M ARCH 2 016 , VOL .17, N O . 6 ANCHORAGE, EA GLE RIVER, FARB I ANKS, GIRDWOOD, HOMER, JUNEAU, KENAI, MAT-SU, SA LCHA, SEWD AR , SOLDOTNA, TA LKEETNA ADN VA LDEZ PHOTOS BY JAN HAZEN Anchorage ............. 2 ANCHORAGE: STATEWIDE: GIRDWOOD: Eagle River ............ 13 Ski for Women – giving Besh Cup champions, No snow down low? Let’s Fairbanks ............. 14 back and having fun traveling teams named groom at Turnagain Pass! Girdwood .............. 9 Kachemak ............ 10 Mat-Su. 12 4 8 9 Statewide ............. 8 2 MARCH 2016 203 W. 15th Ave., #204 Anchorage, Alaska, 99501 Phone: 276-7609 Fax: 258-7609 Anchorage Nordic Skier Hotline: 248-6667
[email protected] Newsletter Of The Nordic Skiing Association Of Anchorage, Inc. anchoragenordicski.com BOARD MEMBERS Raves about NSAA’s work, a rant PRESIDENT Jeff Scott VICE PRESIDENT about those who rant, and Sara Miller SECRETARY Elizabeth Arnold TREASURER other musings of a challenging season Karl Garber MEMBERS Kari Skinner Mike Miller Message from the NSAA President / Jeff Scott Josh Niva Joey Caterinichio Dustin Shannon February 7, 2016 – a most beautiful day in Anchorage. • Snowmaking also costs a lot more money than natural The NSAA groomers turned Kincaid Park into a Nordic snow – we have extra expenses in making the snow and OFFICE STAFF Erin Beam, Business Manager skier’s winter wonderland. The Green Grunts worked the moving the snow before our staff even gets to groom it. Tamra Kornfield, Program Manager stadium into a well-organized ski venue, as they always do. • NSAA’s equipment fleet gets works very hard grind- Amber Adams, Office Manager The sun was shining on Denali and on the colorful, cre- ing ice.