Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research , 2016Vol.2, No.8, PP.561- 573 pISSN: 2356-9174, eISSN: 2356-9182 561

Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research

Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in freshwater snails in relation to lining of water courses in

1Ahmed Abdel Kader, 2Gamalat Y. Osman, 2Azza H. Mohamed, 3Mohamed M. Gharieb, 1Nahed M.M. Ismail and 1Asmaa Abdel-motleb

1Environmental Research and Medical Malacology Department,Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, , , Egypt

2Zoology Department, 3 Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, Egypt

(Corresponding author email : [email protected])


The present study was aimed to determine the heavy metal acuta (7626.95μg.g-1 DW for Fe) and H. duryi (8787.10 concentrations in whole body of fresh water snails in μg.g-1 DW for Cu) were the highest snails of accumulated relation to lining of water courses in two governorates metal contents in the tested sites of the two surveyed (Behaira (Nubaria) and Giza) Through four successive governorates, respectively. seasons from Septemper 2013, to October 2014. The obtained results indicated that the electrical conductivity Keywords: Bioaccumulation, Heavy metals, Fresh water (EC) and iron metal (Fe) showed the highest values and snails, Lining of water courses generally the physicochemical measurements indicated that no significant difference between the two tested habitats, however, the conductivity of water in lined water bodies 1 Introduction was lower than those of unlined ones. The present study recorded 14 of snails belonging to class Water is a key driver of economic and social ; these species belonged to Pulmonate and development while it also has a basic function in Prosobranch snails. The density of all recorded Pulmonate maintaining the integrity of the natural environment. So, snails in lined sites were lower than those in unlined ones. lining the canals is one of the most important method to On the other hand, the abundance of Prosobranch snails reduce the water losses, appearance, public acceptance, was higher in numbers in the lined sites than those in the minimize aquatic growth, seepage control, erosion control; unlined. In Nubaria the most abundant snails were safety; and reductions in size of complementary structures, Melanoides tuberculata and Theodoxus niloticus and plant transpiration losses, and total annual cost. Benefits exhibited their maximum percentages in the lined (82.15%) include more water for crops, more land for cultivation, and unlined (72.34%) sites during summer, respectively. protection of low areas from seepage and water logging, While, in Giza Governorate Physa acuta snails had the enhanced efficacy of molluscicides and reduction in snails highest percentages among collected snails approximately (WHO, 1996). Hard surface linings have been extremely at all seasons, and exhibited its maximum percentages effective against certain species of snail vectors (Bonaiti et during spring in lined (90.22%) and unlined sites (85.38%). al., 2011). Correlations between physicochemical parameters and the collected snails, revealed that there were different negative or positive correlations depending on the sites of During the last decades, environment in general and investigation. The bioconcentration factor of heavy metals water in particular have been strongly exposed to the effect in snail's soft tissues at the investigated in lined and unlined of different harmful pollutants, especially heavy metals sites compared to the content of the metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb which has become one of the most serious environmental and Zinc) in the water showed high variation in BCF values problems (Wang and Chen, 2006). Metal pollution in depending on the type of metal and the snail. Generally P. aquatic ecosystems, especially river systems, is a major

Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research , 2016Vol.2, No.8, PP.561- 573 pISSN: 2356-9174, eISSN: 2356-9182 562

environmental concern. Not only this type of pollution canal (cement lining) and Site 11 : Branch of Bani Magdoul cause a decrease in water quality, but subsequently affects canal (rubber lining). all living organisms in the system (Van Dyk, 2003). The ecological importance of metals emanates from their Unlined sites: general toxicity and the fact that they are non- Site 12 : Kafer Hakeem: Abo-Shenina canal, Site 13 : biodegradable and highly persistent and therefore, tend to Bani Magdoul: El-Masoudia drain and Site 14 : Monshaat accumulate in the environmrnt (Ursinyová and Hladiková, Al-Kanater District– Al-Salebya: El-Mansourya canal. 2000 and Coetzee et al., 2002). 2.2. Samples collection: Some heavy metals may transform into the 2.2.1. Water samples: persistent metallic compounds with high toxicity, which can be bioaccumulated in the organisms, magnified in the -Water samples were collected according to Kaufmann et food chain, thus threatening human health. Monitoring and al. (1988) in sterilized plastic containers. The cover of the prevention of heavy metal pollution is one of the hot topics sterile samples bottle was aseptically removed and the mouth of the bottle was faced upstream (i.e. towards the in environmental researches. Heavy metal analysis in flow of the water). aquatic organisms can provide important information on - plunging its neck downward 30 cm below the water′s the degree of environmental contamination and its impacts surface and the titled slightly upwards to let it fill (Nahmani et al., 2006; Kanakaraju and Anuar, 2009 and completely before carefully replacing the cover. Kowalczyk and Czepiel, 2013). Gastropods are one - The bottle was labeled with the sample code number. example of aquatic organisms that can tolerate persistent - Samples were transported in an ice box to the laboratory for analysis within 12 hours. toxic chemicals, such as metals, to a greater extent than other organisms and have the ability as potential 2.2.2. Snail samples: bioindicator and accumulate metals to high concentrations Snail sampling was performed through three visits (Zhou et al., 2008; Giarratan et al., 2010; Mahajan, 2015 per site using a standard flat wire mesh scoop with mesh and Rehman et al., 2016). So, the present study reflects not size of 2 cm according to Kariuki et al.( 2004) and only the amount of these pollutants in the environment, but Takougang et al. (2008). The collected snails from each also differences in the biotransformation and detoxification sampling site were placed in a numbered plastic aquaria containing some canal water and some amount of aquatic processes of these metals, which in snails are specific for plants and transferred to the laboratory, identified different chemical compounds and elements. according to Ibrahim et al.(1999), counted and examined for natural infection (Ismail, 2009a and El-Khayat et al., 2 . Materials and Methods 2013). 2.1. Study area: 2.3. Determination of Physico-chemical characteristics Samples of water and snails were collected from of water: different lined and unlined water bodies in Behaira (Nubaria) Water temperature and hydrogen ion concentration and Giza Governorates, in a total of 14 sites (9 lined and 5 unlined sites) through four successive seasons starting from (pH) were measured directly in the selected watercourses Septemper 2013, to October 2014. These sites as follows: by a portable pH meter (HANNA instrument, HI 9125). Behaira Governorate (Nubaria): Electrical conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solids Lined sites: (TDS) were measured using a portable conductivity meter Site 1 : El-Sheikh Zaied canal (cement lining), Site 2 : (HI 9635). Also, dissolved oxygen (DO) was measured El- Sedeik Yousif canal (cement lining), Site 3 : Branch of using a portable DO meter (HI 8543). All these El-Bostan canal – Al-Shohada Village (Cement lining) and characteristics were measured on spot at middy, at 20 cm Site 4 : Al- Nubaria canal (cement lining). under the water surface between 9: 00 am to 3: 00 pm and were recorded in the field survey sheets, using procedures Unlined sites: in APHA described by Clesceri et al. (1998). Site 5 : Naser canal and Site 6: Nagah Sultan canal. Giza Governorate: 2.4. Estimation of heavy metals in collected samples : Lined sites: Site 7: Kafer Hakeem: branch of Abo-Shenina canal Determination of heavy metals in water samples and (bricks or stone lining), Site 8 : King Edress El-Senousy snail's tissues were performed according to the method of canal (bricks or stone lining), Site 9 : Branch of Kobry El- A.O.A.C.(1995) by using Atomic Absorbtion Balah canal (bricks or stone lining), Site 10: Bani Magdoul Spectrophotometer (Solar M 600531 v1 .27) at Central

Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research , 2016Vol.2, No.8, PP.561- 573 pISSN: 2356-9174, eISSN: 2356-9182 563 Egypt_governorates_labelled _maps Fig. (1): Sampling sites map.

seasons in lined and unlined sites. Correlation between Agricultural Pesticides Laboratory, Agricultural Research parameters were carried out using the computer program Center ARC, , Giza, Egypt. The current, wavelength and slit band width of each element were adjusted SPSS (version 17.0). The comparison between means and automatically by the instrument software. standard deviations of different parameters were tested for 2.4.1. Standards: metals stock standards of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb significance using two independent samples t-test. The and Zn were obtained from Merck, Darmstadt, Germany ( differences were considered significant at p<0.05. Merck's ampoules; 1000 mg). 3 . Results 2.4.2. Analysis of heavy metals in water: For the analysis of total heavy metals, water samples (200 ml) were The present study indicated that, electrical digested with 5 ml of di-acid mixture (HNO3: HCIO4: 9:4 conductivity (EC) (1773.73 µS) and iron metal (Fe) (16.59 ratio) on a hot plate and filtered by Whatman No. 42 filter ppm) showed the highest values and were observed during paper and made up the volume to 50 ml by double distilled the autumn and summer in unlined and lined sites of Nubaria, respectively (Figure 2A). While, in Giza (ddH2o). Governorate the electrical conductivity (EC) (1175.33µS) 4.5. Digestion of snail tissues: and iron metal (Fe) (20.69 ppm) were the highest values during spring and autumn in unlined sites, respectively The snail's soft tissues were separated from their shells (Figure 2B). The present study also showed seasonal carefully, about 0.01 gm of the soft tissues of each snail variation in the heavy metals concentrations depending on species, dried in an oven at 50°C, weighted, and then the type of metal and the sites. Generally from the present digested in 1ml of conc. HNO at 70°C for 2h. The 3 results of physicochemical measurements indicated that no digested samples were then diluted with 5 ml ultra pure significant difference between the two tested habitats (lined deionized water for analyzing heavy metals (Federici et al., and unlined water bodies), however, the conductivity of 2007). The Bioconcentration factor (BCF), which is the water in lined water bodies was lower than those of unlined ratio of the chemical concentration in an organism or biota ones. During the study period, a total of 5064 (3656 snails to the concentration in water (Gobas and Morrison, 2000), in lined sites + 1408 snails in unlined sites) represented by was calculated as follow: 14 species of snails belonging to class Gastropoda were

BCF = collected from the lined and unlined sites of investigation in the two surveyed governorates. These species belonged

to Pulmonate snails (Lymnaea natalensis, Succinia 2.6. Statistical Analysis: cleopatra, Planorbis planorbis, Helisoma duryi, Values of contents of accumulated metals were Biomphalaria alexandrina, Biomphalaria glabrata, Bulinus expressed as mean ± S.D and statistically analyzed using truncatus and Physa acuta) and Prosobranch snails analysis of variance one way ANOVA (SPSS, version 17.0) (Theodoxus niloticus, unicolor, Lanistes to determine the significant differences between different carinatus, Gabbiella senaariensis, Melanoides tuberculata and Cleopatra bulimoides). The density of all recorded

Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research , 2016Vol.2, No.8, PP.561- 573 pISSN: 2356-9174, eISSN: 2356-9182 564

Pulmonate snails in lined sites were lower than those in Governorate. Concerning the relations between heavy unlined ones. On the other hand, the abundance of metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) and the snails in water canals Prosobranch snails was higher in numbers in the lined sites of the studied lined and unlined sites of El-Bahiera than those in the unlined. In Nubaria the most abundant (Nubaria) and Giza Governorates, positive correlations snails were Melanoides tuberculata and Theodoxus were observed, so the more heavy metals concentrations, niloticus and exhibited their maximum percentages in the the more snail species were found. On the other hand, few lined and unlined sites during summer, respectively negative correlations were observed, like: relation between (Figure 3A). While, in Giza Governorate P. acuta snails Cu and each of (P. acuta, M. tuberculata & L. carinatus), had the highest percentages among collected snails Fe and B. glabrata. approximately at all seasons, and exhibited its maximum The Comparison of the bioconcentration factor of percentages during spring in lined and unlined sites (Figure snail's soft tissues at the investigated in lined and unlined 3B). Also, the present results revealed that the richest sites compared to the content of the metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb seasons with different snail species in Nubaria were and Zinc) in the water showed high variation in BCF values summer and spring and in Giza Governorate were autumn depending on the type of metal and the snail. Generally the and winter at lined and unlined sites, respectively. iron concentration was the highest metal accumulated in the Concerning the correlations between snail's tissue. The highest snails of accumulated metal physicochemical parameters and the collected snails, the contents in the tested sites of El-Bahiera (Nubaria) and obtained data revealed that there was no correlationship Giza Governorates were P. acuta (7626.95μg.g-1 DW for between temperature and abundance of snails in lined or Fe) and H. duryi 8787.10 μg.g-1 DW for Cu), respectively. unlined sites of Nubaria. The correlation between physical parameters and snails Figure (4A) illustrated that H. duryi (9.82)(C), B. collected from Giza Governorate revealed that temperature unicolor (9.35) (H) and Gabbiella senaariensis (17.75)(J) was negatively correlated only with H. duryi in some lined for Fe during winter. B. truncatus (21.47)(E), and L. sites. Positive correlations were observed between carinatus (13.56)(I) showed the highest BCFs for Cu electrical conductivity (EC) and P. acuta snails in some during autumn, while Zn was for B. glabrata (0.054)(D) lined sites of El-Bahiera (Nubaria) and Giza Governorates, during Summer. In unlined sites during winter, the highest while negative relation was recorded with L. carinatus in BCFs were that of of Zn for (S. cleopatra (41.67)(A) and some unlined sites of Giza Governorate. Moreover, a P. acuta (31.57)(F)) and Fe for (M. tuberculata (25.45)(K) significant negative correlation was observed between total and C. bulmoides (3.35)(L)), while during spring P. dissolved solids (TDS) and each of C. bulimoides, P. planorbis (10.79)(B) and T. niloticus (8.03)(G) showed the acuta and L. carinatus in some unlined sites of Nubaria and highest BCFs for Fe and Cd, respectively. Also, Figure Giza Governorates, while positive correlations were (4B) of Giza Governorate showed that, the observed with B. glabrata and H. duryi in some lined sites bioconcentration factors in lined sites were high during of Giza Governorate. pH was positively correlated with H. summer for Cd and Fe with P. planorbis (3.94)(C) and B. dyri in some unlined sites of Giza Governorate, while unicolor (0.67)(H) snails, respectively. While, H. duryi negative correlations were recorded between pH and each (33.79)(D) and C. bulimoides (0.43)(L) showed higher of (H. dyri and M. tuberculata in some lined sites of BCFs for Cu and Pb during autumn, respectively. In Nubaria) and (P. acuta and M. tuberculata in some unlined unlined sites the BCFs were high for Fe with (S. cleopatra sites of Giza Governorate).Dissolved oxygen was (39.60)(B) and B. glabrata (4.69)(F)), for Zn with (L. positively correlated with each of H. duryi, B. unicolor, B. natalensis (87.07)(A), P. acuta (87.72)(G) and L.carinatus glabrata and C. bulimoides, while it was negatively (6.56)(I)) and M. tuberculata (3.86)(K) for Cu during correlated with P. acuta in lined sites of of El-Bahiera winter, while during summer and autumn B. alexandrina (Nubaria) and Giza Governorates. In unlined sites of (2.35)(E) and G. senaariensis (0.089)(J) showed high Nubaria dissolved oxygen showed positive correlations BCFs for Fe and Zn, respectively. with both of Planorbis Planorbis and Theoduxus niloticus, while no correlations was observed in unlined sites of Giza

Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research , 2016Vol.2, No.8, PP.561- 573 pISSN: 2356-9174, eISSN: 2356-9182 565

3500 1800 Summer Summer 1600 3000 Autumn 1400 Autumn

2500 Winter

1200 Winter 2000 Spring 1000 Spring 1500 800 600

Mean values Mean 1000 Mean values Mean 400 500 200



pH pH



pH pH





Temperature Temperature

Temperature Temperature Lined sites Unlined sites Lined sites Unlined sites

A Physicochemical parameters A Physicochemical parameters

25 30 Summer Summer

Autumn 20 25 Autumn Winter Winter Spring 20 15 Spring 15 10


Concentration (ppm) Concentration Concentration (ppm) Concentration 5 5

0 0 Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Lined sites Unlined sites Lined sites Unlined sites

B Heavy metals B Heavy metals Fig. (2A): The seasonal variations of physicochemical characteristics Fig. (2B): The seasonal variations of physicochemical characteristics (A) and heavy metals (B) in lined and unlined sites of Bahiera (A) and heavy metals (B) in lined and unlined sites of Giza Governorate (Nubaria). Governorate.

Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research , 2016Vol.2, No.8, PP.561- 573 pISSN: 2356 -9174, eISSN: 2356-9182 566

100 Lymnaea natalensis 100 Lymnaea natalensis 90 Succinia cleopatra 90 Succinia cleopatra 80 Planorbis planorbis 80 Planorbis planorbis

70 Helisoma duryi 70 Helisoma duryi

B.alexandrina B.alexandrina 60 60 B. galbrata B. galbrata 50 50 Bulinus truncatus Bulinus truncatus

% snails of % 40 40 Physa acuta snails of % Physa acuta 30 Theodoxus niloticus 30 Theodoxus niloticus 20 Bellamya unicolor 20 Bellamya unicolor 10 Lanistes carinatus 10 Lanistes carinatus 0 Gabbiella senaariensis 0 Gabbiella senaariensis Summer Autumn Winter Spring Melanoides tuberculata Summer Autumn Winter Spring Melanoides tuberculata A Seasons Cleopatra bulimoides A Seasons Cleopatra bulimoides

100 Lymnaea natalensis 100 Lymnaea natalensis 90 Succinia cleopatra 90 Succinia cleopatra Planorbis planorbis 80 80 Planorbis planorbis Helisoma duryi 70 70 Helisoma duryi

B.alexandrina 60 60 B. galbrata B.alexandrina 50 50 Bulinus truncatus B. galbrata 40 40

Physa acuta snails of % % snails of % Bulinus truncatus 30 Theodoxus niloticus 30 20 Bellamya unicolor 20 Physa acuta 10 Lanistes carinatus 10 Theodoxus niloticus 0 Gabbiella senaariensis 0 Bellamya unicolor Summer Autumn Winter Spring Melanoides tuberculata Summer Autumn Winter Spring Seasons Lanistes carinatus B Cleopatra bulimoides B Seasons Fig. (3A): Population density of snail species in lined (A) and Fig. (3B): Population density of snail species in lined (A) and unlined (B) sites of Bahiera Governorate (Nubaria). unlined (B) sites of Giza Governorate.

Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research , 2016Vol.2, No.8, PP.561- 573 pISSN: 2356-9174, eISSN: 2356-9182 567 Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring 50 12 12 0.06 10 40 10 0.05


8 0.04 30 6 6 0.03

20 4



BCF 0.02 4 2 10 0.01 2 0 0 0 Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn 0 Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites A B C D

Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring 25 40 10 10

20 30

15 20 5 5 10

10 BCF


BCF BCF 0 0 0 0 Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites E F G H

Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring

15 20 30 4

15 3

10 20

10 2 BCF 5 10 BCF

5 1

BCF BCF 0 0 0 0 Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites I J K L

Figure (4A): Bioconcentration factor (BCF) of the metals of the soft tissues (μg.g-1 DW) of snails; (A): Succinia cleopatra, (B): Planorbis planorbis, (C): Helisoma duryi, (D): Biomphalaria glabrata, (E): Bulinus truncatus, (F): Physa acuta, (G): Theodoxus niloticus, (H): Bellamya unicolor, (I): Lanistes carinatus, (J): Gabbiella senaariensis, (K): Melanoides tuberculata and (L): Cleopatra bulimoides in lined and unlined sites of Bahiera Governorate (Nubaria).

SummerJournal ofAutumn Bioscience Winter and Applied Spring Research , 2016SummerVol.2, NoAutumn.8, PP.561 - 573Winter pISSN: Spring 2356-9174, eISSN:Summer 2356 -Autumn9182 568Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring 100 50 5 40 80 40 4


60 30 3

40 20 2 20


BCF BCF BCF 20 10 1 10 0 0 0 0 Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites A B C D

Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer6 Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring

3 100 0.8

2 4 0.6

50 0.4 BCF BCF 2 1 BCF BCF 0.2 0 0 0 0 Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites E F G H

Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring

8 0.1 6 0.6

6 4 0.4

4 0.05

BCF BCF BCF BCF 2 0.2 2 0 0 0 0 Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites lined sites unlined sites I J K L

Figure (4B): Bioconcentration factor (BCF) of the metals of the soft tissues (μg.g-1 DW) of snails; (A): Lymnaea natalensis, (B): Succinia cleopatra, (C): Planorbis planorbis, (D): Helisoma duryi, (E): Biomphalaria alexandrina, (F): Biomphalaria glabrata, (G): Physa acuta, (H): Bellamya unicolor, (I): Lanistes carinatus, (J): Gabbiella senaariensis, (K): Melanoides tuberculata and (L): Cleopatra bulimoides in lined and unlined sites of Giza Governorate

Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research , 2016Vol.2, No.8, PP.561- 573 pISSN: 2356-9174, eISSN: 2356-9182 569

4. Discussion approximately at all seasons, and exhibited its maximum The present results of physicochemical measurements percentages during spring in lined and unlined sites. Also, indicated that no significant difference between the two the present results revealed that the richest seasons with tested habitats (lined and unlined water bodies), however, the conductivity of water in lined water bodies was lower different snail species in Nubaria were (the summer and than those of unlined ones. These results are in agreement spring) and in Giza Governorate (autumn and winter) at with those of Ismail (2009b) who reported that the lined and unlined sites, respectively. This is in accordance physicochemical measurements in lined and unlined water with El-Kady et al. (2000) who concluded that the highest bodies in seven Egyptian governorates (, , abundance of collected snails (eg. B. alexandrina, B. Giza, Qalioubiya, Ismailiya, Beharia, Dammietta) indicated truncatus, L. natalensis, L. carinatus and C. bulimoides) that no significant difference between the lined and unlined water bodies, however, the conductivity of water in lined was recorded in March and April (spring season) and in water bodies was lower than those of unlined ones. These October and November (Autumn season) from irrigation results also in line with the studies of Yousif et al. (1998a); and drainage canals in El-. Moreover, Abdel-Kader (2001) and Ibrahim et al. (2005). Kloos et al. (2004); Owojori et al. (2006); Ntonifor and The current study also showed seasonal variation in Ajayi (2007); El-Khayat et al. (2011); Saad et al. (2012) the heavy metals concentrations depending on the type of and Abd El-Wakeil et al. (2013) were supported these metal and the sites. This may due to the effects of drastic findings. seasonal variations in the river flow and consequent impact Also, the winter was the richest season with different on water quality parameters (Sunil, 2001). Also, this is in snail species in unlined sites of Giza Governorate. This is agreement with the results of Bahnasawy et al. (2009); in agreement with findings of Owojori et al. (2006) and Siyue and Zhang (2010), who studied the seasonal variation in concentration of the heavy metals in different Afshan et al. (2013). They demonstrated that the cold water courses. seasons were more favorable for most snails reproduction than warm ones and that rainy season provides optimum The obtained results also, revealed that, the density conditions for the availability of freshwater snails, they of all recorded pulmonate snails in lined sites were lower anticipated that rainy season provides environmental than those of the unlined ones. This may be explained a conditions for the propagation of freshwater snails as considerable advantage to be attached on the side walls of availability of vegetation; a good food source is increased. water bodies. On the other hand, the abundance of Moreover, they postulated that the second peak of snail′s Prosobranch snails was higher in numbers in the lined sites density was in November and December. than those in the unlined. these results agree with the studies of Ismail (2009b) on the distribution and abundance Concerning the correlations between physicochemical of fresh water snails in lined and unlined water bodies in parameters and the collected snails, the obtained data seven Egyptian governorates (Cairo, Helwan, Giza, revealed that there was not correlationship between Qalioubiya, Ismailiya, Beharia, Dammietta). The collected temperature and abundance of snails in lined or unlined snails were represented by 12 species belonged to sites of Nubaria. This can be explained according to the pulmonate snails (Biomphalaria spp, B. truncatus, P. findings of Oliver and Ansari (1967) as they promulgated acuta, H. duryi and L. natalensis) and prosobranch (C. bulimoides, L. carinatus, B. unicolor, M. tuberculata, T. that most fresh water snails occur over areas with ° nilotica, S. Cleopatra and G. senaarensis). The density of temperature range of 20-35 C, flourishing best at constant all recorded pulmonate snails (except B. truncatus) in lined and warm temperatures. Moreover, species of Lymnaeidae sites were lower than those of the corresponding ones in and Llanorbidae could be reared through several the unlined ones. In contrast, the abundance of prosobranch generations at about 35°C (Harman and Berg, 1971). This snails was higher in numbers in the lined sites than those in is in accordance with the studies of Njoku (2007) and the unlined (Ismail, 2009b). These results also go with Yirenya et al. (2011). (Ismail and El-Gamal (2003); Ohmae et al. (2003). On the other hand, the correlation between physical Also the present results recorded that in Nubaria parameters and snails collected from Giza Governorate the most abundant snails were Melanoides tuberculata and revealed that temperature was negatively correlated only Theodoxus niloticus and exhibited their maximum with H. duryi in some lined sites. This indicates that these percentages in the lined and unlined sites during summer, snails are highly sensitive to the elevation in temperature as respectively. While, in Giza Governorate Physa acuta high temperature causes thermal stress in snail vectors, and snails had the highest percentages among collected snails also, reduces dissolved oxygen content of the water body

Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research , 2016Vol.2, No.8, PP.561- 573 pISSN: 2356-9174, eISSN: 2356-9182 570

(Hofkin et al., 1991). This is in coincidence with Hussein season. Also, Ofoezie (1999) and Abdel-Wareth (2014) et al. (2011); El-Shazly et al. (2012) and Abdel-Wareth recorded the same results. (2014). Concerning the correlations between heavy metals Regarding to the electrical conductivity (EC), (Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) and the snails in water canals of the positive correlations were observed between EC and P. studied lined and unlined sites of El-Bahiera (Nubaria) and acuta snails in some lined sites of El-Bahiera (Nubaria) and Giza Governorates, positive correlations were observed, so Giza Governorates, while negative relation was recorded the more heavy metals concentrations, the more snail with L. carinatus in some unlined sites of Giza species were found. On the other hand, few negative Governorate. Moreover, a significant negative correlation correlations were observed, like: relation between Cu and was observed between total dissolved solids (TDS) and each of (P. acuta, M. tuberculata & L. carinatus), Fe and each of C. bulimoides, P. acuta and L. carinatus in some B. glabrata. The snails can live in a wide range of mineral unlined sites of Nubaria and Giza Governorate, while content in water till they are approached by certain limiting positive correlations were observed with B. glabrata and values (Didonato et al., 2003). El –Khayat et al. (2009) H. duryi in some lined sites of Giza Governorate. In revealed that different water courses in Egypt were Nigeria Okwuosa and Ukoli (1980) and Ofoezie (1999) characterized by the highest concentrations of Cadmium, suggeseted that snail density was not significantly affected lead, mercury, sodium and potassium. The author added by temperature, alkalinity, acidity and the presence of that the snails disappeared from habitats characterizing by major ions but is significantly limited by conductivity and elevation of some toxic elements such as Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, dissolved oygen. Njoku (2011) claimed that conductivity is and Hg as confirmed by Mahmoud (1994) and Yang et al. a limiting factor to snail growth and abundance as snail (2009). But, as shown in the results of El –Khayat et al. population was high in medium with conductivity range (2009), when snails were in association with plants, they 50-110 μmhos than in medium with lower ranges. These are able to tolerate up to 35.18, 81.54 and 1042 ppb of Cd, results are in line with that obtained by El-Kady et al. Pb and Cu, respectively. This can be attributed to the (2000); Saad et al. (2012) and Abdel-Wareth (2014). formation of microhabitats by plants to which snails move In the present study, pH was positively correlated with avoiding toxicity. H. dyri in some unlined sites of Giza Governorate, while Results of the current study also showed high negative correlations were recorded between pH and each variation in BCF values depending on the type of metal and of (H. dyri and M. tuberculata in some lined sites of the snail. Generally the iron concentrations determined in Nubaria) and (P. acuta and M. tuberculata in some unlined the dry weight of the soft tissues of the snails, was the sites of Giza Governorate). This differences may be highest metal accumulated in the snail's tissue. While, P. attributed to other factors which affect the habitat of such acuta and H. duryi were the highest snails of accumulated snails as Ntonifor and Ajayi (2007) declared that pH didn't metal contents in the tested sites of El-Bahiera (Nubaria) influence snails abundance when considered singly. Also, and Giza Governorates. This can be attributed to the fact these results are in line with that obtained by Hussein et al. that molluscs can tolerate persistent toxic chemicals, such (2011). as metals, to a greater extent than other organisms and can Dissolved oxygen was positively correlated with serve as effective biomonitors or indicators (Salànki et al., each of H. duryi, B. unicolor, B. glabrata and C. 2003; Liang et al., 2004 and Giarratan et al., 2010; bulimoides, while it was negatively correlated with P. Mahajan, 2015 and Rehman et al., 2016). These results acuta in lined sites of El-Bahiera (Nubaria) and Giza were in accordance with that of Abd-Allah et al. (2003); Governorates. In unlined sites of Nubaria dissolved oxygen Yap et al. (2010); Kowalczyk and Czepiel (2013) and showed positive relations with both of Planorbis Planorbis Rehman et al. (2016) who determined the accumulation of and Theoduxus niloticus, while no relations was observed different heavy metals in the soft body mass of B. glabrata, in unlined sites of Giza Governorate. It was found that Faunus ater (Linnaeus), Cochlodina (Cochlodina) snails for their metabolic activities need oxygen (WHO, laminate, Cepaea nemoralis and (Rapanar apiformis, 1965). It was known that dissolved oxgen tension varied Chicoreus virgineus and Hemifusus pugilinus) snails, with sampling periods and water bodies (Hira, 1970). The respectively. author added that, in fast flowing water body, dissolved It can be concluded that lining have been extremely oxygen was higher than in slow or stagnant water bodies effective against certain species of snail. Heavy metal and dissolved oxygen was reduced with the increase in analysis in aquatic organisms can provide important temperature, while increased with rain, which therefore information on the degree of environmental contamination accounted for the high number of snail species in rainy and its impacts.

Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research , 2016Vol.2, No.8, PP.561- 573 pISSN: 2356-9174, eISSN: 2356-9182 571

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