BULLETIN. -OF-- THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VoL. LXXIX, ABT. VI, pp, 391424 New York -~i~ ;Itiszuwd .July !j114 g -a .,-. ", 17,1, -f 11J.f,.'.-',;-.;Ni',".;.. 'I" J' lf. -". "", "., .' ,;.,f...,"..,.-,..4,/,. .,'-,A "I" Yt.),,e.il'"i"', --',.; -': ,.. ,71r,.- 1,,.I,.,,1--.--, %-.,"-;.,.,I,,,'M.."..; I-,jW-',"-V,V,.-'.t, ,!?-'- . ,i,.,.-. ."I*V.,N-r.q'jllv 4,,I -i .41- ,, .-,.-.,,i`Y`;.'....ji,fj.', "_,...?.,,r ,,.",'r.-.,,.,.-w ., ., I,,,W.,! - ,,,4 .,, ..-4'iAA,,',..-,,;;',', 44,:,,-I.--.- I. .-.A"", -,.M..,/,.."Y'., ,.,- ., 1) ,,.,.--,.,,' i.,.i',.,.,- ), ,'. ,`i,,,!,1- V7,.,i,t.!"T,T,,',- -. Y. ., . -:., ", ,`,:.I,-, .,'t -, 'I. ii..,.., ,,.1.I,..I., ,,....ii.v;-,.--.,,..4. i.,. ,,, 1. 4., 4.,;.I-xg.,.k,,,,i,.,r., .;, i.,. -./',.- t ',!.11-.., -,,,..-t "i.,I";., ,-,, -. Z--, t.,,;1.. ,, i.,-.. ,,.;.I.."- 4, ., -,.,.,-1.-.A'"6.,.""."- -i,,",,,. ,,,.,e.,, ,.I".I,1 -11 -",;. ,, ... ."Iv ..,..--, /f,..-,I;.1""', 'r ,k.,,.-,4-,I1..",,,--.,--,.-;.. ,, ,,,,I,.,a -q ,,,, t... 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INTRODUCTION Following the reorganization and re- many North American species. Second, arrangement of the American Museum it affords an opportunity to designate collection of Microlepidoptera that has lectotypes for a great many names and thus been accomplished in the last three years, to contribute to the stability of the no- the preparation and publication of this menclature of the group. Most of the paper serves two purposes. First, it older authors neglected to choose single affords workers in the taxonomy of the type specimens, and in the majority of such Microlepidoptera a means of ascertaining cases no lectotypes have subsequently been the location of type material of a great designated.

GROUPS OF THE INCLUDED This paper covers all of the Microlepi- revision is now being prepared by Messrs. doptera as delimited by Forbes (1923) and Busck and Engelhardt, so that the present McDunnough (1939) with the exception of writer prefers to leave it alone for the time the family Aegeriidae. ln this family a being.

AUTHORS OF THE NAMES Whereas the greater part of the type Dietz, W. G. Jones, F. M. material in the American Museum is that Dyar, H. G. Kearfott, W. D. of a comparatively small number of Edwards, Henry Klots, A. B. Fernald, C. H. McDunnough, J. authors, there is a scattering of a consid- Fish, Charles Meyrick, Edward erable number of others. The following Forbes, W. T. M. Packard, A. S. list includes all authors whose material is Grossbeck, J. A. Pearsall, R. F. covered in this paper: Grote, A. R. Robinson, C. T. Barnes, W. J., and Beutenmuller, W. Grote, A. R., and Rob- Riley, C. V. Benjamin, F. H. Braun, Annette inson, C. T. Stretch, R. H. Barnes, W. J., and Busek, August Heinrich, Carl Walsingham, Lord McDunnough, J. Butler, A. G. Hulst, George Wright, W. H.

TYPE DESIGNATIONS In nearly all cases the older authors did the situation. Heinrich (1923, 1926, etc.) not designate single specimens as "types" has cleared up the Olethreutidae very well. (holotypes) in the strict sense of the word There can be no question that his designa- as understood today. The type material of tions of specimens as types are valid. But such authors therefore almost invariably Beutenmuller (1892, 1892A and 1904) in consists of "cotypes" alone, except in cases three lists of the "types" in the American where a name was applied on the basis of a Museum cannot be regarded as having single specimen. chosen "types" that can be considered as Nor have subsequent workers in the "lectotypes" in the modern sense. The Microlepidoptera done much to improve frequent recurrence in his papers of such 1 College of the City of New York. phrases as "one male and two females," 391 392 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

"three examples," etc., shows that these been discounted in preparing the present papers can be considered only as lists of paper in so far as the possibility of their type material and not as valid designations containing any type designations is con- of lectotypes. These lists have therefore cerned.

VALIDITY OF TYPE MATERIAL A major part of the labor of preparing used a printed label on red paper reading this paper has been involved in checking "TYPE, Collection of W. D. Kearfott" carefully the validity of every specimen of which was placed on most of the type-lot so-called type material in the Museum specimens but not on all. collection. In many cases specimens have In the majority of cases, study of the been found labeled "type" or "cotype" variously labeled type-lot specimens shows which prove not to have been part of the nothing wrong. In quite a number of in- original type lots at all. Other problems, stances, however, specimens have been too, have appeared, so that in order to found bearing the printed, red paper avoid repetition in the listing it seems wise "TYPE" label that obviously were not to discuss here a number of the outstand- part of the original type-lot at all. In one ing "problem cases" under the headings of case a specimen was found bearing one of the authors involved. the handwritten "Type" labels that had KEARFOTT.-In 1915 W. D. Kearfott been caught years after the original de- sold his collection of "" (in the scription was published. In fairness to the broad sense) to the AmericanMuseum. At entomologists of the American Museum it the time lhe stated that it contained his must be pointed out that these errors in types and cotypes (letter on file in the labeling were unquestionably the work of Museum). He did not, however, deliver Kearfott himself; for, until the recent the entire collection to the Museum but reorganization of the collection, much of retained a considerable part of it, most of the Kearfott material has been left as re- which he sold to Dr. William Barnes of ceived, and in no cases has any of it been Decatur, Illinois. This latter material, relabeled. containing many cotypes, passed to the There are, then, many so-called Kear- United States National Museum with the fott "types" and "cotypes" that are not rest of the Barnes Collection. Much Kear- type material at all. All such instances are fott type material was also distributed included in the listing here, being desig- among smaller, mostly private, collections. nated "pseudotypes." The specimens have Kearfott marked many of his cotypes beerx so labeled by the present author.1 with handwritten labels but in many cases In many cases, Kearfott neglected to put did this to only a part of each type series. any distinguishing labels at all on type-lot He apparently followed no consistent rule specimens. Where such specimens are in the use of these handwritten labels. In clearly recognizable by their data as parts some cases all of the specimens of a name of the original type-lots, they have been so so marked were designated simply "co- listed here and so labeled. type." In other cases one specimen was Kearfott also very evidently did not labeled "type" and the others "cotype." always accurately read the dates on the Again, at times one specimen was labeled labels of his specimens and therefore pub- "type e," another "type 9 ," and the lished incorrect dates in some of his origi- others "cotype." In some instances a nal descriptioiis. He might, for example, number of specimens were marked "type." state in the original description that the Kearfott also used the term "paratype" name was based on six specimens dated interchangeably with "cotype." 1 Because of war hazards all type material has been removed from the American Museum to a In addition to these handwritten labels, place of greater safety. The type material of Micro- which, be it again noted, were not placed on lepidoptera has not yet, therefore, been labeled in accordance with the designations, etc., of this article. nearly all type-lot specimens, Kearfott also This will be done as soon as conditions permit. 1942] Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 393

July 11 to August 29. In some cases, of labels that evidently referred to the lot. course, he intended to exclude some of the One specimen of each species bears a hand- specimens which he possessed from the written name label. These name labels type-lot, but there is proof that in other make no rnention of type status. They are cases he erred. Too strict an interpreta- suspected to be in the handwriting of Dur- tion would exclude from the type-lot speci- rant, Lord Walsingham's assistant. Ex- mens that really should be, and originally cept for the Pterophoridae, none of the were, included. The writer has had to use specimens bears other data. The "cotype" his judgment in a number of such cases in labels were obviously put on the specimens preparing the list. Such instances have at the American Museum, for they are been noted in detail in the list. identical with those on other Museum In his revisions of the Olethreutidae, specimens. Heinrich (loc. cit.) designated lectotypes Some of the labels were sent to Mr. for Kearfott's names in that family. In a Roger Washbourn of the British Museum very few cases it has been necessary in this in an attempt to establish the authenticity paper to correct errors by Heinrich. This of this material. Mr. Washbourn, after has been done with his approbation and comparing these with labels on authentic after consultation with him. Walsingham types, believes (and I am Kearfott left another legacy of trouble inclined to agree with him) that, although in the form of a number of unpublished the specimens are undoubtedly at least names for which, however, he had labeled "homotypical," they are not to be con- as "type," "cotype," etc., specimens in his sidered as true cotypes. The specimens of collection. Some of these names have since Pterophoridae, which bear printed labels been validated, sometimes unintentionally, such as "California" and "Oregon," form a by Forbes and Heinrich. These are dis- possible exception to this and may be true cussed and listed in this paper under the cotypes. All of these Walsingham speci- names of those authors. mens have, however, been included in the Anothei matter connected with the following listing. Kearfott names that is worthy of special ROBINSON.-Shlortly before his death, niention concerns a great number of sub- Coleman T. Robinson presented a set of his stitute namnes proposed by Meyrick (1912). specimens to the Academy of Natural Disapproving of the Kearfott "nonsense Sciences of Philadelphia and gave the re- names" (boronana, domonana, fomonana, mainder of hiis collection, including the ma- etc.) and( considering these invalid in jority of the specimens, to the Central Park scientific nomenclature, Meyrick proposed Museum in New York City. This insti- sul)stitutes for them. Under the present tution later grew into The Armerican Mu- Rules, Meyrick's namnes all must be placed seum of Natural History. In both the as synonyms of the respective Kearfott Academy of Natural Sciences of Plhila- namiies, except in a few instances where the delphia and The American Museum of Keaifott names weere actually homonyms. Natural History specimens are at present In aniy event, the types of the Kearfott labeled "type" for most of the names. names are, of course, also the types of the There has, however, been no formal des- Meyrick narnes. The Meyrick substitute ignation of lectotypes for the mnajority of niames have not been included in the listing the names, so that the present paper would in this paper. Convenient reference to seem to be the place for this. The sur- theiii may be had in the McDunnough viving Robinson material in both institu- Chleck List (1939). tions has been studied, and the writer has WA ALSINGHAM.-In 1880, Lord Walsing- endeavored in each case to choose the best hamrl donated to the American Museum a specimen, regardless of which institution it small lot of specimens, representing a num- is in. ber of species described by him. At present HULST.-The Arnerican Museum pos- these specimens bear small, printed labels sesses a considerable number of Hulst's reading "cotype," and small, numbered "types," all labeledl "Type" by Hulst him- 394 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

self. In most cases it has been possible to FORBEs.-Forbes likewise (1923) vali- show that these specimens were really dated some Kearfott manuscript names, parts of the original type-lots. In some apparently being under the impression that instances, however, they were not. Hulst they had been published. In doing so he was notoriously free in his use of the word gave no exact indication of what material "type," often employing it as merely a he had studied. It seems logical, in such a synonym of "typical" or "compared with case, to treat as type material all Kearfott type." The Hulst material in the Ameri- can Museum all was a part of the Henry specimens of the names, at both the United Edwards Collection. States National Museum and the American HEINRICH.-The Museum possesses a Museum, which Forbes studied. In two considerable number of Heinrich types such cases (Peronea robinsonana Forbes and paratypes, mostly material from the and P. clemensiana Forbes) McDunnough Kearfott Collection which was studied by (1934) has labeled parts of the Kearfott Heinrich in preparing his revisions of the material as "cotypes." WThile agreeing Olethreutidae. In some cases Heinrich with this action, the present writer feels validated Kearfott manuscript names by that there is no valid reason for restricting pulblishing them under the synonymy of already established names. The names, the type-lot to a few specimens arbitrarily of course, become attributable to Heinrich chosen. In this paper therefore all of the as author. The Kearfott manuscript types Kearfott material studied by Forbes has of these names automatically become the been regarded as type material of the types of the validated Heinrich names. various names and has been so labeled.

TYPE DESIGNATIONS AND NOMENCLATURE As previously pointed out, a great many with regard to this paper, the terms used lectotypes are designated in this paper. It are listed and defined: has been considered unwise, however, to do "Type" and "holotype" ar-e regarded as syn- this in all cases where the American Mu- onymous. "Cotype" is used to refer to one of a series of seum possesses cotype material of a name. specimens on which an author based a name, In many cases where the American Mu- and so stated in the originial description, with- seum material consists of females only and out designatinig any onIC of themn as the "type" there were males in the type-lot or where or "holotype." refers to a the poor "Lectotype" cotype chosen, subse- material is in condition, designa- quent to the originial publication of the namale, tion of a lectotype has been deferred in the as the type and so designiated unmistakably hope that a more suitable specimen may by publication. exist in another institution. "Paratype" refers to each specimneni of the orig- inal type-lot other thani the type, when the Specimens in other institutions have not type was choseni by the auithoi in the original been designated as lectotypes, except in the descriptiori. case of the Robinson Tortricidae and Phalo- "Lectoparatype" refers to each of the cotypes of remriaining after the desiginatioin of oine cotype niidae in the Academy Natural as the lectotype. Sciences of Philadelphia and the Kearfott "Pseudotype" refers to a speciml-en wrongly la- Phaloniidae in the United States National beled as being a part of the oiiginal type-lot. Museum. It will be noted that "lectoallotypes" The nomenclature of types is at present have not been designated. It is felt that a weirdly complex mess, lacking definite this is best left to subsequent students of rules. To clarify the situation, at least the groups involved. 194212Klots,] North American Microlepidoptera 395 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to express his in- Messrs. G. A. Bisset and Roger Washbourn debtedness for their kind co-operation to of the British Museum, J. F. Gates Clarke, the authorities of The American Museum E. P. Darlington, W. T. M. Forbes, Carl of Natural History, the Academy of Heinrich and J. McDunnough, all of whom Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the have aided with information in straighten- United States National Museum, and to ing out tangled situations.

LIST OF TYPE MATERIAL Hepialidae lacks right wings, "Washington T., anceps Hy. Edwards, Hepialus. 1881, p. Behrens." 36. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, herebydesignated, Mendocino Co., Calif.; Incurvariidae one lectoparatype female; both are taylorella Kearfott, Incurvaria. 1907A, pp. Nos. 7486 (original) and 8655, Coll. Hy. 8-9. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, Edwards. hereby designated, Mt. Washington, furcatus Grote, Hepialus. 1883, p. 30. N. H. (Slosson). IN A.M.N.H.: a pseudotype female, "Cal."; type locality is "Adirondacks." Nepticulidae inutilis Hy. Edwards, Hepialus. 1881, p. variella Braun, Nepticula. 1910, p. 173. 36. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male and IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. lectoparatype female, hereby designated, both Nos. 7485 (original) and 8649 (Ce) Eucleidae and 8650 (9 ), Coll. Hy. Edwards, beutenmulleri Hy. Edwards, Limacodes. "Sier. Nev., Cal."; both lack abdomens. 1887, pp. 145-146. IN A.M.N.H.: McGlashani Hy. Edwards, Hepialus. 1886, unique type female, Enterprise, Fla., 31 PP. 14-15. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype March, 1887. No. 9464, Coll. Hy. Ed- male and two lectoparatype females, wards. hereby designated, all No. 8676, Coll. elliotii Pearsall, Euclea. 1887, p. 209. IN Hy. Edwards, "Sier. Nev., Cal." A.M.N.H.: type, No. 172, New York mathewi Hy. Edwards, Epialus. 1874, p. City and vicinity, Coll. S. L. Elliot, ex 265. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male and Pearsall Coll. lectoparatype female, hereby designated, inornata Grote and Robinson, Limacodes. both Nos. 4433 (original) and 8671 (ce) 1866, pp. 372-373. IN A.M.N.H.: and 8672 (9), Coll. Hy. Edwards. lectotype female, hereby designated, modestus Hy. Edwards, Epialus. 1874, pp. "Penn.," No. 23057, Grote and Robin- 112-113. IN A.M.N.H.: unique male son. type, Nos. 7484 (original) and 8651, parallela Hy. Edwards, Limacodes. 1886, Coll. Hy. Edwards. P. 10. IN A.M.N.H.: unique type male, montanus Stretch, Hepialus. 1873, p. 105, "Indian Riv., Fla.," No. 9452, Coll. Hy. PI. IV, fig. 7. IN A.M.N.H.: unique Edwards. male type, Nos. 2300 (original) and pygmaea Grote and Robinson, Adoneta. 8653, Coll. Hy. Edwards. 1868, p. 189. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype rectus Hy. Edwards, Hepialus. 1881, pp. male, hereby designated, dated two 35-36. IN A.M.N.H.: one cotype, badly 31;8' rubbed and lacking abdomen, Nos. 7479 1 5 lectoparatype males, dated - all (original) and 8662, Coll. Hy. Edwards. 9 and-;9' Lectotype not designated. No. 23056, Grote and Robinson. tacomae Hy. Edwards, Epialus. 1874, p. slossoniae Packard, Eupoeya. 1893, p. 169. 365. IN A.M.N.H.: unique type female, IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby 396 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LzXXIX

dlesignatedl, labeled "Florida," collection exigua Hy. Edwards, Pseudopsyche. 1892, of Mrs. A. T. Slosson, with Packard's p. 125. IN A.M.N.H.: one cotype, handwritten "Type" label; one lecto- "Arizona," No. 7546, Coll. Hy. Edwards. paratype female, same labeling. The specimen is in bad condition; if the spadicis Grossbeck, Monoleuca. 1906, p. other cotype is in existence and in better 289. IN A.M.N.H.: unique type rmale, con(lition, it should be ma(ie the lecto- ex Grossbeck Coll. typ)e. fragmentella Hy. Edwards, Psyche. 1877, Pyromorphidae p. 142. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype larval aversus Hy. Edwards, Triprocris. 1884, p. case, hereby designated, Nos. 7551 and 13. IN A.M.N.H.: unique type male, 7530, Coll. Hy. Edwards, "Mt. Shasta Jalapa, Mexico, No. 8323, Coll. Hy. dist., California"; six lectoparatype Edwards. larval cases, same data. basalis Hy. Edwards, Triprocris. 1887A, fumosa Butler, Hyaloscotes. 1881, p. 314. P. 91. IN A.M.N.H.: unique type fe- IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype, Siskiyou male, No. 8329, Coll. Hy. Edwards. Co., 87.47 [California, Walsinghaml. lustrans Beutenmuller, Triprocris. 1894, meadi Hy. Edwards, Thyridopteryx. 1881, pp. 367-368. IN A.M.N.H.: unique p. 116. IN A.M.N.H.: unique type type male, Colorado, No. 8328, Coll. Hy. male, with its larval case andl pupal Edwards. shell. notha Hy. Edwards, Lycomorpha. 1885, p. pallidovenata Grossbeck, Thyridopteryx. 128. IN A.M.N.H.: cotype female, 1917, pp. 104-105. IN A.M.N.H.: unique Jalapa, Mexico (Schaus), No. 8344, Coll. type male. Hy. Edwards. The male cotype, if still Lyonetiidae in existence and in good con(lition, slhoul(l b)e rnade the lectotype. albaciliella Braun, Bucculatrix. 1910, p. 175. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. Tineidae ochristrigella Braun, Bucculatrix. 1910, pl). 174-175. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. dietziella BusCk, Hypoplesia, 1913, pp. 101- tetrella Braun, Bucculatrix. 1910, pp. 175- 102. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. 176. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. Psychidae Haploptiliidae (Coleophoridae) celibata Jones, Psyche (Eurycyttarus). 1922, entoloma Busek, Coleophora. 1913, p. 97. p. 130, Pls. VII-VIII. IN A.M.N.H.: one IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype (labeled paratype, with pupal shell and case. "cotype"). coniferella Hy. Edwards, Psyche. 1877, p). quadristrigella Busek, Coleophora. 1913, 142. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype, hereby pp. 96-97. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype designated, larval case, "California," (labeled "cotype"). No. 7539, Coll. Hy. Edwards; one sparsipuncta Heinrich, Coleophora. 1929, lectoparatype, larval case, as above. P. 18. IN A.M.N.H.: six paratypes. davidsoni Hy. Edwards, Oiceticus. 1877, pp. 142-143. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype, Heliozelidae hereby designated, larval case, No. 7537, kalmiella Dietz, Coptodisca. 1921, p. 44. Coll. Hy. Edwards, labeled "Type of IN A.M.N.H.: type and two paratypes. case" by Hy. Edwards; one lectopara- All are glued to a single celluloidl "point." type case, No. 7541. Two pupae, Nos. The specimen at the tip of the point is in 7538 and 7541, Coll. Hy. Edwards, the best condition an(l should be re- should presumably also be regarde(d as gaided as the type. The present writer lectoparatype material. prefers not to attempt to remount the dendrokomos Jones, Oiketicus. 1926, pp. specimens. 1-6, P1. L. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype major Kearfott, Antispila. 1907B, p. 166, male; two paratype cases. P1. VIII, fig. 15. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotvpe 1942 ] Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 397

hereby designated, Black Mts., N. C., 244. IN A.M.N.H.: four specimens, ex "Valley," June 10, labeled "Type" by Slosson Coll., may be cotypes. Kearfott. trigonana Walsingham, Sciaphila (Lotisma). 1879, pp. 22-23, P1. LXV, fig. 7. IN Oecophoridae A.M.N.H.: two so-called "cotypes"; see pallidella Busek, Depressaria. 1904, p. discussion above. 765. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype (la- beled "cotype"). Olethreutidae abietana Fernald, Argyroploce. 1908, pp. Ethmiidae 349-350, 432. IN A.M.N.H.: one so- albistrigella Walsingham, Psecadia. 1880, called "cotype," with no data other than pp. 89-90, P1. xii, fig. 6. IN A.M.N.H.: "Me. Exp. Sta. Lot 237" and a "cotype" one so-called "cotype"; see discussion label by Fernald (?). above. adana Heinrich, Rhyacionia. 1923, p. 18, fig. 52. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. Gelechiidae aemulana Heinrich, Polychrosis. 1926, p. 94, figs. 180, 369. IN A.M.N.H.: holo- iothalles Forbes, Trichotaphe. 1939, pp. type male, Hazelton, Pa., 7-3-'05. 159-161. IN A.M.N.H.: two paratypes. afficticia Heinrich, Aphania. 1926, p. 118, natalella Busck, Aristotelia. 1904, p. 756. fig. 378. IN A.M.N.H.: unique male IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype (labeled type, Mt. Washington, N. H. "cotype"). agricolana Walsingham, Paedisca. 1879, pautlella Busck, Gelechia. 1903, p. 865. p. 42. IN A.M.N.H.: one so-called IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype (labeled "cotype"; one specimen "named by "cotype"). Walsingham." albacostana Kearfott, Ancylis. 1905A, p. Yponomeutidae 360. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female parvula Hy. Edwards, Penthetria. 1881, (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 253), p. 80. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, "Colo." hereby designated, Indian River, Fla., albafascia Heinrich, Ancylis. 1929A, p. 19, Nos. 7508 (original) and 8351, Coll. Hy. fig. 5. IN A.M.N.H.: two paratypes. Edwards. The original description erred albicapitana Kearfott, Proteopteryx. 1907, in calling this specimen a male. pp. 47-48. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. Glyphipterygidae 206), Placer Co., Calif., Sept.; one fe- carduiella Kearfott, Choreutis. 1902, pp. male lectoparatype. 116-120. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype albidorsana Kearfott, Proteopteryx. 1904, (labeled "cotype") and the pin and pp. 113-114. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype labels of another, the specimen having female (designated by Heinrich, 1923, been destroyed. p. 119), Kaslo, B. C.; two lectopara- gemmalis Hulst, Chalcoela. 1886, p. 148. types. See also Proteopteryx columbia IN A.M.N.H.: one cotype, with abdo- Kearfott and mediostriana Kearfott. men lost, labeled 'Type" by Hulst, Nos. albidula Heinrich, Olethreutes. 1926, p. 3015 (original) and 13841, Coll. Hy. 189, fig. 253. IN A.M.N.H.: two para- Edwards. There are also two otber types. specimens in good condition, from the albipuncta Heinrich, Bactra. 1926, pp. same lot, a male (no original number) 84-85, figs. 46, 347. IN A.M.N.H.: five "Sier. Nev." and a female (original No. paratypes. 3015) "Sier. Nev.," both No. 13842, Coll. albolineana Kearfott, Lipoptycha. 1907B, Hy. Edwards. No lectotype has yet pp. 160-161, P1. viii, fig. 11. IN been chosen. This is not done here be- A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (designated cause of the condition of the cotype. by Heinrich, 1926, p. 107); one male slossonia Fernald, Walsinghamia. 1900, p. lectoparatype. 398 Butlletin American Museum of Natural History [VOl. LXXIX

alterana Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, PP. 46- arizonae Kearifott, Proteoteras. 1907, P. 47, fig. 102. IN A.M.N.H.: two para- 48. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (des- types. ignated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 168- amatana Heinrich, Gretchena. 1923, p. 184, 169), Prescott, Ariz.; one lectoparatype. fig. 319. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male, articulatana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1908, Oak Sta., Pa., May (Marloff); four pp. 177-178. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype paratypes. female (designated by Heinrich, 1926, ambrosiana Kearfott, Polychrosis. 1907, p. pp. 51-52), Cincinnati, O., Apr. 30 8. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- (Braun). nated by Heinrich, 1926, pp. 94-95), aruncana Kearfott, Polychrosis. 1907, p. Cincinnati, O., seeds of Ambrosia trifida 5. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (des- (Braun); four lectoparatypes; two pupal ignated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 95); one shells (of type-lot); one of the lecto- female lectoparatype. paratypes is labeled "Murtf. St. L." asphodelana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907, p. [St. Louis, Mo.] instead of "Kirkwood, 41. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (des- Mo." as stated in the original descrip- ignated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 257- tion. 258), Calgary, Alta.; one lectoparatype. amphorana Walsingham, Semasia. 1879, atomosana Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, pp. p. 63. IN A.M.N.H.: four so-called 110-111. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, itcotypes."Y hereby designated, San Antonio, Tex.; andromedana Barnes and McDunnough, one female lectoparatype. Heinrich Olethreutes. 1917, p. 223. IN A.M.N.H.: validated this name, which was a Kear- two males, one female from what was fott MS. name, as a synonym of exclu- originally the type-lot; these were sent soriana Heinrich, but did not designate to Kearfott by the authors, but, when a type. he did not return them, they described aurantiana Walsingham, Hystrichophora. the species firom the material which they 1879, p. 65. IN A M.N.H.: one so- had retained. Kearfott had applied the called "cotype." same specific name, as a MS. name of awemeana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907, p. 41. his own, to these specimens. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- angleseana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, nated bv Heinrich, 1923, p. 38), Aweme, pp. 64-65. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype Man.; two lectoparatypes, one male and fernale (designated by Heinrich, 1926, one femnale. p. 31), Anglesea, N. J., labeled "Type" bactrana Heinrich, EuicosmtSa. 1923, PP. by Kearfott; ten lectoparatypes (labeled 117-118, fig. 239. IN A.M.N.H.: one "cotype" by Kearfott). ptaratype. annetteana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907, p. 42. bandana Heinrich, Grapholitha. 1926, p. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- 31. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, nate(l b)y Heinrich, 1923, p. 43); two hereby (lesignated, Wellington, B. C. lectoparatypes. (Taylor and Bryant). Heinrich vali- arctostaphylana Kearfott, . 1904, dated this name, which was a Kearfott pp. 109-110. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype MS. name, wlhile discussing vana and male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. zana Kearfott, referring to Kearfott's 221), Kaslo, 13. C., etc.; two lectopara- series of MS. types. The specimen which types. There are also twelve specimens, is here (lesignated as lectotype of bandana Kearfott rearing Nos. K514 and K606 is also the lectotype of zana Kearfott as which, Kearfott's records show, were designated by Heinrich (q. v.). Bandana from Carmel, Calif. (Vachell). Four of Heinrich is thlus disposed of as an absolute these bear Kearfott's red, printed synonym of zana Kearfott. "TYPE" labels; one of these also bears baracana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907, p. 43. a handwrritten "cotype" label by Kear- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- fott. These are obviously "pseudo- nated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 158-159), types." Stockton, Utah; three lectoparatypes. 1942] Klots, North American Microlepidoptera .s99 benjamini Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, p. 66, pp. 256-257. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- fig. 114. IN A.M.N.H.: tlhree paratypes. type. bicordana Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, pp. canariana Kearfott, Eacosma. 1907,Ip. 18. 220-221, fig. 368. IN A.M.N.H.: holo- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype imale (clesig- type male, Aweine, Man., 26 March, nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 81), Stock- 1905 (CriddIle). ton, Utah, Aug. 1 (Spalding); four bigemina Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, 1). 220, lect6daratypes. fig. 374. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype nmale, candana Forbes, Laspeyresia. 1924, p. Carinel, Calif., April (Vachell); two 394. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male and paratypes. five lectop)aratypes (designated by Hein- bilineana Kearfott, Eutcosma. 1907A, p. rich, 1926, p. 54), Oak Station, Pa., May 54. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female 15-21 (Marloff). Forbes validated can- (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 115), dana, a MS. name of Kearfott's. The Illinois (Fernald); one female lecto- lectoparatypes wvere labeled "paratypes" paratype. by Heinrich. bobana Kearfott, Eucosma 1907, p. 26. candidula Heinrich, Thiodia. 1924, p. 387. IN A.M.N.H.: one lectoparatype fe- IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. male, "S. W. Colo." (Dietz). Heinrich caracana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907, p. 43. (1923, pp. 103-104) states that the type, IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- from Sali(la, Colo., is in the American nated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 158-159), Museum. This is not so; I believe that Denver, Colo., 3 Aug. (Oslar); two fe- it is in the U. S. National Museum. male lectoparatypes. bolanderana Walsingham, Paedisca. 1879, carbonana Heinrich, Ancylis. 1923, pp. p. 42. IN A.M.N.H.: one so-called "co- 248--249, fig. 407. IN A.M.N.H.: holo- type." type male, Scranton, Pa., 15 May, 1905 boxcana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, PP. (Lister); two paratypes. 87-88. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male cercocarpana Dyar, Eucosma. 1903, pp. (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 139), 297-298. IN A.M.N.H.: one presumed Cincinnati, O., May 18-21 (Braun); paratype wlhich, however, bears a red three lectoparatypes. label "Type No. 6771, U.S.N.M." as brauni Heinrich, Anchylopera. 1931, pp. stated, in the original description, for the 11-12, P1. V, fig. 16. IN A.M.N.H.: two type. paratypes. chrysea Heinrich, Bactra. 1926, p. 85, figs. brevirostratum Heinrich,IExartema. 1926, 49, 348. IN A.M.N.H.: three paratypes. pp. 154-155. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype cinereodorsana Heinrich, Suleima. 1923, male, Aweme, Man.; three paratypes. p. 159, fig. 294. IN A.M.N.H.: holo- This is also type material of Exartema type male, Oak Station, Pa., July 26- nortanum Heinrich, q. v. Aug. 15 (Marloff); five pairatypes. brightonana Kearfott, Eucosmna. 1907, I) cocana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p) 26. 23. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype inale (des- IN A.M.N.H.: unique male type. ignated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 154); cockleana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1904, Pp. twvo lectoparatypes; all three from New 137-138. IN A.M.N.H.: two lectopara- Brighton, Pa. There is also a specimen, types, each of whichl- bears a handwriitten without data, labeled "cotype" by Kear- label "Type" by Kearfott. fott, which is duibiously part of the colfaxiana Kcarfiott, Evetria. 1907, p. 3. original type-lot. IN A.M.N.H.: unique type. burkeana Kearfott, Evetria. 1907, pp. 4-5. colorana Kearfott, Cydia. 1907, l) 93. IN IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- A.M.N.H.: lectotype miale (designated nated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 26-27). by Heinrich, 1926, p. 61), Salida, Colo., busckana Heinrich, Rhyacionia. 1923, pp. June 19, Hulst Collection, from Dietz. 17-18, fig. 51. IN A.M.N.H.: three columbia Kearfott, Proteopteryx. 1904, pp. paratypes. 112-114. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male californiae Heinrich, Hystrichophora. 1923, (designated b)y Heinrich, 1923, p) 219), 400 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

Wl'ellington, B. C. (Taylor); ten lecto- criddleana Kearfott, Proteopteryx. 1907A, paratypes. See also P. albidorsana and pp- 58-59. In A.M.N.H.: lectotype mnediostriana Kearfott. male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. concitatricana Heinriel, Gwendolina. 1923, 211), Aweme, Man. (Criddle); eleven ). 189, figs. 32, 323. IN A.M.N.H.: lectoparatypes. three paratypes. cupressana Kearfott, Cydia. 1907, pl. 54- concubitana Heinrich, Gretchina. 1923, 55. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (des- pp. 181-182, fig. 318. IN A.M.N.H.: ignated by Heinrich, 1926, pp. 56-57); one female paratype, without abdomen. three lectoparatypes. confluana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1905A, p. cupressi Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, p. 207, 355. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male fig. 341. IN A.M.N.H.: three paratypes. (designated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 121- cypripediana Forbes, Polychrosis. 1924, p. 122), Montclair, N. J., 24 Aug. 1899; 473. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (des- four lectoparatypes. ignate(l by Heinrich, 1926, p. 92); one connanum Heinrich (lapsus calami), Ex- lectoparatype female. artema. 1923A, pp. 112-113. See corna- daeckeana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, p. num Heinrich. 12. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female connutana Heinrich (Kearfott MS.), Ex- (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 104); artema. 1923A, pp. 112-113. See corna- three female lectoparatypes. num Heinrich. dana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, p. 65. consobrinana Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, pp. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- 128-129, fig. 242. IN A.M.N.H.: three nated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 16); four paratypes. lectoparatypes. consociana Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, p. dandana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, pp. 101, fig. 187. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- 65-66. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male type. (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 53); conspiciendana Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, one lectoparatype. pp. 135-136, fig. 157. IN A.M.N.H.: dapsilis Heinrich, Eucosma. 1929A, pp. type male and one paratype. 5-6. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. cornanum Heinrich, Exartema. 1923A, PP. daracana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907, p. 44. 112-113. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- In (lescribing this name Heinrich spelled nated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 156-157); it "connanum evidently a lapsus calami. three lectoparatypes. He also validated the Kearfott MS. deceptana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1905, pp. name connutana which, as connutana 41-42. In A.M.N.H.: lectotype male Heinrich, becomes a synonym of corna- (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 120), num Heinrich. Aweme, Man., 8 Aug., 1904. coronana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, p. decorosa Heinrich, Hystrichophora. 1929A, 10. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (des- pp. 20-21, figs. 25-28. IN A.M.N.H.: ignatedl by Heinrich, 1926, p. 174), one paratype. Aweme, Man.; two lectoparatypes; the delicatana Heinrich, Gretchena. 1923, p. entire type-lot. 185, fig. 320. IN A.M.N.H.: five para- costastrigulana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1908, types. pIp 171-172. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype delphinoides Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, p. inale (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 59, fig. 135. IN A.M.N.H.: ten para- 92); also one (a female) of three addi- types. tional specimeins Inentione(I in the origi- delphinus Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, pp. nal description. 45-46, fig. 134. IN A.M.N.H.: two crescentana Kearfott, Proteoteras. 1907, paratypes. pp. 49-50. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype denverana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907A, p. male (designatedI by Heinrich, 1923, p. 77. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (des- 167), Plummer's I., Md. (Busek); one ignated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 116). lectoparatype. deprecatoria Heinrich, Olethreutes. 1926, 1942] Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 401 pp. 177-178, figs. 247, 436. IN one lectoparatype, Essex Co. Park, N. A.M.N.H.: six paratypes. J., 7.1.99 (Kearfott). This Kearfott derelicta Heinrich, Eucosma. 1929A, PP. MS. name was validated by Heinrich 13-14, fig. 30. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- who placed it in the synonymy of Exar- type. tema concinnanum terminanum McD. desotanum Heinrich, Gymnandrosoma. 1926, The above types are Kearfott's MS. pp. 72-73, fig. 123. IN A.M.N.H.: one types as labeled by him. paratype. dulciana Heinrich, Gretchena. 1923, pp. devotana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, p. 182-183, fig. 327. IN A.M.N.H.: two 16. IN A.1M.N.H. lectotype male (des- paratypes. ignated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 188). dyarana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, p. dietziana Kearfott, Epinotia. 1907, pp. 58. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, 92-93. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female Colorado (Dyar and Caudell), (desig- (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 191), nated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 38). Hampton, N. H.; one male lectopara- eburata Heinrich, Eucosma. 1929A, pp. 6- type. 7, fig. 11. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. diffusana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1905A, p. edwardsiana Kearfott, Enarnonia. 1907, 355. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male pp. 58-59. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 121), female (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. Vernon Parish, La., Aug. (Coverdale); 37); two female lectoparatypes. All one female lectoparatype. three specimens are numbered 14569, dimtinuatana Kearfott, Ancylis. 1905A, Henry Edwards Collection. The lecto- pp. 361-362. IN A.M.N.H.: lecto-type type has had the genitalia mounted on a female (designated by Heinrich, 1923, slide by Heinrich. One of the lecto- pp. 249-250), Caldwell, N. J.; three paratypes was labeled "Type ci"." lectoparatypes. electrofuscum Heinrich, Exartema. 1923A, dodana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, pp. 27- pp. 110-112. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype 28. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (des- male and one paratype. See also Ex- ignated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 106); six artema liniafasciana Heinrich. lectoparatypes. emarginana Walsingham, Proteopteryx. domonana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907A, p. 1879, p. 68. IN A.M.N.H.: two so- 79. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female called "cotypes." (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 226), Framingham, Mass., June 10 (Frost); engelana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1908, p. 169 one lectoparatype. These constitute IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- the entire type-lot. The lectoparatype nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 122), very lacks the abdomen. badly rubbed. dorsiatomana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1905, pp. essexana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907, pp. 44-45. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male 39-40. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 57- (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 38); 58); one pseudotype, Rounthwaite, six male and three female lectoparatypes, Man. (Marmont). six of which had not been labeled as types dorsisuffusana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1908, or cotypes by Kearfott; seven blown pp. 167-168. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype larvae from the origi-nal lot. male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. eumaea Meyrick, Eucosma. 1912, p. 34. 152-153), labeled "Type" by Kearfott; IN A.M,N.H.: unique male type. This two lectoparatypes. name is a valid Meyrick substitute for- doxcana Heinrich, Exartema. 1926, pp. Kearfott's homonomous E. wandana, 158-159. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, q. v. hereby designated, Cincinnati, O., VI- exacerbatricana Heinrich, Epiblema. 1923, 11-04 (Braun), genitalia slide by C. H.; p. 146, fig. 264. IN A.M.N.H.: six nine lectoparatypes, Cincinnati, various paratypes. dates VI-11 to VIII-24, 1903 and 1904; exaeresimum Heinrich, Exartema. 1926, pp. 402 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

160-161, figs. 101, 406. IN A.M.N.H.: floridana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 21. one paratype. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- excerptionana Heinrich-, Eucosma. 1923, nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 136), Hast- p. 117, fig. 237. IN A.M.N.H.: six ings, Fla., Oct. 6; two lectoparatypes. paratypes. fofana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 28. exclusoriana Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, pp. IN A.M.N.H.: unique male type. 1 101 1 1, fig. 160. IN A.M.N.H.: one male fortunana Kearfott, Epinotia. 1907A, p. and two female paratypes; see also 126. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female Eucosma atomosana Heinrich; also one (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 172), pseudotype, Tiger Hill, Texas. labeled "Type" by .Kearfott; four lecto- excusabilis Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, p. paratypes. 123, fig. 158. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- fratruelis Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, p. 98, type. fig. 232. IN A.M.N.H.: four paratypes. expolitana Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, p. fraudabilis Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, pp. 132, fig. 249. IN A.M.N.H.: three para- 98-99, fig. 161. IN A.M.N.H.: five para- types. types. fana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, p. 64. fumoviridana Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, p. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (designated 208, fig. 348. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- by Heinrich, 1926, p. 33), labeled "Type" type. by Kearfott; three lectoparatypes; four furvescens Heinrich, Anchylopera. 1929A, pseudotypes, three from "East branch of p. 18. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male. Potomac R., D. C.," K. 669, the other galaxana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, p. 9. Caldwell, N. J., 17 May, 1903. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- fandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 19. nated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 173), Vernon, IN A.M.N.H.: unique type. B. C., May 18; one male lectoparatype, faracana Kearfott, Proteopteryx. 1907, p. Vernon, B. C., Apr. 13. 47. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male galbinea Heinrich, Ahmosia. 1926, pp. 98- (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 177). 99, figs. 58, 186, 386. IN A.M.N.H.: felicitana Heinrich, . 1923A, p. holotype male and seven paratypes. 120. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male and galenapunctana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1908, one paratype. pp. 169-170. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype ferrugineanum Riley, Exartema. 1881, pp. female (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 317-318. IN A.M.N.H.: one "cotype" 94), Denver, Colo., 7-15-05 (Oslar); (?) with a red, printed label "cotype" six lectoparatypes; one pseudotype, and a handwritten name label but with labeled "cotype" by Kearfott. no further data. gandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 20. fertoriana Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, pp. IN A.M.N.H.: unique female type. 264-265, fig. 423. IN A.M.N.H.: one garacana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, p. female paratype. 66. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female festivana Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, pp. 265- (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 49), 266, fig. 425. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype Chicago, Ill., July (Reading), genitalia male. slide by C. H. finitimana Heinrich, Kundrya. 1923, PP. gaylussaciana Heinrich, Exartema. 1926, 192-193, figs. 8, 8a, 34, 415. IN A.M. pp. 155-156. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype N.H.: two paratypes. female, hereby designated, Kearfott No. fiskeana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1905A, p. 601 (Essex Co. Park, N. J., leaf crum- 358. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male pler, huckleberry), genitalia slide by C. (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 127), H.; five lectoparatypes, Kearfott No. lacking the abdomen. 601; two lectoparatypes, Kearfott No. fletcherana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907A, 225 (Essex Co. Park, N. J., huckleberry); pp. 127-128. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype two lectoparatypes, Kearfott No. 518 male (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. (Essex Co. Park, N. J., huckleberry); 56); one mnale lectoparatype. one -lectoparatype, Kearfott No. 202 1942] Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 403

(Caldwell, N. J., huckleberry); one (designatedI by Heinrich, 1923, p. 163); lectoparatype, Essex Co. Park, N. J., thirteen cotypes. July 22. This is a Heinrich validation of hamptonana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907A, a Kearfott MS. name. There may be pp. 153-154. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype other lectoparatypes in the U. S. Na- male, Hampton, N. H., July 7 (Shaw), tional Museum and elsewhere. genitalia slide by C. H. (designated by gemistrigulana Kearfott, Evetria. 1905A, Heinrich, 1923, pp. 210-211); one fe- p. 349. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male male lectoparatype. (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 26); handana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p- 20. one male lectoparatype. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, Stockton, gerulae Heinrich, Griselda. 1923, pp. 187- Utah, July (Spalding) (designated by 188, fig. 324. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype Heinrich, 1923, p. 102); two lectopara- male. types. glitranana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, pp. haracana Kearfott, Proteopteryx. 1907, ). 9-10. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male 46. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 173), Hunters Range, Pike Co., Pa., May 1 Regina, Assa., July 2 (Willing); five (Lister) (designated by Heinrich, 1923, lectoparatypes. pp. 176-177); one female lectoparatype. gomonana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907A, p. hazelana Klots, Eutcosma. 1936, pp. 1-2, 78. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, figs. 1-2. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male Essex Co. Park, N. J., May 15 (desig- and one male paratype. nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 119); five heathiana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907A, ). lectoparatypes. 56. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, graciliana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1905A, pp. Cartwright, Man. (Heath) (designated 352-353. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype fe- by Heinrich, 1923, p. 88); three lecto- male, Tryon, N. C., July 3-24 (desig- paratypes. nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 93). heucherana Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, pp. IN A.M.N.H.: three granulatana Kearfott, Cydia. 1908, p. 173. 217-218, fig. 379. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, Denver, paratypes. Colo., Sept. 4 (Oslar) (designated by hippocastanum Kearfott, Exartema. 1907B, pp. 155-156, P1. VIII, fig. 2. IN Heinrich, 1923, pp. 68-69); two female lectoparatypes. A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, Black Mts., N. C., May 18, on "buckeye" (Mrs. grindeliana Busek, Cydia. 1906, p. 211. Beutenmuller) (designated by Heinrich, IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. 1926, p. 149); five lectoparatypes; griseocapitana Walsingham, Semasia. 1879, three pupae and six pupal shells. p. 61. IN A.M.N.H.: one so-called "co- hohana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, pp. 28- type"; one specimen "named by Walsing- 29. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, Mt. bain." Piran, Alta., Aug. 17 (Barnes) (desig- grossbecki Heiniich, Epiblema. 1923, pp. nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 129). 142-143, fig. 261. IN A.M.N.H.: blolo- hopkinsana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, pp. type male; seven paratypes. 36-37. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, grotiana Kearfott, Eucosmna. 1908, pp. 170- Hoquiam, Wash., Picea sitchensis, etc. 171. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, (designated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 206-- Iowa (C. P. Gillette) (designated by 207). Heinrich, 1923, p. 106); thlree lecto- idahoana Kearfott, Eucosmtta. 1907, p. 90. paratypes. IN A.M.N.H.: unique inale type. habrosana Heinrich, Exentera. 1923, P. ilicifolia Kearfott, Epinotia. 1907B, pp. 178, fig. 314. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- 158-159, P1. ViII, figs. 8-9. IN A.M. typ)e. N.H.: lectotype inale, Mt. Graybeard, haimbachiana Kearfott, Epinotia. 1907, N. C., bred. .. Ilea (MIrs. Beutenmuller), pp. 51-52. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype etc. (designated by Heinrich, 1923, ). male, Phila(lelphia, Pa. (Haimbach) 194); seventeen lectoparatypes; ome 404 Bulletin American Mutseum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

larva, a number of pupae and examples of nated by Heinrichl, 1926, pp. 75-76); larval work; one pseudotype witH red, one lectoparatype. printed "TYPE" label but no further johnsonana Kearfott, Eaicosma. 1907, p. data. 36. IN A.JI.N.H.: lectotype female, imitativa Heinrich, Grapholitha. 1926, pp. Nevada, No. 14720, Coll. Hy. Edwards 34-35, figs. 134, 298. IN A.M.N.H.: (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 203); fourteen paratypes. three lectoparatypes. immaculana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. juncticiliana Walsingham, Rhyacionia. 35. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female 1879, p. 75. IN A.M.N.H.: one so- (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 102), called "cotype"; one specimen name(d by Pullman, W1ash., etc. (Piper). Walsingham. imtiplicata Heinrich, Proteoteras. 1924, p. kandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 20. 390. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, Stockton, implicata Heinrich, Thiodia. 1931, p. 7. Utah, Aug. 4-17 (Spalding) (designated IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 99-100); one improvisana Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, p. feinale lectoparatype. 269. IN A.M.N.H.: two paratypes. kennebecana Kearfott, Epinotia. 1907A, indagatricana Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, p. pp. 157-158. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype 56, fig. 107. IN A.M.N.H.: eight para- male, Kennebunkport, Me., etc., geni- types. talia slide by C. H. (designated by Hein- indentanus Dyar, Phthinolophus. 1903, pp. rich, 1923, p. 147). 306-307. IN A.M.N.H.: three para- kiscana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907, p. 92. types, ex Kearfott Coll. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, Green- infida Heinrich, Aphania. 1926, pp. 121- wood Lake, N. J., June 10 (designated by 122, figs. 271, 380. IN A.M.N.H.: two Heinrich, 1923, ). 62). paratypes. kokana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 29. influana Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, pp. 49- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, Cin- 50, fig. 93. IN A.M.N.H.: two para- cinnati, 0., Nov. 3 (Braun), genitalia types. slide by C. H. (designated by Heinrich, ingens Heinrich, Laspeyresia. 1926, p. 63, 1923, p. 259). fig. 161. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. lana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, pp. 59- injectiva Heinrich, Hedulia. 1926, pp. 65- 60. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male 66, figs. 162, 334. IN A.M.N.H.: three (designated by Heinrich, 1926, )P. 37- paratypes. 38), genitalia slide by C. H., labeled inquilina Kearfott, Cydia. 1907, pp. 55- "Type" by Kearfott. 56. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, landana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 18. San Francisco, Calif. (Mrs. Knicker- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype feinale, bocker) (designated by Heinrich, 1926, Rounthwaite, Man., Apr. 25 (Mar- pp. 67-69); four pupal shells and one mont) (designated by Heinrich, 1923, pupa, same data. p. 120); two female lectoparatypes. insidiosana Heinrich, Epiblema. 1923, P. laracana Kearfott, Proteopteryx. 1907, p. 145, fig. 263. IN A.M.N.H.: three para- 45. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, types. Cincinnati, O., 5 April, 1904 (Braun) insignata Heinrich, Thiodia. 1924, pp. (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 204); 386-387. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. five lectoparatypes. intermediana Kearfott, Ancylis. 1907, pp. latens Ileinrich, Thiodia. 1929A, p. 2, 56-57. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, fig. 2. IN A.M.N.H.: two paratypes. Wellington, B. C., June (Taylor and lepida Heinrich, Epinotia. 1924, p. 391. Bryant) (designated by Heinrich, 1923, IN A.M.N.H.: three paratypes. p. 238); five lectoparatypes. libertina Heinrich, Grapholitha. 1926, p. 29, islandana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, PP. fig. 294. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male, 80-81. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, Wellington, B. C. (Taylor). Plummers I., Md., May (Busek) (desig- liniafasciana Heinrich, Exartema. 1923A, 1942]1lots, North Amzerican Microlepidoptera 4051

PP. 110-112. IN A.M.N.H.: liolotype nated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 75), Black- male and one paratype. This is a Hein- jack Springs, Tex. (Barnes), genitalia rich validation of a Kearfott MS. name, slide by C. H. validated as a synonym of Exartema mandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, pp. electrofuscum Heinrich (q. v., above), and 17-18. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female writh the same type material as that (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 124), name. Washington, D. C., June, at light liriodendrana Kearfott, Polychrosis. (Busek). 1904A, pp. 293-295, P1. XIX, fig. 6 and maracana Kearfott, Proteopteryx. 1907, l) P1. XX, fig. 10. IN A.M.N.H.: lecto- 46. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male type mnale (designated by Heinrich, (designated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 177- 1926, pp. 89-90); two lectoparatypes; 178), Cincinnati, 0., 3 April, 1906 one larva from original type-lot rear- (Braun); six lectoparatypes. ing; two pseudotypes from later rearings maritima Dyar, Ancylis. 1904, p. 221. by Kearfott; a nuinber of other speci- IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. mens from these later rearings that were marmontana Kearfott, Proteopteryx not (in error) labeled "Type" as were the 1907A, p. 155. IN A.M.N.H.: lecto- pseudotypes. type male (designated by Heinrich, lolana Kearfott, Eutcosma. 1907, pp. 29-30. 1923, p. 47), Rounthwaite, Man. (Mar- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, Colo- mont); four lectoparatypes. rado, Gillette and Dyar and Caudell data marmoreana Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, pp. Nos. 17, 946 and 115 (designated by 222-223. IN A.M.N.H.: six paratypes. Heinrich, 1923, p. 105). mediostriana Kearfott, Proteopteryx. 1904, lomonana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1 907A, p. p. 114. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male 82. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 219), Victoria, B. C. (designated by Heinrich, Wellington, B. C., Feb. (Taylor); one 1923, pp. 227-228). female lectoparatype; see also P. albi- luminosa Heinrich, Ofatulena. 1926, pp. dorsana Kearfott and P. columbia Kear- 40-41, figs. 120, 310. IN A.M.N.H.: fott. holotype male, Brownsville, Tex., etc. mnedioviridana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1908, maculatana Walsingham, Paedisca. 1879, p. 168. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male p. 48. IN A.M.N.H.: two so-called (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 202) "cotypes"; one specimen named by Ottawa, Ont., 17 Aug., 1906 (Young); Walsingham. one female lectoparatype. madderana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907A, p. mielanomesum Heinrich, Exartema. 1923A, 55. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male P. 119. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 204), membrosa Heinrich, Laspeyresia. 1926, pp. Rountlhwaite, Man., July (Marmnont); 49-50, figs. 150, 322. IN A.M.N.H.: one lectoparatype. six paratypes. magnidicana Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, p). meritana Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, pp. 83, fig. 208. IN A.M.N.H.: uni(ue male 226-227, fig. 381. IN A.M.N.H.: two type. paratypes. magnoliana Kearfott, Polychrosis. 1907, merrickanum Kearfott, Exartema. 1907B, pp. 6-7. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male pp. 156-157, PI. viii, fig. 1. IN A.M. (designated by Heinrich, 1926, pp. 89- N.H.: lectotype male (designated by 90), Bennings Sta., D. C., etc.; two Heinrich, 1926, p. 149), Newv Brighton, lectoparatypes; two pupal shells, speci- Pa., 3 July, 1904; fouirteen lectopara- immens of larval work and a Dipterous para- types; one pseudotype, "Essex Co. site, all fromn type-lot. P;ark, N. J.'l knaiorina Heinrich, Bactra. 1923A, p. 105. mtietariana Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, p. IN A.M.N.H.: two paratypes. 133, fig. 251. IN A.M.N.H.: three para- mana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, p. 14. types. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female (desig- micantana Forbes, Cyrmolormiia. 1924, p. 406 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

464. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, monitorana Heinrich, Eucosma. 1920, PP. hereby designated, Hampton, N. H., 58-59. IN A.M.N.H.: one male para- "hardhack, 7-4-05" (Shaw), labeled type. "Type" by Kearfott, genitalia slide by C. monophylliana Kearfott, Evetria. 1907, p. H.; eleven lectoparatypes from locali- 1. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype, probably a ties as follows: three, Hampton, N. H.; male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. one, London, Ont.; two, Hatch Ex. Sta- 26), Coso Valley, Kern Co., Calif., May, tion; two, Kearfott No. 611; one, 91, K; lacks abdomen; one lectopara- Framingham, Mass.; one, "Thaxter" type, lacking right wings and abdomen. and "Slide 1175"; one "1329." Forbes monotropana Heinrich, Polychrosis. 1926, unintentionally validated Kearfott's un- p. 91, fig. 366. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype published name. It seems best to re- male. strict the type-lot to the specimens so montanana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907B, labeled by Kearfott, at least as regards p. 157, P1. viii, fig. 3. IN A.M.N.H.: the American Museum material; but female there may be other type-lot specimens in unique type. other institutions as well. mormonensis Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, pp. minutana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1905, p. 44-45, fig. 129. IN A.M.N.H.: two 356. IN A.M.N.H.: one lectoparatype, paratypes. Cincinnati, 0. (Braun); three probable multilineana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1908, pseudotypes from Essex Co. Park, N. J., pp. 178-179. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype with dates July 20, Aug. 13 and Aug. 20 male (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. (in the original description Kearfott 50), Aweme, Man. gave only May 18 for this locality); two myricana Heinrich, Exartema. 1926, p. pseudotypes, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., June 16 152. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, and' Montclair, N. J.,, May 10. Hein- hereby designated, Kearfott rearing No. rich designated the types (1923, pp. 140- 217 (Llewellan Road, May 24, on 141) but was.in error in stating that tbe Myrica carolinensis M611.); two male (lecto) type is in the American Museum. and- one female lectoparatypes, with mira Heinrich, Anchylopera. 1929A, pp. dates June 24, July 7 and June 1, re- 17-18. IN A.M.N.H.: two paratypes. spectively, same data otherwise as mirosignata Heinrich, Eucosma. 1929A, above. Heinrich validated this Kear- pp. 11-12. IN A.M.N.H.: three para- fott MS. name, placing it in the syn- types. onymy of E. sericoranum Walsingham. miscana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, pp. The types here designated are Kearfott's 91-92. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male MS. types; there may be additional (designated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 213- lectoparatypes in other institutions as 214), Cisco, Placer Co., Calif., labeled well. "Type" by Kearfott; four lectopara- nandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 17. types. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female (desig- miscitata Heinrich, Laspeyresia. 1926, pp. nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 119), 64-65, fig. 160. IN A.M.N.H.: two Rounthwaite, Man., July (Marmont); paratypes. one male and one female lectoparatype; misturana Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, pp. one pseudotype male, no date or locality 54-55, fig. 106. IN A.M.N.H.: one data, No. 10733, Aug. 31, genitalia slide paratype. by C. H. momana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 30. naracana Kearfott, Proteoteras. 1907, pp. IN A.M.N.H.: unique male type. 50-51. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male momonana Kearfott, Proteopteryx. 1907A, (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 168), pp. 125-126. IN A.M.N.H.: leetotype New Brighton, Pa. (Merrick); four female (designated by Ileinrich, 1923, lectoparatypes; one specimen, Cincin- pp. 212-213), Rounthwaite, Man., July nati, O., May 20, 1902, which may (Marmont); two lectoparatypes. really have been part of the type-lot 1942] Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 407

(Kearfott stated Cincinnati, May 26- oregonensis Ileinrich, Thiodia. 1923, pp. June 4, in the original description). 47-48, fig. 104. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- nepotinana Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, pp. type. 263-264, fig. 422. IN A.M.N.H.: six ornatana Heinrich, Exartema. 1923, p. 148. paratypes. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male and nigranum Heinrich, Exartema. 1923A, seventeen paratypes (of Exartema nigra- PP. 115-117. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype num Heinrich). Heinrich validated male and seventeen paratypes. See also ornatana, a Kearfott MS. name, bv Exartema ornatanum Heinrich. placing it as a synonym of nigranutm nigromaculana Kearfott, Hemimene. 1907B, Heinrich in the original description of the pp. 159-160. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype latter. The type material of nigranum female (designated by Heinrich, 1926, and that of ornatana would, I believe, be pp. 13-14), Black Mts., N. C., "Valley," the same. Kearfott had listed the name June 1, genitalia slide by C. H.; one fe- ornatana Kearfott in "The of male lectoparatype, lacking the ab- New Jersey," 1910, p. 539, but as a domen. nomen nudum without description. nonana Kearfott, Eucosmna. 1907, p. 30. ornatula Heinrich, Thiodia. 1924, PP. IN A.M.N.H.: unique female type, 385-386. IN A.M.N.H.: seven para- Pueblo, Colo. (Nash). types. normunana Kearfott, Epinotia. 1907A, p. pallidarcis Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, p. 60, 156. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male fig. 97. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 225); and three paratypes. five lectoparatypes. pallidicostana Walsingham, Semasia. 1879, nortanum Heinrich, Exartema. 1926, pp. p. 62. IN A.M.N.H.: one so-called 154-155. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male "cotype"; one specimen named by and three paratypes. Heinrich validated Walsingham. this name by mentioning it in the syn- onymy of Exartema brevirostratum Hein- pallidipalpana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1905A, rich, so that the type material of that p. 353. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male name is also the type material of the (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 99), present one. Washington, D. C. (Busek); one lecto- occidentalis Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, PP. paratype. 58-59. IN A.M.N.H.: two paratypes. palousana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 34. ochromediana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype- male (desig- p. 11. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype (desig- nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 130), Pull- nated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 170), Hazel- man, Wash.; two lectoparatypes, Los ton, I'a., "El. It." (Dietz). The date Angeles, Calif. The lectoparatypes are of label is so poorly written that one can- a different species from the lectotype, not be sure whether it reads 7/14/04 or being specimens of Sonia filiana Busek. 7/8/04 or even 6/4/04; the two former palpana Walsingham, Paedisca. 1879, p. dates were given in the original descrip- 54. IN A.M.N.H.: one so-calle(d "co- tion. type." ochrosuff sanumn Heinrich, Exartema. pandana Kearfott, Eucosmla. 1907, p. 17. 1923A, pp. 117-118. IN A.M.N.H.: IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female (desig- holotype male and twvo paratypes. nated by Heinrich, 1923, p). 127), Kerr- ochroterminana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907A, ville, Tex. (Barnes); two lectopara- p. 57. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male types, one from Kerrville, the other from (d.esignated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 40), Wilgus, Cochise Co., Ariz. The latter- of Montclair, N. J., Aug. (Kearfott); these is not conspecific with the lecto- fourteen lectoparatypes. type (fide Heinrich, loc. cit.) but is a ocliferia Heinrich, Hernimene. 1926, pp. specimen of Eucosma corosana Walsing- 21-22, fig. 291. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- ham. type. paradisiae Heinrich, HIystrichophora. 1923, 408 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

pp. 255-256. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- description. On the specimens the date type. labels, on which the month is written in pasadenana Kearfott, Evetria. 1907, p. 3. Roman numerals, "IV" and "V," are IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- very hard to read, so that I have no nated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 16-17), doubt that Kearfott read them "VI" in- Alameda Co., Calif., March; one lecto- stead of "IV." paratype, Pasadena, Calif., Apr. 14 plumbolineana Kearfott, Epinotia. 1907, (Dietz), lacking both right wings and the pp. 53-54. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype abdomen. male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. pastigiata Heinrich, Thiodia. 1929A, pp. 229), Wellington, B. C., June (Taylor 3-4, fig. 3. IN A.M.N.H.: three para- and Bryant); three lectoparatypes, also types. Wellington, B. C.; also three pseudo- perfuscana Ileinrich, Thiodia. 1923, pp. types with no locality labels but with 40-41, fig. 99. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype various number and date labels on green male and two paratypes. or orange paper. perpropinqua Heinrich, Eucosma. 1929A, popana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 31. pp. 8-9, fig. 13. IN A.M.N.H.: one IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- paratype. nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 109), Stock- persolita Heinrich, Eucosma. 1929A, pp. ton, Utah, 3 July, [1904], lacks left fore- 7-8, fig. 14. IN A.M.N.H.: four para- wing and part of right fore-wing; twelve types. lectoparatypes. piceafoliana Kearfott, Epinotia. 1908, pp. praesumptiosa Heinrich, Epiblema. 1923, 176-177. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype fe- p. 143, fig. 262. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. type. 226), Essex Co. Park, N. J. [= Mont- prosperana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907A, clair], Kearfott rearing No. 510, Spruce, p. 128. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male with pupal shell; one male lectopara- (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 57), type, Cincinnati, O., May 15, (Braun); San Luis Obispo, Calif. (Vachell), also four specimens, Montclair, N. J., labeled "Type" by Kearfott; five lecto- issued May 25, three of which bear red, paratypes. printed "TYPE" labels, one of these pruni Heinrich, Anchylopera. 1923, pp. three also with a Kearfott handwritten 239-240. IN A.M.N.H.: two paratypes. "cotype" label. These four specimens pseudotsugana Kearfott, Cydia. 1904, pp. should, under a strict interpretation, be 110-111. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. excluded from consideration as part of Heinrich (1923, pp. 171-172) says the the type-lot, for the original description "type" is in the American Museum, but gives the dates of Montclair specimens as in the original description Kearfott June 1-5. plainly designated the type, U. S. Na- piperana Kearfott, Cydia. 1907, p. 55. tional Museum, Type No. 7788; three IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- pseudotypes, Awemne, Man. nated by Heinrich, 1926, pp. 63-64), pulsatillana Dyar, Eucosma. 1903, p). 297. Pullman, Wash., Apr. 11 (Piper), geni- IN A.M.N.H.: two paratypes. talia slide by C. H. putnctidiscanum Dyar, Gymnandrosoma. placerana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, p. 1904, p. 60. IN A.M.N.H.: two para- 60. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotvpe male types. (designated by Heinricli, 1926, pp. 37- quebecense Heinrich, Exartema. 1923A, Pl) 38), Placer Co., Calif., Apr. 20 (Vachell), 119-120. IN A.M.N.H.: uniquie inale marked "Type " by Kearfott; two type. female lectoparatypes, same locality, quinquemaculana Robinson, Conchylis. one dated May 1, the other Apr. 20. 1869, p. 284. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype The former of these was labeled (designated by Heinrich, 1923, plp. 79- "Type 9 " by Kearfott. Kearfott gave 80), Pennsylvania, lacks abdomeni alnd the dates "May to June" in the original part of left fore-wing. 1942 ] Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 409 rana Forbes, Laspeyresia. 1924, P. 394. pp. 14-15. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype IN A.M.N.H.: unique female type, male (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. Black Mts., N. C. See Heinrich, 1926, p. 101), Colorado, No. 2693 (Gillette); one 46. Forbes validated Kearfott's MS. lectoparatype. name. ruidosana Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, pp. randana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, pp. 21- 216-217, fig. 380. IN A.M.N.H.: one 22. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male paratype. (designated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 97- russeola Heinrich, Eucosma. 1929A, p. 6, 98), Denver, Colo. (Oslar); one lecto- fig. 20. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. paratype. rusticana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1905A, P. raracana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907, p. 44. 358. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 125), nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 41), Wash- Kerrville, Tex. (Barnes); one lectopara- ington Co., Ark., July (Brown); seven type. lectoparatypes. salmicolorana Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, P). removana Mcl)unnough, Epinotia. 1935, ). 62-63, fig. 123. IN A.M.N.H.: eight 146, P1. VI, fig. 3. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratypes. paratype. sandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 22. removana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, ). 15. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 95), Chim- nated by Heinrich, 1926, pp. 122-123), ney Gulch, Golden, Colo., Sept. 3 (Oslar); New Brighton, Pa., Aug. 21 (Merrick); one lectoparatype. two lectoparatypes. sandiego Kearfott, Eucosma. 1908, pp. reversana Kecarfott, Eucosma. 1907, Pp. 172-173. IN A.M.N.H.: one female 22-23. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male lectoparatype, Walters St., Calif., April. (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 112), Heinrich (1923, pp. 84-85), in designat- San Antonio, Tex. (Barnes); one female ing the lectotype, says that this is in the lectoparatype. The latter specimen is American Museum; in this, however, he not of the same species as the lectotype is mistaken. but is E. exclusoriana Heinrich. saundersana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, rhoifructana Kearfott, Polychrosis. 1904A, P. 63. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype (desig- pp. 296-298, P1. XIX, fig. 3 and P1. xx, nated by Heinrich, 1926, P. 39), Toronto, fig. 12. IN A.M.N.H.: two lectopara- Ont., May 24 to June 11, "on lupin," types, plus one pupal shell; the lecto- without abdomen; one lectoparatype, type, in the U. S. National Museum, was consisting of right fore-wing, head and designated by Heinrich, 1926, pp. 92-93. part of thorax only. rorana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 31. sciotanum Heinrichl, Exartema. 1923A, p. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- 115. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype inale and nated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 132-133), one feimale paratype. Stockton, Utah (Spalding); two lecto- segregata Heinrich, Thiodia. 1924, 1) 388. paratypes. IN A.M.N.H.: six paratypes. rosaochreana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, senatrix Heinrich, Exentera. 1924, 1pp. P. 11. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male 390-391. IN A.M.N.H.: two paratypes. (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 113), separatana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, 1) Florida (Fernald); one lectoparatype 13. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female female, genitalia slide by C. H. (designated by Heiniich, 1926, p. 162), roseoterminana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907, Cincinnati, 0., June 17 (Braun); three pp. 40-41. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype lectoparatypes. male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. separationis Heinrich, Epiblema. 1923, PPl 38-39), Cinciinnati, 0. (Braun); seven 143-144, fig. 2615. IN A.M.N.H.: two lectoparatypes; one pseudotype, Chi- paratypes. cago, Ill. septemberana Kearfott, Epinoti(a. 1907, p. rubipunctana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, 51. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype mahl 410 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

(designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 230), three lectoparatypes, one of which (from Essex Co. Park, N. J., 25 Sept., 1904; Montclair, N. J.) is, according to Hein- five lectoparatypes, of which three had rich (loc. cit.), a different species. not been labeled as "Types" by Kear- sonomana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 27. fott. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female (desig- serangias Meyrick, Eucosma. 1912, p. 35. nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 103), IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- Sonoma Co., Calif., May (Vachell); two nated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 139-140), lectoparatypes. Cisco, Placer Co., Calif., June 1 sordulenta Heinrich, Endothenia. 1926, pp. (Vachell), labeled "Type" by Kearfott; 102-103, figs. 196, 352. IN A.M.N.H.: three lectoparatypes. This is a valid holotype male and two paratypes. Meyrick substitute name for Eucosma sosana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 32. vomonana Kearfott, q. v. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- seraphicana Heinrich, Hystrichophora. nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 145), Stock- 1923, p. 258. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- ton, Utah, August 2 (Spalding), geni- type. talia slide by C. H. shawiana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907A, p. spaldingana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 154. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male 19. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 272), (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 84), Hampton, N. H., June 10 (Shaw), Stockton, Utah (Spalding); six lecto- labeled "6 Type" by Kearfott; three paratypes. lectoparatypes. spiraeafoliana Heinrich, Polychrosis. signiferana Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, p. 1923A, pp. 106-107. IN A.M.N.H.: 232, fig. 365. IN A.M.N.H.: three para- two paratypes. types. suadana Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, pp. silvertoniensis Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, 130-131, fig. 243. IN A.M.N.H.: two pp. 214-215, fig. 386. IN A.M.N.H.: paratypes. two paratypes and four other specimens subcandida Heinrich, Thiodia. 1929A, p. 1. from same lot as type material. IN A.M.N.H.: two paratypes. siskiyouana Kearfott, Evetria. 1907A, p. subditiva Heinrich, Eucosma. 1929A, pp. 77. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male 9-10. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype.. (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 28), subinvicta Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, pp. Siskiyou, Calif. 33-34. IN A.M.N.H.: type, Williams, skinnerana Heinrich, Suleima. 1923, p. Ariz. (designated in original description). 157, fig. 298. IN A.M.N.H.: two para- subminimana Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, pp. types. 61-62, fig. 133. IN A.M.N.H.: five para- slingerlandana Kearfott, Polychrosis. types. 1904A, pp. 295-296, P1. XIX, fig. 4 and subnubilutm Heinrich, Exartema. 1923A, p. P1. xx, fig. 11. IN A.M.N.H.: two para- 110. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male and types, plus pupal shells and two larvae. two paratypes. Kearfott designated the type in the subviridis Heinrich, Epinotia. 1929A, pp. original description (U. S. National 15-16, fig. 22. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- Museum, Type No. 8151) so that Hein- type. rich's designation (1926, pp. 95-96) of a tahoensis Heinrich, Eucosma. 1923, pp. specimen in the American Museum is 112-113, fig. 230. IN A.M.N.H.: one invalid. paratype. snyderana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, pp. tana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, pp. -62- 89 90. IN A.M.N.H.: unique male type, 63. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male Blackfoot, Idaho, June 3 (Snyder). (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 56), sombreana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1905A, Colfax, Placer Co., Calif. (Vachell); pp. 357-358. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype eleven lectoparatypes. male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. tandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 23. 126), Tryon, N. C., July 14 (Fiske); IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- 19421 Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 411 nated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 154-155), IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- New Brighton, Pa., Aug. 18 (Merrick); nated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 31), Colfax, one lectoparatype. Placer Co., Calif., July (Vachell), labeled terracoctana Walsingham, Paedisca. 1879, "Type" by Kearfott; one lectopara- p. 39. IN A.M.N.H.: three so-called type. "cotypes"; one specimen named by vancouverana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, Walsingham. p. 63. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male tilianum Heinrich, Exartema. 1923A, pp. (designated by Heinrich, 1926, pp. 37- 113-114. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male 38), Wellington, B. C., June (Bryant); and one paratype. five lectoparatypes, of which three had tocullionana Heinrich, Eucosma. 1920, pp. not been labeled as "types" by Kearfott. 59-60, P1. ii, fig. 8. IN A.M.N.H.: one vandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 24. paratype. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- tomonana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907A, p. nated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 134-135), 78. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male Hastings, Fla., April (Brown); six lecto- (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 48), paratypes in poor condition. Essex Co. Park, N. J.; three lectopara- verniochreana Heinrich, Thiodia. 1923, pp. types. 67-68, fig. 95. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype torontana Kearfott, Proteoteras. 1907, P. male and two paratypes. 50. IN A.M.N.H.: unique male type. vernoniana Kearfott, Polychrosis. 1907, pp. totana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 32. 7-8. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- (designated by Heinrich, 1926, pp. 94- nated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 108-109), 95), Caldwell, N. J.; twelve lectopara- Stockton, Utah; one lectoparatype. types. One of the latter is dated "iss. trepidulum Heinrich, Exartema. 1926, pp. VII-25" which might properly exclude it 147-148, fig. 81. IN A.M.N.H.: holo- from the type-lot, for Kearfott stated type male and two paratypes. "July 28-Aug. 7," but Kearfott may triangulana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1905, pp. have misread the label. There are also a 47-48. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, number of pupae, pupal shells, examples hereby designated, Regina [Sask.], 18 of larval work, and one larva, all from the July, 1904; one pseudotype, Beulah, same lots as the type material. Man. The Beulah specimen was desig- vetulana Walsingham, Sericoris. 1879, p. nated lectotype by Heinrich (1923, p. 32. IN A.M.N.H.: one so-called "co- 65), but, since it was not listed in the type" and one specimen named by Wals- original description, it cannot be ac- ingham. cepted as part of the type-lot. Kearfott vomonana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 90. had put a printed "TYPE" label on it, IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- but, as we have seen, he made so many nated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 139-140), errors of this kind that by itself such a Cisco, Placer Co., Calif. (Vachell), label means little. labeled "Type" by Kearfott; three tryonana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1905A, p. lectoparatypes. See E. serangias Mey- 350. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (des- rick. ignated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 80), Tryon, vovana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 33. N. i. (Fiske). IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- umbrfstriana Kearfott, Thiodia. 1907, p. nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 161), Stock- 4a. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male ton, Utah, 8 August, 1904; five lecto- (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 39), paratypes. Cincinnati, 0. (Braun); seven lecto- walkerana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 89. paratypes. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female (desig- vagana Heinrich, Epinotia. 1923, pp. 230- nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 212), Dis- 231, fig. 335. IN A.M.N.H.: three para- trict of Columbia, U. S. D. A. breeding types. No. 2917, hazel catkins; three lectopara- vana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, p. 62. types. There are also three specimens 412 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

from Nicholson, Pa., dated Aug. 5 and 5-6. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male 6; in the original description Kearfott (designated by Heinrich, 1926, p. 93), gave only July 4-24 for this locality. Cincinnati, 0. (Braun); one male lecto- walsinghami Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, paratype. p. 57. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female youngana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907A, (designated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 150- pp. 1-2. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male 151), Essex Co., N. J., Apr. 30; three (designated by Heinrich, 1926, pp. 52- lectoparatypes. One of these is not, ac- 53), Hurclman's Bridge, Ottawa, Can. cording to Heinrich, a representative of (Young), cones of Picea alba; seven the same species as the type but is a speci- lectoparatypes, of which five had no men of Epiblema infelix Heinrich. "Type" or "cotype" labels; there are wana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, p. 60. also two other broken specimens, with IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- the same data, and a pin of pupal shells. nate(d by Heinrich, 1926, pp. 33-34), zana Kearfott, Enarmonia. 1907, p. 61. Carmel-by-the Sea, Monterey Co., IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- Calif., April, labeled "Type" by Kear- nated by Heinrieh, 1926, p. 31), Welling- fott; sixteen lectoparatypes; one pseu- ton, B. C. (Taylor and Bryant), genitalia dotype, Colfax, Calif., April. slide by C. H.; thirteen lectoparatypes. wandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 24. zandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, pp. 25- IN A.M.N.H.: unique male type. The 26. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male name is a homonym, so that Meyrick's (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 205), substitute name of eumaea (q. v., above) Cincinnati, O., "III-19-04" (Braun); is valid. two lectoparatypes, "3.19.03," same watchungana Kearfott, Epinotia. 1907A, p. other data. Kearfott gave the dates 81. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male March 26-May 7 in the original descrip- (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 182), tion, but this must have been an error. Watchung Hills, Essex Co. Park, N. J., zomonana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907A, p. 28 April, 1900; six lectoparatypes; one 80. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male pseudotype, Ramapo, N. J., 7 May, 1900, (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 134), with both red, printed "TYPE" label and New Brighton, I'a., May 22 (Merrick); handwritten "Cotype" label. one pseudotype, Beaver Co., Pa., May, willingana Kearfott, Proteopteryx. 1904, 1900. pp. 306-307. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype zozana Kearfott, Evetria. 1907, p. 2. IN male (designated by Heinrich, 1923, p. A.M.N.H.: unique type, Placer Co., 167), Regina, Assa., Acer negundo Calif., Apr. 20 (Vachell). (Willing); one female lectoparatype. womonana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 88. Tortricidae IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- albilineana Kearfott, Acleris. 1907A, p. nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 134), Cin- 158. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, cinnati, O., July 11 (Braun), genitalia hereby designated, Hampton, N. H., 18 slide by C. H. Oct., 1905, labeled "Type" by Kearfott; xandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, pp. 24- two lectoparatypes, same locality. 25. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (des- baboquavariana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1907A, ignated by Heinrich, 1923, pp. 204-205), p. 82. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, Cincinnati, 0. (Braun), genitalia slide by hereby designated, Baboquavaria Mts., C. H.; seven lectoparatypes. Pima Co., Ariz., July 15-30, 1903 (Pol- yandana Kearfott, Eucosma. 1907, p. 25. ing); one female lectoparatype, same IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male (desig- data. nated by Heinrich, 1923, p. 206), New bistriata Kearfott, Sparganothis. 1907, p. Brighton, Pa. (Merrick), lacks left wings, 67. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, genitalia slide by C. H.; four lectopara- hereby designated, "Fla."; one lecto- types. paratype, Shovel Mt., Tex. (Schaupp). yaracana Kearfott, Polychrosis. 1907, pp. bowmanana MeDunnough, Peronea. 1934, 1942]1lots, North American Microlepidoptera 413

p. 313. IN A.M.N.H.: five para- designated, Palm Beach, Fla., Dyar No. types. 15613. brannana MeDunnough, Peronea. 1934, clemensiana Forbes, Peronea. 1924, p. 487. pp.317-318; p.328,fig.3; p.332,fig.4. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. designated, Hampton, N. H., 27 Oct., brauniana Kearfott, Archips. 1907, p. 69. 1908; nine lectoparatypes, same locality, IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby various dates. Of these, four were designated, Cincinnati, O., 17 June, labeled as "cotypes" by MeDunnough; 1904 (Braun), labeled "Type" by Kear- see (liscussion above under Forbes. fott; four male lectoparatypes, same lo- cockerellana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1907, p. 71. cality, various dates, labeled "cotype" IN A.M.N.H.: two cotypes, Glenwood by Kearfott. Springs, Colo., both lacking abdomens. britannia Kearfott, Acleris. 1904, pp. 138- curvalana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1907, p. 73. 140. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby hereby designated, Kaslo Cr., B. C., Dyar designated, Montclair, N. J., Trap., No. 21082; seven lectoparatypes, Kaslo, June 25; four lectoparatypes, Mont- Victoria and Wellington, B.C. clair and Essex Co. Park, N. J.; one busekana MeDunnough, Peronea. 1934, pseudotype, Black Mts., N. C., Kearfott pp. 308-309. IN A.M.N.H.: allotype No. 461 (bred from Witch Hazel, ac- male and seventeen paratypes. cording to Kearfott's index file, but from canadana Kearfott, Pandemis. 1905, p. 90. Huckleberry according to the label on the IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby specimen); two pseudotypes, Essex Co. designated, Regina [Sask.], 15 Aug., Park, N. J., July 4, one of them labeled 1904; lectoparatypes as follows: one "Paratype" by Kearfott. female, no data labels, with pupal shell deflectana Robinson, Teras. 1869, p. 283, and Kearfott's handwritten "cotype" PI. vii, fig. 71. IN A.M.N.H.: one female label; two males, Aweme, Man.; one lectoparatype,"Penn.," lacking abdomen, 16 No. 23026, Grote and Robinson Coll.; female, Regina, Aug., 1903, labeled also two "Paratype" by Kearfott. This last may other specimens No. 23026, be a "pseudotype," for Grote and Robinson Coll., one with no specimens labeled data be a "Paratype" by Kearfott usually seem to (may lectoparatype), one have been. There are also five pseudo- labeled "Ohio, 53," both lacking ab- types from Winnipeg, and Cartwright, domens. The lectotype female, hereby Man. designated, is in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. caryae Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 270, P1. dorsalana Iv, fig. 26. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype Dyar, Tortrix. 1903, p. 231. IN male, hereby A.M.N.H.: one cotype. designated, Illinois. In the dorsipurpurana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1907, p. Acadlemy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- 73. IN A.M.N.H.: two male phia is a lectoparatype with no abdomen cotypes in and no data. poor condition. ednana Kearfott, Phalonia. See under chambersana Kearfott, Cenopis. 1907, pp. Phaloniidae. 93-94. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, forbesana MeDunnough, Peronea. 1934, hereby designated, Cincinnati, O., 7 pp. 319-320; p. 328, fig. 6; p. 332, fig. 7. June, 1904 (Braun); one feimale lecto- IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype. paratype, Cincinnati, 0., 12 JuIne, 1904 fragariana Kearfott Acleris. 1904, Pp. (BrIaun). In the original description 140-141. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype fe- Kearfott gave the dates June 12-July 6, male, hereby designated, Ellensburgh, but I believe that this was an error, and Wash., Strawberry (Maxey), with pupal that the specimen here designated lecto- shell. type is indubitably vali(l. fumosa Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 268, chioccana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1907, p. 72. P1. iv, fig. 19. IN A.M.N.H.: lectopara- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby type femnale, No. 23013, Grote and 414 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

Robinson Coll., lacking abdomen and work, K. 367. There are also three data, with Robinson's handwritten name pseudotypes, Lacy, N. J., 14 July, 1907. label. The lectotype female, hereby kukakana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1907, p. 70. designated, "Ohio, 53," lacking ab- IN A.M.N.H.: one cotype, Kukak Bay, domen, is in the Academy of Natural Alaska, July 1, 1899 (Kincaid), lacking Sciences of Philadelphia. head. furvana Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 265, lamprosana Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. P1. I, fig. 9. IN A.M.N.H.: one lecto- 264, P1. i, fig. 5. IN A.M.N.H.: lecto- paratype, No. 23015, Grote and Robin- type male, hereby designated, "Penn."; son Coll., lacking data, with Robinson's two lectoparatypes, "Penn."; all No. name label. The lectotype female, 23019, Grote and Robinson Coll. hereby designated, "N. Y.," is in the limitata Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 264. Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby delphia. designated, "[Penn.]" and Robinson's gogana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, pp. name label. 8-9. IN A.M.N.H.: unique type, listerana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 80. Wellington, B. C., Apr. 4, 1902 (Taylor), IN A.M.N.H.: two female cotypes, lacking abdomen. quite moldy. gurgitana Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 263, lycopodiana Kearfott, Epagoge. 1907A, P1. iv, fig. 16. IN A.M.N.H.: two lecto- pp. 2-3. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, paratype females, one from "Ill." lack- hereby designated, Hurdman's Bridge, ing abdomen, the other lacking data. Ottawa, Lycopodium (Young), 9 Aug., The lectotype female, hereby designated, 1906; six lectoparatypes. "Penn.," with abdomen, is in the Acad- minuta Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 276. emy of Natural Sciences of Phila- IN A.M.N.H.: one specimen without delphia. data, from the Robinson Collection, hydeana Klots, Sparganothis. 1936, pp. might be regarded as a cotype. The 2, 4, figs. 3-5. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype lectotype, hereby designated, is in the male, allotype female and two para- Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- types. delphia. inana Robinson, Teras. 1869, p. 281, P1. mortuana Kearfott, Archips. 1907A, p. VII, fig. 65. IN A.M.N.H.: one lecto- 158. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, paratype, no data, consisting of head, hereby designated, New Brighton, Pa., prothorax and fore-wings only. The June 20 (Merrick); one lectoparatype, lectotype female, hereby designated, "Wis.," lacking hind-wings and abdo- "N. Y.," is in the Academy of Natural men. There are also the two specimens Sciences of Philadelphia. mentioned in the original description as irrorea Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 274, P1. "badly rubbed." v, fig. 44. IN A.M.N.H.: one lecto- nervosana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1907, p. 71. paratype, lacking data and abdomen. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby The lectotype male with abdomen, here- designated, Winchendon, Mass., 7 Aug., by designated, labeled "Br." [Brewsters, 1902. Putnam Co., N. Y. ] is in the Academy of nigridia Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 268, Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. P1. iv, fig. 20. IN A.M.N.H.: leptotype karacana Kearfott, Cenopis. 1907, pp. 68- male, hereby designated, no data, with 69. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, Robinson's name label; one male lecto- hereby designated, K. 224, Essex Co. paratype. Park, N. J., "collected [as larva] May nigrolinea Robinson, Teras. 1869, p. 281, 30, 1902," issued 29 June, Oak; one P1. vii, fig. 67. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype lectoparatype, K. 367, Anglesea, N. J., male, hereby designated, no data, No. issued 9 July, 1902, Bayberry; one 23028, Grote and Robinson Coll., with blown larva and one pupal shell, K. 224; Robinson's handwritten name label; one one pupal shell and sample of larval male lectoparatype, the same labeling. 1942 ] Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 415 niscana Kearfott, Eulia. 1907, p. 94. IN provana Kearfott, Olethreutes. 1907, p. 16 A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby des- IN A.M.N.H.: unique type, lacking ab- ignated, Carmel, Calif., June (Vachell); domen. two lectoparatypes, same data. pyrusana Kearfott, Pandemis. 1907, p. 70. pallorana Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 266, IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby P1. I, fig. 13. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype designated, Alameda Co., Calif., June, male, hereby designated, "Ill.," No. labeled "d1 Type" by Kearfott. 23020, Grote and Robinson Coll., with robinsonana Forbes, Peronea. 1924, p. 487. Robinson's handwritten name label; two IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby female lectoparatypes, same locality and designated, Hampton, N. H., 29 April, number; two male and one female 1907 (Shaw); eighty-three lectopara- lectoparatypes with no locality label. types, comprising the entire lot of Ameri- paludana Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 295, can Museum-Kearfott material of this P1. VI, fig. 45. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype species. Ten of these and the lectotype male, hereby designated, "Penn.," No. were labeled "cotype" by MeDunnough; 23017, Grote and Robinson Coll., with see discussion above under Forbes. Robinson's handwritten name label; two sanbornana Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. female and one male lectoparatypes, 265, P1. I, fig. 8. IN A.M.N.H.: two same locality and number. specimens, ex Grote and Robinson Coll., parallela Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 267, may belong to this, but there is no P1. iv, fig. 17. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype authenticatable type material. male, hereby designated, "N. Y.," No. saracana Kearfott, Cenopis. 1907, p. 68. 23016, Grote and Robinson Coll., with IN A.M.N.H.: one female cotype, Essex Robinson's handwritten name label; one CO., N. J. (Weidt). male lectoparatype, "Penn.," same num- seminolana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1907, p. 71. ber. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby pettitana Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 269, designated, Florida, "W. B." coll.; three PI. iv, figs. 21-23. IN A.M.N.H.: two lectoparatypes, the same data. female lectoparatypes with abdomens semipurpurana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1905, and one female lectoparatype lacking p. 9. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, abdomen, all with no locality labels, No. hereby designated, Cincinnati, O., 15 23022, Grote and Robinson Coll. The June, 1904 (Braun); seven lectopara- lectotype male, as well as a female lecto- types from Quincy, Ill., Montclair, N. J. paratype, hereby designated, is in the (bred-oak), and New Brighton, Pa. Acadlemy of Natural Sciences of Phila- (Merrick); two pseudotypes, Daytona, delphia. Fla., and Essex Co. Park, N. J., "Trap." pinatubana Kearfott, Eulia. 1905, p. 9. symphoricarpana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1905, IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby p. 92. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, designated, Essex Co. Park, N. J., 1 May, hereby designated, Medicine Hat, Alta., 1904; twenty-six lectoparatypes from July 21, Snowberry, labeled "e Type" the same locality, Winchendon, Mass., by Kearfott; one female lectoparatype, and Watchung Mts., N. J., various no data, with its pupal shell, labeled dates; a number of pupae and specimens "cotype" by Kearfott. of larval work. taracana Kearfott, Sparganothis. 1907, p. placidana Robinson, Teras. 1869, p. 282, 66. 1N A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, P1. vii, fig. 68. IN A.M.N.H.: a male hereby designated, Hastings, Fla., March specimen, "Pa.," No. 23026, Grote and (Brown); eight lectoparatypes, Hastings, Robinson Coll., mnay not be a part of the Fla., and Burnet Co., Tex. (Schaupp). type-lot, for the original description triangulana Kearfott, Tortrix. 1908, p. specifies "p " only. The lectotype fe- 179. IN A.M.N.H.: one probable pseu- inale, hereby designated, is in the Acad- dotype male, Santa Clara, Calif., with emy of Nattural Sciences of Phila- Kearfott's lhandwritten "cotype" label. (lelphia. trisignana Robinson, Teras. 1869, p. 282, 416 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [VOl. LXXIX

P1. VII, fig. 69. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype Academy of Natural Sciences of Plhila- male, hereby designated, "W. Va.," No. delphia. 23025, Grote and Robinson Coll. argentilimitana Robinson, Conchylis. 1869, tristriata Kearfott, Sparganothis. 1907, p. p. 287, P1. viii, fig. 82. IN A.M.N.H.: 67. IN A.M.N.H.: one female cotype, one lectoparatype, "Penn.," in poor "Duluith, Minn." condition; also a pseudotype female, violaceana Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 271, "W. Va.," with Robinson's handwritten P1. v, fig. 31. IN A.M.N.H.: one lecto- name label and various "Type" labels. paratype, lacking abdomen and locality The lectotype, hereby designated, label, No. 23023, Grote and Robinson "Penn.," is in the Academy of Natural Coll. with Robinson's handwritten name Sciences of Philadelphia. label. The lectotype, hereby designated, aurorana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 83. "Mass.," lacking abdomen, is in the IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- designated, Essex Co. Park, N. J., Aug. delphia. 22, "Trap"; three lectoparatypes, same vocaridorsana Kearfott, Sparganothis. 1905, locality, various dates. P. 89. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotvpe male, bana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 73. IN hereby designated, Regina, Sask., 16 A.M.N.H.: one female lectoparatype, June, 1904; one pseudotype, Pullman, Chicago, Ill., Sept., 1900, without ab- Wash. domen, labeled "Type" by Kearfott. yumana Kearfott, Sparganothis. 1907, p. The lectotype female, hereby designated, 67. IN A.M.N.H.: one female cotype, Chicago, Ill., J. H. R[eading], genitalia Yuma Co., Ariz., "desert." slide by J. F. Gates Clarke, is in the zapulata Robinson, Tortrix. 1869, p. 264, U. S. National Museum. The original P1. I, fig. 7. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype description gives "June" as the date. male, hereby designated, "Ill.," No. basiochreana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 23014, Grote and Robinson Coll., with 78. IN A.M.N.H.: unique female type, Robinson's handwritten name label; Los Angeles, Calif., June (Letcher). one male lectoparatype, with the same biscana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 75. data. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby designated, Essex Co. Park, N. J., July Carposinidae 20; fourteen lectoparatypes, various dates and localities. comonana Kearfott, Carposina. 1907, p. 87. bomonana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 75. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby designated, San Francisco, Cal. designated, Chicago, Ill., Sept. (Read- hawleyana Klots, Tesuquea. 193-6, pp. 4-6, ing); one lectoparatype. The lectotype figs, 6-8. IN A.M.N.H.: holotype male. bears both Kearfott's printed "TYPE" ottawana Kearfott, Carposina. 1907A, pp. label and his handwritten "Type" label. 124-125. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, The original description states "June" hereby designated, Ottawa, Ont., June as the 20 date; this must have been ai (C. H. Young); one lectoparatype error. female. carmelana Kearfott, Phalonia, 1907, p. 76. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby Phaloniidael designated, Carmel, Calif., April (Va- angulatana Robinson, Conchylis. 1869, p. cliell); sixteen lectoparatypes. 286, P1. viii, fig. 81. IN A.M.N.H.: one cartwrightana Kearfott, Hysterosia. 1907A, lectoparatype, no data, with Robinson's p. 123. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, handwritten name label. The lectotype, hereby designated, Cartwright, Man. hereby designated, "Penn.," is in the (Heath); three lectoparatypes. 1 I am especially indebted to Mr. J. F. Gates cincinnatana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, P. Clarke of the U. S. National Museum for help in 78. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype woIrking out the proper type designations in the female, Phaloniidae. hereby designated, Cincinnati, O., 23 1942] Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 417

April, 1905 (Braun); two female lecto- giscana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 75. paratyp)es. There is also a male, Cincin- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby nati, O., 13 April, that may have been a (lesignated, lEssex Co. IPark, N. J., 25 part of the type-lot. July, Trap; three lectoparatypes. One contrastana Kearfott, Commophila. 1907A, of these is dated 18 July; the original p. 160. IN A.M.N.H.: cotype female, description gives the (lates 24 July-15 New Haven, Conn., etc.; the male co- Sept.; this was almost certainly an error type, which is in the U. S. National by Kearfott. Museum, is hereby designated the lecto- hoffmanana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907B, type. p. 162. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female discana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 78. and three lectoparatypes, hereby desig- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby nated, Black Mts., N. C., various local- designated, Cincinnati, O., 17 Aug., ities and (lates. The entire type-lot. 1904 (Braun); two male lectoparatypes. hollandana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907A, p. ednana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907B, pp. 159. IN A.M.N.H.: one female cotype. 161-162. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, homonana Kearfott, Hysterosia. 1907A, hereby designated, Black Mts., N. C., p. 84. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, "Halfway," June 29. Ten lectopara- hereby designated, Verdi, Nev., 20-30 types; two pseudotypes, each labeled June (Vachell); twelve lectoparatypes. with red, printed "TYPE" label, one It might be noted that both the lecto- with data "Can."; the other, with no type and one of the lectoparatypes bear data. The species almost certainly be- handwritten labels by Kearfott reading longs in the Tortricidae. "d Type." elderana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 84. huachucana Kearfott, Commophila. 1907, IN A.M.N.H.: unique female type. p. 79. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, fernaldana Walsingham, Phalonia. 1879, hereby designated, Cochise Co., Ariz., pp. 27-28. IN A.M.N.H.: one so-called 1 Aug., 1904 (Franck); one lectopara- "cotype." type, Huachuca Mts., Ariz., 8-15 Aug. formonana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. hubbardana Busek, Phalonia. 1907, p. 28. 81. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, IN A.M.N.H.: three "cotvpes" (really hereby designated, San Luis Obispo, paratypes) with pupal shells. Calif., March (Vachell); one lectopara- komonana Kearfott, Hysterosia. 1907A, p. type female, same data; six pseudo- 121. IN A.M.N.H.: six lectoparatypes, types, Colfax, Placer Co., Calif., and all in rather poor condition, from Santa Pasadena, Calif. Clara or Santa Clara Co., Calif., andl foxcana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 84. Stockton, IUtah. The lectotype male, IN A.M.N.H.: lectoparatype female, hereby designated, Santa Clara Co., Plummers I., Md., Aug., 1903 (Busek); Calif., is in the U. S. National Museum. another lectoparatype, without abdo- labeculana Robinson, Conchylis. 1869, p. men. The lectotype, hereby designated, 287, P1. ViII, fig. 83. IN A.M.N.H.: one Plummers I., Md., 18 Aug. (Busek), is in male lectoparatype, no data, bearing the U. S. National Museum. Robinson's halndwritten name label and filviplicana Walsinglham, Idiographia. various "type" labels. The lectotype 1879, pp. 27-28, P1. LXVI, fig. 7. IN male, hereby dlesignated, "Penn.," is in A.M.N.H.: two so-called "cotypes." the Academy of Natural Sciences of fuscodorsana Kearfott, Commophila. 1904, Philadelphia. p. 141. IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype, leguminana Busek, Phalonia. 1907, p. 28. Fieldbrook, Calif., 29 May, 1903. Type IN A.M.N.H.: twAo "cotypes" (really is in the U. S. National Museum, as paratypes). stated in the original description. In the maiana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 82. original description Kearfott gave the IN A.M.N.H.: eleven lectoparatypes, date of the above specimen as 21 May; all in more or less poor condition. One, this was indubitably an error. labeled "Type" by Kearfott, lacks the 418 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

abdomen. The lectotype male, hereby 82. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, designated, Essex Co. Park, N. J., "G. hereby designated, Caldwell, N. J., 8 N." [Great Notch], 10 May, is in the July, 1900; two lectoparatypes, Cald- U. S. National Museum. well and Essex Co. Park, N. J.; the merrickana Kearfott, Hysterosia. 1907A, latter of these was labeled "Type" by p. 59. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, Kearfott, as was also the lectotype. hereby designated, New Brighton, Pa., tiscana Kearfott, Hysterosia. 1907A, p. 14 Aug., 1903 (Merrick); four lectopara- 123. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, types, same locality, various dates. hereby designated, Essex Co. Park, N. J., nomonana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907A, p. 24 Aug.; three lectoparatypes, same 84. IN A.M.N.H.: unique type. locality, dated Aug. 1, 13 and 16; the nonlavana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. one dated Aug. 1 was labeled "Type 9 " 85. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, by Kearfott. The lectotype was labeled hereby designated, New Brighton, Pa., "Type ef" by Kearfott. The dates 20 June, 1903 (Merrick). given in the original description are Aug. obispoana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 77. 1-22. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby toxcana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 85. designated, S. Luis Obispo, Cal., March IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby (Vachell); ten lectoparatypes. designated, Essex Co. Park, N. J., 19 obliquana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907B, p. Aug., Trap; twelve lectoparatypes, 163. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, various dates. The lectotype was hereby designated, Black Mts., N. C., labeled "Type" by Kearfott, but so was "Valley," 6 June (Beutenmuller); two one of the lectoparatypes. * lectoparatypes, Hastings, Fla., 11.26 umbrabasana Kearfott, Commophila? (sic). and "12077 and 173." These two lecto- 1908, pp. 180-181. IN A.M.N.H.: lecto- paratypes are not members of the same type male, hereby designated, Alameda species as the lectotype but, according Co., Calif., 17 June, 1908 (Pilate); seven to Mr. J. F. G. Clarke, are P. ziscana lectoparatypes, various California locali- Kearfott. ties. pecosana Kearfott, Hysterosia. 1907A, p. vachelliana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 124. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, 80. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby designated, Beulah, N. M., July, hereby designated, Placer Co., Calif., 1902 (Cockerell); one lectoparatype, 20 April (Vachell); three lectoparatypes, "S. W. Col., 7.6.99," lacking the abdomen. various dates, one from Cisco, Placer Co. punctadiscana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1908, viscana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 84. pp. 179-180. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype IN A.M.N.H.: unique type. female, hereby designated, Oak Sta., voxcana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 83. Alleghany Co., Pa., Aug. 21, 1907 (Mar- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype hereby desig- loff), genitalia slide prepared by J. F. G. nated, Hampton, N. H., 24 Aug., 1904 Clarke; two lectoparatypes, same local- (Shaw), lacking abdomen; one lecto- ity, July 29 and Aug. 4. paratype, Kennebunkport, Me., Aug. riscana Kearfott, Hysterosia. 1907A, p. (Clapp), also lacking abdomen. 122. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, waracana Kearfott, Hysterosia. 1907A, p. hereby designated, Glenburn, Pa., 10 122. IN A.M.N.H.: six lectoparatypes, July, 1905 (Lister); one female lecto- Prince Albert and Regina, all in poor paratype, Glenburn, Pa., 20 July, 1905 condition. The lectotype female, hereby (Lister). designated, Regina, Assa., 15 July, 1904, romonana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907A, "J. F.," is in the U. S. National Museum. p. 83. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, winniana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1905, p. 10. hereby designated, Essex Co. Park, IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby N. J., 7 Sept., 1906, "Trap"; nineteen designated, Essex Co. Park, N. J., 20 lectoparatypes. May; one female lectoparatype, Mont- sublepidana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. clair, N. J., 18 July. 19421 Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 419 wiscana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, P. 77. designated, "Ariz.," No. 14191, Coll. IN A.M.N.H.: unique female type. Hy. Edwards; lectoparatype female, yuccatana Busek, Phalonia. 1907, p. 23. "Ariz.," No. 14190, Coll. Hy. Edwards; IN A.M.N.H.: three "cotypes" (really both were labeled "Type" by Hulst. paratypes). alitalis Hulst, Glyphodes. 1886, pp. 157- zaracana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 74. 158. IN A.M.N.H.: three female co- IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby types, Indian River, Fla., No. 13919, designated, Central New York, 6 June, Coll. Hy. Edwards. 1899. anthoecioides Grote and Robinson, Asopia. ziscana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, p. 76. 1867, pp. 15-16, P1. ii, fig. 9. IN A.M. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby N.H.: lectotype male, hereby desig- designated, Hastings, Fla., 26 Feby., nated, no locality label, No. 23006, labeled "Type" by Kearfott. Grote and Robinson; one lectoparatype zoxcana Kearfott, Phalonia. 1907, PP. female. 86-87. IN A.M.N.H.: one cotype, Cin- aridalis Barnes and Benjamin, Noctuelia. Cinnati, O., 26 Aug., 1903 (Braun); the 1922, p. 48. IN A.M.N.H.: one para- original description gives the dates 17- type. 24 Aug.; this may have been one of atrifascialis Hulst, Tetralopha. 1886, p. Kearfott's errors, or this specimen may 160. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, not be a valid cotype, although so labeled hereby designated, Blanco Co., Cent. by Kearfott. Texas, Sept., ex Slosson Coll., labeled "Type" by Hulst; one pseudotype, Thyrididae Indian River, Fla., also labeled "Type" fasciata Grote and Robinson, Platythyris. by Hulst. 1866, pp. 362-364, PI. xiii, figs. 4-5. IN attenuatus Grote, Crambus. 1880, pp. 18- A.M.N.H.: one cotype, lacking ab)(lo- 19. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, men and right fore-wing; one pseudlo- hereby designated, Vancouver I., Nos. type, "W. Vra."; both are numbered 5927 (original) and 14275, Coll. Hy. "23089 Grote and Robinson." Edwards; one lectoparatype, same data, lacking abdomen. Pyralididae aureolalis Hulst, Eurycreon. 1886, p. 156. adipaloides Grote and Robinson, Botys. IN A.M.N.H.: unique male type; two 1867, PlI 26-27, P1. ii fig. 19. IN pseudotypes, "Col.," No. 13847, Coll. A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby (les- Hy. Edwards, one labeled "Type" by ignatecl, "Pa.," No. 23007, Gr-ote and Hulst. Robinson, with Robinson's hanidwritten bellulalis Hulst, Botis. 1886, p. 149. IN label. A.M.N.H.: one female cotype, Texas, alatella Hulst, Acrobasis. 1887, p. 135. No. 14062, Coll. Hy. Edwards, labeled IN A.M.N.H.: one female cotype, Napa "Type" by Hulst. Co., Calif., Auguist, Nos. 3870 (original) bifasciella Hulst, Nephopteryx. 1887, p. and 14201, Coll. Hy. Edwards; labeled 132. IN A.M.N.H.: one fernale cotyl)e, "Type" by Huilst. "Ariz.," No. 14191, CoIl. Hy. Edwards, albicostella GrossbeCk, Calera (?). 1917, labeled "Type" by Hulst. )Pp 134-135. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype biothanatalis Hulst, Crambus. 1886, p. female, hereby designated, Ft. Meyers, 166. IN A.M.N.H.: unique male type. Fla., 23 Apr., 1912; one lectoparatype brunneogrisea Hy. Edwards, Prorasea. female, Everglade, Fla., 7 Apr. This 1886, p. 171. IN A.M.N.H.: unique designation is as the specimens were male type, Prescott, Ariz. labeled by Grossbeck. It should be citrina Grote and Robinson, Botys. 1867, note(l that Grossbeck misspelled the p. 23, P1. ii, fig. 20. IN A.M.N.H.: one specific name on the name labels. female cotype, "Phil.," No. 22996, aliculella Hulst, Myelois. 1887, p. 135. Grote and Robinson. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby coloradensis Grote ancl Robinson, Botys. 420 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [VOl. LXXIX

1867, p. 25, P1. ii, fig. 18. IN A.M.N.H.: IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby one female cotype, No. 22998, Grote andi designated, Georgia, No. 14077, Coll. Robinson. Hy. Edwards, labeled "Type" by Hulst. comnptnlatalis Hulst, Crambus. 1886, p. haruspica Grote and Robinson, Botys. 167. IN A.M.N.H.: unique female type, 1867, pp. 19-20, P1. ii, fig. 14. IN Vancouver I., Nos. 5941 (original) and A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby des- 14290, Coll. Hy. Edwards. ignated, no locality data, No. 23003, diffissa Grote and Robinson, Botys. 1867, Grote and Robinson, name label in p. 19, P1. II, fig. 16. IN A.M.N.H.: one Grote's handwriting; two male lecto- female cotype, no locality data, No. paratypes, same number. 22994, Grote and Robinson, lacks right hystriculella Hulst, Acrobasis. 1887, p. fore-wing. 135. IN A.M.N.H.: one female cotype, edvardsialis Hulst, Megaphycis. 1886, p. "Tex.," No. 14202, Coll. Hy. Edwards, 163. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, labeled "Type" by Hulst. hereby designated, Nevada, Nos. 274 lallatalis Hulst, Nephopteryx. 1886, p. 161. (original) and 14171, Coll. Hy. Edwards, IN A.M.N.H.: one male cotype, Nevada, labeled "Type." Nos. 3017 (original) and 14154, Coll. Hy. electalis Hulst, Aglossa. 1886, p. 146. IN Edwards, lacking abdomen. A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby des- laticlavia Grote and Robinson, Botys. ignated, Arizona, No. 13809, Coll. Hy. 1867, pp. 17-18, P1. ii, fig. 12. IN Edwards, labeled "Type" by Hulst. A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby des- electella Hulst, Anerastia. 1887, pp. 137- ignated, "Pa.," No. 22991, Grote and 138. IN A.M.N.H.: one female cotype, Robinson; one lectoparatype, same No. 14157, Coll. Hy. Edwards. data, lacking abdomen; three other extorralis HUlst, Crambus. 1886, p. 165. specimens probably from the Grote and IN A.M.N.H.: one male cotype, Louisi- Robinson collection. ana, lacking abdomen and right hind- lepidalis Hulst, Prorasea. 1886, p. 146. wing. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby festalis Hulst, Botis. 1886, p. 153. IN designated, "Colo.," Noo. 13790, Coll. A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, hereby des- Hy. Edwards, labeled "Type" by Hulst. ignated, Prescott, Arizona, Nos. 6197 levalis Hulst, Botis. 1886, pp. 152-153. (original) and 13985, Coll. Hy. Edwards, IN A.M.N.H.: one cotype, lacking ab- labeled "Type" by Hulst. domen. fumoferalis Hulst, Botis. 1886, p. 154. IN limata Grote and Robinson, Pantographa. A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby des- 1867, p. 464, P1. xvi, figs. 16-17. IN ignated, Siskiyou Co., Calif., No. 14007, A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby des- Coll. Hy. Edwards, labeled "Type" by ignated, "WV. Va.," No. 23010, Grote Hulst; one lectoparatype male, same and Robinson; one lectoparatype inale, data; one lectoparatype female, "Sier. same data. Nev.," Cal., No. 14006, Coll. Hy. Ed- lulualis Hulst, Botis. 1886, p. 150. IN wards. A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby generosa Grote and Robinson, Botys. 1867, designated, Soda Springs, Siskiyou Co., pp. 20-21, P1. II, fig. 10. IN A.M.N.H.: Calif., May 10, No. 13999, Coll. Hy. one "cotype" female, "Pa.," No. 22992, Edwards, labeled "Type" by Hulst; Grote and Robinson. Since only "e" another male specimen, Siskiyou Co., was mentioned in the original descrip- Calif., same number. tion, this may not be a true cotype. magnalis Hulst, Emprepes. 1886, p. 147. gracilis Grote and Robinson, Botys. 1867, IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby pp. 25-26, P1. ii, fig. 15. IN A.M.N.H.: designated, "Ariz.," No. 13812, Coil. lectotype male, hereby designated, no Hy. Edwards, labeled "Type" by Hulst. locality data, No. 23002, Grote and marculenta Grote and Robinson, Botys. Robinson. 1867, p)P 23-24, P1. ii, fig. 21. IN gyralis Huilst, Hydrocampa. 1886, p. 159. A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, hereby des- 1942] Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 421

ignated, "Pa.," No. 22995, Grote and ostreonalis Grote, Metrea. 1882, p. 73. IN Robinson. A.M.N.H.: one specimen "Conn.," No. montinatatella Hulst, Spermatophthora. 13933, Coll. Hy. Edwardls, labeled 1887, p. 134. IN A.M.N.H.: one male "Type." Since the original description cotype, "Sier. Nev., Cal.," Nos. 5933 mentions only "Amherst, Mass. (Good- (original) and 14192, Coll. Hy. Edwards, ell)" and "a New York specimen," this lacking abdomen. is probably a pseudotype. monulalis Huist, Botis. 1886, p. 154. IN pallulella Hulst, Stenoptycha. 1887, p. 137. A.M.N.H.: one female cotype, Sierra IN A.M.N.H.: one cotype, "N. C.," No. Nevada Mts., Calif., No. 14003, Coll. 14198, Coll. Hy. Edwards, lacking ab- Hy. Edwards, labeled "Type" by Hulst. domen; labeled "Type" by Hulst. muirii Hy. Edwards, Oribates. 1881, p. 22 penitalis Grote, Botis. 1876, pp. 98-99. (and p. 117). IN A.M.N.H.: two fe- IN A.M.N.H.: one female cotype, Kan- male specimens, Nos. 4461 (original) sas, No. 14067, Coll. Hy. Edwards, and 11554, Coll. Hy. Edwards, Havilah, labeled "Type" by Grote, lacking end of California. One of these was labeled abdomen and right hind-wing. "Type" by Henry Edwards. The ori- pergilvalis Hulst, Botis. 1886, p. 151. IN ginal description gives "Tuolomne Co., A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, hereby des- Cal." as type locality. The page that ignated, "Ariz.," No. 14068, Coll. Hy. bore No. 4461 of the original Hy. Ed- Edwards, labeled "Type" by Hulst. wards catalog has been lost. Lacking planatella Grossbeck, Dolichorrhinia. 1917, further evidence, we cannot call these pp. 131-132. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype two specimens cotypes, but they cer- male, hereby designated, Ft. Myers, tainly are authentic Henry Edwards Fla., 1 April, 1912. No. 23776, A.M. material. If the Tuolomne Co. material N.H.; lectoallotype female, hereby des- (collected by Muir) does not exist any ignated, Everglade, Fla., June, 1912; longer, a "neotype" should be designated four lectoparatypes, Ft. Myers, Ever- from one of these two specimens. glade and Marco, Fla. The types are neaeriatella Grossbeck, Wunderia. 1917, p. here designated as labeled by Grossbeck. 133. IN A.M.N.H.: unique female type, plectilis Grote and Robinson, Botys. 1867, Everglade, Fla., Apr. 6. pp. 27-28, P1. ii, fig. 17. IN A.M.N.H.: nobilis Grote, Siparocera. 1875, pp. 128- one female cotype, "Pa.," No. 23005, 129. IN A.M.N.H.: unique female type, Grote and Robinson. New York, No. 23006, Grote and Robin- posticata Grote and Robinson, Botys. 1867, son; four male pseudotypes, three with p. 22, P1. ii, fig. 25. IN A.M.N.H.: no data and one "Pa.," a.ll with printed lectotype male, hereby designated, "Type" labels, No. 23000, Grote and "Pa.," No. 23009, Grote and Robinson, Robinson. Grote is the sole author of labeled (with name) by Robinson; one this name, which he publisbed after lectoparatype, "Pa.," No. 23008, Grote Robinson's death. and Robinson. octosignalis Hulst, Botis. 1886, p. 153. IN primordialis Dyar, Geshna. 1906, p. 97. A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby des- IN A.M.N.H.: one paratype (labeled ignated, "Calif.," Nos. 705 (original) and "cotype") ex Kearfott Coll. 13989, Coll. Hy. Edwards, labeled psychialis Hulst, Botis. 1886, p. 149. IN "Type" by Hulst. A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, hereby des- opalescella Hulst, Ephestia. 1887, p. 138. ignated, Texas, No. 14061, Coll. Hy. IN A.M.N.H.: one male cotype, No. Edwards. 14200, Coll. Hy. Edwards, lacking ab- reluctalis Hulst, Orobena. 1886, pp. 156- domen. 157. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, oregonicus Grote, Crambus. 1880, p. 17. hereby designated, Arizona, labeled IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby "Type" by Hulst; three lectoparatypes, designated, Oregon, Nos. 5923 (original) same data. All are numbered 13880, and 14208, Coll. Hy. Edwards. Coll. Hy. Edwards. 422 Bulletin American Museum of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX rickseckerellus Klots, Crambus. 1940, pp. Coll. Hy. Edwards, lacking abdomen, 60-61, P1. VII, fig. 8. IN A.M.N.H.: labeled "Type" by Hulst. bolotype male, allotype female and six ventralis Grote and Robinson, Botis. 1867, paratypes. pp. 21-22, P1. ii, fig. 23. IN A.M.N.H.: roseopennalis Hulst, Botis. 1886, pp. 148- lectotype male, hereby designated, 149. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, "Pa.," No. 22390, Grote and Robinson hereby designated, "Ariz.," No. 14063, with name label by Robinson; one fe- Coll. Hy. Edwards, labeled "Type" by male lectoparatype, same (lata. Hulst. verecuntella Grossbeek, Diviana. 1917, P. scurralis Hulst, Botis. 1886, p. 155. IN 132. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, hereby des- hereby designated, Everglade, Fla., 10 ignated, Arizona, No. 13986, Coll. Hy. April, 1912; four female lectoparatypes, Edwards; one female lectoparatype, Everglade and Ft. Myers, Fla. The same data. types are here designated as labeled by sperryellus Klots, Crambus. 1940, pp. 62- Grossbeek. 65. IN A.M.N.H.: bolotype male, allo- vinulenta Grote and Robinson, Botys. 1867, type female, thirty-six paratypes. p. 17. IN A.M.N.H.: one male, no data, succandidalis Hulst, Botis. 1886, p. 153. Grote and Robinson Collection, labeled IN A.M.N.H.: one pseudotype, "Texas," "Botys signatalis G. and R. e" by Nos. 5566 and 13988, Coll. Hy. Edwards, Grote. This may well be a type or co- labeled "Type" by Hulst. Hulst de- type of vinulenta which was proposed by scribed this species from a unique male Grote and Robinson for the eastern type, Black Hills, D. T. [Dakota Terri- population of signatalis Walker. tory]. zelatella Huilst, M1yelois. 1887, p. 136. IN thallophyllialis Hulst, Botis. 1886, p 154. A.M.N.H.: one cotype, "N. Y.," Nos. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, hereby 6218 (original) and 14189, Coll. Hy. designated, California, No. 13984, Coll. Edwards, lacking abdomen, labeled Hy. Edwards. "Type" by Hulst. unifascialis Packard, Botys. 1873, p. 261. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype mnale, hereby Pterophoridae designated, California, Nos. 207 (origi- californicus Walsingham, Aciptilus? (sic). nal) and 13991, Coll. Hy. Edwards, 1880A, pp. 60-62, P1. II, fig. 9. IN labeled "Type" by Henry Edwards. A.M.N.H.: two so-calledt "cotypes," The original Hy. Edwards catalog gives "California." See (liscutssion above. the reference for this as "Botys unifasci- carolina Kearfott, Platyptilia. 1 907B, p. alis Grote" (sic!), "Hilly Pastures, Angel 155, PI. viii, fig. 17. IN A.M.N.H.: one Island, Collecte(d by Hy. Edwards, male cotype. May." There arc also in the A.M.N.H. castor Barnes an(l Lindsey, Oidaemato- two other male specimens, with the same phorus. 1931, pp. 394-395, PI. XLVII, data; only one of these bea'rs a name fig. 10 and P1. LI, fig. 8. IN A.M.N.H.: label. Since Packard in the original allotype female and one male paratype. lescription stated 2 ee, Califor nia cinerascens Walsinghamn, Aciptilus. 1880A, (Edwards), only one of these two speci- pp. 57-59, P1. IIi, fig. 13. IN A.M.N.H.: mens can be regarded as a lectoparatype three so-called "cotypes," "California." and has been so labeled. The other was See discussion above. probably not sent to Packard. edwardsii Fish, Platyptiluts. 1881, ). 72. unimacula Grote and Robinson, A sopia. IN A.M.N.H.: one male lectoparatype 1867, pp. 14-15, P1. ii, fig. 8. IN an(l one female lectoparatype, both A.M.N.H.: one pseudotype, "Ohio," No. "Boston, Mass.," ex Coll. Hy. Edwardls. 23004, Grote and Robinson. The lectotype was designated by Barnes uxorculalis Hulst, Botis. 1886, p. 153. IN and Lindsey, 1931, pp. 328-329. A.M.N.H.: one cotype, "Sier. Nev., fieldi Wright, Pterophorus. 1921, pp. 6-7. Cal.," Nos. 4460 (original) and 13773, IN A.M.N.H.: four paratypes. 1942] Klots, North American Microlepidoptera 423 grandis Fish, Leioptilus. 1881, p. 141. type, labeled "Oed. lugubris Fish, Type," IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype female, hereby apparently by Fish, No. 11571, Coll. Hy. designated, "Cal.," No. 16601, Coll. Hy. Edwards. If a male is available (ex Edwards, labeled "Type," presumably Baron Collection) it should be desig- by Fish; one probable male lectopara- nated as the lectotype. type, No. 16597, Coll. Hy. Edwards. montanus Walsingham, Aciptilus. 1880A, gratiosus Fish, Oedematophorus. 1881, p. pp. 59-60, P1. iii, fig. 14. IN A.M.N.H.: 73. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, two so-called "cotypes," "California." hereby designated, "California," Nos. See discussion above. 1357 (original) and 16615, Coll. Hy. percnodactylus Walsingham, Platyptilus. Edwards, labeled "Type," presumably 1880A, pp. 8-10, P1. i, fig. 7. IN by Fish. A.M.N.H.: one so-called "cotype," griscescens Walsingham, Oedematophorus. "California." See discussion above. 1880A, pp. 34-35, P1. II, fig. 11. IN perplexus Grossbeck, Pterophorus. 1917, A.M.N.H.: one so-called "cotype," p. 136. IN A.M.N.H.: lectotype male, "Oregon." See discussion above. hereby designated, Marco, Fla., Apr. guttatus Walsingham, Oedematophorus. 17; two lectoparatypes. The types have 1880A, pp. 36-37, P1. ii, fig. 12. IN been chosen as labeled, but not pub- A.M.N.H.: one so-called "cotype," lished, by the author. "California." See discussion above. simplicius Grossbeck, Pterophorus. 1917, lugubris Fish, Oedematophorus. 1881, pp. pp. 136-137. IN A.M.N.H.: unique fe- 140-141. IN A.M.N.H.: one female co- male type.

BIBLIOGRAPHY BARNES, W., AND BENJAMIN, F. H. 1881. Papilio, I. 1922. Contrib. Nat. Hist. Lepidoptera N. A., 1882. Papilio, II. V, No. 1. 1883. Papilio, IV. BARNES, W., AND LINDSEY, A. W. 1885. Entomol. Americana, I. 1921. Contrib. Nat. Hist. Lepidoptera N. A., 1886. Entomol. Americana, II. IV, No. 4. 1887. Can. Ent., XIX. BARNES, W., AND McDUNNOUGH, J. 1887A. Entomol. Americana, III. 1917. Contrib. Nat. Hist. Lepidoptera N. A., FERNALD, C. H. III, No. 4. 1900. Can. Ent., XXXII. BEUTENMULLER, W. 1908. Can. Ent., XL. 1892. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., IV, No. FISH, C. 1. 1881. Can. Ent., XIII. 1892A. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., IV, No. FORBES, W. T. M. 1. 1923. Cornell Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta., Mem. 1894. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., VI. 68. 1904. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XX. 1939. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XLVII. BRAUN, A. GROSSBECK, J. A. 1910. Ent. News, XXI. 1906. Ent. News, XVII. BUSCK, A. 1917. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXVII. 1903. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXV. GROTE, A. R. 1904. Proe. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII. 1875. Ann. Lycaeum Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI. 1906. Can. Ent., XXXVIII. 1876. Can. Ent., VIII. 1907. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XV. 1880. Can. Ent., XII. 1913. Journ. Ent. and Zool., V. 1882. Papilio, II. BUTLER, A. G. 1883. Can. Ent., XV. 1881. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) VIII. GROTE, A. R., AND ROBINSON, C. T. DIETZ, W. G. 1866. Ann. Lyeaeum Nat. Hist. N. Y., VIII. 1921. Can. Ent., LIII. 1867. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., I. DYAR, H. G. 1868. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., II. 1903. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V. HEINRICH, C. 1904. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., VI. 1920. Proe. U. S. Nat. Mus., LVII. 1906. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XIV. 1923. Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nat. Mus., EDWARDS, H. Bull. 123. 1874. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., V. 1923A. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., XXV. 1877. Proe. Calif. Acad. Sci., VII. 1924. Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., XIV. 424 Bulletin American Muse,um of Natural History [Vol. LXXIX

1926. Smithsonian Iiist., U. S. Nat. Mus., McDUNNOUGH, J. Bull. 132. 1934. Can. Journ. Researlch, XI. 1929. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., XXXI. 1935. Can. Enit., LXVII. 1929A. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXXV. 1939. Memii. South. Calif. Acad. Sci., II, No. 1. 1931. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXXIX. MEYRICK, E. HULST, G. 1912. Ent. Month. Mag., XLVIII. 1886. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XIII. PACKARD, A. 1887. Entomol. Amrlericana, III. 1873. Ann. Lycacuin Nat. Hist. N. Y., X. JONES, F. M. 1893. Ent. News, IV. 1922. Ent. News, XXXIII. PEARSALL, R. F. 1926. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., LII. 1887. Entomol. Americania, II. KEARFOTT, W. D. RILEY, C. V. 1902. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X. 1881. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., IV. 1904. Can. Ent., XXXVI. ROBINSON, C. T. 1904A. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXX. 1869. Trans. Amer. Enit. Soc., II. 1905. Can. Ent., XXXVII. STRETCH, R. H. 1905A. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVIII. 1873. Zygaen and Bomnb. of N. A., I. 1907. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXXIII. WALSINGHAM, LORD 1907A. Can. Ent., XXXIX. 1879. Illustr. Typ. Specimenis Lep. Heteroc. 1907B. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXIII. Brit. Mus., Part 4. 1908. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XVI. 1880. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. KLOTS, A. B. 1880A. Pterophoridae of Calif. and Ore 1936. Amer. Mus. Novitates, No. 867. WRIGHT, W. H. 1940. Bull. South. Calif. Acad. Sci., XXXIX. 1921. Ent. News, XXXII.

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