For United Horticulture *** to accumulate, incTeasc, al1d disseminate hOTticultural information

Editorial Committee Directors


The American Horticultural Magazine is the official publication of the American Horticultural Society and is issued four times a year during the quarters commencing with January, April, July and October. It is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge in the science and art of growing ornamental , , vegetables, and related subjects_ Original papers increasing the historical, varietal, and cultural know ledges of materials of economic and aesthetic importance are welcomed and will be published as early as possible_ The Chairman of the Editonal Committee should be consulted for manuscript specifications. Reprints will be furnished in accordance with the following schedule of prices, plus post­ age, and should be ordered at the time the galley proof is returned by the author: One hundred copies--2 pp $7.20; 4 pp $13.20; 8 pp $27.60; 12 pp $39.60; Covers $13.20.

Second class postage pa id at Baltimore, Maryland a nd at additional mailing offices. Copyright, © 1966 by The American Horticultural Society, I nc. The American H orticultural J\lfa.gazine is inc1uded as a benefit of mem­ bership in The American Horticu ltura l Society, Individual Membership dues being 6.00 a year. OCTOBER. 1966


Contents Datura Species in Gardens EDWIN A. M ENN INGER ______375

Observations on Magnolias in Florida Ro BERT L. EGO LF ______388

Araucarias Cul,tivated in T. R. LOTHIAN ______393

The Botanical Garden of Saint-Pierre, 1803-1902 RICHARD A, HOWARD and CLAUDE \I\1EBER ______398

Field Mice \1\1. J. HAMILTO N JR. ______404

Two Peruvian Species of Salvia of Ornamental and Ethnobotanic Value PROF. CESAR VARGAS C. ______408

Woody Plants-for Bonsai and Container Growing LEE Roy BYRD, lVI.D. ______410

The Gardener's Pocket Book A Maple with Girdling Roots-R. JEFFERSO N______417 Propagation of Hibiscus Cuttings-Co S. KENNEDy ______418

Exotic and Native Ornamentals in Shenandoah National Park-PETER MAZZEO ______419

Four New Cu1tivars of Ornamental Trees from Romania-T. R. DUDLEy ______421

Jindai Botanical Park, Tokyo, J apan-J. L. CREECH ______422

A Book or Two ------______425

OCTOBER COVER ILLUSTRATION The of DatUl'a sanguinea hang straight down. The inflated calyx is half the length of the calyx, then light yellow, followed by red on the upper part including the limb and the corolla. The corolla is about 10 inches long, green from the base to beyond the end of the teeth,-Photo Copyright By 1- E. Downward, Datura suaveolens with a toothed calyx and white flowers. The conglomerate anthers are not visible in the photograph. Datura Species in Florida Gardens


Florida homeowners cultivate half a but complaining of the "great confus~on dozen kinds of Datu.ra) loosely called in botanical literature in connectIOn angel trumpets, mostly for their excep­ with the specific identity ... of some of tionally large white, red, orange, yellow, the most common species." Blakeslee or purple flowers, yet two anomalies held that "more studies are needed to crop up: clarify the of the genus," and (1) Nobody ever picks Datum flow­ Dell\!olf struggled with the "discrepan­ ers for a bouquet. They may be the cies and inaccuracies in the nomencla­ largest and most spectacular blossoms in ture." the garden, but they stay on the plant The confusion ,these scholars speak of and never get into the house. o·oes back to Linnaeus. His original (2) The Datura plants themselves description of D. m etel (1753) was are so varied, and the reference book based on an Indian plant with glabrous descriptions of them are so mixed up the Asiatic "metel-nut" which and full of errors, that it is a rare had been used as a narcotic by the o-ardener indeed who knows which Da­ Arabs, Persians, and Hindus long before t.ura grows in his y;ard. the discovery of America. It was de­ The flowers are avoided in bouquets not scribed by Avicenna in the Eleventh only because they are awkward, usually Century. In Ithe second edition of Spe­ drooping instead of erect, and very short cies Plantarum (1762) Linnaeus seems lived when removed from the plant, but to have overlooked the fact that he had because some kinds have flowers as well originally described the glabrous Indian as foliage bearing offensive o.r narcotic plant; now he inserted the word "rubes­ odors, and this has made 'all of them cent," which is not true of the speCIes he outcasts. Actually a few kinds have flow­ was describing, and the trouble began. ers with a delightful fragrance, but these Dunal in DeCandolle's Prodromus cannot live down the bad name of their (1852) made matters worse by transfer­ relatives. ring the name D. m etel from Asia to an The confusion in nomenclature goes American pliant described by .Mill~r back several hundred years. No taxon­ (1768) under the name of D. moxU/.. omist has attempted a complete, sys­ Several later botanists followed this lead, tematic overhaul of the genus, with the including C. B. Clarke in J. D. Hooker's result that the contradictory descriptions Flora of British who applied the of the various species are overwhelming name D. metel

it is hairy. Neither of these authors the principal specIes makes them incon­ describes the plant Linnaeus had in sisten t. mind in his original text. Several varie­ So much for the disordered back­ ties of the Indian D. m etel are in com­ ground of the genus, though the ram~fi ­ mon cultivation in Flo'rida, hence the cations continue to .appear as the speCIes descriptions by Bailey and Bean do not under cultivation in Florida are exam­ apply. Bailey describes D. fastuosa L. as ined. glabrous; Bean says it is "downy or glabrous"- (author plays safe!) . Actual­ Herbaceous Forms ly, D. fastuosa is only a purple-flowered The common herbaceous or sub­ form of D. metel, so both authors con­ shrubby Datura in Florida g'ardens be­ tradict themselves. long to the Indian species D. metel as This confusion g-oes on and on. Bean originally described by Linnaeus. They recognizes D. cornigem Hook., as a tree are low plants, rarely more than 3 feet form to 10 feet; Bailey consigns it to the high, usually gTown as annuals although and says it is 3-4 feet. "Whether often everg-reen and persisten t. over this plan t wi th its very fragrant white several years. The flowers, 6 to 7 1l1ches flowers gTOWS in Florida, is uncertain. long, are usually white, or may be pur­ Bailey and Bean both omit from the ~le without and whitish within; yellow g-enus Datttm

This is Datura tatula, the purple form of the }imson weed (D. stramonium). Note the short corolla, the vicious thorny pod that sticks straight up, and the sharply toothed leaves. PHOTO DOUGLAS ELLIOTT

PHOTO BY A. B. GRAF The }imson Weed (Datura stramon­ ium). big type as an accepted ornamental, bu.t D. me tel is listed in fine print as a weed! Because the Indian D. m etel some­ what resembles the American D. stramo­ nium, commonly called thorn apple or Jimson weed, many persons have con­ Fused them. D . stTamonium may grow in cow pastures in Florida, but it certainly is not in cultivation in anybody's gar­ den, because it has a vile odor, and the r.a nk foliage imparts an unpleasant smell to the human skin. Strangely enough, no rf'ference books make any mention of this fact. D. tatula is the name common­ ly given to the purple-flowered form of D. stramonium. Its stems and top foliage are usually intensely purple also , and it retains the unpleasal1lt odor of the spe­ cies. THE .\;\IERIC-\I\' HORTICULTUR,-\L i\lAGAZINE

PHOTO BOTAN I C GARDEN, BOGOR, I NDO NESfA This is the purple form (whitish inside) of the Indian Datura metel. Note the teeth of the calyx. This particular blossom has three corollas, one inside of the other, and it stands out horizontally from the plant.

Here are the chief differences between fragrant, floppy, funnel-shaped white these two species: flowers that are sometimes tinged rose or Dat'UI'a stramonium violet. The epithet meteloides is misleading; it means "like metel" but Plant u sually 2 fe et high. Leaves angl ed or cut-toothed with an offensive actually it is most unlike Linnaeus's D. odor. metel. The trouble is that Dunal, who Flowers erect, smelly; coroll a 4 to 5 inches long. proposed the name, had reference to the erect, stays tha t wa y in drying, spli ts open 4 ways when ripe. Fruit oval. Mexican plant D. inoxia which he had Fruit covered with n e ~ ( lI e-s h ar p spines, haza rd­ misnamed D. m etel. Safford says the ous to touch when dry. (S mooth-fruited form corolla of D. in oxia has fO teeth, and is called D. inermis) . that the corolla of D. meteloides (which D atum lI'Ietel is yery similar) has 5 teeth. Bailey'S Pl ant 3 to 5 feet high. Manual (7) confuses the ordinary gar­ Leaves entire or weakly lobed, with no appre­ dener by the statement thaIt D. m etc­ ciable odor. Flowers horizo ntal or droopy, musty or odor­ loides has "5 or 10" teeth. Actually the less; corolla 6-7 inches long. corolla of D. m eteloides has 5 teeth and Fruit rounded , hanging down, sometimes splits measures 6 or sometimes 8 inches long open irregul arly. and 5 inches across; it is always recurved Fruit covered with humps that terminate in short, broad, blunt spin es, never c1ang·erolls. backward on the margin, never forward (S mooth-fruited fonn call eel D. c/7,lbia). like a trumpet as in D. metel. Bean's statement that the flowers are Datum 111ete loides A. DC. in Dunal ~ "much like those of D. metel" refers, of is a h andsome, herbaceous perennial to course, not to Linnaells's plant, but to 3 feet or more, common along roadsides D. il/oxia, thereby seeking to perpetuate from Texas to California. It is often Lhe error in nomenclature. cultivated in gardens from Maine to The 2-inch, nodding, succulent [ruiLs Florida and westward, for the heavily, are prickly; Bailey's Manual says these :J Daiura wrighLii. Regel is th e correct name for the "burst irregu~arly." Safford says they do plant now known as D . m ete/oides of southwestern not burst. United States and nOrthern Mexico. D. meteloides mliSt be stink li S a n ame . ( Ed .) The leaves of D . rneteloides show OCTOBER 19G6, \,OLU:\IE ·15, NUi\fBER1 379

V II OTO J , h'n F R R OWNTRFF Datura wrightii (D. m etaloides) is native along the road­ sides in Arizona, New Mexico, and southern California, its white flowers up to .5 inches across, handsome and sweetly fragrant. The outer edge of the corolla always falls back. Note the deeply cleft leaves on this particular plant; their shape and sharp points disagree entirely with the d escrip- tion in Bailey (4) and other reference books.

ex treme variations from the textbook dicta.. Bailey, in Bailey'S Manual, and Bean, describe Ithem parrot-like in al­ most identical words, up to 2Y4 inches long, unequally ovate, slightly sinuate­ apparently all quoting the same unin­ formed authority; at least that descrip­ tion was not written by a person who knew the plants. The author has exam­ ined plants in California and found leaves up to 6 inches long, often heavily incised and sharp pointed, like a black oak . (See photograph.) The author has examined plants in Missouri, South Carolina, and Florida and found leaves

The photo of Datura wrightii (D. lnetaloides) grown as an annual in a garden at Rockport, Maine, illustrates the form with entire, slightly sinuate leaves, much larger than the textbook maximum of 2 ~ inches. P H OTO BY A. B. GRAF PHOTO BY CHARLES SHERMAN Although photographs are mislead­ ing, this appears to be the flower of Datura arborea as described by Lin­ naeus, because (1) the calyx is a spathe, (2) the corolla does not ex­ ceed 17 cm. in length, (3) the margin of the limb between the teeth is notched, and (4) the calyx does not end in a horn-like point.

averaging 2Y2 inches or more, with ter­ minalleaves 4Y2-5 inches long. These many flat contradiotions on matters of fact are not difficult to under­ stand. D . inoxia and D. meteloides do look much alike in the laboratory, and a taxonomist, working from the dried re­ mains of plants might easily mistake a poor specimen of one plant £O'l- the other. The horticulturist knows the plants in the field: D . inoxia is a hairy thing; D. meteloides is an attractive plant, wilth a pretty sheen to its foliage, and lots of heavily fragrant flowers.

The flowers of Datura suaveolens have a toothed calyx in place of the spathe-like sheath found on other tree-type plants that are called "arborea." Unlike the flowers on other white-flowered tree Datura where the blossoms hang vertically, those on D. suaveolens are nodding, usually at a 30-degree angle from the perpendicular. PHOTO BY AUTH OR OCTOBER 19Gb , VOLU ,\/E 45, NUMBER .J 381

Similarly with other species of DatuTO ) The calyx with a long extended, horn­ the man who grows the plants knows like point nearly as long as the corol­ how the flowers sit on each kincl­ la, distinguishes Datura cornigera.

vertically, horizontally, nodding, or AF1JoR C l' R IIS' BOI'\ N 1C \1 1\ 1 \(.\l'f i\ 1' drooping-and he identifies the plants by these characteristics which his col­ league in the laboratory never sees. The garden worker sees how seed pods hang down or s,tand up, he uses smell and taste to register identi ties, he knows which flowers change color on the plant after they open. All these iden tifying features, eXltremely important in Da/1Ira , are a closed book to the la bora tory worker.

Tree-like Da,tura with White Flowers

Seven di fferen t w hi te-flowered Da t UHI trees were described by Safford; it is likely that four of these are cultivated in Florida gardens. Most of them are loose­ ly called "Dalu,Ta aTbOTea" or "tree Da­ tura," but actually the true DatuTCI m-­ bOTea that Linnaeus described is rela­ tively rare. Bailey says most of the plants cultivated under the name D. arborf' a are "presumably D . suaveolens." De'Wolf said all the specimens bearing the name D. aTborea which he had seen, actually were D. candida or D. snavf'olens. This , makes the going rough for the average gardener who needs a key to tell the species apart.

KEY TO THE TREE DATURAS GROWING IN FLORIDA Calyx with 5 short teeth; anthers con- glomerate or sticking together ______D. sauveolens Calyx a spathe without a hornlike point. of D. arborea L. in their glabrous Lobes of the corolla-limb separated peduncle, their 2-

ar·b OTea. with Linnaeus but fails to men­ borea." Those fe atures are detailed h ere tion the features distinguishing t h at along lines worked out by Safford and plant from other species called "ar- D e'iI\To lf:

Datwa a?'borea Datura candida Datura suaveolens Corolla less than 17 cm. long. Corolla 20 cm. or more long. Corolla up to 30 cm. long. Lobes of the corolla lim b Lobes of corolla limb not separated b y a d istinct si­ separated by a distinct si­ nus or g·ap. nus or gap. Calyx spathe- like, deciduous Calyx spathe-like, persistent Calyx a sh ort, much -infla ted with the corolla. around the ma ture fruit. tube with 5 short teeth , 1 to 2 cm. lONg. Fruit ovoid (peach -shaped). I'ruit cylindrica l. Fruit a ~-cell c d , spindle­ sha.ped p erica rp which when dry is brown, thin. fragile. glabrous. longitu­ dinally veined with deli ­ cate raised nerves, 12 cm. long X 2.5 cm. in diame ter in middle, tapering to both ends, devoid of all ves tige of calyx borne on peduncle 7 Cl1l. long Margin of corolla limb be­ Margin oE co roll a limb be­ tween lobes notched. tween lobes e n t ir e or roumh'd, but not notched. Peduncle pubecent. Ped uncle pu bescent. Peduncle 1 Y2 inches long. smooth , glabrous, terete. l.eaves entire. glabrous. L eaves ovate-oblong. 6-12 inches long. entire oft( '11 unequal at base. ,\11 thers di stincl. . \ 11 thers clistincl. Anthers cong·Jomera te Flowers pendulou s, with Fl owers penclu lOll S. Flowers n odding or droop· musk -like odor. ing, fl'agran t. Datura s'ltaveolens is perhaps the easiest of ,the white-flowered tree species to identify because of the toothed calyx and conglomerate anthers, but confu­ sion attaches to it also in some reference books. Macmillan (8) speaks of the "round, green, prickly fruits" of D. sf/livea /cns, oblivious of the [act that they are never round, when ripe they are not green, and they are never prickly. Many different kinds of Datum" both shrubs and trees, occasionally develojJ double or triple corollas, one inside of another, but this obvious peculiarity is no help at all in distinguishing one species from another. Doubled corollas, Jlsl1allv ca lled hose-in-hose,4 occur also in Primu,la, Nicotiana, and Rhodoclend?'ol1 (subgenus Anthodendron) .

Tree Daturas with Colored Flowers Safford used the flower color to sepa­ rate the tree Datura species he de· scribed; on one side were the white­ flowered, on the other the species with colored flowers. 'Whether this was ade­ quate procedure is now called into ques­ tion. Trouble has developed over a pink­ PHOTO BY BOTAN IC G /\RDEN, BOCOR, I N DONESIA flowered tree from Ecuadocr which This is Datura candida with a triple Safford called Dattl?'a mollis-"mollis" corolla, one inside the other, usually means soft-hairy. This is not in cultiva­ called hose-in-hose. Note the spathe- tion in Florida, but two other kinds of like calyx. Dattlra with colo,red flowers (not pink!) have been erroneously assigned by repu­ the mouth. These flowers open white or table authorities to this species and have light pink but sho1'tly turn a deep, rich been masquerading- under this nam.e. peach color thalt is very striking. As long More detailed consideration by the same ago as 1956 this plant was identified as authorities has raised grave doubts in "Datura mollis"-which it may not be at their own minds and has suggested the possibility ,tha t these "unknowns" may all---'and it still travels under that name. The following table presents detailed be merely colored forms of white­ poinJts on which this "Florida Peach" flowered species, thereby upsetting a fails to agree with Safford's description basic separation method devised by of D . mollis: Safford. First of these and one of the most Datum mol/is speotacular of all Dattbra plants, is a (after Safford) Peduncle " clothed with soft hairs." tree-let Ito 10 feet or more, widely culti­ Calyx spathe· like, 19-20 cm. long, obtusely vated in Florida, with very large, hang­ pointed at the apex, somewhat inflated. ing trumpet-shaped flowers, usually a Calyx "densely clothed . .. with soft, spreading foot long and Haring 6 inches wide at h airs." Corolla light pink, 25·26 cm long, not much longer than calyx . Safford does nit record ;' M. K. Kay, lexicographer with G. & C. Merriam Co., any change of co lor. Springfield, Mass' J writes: "The term hose-in-hose un· doubtedly stems from an old meaning of hose, a Corolla: " Nerves of the corolla and margins of sheathe enclosing an inBorescence,' that is now dis­ corolla teeth clothed with soft hairs." used except in dialect English. It is very easy to see how several centuries ago, before fl oral morphology Corolla limb " bearing on its margin 5 caudate was well understood, such a doubly (or triply) cor· teeth 6 or 7 cm. long, at length recurved." roll ate fl ower could be vizualized as a doubly (or triply) Leaves pubescent, ovate·lanceolate, entire or ensheathed . i. e. shea the in sheathe or hose-in-hose, i 11 Aorescnece.·· remotely toothed, 22 X 10.5 cm. 384 THE AlIlERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

Florida Peach 5 mittedly there has been no critical study (from specimens) of Datura in general, and flow er color Ped un cl e G!f!-S e111 . lOll g-. not hairy. }\nother alone could n ot be definitive. Several ~ p cc im e n dothed in fi ne h air (seen II'llh h and lens) . . botanists have reviewed the problem Calyx 12.5- 15 cm. long, abrupLly acumlll ate, recently and at least two of them have so mewhat inflated . concluded thalt Safford's description is ,'iot so. Another specim en bearing a few scat­ not satisfacto,ry and that his D. '/IIoliis [(" red ha irs. Coroll a opens whi te or light pink, then turns may not be a good species. So mllcil peach-co lored. 25-27 cm. long (twice as long variation has already been observed in as [h e calyx, or m ore) . the Florida Peach that even when a Not so, or onl )' slightly. Another specimen specimen seems to conform to many finel)' p ubescent on nerves. Caudate teeth 3.5 cm long, recurved. points in Safford's description, doubts as Leaves beneath hairy, dull, entire, with only to identity still persist and suggest the suggestion of occasional tooth: oblong acumi· necessi ty of examining a considerable n ate 17-20 X 7-S.5 cm.; one leaf blade 1-1.5 number of additional specimens before em. longer on midrib at base than the o ther. any conclusions can be reached. 5 Suggcslcd as poss ibly D. versicolo1', It species of Ecuador. (Ed. ) Again, the question has been raised by two scholars whether the Florida Peach Enough differences are involved here mig-ht not be a color form of D. candida to challenge identification of the Flo'f'ida (with which it agrees in many ways) or Pe

Tree Daturas with Red Flowers The high Andes in provide two tree-type DatuTa with red or reddish Rowers that are easily set apart from other species because the blossoms are tubular rather than trumpet-shaped. Both of these species survive a t high devations where frost falls every night, yet they have apparen tly proved too tender for culti v

PHOTO WARI)'S OF CALIFORN IA, SAN FRANCISCO The pentagonal mouth of the red-flowered Datura sanguinea from the high Andes, is set off by three yellow longitudinal nerves in the center of each limb, in strong contrast to the bright red coloring of the lobes. 38 6 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE ing lO-inch flowers which h~ described reddish, although D. 1"Osei flowers have as "brilliant orange-red with yellow been reported by various authorities as nerves," and "strangely enough, not orange and as saffrOon yellow. The two fragrant." He stopped to pick some of trees however are easily distinguished by the fruits which are ,top-shaped, 3.5 other features outlined by DeVITolf: inches Ion 0", with a smooth skin (no bumps orb prickles.) Dr. Fairchild Dalt/.ra sanguinea brought the seed back to Florida, and Leaves entire or silluatc·margincd. gave some to this author and some to the Corolla 10 inches long, glabrous. Fairchild Tropical Garden. Plants from Calyx with 2 or more large lobes. this Fairchild introduction were dis­ Longitudinal nen'es in corolla yellow. tributed all over Florida, and some of them may survive today. Datura ?'osei The Department of Agriculture also Leaves angular· toothed. introduced a tree with similar flowers, C01'OlJa 6-8 inches long, pubescen t. Calyx spathe-like with a single lobe. Datura rosei Safford, in 1935 as P.1. Longitudinal nerves in corolJa green. 112300 and also ten years earlier as P.1. 58362. (The specific epithet rosei refers Conclusion 6 nOot to the color of the flowers bUlt commemorates a distinguished botanist The foregoing discussion of Datura J. N. Rose.) has involved only half a dozen species . Both of these plants are tree-like that are cultivated in Florida gardens, bu t shrubs to 12 feet or more with big, it illustrates the jumble of contradic­ pendent flowers

B The J 956 Supplement to Chittenden's Dictionary (5) virtually wipes out the 2·column origi nal d escripM tion of the genus Dalllra and substitutes two columns of new m a teri al consisting of a key to the species with additional notes and citatio ns by W. T. Stearn. The key is based o n Safford (1) and Daner[ (9). It correct, many previous errors but raises new questions. The key ignores Safford's D. affinis although the original d escription included t his species under the name D. arborea (== BrLl g mansi(1, nrbo)-ea ). The D. Q1-borea Jisted in the new outline is a different p lant. The key also ignores Safford's D. hirsu ta whicb is a point at iss u e ill t he present paper. The Supplement's d escription of the genus admits " about 25 species" (Safford defin ed U) but the kel' accomodates only 14 of these. Thus the material in Chittenden 's Sup· plement o nl y reorganizes the confus ion. 387

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author gratefully acknowledges assistance given in the preparation of this paper by Mrs. Julia F. Morton, Morton Colleotanea, University of Mia­ mi; Dr. Robert "v. Read of Fairchild Tropical Garden; Dr. Harold E. Moore, Jr., John Ingram, Dr. "Vm. J. Dress, and Robert B. Clark of Bailey Hortorium, Ithaca, N.Y.; Dr. Gordon P. De"Volf of Georgia Southern College, Statesboro, Ga.; Dr. Donald G. Huttleston of Long­ wood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pa.; Phil Clark of New York Botanical Gar­ den; and Dr. H. B. R ycroft, Director of N

Literature Ci:ted J. Safford, Wm. E. 192 1. Synopsis of the Genus P HOTO COPYRIGHT BY .1 . E. D OWNWARD Datum. Joum. Wash. Acad. Sc. 11:8 pp. This photograph, taken in England. 173-189. April 19. was labeled "Datura arborea knightii." 2. very, Satina &: Rielsema, Albert F. Blakes- lee. 1959. The Gelllls Datura. Ronald Press, is properly applied only to a double New York. form of Datura cornigera, but this 3. DeWolf, Gordon P. 1959. Noles on Culti­ photograph is not the flower of thai vated Solanaceae (2) DatuTa. Baileya 4: 12- 23 pp. plant for its calyx-spathe does NOT 4. Bailey, L. H. 1939. Standard Cyclopedia of terminate in a long, spreading horn­ Horticulture. Macmillan, New York. like point extending halfway down the 5. Chittenden, F. J. 195 1. The R oyal Hor ticul­ corolla. The calyx seems to be a cultural Society Dictionary Of Gardening. cndon Press, Oxford. spathe, so it cannot be D. affinis or 6. Huttles ton, D. G. 1958. National Ho·rlicul­ D. suaveolens. The corolla lobes are tural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Claro not separated by a gap, so it cannot 7. Bailey, L. H . 1949. Manual of Cultivated be D. arborea L. The corolla limb ap­ Plants. Macmillan Co., New York. 8. Macmillan, H. F. 1948. Tropical Plan ting pears to be notched, so it cannot be and Gal·c1c ning. Mcmill an &: Co., Ltd., Lon­ D. candida. don. 9. Danert, S. 195'L Die Pharll1acie 9:349·362. Apparently all, or at least many, of the tree Datura in the Andes are more or less cubtivated by the natives, perhaps The very long caudate teeth are char­ for their flowers Oil", more likely, for their acteristic of Datura dolichocarpa narcotic or supposed medicinal proper­ (Lagerh.) Saff., an elegant species ties. Because the plants are easily propa­ photographed in the Colombian gated vegetatively, probably a rather Andes. small number of clones is involved, each PHO·' O ROGER PERRY one selected for some particular proper­ ty. If each of these clones were regarded as a "species," the confusion would be confounded, for every chance seedling would be different and would have ItO be recognized. If however, some idea of the natural limits of variation of a sexually reproducing group of these plants could be obtained by growing them experi­ mentally, then taxonomists would be in a position to determine which names are valid, a nd which mere synonyms. If ,this paper could have the effect of provoking such a study, ornamental hor­ li culture would be enriched. Observations on Decidllolls Magnolias in Florida


The inability of many plants to grow ers, especially those of us with a when moved to markedly warmer climat­ northern background, enjoy a plant that ic refSions has not received the attention will mark ,the passing of the seasons, and from gardeners that the subject deserves. a few deciduous trees or shrubs in the By contrast winter survival of ornamen­ landscape provide welcome relief. tal plants, or cold hardiness, appears There are about seventy-five described again and again in garden literature as a species of magnolias in the world at the theme of special importance. We are all present time, and a considerably larger familiar with the hardiness zones that number of horticultural forms and hy­ have been delineated in this country on brids. Less than half of the species are the basis of winter minimum tempera­ to be found in cultivation, and of these tures. Information is available in a vari­ no more than a half dozen are at all ety of places on the zonal h ardiness of common. The magnolias have been di­ garden plants, and most garden catalogs vided botanically into eleven sections will emphasize hardiness. I t is much (see Table 1) , of which six, containing h arder for us in the south to come by about thirty of the species, are decidu­ good information about the plants that ous. Of these, three sections are wholly will not do well because of the opposite Asiatic, two contain both Asiatic ancl climatic extreme. Practical southern lim­ American species, and one restricted to a its of cuI ti va tion for th e rna j ori ty of single species, M. virginiana, is wholly ornamental plants are still largely a America n. In the whole genus Asiatic matter of dirty fing'ernails and "vord of species outnumber American ones by mouth. Here in the Tampa Bay region about forty-eight to twenty-seven. Eight of central Florida, for example, we must or nine of the American magnolias are get along without most of the spring deciduous, all of which are native to the bulbs, bearded iris, penies, lilacs, and a United States with the exception of a long long list of other garden standbys. close relative of M. macrophylla which There is little reliable information avail­ grows in southern Mexico, lVI. clealbata. able about the performance of the de­ The deciduous American species all ciduous magnolias in this climatic re­ flower with or after the leaves have gion. As a result I have been growing a appeared, and are, therefore, less spectac­ variety of deciduous magnolias here for ular and less popular in !?:a rdpllS than several years, and have found many of are the precocious flowering Asiatic spe­ these plants to be subject to some degree cies. Most of the magnolias to be found of heat damage. One would have to in gardens are deciduous, and when well s~arch this area very carefully to find an grown are true garden aristocrats. Decid­ oriental or native deciduous magnolia uous magnolias have been grown in that has been in the ground for even ten southern gardens for many years. and fine years. In part this is due to our tradi­ specimens are to be seen even in Florida tional tropical garden image, and in as far south as Tallahassee, where M. part also to simple lack of experience, denudata and forms of M. soulane;eana information, or availability of these may be seen in the gardens at Killearn, plants. Visitors to Florida admire the now Alfred B. Maclay State Park. Un­ extravagantly lush and exotic appear­ til recent years, however, the deciduolls ance of tropical plantings, and for this magnolias wOll ld 'appear to have pene­ reason deciduous trees have never been tra ted very 1i ttle farther south. popular here. But many Florida garden- . The. remaining five sections of magno­ has, WIth about forty-four of the species, .. Director. Student H ea lth Service, University o[ South florida, Tampa, Florida. are evergreen. Only four of the ever- 388 OCTOBER 1966. VOLUME '15, NUMBER 4 gTeen species are in cultivation,. and more northern gardens a slow reverse three of them, NI. coco, LVI. delavayz, and migra.rion has taken place, as with the M. nitida, are extremely rare. The hybrid tea rose. Cold hardiness, after all, fourth evergTeen species c~ltivated is is only one of a large complex of factors our own southern M . grandzflora, wher­ affecting the ability of plan ts to grow ever hardy one of the finest broad-~eaved under different climatic conditions, or to evergreen trees grown. 111. vtrg'l'numa tolerate displacement from ,their natural may appear to be evergreen in the habitats. The interplay of these factors southern part of its range, but actually of clima,te and geography, and the changes its leaves every year. The ever­ physiological adaptations induced by green magnolias are for the most. part them in plants are often poorly under­ subtropical and tropical. M. grandtflora stood, even by botanists. Plants vary is itself an outlier, with sixteen other widely in their ability to grow under, or closely related species, comprising the adapt to, markedly different ecological section Theorhodon, growing in the conditions. On the one hand we have Caribbean Islands and as far south in such circumscribed plants as Torreya Central America as Panama. taxifolia and Taxus floridana in Florido, In spite of the long horticultural em­ or Elliotia racemosa and, in times past, phasis on adapting garden plants to ever Franklinia alatamaha in Georgia, whose natural ranges may be no more than a few miles in extent, and on the other hand plants like the common swamp TABLE 1 cyrilla, Cyrilla racemiflora, which grow~ THE SECTIONS OF THE GENUS MACNOLIA over a la ti tudinal range of several 1. Section GWILLIMIA-15 evergreen Asiatic thousand miles, from Virginia in the species, mostly tropical. Two spe~ i es in cuI· north to the Guianas and northern Bra­ tivation, M. coco and M. delavayz. 2. Secrion LIRIANTHE-A single evergreen zil on the south. Although this kind of species of northern India, not in cultivation. adaptability cannot by itself explain 3. Section R YTJDOSPERMUM-9 deciduous natural plant distributions, it is certainly species, 8 in cultivation induding the Amer­ a factor. At the same time it is not safe ican M . ashei, M. trase?'i, M. mac?'Ophyl/a, iH. pyramidata, and M. t?'ipetala, and the to assume tha't in a species with a larg'e As iatic NI. obovala, NI. ofJicinalis, and M. natural range the individual plant will ?'ostrata. be freely adaptable. It is a different 4. Section MAGNOLIASTRUM-I decicluous matter to move a plant, or the seed of a American species, M. vi?-giniana. 5. Section OYAMA-4 deciduous Asiatic spe­ plant, over a long distance for cultiva­ cies including M . globosa, M. sieboldii, M. tion than to simply find the same plan t sinensis, and M. wilsonii, all cultivated. gTowing in two widely separated locali­ 6. Secti0n THE 0 RHO DON -17 evergreen ties. Plants of a single species growing- at American species, mostly tropical, of which only one, M. gmndifiom, is cultivated. the extreme limits of a large range have 7. Section GYNOPODIUM-2 evergreen Asiatic adapted to local conditions over many species of which one, M. nitida, is found thousands of years, and may well refuse in cultivation. to grow if interchanged. M. mollicomatn 8. Section MAINGOLA-A tropical evergreen section confined to Asia containing 9 spe­ and M. campbellii are considered b~' cies, none in cultivation. most botanists to be the extreme eastern 9. Section YULANIA-8 spectacular, decidu· and western forms of a single species in ous, precocious flowering Asiatic species of spite of many differences that are appar­ which 6, including M. campbellii, M. daw­ soniana, lvI. denu.ciala, M . mollicomala, 111. ent on cultivation. For example, M. sm'gentiana, and M. sp?'engeri are cultivated. mollicomata is considered to be hardier 10. Section BUERGERIA-5 deciduous, preco­ than lv[. cambellii and in Florida M. cious flow ering, Asiatic species of which 4, mollicomata is more sensitive to heat including M. cylind1'ica, M. kobus, M. salici­ It folia, and M. stellata are in cultivation. damage than is M. cambellii. has been 11. Section TULIPASTRUM-3 deciduous spe· said ~ith accuracy that no two places on cies of whieh 2 are American, M. acuminata the face of the earth even a few miles and M. cordata, and I Asiatic M. lilifiOTa, apart provide identical growing condi­ all cultivated. tions, anelit is apparent that stlCcessflll NOTE: Species enumerations may vary some· gardeners must have <111 eye for special what depending on current botanica l opinion. For example, species pairs NI. acuminala and conditions in their gardens that help to I) IL cordata, }\If. kobus and ili. stellata, and M. minimize climatic anc1 geographic camjJbellii and }\II. mollicomala, may each be change. considered as distinct species. As a group magnolias are fairly 590 THE . -\~IER1CAl\' HORTICULTlJR.-\L ~rAG .-\ZINE tolerant of displacement from their uous magnolias in this region of central n

In deciduous magnolias the effects of terminated by a flow er, and additional excessive heat, or insufficient winter growth will come from a lateral bud at chilling, that I have observed are, in the base of the flowers peduncle. If the order of increasing severity: 1. Failure of shoot is sterile the rosette is terminated stem elongation at terminal growth buds, by a new terminal growth bud. Follow­ with the major portion of plant growth ing a short period of recruitment, or coming from ordinarily dormant lateral after flowering, the new growth bud stem buds. 2. Total failure of stem becomes active, bu t now the leaves are elongation without lateral bud activity. produced on stems with elongwted inter­ 3. Degeneration of terminal buds and nodes, and this second growth period stems in the spring, usually followed by accounts for the bulk of increase in size rapid decline and death of the plant. of the plant. In central Florida this In my experience the first type of second growth period often fails to ma­ injury mentioned above is apt to be terialize for M. fraseri) M . macrophylla) shown, although in mild form, by M. M . trip etala) and even M. ashei. As a pyramidata, even though the plant is resul.t the plants remain permanently not too far here from its natural range. dwarfed and usually eventually decline In its natural habitat in northern Flori­ and die. It had seemed that this problem da M. pyramidata grows to a single would also affect ilL obovata and M. leader with lateral branches forming at officinalis 'B i lob({', but gTafted plants in regular in tervals disposed in spiral ar­ their third season have finally produced rangement. In contrast, I have a seed­ a ppreciable terminal growth, and I am ling of this plant, transplanted from the now hopeful that -these two species will wild, that has changed leaders twice in grow here. three years. On two occasions in the The most severe form of winter heat spring gTowth has failed to occur at the injury consists of degeneration of termi­ terminal growth bud on the leader, and nal stems -and buds in the spring, shortly a la-teral bud some distance down the before growth would be expected .to stem has sent out a vigorous shoot that begin. This is usually accompanied by has become dominant. The plant ap­ considerable, but short-lived, aGtivity in pears to remain heaJthy, however, and I ordinarily dormant buds along the stem, believe it will eventually settle down and the usual result is loss of the plant. and make a tree. There is a noticeable This process bears a great deal of resem­ tendency among arborescent species of blance to the die-back that is described many families to become stunted or as a relatively benign disease of mature shrubby at their southern limits, and it deciduous magnolias. 1£ so, it is not may be that poor terminal growth fo~­ benign in Florida, or with very young lowing excessively mild winters accounts plan ts. Losses of this nature have oc­ for this, at least in paI't. M . fraseri and curred with NI. mollicom.%) 111. camp­ lVI. acuminata are subject to the same bellii, M. sargentiano var. 1'obusta) 111. kind of trouble. Apparently the more sieboldii) M. wilsonii, and may be the sensitive the plant, the farther down the final act with plants of the Rytidosper­ stem the new gTowth is likely ,to appear. Inurn series. '!\Then grown in a cool, M. fraseri has a tendency to send up heavily shaded greenhouse these plants vigorous shoots from the roots each have all shown an increased will ,to spring with little subsequent growth in survive and grow, so that with them at succeeding years. M. cordata, usually least hot summer weather in this lati­ considered to be a variety of AI. acumi­ tude has an additional deleterious effect nata but with a very restricted southern not seen farther nooI'th . The general rule range, has grown better here than AI. would s ~ em to be that these magnolias acuminata. are better able to stand a hot summer The second more severe form of hea t after beino· exposed to a cold winter, and injury consists of complete failure of a very mild winter makes cooler summer stem elongation following leafing out in growing conditions necessary. Interest­ the spring. It is typical of the R ytido­ ingly enough, seedlings of M . campbel­ spermum series of mag'nolias that when Iii) 'Alba' have thus far survived and leafing ou t occurs in the spring a rosette gTown under conditions identical with of leaves with extremely short internodes those which res ult jn the loss of M. is formed at each active g'rowth bud. campbellii. If the shoot is fertile this rosette is A second and distinct type of injury :\ 92 THE Ai\IERICAN HORTICULTURAL i\IAGAZTNE associa ted with climate that occurs in until they become well settled. As a deciduous maa-nolias in central Florida general rule plants become more shade is destruction b of chlorophyll in leaves tolerant as thev are moved into lower through excessive in~olation , . or ex­ lat~tudes, and it would appear reason­ posure to direct sunlIght, dunng the able to treat deciduous magnolias in summer months. This destruction occa­ central and southern Florida like camel­ sionally proceeds to the point .of defolia­ lias and pl,ant in light shade until ex­ tion and the plants enter a bnef second­ perience has shown which species or ary dormant period during the late su~­ varieties will tolerate or do better in full mer. It is difficult to be sure whether thIS sun. destructive process is photochemical or It would be unfortunate if any serious thermal in nature. There is no doubt gardener in central or southern Florida that sunlight becomes more intense as decided against planting a deciduous one approaches the tropics in the sum­ magnolia on the basis of this report. In mer due to the more vertical posi tion of the first place many of the finest magno­ the sun. It is equally reasonable to think lias including M. stellata, M. kobus, M. that a leaf exposed to direct sunlight at denudata, M. watsonii, /\II. loebneri, M. any latitude becomes internally hotter veitchii, and certain of the M. soulamge­ than one that is partially or completely (Lna cuhivars, such as 'Alexal1'lYina' have shaded. The fact that the leaves of M. grown with no special problems, and campbellii undergo this degenerative there are many remaining to be tried. In process in full sun in Florida may indi­ the second place these observations, of cate ,that the injury is thermal rather than necessity, have been made over only a photochemical, since this plant should few years, often with very young grafted be physiologically adaptf'rl to intense inso­ or seedling plants, and many, even now, lation in the high altitudes of its natural are still growin~ in containers. Some of home. It is also interesting to observe in these problems may, like measles and this respect that the leaves of the two chicken pox in children, be diseases of magnolias native in this region, /\II. gran­ young plants and not be a source of difiora and M. virginiana, are both trouble with older larger plants. Magno­ structurally modified in a way that pro­ lias are in general resentful of disturb­ tects them against excessive light and :otnce, and many of the problems noted heat. The upper surfaces of both are here may disappear or become insignifi­ c;utinized, waxy, and shining, a surface cant when sufficient time has elapsed for tllaJt reflects much of the light falling on the pl-an-rs to become well established. the leaves from any but the most direct One of the noted English authorities on angles. At the same time the under magnolias, the late Mr. G. H. Johnstone, surfaces of the leaves are rough and states flatly that magnolias require two hairy in M. grandifioTfl or softly felted in years to become established under favor­ M. virginiana providing a large surface able conditions after having been moved area in relation to the volume of the leaf or otherwise disturbed. Finally, difficul­ for the raclia·tion 0'£ excess beat. Magno­ ties of cultivation should be considered a lias growing- in full slln in Florida will challenge rather than otherwise. Often have generally shorter internodes than the smallest improvements in technique similar plants that are partially shaded. make all the difference between success This is nearly universally true in the and failure, and every gardener should higher plants, and at any latitude, but be willing to experiment. Certainly no the greater intensity of the sun in Flori­ Florida gardener who endured the great da may serve to accentuate the differ­ freeze of 1962 can doubt that we would ence. be much better off with hardier basic Magnolias that lose their leaves in late plan ting materials, or wi th better quali­ summer due to excessive sunlight gener­ ty hardy materials, ,than are now com­ ally leaf out again before win tel', bu t monly used, and of these the deciduous with very little or no stem growth. Such magnolias are among the most beautiful plants are generally rather unhealthy in and enduring. appearance since the effort of producing two sets of leaves in a single season NOTE: Since this was written the U .S. National weakens them. Varieties of M. soulan­ Arboretum, in cooperation with PTofessor Joseph giana are particularly prone to this be­ C. McDaniel of the University of Illinois, has distributed seedling's of M. guatemale'l1Sis for havior, at least for the first few seasons hortietl I tu raI in vestiga tion. Cultivated in Australia


Among the several genera of Coni­ are globular or ovoid, with overlapping fers which are endemic to the southern woody scales which fall when the seeds hemisphere, AraucaTia contains some of are mature. They vary in size, the largo the tallest, massive and most impressive est are of the Bunya Pine (A. bidwillii) of trees. Altogether there are about 12 which are often 12 inches in heig'ht, pro­ species, one group is na,tive to South portiona tely wide and weigh 10 to 15 America (A. araucana (imbricata)­ pounds. Monkey Puzzle Pine, the best known) The seeds are usually large, one but the others are found through the joined to each scale which is winged on Pacific Islands, Norflok Island, New at leas t one edge. Cotyledons vary from Guinea, , New Hebrides, two to four. and Australia. Seeds of the Bunya Pine were used as All species ultimately grow into trees an item of food by aborigines and in higher than 60 ft. although in the juve­ the Gympie and Bunya Mountain dis­ nile state they are frequently used as tub tricts (Queensland), where this tree and pot specimens in cold countries. grows naturally, each tribe was allocated The young trees are symmetrical in a certain number of trees. Footholds habit with branches down to the ground, cut into the trunks can be seen in trees still standing in the Bunya Mountains I bu t as the tree ages the lower ones drop off leaving the trunk clear of branches National Park (Queensland). for at least h alf its length in old trees. The wood is yellowish white, straight­ The bark is thick, rough, and resinous. grained, resinous and easily worked. It The branches are horizontal to ascend­ is an important timber for veneers. ing and usually whorled. Generally the All species are usually propagated by leaves are dark green in color remain seed. Cuttings are used as an alternate on the tree for ~any years, spirally ar­ me-ans when great care must be taken ranged, stem clasping and over-lapping to use leader or coppice growths only or imbricate, often differing in size or (from decapitated young plants) other­ shape on the same tree and on trees of wise sprawling and almost prostrate different ages. These vary from small plants will result. However, sometimes sca le-like in the case of A. hetero­ from the base of such plants arise natural phylla (A. excelsa-Norfolk Island crect vigorous growth. This, if left, will Pine) to flat and rigid, triangular and produce a tree identical with the par­ pointed as in A. bidwillii, the Bunya ent. Araucarias are unusual amongst Pine. the in having the power to re­ grow a new leading shoot or leader, The trees are usually dioecious bu t should the original suffer injury. sometimes male and female flowers are borne on different branches of the same . The following are descriptions of spe­ CIes commonly cultivated in Australia tree. The male catkins are usually large, for ornamental park purposes. up to 3 or 4 inches long, cylindrical, dense and either single or in clusters. A. bidwillii - Bunya Pine The cones take 2 to 3 years to ripen, An important timber tree growing to 100 to 150 ft. in height and 2 to 3 ft. in Director, BOlanic Garden, Adelaide, South Australia. diameter and when in forest formation 393 394 THE A:\ IERIC.-\N HORTICl1LTUR.\ L MAGAZINE the trunk is free [rom branches for about half its height. Under open park condi­ tions branches may remain for a con­ siderable period of .time, but when 40 LO 50 years of age the typical umbrella­ topped appearan ce is produced. In older trees the crown fl attens and the branches become crowded near the top. This species readily regenera tes branches at lower levels and frequently where a lateral bud has developed into a robust vertical shoot, a secondary de­ \'elopment of the main trunk takes place (see plate) . The foliage is spirally arranged, I Y2 to 2 in long, rigid and sharp-pointed, densely covering the branches with spIllyarmor. The male and female catkins are usu­ ally on different trees, rarely on the same tree. The male catkins are 6 to 7 in. long and borne at the ends of branches, often purple in color and present an attractive appearance. The cones are extremely large and h eavy and constitute a danger when they are m a­ ture. Seeds are up to 2 inches long, buried in the scales, which are large, with a recurved point. T he cones take up to 3 years to mature and up to 50 cones may be produced 0 11 a fully grown tree. PROTO BY AUTHOR bidwillii. Bunya Pine, Ade­ laide Botanic Garden, planted ap­ proximately 90 years ago, estimated height 80 ft. Showing vigorous sec­ ondary trunk development under the characteristic umbrella top.

This is widely planted as a park tree, not so much of recent years, but there are many specimens in Australian parks between 80 to 120 years old. In 1843 Sir "Villiam Hooker described the plant from specimens brought to Kew by Mr. J. S. Bidwill. The Bunya Pine has an altitudinal range from about 500 ft. to about 3,500 f t. Frosts occur above 2,000 ft. The climate is sub-tropical with mild 'winters and annual rainfall of between 35-50

PHOTO BY Aun-IOR inches, more than h alf of this falling Cones from A. bidwillii showing vari­ during the summer months. It grows ation in size, also cone scale with seed well in a variety of soils but prefers val­ attached. ley bottoms. 395

Today this tree is rarely planted al­ though in the past it was a great fa­ vorite. Normally the trunk is completely unbranched but, should the terminal bud be destroyed, this species has the ca­ pacity of regenerating leaders from axil­ lary buds. One specimen growing locally h as branched twice, giving a total of four trunks arising from points approxi­ mately 40 ft. above ground level. It is an interes ting tree growing' on a variety of soils. However, it is less desirable than A. hete1'Ophylla which remains a t­ tractive throughout its life. A. heterophylla (A. excelsa) Norfolk I s­ land Pine A beautiful tree and one of the tallest

PHOTO BY AUTHOR growing species often exceeding 200 it. Araucaria columnaris. New Caledon­ in height. This stately tree is, with the ian Pine with Norfolk Island Pine on Bunya Pine, the best known of the Aus­ left. Note the somewhat curved trunk. lralian members of the genus. It has The tree on the left lost the growing been u sed for conservaLOry and hot center about 12 years ago and has house work for at leas t 170 years (first subsequently regenerated a new grow­ grown in England in 1793) and where­ ing point. Trees are approximately ever climatic conditions permit it is 100 ft. high, planted about 90 years planted outside. ago. It is widely planted throughout Aus­ tralia, including' subalpine regions and A. columnaris (A. cookii) -New Cale­ , donian Pine or Cook's Araucaria. hot districts receiving as little as 16 In addition to New Caledonia, it is found also in the New Hebrides. This is . Norfolk Is­ a slender columnar tree often reaching land Pine planted along sea coast 150 to 200 ft. in height and almost in­ south of Adelaide, South Australia. variably with a somewhat bent and lean­ Note the regl£lar growth despite the i ng trunk particularly at its lower levels. trees being sub ject to gale force The branches are comparatively short, winds. (About 30 ft. high and 20 years old). rarely exceeding 8 ft. in length, some­ PHOTO BY AUTHOR what dependent and whip like. The branchlets are somewhat croweled giving a dense ou tline to the tree. The foliage is small, slightly curved, imbricate and obt1lSe, dark green in col­ or, suggesting a neatly plaited cord. On juvenile shoots the leaves a re triangular and up to Y2 in. long. The cones are elliptical, comparatively s111(111 , 5 to 6 inches long and 3 to 4 in. wide, the male catkins I to 2 inches long. This species was discovered on the Isle of Pines by Captain Cook during his second voyage to the Pacifi c (1772- 1773) . Seen from a distance natural stands "are sa id to resemble columns o( basalt." lS96 T H E AMERI CAN H ORT ICULTUR AL MAGAZINE inches of rain a year. South Africa and other sub tropical countries grow it, and it is widely planted in the fvl editerranean regions and the Azores. A few trees are known in Cornish (England) gar­ dens. The trunk is erect, often up to 6 it. in diameter. The m ain branches are hori zo ntal and in whorls of 4 to 7, rarely more, lateral branchlets are often de­ pendent. T he leaves are of two kinds, on lateral or juvenile branchlets awl­ shaped, incurved, so ft bright green, those on older shoots about Y2 in. long, curved and sharp-pointed, overlapping, broad­ ly ovate-much coarser than in A. co 1- umnaris. The cones are sq ua t, broader than long (3-4/1 x 4-4Y2/1). The seeds are long and narrow (1 ~" x Y2 ") wi thin the scale which is soft and fl at with a tri­ angular spine at its apex. Even in Au s­ trali a on fully m a.ture trees, viable seed is rarely produced, although the trees bear co nes. This may be clu e to th e lack of evenly high temperatures during the production of male and female cones. It is a n ative to Norfolk Island where it is found on the cliffs and adj oining country on the sea coast. H owever, b e­ cause the cliffs are often high above the waves the plant is not as salt tolerant PHOTO BY AUTH OR as is generally though t. It requires a Comparison in growth habits between good rainfall and mild climatic condi­ A. heterophylia, Norfolk Island Pine ti ons. It has been freely planted within (right) and Hoop Pine, A. cunning. AusLralia, most certainly along the coast hamii (left), Adelaide Botanic Gar· lines where it is used very frequently by den. Approximately 80 ft. high, plant· local government bodies fo r public p ark ed about 75 years ago. planting. It tolerates gale force winds and because it appears immune to dis­ become <'I I 111 ost horizo ntal or even de­ eases and insec t pes ts, very rarely are pressed . In ma ture trees the bran ches the trees blown out or collapse d uring remain on the upper third only and the gales. crown is less symmetrical than is usual in A. cunninghamii - H oop Pine (more the genus. rarely Richmond River or Moreton Bay The leaves are of two kinds-on seed­ Pine) lings and la teral branchlets they are In the yo ung stages, a massive h eavy­ linear or triangular shaped, spreading, branched tree which ultimately attains spirall y arranged, sharp-pointed, lI sual­ a t least 200 ft. in height and up to 4 ft. ly green but som etimes glaucous; the in diameter. The bark is hard and adult foliage is crowded, spirally ar­ rough, forming circular hoops or h <'l nd s, ranged, overlapping, inclll"ved, linear or

P HOTO BY AUTH OR ing them, although the New Caledonian A. cunninghamii Hoop Pine. A com­ and N orfolk Island Pines, beca use of paratively young vigorously growing their somewha t similar branching habit, tree about 50 ft. high and 50 years produce quite attractive gTO Up plan t­ old. Note the stout ascending branches. m gs . The Botanical Garden of Saint~Pierre 1803~1902


The eruption of Mount Pelee on the modern modest successor, however only ,,,Test Indian island of Martinique re­ a new housing development bearing the mains one of the most tragic natural name Jardin des Plantes gives any indi­ cataclysms of the 20th century. At its cation of the fonner existence of a foot was the town of Saint-Pierre, the famous botanioal garden, uniquely the capital city of Martinique and the hub victim of a volcanic eruption. of French influence in the New World. As the years pass, the records of the Saint-Pierre was a seaport rcelvmg old flourishing Saint-Pierre become international trade and a center of cul­ more difficult to find. A diligent search ture and educaJtion with an opera house, has yielded only a few bits of informa­ libraries, schools and a college, a zoologi­ tion regarding either the history or the cal garden and a botanical garden. In nature of the botanical garden of Saint­ early May, 1902, volcanic activity was Pierre. Perhaps by calling attention to noticed on towering 4,280 foot Mount the many gaps, additional infonnaltion Pelee, but the weakness of the disturb­ may be found to complete its histo'l-y. ance prompted the town officials to The garden of Saint-Pierre was estab­ advise the people to keep calm. On the lished in 1803 and was therefore one of 8th of May Mount Pelee erupted with the earliest gardens to be formed in the violence, and death came to Saint-Pierre West Indies. The Botanical Garden on in the cloud of smoke and fumes and St. Vincent, to which Captain Bligh ashes and cinders that descended the brought the breadfruit at the turn of the mountain slopes. So unusual was this century, was founded in 1765, and the form of eruption that the name nuees small Bath Garden in Jamaica in 1775. ardentes was coined for it and is so used The Royal Botanic Garden in Trinidad internationally (I) . Figures of the loss was established in 1818 (3). The French of human life in total disasters can never did have a botanical garden, often be accurate, but estimates of the loss in referred to as Ithe King's Garden, on the complete destruction of the town of Hispaniola, but neither the dates of its Saint-Pierre are between 28,000 and 30,- existence nor, in fact, its exact location 000. Destroyed with the town was much have been determined. of its history and all of i,ts influence. The The last two and one half decades of records and archives of the public orga­ the 18th century, 1775-1800, were turbu­ nizations were not duplicated elsewhere lent years of war and revolution in the in Martinique or in France. The Jardin '!\Test Indies. Surprisingly, botanical gar­ des Plantes, .the botanical garden of dens were involved in political events Saint-Pierre, was incinerated with the during the period. 'i!\Thile the French rest of the town, and its director also lost occupied St. Vincent, the general in his life in the eruption. Stehle has re­ charge of the island assisted the British ported ,that only a few of the introduced director of that botanical garden in plants survived the holocaust, these procuring new plants from the French probably because of the favmable loca­ colonies (4). By contrast, a shipment of tion of the garden in a valley, separated botanical specimens from Mauritius des­ by a ridge from both the town and from tined for a French island, probably Mount Pelee (2). The location of the Hispaniola, was intercepted by Captain town of Saint-Pierre was reused for its Marshall, commander of the warship Flora of Admiral Rodney's squadron. The plants on board were taken to • Director, Arnold Arboretum. Jamaica Plam, ]\'[11 <; , . Jamaica and among them was the fa­ 02130. •• Current address: Gonservatoire et Jardin botaniques, 192 rou te de Lausanne, Geneva, Switzerland. mous mango "Number 11". 'i!\Then 398 OCTOBER 1966, VOLUME 45, NUMBER '1 399

Hispaniola was lost to the French 5. To produce and maintain an ex­ around 1800 and Martinique became change of products with foreign coun­ the principle colony in the Antilles, tries. there was a need for a botanical garden 6. To distribute to the poor the local and an agricultural research station. It medicinal plan ts. was in 1803, on February 19th, that the 7. To furnish to the Jardin des Plantes botanical garden of Saint-Piene was es­ in Paris, and to other French colonies, tablished by a M. Castelnau d'Auros. It any plants which they lack and wish to was located at

PHOTO BY AUTHOR 1. Entrance gate to the Jardin des Pllmtes, Saint Pierre, Martinique before its destru.ction lJY Monnt Pelee in 1902. 400 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL l'vlAGAZINE colored glass chandeliers were placed murs de verdure qui s' unisseOit en demi­ along the walk surrounding the lake, cercle, ban-ent Ie chemin et forment un and garlands of colored lamps enlaced cul-de-sac. Du haut de ce demi-cercle la the trees along the shore. The water cascade se precipite, d'une elevation de palace was marked by lamps, reflectors 50 metres environ, dans un bassin d'ou, were placed to light the artificial water­ assourclissante, ell roule dans Ie lit du fall, and two enormous beacon lights torrent. rested to the right and left of the pool. A "Si on fail, face a la cascade dans considerable number of torches made l'enveloppement obscur du feuillage et from resinous gum, conveniently dis­ si on leve les yeux, on voit au-dessus de tributed, lighted the n atural cascades la n appe tombante, a traverse l'emmele­ and the more distant paths, delighting meat des branches, une eschappee du ciel the strollers (6). et des scintillemen ts de soleil dans les A second description is found in profondeurs vierges de la foret. Cette "Trois ans a la J\:[artinigue", by Louis cascade semble sortir de cetter trouce Garaud, published around 1895. The de lllmiere, sous des arbres curieux et description shows the impact of the penches qui la re.g-ardent tomber et sous garden on a romantic visitor and would des bambous flexible secoues de frissons lose much in translation (7). par Ie couml1Jt. L allee qui y conduit suit Ie torrent "Ce coin prodigiellx gu'aucune main qui borde par des areq lli ers, des chenes ne defiore, ces mysteres troublants de d 'Amerique, des figuiers mauclits et des fecondation effrontee, cette poussee de roseallX prodigieux de hauteur. L'allee seve, cet envahissement de lianes, cette et Ie torren L son t serres en tre deux fraicheur, ce silence, ces profondeurs, ces rayons dans les hautes cimes, ces reflets, ces eclairemen ts subis ont une saveur 2. The botanical garden was located inconnue que j'ai goutee clelicieuse­ in a valley. No maps of the garden ment." have been discovered. Following the report of the destruc­ PHOTO BY AUTHOR tion of the garden in the eruption of Mount Pelee, the horticulturalist Eduard Andre wrote an obi,tuary to the garden and to its direGtor (8). In the Revue Horticole, a most prestigious magazine of its time, Andre described from his travel notes, an earlier but undated visit to ,the garden. The garden, he reports, was approximately a fifteen-minute walk from the town, and one entered through an ornate gate into a valley which con­ tained most of the botanical collections. A river which ran ,through the garden formed waterfalls and lakes and was used in formal pools and fountains as well as for irrigation. The stream created two islands in the valley, one 'Tile des Ravenales" and the other 'Tile des Alpinias". There were tall trees such as "Attalea princeps" (Scheelea prin­ ceps) , species of Casuaril1a over 30 me­ ters in height, and magnificent speci­ mens of other trees such as a Barring­ tonia speciosa with a trunk a meter in diameter. The branches and trunks of many trees held epiphytes or orchids, ferns and bromeliads. A grotto was decked with ferns and pitcairnias with long leaves. In one spot Andre stopped before a picturesque ,torrent and noted a cavern with steep walls called "the hole OCTOBER 196b, VOLUME 45, NUMBER 4 401 of the serpent." In the garden land crabs assignment to explore systematica lly the scurried under foot and li zards could be flora of Martinique. Belanger, the direc­ seen on the trees and, above all, the tor, and Hahn, the head gardener, both. garden did not lack the formidable fer­ died in 188 1. de-lance. An avenue of palms, Archonto­ A general catalogue of the garden was phoenix, with trunks a meter in circum­ published in 1829 which lists 8 species of ference, was an inspiring sight, while i'l ferns, 3 of cycads, 99 of monocotyledons shady places the carpeting of large (including 16 kinds of palms) and 554 plants of Phryniurn mexicnnurI? , Costus species of dicotyledons. This listing and with golden pompons and Maranto. with the catalogue of the Garden on St. z~bra-striped leaves was equally impres­ Vincent published in 1825 appear to be sIve. the earliest records of plants cultivated Leaving this green valley and passing in gardens in the West Indies (12) . A a hedge of Thuja occide'l1talis, which he list of herbarium specimens collected in thought to be surprising in this tropical the botanic garden of Sa int-P ierre by location, Andre found the building's of a Belanger in 1860 and 186 1 and by Hahn School of Botany, with gardens of beau­ has never been published. However, tiful and rare plants arranger1 in a Pere Duss may be considered a rhronicler terrace of three levels, the whole sur­ of the Saint-Pierre botanic garden. rounded by a fence. In these terraced Duss, a native of Switzerland, came to beds were pl1ants for study and for spe­ Martinique in 1865 as a teacher of cial propaga,tion. Nearby was a water chemistry in the College of Saint-Pierre. tower in which water was collected in an Because h e was interested in the chemis­ ingenious manner and distributed try of plan t products he became well through small irrigation channels before it formed a cascade into the valley and left as the overflow of a small lake. 3. Water from local streams was di­ Andre reflects how in this garden art, rected through a series of falls , pools science, and the years have combined to and fountains. embellish gradually all of its function s. PHOTO BY AUTHOR Little informa tion can be obtained about the directors who made the gar­ dens. Andre records that the g'arden was founded by M. Castelnau ;:l'Auros in 1803. A general da talogue of ·the plants cultivated in the garden in 1829 bears the signature of "M. V. Delhorme, direc­ teur du jardin des plantes" (9). The name of Charles Paulus Belang-er is cited by Urban as the director from < 1853 until his death. in 1881 (10) . Andre mentions the directorship of M. Thierry, but without dates, and laments the death of the last director, M. Nollet, and his fam-ily in the eruption of Mount Pelee in 1902 (5). Pere Duss gives credit to Belanger for the greatest development of the garden as a scien tiflc botanical institution and a practical horticultural center for Saint­ Pierre and for Mar.tinique (II). Perhaps some of this credit should go to Ludwig H ahn, the German horticulturist who was appointerl head gardener at Saint­ Pierre in 1864 after receiving his train­ in ~ as a gardener at the Tardin des Plantes in Paris. In 1865 Hahn received an additional appointment to the Scien­ tific Commission to Mexico, and be­ tween 1867 and 1870 he carried out an 402 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE acquainted with the bOotanic garden and Only a systematic search through the its director, Belanger. Duss returned to herbarium at the National Museum in France to enter the priesthood and P

PHOTO BY A UTHOR 4. Curving staircase led to the entrance of the opera hOllse in the t010n of Saint Pierre. Breadfruit trees, coconut palms lind bananas 11010 grolO 011 the cite. The female figu.re carved from local stone symbolizes the spirit of Saint Pierre arising from the ashes.From a kodachrome by R. Howard taken in 1950. and its contributions were influential Plantes et Laboratories Agrico\e, Anl/llaire during its lifetime, but these, like its dela Martinique, 197-198. 1897. 6. Extract of broadcasts. F01-t de France, Mar­ very existence, seem to have been extin­ tinique. "The Local Press of Yesteryear." guished by the goddess Pelee. by Anca Bertrand. 1'\ewspaper "Les Co­ lonies" 1861 and edition of March 17, 186 1 ACKNOWLEDGME1'\T of "Le Moniteur by R eisser. All through The a uthors acknowledge with gratitude the the courtesy of Anca Bertrand. 7. Garaud, Louis. Trois ans it la Martinique. assistance of Messrs. Gabriel and Emelie of the Collection Picard, Librairie d 'Education Direction des Services Agricoles, of Mme. Anca Nationale. ed.9. 179-187. 1895. Bertrand of Fort de France, Martinique, anel 8. Andre, Ed. Le J ardin botanique de Saint­ of Mlle. Madier of the Bibliotheque Centrale, Pierre (Martinique) . Revue Horticole, 253- Museum National d 'Histoire NatureJle, Paris. 256. 1902. This study is part of a program of botanical 9. Catalogue General des plantes cultivees aux and horticultural investigations in the Lesser colonies. Catalogue des plantes cultivees Antilles and has received su pport through au jardin botanique et de naturalisation gTants from the National Science Foundation. de la Martinique, annce 1829. Annales Mo,·times at C%nirLies, 1830. Part 2: 11 8- References 148. 1830. I. Howard, R. A. Volcanism and veg'etation 10. Urban, I. Symbolae Antillanae. 3:54-55. in the Lesser Antilles. Jour. Arnold Arb. 1902. 43 :279-311 . 1962. 11. Duss, Flore phanerogamique des Antill es 2. Stehle, H . De R ., P. A. Duss. Flore de la fran<;:aises. Annales de l'inslitLit {'olonial de Guadeloupe et Dependances et de la Mar­ Ma?'Seille, 14:1-656. 1897. tinique, Catholique Printer, Guadeloupe. 12. Guilding, Rev. Lansdown. An accoun t of 1-136. 1943. the botanic garden in the island of St. 3. Howard, R . A. Botanical Gardens in 'West Vincent. G lasgow. 1829. Indies History. The GaI'den Journal, 117- 13. Arrete. Bull. Agr. Martinique. 1898. 120. 1953. -I. ______. A history of the botanic garden Photographs 1-3 selected by the staff of the of St. Vincent, British ' ,Vest Indies. Geo­ Bibliotheque Centrale, Museum National d 'Ris­ graphical Review, 44:381-393. 1954. toire Naturelle from published illustrations of 5. Nollet, M. E. Arrete of 1897, Jardin des the Saint-Pierre garden. Field Mice

By '!\T . J. HAMILTON, JR.'*'

Heavy snows had blanketed the Lake them from the prying eyes of soaring Ontario and St. Lawrence River al"ea of hawks. Even a vacant suburban lot, nor1thern and western New York for overgrown to tall weeds, will maintain a weeks on end. As the great white blanket thriving colony. melted away in the early spring of 1959, Part the dead matted grass of a field residents ot the area were appalled at and a new world is revealed. Little the havoc exposed by the disappearing paths, scarce the width of a garden hose, s now. Ornamental trees, hedges and crisscross one another to form a laby­ shrubs were stripped of their bark, val­ rinth of mouse highways. These are kept ued roses and flowering plants were CUlt clear by the incessant gnawing of any to the ground while fruit trees were so fresh vegetation that may sprout into badly girdled that bridge grafting was to the .tiny pathways. In such a haven, the prove futile. The damage was not local, mice seldom depart from their runways. but ex,tended widely throughout the Little piles of freshly cut vegetation or nOJ1theast. the middens of little green droppings This great toll was exacted by millions give testimony to the presence of these of field mice whose chisel-like teeth ubiquiltous creatures. One may find a spared little vegetation. So abundant nest of shredded grass the size of a were these little rodents that snow plow grapefruit, that provides a resting site or operators at the Thousand lsI and s a nursery for the reception of the young. Bridge reported that they plowed hun­ Field mice are among the most pro­ dreds of the little animals out of snow lific of all mammals. Females carry their banks during the winter. A cat reported­ young three weeks, and one litter follows ly brought 38 mice to the kitchen door another in rapid succession. Able to shift in a single morning. Such high mouse for themselves when twelve days old, the populations occur somewhere in our precocious females become sexually ma­ country every year. The threat from ture when they have attained the ripe these destructive little mammals is al­ old age of four weeks. A captive female ways with us, and ever poses a hazard to bore 17 litters in a year, while one of her valued plantings. daughters delivered 13 litters before her Perhaps no other small mammal is so first birthday. From ,three to eight young adaptable in the selection of a habita,t in constitute a litter and the breeding sea­ which to seek its food and rear its young. son is an extended one. No other mam­ These short-tailed, beady eyed mice of mal can challenge such fecundity. the genus Microtus are found in suitable Like the snowshoe rabbit of our waste lands throughout the temperate northern forests and the famed Norwe­ zones of thl'! Northern Hemisphere. gian lemmings, empire among field mice Nearly one hundred species and their has i,ts rise and fall. Incredibly abundant races occur in North America. Field one summer, the mice often appear to mice swarm in the salt marshes, crowd­ have all but disappeared by the follow­ ing to the very edge of the mud flats; ing spring. v\That occasions these drastic they are equally at home in .the stunted changes in population levels is little vegetation of high mountain slopes. lInclersrood. It is apparent that no one These mice find a congenial habitat in single factor is invariably respons;ble £01' the lush meadows, where the damp the regular buildup and inevitable de­ earth gives rise to a dense vegetation and cline. Disease of epidemic proportions succulent annuals. Neglected fields thaJt appears to be one of the primary causes support a canopy of dead grasses shield of the decline, but adverse climatic con­

' IV . J. H am il lon . Jr., GI 5 Highla nd Rd., Ithaca , ditions, parasitism and predatory birds ':'.J. Y . and mammals may well contribute 404 OCTOBER 1966, VOLUME 45, NUMBER 4 4.05

toward the decline. These cycles, like mouse, close cousin to Microtus, more those of the tent caterpillar and some mole-like in its habits, commonly eats locusts, occur with rather regular perio­ away the roots until the tree, weakened dicity. Field mice tend toward a four and with little support, topples in a year cycle, but these are not always of strong wind. Hedges, ornamental shrubs the same intensity. Moreover, cycles in and small conifers are pal1ticularly sus­ adjacent areas do not necessarily coin­ ceptible to the ravaging teeth of field cide. mice but damage is seldom revealed When favorable conditions prevail, until the disappearance of the snow, mice o£ten become incredibly abundant when control measures are belatedly and mass outbreaks occur. These plagues attempted. have been recorded since Bib 1 i cal Just as spraying, pruning and thin­ times and have been recorded by biolo­ ning a.re regular garden praotice, so also gists the world over. Often these great must the control of field mice be consid- iITuptions of field mice are brought about by agricultural modification of A 20 year old apple tree completely the land. In dry countries, where mice girdled by field mice. Dirt has been are usually scarce, irrigation and the removed about the base of the tree consequent increase in the food supply to show the extent of the injury. Ex­ suitable for ,these little animals has en­ tensive bridge grafting may save the abled them to increase greatly. Such ,a tree. change in habitat was probably responsi­ ble fOlr the 1907 Nevada outbreak. The PHOTO w. J. H AMI LTON JR. Humboldt Valley experienced a tremen­ dous increase in the mouse population, estimaJtes reaching populations of 12,000 mice to the acre. Fields were riddled by their tunnels and holes were scarce a step apart. Entire fields of alfalfa were so seriously injured as to require plowing and replanting. The winter of 1957-58 will long be remembered by the farmers of the Klamath Basin in eastern Oregon. Here the estimate of mouse numbers reached 3000 to 4000 mice per acre and at least 300,000 lacres of rich agricultural land was in danger of major damage. One hundred fifty tons of poisoned bait was distributed in the affected area to partially control the mouse hordes. 1t is not the mass outbreaks just al­ luded to that make these mice of such economic importance, but rather the perpetual pilfering of man's plants from year to year. This steady drain, while not particularly apparent, accounts for the loss of many millions of dollars annually to the farmer, horticulturist and plain dirt gardener. We may ignore the presence of field mice year after year, although suffering noticeable plant loss from these rodents. The time eventually approaches when the mice, favored by a combination of - ideal conditions, cause untold loss in a relatively short time. This is particularly true of orchards and plantations growing in sod. Here, under cover of snow, mice girdle through the outer bark to reach the cambium. The pine

-.. lOG THE Al\IERICAN HORTICULTURAL !\-IAG-AZINE ered. Usually the greatest damage occurs Poisoned baits have been widely used under the cover of snow, thus preventive for the control of field mice for many measure should be considered prior to years. Zinc phosphide, finely powdered winter. Constant vigilance is the ollly arsenic trioxide and slrychnine alkaloid insurance against mouse damage. are accepled poisons. Because of ilS Some of the accepted practices [or bilter taste, slrychnine is probably the reducing the mouse population are the least effective. Arsenic has proved quite use of mechanical protectors, poisoning, effective in our own trials. The poison is removing mouse shelter, repellent dusted on fresh baits, such as apple or washes and trapping. All of these meth­ carrOlt cubes, or utilized with grain baits. ods have their merits but none are These are placed directly in the fresh infallible. The best practice is a comb i­ runways of the mice, which may be naltion of several methods. recognized by the gTass cuttings and Mechanical protectors consist of a roll droppings. In young conifer planting of half inch hardware cloth, rolled and orchards, Toxaphene applied at the about the basal portion of the trunk of rate of five pounds per acre in air blast choice trees. The cylinder should be speed sprayers has been effective in kill­ sunk into the ground an inch or two and ing a high percentage of mice. Endrin can be held together with paper clips or also has been used for mouse control, string. Newspapers, aluminum foil, bur­ but its use is more hazardous because of lap and wooden veneer have been used ilts high toxicity. The United States Fish as la temporary guard. These must be and 'Wildlife Service preoares poisoned removed when the leaf buds commence baits for mouse control. Distribution to swell in the spring. Two laths, wired centers for these poisons can be deter­ opposite one another on the trunk, will mined by contacting your county agent. preven t com plete girdling. Since the field mouse requires a good

PHOTO '\tv. J. HAi\IIL1' O N JR. This young orch~rd, with it.s he~vy sod and dense stand of grass, provides an excellent habltat for field nu,ce. The orchardist is distributinu arsenic coated apple cubes directly into the runways of the mice. With~ut such control measures, many of these trees would have been severely girdled by spring. OCTOBER 1966, VOLUME 45, NUMBER 4 407 ground cover to carryon its normal they are ei ther injurious to vegetation or activities, ,the removal of litter and simply fail to repel mice. The most ma tted dead grass will help to destroy effecti ve repellents contain sodium fluo­ mouse habitat. These mice often take up roacetate, a poison ,that has not been residence in heavy stands of low growing released from government control owing junipers, myrtle, pachysandra and other to its extremely poisonous character. dense vegetation tlut provides an ideal In spite of the foregoing, we ca n retreat. From this cover, they may forage scarcely co ndemn these mice 'as useless into the garden, forsaking their usual pests. They serve as food for countless runways, to cut down choice stalks of predatory animals that migrut otherwise bulbous plants and perennials. feed on more desirable species. Among It is in such cover thtrip the trap Since predatory animals are so depen­ even if unbaited. Several years ago I lost dent on the mouse millions, we might several choice hybrid lilies that grew a t well consider them the agen ts tha t trans­ the periphery of a dense stand of Andor­ {o.rm vegetaltion into fl esh. Miaotus also ra junipers. A dozen traps placed under serves as a fine experimental animal for the clumps of low branches resulted in the biologist. Finally, gentle reader, our the capture of 15 mice within a week. subject, properly prepared, provides a Repellerut washes may h ave some val­ unique side dish for those with epicure­ ue, but it has been our experience that an tastes. Two Peruvian Species of Salvia of >:- Ornamental and Ethnobotanic Value'


Of the 67 species of the genus Salvia insertion of the flowers. Leaves are of (Labiatae) which J. Francis Macbride variable size, blade 7-22 cm. long land 12 deso"ibes for Peru, in his "Flora of cm. broad, oval, acuminate, sub-cordate, Peru," undoubtedly, those of major im­ crenate-serrulate, upper surface sparsely portance and mnamental and ethno­ pilose, lower surfaces, sometimes densely botanic sigl1ificance are Salvia dombeyi pilose, at other times, only on the veins, Epling (see Back Cover) , and Salvia op" petiole 2-6 cm. Iong-. Inflorescences in posit/flora R. & P. The first (S . dombeyi) more or less conical racemes up 1\;0 34 (Section Longiflorae), from the o·rna­ cm. long, or less, borne at the ends of the menlJal point of view is very attractive floriferous branches from 40-60 cm. long. and .therefore decorative; not only for Flowers on 7-11 opposite head-like nodes, the size and color of its flowers, but also with 1-3 to 8 flowers per node. Calyx for its leaves. Its geographic distribu" cylindrical, purple about 4 cm. long, tion, however, is mme limited than the with acute lobes. Corolla to 12 cm. long, second species, having its localization upper lip larger than the lower, densely less frequent, therefore, one ell counters pilose, scarlet red hairs 5-6 mm long, it only in determinate places between multi-cellular. Pistil exserted. 3000-3600 m. (10,000-12,000 ft.) It ver­ In Peru, one encounters this species in nacular name is "sacha fiucchu," which the north in Cajamarca, south to Cuzco, I think is more suitable and exact than Puno, and Bolivia. It flowers at the end "Bag-as fiucchu," the term quoted by F. of spring and abundantly in summer, L. Herrera. In effect, the Quecha word occasionally it has been collected flower­ "Sacha" means shrub and S. dombeyi is ing in winter (July). woody and at times, reaches more than 5 As to the ethnobonanical value of meters (17 feet) in height in its own Salvia dombeyi, for the moment, I am native habitat. From the descriptive as­ not able to confirm anything concrete. pect of the mentioned species and in However, the search of data, both from accord with the data taken from the the colonial chroniclers, as well as from living plants, we have the following: the phytomorphic representations of the sub-shrubby climber in habiJt with stems ancient Peruvians has been negative. an~ branches always pendant, bearing Notwithstanding, there are indications vanous branches from the base, thin, 3 that it was very esteemed 'as an ornamen· cm. thick, obscurely tetragonal, of red tal inasmuch as one does find it culti" color, pilose, hairs reaching- 5 mm. long, vated in the native villages near the transparent when young, lightly yellow native habitat of this plant. later, terminating at the point in a small In contrast, Salvia opp'ositifiora called dark sphere. From the older branches of simply "fiucchu," one does find re" the past .year, arise at the end of spring peatedly represented in color and natu­ and dunng the summer, the floriferous ral size, on the sacred vases called branches which, in the beginning, are "keros" (of wood) on the exterior part totally green. Later, with maturity, they of which have been painted diverse become ligneous, at the apex of which anthropomorphic, zoo m 0 r phi c and arise the inflorescences which are conspi­ phywffiorphic motifs. . In this later case, cuously knotty o·r swollen at the point of S. oppositifiora, is with evident prefer­ ence and frequency, with respect to the • Transla fed from the orig inal Spallish by Russell other motifs of plants. J. Se l~ er t , Longwood Gard ens, Kenn ett Square, P e nn~ sylvani a. Traditionally, the "fiucchu" through , , CU7eo , r Cl lI . the representations on vases of wood, OCTOBER 1!J66, VOLUME 45, NUMBER 4 409 clay and even in fabric, as well as from pilose, with strong typical color. Leaves the cases cited which Oone encounters in are small, oval-oblong, with dentClite the works of the chroniclers of the blade, petiole short. Flowers are in 2's at conquest, it is known with some preci­ each foliar node; calyx persistent; corol­ sion, that this species (Salvia oppositi­ la prematurely caducous, scarlet red, flora) h as had symbolic value and use very 2.5-3 cm. long; fruit of fOour free nutlets, often in the fiestas of the Incanato. It visible in the base of the calyx 0'£ red was a very esteemed and sacred flower, color at first, lCliter, black when ripe. utilized in religious ceremonies with Flowers from January (summer) until diverse purposes. It was to pacify wrath the month of May (autumn), but in of the destructive gods, such as the earth­ cultivation, it flowers for a mOore exten­ quakes, or it was the compliance to the sive period and also reaches larger size Inca emperors and the personages of the and beauty in mass. Inca COUI1t. In actuality, it is still es­ teemed and utilized perhaps as a remi­ Bibliography niscence, in some relig'ious fiestas, inclu­ I, Carl Epling. (1940) A revision of Salvia sub­ sive of the Catholic Church, during the genus Caloplace. Pub. of the Univ. at Calif., Los Angeles, 12: 312. PI. 86. Holy Week in order to cover the sacred 2. J. F. Macbride, (1940) F lora of Peru. Field effigies with the scarlet corollas. Mus. Nat. Hisl. Publ., XIII Part V, No, 2, The geographic distribution oE this Sal­ 789. via is greater, covering extensive zOones ~. F. L. Herrera. (1941) Sinopsis de la Flora del CUlCO, p. 356. Lima, between the mountain ridges from 4, F. L . H errera, Y. Eugenio YacovlefL (1935) 3000-3600 m. and during the flowering' EI Mundo Vegetal de Los Antiquos Peru­ period, gives a vivid reddish tinge to the anos, Rev. del l1fuS. Nacional, Lima IV:85. landscape. The plant is woody, red in Fig. 62. ED, NOlI':: Original description o( Sa!r ,ia d OIll­ color, and the sterns are tetragonal, from eyi: Epling, Report. Sp. Nov, Beih, 105:43, 30-40 cm. high, woody toward the base, 1938.

Salvia oppositiflora. Woody Plants-for Bonsai and Container Growing

By LEE Roy BYRD, JR.} M.D.

Naturally or artificially dwarfed trees appearance of true maturity, but great grown in pots and trained into beautiful age is not a prerequisite for a pleasing shapes are called bonsai by the Japa­ bonsai specimen. A properly selected nese. To produce such trees is most dwarf yaupon (flex vomitOTia) ob­ satisfying. For ,these trees to assume an tained as a balled and burlapped or appearance of maturity and to bloom gallon can specimen a,t a nursery may be and, in some instances, produce fruit repotted and pruned to give immediate­ enhances this sa tisfaction. ly a beautiful shape with many of the Since very early times in Japan natu­ attributes of a mature tree. The direc­ rally stunted trees have been collected, tion of growth of a branch may be grown in pots and ,treasured. Only in changed by wrapping it with copper relatively recent time (probably during wire ,to hold it as it is bent into the the late sixteenth century) d id the idea desired position. Thus, a void in the of artificially improving the shape of shape of the plant may be filled or potted trees become established. In more a branch directed in a desired line. recerut time Japanese gardeners have The soil used in potting is determined realized it is possible to create artificial by the plant and the climate. For dwarfs from seedlings, cu ttings, and broadleaved deciduous trees a mixture grafts. Since bonsai were first seen out­ of 3 parts sandy loam and seived clay side Japan in 1909 at an exhibition m mixture, 2 pants humus and 1 part sharp London, interest in them has spread. sand is generally used. For pines, or si milar conifers, a mix ture of 3 parts BONSAI CULTURE sandy loam and seived clay mixture and The culture of dwarf pObted plants is 2 parts sharp sand is used. In the bottom based on sound horticultural principles. of the pot the larger granules of seived Roots are confined to a li mi ted space clay are used in the mixture, in the top and are pruned at times of periodic part the smaller granules. For Bald cy­ repottmg to allow for development of press (Tax odium distichum) a mixture new roots. Regular and continued of 3 parts sandy loam, 3 parts humus pn~ning- of vegeta,tive gTowth is done to and 1 part sharp sand is desired. mamtam a balance with the roots and Repotting is usually done every 4-5 to train the plant to the ·desired si1ape. years wi th eve,rgreens, every year for Health of the. plant is maintained by flowering and fruit bearing trees, and frequent wa,tenng and reo'ular fertiliza­ for other deciduous trees every two tion, while .good drainage'" is assured. by years. For most of the ,trees in which the prope: pottmg. Exposure to the seasonal flowers are of prime importance, this is vanatlOns of the plant's natural habitat done just after the flowers fall, for fruit continues .th~ natural cycle of growth, bea.ring trees in early fall. Fo,r other a1thoug:h I t IS necessary to give winter trees, wi th specific exceptions, it is done protectIOn even in mild climates to pre­ in early spring just before new growth vent freezing of roots. starts. Trainin~' of plants into interesting As a general consideration at the time and ~eaLl'tlful sh~pes is accomplished by of repotting one third to one half of the pru~mg ~nd wmng. This takes into soil of the old root ball is removed by consldera·tlOn the natural gTow,th habit washing with a stream of water and/ or of the plant. Age alone can create an gentle pushing with ,the finger or a slender stick. Of the roots thus exposed, the older ones are pruned completely • Lee R oy B",-<"I . 1r. , j\'f.D .. I~ O I Stanley Blvd .. Port Arthu r, T exas 77642. and the newer roots are pruned to one 410 OCTOBER 19fiG, VOLUTvlE '15, NUMBER 1.1 '1 1 I

third to one half their length. The plant here on the upper Texas Gulf Coast, then is again placed in the same size pot these have been found to be suitable for and must frequently be given extra sup­ dwarf tree culture: port until it has regrown its root system. Anacua-Eh?-etia anacua. F or a short time after repotting the A slow growing plant with an interest­ plant mU5t be protected from sun and. ing. relatively small leaf, and bark that strong wind. produces a mature appearance early, Plants should be watered when the this plant has an interesting character soil in the pot appears dry on the of growth. It is native to south Texas surface, frequency varies with the type into Mexico. of plant, the size of the pot, the cycle of grow/th at the time and weather condi­ Red Cedar-]uni1Jerus virginiana tions. Some plants may be watered three As with other species of juniper, ,this or more times a day, and others perhaps one makes an in teresting bonsai even as only once in three or four days. ''''ater­ a young plant. It grows throughout the ing is best done wi th a gentle flow. eastern half of the United States. Wild Leaching of the soil in the pot is a seedlings may be transplanted with ease. result of frequent watering. Thus, it is Juniper is also available in numerous necessalry to feed bonsai regularly. A forms in the nursery trade. balanced liquid fertilizer applied when Southern Crabapple-Malt.s angtlstifolia the soil is slightly moist several times Other crabapples have long been used duri ng the gTowing season serves very fm" bonsai. On the basis of a sh ort well for flowering and frui ting trees. experience this one also promises to h e Conifers are fed less often, frequently suitable. It is native to the southeastern only once each spring and fa ll. United States. Many pleasures are afforded in Cra pe M yrtle-Lage?'StTo emia indica growing bonsai, but there are disap­ Several varieties are grown in the pointments, too. An energetic Blue Jay open in the southern United States and looking for a bit of food strips a healthy are available in the nursery trade. It growth of moss from a pot! A puppy may also be grown from seeds or cut­ decides to wrestle with a plant, pulls it tings. It will produce a blooming bonsai from its pot, shakes the roots free of soil in a short time from a gallon can size and leaves it Ito dry in the sun! The loss plant. After. the first flush of flowers in in one night of five years of effort in midsummer, !the old panicles should be training several specimens because of an pruned, and a new cycle of flowers will un predicted hard freeze-! develop. Ba ld Cypress - Taxodium distichum SUITABLE PLANTS (Fig. 1) A trip to a Iocal n ursery will likely There are trees of this species growing produce a number of useful plants to in the southeastern United States that start the process of creating a bonsai. are more than 1000 years old. Lts natural Plants with small leaves when mature range is from southern Delaware to usually make the most likely specimens. Florida, along the Gulf Coast into Texas Attractive characteristics of bark, inter­ and along rivers into Oklahoma, Arkan­ esting lines of trunk growth and limbs, sas, and southern I llinois. From this small flowers and fruit, and colorful or habitat seedlings 18 to 30 inches tall interesting shapes of leaves ar desirable transplant to pots very well, and from characteristics to cC:ll1sider in selection of the beginning make beautifu l bonsai. It plants. is one of the deciduous conifers. Also, plants may be obtained fr0111 Principle pruning of vegetative their n atural habitat as small seedlings. growth is done while the branches are Occasionally a n aturally dwarfed speci­ bare in winter and must be extensive to linen many years old may be found and keep the 'tree within desired bounds. transplan ted for training. Seeds may be Pruning for shaping new growth may be planted to obtain seedlings. Cuttings clone during the growing season, and is may be rooted or bought as "liners" to especially necessary for the topmost produce small plants. In certain species, branches. it is desirable to produce a specimen by Repotting is done before new growth grafting. starts in early spring every two or three Of a number of plants given a trial years. Root pruning is done principally 412 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

Fig. I.- Bald Cypress. (Taxodium distichum). Planted from a bayou bank as a seedling abou.t 3 years old. Trained 8 years. Height 4 ft. During the last year roots appeared at the surface of the moss covering the soil in the pot, sll,ggesting that the tree is in the process of forming its typical "knees." Fig. 3.- Heller's Holly. (Hex crenata 'Helleri'). 8 in. Planted as a small potted plant clll,ring its first year from a rooted cutting. Trained 2 years. Height 8 in. l>HOTO BY AUTHOR


Fig. 2- Texas Ebony. 14 in. Trans­ planted from its natural habitat as a on the botJtom of the root ball. After seedling about 2 years old. Trained new growth has started the pot is kept in 8 years. Still in a training pot. a basin of water during the period of PHOTO BY AU'J HOR active growth. Texas Ebony-Pithecellobillm flexicaule (Fig. 2) Native from south Texas to Yucatan, this thorny evergreen tree is used as a beautiful ornamental in the Rio Grande Valley region of Texas. \l\Tith a mini­ mum of pruning the ordinarily 12 to 20 foot high trees form a symmetrical, rounded crown of the small, lusterous, clark green leaflets. Grown in a pot, it may be trained into a tree of the same shape. It may be transplanted as a small seedling from its natural habitat or grown from seed, and makes a beautiful specimen from the beginning. The thorns are at most If2 inch in length and do not detnct from d1e appearance of the plant. When grown in a pot it should be protected from all frost. Repotting is done in early spring every three to five years. Pruning of vegetative growth is done as needed throughout the year. OCTOBER 1966, VOLUME 45, N UMBER '1 413

Heller's Holly-Ilex crenata 'H elleri' (Fig. 3) This dwarf holly has very small leaves of good shape and color. The character of growth is interesting and

Red Maple-Acer Tu b,'um var. dTU m­ m ondii (Fig. 4) A native maple growing in mo&t of the PHOTO BY AUTHOR eastern half of the United States and Fig. 4.-Red Maple. (Acer rubrum into Canada, this tree may be collected var. drummondii). Collected as a as small seedlings frDm its habitat along seedling in its first year. Trained 7 streams and in swamps. The ruby red years. Height 18 in. flowers open in early spring considerably before the leaves. On a pDtted plant the leaves are smaller than nDrmal. If all of the first set of leaves are cut off shortly after they have developed, another set even smaller will develDp. Every two Fig.5.-iYlayhaw. (Crataegus opaca). years rep otting should be dDne in early Planted from a gallon can as a 2 year spring after the flDwers have opened and plant. Trained 3 years. Height 20 in. as the leaf buds begin to swell. P HOTO BY AUTH OR - 1 Mayhaw-Cratageus opaca (Fig. 5) This is one Df about 800 species of Hawthorn widely distributed thrDugh­ out North America. There are more than 150 species in the United States that grDW to small tree size, and most are nDtable for their sharp, o£ten long, thDrns. Leaves are small and after they appear in the spring the showy white flDwers appear. The small fruit is apple­ like and may be red, yellow, black or blue. Mayhaw h as a leathery, lusterous green leaf three- to five-lobed. When grown in a pot the leaf is I to I Y2 inches long. Lts habit of forming numerous branches lends itself to. training by pruning. Spines are few and short, if present. When obtained in a gallon can size or collected frDm its natural habitat as a small seedling, it makes an interest­ ing specimen in a short time. 414 T HE r\i\IERICAl\' HOR TIClJL TURAL MAGAZINE

Sago Palm-Cycas revolula Not a palm ,at all, but a representative of an ancient and primitive family of plants, this is a very slow growing plant. It has a short, fibrous trunk topped by a rosette of evergreen, heavy textured, pinnately divided leaves, Suckers taken from a dormant plant and trimmed of their leaves may be rooted in sand. \l\1ith the appearance of the first rosette of leaves, the plant is a thing of beauty. Plants of varying size in cans may be found in the nursery trade. Growing in a pot it should be protect­ ed from all frost. Planted in the ground mature specimens without special pro­ tection have wi,thstood temperatures at 17 0 F e,ach morning and never above 32 0 F for a fi ve day period here on the Fig. 6.- Texas Persimmon. (Diospy· upper Texas Gulf Coast. ros texana). Planted from a gallon can as a 2 year plant. Trained 3 years. Oriental Pear-Pyrus pashia Height 18 in. In early spring of the The small, leathery, dark green leaves, present season planted in a hole dug which turn bright red in the fall, make out in a piece of lava rock and long this plant an interesting subject. From a roots trailed over rock into soil be· short experience in growing it, 'termi­ low. In a galvanized sheet metal tray nated by an unexpected hard freeze, it for training. Note insulated copper promises to be a good subiect. It is training wire in place. described as having a flower one inch in Fig. 7.- Saffron Plum. (Bumelia an· diameter and fruit three-fourths of an gustifolia). Planted from a gallon can inch long. as a 2 year plant. Trained 3 years. Texas Persimmon-DiospyTOs texan a Height 30 in. Note insulated copper (Fig. 6) training wire in place. In the limestone hill country in cen­ ,tral and southwest Texas, this persim­ mon, with a small, lustrous, dark gTeen leaf, grows as a scrubby tree. The leaf size and its character of growth make possible a beautiful bonsai early in its period of training. The blooms and fruit are insignifican t. Saffron Plum- Bumelia ang'Ustitolia (Fig. 7) This evergreen bumelia grows In south Texas and into Mexico. "Vith its small, shiny, dark green leaves crowded on ShOl.t spurs, and its rough bark, even as a young plant it makes a beautiful bonsai. Planted in the ground it is hardy to 10 0 F. Japanese Yew-Podacarpus macrophylla Seedlings of this plant will frequently be found growing around the base of larrge specimen plants. Many will al­ ready have interesting slwpes when transplanted, or Ilhey can be trained in a \ short time to be interesting bonsai speci­ mens. Specimens of various sizes are available in the nursery trade. OCTOBER 10 f;(). VOUJi\lE 45, NlJi\IBER r 41 5

Yucca, Spanish Bayonet-Yucca aloi/alin. (Fig. 8) ]n its natur·al habiLaL Lhe pLllll ['orms colonies from rhizomes. As a dwarf it is best grown from seed and is interesting as a grove planted in a shallow con­ tainer. Planting should be from one year seedlings. Pruning is done by pulling off the lowest leaves as they mature. As each rhizome appears on the surface as a new p1ant, it must be uncovered and re­ moved at its point of origin to keep the colony in its original design. Root growth at the bottom lifts the planting Fig. 8. - Spanish Bayonet Yucca. in the pot necessitating' repotting; each (Yucca aloifolia). Grown from seed. year in early spring. The bottom one Planted as a group at 1 year. Trained half of the root mass is pruned each 2 years. Height 6 in. time. Yucca alai/alia in the ground will stand a hard freeze, but in a pot no more 'Luna', the central branch is shortened than a light freeze. only a few inches and the laterals are pruned to a six or eight inch length. l[ CONTAINER PLANTS the plants are held at a temperature of The principles of bonsai culture may 55 ° to 60 0 thru the winter and early very successfully be applied to many spring, they will pu t au t considerable plants for growth in containers to be new growth and therefore begin flower­ used as accen ts in borders or on a terrace ing earlier ,the following season. But any or patio. With the aid of a small green­ temperature above freezing will keep house or a structure that may be covered them alive un til springtime tempera­ with polyethylene sheeting and heated tures arrive. During winter storage they for winter protection in areas with freez­ are watered sparingly only when the soil ing temperature, such tropicals as hibis­ appears definitely dry, and are not fed. cus, croton, and bougainvillea may be '!\Then the temperature is consistently carried over from year to year for their above 60 ° the plants are returned to the wonderful color throughout ,the hot yard. Best blooming occurs when tem­ months. peratures remain 70 0 or above. Every two years, at the time the plants HIBISCUS are pruned in ,the fall, they are repotted. There are many beautiful vanetles of One half to two thirds of the soil of the hibiscus grown in Florida, and new ones old root ball is washed away. The older being developed regularly. Many of roots exposed are pruned completely these are distributed along the Gulf and newer roots shortened. The plant is Coast as gallon oan size plants. In gener­ then returned to the same size container. al they are treated as annuals except in Some plants have been handled in this very mild clim"'tes, for when pruned and manner for as long as eight years and covered for winter, all too often they rot. ",re healthy and producing a good array If left to the vagaries of winter weather of blooms each year. most often they are frozen and killed. But a plant of 'this size, usually one year CROTON old from a rooted cutting, may be Because of their characteristic of pro­ planted in a 10 inch or 12 inch con­ ducing a comparatively large top growth tainer and a large plant with many from a small root mass, Crotons are flowers produced through the summer particularly well adapted to container by once or twice daily watering and culture. Their beautifully colored leaves weekly feeding with a liquid 8-12-4 fer­ make them admirable as accent plants tilizer. Figure 9. for summer and fall. They do not stand Af,ter the first light frost, the plan ts, any frost and a strong cold wind will except for very slow growing varieties, "burn" them. Therefore .they must be are pruned to a height of 12 to 14 inches moved to winter protection re],atively and moved to the covered, heated house. early. At that time they are pruned low With slow growers sLlch as Hibiscus to produce low branching, otherwise 416 THE :\]\[ERICA T HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

they become "leggy" because old leaves been very satisfactory as a container are dropped and tip pruning induces plant to grow along with hibiscus and branching only near the tip. Each year crotons. It begins to bloom on new they are pruned two or three inches growth in April or May when night above the point of pruning the previous temperatures are consistently above 60°, year. The wood pruned may be used as and continues to bloom until tempera­ cuttings fo·r propogation. Figure 10. tures again fall below 60° in autumn. After pruning the plants are watered Watered only when dry ,and fed every very sparingly until new shoots have put two weeks with a liquid 8-12-4 fertilizer, on leaves. Then they are watered only it produces a profusion of colorful when the soil appears dry, and kept at bloom. 55 ° to 60 ° minimum temperature. It is After blooI?in~' has ceased, pruning is difficult to keep croton plants through done to mamtam shape and a thick the winter in ~he home, but it may be growth. Canes are pruned to within 6 to accomplished by placing the pots on a 12 i~ches of the point of pruning the large pan of wet gravel in a sunny prevIOUS year. The plants are then window. Plants may be returned to the placed in the winter house with a tem­ yard when night time low temperatures perature minimum of 55° to 60°. They are consistently above 60 °. are watered sparingly until new growth Repotting is done at the time of has started, and are returned to the yard pruning when the plant has become when temperatures are consistently heavily root bound-every 3 or 4 years. above 60 °. One fourth to one third of the soil of the A 13-inch square galvanized wash tub old root ball is washed away. The ex­ is an admirable container for this posed roots are lightly pruned and the bougainvillea. The handles make the plant is repotted in the next size larger thorny bush easier to move. Repotting is pot until an eight inch size is reached, done every year at the time of pruning then repotting is continued in that size and the plant is handled the same as pot. hibiscus. The soil used for potting hibiscus, BOUGAINVILLEA croton and bougainvillea is two parts sandy loam, one part humus, one pan Bougainvillea 'Temple Fire' is a bush sharp sand and one half part horticul­ variety with a striking red bloom. It has tural perlite. The Gardener's Pocketbook

A Maple with Girdling Roots ter had b~en deflected many years ago In the picture accompanying this arti­ from theIr ou tward course and are cle, a tree is dying. This is most evident deeply embeded in the base of the tree. in an area near the base, where the bark This condition is so severe that any of two trunks are becomino- separated attempt to remove these roots would b hasten the death of the tree. f rom the wood. The cause of this con cli- tion is girdling roots. To a~d.to this complicated condition, Before this plant, and its plight are after dIggmg the soil further out from tl~e trunk, a very matted root system, further . dis~ussed ~ perhaps a few words about gIrdlmg wIll show the seriousness WIth many naturally grafted roots was In numerous places, 'roots ?f its.effect. The functional, sap conduct· dis~overed. Il1g tissues are in close proximity to the whIle growing away from the base of the outer bark. These tissues because of tree, came in con tact with other roots of this plant as they crossed repeatedly over their locat~on. are. affected by the pres­ and under each other. Since no roots sures of gll·dlll1g 111 such a way that sap were noticed completely surrounded by movement gradually becomes restricted. This restriction decreases the amount of another, the girdling effects caused by water, mineral salts and carbohydrates these contacts were confined mainly to necessary for growth. If this condi tion is small areas, and therefore, less restrict­ ing than the girdling of the trunk by n?t corr~cted, a gradual decline in plant larger roots. v~gor WIll follow, resulting in possible Without more knowledge of the root dIe-back of smaller branches, and could system and the soil conditions under lead eventually to the death of the plant. Since root girdling usually takes place at gr~und level, or below, it can go unnotIced for such a long period that once discovered little can be done to corr~ct it. This is happening to the DavId Maple, Acer davidii shown in the accompaning photogTaph. For twen­ ty years or more this plant was one of the outstanding trees in the National Arboretu.m's maple collection. Its leaves, large frUlt clusters and bark were indeed enjoyable attractions. About five ye~rs ago, something began to ha~pen to thIS plant. Many of its once beautIful leaves became increasingly smaller. Young branches started to die b~ck . Its f~uit production began to de­ clll1e; and 111 many places, its once lovely green and white bark became drab and dull. Since no causes for these changes c~)Uld be found above ground, and addi­ tIOnal fertilizer did little to stem the decline, it became necessary to seek the source of trouble below the ground level. There the trouble was found· for after removing the gTass and a' few inches of soil from the base of the tree U .S. NATIONAL ARBORETUM girdling roots were exposed. Severai Tree of Acer Davidi Showing Root roots as much as eight inches in diame- Strangulation. 417 THE A~rERICAN HORTICULTURAL TllAGAZTNE which this phenomenon is occurring, III. ll1edia-Clean mason's sand-3 111. one can only speculate as to the reason to 4 in. deep-well drained. for this girdling rool system. "When the IV. Rootlng-3 to 4 weeks time. cause is determined it could be one of V. Nletlwd-U stalks are branched Clil those mentioned by H. M. Van i!\Tormer 1 in. below node and set 2 in. in sand in his article in the November 1940 issue bed. If only a leaf a t the node (on of Arborist's News entitled Effects of brandches) cut 11;2 to 2 in. below node Girdlinrr Roots on Trees. Here Van and set the node even wi th the surface. i"T orme~ stated the following: "The Cut off excess leaves. One (two if question arises, what causes this pecu­ small) will suffice under spray mist. liarity of root development?" The an­ VI. Rooting Hormone-Not necessary swer would be, several reasons. It is safe but beneficial. to assume that one of the main reasons is VII. Important PTOcedure the deflection of the root in search of "Ohio Hybrid" Hibiscus are Her­ moisture, easier growing conditions or bacious Perennials-winter hardy. else more abundant nutrient material. Each year's stalks die down in winter Having secured anyone of these three to a crown below ground where the items, that portion of the root grows and new stalk buds are formed for the expands so rapidly that it presses more succeeding year's growth. The stalks severely across the trunk of another root, of all cuttings taken will die before causing a stran(wlation to occur." There the end of the year. It is necessary that is the possibility tha t this condi tion new growth from cuttings establish started as the result of the seedling tree their own root systems before the old being grown too long in a pot or tin stalk dies. Therefore, in transplan t­ container. Some container grown trees ing from the propagation bed, be develop encircling roots which continue certain that the juncture of new to grow in that manner even after being growth shoots with the old stock be set transplanted to open ground. below ground level. 'i!\Tithin a short As a corrective measure for less severe time they will establish their own cases of root girdling than the one roots and form a new crown. mentioned in this article, Van 'i!\Tormer VIII. Transplant to good garden soil. (I.e.) suggested: Keep soil moist the first week and "The general procedure to rectify this gradually ease off to two waterings strangulation in cases which have not daily and after 3 weeks to nonual developed too far is to sever the strangu­ garden watering for good growth. lating root and remove a t least a two 'i!\Tith the advent of cold nights (fros­ inch section. The cut ends of the root ty) cease wa tering. should be covered with wound dressing. Often it may be necessary to dig down IX. Winter Mulch-Some time Il1 one foot, below the surface and remove, November-necessary the first year as carefully as possible, the root in only. Established plants (2 years or question. older) unless transplanted late in the season, need no mulch. -ROLAND M. JEFFERSON X. Washington, D. C. Blooming-These cuttings of the cur­ rent year will bloom the succeeding year. Most greenhouse cuttings will Propagation of Hibiscus by Cuttip.gs bloom the following slimmer. My personal experiments over the past Notes five years have proven the fo llowing: Base cuttings from large woody stalks 1. Time Cuttings may be taken do not root well if the stalk is dry and I-Summer- (0 u t d a a r s) before has lost its green. blooming-stalks 3' to 4' high. Soft and tender tips of stalks usually 2-Autumn-(Greenhouse) after fail to root. On the average 2/ 3 in to % blooming-before frost. in of a stalk is prime material for cu t­ 3-Winter- (Greenhouse) from ma­ ting anel in many instances alI except the ture clumps dug in January and ton 8 in to 12 in. brought into growing in the Green­ With 500 to 900 cuttings annually for house. the past 3 years we have been able to II. Water-Spray Mist-a c cur ate I y achieve 80 to 90 percen t rooting. timed. In mid-September, at Ohio State Uni- OCTOBE R J966. VOLlii\ IE -J5. N l li\ IBE R '1 4 19 versity greenholl ses and with the capable groups: (1) ornamen ta ls that were used cooperation of Dr. D. C. Kiplinger to landsca pe the homesi tes and ceme­ (Dep t. of H orticulture and Fores try) teries, and (2) trees or other plants that and the Superintendent of Greenhouses, either produced fruit or so me other Mr. Faringer, we made 47 0 Hibiscus product that co uld either be u s ~ ll as cuttings (1 4·0 o f them heel cuttings) food or sold as a cash-crop in the nearby and placed them under spray mist in a towns. Many of the n ative plants in the p earlite media. Initial growth was rapid area were also Ll sed for these purposes. - both leaves and shoots-in 90 percen t Today, as one either drives along the of these cuttings. Skyline Drive and its major access roads During the second week a city power or hikes along man y of the fin e trails in fa ilure cut o ff both h eat and 'water to the Shenandoah National Park, h e can the greenhouses for rwo days and two often loca te so me of the old homes i tes nights. All leaves dropped from ou r and cemeteries by the co nspicuo Ll s exot­ cu ttings . After r es torati on of service, 50 ic species of plants that have persisted per cent of the cuttings began growing over the yea rs, many of whi ch are now again but most were n ot able to well es tablished and spreading in the maintain growth. It is remarkable that area, i. e., Ailanth.ll s and Paulownia. 29 plants survived and were trans­ Although most of the exotic ornamen­ planted to pots. tals tha t persist today are trees and Of the 14·0 heel Cll ts (sliced cl own shrubs, a few herbaceous plants ca n also from the main stalk) only two survived. be fo und in the area. Some of these "Ve had doub ts that any would gro'w more conspicLi ous exoti c species persist. from the woody stalks. H O'wever, the in g at the olel homesites include: Norway experiment was adequate proof of th e Spruce, Pi(('a abi('s; Lil y-o f-the-Valley, fact that Hardy H ibiscus ca n b(' 1)ropa­ ga ted fr om m ature stach in the Au /um.I? A Future Possibilit)1 'I\Te anticipate that it will be possible to take cuttings in early summer and h ave them in bloom for the Easter market, possiby (with certain plants) Christmas market and certainly for the early spring roadside and department store markets and for early spring deliv­ er y (nackaged) to mail order custom­ ers. Yet to be proven is the gen eral adapta tion to greenhouse culture. C. S. K ENNEDY Dublin, Ohio

Exotic and Native Ornamentals in the Shenandoah National Park In March of 1926, a large section of the nor thern Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia was destined to become a Na­ tional Park. 'I\Tithin the n ext ten years, more than 300 square miles of land was to be pruchased for this purpose, much of it from private ownership of more than 300 families that lived withill the area. Many of these residents or their ancestors had lived for years on this land, and as a result had frequently PaniclIlate Hydrangea (Hydrangea planted various exotic species at their paniculata) , Balsam Fir (Abies bal­ homesites. samea), and Colorado Blue Spruce Generally speaking, these exoti c spe­ (Picea pungen s ) at an old homesite cies ca n be broken down into two major at Skyland. 420 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

sica; Sweet Cherry, Prunus avium; Per­ ennial Pea, Lathyrus latifolius; Tree-of­ H eaven Ailanthus altissima; Boxwood, Buxus lempervirens; Asiatic Bittersweet, Celastrus orbiculatus; Norway Maple, Acer platanoides; Horse-chestnut, Aes­ culus hippocastanum; Hollyhock, AL­ thaea TOsea; Rose-of-Sharon, Hibiscus s'Vriacus; Musk-mallow, Malva moschata,' Golden Bells, Forsythia suspensa; Com­ mon Lilac, Syringa vulgaris; Common Periwinkle, Vinca minor; Forget-me-not, Myosotis scorpioides; Anchusa ~yoso­ tidifiora; Princess-tree, Paulowma to­ mentosa; Japanese Honeysuckle, Lonic­ era japonica; European Snowball, Vi­ burnum opulus; and] apanese Snowball, Viburnum plicatum. Among some of the native (U.S.) plants persisting at the old homesites, one may find: Balsam Fir, Abies balsa­ mea; Red Spruce Picea rub ens; Hem­ lock, T suga canadensis; White Pine, Pi­ nus strobus,' Eas tern Cottonwood, Popu­ l1l s deltoides; Black 'iI\Tillow, Salix nigra; Ward's Willow, Salix caroliniana; Os­ age-orange, Maclura pomifem; Red Mulberry, Monts rubm; Umbrella Mag­ nolia, Magnolia tripetala; Smooth Hy­ Sawara False-cypress drangea, H ydmngea arborescens; Com­ (Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa') mon Ninebark, Physocarpus opulifolius,' at an old homesite at Skyland. Mountain-ash, Sorbus americana; Crab­ apple, Malus angustifolia and M. coronaria; Kentucky Coffee·tree, Gym­ nocladus dioica; Honey-locust, Gleditsia Convallwria 'Inaja lis; Common D ay-lily, triacanthos,' American Holly, I l ex HemeTOcallis fulva; D affodils, Nw'cissus opaca; 'ii\Tinterben-y, !lex verticillata; pseudonarcissus; Iris, his germanica and Mountain Holly, !lex montana; Silver I. pallida,' White Poplar, Populus alba ,' Maple, Acer saccharinum; Black Maple, Balm-of-Gilead Poplar, Populus X Acer nigrum; Box-elder, Acer negundo,' gi lea densis; vVhite 'iNillow, Salix alba; Black Gum, Nyssa sylvatica; Rhododen­ Weeping Willow, Salix babylonica,' dron, R. catawbiense and R . maximum; White Mulberry, Monts alba,' Paper Azalea, Rhododendron spp,; Fringe-tree, Mulberry, Brottssonetia papy?"ifem; Sweet Chionanthus virginicus; Coralberry, William, Dianthus barbatus; Cottage Symphoricm'pos orbiculatus; and Snow­ Pink, Dianthus plumarius; Sweet­ berry, SymphoricQ?"pos albus. William Ca'tchfly, Silene armeria; Peony, In addi,tion to the numerous old Paeonia lactifiora,' Common Barberry, homesites scattered throughout the area, Berberis vulgaris; Japanese Barberry, a few people built summer cottages at Berberis thunbergii; Mock Orange, Phil­ Stony Man Camp, now called Skyland, a,delphus coronarius; Bridal Wreath, that was founded and developed in 1894 Spiraea pnmifolia; Spirea, Spiraea X by George Freeman Pollock, the Father vanhouttei and S. cantoniensis,' Japa­ of Shenandoah National Park. Many of nese Flowering Quince, Chaenomeles these cottages were also landscaped with Sj)eciosa; Roses, Rosa cinnamomea, R. numerous exotic and native ornamen­ can ina, R. gallica, R. chinensis, R. mi­ tals. Although some of these buildings crantha, R. multifiom; Common Pear, are still standing at Skyland, one of the Pyrus communis; Chinese Pear, Pyrus ri finest examples was torn down in 1960, 1)y folia,' Common. Apple, Malus pumil , leaving only the exotics to tell the story. la ,' 1I1alus j)nmzfolza,' Peach, Pnmus per, Here, on the old Judd property, one will OCTOBER ]966, VOLUlvlE 45, NUMBER '1 421 find such additional native and exotic this work, or to the new ornamental ornamentals as: Japanese Yew, Taxus trees described in i,t, may be due to an ctlspidata; Colorado Blue Spruce, Picea inadequate distribution to horticultural pungens,' Hinoki False-cypress, C hamae­ and botanical libraries. One intention cyparis obtusa,' Sawara False-cypress, here is to call long over-due attention Charnaecyparis pisifem 'Squarrosa'; American Arbor-vitae, ThuJ'a occiden­ to this book, which could be used bene­ taiis; Common Juniper, Jtmiperus com­ ficially in conjunction wi,th such popu­ munis,' Gray Poplar, Populus canescens,' lar references as Rehder's Manual of European Beech, Fagus sylvatico,' Purple Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Bailey's Beech, Fagus sylvatica 'Atropurpurea'; Manual of Cultivated Plants, etc. Pin Oak, Q~lercus pa lustris,' .Japanese '"Tithin the text of Arb. Arbus. Forest. Knotweed, Polygonu,171 cuspidatu,rn,' am. Cult. R. P. R., as the book should Panicle Hydrangea, Hydrangea panicu­ be abbreviated [or purpose of conven­ la.ta,· Quince, Cydonia oblonga,' Flower­ ient citation, four new tree cultivars ing Crab, lWalus f!01 'ibunda; SO?'bus X of ornamentally desirable species are hybrida,' Clammy Locust, Robinia vis­ cosa,' "Winged Euonymus, Euonyrnus described. These new plants are of con­ a latus,' Sourwood, Oxydendrwn arbo-· siderable significance to us as the spe­ reum; Hungarian Lilac, SyTinga josikaea; cies are widely cultivated in the U ni ted Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea; and Beau­ States. It is to be hoped, that these ty-bush, Kolkwitzia arnabilis. intere9ting selections will be soon intro­ Although many of these exotic species duced into this country for trial, and are quite conspicuous, it is the policy of ultimate distribution. In order that these the National Park Service to ignore such novelties or "elite" cultivars will not material and to recognize only the native continu(; to be ignored, and thereby, plants. Therefore, it is now the policy to fall into obscuri ty, Lheir pertinent de­ plant only native species for landscape purposes within the Park. However, un­ scriptions and references are given below. til .these exotic species give way to suc­ 1. Abies cephalonica Loud. 'SIMERIA' cession, they will continue to playa very --- Dumitriu-Tataranu, Arb. conspicuous part in the overall Park Arbus. Forest. Om. Cult. R . P. R., flora. -PETER MAZZEO pps. 26 and 768 (addenda). 1960. Hyattsville, Maryland The Romanian description and o bserva tion on page 26 is transla ted as: All needles at the twig apices Four New Cultivars of are strongly twisted at an angle of Ornamental Trees From Romania 180 °-270 °. This cultivar is interest­ The Romanian Ministry of Agricul­ ing from the ornamental viewpoint ture (Editura Agro-Silvica), in Bucu­ because of the twisted needles; the rest, published in 1960 a soft cover different colors of the needles (dark volume titled Arbori si ATbusti For­ green above and silvery beneath) estieri si Ornamentali Cultivati in being evident simultaneously. The R. P. R. (English translation: Forestry French description on page 768 and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs Cul­ reads: "Dans toute la dme les tivated in the Romanian Popular Re-­ aiguilles sont tr<::s tordes en angles public). This manual of 810 pages was de 180°-270 °." authored by Dr. I. Dumitriu-Tataranu, This unusual cultivar of the with the collaboration of at least seven Greek fir was discovered in the Romanian hototicul turalists and foresters. Simeria Arboretum (Arboretumul Apparently, up to now, this outstanding ICF Simeria) which is located in horticultural reference has not been the Hunedoara region of Romania. known to workers in this country, as According ,to St. Radu and A. indicated by a survey of American horti­ Hulea, Arboretumul-Sirneria Chid­ cultural literature published wi,thin the Album, p. 33 (1964), the plant is past six years. It is possible that the located in section nine of that inadverten t omission of reference to Arboretum. 422 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

II. j\lIonls ntbr(t L. 'CONSTANTA' as: Tree, copiously branched, with Dumitriu-Tataranll, Arb. more or less erect branches. Leaves Arbus. Forest. Orn. Cult. R. P. R., wide elliptic or wide ovate, smaller pps. 487 and 769 (addenda), plate than those of the typical form. This XXII. 1960. cultivar is parallel to U. foliacecL The Romanian description on 'vVhea'tleyi' [P.S. Green in Arnoldia p age 487 is translated ·as: Crown 24 (6-8) :79. 1964, treats cv. \Nheat­ dense, semispherical. The French leyi as a synonym of cv. Sarniensis, description on page 769 reads: "Gme which usually is referred to U. dense, semispherique." Named after rar1Jinifo lia Gledi t.]. The French Constanta, a warm-climated city on description on page 769 reads: the Black Sea, this red mulberry "Ramifi cation abondante, branches cultivar is shown in plate XXII as erectes. Les feuilles sont largement a single trunked tree of about 18 elliptiques ou largement ovates, feet tall having a broader span than plus petites que celles de la variete tall (approxim

had not seen such an arrangemen t in an y of my earlier travels in J apan. T he espali ered hedges are 12 [eel long wilh P OS l S al each end and a pair of smaller P OSlS at mid-distance, spaced abou t 6 inches apart. Bamboo poles are lashed h orizo n tally to the main posts at one foot intervals. Vertical bam boo poles are tied at the same intervals to fo rm a grid sys tem. T h is arrangement of bamboo is made in duplica te to form a n arrow channel in which the plan ts are grown. It is as if two fe nces were set close together. T he plan ts are trimmed to keep them in a narrow form. T he res ulting hedges are five feet 'tal! and as wide as the bamb oo frames are apart, or abo ut 8 inches. Although coniferous evergreens, decid uo us species, and broad­ leaved evergreens have been pIa n teel , the la tter type predominate. T his is to be expected because of the n atural affin ity of the J apanese for these plants. Cloce.up showing method of construe· Euonymus japonicus is the most satis­ tion of bamboo farmework for narrow fac tory in these formed hedges but hedges. Camellia sasrmqua, Enhianthus campan­ ulatus, Ilex crenata, Osmanthus hetero-

For its short span of existence, Jindai has come a r emarkably long way. T he A h edge of Photinia glabra developed park con tains over 3,000 varieties and with a bamboo framework. species of plants selected fo r horticul­ J O H N CREECH tural beau ty. T hese are d isplayed in distinct garden s, such as azaleas, ca­ mellias, fl owering cherries, bamboos, maples, variegated plants, etc. In all. there are 26 such features. A school garden has been developed for children of all ages and a natural fores t contains a playground area. The day I visited Jindai, a hos t of young p ainters was scattered through the park, sketching trees a ncl garden struotures. For the horticultural visitor, the gar­ cl ~ n of variega ted plants will be of interest. There is even a variegated form of Magnolia grandiflora. Bu t chiefl y I wish to report on the hedge garden because it is so diffe ren t from the co nventional row on row of hedges we are accustomed to. T his hedge plan t­ i ng consists of 11 5 species of trees and shrubs grown in alternating rows of dwarf hedges and espaliered hedges. I 424 THE Al'vIERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE phyllus (ilicifolius) , Photinia glabra, as garden partitions and not practical and Viburnum odoratissimum var./ for long expanses of hedge. But what awabuki are suitable. Even in instances Japanese garden has such a need? when the planls have not filled in com­ pletely, the bamboo work is pleasing. JOHN CREECH Hedges of this type are perhaps useful Hyattsville, Mel.

General view of hedge trials at Jindai Botanical Park, Tokyo .

.lOH ~ CREECH A Book or Two

(Books available JOT loan to the membership are designated: (Library). Those not so designated are in ~rivate co/~ections and .are not availa~le for loan. Books available JOT sale to the Membership are designated with the speCIal 1'educed pnce and are subJect to the usu,al change of price without notice. Orders must be sent through the American Horticultural Society accompanied by the proper payment. Please allow two to three weeks for delivery. Those not designated for sale to the Membe1'ship at reduced prices can be purchrlsed tl11'ough the Society, however, at the retail prices given . In these instances the full profit is received by the Society to be used for increased se'rvicl's and benefits of the Membership.)

In Gardens of Hawaii pendices, including flowering time of plants growing in Honolulu, illustrations of fruits Marie C. Neal. Bernice P. Bishop Museum and seeds, and color keys to flowers, fruits and Special Pub!. 50, Bishop Museum Press, Hono­ seeds. The index includes all valid names, lulu (prin ted by the Lancaster Press, Inc., synonyms, and common names, although the Lancaster, Pa.). 1965. xix & 924 pages, fig. synonyms are not eli linguished in italics, wh ich 317. $15. (Libral'Y) would have been helpful. The aUlhor acknowl ­ T he au thor of In Cm'dells ot Hawaii has edges help from professional plant taxonomi ~ ts produced an unusual book on the cultivated relati\ e to nomenclature. but whether lhis is plants of Hawaii. The present volume is a re­ a curse more than a blessin g depends upon vision and en larged edition of the author's which camp you happen to be in - amateur or earlier book In Honolulu Gardens, published professional. But here again, the book aims to in 1948. and was written "for use by amateurs, reach a wide audience. Readers will note the as well as by professional botanists, as a gen­ up-to-date name for the Norfolk Island Pine eral floral guide to Hawaii. chiefly to plants is Al"auca1'ia heterophylla (A. excelsa) , but in found at warm, low altitudes where the great some other areas the nomenclature is not so majority of gardens are located." The book is well tended to, as for example, CofJpa robustn unusual, because it is really a hybrid in its ap­ which should be C. canephora. proach to SUbject matter. Some who call them­ Had the author included keys to families, the se lves amateurs may object to the technical book would have been a litLle more useful. The side, and professionals may wish the author had other point, which is not wholly understandable, gone still deeper into detail. The author bridges concerns the author's arbitrary coverage of only the gap very skillfull y, and for this reason the some of the plants in the descriplive part of the book will have a wide appeal. text. Along with keys to genera and species, The book covers about 3,000 species-trees, one would hope to find each item described in shrubs, herbs-, a phenomenal number in a the text. This the author has done in many book of this kind, primarily ornamental and instances, but in the Rubiaceae (Coffee Fam­ Food plants, a few weeds or wayside plants, and ily) , the Leguminosae (Bean Famil y) and in about 100 species of outstanding and charac­ some other families, the author selects a rep­ teristic native and endemic plants. Each species resentative number for description and leaves is provided with a Latin name and well known the remainder quite naked in the keys. In the synonyms, as well as English and Hawaiian Rubiaceae, for example, 40 genera are covered common names. Copious notes accompany the in the keys, yet only 6 of these genera are cov­ text on lore and legend of special interest to ered in the text. It was a pity the author didn't many. The book is far more than an annotated give more even coverage to the plants listed. li st of plant names. Technical keys are provided This for a later edition, perhaps. Also, this re­ for easy identification of plants to genus and viewer finds little mention of cultivars, yet it is to species, but not in all families. If the family hard to conceive that numerous cultivars are or common name is unknown, the road to not involved in the cultivated plants of Hawaii. identification wi ll not be so easy, since keys to The cultivar IHllssaenda philippica 'Dona Au­ plant families are wanting, Iwhich lessens the rora' is cited, but how it differs from the species utility of the book. Descriptions of plants are itself is not mentioned. Elite selections of plants provided, but all plants keyed out are not are so importan in any discussion relative to necessarily described in the text. This point and cultivated plants, it is difficult to understand the lack of family keys are the major short­ why so little mention has been made of them comings of the book in this reviewer's opinion. in this book. It must be assumed that all of the But the book h as other good points. The line plants cultivated in Hawaii represen t merely drawings and photographs of nearly 700 species the simple species, when, in fact, very many al'e extremely helpful, and it is a pity that all have been improved by selection and do not 3,000 species were not illustrated. There is a represent the simple species at all in cultiva­ one-page illustrated glossary and three ap- tion. 425 +26 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

T he book is superbly produced and ex­ rewarded by the 3 11 excell ently reproduced, often tremely easy to read with seemingly few print­ superb, co lor photographs, and the 128 well in g errors. I II Cardells uf I-f ml'aii is a mllst for exccutcd lin c drawings. Succcss in identification anyone illterested ill ornamenta l plant ·. no t is g uaranteed. i( the plant in band is pictured. onl y of H awaii, but of the tropics in general. It is unfortunate. however, that the photographs and most of the drawings are not cross ref­ FREDERICK C. M EYER erenced to the descriptions in 'the text. On the other h and, the brief but blithe descriptions of Reproductive Biology and Taxonomy each pl ant emphasize the most important char­ of Vuscular Plants acters of recognition and distinction. Added to Edited by J. C . H aw kes. Publish ed for The the va lue and utility of the species descriptions, Botanical Society of the British Isles by are the adjunct facts of flow ering da te, habitat, PerO'amon Press Inc., 44- 01 21st St., Long and one or more common names-if they are I s l a~d City ,New York 11101. 1966. One illus­ known. The fireside reader, the energetic and tra tion black and white. 183 pages. $5 .00. observan t walker, and the bistro lounger ,will (Libra ry) be equall y titillated and educated by the medicinal and economic comments followin g' r\ seri es of essays 0 11 va ri ous aspects relative m an y of the pl ant descriptions. For example, to: I. Breeding systems, va riation and adapta­ Vitex agnus-castllS is described as " .. . asso­ tion, 2. Reproductive biology in relation to ciated with chasity . . . the seeds from the plant breeding, 3. Pollination mech anisms, 4. day of Dioscorides ... have been called ' Monk's Reproductive capacity and plant distribution, pepper'." Also, the annual larkspur, Consolida S. ;\ pomixis (including vegetative reproduction) , ambigua, has been " . .. used to garl and mllm­ G. (;eneral discussion and summing-lip; plus mies in Egyp t, and after 3,000 years the bluc index. The eminent a uthors are British , Dutch , color of the flowers shows little fading." and Swedish. On the debit side, keys to the species, gcnera or families are totally absent. '''' ithout even the Flowers of the Mediterranean simplest keys, the only way to identify a dis­ by Oleg Polunin and Anthony Huxley covery, using this book, is to compare and con­ Published by Hough ton Mifflin Company, trast fresh speci mens with the fin e illustra­ Boston, Massachuse tts, The Riverside Press, tions. If iden ti ty is to be further verified, this Cambridg'e, Massachusetts. 1966. 257 pages. should be done in conjunction with the very 311 color photographs, 128 line drawings. adequate descriptions. ' '''ith perseverence, a $9.75 (Library) successful result could be forthcoming. The onerous process of thumbing back and forth, Any plann-minded reader who h as traveled in however, might easil y discourage or even bore the Mediterranean countries knows very well the m ore impatient or uninformed reader. the frustration associated with recognition and Failure to include d iagnostic keys is somewhat identi fica ti on (even to co mmon names) of the compensated for by the well organized glossary abundan t plan t m a teri als, so often presen t in of technical terms likely to be unknown to this more or less uniform fl oristic area. Never some users. If consulted, the carefull y worded before has such a rela tively inexpensive, com­ and unambiguous definitions, most of which prehensive and ye t co ncise, popular guide been a re accompanied by a cl ear line drawing, will available. This volume, of slightly larger than dispell an y misunderstandings of terminology. handbook size, is a truly admirable effort. It Often. the quality of a fi eld guide or popular t!escribes in a mere 243 pages, plus illustrations, manual may be determined by the introductory tilt' showies t woody and h erbaceous plants, most chapters. T h ese should defin e the scope and (OllllllOllly seen in an immense land mass which limits of the work. Polunin and Huxley have encompasses parts of seventeen countries and accomplished this expertly, with a minimum of ranges from Gibraltar and North Africa in impediments, in onl y three pages. This achieve­ the west, to the Turkish coast, Syria and Pales­ ment is worthy of notice by m any authors. An tine in the east. Although , within this area, educa tional bonus is provided by the concise possibly 10,000 species of fl owering plants oc­ and ve ry interesting chapter entitled "The cur, the eminent a uthors (both incidently, are Vegetation of the Mediterranean." This chap­ renowned explorers and biologists) h ave con ­ ter competently defines the Mediterranean cli­ fined the coverage to abou t 700 well chosen mate, the variety of plan t life, ,the types of plant plants. These reflect the floral spectrum that co mmunities, and the altitudinal zon ation of might be readily abserved by the in terested, vegeta tion in a manner that is satisfying to the novice traveler or vacationer. plant ecologists, as well as to the lay traveler. T he success or failure of a geographically ori­ Furthermore, anyone interested in cultivated ented manual or handbook, desig'ned to m eet plants wi ll be gratified to discover that some the iden tificatory t:l eeds of the general pu blic, of the more frequently cultivated and natural­ may be measured by the quality and co nveni­ ized plants are illustrated and described. There ence of illustrative aides. Similarly essential is a is also a short historical discussion of economic readable and useful text, to be u sed in con­ and ornamental plants. junction with the illustrations. The casu al As a stimul ating' and refreshing work, this reader inclined to page-thumbing will be amply book is a distinguished success. For visitors

OCTOBER 1966, VOLUME 45, NUMBER 4 427 to the Mediterranean, it is as essential as soap. Larch, ' ¥intergreen, Kidney bea n , Soapwort. It should also serve as an inspiration to other Strawberry tree, Oxeye, and others. authors of populm- or semi popular guides . T urner's most famous work A New H erbal! Finally. Flolt'eTS 0/ the J)'[editerranean illus­ (part I, 155 1, publi shed in full in 1568) was strates the great wealth of plants of ornamental the first herbal in the English language. merit, m any of which could be beneficially in­ T h e present reprints, whil e they may not be corporated in to our gardens. To borrow a title in daily u se, would make a splendid addition to from Ann Briclg'e, this book l'uight be call ed a the library of all plantsmen, simply because they breath of "lllyrial1 Spring." are real landmarks in the history of plants, T. R . D UDLEY especiall )' for E ngli sh speaking peoples.

FREDER!CK G. iVf FY,R Libellus de Re Herbaria, 1538 and The Names of Herbes, 1548 Other Books added to the Library by William Turner The Rockwells' Com/Jlete Book of Roses Facsimiles with introductory matter by J ame F. F. Rockwell and Esther C. Gravson. Doubleday and Compan y Inc., 277 Park :"" ve .. Britten, B. D ay ton J ackson , and 'W . T . New York, N.Y. 100 17. R ev ised 1966. Illus­ Stearn. Published by the R ay Society, c/ o trated, color and black a nd white. 332 pages. The British Museum (Natural History), $5.95, AHS mern bers price, $5.05. (Library). Cromwell Road, London, S'~T 7, E ngland. 1965. Vol. J 45 of the R ay Soci ety. 275 pages. Wedcling Flowers, Decorati.ons, and Etiquette $9.00. (Libra ry) Virginia C lark , H earthsicl e Press, Inc., 38 1 Park Ave .. So uth , New York, N.Y. 100/ 8. ' ,Villi am Turner h as earned the title " Father R evised 1966. Illustra ted. 160 pages. $6.95. of British Botany" based upon the two books AHS members price $:',.90. (Library) . under the above titles originally published b e­ fore the middle of the 16th century. T he pres­ Basic Floral Designing ent little vo lume actuall y is a second reprinting Ken Sou les, Mercury H ouse, 900, Lafayette. 'West, Detroit. ~ ' I ich. 48226. 1965. Illustrated, for both of th ese excessi"ely rare works, the sketches. 85 pages, paperback. $1.95. (Library) Libel/us having been re printed first from the only known copy in existence in the British American Tomato Yearbook, 1966. Museum (Bloomsbury) by D ayton J ackso n in J ohn '~T . Carncross, Editor, American Tomato 1877 and The Names from one of the few Yearbook, P . O. Box 398, '"Vestfield, N.T- 07091. known copies by J ames Britten in 1882. vVm . 1966. No illustra tions. 44 pages. $2.00, $250 T. Stearn h as provided a modern dimension to foreign. (Library) these works in the introduction to the present Agricultural Statistics reprint versions. U. S. Dept. of AgTicu lture. Supt. of Docu­ Both reprints are actu ally of more value to ments, U. S. Govt. Printing Office, "Vashin,,· modern users than the original books, because ton, D .C. 20402. 1965. No illustrations. 63:) both J ackson and Britten provided m odern pages. $1.75. (Library) scientific binomials for the n ames u sed b y Tur­ ner. Both vo lumes are important as the first The Lily Yearl)(Jok of North Americalt prill ted references to many vernacular or com­ Lily Society No. 18. G. L. Slate, Editor. N . A. Lily Sociely, Fred mon Eng'lish n ames of plants which h ave be­ M. Abbey, Exec. Secy., North Ferrisb urg, co me traditional, su ch as Daffodil , Horsetail, Vermont. Included as a benefit of m ember­ Alexanders broom , Butcher's broom, Horehound, ship in N. A. L. S. (Library) Illustrated. Yarrow, Loosestrife, Goatsbeard, Hawkweed , 141 p ages. 'I'D]!':':.A.~ I ':': R .ICAN




THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, INC., 1966 Index To Volume 45 (Index to Vol. -15 , No. I-Da/Jodil H andbook on jJages 21 8 -227) Illustration references are set in italics A Basham, B. M.: Cor'ylus avellana 'Con torta', 318 LageTSt?'oerll ia fa w -iei, 275 CmypllO elata, 237 A hies balSClmea, 419 Bearberry, 284· tI Jr/ hl·a.C7.blifera., 237 balsamea, 419 Bellingrath Gardens, 311 Cosmos 'S unset', 333 ce/Jllalonica 'Simeria', 421 Betula. pend uta 'Dalecarlica', 259 Crabapples at the National Nordmanniana, 258 Bignonia capreolala, 243 Arboretum, 23 1 Nordmanniana, 259 Boston Ivy, 283 'Red J ade', 321 .-\ Book or Two, 266, 365, 425 Bougainvillea 'Temple Fire' Cralaegus o/Jaw, 4 IJ Acacia be1'landie'ri, 275 416 lilli/lora, 243 farnesiana, 275 Bruchia, 241 Creech, J ohn L.: gl-eggii, 275 B rllgmansia, 376 Jindai Botanica l Park, 422 wrightii, 274, Back Cover arborea, 38 1, 386 Preface to July issue .4 er Davidii, 417 candida, 38 1 Crepe Myrtle, 312, 411 ginnala, 283 Brugmansia arbO?'ea, 3R I , 386 Cry ptol/leria ja1Jonica, 258 IIwndsclnl1'icum, 283 Brugmansia candida, 38 1 'Lobbii, 259 1Jalll1atllm, 283 Bumelia anguslifoliQ, 114 Cunninghalllia, 320 rubrum, 259 Bu nya Pine, 393, 394 Cycas l'elloluta, 414 ru.bn'l1I val'. drumondii, 413 Butia, 237 C),,/Jerus gmnitopholus, 241 ACI.inidia chinensis, 252, 253, Byrd, Lee Roy Jr.: in/lexus, 241 254, 255, 256 Woody P lants-for Bonsai anti C)Irilia mcemi/101'a, 389 A Promising Fruit and Some container growing, 410 Cy rtoslach)Is la/lka, 237 R elated Species, 252 Kolomiilta, 256 IJolygama, 256 c D Adam Thoroughgood House, 314 Cactus and Rock Garden, 238 Daffodil-See Daffodi I Hand­ Agave, 242 bacterial necrosis, 29 1 book , Vol. 45, No.1 Agrostis elliottiana, 242 Giant, 286 Daillra affinis, 381, 386 hyemalis, 242 Organ P ipe, 2R8 f/l'bo-rea, 376, 380, 381, 382, 386 Aiphanes acanthophylla, 237 Sen ita, 288 candida, 376, 381, 382, 383,384 All igator pear, 253 Cactobrosis fernaldialis, 290 cornigera, 381 Alcorn, Stanley M.: Call away Gardens, 306 dalichocarlJa, 387 T he Saguaro Cactlls in Ali­ Callical'IJa, 320 [astnosa, 376 zona, 286 Cali forn ia Redwoods, Some Aes­ 'Florida Peach', 383-384 All -America Selections, 330 thetic and Horticultu ral As­ himta, 386 All-America Rose Selections, pects of, 286 illoxia, 375, 376, 378, 380 319 Call/ellia sQsanqua 'Dawn ', 320 metel, 375, 377 , 378 American Beech, 259 Camegiea gigantea, 286 metaloides, 378, 380 A mlJhiantlws pusillus, 241 Carolina poplar, 260 /'/lollis, 383, 384,385 Anacuan, 411 Caslw,-ina, 400 rosei, 386 Andropogon virginicus, 242 Cathey, Henry M.: suaveolens, 374, 381, 382, 383 A rallcaria angustifolia, 273 Some Cu rrent R esearch on sanguinea, 373 , 385,386 araucana, 273, 393, 397 Ornamental Plants in USA. species in FIOl'ida Gardens, 375 bidwillii, 273, 393, 394 341 stramonium, 377, 378 ,olwnna1'is, 273, 395,396,397 Cedar of Lebanon, 320 tatnla, 377 cooilii, 395 Cedrus at/an tica., 318 ve,-sicoior, 384, 385 rt/.11ninghamii, 273, 396, 397 Cephalotax ns han-ingtonia wrightii, 378, 379 cunninghamia val'. Klinckii, 'Dru pacea', 260 Dawn Redwood, 320 397 '}'astigja ta', 260 Denver Botanic Garden s, 308 e.xcelsa., 393 Cemtaden, 241 Deodar Cedar, 258 hete?'ophylla, 273 393, 395, 396 Ceorcidium 'I11icroIJhylltlln, 290 Dial1lorpha, 242 imbl'icata, 393 Ce,-cidophyllwn japonictl.ln, 259 DioslJYTos, 243 ·rulei, 397 Chamaecypm'is pisitera texana, 414 cultivated in Australia, 393 'Squ arrosa', 120 Dogwood, Flowering, 282 A rchontophoenix, 401 Chamae'rOps, 237 'Pl uribracteaea', 321 A rctosta1Jhylos uva-ul'si, 284 Cheilanthes, 241 D udley, Theodore R .: Areca. catechu, 238 Chi nese Ghestnut, 259 Four New Cul tivars of Orna­ A rena ria brevifolia, 243 gooseberry, 253 mental Trees from As1Jlenium bmclle)Ii, 240 Chinese gooseberry, 253 Romania, 42 1 Atlan tic Cedar, 318, 320 Chionanthus, 243 Dwarf Ya upon, 410 Autumn Color, New England Cladonia cristatella, 240 for, 28 1 p'a)li, 240 E rangifem, 240 EchinoceTeus, 238 B (;oast R edwood, 299 Coccothrinax 117imguama, 237 conoicleus, 238 Rarcha·ris, 316 Cook's Araucaria, 395 ,-osei, 238 Ball ard, Ernesta D.: COjJemicia, 237 Erh inopsis, 238 Horticultural and Gardening cerifera, 237 Edwards, Peg: Organ iza ti ons, 347 Coreo/Jsis, 243 Siberian I ri s-A Modem Ap­ Bald Cypress, 320, 410, 411 , 412 Corn li S /101'ida, 282 proach, 26 1 Barringtonia speciosa, 400 'R ubra', 259 Egolf, Robert L: [431 ] ObservatIOns on Deciduous Tulsa, Oklahoma and Beauti- La tan ia, 238 Magnolias in Florida, 388 fication, 318 Lawrence, Gemge H . M.: Ehretia anacua, 411 Holly, American, 321 The P1antsman's Library, %7 Eleocharis vivipaTa, 241 Holly, Heller, 413 Lemaireocereus thu-rberi, 288 Elliottia mcemosa, 389 Home Gardener, How the News- Licuala, 238 Epithelantha micro7lleris, 238 papers Help, 351 Livistona, 237 Erythea, 237 Hoop Pine, 273, 396 Library, The Plantsman's, %7 ErythToni'Uln ame'riw,n wn, 242 HO?'de'Uln pusillwn, 242 . Liat-ris, 243 Envinia caTnegieana, 290 Horticultural and Gardenll1g Lina-ria canadensis, 243 Eubranchapoda, 241 Organizations, 347 . Linden, American, 320 Eu,o'l1ymus alala 'Compacta', Horticulture, How Garden Wnt­ Lindemia monticola, 241 , 2-12 320 ers Can Increase their Con­ Liquidambm' st\I?'acif/ua, 283 tributions, 353 Longwood Gardens, 305 F Huus/,onia /ongifolia, 243 Lonicem {lava, 240 Howard, Richard A, and Claude japonica, 243 Faust, Joan : ''''eber: LophoceretlS schottii, 288 How the Newspapers H elp the The Botanical Garden of Home Gardener, 351 Los Angeles State and COllnt)' Saint Pierre, 1803-1902 Arboretum, 310 Festuca octof/om Huisache, 275 mbra, 242 Lothian, T. R, N .: Hyd'rangea paniculata, 419 Araucalias Cultivated in ,\lIS­ Floriculture, With Honor to the Hylocel'eus, 238 past, 323 tralia, 393 Hypericum, 243 Lowery, Lynn R.: Florists, Society of American, 323 gentianoides, 243 Florists' Telegraph Delivery, 323 The Hardiest Acacia?, 274 Transworld Delivery, ,324 Flowering Dogwood, 320 I M Flower Seed Industry, Progress Ilex CI'enata ' Helleri', 412, 4 1~ in, 337 Magnolia awminata, 389, 391 'Convexa', 413 FOTestiel'a, 243 ashei, 389, 390, 391 I lex opaca, 259 Franklinin alatall1({/ICI, camp belli, 389, 390, 391 , 392 389 v omitol'ia, 316, 318, 410 campbelli, 'Alba', 391 Fringe Tree, 320 Incense Cedar, California, 320 Fritz, Emanuel: International Azalea Festival, 313 coco, 389 Some Aesthetic and H orticul, cordata, 389. 391 his Chrysog'raphes, 262 tmal Aspects of the Cali· cylind1"ica, 389 del avayi, 262 fornia Redwoods, 286 dawsoniana, 389 forestii, 262 dealbata, 388 sibel'ica, 261, 262,263, 264 delavayi, 389 wilsonii, 262 G denudata, 388, 392 Ironwood, 290 t1"asel'i, 389, 390,391 Garden Club, the Small Com · Isoetes melanospora, 241 munity, 355 glob@sa, 389, 390 Gelsemium sempervhens, 243 gmndif/o?'a, 389, 390, 392 Geranium ca1"olinianum, 243 J ilobus, 389. 392 lilif/om, 389 Gel'a1"dia, 243 Japanese Maple, 260 GeTStaeckeTia weevil, 290 loebneri, 392 Pagoda Tree, 320 macrophylla, 388, 390. 391 Ginkgo, 320 W eeping Cherry, 259 Golden Chain Tree, 321 mollicomata, 389, 390, 391 Yew, 414 nitida, 389 Granite Gardens of Georgia, the Jardin des Plantes, Saint Pierre, 240·244 obovata, 389. 391 399 officina lis, 389 Grimia, 241 J efferson, Roland M.: Guajillo, 275 officinalis 'Biloba', 391 A Maple with Girdling Roots, 1J'\J?"amidata, 389, 390, 391 231 l'ostmta, 389, 390 H Jonquil-see Daffodil Handbook, salicifolia, 389 VoL 45, No, 1 sargentiana, 389 Hamilton, W. J., .1)".: jubaea, 23'7 slIl"{!;entiana var. robus/,a. 39 1 Field Mice, 404 juncus ge01'gia'l1us, 241 sOt~langeal1a , 388, 392 Har1"isia ma'rlinii, 238 junitJenlS l'irginiana, 411 sotl- langeana 'Alexandrina', 392 Harry Lauder's 'Walking Stick, sieboldii, 320, 389, 391 318 K sinensis, 389 Hastings, ·W. Ray: S/JI'engeri. 389 All-America Selections, 330 Kennedy, C. S,: stellata, 321. 389, 392 Hawkes, Alex D.: Propagation of Hibiscus by triPe/ala, 389, 390.391 Amucm-ia Colwl1l1rlTis-An Cuttings. 418 veitch ii, 392 Amazing New Caledonian Knoll, Elsa Uppman: r1irgJni({l1n, 320, 388, 389, 390, Tree, 272 How Garden \'Vriters can in­ 392 Helianthus, 243 crease their contributions to r,'atsonii, 392 Hemming, E, Sam: HorticllI ture, 353 wilsonii, 389, 391 Trees Do Grow Fast, 257 Koelreute1"ia japonica, 259 iHn.lus angustifolia, 411 Heutte, Frederic King Alfred and Form No. 1040, 'Ellwangeriana', 232 Norfolk's Contribution To­ 245 'Golden Hornet', 231 ward a Beautiful America, Kiwi Berry, 253 halliana 'Parkmanii', 232 312 'Oekonomierat Echtermeyer', Hibiscus 'Luna', 415 L 233 Propagation by Cuttings, 418 hu1Jehenis, 232 High Bush Cranherry, 320 Ln{!;erstroe1llia frl//1'ird, 2i; siebolrlii vaT. ZlImi, 234 Ilill, Eleanor: indicn, 411 'Salkirk', 233 I ,I :)~ J tschonosl! ii, 2H, 236 p Sago Palm, 414 X 'Van Ese/line', 230, 235 Saguaro, 286 'Wintergo1d'. 235 , 236 Palo Verde, 290 Cactus in Arizona, 286 Maple 'Schwedleri'. 321 Panicum, 242 seedlings, 289 Maple, Weir's cu t leaf. 320 Parmelia, 241 Salt Water Bush, 316 Massachusetts H orticul tural P07,thenocissus, 243 Salvia azurea, 243 Society, 34·7 trictlSpidata, 283 oppositiflora, 408, 40~) MManta, 40 1 Patent Act, Plant, 328 clombeyi, 408 May, Curtis, 3-15 Peniocereus g'reggii, 238 Sat'U1'eja caroliniana, 243 Mayhaw, 413 Pennsylvania Horticultural So- Schoenoii'rion croceum , 242 Mazzeo, Peter: ciety, 347 Sedum j)usillu.m, 242 Exotic and Native Ornamen­ Penstemon, 243 Senecio tomentosa, 243 , 2-f.1- tals in the Shenandoah Na­ Pepperidge, 282 Senior, Robert M.: tional Park, 4 19 Persimmon, Oriental, 320 The Genus Syrnphyandra, 270 Mellinger, Marie B.: Petunia 'Twinkles', 339 Sequoia sempervirens, 299, 300, The Granite Gardens of Plantago virginica, 243 302 Georgia, 240 Plan ting Fields Arboretum, 310 'Glauca', 299 Mimosa, 238 Podocarpus macrophylla, 414 Sequoiadendron giga.nteulll , 297 , Menninge1', Edwin A,: Podophyllum peltatum- 298 Actinidia chinensis-A Prom­ April Cover Shagbark Hickory, 320 ising Fruit and So me R e­ Pol)ldala curtisii, 243 Shenandoah National Park, Ex­ lated Species, 252 Polytrichum, 241 otic and Native Ornamentals Pm'ia sequoiae, 299, 301 Datura Species in Florida Gar­ of, 419 Po,·tulaca coronata, 243 Si berian Iris, 263 dens, 375 smallii, 243 Men's Garden Club of America, Silver Maple, 258 Phacelia hirsuta, 240 Sierra Redwood, 297 349 Phoenix, 237 Mesquite, 290 Skinner, Henry T.: Photinia glab,-a , 423 T he "New Look" of ou r I\'a­ M issouri Botanical Carden. 307 Phrynium meXiCarllllll, 401 tion's Botanic Gardens alld Mitchell Park, 308 Phytochrome, 34 I Arboretums, 304 Monkey Puzzle Pine, 393 Picea PUrl gens, 419 Smilax bonanox, 24 3 Tree, 273 Pin Cherry, 283 glauca, 243 Moreton Bay Pine, 396 Pinheiro, 273 smallii, 243 NIoHIS "libra 'Constanta', 422 Pin Oak, 258 Sophora japonica, 259 Mountain Ash, 283 Pinus cembra, 260 'Bucuresti', 422 ecllinata, 243 Sorbus aucuparia, 283 griffith ii, 259 N Spanish Bayonet, 415 nigra, 259 Sphagnum, 241 Nanno7Tl20t)S, 237 sy lvestris, 259 Spruce, Black Hills, 320 NarGissus-See Daffodil Hand­ taeda, 243, 259 Colorado Blue, 320 book, Vol. 45 , No, 1 Pithecellobiwn fle xicaule, 412 MOl'heim, 320 Pittosporum tobira, 316 National Arboretum, 306 Stewart, Robert N .. 344 P,'osoPis juliflo,-a var. velutina, National Ch rysanthemllm Stuart, Neil W., 343 290 Sourwood, Southern, 283 Society, 319 Prunus pe1711sy/v(tnic(t , 283 Nation 's Botanic Gardens and Southern Crabapple, 4LI ),edoensis, July Cover Sugar Maple, 258 Arboretums, the "New Pycanthemu/ll curvipes, 240 Look," 304 Sweet Gum, 283 PyrttS pashia, 414 Symph),anclm anllel1{{ , 27 1 Neodypis decm')l i, 237 asiatica, 270, 271 New Caledonian Pine, 395 , 397 Q cretica, 27 1 N ight Flying Moth , 290 claraiaghezica, 272 Norfolk Botanical Gardens, 311 (,2,ue1'Cus geo7'giana, 243 hoffm.anii, 271 Norfolk's Con tribution Toward nigra mic7'oca'rya, 243 pendttla, 27 1 a Beautiful America, 312, paitlStTis, 260 wanne"i, 270, 272 315, 317 zangez'Ura, 272 Norfolk Island Pine, 393, 395, R 397 T Norway Maple, 258 Ravenala madagascariensis, 238 Nyssa syilialica, 282 Redbud, White, 320 Talinwn, 243 Red Cedar, 411 Ta. xodium riisliclllllll, 258, 410, Maple, 413 411 , 412 o Oak, 258 Taxtts rllspidala 'Nan a', 260 Rhus ammalica, 243 Texas Ebony, -/12 Oak, Southern Live, 320 capallina, 243 Persimmon, -/1-1 Oenothera., 243 q uenitolia, 243 Throckmorton , Tom D.: Olneva tesola, 290 Rhynchospom saxicola, 24 1 King Alfred and Form IMO. Opu;'t.ia hUllliJusa, 243 Ribes cUTvatu,tn, 240 245 Ornamental Horticulture, Som e Rich ard River Pine, 396 Thuja occidenlalis, 401 Contributions of Nursery­ R ock Moss, 241 Toneya taxitolia, 389 men , 327 R ose 'The New Dawn ', 328 Trachyca?'pus, 237 Oriental maples, 283 Rumex hastalalus, 243 Tmdesran tia hirsuticaulis, 242 Pear, 414 ohioensis, 242 Ornamental Plants in USA, Some Trees do Grow Fast, 257 Current Research, 341 s Trithrihax, 237 Oxalis colora, 240 Saba!, 237 Tucson Botanical Garden, 237- Ox), drndn/l11 ariJorCII I11, 283 Saffron Pillm , 411 239 [/J33] r ul ip Tree, 320 Ethnobotanic Value, 408 Wilson 's holly, 320 T ulsa , Oklahoma and Beautifi­ Vicia Iwge?'i, 240 Winged Euonymlls, 320 cation, 318,321 Viguiera port6ri, 243 Witchhazel, Chinese, 32 1 Tulsa Rose Garden, 319 W itch Hazel, common , 320 Witch h azel, 'Orange Glow', 320 Tupelo, 282 w Wyman, D on ald: " Valker, J ohn H,: New England for Au tumn u FloTiculture, ' ,Vith H onor to Color, 28 1 Ulmus alala, 243 the past (lIJ1 ericonG Washingtouia, 237 y 'Golden Column', 327 filitera, 239 Weddle, Ch arles L.: Yaupon H oll y, 318 'Moline', 327 P rogress in th e Flower Seed Yocu m , H arrison G ,: 'Princeton', 327 I ndustry, 337 T he T ucson Botanical Gar, /;rucera 'Mih ail Sadoveanu', "Vhite H ou se Flower Garden , den , 237 422 Fron tispiece, July issue Yoshino Cherries, July Cover University of "Vashington White R edbud, 320 Yo ung P ark, 313 Arboretum, 309 W hite, Rich ard p,: Yu,cca aloitolia, 415 So me Con tributions of N urs' Y tLcca fi lamentosa, 242 v erymen to Ornamen tal Hor, ticul ture, 327 z Va cciniwn arbOTeum, 243 W ill ow, J apanese Fan tail , 320 Vargas, Prof. Cesar: " \f il so n, Grace p,: Zelkova, 320 Two Peruvian Sp ecies of Sal­ T h e Small Community Garden Zinnia 'Blaze', 339 via of Ornamen tal and Cl u b, 355 'Rosie O'Grady', 339

11:l41 FIRST EDITION DAFFODIL HANDBOOK A Very Special Issue of the A merican Horticultural Magazine GEORGE S. LEE, JR., Editor with WILLIS H . WHEELER, the A merican Daffodil Society FREDERIC P . LEE, the American H orticult ural Society

" . .. destined to become a classic ... a horticultural masterpiece. Sheer delight for the amateur and an absolute necessity fo r the professional, this volume, interna­ tional in scope, compiles in its 25 chapters every bit of current information about Daffodils. It is total, comprehensive; there's nothing more to say. " Ruth C. Carll Horticultural Editor

The li st of 27 authors of this D affodil Part I is a complete garden guide with H andbook reads like a Who's Who of the instructions on pl anting and care and Daffodil World. George S. Lee, Jr., for­ hardiness. mer presid ent of the American D affodil Society and recipient of its Meritorious Part II thoroughl y covers the basic Service Medal has assembled in this dis­ horticulture of the daffod il - pl ant struc­ tinguished volume the world authorities ture, growth factors, soil s, di seases, nu­ on the subject D affodil. They have per­ trition, hybridizing. fo rmed a service to all daffodil growers and afi cionados. Part III consid ers the unique daffodil Eve rything one need know about daffo­ groups, each chapter by an authority on dil s including the most recent develop­ the group described. ments in cultural practice, pest and dis­ ease treatment, and new imported and Part IV offe rs an international view of domestic varieties is contained in this the daffodil world. Breeders and trade outstanding volume. For the expert horti­ sources are listed. culturist there is an inmlense storehouse of bota nical and historical information Like all books sponsored by the Amer­ and for the enthusias tic amateur is a com­ ican Horticultural Society. T he D affodil pl ete "know-how." Handbook presents a sound, scientific The four major di visions of the text treatment of its subject. And enhancing, provide all the necessary information for this definitive story are numerous photo­ the successful cultivation of daffodils. graphs of exceptional quality. 56 illustrations 6-% x 10 240 pages

The American Horticultural Society, Inc. 1600 Bladensburg Road, N.E. POSTP AID IF PAYMENT Washington, D.C. 20002 IS WITH ORDER Please send me ...... copy(ies) of THE DAFFODIL HANDBOOK @ $3.00 a copy paper bound. $4.50 a copy cloth bound. NAME ...... ADDRESS CITY ...... STATE...... ZIP CODE...... 7~ tJ~ a",d ZJ~4 of THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY

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Colonial ' '''illiamsburg, in association with the are present: talks, garden tours, social aCtIVIti eS, Ameri ca n H orticultural Society, will presen t and question-and-answer cl inics. Tou rs of the the twenty- first session of this distinguished gar­ great mansion at Carter's Grove Plantation on den and horti cultural confe rence on the theme the .T ames Rive r and a visit to deligh tful ga rdens The D elight of Gardening_ An ou tstand ing panel a nd homes in old Gloucester County are planned. of authori ties will explore this fascinating theme ' '''illiamsburg's famous colonial gardens, more during fi ve even t-fill ed days in the significan t than I 00 of them, will be in Springtime dress. setting o f Virginia's colonial capital. All the ele­ T he ' '''illiamsb urg Garden Symposium i open ments [or a relaxed and productive conference to a II gardeners.

Please register now to insure desired accommodations at fu ll program. You mal' telephone ( iOg) 229-1000, or call Willi amsburg Inn and Colonial Houses, W illiamsburg Lodge, "enterprise" from W as hington, B altimore, P hiJade1phia, N ew­ or T he MOlor House. ''''rite l\1[rs. ivrary B. Deppe, Registrar, al k, and New York. See your loca l d irecLO ry for number. P. O . Box C, W illiamsbu rg, Va. 23 185 for information and l'1

E.ARAU:JO Salvia DombeYl. .