Dr. José Manuel Rueda-Cantuche

Joint Research Centre's C/ Virgen de la Soledad 35, Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies 41950 Castilleja de la Cuesta, European Commission , . Competitiveness and Sustainability Unit Telephone: +34 95 4162819 C/Inca Garcilaso s/n Edificio EXPO 41092 Seville, Spain Telephone: +34 954488363 E-mail: [email protected]

Place and Date of Birth: Málaga, Spain, April 5, 1972 Nationality: Spanish

Education 10/97 – 03/04 University, European Ph. D. Economics and Business Sciences (summa cum laude). Graduate Program: Regional Economics Title: Stochastic Input-Output Analysis of the Andalusian Economy Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Thijs ten Raa (Tilburg University) Prof. Dra. Flor María Guerrero Casas (Pablo de Olavide Univ.)

07/02 – 10/02 Center for Economic Research (CentER) at Tilburg University, Visiting Fellow. 10/90 – 07/95 University of Seville, BA Economics (third best qualification of all).


since 08/13 Scientific Officer of the European Commission at the Joint Research Centre's Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies of the European Commission, Seville, Spain. Research areas: Environmentally Extended Input- Output Models, Econometric Input-Output Modelling, National Accounts, Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables, CGE models. 07/12 – 08/13 Assistant Professor (Profesor Contratado Doctor), Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain (accreditation as Associate Professor – Profesor Titular - since May 2012) 09/09 – 07/12 Contractual Agent (3 years – contract) of the European Commission at the Joint Research Centre's Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies of the European Commission, Seville, Spain. Research areas: Environmentally Extended Input-Output Models, Econometric Input-Output Modelling, National Accounts, Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables, CGE models. 09/06 – 07/10 Assistant Professor (Profesor Asociado Tiempo Parcial), Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain. 09/06 – 08/09 Research Fellow, Joint Research Centre's Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies of the European Commission, Seville, Spain. Research areas: Environmentally Extended Input-Output Models, Econometric Input- Output Modelling, National Accounts, Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables, CGE models. José M. Rueda-Cantuche 2

10/04 – 08/06 Vice dean of the Faculty of Business Sciences at Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain. 10/98 – 08/06 Assistant Professor (Profesor Asociado Tiempo Completo), Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain. 07/98 – 09/98 Part-time Assistant Professor, University of Seville, Seville, Spain. 01/97 – 09/99 Research Fellow, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain. Research area: Elaboration of Input-Output Tables at the Regional Statistical Office (IEA). 11/96 – 09/97 Part-time Assistant Professor, University of Seville, Seville, Spain. 03/96 – 12/96 Mandatory Military Service, Spanish Navy, San Fernando, Cádiz, Spain. 11/95 – 02/96 Part-time Assistant Professor, University of Seville, Seville, Spain.

Undergraduate Teaching Pablo de Olavide University: “Business Statistics I” (English courses since 12-13). Pablo de Olavide University: “Statistics for Finance I” (English courses since 12-13). Pablo de Olavide University: “Business Statistics II” (English courses since 12-13). Pablo de Olavide University: “Statistics for Finance II” (English courses since 12-13). Pablo de Olavide University: “Econometrics” (Spanish courses: 00-01 to 09-10/ since 12-13). Pablo de Olavide University: “Econometrics” (English courses from 04-05 to 09-10). Pablo de Olavide University: “Statistics and an introduction to Econometrics” (Spanish courses from 98-99 to 05/06). Pablo de Olavide University: "Social Research Techniques" (Spanish course from 06/07 to 08/09) Pablo de Olavide University: “Mathematics” (Spanish courses from 99-00 to 01-02). Pablo de Olavide University: “Social and labour surveys” (Spanish courses from 99-00 to 03- 04). Pablo de Olavide University: “Statistics and Sampling Theory” (Spanish course 98-99).

Graduate Teaching Pablo de Olavide University: “Actuarial Statistics: an introduction” [in Spanish]. Seminar, February 03 within the I Master on Finances and Insurance. CEU-San Pablo: “Environmental Economic Valuation. Environmental indicators” [in Spanish]. Seminar, July 01, within the II Master on Environmental Management.

Directed Ph. D. Theses: “Essays on efficiency and input-output analysis” by Antonio F. de Amores Hernández (Pablo de Olavide University). Supervisors: Dr. José M. Rueda Cantuche (Pablo de Olavide University) and Dr. Thijs ten Raa (Tilburg University). Defended March, 2011.

Supervision of Final Undergraduate Projects Miguel Ángel Azagra Morón: “Sustainable consumption of households in Spain with respect to Europe and the rest of the world” (12-13) – Degree on Business Sciences. Inmaculada Carrión Barrios: “Role of Spain in the international trade of value added” (12-13) – Degree on Business Sciences.

Awards Extraordinary Doctoral Award from Pablo de Olavide University for the best doctoral thesis at the Pablo de Olavide University, 2005.

José M. Rueda-Cantuche 3

Award from the Institute of Statistics of (Regional Statistic Office) for the best doctoral thesis in Economics and Statistics defended in Andalusia, Seville, 2006.

Leontief Memorial Prize 2010 awarded to the best young author’s conference paper at the 18th International Input-Output Conference organized by the University of Sydney (Australia). The title of the paper was: “Underestimation of the performance of the EU carbon dioxide emissions via external trade”.

Peer-reviewed published articles in journals with impact index citation “Measuring the EU value added embodied in EU foreign exports by consolidating 27 national supply and use tables for 2000-2007”, (third author with Maaike C. Bouwmeester and Jan Oosterhaven), Economic Systems Research, 26(4), 2014, online version: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09535314.2014.892473 “Comparing the GTAP-MRIO and WIOD databases for carbon footprint analysis”, (second author with Iñaki Arto and Glen P. Peters), Economic Systems Research, 2014, 26(3), pp. 327-353. “The Game of Trading Jobs for Emissions” (second author with Iñaki Arto, Valeria Andreoni, Ignazio Mongelli, and Aurelien Genty), Energy Policy, 66, 2014, pp. 517–525. “A Two-Stage Econometric Method for the Estimation of Carbon Multipliers with Rectangular Supply and Use Tables” (second author with Joao Rodrigues), Ecological Economics, 95, 2013, pp. 206–212. “The Single Market as an engine for employment through external trade”, (first author with Nuno Sousa, Valeria Andreoni and Iñaki Arto), Journal of Common Market Studies: 51 (5), 2013 pp. 931–947. “The bias of the multiplier matrix when supply and use tables are stochastic”, (first author with Erik Dietzenbacher, Esteban Fernández and Antonio Amores), Economic Systems Research, 25 (4), 2013, pp. 435-448. “Testing the assumptions made in the construction of input-output tables” (first author with T. ten Raa) Economic Systems Research 25 (2), 2013, pp. 170-189. “EXIOPOL – Development and Illustrative Analyses of a Detailed Global MR EE SUT/IOT” (seventh author with Tukker, A, de Koning, A., Wood, R., Hawkins,T., Lutter, S., Acosta, J., Bouwmeester, M.C., Oosterhaven, J., Drosdowski, T. and Kuenen, J. Economic Systems Research 25 (1), 2013, pp. 50-70. “A note on the use of supply-use tables in impact analyses”, (second author with M. Lenzen) Statistics and Operations Research, 36 (2), July-December, 2012, pp. 139-152. “Environmental impacts of changes to healthier diets in Europe” (eighth author with A. Tukker, A. de Koning, O. Wolf, S. Bausch-Goldbohm, M. Verheijden, R. Kleijn and I. Pérez-Dominguez) Ecological Economics, 70, 2011, pp. 1776-1788. “The choice of type of Input-Output Table revisited: moving towards the use of supply-use tables in impact analysis” (single author) Statistics and Operations Research, 35 (1), January-June, 2011, pp. 21-38. “Econometric analysis of European carbon dioxide emissions based on rectangular supply-use tables” (single author) Economic Systems Research, 23(3), 2011, pp. 261-280. “Do healthy diets in Europe matter to the environment? A quantitative analysis” (third author with O. Wolf, I. Pérez, A. Tukker, R. Kleijn, A. de Koning, S. Bausch-Goldbohm and M. Verheijden), Journal of Policy Modelling, 33, 2011, pp. 8-28. “Integrating a household demand system in the Input-Output framework. Methodological aspects and modelling implications”, (third author with I. Mongelli and F. Neuwahl), Economic Systems Research, 22(3), 2010, pp. 201-222. José M. Rueda-Cantuche 4

“Consistent and unbiased carbon dioxide emission multipliers: performance of Danish emission reductions via external trade”, (first author with Antonio F. de Amores), Ecological Economics, 69, 2010, pp.988-998. “The Choice of Model in the Construction of Industry Coefficients Matrices”, (first author with T. ten Raa), Economic Systems Research, 21(4), 2009, pp. 363-376. “A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27: latest progress” (first author with J. Beutel, F. Neuwahl, I.- Mongelli and A. Loeschel), Economic Systems Research, 21(1), pp.59-79, 2009. “Towards a global multi-regional environmentally extended input-output database”, (sixth author with A. Tukker, E. Poliakov, R. Heijungs, T. Hawkins, F. Neuwahl, S. Moll, S. Giljum, J. Oosterhaven and M. Bouwmeester), Ecological Economics, 68, 2009, pp. 1928-1937. “The Spain's greatest and most recent mine disaster" (third author with M. Lozano and F. M. Guerrero), Disasters 32, pp.19-40, 2008. “Stochastic Analysis of Input-Output Multipliers on the basis of Use and Make Matrices”, (second author with T. ten Raa), Review of Income and Wealth, 53, 2, pp. 318-334, 2007.

Peer-reviewed submitted articles in journals (with impact index citation) awaiting for decision “Econometric key sector analysis with rectangular supply and use tables”, (second author with Antonio Amores), Economic Systems Research, under revision. “Worldwide economic tsunami from the 2011 Japanese disaster”, (third author with Iñaki Arto and Valeria Andreoni), Economic Systems Research: under revision. “Global water changes: a time series analysis of Water Use, Water Footprint and Water Trade Balance” (third author with Iñaki Arto and Valeria Andreoni), Water International: under revision. “Evaluation of different approaches to convert time series of Supply and Use Tables from NACE Rev.1.1 into NACE Rev.2”, (first author with A.F. Amores and I. Rémond- Tiedrez), Economic Systems Research: under revision. “A set of good practice guidelines in the estimation of Use Tables at basic prices and valuation matrices” (first author with J. Beutel, I. Rémond-Tiedrez and A.F. Amores), Economic Systems Research: under revision. “Is really effective China’s commitment to reduce its carbon intensity by 2020?” (with J.M. Cansino and R. Román), Environmental and Science Technology: under revision.

Other peer-reviewed published journal articles “The problem of negatives generated by the commodity technology model in input-output analysis: a review of the solutions” (second author with T. ten Raa), Journal of Economic Structures, 2:5, 2013. “2000-2007: What have European exports done for employment, labour income and productivity in the EU-27 and euro area?” (second author with I. Rémond-Tiedrez), Eurostat’s Statistics in Focus, Series: Economy and Finance, 35/2012, 2012. “Extra-EU exports and employment” (second author with N. Sousa, I. Arto and V. Andreoni), DG Trade’s Chief Economist Note, Issue Nr.2: European Commission’s Directorate General of Trade, 2012. “Factors affecting entrepreneurial intention levels: a role for education” (third author with F. Liñan and J. C. Rodríguez-Cohard), International Entrepreneurship Management and Journal, 7, 2011, pp. 195-218. José M. Rueda-Cantuche 5

“Discrete Choice Models applied to the Estimation of Interregional Trade” (first author with J. A. Ordaz and F. M. Guerrero), Revista de Estudios Regionales, 81, pp. 111-145, 2008 [in Spanish]. “Obituary: Emilio Fontela remembered” (fourth author with A. Pulido, J. Pérez et al.), Economic Systems Research, 20, pp.129-131, 2008. “A Generalized Expression for the Commodity and the Industry Technology Models in InputOutput Analysis” (second author with T. ten Raa), Economic Systems Research, 19, pp.99-104, 2007. (Official Journal of the International Input-Output Association) “A simple-to-use procedure to evaluate sporting event social and economic impacts on local communities" (first author with J. M. Ramirez), International Journal of Sport Marketing and Management, 2, pp. 510-525, 2007. “Evaluación del Impacto Económico y Social de la celebración de grandes eventos deportivos a nivel local: el caso del Campeonato de Tenis Femenino de la ITF en Sevilla en 2006", (third author with J. M. Ramirez and J. A. Ordaz), Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa, 3, pp.20-39, 2007 [in Spanish]. “A Use-Side Trade Margin Matrix for the Andalusian Economy”, (first author with A. Titos and M. Asensio), Journal of Applied Input-Output Analysis, 11/12, pp.121-135, 2006. (Official Journal of the Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies) “Input-Output Structural Decomposition for Andalusia and Madrid", Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa, 1, pp.38-57, 2006 [in Spanish]. “Linking Cross-Impact Probabilistic Scenarios to Input-Output Models” (second author with E. Fontela), Revista de Economía Mundial, 13, 99-112, 2005 [in Spanish]. “Analysis of Secondary Outputs in the Andalusian Economy” (second author with T. ten Raa), Revista de Estudios Regionales, 73, 43-77, 2005 [in Spanish]. “The Construction of Input-Output Coefficients Matrices in an Axiomatic Context: Some Further Considerations” (second author with T. ten Raa), Economic Systems Research, 15, pp. 439-455, 2003. (Official Journal of the International Input-Output Association)

Selected Books, Monographs, Chapters in Books and Project Reports “FIDELIO 1: Fully Interregional Dynamic Econometric Input-Output Model for the EU27” (eighth author with K. Kratena, G. Streicher, U. Temurshoev, A.F. Amores, I. Arto, I. Mongelli, F. Neuwahl and V. Andreoni), JRC Scientific and Policy Reports EUR 25985. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013. “The importance of input-output data for the regional integration and sustainable development of the European Union” (third author with J. Beutel and I. Rémond-Tiedrez), in: J. Murray, G. Cawthorne, C. Dey and C. Andrew (eds): Enough for all Forever: A Handbook for Learning about Sustainability, Ilinois, US: On Sustainability and Common Group Publishers Co., 2013. Global Resources Use and Pollution (1995-2008): Production, Consumption and Trade (Vol.1) and Country Factsheets (Vol. 2), (third author with I. Arto, A. Genty, A.Villanueva and V. Andreoni), JRC Scientific and Policy Reports EUR 25462. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2012. The World Input‐Output Database (WIOD): Contents, Sources and Methods, (edited by M. Timmer and authored by A.A. Erumban, R. Gouma, B. Los, U. Temurshoev, G.J. de Vries, I. Arto, V. Andreoni, A. Genty, F. Neuwahl, A. Villanueva, J. Francois, O.Pindyuk, J. Pöschl, R. Stehrer and G. Streicher), FP7 World Input-Output Database, 2012, http://www.wiod.org/publications/source_docs/WIOD_sources.pdf “The Adjustment Capacity of the European Economy Examined with an Input-Output Based Key Sector Analysis”, (first author with F. Neuwahl and L. Delgado), in: R. K. Benson José M. Rueda-Cantuche 6

(ed.): Economic Performance, Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives Series, Nova Science Publishers: New York, 2011. “Comparisons of the European Carbon Footprint (2000-2006) from Three Different Perspectives within a Multi Regional Framework: New Empirical Evidences”, (single author), in: Costantini, V., Mazzanti, M. and Montini, A. (eds.): Hybrid Economic- Environmental Accounts, Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics: Oxford, 2011, pp. 125-139. “Creating consolidated and aggregated EU27 Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables, adding environmental extensions (air emissions), and conducting Leontief-type modelling to approximate carbon and other 'footprints' of EU27 consumption for 2000 to 2006” (with Isabelle Remond-Tiedrez, Stephan Moll, Joerg Beutel, Maaike C. Bouwmeester, Arnold Tukker and Richard Wood), Technical Documentation of the Project: Environmentally Extended Supply, Use and Input-Output Table, Luxembourg: Eurostat, 2011 http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/pls/portal/!PORTAL.wwpob_page.show?_docname=2530265.PDF “Los sectores económicos en la difusión de la innovación en la Unión Europea y América del Norte” (third author with F. Aroche and M. A. Márquez) in: Antal, E. and Aroche, F. (eds.): Cooperación científica, tecnológica y ambiental en América del Norte y Europa, México D.F.: Centre for North American Studies (CISAN), 2011, pp. 39-56 [in Spanish]. "La tecnología de la información en Europa. Un enfoque desde la teoría de redes” (with A. S. García Muñiz) in: Antal, E. and Aroche, F. (eds.): Cooperación científica, tecnológica y ambiental en América del Norte y Europa, México D.F.: Centre for North American Studies (CISAN), 2011, pp. 149-158 [in Spanish]. "Tools and methods for impact assessment" (with U. Pesch) in: Jacobs, K. and Hertin, J. (eds): Impact Assessment in Europe: Concepts, Procedures and Practices, Berlin: Springer- Verlag, 2011 accepted for publication. "The use of National Accounts Systems in the evaluation of economic policies and in the Spanish scientific context" (with J. A. Ordaz), in: Betancourt, M. E. and Quan-Kiu, A. (eds), El Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales, los Sectores Institucionales y su uso en la política económica, Red Iberoaméricana de Cuentas Nacionales, Puebla de Z., México, 2011 accepted for publication [in Spanish] “The Construction of Input-Output Coefficients Matrices in an Axiomatic Context: Some Further Considerations” (second author with T. ten Raa”, reprinted in: T. ten Raa: Input-Output Economics: Theory and Applications, Featuring Asian Economies, Chapter 6. Singapore: World Scientific Pub. Co., 2010, pp.77-102. “A Generalized Expression for the Commodity and the Industry Technology Models in Input- Output Analysis” (second author with T. ten Raa), reprinted in: T. ten Raa: Input- Output Economics: Theory and Applications, Featuring Asian Economies, Chapter 7. Singapore: World Scientific Pub. Co., 2010, pp.103-110. “Stochastic Analysis of Input-Output Multipliers on the basis of Use and Make Matrices”, (second author with T. ten Raa), reprinted in: T. ten Raa: Input-Output Economics: Theory and Applications, Featuring Asian Economies, Chapter 17. Singapore: World Scientific Pub. Co., 2010, pp. 307-326. Stochastic Input-Output Analysis of the Andalusian Economy, Seville: Institute of Statistics of Andalusia (Regional Statistical Office), 2010, [in Spanish] Feebate and scrappage policy instruments Environmental and economic impacts for the EU27, (with F. Nemry, K. Vanherle, W. Zimmer, A. Uihlein, A. Genty, I. Mongelli, F. Neuwahl, L. Delgado, F. Hacker, S. Seum, M. Buchert, W. Schade), Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, 2009, EUR 23791. José M. Rueda-Cantuche 7

Impacto económico y social de los eventos deportivos en Sevilla 2009, (with M. J. Porras, J. Díaz, J. M. Ramirez, J. Gavala, J. C. Cuerda and E. Carrillo), Sevilla: Instituto Municipal de Deportes, Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, 2009 [in Spanish]. "Location of comparative advantages of Andalusia and Spain with respect to Italy" (with T. ten Raa) in: IEA (ed.): Input-Output Framework of Andalusia 2000: Analysis of Results, Seville: IEA, 2007, pp. 365-402 [in Spanish]. "Policies and strategies for interdependent economic and technological efficiency" (with E. Fontela) in: Compañó, R. and Pascu. C. (eds.): Information Society Technology at the service of a Changing Europe by 2020: Learning from World Views, Bucarest: The Pub. House of the Romanian Academy, 2005, pp.207-208. Studies of Andalusian Hotels and Restaurants: 2001, (with M. Asensio et al.) Seville: Institute of Statistics of Andalusia (Regional Statistical Office), 2005 [in Spanish]. Methodology for estimating interregional trade using inputs and outputs data from wholesalers, (with F. M. Guerrero, J. I. Enríquez et al.) Seville: Institute of Statistics of Andalusia (Regional Statistical Office), 2004 [in Spanish]. “Socio economic Analysis and Sustainable Development in the basin of river Guadiamar” (with F. M. Guerrero, J. A. Ordaz et al.) in: Consejería de Medio Ambiente (eds.): Science and Restoration of river Guadiamar, Seville: Junta de Andalucía, 2003, 538-553 [in Spanish]. Studies of Andalusian Trade Industries: 2000, (with M. Asensio et al.) Seville: Institute of Statistics of Andalusia (Regional Statistical Office), 2002 [in Spanish]. .“Economic Analysis and Sustainable Development in the basin of river Guadiamar” (with F. M. Guerrero, J. A. Ordaz et al.) in: Consejería de Medio Ambiente (eds.): Research Project of the Green Corridor of river Guadiamar, Seville: Junta de Andalucía, 2000, 183-186 [in Spanish]. "The Andalusian Food Products System according to the Input-Output Framework 1995. A comparative analysis over a decade" in: Analistas Económicos de Andalucía (eds.): Annual Report on Agricultural Industry 1999, Málaga: AEA, 2000, 307-352 [in Spanish]. Andalusian System of Economic Accounts. Input-Output Framework 1995, (with A. Titos, M. Asensio et al.) Seville: Institute of Statistics of Andalusia (Regional Statistical Office), 1999 [in Spanish].

Work in progress “Revision of the UN-Handbook of Input-Output” (member of the Editorial Board, chaired by Sanjiv Mahajan, from the Office for National Statistics, UK), in progress. “The construction of input-output coefficients”, (single author) in: Handbook of Input-Output Analysis, Elsevier, edited by Thijs ten Raa, in progress. “La Identificación del Desarrollo y las Similitudes Estructurales: Un Análisis para Chile desde la estática comparativa” (second author with S. Soza-Amigo), in progress. “Updating Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables: revisited” (with X. Pereira), in progress. “The Euro method revisited for updating Supply and Use Tables. Pros and cons from the Eurostat’s experience” (with J. Beutel), in progress. “Dynamic and econometric structural decomposition of worldwide water footprint” (with I. Arto and V. Andreoni), in progress. “European and Member State international trade in value added: 2008” (with S. Staple and I. Remond-Tiedrez), in progress (as Eurostat’s Statistics in Focus) “European international trade in value added: 2000-2008” (with S. Staple and I. Remond- Tiedrez), in progress (as Eurostat’s Statistics in Focus). José M. Rueda-Cantuche 8

“An analysis of energy efficiency in the transport sector with a multi-regional input-output model” (with R. Román and T. Sanz), in progress. “Analysis of changes in Spain’s emission trade balance between 1998 and 2008” (with T. Sanz and R. Yñiguez), in progress. . “An analysis of air emissions from the consumption perspective in the EU27 with a multiregional input-output model” (with J.M. Cansino and R. Román), in progress.

Selected Paper Presentations to Scientific Conferences Reunión de Estudios Regionales (Spanish branch of the European Regional Science Association, ERSA), 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008; International Input-Output Association (IIOA), 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014; Spanish Association of Mathematical Lecturers in Economics and Business Administration (ASEPUMA), 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2010; 5th Environmental National Congress, 2000; 3rd International Convention on Environment and Development, 2001; Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), 2004, 2005; Ecomod Network, 2004, 2012; European Regional Science Association, 2005; 30th Simposium of Economic Analysis, 2005, 2011; Pablo de Olavide University, 2005; 9th Spanish Congress of Applied Economics, 2006, 2009; Spanish Conference on Input-Output Analysis, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013; 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, 2012.

Scientific Workshops Participation Workshop on the Wealth of Nations in a Globalising World, University of Groningen (Netherlands), “The Game of Trading Jobs for Emissions”, European Framework for Measuring Progress (e-Frame FP Project), July, 2013. Third Workshop of the Hispanic-American Input-Output Society, University of Santiago de Compostela (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) "The Euro method revisited for updating Supply and Use Tables. Pros and cons from the Eurostat’s experience", (with J. Beutel), October 2012. Final WIOD Conference: Causes and Consequences of Globalization, Groningen (Netherlands), “Measuring EU value added embodied in EU foreign exports by consolidating 27 national supply and use tables for 2000-2007”, (with J. Oosterhaven and M.C. Bouwmeester), April 2012. Final WIOD Conference: Causes and Consequences of Globalization, Groningen (Netherlands), “The Game of Trading Jobs for Emissions”, (with I. Arto, V. Andreoni, I.Mongelli, A. Genty and A. Villanueva), April 2012. High-level conference on "Competitiveness, trade, environment and jobs in Europe: Insights from the new World Input Output Database (WIOD), Brussels (Belgium), “How does international trade contribute to a sustainable growth of employment?” WIOD Launch event, DG TRADE, European Commission, April 2012. 51st Annual Meeting Western Regional Science Association, Poipu, Hawaii (US), “Measuring EU value added embodied in EU foreign exports by consolidating 27 national supply and use tables for 2000-2007”, (with J. Oosterhaven and M.C. Bouwmeester), February 2012. 12th Workshop of the Portuguese Association of Regional Science (APDR), Leiria (Portugal), “Measuring EU value added embodied in EU foreign exports by consolidating 27 national supply and use tables for 2000-2007”, (with J. Oosterhaven and M.C. Bouwmeester), February 2012. Current Input-Output Studies in Post-Soviet Countries, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russia) “The construction of Input-Output Tables: a definite solution?”, October 2010. José M. Rueda-Cantuche 9

XXVII Seminario de Investigación en Métodos Cuantitativos, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain) "Infraestimación de las reducciones de emisiones de CO2 en Europa via comercio exterior (importaciones)", October 2010. Environmental and Economic Input-Output Analysis: Methods and Applications, Hispanic- American Input-Output Society, Pablo de Olavide University (Seville, Spain) "Underestimation of the performance of the EU carbon dioxide emissions via external trade", September 2010. WIOD Conference on Industry-Level Analyses of Globalization and its Consequences, Technische Universität Wien (Vienna, Austria) “The Choice of Type of Input-Output Table Revisited: Moving towards the Use of Supply-Use Tables in Impact Analysis”, May 2010. WIOD Conference on Industry-Level Analyses of Globalization and its Consequences, Technische Universität Wien (Vienna, Austria) “Underestimation of the Performance of the EU Carbon Dioxide Emission Reductions via External Trade”, May 2010. Regional Science and Input-Output Models, Hispanic-American Input-Output Society, (Spain) "A key sector analysis of the European Union", September 2008. Regional Science and Input-Output Models, Hispanic-American Input-Output Society, University of Oviedo (Spain) “Econometric estimates of the Danish carbon dioxide emission multipliers by product on the basis of the supply and use system”, September 2008. Curso de Verano: Nuevas Perspectivas en el uso de Tablas Input-Output. Matrices de Contabilidad Social y Modelos de Equilibrio General Aplicado, Fundación Olavide en Carmona (Sevilla), “A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU 27: latest progress”, July 2007. Tools for Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis for Europe, Pablo de Olavide University at Seville (Spain), "An aggregated Input-Output Framework for the EU" (with F. Neuwahl, A. Loeschel and I. Mongelli) May 2007. First International Seminar on Society and Materials, Arcelor-Mittal, IPTS-Seville, "Environmentally extended input-output (EE-IOA) analysis for Europe" (with A. Loeschel, F. Neuwahl, I. Mongelli, and S. Merkourakis) March 2007. II Seminario de Investigación del Área de Métodos Cuantitativos, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain) " Stochastic analysis of input-output multipliers on the basis of use and make matrices", June 2005. The State of the Art in Regional and Urban Modeling, CentrA and Ecomod Network, Seville, “Stochastic Input-Output Analysis on the basis of Use and Make Matrices”, (with T. ten Raa) October 2004. Workshop: "Política y Economía Regional: ¿Qué hemos aprendido?", Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Málaga, “Análisis del tejido productivo de la economía andaluza”, June 2000.

Invited seminars, workshops and conferences. JRC-IPTS (EC): "Supply and use system and input-output tables". Seminar to JRC-IPTS staff. 17-18 January 08 (12 hours) JRC-IPTS (EC): "Econometrics with Eviews". Seminar to JRC-IPTS staff. 18-20 March 09. IIOA’s International School of Input-Output Analysis: “Updating Symmetric Input-Output Tables”, under the auspices of the 12th Workshop of Input-Output Models of the APDR, 14 February 2012 (4 hours). José M. Rueda-Cantuche 10 Eurostat (EC): "The relevance of I-O Analysis and I-O Modelling in EC policy making: a selection of environment and economic related JRC applications”, June 7, 2012. Eurostat’s Internal Training Session. University of Seville: “Quo Vadis Input-Output?”, Seminar to the research staff of the Department of Economic Analysis and Political Economy, Faculty of Economics, January 30, February 1 and February 4, 2013 (12 hours). Technical : “The Game of Trading Jobs for Emissions”, Conferências IST – Ambiente Plataforma de Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente do IST, May, 2013. University of Seville: V Workshop on Energy Economics and Public Policies Evaluation, invited as discussant of the paper: “Towards a cleaner energy mix in Spain. Crowding-out effects when biomass replaces combined cycled plants” by: Cansino, J.M., Colinet, M.J., González, J.M. and Ordóñez, M., June, 2013.

Research Projects Joint Research Centre Time Series of Supply-Use tables for Europe in NACE Rev.2, of the European current and previous year prices (1995-2009) – (2012-2014) Commission (IPTS)

Joint Research Centre Modelling Rural Economies (MORE): Spatial Policy Impact of the European Analysis on Rural Development in NUTS-3 regions – (2013-2014) Commission (IPTS)

European Commission Compiling and Refining Environmental and Economic Accounts FP-7 Framework (CREEA) (2011-2014) http://www.creea.eu

Centre for Research Cooperation in Science, Technology and Environment as a tool for on North America technological change in North America and the EU from an (Universidad Nacional economic and a policy perspective (2008-2010) Autónoma de México)

European Commission World Input-Output Database (WIOD) FP-7 Framework http://www.wiod.org (2009-2012)

European Commission A new Environmental Accounting framework using externality FP-6 Framework data and Input-Output tools for Policy Analysis (EXIOPOL) http://www.feem-project.net/exiopol/ (2007-2011)

European Commission Evaluating Integrated Impact Assessments (EVIA) FP-6 Framework http://web.fu-berlin.de/ffu/evia/ (2006-2008)

University of Castilla Estudio del impacto económico de la ONCE y su Fundación La Mancha (Spain) en la economía española (2009-2010)

Institute of Statistics of Regional Economic System of Accounts. Input-Output Framework Andalusia 1995, 2000 & 2005. Sectoral Studies on the Regional Trade (2001, 2002, 2003 Industry 2000. Sectoral Studies on Regional Hotels and 2004, 2005, 2006-2008) Restaurants 2001. Annual Regional Accounts 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005.

José M. Rueda-Cantuche 11 Foundation University & Laboral Insertion of Pablo de Olavide University’s Undergraduated Society at Pablo de Students, particularly for those with lower incomes. de Olavide University (2005)

Local Institute for Sports Cost-Benefit Analysis and Input-Output Based Economic Impact (2005) Measures of Sporting Activities.

Institute of Statistics of Methodology for the estimation of interregional trade through the Andalusia (2002) inputs and outputs data from regional wholesalers.

Environmental Regional Economic Analysis and Sustainable Development in the Ministry of Andalusia municipalities of the basin of river Guadiamar. (2000, 2001, 2002)

Professional Research Experience within the European Commission EUROSTAT and A consolidated EU27 and euro area supply-use system and European Central Bank input-output tables (1995-2008). (2007-2012)

Directorate-General of “The adjustment capacity of the European economy examined with Economic and Financial an input-output based key sector analysis: towards a review of the Affairs (ECFIN) European Single Market” (2007), extensively reflected in the Communication COM(2007) 724 final “A single market for 21st Century Europe” and accompanying staff Working Paper SEC(2007) 1517 “Implementing the new methodology for product market and sector monitoring: results of a first sector screening”.

Directorate-General of Embodied employment, value added and vertical specialization Trade (TRADE) of extra-EU exports 2000, 2005 (2010-2011)

Directorate-General of Technical Report EUR23791: “Feebate and scrappage policy Environment (ENV) instruments Environmental and economic impact for the EU27” (2009-2010)

Directorate-General of Technical Report EUR50544: “Environmental impacts of diet Environment (ENV) changes in the EU”.(2009-2010)

Joint Research Centre Development and implementation of a full inter-regional dynamic - IPTS econometric long-term input-output model for Europe (2010-2012).

Joint Research Centre Member of the Scientific Committee of the IPTS (2007-2009) - IPTS

Professional Research Experience with the Regional Statistical Office of (Spain)

IDESCAT Training course to Statistical Office staff on the “Construction of Input-Output Tables, Methods for the Projection of Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables and Calculation of Multipliers” (July, 2010) José M. Rueda-Cantuche 12 IDESCAT Training course to Statistical Office staff on the “Use Tables at basic prices in a multi-regional context applied to the European Union” (September, 2011) IDESCAT Research contract: “Research and testing methodologies for the compilation of the Input-Output Table for Catalonia, 2011” (October – December, 2011) Other Academic Activities President of the Hispanic-American Input-Output Society (SHAIO) – (2013 -) Director of the International School of Input-Output Analysis of the IIOA (2010 -) Council Member of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA) (2006-) Vice-president of the Hispanic-American Input-Output Society (SHAIO) – (2008-2012)

Editor of the Newsletter of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA) – (2007-2010) Editor of the Working Paper Series on National & Regional Accounting - SHAIO (2007-2011)

Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee of the 2010 International Input-Output Conference Co-chair of the Scientific Programme Committee of the 2013 Spanish Input-Output Conference Scientific Programme Committee of the International IO Conferences (2008; 2011; 2012)

Member of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA) – (2002-) Member of the Hispanic-American Input-Output Society (SHAIO) – (2007-) Member of the Pan-Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies (PAPAIOS) – (2013-) Member of Spanish branch of European Regional Science Association (AECR) – (2005-2012) Member of the Spanish Association of Mathematical Lecturers in Economics and Business Administration (ASEPUMA) – (2000-2012) Member of the Spanish Economic Association (2011)

Invitations to peer-review evaluations for the following journals (in alphabetical order): Ecologic Economics Economic Modelling Economic Systems Research Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Journal Energy Policy Environment and Planning A Estadística Española International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering Investigaciones Regionales Journal of Industrial Ecology Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A Papers in Regional Science Review of Income and Wealth Revista de Estudios Regionales Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos en Economía y Empresa Tourism Management

José M. Rueda-Cantuche 13 Additional Skills EViews, GAMS, SimSIP SAM, SPSS, DERIVE, Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power-Point and Access (management of big databases).

Languages Spanish (native) English: First Certificate of Cambridge University, 1990; and Certificate of Advanced English of Cambridge University, 1995. Italian: A1 level.

Seville, September 2014