visitor insights 2016 table of contents

Purpose of Report 3 Surf Coast Data Regions 3 Maps 3

Executive Summary 4 Summary of Total Visitation to Surf Coast 5

Total Visitation and Visitor Nights 5 Total Visitation and Visitor Nights – 5 year trend 5 Surf Coast Visitation by Quarter 6 Market Share of Great Ocean Road Visitation 7

Top Regional Destinations 8 Top 30 Regional destinations in VIC/NSW 8 Top 20 Regional Destinations 8

Visitor Information Centres 9

Surf Coast Domestic Overnight Visitor Profile 10 Total Nights 10 Purpose of Visit to the Surf Coast 10 Accommodation 11 Origin 11 Age 11 Travel Party 11 Activities and Accommodation Types 11

Surf Coast Day Visitor Profile 12

Surf Coast International Visitor Profile 12

surf coast sub-region profiles 13 Total Visitation 13 Domestic Overnight Visitors 13 Domestic Visitor Nights 13 Visitation by Quarter 14 Stop Overs 14 Activities 15 Room Occupancy Rate 16 Key Attractions Being Visited in the Region 17

surf coast events 18

Future Visitation 19

Note: This report presents key statistics and information about the number and type of visitors to Surf Coast Shire in 2015/16. Previous years’ data has also been presented in some cases to enable a longer term trend to be considered.

2 Purpose of Report

This report presents key statistics and information about the number and type of visitors to Surf Coast Shire in 2015/16. Previous years’ data has also been presented in some cases to enable a longer term trend to be considered. Surf Coast Shire Visitor Insights benchmarks the areas of Surf Coast Shire, Lorne - Anglesea and Torquay’s performance in comparison to other regional destinations in Victoria and N.S.W. Data is provided by Tourism Research , a branch of Austrade. Tourism Research Australia is Australia’s leading provider of quality tourism intelligence across both international and domestic markets and provides statistics, research and analysis to support industry development, policy development and marketing for the Australian tourism industry. Data will change every year as provided by Tourism Research Australia. Data has also been sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). This publication can be used to provide information to businesses to assist in the development of plans, the community, investors and developers on the current tourism capacity in Surf Coast Shire and to identify opportunities for investment in the municipality.

Surf Coast Data Regions

Statistics presented in this document are based on areas • Due to changes to the National Visitor Survey (NVS) determined as Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) and Statistical Area methodology (to include mobile phone interviewing and Level 3 (SA3), by Australian Statistical Geography Standards new estimated resident population projections from January (ASGS). SA2s and SA3’s are the geographical areas utilised by 2014), care should be taken when comparing year ending Tourism Research Australia as well as ABS. September 2014 survey results with those from previous The ASGS brings all the regions for which the ABS publishes years. These changes represent a break in the time series. statistics to one framework and is used for the collection and • From 2014, the NVS has moved to a dual frame sample dissemination of geographically classified statistics. It provides methodology. This means one portion of the sample is now a common framework of statistical geography and enables the interviewed on residential fixed-lines and another on mobile production of statistics which are comparable. phones. Specific data sets used include: • Tourism Research Australia started using the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ new projections of estimated resident population • Torquay (SA2) (ERP) from March quarter 2014. • Winchelsea (SA2) • The ERP projections for those aged 15 years or more are used • Lorne - Anglesea (SA2) as an input to the NVS weighting. Therefore, changes to ERP • Western (SA3) projections will impact NVS results from 2014 onwards.

For more information on the methodology changes please go to / News & Media / Fact-sheet-2014-Updates-to-the-IVS/NVS

Map of Torquay, Lorne - Anglesea, Winchelsea (sa2 areas)

surf coast shire visitor insights 2015/16 3 Executive Summary

Surf Coast Shire: Tourism engine room of the Great Ocean Road

The Surf Coast Shire, with its beaches, National Parks and Tourism also plays a vital role, with more than 2.1 million rural environment, is located in south-western Victoria, visitors directly expending over $430m during 2015/16. It 1.5 hours from ’s CBD and 20 minutes south is estimated that over $42 million in wages and salaries is of ’s CBD. With its rich agricultural and aesthetic attributed to tourism in Surf Coast each year. After factoring in attributes, the hinterland is increasingly contributing to the shire’s economic development, particularly via local food and all other forms of indirect expenditure, over $683 million were niche tourism opportunities. injected by tourism into the local economy. In terms of value add activity the Tourism sector contributes over $90 million Worth over $1 billion annually, Surf Coast Shire’s economy annually to Surf Coast Shire while accounting for 15.2% of continues to experience strong growth. As a distinctly different economy to that of Geelong and surrounding regions, with total employment (Surf Coast’s largest employment sector). the tourism and sectors playing a key role. Surfing Surf Coast Shire is home to nine distinct townships: Aireys represents almost 27% of all jobs (more than 2,000) and Inlet, Anglesea, Deans Marsh, Fairhaven, Jan Juc, Lorne, 26.6% of all value add activity. Strong population growth will see a need to create approximately 3,000 additional jobs Moriac, Torquay and Winchelsea. These townships and by 2031 in a shire where some 87 per cent of all businesses the rural hinterland support over 3,000 businesses which employ four or less people. drive an economy estimated to be over $1 billion annually.

4 Summary of Total Visitation to Surf Coast

The Surf Coast region received an estimated 2.1 million total Domestic overnight visitors stayed 3 nights on average, and visitors to the financial year ending June 2016 (Table 1). spent the most money per day ($134). International visitors by The region received over 2.3 million overnight visitor nights comparison stayed 2.1 nights on average and spent $92 per day. during the same period with a direct expenditure of $432 Domestic Overnight Visitors also generated the most direct million. Annual visitation to Surf Coast Shire contributes $683 expenditure ($299.7 million), followed by Domestic Day-Trippers million to the local economy. ($124.5 million) and International Visitors ($8.2 million).

Surf Coast welcomed over 2.1 million visitors who contributed a total of over $683 million to the economy in 2015/16.

Surf Coast Visitor Visitor Average Average Visitor Impact Total Visitor Visitor Type Numbers Nights Visitor Expenditure ($) Direct Impact (Direct Nights Per Day* & Indirect) Domestic 1,339,000 NA NA $93 $124,527,000 $221,658,060 Day Visitors Domestic Overnight 780,000 2,237,000 3.0 ave $134 $299,758,000 $449,637,000 Visitors International 42,052 90,014 2.1 ave $92 $8,281,288 $12,421,932 Visitors Total 2,161,052 2,327,014 $432,566,288 $683,716,992 Table 1: Summary of Surf Coast Visitor Data *Source: Western Region & Surf Coast Data, Regional Expenditure, December 2016, Tourism Research Australia.

TOtal visitation and visitor nights Total Visitation and Visitor Nights – Trend Figure 1 shows that theT 61.9otal% of all visitors Visitation to the Surf Coast were dayan visitors,d followed by overnight visitors (36.1%) and international visitors (1.9%). Figure 1: Surf Coast visitor by type (%) More than Visitor Nights– 5 year trend half of all visitors are day Total Visitation and Visitor Nights – Trend Figure 1 shows that the 61.9% of all visitors to the Surf Coast were day visitors, Figure 1 shows that the 61.9% of all visitors to the Surf CoastVisitor were day Types visitors, followed by overnight visitors (36.1%) and international visitors (1.9%). trippers followed by overnight visitors (36.1%) and international visitors (1.9%). 100% Figure 1: Surf Coast visitor by type (%) 90% visitor types Visitor Types 80% 100%100% 70% 90%90%

60% 80%80%

50% 70%70% Day-trippers 60%60% 40% YPE(%) 50%50%

30% 40%40% visitOR T 20% 30%30% Overnights 20%20% 10% 10%10% 0% 0% 0% International 2011/12 2011/12 2012/132012/132012/13 2013/142013/142013/14 2014/152014/15 2014/15 2015/162015/16 2015/16 InternationalInternational DomesticDomestic Overnight OvernightDomesticDomestic Daytrip Daytrip

More than half of all visitors are day trippers More than half of all visitors are day trippers surf coast shire visitor insights 2015/16 5 2500000



1000000 Total Visitation and 500000 0 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Visitor Nights– 5 yearSeries1 tren1504332 d1388179 1897828 1729837 2161052

Total Visitation 2011/12 to 2015/16 Total VisTotalitor Visitor Night Nightss 2011/12 to 2015/16 25000002,500 3,500350

3,000300 ) ) 20000002,000 X 10000 2,500250 housands housands

1500000T 1,500 T 2,000200 ( ( S

TS 1,500150

1000000 GH

1,000 I N visitOR 1,000100 500000500 50050

0 0 2011/122011/12 2012/13 2013/142013/14 2014/152014/15 2015/16 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Series1 15043321504332 1388179 18978281897828 1729837 2161052 1890641 2030815 3107080 2579597 2327014

Total Visitor Nights In 2015/16, the total visitation to the Surf Coast was 2,161,052 which is the highest visitation in the past five years. There has been an average annual growth of 7.5% during this period. 350 In 2015/16, the total visitation to the Surf Coast was 2,161,052 people which is the highest level of visitation in the past five years. There has been an average annual growth of 7.5% during this period. 300

X 10000 Since 2011/12, the average annual growth rate in visitor nights is 4.2%. While total visitation has been growing, this has been 250 driven by an increased number of day-trippers. The total number of overnight visitors has decreased. These visitors are now spending less per day than in previous years, and are staying for less time. This has resulted in lower yield in the sector. 200

150 100 Surf Coast Visitation by quarter 50

0 The March quarter (Summer) was the most popular time for visitors with 41% of visitation, generating the most visitor nights. The second2011/12 most 2012/13popular quarter2013/14 was December2014/15 (Spring)2015/16 at 28%. The June quarter shows a 10% increase in total visitation in 2015/16, and1890641 a 3.9% increase2030815 in visitor3107080 nights compared2579597 to a2327014 five year average. The September quarter had a 14% decline in visitor nights compared to the five year average. In 2015/16, the total visitation to the Surf Coast was 2,161,052 which is the highest visitation in the past five years. There has been an average annual growth of 7.5% during this period.

day trips per quarter - 4 year average

45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 41%

15% 28% 10% 17% 13% 5% Summer and Spring are the 0% March quarter June quarter September December quarter most popular quarter times to visit

Visitor Nights per quarter 45% 40% 41% 40% 35% 35% 35% 30% 25% 28% 20% 24% 21% 20% 15% 17% 16% 10% 13% 10% 5% 6 0% March quarter June quarter September quarter December quarter

International Daytrip Domestic overnight

45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 41%

15% 28% 10% 17% 13% 5% 0% March quarter June quarter September December quarter quarter

visitor type per quartVisitorer Nights per quarter 45% 40% 41% 40% 35% 35% 35% 30% 25% 28% 20% 24% 21% 20% 15% 17% 16% 10% 13% 10% 5% 0% March quarter June quarter September quarter December quarter

International Daytrip Domestic overnight

Surf Coast market share of Great Ocean Road visitation

Over 5.1 million visitors visited the Great Ocean Road region with the Surf Coast Shire welcoming over 2 million of those visitors.

Great Ocean Road Surf Coast Region Domestic Day Visitors 2,989,362 1,339,000 Domestic Overnight Visitors 1,934,896 780,000 International Visitors 206,009 42,052 Total 5,130,266 2,161,052 surf coast market share %

The Surf Coast receives 42% of the 5.1 million visitors to the Great Ocean Road Surf Coast Shire Great Ocean Region 42% Road Region 58%

The Surf Coast receives 42% of all visitors to the Great Ocean Road - 40% of all domestic overnight and 45% of all day visitors. Only 20% of total international visitors come to the Surf Coast.

surf coast shire visitor insights 2015/16 7 TOP REGIONAL DESTINATIONS

Both Lorne and Torquay are in the top 30 regional destinations for Victoria and New South Wales combined for overnight visitors. Lorne-anglesea Top 30 regional overnight is the 10th most destinations in Vic/NSW visited regional Domestic Overnight Visitors 15/16 destination in Victoria and 1200 NSW, Torquay is the 29th 1000 1064 ) 800 housands

T 600 ( 663 646 619 TS 581 558 550 544 GH I 521

N 400 475 474 465 456 442 441 384 379 370 370 363 339 337 327 318 315 300 293 292 200 290 290


Top 20 Regional Destinations Victoria Within VictoriaTop both 20Lorne – AngleseaRegional and Torquay are in Victoria’s top 20 regional destinations for daytrips visitors. Both destinations have also had an increasedd numberay of tridomesticp overnight visitor trips than 2014/15. Destinations Victoria

Within Victoria both Lorne – Anglesea and Torquay are in Lorne-Anglesea Victoria’s top 20 regional destinations for daytrips visitors. Both Lornedestinations-Anglesea have also is the had 7than increased most visited number destination of domestic in regional Victoria, Torquay is theis 15ththe 7th most overnight visitor trips from 2014/15. visited destination Top 20 Victorian Regional Daytrips in regional top2,500 20 victorian regional daytrips Victoria, Torquay is the 15th 2,000 ) 1,500 housands T 1,000 ( S 1,919 P I 1,680 R T 1,264

500 1,151 912 DAY 871 738 725 722 671 627 614 588 578 551 513 502 493 473 451 0

Peak Overnight Population It is estimated that the population of Surf Coast on a peak holiday night (such as New Year’s Eve) could swell to 85,409, a 206% increase or triple the permanent population. (Source: Economic Indicators Bulletin, 8 Enterprise Geelong 2013)

Population Hotels, Permanent Population Population Holiday Population Caravan Parks, Motels, Apartments, Peak Overnight 2013 Homes Cabins & Camping Sites Units & B&Bs Population Total Geelong & The Bellarine 220554 78506 25895 3960 328915 Surf Coast Shire /Fairhaven/Moggs Creek 1037 6432 415 290 8173 Anglesea 2520 10341 1795 85 14741 Deans Marsh 302 418 75 10 806 Jan Juc 3680 3053 1440 60 8233 visitor information centres (vics)

In 2015/16, the Surf Coast Visitor Information Centres assisted 259,296 people. The Lorne Visitor Centre answered 60% of all enquiries, followed by Torquay (33%), Anglesea (6%) and Winchelsea (less than 1%).

Visitor Information Centre Enquiries

Anglesea VIC Winchelsea VIC 5.7% 0.4%

Lorne Visitor Information centre

Torquay VIC Lorne VIC 33.4% 60.5%

torquay Visitor Information centre the great ocean road story

The Lorne Visitor Information centre is also home to The Great Ocean Road Story, a permanent exhibition telling the story of the construction of the Great Ocean Road. The story of the construction of the Great Ocean Road captures a unique time in Australia’s and the world’s history when the Great Ocean Road itself was built over a 13 year period by more than 3,000 Australian ex-servicemen and other individuals whose toil, sweat, blisters, hardships, heat, cold and adversity resulted in a breathtaking memorial to those who fought for Australia during World War One. Now also available to add to this exhibition is the recently published “Historical drivers guide to the Great Ocean Road” the publication features local history and maps, points of interest and interpretive plaques, available for purchase at the centres.

surf coast shire visitor insights 2015/16 9 SURF COAST DOMESTIC OVERNIGHT VISITOR PROFILE

The Surf Coast received 780,000 domestic overnight visitors in the 2015/16 DOMESTIC SurfSurf Coast Coastfinancial Domestic Domestic year. This Overnight Overnightrepresents an Visitor average Visitor Profileincrease Profile of 5.9% over the past OVERNIGHT five years. Visitors spent more than 2.2 million nights in the region, up by VISITORS STAYED 4.8% during the same period. The average length of stay has decreased TotalTotal Nights Nightsfrom 3.2 nights to 2.9 nights. FOR LESS TIME OVER THE LAST TheThe Surf Surf Coast Coast received received nearly nearly 780,000 780,000 domestic domestic overnight overnight visitors visitors in thein the 2015/16 2015/16 financial financial year. year. This This represents represents an anaverage average increase increase of 5.9of 5.9% over% over the the past past 2 YEARS fivefive years. years. Visitors Visitors spent spent more more than than 2.3 2.3 million million nights nights in thein the region, region, up upby by4.8% 4.8% during during the the same same period. period. The The average average length length of stayof stay has has decreased decreased from from 3.2 3.2 nightsnights to 2.9to 2.9 nights. nights. domestic overnight visitors average length of stay

35003500 3.83.8 3.63.6 30003000 3.63.6 25002500 3.43.4 3.13.1 3.23.2 20002000 3.23.2 2.8 3 3 2.92.9 15001500 2.82.8

2.8Nights 2.8 10001000 2.62.6 500500 2.42.4 0 0 2011/122011/122012/132012/132013/142013/142014/152014/152015/162015/16 2.22.2 NightsNights (000's) (000's) 17931793 18191819 29612961 24812481 22372237 2 2 VisitorsVisitors (000's) (000's) 584584 647647 827827 776776 780780 2011/122011/122012/132012/132013/142013/142014/152014/152015/162015/16

PurposePurpose of visitof visit to tothe the Surf Surf Coast Coast HolidayHoliday (70%) (70%) was was the the largest largest purpose purpose for for domestic domestic overnight overnight visitors visitors to theto the region, region, followed followed by byvisiting visiting friends friends & relatives& relatives (19%) (19%) and and business business (11%). (11%). HolidayHoliday was was the the largest largest purpose purpose in termsin terms of visitorof visitor nights, nights, followed followed by by21% 21% visiting visiting friends friends & relatives& relatives and and 6% 6% business. business. Purpose of Visit to the Surf Coast

Holiday (70%) was the largest purpose for domestic overnight visitors to the region, followed by visiting friends & relatives (19%) and business (11%). Holiday was the largest purpose in terms of visitor nights, followedPurpose by 21% visitingof Daytrips friends & relatives Purpose of Overnight Visits and 6% business.

Purpose of PurposePurpose of ofDaytrips Daytrips 1 Purpose of70% Overnight Visits19% 11% 4 year average daytrips Purpose of Overnight Visits

Purpose of 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 1 1 4 year4 averageyear average 73% 21% 6% overnight visits Holiday Visiting friends and relatives Business - Other Holiday Visiting friends and relatives Business - Other

0%0% 20%20% 40%40% 60%60% 80%80% 100%100% Would0% like0% to20% show20% these40% two40% graphs60% above60% side80% by80% side100% in a bar100% – couldn’t work out how to do it in excel

HolidayHoliday VisitingVisiting friends friends and and relatives relatives BusinessBusiness - Other - Other HolidayHolidayVisitingVisiting friends friends and relatives and relativesBusinessBusiness - Other - Other

WouldWould like like to toshow show these these two two graphs graphs above above side side by side by side in a inbar a –bar couldn’t – couldn’t work work out howout howto do to it doin excel it in excel 10 accommodation Accommodation ‘Hotel/resort/motel’ was the most popular Hotel/Resort/ Type Motel or Motor Inn commercial accommodation option (23%) Friends or relatives property 23% followed by caravan park (13%). In 2015/16, over 34% 52% of overnight visitors stayed at a friends or Rented house/ relatives property or their own holiday house. apartment/flat or unit 13% Own Property Caravan park or commercial Origin 18% camping ground The region received 88.42% of visitors and 12% 84.63% of nights from within Victoria. The majority (63%) of these visitors came from Melbourne. Interstate visitation contributed 11.58% of total origin domestic overnight visitors with NSW as the primary source market (39%) followed by South United Kingdom 20% Australia (22%). Europe 22% New Zealand United States of Age America - Canada 14% Other Countries The most common type of domestic overnight visitor 32% to the Surf Coast in 2015/16 was aged 55+ (31%). 12% travel party Most domestic overnight visitors (55%) were friends or family travelling together. 30% were age of domestic adult couples. overnight visitor 15 to 24 years 55+ years 22% 31% The rental of private 25 to 34 years accommodation 16% 45 to 54 grew by 8.7% in 2016. 15% 35 to 44 There are 560 Airbnb 16% listings in Surf Coast Shire. Other 2% Tourism and hotel market outlook, Deloitte 2017 travel party Travelling alone Friends or relatives 13% travelling together Activities and 31% Adult couple 30% accommodation types Family group - parents and AThectivities most andpopular accommodation activity for day triptypes visitors in 2015/16 was to go to the children beach (31%), followed closely by eating out (24%) and shopping (12%). The most popular activity for day trip visitors in 2015/16 was to go to the beach (31%), followed closely24% by shopping (12%) and eating out (24%).

most popular daytripMost Popular activiti Daytripes Activities 35%




15% 31% 24% 10% 22%

5% 12% 12%

0% Go to the beach Visit friends & Go shopping for Eat out / dine at a Other Activities relatives pleasure restaurant and/or cafe

surf coast shire visitor insights 2015/16 11

SURF COAST day VISITOR PROFILE Surf Coast Day Visitor Profile The Surf Coast receivedThe over Surf 1.3 Coast million received domestic over daytrip 1.3 million visitors domesticin 2015/16. daytrip The number visitors of inday 2015/16. trip visitors has increased by 8.5% on average over the past five years. The majority (61%) of day-trippers came from Melbourne The number of day trip visitors has increased by 8.5% on average over the past five years. The majority (61%) of day-trippers came from Melbourne.

day trip visitorDays Trip Visitors 1600 1400

s 1200

nd 1000 usa

o 800 th

600 1339 THOUSANDS 1040 921 400 892 714 200 0 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Day Trip Visitors 892 714 1040 921 1339

The UK and New Zealand remain the two largest single markets for international visitation to Surf Coast. Nationally, Australia is experiencing increasing numbers of visitors from Asia.

SURF COAST international VISITOR PROFILE Surf Coast International Visitor Profile The Surf Coast received 42,052 international overnight visitors. Although it is a significant increase from last year, the total international visitation over the The Surf Coast received 42,052 international overnight visitors. Since 2011/12, past fivetotal years international has increased visitation has by grown 8.2% by a anyear average over ofthe 8.2% last per five year. years.

international viInternationalsitors Visitors 50000





0 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Series1 28332 27179 30828 32837 42052

‘Other Europe’ was the source of most international visitors to the Surf Coast (32%), ‘Otherfollowed Europe’ by wasUnited the Kingdom source (22%), of most and ‘other international countries (both visitors 20%). to the Surf Coast (32%), followed by United Kingdom (22%), and ‘other countries (both 20%).

Origin of International Visitors 12

20% 22%


32% 12%

United Kingdom Europe New Zealand United States of America - Canada Other Countries

torquay & lorne-anglesea sub-region profiles

The following section compares a visitor profile using specific data sets for Torquay and Lorne – Anglesea. Data is less reliable on a smaller area and in some cases; the statistics are gained from an average of a four year profile. Where possible data is used from financial year end 2015/16. The data for Winchelsea is not available as it was not statistically significant or available from Tourism Research Australia.

Sub-region Total Visitation

visitor numbers

Surf Coast Visitor Type Torquay Lorne - Anglesea

Domestic Day Visitors 551,000 738,000 In 2015/16, Lorne- Anglesea received Domestic Overnight Visitors 290,000 475,000 a total of 1,238,693 visitors and Torquay International Visitors 16,442 25,693 received a total of 857,442 visitors Total 857,442 1,238,693

Sub region Domestic Overnight Visitors Sub region Domestic Overnight Visitors The number of domestic overnight visitors to Torquay has increased at an average rate of 3.33% over the past five years. Lorne domestic overnight visitors has increased by 4.6% on average over the same period. The number of domestic overnight visitors to Torquay has increased at an average rate of 3.33% over the past five years. Lorne domestic overnight visitors has increaseddomes bytic 4.6 %ov one averagernight over vi thesitor same period.s

468 475 453 413 380 383 351 307 290 245 220 194 No. Visitors No. 000'sVisitors

10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16

Lorne - Anglesea Torquay

Sub Region Domestic Visitor Nights LorneSub received R overegion 1.24 million visitorDomestic nights in 2014 and Torquay Visitor received 847 ,000.N ights TheLorne average received length over 1.24 of stay million in Lornevisitor -nightsAnglesea in 2015/16 has de andcreased Torquay from received 2.8 nights 847,000. in 20 10/11 to 2.6 nights in 2015/. The average length of stay in Torquay has decreaThe averagesed from length 2.3 of nights stay in toLorne-Anglesea 1.9 nights over has the decreased same period. from 2.8 nights in 2010/11 to 2.6 nights in 2015/16. The average length of stay in Torquay has decreased from 2.3 nights to 1.9 nights over the same period.

surf coast shire visitor insights 2015/16 13 Sub Region Visitation by Quarter The March quarter was the most popular time of year for overnight visitors Sub Region Visitation by Quarter to Torquay and The March quarter was the most popular time of year for overnight visitors toLorne- TorquayAnglesea. and Lorne-Anglesea. Sub Region Visitation by Quarter The Marchvisitation quarter was bythe mostquart popularVisitationer time of year by for Quarterovernight visitors to Torquay and Lorne-Anglesea.

50% 43% 40% 37% Visitation by Quarter 50% 30% 43% 24% 22% 23% 40% 37% 19% 18% 20% 14% 30% 24% 10% 22% 23% 19% 18% 20% 0% 14% 10% March quarter June quarter September quarter December quarter

0% Torquay Lorne - Anglesea March quarter June quarter September quarter December quarter

Sub Region Stop Overs Torquay Lorne - Anglesea Over 85% of all visitors to both destinations had a single stopover during their trip. Sub SRegionub Stop R Oversegion stopovers Over 85% of all visitors to both destinationsOvernight had a single Stopovers stopover during their trip. Over 85% of all 100.00% overnight85% stopov89%ers Overnight Stopovers visitors to both 80.00% destinations 100.00%100% 89% had a single 60.00% 85% 80.00%80% stopover during 40.00% their trip. 60.00%60% 20.00% 6% 5% 9% 6% 40.00%40% 0.00% 20.00%20% 1 Stopover 2 Stopovers 3 or more stopovers 6% 5% 9% 6% 0.00%0% Torquay Lorne - Anglesea 1 Stopover 2 Stopovers 3 or more stopovers

Torquay Lorne - Anglesea

14 Sub region activities SubThe region most popular activities activities in Torquay are going to the beach (68%), eating out (66%) and visiting friends or relatives (39%). The most popular activities in Torquay are going to the beach (68%), eating out (66%) and visiting friends or relatives (39%). torquay top activities Torquay Top Activities 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 68% 30% 66% 20% 39% 35% 32% 10% 21% 17% 15% 13% 11% 10% 0%

TheThe most most popula popularr activities activities in Lorne areare going going to to the the beach beach (75%), (75%), eating eating out out (64%) (64%) and andsightseeing sightseeing (39%). (39%)

lorne top activities Lorne Top Activities 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 75% 30% 64% 20% 39% 34% 26% 25% 24% 10% 21% 17% 11% 10% 0%

surf coast shire visitor insights 2015/16 15 room occupancy rate

Room Occupancy Rate

occupancy rate Occupancy Rate 80

70 64.0 64.4 59.2 62.1 60 58.1 58.5

% 58.4


R 50 49.5

Y 46.2 C 44.1 N 42.9 43.2 A

P 40 U C C 69.3 69.1 O

64.8 62.7 62.2 30 62.1 M 59.4 O 56.5 55.4 55.4 54.3 52.4 O 51.7 50.5 49.3 R 46.7 45.8 20 45.6 39.4 37.7 37.6 35.3 34.7 34.1 10

0 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16

Lorne - Anglesea Torquay Western (TR)

Takingstakings per room night per room night $300.00 average takings per room $254.67 $250.00

$207.10 $195.10 $200.00 $192.65 $193.02 $186.89 $185.19 $178.47 $175.97 $174.50 $164.03 $161.12 $158.59 $158.82 $154.18 $155.48 $147.91 $168.55 $144.95 $150.00 $139.48 $137.55 $158.93 $135.12 $130.13 $130.00 $128.64 $138.65 $138.36 $133.32 $134.39 $122.26 $100.00 $111.44 $105.38 $100.75 $94.49 $91.62


$0.00 July 2015 August 2015 September October November December January February March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016

Western (TR) Lorne - Anglesea Torquay

16 key attractions being visited in the region

The dressmaker costume exhibition IT Is estimated held in 2016 attracted that up to over 22,000 visitors 500,000 people to the Barwon Park visit Erskine Mansion in Falls each Winchelsea. year!

Each year over 54,000 people enjoy a world class walking destination offering inspiring landscapes along the surf coast walk

Shopping at Surf City is a popular activity, attracting over 1 million visitors each year!

surf coast shire visitor insights 2015/16 17 surf coast events events bring big benefits to the surf coast

Over 240,000 participants Over 200 3,300 media exposure events international reaches over a year attendees 40 million people

pro 2016 • Attracted over 41,000 visitors to the region. • 3,000 from interstate cadel evans and overseas. great ocean • Estimated economic • Attracted over 21,000 benefit to the local region visitors to the region. of $7.4 million. • Estimated economic benefit to the local region of $11.3 18 million Amy’s Gran Fondo • Attracted over 18,000 visitors to the region. • 3,000 from interstate and overseas. • Estimated economic benefit to the local region of $15.2 million.

Future Visitation

Infutur 2014, Greate vis itationOcean Road Regional Tourism as part of the ‘Strategic Master Plan for The Great Ocean Road Region Visitor Economy 2015 – 2025’ projected various visitation scenarios for the In 2014, Great Ocean Road Regional Tourism as part of the ‘Strategic Master Plan for The Great Ocean comingRoad Region decade. Visitor EconomyForecasting 2015 –for 2025’ a projectedlow to moderate various visitation level scenarios of annual for the growth coming decade. (1.7%pa), visitation to Surf Forecasting for a low to moderate level of annual growth (1.7%pa), visitation to Surf Coast Shire was Coast217,341 Shire visitors was above 217,341 forecast, andvisitors a 422,951 above increase forecast, from the andending a June422,951 2015 to increase the year ending from the ending June 2015 toJune the 2016. year This ending change Junehas been 2016. driven This by strong change growth has of domesticbeen driven day trippers by strong and residents growth located of domestic day outside the municipality visiting Surf Coast Shire. trippers and residents located outside the municipality visiting Surf Coast Shire.

visitation forecast 2014 – 2023 Visitation Forecast 2014 - 2023 2500000 2,140,590

2000000 1,886,635 1500000 1,717,639



0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Forecast Visitation Actual Visitation

surf coast shire visitor insights 2015/16 19 visitor insights 2015/16

Council’s Economic Development & Tourism Unit has collated a range of statistics to assist businesses in making strategic decisions about expanding or relocating to the Surf Coast including: • Economic Snapshot • Surf Industry Mapping • Visitor Insights • Economic Impact of Events Contact us for more information and advice.

Enquiries All enquiries about this report should be directed to the Economic Development Unit at Surf Coast Shire on (03) 5261 0600. Contact Details Surf Coast Shire In person: 1 Merrijig Drive Torquay Victoria 3228 Post: PO Box 350, Torquay, VIC 3228 Phone: (03) 5261 0600 Email: [email protected] Website: