Success! BritlOO Special Inside a discussion of the aad’s affect on our sport handy hints from a national champion NORTH POLE ADVENTURE August 99 on your own but not alone Photo: Hans Berggren AIRTEC Mittelstrasse 69 Tel. +49 2953 9899 D-33181 Wunnenberg Fax +49 2953 1293 Do not solely rely upon the CYPRES as a life-saving device. Stay current and practice your emergency procedures. PARA E D IT O R IA L: S T Lesley Gale THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH PARACHUTE ASSOCIATION Managing Editor S kyd ive 3 Burton Street Peterborough PE1 5HA Tel/Fax: 01733 755860 E-mail:
[email protected] editorial the magazine of This issue we bring you an extra eight pages of your all-singing, all ADVERTISING: dancing magazine. The fir s t ever 68 page Mag (just one short!). Jackie Green How can we do this? Our new print/advertising company Warners Warners Group Publications Pic have sold more advertising, this revenue goes to improve quality. O f West Street Bourne, Lines PE10 9PH the usual 60 pages, 8 have been paid fo r as an extra and will always Tel: 01778 393313 be used for editorial (as I promised you at the '98 ASM). Of the Fax: 01778 394748 remaining 52 pages, if the number of ad pages goes over 40% (ie, The British E-mail:
[email protected] 21 pages), we will increase the size of the Mag to accommodate Parachute this. This is a great issue to add pages to, see page 28 onwards fo r Design and layout: Association Julie Gray and Trish Jones a special BritlOO report of the new British record achieved at Patron: His Royal Highness CCP Ltd, Brookfield Park The Prince of Wales Lincoln Road Langar during July.