The Notre Dame Scholastic
THE NCTCE DAME im&i^\.^L'>Snij^"^yJ^^t^3S^^ BREAK GROUND FRIDAY In This Issue: Break ground for Rockne Memorial . Three hundred leave for Minneapolis . Clashmore Mike Returns . Interhall debates progress . The Week . College Parade . Juggler Vein. October 29, 1937 2?(9 hanjo players make the best FOOTBALl COACHES? IS unknown team of five years ago "didn't look strong H enough to kick its way out of a paper bag." Now Coach Jimmy Conzelman, of Washington University in St. Louis, tells lUDK you how his team comes to play such notables as Southern Methodist and Army. How he did it, with the aid of a percus BEAimfUL WOMEN sive banjo, wow speechmaking, de luxe character building and what not, makes hilarious reading! THAT'S FOOTBALL FOR YOU whose pictures you magazines? L«ten to a By that Great Tragedian and Washington University Coach ^S who makes a busi- ^;" ^finding and sup ping models explain tw he picks successes. _ JIMMY CONZELMAN SEE THE 1938 CARS Pages of colorful, exciting ad of the bombing oi i^"" vertisements, previewing the Koosevelt, Jr- „«rKETEER of *"^'" new automobiles and accesso TRAPPING THE ".GCEST RACKETEE ries. A show in itself! The big Ta dramatic c^-^ XSs, by Forrest Dav... gest issue of the Saturday Evening Post in six years! SHORT STOR.ES^^^*,Jr.rsSnemanDou«tas. Morris, George S-BrooR. jeanCBecket. ,„.„ B. Kemiedy. Charles WertenbaUer. John Pu ^^^^ PLUS mystery serials, poems. THE SMTUI^AY EVENING POST The Notre Dame Scholastic Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage.
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