Steve WaiChing Sun, PhD Associate Professor Office Phone: (212) 851-4371 Civil Engineering and Cell Phone: (925) 960-3713 Engineering Mechanics Department Fax: (212)854-6267 Columbia University Email:
[email protected] 610 SW Mudd, Mail Code:4709 Researcher ID: A-2638-2009 New York, NY 10027 Web page: Education PhD. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Northwestern University, 09/2008-06/2011 M.A. Civil Engineering, Princeton University, 06/2007-05/2008 M.S. Civil Engineering (Geomechanics), Stanford University, 09/2005-06/2007 B.S. Civil Engineering,University of California, Davis, 09/2002-06/2005 Research Statement The PI’s research group specializes in the creation, derivation, implementation, verification and validation of data-driven, theoretical, and computational models for engineering applications related to porous media, with special emphasis on geological applications. Honors and Awards Selected individual awards received by the PI – UPS Foundation Visiting Professorship, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineer- ing, Stanford University (scheduled for 2021-2022). – John Argyris Award for Young Scientists, the International Association for Computational Mechanics, 2020. The IACM recognizes outstanding accomplishments, particularly outstand- ing published papers, by researchers 40 or younger biennially. Eligibility requires that the nominee not turn 41 in the year the award is presented. The IACM John Argyris Award for Young Scientists is sponsored by Elsevier to honor Professor John Argyris’ significant contri- butions in the field. – NSF CAREER Award, National Science Foundation (Mechanics of Materials and Struc- tures Program, Civil, Mechanics and Manufacturing Innovation Division), 2019. The NSF’s most prestigious award in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholar through outstanding research and excellent education.