Emigrants on the Edinburgh, 1771
GENEALOGY Record Office Archivist, Hugh Hagan. Hagan recognized that "St. Johns" was Emigrants on the Edinburgh, 1771 actually Prince Edward Island, and that a passenger list from Kintyre for A New Passenger List for Prince Edward Island 1771 was of great potential signifi- cance. Indeed, the passenger list pro- vides important evidence of a well known, but poorly documented, emi- ur knowledge of our history in for good, old-fashioned hard work, on gration to Malpeque, Prince Edward O Prince Edward Island is due to occasion, good fortune plays an impor- Island from Scotland. Moreover, it the collective and cumulative efforts of tant role in the process. Last summer, sheds some very useful light on our a great may people over a great many just such a stroke of good luck sup- early settlement history. years. Disparate sources — family tra- plied us with another piece of our his- ditions, oral history, archival docu- torical puzzle: important new evidence ments, community histories — are on the story of the early Argyll settlers The Emigration of 1771 woven together to form a cohesive pat- in Malpeque. tern from which we attempt to better The new evidence came to light The story of the Stewart-sponsored understand our past, and, ultimately, when a gentleman carrying out settlement of Kintyre families at ourselves. While there is no substitute research in the Scottish Record Office Malpeque has been told in many in Edinburgh stumbled across two pre- places, most recently in the last issue viously unknown passenger lists: one of this magazine.* It remains here only for North Carolina and the other for to see what the passenger list can add By Michael Kennedy "St.
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