Trends in Selected Streamflow Statistics at 19 Long-Term Streamflow-Gaging Stations Indicative of Outflows from Texas to Arkansas, Louisiana, Galveston Bay, and the Gulf of Mexico, 1922
PreparedPrepared inin cooperationcooperation withwith thethe TexasTexas WaterWater DevelopmentDevelopment BoardBoard TrendsTrends inin SelectedSelected StreamflowStreamflow StatisticsStatistics atat 1919 Long-TermLong-Term Streamflow-GagingStreamflow-Gaging StationsStations IndicativeIndicative ofof OutflowsOutflows fromfrom TexasTexas toto Arkansas,Arkansas, Louisiana,Louisiana, GalvestonGalveston Bay,Bay, andand thethe GulfGulf ofof Mexico,Mexico, 1922–20091922–2009 Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5182 Revised September 2012 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Background, Looking towards the right bank of the Sabine River during a flood measurement at stream- flow-gaging station 08030500 - Sabine River near Ruliff, Texas, on October 23, 2006. Photograph by Doug McGhee, U.S. Geological Survey. Front cover: Left, Discharge measurement at streamflow-gaging station 08117500 - San Bernard River near Boling, Texas. Photograph by Mac Cherry, U.S. Geological Survey on April 1, 2007. Right, Gage shelter raised above 200-year flood-plain level at 08114000 - Brazos River at Richmond, Texas, January 15, 2007. Photograph by Joe Stuart, U.S. Geological Survey. Back cover: Left, U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging station 08475000 - Rio Grande near Brownsville, Texas, August 18, 2010. Photograph by Jaimie Ingold, U.S. Geological Survey. Right, Gage shelter and wire-weight gage at 08041000 - Neches River near Evadale, Texas. Photograph by Joe Stuart, November 17, 2006. Trends in Selected Streamflow Statistics at 19 Long-Term Streamflow-Gaging Stations Indicative of Outflows from Texas to Arkansas, Louisiana, Galveston Bay, and the Gulf of Mexico, 1922–2009 By Dana L. Barbie and Loren L. Wehmeyer Prepared in cooperation with the Texas Water Development Board Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5182 Revised September 2012 U.S.
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