
BUILDING GRID Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries F-14 Durand Way B-4/5 30 Alta Road K-3 Stanford Hospital D-6 East-West Axis G-7 Acacia F-5 Stanford Humanities Center I-7 El Camino Real A-10 to G-16 Acorn House F/G-15/16 Stauffer I & II E/F-7 El Escarpado L-6/7 Advanced Medicine Center (Cancer Center) C-5/6 Storage Buildings F-3 Electioneer Road H-2/3 Anatomy D/E-7 Student Housing Management K-11 Embarcadero Road B-12 to B-13 Anderson Collection D-8 Student Services Building J-9 Encina Ave A/B-12 Arboretum Children's Center A-9 (also C-1) Sweet Hall H/I-9 Escondido Mall H-7/8 Arguello, 425, 427, & 429 (Encina Modular A, B, & C) H-10/11 Thornton Center H-6 Escondido Road I-10 to J-14 Arrillaga Alumni Center F-10 Tower House J-14 Esplanada Way L-11 to L-13 Art Gallery G-9 Tresidder Union I-7/8 Fremont Road G-2 to I-1 Artist's Studio K-3 Vaden Health Center J-10/11 Galvez Mall H-9 to I-9 Automotive Innovation Facility F-2 Varsity Lot E-12 Galvez Street B-12 to G-10 Bambi G/H-5/6 Varian Physics G-7 Gerona Road L-6 Barnum Center H-8/9 Ventura Hall F-4 Governor's Avenue G/H-4/5 Barnes F/G-2/3 Visitor Center E-11 Governor's Avenue South I-3/4 Bechtel International Center I/J-7 Wadsworth F-2 Hanover Street K-14 to L-16 Beckman Center E-5 Wallenberg (160) G-8 Harvard Street J-15 to K-16 Bing Nursery School J-13/14 William H. Neukom Building I/J-9 Hoskins Court H-13/14 E-9/10 William R. Hewlett Teaching Center F/G-7 Hulme Court G-14/15 Bing Wing (Green Library) H-9 Windhover H/I-6 Jenkins Court H/I-13 Biology Greenhouses F/G-3 Y2E2 G-5/6 Junipero Serra Boulevard J-1 to L/6 Birch F-5 RESIDENCE GRID Kaplan Drive D-5 Black Community Services Center I-7 1047 Campus K-7/8 Knight Way G-11 Blake Wilbur Clinic C-5 576 Alvarado J-10 Lagunita Drive I/J-7/8 Buildings 1-370 (See Main Quad) G/H-7/8 670 Lomita K-7 Lane B J/K-10 Buildings 500-610 H-7/8 680 Lomita K-7 Lane C J/K-10/11 Bleeker F-2/3 717 Dolores L-9/10 Lane L I-6 Bolivar House J-10 Arrillaga Family Dining Commons H/I-10/11 Lane W J-8 Bookstore I-8/9 BOB (Robert Moore South) J-8 Lasuen Mall F-9 to I-9 I-8 Branner Hall: Branner, Dining H/I-11 Lasuen Street F-9 to B-10 Brick Barn I-1 Columbae J-8 Links Road J-3 to K-2 (Museum) D/E-7/8 Cowell Houses: Delta Delta Delta (DDD), Kappa Alpha Lomita Court k-6 to J-7 Carnegie Foundation L-3 Theta (KAQ), Pi Beta Phi (PBF),Terra, ZAP J/K-11 Lomita Drive D/E/F-8 & I-5 to K-7 Carnegie Institution F/G-4 Crothers Hall: Crothers, Crothers Memorial, Lomita Mall G-7 Cedar Hall F/G-5 Crothers Mark Taper Center (HFD) H-10 Los Arboles Avenue H-3 to G-4 Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences K-4 Durand L-9/10 Masters Mall E-13 Center for Clinical Sciences Research (CCSR) G-6 Enchanted Broccoli Forest K-6 Mayfield Avenue J-6 to L-11 Center for Educational Research at Stanford (CERAS) I-9 Escondido Village: 1-36, 38-125 G-16 to I-12 & J-14 McFarland Court H-13 Center for Turbulence Research (CTR) H-8 Escondido Village: Abrams H-15 Memorial Way F-9/10 Central Energy Facility G-2 Escondido Village: Barnes G/H-15 Mirada Avenue L-8 Central Process Steam Plant D-3/4 Escondido Village: Hoskins H-14 Mosher Way B/C-4 Children's Center of the Stanford Community (CCSC) F-14 Escondido Village: Hulme G-15 Museum Way E-8/9 C. J. Huang Building B-5 Escondido Village: Kennedy Graduate Residences: Hastorf, Nathan Abbott Way J/I-9 Clinic, Stanford (Boswell) D/E-6 Kennedy Commons, Lieberman, Miller, Rosse I-13/14 Nelson Mall E-12 to F-13 Clock Tower H-8 Escondido Village: McFarland H-13/14 Nelson Road D/E-11/12 Clubhouse I-8 Escondido Village: Blackwelder I-13 North Service Road F-6/7 Cordura Hall (CSLI) F-4 Escondido Village: Quillen H-12/13 North-South Axis E/F-7 Credit Union (also branch in Tresidder Union) G-14 Escondido Village: Studio 1 - 2 H/I-12 O’Connor Lane I/J-8/9 Cypress Hall G-5 Escondido Village: Studio 3 - 6 H/I-14/15 Oak Road E-4 to G-2 David Packard Electrical Engineering F/G-6 Escondido South: 127-144 J-12/13 Oak Creek Drive D-1 TO D-3 Dinkelspiel Auditorium I-8 Florence Moore Hall: Admin (HFD), Alondra, Cardenal, Oberlin Street J-15 to K-16 Drell J-9 Faisan, Gavilan, Loro, Mirlo, Paloma J-7 Olmsted Road H-12 to J-14 Durand (William F) Building G/H-6/7 Gardiner Apts. L-9 Orchard Lane A-7 East Wing (Green Library) H-9 Governor’s Corner, Dining Societies: Avanti, Beefeaters, Palm Drive A-10 to E-8 Education, School of H-8/9 Bollard, Middle Earth I-3 Palo Road B-2 Elliott Program Center (HFD) I-4/5 Governor's Corner, Guest Cottages I-5 Pampas Lane F-13 to G-14 Encina Commons H-10 Governor's Corner, Independent Houses: Murray, Panama Mall H-6/7 Encina Hall G/H-10 EAST (Treat), Yost H/I-4 Panama Street F-4 to H-5 Environmental Safety Facility and ESF Annex F-1/2 Governor’s Corner, Sterling Quad: Potter, Park Ave F-16 Escondido Village Center: Rainbow School J-14 Ricker Dining, Robinson Park Boulevard F-16 Escondido Elementary School K-14 Freshman Sophomore College: Adams, Schiff H-3/4 Pasteur Drive D-3 to D-5 Escondite Cottage (HFD) J-14 Governor’s Corner, Suites: Anderson, Griffin, Jenkins, Marx H/I-4 Pear Lane A-1 Faculty Club I-7 Graduate Package Center J-14 Pearce Mitchell Place J/K-9 Fairchild Center E-6 Grove K-9 Pine Hill Court K-13 Falk Center C/D-6 Hammarskjöld J-10 Pine Hill Road L-12/13 Field Conservation Facility F-2 Haus Mitteleuropa K/L-9 Princeton Street J/15 to K-16 Fire Department G-13 Jerry J/K-6 Quarry Road A-8 to E-6 Fire Truck House H/I-7 Kairos K-9 Quillen Court H-12/13 Forsythe Hall G-5 Kappa Alpha (KA) K-6 Roble Drive I-6 Freidenrich Center for Translational Research B-5 Kappa Alpha Theta (KAQ) K-11 Roth Way E-6 to E-9 E/F-9/10 Kappa Sigma (KS) K-8 Rosse Lane J-13 Galvez Modular: Housing Assignments Office H-9 Kingscote Gardens I-7 Running Farm Lane J-13 Gas Station H-12 Lagunita Court: Admin (HFD), Adelfa, Eucalipto, Salvatierra Street J-9 to K-10 Gates Computer Science F-6/7 Granada, Lakeside Dining, Naranja, Ujamaa A & B H/I-5/6 Sam McDonald Mall E/F-11/12 Geology Corner (320) G/H-7, also B-14 La Casa Italiana (Robert Moore North) J-8 Sam McDonald Road D-13 Gilbert Biological Sciences F-7 La Maison Française K-9 Samuel Morris Way H-6 Golf Clubhouse J/K-2 Lasuen (HFD) K-8/9 San Francisco Court K-11/12 Gould Center J-9 Lyman Graduate Residences: Bldg 1, Bldg 3, San Francisco Terrace K-11 Graduate Community Center I/J-13 Lyman Commons H/I-3 San Juan Street K/L-9/10 Graduate School of Business; Knight Management Center: Manzanita Park: Castaño, Dining Commons (HFD), Sand Hill Road A-6 to E-1 Bass Center, CEMEX Auditorium, Faculty Building East Kimball Hall, Lantana, Lantana/Castaño Commons Santa Fe Avenue L-13 and West, Gunn Building, MBA Class of 1968 Building, Humanities Theme Residence H/I-11/12 Santa Teresa Lane H-4 McClelland Building, Oberndorf Event Center, Mars J-8 Santa Teresa Street H-3 to I-7 Patterson Building, Zambrano Hall G-11/12 Mirrielees I/J-12 Santa Ynez Street L-8 to K-10 G/H-6 Munger Graduate Residence: Bldg 1-4, Searsville Road G-2 to G-4 Green Library G-9 Jacobson-Sorensen Hall (HFD) I/J-9/10 Sequoia Way G/H-6 Gunn (SIEPR) G-10 Muwekma-Tah-Ruk I-8 Serra Mall F-6 to G-10 Haas Center J-9 Narnia K-6 Serra Street G-10 to F-15 Hagey Pediatric Regenerative Med E-4/5 Oak Creek Apartments E-1 South Service Road G-5/6 Harmony House I-7 Olmsted Road Staff Housing G-16 Stanford Avenue L-13 to H-16 Herrin Hall, Herrin Labs F-7 Pearce Mitchell Houses K-9 Stock Farm Road E-1 to F-3 Health Research & Policy (Redwood) E-4 Phi Kappa Psi (FKY) K-9 Swain Way C-3 Hansen Experimental Physics Lab (HEPL South) G/H-6 Phi Sig K-8 Thoburn Court G/H-14 Hillel-Ziff Center J-9 Rains Houses: 201-202, 206-218, 220-229, 232-238, Valparaiso Street K/L-10 History Corner (200) G-8/9 Bailey, Buttery, Fairclough, Hacienda Commons (HFD), Via Ortega G/F-5/6 Hoover Memorial Building, Herbert G/H-9/10 Timoshenko, Willis J/K-12/13 Via Palou G/F-6 Hoover House, Lou Henry L-8 I-6 Via Pueblo F-6 to G-7 Hoover Bldg., Lou Henry G-9/10 Roth L-9 Vista Lane K/L-3 Hoover Pavilion B-1 Schwab Residential Center: Vineyard Lane B-6/7 G-9 Tower, Vidalakis Dining H-11/12 Welch Road B-7 to E-4 Housing Maintenance Center and Annex I-13 Sigma Chi (SC) J-8 Wellesley Street I-16 James H. Clark Center E/F-6 Sigma Nu (SN) J-8/9 Wells Ave A-11/12 Jen-Hsun Engineering Center G-6 Slavianskii Dom L-10 Wilbur Way J-11 Johnson Pediatric Ambulatory Care Center B-6 Stanford West Apartments B-4 Williams Street I-16 Jordan (420) G-7/8 Stern Hall: Burbank, Casa Zapata, Donner, Dining, Yale Street H-16 Jordan Quad F-5 Larkin North & West (HFD) Serra, Twain North & South I-9/10 PARKING GARAGES LOCATION Juniper F-5 Storey I/J-8 Hoover Pavilion Garage A-8/9 (also B/C-1) Keck Science E-7 Synergy K/L-8 Knight Management Center Garage G-11/12 Knight Building F-9 Theta Delta Chi (QDC) K-8 Pasteur Visitor Garage A D-4/5 Knoll, The (CCRMA) K-7 Toyon Hall H-10/11 Roth Way Garage D/E-7 Koret Pavilion J-9 Via Ortega Garage G-5 Stock Farm Garage E-3 Lake House J-6 Wilbur Hall: Admin (HFD), Arroyo, Cedro, Dining, Junipero, Via Ortega Garage G-5 Landau Economics G-10 Okada, Otero, Rinconada, Soto, Trancos I-10/11 Wilbur Field Garage I/J-10/11 Language Corner (260) H-8 Xanadu J-8 PERFORMANCE/MEETING VENUE LOCATION Lathrop Barn L-3 OUTDOOR SPACE GRID Annenberg Auditorium Cummings Art Lathrop Gate House J-3 Angel of Grief B-8/9 Baldo Chamber Hall Braun Music Center F/G-9 Arboretum Grove B/C-11 Bishop Auditorium Grad. School of Bus. Laurel F-5 Arguello Park I-10 Braun Rehearsal Hall Braun Music Center Law School I-9 Avery Plaza E-12 Breer Library K-7 Li Ka Shing Center E-5/6 Cactus Garden C-7/8 Brest Hall J-9 Littlefield Center F-9 Canfield Court I-9 Campbell Recital Hall Braun Music Center Lorry Lokey Labs E-7 Dohrmann Grove G-9 CEMEX Auditorium Zambrano Hall/North Bldg Lorry Lokey Stem Cell Research Building (SIM 1) E-5 El Camino Grove C-12/13 Cubberley Auditorium School of Education Lucas Center (MSLS) D-4/5 Eucalyptus Grove C-10 Dinkelspiel Auditorium Dinkelspiel Auditorium Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford C-6 Ford Plaza F-10/11 Jordan Hall Bldg. 420, Main Quad Main Quad G/H-7/8 Frost Amphitheater F-9/10 Little Theater Memorial Hall F/G-12 Gibbons Grove H-6/7 Memorial Auditorium Memorial Hall Margaret Jacks (460) G-8 John Gardner Courtyard H-9 Nitery, The Bldg. 590, Old Union Mariposa I/J-7 Kennedy Grove I-7 Pigott Theater Memorial Hall Math Corner (380) G-7 Koret Park H-9 Prosser Theater Memorial Hall Mausoleum C-8 Koret Plaza F-10/11 Skilling Auditorium Skilling McClatchy (120) G-8 Lasuen Grove C/D-9 Stauffer Auditorium Herbert Hoover Memorial Bldg. McCullough G-7 Levin Field J-8 Terman Auditorium Bldg. 500 McMurtry Building E-7 LBRE Corp. Yard G-13 Turing Auditorium Polya Hall Mechanical Engineering Research Lab (MERL) H-7 Masters Grove D/E-13/14 SPORT FACILITY GRID Medical School Office Building E-4 Mausoleum C-8 Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation F-10/11 Medicine, School of: Alway, Edwards, Grant & Lane D/E-5/6 Memorial Court G-8 Arrillaga Family Sports Center F-11 Memorial Church H-8 Oval, The F-8 Arrillaga Gymnasium and Weight Room G-12 Memorial Hall & Auditorium F/G-9/10 PAC 12 Plaza E-12 Arrillaga Outdoor Education and Recreation Center H-5 Mitchell Earth Sciences H-7 Papua New Guinea Sculpture Garden I-6 Avery Aquatic Center F-12 Montag Hall F-10 Rehnquist Courtyard J-9 Boyd & Jill Smith Family Stadium (women's softball) E/F-13 Moore Materials Research G-7 Roble Field H-5 Brick Barn I-1 Mudd Chemistry E-7 Rodin Sculpture Garden E-7/8 Bud Klein Clubhouse E-12 Mulberry House G-16 Serra Grove F-7 Burnham Pavilion (basketball, volleyball, wrestling) G-10 Music Rehearsal Facility E/F-12 SEQ Courtyard G-6 Cobb Track & Angell Field E-11 Nora Suppes Hall F-4 Taylor Grove, Chuck E-11/12 Covered Riding Ring I/J-2 Northwest Data Center and Comm. Hub D/E-3/4 Terman Site H-6 Dan Elliott Practice Fields (football practice) F-12/13 Oak F-5 Toyon Grove D-10 Doyle Family Rugby Clubhouse E/F-14 Observatory K/L-3 White Plaza I-8 Ford Center (aerobics, badminton, basketball, O’Donohue Family Stanford Educational Farm G/H-2/3 Wilbur Field (on Wilbur Field Garage) J-10/11 gymnastics, martial arts, wrestling) G-10/11 Old Chemistry Building F-7 STREET GRID Foster Field D-11/12 Old Union H/I-8 Abrams Court H-16 Golf Clubhouse J/K-2 Organic Chemistry E-7 Alta Road K-3/4 Golf Driving Range Facility I/J-3/4 Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (OHNS) Clinic C-5 Alvarado Row J-10 to L-12 Golf Pro Shop J-2 Owen J-9 Amherst Street L-13/14 Hammer Throw E/F-11/12 Palo Alto Train Station & Transit Center A-3 Angell Court I-14/15 IM South E/F-14/15 Parking & Transportation Services F/G-13 Arboretum Road A-6 to C-11 Johnson Field (men and women’s soccer, women’s lacrosse) F-14 Paul G. Allen Building F-6 Arguello Way and Arguello Mall G-10 to J-10 Klein Field at Sunken Diamond E-12/13 Paul Allen Center for Integrated Systems Annex F-6 Avery Mall F-11/12 Laird Q. Cagan Stadium (men and women’s soccer, E/F-11/12 Pepper Tree House J-14 Ayrshire Farm Lane J-12 women’s lacrosse) E-13 Peterson (d.school) (550) H-7 Barnes Court G-15 Little Stable I-2 Physics and Astrophysics G-7 Bay Laurel C/D-2 Maloney Field (men and women’s soccer, women’s lacrosse) D/E-13 Pine Hall F-5 Blackwelder Court I-12/13 Manzanita Field H-12 Price F-3 Blake Wilbur Drive C/D-5 Maples Pavilion (basketball and women’s volleyball) F/G-12 Police Department G-13 Bonair Siding G-12/13 Red Barn (stables, riding rings) I/J-2 Polya Hall F/G-5 Bowdoin Lane I-9/10 Sand Hill Fields, Stanford Athletics D/E-2/3/4 Poplar F-5 Bowdoin Street J-12 to L-15 Sand Volleyball F/G-11 Post Office I-8 Cabrillo Avenue L-8/9 Siebel Field (football) F-12/13 Press Building H-7 Avenue K/L-15/16 Siebel Varsity Golf Training Complex F/G-1/2 Psychiatry B-8 Campus Drive D-9 to H-12 to L-7 to I-3 Softball Field House F-13 Puichon F/G-2 Capistrano Way I/J-7 Stable I-2 Recycling Center G-13 Charles Marx Way B-4 Stadium Fieldhouse D/E-12 Red Barn I-2 Churchill Ave D/E-14/15 Stanford Equestrian Center I-1/2 Redwood Hall F-5 Churchill Mall E/F-13/14 Stanford Golf Course K-1 Rogers: The Bridge Peer Counseling Center I-7 Clark Way A-5 to C-3 Stanford Sand Volleyball Stadium F-13 Sequoia Hall G-7 College Avenue I-16 to L-14 (football) C/D-11/12 Serra (589 Capistrano Way) J-7 Columbia Street K/L-14/15 Stanford Stadium Skybox D-11 SHC-LPCH Steam Plant D-7 Comstock Circle I-13 to J-14 Steuber Rugby Stadium E-13/14 Shriram Center Bioengineering & Chemical Engineering E-5 Cornell Street I/J-15/16 Sunken Diamond (baseball) E-12/13 Skilling H/G-7 Cooksey Lane L-8 Taube Family Tennis Stadium F-11 SOM Loading Dock E-4 Coronado Avenue L/K-10/11 Taube South F-11 Spilker Engineering and Applied Sciences G-6 Constanzo Street L/K-8/9 Ticket Booth C-11 Spruce Hall G-5 Cowell Lane J-10 Ticket Office D/E-12 Stanford Athletics Shop E-11 Crothers Way H-9/10 Ueland Field (men and women’s soccer, women’s lacrosse) D/E-13 Stanford Auxiliary Library (SAL) F-14 Dartmouth Street K-14 to L-15 Varsity Field Hockey Turf F-13 Stanford Barn (700 Welch Road) B-7 Dolores Street L-9/10 West Campus Tennis Courts H/I-2/3 Stanford Community Recreation Association (SCRA) K-13 Dudley Lane H/I-15 Stanford Daily H-8 Dueña Street H/I-7/8