------Experienced Respected Respected Michael Stiles Louis Freeh Former Attorney for the Eastern District of Former Director of the FBI Pennsylvania Former United States District Judge BEAU BIDEN "Beau Biden was a first rate federal prosecutor. He was a "... your po/icy-making experience, first-hand work as a great asset to the U. S. Attorney's Office. He did the hard prosecutor and police trainer provide an excellent background work, day in and day out, to put drug dealers, felons with for the position of Attorney General. I am completely confident guns, and other serious criminals in jail. He was a that your experience, judgment and high integrity would serve ATTORNEY GENERAL 2006 conscientious, fair minded, and very effective advocate for the that important office with distinction. " public. Beau has the experience, skills, and vision to be a great Attorney General." Dan Tjaden Chief of Police Delaware City Police Department Carl Schnee "Beau Biden will work with and listen to the needs and Former United States Attorney for the District of Delaware concerns of law enforcement throughout this state to truly • Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington DC, "As a practicing attorney in Delaware for over 40 years, and as make police officers and prosecutors a team as we get (1995-1997) - As a lawyer for the U.S. Department of a former United States Attorney for the District of Delaware, I criminals off our streets, protect families and get victims the Justice, Beau Biden worked on a variety of legal and policy wholeheartedly and enthusiastically support Beau Biden for help they need. " issues, including the implementation of a program that put Attorney Genera/ .. .Beau has the knowledge, energy, photos of missing children in federal buildings across the judgment and vision to lead our Department of Justice in one Debra Holbrook nation. of Delaware's most important roles." Board Member for Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence • Federal Prosecutor, U.S. Attorney's Office, William T. Quillen "Beau Biden gets it .. .domestic violence is a serious public PA, (1997-2002)- Beau is a former Federal Prosecutor who Former Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court, crime. As Attorney General, Beau Biden will not only be tough investigated and prosecuted a variety of criminals including Former Chancellor of Delaware Court of Chancery, on abusers and put rapists behind bars, but also he will be drug dealers and felons with firearms. Beau handled all Former Judge of the Delaware Superior Court, and compassionate toward victims of interpersonal violence, phases of the federal criminal prosecutions including the Former Secretary of State of Delaware protect and respect their rights. I look forward to working with investigation, the Grand Jury, the trial and the appeal. "Beau Biden has the variety of experience, the devotion to Attorney General Beau Biden." justice, the boundless energy and the mature judgment to be a • Interim Legal Advisor, U.S. Department of Justice, truly outstanding Attorney General." Charles M. Oberly, Ill , (2001) - Beau served in post-war Kosovo, helping Former Attorney General of Delaware to establish a training program for Kosovar judges and Vincent A. Bifferato, Sr. "I have known every Attorney General and candidate for that prosecutors, and to draft law enforcement guidelines for the Former Resident Judge of New Castle County, office over the last 35 years and no one has had the unique Kosovo Civilian Police Force. Delaware Superior Court combination of experience, enthusiasm, leadership, and ability "The Attorney General office is one of the biggest as Beau Biden to lead us into the future ." • Captain, Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps, law firms in the State. It needs leadership with vision to Delaware Army National Guard (Presently) - Beau is Kathleen Jennings the future. Beau Biden will provide this leadership. currently assigned to the 261st Signal Brigade in Smyrna, Former Chief Deputy Attorney General of Delaware Delaware. Louis R. Pichini "For many years, I prosecuted the most serious and violent offenders in Delaware, from murderers and rapists to those • Attorney, Bifferato, Gentilotti, Biden & Balick, (Presently) Former Chief of the Criminal Division and who prey on children. I was also fortunate to have helped run - Beau is a law partner in a growing Delaware law firm with Assistant Attorney in Charge of the Organized Crime Strike the Attorney General's Office. From my perspective, Beau offices in Wilmington, Newark, and Rehoboth where he Force, US Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Pennsylvania Biden is the clear choice for Delawareans as your next concentrates on civil litigation. "Beau Biden was one of the most dedicated Assistant U.S. Attorney General. He has the vision and the tools necessary to Attorneys I had the pleasure of dealing with in my nearly 25 ensure that Delawareans will be safe and secure in their Beau Biden knows that one of the Attorney General's most years as a Federal Prosecutor. He excelled in prosecuting all homes and in the communities in which they live. Having important jobs is to work with the Governor and the State kinds of criminal matters including drug cases and felons in children of my own, I share your concerns for the future . That Legislature to get the resources the Department of Justice possession of firearms. His working relationships with law future rests secure with Beau Biden as your Beau and Hallie Biden, their daughter and newborn son. needs to protect Delaware families. enforcement were excellent. He would make for an next Attorney General. " outstanding Attorney General." Beau Biden has the experience and respect to get it done - Richard R. Wier, Jr. Protecting Delaware's Families James E. Liguori and the vision that matters. He will make the Attorney General Former Attorney General of Delaware Like They Were His Own more proactive in addressing the unique problems of the Attorney "/ am fully familiar with the substantial prosecutoria/ and law 21st Century. "Beau ... possesses the experience to lead, litigate and win on enforcement experience of Beau Biden. I know he has the behalf of all civil and criminal victims." experience and judgment to fulfill that mandate and to bring Biden for Attorney General the Attorney General's Office into the 21st century. " 918 South Madison Street• Wilmington DE 19801 • 302 425 5200 www.BidenAG.com ~ @~ 10 Beau Biden has a plan. Community Prosecutors Child Predator Unit Senior Protection Strike Force Identity Theft Task Force Protection From Abuse

Delaware has the 9th worst violent crime rate 1 in 5 children gets sexually solicited on the Senior abuse is on the rise, and Delaware's Identity Theft -About 9 million victims per Nearly 30,000 people are victims of domestic in the nation.* Internet.* no exception.* year.* abuse in Delaware. Every year.*

Beau Biden has a plan. A new strategy for Beau Biden has a plan. A Child Predator Beau Biden has a plan. A Senior Beau Biden has a plan. An Identity Theft Beau Biden has a plan. Protect families attacking violent crime and drugs. Unit dedicated to hunting down online Protection Strike Force to target anyone Task Force to track down thieves and and children from domestic abuse by child molesters. who physically hurts, exploits or cheats hackers who wreak havoc on our lives. extending and aggressively enforcing Community Policing works - Community the elderly. Protection From Abuse orders. Prosecutors will make it work even better. Beau Biden will create a Child Predator Unit Identity theft can ruin your life. It threatens to find and jail these pedophiles before they Beau Biden will create a Senior Protection your security. Nationally, it costs us over $52 Beau Biden believes we can do a better job of Beau Biden knows that when you assign a get to your child . Strike Force made up of Deputy Attorneys specific cop to a specific neighborhood - General and investigators to target, billion per year. 1 Last year Delaware ranked protecting women and children from domestic when they attend the civic association This dedicated unit will be made up of investigate and prosecute those who 16th worst in the nation. 2 abuse. meetings - crime goes down. investigators and prosecutors who specialize physically abuse or financially exploit and in tracking down internet predators. swindle the elderly. All the thief needs is your name, social He knows that a Protection From Abuse order That's why he will assign prosecutors to security number, date of birth, or bank is sometimes the only tool available to shield attend those same meetings - to also get to It's a common sense idea that has proven to This Strike Force will take the leadership role statement. a woman from her abuser. know the people, the places, and the be effective. Pennsylvania has a child in working with state and local law problems that the neighborhood faces. predator unit - Delaware still doesn't . enforcement and other state agencies. It will That's why Beau Biden will create an Identity That's why he wants to change the law to also coordinate the activities of the Theft Task Force whose purpose will be to allow judges to impose these protective It is called Community Prosecution. It's Beau Biden will bring that same commitment Department of Justice's Elder Abuse Unit, the focus on investigating and prosecuting orders beyond their current one-year working to reduce crime in other states, and to Delaware's Attorney General office. Medicaid Unit, and elements of the Consumer identity theft as well as launching a major limitations. Protection Unit and the Securities Division. Beau Biden will use it to reduce crime in ours. effort to educate businesses and individuals Beau Biden knows that at least 5 million on better ways to avoid becoming a victim. Beau Biden knows there is nothing domestic elderly are the victims of financial abuse per about violence. year, 1 for a total of $152 million .2 Using highly skilled investigators working with state and local law enforcement officers, the That's why the Senior Protection Strike Force unit will use forensic and investigative skills to will investigate and prosecute those con find, convict and lock up those guilty of artists who target seniors with telemarketing stealing our identities and wreaking havoc on scams, home improvement schemes, and our lives. phony lottery games.

L C Ot1 tuesdaV, Nove11tber l vote for a better, **** stro11Qer Velaware. Vote Oemocra,_.. ,c. I


PO. Box 2065 PRSRT STD Wilmington , DE I 9899 US POSTAGE www.dcldems.org PAJD Wilmington, DE ®~10 Permit #674 Your Polling Place:


Paid for by the Democratic State Committee, (302) 328-9036, and authorized by Carper for Senate and Spivack for Congress The Delaware Democratic Team is putting our fa--,....,....· ·es first

Our Delaware Democratic Team is uniting our families in the fight to improve our quality of life. Strong and effective Tom Carper leaders, they are working tirelessly to improve our schools, keep our families safe and healthy, protect our natural resources, and make government work for citizens. United States Congress Take this card with you when you Dennis Spivack vote on Tuesday, November 7.

Attorney General Beau Biden

State Treasurer For more information or to volunteer, visit Auditor www.DelDems.org or Michael Daito call (302) 328-9036. Beau Biden will create a Child Predator Unit to hunt down online child molesters.

Ferris Wharton says, ''I don't want'' a Child Predator Unit.

(Source: , 10/25/2006) Beau Biden will create a Child Predator Unit dedicated to hunting down online child molesters before they act.

Creating a Child Predator Unit will put Delaware in a better position to take advantage of federal funding and specialized training to help catch child predators. It will also help Delaware better track sex offenders who have been released from prison.

This dedicated unit will be made up of investigators and prosecutors who specialize in tracking down Internet predators.

It's a common sense idea being used around the country, and it will work for Delaware.

"I know Beau Biden will fight to protect the children of Delaware."

"My wife and I learned first hand the incomprehensible tragedy of child predators when our son Adam was abducted and murdered. Today child predators pose a new and heightened threat. When I heard about a much needed proposal by Beau Eiden, to create a Child Predator Unit, I knew I had to get involved. Beau's right. This threat demands a specially trained unit that will go after predators before they strike. It can't be handled by yesterday's system.

I first heard of Beau Eiden when he was working on missing and exploited children issues, as an attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice. His experience is remarkable, and his proposals are long overdue." John Walsh, America's Most Wanted - John Walsh

Call Beau Biden at 425-5200 to tell him you support his plan to protect children.

Democratic State Committee PRSRT STD PO Box 2065 US POSTAGE PAID Wilmington, DE 19899 WILMINGTON, DE (302) 328-9036 l111lll1l11l111l111ll111ll11i1l,l,l,l,,l,,,l,l,l,,ll,l,,,,,III PROVIDE www.deldems.org

0 ® ~ 6 Paid for by the Democratic State Committee. Ferris Wharton, the Republican candidate for Attorney General, talks a lot about his experience. A.S

While Wharton was the number two person at the Delaware Department of Justice, Delaware became the 6th most violent state in the nation ... What did he do about it? (Source: FBI, Uniform Crime Reports)

Wharton knew that child predators were increasingly using the Internet to find their victims ... So why did he fail to obtain federal funding to help catch child predators and say creating a Child Predator Unit would be "redundant?" (Source: Ferris Wharton at candidate's forum in Lewes, 9/6/2006)

\Vhile \Vharton led Delaware's Rape Response Unit, forcible rape went up 25°1ii ... So what did he do about it? (Source: FBI, Uniform Crime Reports)

Wharton knew that Delaware had become the 16th worst state for ident it v theft. .. So why does he insist that Delaware doesn't need an Identity Theft Task Force? (Source: Federal Trade Commission, Victim Identity Theft Report, 2005)

\Vharton knew violence was increasing while he was in charge of the Criminal Di\·ision ... So why did 75% of gun crimes end without a felony-weapons conviction? (Source: The News Journal, 10/30/2005)

Call Ferris Wharton at 651-0268 and ask him why crime went up on his watch ... and what he did about it.

Democratic State Committee PRSRT STD PO Box 2065 US POSTAGE PAID Wilmington, DE 19899 1••• 111.1 •• 1••• 1••• 11 ••• 11 •• •• 1••• 1.1.1 •• 11.1 ••••• 111 WILMINGTON, DE (302) 328-9036 PROVIDE www.deldems.org

Paid for by the Democratic State Committee. www.delawareonline.com SATURDAY October 28, 2006

Hundreds of rapists, child molesters and other computer database maintained by the FBI. Because of Officials across state convicted sex offenders disappeared from state this failure, a police officer stopping one of these sex scrutiny by simply ignoring mailings sent by the offenders would not know he had encountered a sexual still trying to verify Delaware State Police - a flaw in the tracking system predator. As of Friday, more than 400 offenders were that festered for years before it was discovered this still not entered into the system. addresses of hundreds summer. Officials were unclear about how long the These convicted criminals failed to respond to verification problem persisted, but the secretary of of criminals address-verification letters, and the U.S. Postal Service safety and homeland security said it began as far back returned the letters to state police. Instead o_f notifying as 1998 . . ' - ~! ·.

No one began looking for the missing offenders and no one informed the public there were sexual predators loose in the community, including many of the most dangerous, who were likely to commit more crimes. No one notified the public that the sex offender registry was outdated and incomplete. (Source: News Journal, 10/28/2006)

Delaware needs to get serious about catching and tracking sexual predators.

Wharton says, "I don't want" a specialized Child Predator Unit. (Source: News Journal, 10/25/2006)

Wharton says that establishing the special unit would be "cosmetic." (Source: News Journal, 10/29/2006)

Wharton says a special unit would be "redundant." (Source: Wharton at candidate's forum in Lewes, 9/6/2006)

Wharton says, "We have to make due with fewer resources." (Source: Wharton at candidate's forum in Lewes, 9/6/2006)

With more than 800 sexual predators missing since 1998, Ferris Wharton's plan is to stay the course. Sound familiar?

Call Ferris Wharton at 651-0268 and tell him Delaware can't afford to stay the course on crime.

Democratic State Committee PRSRT STD PO Box 2065 1•• , 111. I•• 1••• 1••• 11 ••• 11 •• 11 •• 11 ••••• 111 ••• 1••• •• 1.1 US POSTAGE Wilmington, DE 19899 PAID (302) 328-9036 WILMINGTON, DE www.deldems.org PROVIDE

~93 Paid for by the Democratic State Committee. In 1998, Ferris Wharton was head of the criminal division of the Delaware Department of Justice.

Since 1998, 807 convicted sex predators were released into Delaware neighborhoods and disappeared.


The State was required by law to find and prosecute these predators for failing to re-register - a felony.

But Ferris Wharton did nothing.

He didn't even realize they were missing.

When confronted with the scandal, he refused to answer.

Now Ferris Wharton wants a promotion based on his "experience."

What do you think?

George W. Bush: Fewer Police Officers In the wake of 9-11 and faced with rising national crime rates, the Bush administration responded by eliminating all direct federal funding for street cops. (Source: Washington Monthly, September 2003)

Ferris W. Wharton: Fewer Prosecutors With Delaware facing the 6th highest violent crime rate in the nation, Ferris Wharton also has a plan. What is it? "We have to make do with fewer resources." (Source : Ferris Wharton at candidate's forum in Lewes, 9/6/2006) Violent crime and identity theft are up, and child predators are on the loose. But Delaware has a shortage of prosecutors. When asked how he would fix the shortage, Wharton replied: "Uh, it's just out of ... it's not possible." (Source : Ferris Wharton at candidate's forum in Lewes, 9/6/2006)

Call Ferris Wharton at 651-0268. Tell him Delaware can't afford to stay the course on crime.

Democratic State Committee PRSRT STD PO Box 2065 US POSTAGE PAID Wilmington, DE 19899 WILMINGTON, DE (302) 328-9036 PROVIDE www.deldems.org

Q @~ 10 Paid for by the Democratic State Committee.

The experience to make the Department of Justice Federal Prosecutor. Counsel, U.S. Dep

Prosecuting online child molesters. Targeting senior abuse. Stopping domesti As a lawyer for the U.S. Department of As a prosecutor, Beau Biden learned that While at the U.S. D( Justice, Beau Biden did the hard work most seniors who are victims do not speak Beau Biden helped ir that helped implement a program that up - out of fear, shame or simply because Violence Against Wo put photos of missing children in federal they don't know where to get help. Beau saved lives. He know buildings across the nation. In Delaware, Biden will give them a voice. Beau will From Abuse Order is Beau Biden will create a Child Predator create a Senior Protection Strike Force tool available to shiel Unit to find and jail pedophiles before made up of Deputy Attorneys General abuser. That's why he they get to your child. This dedicated and investigators to target, investigate the law to allow judg unit will be made up of investigators and and prosecute those who physically protective orders beyc prosecutors who specialize in tracking abuse or financially exploit the elderly. year limitation. Beau down Internet predators. It's a common This Strike Force will take a leadership and children from de sense idea that is being used effectively role in working with state and local law extending and aggres around the country. enforcement and other state agencies. Protection From Abu ic violence. Preventing violent crime and drugs. Tracking down identity thieves. epartment of] ustice, As a Federal Prosecutor, Beau Eiden Beau Eiden knows how identity theft mplement The was tough on crime. Beau knows that can ruin lives. Beau plans to create )men Act - a law that assigning officers to neighborhoods, and an Identity Theft Task Force that will rs that a Protection having them attend civic association investigate and prosecute identity s sometimes the only meetings helps to reduce crime. That's thieves. The unit will bring together ld a woman from her why he will assign prosecutors to partner highly skilled investigators with state e wants to change with police to get to know the people and local law enforcement. Using ;es to impose these they are protecting, and the problems forensic and investigative techniques, ·ond the current one- our neighborhoods are facing. It's called the unit will find and convict those 1 will protect families Community Prosecution. It's working to guilty of identity theft. Beau also plans omestic abuse by reduce crime in other states. And Beau to launch major efforts to educate ssively enforcing Eiden will use it to reduce crime businesses and individuals on ways to 1se Orders. in Delaware. avoid being victimized by identity theft. "Outstanding" William T. Quillen, Former Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court "distinguished service" Louis Freeh, FBI Director under former Presidents Bush and Clinton "toughness, leadership and the right plan to make Delaware safer" Chief Dan Tjaden, Delaware City Police Department "relentless in his efforts to protect our kids" John Walsh, National Center For Missing and Exploited Children "Beau Biden gets it" Debra Holbrook, Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence Paid for by Biden for Attorney General.

Biden for Attorney General PRSRT STD 918 South Madison Street US POSTAGE PAID Wilmington, DE 19801 WILMINGTON, DE (302) 425-5200 PROVIDE www.BidenAG.com

\.1·'" ® ~P" 10 Friends of PRSRT STD Stephanie U.S. Postage PAID McClellan Wilmington, DE 79 l{ells Avenue Permit No. 674 DEMOCRAT Newark, DE 19711

** • oun OUDCI

About Stephanie McClellan Stephanie McClellan teaches Leadership at the University of Delaware. A life-long Delawarean, she has a Ph.D. in Urban Affairs and Public Policy and has held leadership positions in state government and on non-profit boards. She has worked extensively with and for young people at United Cerebral Palsy of Delaware and the University of Delaware. Stephanie and her husband, Willett Kempton, live on Kells Avenue in downtown Newark. She is dedicated to working her hardest to make the 5th District an , www.stephaniemcclellan.org even better place to live. Questions? Please contact Stephanie at 368-4979 Good Jobs for New Castle County Strengthening County Services

" Stephanie cares about the economic vitality of "Stephanie has the energy, ideas, and enthusiasm for Newark -- about balancing the creation of jobs and public service and will bring innovative solutions to success of small businesses with maintaining the Council. I am looking forward to working with her to make character and bustle of Main Street." Iron Hill Museum and the Iron Hill Park first class attrac­ Gene Danneman, downtown Newark businesswoman tions in New Castle County." Jim Neal, Former Delaware State Senator Recruit good jobs for the County * * Improve parks and libraries and the 5th District * Support our emergency responders * Increase the County's economic Unwavering fiscal responsibility competitiveness Affordable Housing - A Reality *

"Stephanie knows firsthand the pleasure of a walkable neighborhood with bike paths and ball fields. I know she will bring passion to the fight for stronger communities with neighborhoods that are welcoming and have a sense of belonging." Ron Smith, Chair, Newark Town & Gown Committee * Incentives to build affordable homes * Ensure affordable and quality rentals . Innovation. Results. Thanks to Jack Markell, Delawareans are taking control of their financial lives.

Jack Markell created the Delaware Money School offering Delawareans hundreds of classes a year on personal finances, homeownership and small business.

He's helped thousands of families claim tens of millions of dollars through the Earned Income Tax Credit Program . . . .And he helped develop "Health Rewards," a groundbreaking program encouraging state employees to live healthy lifestyles.

On November 7th, keep Delaware moving fo:rward. Re-Elect

Delaware State Treasurer For 30 years I worked hard at my job. But it was only when I became sick that I realized I should have saved more money to get me through my illness. Thanks to the Delaware Money School, founded by State Treasurer Jack Markell, I learned how to take control of my financial life by managing my money properly. Now I can look forward to my retirement years and know that money won't be such a problem. Thanks Jack! - PAULETTE SHt1H, WtlHtNGTON

PRSRT STD Paid for by Friends of Jack Markell P.O. Box 7208 US Postage Wilmington, DE 19803 PAID www.markell.org Wilmington, DE ® ~ 10 Permit# 674
