total an) State Xetos. State News. A ****** young mu by die name of Stevens who Die. ■»»•■*» mt Iktoactrtsf Tkitb- For the Than lay, 29, 18tl. lived In had been at work imOMOMUI. stltwtlwm. SmithfleM, on ! Hoyt’s Island for Mr. Hoyt since last The Lewiston Horse R. R- will run sleigh Court Superior adjourned finally,yesterday. The spring. In the absence of Mr. he took can this winter if the snow should be deep. annul reports of the Hoyt, A officers Four can for this purpose hare arrived, caps* j TRUE TONIC No. of of the bis clothes and started across Great Pond Bosworth Post, 2, Portland, has a Insane for the ble of. 30 each, if the Holidays! Hospital, accommodating persons year ?n abates for home. He broke' through the relief fund, and has expended #701.85 1881, hare been received standing room is utilized. #5,077 by the Governor ice and was rescued by a of men who IRON couple this There are now •nd and were Aboostook. for charity year. fifty, Council, ordered printed. On the at work near by, and advised by Silk in this lit of them to but he The Pioneer J. F. Bedell of Lin- Elegant two Post* State, with nearly 2300 December. 1880. there were 436 go back, did not says: pa- heed neus to cut a million feet of tients—226 their advice, but went on. expects spruce ■embers. men and 210 women. There The next his bat was found near a on Letter A, and wants to contract for the HA NDKER CHIEFS. have been day bole admitted since 215 persons_129 in the ice. Search was of same. appetiser Hon. George Kent, brother of the late ex- immediately made hauling men and 86 and women, a total hi* body ft and. He was some 18 or 29 The railroad survey from Houlton to i of now 85 of making number GoT. Maine, years year* ol was BITTERS under treatment of 651—335 age. There has been quite a num- Presque Isle completed last Saturday, IRON BITTERS are recommended for all diseases Handsome Silk holds a men and 296 ber highly requir- age, still responsible position in the of instances of the two crews having met at Bridgewater. a women. Of these there persons breaking through ing certain and efficient tome; especially Indigestion, Dys- have been dis- the ice and The half a treasury department at Washington, and is getting into the ponds around station at that point will be aoout pepsia, Intermittent Fevers, Want of Loss of 201 115 men Appetite, charged and 8C women—leav- this town, but have been res- mil* west of the hotel. well and active as most men fortunately they Strength, Lack of etc. It enriches the hlood. strengthens apparently at 65 in the cued Energy, ing Hospital on the 1st of by timely help and saved from a watery CcUBEJU-AXli. the muscles, and gives new Hie to the nerves. It acts like a charm on the or 70 of age. December, Mufflers, years kvave.—Sheriff Tibbetts continues to make 1881, 450 men Two new are in digestive organs, all such as (Ac patients—249 and 210 seizures organizations reported removing dvapeptic symptoms, Tatting Food, of the ardent. Last week he Heat i* tie etc. The Iron Howard Owen, will deliver his lec- women. The record of Portland: A Corn-husking Machine Co., a ith : Rekkiug, Stomadt, Heartburn, only Prepa- Esq., deaths, says seized a box containing bottles of whis- forty ot $25,000: and an Ozone Inhaler I ration that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. on “Life in the Maine the a | capital ture Stale Superintendent, varies bat little key, certain class who were expecting to Sold all Write for Ute ABC 32 of useful and Company for manufacturing drugs and chern- j by druggists. Book, pp. Silk invitation «f Coshuoc from previous make merry, feel somewhat sad over their Prison,” by Temper- years, being hut shout ten i icals. with a of 850.000. amusing reading—seat tree. Tasty loss.—Two of the oldest capital cent of residents of this BROWN Md. ance Union this (Thursday) evening, at 74 per the daily average resident. D.. W. Clark i Co. are cutting for the daily- CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Many town, both being pensioners of the war of of these were supply of customers clean ice eight inches o'clock, at First Christian church, Cusbnoc old residents at the Hospital, 1812. have died. Mr. Geo. lately Willey aged ! thick from Long Creek pond.—Argus All are invited. advanced in and worn 82 and Mr. 85 of Heights. years, weary with dis- Timothy Staples. years age. The class of V2, rortland High school, Wristers, to —The tarnier* hereabouts are 1 ease, ready depart. The average age of anxiously held their tenth reunion at Gilbert's Hall During the sixty-one years of Maine’s ex- awaiting the advent of snow to do their those who died was 51 7-10 years,—the young- winters' Wednesday evening. as an she has teaming, but they wait in vain. istence independent State, beep est 18 Major General Joshua L. Chamberlain and MATHEWS & UPHAM and the oldest 87. The whole number twenty in Geoeral George L. Beal have gone represented by gentlemen the Na- of admitted NOT WHAT THEY SEEM. Adjutant Fine Stock patients and discharged since the to and will remain aerer&l weeks. tional Senate. This is the list: John Florida, waa first Many of the bread sold for Hospital opened in 1840, is as fol- perparations Oxfobd. Have a new line of Men’s and Fur and Cloth Chandler, John Holmes, Albion K. baking are not made from cream Robes, Boys’ Parris, lows : 5,759 have been purposes, admitted, am] 5,309 tartar at all. The Messrs. Koval and Kennedy of Sooth Paris, of Peleg Sprague, Ether Sheplfy, John Haggles, composition and process discharged. Of the latter of manufacture taken from have manufactured upward of twelve hun- Kuel 2,201 recovered. the records of the Fur Trunks , Williams, George Evans, dred wheelbarrows this season. These ve- Caps, Eats, Umbrellas, 1,034 improved, 943 did not improve, and Patent Office at Washington, of a well-known Trimmings, &Bags. James W. are and for on , Bradbury, Wyman manufacturer, is of the most loathsome char- hicles used in mining working 1,107 died.—The same practice in the treat- B. S. Hannibal acter, which is as follows : railroads and are all of one pattern. GLOVES, Moor, Hamlin, William ment of has been patients continued the past 500 of the Democrat from COR. WATER & BRIDGE STREETS, P. Fessenden, Amos Lot M. POUNDS BURNED AND GROUND Correspondence Nourse, Morrill, ms heretofore. Gilead Business will be live- New Stock year BONES are placed in says unusually of Nathan A. Farwell, James G. Blaine, I)r. Harlow 400 POUNDS ly here this winter, and labor is scarce and devote* several pages in his SULPHURIC ACID (Oil of -A.TTGKCTST-A., ME. and William P. Of this diluted with high, at from twenty to twenty-six dollars SLEEVE AND Frye. report to the question of attendants, and Vitriol), freshly eleven have been 1,000 POUNDS and stirred from per month, and in some instances even a FRED W. MATHEWS. FRANK B. UPHAM. number, natives of the states that it is and WATER, always has been his aim time to time for three The higher figure, and $1.00 per cord for cutting COL LA R B and seven others were Jays. paste UTTONS, State natives of New to and best is worth a secure the best class of young men and is mixed with farinaceous material, or birch poplar: hay $15 Massachusetts no reason for England, furnishing four_ women with burned or with torn and there is good the cry for this important position that can bo freshly gypsum, Ladies and Gents* Satchels, Holmes, Sprague, Shepley and stearine, and dried and pulverized. • • of hard times, and the greenback orators hail Buggies: found in the community, and as a rule This pulverized acid is to be used with better crawl into their holes. Goods I A New two—Chandler and Overcoat, Hampshire Fessen- the selections have been fortunate.— Holiday Stylish bicarbonate of soda in baking powders Penobscot. den and Connecticut one—Dana. -JUST KKCK1VKD AT- ; 150 volumes of new books hsve Old bones treated with acid are been sulphuric The old folks of West Hampden had a A Suit of Clothes. what the added to the and phosphate powders are composed of, ball at At a meeting of the Government held library, about the same supper and Liberty Hall, Monday- City and make one of the known sub- All handsome and number of old ones have been rebound. This cheapest evening. E. K,0 WSE’S, Useful, the Eastern Electric stitutes fur cream Tuesday evening, Light tartar. The Commercial : Dr. Ezra Manter this says reasonable in Co. was the puts valuable department of the —CONSISTING OK- price. granted exclusive right to lay Hospital THE mint. BAKING PIlWtlEI, died at his residence in Winterport in Friday, in and good condition.—There has been no lack from a shock of after an illness of down, through the streets of Augusta, on the other hand, is prepared from pure, paralysis, Gold and Silver Watches, Ladies’ and Gents’Gold Chains, of water at the at time two His was 72 He had and to take up and repair all snch pipes, Hospital any during wholesome Grape Cream Tartar, and is be- days. age years. been in as a sician and sur- Neck Gold and Plated Sets, the year, and the of the res- yond comparison with that of any other pre- daily practice phy Lockets, Crosses,Charms, Chains, wires and fixtures as may lie in storage capacity E. E. necessary for leavening No other geon over 52 years. DAYIS, paration purposes. Lace and Cuff the with ervoirs has been increased.—The pressing Rings, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Shawl, Pins, lighting city electricity.—It was an- powder makes such wholesome, light, flaky York. and rative need of the institution is more Under Cony House, nounced that the of the Litli- imp* breads, or luxurious Eaten representatives pastry by dys- Biddrford Timet ssys: The third story Gold and Silver room. Additional room has never been without fear of the ills from Thimbles, gow estate had appointed Hon. James W. peptics resulting of the Pilshnry hotel, at Old Orchard, has needed more than the indigestible food. as their tnember of the board of during past year. It heavy, been raised, and the work is being rapidly Bradbury Its and make Silver Plated Tea Sets, Ice Goblets, Cake Baskets. Fruit has been to the great strength perfect purity This house has a situation, Pitchers, trustees of the Free and impossible keep number of pushed. grand Lithgow Library it more economical than the ordinary powders. and the views from its windows will rival Tilt sBest Aisortmoot patients down to a comfortable working ca- Stands, Vases, and of all Lanesl Beading Boom fund. The following gentle- those of the Old Orchard House. Cups, Spectacles Styles. pacity of the House without absolutely re- men were selected as members of the board, Buy nu Holiday Present without seeing Church goers in Center Waterboro have LARGEST STOCK 1 LOWEST PRICES fusing to take applicants. This it has been I)r. Seott's beautiful Electric Hair and been the past season bv wholesale on the part of the city : the ti ,- annoyed Mayor, officio not residents alone deemed advisable to do in some dozen cases. Flesh Brushes. They always benefit the desecration of Sunday, by 124 WATER ST.. ME. Hon. J. Manchester Haynes, to serve for AUGUSTA, well, and cure Headache. Neu- but also parties from other places ranging drc4Ttl It is expected that the new pavilion for fe- marvellously by three years; Wm. R. Smith, Esq., to serve ralgia. Dandruff, Falling Hair, Baldness, the woods, reports of their guns being dis- DRY & FANCY ROODS males will he completed and rcadv for oc- sorvice. The for two years; Herbert M. Heath, Esq one Rheumatism, etc. Price refunded if not as tinctly heard all through Bap- cupancy during the coming ytar. This will At Drug and Fancy Stores. tist society of the place have taken measures IN THE CITY year.—The City Marshal was directed to represented. JUST THE THING 1882. 1882. accommodate 4.1 patients. A similar pavilion for the suppression of the nuisance. place a gasolene lamp at the junction of Elm On Saturday, the city marshal and aids -FOR A- is need.-d on the south side to relieve the Dr. Wistar's Wild Cherry Balsam.—This —can he found at the sign of the— and streets and one in front of H. B. seized in Biddeford some 125 gallons of rum, Bridge Balsamic has become a home fix- New Year to You. crowded state of the male wards.—With the compound etc. is the seizure Happy This largest m Turner's on Bangor street. ture. Let all who suffer, and have in vain whiskey, gin, of a change of clerk with the ever made there. The liquor was of the best exception attempted to cure their coughs, colds, bron- and was estimated as worth #400. ‘BIO Water St and use quality NEW CARDS JIST RECEIVED Sir,” Twenty-three members of Jeptha Encamp- Steward Treasurer, chief nurse to the chial or pulmonary complaints, make of CHRISTMAS PRESENT! can be relied At Larue. female and the of a sec- this unequaled remedy. it ment, I. O. O. F. of Augusta, went to Rich- wards, appointment At the Novelty Store fur upon, the mass of testimony that has been The citv and citizens ot Rockland contrib- mond afternoon, to witness the ond assistant physician the officers remain Tuesday published since its introduction being ample uted #887,742 to the building of the Knox & ONE OF THE W. H. FURBISH formation of an in that town. the same as they were a year ago. of its dec27teod&wlw Lincoln railroad. Thomaston subscribed Encampment proof efficacy. has just returned from New York with a full stock of Wise Waldoboro, All the officers of thr Grand Encampment of Trustees’ Report. #227,100; asset, 8177,000; or New Year’s. Messrs. II. O. Ryerson & Co., Druggists, 8144,400; llamariscotta. 8122,715; New- Popular Magazines Papers the State were as follows: Geo. L. present, The Trustees’ is am after a Dress Report quite voluminous, Newton. N..J: I satisfied thorough castle. 8117,207 ; Nobleboro, 827,622; Bath. Goods, A. YEAR. More to eoiue Fi'Ula.v* lteed, Mechanic Falls, M. VV. Grand Patri- and is signed by all the members of the board. trial of Ely's Cream Balm, for Catarrh, Hay 81,046,092. FOR &c.. that it does all that is claimed tor Cloakings, arch; Isaac F. Clark, Portland. R \V. Grand They believe that the Maine Insane Hospital Fever, it. its use I have overcome a disagreea- Premature I,oss sf the Hair. Senior Warden ; E. J. Hiker, Lewiston. "M. By GANNETT & MORSE. and is gradually, year by year, reaching a higher ble from nostrils and am free Recemd at Publishers' Prices discharge my use ot E. Grand N. G. Mav be entirely prevented by the Subscriptions High Priest; Cummings, of usefulness, and more ac- from in my evrs and head. John W. Christmas Goods plane completely pain Burnett's Cocoaine. No other compound -FOR ANY- Portland, R. W. Grand Scribe; C. B. Nash, Lane, Hardware Merchant, Newton, N. J., complishing the high mission for which it was possesses the peculiar properties which so Grand W. S. Oct. 18, 1880. in form and Portland, R. W. Treasurer; established. refer to the in- exactly suit the various conditions of the and U every variety. They searching Messrs. Bros., Druggists. Owego, N. MAGAZINE OR PAPER PUBLISHED Mitof Put; Ely human hair. It the hair when harsh Hasty, Saco, R. W. Grand Junior Warden; of the Committee last softens Having secured the services of one of the finest vestigation Legislative Y : For the past three winters I have been -At- and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp. dressmakers in the Mate, we are now to do W. F. Garcelon, Lewiston, W. Grand Marshal. of afflicted with Catarrh and cold in the head. prepared winter into the management the Hospital It affords the richest lustre. It prerents the ESPECIALLY 8ELECTE3 FOR THE all kinds of dress and cloak making in the best style The new is christened Kennebec I several remedies without good re- and shortest uotlce. Encampment for a long series of years, and which com- applied hair from falling off. It promotes its Fierce’s sults. Last w inter 1 used your Cream Balm Bookstore, Augusta. W. a. FURBISH, Valley Encampment, No. Jo,and starts with 20 all that healthy, rigorous grotrth. It is not greasy pletely dissipated thoughts anything and found it to all nov29-Jtf decl4eod!y accomplish you represent- no odor. w considerable desirable reserve nor sticky. It leaves disagreeable members, ith was about the institution. The statis- F. Common wrong ed. T. McCormick, (Judge It kills dandruff. material in the vicinity to swell its ranks. of the embraces facts of Pleas). Elizabeth, N. J., Aug. 25. 1880. tical part report Burnett's Flavoring Extracts are known as HOLIDAY GOODS! : See ailv't. Price 50 cents. Holiday The officers are we hsve made a in the the best. decl3t&th&aat&wlm NOTICE which synopsis Super- dec27teodSw2w —You will find at— Chief Patriarch—H. C. Reed. intendent’s also as- Report. They strongly Write to Mrs. E. Pinkham, 233 Priest—R. E. Wood. •' Lydia High more room to ac- severate the necessity of Ruchupalba." for names of Senior Warden—Z. S. Spaulding. Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., PIPER A SON’S Trade To the Fublio. Scribe—J. W Lemont. commodate the yearly increasing number of New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary ladies that have been restored to perfect or difficult uri- —The Best Assortment of— Treasurer—W. A. Bibber. the insane. The condition of the buildings affections, smarting, frequent health by the use of her Vegetable Com- nation, diseases. 81. Druggists. pound. It is a positive cure for the most -^.T- CALL AST Junior Warden—C. E. Dunstan. and of the farm is highly satisfactory. Many kidney FANCY GKOODS Bros., Augusta. stubborn cases of female weakness. and Grand Officers Dopot Partridge The visiting patriarchs repairs and improvements have been made dec27teodiwlw and Novelties. We have made great additions WELLS’ were and numerous our in hospitably entertained, banqueted. the past year. Important to Travellers. too to mention, to stock, during FURNITURE ROOMS and see the new stock of is “A filrl'B Cholrr." which will find almost in the MRS. C. 0. The outlook for the new Encampment Report ok !>tewari> axi> irkascrkr. you everything PLUMER’S, and sensible articles suitable for Holi- are offered fancy good inducements you by have a as- Special It was in a store of course. All line of Fancy Goods. We good Presents : Brackets. the Nor. drug Water St. day Blacking Cases, Ottomans, bright. The report for year ending 30, Route. It will to a and Caws. the Burlington pay you inteessting incidents occur in drug stores.— sortment of Fruit of all kinds; also large Foot Rests, Slipper Backs Book Shelves, and Treasurer Pictures and Fancy Oil Paintings, Mottoes, Music 1881, of C. 11. I.akin. Steward read their advertisement to be fotfnd else- that is ail. She was with blue assortment of Confectionery. THE ICE CROP PROSPKCT*. nearly pretty, Stands, Mirrors, Folding ( hairs, Patent Kockcrs, submitted to in this issue. one of those kind of of the Insane Hospital, lias been where eyes anil golden hair, ./. piper ers. Wood Baskets, Goods Hudson so For— I the Council and them In the poet Upholstery A Poor Outlook on the by approved. and a great variety of all kinds of rnrnlture, Mai* •‘angel,” but for the fact that a colony of Methods of Promoting lev Mron th. report attention is called to the fact that, Nulride and Itysprpsia. tresses, Ac., whish will be sold at the pimples on her fair frontispiece precluded all advance in of la- owing to the general prices A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia. thought of a celestial being. Bowing timidly SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED FRESH CUT FLOWERS! so the •‘There is > pour ontloook far for ] bor and and exclusive of the heavy “Wells' Health Rcnewer." The greatest to the handsome elerk. she asked for suppliea, —AT— LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES J. Penniman of tonic, best bilious and Liver Remedy known. Ointment for skin diseases,” and ice crop,” said Mr. Samuel for the new pavilion, the dif- ••Swaynt's Ijoose or in expenditure Bros., Au it vanished like the Designs TO REDUCE STOCK. a lork 91. Druggists. Depot Partridge upon receiving morning the Knickerbocker Company to New hursements have been in excess of the in- gsuta. dew before the Summer sun. decfifAwIm nil Occasions “There is no ice at HORACE NORTH’S Tor Sun reporter, recently. come. The farming season lias been quite tnrtvalrd. —FOR— all In the Hudson river at preseut. 1 came favorable, and considerable assistance has Reject the Offer From the of JOHN BURR. a certain cure for the worst forms greenhouses WELLS’ FURNITURE As claimed to a or two being a dealer of any article possess ROOKS, down from Kingston day ago. been received from that source. Both clerks im- by PERIODICALS of dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, properties identical with or similar to teeth- Orders taken and allied on short Some of the in that vicinity were have been one a more kid- ABOVE THE BRIDGE, WATER 8T. ponds changed, accepting purity of blood, torpid liver, disordered saving SOZODONT. Only purchase the dectf about —AT— notice by his Augusta agents, partially frozen over, the ice being desirable position elsewhere, and the other neys. etc., and as a medicine for eradicating real Simon Pure, which defies both imitation weeks of humor, from an ordinary can vie with it in an inch thick. We must have two being obliged to change on account of health. every species ami competition. Nothing to the worst nicer. Bi bcock Blood a dental health and PARTRIDGE BROTHERS, cold weather, with and the pimple efficacy, as donor of CLUB RATES. Solid Silver at least of continuous These changes, the investigation, Price 91 trial Spoons Bittkrs stand unrivaled. (Jp, beauty, notwithstanding any representation Under Granite If nil. thermometer at or near zero, to make conneeted with the new pa- the business size 10 cents. dec27f4wlw to the contrary. It causes the teeth to gleam At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ther- HOB ACE NOBTH, Bookseller, df*el7teod4rno« ice thick enough to cut. When the vilion have made this year a busy one. like burnished ivory, contains no hurtful -TO CLOSE.- A Heav y Mwrll, at and has a most flavor 133 Water St., Augusta. mometer is down to zero, ice forms The cash receipts have amounted to #108,- ingreilient, grateful Jacob II. Bloomer, Virgille. N. Y..writes: dec27+eod&wlw hour. To form and smell. & Reed & Barton’s the rate of about an inch every 026.13; the disbursements, to $100,869.65, “Thomas' Kci.kctric Oil cured a badly F.B. GILMAN CO., the weather on sore throat in cures ica after it is six inches thick leaving a balance of cash band of #7,136.- swollen neck ami forty-eight's Brain Foou—Positively FLOUR, CORN, Celebrated Plated Ware in hours. wife was also cured of a lame Nervous and all weaknesses of gen- must be cold, and then it increases 30. My Debility very hours." Price SI—for K3. All DSUKISTS & APOTHEGMS, A 8PECIALTY. to foot in twenty-four erative organs. thickness We never begin The resources including this balance, the very slowly. dec27fiwlw druggists. Send for circular to Allen's l’hsr- CORN A full line just rewired, which I offer at and it is on are MEAL,CRACKED cut ice until it is ten inches thick, Talue of various supplies hand, #4n.- maev. 315 First ave., N. V. Sold in Augusta Water St., Augusta, Maine. low price*. universal lassitude, better at fourteen inches. 888.23; the liabilities comprising dues for Loss of memory, pain bv Partridge Bros. oct25-t&wIy the back, old age, at this time. are in premature promptly Goods in Great at “It was much colder last year various and dHe to employees, NhortH and .TASK J. K. Holiday Variety supplies, cured with Brown's Iron Bitters. It restores Oatw, —(OI.D or OEVIKB.)— river about I began cutting ice up the $16,058 81. lost functions and strengthens the weakened ftlarrim. PIERCE’S CROCKERY about ten STORE, December 23d. The ice was then dec27td&wlw FOR SALE AT 150 parts. In Brunswick. I>ec. 28th, by R<*v. W. P. Fi*hrr, Water hi,. Augusta. from Catskill and Mis* Amelia F. nor18 of inches thick. On the Hudson 1IAI.I.OVVKI.I- * (ieo I,. Thompson Boardnaii, ■Isn't list OlKonragsil t of thick a ago. both Brunswick. Physicians' Prescriptions the ice was four inches year In East Pitt-ton, Dec. 21th, at the M.E. up, because the doctors say you cannot live. I parsonage, as Weeks were cross- Her. ftntn Gforff H. Fairfield of Vassal- 131 WATER some winters as open this, As Mr. and Mrs. Noah ami to by Tyler, STREET, DRESSMAKING. We have had was troubled with Dropsy, given up A. Tiler of Ea*t Ptt’ston. the boro and Miss Nellie Carefully Prepared. and have obtained a good crop. ing the 'Tver on the ice above bridge piers die. But after using Sulphur Bitters for In North Whltefield, Dec »th. .John C. Erhart, yet J. dec9-teo.lAw8tnos Having clowd my fngsgrra^nt with MK8. CALL ice am well. is the best med- of Springfield, Mans., and Mrs Sarah over from last sea- on last, the gave three months. I It formerly f will attend to DKKHMMAKING the or “Was much ice left in Hallowell Tuesday Kollins of Whltefield. S.P. EATOW. by day, si diseases I ever saw.— room at hrruton's « n Mtotr to a sudden cold icine for all Kidney my Mrs. strirt. wav amt Mr. W. was treated son?” Vis. B-, Bridgeport. dec27eodAw2w K. I.ord ROASTED CUTTING BY TAYLOR I think all the ice companies combined bath. Mr. Augustine fortunately FINE CIGARS SYSTEM. Dim. TWICE A WEEK. the river. be near at hand, and succeeded COFFEE ELLA A. must have at least 200,000 tons up happened to SEEEUKTO- CHEAP BARTON. the Weeks the Arm ice. In Portland, Dec. 27tb, James Edward, son of The of New kork city in assisting Mr. upon —AT— _derttttw total consumption John Howler, aged 3 years, 1 month and 12 days. -SURF. TO GET IT FRESH AT- was also tons. next broke through, but Dec. 2.' Mrt. widow past season must have been 700,000 His wife In Mrondwater, h, Mary B.. Old 131 of the late Jeremiah 70 and 28 B. Libby & Co.’s Store, Water St. New York Mr. Lord who has on several Folsom, aged years B. 4 Co.’s Old Store, 131 Water St. NOTICE. President Winch of the City rescued by days. Libby we from drowning In Dec. 26tb, Mr. Daniel 8. v Year’s Trade. ber haa been ifcnlnlalnlia an pliances 2. The Ortgio and Development CALTIX Notice duly appotated and older who are Mrs. 9. M. Johnson's, Academy 9U HalloweU. tor a the date of persons FRBSB A SALT AKDKEW guaran- very limited etay. commencing Monday evening. MASTERS, late of HalloamO, Nervous Lost Vitality. themaelvee of BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. la Debility, et^, h*i°n Childish and Manly Religion. Jan Mb. 11*2. Those wishing to avmU the county of Kennebec, dreeaaed, latentnta, relief and complete should make either and haa andertakea that treat bond a* the teeing speedy 4 Religion and Evolution. his healing previous application, MEAT, POULTRY, &c., by giving Also fi>r ® or letter, to tbe Secretary of the Order law direct!; All of vigor and manhood. of Science and Religion. nersonallv by —AT— persona, therefore, havingdemand* and Kidney 5. ConAict who -til give any dmlred Inform.. ncalaat the estate of aatd are dadred Paralysis, Permanence of Ke- KTtWrwclo-. deemed, to ex- turn, Neuralgia, Continuity and la to the peculiar aad saceeenfal healing hibit the aame for settle meat: naff all and ““7 6. The Mon regard B. Libby 4 Co.’s Old Store, 131 Water St. ladabtcdt* diRcultiee. Ruptures, “ said eatate an raqaeated to make ImmiMata payment sent free. Ad eases. ligion p™“‘^lbERT