CFE Social Issues Racial Inequality MULTICULTURAL UK

All 51,809,700

White 45,313,300

Mixed 956,700

Asian/Asian British 3,166.80

Black/Black British 1,521,400

Chinese or other ethnic group 851,600

Racial composition of England, 2010, ONS

Racism in UK? The majority of Britain’s minority ethnic population live in the large cities of England. MULTICULTURAL

Above L-R; Aamer Anwar solicitor (Lawyer, Sheridan trial), The Girls, anti deportation campaigners; Agnesa Murselaj, Amal Azzudin and Roza Salih, Humza Yousaf MSP (SNP), Hanzala Malik MSP (LAB).

Scotland has a smaller proportion of BME residents than England; The 2010 Annual Population Survey by the and the ONS estimated Scotland's total population stood at 5,149,900, of whom about 82,900 were "Asian or Asian British", 17,000 "Black or Black British", 16,500 were Chinese and 23,000 mixed race, with a further 30,700 "other".

The greatest concentration of the Scottish BME population is in Glasgow and to some extent its suburbs. In recent years East Renfrewshire has seen the largest percentage growth in BME population as residents move to the outer southern Glasgow suburbs. The Glasgow Girls RACE IS NOT JUST DEFINED BY COLOUR

White people can be racist towards each other!

There is a long history of anti-Irish racism in the UK. More recently there have been cases of anti-English racism in Scotland and racist attacks against eastern European immigrants.

Under the Equality Act (2010), racial discrimination arises when a person or group is treated less favourably than another in similar circumstances 'on racial grounds'. These are defined as colour, race nationality (including citizenship), or ethnic or national origins.

Discrimination might be on the grounds that a person was black (colour), Chinese (ethnic or national origins rather than nationality if the person came from Malaysia), or Pakistani (nationality), and it includes discrimination against white people (grounds of colour), or against Europeans of particular nationalities (for example, Irish, English, Polish). HIGH PROFILE RACIAL INCIDENTS

Former Liverpool striker Luis Suarez was judged to have used racist language towards Manchester United defender Patrice Evra. He was banned by the FA for 8 matches.

Chelsea captain John Terry appeared in court charged with racially abusing QPR defender Anton Ferdinand.

Terry was found not guilty. ISLAMOPHOBIA

Racial tensions, in general have increased since the 9/11 attacks on America. The 7/7 bombings in London, the Glasgow airport attack and the murder of soldier Lee Rigby have also heightened tensions.

Islamophobia STEREOTYPING?

ANTI-RACISM campaigners have criticised a poster from Crimestoppers which shows a black drug dealer lying handcuffed on the ground.

Graham Campbell, vice-chairman of Glasgow’s African and Caribbean Network, said black people, who make up just 0.1% of Scotland’s population, were far more likely to be the victims of crime than to commit crimes. RACIST INCIDENTS REPORTED TO POLICE SCOTLAND RACE CRIME

These figures do not, of course represent the actual levels of racist crime in Scotland as often racist behaviour is not reported.

Race crime is defined as any charge of racially aggravated harassment and behaviour in terms of Section 50A of the Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 1995 or Section 18, 19 or 23(1)a of the Public Order Act 1980 or any racial aggravation in terms of Section 96 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

On the other hand, the increased numbers may reflect greater confidence in the police’s ability to tackle racial crime.

Humza Yousef MSP racially abused RACIAL HARASSMENT: THE BNP

At the European Elections of June 2009, the racist British National Party (BNP) managed to have two MEPs elected.

Many who voted BNP may not have been aware of the party’s history of racial violence and intolerance.

The BNP benefitted from a low turn-out and widespread public displeasure of the major parties in the aftermath of the MPs expenses scandals.

Recession, unemployment and insecurity are the classic breeding grounds for the Far Right.

The BNP have 3 local Councillors in England and is becoming increasingly sophisticated in portraying itself as a “normal” political party.

The BNP failed to win representation in either the 2010 UK, 2011 Scottish parliament or 2012 local elections.


Institutional racism remains a problem. The term came into the public domain after the botched investigation by the Metropolitan Police into the murder of Stephen Lawrence. The force accepted it was institutionally racist.

“the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behaviour which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racial stereotyping which disadvantages minority ethnic people”.


In December 2011, Gary Dobson, 35, and David Norris, 34, were found guilty of the murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence, some 17 years after the original trial. This was made possible after changes to the “double jeopardy” law, which means a case can now be re-opened if there is “new and compelling evidence”.


The Metropolitan Police continues to be dogged by accusations of racism. The Metropolitan Black Police Association (BPA), the biggest group representing minority officers in the force, says despite the training and community initiatives put in place over the past two decades, Scotland Yard remains ‘institutionally racist’.

2013 Met race problems GOVERNMENT ACTION ON RACISM

Overt racial discrimination (i.e. name calling, bullying, refusal of jobs) has been illegal since the Race Relations Act of 1976. This law makes it illegal to discriminate in jobs, housing and public services, on the basis of a person’s ethnic background, although amazingly the police service was, at the time, omitted from this Act. The Race Relations Act was incorporated into the new Equalities Act (October 2010). The fact that an entirely new and more powerful law was introduced is evidence that the old laws weren’t working as well as they could have. The Scottish Government has also launched a variety of anti-racist campaigns and supported the Show Racism the Red Card initiative. THE EQUALITY ACT

The 2010 Equality Act replaced the Race Relations and other racial equal opportunities acts:

Race is a “protected characteristic.”

Discrimination; when "someone is treated less favourably than another person because of a protected characteristic” remains very illegal. PROTECTED CHARACTERISTICS

The Equality Act makes it unlawful to discriminate (treat less favourably) anyone directly or indirectly because of a protected characteristic. The nine protected characteristics are

1. age 2. disability 3. gender reassignment 4. marriage and civil partnership 5. pregnancy and maternity 6. race (a group of people defined by their race, colour and nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins 7. religion or belief (including lack of belief e.g. atheism) 8. gender 9. sexual orientation STRENGTHENS EXISTING LAWS

The Equality Act has introduced “positive action”.

This means that employers can now favour under-represented groups – provided the candidates are of equal suitability – in order to increase the diversity of their workforces. HAS THE 2010 EQUALITY ACT GONE TOO FAR?

Is the new, tougher, legislation necessary to overcome inequalities or has “political correctness gone too far”? THE EQUALITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION (EHRC)

The EHRC has the responsibility of trying to make sure the Equality Act 2010 works.

It offers advice to organisations on how to create equal; opportunities advising all of their rights at work, in education and as consumers. THE MUSLIM POWER LIST

The Muslim Power List is an attempt to highlight the contribution to society being made by Muslim role models who inspire the current generation of young British Muslims to appreciate the opportunities for success available to them.


There are 27 minority ethnic MPs, an increase of 13 from 2005. Helen Grant becomes the first woman of African descent to represent the Conservatives at Westminster.

Shabana Mahmood (LAB), above Left, became the first ever female Muslim MP. Priti Patel, above Right, became the first Conservative Asian female MP.


Scotland now has two BME MSPs. Two more BME MSPs equals only 1.5% of the parliament's 129 MSPs and is below the 4% of Scotland's population which is non-white.

Humza Yousaf, Scottish Government Minister for External affairs & International Development, in particular, has become a well known and respected MSP. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN SCOTLAND 2012

There are only a few BME councillors; 17 out of 1,223 councillors, or 1.4%.

Mohammed Shabbar Yen Hongmei Jin, Shamin Akhtar, Asif, Labour, Jaffri, SNP, SNP, Dumfries & Labour, Dundee Glasgow Galloway East Lothian CONTINUED INEQUALITY: THE GLASS DOOR There is anecdotal evidence from research in England that employers say “my workforce wouldn’t be happy about working for a boss with a hijab”

Rowena Arshad, Director, Centre for Education for Racial Equality in Scotland

Many of Scotland’s minority ethnic community workers are employed in low level, poorly paid jobs. Retail and catering are two of the main sectors, often through self employment, (newsagent or grocery store) or being employed by other minority ethnic employers, e.g. working in restaurants.

Some people speak, not of a glass ceiling (gender discrimination) but a “glass door” for minority ethnic men and women. If you don’t see people like you in top level jobs it may become a self fulfilling prophecy.

There are also racial stereotypes, fuelled by Islamophobia, which make employers less likely to employ or promote minority ethnic candidates. ASPIRATION AND FRUSTRATION

A 2010 survey by the charity Business in the Community, “Aspiration and Frustration”, found that despite years of Government legislation, equality of opportunity remained a long way off.

It concluded that :

Some of the best-paid professions such as banking, law, politics and the media were not seen as a realistic option for BMEs.

Those with an historic reputation for racism, such as the police and armed forces, are still seen as unwelcoming to minorities. The 2009 Race for Opportunity Report showed that BME workers make up 10.3% of The ‘caring’ professions, education and medicine, which have a the population but only 8.5% of the positive history of BME recruitment, are seen as good options workforce and just 6.3% of those in but are seen as less well-paid and offering less career management positions. progression, particularly education. 2012 RACE FOR OPPORTUNITY FINDINGS

Race for Opportunity’s research found that:

• 29% of BAME candidates were offered a job compared to 44% of white candidates when going through recruitment agencies

• 57% of BAME applicants were invited to interviews through a recruitment agency, compared to 73% of white candidates

• When applying to directly to employer, outcomes were much more equal, with 29% BAME applicants and 29% white applicants securing jobs. POSITIVE RACIAL ATTITUDES

"It was 46 golden minutes when three young Britons showed the watching world just who we are. A ginger bloke from Milton Keynes, a mixed race beauty from Sheffield, an ethnic Somali given shelter on these shores from his war-ravaged homeland. This is what Britain looks like today.“

The Sun newspaper tends to reflect changing attitudes. Is the UK embracing diversity? OR ARE WE BECOMING MORE INTOLERANT?

Difficult economic times often increase ‘scapegoating’ of minority communities.

Are we seeing, via the increase in support for UKIP a new, dog whistle, racism in British life, amidst a backdrop of support for the more traditional, aggressive racism of the English/Scottish Defence League and the British National Party?

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