, September 1 - 17, 2021 , , , Sumba, Bali 17 Days and 16 Overnights

Day 1 Wed. Sept. 1 Arrival , Java Upon arrival you will be met at the airport by our local guide and transferred to our charming boutique hotel. The remainder of the day is open for individual exploration or rest. We will meet for a welcoming dinner. Overnight Yogyakarta D

Day 2 Tues. Sept. 2 Yogyakarta We start our exploration of Java with a visit to the historic neighborhood of . Before independence, Kotagede was the central economic district of Yogyakarta, as it held the largest marketplace and was home to many wealthy batik merchants. Although some ancient buildings have been modernized or replaced with newer buildings, Kotagede remains a prime example of ancient Javanese architecture and city structure. Now it is most famous as the silver village and we’ll tour a silver workshop.

Our next destination is the huge of the Sultan’s - the complex. Essentially a walled city, to enter the enchanting grounds of the Kraton is to step into a time warp of airy 18th century courtyards, typical Javanese architecture and traditional old world values. Still the official residence of the Sultan, the palace is guarded by wizened old courtiers in traditional costume, complete with the kris, a Javanese ceremonial dagger tucked into their sarongs.

To travel to our next stop - Water Castle, situated inside the Kraton compound, we’ll take a becak (the Indonesian version of a pedicab). This allows us to closely view street activities and when passing the city centre we may also see some heritage buildings from the Dutch era.

Taman Sari Water Castle used to be the royal garden of the sultanate. Built around 1750, the castle is believed to have been an area for the former kings to rest, meditate and even to escape from the enemies. Most of the area is occupied by villagers, many of whom are working for the Kraton. Lunch - Sekar Kedhaton and Dinner at Omah Dhuwur Restaurant Overnight Yogyakarta, Java B, L, D

Day 3 Fri. Sept. 3 Yogyakarta, Magelang Today we visit the glorious Temple. A 9th Century Buddhist Temple located in Magelang, about 1 hour drive from Yogyakarta, it is one of the greatest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist reliefs in the world, consisting of nine stacked platforms - six square and three circular - topped by a central dome (Stupa).

The temple was designed in Javanese Buddhist architecture that blends the Indonesian indigenous cult of ancestor worship and the Buddhist concept of attaining Nirvana. The monument guides pilgrims through an extensive system of stairways and corridors with narrative relief panels on the walls depicting Buddha’s teachings. The journey for pilgrims begins at the base of the monument and follows 1

a path around the monument and ascends to the top through 3 levels symbolic of Buddhist cosmology, Kamadhatu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of formlessness).

After lunch we’ll take a horse carriage ride (Andong) to the charming traditional Javanese village of Candirejo. Walking about the village we’ll gain insight to the daily life of this community, learning their customs, traditions, and the agricultural system of multi cropping. We will have the opportunity to have direct experiences with the local people – stopping at their homes and visiting them in the fields as the plant and prepare the ground for cultivation and harvest various seasonal fruits. Overnight in Yogyakarta, Java B, L, D

Day 4 Sat. Sept. 4 Yogyakarta – - Semarang Today we’ll visit another incredible ancient site - Prambanan Temple. The temple compound is the largest Hindu temple site in Indonesia, and one of the biggest in Southeast Asia. It is characterized by its tall and pointed architecture, a typical Hindu style. Built in the 9th Century, the temple is dedicated to the Trimurti, the expression of God as the Creator (), the Preserver () and the Destroyer ().

The compound, which is also known as the Rara Jonggrang complex, consists of 3 zones; first the outer zone, second the middle zone that contains hundreds of small temples, and the third is the holiest inner zone that contains eight main temples and small shrines.

After lunch at Sasanti Restaurant & Lounge we will depart for our 2 ½ hour drive to the city of Semarangwhich hosts an international airport. Overnight Semarang, Java B, L, D

Day 5 Sun. Sept. 5 Depart for Pangkalan Bum – Tanjung Puting National Park, Borneo We depart this morning for our short non-stop flight to Borneo.

Upon landing in Pangkalan Bum, we’ll make the short 20 minute drive to and transfer to our houseboat. We boat down the for approximately 15 minutes to reach the Seikonyer River, the main river in Tanjung Puting National Park. As we cruise up the Seikonyer we’ll enjoy lunch on board as we pass river banks of Nipa Palm and Pandanus trees. It’s possible we’ll see some wildlife such as birds, Macaque, and Proboscis Monkeys. Proboscis monkeys are endemic animals that can be seen only in Borneo.

After checking into our rooms at the rustic lodge we’ll return to our houseboat for a lovely dinner prepared by the boat’s chef using special local foods. Overnight Tanjung Puting National Park, Borneo B, L, D

Day 6 Mon. Sept. 6 Tanjung Putting Park – Pasalat Camp – Camp Leaky This afternoon we will have our first opportunity to observe the amazing of Borneo. First however, after our breakfast we’ll proceed up river to Pasalat Camp. We will be participating in a tree planting project designed to support the growth of the endemic fruit trees that provide the essential food to orangutans in the park. We will re-plant trees primarily around areas destroyed by forest fires.

Lunch will be on-board as we make our way to Camp Leakey - the highlight of the National Park. We will be passing by the black river which is full of wildlife with an impressive variety of bird species, some primates, fish, and crocodiles. Lunch will be served on-board.


On arrival at Camp Leakey, we will visit the Information Center to learn about the work of Dr. Birute Galdikas who has studied the from 1971 to the present. Dr, Galdikas studied under Dr. Leahy along with Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey.

At 2:00 pm we’ll trek up into the forest to see an orangutan feeding, enjoying this unique opportunity until 4:00 pm. Then back to the boat and cruising down to Pondok Ambung. If time permits before dinner, we’ll take a 2 hour trek into the forest to catch a glimpse of the nocturnal animals such as Tarsiers and tarantulas. Dinner will again be on- board. Overnight Tanjung Putting National Park, Borneo B, L, D

Day 7 Tues. Sept. 7 Pondok Tangguy – Tanjung Harapan Village – Harapan Camp – Pangkalan Bum This morning we will cruise down river to Pondok Tanggui, a second rehabilitation center for the orangutan. The morning feeding for these incredible creatures is at 9:00 am. Without question, camera buffs will be taking a lot of memorable photos.

After returning to our boat we will continue down river to visit the small Malayan settlement of Tanjung Harapan village and, after lunch continue on to Tanjung Harapan Camp for the orangutan afternoon feeding at 3:00 pm. This will be a leisurely visit and our last opportunity to marvel at these endangered creatures.

In the late afternoon, we’ll cruise back to Kumai and drive to Pangkalan Bum to our hotel. Overnight Pangkalan Bum – Swissbel Hotel

Day 8 Wed. Sept. 8 , Borneo to Denpasar, Bali We rise early this morning for our 10:00 am flight to Bali via . Upon arrival in Denpasar, we’ll drive to the small town of , (about 40 minutes) to Ubud and our delightful hotel. Overnight Ubud, Bali B

Day 9 Thurs. Sept. 9 Ubud, Bali Today is a full day of guided sightseeing in Ubud. Our first stop is Goa Gajah or Elephant Cave, an archaeological site of significant historical value. Located on the cool western edge of Bedulu Village, six kilometres out of central Ubud, Goa Gajah dates back to the 11th century, built as a spiritual place for meditation. We’ll explore its relic filled courtyard and view the rock wall carvings, a central meditational cave, bathing pools and fountains.

A visit to Bali is incomplete without a walk through the Ubud Monkey Forest to watch the cheeky macaque monkeys! But these are not normal monkeys - the inhabitants of the Monkey Forest are sacred and are believed to protect the area from evil spirits. Their home is an ecological reserve that strives to maintain the viability of the Balinese long-tailed macaque and it is also a Hindu temple complex.

Next up - Ubud Palace. The palace and its temple, Puri Saren Agung, share a space in the heart of Ubud. The compound was mostly built after the 1917 earthquake and the local royal family still lives here. We can wander around most of the large compound and explore the many traditional, though not excessively ornate, buildings. Many of the stone carvings have been done by noted local artists such as I Gusti Nyoman Lempad.

Strategically located opposite Ubud Royal Palace, is the Ubud Art Market, a centre point of Ubud itself. Here we can find delicate local art works, from beautiful scarf, shirts, handmade woven bags, basket,


hats, statues, and many other hand-crafted goods. The market's many stalls are perfect for hunting and haggling for Balinese souvenirs.

Our last stop of the day will be The Blanco Renaissance Museum. Blanco, arguably the most famous and successful artist to ever live in Bali, built his magnificent studio on top of a mountain overlooking the Campuan River. This flamboyant building, a unique blend of Balinese architecture imbued with the spirit of his native Spain, houses an interesting collection of works drawn from different periods of his long career. During his life it was visited daily by hundreds of people from all over the world. The artist, full of Catalan charisma, earned himself the sobriquet The Fabulous Blanco an expression that mirrored his talent for creativity. Overnight Ubud, Bali B, L, D . Day 10 Fri. Sept. 10 Ubud Today promises another full day of guided sightseeing. We start the day by visiting various famed woodcarvers in the community of Mas. The profession of wood carving is highly regarded in Bali and many skilled craftsmen live and work within their family compounds. This is a family business with special skills and procedures passed from generation to generation. All carvings spring from the craftsman’s imagination and knowledge of tradition.

From Mas we’ll continue on to Tegal Bingin, Sukawati to visit the Setia Darma Masks & Puppets House. This quaint museum features an array of masks & puppets from around the world. Breakfast & Lunch Bebek Tebasari Lodtunduh , Dinner at Café Wayan& Overnight Ubud, Bali - Alam Indah B, L, D

Day 11 Sat. Sept. 11 Ubud –Trunyan – Ubud This morning we depart for the unique village of Trunyan, (about 1 ½ hour drive). En route we’ll stop at Gunung Kawi archaeological temple where statues are crafted at the cliff. Upon arrival at Kintamani (home of Mount Batur and Lake Batur), we’ll drive down to the side of the lake for a boat crossing to Trunyan to explore the village and its cemetery.

The villagers of Trunyan known as the Bali Aga, continue to observe ancient animistic religious rituals and have their own unique burial rites. The deceased aren’t cremated as they are for most Balinese Hindus but rather laid out in the village’s bone yard. The village itself is dominated by a huge temple with 11 pagodas. The cemetery is a short boat ride from the main island and it is here that bodies are left in the open to rot. When nature has reclaimed the body, the skull is placed on a stone altar. These funeral rites date back to ta Neolithic sect from pre-Hindu times.

Before returning to our hotel, we’ll have time for a dip in natural hot springs near the lake. Dinner at ek Sanskriti. Overnight Ubud, Bali B, L, D

Day 12 Sun. Sept. 12 Ubud – Waikabubak, Sumba This morning we depart Bali (DPS) for the small island of Sumba. Our guide will meet us at the airport and drive us 1 ½ hours to Waikabubak to our hotel.

Sumba is home to a multitude of small communities where tradition runs deep. Home to the finest Indonesian ikat (fabric made using an Indonesian decorative technique in which the threads are tie-dyed before weaving), each village has its own unique design that other villages are forbidden to weave.

In the afternoon we’ll visit the villages of Tambera, Prai Ijing ,Bela kiku,Tarong and Waitabar. Perched on hill tops with thatched roofed homes and clustered around ancestral tombs, the residents continue 4

to observe their animistic culture while simultaneously claiming to be Christian. All are extremely welcoming and friendly elders enjoy the opportunity to sit and chat with visitors. If time permits, we’ll also visit the local market of Waikabubak. Dinner will be at the hotel. Overnight Waikakubak, Sumba B, L, D

Day 13 Mon. Sept. 13 Waikabubak – Wanukaka – Lamboya –Waikabubak Waikabubak is the ideal location from which to explore traditional villages. On virtually every nearby hilltop, there is a welcoming village that experiences minimal tourism.

After breakfast we depart for Wanukaka and Lamboya districts to visit: Waigalli, Prai Goly ,Waiwuang and Waru Wora Villages. All are comprised of traditional houses on top of hills with front Grave Stones. Gifts are necessary as we enter these communities and our guide will be bringing a supply of betel nuts which is the customary offering for village elders. We will enjoy the fantastic scenery and ocean views, but the main attractions are the villagers who invite us to sit and chat (using an interpreter) on the porches of their huts. These homes are beyond impressive as they have absurdly high vertical roofs. Overnight Waikakubak, Sumba B, L, D

Day 14 Tues. Sept. 14 Waikabubak – to Southwest Sumba This morning we drive to the village of Wae Leo, an old traditional village in Southwest Sumba as well as Wana and Geila Koko villages. All are about 15 km from Waikabubak. Wae Leo is perhaps one of the most welcoming of Sumba villages and if we are lucky we may arrive while they are erecting a new roof. This is an undertaking in which the entire village participates and it is fascinating to watch the process. Once again, villagers will be happy to speak with us (through an interpreter) and tell their own stories. Overnight Waikakubak, Sumba B ,L,D

Day 15 Wed. Sept. 15 Pero Beach – Ratenggaro We depart early this morning for the traditional villages of Ratenggaro,Paronabaroro, and Tosi. Ratenggaro is perhaps the most stunning village in all of Sumba with its amazing vertical thatched huts. We will be able to see the roofs made from alang-alang (a special grass for roofs) from some distance away as they are more than 10 meters high. Later in the day we’ll visit the Waikury lagoon and Wainyapu village. Overnight Waikakubak, Sumba B, L, D

Day 16 Thurs. Sept. 16 Depart Sumba for Bali This morning we make the approximately 3 hour drive back to the Tambolaka Airport for our afternoon flight back to Bali. The rest of the day is open as we prepare for departures tomorrow. We’ll have a Farewell Dinner together in the evening. Overnight Sanur, Bali B, D

Day 17 Fri. Sept. 17 Departures This morning travelers depart for home or continue on to Labuan Bajo for National Park extension. B