Golden Age of Monasticism in America Called Near Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Trappist Abbot Fox Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1948— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Old Clipping Tells His Story ' Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. Visits Denver Before DENVER CATHOLIC Erecting Utah Abbey

By A lfred Granger The golden age of American monasticism is near, ac­ cording to the RL Rev. James Fox, O.C.S.O. The success of REGISTER Trappist foundations, especially in recent years, has con­ vinced the newly elected Abbot of the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani, Trappist, Ky., that Americans are attracted The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller to the contemplative life despite the popular evils of ma­ Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos. Price of paper 3 cents a copy. terialism and secularism that might distract them. ■ Abbot Fox stopped in Denver en VOL. XLIV. No. 13. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1948, $1 PER YEAR. route to Huntsville, Utah, where he [lizabeth Bentley, will erect the Trappist monastery there into its new status as the Abbey of Our Lady of the Most Moving Day for Esfes Park Catholics Holy Trinity. He will preside at Former Red Spy, the election of the first Abbot. Fa­ ther Anthony Chassagme, O.C.S.O., accompanied him as secretary and New Church in Resort Convert to Church will be canonist at the election. WORKED IN INCOME New York.— Miss Elizabeth T. TAX DIVISION Bentley, key witnes." in recent Communism-in-govemment hear­ After receiving a graduate de­ Will Have First Mass Sunday ings of the House Committee on gree from the Harvard business un-American Actmties, has be­ school. Abbot Fox served as an en­ This is moving week for the the main part of the church will regular Sunday congregation num­ come a Catholic. She was received sign in the navy in World war I. Catholic people of Estes Park! For not be used but a chapel has been bers almost 100 souls. into the Church Nov. 5 in Wash­ He worked in the income tax di­ they are preparing for the first vision of the Treasury department completed on the ground floor of Beginning with Oct. 1 of this' ington. Mass to be offered for them on in Boston, his home, and in Wash­ Sunday in their new Church of the rectory section in the new build­ year, two Sisters of Loretto frorti Louis F. Budenz, former man­ ington, D. C. After Tie studied six Our Lady of the Mountains. As yet ing and this will be used for all St. Joseph’s school in Fort Col­ aging editor of the Communist years with the Passionist Fathers, Daily Worker, and his wife Mar­ services during the winter. Ther­ lins have journeyed every Saturday his desire for a life of more com­ garet acted as her godparents. plete sacrifice caused him to en­ mostatically controlled butane heat morning to Estes Park for the in­ Miss Bentley received instructions has been installed and the altar ter the Cistercian order in 1927. struction of the children in the from Monsignor Fulton Sheen. He was ordained at Gethsemani in and pews from the old frame St. Prayer Day area. Approximately 25 have been Monsignor ^ een instructed Bu- 1930. Walter’s church are being moved to in attendance. Also of interest is detiz and wife and three daughters He served as prior and retreat their new location this week. the recent project of St. Walter’s when the editor renounced Com­ master at Gethsemani and estab­ For C h in a The winter schedule of Sundav guild, the parish Altar society, munism in 1945 and came back lished the foundation at Conyers, Masses will remain unchanged which has been serving the local into the Church. Ga., near Atlanta, in 1944 that be­ Mass is offered every Sunday at 12 Rotary club luncheon every Thurs­ Miss Bentley is to speak on the gan in a barn. He was elected as noon with the exception of the last day noon and contributing the pro­ Christian Culture series of lectures the first Abbot there when the Set Dec. 3 Sunday of every month when the ceeds tflward the new church. Dur­ next Sunday at the Aquinas insti­ monastery became the Abbey of Mass begins at 9 with Confessions ing the past week it also served tute in Rochester, N. Y., on "I Was Our Lady of the Holy Ghost in a dinner for the local post of the a Russian Spy.” When she lived The first Friday in December, beforehand in order to provide resi­ 1946. His motto is “ All for Jesus dents with an opportunity for the American Legion. in Rochester, she attended the through Mary with a smile,” and he the Feast of St. Francis Xavier, Third Presbyterian church. She is Dec. 3, will be observed in the reception of the sacraments. It is More Money Needed AN OLD NEWSPAPER CLIPPING streets. The bottom photo shows the church after selected the motto, “ Georgia for schools of the Archdiocese of Den­ planned to add at least one week­ the tower and side annex had been added. To the a Vassar graduate and former Co­ Jesus through Mary,” to be printed day Mass to the schedule in the To Meet Heavy Debt depicts the early history of Catholicism in right is pictured Bishop Joseph P. Macheheuf, who lumbia university student. Miss on the abbey stationery. Abbot Fox ver as a day of prayer for China, Bentley is a self-confessed former it was resolved at the meeting of near future. But because the cost of the new Colorado. The top photo shows the first Catholic came to Colorado as a priest and later became the is convinced that the suggestion first Bishop of D e n v e r . ______Communist. will have a salutary effect on the the local conference of the Cath­ Winter Mass Said (Turn to Page S — Column 3) church built in Denver. It stood near 15th and Stout olic Students’ Mission Crusade at postal workers in the Bible b e lt - St. Francis de Sales’ high school In High School Denverite Recalls Will Move From Longmont to Chicago in time. last Sunday. Cardinal Thomas The opportunity for regular as­ The Abbot explained that Trap- Tien, Archbishop of Peiping, sent sistance at Sunday Mass during Collection Set Nov. 28 pist monasteries are founded in a cablegram to the national con­ the past four years has resulted Stagecoach Rides non-Catholic areas like Georgia vention of the CSMC at Notre in a gradual but steady increase Nuns to Close St. Coletta's and Utah in the belief that their Dame last August asking this day of the Catholic population in the With 1st Bishop presence ■will have an apostolic ef­ of prayer for China by the Cath­ Estes Park area. When winter To Aid Vital Catholic U. fect on the neighbors. Since the olic students of America. The Mass was first offered in the moun­ As the stagecoaches made their School for Handicapped monks are self-supporting through Crusade convention resolution ac­ tain town in November, 1944, there Although the Denver archdio- studies for the good of the Church bumpy way over the plains and agricultural work and some dona­ cepting the idea likewise accepted was a mere handful of the perma­ cese is “ relatively far removed in our area. through mountain trails of Colo­ St. Coletta’s in the Rockies, a others and the sisters will go there tions, they do not depend on the We commend this collection for rado, a Catholic Bishop and an people in the area. the suggestion of His Eminence nent residents of the town who geographically from Washington, school for retarded and handi­ soon after Christmas. that the day be observed on the found their way every Sunday the Catholic university to your Episcopalian layman often found all Catholk educational work has capped children conducted in Long­ The new school will provide for 2 NEW FOUNDATIONS Feast of the Little Flower, Oct. 3. into a small auxiliary room in the generous consideration. themselves riding side by side. mont by 10 Sisters of the Third ARE BEING PLANNED benefited directly or indirectly Faithfully yours in Christ, boys from the ages of six to 12 It was not possible to organize Estes Park high school building. The prelate was Bishop Joseph Order of St. Francis of Assisi, will Two new foundations are being from the oppo'rtunities offered by + URBAN J. VEHR, years, with special provision for the plan in Denver in time for Oct Because the frame St Walter’s P. Machebeuf, the “ Apostle of be closed at Christmas, it was an­ planned from the mother abbey at the Catholic university.’’ Archbishop of Denver manual arts and crafts, in addition 3; at Sunday’s meeting, however, church had been built as a merely Colorado,” and his companion was nounced by Mother Bartholomew Gethsemani. Abbot Fox reports The important work of the uni­ P. S. Kindly read this letter at to the academic training. Older the students explained their re­ tempojftry structure and was to be Edward F, Stanchfield, who has re­ of Milwaukee, Superior General. that there are 70 novices there versity is stressed by Archbishop boys will be taken care of at the gret at missing the date, and they usea Only during the summer, it the Masses Sunday, Nov. 21. The sided in Denver now for more than now. In all the Trappist monaster­ Urban J. Vehr in a letter to the The building in which the school St. Coletta school in Jefferson, Wis. decided on the Feast of S t Fran­ could not be adequately heated for collection is to be taken on Sun­ 70 years. ies in the United States there are clergy and faithful of the arch- day, Nov. 28. is operated is falling to pieces so The new St. Coletta school at Han­ 200 no'vices and more than half of cis Xavier, another patron of the use during the cold weather. Al­ The memory of those trips and badly that it would be unsafe to diocMe asking generous support of over, Mass., 'just outside Boston, them are veterans of World war II. missions, which was thought eS' most immediately the little con­ of the first Catholic Cathedral stay there another year. Since it the Jmnual collection to be taken provides for both boys and girls. He said that 80 per cent of the pecially practical as a day of gregation grew, and as skiers and built in Denver were recalled by has been found impossible to build Nov. 28 for the Catholic U. The forced removal from Colo­ novices complete their training prayer because many of the stu­ other winter enthusiasts learned Army Chaplain Mr. Stanchfield as he examined a new one near Longmont as was rado is sincerely regretted by both and become either priests or lay dents in the different schools will that they could fulfill their Sun­ Nov. 15, 1948 an old newspaper clipping showing hoped and because a new, well- be making their first Friday Com­ day obligation close to the center Reverend Dear Father and Bishop Machebeuf and the first sisters and people. There is a great brothers. equipped foundation has been of­ need for such an institution nere, The universal appeal qf^Trap- munion on that day. of their activity .it was necessary Beloved People: Will Speak at Cathedral. It is reprinted in this fered near Chicago, the sisters are as the state has perhaps 5,000 pist life can be seen in, i

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PAGE TWO Office, 938 Ban.iifoek Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyttone 4205^ Thursday, Nor. 18,1948

Army C^ioploin More Amateur Theologians 8ecqlls Travel Dine At FAMOUS PAINTINGS Will Speak at Restaurant Needed, Dominican Gaims Off Stagecoach (Continued From Page One) college, Miami, Fla.; St. Mary of BY THE "OLD MASTERS" 17th Street Nmes" Meeting cago province, the Very Rev. Ed­ the S p rii^ , Columbos, 0 .; St. With 1st Bishop Between ward L. Hughes, O.P., brother of TeretaV Winona, Minn,; S t Cath­ V/2" Metal Gold Leaf Frames Welton anil (CoiHinued From Page One) Father Vincent R. Hughes, O.P., erine’s, St. Paul, Minn.; Our Lady (Continued From Page One) . Ob Lime Oak Backfround California lain of the headquarters com­ who was pastor of S t Dominic’s of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, 0 .: Trin­ brick church in Denver at I5th mand/ Office of Military Govern­ parish in Denver until this sum­ ity college, Washington, D.C., and a»:d F (Stout) street, far from Average Overall Size 22" x 28" ment for Germany. mer. The two took occasion, with a number of others. the center of town on the wind­ For That Special There he initiated a mission for the Very Rev, Peter O'Brien, pas­ “ These theology courses are swept prairie. His new residence "THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS"...... 82 5 .0 0 tor, to give junior clergy exams to built right from tha.5ummo," said Catholic personnel, the first ever must have seemed a desolate klace By Brennan hsld for American military per- two younger Dominicans of the Father Farrell. “ In many cases after the old city of Sanl^Fe. Thanksgiving ionnel in Berlin, and conducted Denver house. They are Fathers they are using my Companion as a Mr. Stanchfield says that even,.17 "HOLY NIGHT” by Maratti...... $20 .00 the first Midnight Mass for the J. B. Dering and Joseph Forquer. textbook, althbugh not every­ years later when he arrived there armed forces in Berlin. “ This is not a usual procedure,” where. The course is designed to was not a tree in sight. "MADONNA OF THE GRAND DUKE”...... $15.00 Dinner he explained. “ But ^cause we run through the four years of col l*t Christmas Mas* By Raphael ORGANIZED ‘CHURCH lege, roujhl ^ iy covering one of my OF AIR’ IN BERLIN were passii^ through Denver, we Christmas day in 1860 was the saved the Fathers .a trip to Chi­ volumes each year. Tn I this way "SISTINE MADONNA” by Raphael...... $ 2 0 .0 0 He also organized and intro­ the students are getting a com­ date of the first Mass in the new cago for the exams.” Father Far­ St. Mary’s church. The Catholic ROAST TURKEY duced the “ Church of the Air” rell himself is on his way to Las plete conspectus of all theology. "VIRGIN OF THE GRAPES" by Murillo...... $20 .00 population was about 200 at that program over AFN, Berlin. In Vegas, N. Mex., where he will con­ They get also an orientation that with all the Trimmings time. Father Machebeuf finished November, 1946, he was desig­ valesce for a few weeks. He is enables them to pigeonhole and the church and built a residence "SORROWFUL MOTHER” by Sa8soferatto....$ 15.00 nated as chaplain at headquarters still recuperating from the effects co-ordinate what they are learning behind it. This was the headquar­ Children’s portion 95c of the Berlin command, and had of a serious operation last spring. in their other classes. "MADONNA AND CHILD” by Murillo...... $25 .00 .served in the European theater ters for his extensive mission “ Our greatest success," Father “ Naturally they get a lot of tours. The next church was built Other Thanksgiving Dinners Complete From ^1 1 for 37 months when he returned lilosophy in these classes, but, "MADONNA AND CHILD WITH ST. JOHN” I to the United Statpi in November, Farrell explains enthusiastically, at Central City and, in 1864, St. has been the establishment in a primarily, theology is taught. A f­ Mary’s academy in Denver was by Francia...... $25 .00 '1947. ter all, the Summa is a summary Fior number of Catholic colleges of a opened. Organ Music Chaplain Powers has been course in theology. It is generally of theology. Actually, that is the Reservations awarded the Bronze Star medal taught in place of the religion value of studying St. Thomas. You Eighty years ago Father Mache­ Harley Cross beuf was consecrated as Titular THE JAMES CLARKE Call FH. 3611 with oak leaf cluster and the course. We don’t try to disguise can’t dissociate his philosophy at the Console Army Commendation ribbon, and it. It is always called a theology from his theolog;y,” continued the Bishop of Epiphania and Vicar or &E. 9413 is authorized to wear the Ameri­ course. Freshmen students almost Dominican professor. Apostolic of Colorado and Utah. CHURCH GOODS HOUSE can Campaign medal. World war always balk at first, claiming that Command* “ RagUter” Conr*a He returned to France in 1869 to 400 SEATS—NO LIQUOR visit his home in Riom, Puy de II Victory medal. Army of Occu­ the course takes too much prepa Father Farrell expressed consid­ pation medal, and European-Afri- ration, but it has been our experi­ erable interest in the theology Dome, a n d secure additional Established 1902 1636 Tremont Place can-Middle Eastern Campaign ence that within two months after classes conducted for members of priests for hissvicariate. He visited St. Bernadette Soubirous, then a TA. 3789 Denver 2, Colo. medal with a Bronze service ster starting it most students regard the Register staff. “ Such a pro­ nun, and had the unusual experi- for the Central Europe campaign. it as the best course in the curricu­ gram is most commendable. We f WL.^ Reservations for the luncheon lum! need more competent theologians enca of witnessing the miraculous cure of a crippled child by the should be made as soon as pos­ Operating in Dozan Collage* among the laity,” he commented. sible with any one of the follow­ “ You will be interested to saint who was unaware of what ing committee members: Mrs. “ Offhand, I can name a dozen know,” he broke in, “ that in Wash­ s(ie had done. Mary Baker, Denver; Miss Lucille or so Catholic colleges that have ington last winter the Dominicans After 28 years’ work in Denver when you dual with a bonk # e # started such courses in the past Riepl; Denver; Miss Pauline conducted a weekly course at a and less than a year after it was three years. In fact, so popular Smith, Grand Junction; Miss Rose downtown hall in which 600 men made a diocese, he died. The Rev. Smith, Fort Collins; Miss Agnes have they become that the Domin­ and women were enrolled. The W. J. Hewlett, his biographer, th o DENVER INDUSTRIAL BANK McKenna, Trinidad; Sister Mary ican Fathers are now operating subject? Theology. This is not sums up his work: two summer institutes, one at Al- Urban, Durango; Mrs. Agnes just a weekly lecture aeries. It is Made Great Record bertus Magnus college in New you get pre^ction # # # Limes, Pueblo; Mrs. Florence a regular course, desipn^ed to run “ When Father Machebeuf came Schram, Boulder; Miss Mary Haven, Conn., and one at Xavier over a three-year period. A sec­ college in Chicago, for priests and to Colorado in 1860 he was alone Frances Loughlin, Colorado ond such course was added this with Father Raverdy, without a got odvico e e e Springs. sisters who are teaching these year and a third will be added next courses.” single church, or roof over his FR. ROBERT McMAHON year. Thus we will have three head; when he was made Bishop Among the colleges following IS ON PROGRAM cycle courses running concur­ he had but three priests wi^in got holp # • • this program, in addition to the rently. Catholics will play an important his jurisdiction; when he ^ed the two listed above, Father Farrell “ You probably couldn’t get such part in the 42nd annual confer­ Diocese o f Denver counted 64 listed such schools as Providence large classes everywhere, but I am ence of the Colorado State Nurses’ priests, 102 churches and chapels, college. Providence, R. I.; Barrj’ confident that here in Denver a as.sociation when it convenes in nine academies, one college, one similar course could be success­ orphan asylum, one house of ref­ Denver Industrial Bank Denver in the Cosmopolitan hotel, fully conducted. By emphasizing for a three-day session, Nov. 29, iy uge, 10 hospitals, and more (Opposite the Denver Dry Goods Co.) that these are real classes, not 30, and Dec. 1. Miss Mary Walker, Lives of Martyr than 3,000 children in Catholic just weekly talks, you will be su - schools I" 1534 CALIFORNIA STREET • PHONE AAAia 5155 director of nursing service for the prised at how many serious-minded Red Cross and program chairman people you will uncover who are for the conference, announced And Coed Alike Tfa* firms listad her* deMrre to Funeral services at Boulevard are easily acces­ genuinely interested.” be remembered when you ore dis« GEORGE F. ROCK, President that Father Robert G. McMahon All Father Farrell’s life has not tributinf your potronage to the dif­ sible from any part of the city by street car or of St. Francis de Sales’ church (Continued From Page One) ferent Hats of bualnett. she passed that up for the quiet been spent propounding the 1 truths bus — only a few minutes from downtown. No will deliver the invocation at the of St. Thomas, althougn the class­ parking restrictions, no traffic confusion; ample joint opening evening service in of our study room. “ At 9:45 that evening we re­ room IS his proper milieu. For — Register Readers — the Silver Glade ballroom on Mon­ three years, from 1942-1945, modern equipm ent; experienced personnel day evening, Nov. 29, at 8 o’clock. cited the Rosary as we do every — Pro—Christmas—Offer thoughtful of e^ery wish. Regardless of the cost, night at the club. I don’t know Father Farrell served as a chap­ Gov. Lee Knous will greet the lain in the navy. Two of those 3 — SxlO’s one charge covers all and every service is com­ delegates and Dr. Florence Sabin, how many were here that evening; we never make any effort to keep years were spent as chaplain of $ 6 a C One Colored $ 6 .8 5 plete. There iite no unexpected extras. manager of health and charity for the aircraft carrier Yorktovm, Denver, will be the principal track, but there were quite a num­ 6 — 3x5’b ber of students present. At the which took part in many great bat­ GRand 1626 speaker. 1 — 8x10 finish of the Rosary, we recited tles in the Pacific with Task Force All Grades of Approximately 500 g^raduate the Memorare. 58. He modestly declines, how­ Black & White $ 5 .00 nurses, representing all counties ever, to speak of his war experi­ Lignite and Bituminous “ That was the last we saw with This Ki BOIILEVARD the state, will attend the con­ of her.” ences. “ Mine would pale beside Stoker Coals Open—-Sundayx-~JZ to 3 ference, the theme of which is “ The last hours of her life ere almost anybody else’s,” he says. “ Colorado’s Nursing Needs — A a lesson to every Catholic college He did not have time to push his Tftontuancf Professional and Public Responsi­ RAY COAL CO. student," asserted Father For~ favorite project of theology classes United Photo Studios bility.” MR8. JAS.P.McCONATY FEDERAL »t NO. SPEER syth. “ Prayer and tcork sho'tld for laymen in the heat of battle, Ttlislwsi TAksr M12 U21 Cfrtli tinti 1165 So. Penn PE. 4604 Ditnr, C«lini4t Because of the alarming short­ be the collegian's motto. It seems ut admitted that he had almost Atrsii IrsB Itir*! age of nurses and the current note that it is the ansuer to that daily “ bull aessions” with fellow army nurses’ recruitment pro­ prayerful phrase, ‘Pray for us of.'ioers and navy men about the gram, the conference is expected nou! and at the hour of our eternal truths of St. Thomas. to be one of the most important death.' The friendly Dominican is a na­ ever held. The program will be “ The Newmanites here remem­ tive of Chicago, where he was born divided into special sessions for ber that 50 times before she was in 1902. He was ordained in 1927 DWYER DRUG J 0 H I 1 5 D I 1 5 problems of nurses engaged in killed she repeated that phrase and earned his doctorate in Sacred public health work, private duty, and we have no doubt that the Theology in Fribourg in 1930. In I3T/II%I€E dustrial fields. Rotary Every Half-Hour ter of Sacred Theology. After a is DIFFERENT because it has Among the nationally known number of years as professor at Called for and speakers will be experts from the Father Forsyth recalled that, the Dominican house of studies in i B J O V l I V C t Office of Public Health Nursing when word was received about the Washington. D. C., he has been Delivered in Washington, D. C.; the Ameri- discovery of Miss Foster’s body, regent of studies for the Chicago Wines — Beers, Etc. n Nurses’ association in New many Catholic students without Dominican province since 1939, By Bottle or Caso For the Safely of Your Goods York, and from the school of any su^estion went to the New­ except for the three years he spent ' JXyC-* nursing at Washington univer­ man club chapel and said the in the navy. 1400 S. Broadway' Rosary every half-hour, from 5 Use Johnson Service on Every Move r* sity, St. Louis, Mo. Listening to Father Farrell for a to 10 p.m. that same evening. short while, one quickly becomes RA. 2405 AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN UNES, INC. “ Surprisingly enough, the stu­ convinced that we need more Joe Dwyer **TO AND reOM EVERYWHERE’' dents pray also for the murderer, Herman Lidke f # ' amateur theologians. After all, Trappist Abbot whoever he may be. I hare in- STORAGE - PACKJCVG - SHIPPING // 'ti the dictionary defines “ amateur” sisted on that from the very as one who “ cultivates a particu­ Phone PE 2433 Denver 221 Broadway Denver Visitor beginning, that we pray for him lar pursuit, study, or science, from "J and every sinner who seeks taste or inclination.” mercy in the face of the justice (Continued From Page One) of God. :vw.- salesman and a prominent Cath­ “Miss Foster’s death had a very Students Will Pray '>>( \ olic Actionist in Chicago. He will sobering effect, naturally, upon be known as Brother Mary Moses all the students, but there is not SPECIAL PURCHASE SAVINGS! “ A combination of the new Law the slightest indication of hysteria. For Chino on Dec. 3 and the old,” the Abbot said. The number receiving the sacra­ ments every morning has increased ABBEY CENTENARY by quite a few. (Continued From Page One) IS THIS DECEMBER t^MAGINE yourself sitting INSIDE a circle The Newman club in Boulder the Catholic students of America > 3 4 ■The centenary of the Geth- as their special mission project. R e g . ’ <• S u i t s of hot radiators! You’d soon feel pretty well semani abbey will occur Dec. 21 has also received a startling num­ ber of letters from other Newman The university, a true center of “cooked." But if you sat D O W N on a radiator, and the public celebration will be clubs throughout the nation, Catholic and Oriental culture, Crease-resistant held next June. The foundation found it possible to keep operating the application of heat would be decidedly con­ was made from Melleray, Ireland. stressing the fact that they con tinue their prayers both for Miss on a large scale throughout the all-wool worsteds, centrated, The same principle applies to Mon­ The Trappists are so called from Foster and for her murderer.” years of the war and the post-war sharkskins and arch’s exclusive side heat cooker. Monarch’s side the Cistercian Abbey of La Surviving Miss Foster are her years. Now the city is practically S Trappe, France. Founded in 1140 heat actually “wraps” the heat around the food parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Fos­ overrun by refugees from'North twists! 4 3 “ at Citeaux, the order relaxed its China, occupied by the Reds. Ap­ — speeds cooking - tenderizes more thoroughly ter; two brothers, Elmer B. of strict rule until the Abbot de Cheyenne, Wyo., and Joseph W. proximately 1,000 Catholic mission­ — and bakes rather than stews. N o need to stir Ranee returned to the rule in of Greeley; eight sister^ Mrs. aries and more than 2,000,000 Youthfully styled single and double breasted models in 1664. The Trappists spread — foods do not stick to bottom! Edna Pegler, Mrs. Alma Thomas, Chinese refugees have wandered neat patterns and stripe|. Choose from wanted shades throughout Europe and were com' and Mrs. Ruth Brecher, all of into the city in recent weeks. What of blue, tan, grey, and brown. All sizes, regulars, longs, bined in 1892 as the Order of Cis­ Cheyenne; Mrs. Ann Wilcox of the fate of the city will be no one slvsrts and stouts. tercians of the Strict. Observance Greeley, Mrs. Gertrude Dipple of knows, but the Catholic students with their mother-house at Cl Evansville, Ind.; Mrs. Mary Sau- of Denver are well aware of the teaux. The monks work at hard der of Keenesburg, Colo., and fact that prayers and financial manual labor for three and one Margaret and Helen Foster, both support are urgently required in half hours a day, and pray for of Greeley. times of such stress such as this. seven and one-half. They abstain REG. 949.50 VEIVETIAN COVERT Solemn Requiem Mass was sung Sunday's meeting was presided from meat, fish, and eggs and, at over by the Rev. Deacon Jack Ay- times, observe strict fast. There Monday at 9 o’clock in St. Peter’s church, Greeley, with Father Free- ward of S t Thomas’ seminary, are Trappist houses in all parts of newly elected president o f the con­ the world. • gel as celebrant; Father Forsyth, TOPCOATS N*o« m deacon; and the Rev. Robert Hoff­ ference. Bill Nadon o f the Cathe­ Abbot Fox said that the Trap dral high school was elected Sun­ pist abbeys in the United States man, of S t Peter’s, subdeacon Deluxe Venetian Burial was in Greeley. day to nil the unexpired term of Joe help to support the European and Kuchor, vice president who was Covert, the finest Asiatic foundations by material aid forced to give up his position be­ .5 0 and by the Mass stipends they re CPTL Post Presidents cause of going to school out o f the covert available! * 3 9 ceive. Any of the abbeys will wel- Denver area this year. Miss Joan come stipends for this purpose. ■ t I To Install Officers Eoelbert of S t Francis de Rales Fly-front styles with Bal collars in choice school is secretary of tiie con­ ference. of set-in. or raglan sleeves. Tan, teal, The Denver Catholic The newly elected officers of brown and blue in regular, long and the Past Presidents’ Social club of Register the CPTL will be installed at the Negro-White Gospel Art short sizes! Washington.— “ The skills of all Published Weekly by the meeting Dec. 1 by Mrs. Alfred H Rampe. The following will serve human beings are ^ t a from God CatboUo Frees Sodety, ln& for the coming year: Presiden' and the council thinks it just as. SAME COAT WITH ZIP-IN 938 Bannock Street, Denver, Mrs. A. Rossi, Welby; first vice instructive to show what the UNEVG. REG. 859.50 Colo. president, Mrs. Fred H.,Kemme Negro thinks and paints about the Sobscrlptioni |1 Per Tear Cathedral; second vice president, Gospel story as what the V^ite RtMt HIRE ate tbrM liiibM yen can preporn better Entered as Second Class Matter Mrs. C. J. Haley, Annunciation; man does,’’ tho Catholic Inter­ at the Post Office, Denver, treasurer, Mrs. John Ryan, St. racial Council said in connection .5 0 md «ere tcenemlcalty wHb "Side-Htet/ nn Colo. Dominic’s: secretary, Mrs. Albert with an exhibit of contemporary * 4 9 MONARCH'S liectHc Renfe Medcl IMP, Rotola, Mt. Carmel; and historian religious sculpture on display at Mrs. G. Harris. the art department of the (Cath­ Or. 6 . J . Mrs. W. £. Robinson, Annun olic university. Fourteen pieces by elation, presented the Annuncia­ Negro and White sculptors are on tion high school girls’ glee club in display. Sehassble a delightful paiiormance at the meeting Nov. 10. Grave Blankets and Optometrist Sacred Heart past presidents will be hostesses for the meeting Cemetery Wreaths i l l SpedalUt Dec. 1 at 12:30 p.m. in the Gath Silver Crosses $ 1 . Ea. oiic Charities annex, £. 17th and ENGLEWOOD'S FURNITURE STORE For VUnal Order Nok for Thanksgiving C U f t f l U m m Grant street. A Christmas pro­ IBfln’S SIORE.STI SmEIRII Eya Cara gram of community singing UEB'S FLOWERS 3405 SO. BROADWAY PE. 4027 ENGLEWOOD planned. All members are urged 3 1 0 AUek Bldg. KE. 5 8 4 0 to be present W. 32nd A OnnoU CL. 0133 Thursday, Nor. 18,1948 OHiea, 938 8onnoek THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTE.R Tela phone, KEyitone 4205 PAGE THREE Begins 1st Assignment Christmas Cards Johnson-Osborne J. J. CELLA INSURANCE To Value of 2 J Nuptials Held Marie A. Celia Jack J. Cell* Sold by Society At Holy Fam ily ''Insurance of All Kinds" 42 Year$ of Dependable Service in the Field where At a recent candelight ceremony *(St. iamet’ Pariih, Denver) Dependability is Essential. Sixty-seven members were pres­ in Holy Family church, Denver, Mrs. Jo Thaler Osborne b^ame the / ent in the last meeting of the Altar bride of John M. Johnson, Jr. The and Rosary society Nov. 12 in the Rev. William Jones officiated at 1120 Security Bldg. lYtb e Coui. Phone KE. 2633 Montclair Civic building. Mrs. the double-ring ceremony. Paul Fitzgerald. presided. Lunch­ The bride was given in marriage eon was served by Mmes. Constan­ by her brother, Ludwig Thaler. tine, Emge Kohles, and Sailer. Her maid of honor was her sister. Mrs. 0. J. Schmitt reported that Miss Amy Thaler, and bridesmaids more than $2,000 worth of Christ­ mas cards had been sold to date. were Mjs- E. F. Rodgers, another sister; Mrs. Albert E. Moor, Jr.; Cards, she announced, are still and Mrs. James L. Shea. Ushers LOOK AT YOUR INSULATION available in any quantity and were Ronald Thaler, brother of the WIIVTER TUIVE-LP quality. bride, and Edward Rodgers. Without insulation, your furnace is fighting ail outdoon! Miss Girardot announced tl\e $7.20 (Parts Extra) Mrs. Anna Thaler, mother of the • formation of two new circles, the Includea: Overhaul and remove carboi bride, wore blue with black acces­ Little Flower circle and an eve­ from carburetor, adjuit valvei, clean SAVE! A good job of insulation will pay for itself sories, and Mrs. J. M. Johnson, ning pinochle circle. Mrs. J. J. apark-plugi, adjust distributor points, mother of the bridegroom, chose in fuel saved— give you greater winter com­ Walsh gave an interesting report set timing, check generator . . . starter green. of the deanery meeting. Mrs. John . . . wiring . . . water-pumps . , . hose fort—^icrease the value of your home. A brunch was served to the Evers reported on the care of the FATHER T. EDWARD HOPPING (left), new chap­ and fan belt. bridal party and immediate fam- altars and announced that Mrs. lain at Lowry air force base, Denver, is being greeted by Free Pick-Up and Delivery | You can finance up to 90% of the of complete Constantine and Mrs. Van Dyke another Catholic chaplain at the field, Capt. Cornelius A. Sharbaugh. have charge of the sanctuary dur­ This is Father Hopping's first assignment. He entered the chaplains’ insulation on F^IA terms—take up to 3 years to pay ing November. corps Nov. 5. He was ordained in Cincinnati by Archbishop John T. in equal monthly instalments, at McNicholas in 1940. He has served at parishes in Cincinnati, Chilli- */ She also reported on the progress of the sewing circle, which is en­ cothe. New Lexington, and Columbus, all in Ohio.— (USAF photo) OCNVIR^ OLOIST CHCVtOUT OEAUR gaged in making new cassocks and THE I^ST A U IE M LOAIS DEPARTMENT surplices for the servers. New members welcomed at the meeting CAPACITY ATTENDANCE IS EXftCUD \ m CM l i e . 'The Bank to See for Loans' were Mrs. Thomas A. Dawson and 455 BROADWAY Mrs. G. F. Scheier. TELEPHONE PEARL 4641 • Auto • Signature The women of the Altar and Ro­ AT ST. VINCENT D f PAUL FESTIVAL sary society thank all who co-oper­ ' Title 1 Improvement Loans ated in making the games party (St. Vincent de Paul’s Parish, the first grade gave a s^ecial wel­ * FHA and Gl Home Loans of last week successful. A special Denver) coming *program. Representatives vote of thanks is given to the St. A capacity house is expected to of all the other class-es gave short ENVER James’ Men’s club. The committee take part in the annual turkey talks over the public address sys­ worked under the direction of Mrs tem. J. P. Reddick, chairman of ar­ party to be held in the school hall on Friday evening, Nov. 19. Six­ Installation of the pe-.manent rangements. teen turkeys, an electric refrigera­ public address system ’.s about Circle Entertained tor, and other articles will be put completed. Mr. and Mrs. Jarl Dire, who presented the origi'ial system c?25S2i) Mrs. Bruce Espy entertained the on display by the Boosters’ club. Deticer Garage Tekakwithka circle in her home at Loudspeakers have been installed with four speakers to tt e parish in 1437 California DOLLS ... DOLLS 2050 Oneida street, Nov. 9. A de­ in each of the school rooms and in 1941, have donated th« additional Hundreds to Choose From sert luncheon was served by the the hall, with a special return sys­ speakers and equipneni to have a THEATRE PARKING S5e hostess and the afternoon was tem for communicating with the speaker in each room, with the After 6:00 P.M. All Popular Makes — All Sizes spent in sewing. Mrs. Robert Schell microphone and ampli.'ier in the announcer from the upstairs rooms. —Corfield photo Psrk Inside— It Coets No More was elected the new captain. Members of the Holy Name society principal’s office. In addition to Doll Shoes, Socks and Wigs Jim Butler of St. Joeeph’s Parish The Holy Rosary circle held its and the Boosters’ club wil conduct its use in making announcements Mri, John M. Johnton, Jr. USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY November meeting in the home of the games. to the entire school, the system ilies. in the Olin hotel following Mrs. John Arnold, 1669 Newport will be used to present plays and St. Vincent de Paul’s division of the ceremony. A large reception entertainments every Friday after­ street. High score for the after­ KIRAY will meet Thursday, Nov. was held in the Hotel Cosmopoli­ noon went to Mrs. Snow and Mrs. noon in order to give the children A.B.C. DOLL SHOP 23, at 7 :30 p.m. in the school hall. tan from 7 to 9 p.m. A private re­ James. The next meeting will be a change to learn microphone and ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH The topic of the panel discussion ception was held in the home of Mr. and Mr». John McCourt held in the home of Mrs. Joe radio technique. The work of in­ will be ‘‘The Justice of God, and the bride afterwards. 1515 Arapahoe MA. 7617 Denver Casper, 1630 Newport street. stalling the system was done by the Mercy of God.” Panel leaders Miss Jane Grisdale, vocalist, was The Gloom Chasers club met in Thomas M. Smith, assisted by Frg'd accompanied by Miss Pat Satter- Washington Park Mkl. Rudisill IGA the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. will be Chester Preisser and Al­ Wenzinger. berta Dowd of South Denver high •.vhite at the organ. Red & White Food Store Fattor the evening of Nov. 6 for a Circle to Meet .Vfter a brief wedding trip, the Grocery & Market belated Halloween costume party. school, and Joe McCarthy and Mar­ BILL HUGHES, Prop. garet Lamansky of St. Francis de Our Lady of Victory circle will coiple are making their home in Q u a lity Meats — Groceries The following, in addition to the Denver. Ott gets a royal bird hosts, enjoyed the evening of Sales’ high school. meet in the home of Mrs. Henry Complete Food Service Freab and Frozen Fruits Bettinger, 1223 S. Columbine, or and Ve^tablea games and dancing: Mr. and Mrs New Pattor Feted 598 South Gilpin The pupils of the grade school Thursday, Nov. 18, at 1:30 p.m. tVa Approclata Your Patronaga Boyd Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Holy Rosary Parish PTA '‘It's Smart to Ba ThrUty" Loniiiana A Clayton SP. 5717 ...for YOU... Bartscherer, Mr. and Mrs. Martin gave an entertainment and wel­ for a dessert-bridge luncheon. Foley, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Grimes coming program in honor of Fa­ St. Vincent de Paul’s circle of Will Hear School Nurse Mr. and Mrs. John Leydon, Mr. ther Eugene A. O’Sullivan on Fri­ the Altar and Rosary society will and Mrs. James McConaty, Dr. day afternoon, Nov. 12. Members meet in the home of Mrs. J. Mor­ (Holy Rosary Parish, Denver) The firms listed here de­ gan Cline. 533 S. University, on The Holy Rosary PTA will meet LEN’S Pharmacy and Mrs. John Thompson, and Mr of the eighth grade presented a serve to be remembered and Mrs. Hugh Wallace. play. Our Lady of Fatima; the Tuesday,' Nov. 23, at 1 p.m. for a at 8 o’clock Thursday evening, L. C. FEHR. Prop. * Baptized Sunday were: Lorraine girls’ choir sang several songs, and bridge-luncheon. Nov. 18. The meeting will be in the Hemlxr 8L VIncant d« Paul’a Pariah when you are distributing Claire, infant of Mr. and Mrs. Leo ------The St. Bernadette troop of the school hall. The school nurse will Have Your Doctor Phone Ua Your Prescription your patronage in the dif­ Yes he does, he gets the fanciest, tcnderest extra A. Rohner, with Benjamin and Junior Catholic Daughters met give an instructive address dealing with the health of children. Fa­ ferent lines of business. special turkeys you ever tasted for your Thanksgiving din­ Agnes Deihl as sponsors; Phoebe Betty Moouro Wed Nov. 13 in the home of Mary Con­ 2707 E. Louisiana RA. 3739 Jane, infant of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ nors. The members of this troop thers and mothers are invited to At LooiBltna and Sootb Clarton ner at the old Navarre. ward J. Gutkowski, with Stanley are Karlyne Taylor, Rita Vigil, attend. Lunch will be served after the meeting. The receipts from last What gravy! What celery! What potatoes and all Okuniewski and Loretto Gutkow­ At St. Catherine's Elizabeth Minor, Shirly Fiori, ski as sponsors; Stephen Carliton, Katie Kumpell, Rosemary DuFell, month’s party, sponsored by the other good things! Exclamation . infant of Mr. and Mrs. Carliton Mwy Connors, Madonna Bischof- PTA, were given to the librar^-Af the fifth and sixth grades. BOIVNIE BRAE A glass of fine imported sherry, port or madeira A. MacMackin, with John and To Raymond Derzay berger, Elaine Brady, Kathy Mc­ Mary Delaney as sponsors; and Carty, Jeanette McDonald, Caro­ The promoters of the League of wine (if you want it) starts the meal. That’s included in the Sacred Heart will meet at 3:30 Mary Ellis, infant of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Betty Joan Moauro, daugh lyn Wathren, Georgene Kleinsch- George Hale, with James and Vera nitz, and Carol Partsch. A hike Sunday afternoon, Nov. 21. The Shopping District the price of this wonderful dinner. If space didn't cost so ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Mo-, meeting will be held in the church. Cudmore as sponsors. auro, became the bride of Ray­ and lunch were planned for the much we'd tell you more. A dinner meeting of the Ushers’ next social meeting, which will be Steve Machuga underwent a mond Derzay of Botte, Mont., re­ minor operation in St. Anthony’s A friendly atmosphere— happy people eat here. club will be held this Thursday in cently in St. Catherine's church, held in the home of Elizabeth Bonnie Brae SHOE REPAIRING I the D-X club, 1900 W 38th avenue. Minor Dec. 11. hospital. Come for Thanksgiving dinner. For sure. SPECIAL DIN­ Denver. The Rev. B. John Paolazzi DREG CO. Expart Work — Quality MatcrUla officiated. Rfaaonable Pricea — Prompt Servloa NERS FOR CHILDREN. Nursed Lepers ALFRED C. ANDERSEN, Ownar-Uantts' Mrs. Norma Moauro, sister-in- 'House of Knowledge' New Orleans.—Sister Jerome of Estes Pork Church law of the bride, was matron of Have TOur Doctor phone us Bonnie Brae the Daughters of Charity of St. rour Prescriptions Compleie dinner terved from honor, and the bridesmaids were Vincent de Paul, who was one of Shoe Repairing 12 noon to II p. m. Mrs. Rosemary Abling, Miss Gloria Is Unique Bookstore Beer, Wines, Etc. To Be Used Soon the early volunteers who nursed 766 Be. OnlaaraltT RA. U74 757 So. University Private dining roomi for larger groups De Rose, and Miss Mary Pizzinni. lepers at Carville, La., has died Diane Moauro was the flower girl. Denver now boasts one of the at the age of 86. (Continued From Page One) most unique bookstores between Reeommandtd by DUNCAN HINES churfh is mounting so high, already CONOCO PRODUCTS Preisser’s Red & White $65,000 has been expended on its Mont., brother of the bridegroom, voted entirely to the lore of the MING TREE MATERIALS THE was best man. The other attend­ construction—and because the local sciences, professions, and hobbies. or Made to Order Lobricatlnn, Car Washing, Batteries Grocery and Market i u f a / f w people have found H necessary to ants were Ernest Derzay, Norman Recharged\ Tire Vnicanizing Moauro, and Vincent Zarlengo. The ‘‘House of Knowledge,” the ALICE ASHBY, Designer FANCY MEATS. VEGETABLES. AND 1727 Tremont— MAln 6789 assume a financial burden far be­ interesting new retail outlet of BONNIE BRAE QUAUTY GROCERIES AT yond their own ability to meet, an Denver’s 'Technical Book and Sup­ LOWER PRICES appeal is still being made for help Talisman Flowers ply company at 1814 Stout street, CONOCO SERVICE Free Delivery SPmee 4447 in the form of contributions from CATHEDRAL PARISH does not deal in the romance of 2111 E. Virginia RA. 3388 724 So. University - PE. 9909 ZUI B. Ohie Aao. (So. Unlv. and Ohio) all those who make use of the fiction, but rather in that of track­ church during vacation periods ing down rare and elusive volumes When work is completed and the in every field of learning or avoca­ church is finally finished before tion. n For Christmas ~ next summer the 30 families of the Next to Clarkt'i Chireb Uoo^ This unusual bookshop origin­ M Give a Watch SOUTH GAYLORD parish will be faced with a deficit ated in the basement of the own­ of approximately $40,000. **fPhen in iot9 tpiriu caU jerry*' er’s home two years ago, inspired U Most Popular Makei The church, which will seat in by Mrs. James E. Noonan’s diffi­ A Saall Diaaill Will Halil aay Artldi Chopping District COirAntiOCOtH A 1634 Trenionl KE. 4,'>.S4 excess of 300 people, has been built BUT SHOP EABtY! Veuvee., Coio cult experiences in locating the KKEE DEI.IVt:KY KKEK PARKIN!. this large in order to accommodate Q strange texts in many fields of ir You Ara Thinking of GiYlng the thousands of visitors who come a Diamond Coma In and and knowledge which seemed to be the B se«Sea Ua First n KEPUTAULE DRUG to the region principally during Overstake's Pharmacy the eight weeks of the summer sea­ only acceptable gifts for her hus­ Mary Anne Bakeries STOKE son. They as well as any others in­ band. The idea grew into a career SULLIVAN'S I 1000 So. Gaylord RA. 4401 terested in the missionary needs pf of- “ book-finding” and technical Specialists In Have Your Doctor Phone service to people with strange Bonnie Brae Jewelry n : the church in the archdiocese are Us His Prescription I being asked to help. Contributions tastes for scientific literature, to HQ 1048 So. Gaylord SP. 6026 g PARTY PASTRIES 1624 S«. Garlard We Deliver may be sent in care of the Church local engineers, craftsmen, and t l Broadwag hobbyists. SP. 7413 PE. 7315 ar Uowtihin D en ver of Our Lady of the Mountains, We G itetiJ ;* ^ Green Stamps KKvttoiie 3217 P. 0. Box 431, Estes Park, Colo.

The firms listed here de­ Two Funerals Are Held Mrs. Raymond Derzay “ BOB’S IGA GAY LORP CLEANERS serve to. be remembered M. E. Patrick, Prop. In Church in Greeley The ushers were Dr. Charles Zar­ Are Your Real Estate Oeover. fela when you are distributing lengo, Dr. Roland Zarlengo, and plum/TAbore793 your patronage in^he dif­ Greeley.— Funeral services were Virgil Pizzinni. SUPER MARKET PE. 1350 ferent lines of business. held in St. Peter’s church here After the ceremony a wedding Meats - Groceries - Vegetables Tuesday morning, Nov. 16, for breakfast for the bridal party and Taxes Delinquent.^ Better Quality for Leu 3 Paul Edwin Grossaint, and on their immediate families took Wednesday morning, Nov. 17, for place in the home of Mrs. Linda SULLIVAN DAY Mrs. Rose A Bryson. Zarlengo, aunt of the bride. LOECHNER AND LYNCH, INC. Grossaint, service and sales Unpaid real estate taxes for the year 1947 are now de­ Paint & Supply The wedding dinner was held at FULL LINE OF PAINTS SERVICE PINK KUIOR COVKKINCS manager for the Surge Milkers 2 p.m. at the Woodlawn for the linquent and should he paid before the property is ad­ A Complela Ling of Hugs. Carpels and Linoleunu company in Greeley, died Nov. 14 CASSIDY HICKS WALLPAPERS bridal party, relatives, and cloae vertised for sale. We have made many loans to pay such 102.5 So. Gaylord Interior Dccoroltng Serrtee — Drapertea — Contran Work lovltad at Fitzsimons hospital, Denver. A friends. The reception was given Model Airplanes & Supplitt FR. .300H BVK BY APPoiNTMKNi 7501 E. GOl.KAX AVE jSeabee veteran, he is survived by in the home of the bride’s -par­ taxes and we invite you to call on i$s by phone or in 2219 E. Miatitaippi RA. 1925 IFe Give S. & H. Green Stamps "his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Grossaint, (MlMlMlppi at So Gaylord) ents, with 400 guests in attend­ person if we may be of service to you. Such loans are manager,of the Fashion Bar; his ance. iThe couple motored through parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gro.s- payable in convenient monthly payments.' HATHAWAY’S several Rocky Mountain states, Quality Cleaning saint of Greeley; and two broth­ spending the major part of their ers, Kenneth of Gfeeley and Ray­ SHOES FOR THE CITY LACE CLEANERS mond of Portland, Ore. three-week trip at Lake Louise, Washington Park 2625 Eait 3rd Ave. Phone DE. 6891 Mrs.- Bryson is survived by a Canada. They also visited the LOANS <3UICKLY AAADE ON bridegroom’s sister and brother- Cleaners Cartaini - Pillowa Carefulljt Cleaned and Kelnmcd Same Siie. Spaclal Cara daughter, Mrs. Florence McCuen ENTIRE FAMILY in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dehne, N. W. CHR18TEN89N Oiren Id Table Linene. Blanket! Laundered Without Shrlnkaft. of Denver; a son, B.'E. Bryson of Loioest Prices in Denver Greeley; a brother, Ceat Keegan at the Dehne orchard in Yakima, Autos, Furniture, Collateral, First and Second Mort­ 1087 S. Gaylord SP. 7898 WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Wash. Children’s Shoes $3.50 to $3.95 of Galesburg, 111.; and a. sister, gages on Improved Denver Real Estate and to salaried Mrs. Gertrude Casey of Quincy, 111. Out-of-town guests at the wed­ X-Ray Fitting employes on their plain note, without an assignment of NOB HILL INN ding included John Derzay, Mr. The firms listed here de­ CLARK’S FLOWERS and Mrs.'Walter Derzay, Mr. and wages and without notifying the employer. Cushioned Shoes 4ZB BAST COLPAl SAVE Vi ON YOUR Mrs. Ernest Derzay,*all of Ana­ serve to be remembered ^COMPLETE LINE OF COT PY.OWERS'' COCKTAILS conda, Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Health Spot Shoes AND POTTED PLANTS MEAT BIl,L when you are distributing Dehne of Yakima, Wash.; Frank We Also Buy Mortgages and C6ntracts KWa Dtllrci TA. U U y By Buying in Quantity SENDEL SHOE STORE Delicious Dinners Derzay of Bremerton, Wash.; and your patronage in the dif­ Floral Sprays and Coraacea Corapleta Proceaaii^ Service Miss Candida Galgani and Miss 1023 So. Gaylord RA. 5087 fCOLFAX OKIVE-IN USB E. COLFAX, HOT AND COLD LUNCHES ferent lines of business. • Steal Lockan Available Regina Galgani of Parkersburg, Toar Basinets la Appradatad Bart W. Va. , , KING'S FRIGID Mr. Derzay is a graduate of the The firms listed here de­ Montaria School of Mines and was JIM FURLONG serve to be remembered HatcheH Drug Store FOOD BANK listed in FTAo’s WAo tn Ameri- H A R D W A ^ ^Ttif Starf s< Quality sad Sarvlea’' ean Universities and Colleges. He I'Y REX WAKE. 81 LEX COFFEE MAEBR8 [omiiiunity floiuer' when you are distributing (Mr. 4 Mra. A. A, King, of served in the navy for more than 1735 Welton'St, . KEystone 2224 KEUTONE — UcML'BTBT PAINTS RV”prK 7 0 1 GRANT Cathedral Pariah) HOUSEHOLD WARE ^fnrn 1043 SOUTH GDYLORD ‘ your patronage in the dif­ 2041 So. University two years. He is employed as an JTulC PHONE SPruec73l8 ferent lines of business. Compounding praaeiiptioat la tlM eaosi engineer by the Anaconda Copper Open Daily 8:80 to 6:00; Saturdays Till 1 P.M. So. Gaylord Hdw. Go. Important port of our boalnata. PE. 3533 Mining company in Butte, Mont, where the couple are residing. 1055 So. Gaylord SP. S961 .VAN ZIMMSBUAN. AUnas* r .^

PAG I POUR Office, 938 B enneek Str««t THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Ti(Vphen«, KEyitont 4201 Thuridoy, Nov. 18, 1948; RIO ORAHVi Cathedral High Loretto Heights Girls Study Ballet Students Merit Honor Ratings (Cathedral High School, Danvar) STOCK UP NOW for the ENTIRE WINTER Cathedral students meriting the honor roll for the first quarter of with this specially prepared and carefully the school year are as follows; Senior!, room 1—Htlin Blyth, It points; Role Mery Broderick, It; La blended Stoker Coal that’s guaranteed metal- Verne Cert, IS; Mary Connor, 12; Ann FLOWERS MAKE YOUR Dohirty, It; Roiemerle Erger, It; Uer- gtret Kirchoff, 12; Htrgtret Kolbel, 12; freel Investigate our convenient BUDGET Hirrrittte McLuster, IS; Reethel Nfch- oli, IS: Lola Siegwerth, 12; Sally Smith, 12; Georgia Winter, 12; Gene DIguardi, PLAN that gives you six full months to pay. I t : HOLIDAY Senior room 2— Mery Abegg, 12; Lu­ No down payment is required. cille Conroy, 12: Sue Gannon, 12; Fran­ ces Glotibech, IS; Elaine Haley, 16; Rita HInel, IS: Jean Kohut, 12; Tereta Mantello, I t ; Beverly Miller, I t ; Shir­ ley Reynolds, 13; Norma Sibert, 12: HAPPIER mmmcioRswvi Donald Snapp, 12; Patricia Smith, 12; they Attended last week.'Here Meurisee Helm, young Marilyn Valley, 12; Lillian Vurovec, IS; LORETTO HEIGHTS college students in lump, egg and nut sizes in all the Mary Weber, IS; in the humanities class made a study of the Denver dance expert, is shown illustrating the baeic Juniors, room 3—Rote Maxone, IS; popular brands, both lignite and Barbara Barbato, It; Mary Elltabetb ballet in order to appreciate more fully the per­ ballet positions, with the aid of Mary Flanagan, Even, IS; Janet Miller, 18; John formances of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, which L.H.C. senior. Routt County, It: Eliiebeth Tabor, 13; Geraldine HW of lend. I t ; Junior!, room t — Miriam CunnInghajB, PINNACLE EMPIRE 12; Anna Marie D. Simone, 12; Jackie Mary O'Connor, Lie, IS; Rqbert Seiler, 18; Annual Turkey Party Set WAOGE HUWAY Junior!, room 7— Gtraldine Hamilton, 20; Roiemary McDermott, 18; Elltabetb Flowers mean festivity, frolics; fun I Let them join MOFFAT BLACK HAWK RIordan, 16; Donna Cutty, 18; Barbara Richard Casey in to make your holiday more festive. Visit The DemihkI, It; Elliabeth Driiilng, 12; By St. Catherine's HNS Rita Flanagan, 18: Dorothy Giritner, It: Bright Spot Flowar Shop for new and different Virginia Herrman, 12; Janice McGraw, (St. Catherine’s Parish, Denvar) Interest in the speech of the Arrangements . . . if not convenient to come in, call 13; Mery Louiie Vurovec, It; Berbers The annual turkey party, spon­ Very Rev. R. C. McCarthy, S.J., Betrothal Told Slismen, 12; Patricia Chtie, It; ut for auggestions . • . FR. 2745. Grandefuel& Sophomore!, room 6— Barbara Brod­ sored by the Holy Name society as attracted a large attendance at erick, 12; Eugene Cavalierl, 12; Ed­ its major affair of the year, will the meeting, including Ed Floyd Mrs. Matthew G. O’Connor an­ ward Glenn, 12; Mary Quayhagen, 16: be held in St. Catherine’s hall Mon­ and Leo Stevens. The Rev. D. A. nounces the engagement of her Margaret Quayhagen, 16; day evening, Nov. 22, at 8 o’clock. Lemieux, pastor, also addressed the Sophomore!, room 10 — Marlene daughter, Mary Alice, to Richard The O’Leary, IS; Barbara Pritchard, 13: John Merkl, chairman of the com­ members. Diane Sullivan, 12; Margaret Waggener, mittee for the social, announces Mrs. D. F. Malone, health chair­ D. Casey. Miss O’Connor it a grad 12; Betty Higgins, 12; uate of Holy Family high school Sophomores, room 18— Bernlci Wrobel, that 60 broad-breasted turkeys and man, introduced Miss Cavalieri, Bright Spot Flower Shop 12; Haiel Arnold, 18; John Glenn, 12; fine hams will be on display. In visiting nurse for the school, and Albert Petrone, 13; preparation for the social, the Miss Ellen PurDue of the Visiting Freshmen, room 9— Eileen Andrews. 6th Are. at Josephine It: James Arnold, 12: Bitty Coffman, chairman requests men volunteers Nurses service, who explained the FR. 2745 It: Patricia Courtney, It: Myma Deer- to be present in thte hall Sunday school health program. She asked ing. It; Jerry Cusack, 16: Patricia Foley, morning, Nov. 21, at 10 o’clock to the mothers to be present during 12; Mary Louiie Htyes, IS; Gordon with the arranging of chairs Lockett, 16; Jackie Noll. 12: Ann Marie the health examination of their O'Connor. 12; and decorations for the party. Spe-Sp child«n. This is important to both Freshmen, room 11— Mircia Vaughn. cial attractions also will be on diis- doctor'and child. I t : Beatrice Maroney, I t ; Judith Milan. play. 12; Eileen Dolan, 12; Mary F. Boyle. Mrs. J. A. Foley, president, pre­ It; Jeanine Olson, 12: Those in charge of the turkey- sided and expressed her appreci­ Freshmen, room 12— Neal Koch. 16; party this year are in hopes that ation to Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Des Jean McGraw. i t : Michael O’Donoghue. MAKE THAT HOLIDAY 12; and Jeanne Roach. 12. it will come up to the record set Moineaux for making the very last year, when the crowd of about Sixth Grade Leada Conteit attractive meeting invitations each BEAUTY APPOINTMENT Results of the contest to aid 1,000 patrons made it necessary month. the Ford project show grade to use both the hall and the down­ Deanery Meeting Reported stairs cafeteria for seating. NOW-AYOiD THE RUSH six has recently wrested the Mrs. J. Langer gave a report on lead from grade three of the grade PTA to Hold Cookie Sale the recent deanery meeting and an­ school which held the top slot St. Catherine’s PTA will feature nounced that gifts of toys, old and during the initial week of the a cookie sale with the coming card new, will be received in the school contest. Also leading in this con­ party Friday, Nov. 19, at 1 p.m. library for the next two weeks to test is room five of the Grant Mrs. C. F. DesMoineaux, cookie be given to the children at Fox and street building. , ihairman, announces that she will Vail centers. Rene Fred Bartholomew of th e be in the cafeteria all Friday morn­ The sixth grade mothers served seventh grade of Cathedral was ing to receive the cookies. refreshments with Mrs. J. M. guest on the radio program At the recent PTA meeting the Anslemo and Mrs. Frank LaBate Party” at 1 :30 o’clock sisters were presented with a beau­ as hostesses. iiouse of Beauty Tuesday afternoon. tifully arranged pantry shower, Baptized this past week were Mary Alice O’Connor EXPERT HAIR STYLIST Newly- elected mission repre­ given by the members. Carol Ann Colacci, daughter of Mr. sentative for the year is William and Mrs. Albert G. Colacci, with and now Is engaged in designing Nadon, ’49. Arthur Calabra and Eileen Routs and dressmaking. Beauty in all its Branches Talent Show Slated Queen's Daughters as -sponsors; Robert Roy Paglias- Mr. Casey, son of Attorney and A talent show, sponsored by the otti, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs. John H. Casey of Casper, 3333 East Colfax Phone E.4st 4048 student council, will be held Mon­ Moore as sponsors; David Ran­ Wyo., served with the navy in the day, Nov. 22, in Oscar Malo hall. Meet at Convent dolph Hein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ Pacific during the war. Upon his A $5 prize will be offered to the bert Hein, with Floren De Salvo return he received his pre-legal student exhibiting the best talent. and Mrs. Helen Stecklein as sffcn- training at Regis college, and at Contestants for this show are The Queen’s Daughters enjoyed the hospitality of the Sisters of sors; and David George Brienza, the present time is attending the Verleen Brown, accordion; Cecilia son of Mr. and Mrs. George University of Denver law school. Ducharme, singer; Richard Mix, the Good Shepherd at the convent in Denver Sunday, Nov. 14, at 3 Brienza, with Mr. and Mrs. John The wedding will take place on PAY ONLY 3.00 DOWN pianist; Beverly Miller, pianist; Dyer as sponsors. Dec. 27. Jeannine Milliken, comedienne; p.m. Kathy McGlothlen, comedienne; The hostesses were Mmes. Flor­ Michael Schnick, clarinet; Ralph ence Ginn and Blanche Osbourne McKay, magician; and Betty Spit- and Misses Lila O’Boyle, Minnie Monstrance Is Donated 3.00 MONTHLY! tell, tap dancer. Pavella, and Lillian Anthony. Bob Lamirato will be the master Miss Marie Kreiner, president, To Christ, King Parish of ceremonies. thanked her committee for the re­ /I cent successful card party. Miss (Christ the King Parish, Denvar) be home for the Thanksgiving holi­ Community Theater Sets Barbara Bach gave a report on the October Deanery meeting at St. Louis’ parish of Louisville days. Among these are Miss Opening Date on Nov. 20 which the Queen’s Daughters and has presented Father John Scan- Eleanore Grannell, the daughter the Catholic Women’s Press club nell with a beautiful monstrance Lakewood’s Conununity theater for the chapel. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grannell, were joint hostesses. Mrs. Eliza­ who is at^tending Colorado univer­ will stage its first production next beth Donahue represented the The Men’s club of Christ the Saturday, Nov. 20, in the Lakewood King parish met in the rectory sity. Miss Grannell will have as her Queen’s Daughters. Miss Bach guest Miss Shirley King of high school auditorium. The cur­ Nov. 10. Leo Freemont, Scotty gave an account of the talk of Sis­ Arkansas. tain-raiser will be a two-act com­ ter Marie Carmel of Loretto Glover, Art Davis, E. 0. Nord, Alec edy with a gay ’90s flavor: The. Heights college on the reading of Keller, Dan Ryan, and Dr. P. G. Miss Suzanne Brubeck, the Face That Only a Mother Could worthwhile books, and also report­ Cronin were appointed a publicity daughter of Mrs. Albert de Bey, Love, or, Thar’s Gold in the Rocky ed on the request of the deanery committee to assist Father Scan-, will come from Fort Collins for the Mountain Ditch. for toys and games for the centers nell in the building program and Thanksgiving holidays. , • Tickets are 75 cents for adults, supported by the deanery. other publicity for the parish. Mrs. Anthony Karpisek of 820 and 35 cents for children. They may Miss Ida Kirwan introduced the The Altar society will hold its Cherry street is confined to her be purchased at the door or at the guest speaker, Father Julius Fecher monthly meeting in the home of home owing to illness. Rockley Music store in Lakewood. of the Precious Blood Fathers of Mrs. John J. Campbell, 416 Dahlia Mrs. H. j! Ballard of 884 Dayton, 0., and an assistant at St. street, Nov. 26. As there will be street has been called to California Francis de Sales’ parish, who spoke no meeting of the socie^ in De­ because of the death of her mother. on the necessity of parents assum­ cember, Mrs. John R. Hamilton, Bagging your deer sometimes has ing their responsibility in handling president, hopes for a large at­ its dancer side, as Frank J. Bruno the youth problem. tendance. To provide dishes for the will attest. He got his deer, but Benediction followed in the use of the society, each member is sustained a fractured arm on his CLEANERS I. DYtRS chapel after which the guests pro­ asked to donate a plate (salad recent hunting trip. It -will be In ceeded to the refectory where re­ size), a cup, and a spoon at this a cast for several weeks. John snd LlIIlu Nscl freshments were served by a group meeting. Mrs. Hamilton suggests of the girls of the home economics dishes from your surplus supply; Personal Attention Given class. This was followed by a pro­ they need not match. Mrs. E. A. gram of singing and dancing by Williams, hospitality chairman, an­ Your Garments some of the girls of the school in nounces the following as hostesses (fbtf SAoitM 8 t Prompt PIckap snd Dsliviir Ssrvics the recreation hall. for this meeting; Mrs. Arthur J. Davis, chairman; assisted by PHONE GL. 0228 Mmes. John F. Conway, Sr,; Jack BUY "6. E." OR "SIMMONS" New President Presides M. Driscoll, and C. P. Gabelman. 3160 Tejon Cor. 32nd At Tejon Five Circles Report ELECTRIC BLANKETS for Your Own ^ As Study Club Meets The Little Flower circle enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. 0. J. Arm­ Comfort and for the Favorite Names Mrs. Mary Dalton Walsh enter­ strong in her home Nov. 9. Mrs, On Your Christmoi Gift Liitl tained the La Kota Study club of T. Raymond Young received the Denver with a dessert luncheon high award. Mrs. P w y Lancaster, in her home Nov. 11. Miss Nora Mrs. M. F. Miller, aifd Mrs. D. F. Pay only $3.00 down . . . $3.00 monthly for each OAK DESKS Brophy, the new president, was in Hambrick were welcomed as guests. charge. This circle will not hold a meeting blanket ordered! Beautiful, colorful blankets that Because the season of Advent in December. « and the Feast of the Immaculate Mrs. Albert de Bey entertained € 1 provide warmth without weight . . . assure you of Conception are drawing neaa sev­ the members of our Lady of perfect sleeping comfort. Just one blanket to moke WALNUT DESKS eral articles on the Blessed Virgin Fatima circle in her home Nov, were read: “ Protestants Praise 9. There will be no meeting of this up on the bed . . . just one to launder. The Mary," with poetical quotations circle in December. from Wordsworth, Kipling, Long­ St. John’s circle met in the home AMERICAN'S convenient term plan mokes it possible fellow, and Browning, etc., by of Mrs. Alfred O’Meara, Jr., for for you to enjoy the comforts of an electric blanket METAL DESKS Father Henry J. 'Cromey, O.M.I., luncheon and bridge Nov. 11. Only you can and "The Angelus,” by Father Bridge honors went to Mrs. Wil­ right now! It's the ideal Chirstmas gift, too! Real Lehel, SJ. A short history of liam H. Sanders, Jr., and Mrs. the Angrelus was also given. Robert J. Stewart. Mrs. Sanders, Miss Anne O’Neil read a num­ Mrs. Stewart, and Mrs. Jack Mur­ give your picture Illuftroted Simmons "Electronic" Blanket ber of interesting clipoin^s from phy were welcomed as guests. MATCHING papers on the recent election and Mrs. William Vaugnn enter­ Full Sixte...... 41.87 Federal Tax Included other current events. tained the members of Ave Maria Other members of the club pres- circle Nov. 10. Guests welcomed CHAIRS ent were Mmes. Theodore- Kittle- were Mrs. Dudley Taylor, Mrs. Dan Bring your map ihot in G. E. Automatic Blankets (not pictured) son, J. A. Peterson, W. J. Mc- Miller, Mrs. John Theno, and Mrs. William Miller. Bridge honors were Twin Sixe...... - ...... 39.95 Federal Tax Included Gettigan, J. J. O’Neil, Sam H. early. Time it short. V f Weber, and Justa Sanchez. Mrs. awarded to Mrs. Milton Koser and Joseph M. Ryan was special guest Mrs. Dudley Taylor. The next Full Size...... 41.95 Federal Tax Included of the afternoon. meeting of this cfrele will be in the Mrs. Frank X. Krabacher is in home of Mrs. H. P. Kalamaya, 845 Most Complete Line of Choice of colors: blue, rose, cedar, green California for several months’ visit S. Pearl street, Nov. 24. CALI with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Fred Houck received the Photographic Equipment in Sullivan. i honor award at the first meeting of St. Ann’s circle in the home of Denver / Mrs. James ^udmore, Nov. 9. The regular meeting date of this circle Commercial -Draperies will be the first Friday of every \ month. of All Types Mrs. John R. Hamilton and Mrs. For Homeo, GiurcKes, Perry Lancaster took an active Products part in the recent rummage sale •> Sehoola, 'Tfaeatera, Etc. conducted by the Mothers’ auxiliary We SaedeBts la of Boy Scout troop 146. The sale 170 7 Lawrence St. provided a substantial sum which PADDING KNEHERS will be used to purchase additional In Fort Collins, fer ChercliM TSrenaheet Celende equipment for tne scouts. DEXTER 1551 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Schultz 211*229 Linden St TA 2990 Witaschek Drapery Co. will have as their guests for a few 7023-30 EAST COLFAX IMS Biyut Bt. D savn days Mr. and Mrs. George Cowton DENVER 7, COLORADO In Colorado Springs, 106*108 N. Tejon Phone* GR. S488 and GR. 0320 of Grand Island, Neb. A number of the eoUage set will Thurtday, Nov. 18« 1948 Office, 938 Bannock Street TH8 D8NVI8 CATHOLIC RIGISTER Telephone, KEyetene 4105

Classes Scheduled Denver Chapter of ACCN Turkey Forty Set DR. JAMES P. For All Initiates By Redemptorist GRAY Sets Gathering Nov. 17 Optometrist By Sodality Union Parish on Nov. 22 rtSOAL CAM (Archdiocaaan Council of Catholic orado State Nunes’ association EYES EXAMINED THANKS BE TO OOD Nnr*a«, Danvar) convention. The Deliver Archdiocesan Par­ The executive board ,committee (St. Joseph’s Redemptorist Parish, VISUAL TRAINING ish Sodality union met in the FOR EVERY BLESSING The Denver chapter of the ACCN met Nov. 16 in the K. of C. hall. Denver) Knights of Columbus hall Nov. will meet in Mercy hospital Thurs­ Mrs. Sally Morrissey was elected Thanksgiving turkeys can be OptometrUt 9. "fte meeting was preceded by a day, Nov. 17, at 8 p.m. The bylaws obtained by coming to St. Joseph’s Following the harvest­ as a new board member to fill the 212-18 Colo. Bldg., 1616 Calif. St. dinner, attended by approximately will be presented by Committee unexpired term of Miss Helen turkey games party Monday eve­ 30 members of various parish so­ Chairman Charlotte Stack, and ning, Nov. 22. There will be spe­ time custom established by O’Connell. Sister Hiagolina and Phon* tot Appointmant dalities throughout the city. the report of the nominating com­ Sister Miguel also were elected as cial games to make the evening TA. 8883 our Pilgrim forbears, we The Sodality union will sponsor mittee will be presented by Chair­ new board members. Mrs. Mary interesting and enjoyable. Every­ a series of four instruction classes, man Katherine Scharping, Burke, chairman for Methods to one is invited and asked to bring reverently return thanks to which are regularly required for Miss Mary Walker, RN, direc­ Shorten Business Meetings, pre­ a neighbor. Games will begin ai admittance into the Sodality of tor of American Red Cross in this sented a concise report on now 8 o’clock. God for the most abundant Our Lady. A series of eight classes area, will give the changes in this may be accomplished. The A vote of gratitude is due to is usually required, but it was de­ policy of the American Red Cross. the Garramone girls, Marie, Lo- WE INVITE YOU TO A DELICIOUS yield in our history of field, same report will be igiven at the cided to combine two classes for Persons who need or can supply meeting of the Denver chapter retto, Rosemary, and Florence, for orchord, herd, and mine. each period and complete the' in­ transportation are asked to call set for Thursday evening, Nov. all the ■ work done in preparation struction class in four periods. Mrs. Helen Mahoney,nev, DE. 0937; 18. It is Mrs. Burke’s promise for the buffet supper which was THANKSGIVING DINNER All those intending to join any Mrs. Doris Jay, D£. 2669; Mrs tendered by Father Harry Smith As we gather with our fam­ that after the first of the year, Complete With All parish sodality, as well as all E. Baker, EA. 4462; or Mrs. Dor- meetings will be terminated at and the Redemptorist Fathers to ilies on Thanksgiving Day, those who are already members of thea Hoell, EA. 1126. 9:30 p.m., if recommendations of all who worked on the bazaar and The Holiday TrimmingB parish sodalities, are urged to at­ contributed to ita success. No for­ we gratefully acknowledge Nominating Group Meats the committee are adopted by the tend these classes. All parish pre­ The nominating committee of the council. mal invitation was issued, but the chairmen of the committees called $ 1 . 8 3 God as the source of all our fects should endeavor to have ac­ Denver chapter met Monday in the Mrs. Esther Morrison, a convert tive members and prospective and an active nurse in civic af­ their workers and invited them SIO Bests 10« Psrklnf Gsrsys K. of C. hall. Those present were personally. If anyone was over­ blessings. members attend. the chairman, Catherine Scharp­ fairs, was chosen chairman of the Clsitd Mondsyt Next Doer The classes will be held on Sun­ party to be given in honor of looked, the chairmen are sincerely ing, and Mrs. Pauline Woolman, sorry, for every effort was made day afternoons from 3 to 4 p.m., Eleanor Hager, Lucille Rupl, Ruth Mrs. Kitty Miller on her 80th beginning Sunday, Nov. 21, in birthday, to be held at Mercy to contact all who gave of their Gibbs, Mrs. Mary Baker, Sister time and effort to make the bazaar Holy Ghost hall. The Rev. Fred- Mary Jerome, Sister Barbara Ann, hospital Dec. 21. Mrs. Miller is Golden n Lantern ericK McCallin, sodality moder­ a success. and Father John Regan. Grade School Team Party ator, will conduct the classes. The 1265 Bdwy,, Near 13th Ave. Restaurant KE. 12104 material to be used as instruction The Cana living room finlt was Plans are being made to have a material will be taken directly inaugurated in the home of Mrs. father and son party to honor the from the sodality manual issued Earl Baker, 930 Magnolia street, members of St. Joseph’s grade by the sodality central office in Nov. 12, with 133 nurses and hus­ school football team. The only loss Horan 8c Son Chapels St. Louis, Mo. bands present. The group has of the team was to St. Vincent’s 1000 ORNAMENTAL EVERGREENS Action has been initiated by chosen as a regular meeting date orphanage. George Koeni^c trained KLyctona 6297 KEystone 6298 the Sodality union to affiliate all the second Friday of the month. the boys and worked with them LANDSCAPE SIZE 1527 Cl«veland Ptaca local sodalities with the Prima The next meeting will be held hard and patiently. Everblooming ROSES and Primaria— the Central Sodality— Friday, Dec. 10, in the home of Ticket sales for the PTA card BLAZE the Climber, in Rome. Necessary forms have Mrs. Bette Fanger, 1822 Franklin party and bake sale indicated that Choice of 3-Year, 4-Year, and been forwarded to various sodality street. Father Gregory Smith and It will be a huge success. 5-Year Fruit Trees. Father John Regan, director, will Let One of Our Trained Landscape Deilgnera Help prefects for completion, a n d SoUinn Novana Bagini Nov. 30 You to Beautify Your Grounds should be returned to the Sodality discuss the marital responsibilities Novena sermons in the 26th an­ PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY WITH ONE OF OUR union president. Miss Catherine of husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. nual solemn novena to Our Lady EIGHT STYLES OF FENCES—IN WOOD. STEEL O’Brien, upon completion. Lee Elliott, 2626 W. Byron place, of Perpetual Help, beginning Nov. AND RUSTIC PINECRAFT were elected as prefects of the 30, will be given by tne Rev. An­ ‘Miss Denver U.’ Chosen group at the first meeting. drew Oehm, C.SS.R. The Square 8 club commenced Topics will include; Tuesday, At Banquet of Students activities at St. Philomena’s school Nov. 30, “ Mary and Faith;” Miss Mary Lou Damascio of hall Nov. 10 with 56 nurses, hus­ Wednesday, Dec. 1, “ Mary and a s . 3311 W. Clyde place, Denver, was bands, and friends present. Eight Hope;” Thursday, Dec. 2, “ Mary named Monday night as '‘Miss squares enjoyed the evening of and Charity;” Friday, Dec. 3, Our SPRINKLING SYSTEMS University of Denver” at the an­ dancing. This group is one oI the “ Mary and Purity;” Saturday, are “ RAIN'S ONLY RIVAL” nual banquet of the Associated Denver chapter’s social highlights Dec. 4, “ Mary and Home;” Sun­ Women Students in the Shirley- and any nurse wishing to join the day, Dec. 5, “ Mary and the Priest­ Savoy hotel. club may call the chairman. Mar­ hood;” Monday, Dec. 6, “ Mary and Rocky Mountain Nurseries Denver's Largest Dealer Miss DamascTo, daughter of Mr. guerite Cowan, FR. 7606. Mr*. Either Morriton Holy Communion;” Tuesday, Dec. and Mrs. John L. Damascio, was 7, “ Mary and the Mass;” and OFFICE SALES YARD Phone The group will meet every two the oldest nurse in the ACCN. 1585 Bellaire St. 4141 East Colfax Ava. FRemont 2862 “ After All, lt*s Service That Counts** also awarded the special scholar­ weeks at St. Philomena’s school Wednesday, Dec. 8, “ Mary, Our ship and service key of Phi Chi Mrs. Morrison and her husband Mother.” hall at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 24, successfully operate a home for Theta, honorary scholastic so­ will be the next Square 8 club Devotions will be held at 3 p.m., boys at No. 9 Pearl street for 7:30 p.m., and 8 p.m. daily. MAIN rority. date. This is a beginners’ square 9 9 The “ Miss University of Den­ those unfortunate ones not having Mass will be offered on week­ 6%^ 1335 Broadway 1314*1338 Acoma dancing group. It is conducted by a home. Mrs. Morrissey, besides ver” title an annual award made Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Bushnell. days at 6, 7, and 8 o’clock, and on 'Why Pay More’ to the outstanding senior woman being an active member of the Sundays at 5:30, 7, 8:30, 10, and « On Civic Center 31 1 1 The fee for the first five lessons Ozanam club, and the Public student. is 55. After completion of the 11:30 o’clock. (Trademark) Health nurses’ group, succeeds in On December 8, the Feast of FAVORS RECEIVED initial five lessons, the charge will giving her time to the Denver be 50 cents per couple. the Immaculate Conception, a holy A Register reader wishes to ac­ chapter as a member of the Spirit­ day of obligation, Masses will be knowledge with heartfelt thanks Luncheon Fete Scheduled ual Life club. She and her husband at 5:30, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11:30 WM. W. MYER DRUG STORES RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. two extraordinary favors received The third annual luncheon are members of the newly o’clock. The 9 o’clock Mass is a COMPANY through Our Lady of the Sacred given by the members of ACCN to formed Cana living room unit Solemn Mass. Colorado Otvned Stores Heart and Conqueror of the Im­ honor the nurses of the Colorado Confessions will be heard daily GENERAL TIRES possible. State Nurses’ association will be during every Mass and after every Englewood 800 Santa Fo Dr. hold Wednesday, Dec. 1, at tiie Fathers Are Guests novena devotion. 30 South Broadway 15th and California Shirley-Savoy hotel. Sally Mor­ Solemn closing of the novena General Batteries rissey. program chairman, has will be held at every devotion on 3933 W. Colfax promised an interesting and Of Club at Academy Dec. 8. G E N E R A L I r e c a p p in g worth-while program. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, as The St. Mary’s academy S9UEECEE J ’^7," RENOVATED in previous years, will honor the Mothers’ club, Denver, met Nov. I am a . ^ Used lires nurses with his presence. An­ 15 at 8 p.m. Mrs. C. A. Freuden- ^;j£lYve AIWOIJNCEMENT other guest will be Col. Mary Phil­ stein presided. The fathers of the lips of the army nurses’ corps, girls were guests of honor. The Rt. G.T.A.C. Easy Pay 1401 W. Colfax TA 6604 the only woman colonel in the Rev. Monsignor John R. Mulroy, of interest to army and a daily communicant. guest speaker for the evening, gave “ Role of Christian Nurse” will an interesting talk on displaced Professional People^ * Engineers * Designers be the topic of discussion for the persons. Creation guest speaker. Father Maurice E. Sister M. Georgetta, superior and Scientists * Craftsmen * Mechanics * Sportsmen Powers, C.S.C., major. United principal of the academy, welcomed 1 am a Seersucker States army. Ft. Leavenworth, Cleaning at its Best the fathers on behalf of the and Waihable Hobbyists * Gift Buyers Kans. Chaplain Powers is the faculty and gave a interesting talk 3 DAY SERVICE brother of Mrs. Regina Powers, on the progress of St Mary’s. Ft. Collins, Colo., member of the H O r S E C O A T For the FIRST TIME in Denver The plans for the annual games .Pickup and Delivery ACCN. Lucille Riepl will be toastmaster party, to be held Dec. 11 at the I come in Polka doU, A Bookstore Devoted Exclusively To Technical Books . . . academy, were formulated. A TWO STORES REFLUFFED AND STERILIZED of the luncheon. Nurses desiring printed and solid colors— Philco radio-phonograph combina­ The Latest in Every Field . . , Over a Thousand Titles 594 So. Broadway — PE. 4686 RETURNED SOFT AND DOWNY tickets, which are 52 apiece, may Zipper or Wrap-Arounds— call Mrs. Mary Baker, chairman, tion will be displayed. . . . and I only cost From More Than a Hundred Publishers . . . A Full line Mrs. H. Bobcock and Mrs. J. * I 2025 W. Alameda — RA. 0612 CRYSTAL EA.4452; Mrs. Marguerite Cowan, $ g .9 5 of Standard and Unusual Instruments, Equipment and (Acrou from VaWorde 8ehonI> FR.7605; Doris Jay, DE.2659; or Mosier, freshman room mothers, Laundry and Dry Cleaners Dorothea Hoell, EA.1125. A good have completed plans for the fresh­ Supplies. 636 S. Bdwy. SP. 2637 ! attendance is expected as the man dance to be held Friday, Nov. SOUTH DENVER CLEANERS 19, at the academy. The freshmen All Christmas Purchases $ 1 .0 0 ea. 3-Day Service I nurses are fortunate in having a Gift Wrapped Free 'place on the program of the Col- fathers and mothers will act as TECHNICAL BOOK AND SUPPLY CO. ^ chaperones. Mrs. L. D. Mulligan and Mrs. Welcomes You to Moore informed the parents of JAET APPAREL the aims and the advantages of “ THE HOUSE OF KNOWLEDGE” organizing a ski club. The students Feminine Sports Wear of the grade and high schools will and Accessories 1814 Stout (Across From The Postoffice) AComa 3411 \ formally organize the club. After the business for the eve­ 2017 So. University RA 8729 ning was completed, the glee club, under the direction of Sister Lucy Maurice, provided the entertain­ ment by singing several selections. The meeting was then adjourned and refreshments were served by 25 Hallmark Cards Printed with Your Xame $2.50 the junior mothers. The meeting was successful, with approximately hSO in attendance. Holy Ghost Parishioner No/fee to o u r Joins Travel Service

Rose Piccoli, well-known busi­ ness woman and member of tne XMAS CLUB MEMBERS Holy Ghost parish choir, is now associated with the Margaret Kay Stewart travel service. Travel building, 1953-55 Broadway, Den­ and good news for ver. This organization, which offers a well-rounded travel service, both domestic and foreign, specializes particularly in Western vacations. BUSINESS GENERALLY . "Our service is all-inclusive,” Miss Piccoli said, “ and embraces business as well as vacation travel. No charge* is made for the On November 30th XMAS CLUB checks’ service, which includes making reservations for both transporta­ totaHag ie excess o f... tion and hotel aad delivering tickets. As representatives for rail, air, steamship, and bus lines as well as for hotels, ranches, and ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS resorts, the Stewart travel service is retained by these organizations.” wiM be mailed to over 7,000 o f our depositors. Special attention will be given requests from members of the clergy for travel accommodations. T b f1949 is' ! .• W e suggest thet yox make xse o f momtag banking hours and ' i *1 SHOE REPAIRING avoid the btuy hours later ia the day. Xow^s the time to order four’s WHILE YOU WAIT Your friends will know you cared enough to send the very best j nm ■ ■ rTtTnqryBTnrrTTTB’irrwTryTrvTrinrx'irBTnrrinnnrini The Beat in '48 when you moil out these personalized Hallmork Cards. Cards of Tht D«BT*r Drr Goods Co. BUtloiurj Dspt. real distinction with famous Hallmark designs and skillful repro­ llth «t CilUonU, DtBTOr 1, Colorado COLORADO NATIONAL BANK duction. Each card is complete with envelope. Mail your order in PIm n Mnd ■•_M_.~..ord*n of Hallmark Cardt at II for S.IO if you can't make a personal selection In our special Christmas lit Daaica Choln ( ) Sad Daiim Choiea ( ) Seveoteeath St. at Cbaaipa ^ Cord Center on the third floor. Kama ta ha Imprlatad. Where Denver has banked since 1862 C h riitn u Card C«at«r-^TUrd Plotr PItaM Priat For Quality Shoa Rapairing at Namt Addrma... Popular Price*— Viell Our Shoe MEMBER~FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE-CORPORATION CItT . iZana.- SUta.. Repair Dept. , . . Basement Charra ( ) Caah ( ) Borrr, na C.O.D. erdora *V>«v Dmm Sittt tM Citf/m«"-KlyiHma Sm Kaaldnta of Colo. Plaaat Ineladt 1% Balm Tax 1

PAGE SIX Offict, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Tale phono, KEyatene 420S Thursday, Nov. 18, 1948 'Amateur', Magician BERG’S STORE Loretto Heights Spiritual Club AIWOFIVCIIVG 29 Broadway New Upl^olstery Shop Famous for Home-Made Candies Women's Club Is Organized in Expert recovering and new work. Large Assortment Thanksgiving All Work Fully Guaranteed Candies and Novelties . . . lo Plan Bazaar Lourdes Parish New Furniture Cuitom Made at Factory Made Prtcei Chocolate and Butter Cream Turkeys • 20 years experience The Loretto Heights Women’s (Our Lady of Lourde* Parish, Cocoannt Cream Pumpkins club of Denver will hold an im­ Denver) Chocolate Santa Clauses portant special meeting Friday A new spiritual society has been REGENT UPHOLSTERY Pure Sugar Candy Canes • Candy Beads - Ribbon Candy evening, Nov. 19, at 8 o’clock in formed in the and officers GL 1094 Herman Foppe, Proprietor 1842 W . 38tli Ave. All Kinds of Old Fashioned Candies the library of the college’s Admin­ have been appointed for the com­ istration building for the purpose For Thanksgiving and Christmas ing year. Woodrow Wilson is the of starting active plans for the Milk & Dark Sweet Chocolatei - Fudge - Dirinity - Panocha club’s one money-making event first president of the group. Pat­ GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS of the year. This will be a bazaar rick Bradley and Morton Halbert 3 Fine Stores which will be staged in the Knights will represent the soxuety at all 87 So. Broadway * of Columbus hall the first week the charity meetings in the arch­ end in February. diocese, and Victor Meyer and 753 So. University Blvd. Mrs. Michael McDonough, presi­ Frank Casner will represent the 15.50 Colorado Blvd. dent of the group, urges all who group at the Holy Name meetings. are interested to attend this meet­ The main purpose,of the spirit­ ing which is scheduled as an eve­ ual group is to care for the tem­ DELICIOUS CAKES - PIES - ROLLS ning gathering so that the men poral welfare of the poor of the parish. may be present. Proceeds from the Sold at Our 3 Stores Only bazaar will go toward Loretto’s Members o f the Pinochle club, building program. which meets on the second and L-#/ fourth Mondays of the month, will Mrs. McDonough, who presided at the meeting Nov. 11, presented IT’S A GOOD TRICK if you can do it and 19-year-old help the spiritual society in its Sister Mary Florence, dean of Pfc. Herbert W. Beasely of Lowry air force base enlists efforts to aid the poor. All pro­ JOE HUPPERT'S DRUG women at the Heights, who ad­ ceeds from the club will be put the co-operation of Sharon Fitzpatrick to help test the power of the into a fund for the poor to be ad­ Reliable Prescription Service " Takes his coat off, every dressed the group briefly. Mrs. magic described in Greater Magic, a book from the hobby shelf at Walter Imhoff, deanery represent­ ministered by the men of the Spir­ the NCOS club, 1663 Grant street. itual society. The next meeting of 426 So. Colo. Blvd. d e . 5898 chance he gets! ative, gave an interesting resume John C. Moody, NCOS director, adheres to the former USD policy of deanery activities. the Pinochle club will take place of encouraging young service men to follow their hobbies, even though Monday night, Nov. 22, at 8 DRUGS FROM A TO Z Mrs. Galen Rowe and Mrs. H. P. the present NCOS program is directed mainly to the interests of the o’clock. Cigarettes Carton: $1.53 You'll be smug, yourself, Alie were appointed by the presi­ hospitalized military and veterans at Fitzsimons General and Fort dent to represent Loretto Heights Logan VA hospitals. Club facilities are open every Sunday afternoon The Rocks of Lourdes club met Member of 8t. LottU ParUb inritea 7oaaw patronage Women’s club in the Catholic Par­ and evening to service men stationed near Denver.— (Photo by Bill Tuesday night at the new school in a fresh, gleaming ent-Teacher league. It was decided Herbert) and announced the date for the to change the regular meeting date next barn dance to be held at Glasier’s barn. The parish get- to the first Thursday of the month. shirt, done together will be held on Tuesday, Mrs. Joe Flood, program chair­ Statue of Mother Cabrini Nov. 30. The members of the club T iJ e d t U f man, presented the program in also decided to work next Sunday to perfection by which students of the college par­ on the shrine in an effort to finish ticipated. Patricia Hastier ren­ In Golden Church Blessed the tower. dered a piano solo, Chopin’s “ Fan- 4 e a tasie Impromptu,” and Dorothy Golden.—A Ijeautiful new five- finest ballroom floor in Jefferson Members of the Rocks of Bauer played “ Polonaise,” by Mac- foot statue of Mother Cabrini, re­ county. A novel feature of this first Lourdes club and members of the GOODHEART’S Dow'ell. Anne Sweeney gave a cently donated to St. Joseph’s dance to be sponsored by St. Jo­ Altar and Rosary society will meet vocal solo, “ L’Amour Toujour church by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel seph’s parish is that competent together early in December to * » 0 BROADWAY LAUNDRY L’Amour,” accompanied at the Romano and family, was blessed' baby sitters and a supervised play make plans for a dedication cele­ bration. The church is now being 387 SO. BROADWAY • "W e Return All But The Dirt piano by Georgia Rieden. A social at a public ceremony Sunday by room will be available for the chil­ alt types of securities, specializing in those of the the Rev. Barry J. Wogan, pastor. dren of couples attending the so­ completed and the new pews will hour followed and tea was served Rocky Mountain Empire. by the hostess, Mrs. W. H. Dolan. At the same service a statue of the cial. Admission is only $1 per be installed early in the month of December. The dedication and Despite inclement w eath er, Infant of Prague, which is a gift couple. A silver fox fur will be on We deal in government, municipal, and co^ to the parish from Mrs. Mildred display and free flowers will be blessing of the church and the there was a large attendance. poration bonds, preferred and common stocks. Delaney, was blessed by the pastor. given to each woman attending. school will take place before There is a particular devotion to More than 90 men and boys at Christmas. The two groups will or­ Our statistical department will be glad to ana­ ganize the ceremony, which will be Denver Alumnae Chapter Mother Cabrini in St. Joseph’s par­ tended the monthly meeting of the lyze your list of holdings and make suggestions. ish since the saint attended Mass Holy Name society Monday eve­ the first one for the new parish. Plans Christmas Dinner in St. Joseph’s church and received ning. During the business session Although the school has been The Mt. St. Scholastica Alumnae the sacraments in the present of the meeting, plans for the social complete and functioning since chapter of Denver met Tuesday church building. The new statue and spiritual activities of the so­ September, a formal dedication has has been erected on the Gospel ciety were outlined. The first of ^evening in the home of Mrs. Mary been delayed until the church was MEMBER CHICAGO Conrad with 12 members present. side of the sanctuary. Another re­ a series of lectures for the general cent addition to the appointments public will be held Tuesday evening completed. More memorials have Plans were discussed for the been received and a complete list­ STOCK EXCHANGE Christmas dinner Dec. 20. of the church was the installation of this week with the Very Rev. of a beautiful stone and bronze Raphael McCarthy, president of ing will be made at a later date. MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. baptismal font. Regis college, speaking on child The children’s choir of Our Lady The parish is sponsoring a pre- psychology. Men of the Holy Name of Lourdes parish, under the direc­ society have undertaken also the tion of Miss Marlene Kurtz, will ^Robert M. — Paul V. — M. T. Murray i Advent social and dance the eve­ KEystone 6241 ning of Nov. 27 in the new parish serving of Mass on their Commun­ extend its practices to be ready hall. Music will be furni.shed by ion Sunday. More than 60 men re­ for the Midnight Mass on Christ­ Happy Logan’s orchestra. A record ceived Communion in a body in the mas and also for carol singing. Holy Name Mass Sunday. They also will put on a musical crowd is anticipated, since the new JOHN J. SU U IVAN . m s . h u ild parish hall provides the largest and At the Monday evening meet­ show at a children’s party to be INTERMOUNTAIN ELEVATORS 8tu r^ children! ing, Father Wogan was host and given in December. provided luncheon to the group and Insure your kiddies' Women's Mission a complete sound movie of the re­ The firms listed here deserve to cent World Series and several foot­ be remembered when you are die- ^ FORT MORGAN nowth and strength tributinf your patrooafe to the dlf* 17th at CALIFORNIA ST. • DENVER, COLORADO by serving American ball sound films. - ferent lines of buslnass. Beauty Macaroni At St. Francis' Is FLOUR MILLS often. Contains all FORT MORGAN the vital elements To Close Sunday •BRANCHES AT— need. LONGMONT . . . YUMA (St. Francit de Sales’ Parish, HUDSON . . . HILL ROSE Denver) MILLERS AND HANDLERS OF The women of the parish are fill­ FLOUR, WHEAT. CORN. BARLEY, ing the church to capacity every OATS, AMD MILL FEEDS evening this week at 7:30 p.m., Country Shipperel when the mission conferences be­ Consign Your Shipment To V$ gin. The Rev. Basil Lynch, T.O.R., opened the women’s mission Sun­ day evening, Nov. 14, and will FISH & SEA FOODS bring it to a close Sunday after­ noon, Nov. 21. Mission Masses are EAST DENVER’S HEADQUARTERS FOR FRESH & FROZEN FISH Westerkamp Bros. at 6, 7, and 7:45 o’clock daily, with & SEAFOODS KE. 9043 5106 Wash. a short instruction after the first Received Daily by Plane EVE31YTHINQ A GOOD GROCERY and last Mass. / Quality Meats— Poultry 8c Fancy Staples SHOULD HAVE The children’s mission was con­ BEST POODS AT LOWEST PRICES FEED LOT MARKET —WE DELIVER— ducted Monday, Tuesday, and Wed­ nesday, with Mass and Communion 7035 E. COLFAX —WE DELIVER— DE. 6631 at 8:30 o’clock. Breakfast of rolls and milk was served in the class­ JERRY RREEI^ llAUi; BKO!^. rooms with the following mothers VOSS BROS assisting: Mrs. R a y Vasquez, NEW LOCATlOiV M A R K i l T breakfast chairman; Mmes. Mark Behan, Bahl, William Freeman, NEW LOCATION CORN FED MEATS 1004 15th St. Frede, Vance Johnson, J. Mc­ 1004 L5th St. n SH AND POULTRY Carthy, J. Mensik, G. Phelan, NOW OPEN NOW OPEN Thomas Smith, Stadler, 0. Wien- 1030 W. Colfa* TA. 7297 ecke, Thomas Fitzgerald, Michael Turilli, A. J. Dunst, and George Claypool. The men’s mission will begin on Sunday evening, Nov. 21, and will follow much the same schedule as the women’s. 3 QUESTIONSi Member Drive Closing The grade school PTA member­ ship drive will close on Friday, Nov. 19. Any parents who have not sent in their membership applica­ tion are asked to do so by Friday. The Holy Name society wishes to extend sincere appreciation to all who contributed to the success of the games party last Friday eve- I ning. / Special Meeting Set Ail officers and chairmen of the Altar and Rosary society are re­ quested to attend a special execu­ tive committee meeting in the as­ sembly room of the rectory at 1 TRAFFIC MANAGED STORE p.m. on Friday, Nov, 19. The Know the answers and you know the value monthly meeting will be held at 2 p.m, preceded by the recitation of the Rosary. Felix Gonzalq^ of St. Francis’ NUMBER SEVEN” high school will give a demonstra­ Read the label . . . check the price— and you get a pretty good idea tion of speech work, his specialty. 4336 EAST 8TH AVE. AT BIRCH ST. whether you’re getting your money’s worth when you buy canned and Those who have not had an op­ T o make it easier for our many customers— ^Dolly Madison store No. 7^is now open at 4336 packaged foods. But what about foods without labels . . . such as meat? , . . portunity to contribute to the re­ cent pantry shower given for the East 8th Ave., at Birch St. . and fresh fruits and vegetables? Sisters of St. Joseph may bring their donation to the meeting. Treat your family to Dolly Madison ice cream— ^The Ice Cream that is as good as Ice Cream ’ You can know the answers about value on these foods, too, when you The women will receive Holy can be— Notice the other "Daily Fresh” Dolly Madison dairy products too when you stop Communion in the 8 o’cloc)c Mass shop at Safeway. And you don’t need to be an expert. You are guaranteed Sunday, Nov. 21. at any of Dolly Madison’s SEVEN "traffic full value because our whole plan of buying and selling is aimed at assuring The president, Mrs. L. Wenzin- ger, and Mrs. 0. Hencmann and managed stores.” you of the right answers to the above questions every time you buy. Mrs. L. J. Holmes attended the quarterly ACCW meeting in Col­ QUALITY IS RIGHT. Safeway sells top government grades of beef, top orado Springs Nov. 16. The Donnelly circle will meet in grades of lamb, pork, and veal. Our fruits and vegetables are selected in the home of Mrs. W. Schrodt on YOUR SEVEN CONVENIENT growing areas by trained men who know and get the best. Nov. 18 at 1 p.m. The following were assig;ned the DOLLY MADISON STORES care of the candelabra for Novem­ TRIM IS RIGHT. We remove excess bone and fat from meats, trim each ber and December: No. 1. 5130 East Colfax, at Forest cut to cook properly. Vegetables, too, are trimmed before they are offered Week of Nov. 22-29 Mrs. Mas- No. 2. 2343 East Ohio, at So. Univorsity for sale. terson and Mrs. Craig; Dec. 6-18, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. No. 3. 2830 Colorado Blvd. Dyon; No. 4. 1644 East Evans, at So. Gilpin PRICES ARE RIGHT. Safeway’s pricing policy means low prices on all Dec. 20-27 Mrs. Brokesii and No. 5. 4404 Lowell Blvd. Mrs. Yeager; items. Our produce is sold by weight so measurement is accurate, com* No. 6. 2252 Kearney parisons true. Jan. 3-10 Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Johnson; No. 7. 4336 lost 8th Avo., at Birch Jan. 17 Mrs. E. Anderies and Mrs. A. Andaries. , PAGE SIVEN Thuridey, Nor. 18,1948 Office, 938 Bannock Streef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyttone 4205 A cad em y Art Girl Scout Mothers' Club PTA Sets Talk musements ♦ Dining Holds Meeting in Pork Hill The Public Is Invited A Poster Winners (Blasted Saermmant Parish, Mrs. G. A. Trehey, and Mrs. F. J, On Dental Care Recreation Denver) Todd. Altar Society Meets The Girl Scout Mothers’ club On Friday, Nov. 12, members of met in the home of Mrs. Don T. At St. Dominic's Are Announced the Altar and Rosary society met Leavitt, 2516 Krameria street, in McDonough hall following reci­ GAMES PARTY (St. Mary’s Academy, Denver) (St. Dominie’i Parish, Denver) Thursday, Nov. 4, for a 1 o’clock tation of the Rosary in the church luncheon. Those assisting the host­ The PTA meeting to be held After an unavoidable delay, on at 2 p.m. In the absence of the Thursday evening, Nov. 18, will for the benefit of last Friday the high school donned ess were Mmes. Elizabeth Heister, spiritual director, the Very Rev. feature a talk on dental care. This uniforms. White blouses, blue John S. Murray, and Jack Mc­ Harold V. Campbell, the Rosary unusual feature of the dub’s skirts, and blue jackets once more Laughlin. was recited by the president, Mrs. meeting will be presented by Willis ST. VINCENT'S BOYS' HOME hav,#j become familiar in the class­ The guest speaker was Mrs. Ray D. G. Mulligan, and the meeting room. The customary uniform Stidger, D.D.S., who has volun­ J. Green, program chairman of the was opened with a prayer by Mrs. teered his services. drill will be held Monday of next Girl Scout organization. She gave Joseph M. Rihn. week. Dr, Stidger is much interested FRIDAY, NOV. 19, AT 8:00 P.M. a report from the 20th regional Reports were given by the circle in early dental service for chil­ Report cards were given out conference she attended in Lincoln, captains. Mrs. E. D. Downing re­ dren, even of pre-school age. He Wednesday of this week. Neb., from Oct. 19 to 21. ported for the Legion of Mary; feels that we have been neglectful At the Knighu of Columbus Hall— 1575 Grant St. The winners of the art poster She urged the development of Mrs. Peter D. Walsh, vestments; of this important factor for too contest were as follows: First, better international relationship Mrs. Max L. Gray, cassocks; Mrs. long. As he will point out to the Wticom* to Dcnter'i Pineit Marjr Ellen Addems; second, Carol by trying to understand the prob­ Jack McLaughlin, Denver Dean­ parents at the meeting, "most par­ Admission 50c Many Surprises McCunniff; and third, Susan Mc- lems in Europe. ery; Mrs. Karl Mayer, circles; Mrs. ents think children’s first teeth are COLBURN HOTEL Geath. The Julieth L ea^e Friendship Joseph N e 81 a d e k , membership. just ‘first teeth.’ In reality they New members are Miss Pauline SpoTUored hy St. Vincent’s Aid Society LUXURIOUS ROOMS A sacrifice club for the needy fund rally was held Friday, Nov. 5, are the teeth that partially deter­ families in Europe has been at 4 o’clock in the Park Hill school Flanagan and Mrs. Michael Le­ mine the contour of the adult’s COCKTAIL LOUNGE vada. formed. All members volunteered auditorium. Three Blessed Sacra­ facial expression. Many times ne­ Thi* ad through th* courtesy of Boulevard Mortuary NEW COFFEE SHOP 10 cents weekly for this worthy ment Girl Scout troops attended Mrs. Mulligan gave special glect of ‘first teeth’ results in per­ lOth Avenue et Grant cause. the rally, and, in conjunction with thanks to Mrs. V. Smith and manent facial disfigurement and MAin 6261 mcm'lir ■)( iWi,;i. the Park Hill school Girl Scout Mrs. James M. Eakins, for caring consequent loss of social activity.” D. B. CERISE. Maatcer Shirley Ann McNamara, chosen as “ Queen’s Teen” for the month troops, made their contribution to for the altars, and Mrs. S. P. Part of Dr. StidgeFs plan is to of October, was voted as possess­ the fund. Keating, Jr., thanked the members have the children of school age ing the qualities of friendliness, for the gift of a statue of Our examined by competent doctors The Blessed Sacrament Girl Lady of Fatima, with which she and their particular dental defects helpfulness, and sincerity by the Scout organization announces an JIM’S TAVERN faculty and student body. Shirley was presented by the society. pointed out to the parents. He Em­ The Thing To Do will wear the blue and gold pin enrollment of 88 girls. The mem­ Mrs. Peter D. Walsh thanked the phasized that this was definitely a When You Can't Afford Disappointment LI/VCHEON until the first Friday in December bership report with the names of society on behalf of the past presi­ program of instruction to parents dents for the tea at the last meet­ so that they could, with medical BEER — WINE — HIXED DRINKS when she will pass it on to the the women and co-leaders are as ing. advice and knowledge, help their ENJOY AN INVIGORATING DRIVE chosen one from the junior class. follows: Seventh grade, 15 girls, 128 BROADWAY Father Robert E. Kekeisen of the children retain better health. JAMES M. DELOHRET Mrs. A. J. Stein, and Mrs. Mary Register staff was guest speaker. Plan* School Tour Carbone: sixth grade, 11 girls, Hostesses for the social hour Leo Leyden Auxiliary He plans, because of his interest Mrs. Louis Cabella and Mrs. N. G. were Mmes. George R. Pope, Will Meet on Nov. 26 in children and their health pro­ Borelli; fifth grade, 20 girls, Mrs. James M. Brennan, E. C. Werner, THE HOLLAND HOUSE C. J. Manganaro, Mrs. James F. tection, to visit all the parocnial and Anne Birmingham. \ (Formerly known as The La Ray Hotel. No change The regular unit business meet­ Lawerson, Mrs. George Catter- schools in town and with the per­ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nichols in ownership, management or Yiolicy) ing of the Leo Leyden auxiliary mole, and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin; mission of the Church and local of Oberlin, 0., were guests o f their authorities to express himself and will meet Friday, Nov. 26, at 1:30 Fourth grade, 15 girls, Mrs. F. brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and .m. at the Legion home, Denver. L. Weiser; third grade, 27 girls. to disseminate knowledge o f dental Mr.s. Milton W. Allen, the past control and dental health condi­ IN GOLDEN RESTAURANT week. tions. DRIVE-IN PTA to Hold Staff Meeting Following the talk by Dr. Stid­ 800 Speer Bird. Waxea Market Record Party Is Planned Mrs. M. B. Freilinger will enter­ FOR LUNCHEON OR DINNER lltb St. at Wazee tain at a luncheon in her home, ger there will be a series of songs and recitations by the pupils of Open 24 houTt dally Open till 9 p.m. 1101 Hudson, on Monday at 1 p.m. You’ll Like the Food) Service and Atmosphere At Holy Family Parish for officers, chairman, and room the fifth and eighth grades. This • Delicious Pastries representatives of the PTA. A entertainment will be a medley of Dining Rooms Op^ Doily (From Oar Ows Oreni) (Holy Family Pariah, Denver) Koerber are the sacristy workers short business meeting will follow popular songs, recitations, and numbers arranged by the two From 12 to 2 at noon — 5:30 to 9:30 P.M. Holy Family is planning for a for Nov. 20. the luncheon. # Seafoods To Honor Grid Squad teachers of the respective grades. Sundays and Holidays From 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. record crowd at the annual Circles to Meet Nov. 23. Following these demonstrations by # Fried Chicken Members of the Holy Family Mrs. Henry Job will entertain Phone Golden 68 for Reservation, or Ju*t Drive Out Thanksgiving games party to be football team will be guests of the students there will be a members of St. Rita’s circle in her meeting of the parents under Mrs. end Come Ini # Late Evening Snacks held in the school hall, W. 44th honor at the Pep club-"D” club home Nov. 23, and on the same Fred Sabon, president, in which avenue and Utica street, Satur­ dance to be held at the Cosmopol­ day, Mrs. Byron Welsh will be HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW COFFEE SHOP? itan hotel Thanksgiving evening, will be discussed the plans of the day, Nov. 20, at 8:30 p.m. Twenty hostess to members of St. Anne’s parents for a health program for It is open from 6:30 in the morning until 1 at night. Nov. 26. All members of the stu­ circle. turkeys will be on display, along dent body and the alumni are wel­ the children of the school. with seven complete turkey din­ George J. Friend, who has been come. Johnny Haws and his orches­ confined in Mercy hospital the On Nov. 17 the parish held a ners. The proceeds of the party tra will furnish the music. The af­ turkey games party which drew a will be used to defray the ex­ past several weeks suffering from fair will be chaperoned by Mr. and pneumonia, has been returned to capacity crowd in the church audi­ pense of obtaining five new type­ Mrs. Walter Mullane, Mr. and Mrs. torium. The committee in charge writers for the school. his home, and is recovering ^p/m eA dmcA Morey Pade, Mr. and Mrs. Carl nicely. was composed of Phil Mahoney, The November PT.A business Ploussard, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Bader and Mrs. Frank L. Stone, and Phil Bretz. Delicious Roast meeting will be held Monday, Nov. Charles Moran. The “ D” club and Bart O'Hara entertained members The o f the social event 22, in the school hall starting at Pep club officers are in charge of of Our Lady of Lourdes circle at was to welcome Father O’Brien, 8 p.m. The visiting hour with the dance arrangement. a luncheon at the Cosmopolitan the new pastor, who had been pre­ Sisters of Loretto, from 7 to 8 E d e l w e i s s On Sunday evening, Nov. 28, hotel last week. Bridge honors sented to the women of the Rosary TURKEY DINNER <1 -75 p.m., will precede the meeting. the school auditorium will be the Altar society. The president, Mrs. James R. were won by Mrs. Frank Haraway, With All the Trimmings scene of a gala banquet given by Mrs. Paul Brookover, and Mrs. The Holy Hour will be resumed 1644 GLENARM • OPEN 11 A M to 3 A M Kelly, who will preside, asks a the PTA for the football team and on Friday night after being sus­ good attendance as plans for the S. J. Johns. Call GL. 9960 tor tieservations coaches. The Rev. Leo M. Flynn, Victoria Lynne Leyden, infant pended on account of the mission sisters’ Christmas gift and the the Rev. Joseph Koontz, and the during the past two weeks. The school children’s Christmas party daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D-X CAFE Rev. William iJones will be guests. V. Leydon, was baptized Sunday Holy Hour will begin at 7 :30. Dur- will have to be completed at this Decoration, serving, and clean-up MIKE POMPONIO, Manager ^ Platt Void to Attend by F^her William Mulcahy, with it there will be prayers to the meeting. The committee in charge committees are composed of Pep John B. and Mary E. Delaney as essed Martin, Mother Cabrini, 1900 W. 38th Ave. GL. 9960 the of the card tournament will report club members. sponsors. Susan M ari^ Hickey, and veneration of her relic after on the progress of the tournament. Father Charles Jones, assistant the Holy Hour. The Rev. Leo M. Flynn, CTest of pastor of St. John’s parish and daughter of Mr. and Mfs. Robert honor, and the parents will be en­ director of Denver’s popular Hickey, was baptized by Father REGIS DADS TURKEY PARTY tertained by Sister M. Olympia’s KIRAY teen-age group, will be a Campbell, with John A. Hickey Vote on State Auditor AT REGIS sixth grade pupils and the host­ guest speaker Friday, Nov. 19, at and Gertrude McHendrie, as spon­ sors. Monday, Dec. 13, esses for the evening are the 11th the girls’ monthly sodality meet­ The New Beantifnl grade room mothers. ing. “ What Keeps Us From Being Mr. and Mrs. James P. Logan Is Closest in History n leave next week for several weeks’ 8:00 p.m. Baptized Nov. 14 were Thomas Saints?” will be the subject of discussion. Leading speakers on stay in New York. En route The victory of Myron C. McGin- A Francis, infant son of Mr. and East, they will spend a few days Belaire Restaurant the panel are Jerry Sue Bakes, ley. Catholic man from Brecken- 701 So. University Blvd. RAce 9696 SURPRISES - - GAMES Mrs. John Feeley, with Joseph and Inez Landrum, Anna Marie Grae- with Mr. Logan’s daughter, Vir­ ridge, for state auditor in a tight Edith Murray as sponsors; William ginia, a student at St. Mary’s of “ Darfdy of ’ Em All” ber, Elaine Satterwhite, Jean race with H. Rodney Anderson , of Jait t Short Dlit«xtc« from Michael, infant son of Mr. and Peck, and Margaret Kollander, who Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind. Montrose was thrown into doubt Mrs. Fred Graeff, with Mr. and AnTwhtrt will discuss the following subjects In Washington, D. C., the Logans this week. The unofficial returns /J Mrs. George Leiker as sponsors; as dangers that must be guarded will visit Mrs. Logan’s brother-in and early official count seemed to Robert George, infant son of Mr. Pleasant Atmosphere i \ against today: Bad movies, inde­ law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ give him a safe lead, but the race QUALITY PET SUPPLY and Mits. Robert Pritchard, with seph Celia, Jr. Mrs. Celia is the became the closest in stkte history’ William Sinington as sponsors; and cent advertising and literature, Good Food ridicule, selfishness, and bad former Emma Dunn. A boy was as the official canvass advanced. Siamets Frank Louis, infant son of Mr. and born to Mr. and Mrs. Celia, Mon­ Kitten., spirit of independence. McGinley lost the lead briefly this Complete ito \yY\U Mrs. Frank Stadler, with Thomas day, Nov. 15. week but regained it later by a Puppiei, Colburn and Rosemary Abling as Mock Council Mooting LUNCH, from...... l U u p Canariei, /< ^In order to acquaint the student Circle* to Be Feted narrow margin. sponsors. body with the purpose and oper­ St. Norbert’s circle members Serving . . . ^ ^ Parakeets, ,fA Mmes. Peter King and W. J. The state canvassing board bC' 2865 Colorado Blvd. All Colon } ations of the student council of will enjoy luncheon and bridge as gan its official count Nov. 2 but Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner the school, a mock student coun­ the guests of Mrs. James Ginn in the election of executive officers Florida 0066 Golden Hamsters, cil meeting was held at a general her home, Nov. 19, with Mrs. J. does not become official until the H. O. McCurdy Finest in Beers - Wines White Mica assembly Nov. 17. The entire coun­ Lawrenson as co-hostess. A nomi­ ^tate Legislature meets in Janu- J. J. MacDonald cil of 50 members, representing nating committee composed of aVy. If a protest is entered, which Cordials Pet Suppliet & Remedies all classes, clubs, and organizations Mrs. James Ginn, Mrs. James now seems likely, a recount may Fresh & Froaen Horse Meats in the school, was introduced to Brennan and Mrs. Raymond ctiede be ordered. William Schultz, Jr. 1513 GLENARM KE 9093 the student body. Items from the will name officers for the coming i "R™i

PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Benneck Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Nov. 18, 1948 Nebraska Gjrl St. John's Altar Society Grace GigllottI 2Sth Annual I BURKE'S Weds in St. John's To Sponsor Potiuck Lunch Becomes Bride Broadmoor Cleaners SOLEMN NOVENA The marriage of Miss Janice (St. John’s Pariah, Denver) ert Gray, and Miss Marie Mangan. Miss Grace Gigliotti, daughter The 18 members of the association Rourke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. St. John’s Altar and Rosary so­ of Mr, and Mrs. Sam Gigliotti, ONE DAY SERVICE IF DESIRED who have volunteered to provide 1830 W. 35th avenue, Denver, was John J. Rourke of. Broken Bow, ciety will meet in the school hall on Friday, Nov. 19. Mrs. J. H. the food, will assist with the serv­ married recently in Annunciation 26 E. 11tb Ave., and 712 So. Pearl Neb., and William Lehman, son of Monaghan, president, will conduct ing. Mrs. T. A. Cosgriff will be church to Marvin Victor Merrick, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lehman the meeting. A potiuck lunch, the guest speaker, and the Rev. MA. 7442 Call for & Delivery PE. 8485 which will be served at 12:45 p.m., John P. Moran will also address Laundry Service at Both Shop.- Will precede the meeting. Mrs. the members. All women in the Paul V. Murray, hostess chairman, parish are cordially invited to the is being assisted in the luncheon lunch and to the meeting. by Mmes. Eugene Dilullo and Rob­ Members of the Altar and Ros­ ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH ary society will receive Holy Com­ munion in a body in the 8 o’clock Mass on Sunday, Nov. 21. S A V E N O W ★ Pantry Shower Mrs. George Strahl entertained I it’s a thrill St. Rose’s club with luncheon and bridge in her home on Tuesday, ) ti bt reieiberei Nov. 9. Miss Lila O’Connor was Slated for Nuns a guest. (St. Philomena’i Pariih, Denver) St. Thomas’ club members were St. Philomena’s PTA will have a Ruests of Mr. and Mrs. Clem W. pantry shower for the Sisters of Kohl for an evening of bridge on RA. IS IS ; Loretto at the meeting s c h e d u l e d Saturday, Nov. 13. Miss Monica Monday, Nov. 22, at 2 p.m. in the Hayden and Mrs. John Sherlock \ y p R E E DELIVERY ( school hall. Because of the pantry were awarded the honors. YOU WILL BE PROUD THEY CAME FROM shower, the meeting is being held Mrs. Frank Cooke will entertain a week in advance of the regular St. Ignatius Loyola’s club in her FORGET-ME-NOT meeting day. Members are asked to home on Saturday evening, Nov. FLOWER SHOP bring any canned goods they wish 20. to donate to the sietcrs, home OUR PRICES ON 285 SO. DOWNING canned articles being especially ap­ Mr. and Mrs. Clem N. Kohl will preciated. leave by plane on Friday, Nov. 19, for a vacation of a .month in New (Photo by Cavtrn) JACKSON’S •■It is hoped that Monsignor Wil­ IN HONOR OF Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lehman Orleans, La.; Havana, Cuba; and Mrf. M. V , Merrick Christmas liam M. Higgins will be home to Miami, Fla. Cut Rate Druga of 3800 E. Florida avenue, took give an account of his European son of Mrs. E. L. Lyons, Burley, place Saturday, Nov. 6, in St. pilgrimage at the meeting. The Mr. and Mrs. John Shea recently Ida. PRESCRIPTIONS 0 John the Evangelist’s church. The sisters also have planned a “ Book enjoyed a two-week trip to Salt FOUNTAIN SERVICE Lake City, Utah. Bridesmaids were Erma Capra PBEB PBOUPT DELIVERY OUR MOTHER OF Rev. Franci.s' Syrianey officiated Fair’’ for the Nov. 22 meeting. and Sue Vecchiarelli. The matron Cai] 8P I44S Downing A Alnaadn at the double-ring ceremony, as­ Because of Thanksgiving the Norman Comstock is ill in St. Joseph’s hospital. of honor was Thelma Gigliotti. sisted by Fathers D. A. Lemieux meeting of the Men’s club has also Attending the bridegroom were QmMf and Richard Hiester. Jerry Cha­ been advanced one week. An elk Woman Doctor to Speak to PTA Mrs. J. P. McNeive will preside Frederick Yacovetta, best man, PERPETUAL HELP pin, nephew of the bride, was barbecue will be .served at the gath­ and Felix Acierno. ^ Are the Lowest .server at the Mass. ering Thursday, Nov. 18. A turkey at the meeting of St. John’s PTA BUCHANAN’S The couple are living at 840 in Denver Following the Mass, the bride also will be a feature of the eve­ in the school hall on Monday, Nov. at 22, at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. W. D. Reck, Irving. Christian Bros. Wines laid a bouquet of white roses be­ ning. Come in and All PopaUr Boon fore the statue of the Blessed Vir­ program chairman, will present Wo Doliver Girls Form Dr. Ruth Raattama, who will speak Be Convinced gin Mary and stood in prayer Third Commandment PE. 1777 377 So. Bdwr ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH, C.SS.R. while Colleen Welch, niece of the Brownie Troop on “ Child Health.’’ Another fea­ = J. A. * W. J. Wolf—0 .e r Quarter = bride, sang the hymn “ Mother at ture of the program will be the — C.ntary In St. Fr.nci* DeSalci' = W. 6th Ave. & Galapago St. Sixteen second grade girls at­ Discussion Club Topic — Parith = Thy Feet Is Kneeling.’’ tended the first meeting of a new entertainment presented by Sister SOUTH DENVER DRUG Anna Marie’s first grade children. The bride was given in mar­ Brownie troop. Their leaders will Wm. N. Snider, Prop. be Mrs. James Cudmore, 1273 Ash, After the meeting Mmes. J. C. The St. Philomena's club of riage by her father. Her dress Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, Let Vs Fill Your Prescriptions NOV. 30 - OEC. 0 was of white brocaded satin with and Mrs. Ed Lindsay, 844 St. Tully and Frank E. Widger and Paul. Those who attended the first mothers of the fifth grade children Denver, will meet in the home of Jewel '^shop Wines, Beers, Etc. a fingertip veil. She carried a Mrs. Clara Franca, Friday, Nov. white orchid on a white prayer- meeting were Linda Gaut, Mary will serve refreshments. A social IIERSI BliyilllO flVt. 5P.I57i* DEVOTIONS 19, at 1 p.m. book. The bride’s only attendant Lee Thomas, Sandra Wilcox, Vir­ hour will follow. RA 5191 695 So. Pearl Holy Mass 6:0 0 , 7:0 0 , 8 :00 .4.M. was her sister, Miss Kathyleen ginia Mathis, Frances Intemann, SPECIAL MEN’S CLUB The discussion this week will be, McNorton’s Texaco FREE DELIVERY Novena Devotions— 3:00, 7:00, 8:00 P.M. Rourke. She wore a gown of for­ Cindy Cudmore, Barbara Rollman, MEETING PLANNED “ The Third Commandment of God.’’ est green, and the flower girl Peggy Ruttkofsky, Mary Pat Mor­ A special meeting of St. John’s Mrs. Angelina LoSasso won the SUPER SE R V K i: SERMONS BY Judy Welch, niece of the bride, gan, Arlene Blackmon. Mary Ben­ Men’s club is planned for the regu­ honor prize last week, and the * Rev. Andrew Oehm C.Ss.R. wore a gown of chartreuse identi­ son, Ann Batt, Kathleen Struck, lar meeting night, Wednesday, Drize this week will be donated by Lubrication Waahlna iJoyce Cleaners: Shirley Polak, Maureen Coley, and cal to that of the maid of honor. Nov. 25. As many men of the par­ Mrs. Franca. South Denver’. Newest and Ann Lindsay. John and Albert Nillson Clifford Welch, brother-in-law ish, as possibly can are asked to The club will not meet Thanks­ Finest Station of the bride, was best man for the Mr. and Mrs. James Cudmore be on hand. A report will be given giving week. Alameda & Penn. SP 9775 bridegroom. Ushers were Bud have returned from a three-day on Men’s club’s activities of the FINER Hollberg and Max Weber. Gale pheasant hunting trip in Kansas. past year and plans for the future. The firms listed here deserve to ST. JOHN'S PARISH be remembered when you ere dis­ Alameda Drag Store Neiswanger was the vocalist. He The Rev. Donald Hessler, M.M., John Rae, president, and A. E. tributing your patronage to the dif­ was accompanied by- Mary Alice who spent four years in a Jap­ Carver, membership chairman, ex­ ferent lines of business. V. O. PETEBSON, Prep. GLEANING anese prison camp during the war, Hausher. tend a cordial invitation to all Cnt Rate Drnji$s RADIO SERVICE A wedding breakfast followed at was a visitor in the rectory last men. All members are asked to 1284 So. Pearl the Knights of Columbus hall and week and addressed the school bring a couple of new men with Fonntain Service • School Snpplie. REED'S children, telling of his experiences Jolt Good. Honeit and a reception was held at the home them. Yoar Business Appreciated Siliabtf Work as a missioner in China. After a short business meeting Use Our SP. 3662 of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Welch, Alameda and Broadway Phone DE. 8222 AMBULANCES after which the couple left on a Recently baptized were Robert there will be a short entertain­ short trip. Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ment, refreshments, and various Christmas ELECTRO PRODUCTS CO. Out-o^7town guests included Mr. D. Eldred, with Henry H. Grueter card games. The firms listed here de!^ MERK'S 24-Hour Service and Maude Grueter as sponsors; David Charles, son of Mr. and 1711 E. (th At., at Gilpin and Mrs. John J. Rourke, Sr.; serve to be remembered Careful, Mature, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Chapin and John Walter, son pf Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. David C. Lynch, was baptized Walter Evans, with William Wag­ Nov. 7 by Father Moran. Sponsors when you are distributing DRUG STORE The firms listed here de­ Experienced Attendants family, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tier ney and family, and John Rourke, goner and Louise Waggoner as were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Plunk­ your patronage in the dif­ CUT RATE PRICES sponsors; and Kathleen Lu, daugh­ ett. Prucriptlon. Accaiataly Pitlad serve to be remembered OXYGEN EQUIPPED Jr., all of Broken Bow, Neb. W inta Be.iv, Etc. — Fonntain Marietta O'Hara Reed ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lotito, Miss Virginia Starr is return­ ferent lines of business. when you are distributing W'arren J. Reed with Gertrude Long and Anthony ing to New York city to resume 1300 So. Pearl SP. 7539 your patronage in the dif­ Party Set for Nov. 19 Long as sponsors. her voice study after attending the TAbor 0315 Gridderx Break Even funeral of her father. Dr. Ellis ferent lines of business. By St. Vincent's Aid St. Philomena’s came out of the Starr. ANNUNCIATION Junior Parochial grid carnival Laura David It Bride with a victory and a defeat The S t o a d w d y Permanent Waving St. Vincent’a Aid lociety in- lightweights lost to St. Joseph’s, Miss Laura Mae Da'vid, daugh­ vitea all frienda of St. Vincent’a ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael David, a Specialty KNIGHT SERVICE CO. 12-0. The water-logged gridiron Boya’ home to attend the big slowed the lightweights’ offensive and John Murto Humphreys, son games party on Friday of this considerably. Gene Schnabel and of Mr. and Mrs. William Hum­ M y Lady Edith MOTOR TUNING week, N o t . 19, at 8 p.m. in the Paul Lamb were outstanding in phreys, were married recently be- Complete Auto Service Knights of Columbus hall, 1575 the backfield, and Bill Zk>ok and Phone RA. 1383 Beauty Shoppe Grant street, Denver. This parly A1 Lawless played well in the line. C. V. MULLEN 27 Broadway . PMONt Walking • Polishing & Lubrication ii for the benefit of St. Vin­ CHcmv i s m Ulnnl* Em m Iw , Mfr. The heavyweights were victori­ cent’s orphanage. The admisaion COR.m S'm OOPIM 2804 E. 6th Ave. EA. 0788 6th Are. at Detroit FR. 3396 ous over Cathedral, 14-0. A long ii 50 ceata. Valuable merchan­ pass from Joe Horan to JIubert dise will be given away. Jones was good for the first touch­ ST. CATHERINE'S A MEMBER OF ST. DOMINIC'S PARISH INVITES NOTICE TO CREDITORS down, and the second one came ESTATE OF Georre T. Miller, tlso known after a 35-yard march, when Paul YOUR PATRONAGE ST. PHILOMENA'S PARISH an Geo. T. Miller, deceased. No. H5148. Lamb ploughed over from the Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of November,!948. letters of adminis­ three. Frank Buban led St. Philo­ ST. CATHERINE'S tration were issued to the undersigned as mena’s ground attack, aided by DRUGS PR1CI3 administrator of the above named estate Tom O’Connor. On the line were The firms listed here de­ JERRY’S RESTAURANT and all persons having claims against said estate are required to file them for allow, Tom Evans, Neal Ward, Warren serve to be remembered SpicUlIzliiK in Spiffhctti, Miller, Bill Zook, Paul Gasser, ANNUAL TURKEY FRANK DRIJG^ SHUnO BROS. SteaiLi. Fritd Chiektn. RatIqU ance In the County Court of the City and when you are distributing County of Denver. Colorado, wjthin six John Majerus, and Hubert Jones. months from said date or said claims will nNEST OF FRUITS AND Parish'clubs meeting this week 8 TORB your patronage in the dif­ VEGETABLES Jerry's Restaurant be forever barred. PARTY! B. C. HILLIARD. JR.. incluHe Mrs. J. D. Goodrow’s with Itei FRANKLIN ST. ferent lines of business. EA. 4586 2401 E. Colfax at Cook Administrator. Mrs. Jennie Mix on Wednesday; Fn* DiIIt*I7 1211 B. CoU u DE. 9940 Mailed 11/13 48 Mon. Nov. 22 8 P.M. Catholic Register Mrs. L. A. Fair at her home, and Mrs. P. F. Giblin with Mrs. First 20 rolls 50c NOTICE PF FINAL SETTLEMENT J. F. Jordan, on Thursday; and Estato of Fannie B. Lyons, also known as the St. Philomena club with Mrs. Take your bird home with you. BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH Fannie Brown Lyons, deceased. No. 83778. Frank Buckley and the St. Joseph SeeFRAIVK ANTOIWELLl Notice it hereby given that oo the 7th day of December. 1948, I will present to club with Mrs. George Clarke, on Special Attractions AT TED’S the County Court of the City and County Friday. of Denver. Colorado, my accounts for Final Catechism classes for public NEW HOMES FOR SALE The Best in Wines and Beers Settlement of the administration of said school children are held in the rec­ 2 and 3 Bed Room* in Park Hill eetate when and where all persons In in* O ffie. DE. 4261 tfrest may appear and object to them if tory every Sunday after the 8:15 Mr. and Mr*. Humphrey* LOYOLA Conpl.M Eatata Sarvic* S504 E. Colfax FR. 8881 they so desire. o’clock Mass. Wkatthe Bernard E. Engler, Administrator. Parish correspondent for the fore a Nuptial Mass in St. John JOHN F. BRUNO Register is Mrs. R. 0. Blackmon, the Evangelist's church before the Prescriptions Realtor Dffefcr Orders.'ff FOR ALL CALL FR. 9986 FOR 1000 Cook street. News items may Rev. John P. Moran. Flowers OCCASIONS be phoned to her at EA. 5082. The matron of honor was the 6107 E. 22nd Diamonds - Watches bride’s sister, Mrs. Lawrence Allen EXPERT RADIO REPAIR- Jones of Portland, Ore. The brides ROCKY'S PHAR. BLOCK FLORAL CO. ING - FREE DELIVERY and Jewelry Women Plan Sale maid was Miss Mary Rose David. ROSS VARIETY STORE William G. Humphreys, lather EA. 9867, 17th Ave. at Race 3238 Ea.t Colfax NOTIONS - INFANT WEAR i4ll Work Guaranteed of the bridegroom, was best man, R. U. FIORI T. J. BATES DE. 3020 PR. 3351 Hardware • Toya At St. Anthony's and Dick Brown and Lawrence 2214-16 Kearney Authorized Dealer SUNDMAN’S Jones ushered. The firms listed here de­ (St. Anthony's Parith, Waitwood) HOSPITAL OE. 4488 serve to be remembered Watchmakers and > The women of the parish are ARVIN RADIOS conducting a bake sale on Satur­ Founders' Club Plans when you are distributing Jewelers day, Nov. 20, in the Schoeffer’ EQUIPMENT John real estate office at 3266 West Meet at Lady of Grace your patronage in the dif­ THE BLARNEY SHOP 59 So. Broadway SehoU Alameda. Al! members of the par­ Hospital • • • Institutional Affurod hg8 ferent lines of business. 3205 East C o lio FR. 8981 ish are asked to donate baked (Our Lady of Grace Pariah, FINEST goods. Denver) Wheel Chairs O Dish Trucks ? MEATS AND rfivnffiwvfff Baptism ■was conferred on Ger­ A meeting of the Founders’ club Wheel Stretchers O Tray | GBOCEBIES Trucks O Inhalators . y#v doctor'* prcocriptUn wlD to ald Leo Koehler, son of Mr. and will be held Friday evening, Nov. niS Palrtaa eorroe^ dlipcntod ot Farit HID Mrs. Fred Koehler, 3423 W. Gill, 19, at 4730 Fillmore. Mrs. J. Freed, ^ Instrument Tables “ FB. ITH Drug Company . . . 8 rtgictorod Eiectrie Food Conv^ors phamtdfto to MTTC yoQ. with Stan Renaud and Mrs. Jose­ T. Dunivant, and F. Devine will SAVB TIRES — BUT AT OU O N Y phine Millers as sponsors; and on be hostesses. Casters O Industrial 'Trucka | Wo proadiy acknowtodgo IH p«r Gerald Wayne Baker, son of Mr. Mnt tceoptiBco by tto modlea] pro* Mrs. C. Wood asks the members ARMSTRONG FOOD fmioiie dot to fair prieoi, prompt and Mrs. Richard Baker of 6250 to report on the sheeta and pillow •orrfto, tad osqaiftloBod oceoroepa Morrison road, with Mr. and Mrs. cases project CASTER CO. OLSON’S STORES For OtctloctlTo PrioM for Btfogc George C. Helfrich as sponsors. Mrs. F. Teigmann spent the 828 14TB ST. PortiM ond oR otb«r oecoilotn ■ All boys learning to be^Mass Vlirr OUR C lP y DEPARTMENT week end visiting her daughter, TAbor 4692 2750I W. 29th GL. 3613 servers will meet with Father Mrs. William Swink, who has •Twu-i,. ,-yuajMv Michael Maher every Tuesday moved to Cheyenne, Wyo. _____ 3030 E 6th EA. 1801 night at 7 o’clock in the church. The Holy Name society, holding its meeting on Thursday night, Nov. 18 in the Aeroplane banquet ST. JAMES' PARISH Fairfax Hardware room, will have as its guest Colfax at Fairfax RNOMf speaker the Rev. Simon Smith, HABDWABE. GLASS. PAINTS CA. 7711 [l-i C.M., of St. Thomas’ seminary. All LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED men of the parish are urged to''be FR. 2725 5022 E. Colfax present. PIERRE ROOFERS H. L. RINEHART. Prop. i Choir practice is held every C. J. ST. PETER, Contractor Monday evening at 7 o’clock. DECORATORS INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Wood Sbinglei Cathedral Girls’ Unit Expert Spraying or Composition Roofa Bmah Painting Free Estimates NEW 1949 FORD CAR To Sing at Civic Event TEXTURJDVG The Girla’ Choral group of Ca- Roof Repairing OSCAR IRALO MEMORIAL GYM PAPER HANGING ROOF PAINTING - IPBAT OR thedrid high school, Denver, has BRUSH been invite to take part in the CONTRACTORS LATHING - PLASTERING Raa. Pbont GB. and 1814 FRIDAY IVIGHT I\©V. 26 city-wide Thanksgiving day cere­ FREE ESTIMATES ^^--^DELICATESSEN monies in the City auditorium, Budget Paymenta if Daairad. Benefit - Cathedral Grade & High School Nov. 26. The group, directed by PIERRE ROOFING Co. POOD P«PAR«> fOR 5 V iR y OCCASION SPACE COURTESY PENCOL DRUG Forrest Fishel, will sing Montani’a mipaeti.. DExter 5321 1411 Pontlae DExter 3869 OPEN SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS AND EVENINGS “A t s Marla.’* E. Ctflfax at Waaboa DE. 6342 Thursday, Nov..18,1948 Offiea, 938 Stroot THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TaUphena, KEyitone,4205 l>AGE NINE

■ Meant for Each Other nHn^fcwi, '.a Mullen Saves Season; Cathedral Victorious

By David I. Ryan + + ‘ + ^ + ‘• f Mullen’s wild Mustangs, determined to yet at least one victory before the schedule ran out on them, came from behind to win tiieir first league encounter of the season over St. Joseph’s Bulldogs, 27-6, in the Parochial league Shucks! Somebody Fudged double-header Nov. 14. On a sun-kissed gridiron, which only the week before had" been snow-blanketed and freezing, the Cathedral On This One Bluejays, who cinched the title Nov. 7 by downing the Holy Family Tigers, got through the Annunciation Cardinals, 34-6, to finish their season undefeated. The brothers Rogers, Norman and Angus, and George Bravadica played themselves a whale of a ball game on defense, in addition to putting out with some nifty blocking as Mullen took its first ball game of Seek State Crown the year. In the opening moments of the second half Buddy Schoepflin broke a scoreless situation by going wide Walsenburg Gridders around right end and racing down the sidelines for 59 yards and a TD. Clicking Mustangs Preparing for Clash Open Farad* Mullen took the lead the next S ? Walsenburg. — St. Mary's high Crusaders, Southern time it got possession of the ball. Colorado Parochial league title-holders, have begun post­ Driving from their own 34, the Mustangs scored when Maes jump- season preparations for their clash Nov. 28 in Bears’ sta­ passed to Cordinaz from the eight dium, Denver, with the Cathedral out in front in the individual scor­ for a touchdown. The outstanding Bluejays, Denver Parochial kings, feature of this drive was Mullen’s the annual play-off for the state ing parade were Charles Spagnoli and Abel Gomes, with 18 and 13 use of the spread formation on one Catholic championship. play. Maes passed laterally to pay-off counters to their credit, Possessors of the coveted crown Benson who carried to the 14 from rtspeetively. Don Stimack is the once in the past eight years (1940) point - after - touchdown specialist, the 87. Sandri passed to Maes for and runner-aps to Mullen high in having eight in one of the Cru­ the PAT which put Mullen into the lead it never relinquished. 1945, the Crusaders swept into the saders’ weaker departments. 1948 play-off after downing nine S t Mary’s season record fol­ To start the fourth period of 10 miponents, including all in lows: ^ Geaa Benson intercepted a Gena Sanches pass on the St. the SCPL. A 20-6 triumph over SPCL Game* Holy Trinity high of Trinidad on Joseph 28-yard line and raced GIL BORELLI, Cathedral end, catches 40 to Borelli on the Annunciation 84. Len Grommett CruMdtrt, 24; Putblo Catholic. € (with back to ball overhead) tries to intercept as Nov. 14 capped their drive for the Crutadert, 32; Abbey school. 6 for a touchdown. Later, Ray the first of seven passes he helped to com­ league title. CruBaders, 32; St. Mary’a. Colorado Gordinas intercepted a lateral Al Jenkins (93) and Ray Heronema (85) come up Sprinft. 6 pete Sunday against the Annunciation Tigers. The to spill Borelli as soon as he catches the pass. Three 44 TDt CniBadera. 20; Holy Trinity team. € fumble on the Bulldog 30. Bert first successful aerial of the game, in the first of the Bluejay end’s seven receptions were good f In the 10 games. St. Mary’s has Non«Leafue Gamas Olivas went around end behind quarter, traveled from Bob Schnabel on his own touchdowns.— (Bill Smyth photo) racked up 280 points— 44 touch­ Cruaadert, 12; Raton (N. Max.). 6 excellent blocking to the six. Cruaadan, 32; Sarfant, 14 Sandri then went over left tac­ downs and 16 conversions— against CruaadarB, 28; Fountain VaUay, 13 the opposition’s 94. Heftiest con­ Cruaadars. 72; Colorado MiUtary. 7 kle for the score. Maes sneaked CruaadarB. 32; Rio Grande County through center for the PAT. JOHNNY MAES, Mullen quarterback, takes a pass tribution to the total was a ^72-7 hifh, 12 rout of Colorado Military. Far Just before the final gun Mac CrueadoTB, 0; Dawson. 18 Marshall was forced to punt from just over the goal stripe from Fullback Gene Benson on Scramble for 2nd Spot his end rone. Johnny Maes took a play that started on the seven-yard line. The catch would have the ball on the 40 and returned to been good for a touchdo^vn had not two ineligible Mustangs been the 28. In five plays Mullen had downfield ahead of Maes. Another Mullen score was erased just two the ball on the two-yard line. eiDELIIIE SIDEUGHTS Johnny Maes on a quick-opening plays previously when Benson’s six-yard touchdown run was nulli­ play went over left guard for the fied because of an offside.— (Bill Smyth^hoto) Scheduled This Sunday By Jim Kelly — - . final touchdown. Bert Olivas dropkicked the extra point. + -^ -f- -f-' 4" — ...... L«n Grommett on offenia nally, DiManna went over left Card Forwards Stubborn Raiders, Gremlins, Tigers Will Vie One win, one loss, and two ties came up last week to mar and George Yedo on defense tackle from the seven for the TD. the record, but the average came up, too, from .732 to .789, The Bluejays scored in all pe­ were ttandouU for the Cardi­ Schnabel passed to May for the For Loop^s Runner-Up Slot thus occasioning no hard feelings toward the backsliders. The riods but the third, when the Red- nals. Tackle Yedo found him­ extra point. two Westerners, Loyola and San Francisco, proved flies in the birds punched across their lone self in the unique position of Early in the second period The last of this season’s Parochial league football broth, winning and losing, respectively; Boston college failed to tally. But for once it was not lugging the pigtkin for a score. Schnabel passed to Bob Molitor, Cathedral’s irresistible force, its In the third period, after Grom­ double-headers will be played this Sunday, Nov. 21, at make up its mind either way by deadlocking William and Mary alone in the end zone, for a 23- and Dayton slumped mightily in a stand-off with Oklahoma City. line, that mowed down the opposi­ mett connected with pattet to yard touchdown play. Bears’ stadium, Denver. At 12:30 St. Francis’ will Rie Mares on the Jay 17 and As football heads into the tag end of an unexceptional season, tion and opened gaping holes for Before the half was over Cathe­ meet St. Joseph’s and at 2 :30 p.m. the Regis-Holy Fam­ the field narrows down for the prognosticators and the old per­ fast-stepping and powerful backs. Gerald Cavanaugh on the four, Scotty McGregor’s linemen proved the Cathedral line gave but one dral put on a sustained drive that ily clash will be settled. centage figure becomes harder to maintain at a respectable was capped by a May-Borelll level. That .900 mark seems farther away than ever with a mere too begrudging. The Bluejays were yard in two tries by Grommett. - Three of the teams that will play Sunday—all but 10 games up on the board this week. forced to ring up most of their On third downs Yedo gathered pass, complete in the end zone. The St. Joseph’s— are involved in the tie for the league run­ scores and punctuate their drives in Quarterback’s Ben Martinez’s drive covered 90 yards in 12 plays. Saturday, Nov. 30 The basketball fans in Denver, ner-up spot, sporting three-and-tw'o records for a .600 with the passes of Andy May and fumble and carried over for the Gene DiManna carried five times, Bob Schnabel. Cardinal score. picking up about 65 yards. An­ apparently still concentrating on average. BOSTON COLLEGE over ST. M ARY’S (C A L IF .)— The the exciting windups in the foot­ Gaels gave everything in the Little Big game with Santa Clara last The Cardinals were up for this Cathedral, which had never other May-Borelli aerial finished ball leagues in the country, have The probable result of the double-header, as far as week, losing on a pair of breaks. T^e Eagles have potent am­ one. And they played, especially trailed in any of its games this off a 64-yard drive immediately not yet begun to worry about the it affects league standings, will be a final two-way tie munition and will use it against their transcontinental opponents. in the first period, as they never year, got the lead in the first pe­ after the Cardinal score. state of things in the Nuggets’ did before in this season. No one riod. Schnabel intercepted a Grom­ About a minute before the end for second place, 'with one of the present No. 2 spot JOHN CARROLL over Bowling Green— It is not generally camp, but things, nevertheless, are kn^-n, but the Blue Streaks of Cleveland boast one of the highest can say that both teams were not mett pass about midHeld and in of the tilt Borelli scored his third not in particularly good shape. sharers dropping down to fourth place. oiiensive averages among small colleges, more than 400 yards putting out. But the Bluejays, as five plays the Bluejays were touchdown of the game, catching The main difficulty Coach Ralph St. Joseph’s will meet the Fransalians as pro­ per outing. B.G. is merely a power on the casaba court— but then 13 obvious from their season’s rec­ ahead. Schnabel passed to Gil Bo­ a Schnabel pass, although he was Bishop finds is that his squad is that was all Bradley Tech was supposed to have been when I ord, had a much better start than relli on the Card 34 and DiManna covered by three men in the end still getting used to one another, nounced underdogs on the basis of a disappointing sea­ picked it to bow before St. Ambrose! . the Redbirds. > took a May pass to the seven. Fi- zone. not yet anticipating instinctively son since Oct. 1, when it beat the Annunciation Cardi­ Clemson over DUQUESNE— Bravely the Dukes sally forth each other’s moves as is often the nals, 14-6, for a lone league victory. Last Sunday, the against the nation’s better teams, one after another, to go down A Tradition Is Begun FOOTBALL STANDINGS case with a veteran squad. Bulldogs bowed to the Mullen Mustangs, 27-6, in the fighting every time. Bowl-bound Clemson will be in no mood DENVER PAROCHIAL HIGH The small attendance, only 1,240 SCHOOL LEAGUE Mites’ first win of the season. to lose a plum almost within its grasp. paid admissions on Monday, when GEORGETOWN over George Washin^on— In the final for TEAM G W L Pet. the Nuggets made their debut, ap­ 3,500 Frigid Fans Cheer Cathedral ...... 6 6 0 1.000 Loit Gremlin Glory Sought both Capital elevens, the highly touted Billy Conn should pull Holy Family ...... 6 3 2 .600 parently is not worrying Hal St. Francis,’ inactive since hit by Cathedral for the the Hoyas through. St. Francis’ _____ ..-m— m 8 3 2 .600 Davis, their business manager, be­ MARQUETTE over South Dakota— Only once have the Hill- R ed s ...... 5 3 2 .600 cause it was a larger first-night highest score of the year, 59-7, will make a final bid to Annunciation ...... 6 2 4 3 3 3 toppers walked off on the long end, losing seven in the meantime As Junior League Mites St. Josaph'a — 5 1 4 300 crowd than greeted their appearPPe return to early-season glory. The Gremlins have not won to the Midwest’s elite. Against the Dakotans they can assert them­ MuUtn ...... - 6 15 .167 ance on many opening nigiJnt« in a ball game since they took a rather slow contest from selves with some semblance of authority. SCORING the ABL league TD PAT Pta. Mullen, 6-0, on Oct. 15. Before that time they w'ere Rutgers over FORDHAM— No one should have to die or Schnabel, C...... — ...... — 8 2 50 The squad boasts three play­ Display Gridiron Wares breathing down the Bluejays’ necks in a red-hot pen­ even strain himself for dear old Rutgers; the Rams are meek as Colaiano, C...... 6 6 42 ers from Catholic colleges, Ward lambs. DlTolU. H. F...... 6 1 3T (Hoot) Gibson and Gene Lalley nant race. Borelli. C...... * ...... 4 2 26 HOLY CROSS COLLEGE over Temple— Dr. Osmanski may The first Junior Parochial football carnival sponsored Himstreet, R. 4 2 26 from Creighton university, and This is the last chance for all concerned. And the wish by this time that he had stayed with drilling teeth instead by the Junior Parochial league, despite inclement weather, May, C...... 3 4 22 AI Guokas from St. Joseph’s co|. of tackles. The Owls will be more docile than his other patients Grommett, A ...... 3 1 19 lege in Philadelphia. Only Ward results of the Regis-Holy Family game will probably met with singular success last ’Thursday in Bears’ stadium. Benson, M...... 3 0 18 to date. RUSHING Gibson, a holdover along with render a decision as to which outfit deserves to be the Approximately 3,500 spectators attended. •VILLANOVA over SAN FRANCISCO— One point favored TC G L Net A t (. Jimmy Darden from last year’s follow-up team to Cathedral, T. Psds, H. F__ 20 287 12 276 13A the Wildcats last year in the Bay city. Something closer to 20 “ This will be an annual affair. In the future we plan to squad, is playing first string, Frswiey, R...... 22 189 13 176 8.0 On comparative scores the Tigers should be given will mark their superiority at home in Philadelphia. have it on a Sunday early in Sep­ Schnabel. C...... 39 306 28 278 7.3 "wheelin’ and dealin’ ’’ from two eight-minute halves broken by the nod in this contest. But only on comparative scores. XAVIER over Marshall— This is the same Marshall that sent tember— probably the Sunday be­ Costello, R...... 20 117 3 114 5.7 the center slot. fore Parochial league play begins,” a two-minute halftime. Two min­ May. C...... «...... - 25 143 3 140 5.6 The Tigers came closer to the league champions. its touring basketballers against Denver U. in the auditorium. utes were allowed between games Colaiano. C. - ...... — 50 261 5 255 5.1 The Nuggets took to the floor The Musketeers look one TD to the good. said Father James F. Moynihan of Schoepflin, S. J_ 63 354 53 301 4.7 Wednesday night in an effort to Cathedral, than did any other team in the loop, losing Annunciation parish, president of for the playing teams to leave the DiManna, C, ...... 60 296 11 288 4.7 upset the Oshkosh All-Stars in 7-0. The Raiders were the second closest to the Bluejays, Sunday, Nov. 21 the Junior Parochial league. field and the new contestants to PASSING LORAS over ST. BENEIDICT’S— The Duhawks have one of take their places. Had their second meeting of the two- failing by eight, 14-6. Regis has racked up 106 points Every priest-director who had Att. Comp. lot. Yds. Pet. game series, after dropping the the finest small-college squads in the country; the Ravens, frankly, RESULTS so far, w'hile holding the opposition to 40. In the same entered a teem or who was con­ Dolan. R. ____ 33 20 0 324 .606 initial encounter, 60-50. are without material to make a game of it. Name the score nected with the carnival in any Midget Teams Schnabal, C____ 31 18 1 367 .580 number of league contests, five, the Bengals’ offense has yourself. Maes. M...... 36 19 4 227 327 The first string in the games so way was very enthusiastic, not St.'Clara’s, 27; Loyola, 0. Torsney, H. F. 31 16 4 240 .516 far includes Bob Doll and Harold clicked for 57 points and their defense has allowed but ♦ ♦ ♦ only about last Thursday’s af­ St. Vincent’s, 7; St. John’s, 0. Himstrset, R... 22 II 0 162 .500 Grommett, A... 87 33 9 655 .379 Hutcheson, forwards; Ward Gib­ 47. Probably the busiest arm in the Parochial league belongs to fair, Father Moynihan said, Lightweight Teams son, center: and “ Chink” Alter- D.Hol'haW, S. F. 28 8 J 64 .285 This is strictly a toss-up game. Len Grommett of the Annunciation Cardinals. but also about the continuance Loyola, 6; St. Catherine’s, 0. PUNTING man and Jimmy Darden, guards. Tka tireUt* fullback, in hi* own unorthodox sidearm ityla, of the football carnival. And St. Joseph’s, 6; St Philomena’s, P Net A v*. Bishop maintains a confidant Himstreet, R...... 7 270 38.5 hat paited 87 timet, completed 33, and had nine intercepted. calls ware received by the league 0. , Grommett, A. 21 798 38.0 outlook, although he is still look­ Hit patting hat netted the Tigert 955 yardt. In attempt!, comple­ president from many disinter­ S t Vincent’s home,'7 : Cathe­ DoUn, R...... S.----- 10 324 32.4 ing for the first victory of the St. Vincent's II K . o f C. tion!, and total gaint he far outttript any other palter in the ested persons commending him dral, 0. Msy, C...... - ...... 22 709 32.2 season. “There is nothing wrong league. and the league on the many good St Cajetan’g, 6; St Vincent de Brlinehsn, H. F...... - 14 431 30.7 with us that a few points won’t Msrshsll. S. J. ______20 606 30.3 B OW Ll]\G ♦ 4 4 features of the carnival. Paul’s, 0. Sandri. M...... 35 1,007 28.7 cure,” he remarked after Mon­ Hitting Heights Eighteen games were played by S t Joseph’s, 12; S t Philomena’s, (Note individual statistics include the day night’s game. “ W e’re due to Gene Benson, Mullen fullback, who was injured early in the Making history in the Junior Standings, Nov. ] 1 autumn in a game with St. Mary's of Colorado Springs, has very midget, lightweight, and heavy­ 0. meior lesderi.) break loose any game. And then w L A vf. St. John’s, 14; S t Clara’s, 0. watch us!” Parochial league is the undefeated Deputies ...... 21 0 786-6 little game time to his credit in Parochial league contests this season. weight teams. They were run o ff St. Vincent home lightweight SecreUries ...... 20 10 792-5 .Mustang opponents are probably just as well pleased, though. Benson three at a time and consisted of St. Joseph’s, 7; Annunciation, 0. eleven, which overwhelmed Holy Truftee* ...... 16 H 785-8 has displayed his mettle conclusively in games with St. Joseph’s. Holy Family, 27; St. James’, 0. Top Off That Chancellori ...... 15 IB 773-7 Assumption, 6; St francis’, 0. Newmanites to Hear Family team, 52-0, Tuesday night. Grand Knights ...... IS IB 777-2 Regis, and Annunciation team by scoring a touchdown in each of Unscored upon and victorious Guards ...... 14 16 74S-7 hese games— the only league games he has participated in this Heavyweight Teams Thanksgiving Feast in every game played this season, Navigators ...... 10 20 772-16 year. His all-around play on offense and defense has been a definite Holy Family, 7; Blessed Sacra­ Dr. David Costello Wardena ...... 0 21 770-1 Edgewater Parish with a the home youthful gridders have aid to the Mustangs in their late-season rush. ment, 0. IndiTiduali Fort Collins.— Dr. David Cost­ amassed an impressive total of It might htv* been a different ttory had the Mitet’ fullback Little Flower, 14; St Louis’ Fine Havana Cigar 167 points. Coach of the junior Gamaa Avg. (Loifisville), 0. ello of the Colorado k. & M. Lauvetz— C...... 26 181-20 been in game condition when Mullen lott to St. Francit* by a loop’s leading team is Fred Di- King— T ...... 30 176-3 wkiiker, 6-0. Sets Party Nov. 20 Assumption (Welby), 6; St Wm. Bensev Forestry division will deliver an Manna, brother of the Cathedral Lynch— C...... 3 174-1 4 4 4 Vincent de Paul’s, 0. K. Mariacher— C. K...... so 172-25 (St, Mary Magdalene’s Parish, St. Dominic’s, 7; St John’s, 0, address at the Communion break­ Bluejays’ stellar halfback. Gene Carr— N...... 27 171-0 Missed Sunday by most spectators at the Parochial league foot­ Edgewaltfr) Annunciation, 0; St. Elizabeth’s, Cigar Store fast and meeting of the Newman DiManna. ^AlfT— D...... 30 170-20 ball double-header was an extremely rare officiating accident— a The St. Vincent’s eleven hope MuI!an-“ D...... 30 170-0 0. club Sunday morning, Nov. 21. T. Berlin— S...... 30 169-22 fifth down incident, to be exact. The annual parish Thanksgiving Fine Tobaccos & Pipes •Mr. Costello, who; has been in to better their accomplishment of party will be held at the parish St. Philomena’s, 14; Cathedral, Waxntr— G...... 24 16S-1S In the third quarter of the Cathedral-Annunciation game, Len 822 17th St. MA. 9655 close contact with the federal pro­ 1947, when they won the division Scherer— W ...... 80 168-4 Grommett, gambling, ran on fourth down over right tackle to the hall on Saturday evening, Nov. 20. 0- McMahon— W ...... SO 1S7-4 S t Catherine’s, 27; St. Francis’, gram of conservation of resources, championship but lost in the city Cathedral 45. The play netted a first-and-ten. IVien Jenkins carried The members of the Holy Name so­ Houfek— S...... 80 163-25 0. is the author of numerous maga­ play-offs. Boasting a much more O'Donnell— S...... 30 lSS-23 for no gain. Grommett went over left tackle for two, Jenkins picked ciety will conduct the party. Re­ zine articles on agricultural and powerful eleven with a smoother G. Mariacher— T...... 27 158-24 up his own fumble and gained three yards, and Martinez on a quar­ freshments will be served at the general subjects. He is at present ground attack and a good passing Mason— W ...... 24 1S8-1 Ramsey— G. K...... SO 157-27 terback sneak gained nothing. On fifth down Grommett cracked the close of the evening. The Ridge one of the faculty sponsors of the game. Coach DiManna’s stalwarts Kruse— T...... 24 167-22 line for a first down on the 36. Valley Poultry company has been Featuring Super Complete A. 4 M. Newmanites. this year aim to go all the way to Beckiua— N...... 4-... 26 167-8 engaged to supply the prizes. -An initiation team from this the city crown. Prijulal—D...... 80 157-2 Dehmer— C...... 80 156-19 Mrs. Joseph Jueschke and Mrs. club will go to the Wyoming uni­ Part of the reason for those W .lsh— N...... 16 156-6 Raiders Whoop Ben Brauch are in charge of the versity campus Sunday, Nov. 21. 167 points is an outstanding trio Mulliiran— C...... 28 156-22 altar and sanctuary work during Thanksgiving Al Stevens announced that $75 comprised of Quarterback Jimmy Kane— T...... 24 164-16 Swljtert— G, ...... - ...... 13 154-5 Much of the inspiration the present month. worth of clothing, an electric Rivera, End John Martinez, and Monckton— G. K...... 27 162-15 The transportation for the sis­ blanket, and a- radio will form the Guard James Gallegos. Mills— G. K...... 80 151-26 that lifted Regis’ Red' Raid­ central attraction of a special In charge of the Junior Paroch­ Day— N...... 6 151-2 ers from their early-season grid ters in charge of the Sunday in­ Dinners to 51-50 event to be concluded by the club ial athletics at St Vincent’s is Kerwin— G...... 30 148-6 doldrums can be traced to the band struction classes is being provided Jarratt— S...... 30 147-20 by Mrs. Ben Brauch during the The Only Linen Serrics in mid-December. Frank Palmieri. Millet— G...... 30 147-6 of "Indians” at right. Organized S t These Prices Stolte— S...... 80 146-26 to instill' vigor into the flagging remaining Sundays of November. Doni^ar;— G. K...... 30 144-1 spirits of footballers and student Baptized on Sunday, Nov. 14, Hay— D...... — ...... 27 140-T Children’s Portions Morrissey— D...... 27 140-12 body alike, the Regis Pep club is was Robert Edward Anderson, Norton— W. ______27 140-8 the leaven that enlivens Hilltop son of Mr,, and Mrs. Lloyd Ander­ Make Reservations Now - Call PE. 0905 lisillo— T ______30 130-10 pre-game rallies. son, 2009 Dover street. Mr. and REGIS COLLEGE Bellman— N...... 20 138-lB J. Barlin— W. ______24 132-10 Mrs. Craig were sponsors. offers Lerg— C...... 27 126-22 Mrs. Mary Van Horn has re­ Moora G...... —...... 27 121-10 turned to her home, 2867 Yates H IG H G A M E street, from St. Anthony’s hospital T ea m a Biggest Basketball Bargain Deputiea ...... ___908 Clyde A. Higdon, 8226 Cnase, Grand X aigbti .....1...... ______896 is still confined to his home be­ In Denver Secretaries ...... 894 cause of sickness. RESTAURANT ladividuaU Mrs. C. L. Kennedy is alowly^ I* Private Entrance S W IgSrt 221 Csrr ...... 224 recovering at her home, 2966 * Convenient Parking 15 HOME GAMES Scherer ...... 226 Yates. HIGH SERIES Mrs. Mary Wind, 2468 Harlan ★ Completely Carpeted * Air Conditioned ALL IN AUDITORIUM ANNEX Taams boulevard, is much improved. Trustcei ...... — ...... 2,678 Catering to Chancellors ...... t.SI4 Douglas E. Stevens, 2492 La­ Reserved Season 'Hcket 812 (inc. tax) Dtpntiss ...... 2.SI0 mar street, is at'^present a patient BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS Individual! in St. Anthony’s hospital. Also at Call SP. J700 - PE. 0905 ON SALE AT MAX COOK'S, 1608 GLEN ARM PL. King ...... — ...... 644 the same horaital is Quintin Mas- For Roaorvatiou K. MtrUoher ------616 1578 So. Broadway LanveU ______610 saro, 6626 W. 82nd avenue. PAGE TEN Office, 9 38 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER T ele p h o n e , K E yitone 4205 Thursday, Nov. 1% 1948

GINIRAL MIETING, UNEN DISPLAY, WE NEED "SEEING ABILITY" Parent-Teacher St. Patrick's Religious Articles

to meet the Tiiuel requirements of our modern liTing, but meny PLAHNED BY ARCHBISHOP'S GUILD * Statne* * Rosaries * Mesials ^ Pictures of us cannot achieTo this unaided, the only way is to seek our Group Conducts Miss Isabelle McNamara, pres­ tained St. Luke’s circle at a social HNS Men Plan * Cnieifizas * Prayer Books * Pendants * Framed Professional adTice. ^‘Glasses’* are important but ibeir aid to ident of the Archbishop’s guild of meeting ’Tuesday, Nov. 9. The your Tisual comfort depends upon our technical serrice. members of this circle are working Denver, announced that the gen­ Deanery Meeting on hand-painted ciborium covers Fete Nov. 19 eral meeting of the gpiild will be in their homes. (St. Patrick’s Parish, Denver) The Catholic Parent-Teacher held Dec. 13. All linens and lay­ Our Lady of tho Rotary Circla 'The annual games party before SWItiERT BROS. leapie was in charge of the Denver ettes to be given at Christmas will A layette party was held by the Thanksgiving, sponsored by the deanery meeting held Monday aft­ be displayed at this meeting. Miss members of Our Lady of the Ro­ Holy Name society, will be held on 1550 California O p t O m C t r i s t S KEystone 7651 ernoon, Nov. 15, in the Catholic McNamara asks that all circles sary circle Tuesday evening, Friday evening, Nov. 19, in the Charities annex. auditorium of the school. Good Service finish the linens on hand and the Nov. 9. The hostess was Miss Better FUion Mrs. Lito Gallegos, president of Sarah Schreiner. This Sunday will be Holy Com­ 1-] layettes to be assembled and ready munion day for the members of for Every Age At Right Price* the league, presented Father D. L. Mr. and Mrs. John Burke an­ McCaddon, pastor of Our Lady of for this meeting. The council meet­ nounce the birth of a boy Nov. 7 both the Senior and Junior Young GLASSES INDIVIDUALLT 8TTLBD Lourdes parish, who addressed the ing preceding this general meeting at Mercy hospital. Ladies’ sodalities who will receive in the 9 o’clock Mass. group. Father McCaddon said will be held Friday, Nov. 3. Stella Maria Circle 5 0 -C ARD S The November meeting of the that one of the primary reasons for Miss Margaret Lynch, chairman Twelve members of the Stella parent-teacher organizations is to Altar and Rosary society was held of the ways and means committee, Maris circle enjoyed a social eve ONLY - $1.25 get back to the fundamentals of Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. W. reminds all circle presidents to ning on Nov. 4 at the home of H. White presiding. Mrs. White (WITH NAME IMPRINTED) education. Parent-Education clubs, Catherine Udick. The members as and Mrs. Ed Laux will attend the Order Early to Avoid which are active in PTA work, check for any outstanding returns scmbled their layette. THEODORE I should be well attended, since it is on tickets and patrons and to quarterly meeting of the DCCW Disappointment Miss Shirley Kalotta, a former in Colorado Springs. through this medium that adults submit them to her immediately, member of this circle, is visiting in may better learn how to help their in order that she can close her Miss Jennie Berlinger and her A. H. WYERS Denver from her home in New sister, Mrs. Rose LaBate, left here children acquire the necessary report. The committee expresses Orleans. iHACKETHALj JOSEt>H MONICO, 86S Fox street. knowledge of how to read and how the thanks of the guild to Mrs. Nov. 3 and returned on Nov. 8, PRINTING CO. Husband of Angela Monlco; father of John L. Dower, who as patroness Bleised Sacrament Circle from Albuquerque, N. Mex. They 1858 Stout St. Mrs. Ida A. Kyffin and Mrs. Mary J. to study. Through parent education groups, the psychology of child helped to make the benefit a The hostess for the next meet­ were members of the bridal party I MORTUARY | Plro of Denver. Requiem Mass was of Miss Marion Cusack, formerly 324 E. Colfax anil offered Nov. 18 in St. Joseph's church. training according to Catholic success. ing of . the Blessed Sacrament Colfax at NIafra 1 William O’Brien, Associate g Interment Mt. Olivet. W. P. Horan A circle will be Miss Dorothy Na- of this parish, who was married to Son mortuary. standards is often stressed, which St. Luke’* Circle can be an aid to many parents. dorff. Thursday, Nov. 18, will be Norbert Vonnegute on Nov. 6. = 1449-51 Kalamath St. g HERMAN £. SPRINGER, 1164 Dela­ Miss Eleanor McGovern enter- Miss Berlinger was maid of honor ware. Husband of Kathryn M. Springer. the date and the members will Mrs. George Schwartz, president bring their layette pieces to thfe and Mrs. Labate was bridesmaid g Phone MAin 4006 g Funeral services are being held at 9:30 of the Cathedral PTA, spoke on a.m. Thursday. Nov. 18. Interment Mt. meeting. for Miss Cusack. Miss Cusack and Use Our Chriitma* Layateay Plan iimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininH Olivet. W. P. Horan & Son mortuary. the book rental system and thanked Regis Guild Has St. Joseph’s Circle x Miss Berlinger were classmates of Mr. Walter Kerwin NICHOLAS ZIMMER, 4346 Utica St. Francis de Sales’ and Holy the 1947 class of the St. An­ J. street. Husband of Anna Zimmer: fa­ Family PTA associations for their The members of St. Joseph’s thony nursing school. Associated with ther of Mrs. Ann Tolleson. and John and help in getting this system started circle, their husbands and guests, E r i c k / o n V Frank Zimmer, all of Denver, and Ed­ Memorial Mass for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sherry an­ ward Zimmer of Los Angeles. Calif. at Cathedral. The book rentals are numbering 30 in all, had a social Designers of t'ineMemorials nounce the birth of a son, Vincent JOS. M. FISHMAN Seven grandchildren also survive. Re­ proving beneficial to the school be­ evening playing cards at the home Paul, on Nov. 10 in St. Joseph’s quiem High Mass, is being offered at 9 of Mrs. Rosella Hepp on Nov. 13. 920 SPEER BOULEVARD o'clock Thursday, Nov. 18, in Holy Fam­ cause there is no delay and the Deceased Members hospital. The maternal grandpar­ Jeweler and Optometrist Refreshments were served and the OPPOSITE SUNKEN GARDENS ily church. Interment Mt. Olivet. children have all their books as ents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank DIAMONDS - LOCKETS Boulevard mortuary. circle displayed the finished linens DENVER 4, COLORADO soon as school opens in September. Bruno of this parish. WATCHES - ROSARIES PATRICK H. CAMPBELL, late of On last Sunday morning, mem­ The new system is also proving bers of the Regis gruild met at and complete layette. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith are the CROSSES . COMPACTS PHONE ALPINE 1785 2945 W. 10th avenue. Husband of Ida This circle met Nov. 16. Miss ST. CHRISTOPHER MEDALS J. Campbell; father of JoAnne and Pat­ economical for parents who need Regis college, Denver, for the Me­ parents of a daughter, Linda Ann, Rose Walsh was hostess. rick Campbell; son of Henry S. Campbell; only pay a nominal rental fee in­ morial Mass offered yearly for the bom on Nov. 2 in Glenwood MIRACULOUS MEDALS and CHAINS brother of Gerald L. and Francia J. stead of purchasing the books. Ou<. Lady of Sorrows Circle SCAPULAR MEDALS Campbell. Mrs. Eileen Dubravac. and deceased members of the guild, Springs. Mrs. Fred Frazzini, ma­ HANSEN & HANSEN Mrs. Rose Richards. Rosary will be re­ Community Center* Plea Made and deceased relatives of the mem­ Mr. and Mrs. Victor Henderson ternal grandmother of the infant, Gla.sses on Credit cited at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18. in bers. The Mass was offered by the annqBiue:e tthe birth of a son Thurs- is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 807 15th St. TA. 0029 JEWELERS the Boulevard mortuary. Requiem High .lames McNeive, director of com­ Mass will be offered at 9 o'clock Friday, munity centers, made a plea for Rev. William J. Heavey, S.J., who dayy, Nov. 11, in St. Joseph’s hos- Smith for an indefinite time. 1638 17th St. Nov. 19, in Presentation church. Inter­ contributions of little chairs, books, also spoke. He stressed the condi­ pital. Mrs. (Irene) Henderson is Thankagiving Day Wedding ment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. comics, and other articles for use tions of the world today and the a member of Our Lady of Sorrows Miss Rose Cinea, daughter of ONE STORE ONLY PVT. JOSEPH L. DE ROSE. Mount Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Cinea, and Della Toraccio. northern Italy, Feb. 22, in recreation classes at the various need of prayer and sacrifice. Mass circle. 1945. formerly of 815 Jackson street. centers. He also asked for clothing was followed by Benediction of the Queen of Heaven Circle Frank Vendegnia, son of Mr. and CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING ' Mrs. J. Vendegnia, all of this par­ Son of Mrs. Florence D eR ose; brother that can be made over for the chil­ Most Blessed Sacrament. Misses A Thanksgiving party was held 4 of Dominic A.. Gladys A., and Albert G. dren by sewing groups. Mr. Mc­ Cazin, McCallin, and McMenamy ish, have issued invitations to their Call a De Rose. Rosary will be recited at 7 :30 Monday evening, Nov. 15, by the marriage preceding Nuptial Mass p.m. Friday Nov. 19. in the Boulevard Neive reported that the Denver formed the choir. Queen of Heaven circle. Mrs. t'las!«ified Ads < mortuary. Requiem High Maas w*ill be council 539 of the Knights of Co­ on Thank^iving morning, Nov. offered at 9:30 o’clock Saturday. Nov. College President Agnes Rueschoff was the hostess It will pay yon to read ALL of the following advertiaementa. ^ lumbus had outfitted a football 25. Both young people have taken ZOIVE CAB 20, in St. Philomena's church. Interment Extends Thanks and the evening was spent playing an active part in the social and < MAin 7171 Ml. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. team at the Little Flower cen­ bingo. THOMAS W. DURAND. Son of ter and also had purchased jersey Breakfast was served in the stu­ spiritual life Of the younger set Prompt. Courttoui Serrica 'The circle has completed a hand­ APARTMENT WANTED CHEAPER RATES Thomas and Louisa Durand; brother of dents’ dining room, and a short of the parish. FOR SALE Isabel M. Krleg, and Charles and Arthur sweaters and football pants for the made layette and all the linens 2-WAY-RADIO business meeting was held, after Dominic Negri, who has been a Durand, all of Denver. Requiem Mass boys at Vail center so that a foot­ CLEAN NEW CABS to be turned in at the general patient at St. Anthony’s hospital, YOUNG Catholic couple expectioK In June WOOD SALE— Kindlings range* heatar» was offered Nov. 17 in St. Theresc’s ball team can get started there. which the Very Rev. Raphael J. furnace, fireplace blocks, mill ends—Dt» meeting. is slowly improving. desires unfurnished apartment. East or church, Aurora. Interment Mt. Olivet. Mrs. L. A. Higgins, who was a McCarthy, S.J., president of Regis, South Denver. Sherman 0697. livered 13.00. KEystone 2460. Optometrist Olingcr mortuary, Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Propes major in the recent Community thanked the members for their Recently baptized by the Rev LEOLA W ARD, Santa Fe, N. Mex. announce the birth of a son Nov. Theodore Haas were Michael YOUNG couple and infant need two or WANTED: ROOM AND BOARD and Optician Sister of Helen Finney, Denver: Mrs. Chest campaign, commented on the continued work, and then outlined three^room unfurnished apartment. MAin J. J. Hust, San Pedro, Calif.: Thomas great amount of work accomplished some of the plans now in process James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin 3837. ROOM and board for Catholic mother and Helen Walsh Ward. Denver; Lawrence Ward, Detroit. Richardson, sponsors, Edward and new baby. Grand 6409. by the Catholic women of Denver to care for the increasing enroll- FURNISHED or unfurnished by adults, Mich.; and Edwin Ward, Lake Charles, ment and expanding activities of Mrs. Strauch went to Guam to Margaret Richardson; Joseph Dan­ Associate La. Requiem Mass was offered Nov. 16 in the drive. make her home with her husband, three or four rooms. Cathedral Parish PAINTING AND DECORATING W. R. JOSEPH in St. Philomena’s church. interment the college. iel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Fa- preferred. MAin 5564. Refreshments were served by who is stationed there with the EYES EXAMINED Mt. Olivet. Olinger mortuary. As the meeting closed, the Rev. brizio, sponsors, Anthony Begnoli First class Paintins and Dccoratinff G1 1| Phont TAbor 1880 ANN ABEYTA, 1404 Delaware street. Mrs. Mark Behan, president of St. army. and Lois Bornholdt; and Diana BRICK REPAIRS 7471. 218-219 Majeitie Bid, S. R. Krieger, S.J., guild moder­ Wife of Lawrence Abeyta: daughter of Francis de Sales’ PTA, and Mrs. Bleited Martin’* Circle BRICK REPAIRSt SpeelaMsIni tn brick Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ksquibcl; sister of ator, stressed the need for addi­ Jo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Lucy Barela and Nettie Esquibel, Oki­ Jack McLaughlin, head of the liam Andrich, sponsors, Viola Li- cx)inting and repairing, also eaulking American Pennant tional contributions of clothing, Miss Bertha Winters enter­ painting DE. 666a WALTER EVANS M o n u m e n t s nawa; Joe M. Esquibel, Oakland, Blessed Sacrament organization. blankets, bed linens, toys, dolls, tained the members of the Blessed grani and Louis Sarracco. Calif.; Armand J. and John Esquibel. •Mrs. Fred Gushurst, who is 946 Steela. Mfg. Co. We bare erected many beauti­ Denver. Requiem Mass is being offered and games to fill the Christmas Martin circle at a social meeting Eddie Quinlan, a pupil of the ful monuments in Mt. Oliyet at 9 o'clock Thursday, Nov. ^8, in Si. president of the Denver deanery, barrels for the neighboring Jesuit in her home Monday evening, Nov. fourth grade, is a patient in St. FOR RENT: LETTERING AND DECORATING Cemetery. Cajetan’s church. Interment Mt. Olivet. presided at the meeting. missions. Contributions to this 15. The evening was spent (May Anthony’s hospital. He is the son OF ALL ATHLETIC UNIFORMS JOHN L. COSGRAVE, Denver. Re­ of Mr/and Mrs. Pat Quinlan. A FIVE-ROOM partly lumished house In quiem Mass was offered Nov. 13 in Holy Christmas joy may be made by ing bridge. The members oi the rear $30.00 a month. Coal and Raa stove. CHENILLE LE'tTERS. EMBLEMS ‘ A. T. THOMSON church. Interment Mt. Olivet. anyone, this charity not being con­ circle are assembling a layette The November meeting of the circulatinR heater. St. Patrick’s parish AND MONOGRAMS ARTHUR MESKEW. 701 2lat street. fined to guild members. Articles that will be completed soon. Senior Young Ladies’ sodality is Write to: T. J. Garxan. 2539 l8th St. 600 Sherman St. TA 8018 Father of Margaret Stevens, Casper, College Takes Part PLEASE I No phone or personal call*. ^ 634 16th St., Fontiui Buildinf. KE 3367 Wyo.; Emily Livingston. Aurora: Bernice may be sent to Regis college, Mrs. Margaret Dinan who has scheduled for this Thursday eve­ PUst. Chattanooga. Tenn.; Dominic marked “ for the missions” in care been in St. Joseph’s hospital for ning, Nov. 18, in the lunch room of FURNITURE WE SERVE 1 .Meskew, Peoria. 111.; John Meskew. Fort In Welfare Meeting of Father Krieger. Cash donations four weeks, is still unable to be the school. Small ; Lyon; brother of Frank Satore, Denver The Rev. Achille Sommaruga is F O R S A L E Mrs. Emma McGowan. Hollywood, may be made for the purchase of released. FURNITURE bought, eold or traded foi Dinner parties { Calif. Eight grandchildren also sur* such needed items. Additional in­ Immaculate Conception Circle spending a few days visiting the cash. Highest cash prices paid. Estimate* Communion Breakfast B.B.B. TURKEYS vive. Rosary will be recited at 7 p.m (Loretto Heights College, Denver) Rev. Emile Verschraegen of Ster­ on all classes of merchandise. Open eve formation will be given gladly by- Mr. and Mrs. McDermott Ryan nlngs until 9 p.m.. Sundays 8 a.m. to 12 also Thursday, Nov. 18, in the mortuary at ling. He will a.ssist at the solemn Live or Dressed E, Colfax and High street. Requiem The faculty, staff, and students Mrs. Adrian F. Maguire, president announce the birth of a daughter noon. Phones: PE. 4014 or R A 6428 Wedding Receptions j of the guild, phone EA. 8891. closing of the Forty Hours’ devo­ Cary's Furniture, 1600 So. Broadway. Weight 12 to 25 lbs. Mass will be offered at 9 o'clock Friday of Loretto Heights college are tak­ recently in Mason City, la. Mrs. Catholic Charities KE. 6380 j J. K. Mullen Home for Boys Nov. 19. in Holy Ghost church. Inter­ ing an active part in the Colorado (Betty) Ryan is a former member tion on Tuesday evening. ment Mt. Olivet. Joseph Petraglia, Sr.; Mr. and MRS. W0L8IEFFER Ft. Logan Phone: Eng. 1442 JUAN MORAN, 1008 Larimer atret. Conference of Social .Welfare. of Immaculate Conception circle ROSVALL AUCTION Husband of Sara P. Moran; father of The Rev. Edward A. Leyden, Shower for Nuns and a council member. Mrs. Joseph Petraglia, Jr.; and Pays more for good famitore, bedroom, Washing Machines Ricardo and Frances Moran. Requiem James Petraglia have returned diningroom sets, and tables, pianos, hind- Mass was offered Nov. 17 in St. Cajetan's archdiocesan superintendent of Mrs. Norris Hoskins, historian MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS—' from a visit in Paterson, N. J., painted china, antique furniture, bric-a- We specialise In wringer rolls and wringer church. Interment Mt. Olivet. schools and head of the depart­ for the guild, asks all circle presi­ brac. elec, appliances, sewing machines, and New York city. They visited repairs— any make. DOYLE’S WILLIAM H. O’NEIL, Sedalia. Uncle ment of religion, is presiding over Sponsored by PTA dents who have not done so to rugs, drapes, kitchen utensils, odds and of Betty L. Francis and Larry O’Neil of with Miss Ann Petraglia and Mrs. Complete New Wringers, $15 up* send their activities report to her ends, misc. BRING YOUR JOB TO U8 Sedalia. Requiem Mass was offered Nov. the panel discussion, “ Pressures Will Psy Cash or Sell Your PHARMACY Roy Defranco of Paterson, N. J. Save Service Charge 13 in St. Francis' church. Castle Rock. on Youth,” on Thursday morning, (Sacred Heart Pariih, Denver) at 1035 Adams street. Furniture on Commission Tb« PartleaJar Drotaist KATHERINE AGNES POWERS. Nov. 18. Theodore S. Cleveland, At the last regular meeting, Nov. Our Lady of Lourde* Circle WE HANDLE ESTATES Ray Jones Washing Machine Co« Mother of Nellie P. Rapp, Denver; Mrs. ^Ur. D. C. H'erthman^ Open Till 6 p. m. 376 8. Broadway. Denver 9. Colo. K. Benson, Boulder; Mrs. Marie Bart­ director of public relations, is act­ 9, the PTA held a successful pan­ Mrs. Mary O’Connor and Mrs. 17th AVE. AND GRANT ► 1238 S. Broadway RA. 4721 SP. 8798 lett, Sharon. Pa.; and Mrs. Marjorie ing as summarizer for the morn­ try shower for the sisters who Aileen Healy were co-hostesses at ► and Associate BX. HP7 FREE DELIVERT Thomas, Shreveport, La. Services were ing session on the panel, “ Displaced the meeting of Our Lady of Lour­ held Nov. 11 in Sacred Heart church. teach in the parish school. Prizes ► Longmont. Persons and Migratory Labor.” were won by Sister Raphaela and des circle. The meeting was held Dentists MARY L. SCOTT. 461 S. Grant. ► CHECKER CABS The Rt. Rev. Monsigmor John R. Mrs. Esther Garcia. in the home of Mrs. O’Connor PLATES Altcayg a Beautiful Mother o f William J. Scott, Denver; Mulroy is chairman of this panel Tuesday, Nov. 16. The members ) grandmother of John W. Scott, U. S. The PTA will hold another dance ^406 16th Strait 1291 I6tb Strait 4 ED DUNDON TA. 2233 Catholic Service navy; and Mary Elizabeth Scott. Denver. and will act as moderator of the Wednesday evening, Nov. 24. "The sewed on linens and completed Requiem Mass was offered Nov. 17 in afternoon session, which will be their layette. N KKraton* (781 TAbot 6761 4 At a Reasonable Price Francis dc Sales' church. Interment parishioners and PTA members t. Olivet. devoted exclusively to the topic of are urged to attend this dance. The U FLORENCE ZAPATA, 3013 Fox. Re- displaced persons. funds will be used for the benefit t quiem Mass was offered Nov. 15 in The college has taken an organi­ of the children’s annual Christmas m Sacred Heart church. Interment Mt. FAMILY OF SIX ADULTS WANTS TO RENT Just Good Printing b Olivet. zational membership in the confer­ party. The school organization is a ence so that a group of students in charge of the sale of the tickets MISS ROSE E. GRADY 7 OR 8 ROOM HOUSE OR APARTMENT r majoring in sociology may attend for the annual Turkey party, Mixs Rose E. Grady. 1554 Loftan ABEGG-FEllOWS Printing Co. street, died Nov. 10 in St. Joseph’s hos­ the sessions. which is to be held the evening of St K E. 4054 pital. Miss Grady was born in O’ Neill, Exchange Student Addre**e* Club Dec. 11. All who desire to pur­ FR. 7535 SIS I4th St. Denver D Neb. Since coTnin? to Denver about 25 Daniel Bernard of Paris, an ex­ chase these tickets are asked to • ears axo she and two of her sisters call Mrs. Mary Martinez, Ch. 6308. tn owned and operated a millinery business. change student now attending the S She is survived by three sisters, Kath­ University of Denver, addressed On Thanksgiving afternoon at 2 erine and Mary Grady of Denver, and o’clock, and again in the evening n Mrs. H. J. Hjinimond of O’Neill. Neb.; the members and guests of Le \ and three brothers, T. F'. Grady of Den­ Cercle Francois, the French club at 7 :30, there will be a movie fea­ ver, H. D. Grady of O’Neill, and J. E. of Loretto Heights college, at their turing Abbott and Costello, en­ Grady of Everett, Wash. Requiem Mass titled It Ain’t Hay. was offered Nov. 12 in the Cathedral. first meeting of the year, Sunday Interment Mt. Olivet. W. P. Horan & afternoon, Nov. 14, at the college. persDiiiiel Son mortuary. Officers Elected otholit and the Bernard had many interesting By Sodality DAY MORTUARY MISS ELIZABETH T. McGINNIS facts to give the group on “ Y'outh Miss Elizabeth T. McGinnis, 79. died Movements in France Today.” An The parish Ladies’ Altar sodality 2406 Federal Blvd. Nov. t5 of a heart attack in her home. active member of French youth or­ has elected the following officers 1 ♦ 1559 Loftan street. Born in Taylorville. finest equipment nnd fniilities GL. 5709 111., Miss McGinnis moved to Texas with ganizations himself, the speaker for the coming year: Mrs. Howard her parents when she was a child. She was well equipped to bring his Briggs, prefect; Mrs. Mary Dolan, I attended schools there and moved to audience first-hand information. assistant prefect; Mrs. Francis Denver about 1926. She was a member of the Altar and Rosary society of the Before the war he was a national Sohn, treasurer; and Mrs. Joe Kil- ____a port of euery Catholic Seruice Cathedral parish. delegate from France at the In­ ker, Jr., secretary. Survivors include three sisters. Mrs. Julia Shea. Miss Katherine and Miss ternational Scout camp in Switzer­ Ellen McGinnis of Fort Worth, Tex.; land and served as the chief of the and three nephews. Dr. John D. Shea. Scout police at an international Albuquerque; John Sweeney, Denver; Cathedral Sodality and Joseph Sweeney. Chicafto. Funeral scout meeting near Paris, in which •services will take place in Fort Worth. 50,000 Scouts *om all over the Boulevard mortuary. world participated. In the latter To Plan Reception office, Bernard was following in CHARLES M. O'DONNELL tlioeral Director Charles M. O'Donnell died Nov. 10 in the footsteps of his father, who This Sunday, Nov. gl, the Den­ is the director of the Surety Na- his home. 1331 Detroit street, of a heart ver Cathedral Young Ladies' so­ attack. Born in Iowa April 19. 1873. tionale, the French equivalent of CthoUc . Each family — your family — Mr. O’ Donnell had been a contractor dality will receive Holy Commun­ _ j Supervisioo here since 1906. He was a member of the American FBI. During the ion in a body at the 9 o’clock Mass. is part of America. The St. Philomena's parish. war, Bernard was active in the The general sodality intention foi * fe Need Protection He Is survived by a brother, Henry Maquis, the French underground future rve'- identity of your name should O'Donnell, and two sisters. Miss Louise the month of November is “ The Adviser l O'Donnell and Mrs. J. R. Costello, all of movement. Since that time, he has Holy Souls Suffering in Purga­ be made permanent in your Denver. Requiem High Mass was o f­ obtained his degree in law and tory.” Pews will be reserved for fered Nov. 18 in St. Philomena’s church. traveled extensively. community in order that the Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mor­ the members on the righthand side tuary. influence of its character grandchildren. Requiem Hass was of the middle aisle. fared Nov. 18 in St. John's church, MRS. PRISCILLA S. ARCHULETA Following the Communion Mass, shall continue to be helpful terment Mt. Olivet. Mr*. Priscilla S. Archuleta, 1611 breakfast will be served in the to those in this and of suc­ Bryant, died Nov. 12 in « local hospital MARY GIOVANINI reading room. All officers and after a three-month illness. Born in Mary Giovaninl. 67. 8180 W. Sixth committee chairmen are asked to ceeding generations. Sapello, N. Mex., June 6, 1919. Mrs. avenue, Lakewood, died unexpectedly of Archuleta had been a resident of Denver remain after the breakfast for an since 1940. She lived in Brixhton before a heart attack Nov. 18 in St. Anthony's important meeting to complete movinsr here. hospital. She was born Sept. 8, 1881. Survlvina are her husband. Jake in Austria, and came to this country in plan^ for the enrollment cere­ Archuleta: a son, Abel Archuleta: a 1900, settling first in Central City and mony on Dec. 8 and the Christ- later in Black Hawk. She was married Advise, JACQUES BROTHERS lister, Mrs. Antonio Herrera; and a to Valentine John Giovaninl. Jtfter his ma.s party scheduled for Dec. 12. brother, Ruhen Medina. Servjcea ware death in March. 1916, Mrs. Giovanini Instruction classes for candi­ held Nov. 16 in St. Cajetan's church. M em bers o f C a th ed ra l Interment Mt. Olivet. moved to Leyden, where she was propri­ dates will be held as usual in the etor of a boarding house for seven years. Since 1902 reading room at 7 p.m. This will P a rish MRS. ROSE A. HUGHES Surviving are two aona, Val of Arvada and Pete of Leyden; a daughter, Mrs. be the fifth in this series, which MONUMENTS OP DISTINCTION Mrs. Rose A. Hughes. 79, a member Loretta Ellis of Lakewood; and 11 grand­ will conclude on Nov. 28. Beatrice of a Denver pioneer family, died Nov. 10 children. Requiem Maas is being of­ 28 E. 6th Ave. TAbor 6468 in her home at 661 Corona itreet, after fered at 9 o'clock Thursday. Nov. 18. in Ruthberg will be in charge of this an illness of two years. She wai bom Preaentatlon church. Interment Mu meeting. in Independence, la., and came to Denver Olivet, 66 yeara ago with her parenti. Hr. and Chanene Pierson, prefect, has Mrs. Patrick Kirk. She attended public MAGDALENA LOPEZ announced that next Thursday, schooli here and was married in 1888 to Magdalena Lopaz, 6. 2988 W. Short Thanksgiving day, the sodalists, as William H. Hughes. Last Sept. 2 she place, died Nov 16 in a local hospital individuals, will invite children and her husband celebrated their 80tb from injuriea suffered Nov. 14 when she wedding anniversary. A lifelong member ran Into a darkened street and was from St. Clara’s orphanage to be n S j u u i t h COLD SPRING of the Church, Mrs. Hughaa. ant* promi­ struck down by a passing automobile guests at the movies, or if possi­ MONUMENTS nent in charitable and religlou* letlvitiea It 8141 W. First avenue. ble to entertain them in their IKAUTIFUL CMniKS and I member of the Catholic Order of Survivors include her parenti. Mr. and Forester*. Mrs. Litandro Lopes; four brothers. homes. Anyone interested in tak­ ^ mORTURRIES Mr*. Hughe* I* aurvived by her hus­ Ernest, Gilbert, Gerald, and Harold ing part in this activity should THE RAINBOW LINE OF GRANITES band: a daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Oti* Lopes: and two aiitera, Sylvia and Ger­ contact Charlene Pierson at AL. C leodole 3IB3 of Denver: two sons, William L. of aldine Lopes. M ill of tbt Angels will SIXTEENTH AT lOUlOEK*. Denver and Charles J. of Chtyenne; be offered at 9 o'clock SaturtUy. Nov. 8628 or Leora Read at AL. 6502, nint grandcbildrcD, and flva great­ 20, in Presenutlon ehureb. before Wednesday, Nov. 24. jr'-’ji

T h u rid o y , N ot. 1 8 ,1 9 4 8 Office, 938 Bannock Stre^ THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEytfone 4205 PAGE ELEVEN

. The Denver Catholic Register President...... Most Hev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. Editor...... - ...... Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D. RegisforialiS ^ianag^ing Director...... Rev. John B. Cavanagh, M.A., LittD. Hear Associate Editors-7-M . F. Everett, Jour.D.; Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A.; Linus Riordan, A.B., Litt.M.; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A.; greetings to this woman who had Rev. John Ebel, M.A.; Rev. Robert Kekeisen, M.A.; Paul H. Hallett. Klan Head Dies no children of her own. These facts Christ Wonts A ll in His Church speak for themselves. / By Rev. Robert E. Kekeise.v ilems. The prearranged introduc- LittD.; Art Editor, Leo Canavan. Editorial Assistants; Robert Hoyt, ASK and LEARN A Pathetic Figure Her capable administration is A priest friend of mine, acting 'tion of a non-Catholic prospect to A.B.; Jack Heher, A.B.; Paul Hennessey, M.A. (Joum.), M.A. (H ist); evidenced by a comparison with as temporary chaplain at a caw the priest might be the* beginning that of similar institutions in the James Kelly, A.B. By Millard F. Evbiett airy replacement training center, of the right kind of faith to him state. She established a sound ed­ A pathetic figure died this week, was instructing a group of pros­ who has no specific faith. My sug­ KOA ucational program in her institu­ Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. a man who rode to power with the pective converts to the (Church. He gestion is that the meeting be ar­ night-shirted Ku Klux Klan and tion and saw it approved and aided ranged at first on a purely social by the state. Never was her admin­ noticed that one of the non-Cath- Published Weekly by later felt a heavy retribution for olic soldiers knew more about basis. These things have a peculiar his intolerance. He was Clarence J. istration charged with any sugges­ way of getting around to religious 11:15 . THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) tion of inefficiency or mismanage­ Catholicity than the others. On Morley, who was Governor of inquiry, the priest found that the subjects. Perhaps a friendly con­ 938 Bannock Street, 1 ment. Colorado in the hectic days of the soldier had been attending Mass versation with the priest will clean EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 Klan wave irf the ’20s. Just a year ago, in a rare con­ up for the non-Catholic some point cession to publicity, Anna Cooley regularly on Sundays for five Morley became Governor as years. When a s l^ why he did not that has been his main obstacle in Subscription: $1 per year. told a Register reporter: “ We are coming to the Church. protege « f the powerful Dr. John dealing with human beings, and start taking instructions sooner, Questions on religion submitted by the radio Club Subscription, with The Register, Local Edition, $1.30 per Year. Galen Locke, Grand Dragon of the the army man replied: “ I did not Christ died for all men, not just human beings are always interest­ audience answered on the archdiocesan hroadrasl. No Club Subscription Price Offered Outside Colorado. Klan in the state. His term was ing. It is such a thrill watching the know how to go about it.” for you and me. And the most ef­ turbulent in several respects. No There must be many outside the fective way— the only way de­ Thursday, November 18, 1948 * youngsters develop and do for fight was more bitter than that themselves, knowing that we have True Fold of Christ who do not signed by Christ— for the spread Booklets on Catholic Church available free of cost over his attempt to get the Legis­ had a little share in putting them know how to go about becoming of His Redemptive grace to man­ lature to outlaw the use of wine in on the right road.” Catholics— and many more who do kind is membership in His Church. to all inquirers. OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It was this personal love and not know what they are missing There the erstwhile befuddled The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. The battle against this move waged intense devotion to her work that by taking a detour to heaven. finds certainty of faith; the spir­ We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ through the Denver Catholic Regis­ made it a vocation and not a job. You who were born Catholic itual wanderer finds the Light of WRITE TO ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or ter by its editor, then Father Mat­ Miss Cooley is one “ mother” who might say: “ Why obviously the Truth; the doubtfully forgiven those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. thew Smith, gained nation-wide deserves to retire. May God bless man should have consulted a find»^assurance of 'pardon; the or­ ASK AND LEARN, Station KOA, We hope The Register will be read in every home of the notice. Father Smith was to cele­ her declining days with peace and priest.” phan becomes a Child of God and brate Mass as a test case imme­ happiness. But do you understand the mem heir of heaven. I Denver 2, Colorado We urge pa.stors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in diately after the measure became tality of the average Protestant? You and I know these things, the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. law. Dr. Locke, who was not so Often he is reticent about religious but there are countless men and + URBAN J. VEHR, much intolerant as power-greedy, You Ought matters, especially when he has women, youths and aged, outside, Jan. 29, 1942. Archbishop of Denver. called off the legislation when he himself tagged as an outsider, one poor victims of the Protestant feared that blood'^ould be spilled in whom even close Catholic Revolution, who know them not. if the law were passed. To Know friends seem to take no spiritual St. Paul says that faith comes by YOU CAIV HAVE Where Publicity Should Center The Register was credited with By Rev. J a.mes B. Hamblin interest. hearing. You, among your own being a major force in. the eveni One thing Catholic lay persons The doctrinal confusion of friends, may be able to give the tual defeat of the Klaa. But the most Christian sects outside the By Paul H. Hallett He attention on the causes of sex do not want for is criticism. In priest a chance to preach— not a intolerance and bigotry aroused by Catholic Church is driving increas­ sermon in a packed church with crimes and lesser sexual disorders. fact, they have a surplus of it. Most thinking people must de­ the hooded gentry lasted long after ing numbers of thinking men away Catholics, but confidential in­ plore the over-publicity given to Because, it seems, whenever the CONFIDENCE •• KIILAM The only attempt to deal with the the Klan was in disgrace. In the busy pastor has nothing else to from their deficient interpretation structions behind closed doors in the sex crime in which a Catholic evil this writer has seen widely dis­ early ’30s there were some nasty of Christianity.' Whether or not the matters that will bring joy and University of Colorado coed was make the subject of his sermon, These CATHOLIC BnUdings incidents of Catholics’ being dis­ he can always fall back on sin it will drive them to inquiry spiritual security to one who once the victim. The daily press feeds cussed in the daily press is the charged or denied posts as teachers and the sorry state of asceticism into the True Church may depend walked without a guide. are KILLAHI CONVERSIOIV heated morbid curiosity, distresses the sterilization of sex “ morons”— as in Colorado public schools because or the equally sorry state of the a g:reat deal on the example and girl’s friends and family, and prob­ futile as it is unjust, for the truly of their faith. ^ approBchability of Catholic Catholic Cathedral Chancery Office Knights of Columbus ably hinders detective work by the parish finances. • moronic or imbecile are seldom or Morley left Colorado soon after Now all those are important. If friends. What do you do ♦rhen a St. Elizabeth’s Church School Mt. Carmel School multitude of blind-alley clues an never sex criminals. his term ended and opened an any is neglected, times (either non-Catholic friend seems inter­ St. Francis De Sales’ Church Rectory St. Mary’s Academy over-excited public sends in. The obvious method of decreas­ investment business in Indian­ ested in the Church? Sex assaults, unfortunately, are hereafter or present) will he St. Louis' Parish ing sex offenses is that of lessen­ apolis. Ind. In July of 1937 he I think one of the best ■«-ays to not so uncommon as to make news tough. And yet the patience with ing the influences that excite the was convicted of using the mails which those on the other side of draw the outsider closer to the by their rarity. They have always irrational sex appetite. It is so ob­ to defraud in the operation of Church of Christ is to introduce existed with more or less fre­ the rail submit to sin and “ taxa­ K i M a m G A s b u r n e r co. vious that it seems hardly to have what was described as a “ bucket tion” is to be admired. him to a friendly priest. Ordinarily PIA Unit Slates quency, and even among the pas­ occurred to those in charge of the shop” company. His sentence was If it is any consolation, let them Prostestants have strange ideas MANUFACTURERS AND HEATING ENGINEERS toral Jews of the Exodus they safety of most of the large cities. upheld by the federal circuit court about priests. Maybe some Catho­ were the objects of Mosaic legisla­ be sure that there is no more joy 2i0 IROADWAY RAea 287) To leave “ comic’’ books out of the of appeals in Chicago in 1938. He in haranguing than in being lics have, too. The main task of tion. picture, let us take solely the filthy was tne twelfth leader of the Klan the Catholic priest in this life, Sale on Nov..21 Tuns in KMYR every weekday morning for the Sacred Heart program 7 :16 to harangued. Maybe it is just a What really would be beneficial magazines displayed in almost in Colorado to serve a penitentiary apart from the oblation of the Su­ 7 ;30 and the Kilism story with Bing Crosby. 7 ;4B to 8. would be the concentration of pub- question of occasions. That being every drugstore. They make no or jail sentence. Morley later the case, we thought we ought to preme Sacrifice and the care of (St. Louis’ Parish, Englewood) disguise of catering to the most moved to Oklahoma City, where he pass along a compliment. It should his own flock, is the gentle attrac­ A baked goods and linen sale PHONE UA »8<7 depraved instincts. They readily died Nov. 13 after a long illness. be a welcome straw in the usual tion of spiritual orphans to their will be sponsored by the PTA DIAhlUNDSs WATCBS8, PTA Group Plans cpme under the prohibition of civic There can be no better comment flood of criticism. Heavenly Father’s house. after the Masses this Sunday, Nov. ARTCRAFt SILVEBWARB ordinances, and at least their open on the case than that carried in And since any statement is The priest’s own personality, 21. Co-chairmen for the sale will Cleaners and Hatters display could be easily prevented. “ Listening In” just 10 years ago weakened or strengthened by the under God, has much to do with be Mrs. C. M. Bratrovsky and Mrs. Where the Charm of Newncu Is LESTER^S JEWELRY Shower for Nuns Yet little or nothing has been done this month; “ We feel no exultation integrity and experience of its the first impre.ssion made on the William Powell. Restored about them in Denver in almost over his disgrace. But we cannot Odorless D17 Cleaning Watch Repairs author, we ought to explain that future convert. Most Catholics Twenty-five students were at­ Pich'Op and DelWerr Serrlee The December meeting of the 10 years, since Monsignor McMen- forget the lesson told in many the compliment comes from a have a priest friend whom they are tracted to the Junior Newman Ra*WeaTlng 1529 Welton CH. 2447 Denver Cathedral PTA will fea­ amin’s temporarily successful cru­ chapters of history—that he who priest who has observed Catholi­ wont to consult in their own prob- ]I41 Glsnarai Jaa. D Maazota, Prep. club program on Monday evening. MeaNr ef 8lsue4 tsenmnt Parish ture a pantry shower and party sade. The sale of lust-exciting cal­ strikes the Church often meets cism on three continents, being a The program includes religious dis­ for the sisters. Mrs. Gilmore Mohr- endars, at no time more brazen with a dreadful punishment even native of Italy visiting in the cussion, a social, and serving of than this year, is another example. on this earth. Nohte tangere! It is Fr. Moynihan to Speak Dacher is chairman of the affair, United States while awaiting re­ refreshments. The program begins and will be a.ssisted by Mines. The very newspapers that play not necessary for us to take turn passage to his mission in vengeance on our enemies. God at 7 :30 and ends at 9. Mothers of George Schwartz, Fred Wilber, E. up a sex crime with the professed China. On Sacred Heart Hour students and PTA representatives M O R G X N , LEIBMAN & HOCKEY B. Uewhurst, Fred Haas, and 'Tom object of .^furthering its discour­ looks after that. We hope that The Rev. Nicholas Maestrini readers will join us in praying are handling social and refresh­ Gilbert. All the PTA members will agement will print pictures, sto­ knows whereof he speaks. And he The Rev. James Moynihan, as­ ment arrangements. INSURANCE SINCE 1897 be approached but any other friend ries, advertisements whose chief that mercy may now be shown to is convinced that the Catholics of sistant pastor of Annunciation The cement flooring on the wishing to send a gift may call effect can be only the excitation Morley.” America are among the best in the parish, Denver, will be the guest first floor and in the basement of ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Mrs. Mohrbacher at EA, 1446. of base emotions. world. Nowhere, says he, is there speaker on the Denver edition of the new school was laid this week. Mrs. Paul Ryan and her com­ such faithful attendance at Mass the Sacred Heart radio program We shall never lessen the prob­ Pipes for the plumbing and heat­ \ mittee are busy with their prepar­ lem of sexual disorders until we A ^Mother' Retires or such frequent reception of the to be broadcast over radio station Gas and Eltctrie Bldg. Phons TAbor IM I ations for the card party to be sacraments. Even in Italy where KMYR on Sunday, Nov. 21, at ing also were installed. A good admit the fact that there is no By Rev. F rancis Syrianey idea of what the cafeteria and given Nov. 26. The 1949 Ford will “ mature” approach to the prob­ the Papacy makes the Church an 12:45 noon. Bob Chase beat us to it in the basement will look like can be ob be on display at this party. The lem in the sense in which this is ever-present influence, there are Miss Rosemary Collins as soloist Rocky Mountain News, but that tained from the amount of work members of the parish and the meant by some psychiatrists, -who fewer worshipers at daily Mass, will sing “ 0 Sanctissima.” accom­ still will not stop us from carry­ accomplished so far. school children are working on this have the idea of playing with lust the precept of Sunday’ Mass is panied by Slargaret Reddy on the ing out our intention. Like Mr. project under the Very Rev. Wal­ while avoiding its' dangers. The observed with less fidelity, and organ. The Regis college glee club Members of the Marian sorority ter Canavan’s direction. Chase, we feel compelled to say weekly or monthly reception of the will furnish the opening and clos­ met in the home of Miss Helen consequences of this appetite can­ something about Miss Anna L. Two Girl Seout Brownie troops not, for most people, be combated sacraments is looked on as a sign ing music. Poole, 3396 S. Sherman, on have been initiated in the school. Cooley, who this week announced of extraordinary devotion and The glee club has been completely Wednesday evening. by keeping quiet about them. But her retirement after 25 years as One group, coranosed of third they emphatically cannot be piety. Only two countries, in the reorganized under the direction of Father Victor Koegel, former grade girls, is led by Mrs. John superintendent of the State In­ opinion of Father Maestrini, put Keith Yout, Regis student from assistant in the parish, is now fought by exposing minds to the dustrial School for Girls near Mor­ Hyde and Mrs. Lester Seibert. The America to shame. They are Ire­ Steamboat Springs, who has had studying in St. Raphael’s college, MOVING a STORAGE exciting influences of sex. rison. other troop, composed of fourth land and Poland. He si^ s almost considerable experience with sacred Fribourg, Switzerland. In a letter Since 1912 Miss Cooley was as­ grade prls, is under Mrs. A. Rick- in ecstacy when he mentions them. music, according to the Rev. J. last week, he sent greetings to ow and Mrs. Roy Keeble. Mrs. Le- sociated with the Morrison insti­ Clement Ryan, S.J., director of the Party of Aid Society tution and actually had charge of “ There,” he says, “ you breathe the the parishioners. kay Hale is supply leader. A new faith in the very air. It influences program. STORAGE SPruce 267] troop of Junior Catholic Daugh­ it for many more years than she This Sunday is Communion day every moment of the people’s life, for all families in the parish. The LOWEST PRICES ters also has been started. It is Rated as Success was its official head. It would be every act they perform.” IN THE CITY composed of sixth and seventh impossible to calculate the amount children particularly and their par­ UZ58 So. Pearl of genuine good this capable We in America have not reached 'King Midas' to Be Given ents are invited to approach the grade girls, with Mrs. W. F. Kdty The annual fall card party of the that .state yet. Perhaps we never woman has accomplished in that altar railing. The observance of »s counselor. will. But it is consoling to know Good Shepherd Aid society, which time. Her sympathetic- understand­ Family Communiofi day is spon­ The Marioneta circle met Nov. that despite our secular surround­ At Phipps Auditorium was held at the Home of the Good ing was responsible for the reha­ sored by the PTA. 9 in the home of Mrs. William ings—divorce, speed, big business, Baptist. Shepherd, Denver, Nov. 9, was a bilitation of hundreds of girls who King Midas and the Golden . The PTA at its last meeting set YOU PAY ONLY A ROOM A MONTH and all the other things we are Touch will be presented by the social and financial success. Re­ might have been lost entirely un­ wont to view with alarm—our aside $83 to help purchase new- freshments were served and special der another type of administration. Junior League Players Saturday, folding chairs. The parents also Catholic people are worthy of such Nov. 20, at Phipps auditorium, With Mr. Chase, we agree that she praise. volunteered their services in ren­ prizes were awarded. will be sorely missed. Denver. It will be under the aus­ CATHOLIC RADIO LOG The writer agrees with the mis- ovating the kitchen in the school. The hall was decorated by the We ourselves never met Miss pices of Junior Entertainment, The kitchen is used for first Fri­ Station KOA girls under the supervision of the sioner. He is glad to pass along Inc., as the second in its series of Cooley, but from priests connected the compliment. day breakfasts and organization CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday. sisters. The sale of a beautiful with the Catholic Cl^arities office performances for children. meetings, but needed special at­ 4 p.m. supply of linens also was a suc­ of Denver, we have heard much There will be two shows, at 2 tention, which has been lacking, ASK AND LEARN— Sunday, cess. about the sterling caliber of her Friend^ of Dominicans and at 4 p.m. Some tickets are since the cafeteria was discon­ 11:15 p.m. Mrs. Dennis Hogan, chairman, work in the state institution for available for the first show and a tinued owing to crowded condi­ Organists and Congregations, playing and Station KVOD and Mrs. A. E. Perriam, presi­ the rehabilitation of girls. Not larger number for the 4 o’clock tions in the school. many people knew Miss Cooley, Slate Meeting Nov. 23 performance. They will be on sale listening to the Baldwin Electronic Organ, share HOUR OF FAITH— Sunday, dent, extend their thanks to all Infants baptized last Sunday 9:30 a.m. who helped. but her girls did. She never sought at the box office at Phipps’ audi­ the inspiration created by this superb instrument. publicity of any type, even, as The Friends of the Dominican torium before each show. Season were Steven John Simon, son of Station KMYR The following served on the Mr. Chase pointed out, refusing to Sisters of the Sick Poor will meet tickets are still available for the Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Simon, with SACRED HEART PROGRAM committee: Mmes. Harry Branch, protest over the inadequacy of the at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 23, in the 4 o’clock performances of the se Patrick A. Moyers and Marie J, — Weekday! at 7:15 a.m. C. A. Bottinelli, J. J. Campbell, M. facilities with which she was com­ convent, 2501 Gaylord, Denver. The ries. Moyers as sponsors; and Robert Sunday at 12:45 p.m. J. Cullen, W. H. Grimm, M. J. pelled to work. Rey^ John Scannell will speak. A John De Haas, son of Mr. and Station KFEL Lester, W. A. Wiley, and L. M. But her girls remembered. At musical program arranged by Mrs. 40 HOURS’ DEVOTION Mrs. Donald De Haas, with Pat­ AVE MARIA HOUR— Sunday. Young, and Gladys Baus- Christmas she received as many as John R. Schilling will feature rick Smith and Barbara Smith as 5:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. man and Eva Walsh. 2,000 cards from girls whom she violin numbers by Nina Hendricks ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER sponsors. FAMILY THEATER - - Wed- The next meeting will be held had helped by her kindly minis­ and Gloria Guydonia Robinson. The Week of Sunday, Nov. 21: Our Mass on Thanksgiving day will netday, 7:30 p.m. jO)ec. 14 in the Denver Dry Goods trations. More dear to her heart latter will accompany Mis^ Hend­ Lady of Victory church, Limon be at 10 o’clock. Communion will tea room. ._ were the hundreds of Mother’s day ricks. (13 Hours’ ). be dist.-ibuted at 8 o’clock.

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PAGE TWELVE Office, 93 8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telaphonta KEyttong 4205 Thursday, Nav. 18, 1946; Arvada Shrine Circle Leaders in Pre-Cana Conference Plans Ball on Nov. 19 Armistice Day Jack Hall Wants To Save You Money! Arvada.— (Shrine of St. Anne) When You Renew Auto Insurance — St. Anne's circle will sponsor a Functions Honor CHECK THIS LOW PRICE 1 d ^ ce at the Broadmoor Country Liability A Property $0.80 i«c£ttr ' ■ mooekn Damage, S-10-5 for 6 moa. V club Friday evening, Nov. 19. \ cumnl rat. ~Kecently baptized by the Rev. Regis War Dead pl» IS lirfllD* Hinhfhlita t*. Atraal). 5.0S3 Caltrala h h Ii kan lait Unit arlnn Forrest Allen were Norma Jean Parents and relatives of Regis llctaus btesiH el fillart I d caealy eltli Ike ittlt r i u i K l il RetkODilklNIt Lae. le a n il Ik li kaiM ahn and Patricia Ann, twin daughters World war II dead and alumni and It yte. la l It ki ketle antactil. naie eltk Faiaan. HARRY IR. LUSTIG of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Heb- friends of the college attended the Clilai an tall anopllr li ult. tiy a caaileta. Its* ASSESSABLE liuiraate lellcy eltk elman of Westminister, with Peter impressive Armistice day cere­ JOSEPH VOLOSIN mony at which a plaque in mem­ Della Betta and Mrs. Catherine 8UU-B«rl>t«rtd OptMiatrltU ory of the 39 students killed in the JACK HALL Hillen as sponsors; Charles Ray, war was dedicated. 935 15th St. KE. 3683 ntsirtet A|»nt infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maj. Gen. John F. Curry, USA FARMEKS IN.SIJRANCE GROU P LIBERAL CREOIT TERMS (retired), chief spealter at the cer­ E. Ziegler, with James Bergner 435 14th St. AL. 0466 and Mrs. Felix Hillen as sponsors. emony, pointed out the bulwarks that the Catholic Ch*rch has erected throughout the world to prevent racial and class strife and maintain peace. “ I am proud to be a member of the Catholic Church,” General Curry told his audience, which in­ Recommended Firms We Will Pay Cash for Small Homes in or Near Denver. cluded dignitaries from military, 'civilian, and professional walks of Quick Action — Call or See life. for AUTO Mayor Speaka Mayor Quigg Newton spoke briefly of the contribution made ujiumms & GREERE PREFECTS OF THE SODALITIES of Cordes of St. Anthony’s hospital. Miss Pat Doyle of by Regis students and .stressed the SERVICE the Catholic colleges and schools of nurs­ Loretto Heights college, and Miss Ann Mahoney of fact that 39 war dead was a large 1641 Stout TA. 6266 ing in Denver led their groups in a successful pre- St. josepn s Hospital, standing are the Kev. Ervin proportion from a school with such A. Stauffen, S.J., of Regis college, who directed the a small pre-war enrollment. Cana Conference at Regis college Sunday, Nov. 14. initial discussion; and Joseph Salcetti, prefect of the Seated at the table are, left to right. Miss Sylvia Regis sodality. The Very Rev. Raphael C. Mc­ Carthy, S.J., president of the col­ B u 4‘kle^ llro.'«. Ulofors T . - r -|- + - + lege, pronounced the prayer of benediction and commemorative Saleg - STLDEBAKER - Service wreaths were presented by the Jo­ Sodality Pre-Cana Conference Is Success seph J. Jacques VFW post, and the AUTO REPAIRING ON ALL MAKE CARS A TRUCKS Capra-DeCanio-Gioia-Tezak VFW EXPEKT BODY AND PENDER WORK — QUALITY PAINTING STEAM CLEANING - WASHING - LUBRICATION SERVICE Marriage is a partnership of lege, and the schools of nursing at of nursing students and Miss post in an appropriate color guard adults for the enrichment of life, St. Jo.seph’s, St.. Anthony’s, and Sylvia Cordes was prefect of the ceremony. 660 So. Bruiylway — New Loration — KA. 2K26 the Rev. Ervin A. Stauffen, S.J., Mercy hospitals, attended the con­ group from St. Anthony’s sodality. A large wreath in memory of of the Regis college faculty told ference. Miss Patricia Doyle was prefect Robert M. DeCanio and all his fel­ ------EX P E R T ' the overflow throng of young peo­ The Regis college group was of the group from Loretto Heights. low students who lost their lives, ple at the successful pre-Cana con­ headed by Joseph Salcetti, pre­ Othpr conferences in the series was presented by Mr. and Mrs. FLETfiuhigiimur AUTO REPAIR ference, held by the sodalities of fect of the college sodality. Miss will be held at St. Joseph’s and St. Thomas Sharer, relatives of De­ All Make* the Denver Catholic colleges and Ann Mahoney, prefect of St. Jo­ Anthony’s hospitals after the first Canio. REPAIRYOUKAR Easy Time Payments' schools of nursing on the Regis seph's sodality, Headed that group of the year. Honor guests included Brig. campus last Sunday. Gen. Warren R. Carter, Lowry air CHRYSLER-PCVMOUTH northwestern Auto Go. So successful was the conference base; Capt. H. L. Hoerner, USN, UPTOWN M O TO R CO. . 540 Broaderay TAbor 6201 that plans were immediately made Young People's Club Ploiis Buckley field; Col. William M. lOOa BROADWAY 0156261 to continue it in a series of monthly Cargill, USMC, Buckley field; Col. meetings. The second will be held Harold B. Crowell, Fitzsimons hos­ at Loretto Heights college in Jan­ Dance in Littleton Nov. 23 pital; Commander George Milroy, uary. Littleton.— The members of St. Mass, and practices are also being Joseph J. Jacques post; Comman­ SPECIAL-$10.95 Father Stauffen, speaking on Mary’s Young People’s club are held for the Christmas music at der Roxy Verretta, Canra-DeCan- io-Gioia-Tezak post; William Spry, “ What Is Love?” , drew a sharp sponsoring a Thanksgiving dance this time. Brake Reline— Chev., Ford, Plymouth distinction between romance, in­ at the Grandview Grange hall on The sisters at the Carmel of the state commander of the Disabled fatuation, and true love. The first Tuesday evening, Nov. 23. This Holy Spirit on Gallup avenue have American Veterans; and Harold two, he pointed out, are shallow, dance is for the families and Benediction of the Blessed Sacra­ Haddock, junior vice commander A R T MALA A T I , l A T . correspond to the tinsel and gilt on friends of St. Mary’s parish, and a ment every Sunday afternoon at 4 of the Leyden-Chiles-Wickersham American Legion post. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE packages of value but unfortu­ cordial invitation is extended to o’clock. Any member of St. Mary’s 1733 GLENARM TAbor 8287 nately are often mistaken for the everyone to be present. There will parish who might wish to attend Lou Hall, president of the Re­ real thing by the world of today. be an orchestra and refreshments. these devotions is welcome to do gis student council, represented Love must be mature and abid­ The dance will begin at 8:30. An so. the student body. ing, P'ather Stauffen said. Married admission fee of 50 cents will be Winter Just Around the Corner!! love is the total union of heart, asked. mind, and body and thus marriage The Ave Maria circle of the World Relations Group is not something to be entered upon .Archbishop's guild met Wednesday DOES YOUR SEAT NEED COVERING? lightly. evening, Nov. 10, at the home of • Gloria Cecchin on North At Regis Attends Meet Full Line of Rayons — Fibers — Nylons — Plastics More than 150 students from W'indemere avenue. A study club Regis college, Loretto Heights col­ FLOOR MATS AVAILABLE FOR ALL CARS project was originated at this (Regia College, DenTer) stage the annual Biology club hop Body & Fender Kepair — Painting — Welding Yne^ing and will continue for ai>- Regis college was represented by at the Cathedral room in the Al­ proximately four months. The Rev. bany hotel. S t . Elizabeth's Frederick McCailin was a guest at 10 students at the annual inter­ Woodrow Wilson Auto Body & Upholstery Co. The dance will also serve the the meeting, and among the mem­ regional meeting of the Rocky purpose of introducing the queen- 682-96 So. B road w .y-P E . 5264 our urT’'riJ u rd «P «w ; bers present were the Misses Cath­ Mountain Conference of Inter­ To Honor Patron arine Maloney and Mary O’Brien; elect of the Regis campus, who will and Mmes. Turley Angle, Howard national Relations clubs held Fri­ be chosen Friday by the vote of Kinkel, Robert Koran, Louis Hig­ day and Saturday at Fort Collins Regis students and who will be (Sl. Elizabeth'! Pariah, (Denver) crowned queen at the annual Coro- Parishionets will honor their pa­ gins, and Wayne Duckworth. It is liiMw Vl(^ HEBERT, Incl JiiviiH. with the Colorado A. and M. col­ nation ball slated for Dec. 7. tron saint, St. Elizabeth of Hun­ planned that the next meeting of lege acting as the host school. Since 1913 the .Ave Maria circle will be held A1 Marranzino, chairman of the gary, on Friday morning, Nov. 19, The meeting, one of the most wfth a Solemn Mass at 8 o’clock. on Wednesday evening, Nov. 24, Biology club dance, is being as­ with Mr.s. Duckworth as hostess at successful ever held by the confer­ sisted in arrangements by Tom All the members of the parish and ence, attracted student delegates 3660 Downing Denver Phone AG 4848 their friends are cordially invited her home on North Sherman ave­ Kelly, club president; John Mc­ nue. from Colorado A. and M., Regis, Cabe, John Abramo, and Margaret to attend the Mass in thanksgiving Loretto Heights, Westminster col­ The world's finest Instrument for the many graces and blessings Mr. and Mrs. John G. Bowen McGuinn of Loretto Heights. Mu­ and their three sons—John, Mar­ lege of Salt Lake City, Utah uni­ sic will be furnished by the Regis bestowed upon them through the versity, Utah State, Colorado uni­ for musical reproduction intercession of their great pa­ tin, and George— have returned tc Collcgianaires under the direction their home on the County road versity, Denver university, and of Bog Regner. DiliVVEK'S FINE§T troness. ColoradoaWomen’s college. St. Elizabeth’s PTA met last from an extended vacation trip to Club Viaita Obaervxtory • BODY & PAINT SHOP Thursday evening to complete the East. The theme for the two-day ses­ Members of the newly formed plans for a card party to be given Mrs. Robert B. Pitts left for sion was “ Future Freedom” and, Mathematics club at Regis college QVICK SERVICE! EVENT of great importance is now tak­ Wednesday evening, Dec. 1. Ap­ Corpus Christi, Tex., where she for the purpose of discussion, was enjoyed their first cultural pro­ Body * Fender * Paint * Upholstery ing place in the musical life of the nation. The new pointed to take charge of the party will spend the holiday season with divided into the following head­ gram last Saturday night, Nov. 13, are Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Harris, relatives. She was accompanied or ings: Post-war security, interna­ when they visited the Chamberlin Capehart, finest instrument ever created by Capehart her trip by her daughter and her All Makes Mrs. Younkerman, Mrs. Carpinella, tional co-operation, colonization, observatory at Denver university engineers, is being presented to the .-Xmerican public. aunt, who is returning to her Cor­ Mrs. Hofsetz, ^Irs. Heit, and Mrs. military alliances, the Marshall under, the leadership of Robert J. OVALITY AT A FAIR PRICE pus Christi home. Maintaining the same distinguished heritage that Stanley. plan, and United Nations trustee­ Howerton, head of the Regis col­ Six o'clock Maai Diacontinued ships. has long characterized Capehart as the world’s finest Mrs. Knoll was elected treasur­ lege mathematics department. er of the PTA to replace Mrs. Gar- For the remainder of the winter Attending from the Inter­ CAPITAL CHEVROLET CO. instrument for musical reproduction, the new models months, there will be no 6 o’clock Mr. Howerton, who was formerly eis, who resigned. national Relations club of Regis Mass at St. Mary’s church. Begin­ on the faculty at Denver univer­ reflect tlie consummate skill of Capehart craftsmen. Following the meeting of the college were Jack Seaman, presi­ 13th and Broadway TAbor 5191 ning Nov. 21, Sunday Masses will sity and who had been connected PTA there was a social hour, with dent; Sidney Spencer, William “ Personal .Appearance” tone recreates the livnng be offered at 8, 10, and 11:,30 with the observatory, was given ac­ the second grade mothers as host­ Martin, Frank Schell. Roland Mar- presence of the artists and instruments themselves. o’clock. The 6 o’clock Mass will be cess to the complete observatory esses. resumed in the spring. tines, Leonard Rollins, James Mur­ by the university. In addition to The exclusive Capehart record changer plays up to Sister Xavier won the attend­ phy, William Flynn, Dick Hodges, explaining the mechanical opera­ 16 records, 10 and 12-inch intermixed, turning them ance count. And all the sisters of The children of grade-school age in St. Mary’s parish will now have and Fred Volz. Fred Van Valken- tion of the Yelescope and related LOGAN GARAGE St. Elizabeth’s wish to express over ib sequence, or playing one side only, as desired. catechism classes every Sunday burg, moderator of the club and instruments, Howerton lectured their thanks for the splendid pan­ after the 8 o’clock Mass. Previous member of the history department briefly on certain celestial phe­ Expert Repairing on All Makes Record concerts of your own choosing, frequency try s.hower that was held for them- to this time there was no catechism of the Regis faculty, attended the nomena. Completa Body, Fender and Paint Dept. . tnoduiation and standard broadcasts take on new The Legion of Mary will receive instruction on the third Sunday of Saturday session. Each of the students was per­ Holy Communion next Sunday in Wheel Balancing and Front End Alignment meaning, new tonal brilliance, when you^ listen to the month, since that is the Sun­ BIOLOGY CLUB mitted to use the telescope with a group in the 8 o’clock Mass. The The Capehart. day set aside as the children’s SETS DATE FOR SOCIAL the moon and various star groups 275 So. Logan SP. 3811 Young Ladies’ sodality will receive group Communion day. as the chief targets. Supreme cabinet artistry— a Capehart tra d ition - Holy Communion Sunday in the The Biology club of Regis col­ Following the visit to the ob­ 9:15 o'clock Mass. Inatruction Claaa Held lege will lay aside microscopes and reaches the ultimate in the magnificent new Capehart The class of instruction for Cath­ servatory, Mr. and Mrs. Howerton phonograph-radios. olics and non-Catholics is held slides Saturday night, Nov. 20, and played host to the students with DODGE-PLYMOUTH OWNERS every Thursday evening in St. with fellow scientific ■ stuoents a late-hour snack in their home. Injured in Fall from Loretto Heights college will Mrs. John R. Schilling of 640 Mary’s church from 8 until 9 Is Your Car Ready for Cold Weather? Pearl street, Denver, is in Mercy o’clock. Father McCailin is grati­ fied at the number attending so Get rid of Summer Lubricanta. Tuna the motor. Reatore Pap and hospital recovering from fractures Lucius Beebe Lauds far but wishes to encourage par­ Economy to Your Car. It wil^Perform Belter and leal longer. Mada by Iha malart of fht Captharf, of a kneecap and ankle received fha K262P, a complata phonograpn-radlo ishioners to bring their non-Cath- - Tiffin Dining Room ^ — FACTORY-TRAINED MECHANICS - raquiris a minimum of floor ipae*. Thii last week in a fall in her home. olic friends— and to come them­ Farntworth model, known for "big taf" selves. The Tiffin dining room at 16th .MMES MOTOR CO. tone, ii available in mahogany, maple The Junior Newman club of St. Dodge & Plymouth'Sales & Service KE. 8221 and walnut finishei. Mary’s parish meets every Monday and Ogden in Denver, a regular A Only *99.95 evening at 7 o’clock before novena Register advertiser, was the suI(L in maple services. The senior choir practices ject of an article by Lucius Beebe, every Monday evening, except the in the Gounnet magazine. third Monday of the month, after novena services. A High Mass is “ A few issues of Gounnet past, sung regularly by the senior choir this department reported to its l i d i i H every Sunday at the 10 o’clock clients on the happy circumstance TH E CAPEHART (with Turnover Changer) that Denver, a town of many ex­ Aurora Games'Party cellences but one never notable as $795.00 to $1,695.00 TOM WALKER PIANOS shrine of gastronomy, was in When you need REPRESENTATTVS OP KIMBALL. possession at long last of a place THE CAPEHART (wifh Intermix Changer) SOHMER and STARR Is Slated Saturday of true gastronomic distinction,” Conanlettc* — Spintta — Grands (St. Theraae’a Pariah, Aurora) writes Mr, Beebe, “ and’ we beg tires or tire service . . . from $295.00 FIna Rtcondltloned PItnoa the liberty of confirming this re­ Plano Tnnlna The special games party being 1841 0. BROADWAY OPnica T ill ^onsored for the benefit of St. port as of (Air most recent sojourn. ’rherese’s building fund will be held Tiffin is maintained by a pair Saturday evening, Nov. 20. The of altogether admirable entrepre- Rev. Louis Mertz announces that neum named Jean and Paul Shank, the party will bo held in Fred who call themselves 'architects of Durocher’s Wheel Service build­ appetites.’ . . . TA 1261 Liberal Trode in ing, located at 1640 Florence street, "The Tiffin menu is a sympos­ Aurora. ium of beefy wonderments: Juicy, Allowance A number of turkeys and many thick beef tenderloins, boneless >✓ J other fine gifts have been secured New York-cUt sjrloins, choice bone­ for presentation at the party. All less club steaks, double-cut prime parishioners and friends of the sub­ sirloins, and the house Specialty, Joe KaVanaugh urban parish are cordially invited. the Tiffin famous double filet, All proceeds will be used for the EASY TERMS served with French-fried onion T A .1261 future development of St. Therese’s rings. For less spacious dinners ^ LINCOLN AT 7TH parish. there is a profusion of double racks of spring lamb, broiled live Maine JOE JO E , JR. C. D. of A. Court Plans lobster that is flown to the Rockids •cod hat.— To Launch Study Club daily, lamb chops averaging the Uadi.l ,1,11 Mountain tUMYUU STOM lIiY; size of a filet mignon in Manhat­ TKIJ Tm» Mrs. Julia Larche. study club fc. dolnl tmh Easy Your are cordially invited to hear the incomparable chairman of the Catnolic Daugh­ tan, and baked ham with wild actomplUhed Capehart at ters of America, is calling a meet­ cherry sauce. . . .” whr no. rh;*; ing of all members-interested in PHONE •M d - forming a atudy club group for Meeting Set for Nov. 22 ///< CALL KE. 6391 Court St. Rita 'Thursday evenin; Tim e yj/fiA m / f w m . Nov. 18, at the clubhouse, 18t1 By St. Anthony’s Guild Joe Onofrio Music Co. For Your Favorita Coal at Grant street, at 7 :80 o’clock. Father William J. Gallagher, i St. Anthony’s Hospital guild will /J" UNITED FUEU Denver study club director and In­ meet at 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 22, Payments .J r . 1805 BROADWAY MA. 8585 structor at Cathedral high school, in the Nurses’ home .auditorium, 1729 Cofifornia S». w iy oe present, as will Mrs. Marie W. 16th avenue and Perry street, Hoffman, grand regent. Denver. I

Thuriday, Nov. 18,1948 Offico, 938 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN of Mary College Student Nurses Enters Religion S > Visit Colorado Springs SIGNATURE LOANS ^ Be Blessed Colorado Springs.-^Thirty stu­ and t^e Margery Reed nurses’ lolorado springs dent nurses attending Loretto home. Sister Cyril, superinten­ Heights college for their Tresh- dent of nurses at the Seton school, » CITIZENS SAVINGS At Welby Parish man year in the Seton school of addressed the group at an assem­ AUTO PAYMENTS nursing spent laat week end at bly Saturday afternoon. Welby.— (Assumption Parish)— Glockner-Penrose hospital in Col­ The students, whose homes are Finonct All orado Springs, where they were in Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, New P " ; Sunday, Nov. 21, the statue of Our Lady of Constantinople will be entertained Friday evening at a Mexico, and Colorado, returned to Bfyomi'tlie'Budget blessed before the Solemn Mass at party given by the members of the the college campus Sunday after DOCTOR BILLS 12 o’clock. The statue was donated junior class and the faculty of the in the Glockner-Penrose Needs by members of a parish society. school. Four Sisters of Loretto, chapel, members of the college faculty, from Bishop Constantino M. Barnes- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Webster accompanied the students, and chi, O.&M., Vicar of Swaziland, of Chicago have announced the Bringing Junior was a visitorvisi at the rectory re- also participated in the program on Saturday, which included tours engagement of their daughter, INSURANCE cently. Miss Dorothy Ann, to Rolland Mc­ Into tfw World Every Saturday at 9 a.m. Chris­ of the hospital, education building, Donald, son of Mr. and Mr.s. John tian doctrine instructions are McDonald of Clinton, 111. The to ' given in school for underprivileged Citation Received Websters are former Colorado children of the Westminster and Springs residents. TAXES MaUng Mortgogo Broomfield areas. These children Joseph J. Tukey will leave are picked up in the school bus by Poymottts M til# ■ ¥ ■ By Valverde Group Thursday to spend several weeks i D Crooch C. D. Father John Giambastiani, O.S.M., in Des Moines, la., where he through the kindness of Joseph Fomily Hemostood (St. Rote of Lima's Parish, will visit his brother, Jerome Tu­ Ja$nes Coombs of Mt. Ver­ PEREINS-SHEAIIER MAY REALTY Spano. More than 100 children at­ key, and family. HOSPITAL tend the instructions. Donrer) non, N. Y,, a former lieuten­ Low Cost A perpetual novena in honor of _ The St. Rose of Lima Altar so­ Week-end guests of Mr. and ant in the U. S. navy, was pro­ 1U2 No. Tejon Our Lady of Sorrows is held every ciety met in the parish hall Thurs­ Mrs. James Ward were Mrs. fessed in the Society of St. Ed­ No Hidden Charges COMPANY Friday evening at 7 o’clock. day afternoon, Nov. 11, with all Ward’s brother and sister-in-law, mund Nov. 1 at Our Lady o f , OOLOKADO 8PRINGT Mr. and Mrs. Leo Matson of Mc­ Miss Mildren Serravo, daughter officers and some 36 members Mercy church, Putney, Vt. He was No Red Tape BHARTRST STORE Real Estate, Loans, Cook, Neb. of Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Serravo, and guests present. received into the society by the Insurance Very Rev. Jeremiah T. Purtill, and Elmer Cassai were united in The sick committee reported six The monthly meeting of the St. Store for Men marriage before a Nuptial High Francis hospital guild took place S.S.E., Superior General, who of­ HOME Rellane» Lndtncritert Agency members hospitalized in the past at the sanatorium library Nov. 15. ficiated in the Mass and ceremony Boys Shop Mass Oct. 31. Father Giam­ month, one 'death, and many others of profession. OLD LINE STOCK. FIRE, bastiani officiated. Elaine confined to their homes because Sodality Day Held IMPROVEMENTS Women’s Casual Shop Tolvo sang “ On This Day, 0 Beau­ MARINE AND AUTOMOBILE of illnes.s. The pre.sident, Mrs. E. St. Mary’s high school sodality tiful Mother,” and an “ Ave sponsored a sodality day Nov. 10 INSURANCE M. Moore, gave an interesting ac­ Fleming HNS Conducts “ HI-TEEl^” SBOP Maria,” accompanied by Miss count of the work of the Taber­ with a full program of events. At r i)8 G lR t£ II TO t l Gloria Rossi. Mr. Cassai is the son nacle society. 8 a.m. the day began with a Dia­ Reorganization Meet, of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Cassai of Mrs. E. N. Haney, captain of logue Mass in St. Mary’s church // Denver. the Valverde division in the Com­ followed by a breakfast. The speak­ WORLD WIDE PTA Ha. Meeting munity Chest drive, read a cita­ er for the first morning session Election of Officers was the Very Rev. Raphael Mc­ TRAVEL SYSTEM Thank The monthly meeting of the tion of merit received from Mrs. Fleming.-r-The Holy Name so­ Carthy, S.J., with the topic, “ The AUTHORIZED AGENTS rOR THE PTA was held in the school hall Katherine Ferguson, chairman of ciety of St. Peter’s parish held a Cit iz e n s AIRLINES AND STEAMSHIP LINES Catholic Good American Loves His Neigh­ V // Nov. 9 with one of the largest at­ the residential division, for the reorganization meeting last week B. J. O'LEARV. Minnstt bor.” Later there was a panel dis­ I Q U Rafi«l«r tendances on record. The Altar society’s remarkable record in the rectory. A good number of Sa v in g s B a n k 0p«ctal Attention to Clcrfy notf ■ ^ Reader. dent, Mrs. Loretto Tolvo, called of 105.05 per cent of ouota, a cussion on the subject, “ The Good men were present for the election Keli^ovi total subscription to date of American Lqves His Home,” led by for Your Support in the the meeting to order. The open­ of officers. Those elected were 1644 WELTON STREET • MAIN 6288 ing prayers were paid by Father $1,260. the Rev. Robert McMahon, with John Foxhoven, president; John Mrs. William Haney, Mrs. S. R. Recent Election. Giambastiani. Mrs. Robert Laughlin, recently Brekel, vice president; Lawrence The firms listed here de­ Wickersham, Mrs. Emmett Knight, Established 1913 The eighth grade pupils, under returned to Valverde from an ex­ Schaefer, secretary; and Ted Berg, and Mrs. A. Mullett as the speak­ the direction of Sister Mary Pa­ tensive visit to Lourdes, France, treasurer. serve to be remembered W. J. Graham gave a resume of her pilgrimage. ers. At 11:30 Mrs. Lenore Mat­ MEMBER FBDEHAL DEPOSIT tricia, entertained with short plays, The men received Communion in INSUaANCE CORPORATION when you are distributing “ Enthronement of the Sacred The society thanked Mmes. R. tingly Weber of Denver, fiction a body on the second Sunday of the El Paso County writer, spoke on “ The Good Amer­ your patronage in the dif­ Heart in the Catholic Home,” and Kershaw, L. G. Sengenberger, J. month. The next meeting was set “ Gossip Town." Miss Frances De A. Petrun, G. L. Lindeman, and ican Loves His Work.” The Very for the evening of the second Sun­ TREASURER Rev. William Kenneally, C.M., ferent lines of business. Luzio played several accordion se­ .M. Waldow who donated the flow­ day of December. talked on “ Better Men for Better lections. The minutes were read ers for decorating the altars on The school children, under the by the secretary, Mrs. Jenny Di the occasion of the Thirteen Time.s,” at the luncheon at 12:15 at guidance of the sisters, have been fRANK “ If Your Pteedt Are Electrical the Alamo hotel. The Rev. William MORRISSEY Giacomo. Hours’ adoration Sunday, Oct. 17. reciting the Missa Recitata at the Call Plain 939“ A vote of thanks was given to Kelly was toastmaster. The day’s weekday Masses. All participate ■ Specie/ WIRING—FIXTURES AND REPAmS events closed with a dance in the was held fojf two days, went over Charles A. Shinn for his donation in answering the prayers of the of candy for the children’s Christ­ grand ballroom of the Broadmoor priest at the altar. The Young SPRING SERVICE the top with a 100-per-cent in­ hotel. Berwick Electric Co. crease in members. A prize was mas party next month. People’s sodality has set up a C ji rs T rucks J D BERWICK Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph pamphlet rack in the vestibule of awarded to Sister Mary Patricia Mrs. L. G. Sengenberger and Rath for the week end have been 7 W. C'jchorrot Sprtnaa Celorad. and her pupils. The highest aver­ Mrs. L. J. Gillies were appointed the church, and is encouraging the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicol of Ni­ reading of Catholic literature as age of attendance of room mothers the nominating committee for the agara Falls, N. Y. Mr. Nicol is was attained by the eighth grade election of officers to be held at one of its projects. Members plan .Mrs. Rath’s brother. The couple to sell religious Christmas cards group. Father Giambastiani gave a the December meeting. are en route to Los Angeles, Calif., The Murray Drug Co. WILLIAM C. GRARON short talk on the spiritual welfare after the Masses on Sunday. Following the meeting a lunch­ to spend the winter. Baptized last week was Vincent “ Superior Service Stores" of the children and congratulated eon was served with Mmes. G. A. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Emery no Optometrist all the mothers for their interest John Brekel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lambrecht, -A. Urban, R. Laugh will be hosts at an open house Herman Brekel. Sponsors were Main Stora Phone Main 144 IIS North T.Jon St. and co-operation shown at the lin, F. Adams, B. Schroer, M. Har­ Sunday, Nov. 21, from 7 to 10 meeting. Mother Mary Domenica, Henry Burenheide and Elizabeth M.ln S tor.'— IS North .T.Jon St. PHONE SIAIN SSSS greaves, P. Burggraff, R, Patton, p.m. No invitations have been Burenheide. ....r 'Q . No’ th Stor* —■ 832 North Tejon St. COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. honorary president, said a few L. J. Thomas, J. Fowler, J. Padilla, issued. The party will honor guests words on the necessity of good sup­ J. Stubert, W. Zieries, J. Rich of Mr. and Mrs. Emery. They are Great Daily Paper Plant plementary reading books for the ards, W. Richards, and M. Wil­ .Mr. Emery’s parent-s, Mr. and Mrs. Growing by the I f U f t M t c Get Baur’ t ( of Denver) PETE RERONl library. \ motion was made and son acting as hoste.sses. Edward Emery, and his brother- Restored to Catholics Candy and Ice Cream at FURNITURE SHOP seconded that the sum of $100 will in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ' Vienna.— Restoration of prop­ be donated to purchase these Clarence McCarthy, all of San erties confiscated during the Nazi UPHOLSTERING. books. The past presidents are Johnson-English RE-UPHOl.STERING AND Presentation Guild Bernardino, Calif. regime has permitted the re-es­ REPAIRING sponsoring a get-acquainted tea, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams tablishment of the Albrecht-Durer Drug Go. Blip Covert and OrapoHet which will be given Nov. 23 at 2 moved recently to Colorado Publishing company here, Aus Made to Or6ti| p.m. in the school hall. All mem­ Will Meet Nov. 22 Springs from St. Paul, Minn. They tria’s largest Catholic publishing LENTHERIC Toiletrlet Furniture Made to Order bers are cordially invited. The are staying in the home of Mrs. concern. T.Jm at BIjoa St. PhoM I4SS TH 8. Catcade Av*. Main ftSOf president, Mrs. Tolvo, announced (Preaentation Pariah, Denver) Adams’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prior to 1938, when its facilities that the pantry shower will be Charles McBride. The Presentation parish guild were taken over by the state, the Mrs. Claude McComb and Miss given for the nuns on the evening will meet Monday, Nov. 22. at 8 Albrecht-Durer company published The Heyse Sheet Mildred Wilson will be hostesses of Dec. 14, at 7 :30. p.m. in the community hall. All the Reichposl, a national Catholic Metal and Roofing A card party will be held in the to the Progressive Book club at daily newspaper. ‘ members of the parish are invited the home of Mrs. McComb Friday JNCORPORATED j basement of the rectory Dec. 7 at Sunday will be the Feast of the HEATING ROOFING II p.m. Special prizes will be at 1:30. ENTERPRISE TENT SHEET METAL Presentation of the Blessed Virgin SIS SO. NEVADA awarded and refreshments will be Mary in the Temple. This is the Bridal Shower Held During the first nine months of AND AWNING CO. Phonti M.ln SSI served. Admission is 50 cents. patronal feast day of the parish. Mrs. John Gleason was a host­ PH. 1264 Eat. ISSS Proceeds will be used for the There will be a High Mass at 7 ess at a 1 o’clock luncheon and this year, a telephone was> installed Christmas party for the school Inquiry classes for non-Cath. linen shower in her'home Nov. 13 children. jM! are asked to bring olics and Catholics interested in honoring Miss Julie Coad, whose every 37 Vi seconds of each working playing cards. religious instruction will begin engagement to Robert Hamilton Special leaflets with prayers and Friday, Nov. 19, at 7:30 p.m, in of Chicago, 111., was announced HEIDELBERG'S acts of consecration were distrib­ the school building. recently. day in the western states we serve. CLOTH I^G uted to the members. The closing The PT.4 membership drive will For the November meeting of The prayers were recited by Mother end this week. Mrs. L. A. Higgins ?t. Mary’s Altar and Rosary so­ Men’s Furnishings Mary Domenica. Refreshments Jr., is chairman for the drive. ciety the members assembled in Since V-J day we have added 10 NORTH TEJON ST. were served by the primary room Sister Mary Ancilla’s room Vas the home of Mrs. Stuart Heidel­ Colorado ______• mothers. awarded proceeds of the Penny berg, 1112 E. Boulder, Nov 12. 323,009 telephones, by far the larg* The second annual N. Washing­ March for having the largest at­ As.sisting hostesses were Mrs. S. J, Stewart, Mrs. Emmett Knight, EAGLE COMPLIMENTS OP ton volunteer fire department jam­ tendance at the recent PTA meet­ boree will be held Nov. 20 and 21. ing. and Mrs. M. Schuth. est gain in any comparable period OLSON & RENROW On display w-ill be a combination The PTA is planning a Christ­ The Third Order of St. Francis ENEtS-U U console radio and a six-quart mas gift sale to be held Sunday, met Nov. 14 in it. Mary’s church in our history. To gain that many PLBG. & HTG. CO. Presto cooker. Dec. 12. Mrs. William McIntyre following Rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. 116 North Weber St. QTlolors S n and Mrs. J. Gasperetti are chair­ telephones we actually installed Th* Brmt H»tad ber« deserve to men. Patrick Griffin died Nov. 12 in Tel. Main 3066 be remembered when you are die* Las Vegas, N. Mex. Born in Ire­ tributinf your patronage to the dif­ land Oct. 81, 1871, he spent many 926,733. ferent lines of business. .vears here working for the Mid­ Every day of the year the ZECRA£ & ADAMS Greeley Society land Terminal and Shortline rail­ Conoc^ Service Station BUCK SPORTING roads. Mr. Griffin has been work­ Colorado Eagle ofien iwlit, de­ There are still unfilled orders, ing for the Santa Fe railroad in pendable lervlce between Den­ Hears Catechist Las Vegas since 1920. He is sur­ GOODS GO. ver and Wichita, Konoai City pending the installation of more Greeley.— The meeting of St. vived by a daughter, Mrs. John ‘*BTtrrthln( for ETrr? Sport" G. Elliot, Las Vegas; three sons, and St. Louli, This modem, all- Phone Main 930 Peter’s Altar and Rosary society equipment in our buildings and the was held at the home of Mrs. J. John J. Griffin of Kansas City, 19 NO. TEJON ST. Mo.; Daniel J. Griffin of San Ber­ Heel itrsamliner has reclining Ntrsda At«. st C«ch« la Poadr* Fred McCourt, 1015 19th street nardino, Calif.: and Thomas Grif­ choir coaches, grill coach, dining extension of wire and cable facili­ Thursday afternoon, Nov. 11. fin of Monrovia, Calif. Requiem Forty-six members and two guests High Mass was offered in St. lounge, sleeping cars and the were present. s ties. Completing these orders is our Mary’s church Nov 15. Burial famous Planetarium Dome cart. An interesting talk was given was in Evergreen cemetery. by Sister Christine of the Mis All are outfittsd to make youi number one job. AURORA isonary Sisters of Our Lady of trip pleasant and comfortable; Victory of Our Lady of Peace Fort Collins Nurses parish. The four sisters who are all have o gracious charm we doing the work in this locality- Plan Rummage Sale think you will enjoy; all com­ PUTNEY'S PURSE BROS. have missions in Gilcrest, LaSalle, Evans, Greeley, Eaton, Ault, bine to make the Colorado Fort Collins. — The Council of HO.MK — SU P PLY GKOCKRY & MAKKKT Pierce, Galeton, Severance, and Eagle a travel treat in fins rail THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Windsor. Catholic Nurses met Oct. 28 at the HARDWARE . PAINT GROCERIES - MEATS - FRUITS parish hall in St. Joseph’s school. transportation , . , have you VEGETABLES Turkey Dinner Planned The meeting opened with Benedic­ ROOFING APPLIANCES tried us recently? •70S Eaot Colfat Aro. Ph. Aarora III Tickets are now on sale for the tion of the Blessed Sacrament with Aurora 349 turkey dinner which is a part of Father Edward A. Breen ofriciat- the St. Peter annual bazaar to ing. be held Dec. 1 and 2 at Brannaman Plans were made for a rummage Convenient NEtV FASHION hall. The dinner is on Wednesday sale to be held Nov. 18 at the Fast Schedules evening, Dec. 1, from 6 until 7 Townsend hall. C le a n e rs & O v e rs o’clock. Mrs. E. J. Smith is chair­ Lv. Denver ...... 4:1(1 W man of the dinner. Mrs. J. 0. Kays- Mrs. O’Connell, rei^esenting the JOHN H. JOHNSON Catholic Daughters of America, bier is in charge of ticket sales. Ar. Kinsii City...... 6:40 AM Offlct Plant For wonderful made a brief visit to explain the PUBtNA FEEDS — FARM SUPPLIES — SAMTATION DAUiT 8UPPUES Groups V and VI of the Altar and Ar. Wiehiti ...... 7:00 All SPraea 1070 lOOII Eaal Colfai tongs, stories and aims and purpose of the orgimiza- 110 B Alaairda Aoa. Aarora tS Rosary society are assisting with ^ AURORA DRUG tion. I Ar. St. Loeit ...... 12:01 PH Brighton Hatchery and Farm Store Goa. W. McBrldo Jokes, tune in preparations for the dinner. Other AD. lU The nurses regret losing their I7« N. MAIN Smilin’ Ed McCon­ groups of the society will sponsor ilt-W an apron, candy,, and faneywork spiritual director, the Very Rev. nell and the Butter Eugene O’Sullivan, who helpedelp in booth. The firms listed here de­ Brown Radio Show Those assisting Mrs. McCourt in organizing the ACCN in Fort Col J. N. Sandsrt lins. Gen. Agent FORT COLLINS •very Saturday serviBg of refreshments were serve to be remembered Mmes. Wallace Smith, John Polo The nurses presented Father O’Sullivan with a spiritual banquet 515 Seventeenth St. when you are distributing KOA 9:30 A.M ski, Ed Stanton, John Strasser, Brighton’s Drug Store Alice Nay, Bill Hopkins, Harry and a purse. Denver, Colorido your patronage in the dif-^ See our tremendous selection Mrs. Shirley Hemstrom and Mrs. COMPLETE The firms listed here de­ VISITORS ARE ALWAYS Rosling, Mary Rix, and M. W Main 3239 ferent lines of business. Burger. Elise VanSort served refreshments PH. 24 of Buster Broten Shoes for at the close of the meeting. serve to be remembered WELCOME AT The next meeting of the Altar Boys and Girls The next meeting will be on jmd Rosary society will be a Christ­ when you are distributing Nov, 23 instead of Nov. 25, be­ SHINN'S PHARMACY mas party in Newman ball Dec. 9 your paironagA^inK A i the dif­ cause of Thanksgiving’ day. NOBTUBRN HOTEL COR. at 8 p.m. ferent lines oi^business.3^1: FAM ILY Groups V and VI will have ^ PH. 92 Ft. Collina, meeting Tuesday evening, Nov. 16, Capuchins Confer SHOE STORE at the Electric lounge. Final plans Pittsburgh. — Three American for the bazaar will be discussed. Capuchin leaders are in Rome to In'Ft. Collina on Hiwaya 87 and 287 Members of the bazaar committee 9521 E. COLFAX •ttr a d a world-wide conference from these groups are Miss Guda called by Minister General Clement DREILING MOTORS Haefeli, and Miss Kathleen De­ SOUTH GREELEY FUEL AND FEED , AURORA, COLO. Neubauer. Sessions will be held Bnlek and G.M.C. Spaciallata — Salea and Eapart Sarrlea laney, and Mmes. Don Burger, J. 0. in the Eternal City from Nov. 21 Co«l, Salt, Kindling, and Grain, Baled Hay and Straw ' Let Vt Horcelainue Your Car Kaysbier, Alex Staab, Wallace to 29. The American delegates are Shoes for Entire Family , Smith, Henry Bunting, Dudley Fathers Edmund Kramer, Detroit: ' H. C. STRONG, Prop. ' Triephftne 626 Earnhardt, Bill Hopkins, and Rob­ Claude Vogel, Pittsburgh; ana ert Svens. a a raace Tamppart, Fittabiirgh, 60» 13th St. Pk, 688 .

J 1

PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 ' Thuridoy, Nov. 18, 1948

omemaker’s More Than 225 Young People Attend Barnard’s Record Shop “ North Denver’s Netvest" Department Christmas'Albams and Records Breakfast After.Moss and Communion By Bing CroabyC Organ PatroniM Thut R etiabU * and Friendly Firnu Perry Como , Ken Griffin More than 225 members of Den­ given to St. Francis’ and Lady of there. Ignoring a few slightly Fifty cents per person including Fred Waring Dick Leibert ver’s Catholic young people's clubs Lourdes teams. banged shins, reports have it that dancing and refreshments. Dick Hayme* Lew White attended the Communion break­ Preaant Standing* it was some fun, eh kids? On Monday, Nov. 22, there will • VICTOR • COLUMBIA • MERCURY fast sponsored by the Catholic T**m W L Avg. A pat on the back to our bowl­ be a special meeting of the Camera THE C«tb«dr»l 8 4 669 • DECCA ‘ CAPITAL • 30 OTHER LABELS STILES Young People’s council at the Cos­ St. F ra n cis* ...... 6 4 B16 ers for another victory Saturday club members at 8 o’clock in St McVeigh Company mopolitan hotel Sunday morning. Lady of Lourdas 6 4 515 night. Nice going, mates! Paul’s reading room. Charles Popular — Classical — Western Some 50 more attended the Mass St. Joseph's ...... 6 6 588 Those who attended the Com­ Wierda, Camera club chairman, Also Children’s Record’s and Albums PAINTING AND at the Cathedral and received St. Louis' ...... 8 7 585 munion breakfast last Sunday say. will present and explain the East­ 4040 Tejon St. GL. 1796 ELEGRIC SERVICE DECORATING K-Ducat club ...... 1 11 581 Communion with the group. Congratulations on a good job” man Kodak lesson entitled "How Open Evenings Wirin|$ - Lighting CONTRACTORS Speaker at the breakfast was 'Take to Your Heels, Fellows, to the committee in charge. Every­ to make pictures people like.” This 1328 Inca KE. 0718 thing, including the food, was 1100 Larimer TA. 6875 Millard F. Everett, city editor of Hyor They Come' will be a most educational meeting the Denver Catholic Register, who really fine. for those who are anxious to learn (St. Mar'.i’*'Yoanf P«|«l«’* CInb) FREE MOTHPROOFING addressed the group, despite the how to make better use of their “ Lil Abner, watch out for that •EARL J * fact that he had a severe sore cameras. All club members are cor­ CUSTOM BUILT there gal. She’s a-gaining on you.” St. Joseph's Hat Dinner The throat. The thanks of all go to dially invited to attend this meet­ RUGS & FURNITURE NDERSO] This is the warning given to St. At Welby Tavern Mr. Everett, who prepared and ing. This group wishes to thank BROS STROHMINGER Mark's club male members when presented his talk, even though he (St. Joseph’* Young People’s John Lund and W. I. Nelson of FURNITURE they attend the Sadie Hawkins CLEANING Electrical Contracting had just gone through the ordeal Club) the Denver Cinema league for Interior - Exterior Painting dance tomorrow night, Nov. 19, at Approximately 25 members of Carpeting Cleaned Lictnud end Bonded in City of Denver of a serious operation undergone showing their interesting and • Restyling Phone CH. 6581 St. Catherine’s at 8:30. Everyone the St. Joseph’s YPC met for din by his wife. beautiful color movies at we last In Your Home or Office Denver 6, Colorado attending will dress Dogpatch ner and dancing Wednesday night * Repairing 1178 Stout "Children Take— Adult* Give” Camera club meeting. 1042-44 Santa Fe Drive style. at the Welby tavern. Spaghetti, Other activities for the week are Mr. Everett’s talk proved to be Order of the evening is “ Girls • Recovering SPECIAL a practical and beneficial mixture fried chicken, and steak com in brief: THE BEST IN LUGGAGE ask boys to dance.” General chair­ prised the menu, and a delightful Thursday, Nov. 18 — Council 2 Pc. Living Room Suit of his own observances in the man is Pat Slattery, who will be Fine Workman*hip The firms listed here de­ Of All Kindi time was enjoyed by all. Father square dancing at S t Joseph’s hall, newspaper field and as the father assisted by Paul Burns, Dan Shan Thoroughly Cleaned ■ fe Carl V. Schwarz, C.SS.R., club 6th and Galapago, at 8:30 p.m. Prompt Scrrice serve to be remembered of a Catholic family of four. "Chil­ non, and Regis Davis, on the re­ moderator, was also a guest at Friday, Nov. 19— Regular league $ 1 0 .9 5 when you are distributing AL dren take— adults give” was his freshment committee. Volunteers All Work Guaranteed theme and he developed this idea the dinner. bowling, 9 p.m., Colfax lanes. Sta from the girls present will form Thursday night, a group of girls Free Eitimate— 100% Insured your patronage in the dif­ TRl INK by references to every stage ^of tistics to date are: High average the clean-up committee. Special entertained the patients at Fitz- for men— Joe Yoleff with 163; SPRING EEZ ferent lines of business. life. "You young Catholics,” he games and songs are also o Eat 1178 AND IGCO simons. Arrangements were made high average for* women— Trudy Famous Rug & i told his audience, "are on the prepared. 1144 B'wiy. KE. 8 0 7 0 threshold of complete adulthood. to have the club participate in this Zavislan and Jeannette Kava- Upholstering Mfg. Co. Monthly Mass and Holy Com­ activity twice each month. The Frank Robbin* A Jo« Snyder, Prop*. Furniture Cleaning Co. By now, it is expected of you that munion will be held this Sunday, naugh with 130 each. Last week’s you will have learned to give more girls who attended enjoyed the high games were Bud Regan’s 233 Nov. 21, at Holy Family church. 1540 Blake St. TA. 7940 than to receive. When you enter evening, and, no doubt, the pa­ and Frances Schweiger’s 171. The 1542 Blake St. TA. 6569 JOHNS-MANYILLE Boys of the club serve this Mass tients enjoyed the company of the marriage you will find that your Following this breakfast will be Shamrocks, captained by Frank St. Joseph girls. Breen, are holding down first COMPOSITION AND ASBESTOS giving must be intensified.” served at St. Catherine’s cafe­ Among the activities for this place with 23 games won and seven The paternal instinct law was teria. Philomena Klamman and week are the following: Thursday lost; the Beavers, captained by Ed likened by Mr. Everett to the Anna May Kirk are again night, the ambitious members of ? ROOFS! sentiment expressed by Christ as charge. Lynch, are in second, with 19 won the club will attend the regular and 11 lost He overlookeid the cRy of Jerusa St. Joseph’s club will entertain square dance, to be held in the Saturday, Nov. 20 — Council For any type Home or Building lem and expressed His desire to the St. Mark’s club Wednesday, church hall. All members arc in­ shelter its inhabitants as a hen Nov. 24. bowling, 7 p.m. Bowl-Mor lanes. vited, and it is the desire of the On ’Thanksgiving day. Nov. 25, gathers its brood . beneath its Coming events were discussed at club moderator and officers that ASBESTOS SIDING wings. “ Every true parent feels the business meeting,held Nov. 11 wedding bells will ring out for more members attend the square Margaret Gibbons and Ed Hogan, INSULATION this strong and deep-rooted in­ at Holy Family hall. At this time dances. A good time is assured to Call KE. 5236 for FREE ESOIATES stinct,” Mr. Everett continued. committee heads were also ap­ who will be married in the St. Ig Weather Strip all who attend. Ask anyone who natius of Loyola church at 9 Special guests at the breakfast pointed. does come and he will confirm were two chaplains from Lowry o’clock. All CYPC members are in­ Insulation Board Marking Times, club news let­ this fact field, who attended with a large vited to the wedding. ter, will be published Nov. 22. On Nov. 24, St. Joseph’s club Knotty Pine R. H. Kimball Co. delegation of soldiers from the air Staff members and anyone inter­ will hold an invitational dance in base. They were Fathers Cornelius ested in working are asked to be Thanksgiving Dinner ECONOMY LUMBER & HARDWARE 1001 Midland Saving* Bldg., Denver, Colo. the church hall at 8:30 p.m. The Sharbaugh and T. Edward Hop­ at Holy Family school at 7 :30. following clubs will be the guest’s Slated by K-Ducots ping. Also attending were the Rev. 350 So. Colorado Bird. Easy Payments DE. 5495 Johni-M anvilU Franchlied ApplIcAtori^ Jack Toohey is editor. of St Joseph’s: St Francis’, St. (K-Ducat* Young People’* Club) Francis Syrianey of St. John’s par­ Don’t forget the weekly activi­ Mark’s, and Our Lady of Lourdes. ish and Mr. and Mrs. J o n F. At least 20 members of the new jj ties! Bowling every Sunday at St. Joseph’s club is especially de­ Moody. Phi Kappa fraternity. Catholic fra­ 6:30 at Centennial lanes. Basket­ sirous of having as many members Dufficy & Sons Ornamental Iron Works A brilliant display of marimba ball practice for the boys every ternity of Denver university, will of the above clubs as possible at­ be guests of the K-Ducat club for 2810 W. Severn Place MA. 3559 playing was given by two girls who week at St Catherine’s gym. Ar­ tend the dance, and an enjoyable HOME INSULATION are Tuembers of the Denver U. rangements are being made for a the club’s second Thanksgiving WROUGHT IRON CHURCH FURNITURE - ALTAR RAILINGS and entertaining evening is prom­ dinner. The dinner will be held PULPITS . CANDELABRAS - PRIE-DIEU, Etc. Newman club. Misses Jean Sum­ different night to practice. Regis ised to all who come. mers and Arlene Hahn. A variety Davis, chairman, will notify the this Sunday afternoon at 4:30 in Deaiffned te fait Indlridatl tastca ft MTlngt. St. John’s school hall. The guests Johns-Manville of melodies, from Latin American squad. Old-Fashioned Spelling Bee Write or Call ui rhumbas to Gershwin’s “ Rhapsody have volunteered to help the girls in Blue,” poured from their agile Club Curtails Activities Scheduled by CYPC of the club prepare the dinner. 'The cleanup detail will undoubtedly Rock Wool hammers. A sincere vote of thanks During Parish Mission (Cathedral Young People’* Club) is extended to them. fall to regular boy members of the JOHNS-MAimLLE FLOORINGS ^ (Ble**ed Martin Younf People’* CYPC has something just a little For Yonr Winter different planned for Wednesday club. ‘Asphalt Tile Special n a tio n should go too, Club) Turkey and all the trimmings of COIDFORT to Don Perlmutter, who answered The Blessed Martin club has had night, Nov. .24. It is a good old- A long lived, low priced flooring for Schools, fashioned spelling bee, so dust off regular Thanksgiving feast are Reduces Heating Costs up to 50% an emergency call for transporta­ two weeks of curtailed activities A Johnt-ManTille Inatalled Job Hospitals, Churches, Residences. tion and loaned his truck for haul­ your spellers and really shine. promised by Rose-Marie Casburn, so that members could devote their committee chairman, and her as­ Will Laat a Lifetime Terraflex ing the girls’ three large instru­ time and thoughts toward the mis­ Frank Breen, who is in charge of ments. Rav Jersin, president of this activity has promised an in­ sistants. The cost of the dinner One of the toughest, longest wearing floor sion at St Dominic’s. will be $1.50 and the committee the D.U. Newman club, was in Members will meet in the church teresting contest, so be on hand at Home Insulation & Improvement Co. coverings ever developed; grease proof, Acid charge of the breakfast. 8 o’clock in St. Paul’s reading challenges diners to find a better basement Thursday at 6 o’clock meal in town at that-price. 16 W . 13tb Are. Phone* AC 4624 ■ 2B proof; unaffected by alkalis. Brilliant colors. The Communion breakfast was where transportation will be pro­ room. Refreshments will be served. JUST OFF BROADWAY the fifth such semiannual affair Admission is 50 cents per person. Members of Young People’s Free EitimateM Deicriptive Literature Free vided/ to the Yucca club. There clubs are invited to attend. Reser staged by the Young People’s arrangements have been made by On Tt/esday night, Nov. 23, Fa­ council in the past three years. ther Fabian Joyce. O.F.M., of St. vations may be made with Rose- Mary Jane Gallagher, Margaret Marie Casburn at EA. 4576. All Building & Maintenance Co. Square Dancing Slated Prose, Rosemary Bastar and Ther­ Elizabeth’s parish, will address the religious discussion group. His K-Ducat members will probably be 1863 WAZEE ST., DENVER KE. 2371 esa Peligreen, for a Mexican din­ The regular biweekly square topic will be “ Mission Activities in contacted by telephone. If not dance session sponsored by the ner. they should make their reserva­ There will be a meeting of the the Church.” This meeting will be council will take place Thursday held at 8 o’clock in the Gold roofn tions before Friday. W T t i l evening at St. Joseph’s parish hall, proCTam committee for December Juke box dancing will be the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ of the Knights of Columbus hall. W. Sixth and Galapago street at Admission will be 10 cents per order of the evening after the 8:30. All are cordially welcome. ' liam Wagner on Monday. dinner. The next regular meeting will person. At this time the discussion At the regular club meeting Cathedral Bowlers be Wednesday, Nov. 24. Barbara group wishes to thank Father HIGH COST Wednesday evening, Christmas Wolf and Don Nixon will be in Walter J. Canavan for his interest­ Are Upset carols were rehearsed, since the charge of the program. The Rev. ing talk on ,“ Our Lady of Fatima St. Louis’ bowlers pulled a big at the last meeting. club hopes to repeat its caroling J. B. Dering, O.P., will lead a re­ excursion of last year. upset Saturday evening and took ligious discussion. The De-Icer group will hold its OfHlATING three straight games from the Ca­ The nursery which the club is first dance of the season on Satur­ A group of boys from Regis pro­ thedral club. The gprls who took sponsoring ’ during the 9 o’clock day night, Nov. 20, at the NCOS vided special entertainment. Re­ ,s,install over in place of the usual Cathe­ Mass on Sundays will have Mary hall. Time: 8:30 p.m. Music furn­ freshments of root beer floats and dral boys were unable to uphold Sebastion, Eileen Conboy, Bar­ ished by: Various orchestras via ice cream wafers were served. Salf~storlng^ ^ the high averages previously com­ bara Wolf, and Caroline Liona as nickelodeon. Price of admiesion: piled. The K-Ducats were unable nursemaids on Sunday, Nov. 21. Aspiring 'Daisy Maes' to overcome their handicap and A bridal shower honoring Mar­ Don 7-Leogue Boots COMBINATION SCREEN AND STORM SASH dropped all three games to the guerite O’Brien will be held at the Altar and Rosary (St. Franc!*' Young People'* Club) Lourdes club; which has improved home of Mary Sebastion Saturday On Wednesday night the girls immensely. St. Francis’ did well Patented THSRAI(X.A)K* Ctoeurc Frame aacurc* a permanent TAbor 1393 1721 LAWRENCE evening. All women of the club are from St. Joseph’s and St. Francis’ in its first two games with St. Jo­ Society in Brighton weatherproof Bt under an eooditioB*—on new or old houae* invited. Marguerite will become donned their seven-league boots seph’s but dropped the last game Mrs. ’Tom Sebastion before the and best Daisy Mae outfits in an In cold weather—you have itona This Saturday brings to a close 9 o’clock Mass in St. Dominic’s on Conducts Election effort to catch their man at the the first of four or more rounds. Thanksgiving morning. annual Sadie Hawkins day dance sash protection . . . in warm On alleys 1 and 2 Cathedral and The men of tl^e club are honor­ Brighton.— The election of of­ held in St. Francis’ hall. When last weather—a fingertip adjustment St. Francis’ will roll it out; on 3 ing Tom with a bachelors’ party ficers for the coming year was seen the he-shmoo was retaining and 4, the Lourdes bowlers will at the home of Jack Prose Satur­ held by the Altar and Rosary so­ his lead over the she-shmoo. An from the inside gives you a mod­ match their skill with St. Joseph’s; day night ciety Nov. 11. The following were unusual door prize, a door, was f / 3 em, plastic screen—nothing to TOOLS-WALLPAPI and on 5 and 6, the K-Ducats will chosen: President, Mrs. Fred awarded, and the program ar meet St. Louis’. Handicaps will be i put up or take down > ... in all Lourdes New Officers Starbuck; vice president, Mrs. ranged by the entertainment com Will Take Over George Mancini; secretary, Mrs. mittee was enjoyed by a large rep I weather you have . . -. APPLIANCES Joseph O’Brien; treasurer, Mrs. resentation from both clubs. 2 Pieces (Le Croix de Lourde* Club) Adam Kreuzter; and correspond 'Tonight at the regular biweekly Members are reminded of the RAfMFROOF/ DRAFT-FItM, HLWHD-SCKHN VSHTILATIOM ing secretary, Mrs. George Roth. regular league bowling on Satur­ Recovered meeting of Le Croix de Lourdes Mrs. Lester Griggs read a re » U g ^ ^ ds # J* A / Combinatioo Window* pay lot themsulve* Thanksgiving Needs club the new officers officially day night and the club’s bowling $65.50 Dort on the meeting of the Greeley party on Sunday afternoon. The f tfm gm wwm ni .,,ai*ure Satiafaetion and Protection. take over their duties. Several new Deanery of Catholic Women held Turkey Roaster—12 lb. Size...... $1.85 Up ideas are on the fire, so every­ party will meet at the school at in Greeley on Nov. 9. o’clock. body is asked to be sure to be The Altar and Rosary society is Alpine 6836 Roast Racks $ 1.45 Presto Frimaster $ 16.45 Beautiful present. The meeting will be held sponsoring the sale of a booklet, CAU rot f » t e 36 Months to Pay Fabrics in the parish school at 8 p.m. entitled Christmas Ideals, which is DIMONSTtATION Cast Iron Chicken Fryer (Pyrex Lid)....$3.49 The whirl of wheels proved irre­ Life's Too Short *r. w. Rcm. ART. rpR . collection of Christmas stories A p r o d u c t o f THE F. C. KUSSBLL COMPANY, CItveUnd 2, O hio Large Selection Pre**ure Cooker* — Revere Ware Come In or We Will Show sistible to a sporting group of the poems, and songs. It may be pur­ To Bo Wringing Out Dirty club Tuesday night as they wended Fabric* in Your Home chased from Miss Hazel Osborne Mop* with Your Hand*! their way to Skateland for the COLORADO chairman of the subscriptipn com evening. Incidentally, the rink has EZE Mop & COLORADO THERMOSEAL CO. JENSEN HARDWARE mittee, for $1. UPHOLSTERY CO. not had such a highly polished floor 1316 East Evans at Marion SP. 7860 The St. Augustine Discussion GL. 2304 2501 16th St. since the club last gathered Cone Wringer 1944 B R O A D W A Y club met in the home of Mr. and Cancels ThU Unpleasant Mrs. John Beals on Friday, Nov. Task Forever 12. This was the first meeting of • SAVES TIME LET TH OM S the present year. The book being • SAVES HANDS Tin Trend is te Blend». • CLEANS FLOORS Nine COLOR EXPERTS used this year is Parish Apostles Popular for Converts. BETTER, FASTER Choose the proper Mr. and Mrs. Fred Starbuck will B u y V o u r Colors be hosts to the St. Augustine Dis­ 9 Q . 5 0 X g rsaUsBUadsdnteadi.Ad i cussion club on ^Friday evening, Only PABCO Nov. 19. This group -will study the rea Uee MUnded: • Color Combination same book. Free DelWtry In Denver and Sabnrbo Frank Jacobucci is slowly re­ Skipped Anywhere 3Se Extra for Your Home gaining his health and expects to Get Your* Now Paint I^ p t. Main 2288 return home from a Boulder san­ Phone AComa 3030’ itarium in the near future. EZE MOP A CONE WRINGER -I Mrs. Fred Starbuck, Mrs. Frank CO. Nies, and Mrs. John Marino at­ 11Z7 E. 17tli AtW — D*av*r *, Col*. Linoleum Studio 1438 Court Pi. (Nw Ulantt* tt) AL THOMS tended the meeting of the ACCW in Colorado Springs Tuesday, Nov. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mancini are From Denver^s Oldest ♦ ♦. NOW IS THE TIME TO OHANSE the parents of a boy bom in St Joseph’s hospital, Denver, on Nov. LIBERAL ALLOWANCE 15. He has been named Frank Reliable Dealer (Since 1890) Thomas. • ON USED STOKERS Mrs. W. J. Reinert has returned to her home from St Anthony’s and Coal Burning FurnacM hospital, Denver. ______iS fiB W fS l Nothing Down The basketball team sponsored PHONE N O W - Let us guide yon to correct, economical by the Holy Name society started . . Little as $ 5 a Month heating with a practice in the high school gym SYNCHROMATIC Nov. 15. % GAS-FORCED HEAT Specializing in Quality Plumbing and MA FURNACE A Heating Repairs IN 5 3 3 5 Figure with us end be eetisiied fat ell times. All work and Tried and Proved equipment gaereateed. SLATTERY & COMPANY , Brands . . . University Park Lumber Yard Centennial ELK Cool Co. fr e e Ertinute* PHONE PE. 7862 launedlale fawtalUttea PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS J. E. Hackstaff G. C. Sullivan Wadge iOUN J. CONNOR. Pr*fUMt ROBERT r. CONNOR. Vk« Pnsldtal Pinnacle 3635 BLAKE ST. 1810 South Josephine Phone PE. 2485 DEL PATRICK, lie. tie nouMM 1726 MARKET STREET PHONE MAIN 7127 or 7128
