE AT EMERY’S GROVE stitution and a trustee for many years, July, ed by ugreemeot. Hilton & Hilton for junction easterly side of TIT Brawn sir «t. had served In both branches of the tho A dam baki was at olty plaintiff; Prince & Hall far tha de- Constant Sonthworth to Arthur W. given Emery’s government, and was a member of the August, fense. , tiullfoid for 81, land In Portland. Grove last week by Mrs. A. C. Loveltt American Institute of and In Ruth B. Plummer of Yarmouth to and Mrs. which was Homeopathy |\j the afternoon tho case of Fremont J. P. E. Emery, at- WHEN IN DOUBT. TBY They have Hood Frank S. McLaren of Yarmonth, for Maine Uomeopathlo socitty. He leaves have cured thousands of III September. Colton per pro nral ve E. 81, tended by about to guests. An orchestra OTHHUft ina Humphrey n lot of land In Yarmouth on the norther- \ I eases of Nervous Diseases, such When the melon vine commences to twine. a wife and four children, Dr. E. E. Brlry HliflSi Webster was argued. 'This Is a Lincoln side of the road if fiur nieces furnished music and %3 I IIUI1U as Debility, And fruits to colic in stomachs incline; ly leading from Yar- aod Miss Duiincts,Sleepless* Mary E., of Bath; John cf iaiiii I ness and Ac. Then all should recall, since “auld county oase. The suit mouth Kalis to Freeport, containing one among those present were: Mr. ami Mrs. K., Varicocele,Atrophy, lang syae,** plaintiff brought cf clear the Our mothers have used aore. with Mr. Boston,and William.3, Mslnise. Mass. AllAm They brain, strengthen Johnson’s Anodyne. for false arrest and the buildings A. C. Loveltt cf Willard, and Mrs. ■ the circulation, make presiding justice Joslah of to digestion Harding Gorham Florence NOTES. end a ordered a non suit. Tho cose Ellsworth Yount, and family cf iioator, perfect, healthy comes to the H. Morse of for a lot of land impart Gorham, 81, ▼Igor to the whole All drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients ltw court on Ur. and Mrs. J. P. Morion cf William of being. exoeptlone. The defendant in Gorham on the westerly si . The plaintiff wee arrested and City, Yu $1, U. D. Emery and daughter cf Chloopne, parly S urns, bruises, sun bum, sprains or strains, It is a lot of land aud buildings on the north- ladlee In the tender, and was lowing the sovereign cure. All who use it are amazed at before the Mr. and Mrs. Will York of BuxtoD, Mrs. brought defendant as trial erly side of Uxford street In Portland, when he fell baok ward from tbs sent and Its power ami are loud lu its praise for ever after. L. B. cf Mr. Ed Burn- justice for Edgecomb on Saturday, Feb- 01 8-3 fees from the northerly cernor of Emery fluxion, expired. The women In the doji were one a DOSE. n y Q’DIM 0 Fhy*euna‘ 1£33. Prior to Oxford and Wllmot streets. ham cf Mr. and Mrs. P. E. shocked by the trayio occurrence, and TnoUflo rr.Lu, say they are Best Liver ruary 4, going before the §tandlsb, 1’ill made for Slcv Llewellyn M. Leighton of Portland to wefe alarmed for their wifely, but two Biliousness, Headache, all trial justice the consulted W. Emery end two sons. Laroy and Erwin Liver troubles. Send for our Book. Price S&cts. plalntlB Frederio B. Marston of former- young women who keen how to row took ELIXi Portland, I S. JOHNSON AOU.«Cuatom HousebUBoeton. H. an cf Willard. Ttkon It was a PI Hilton, attorney, who wroto the for 81, a lot of land In Port- altogether the cars anil brought the party to ly Deering, safely I ble Ingredients which cures disorders of the digestive trnct anil expels worms. It defendant a letter in at at most enjoyable oooaalon an d was one the float. Knight's was sent fDTRUE’S laud, formerly which he said that Deering, Coyle park Capt. Lody does not whip the tired organs Into temporary activity as most remedies do, followed the Intersection of the side of to bis borne. fj be bad n cold and oould not attend the northerly that will he long remembered by those I by an equal reaction, but True’s Elixir removes the cause of the trouble and its tonic Pearl street and the side of Park CAMERAS. trlul but bad easterly fortunate enough to 1m present. ■ effects are due to good, sound digestion and pure blood, which follow Its use. A favorite Instructed Fremont to plead avenue. PATENTS U RAN TED. family medicine for 47 years. Its popularity Is duo entirely to Its cures. Ask your not guilty end waive examination. He M. of Portland to DANIEL MoMANUS’ VALUABLE DOG Bj Llewellyn Leighton I Patents have been granted to the follow I druggist for It, 86 cents a bottle. OR* J» £*• TRUE A* CO., AUBURN, ME, Susan A. Heaton of for a Wo offer said that ho bad written to the trial jus- Port'and, tl. WAS KILLED. special inducements to lot of land In that part of Portland whinh Ing people In Maine: Lyman H. Cobb, tice so that It might be understood what amateur trado in the following: formerly was Deering on tbe westerly Daniel MoManue' valuable St. Bernard South Portland; Albert R. Ullman, Saco was wanted and>otbat.the plaintiff might side of Glenwood a feet souther- PHOTOGRAPHIC venue,WO dog, nsmotl ‘‘The Major," the largest Jerry F. O’Nell, Lewletcn; Edward SUPPI.IES. not be misunderstood. ly from tbe corner of Hack- The seat of Nervous Diseases is at base of brain. southwesterly In South Portland and ths of Portland. letl street and Glenwood avenue. dog pride Southwortb, When the nerve cells at this point waste, a tempi* Tho plaintiff's attorney argued that ; 31-2x3 1-2 Arthur F. Mirks and E. VlntonJEarl, the elty was run over Monday afternoon decline of the system occurs. Nervous Debility. Hawkeyj Cameras, this letter was delivered to the defendant At Augusta, at tbe residence Memory, Fain iu Back both of Portland, to Alice Condon Cor- on Mill creek bridge by nn eleotrlo car Monday, Atrophy, Varicocele,Failing 1 Insomnia. Etc., are symptoms of thin before pLtntiff’e trial began. The bea cf for a lot of land and of Mr John W. Cross, ooonrred tbo wed- Dyspepsia, $0.40 eacR plain- Portland, $!, and wui almost instantly kllloi. It took condition. Neglected, it results in Paresis, rft» on Devonshire street at Fessen- tiff Introduced evidence tending to prove buildings ding of his daughter, Flora Eva Cross or PalmoTablets den the combined efforts of the crew of two cf Insanity, Consumption. JjML park In Portland, ltd feet from the cure ills the starved 4x5 that the defendant opened hie court, read and the Rev. Herbert Clurke, pastor of these by renewing "Ray” Folding Camera, Intersection of the northerly side of Noyes tbn cars to lift the remains of the deg cunE cells, checkingalldrainsana replacing weakness said letter, stated that be would use the the the Pleasant .Street Baptiat church at boxes street and westerly side of Devonshire from the traok. Mr. MoManus on Mt'ftUnilC nCQH ITV wi h strength and ambition. 50c. a box; 1 * 'get- I eacli as well as street and on the eastern side of the Maine Mechanic Me. The nr.ill duo UlDILiI • iron-clad S5 00. Rend for Free $0.00 plaintiff just tf Mr. Hilton Falls, ceremony was --~ (wit'1 guarantee) ting the dead dog gave him a suitable Book. HALSID DKUU CO., CLEVELAND, O. were that the Central railroad. I Old Age Postponed, Wc also on hand there; plaintiff waived the performs b7 Dr. H :r.ioe W. Tllden of keep burial. 0. H. GUPPY A CO., AGENT3. PORTLAND, MK. reading of the complaint and pleaded ADMIRAL SAMPSON AT BAH HAR- Jaokscnvllli, IDs. PHOTOGRAPHIC FILU A UAUKltUtt U£ 2s AVI Limb no wan uuw guilty; shag tot) aeren- BOR. Free samples Hale's Asthma Eat- for Eastman Kodaks and Blair Hawk- dant then advised the plaintiff that he FOUND ON PROSPEUT HLLLr. Cure, blncej tho North Atlaotlo urday August 5th, at D. W. HeseltUe eyes, Cards, Bex 4x5 Paper, 80c gro. had a right to waive examination and squadron John Griffin wn3 walking orer Pros- visited as, Admiral Sampson has & Co.'a. SPECIALHEARING asked him if be wished to do so, and the again pect Util Monday aftsrncon when he dis- V Absorbed taken charge an J the IDet will be at Bar plaintiff replied that he did; that the de- covered a pigeon nestling In the sbado on Harbor, August 5tb to ICth inclusive. Tlie committee to N. M. PERKINS & CO., fendant did not thereupon sentenoe the the oreat of the bill. He picked It up and DAILY EUROPEAN HINTS. special appointed As many of onr Portland as people made wa< a — consider and upon the free street. plaintiff provided in Chap. 255, Laws found that It carrier pigeon with a /h report dtt of pleasant friends with those on board tbe \ )v2s 1885, but called and examined wit- metallic band on Its log, bearing tbe RE-NAMINC OF STREET8 the Maine Central railroad la to nesses; that the plaintiff's father, for ships sell number 8171 U. H. N. These pigeons \ Business exoursion tickets at one fare the round H. H. NbVENS & him, objected to the examination on the from the navy are now and then found CREATER PORTLAND CO., aaob the fleet at that the trip day Is Bar Harbor, as this one Wholesale Grocers, ground complainant was not just was, and In euoh oasee will give a public hearing to all parties wbloh was tickets being good for return until mid- Havo removed from their former placo present, trne; that the defen- the pnrtlee finding them have been re- interested, at the Alderman's Room in \ Affairs, night on August 10th and on Sunday, of business on Fore street to No. 223 dant overruled the objection; that after quested to notify tba Nary Department City Building at T30 Thursday evening Commercial where August 6tb, will run a speolal exoursion '".1 street, they will be continuing the examination for a time at Portsmouth, N. H. Mr. Griffin found of this week. to receive their and leaving Portland at 7.20 a. m. tickets be- pleased patrons variously estimated from half an hour the pigeon was pretty well exhausted so »ngl-d-3t friends. one ing sold at 92.03 the round for As a man to hour and three quarters, the de- trip, good he took It to his home and le bestowing § they are, many argues to Portland. August J, 1899. dlw return that day that there ’will be fendant adjourned the hearing to the fol- only. on It the best of care. ^ himself chance X ffi to his lowing Monday at his own houee in New- enough arrange Life Insurance S FITZSIMMONS DISABLED. Merrill Bros. ’which &Co„ (a he does not dis- * castle, and committed the necessity $9.99 WATCH. plaintiff to the Fred Spear Is In Uowdolnham on a Fitzsimmons will soon undergo a sur- pute) at a later period—that the X 20 year gold filled case Waltham or Elgin custody of a deputy sheriff. The deDQty short Rlcke! warranted to be the best gical which will settle trip. FIRE INS. AGENTS. present is not an opportune lime movement, sheriff the operation tbe mat- for ft watch for the money. McKENNEY, the plaoed plaintiff in charge of The owned Dr. the discussion such matters. ter of his future career in tte Fitz- yaobt Viva, by Bowers, of Such ft Jeweler Moan incut the father as ring. Square. je9 plaintiff's keeper, the latter was hauled at the Mailne seems prudent to an Indi- simmons' right arm, whloh was' up railway yes- reasoning X to him at the time Injured n Hue of but a loss it would Daily Excnraiou, Sundays Included} to agreeing produoe and terday. Her bottom was being sand- Represent strong victual, !Hh cover the entire earning* of the International Paper Co. and In addition TONIGHT aud A rrniiUN THIS WEEK. In pieces-. of execution. * nr** Mart*, on the Arnmonooeuc Lumber Property, situated In Coos County, W H, \ every morning to subscriber* In all parts o me 1 some eld V" * Ulte, pray, back yard rrice and particulars on application * H ©mini. VtiiMlve niid nnyitlllcenl Weenie Production PortUbd, aud lu WcsUu’ook and South Port Whose nooks the drowsy olrekets bring 925.000 of tlie Bennllful Poetic Tragic Itr.mia. laud. —New rules for admission to the ijtats Where npplss drop on frowzy sward Lewiston. Brunswick A Bath St. By., First Hort*. 20 year 5 per eew< From crooked trees where catbiids Gold Bonds, line ID18. MAINE STATE PRESS ^ Weekly!- Normal schools ere to be promulgated sing l*rle. sad lull on the in or at th< psurOcnlars appnd.tlon. By year, $1 advance, $1.25 soon by tteystatedepaitmeutjbf education. Where plants ran wild and grass grow 1 end of the $10,000 Mannos Co. of 15 6 year. There new ru)es were adopted recently tall, Railway Maaaov, Brazil, First Sort#- year per For six months, 50 cents; tor three months Ard lowering bushes hide the rent Cold Bunds, line 1D1S. J at the meeting of the beard of tinstcescl slew, VIRGINIUS. Wnera riot on the 25 cents. grapevines wall, Manxes It the Capital ol ilw stain ol AmlMMv which trono ol the richest states In ; In Klva the normal a Jam*. Sheridan I schools nnd they cffcr The-e would I so Pram. The a to Acta, by Knowlea quits loaf the miner through state pavs subsidy ot fZs.000 ayear the Hal;wav widen pays the Interest * Tito — and Flr«t Pi no Innovation from the old ones. Out of Chicago He cord provides for the annual redemption ol bonds. I'rleo ami tall particulars on application. arum.ion of a l.egilimnfe Play Ever Subscribers v hose papers are not deliverer Optional Bonos. I; a.tvcia at a Summer Tlirnlre In (lain the chang • that will be appreciated la In Uen. David D. Henderson has Fay. promptly are requested to notify the office o left tin An tbe places of the examinations for $10.000of a .‘•'nbocriptlon to Xntldnal Tube Co., Preferred Stork, and Sflworflnary Production. A Perfect Cns the DAILY PRESS, No. U7 Exchange street taking Wentworth at Newcastle, N. H.. am 'f ndm lesion to the sohools. It la will go to K. $10,000 of a to Central Preferred Handsome and Portland, Me. provided Newport, I. >nbsrriptlon Kanndry Co., Stock. mj Appropriate Costumes. For sale at ten Particulars on In the fourth section of the rales, that ■ Nebraska volunteers groaned at the men points premium. application. and _ Elaborate Effects. ■t TboT. Entire the places of examination may he at the tlcn cf the name of Uen. Otis la a Sal Investment for prnllt and Interest Is either the RURnKB GOODS NANIT- K Production Given Under .he Peraonal Patrons of the PRESS who are leaving towr .destraJMe Supervision Francisco theatre «SVIK.KK;AN CMIuTS W. -,TOi KS. The UJUTKD STATES CAST places and lime when the examinations ntAvCr^‘;,Sa ms « rm ^IcCullnra. temporarily mav have the addresses of then ro*u#f ,B «l>1 can offer the stock of these Cos. at a d-sirable J5 Round Trip TlckrteBjrtloy front for Hear Admiral has returned snhwArinl? 5 price. Poitln>M| ftnolndln* as often as desiro State certificates are taken, to there Sampson tothe8U.«8-SHEF- W Thentrs only iOc. Ur.trvr.1 ,wat. papers changed they may by FI K^LD^stk l twnw and9«! !SL P‘V‘t,0!, J?wlr,"KfPCOWM»*'1 1(1.0! lu? will be from his shore )e»v< and has again hoist TnVWt, fnriiier information given, Offers promptly executed notifying the ofliee examlnntlouafor entrance to the for securities listed *Rt??on ihe Boston or New ed his flag on the New York. York Stock Exchanges. (Fniler fllton &Cn normal schools In fiu cr 100 towns and K*cl,a,,*»®» Boston Correspondent*.; (Importers & Traders’ Nat l Bunk* N?*Y Uen. Is as kjjjjj**** L ^?5iSS^,!SW'ass!S=f«,*S^ Kagan reported to s *,<*r®l»rn Kxrbance on

SUITS. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9. THURSDAY, AU«. S. MONDAY, AUG. 7tli. TUESDAY, AUG. 8, Wo shall sell 35 Ladies' Clash We shall sell 10 doz>n fine qual- Wo shall sell 5 dozen White Lawn Percale white tucked Wo shall soil 12 dozen Crash Toadies’ Snili. Sepnr.ito Jackets at 2JO, worth ity Waists, Wnist* with two rows of insertion Onling S9c. Skirts, worth 75c, only 35c. \ tlos. yoke, worth $1.08, <>Dly nt only 59c, worth 91 25. We have about ono hundred Outing J Suita left which will he divided in 0 lots ^_hJ m the followiug prices: No ( hl'd't Reefer In the store SKIRTS. UNDERSKIRTS. above 93.50. At 82.99. ««.■!>, 0 50, 12.10, 15.05 unit WAISTS. We a assortment of these $18.50. carry largo Cadies’ Children’s Wool Dresses Your choice Wo shall sell tho Irish I.lnen Suits in the most desirable materials. Capes. goods at 08c, an I 2.98 and j I.OT 1. Venetian and Coven Suits, Silk Waists. La.98 Now Worth from to 17.50. nnd *• LOT 4. But a few Suits In this lot, $3.08 and suit- (8.50 $3.50 &!W u.-JS LOT NO. 8. Anv Silk Waist which and black Cheviot Brilllantlne, nearly all silk lined throughout, sumo of All Children's higher grade Keefers $2.59 and $2.03 1.50 | sold from $8.50 to *11.50, go able for fall wear, worth $5.00, only them sample garments such as ought to formerly are divided into three lots nnd will be PIQUE AND LINEN SUITS. $1.06 P. K. Skirts at 98c now at from $30.10 to $10.00. Your choice $4.08 #8.98 offered at 9.50 and 3.30 bring NO. 4. waist JACKETS, $1.30, Uurk Skirts nt 49c, 59c and at $15.00 LOT Any in the house which retailed at the first of the season LOT NO. 1 Consists of *3.50, 3.93 and Pique ami Linen Snits, 09c. Former prices, 98c, 1.25 and 1.50. * All Jackets which sold formerly from LOT 6. Every Suit which sold regu- above Your choice now at Other Dress Skirts marked 4.50 Reefers. Wo haven’t very in *10.00,. are divided three lots many above will be in this (7.50 to 135.00 in of skirt and coat, cither larly $37.50, put $5.08 From to this lot, but wliilo they last your choice Consisting • $5.08 $8.98 BDd will be sold as follows: or have been lot at a at Reefer, Blazer Eaton stylo, $18.50 Yon will find few waists In this lot •• $1.30 Crush Skirls. 0.08 and 7.50 to 4.98 will lie sold at are LOT NO. 1. $7.50, 10.00 and 12.60 divided in two lots and No Suit than this which worth *15,CO, 20.00 and 25.00- higher $18.50 duiing &50 and 10.00 to Jackets for this sale $5.00 LOT NO. 2. For this lot we have as- 91.98 and 3.98 sale. Tiicso goods noed no comment for #.98 All the 'Crash nnd Linen Skirts we •• sorted all the *4.98 and 0.50 Keefers we nearly all our patrons are aware that wo 10.08 and 12.50 to 6.98 LOT NO. 2. $13.50, 15.00 and 10.60 at'.cntion is call had left and will offer them at $9.30 have left now nro nicely trimmed Your to the fact that carry tho prettiest lino of bilk Waists •• will at 13.50 and 15.00 to 8.80 Jackets go $7.50 At $1.98. and will ho we bare not included ono suit in the in tho city. LOT NO. 3. In this lot we have offered: 17.50 and 20.CO to 10.00 LOT NO. 3. Comprises all which sold put above lot which sold regularly below Some of James * Co.’s all Children’s Keefers which sold for- We shall offer a lot of Duck $4.08 Skirts nt McCreery “ Crash, $2.50 $12.50, ns wo have but 0 left and thev Waists of New York aro Included in tho 22.50 and 25.00 to 18,80 formerly above (17.50. You shall have merly at *7.50 and upward anr' will offer and Piano Suits, worth regularly $3.98 $3.98 1.98 will go at $3.08 nbovo lots. “ 27.50 and 30.00 to 13.00 one at $10.00 them now at $3.50 land $4.50. Somo plain, others trlmaod. $2.98 1.50 Thursday, August lOt'.i, the last day of our Clearance Sale, we shall sell about ao White Duck Suits, made iu the latest B'azer or Eton style, for 08 cents each. Worth at least $3.08. JVC. LEW SEN & CO., ■ ■ 538 Congress Street, rrksss. friends in former days would not know the cum. The train was travelling at Contend, Auk. 3, 1809. ;the them. A blgb plck t fence la being built the time about 40 miles an hour. From around the lower end of tbo establish- the time It was found Saturday to the the Haber- ) NEW ADVLUTlSEMEKTli TODAY* ment. time Mr. Swasey received It Monday, tba and Moore dashery \ Owp»i. & Co. Yesterday Liquor Deputies Qrlbben and watch had lost only one-half a minute. BOTH Oreu Son*. Hooper’s OBborne made a seizure at Nos. 242 Fore Neck- 8iuucarU Clothing Co. Freight engine 614 of the O. T. H, has Women’s Jtines Bro«. 1:0. street; t'6, 418 nnd 647 Commercial street just returned from the Qarham, N. II., &