612 SIALHAM. . 0 water eonnected with this river, throo-quarters of a. mile The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley, roots and beans. from south-west to north-aast and one mile from west to The area is 1,792 acres; rateable value, £4,099; the popu­ east: it is mostly overgrown with reeds, but there are two lation in 1891 was 867. channels, one to Stalham and the other to Sutton. The Parish Clerk, George Stimpson. poor's allotment, of over 72 acres, awarded under the Inclo- M 0 & T 0 S B & · & I A t f 8 ( G Ill ) · PosT, . . . ., . . AnnUity nsurance Office sure c o r 07 47 enrge · • lS 1et year1 Y to severa1 (tlub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Norfolk added).- tenants, and the rents are now (1892) distributed in money Mrs. Emily Cattermoul, sub-postmistress. Letters re- to such poor p~>.rsons as have g11.ined a settlement here under ceived from by mail cart & by train from Yar- the 34th section of "The Divided Parishes and Poor Law mouth ; deliveries. commence at 7 a.m. & 3 p.m. ; dis- Amendment Act, 1876" (39 and 40 Vict. c. 61) : a sum of patched at 4.10 & 6. 15 p.m. On sundays they are not £ xo, left by John Riches in 1626, was invested in house delivered, but may be called for from 7 to 10 a. m. ; dis- property, subsequently sold for £8o, and the money re-in- patched at _20 p.m vested in the form of a loan towards the erection of the 4 workhouse: in 1870, the enactments of the Police Station, Charles Willmott, inspector & 5 constables Local Government Board having effected a change in the PuBLIC OFFICERS:- mode of electing the guardians, this sum was transferred to Admiralty Surgeon & .Agent, Norman Hendrie Walker- the vicar and churchwardens for the time being, and by M.B., C.M them invested in Consols, the interest of which now amounts Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Stalham district~ to £2 78. 8d.: in 1634 Thomas Smythe, of Stalham, be- Smallburgh union, Norman Hf)ndrie Walker M.B., C.M queathed an annual sum of £5, invested in certain proper- Assistant Overseer & Surveyor & Collector of Taxes .. ties in the parish, now (x8g2) producing £26 yearly, out of Robert Joseph Perfitt which a sum of 13s. 4d. is paid every year to the vicar : Registrar of Marriages, Smallburgh district, Henry An- these two benefactions constitute the "Donation Charity," drews ; deputy, John Batchelor and are at the entire disposal of the vicar 11.nd churchwar- A School Board of 5 members was formed compulsorily 26- dens for the time beiug, for the benefit of the aged and de- November, 1875, for the united district of Stalham & serving poor : in 17x8 Mrs. Cathcrine Smith left six acres of ; J. Meale, clerk to the board ; William Henry land, called" The Long Closes," for tbe use and benefit of Cooke, Stalham, attendance officer the vicar for the time being, subject to a half-yearly pay- Board School (mixed), opened in June, 1878 & enlarged in ment of Ss. at Christmas and 8s. at Easter, for the purchase 1887, for 159 children ; average attendance, 143; Charles, of bread for the poor, and of 4s. to the parish clerk for keep- <_Jartmale, ~aster; Mrs. Ro~annah Mary Cartma!e, mist ing clean her monument in the chancel of the church. The Railway StatiOn (Eastern & M1dlands), SI. Bull, statwn mast parish consists of two manors: the trustees of Robert Cooke I CoNVEYANCE TO:- esq. are lords of the manor of Linford and Wilds, and NORWICH-Leatherdale's coach, from Maid's Head inn, to George Randal Johnson esq. is lord of the manor of Stalham Royal hotel, on mon. wed. & sat. at 8 a. m. returning same. Hall and chief impropriator of the rectorial tithes, which days at 4·45 p.m amount to £363, and are divided amongst eight impropria- WATER CONVEYANCE to & from Yarmouth, from Mrs. Sarah. tors. The principal landowners are James Sewell N eYille I Burton's wharf esq. B.A., J.P. of , the trustees of Robert Cooke esq. CARRIER TO NoRWICH.-George Stimpson, to 'Waggon k and George Randal Johnson esq. of Heavitree, Exeter. The Horses,' Tombland, every wed. & sat. & returns the same; soil is fine strong land ; subsoil. brick earth, sand and gravel. day at 4 p.m PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cattermoul Emily (Mrs.), grocer, Lubbock Wm. sedge horse collar maker­ Bates Miss, The Laurels draper & stationer, Post office Lynes William, nurseryman & market;; Coleman John Abraham Coffee &Dining Uooms(Thos. Seago,pro) gardener, Hose cottage, St. John's rd' Daniels Thomas Abbott Cooke Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress Meale Joshua, grocer Davison Daniel, Ebenezer cottage maker, Brumstead road Miles Robert, watch & clock maker Gaze Charles Cooke Edward, farmer, The Hall MooreRobertHy. basket mkr. TheStaithe. Gibbs George, St. John's road Cooke Harriett (l\Iiss), dress maker, Morfey John Smith, Maid's Head P.H Hook Miss, St. John's road High street Nichols Alma, ironmonger & dealer in Hunting George Crane Cooke Henry, farmer fishing tackle suitable for ,. Jay Mrs Cooke Robert, coal merchant Walton house Lingwood Miss Cooke WilliamHenry,school attendance North NorfolkBoot Co.boot & shoe mkrs. Middleton Robert, Sunnyside officer for the , Potterham, Peggs Sophia (Miss), girls' school l'estell Mrs. High street , Palling, Stalham, East Perfitt Robert Joseph, stone, marble&: Reynolds The Misses Ruston & Horn ing school boards & granite mason, assistant overseer,. Savory William, Hawley house clerk to the first four, St. John's rd surveyor & collector of taxes Tuck Mrs. St. John's road Cooper-Brown & Co. wine & spirit Porter Albert Edwd. watch mkr.High st Walker Norman Hendrie M.B., c.M merchants & brewers; & at Eaton Potter George, baker Webb Miss brewery, Norwich & Press Brothers, coal merchants &: White Rev. Joseph Neville B.A.Vicaragc Corn Hall (Wm. S. Andrewes, keeper) maltsters, ; &atBacton Woods Rev.EdwardBurchellB.A.lBapt], Cox Robert, fishmonger Wood staithe & mill & Railway Chetwynd house Daniels Thomas Abbott, manager of station, ; Gunton ; Messrs. Gurney & Co.'s Bank & agent ; Roughton & Gt. Yarmouth COMMERCIAL. for the Alliance Fire & Life Office Riches Charles Henry, boot maker Alcock William, jun. builder & under- Drake William, baker & confectioner Riches Emma (Mrs.), apartments taker, Staithe road • \ Draper Williarn Richea,iron& brass Hust William, engineer & millwright Alcock William, builder founder, agricultural implement ma. Salmon John, sedge horse collar maker Allcock George Edward, saddler & bar- & agent & gen.smith,St. Mary's wrks Salmon John, jun. collar maker & beer ness maker Easton Alfred, butcher retailer, The Green Andrews Henry, registrar of marriages Fox William, farmer, Green farm Salm(ln Wm. farmer, Chapeltield farm for the Small burgh district GalesWalt. Pollard, boot mkr. Thet5taithe Sa ul J ames, boot maker, Small burgh rd. Barcham John, insurance agt.Staithe rd Garrett Edward, jun. Swan family & Saunders William,boot makr. TheGreen. Batchelor .John, builder & contrac- commercial hotel & posting house; Savory William & Son, cabinet makers. tor & brick & tile manufacturer, & livery& bait stables& lock-up coach ho & ironmongers deputy registrar of marriages for Gaze William, farmer, The Green Savory William, jun. pianoforte tuner -Smallburgh district & agent for the Gurneys, Birkbeck, Barcl~y, Buxtons & .Seago Henry, pork butcher Accident Insurance Co. Limited; & Orde, bankers (Thomas Abbott Seago Thomas, wholesale & retail tea, at Yarmouth Daniels, manager); draw on Barclay, dealer, grocer & provision merchant,. Bates .Jarnea Le Frank, coach bldr Bevan & Co. London E c coffee & dining rooms, boot, shoe &. Bilby Frederick Lewis, butcher Henarnan Arthur, family grocer, outfitting establishment Billham Daniel, basket maker tea dealer, & draper, dress, millinery, Silcock Boardman Charles, farmer Bill ham Ephraim, tailor mantle & mourning warehouse Spanton Arthur Humphrey, plumberc Billham Gaze, saddler & harness maker Howleti; Jonathan, auctioneer & valuer & glazier Billham Robt. basketmakr.St.John'srd Hunting George Crane M.n.c.v.s.L. 8pantonRobt. Victor,plumber, painter Brad bury Robert, chemist & stationer veterinary surgeon & china, glass & earthenware dealer &. Bristow Alfred, miller (wind & steam) Juby Thomas, cattle dealer bicycle agent Burton Harry, brick & tile manufac- Keeler George, basket maker Stimpson George, farmer & parish clerk turer & corn me-.chant, The Staithe Leatherdale Wm. coach & fly proprietor Stimpson Robert, farmer Burton .John, wholesale & retail Legg Mark Hugh,Railway hotel,family, Teasel Josiah, boatwright ; boats of all!. ironmonger & oil mercht. The Stai.the commercial & posting house descriptions for sale or hire Bnrton Sarah (Mrs.), coal & corn mer. London Edward, hawker, The Green Turner Walt. bldr. & wbeelwright,Greell & miller (wind) & c~rrie:r by w"ter London James, bl"ck§mitll WiUmot Charles, inspector of police