Cathedral Basilica of the April 14, 2019 1535 Logan St. Denver, CO 80203 Telephone: 303-831-7010 - Fax: 303-831-9514 Website: Email: [email protected] Archdiocese of Denver Website:


EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ARCHBISHOP OF DENVER: Most Reverend J Aquila, STL AUXILIARY BISHOP OF DENVER: Most Reverend Jorge Rodriguez Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is Mon-Fri from 4:15-5:15pm PASTOR AND RECTOR: Very Reverend Ronald W. Cattany prior to the 5:30pm Mass PAROCHIAL VICARS: MASS SCHEDULE Reverend Francesco Basso Reverend Hearty WEEKDAY MASSES : 7:00AM, 12:10PM, 5:30PM IN RESIDENCE: Reverend Andreas Hoeck Saturday: 7:00AM

DEACONS: Deacon Robert Finan & Deacon Robert Rinne Anticipated Saturday: 4:30PM DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP: John Brooks SUNDAY: 8:30AM, 10:30AM, 12:30PM, & 6:30PM

DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC: Phil Bordeleau ROSARY COORDINATOR OF FAITH FORMATION: Lauren Scheller Monday through Friday at 4:55PM


MANAGERS OF FINANCE AND ASSETS: Elizabeth Odum & Joe Cavaleri MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR: Mark Krekeler SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Linda Flores Monday-Friday 6:30AM & 11:30AM RECTORY STAFF: Sebastian Luke Oliver Saturday 6:30AM & 3:00-4:00PM GUEST RELATIONS: Derek Curnow Sunday 5:30 PM

ANOINTING OF THE SICK In the event of a serious illness or Parents and Godparents are required a medical emergency, call the to attend a class prior to . office. Pre-registration is required. If no one HOMEBOUND MINISTRY pre-registers, there will be no class. Please contact the office. FUNERALS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Please contact the office. Lauren Scheller 303-831-7010 MARRIAGES RCIA/RITE OF CHRISTIAN Call the office at least 9 months prior INITIATION OF ADULTS

to the wedding to book the date. Fr. Hearty

303-839-0224. Cathedral Basilica Budget

CATHEDRAL PRESERVATION FUND Offertory & Gifts, April 1 - April 7, 2019 $10,085.68 Actual Year to Date: $411,340.82 Facade Restoration:

$1,075,181.44 Other Weekend Donations: Poor Box- SVDP $781.71 Candles $251.00 Interior Improvements: Food Pantry $446.00 $46,379.00 Easter Flowers $30.00 Movie $47.00 Catholic Relief Services $60.00 Total Year to Date: $1,121,560.44 Total: $1,987.34

Offertory is only one source of income to the Cathedral Basilica. When combined with other income sources, including the ACA, the projected FY 2018 -219 deficit is ancipated to be $243,000 at current revenue and program levels. Please consider the Cathedral Basilica for addional charitable contribuons one me or over me. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you & May God Bless You


Welcome to the Cathedral Basilica

If you are a visitor to the Cathedral Basilica, we want you to know how welcome you are; whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish here in the Archdiocese. Thanks, in part, to the generosity of visitors like you, we are able to celebrate the church’s liturgy here in a fitting and beautiful way.

From Francis’ MASS INTENTIONS Little Book of Compassion Sunday, April 14, 2019 8:30 AM William Szablewski 10:30 AM Parishioners of the Cathedral Basilica When we stand before Jesus cru- 12:30 PM Joe Capri cified, we see the depth of His 6:30 PM John Paul Damut † love, which exalts and sustains us, Monday, April 15, 2019 7:00 AM Intentions to the St. but at the same time, unless we are blind, we being to 12:10 PM Nick ’s Father † realize that Jesus' gaze, burning with love, expands to 5:30 PM Basil Summers embrace all His people. We realize once more that He Tuesday, April 16, 2019 7:00 AM Intentions to the Holy Trinity wants to make use of us to draw closer to His beloved 10:00 AM CHRISM MASS people. He takes us from the midst of His people and 5:30 PM Mary Kammer He sends us to His people; without this sense of belong- Wednesday, April 17, 2019 7:00 AM Intentions to the Eternal Father ing we cannot understand our deepest identity. 12:10 PM Patrick Keanneally & Family 5:30 PM Basil Summers FROM YOUR PASTOR HOLY THURSDAY, April 18, 2019 5:30 PM Archbishop Aquila ’s Intentions (The Lord ’s Supper) Through the gift of our Baptism, we are both in the World, GOOD FRIDAY, April 19, 2019 and not of the World. It was in the act of our Baptism that 12:00 PM Stations of the Cross Jesus 'takes us from the midst of His people.' And it us 3:00 PM Pasion of the Lord through our that 'He sends us to His people.' HOLY SATURDAY, April 20, 2019 8:30 PM Easter Vigil

From the Cross, the Crucified Jesus looks on all humani- ty...He sees all...He knows all...even what is in the depths of DAILY READINGS Readings for the week of April 14, 2019 our heart. He sees our joys, our sorrows, our suffering, our Sunday: Lk 19:28 -40 (37)/Is 50:4 -7/Ps 22:8 -9, 17 -18, 19 -20, 23 -24 [2a]/Phil good works, our shame, and our hopes. So, from that Cross, 2:6 -11/Lk 22:14 -- 23:56 or 23:1 -49 when Jesus says, 'I thirst,' He really means, 'Give it all to me Monday: Is 42:1 -7/Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 13 -14 [1a]/Jn 12:1 -11 and I will purify it with a mantle of my Precious Blood.' Tuesday: Is 49:1 -6/Ps 71:1 -2, 3 -4a, 5ab -6ab, 15 and 17 [cf. 15ab]/Jn 13:21 -33, 36 -38 Wednesday : Is 50:4 -9a/Ps 69:8 -10, 21 -22, 31 and 33 -34 [14c]/Mt 26:14 -25 But there is more. Through His self -giving sacrifice, He Thursday : Chrism Mass: Is 61:1 -3a, 6a, 8b -9/Ps 89:21 -22, 25 and 27 [2]/Rv gives to the Father what He receives from ALL His peo- 1:5 -8/Lk 4:16 -21 Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12:1 -8, 11 -14/Ps 116:12 -13, 15 -16bc, ple...including who we are and what we desire to be. From 17 -18 [cf. 1 Cor 10:16]/1 Cor 11:23 -26/Jn 13:1 -15 His unconditional and selfless love, Jesus then commends Friday: Is 52:13 -- 53:12/Ps 31:2, 6, 12 -13, 15 -16, 17, 25 [Lk 23:46]/Heb 4:14 - us to the one who filled us with the breath of life, who knew 16; 5:7 -9/Jn 18:1 -- 19:42 us before we were formed in the womb, and who anticipat- Saturday : Vigil : Gn 1:1 -- 2:2 or 1:1, 26 -31a/Ps 104:1 -2, 5 -6, 10, 12, 13 -14, 24, 35 [30] or Ps 33:4 -5, 6 -7, 12 -13, 20 -22 [5b]/Gn 22:1 -18 or 22:1 -2, 9a, 10 -13, 15 ed our role in His world from the beginning of time. -18/Ps 16:5, 8, 9 -10, 11 [1]/Ex 14:15 -- 15:1/Ex 15:1 -2, 3 -4, 5 -6, 17 -18 [1b]/Is 54:5 -14/Ps 30:2, 4, 5 -6, 11 -12, 13 [2a]/Is 55:1 -11/Is 12:2 -3, 4, 5 -6 [3]/Bar 3:9 - From His deepest pain on the Cross, Jesus reaches out to 15, 32 -- 4:4/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [Jn 6:68c]/Ez 36:16 -17a, 18 -28/Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3, 4 [42:2] or Is 12:2 -3, 4bcd, 5 -6 [3] or Ps 51:12 -13, 14 -15, 18 -19 [12a]/Rom 6:3 - touch our deepest it spiritual, emotional, psycho- 11/Ps 118:1 -2, 16 -17, 22 -23/Lk 24:1 -12 logical, physical, or even financial...and to sustain us as we Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37 -43/Ps 118:1 -2, 16 -17, 22 -23 [24]/Col 3:1 -4 or 1 join our human cross to His Divine Cross at Calvary. It is Cor 5:6b -8/Jn 20:1 -9 or Lk 24:1 -12 or Lk 24:13 -35 there that His merciful and compassionate gaze, as the glow of life decays, embraces us with burning love. And He com- Please pray for all those who are missions you and me, and those who come from us spiritual- sick or in need of our pr ayers: ly and biologically, to work closer with His beloved peo- Eddie Archuleta, Laura Archuleta, Michael Boston, Lawrence Brooks, Douglas ple...creating a belonging that defines our deepest and most Campbell, Joann Coules, Andrew Emmer, Jeannie Harder, Ilse Hartman, Mallori authentic identity and purpose. Heeke, Andrea Helaine, Allie Kandt, John Krusinski, Lynn Lengyel, Kitty de Leon, Ethel Litzenberger, Dominnic Martinez, Michelle Martino, Mitchell A. Moreno, Randy S. Moreno, Jeff Norsworthy, Pam Pappas, Melanie Parker, Jean Pierre, And it is through His Sacrifice...for once and for all...that we Andrew Pink, Phil Scardova, Margaret Shaver, Jodi Steward, Claude Stieha, A.J. are transformed from being OF the people to being FOR His Stiffler, Elizabeth Tamburello, Ana Tejada, Linda Winkler, Chloe Young, Sheila and forever. Oliver, Ronald Arnold, Bill & Kim Agnew, Christina Hertz, James M. Schmitt, Linda Basquez, Mary Figueroa, Shelley Carmosino, Susie Escareno, Ted Haner, +May God Bless You and Keep You+ Delfina Guzman, Mary Jo McHugh. Monique. Paul Nohara. Zachary Quick, Janet -Very Reverend Ronald W Cattany Robson, Dawn Gordon, Juanita Driscoll, Sydney Brisbane, Marlene Bargas, Wener Pastor and Rector Hahn, Tami Vicars, Peter James Chavez, Michael O. Machado, Ray Asuncion


Cathedral Choir Happenings This Sunday, Passion Sunday, we sing of two moments in the final days of Christ ’s earthly life before his crucifixion. The first, his triumphant ride into Jerusalem, as we sing our collective “Hosanna to the King of Glory ”, first intoned by the cantor or choir, as we raise our palms and remember this entry. The praise of Christ is a short lived foot- note and a false triumph, as we then recite together the passion of Christ in his final moments, being nailed upon the cross. The choral work, “De Profundis Clamavi ” by Charpentier, sets the profound tone of sadness in the words of psalm 130, “Out of the depths I cry unto you O God ”. The selection ends with the words, “Requiem aeternum ” taken from the mass for the dead. At the masses with cantor only, we sing a heart -felt and emotional hymn for the presentation of the gifts, “Were You There ”. This is a traditional American hymn, taking us inwardly as we visualize the crucifixion of Christ and his hanging upon the cross.

The Cathedral Choir will sing at all the liturgies of the Triduum. Each celebration of the Triduum has its own character as it takes us from Christ ’s last supper on Holy Thursday, to his crucifixion on Good Friday, to his Resurrection on Easter. Rehears- al of the many chants, responses and choral works are ongoing currently for this extensive array of choral music. Following Easter, the choir will be able to matricu- late new voices into the program for those with such an interest and availability.

Bosetti News

Our n ext “Boset ti Sunday Concert ” will take place on Sunday afternoon April 14th. Our guest musician is Gail Archer, of . Ms. Archer is an internationally acclaimed con- cert organist, having played all over the United States, as well as Europe. She is also the first woman organist to have presented all the works of Olivier Messiaen in concert on centennial of his birth. She has also recorded her organ playing on CD with many releases featuring com- posers of many eras and national styles. She is on staff at Vassar College as organist, the di- rector of music at the Barnard College, Columbia University and is a member of the Harriman Institute at Columbia. She serves as director of the artist and young organist recitals at the historic Central Synagogue of New York City.

Her Program for the Bosetti Sunday Afternoon Concerts will feature the work by Olivier Mes- sian, “Meditations on the Mystery of the Holy Trinity ”. This profound work of organ music, offered on the celebration of Christ ’s Passion, will lead the listener through the emotions and images on this day.

The Bosetti Series, is named after Msgr. Joseph Bosetti, the first music director of the cathe- dral. He served as music director for 42 years at Immaculate Conception Cathedral. During those years be founded, the Bosetti Grand Opera, (Later the Denver Opera). The Bosetti Series provides a means for all people to access great music in the Cathedral without charge. Only a free -will offering is collected to assist in the cost of running the series, and share with the artist -ensemble. Donations to the bosetti Series also assist in the underwriting of this outreach of the Cathedral Music Ministry.

Music Ministry CD


The Cathedral ’s groundbreaking recording Sacred Sounds in a Sa- cred Place is now available for purchase! This CD features the Ca- thedral Choir, the Contemporary Choir, congregational singing, hymns, English Motets, Latin Marian Chants, Eucharistic motets, and selections as would be heard in the Cathedral Basilica during the year. These are sure to make great stocking stuffers, as well as visu- ally beautiful mementos of the Cathedral. The CD is priced at $15.00 and can be purchased at the gift shop after mass, or in the Cathedral office during the week.

. COMMUNITY OUTREACH After Mass Programming

Weekly after the 4:30PM Vigil, and Sundays after the Palm Sunday 10:30am and 6:30pm masses in the Cathedral Room How does Jesus begin his entrance into the city of death? He's The Wild Goose: Discovering a Deeper been journeying toward Jerusalem for the last ten chapters of Luke's gospel. This journey must have taken several weeks. Or Relationship with the Holy Spirit was it years? Or was it his entire lifetime? Or did the journey begin with the creation of the world, and culminate on Calvary, and find its fullest meaning very close to Golgotha, in a new tomb VINCENT De PAUL SOCIETY that would only be inhabited for a moment? Please remember to support our St. Vincent de Paul Socie- ty with donations to our Poor Boxes, located in the church. Having made the journey for which he was born, for which he Donations help keep our neighbors housed. came into the world, Jesus stood outside the city and gave two disciples directions to a colt ─-- a peacetime animal --- and instruct- The SVDP Society meets on the second and fourth ed them to just untie it and bring it to him for his entrance into Jerusalem. Wednesday of every month at 7:00PM in the Cathedral

Room in the church basement. Imagine that. The owner of the tethered colt sees two people un- LENTEN REGULATIONS tying it, and leading it away. He asks, "Why are you taking my property?" They answer, as if this solves everything, "The Master To assist the faithful in their observance of the peniten- has need of it." And that's that. The creature that will carry Jesus tial season, the Archdiocesan Office of Liturgy has pro- into the city that will murder him goes off with the disciples. The vided the following list of Lenten Regulations. owner, apparently, understands perfectly. We can imagine him kneeling as he gives his colt to those in service of the Master. 1. By the law of God and the custom of the Church all Christians are required to do penance. In our lives, death and suffering, resurrection and life are always 2. The season of Lent retains its penitential character. hovering. Jesus is always making his way to us, giving instruc- The days of penance to be observed under obliga- tions of where to find what we "own" so that it can be given to

tion are: Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of the Len- him in order to bring life out of our deaths.

ten season. - The warmth and rock hard faith you've been withholding because 3. Abstinence from meat is to be observed on all Fri- others might see who you really are? You'll need to give all that days of Lent. The law of abstinence and fast is to up. The Master has need of it. be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. 4. The law of abstinence forbids the consumption of In what ways is your life a heart -felt Hosanna? meat. The law of fasting permits only one meal a day. Fasting means having only one full meal to Kathy McGovern ©2019 maintain one ’s strength. Two smaller meatless and penitential meals are permitted according to one ’s ’ needs, but they should not equal the one full meal. Mary s Gift Shop Hours Eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. 5. The law of abstinence binds those who have cele- SATURDAY brated their 14th birthday. The law of fasting binds 4 pm— 6 pm those who have celebrated their 18th birthday, and SUNDAY continues until they have celebrated their 59th birth- 8 am— 2 pm & 5 pm— 7 pm day. 6. Pastors and parents should take particular care to educate young to a true sense of penance and self discipline. More frequent use of the sacrament of penance and attendance at daily Mass should be encouraged during Lent, as well as other practices of penance and self -sacrifice. 7. The Fridays of the year outside Lent remain days of penance, but each individual may substitute practice of voluntary self -denial or personal penance; this may be physical mortification, act of religion, chari- ty or Christian witness. These works should be con- sidered a minimal response to the Lord ’s call to penance and conversion of life. 8. All priests and confessors are delegated to grant dispensation to individuals and to families, both inside and outside the sacramental form.

. SPIRITUAL FORMATION Saint of the Week 5 who Witnessed Saint Gianna Beretta Molla Jesus ’ Passion In less than These holy men and women were forever changed by what 40 years, they saw on Good Friday. Gianna While many present at Jesus ’ crucifixion were part of the Beretta Molla crowd who put him to death, there were several men and wom- became a pe- en who were fundamentally changed after encountering the diatric physi- suffering Christ. cian, a wife, a Some are mentioned by name in the Bible, but others are spo- mother and a ken of only in reference to what they did or said on that day. saint! Of these, various traditions continue their story and explain how they led a saintly life and are now venerated as “saints. ” She was born Here are five familiar characters from the Passion narrative who became disciples of Christ after witnessing his passion. in Magenta near Milano, St. Veronica the 10th of By tradition, she is known as the woman who wiped Jesus ’ face as he was led to Calvary. Various legends explain where she went afterwards, all of which regard Alberto and her as a holy woman. There are also relics that claim to be Veronica ’s veil, bearing Maria a miraculous image of Christ on it. (The name Veronica comes from the Latin/ Greek phrase vera icon, “true image. ”) One of these relics is kept in St. Peter ’s Beretta ’s 13 Basilica in and is often displayed on the 5th Sunday of Lent. Her feast day is children. An

July 12. active member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Simon of Cyrene and a leader in the movement, It is believed that Simon, at first a reluctant bystander when he was pressed into Gianna also enjoyed skiing and mountain climbing. service to help Jesus carry his burden, became a changed man after bearing the wood of the cross and gazing into the eyes of the suffering Jesus. Little is known of She earned degrees in medicine and surgery from what happened to Simon after the crucifixion, but tradition says that he and his sons the , eventually specializing in became faithful disciples. This is deduced from the fact that Mark mentions the sons, Alexander and Rufus, by name (Mark 15:21), which seems to indicate that pediatrics. In 1952, Gianna opened a clinic in the they were known figures in the early Church. His feast day is December small town of Mesero, where she met engineer

1. Pietro Molla. St. Dismas Only mentioned in the Gospel of Luke, the “good thief ” defended Jesus on the cross Shortly before their 1955 marriage, Gianna wrote from the mockery of the other thief. Jesus saw the faith and repentance of the thief and boldly proclaimed, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Para- to Pietro: “Love is the most beautiful sentiment dise ” (Luke 23:43). Based on this statement of Jesus, the early Church recognized that the Lord has put into the soul of men and he was in heaven and therefore, a saint. Unnamed in the Gospel, he is given the name Dismas in an apocryphal account. His feast day is March 25, which was con- women. ” In the next four years the Mollas had sidered the traditional date of the crucifixion three children: Pierluigi, Mariolina, and Laura. St. Longinus Two pregnancies following ended in miscarriage. After Jesus expired on the cross, a centurion pierced the side of Jesus and blood and water flowed out. It is believed that at that moment he became a faithful Christian. He is recorded in Mark as saying, “Truly this man was the Son of God! ” (Mark Early in her sixth pregnancy, doctors discovered 15:39) His name is not mentioned in Scripture, but he was given the name Longi- that Gianna had both a child and a tumor in her nus in later accounts. Various legends surround his life and some believe he was martyred by order of Pontius Pilate. His feast day is March 15. uterus. She allowed the surgeons to remove the tu- St. Joseph of Arimathea mor but not to perform the complete hysterectomy that they recommended, which would have killed A wealthy man of Israel, he provided his own prepared tomb for Jesus ’ body. The tomb became the site of Jesus ’ resurrection. It is recorded in John that he was, “a the child. Seven months later in April 1962, Gian- of Jesus, but secretly, for fear of the Jews ” (John 19:38). Some traditions na Emanuela Molla was born at the hospital in claim he traveled to Britain with the Holy Grail and founded a monastery at Glas- tonbury. His feast day is March 17. , but post -operative complications resulted Find this article and more like it at in an infection for her m other. The following week, Gianna Molla died at home in Mesero, where she was buried. FORMED.ORG

We would like to invite you to watch a free episode from Gianna Emanuela went on to become a physician Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist or Lectio: Eucharist, as a tangible way to nourish your herself. Gianna Beretta Molla was beatified in personal faith. 1994 and canonized 10 years later. Her Liturgical Feast Day is April 28. Parish Code: JR7D4B

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