UKRAINIAN LABOUR MIGRATION and the FUTURE of LABOUR MARKET: Social-Economic, Geographic and Institutional Dimensions
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS OF UKRAINE ASSOCIATION OF TRADE UNIONS IN LVIV DOLISHNIY INSTITUTE OF REGIONAL RESEARCH OF NAS OF UKRAINE IVAN FRANKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LVIV LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY UKRAINIAN LABOUR MIGRATION AND THE FUTURE OF LABOUR MARKET: social-economic, geographic and institutional dimensions LVIV, 2020 UDC 331.556.4:314.74 The present analytical research has been conducted: D. Sc. Economics, Prof. Sadova U. Ya. (scientific supervisor), D. Sc. Economics, Assoc. Prof. Hrynkevych O. S., D. Sc. Politics, Prof. Bortnik N. P., D. Sc. Politics, Prof. YuskivD. BS.c M.. , Economics, Prof. Vasyltsiv T. H., D. Sc. Economics, senior research fellow Bil M. M., Assoc.Prof. Pylypenko L. M., D. Sc. Economics, Prof. Poplavska Z. V., D. Sc. Economics, Prof. Semiv L. K., PhD Economics, Assoc. Prof. Stepura T. M., PhD Economics, Assoc. Prof. Pelekh O. B., PhD Economics, senior research fellow Ryndzak PO.hD T.,Economics, Assoc. Prof. Pyatkovska O. R., PhD Geography, senior research fellow Tesliuk R. T., PhD Economics, senior research fellow Andrusyshyn N. I., PhD Economics, senior research fellow Levytska O. O., PhD Economics, research fellow Mulska O. P., PhD Economics, research fellow Bachynska M. V., PhD Economics, junior research fellow Makhoniuk O. V., PhD Economics, senior research fellow Bidak V. Ya., PhD Economics, Assoc. Prof. Trevoho O. I., PhD Economics, Assoc. Prof. Skoryk H. I., PhD Economics, Assoc. Prof. Vilchynska O. M., PhD Economics, Assoc. Prof. Komarynets S. O., PhD Economics, Assoc. Prof. Mychaylyshyn N. L., PhD Economics, Assoc. Prof. Pushak H. I., PhD Economics, Assoc.
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