FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Thursday, April 22, 2021

Treaty 5 Nations defy Pallister's Anti-Protest Law and to issue Stop Work Orders on Resource Development

Fisher River Nation, Territory: The Treaty 5 Nations in Saskatchewan, and Ontario will resist all permits, licenses or other land dispositions issued by the governments unless approvals are obtained by in accordance with the Declaration on Natural Resources on Treaty 5 Territory. Treaty 5 covers most of central and and extends into the Saskatchewan and Ontario borders. The Declaration on Natural Resources on Treaty 5 Territory was adopted at the Summit of Treaty 5 Sovereign Nations on January 27 & 28, 2021.

Chief Sheldon Kent, stated, “I believe the work permits issued by the governments must cease until the baseline and standards are met according to our expectations and approvals. Land allocation disparities and compensation for loss of use are an ongoing concern especially the lack of access of our own resources. New legislative restrictions put in place by Manitoba exasperates this concern.”

Chief David Crate, stated: “There is now a paradigm shift on how we deal with natural resource extractions in our territories and its time we deal with this in the spirit of Treaty Justice, Truth and Reconciliation, and United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. As a mover of the declaration, I am fully aware of the challenges ahead to fulfil our Treaty rights. The government has mitigated on the duty to consult doctrine’s intent and purpose to adequately accommodate the First Nations. Proponents such as Berger, Sunterra Horticulture () Inc. and Sun Gro Horticulture acquire permits to extract peat moss in our territory but have not met our standards and concerns of the wildlife”.

Chief Clarence Easter, stated: “In relation to the Declaration on Natural Resources there are a variety of legal and political options we will be looking at, such as taking our legal matters internally under Indigenous legal traditions enforced by our people. But first, we must do this one step at a time. We want to meet with the leadership of Treaty 5 at a special gathering to determine concrete steps forward.”

Chief Rene Chaboyer, Cumberland House Cree Nation said: “Our traditional territories are sacred to us as bestowed to us by the Creator. Our treaty with the usurper in no uncertain terms is to share our natural resources. The launching of our campaign under the Declaration on Natural Resources in Treaty 5 Territory is about setting the story right and seeking absolute justice. We have one of the largest inland deltas in Canada called the Saskatchewan River Delta, waters that flow from the . It is

SUMMIT OF TREATY FIVE SOVEREIGN NATIONS 499A Madison Street Winnipeg, MB R3J 1J2 rich in natural resources and is a source of our livelihood. We are poised to protect our lands from unnecessary exploitation and damage.”

For more information contact Lucas Kent at 204-291-3207, Chief Sheldon Kent at 204-470-5702, Chief Rene Chaboyer 306-888-7692, Chief Clarence Easter 204-771-9044, Don Lathlin at 204-627-0255. This new release also endorsed by Grand Chief Arlen Dumas 204-770-1093.
