EEyyee oonn tthhee SSttoorrmm Be prepared this hurricane season! During hurricane season, Palmetto Electric Cooperative shares the following tips to help you and your family weather the storm:

Have an emergency Evacuate if told to Minimize opening supply kit handy. The do so . freezers and American Red Cross refrigerators. A fully ( Avoid in-home water has a sources during a storm. loaded freezer can keep complete list of what to Electric shock is possible food frozen 48 hours if include. through water sources it remains closed. Fill your gas tank and (shower, sink and bathtub) Stay clear of fallen withdraw cash from as lightning can enter a utility lines and avoid tree automatic teller machines. home through plumbing. limbs and debris that could Check if shrubs or trees Disconnect electronic hide fallen lines. The limbs need trimming. Be equipment, such as TVs can carry electricity, particularly careful when and computers, to avoid especially when wet. working near power lines. electronic surges. Disconnect appliances Listen to local radio or Be aware of the calm that may turn on TV stations, like us on during the hurricane automatically when Facebook or follow us “eye.” Once the eye power is restored (stoves, on Twitter for up-to-date passes over, winds blow washers, dryers and air information throughout from the opposite conditioners). the storm. direction. Do not pile debris near Prepare to cover all Stay Inside –a small utility poles or electric windows of your home. interior room, closet or ground equipment Tape does not prevent hallway on the lowest level when cleaning up outside. windows from breaking. is the safest option.

For more hurricane safety tips before, Palmetto Electric's Official Emergency during and after the storm, visit Information Stations: or go to •HANK 98. 3(WGCO) •G 100. 1(WXYY) •Rock 106. 1(WFXH) •Bob 106. 9(WUBB) •Rewind 107. 9(WRWN) •The Island FM 93.5/AM 1130 /(WHHW)

Hampton: 803-943-2211 Hilton Head: 843-681-5551 New River: 843-208-5551 Ridgeland: 843-726-5551 Toll Free: 1-800-922-5551 Power Out! Call 1-866-445-5551 or use our free mobile app