(Pubhshed by the Authority of the City Council of the City of Chicago)



Regular Meeting — Wednesday, February 7, 2007

at 10:00 A.M.

(CouncU ChEunbers — City HaU — Chicago, lUinois)



RICHARD M. DALEY MIGUEL DEL VALLE Mayor City Clerk <^ontinued from v , 98256 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007



The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl:

Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinances and substitute ordinance transmitted herewith for grants of privilege in the public way. These ordinances were referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe Committee, vidth no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinarices and substitute ordinance transmitted vidth the foregoing committee report were Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, TUlman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Alien, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98257

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Said ordinances, as passed, read as follows (the italic heading in each case not being a part of the ordinance):

Am.ore Ristorante.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

' SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Amore Ristorante, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to construct, install, maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1330 West Madison Street. Said sign shall be three (3) feet in length and five (5) feet in width for a total of fifteen (15) square feet and twenty-two (22) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shovm on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance vidth specifications and plans approved by the Office ofEmergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1056943 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98258 of this Journal] 98258 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98257 of this Joumal

1330 W Madison

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Sidewallc 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98259

April Flowers.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to April Flowers, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovni as 7179 West Grand Avenue. Said sign shall be four (4) feet in length and three (3) feet in height for a total of twelve (12) square feet and nine (9) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shovm on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Department of Transportation and the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privUege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057544 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98260 of this Journal]

Asat, Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Asat., Inc., upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to construct.

(Continued on page 98261) 98260 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated vidth this dravidng printed on page 98259 of this Joumal

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(Continued from page 98259)

install, maintain and use eight (8) balconies projecting over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 2556 West Devon Avenue. Said balconies shall be on floors five (5) and six (6) and described as follows:

Along North Rockwell Street shall be two (2) balconies. Each balcony shall measure six (6) feet, eleven (11) inches in length and five (5) feet in width.

Along North Rockwell Street shall be two (2) balconies. Each balcony shall measure sixty-seven (67) feet, ten (10) inches in length and five (5) feet in viddth.

Along North Rockwell Street shall be two (2) balconies. Each balcony shall measure twenty-nine (29) feet, seven (7) inches in length and five (5) feet in width.

Along North Rockwell Street shall be two (2) balconies. Each balcony shall measure twenty-eight (28) feet, four (4) inches in length and five (5) feet in width.

The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Balconies shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Transportation and the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the jpublic way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1055236 herein granted the sum of Six Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($600.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98262 of this Journal] 98262 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98259 and 98261 of this Joumal

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Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Augie's, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1721 West Wrightwood Avenue. Said sign shall be four (4) feet in length and six and seven-tenths (6.7) feet in height for a total of twenty-six and eight-tenths (26.8) square feet cmd eight and five-tenths (8.5) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privUege Number 1057381 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98264 of this Journal]

Bally Total Fitness Corporation.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Bally Total Fitness Corporation, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this

(Continued on page 98265) 98264 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98263 of this Joumal

cs I 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98265

(Continued from page 98263)

ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 3970 North Milwaukee Avenue. Said sign shall be twelve and six-tenths (12.6) feet inlength and six (6) feet in width for a total of seventy-five and six-tenths (75.6) square feet and eight and six-tenths (8.6) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shovm on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057173 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage. ,

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98266 of this Journal]


Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Brett's, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use two (2) light fixtures projecting over the public right-of-way attached to its premises known as 2011 West Roscoe Street. Said light fixtures shall measure six (6) inches in length and six (6) inches in width and shall be eight (8) feet, three (3) inches

(Continued on page 98267) 2/7/2007 98266 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO

Ordinance associated with this dravidng printed on pages 98263 and 98265 of this Joumal

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(Continued from page 98265)

above grade. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications and the Department of Streets and Sanitation.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1054512 herein granted the sum of One Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($150.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98268 of this Journal]

Cans Bar And Canteen.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Cans Bar and Canteen, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign projecting over the pubUc right-of-way attached to its premises known as 1640 North Damen Avenue. Said sign shall measure four (4) feet in diameter and seven (7) feet in height for a total of twenty-eight (28) square feet. Height from grade shall be twenty (20) feet. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in

(Continued on page 98269) 98268 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordmance associated with this drawmg printed on pages 98265 and 98267 of tiiis Joumal 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98269

(Continued from page 98267)

accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1056409 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98270 of this Journal]

Garland Credit Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Garland Credit Inc., upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovm as 804 South Cicero Avenue. Said sign shall be eight (8) feet in length and eight (8) feet in height for a total of sixty-four (64) square feet and eighteen (18) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

(Continued on page 98271) 98270 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98267 and 98269 of this Joumal

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(Continued from page 98269)

This grant of privilege in the public way shaiU be subject to the provisioris of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057455 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 .Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98272 of this Journal]

Cash Exchange.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Cash Exchange, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordincince, to construct, install, maintain and use two (2) sighs over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovm as 1236 West Devon Avenue. The first said sign shall be six (6) feet in length and two (2) feet in height and eleven (11) feet above grade level. The second shall be four (4) feet in length and four (4) feet in height ctnd four (4) feet in height and eleven (11) feet above grade level for a total of twenty-eight (28) square feet. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prints hereto attached, which by reference are hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privUege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

(Continued on page 98273) 98272 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98269 and 98271 of this Joumal

l/l 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98273

(Continued from page 98271)

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057485 herein granted the sum of Two Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($200.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajrments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawings referred to in this ordinance printed on pages 98274 through 98276 of this Joumal]

Cermak Electronics.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Cermak Electronics, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 2832 West Cermak Road. Said sign shall be six (6) feet in length and eight and six-tenths (8.6) feet in width for a total of fifty-one and six-tenths (51.6) square feet and ten and nine-tenthis (10.9) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privUege Number 1057178 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

(Continued on page 98277) 98274 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98271 and 98273 of this Joumal


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'*•'-' •*- 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98275

Ordineuice associated with this drawing printed on pages 98271 and 98273 of this Joumal

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Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98271 and 98273 of this Joumal 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98277

(Continued from page 98273)

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajrments received after due date. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98278 of this Journal]

Chicago Gold Gallery.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Chicago Gold Gallery, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use two (2) signs over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovm as 1236 West Devon Avenue. The first said sign shall be four (4) feet in length and four (4) feet in height and eleven (11) feet above grade level. The second shall be six (6) feet in length and two (2) feet in height for a total of twenty-eight (28) square feet and eleven (11) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prints hereto attached, which by reference are hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057587 herein granted the sum of Six Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($600.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawings referred to in this ordinance printed on pages 98279 and 98280 of this Joumal] 98278 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98273 and 98277 of this Joumal

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3 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98279

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 9?>T11 of this Joumal 98280 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page ^^111 of this Joumal.


o -*r •• 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98281

Chicago Transit Authority.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Chicago Transit Authority, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use two (2) planters on the public right-of-way for beautification purposes adjacent to its premises known as 3411 North Southport Avenue. Said planters shall be nine and seven-tenths (9.7) feet in length and six and two- tenths (6.2) feet in width for a total of sixty and fourteen-hundredths (60.14) square feet. All planters must allow for six (6) feet of unobstructed walk space. The location of said privUege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Department ofTransportation, the Department of Planning and Development and the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privUege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057581 herein granted the sum of Zero and no/100 Dollars ($0.00) per annum, in advance.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98282 of this Joumal]

Cousin's Incredible Vitality.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Cousin's Incredible Vitality, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use two (2) banners over the public right-of-way adjacent to its

(Continued on page 98283) 98282 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98281 of this Joumal

north 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98283

(Continued from page 98281)

premises known as 3038 West Irving Park Road. Said banners shall be two (2) feet in length and three (3) feet in height for a total of six (6) square feet and eighteen (18) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications and the Department ofTransportation.

This grant of privUege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057424 herein granted the sum of Two Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($200.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98284 of this Journal]

Dana Hotel, L.L.C.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Dana Hotel, L.L.C, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to construct, install, maintain and use forty (40) balconies projecting over the public

(Continued on page 98285) 98284 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98281 and 98283 of this Joumal

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3.0 3 ^* l^. \ .^' V .^ CM P^;V tl 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98285

(Continued from page 98283)

right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 2 West Erie Street. Said balconies shall be described as follows:

Along West Erie Street shall be twenty (20) balconies. Each balcony shall measure fifteen (15) feet, one (1) inch in length and four (4) feet, eleven (11) inches in width. Lowest balcony above grade level shall be approximately fifty-eight (58) feet, two (2) inches.

Along the public alley north of West Erie Street shall be one (1) balcony measuring fifteen (15) feet in length and six (6) feet, four (4) inches in viddth. Said balcony shall be approximately twenty (20) feet, four (4) inches above grade level.

Along the public alley north of West Erie Street shall be nineteen (19) balconies. Each balcony shall measure fifteen (15) feet, one (1) inch in length and four (4) feet, eleven (11) inches in width. Lowest balcony above grade level shall be approximately seventy (70) feet, three (3) inches.

The location of said privilege shall be as shovm on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Balconies shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1052595 herein granted the sum ofThree Thousand and no/ 100 Dollars ($3,000.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajrments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98286 of this Journal] 98286 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98283 and 98285 of this Joumal

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^ 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98287


Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to D'Anardo, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 6536 West 63"^*^ Street. Said sign shall be six and eight-tenths (6.8) feet in length and seven and three-tenths (7.3) feet in height for a total of forty-nine and sixty-four hundredths (49.64) square feet and nine (9) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057342 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98288 of this Journal]

Dellisari-Chicago L.L.C.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Dellisart- Chicago L.L.C, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to

(Continued on page 98289) 98288 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98287 of this Joumal


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jQ 3 "O C O) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98289

(Continued from page 98287)

construct, install, maintain and use four (4) caissons beneath the public right-of- way adjacent to its premises known as 127 West Huron Street. Said caissons shall be described as follows:

Under and along North LaSalle Street shall be two (2) caissons. Caissons shall be three (3) feet outside the property line. Each caisson shall measure approximately one (1) foot, eight (8) inches in diameter.

Under and along the public alley shall be two (2) caissons. Caissons shall be three (3) feet outside the property line. Each caisson shall measure approximately four (4) feet, three (3) inches in diameter.

The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Caissons shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Transportation.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1054407 herein granted the sum of Four Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($400.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98290 of this Journal] 98290 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this dravidng printed on pages 98287 and 98289 of this Joumal


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llllt 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98291

East Side Cumency Exchange Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to East Side Currency Exchange Inc., upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 10108 South Evidng Avenue. Said sign shall be eleven and six-tenths (11.6) feet in length and eight (8) feet in height for a total of ninety-two and eight-tenths (92.8) square feet and ten (10) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privUege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057575 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98292 of this Journal]

Einstein Bros Bagels Number 2262.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Einstein Bros Bagels Number 2262, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this

(Continued on page 98293) 98292 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98291 of this Joumal

^ 4

.o^ 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98293

(Continued from page 98291)

ordinance, to maintain and use two (2) signs projecting over the public right-of-way attached to its premises known as 2212 North Clybourn Avenue. Said sign shall measure one (1) at five and two-tenths (5.2) feet in width and four and five-tenths (4.5) feet in height and shall be nine and one-tenth (9.1) feet above grade and one (1) at thirty (30) feet in viddth and three (3) feet in height and shall be thirteen and six-tenths (13.6) feet above grade. The location of said privUege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance vidth plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1015988 herein granted the sum of Six Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($600.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98294 of this Journal]


Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Exit, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign projecting over the public right-of-way attached to its premises known

(Continued on page 98295) JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007 98294

Ordmance associated witii tiiis drawing printed on pages 98291 and 98293 of tiiis Joumal

} 'Q



A ci ci 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98295

(Continued from page 98293)

as 1315 West North Avenue. Said sign shall measure four and one-tenth (4.1) feet in viddth and five and two-tenths (5.2) feet in height. Height from grade shall be fourteen (14) feet. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1056408 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98296 of this Journal]

Express Intemational Furniture, Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Express International Furniture, Inc., upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use two (2) existing light fixtures projecting over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 2096 North Milwaukee Avenue. Said light fixtures shall measure one (1) foot in length and six (6) inches in width and shall be fourteen (14) feet above grade along North Milwaukee Avenue.

(Continued on page 98297) 2/7/2007 98296 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO

Ordinance associated vidth this dravidng printed on pages 98293 and 98295 of this Joumal

R N9 i n- o i Si

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si vs 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98297

(Continued from page 98295)

Light fixtures have been constructed in accordance vidth plans and specifications approved by the Department of Streets and Sanitation and the Office of Emergency Management and Communications. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1056702 herein granted the sum of Seventy-five and no/100 Dollars ($75.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98298 of this Journal]

Faded Rose Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Faded Rose Inc., upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) banner over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1017 West Armitage Avenue. Said banner shall be five and four-tenths (5.4) feet in length and three (3) feet in height for a total of sixteen and two-tenths (16.2) square feet and ten (10) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communication and the Department of Transportation.

(Continued on page 98299) 98298 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98295 and 98297 of this Joumal


0 J.

-^ 6 ^ X.) C2i -s: 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98299

(Continued from page 98297)

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057380 herein granted the sum of One Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($100.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98300 of this Journal]

Ferguson Enterprises Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Ferguson Enterprises Inc., upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use three (3) signs over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 3914 North Western Avenue. The first said sign shall be sixteen (16) feet in length and nine (9) feet in height and twenty-six (26) feet above grade level. The second shall be twelve (12) feet in length and five (5) feet in height and seventeen (17) feet above grade level. The third shall be twelve (12) feet in length and five (5) feet in height and twelve (12) feet above grade level for a total of two hundred sixty-four (264) square feet. The location of said privUege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office ofEmergency Management and Communications.

(Continued on page 98301) 98300 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

OrdinEince associated with this drawing printed on pages 98297 and 98299 of this Joumal





comfy . cozy . cutie pie 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98301

(Continued from page 98299)

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privUege Number 1057457 herein granted the sum of Nine Hundred and no/ 100 Dollars ($900.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98302 of this Journal]

Food House Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Food House Inc., upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1636 West 95^ Street. Said sign shall be seven (7) feet in length and three (3) feet in height for a total of twenty-one (21) square feet and thirteen (13) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications amd plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

(Continued on page 98303) 98302 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98299 and 98301 of this Joumal

0- 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98303

(Continued from page 98301)

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057387 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, irt advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98304 of this Journal]

Frank's Place.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Frank's Place, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovim as 5249 West Chicago Avenue. Said sign shall be four (4) feet in length and six (6) feet in height for a total of twenty-four (24) square feet and twelve and three-tenths (12.3) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057630 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

(Continued on page 98305) 98304 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98301 and 98303 of this Joumal


(Continued from page 98303)

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98306 of this Journal]

Gio's Sports Bar.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Gio's Sports Bar, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use nine (9) existing light fixtures projecting over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 4857 North Damen Avenue.

Six (6) light fixtures shall be located along North Damen Avenue. Each light fixture shall measure two (2) feet in length and four (4) inches in viddth and shall be twelve (12) feet above grade.

Three (3) light fixtures shall be located along West AinsUe Street. Each light fixture shall measure two (2) feet iu length and four (4) inches in width and shall be twelve (12) feet above grade.

Light fixtures have been constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergency Managemertt and Communicatiorts and the Department of Streets and Sanitation. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

(Continued on page 98307) 98306 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO n/ij^Q^on

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98303 and 98305 of this Joumal


< K O Z :-i-^ .r. o r ^-'. \ CO V* . .- • li. O ii


o 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98307

(Continued from page 98305)

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1056557 herein granted the sum of Six Hundred Seventy-five and no/100 Dollars ($675.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date.

Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98308 of this Journal]

Hana Hosiery USA Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Hana Hosiery USA Inc., upou the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 3640 West Lawrence Avenue. Said sign shall be four (4) feet in length and eight (8) feet in width for a total of thirty-two (32) square feet and fourteen (14) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance Said privUege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057320 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

(Continued on page 98309) 98308 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98305 and 98307 of this Joumal


^ } 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98309

(Continued from page 98307)

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98310 of this Journal]


Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Haus, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovim as 5405 North Clark Street. Said sign shall be three (3) feet in length and four (4) feet in height for a total of twelve (12) square feet and twelve (12) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shovim on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans and approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057584 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98311 of this Journal] 98310 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98307 and 98309 of this Joumal


00 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98311

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98309 of this Joumal


Indigo Lofts Condominium Association.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Indigo Lofts Condominium Association, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use, as now cortstructed, twelve (12) existing balconies projectirtg over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1400 North Milwaukee Avenue. Said balconies shall each measure sixteen (16) feet in length and five (5) feet in width. The location of said privilege shall be as shovim on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Balconies have been constructed in accordance vidth plans and specifications approved by the Department ofTransportation. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1055596 herein granted the sum of Nine Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($900.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after July 25, 2006.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98313 of this Joumal]

Industrial Glass Ss Mimor Ltd.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Industrial Glass 86 Mirror Ltd., upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintairt and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjaceut to its premises known as 3414 North Cicero Avenue. Said sign shall be six (6) feet in length and eight (8) feet in height for a total of forty-eight (48) square feet and eleven and four-tenths (11.4) feet above grade. The location of said privilege shall be as

(Continued on page 98314) 98313 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES

Ordmance associated witii this drawing printed on page 98312 of this Joumal


(Continued from page 98312)

shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office ofEmergency Management and Communications. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057580 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date. Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawirtg referred to irt this ordirtance prirtted Ort page 98315 of this Journal]

King Kold L.L.C.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to King Kold L.L.C, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordinance, to construct, install, maintain and use one (1) inspectiort manhole in the public right-of-way adjacertt to its premises knovim as 837 North Avenue. Said inspectiort manhole shall measure four (4) feet in diameter and eleven (11) feet irt depth. Precast cortcrete irtspectiort manhole shall service the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District for the purposes of sampling. Inspection manhole shall be located irt the public sidewalk aloug North Califomia Avertue approximately three hurtdred severtty (370) feet rtorth of West Chicago Avenue. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prirtt hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Manhole shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Water Managemertt and Department of Transportatiort.

(Contirtued ou page 98316) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98315

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98312 and 98314 of this Joumal

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(Contirtued from page 98314)

This grartt of privUege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Murticipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057056 herein granted the sum of Four Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($400.00) per anrtum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for paymertts received after due date. Authority hereirt givert and grartted for a period of five (5) years from and after Date of Passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed Ort page 98317 of this Journal]

Kinzie Street Chop House.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to Kinzie Street Chop House, upou the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintairt and use six (6) existing light fixtures projectirtg over the public right-of- way adjacertt to its premises knowrt as 400 North Wells Street. Three (3) decorative light fixtures shall be located aloug North Wells Street. Each light fixture shall measure two (2) feet in length and one (1) foot irt width. Three (3) decorative Ught fixtures shall be located along West Kinzie Street. Each Ught fixture shall measure two (2) feet in lertgth and one (1) foot in width.

Light fixtures have been cortStructed iu accordance vidth plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications and the Department of Streets and Sanitation. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance.

(Continued on page 98318) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98317

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98314 and 98316 of this Joumal



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(Contirtued from page 98316)

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1055565 herein granted the sum of Four Hundred Fifty and no/ 100 Dollars ($450.00) per anrtum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for paymertts received after due date. Authority hereirt givert artd granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawirtg referred to irt this ordinance printed Ort page 98319 of this Journal]

Kitsch'n On Roscoe.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Kitsch'n On Roscoe, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordirtance, to maintairt and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjacertt to its premises knovim as 2005 West Roscoe Street. Said sign shall be eight and twenty-five hundredths (8.25) feet in lertgth and one and nirte-tertths (1.9) feet irt height for a total of fifteert artd sixty-eight huudredths (15.68) square feet and twelve and rtirte- tertths (12.9) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shovim on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be cortstructed iu accordance with specificatiorts artd plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communicatiort s. This grartt of privilege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057417 hereirt granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

(Contirtued ort page 98320) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98319

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98316 and 98318 of this Joumal 98320 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Contirtued from page 98318)

A twertty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for paymertts received after due date. Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordirtance printed Ort page 98321 of this Journal]

Labor Temps, Inc. (2147 North Westem Avertue)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Labor Temps, Inc., upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintairt and use one (1) sign projecting over the public right-of-way attached to its premises knowrt as 2147 North Westerrt Avertue. Said sign shall measure eight and two-tenths (8.2) feet irt width and five and severtty-five huudredths (5.75) feet irt height for a total of forty-severt and fifteen-hundredths (47.15) square feet. Height from grade shall be twelve and eight-tenths (12.8) feet. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as showrt on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part ofthis ordirtartce. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergertcy Martagemertt and Communicatiorts. This grartt of privilege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privUege Number 1056491 hereirt grartted the sum ofThree Huudred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date. Authority hereirt givert artd granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98322 of this Journal] 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98321

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98318 and 98320 of this Joumal


Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98320 of this Joumal


2 1/2* X 2 1/2" x^4' GALV STL ANGLE <2 RED'



5 X 5 li 3/fl' GALV STL ANGLE 3' -2' LDND

2>tf-a/A C *<^ 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98323

Labor Temps, Inc. (3247 West 26*^ Street)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Labor Temps, Inc., upou the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordirtance, to maintairt and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjacertt to its premises krtovim as 3247 West 26*^ Street. Said sign shall be eight (8) feet in lertgth artd four and six-tenths (4.6) feet in height for a total of thirty-six and eight-tenths (36.8) square feet. The location of said privUege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinartce. Said privilege shall be cortstructed iu accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Managemertt and Commurtications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Muuicipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057334 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordirtance printed Ort page 98324 of this Journal]

The Latin School Of Chicago.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to The Latin School ofChicago, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordirtance, to construct, iustall, mairttairt and use two (2) irrigation systems berteath the public

(Corttirtued Ort page 98325) 98324 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordirtance associated with this dravidng printed on page 98323 of this Joumal

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A ^__^ *^SC»t\»JMult. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98325

(Contirtued from page 98323)

right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovim as 45 West North Boulevard. Said irrigation systems shall be uuder the parkway and described as follows: Under and along the parkway on North Dearbom Street, said irrigatiort system shall measure sixty-eight (68) feet, oue (1) irtch irt lertgth artd rtirte (9) feet irt width. Urtder and along the parkway on North Dearborrt Street, said irrigatiort system shall measure eighty-two (82) feet, one (1) inch irt lertgth and nirte (9) feet irt width.

The locatiort of said privilege shall be as showrt ort prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinartce. Irrigatiort systems shall be constructed in accordance vidth plans and specifications approved by the Departmertt of Water Management and the Office ofEmergency Managemertt and Communications. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Muuicipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1053914 herein granted the sum of Eight Hundred Forty-six and rto/100 Dollars ($846.00) per annum, in advance. A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for pajmients received after due date. Authority herein givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordirtartce prirtted Ort page 98326 of this Journal]

Las Islas Marias.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby givert and granted to Las Islas Marias, upon the terms and subject to the couditiorts of this ordirtartce, to

(Corttinued ou page 98327) 98326 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98323 and 98325 of this Joumal 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98327

(Continued from page 98325)

maintairt and use oue (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovim as 5401 South Pulaski Road. Said sign shall be six (6) feet irt lertgth and eight (8) feet in height for a total of forty-eight (48) square feet and ten and five- tenths (10.5) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part of this ordinartce. Said privilege shall be cortstructed irt accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Managemertt artd Communicatiorts. This grartt of privilege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Muuicipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057337 hereirt grartted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date. Authority herein given cmd granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to irt this ordirtance printed on page 98328 of this Journal]

Lazo's Tacos Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Lazo's Tacos Inc., upou the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign projecting over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovim as 2009 North Western Avertue. Said sign shall be eight (8) feet in lertgth artd twelve (12) feet irt height for a total of ninety-six (96) square feet. Height from grade shall be twelve (12) feet. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergertcy Martagemertt and Communicatiorts.

(Continued on page 98329) 98328 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this dravidng printed on pages 98325 and 98327 of this Joumal


Z. n i. D iX J I

"v= h\ 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98329

(Contirtued from page 98327)

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Muuicipal Code ofChicago. The grarttee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1057091 hereirt granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advartce. A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for paymertts received after due date. Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98330 of this Journal]

Linen La Casa Bonita.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Linert La Casa Bortita, upou the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordinance, to maintain artd use oue (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovim as 3507 West 26"" Street. Said sigrt shall be five (5) feet irt lertgth and ten (10) feet irt height for a total of fifty (50) square feet and twelve (12) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shovim on prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed iu accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Managemertt and Communicatiorts. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Murticipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057519 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per anrtum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmiertts received after due date.

(Corttirtued Ort page 98331) 98330 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordirtance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98327 and 98329 of this Joumal


(Contirtued from page 98329)

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to irt this ordinartce prirtted Ort page 98332 of this Journal]

Loyola University Of Chicago.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort artd authority are hereby giveu artd granted to Loyola University of Chicago, upon the terms and subject to the couditiorts of this ordirtartce, to mairttairt and use, as now constructed, one (1) manhole irt the public right-of-way adjacertt to its premises known as 6525 North Sheridan Road. Said plumbing manhole shall measure four (4) feet in diameter. Plumbiug manhole shall connect the building service liues to the City of Chicago water lirtes. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as showrt ort prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Manhole has been constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Transportation and the Department of Water Managemertt. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1055141 hereirt granted the sum of Four Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($400.00) per anrtum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for paymertts received after due date. Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after September 12, 2006.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98333 of this Journal] 98332 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98329 and 98331 of this Joumal


10 FT

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(^ 2/7/2007 REPORTS OP COMMITTEES 98333

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98331 of this Joumal



5 -'« X! 98334 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

M & Z Dollar Market Plus Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission artd authority are hereby giveu artd granted to M 8s Z Dollar Market Plus Inc., upon the terms and subject to the couditiorts of this ordirtance, to maintairt and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjacertt to its premises knowrt as 3150 West Cermak Road. Said sign shaU be six (6) feet irt length and four and five-tenths (4.5) feet irt height for a total of twertty-severt (27) square feet and twelve (12) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance vidth specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Managemertt artd Commurticatiorts. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057577 hereirt granted the sum ofThree Hundred and rto/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advartce. A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for payments received after due date. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98335 of this Journal]

Mr. John E. Maloney.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to John E. Maloney, upou the terms artd subject to the couditiorts of this ordirtance, to maintairt and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovim as 1334 West Devon Avenue. Said sign shall be five (5) feet irt lertgth artd three (3) feet in height for a total of fifteen (15) square feet and ten (10) feet above

(Corttirtued Ort page 98336) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98335

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98334 of this Joumal




/^ r^ ^ f > 98336 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Contirtued from page 98334)

grade level. The locatiort of said privUege shall be as shown on prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privUege shall be constructed irt accordartce with specificatiorts and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communicatiorts. This grartt of privilege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Murticipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057586 hereirt granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date. Authority hereirt given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to irt this ordirtance printed on page 98337 of this Journal]

Mercy Hospital & Medical Center.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given artd granted to Mercy Hospital & Medical Center, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordirtance, to construct, install, maintain and use one (1) kiosk (sign) on the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 2500 South Dr. Martiu Luther Kirtg Jr., Drive. Said kiosk (sigrt) shall measure sixty-three (63) iuches in length, one (1) foot, eleven (11) inches in depth and have a height of fifteen (15) feet, three (3) inches. Kiosk (sign) shall be located on the parkway approximately twertty-two (22) irtches from the face ofthe curb, one hundred twertty-six (126) feet west of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive and on the south side of East 25* Street. The location of said privilege shall be as shovim on prirtt hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and make a part of this ordinance. Kiosk (sign) shall be cortstructed irt accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergency Managemertt and Communications.

(Contirtued on page 98338) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98337

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98334 and 98336 of this Joumal

^1 \\T««i(ne5K\(u* yiwtPi. HP/w / WoAm*^ confer ^^ '' Devon ^ «VA/n^

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.<^^^ CriPib^\h\1 R^x^^^772^)7t4'-(lot^ ./v" 98338 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Contirtued from page 98336)

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1055747 herein granted the sum of Four Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($400.00) per aurtum, irt advartce. A twertty-five percertt (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date. Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed Ort page 98339 of this Journal]

Mid America Bank.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to Mid America Bank, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign projectirtg over the public right-of-way adjaceut to its premises known as 1955 North Damen Avenue. Said sign shall measure teu (10) feet irt viddth artd tert (10) feet irt height for a total of orte huudred (100) square feet. Height from grade shall be tweuty (20) feet. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as showrt on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed iu accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Office ofEmergency Management and Communicatiorts. This grant of privilege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1056527 herein granted the sum ofThree Huudred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per anrtum, in advance.

(Contirtued ou page 98340) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98339

Ordirtance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98336 and 98338 of this Joumal



(Contirtued from page 98338)

A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date. Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to irt this ordirtance printed on page 98341 of this Journal]

Midas Muffler.

Be It Ordained hy the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permissiort artd authority are hereby given and granted to Midas Muffler, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordirtance, to maintairt and use two (2) signs over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 3618 North Halsted Street. The first said sign shall be ten (10) feet irt lertgth and seven (7) feet in height and thirteen (13) feet above grade level. The second shall be six (6) feet in length and three (3) feet in height and nirte (9) feet above grade level for a total of eighty-eight (88) square feet. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed iu accordance vidth specifications and plans approved by the Office ofEmergency Management and Communicatiorts. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057391 hereirt granted the sum of Six Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($600.00) per anrtum, iu advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date. Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98342 of this Journal] 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98341

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98338 and 98340 of this Joumal



1^2 +• e*:i«'.v t k H-f-h 98342 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98340 of this Joumal

C///CA(^0, It Q>0^\3

Sv^ii sxeitsrute-

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JL-j£|^-^(^._-.t/X I r >\ , 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98343

Motorcycle Riding School Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby giveu and granted to Motorcycle Riding School Inc., upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordinance, to maintairt and use one (1) banner over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1400 North Halsted Street. Said banrter shall be six (6) feet irt lertgth artd four (4) feet iu height for a total of twertty-four (24) square feet and fifteen (15) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shovim on print hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated artd made a part of this ordirtance. Said privUege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office ofEmergency Management and Communicatiorts and the Department ofTransportation.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Murticipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057450 herein granted the sum of One Huudred and no/100 Dollars ($100.00) per anrtum, in advance.

A twenty-five percertt (25%) pertalty vidll be added for paymertts received after due date.

Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawirtg referred to irt this ordinance printed Ort page 98344 of this Journal]

Naty's Pizza Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Naty's Pizza Inc., upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordirtartce, to

(Contirtued on page 98345) 98344 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98343 of this Joumal 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98345

(Continued from page 98343)

maintairt and use two (2) sigus over the public right-of-way adjacertt to its premises knovim as 3849 West 26* Street. Said signs shall be four (4) feet iu lertgth and two (2) feet irt height artd twelve (12) feet above grade level. The second shall be two (2) feet in lertgth and eight (8) feet in height artd fourteeu and six- tenths (14.6) above grade level for a total of twertty-four (24) square feet. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby irtcorporated artd made a part ofthis ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordartce vidth specificatiorts artd plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communicatiorts.

This grartt of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Murticipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057259 hereirt grartted the sum of Six Huudred artd rto/100 Dollars ($600.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date.

Authority hereirt given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidrtg referred to irt this ordirtartce prirtted Ort page 98346 of this Journal]

Netty's Furniture.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby giveu and granted to Netty's Furniture, upou the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordinance, to maintairt and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjacertt to its premises

(Corttinued on page 98347) 98346 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98343 and 98345 of this Joumal



b 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98347

(Contirtued from page 98345)

knowrt as 4001 South Archer Avenue. Said sigrt shall be four (4) feet irt length and six (6) feet in height for a total of twenty-four (24) square feet and fifteen (15) feet above grade level. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as shown on prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part of this ordinartce. Said privilege shall be cortstructed iu accordartce with specificatiorts artd plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communicatiorts.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Murticipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057632 herein granted the sum of Three Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per anrtum, irt advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority hereirt givert artd granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to irt this ordirtance printed on page 98348 of this Journal]

New Halsted Motel

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to New Halsted Motel, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintairt and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjacertt to its premises krtowrt as 8220 South Halsted Street. Said sigu shall be fourteen (14) feet in lertgth and nine (9) feet in height for a total of one hundred tweuty-six (126) square feet and twelve (12) feet above grade level. The location of said privUege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated artd

(Continued on page 98349) 98348 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98345 and 98347 of this Joumal

Iz 0) o CO z u. O < ill


U. Ill OE 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98349

(Continued from page 98347)

made a part ofthis ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed iu accordance with specifications artd plems approved by the Office of Emergertcy Management and Communicatiorts.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Murticipal Code ofChicago.

The grarttee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privUege Number 1057463 hereirt granted the sum of Three Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Authority hereirt given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawirtg referred to irt this ordirtartce prirtted on page 98350 of this Journal]

North Avenue Collection, L.L.C.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to North Avenue Collection, L.L.C, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordinance, to construct, install, maintairt and use six (6) planters on the public right-of-way for beautification purposes adjacertt to its premises krtowrt as 939 West North Avertue. Said planters shall be fifteen (15) feet in length and three (3) feet in width. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as shovim ort prirtt hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinartce. Grantee must allow at least six (6) feet of clear and unobstructed space for pedestrian passage at all times. Said privilege shall be constructed iu accordance vidth plans and specifications approved by the Office ofEmergency Management, the Department of Transportatiort and the Department of Planrtirtg and Development.

(Contirtued ou page 98351) 98350 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this dravidng printed on pages 98347 and 98349 of this Joumal



(Contirtued from page 98349)

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1055573 herein granted the sum of Zero and no/100 Dollars ($0.00) per annum, in advance.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawirtg referred to irt this ordirtance printed on page 98352 of this Journal]

North Beach, Jet, Hogs And Honeys.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to North Beach, Jet, Hogs and Honeys, upon the terms aud subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjacertt to its premises krtowrt as 1551 North Sheffield Avertue. Said sigrt shall be six (6) feet irt lertgth and six (6) feet in height for a total of thirty-six (36) square feet and twelve (12) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as showrt Ort print hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated artd made a part of this ordirtance. Said privUege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Commurticatiorts.

This grant of privilege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privUege Number 1057414 herein grartted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advartce.

(Corttirtued Ort page 98353) 98352 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordirtance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98349 and 98351 of this Joumal

'^.•v>3ii^vr^^'\: Vo

•X \\ ,-•• •• "K .^;>AfV:y >r. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98353

(Contirtued from page 98351)

A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordirtance printed Ort page 98354 of this Journal]

O 'Callaghan's.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort artd authority are hereby given and granted to O'CaUaghart's, upou the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordirtance, to maintairt and use oue (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 29 West Hubbard Street. Said sign shall be six (6) feet irt lertgth and rtirte and four-tenths (9.4) feet in width for a total of fifty-six and four-tenths (56.4) square feet and nirte and four-tenths (9.4) feet in width for a total of fifty-six and four-tenths (56.4) square feet and nirte and four-tenths (9.4) feet above grade level. The locatiort of said privUege shall be as shovim on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privUege shall be constructed in accordartce with specificatiorts and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Martagemertt and Communicatiorts.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Murticipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privUege Number 1057314 herein granted the sum of Three Hundred artd rto/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advartce.

A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for paymertts received after due date.

(Corttirtued Ort page 98355) 98354 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordmance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98351 and 98353 of this Journal

S,S 5 'S IuS vo G-^rO f P!"

is 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98355

(Contirtued from page 98353)

Authority hereirt given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinartce prirtted Ort page 98356 of this Journal]


Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort artd authority are hereby giveu and granted to Ollies, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knowrt as 1064 West Berwjm Avenue. Said sigrt shall be six (6) feet irt lertgth and ten (10) feet irt height for a total of sixty (60) square feet and twelve (12) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown ort prirtt hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Managemertt and Communicatiorts.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Murticipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privUege Number 1057623 herein granted the sum of Three Hundred aud rto/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordirtance prirtted Ort page 98357 of this Journal] 98356 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98353 and 98355 of this Joumal

^^\ \ ^ \ N \

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a'"1 5-x " 1 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98357

Ordinance associated with this dravidng printed on page 98355 of this Joumal 98358 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Omar Oriental Rugs.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given artd granted to Omar Oriental Rugs, upou the terms artd subject to the cortditions of this ordirtance, to maintairt and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises krtowrt as 3039 North Lirtcolrt Avenue. Said sign shall be fourteen and eight- tenths (14.8) feet in lertgth and nirte and six-tenths (9.6) feet in width for a total of one hundred forty-two and eight-hundredths (142.08) square feet and seventeert (17) feet above grade level. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as showrt Ort prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part of this ordirtance. Said privilege shall be in accordartce with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communicatiorts.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057322 hereirt granted the sum of Three Hundred and rto/100 Dollars ($300.00) per aurtum, irt advance.

A twenty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date.

Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to irt this ordirtartce prirtted Ort page 98359 of this Joumal]

Penny's Noodle Shop.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to Penrty's Noodle Shop, upou the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to

(Contirtued on page 98360) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98359

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98358 of this Joumal

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^t^e" uiifkLX 98360 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Continued from page 98358)

maintain and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjacertt to its premises knowrt as 1542 North Damert Avertue. Said sigrt shall be three and six-tenths (3.6) feet in lertgth artd tert (10) feet irt height for a total of thirty-six (36) square feet and ten (10) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as showrt ort prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privUege shall be constructed in accordance vidth specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Martagemertt and Communicatiorts.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057652 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) pertalty will be added for paymertts received after due date.

Authority hereirt givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to irt this ordirtance printed on page 98361 of this Journal]

The Polish Store Chicago.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission artd authority are hereby giveu and granted to The Polish Store Chicago, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent

(Contirtued ort page 98362) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98361

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98358 and 98360 of this Joumal

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^{t>B\Mf<^^ 98362 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Contirtued from page 98360)

to its premises known as 3069 North Milwaukee Avenue. Said sigu shall be five (5) feet irt lertgth and five (5) feet in height for a total of twenty-five (25) square feet, eleven (11) feet above grade level. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as showrt Ort prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed iu accordartce with specificatiorts and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Martagemertt artd Commurticatiorts.

This grartt of privUege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Muuicipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057722 herein grartted the sum of Three Huudred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for paymertts received after due date.

Authority hereiu givert artd grartted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98363 of this Journal]

Polish Video, Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to Polish Video, Inc., upou the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordirtance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knowrt as 5231 West Belmont Avenue. Said sign shall be six (6) feet in lertgth and six (6) feet in height for a total of thirty-six (36) square feet aud fourteeu (14) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prirtt hereto

(Continued on page 98364) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98363

Ordinartce associated with this drawirtg printed on pages 98360 and 98362 of this Joumal 98364 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Contirtued from page 98362)

attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated artd made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed iu accordance vidth specificatiorts artd plans approved by the Office ofEmergency Managemertt artd Communicatiorts.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Muuicipal Code ofChicago.

The grarttee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1057352 hereiu granted the sum of Three Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per aurtum, irt advartce.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordirtance printed Ort page 98365 of this Journal]

Prompt Electric.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to Prompt Electric, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordinance, to maintairt and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjaceut to its premises known as 3823 North Kedzie Avenue. Said sign shall be four (4) feet iu lertgth artd three (3) feet in width for a total of twelve (12) square feet and ten (10) feet above grade level. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as showrt ort print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Said privilege shall be in accordance vidth specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Managemertt and Communicatiorts.

(Continued on page 98366) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98365

Ordinance associated with this dravidng printed on pages 98362 and 98364 of this Joumal

POLISH-AMERICAN VIDEO (773)725-1025 Height of Structure 6'

Length of Depth of Structure 6ft Structur••e i6'

Total depth over Building line Public Way 6ft

Height above ground 14' 98366 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Contirtued from page 98364)

This grant of privilege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057297 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred aud rto/100 Dollars ($300.00) per aurtum, irt advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date. Authority herein given and gremted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordirtartce prirtted on page 98367 of this Journal]

Pucd's Restaurant & Pizzeria.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Pucci's Restaurant & Pizzeria, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordinance, to maintairt and use oue (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises krtown as 10063 South Evidng Avenue. Said sign shall be nine (9) feet in length and four (4) feet in height for a total of thirty-six (36) square feet and eleven (11) feet above grade level. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as showrt Ort print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated artd made a part of this ordirtance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specificatiorts and plans approved by the Office of Emergertcy Management and Commurtications. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057633 hereiu granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per anrtum, iu advance.

(Continued on page 98368) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98367

Ordinartce associated with this drawirtg printed on pages 98364 and 98366 of this Joumal

3823 N. Kedzie Ave. Chicago, IL 60618

Prompt Electric, Inc. HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE




(Contirtued from page 98366)

A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinartce prirtted on page 98369 of this Joumal]

Rique's Regional Mexican Food.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Rique's Regional Mexican Food, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordirtance, to maintairt and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjaceut to its premises krtovim as 5004 North Sheridan Road. Said sign shall be eight (8) feet irt lertgth and ten (10) feet in height for a total of eighty (80) square feet and ten (10) feet above grade level. The locatiort of said privUege shall be as showrt ort prirtts hereto attached, which by referertce are hereby irtcorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed iu accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Martagemertt and Communications. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057466 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date. Authority herein givert artd grartted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidngs referred to irt this ordirtance printed on pages 98370 through 98371 of this Joumal] 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98369

Ordinance associated with this dravidng printed on pages 98366 and 98368 of this Joumal 98370 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98368 of this Joumal 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98371

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98368 of this Joumal

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Roscoe's Tavern Ltd.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission artd authority are hereby givert and granted to Roscoe's Tavern Ltd., upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordirtartce, to mairttairt and use four (4) existing light fixtures projectirtg over the public right-of- way adjacertt to its premises known as 3354 — 3356 North Halsted Street. Said light fixtures shall be one (1) foot in lertgth and orte and six-tenths (1.6) feet irt width. Light fixtures shall be fifteeu (15) feet above grade alortg West Roscoe Street. Light fixtures have beeu cortstructed iu accordance with plans and specificatiorts approved by the Departmertt of Streets and Sanitation and the Office of Emergertcy Management and Communicatiorts. The locatiou of said privUege shall be as showrt Ort print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinartce. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privUege Number 1056553 hereiu grartted the sum ofThree Huudred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for paymertts received after due date. Authority hereiu given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordirtance printed on page 98373 of this Journal]


Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Rosebud- Rush, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordirtartce, to mairttairt and use ten (10) existing light fixtures projecting over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovim as 55 East Superior Street. Said Ught fixtures shall

(Continued on page 98374) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98373

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98372 of this Joumal


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(Contirtued from page 98372)

measure tweuty-two (22) irtches irt lertgth and eight (8) inches irt width and shall be six (6) feet, five (5) inches above grade alortg East Superior Street. Light fixtures have beeu cortstructed iu accordance vidth plans and specifications approved by the Department ofStreets and Sanitation and the Office of Emergertcy Martagemertt and Communicatiorts. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. This grant of privUege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1056655 herein granted the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($750.00) per anrtum, in advartce. A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date. Authority hereiu givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinartce printed on page 98375 of this Journal]

Ruby Room Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to Ruby Room Irtc, upou the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinartce, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 1743 West Division Street. Said sigrt shall be five (5) feet irt lertgth and five (5) feet irt height for a total of twertty-five (25) square feet and twertty (20) feet above grade level. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as shown ort prirtt hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privUege shall be constructed in accordance vidth specificatiorts and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Managemertt and Commuuicatiorts.

(Corttinued on page 98376) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98375

Ordinartce associated with this drawirtg prirtted Ort pages 98372 and 98374 of this Joumal



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(Contirtued from page 98374)

This grant of privilege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057348 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advartce.

A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for paymertts received after due date.

Authority hereiu givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawirtg referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98377 of this Journal]

St. Louis Auto Body.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to St. Louis Auto Body, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordirtance, to mairttairt and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises krtOwn as 3425 North Pulaski Road. Said sigu shall be four (4) feet iu lertgth and four (4) feet in height for a total of sixteert (16) square feet aud twelve (12) feet above grade level. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as showrt ort prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part of this ordirtance. Said privilege shall be constructed iu accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergertcy Management and Communicatiorts.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057650 hereiu granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

(Continued on page 98378) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98377

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98374 and 98376 of this Joumal


S/a^i^^cf^ 98378 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Contirtued from page 98376)

A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty vidll be added for pajmiertts received after due date. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordirtance printed Ort page 98379 of this Journal]

Silver Cloud.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to Silver Cloud, upon the terms artd subject to the couditiorts ofthis ordirtance, to maintairt and use one (1) sign projecting over the public right-of-way attached to its premises known as 1700 North Damen Avenue. Said sign shall measure six (6) feet in lertgth and six (6) feet in height for a total of thirty-six (36) square feet and shall be twelve and three-tertths (12.3) feet above grade. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as showrt Ort prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privUege shall be constructed in accordance vidth specifications and plans approved by the Office ofEmergency Management and Communicatiorts. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Muuicipal Code ofChicago. The grarttee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compeusatiort for the privilege Number 1055715 hereiu grartted the sum ofThree Huudred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advartce. A twertty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordirtance printed on page 98380 of this Journal] 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98379

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98376 and 98378 of this Joumal 98380 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98378 of this Joumal

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— ^itlt.LWrl|ci . 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98381


Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and grartted to Sluggers, upou the terms and subject to the couditiorts ofthis ordirtance, to maintairt and use nine (9) existing Ught fixtures projecting over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knowrt as 3540 North Clark Street.

Four (4) light fixtures shall be located aloug North Clark Street. Each light fixture shall measure four (4) feet in length and one (1) foot in width and shall be forty (40) feet above grade.

Five (5) light fixtures shaU be located along West Eddy Street. Each light fixture shall measure four (4) feet in length and one (1) foot irt width artd shall be forty (40) feet above grade.

Light fixtures have been constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergertcy Management and Communications and the Department of Streets and Sanitatiort. The location of said privilege shall be as showrt Ort prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part of this ordinartce.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1056647 herein granted the sum of Six Hundred Seventy-five and no/100 Dollars ($675.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for paymertts received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidrtg referred to irt this ordirtartce prirtted on page 98382 of this Journal] 98382 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing prirtted on page 98381 of this Joumal




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Cx_^v^\^ ^T- 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98383

Staubers Ace Hardware Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Staubers Ace Hardware Inc., upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordirtance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovim as 3911 North Lincolrt Avertue. Said sigu shall be forty-severt artd rtirte-tertths (47.9) feet irt lertgth and one (1) foot irt height for a total of forty-severt and nirte-tertths (47.9) square feet and nirte and four-tenths (9.4) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby irtcorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Managemertt and Communicatiorts.

This grartt of privilege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privUege Number 1057651 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advartce.

A twertty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordirtance printed Ort page 98384 of this Journal]

Supermercado El Mexicano.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Supermercado El Mexicano, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this

(Continued on page 98385) 98384 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98383 of this Joumal

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\<. ^T u J c^ 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98385

(Contirtued from page 98383)

ordinartce, to mairttairt and use seven (7) sigrts over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knowrt as 6701 — 6703 North Clark Street. Said signs shall be four (4) at eight (8) feet in length and four (4) feet in height, two (2) at six (6) feet irt lertgth and four (4) feet in height and one (1) at six (6) feet irt length and six (6) feet in height for a total of one huudred forty-eight (148) square feet aud tert (10) feet above grade level. The locatiort of said privUege shall be as shovim on print hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part of this ordinartce. Said privUege shall be in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communicatiorts.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Muuicipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057298 herein granted the sum of Two Thousand One Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($2,100.00) per annum, in advance.

A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty vidll be added for pajmiertts received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to irt this ordirtance printed on page 98386 of this Journal]

T H Q Windows & Glass.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to T H Q Windows 85 Glass, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintairt and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjaceut to its

(Corttirtued Ort page 98387) 98386 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordirtartce associated with this drawing printed on pages 98383 and 98385 of this Joumal 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98387

(Continued from page 98385)

premises knovim as 3217 North Cicero Avenue. Said sign shall be fifteert (15) and seven-tertths (15.7) feet irt lertgth and two and nirte-tertths (2.9) feet irt height for a total of forty-five artd fifty-three huudredths (45.53) square feet aud rtirte (9) feet above grade level. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as shown ort prirtt hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incoiporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance vidth specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Martagemertt artd Commuuicatiorts.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057423 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98388 of this Journal]

Taxpol Corporation.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to Taxpol Corporation, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordirtance, to maintairt and use one (1) sigrt over the public right-of-way adjaceut to its premises krtowrt as 5421 West Belmortt Avertue. Said sigrt shall be severt (7) feet irt lertgth artd three (3) feet irt height for a total of twertty-orte (21) square feet and twelve and four-tenths (12.4) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as

(Continued on page 98389) 98388 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98385 and 98387 of this Joumal 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98389

(Contirtued from page 98387)

shown on prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed iu accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office ofEmergency Managemertt and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1057462 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per aurtum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) pertalty vidll be added for pajmiertts received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98390 of this Journal]

Thor Palmer House Hotel & Shops, L.L.C.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to Thor Palmer House Hotel 86 Shops, L.L.C, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintairt and use four (4) planters on the public right-of-way for beautification purposes adjacent to its premises known as 119 South State Street. Said planters shall be one (1) at twenty-rtirte (29) feet irt lertgth and seven (7) feet in viddth, two (2) at elevert (11) feet irt lertgth and seven (7) feet in viddth, and one (1) at twelve (12) feet in lertgth and seven (7) feet in width for a total of three hundred sixty-four (364) square feet. All planters must allow at least six (6) feet of unobstructed clear walk space. The location of said privilege shall be as shovim on

(Continued on page 98391) 98390 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated vidth this dravidng printed on pages 98387 and 98389 of this Joumal

UJ > h z o


(Contirtued from page 98389)

prirtt hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Department of Transportation, the Department of Planrtirtg and Development artd the Office of Emergertcy Management and Communicatiorts.

This grant of privilege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057046 herein granted the sum of Zero and no/100 Dollars ($0.00) per annum, in advance.

Authority herein givert and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98392 of this Journal]

The University Of Chicago (File Number 56). (Conduits)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to The University of Chicago (File Number 56), upon the terms and subject to the couditiorts of this ordirtance, to maintain and use, as now constructed, four (4) cortduits Urtder the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 5640 South EUis Avenue. Said conduits shall be described as follows:

Conduit Number 1 street crossing: South Ellis Avenue approximately two (2) feet south ofthe south curb line of West 56*^ Street. Said conduit shall measure approximately seventy (70) feet in length artd orte (1) foot irt width and have a depth of four (4) feet to the centerlirte ofthe cortduits.

(Continued on page 98393) 98392 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98389 and 98391 of this Joumal

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(Contirtued from page 98391)

Cortduits Number 2 and Number 3 from the southwest comer of East 56'^ Street artd South Ellis Avenue, north to 5530 South Ellis Avenue street crossing: East 56* Street approximately two (2) feet west of the west curb line of South EUis Aveuue; leugth approximately fifty (50) feet from the vault to the opposite property line. Said conduits shall measure approximately four hundred fifty (450) feet in lertgth and one (1) foot irt width and have a depth of four (4) feet to the centerlirte of the cortduits.

Conduit Number 4: 5625 South Ellis Avenue (street crossing across South Ellis Aveuue approximately four huudred twenty-five (425) feet from the north curb line of East 56*^ Street). Said conduit shall measure approximately seventy-five (75) feet in length and one (1) foot irt width and have a depth of four (4) feet to the centerline ofthe conduits.

The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby irtcorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Conduits have been cortstructed irt accordance vidth plans and specificatiorts approved by the Departmertt of Trartsportation and the Office of Emergertcy Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1054450 hereiu granted the sum of Two Thousand Four Hundred Sixteen and no/ 100 Dollars ($2,416.00) per aurtum, irt advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after May 17, 2005.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98394 of this Journal] 98394 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this dravidng printed on pages 98391 and 98393 of this Joumal 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98395

The University Of Chicago (File Number 56). (Pipes)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to The University of Chicago (File Number 56), upou the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use, as now cortstructed, nine (9) steam and condertsate pipes berteath the public right-of-way adjaceut to its premises known as 5640 South Ellis Avenue. Said steam and cortdertsate pipes shall be described as follows:

Three (3) steam and condensate pipes shall be under the west sidewalk of South Ellis Avenue, from 5640 South Ellis Avenue north to the southwest comer of South EUis Avenue and East 56* Street and measure approximately three hundred twenty-five (325) feet in length, four (4) feet, six (6) inches in width and have a depth of four (4) feet to the center ofthe pipes.

Three (3) steam and condensate pipes shall be under East 56* Street, from the vault at the southwest comer of East 56* Street and South Ellis Avenue to a poirtt approximately severtty-five (75) feet west of the west curve of South Urtiversity Avertue thert south to the property Une (street crossing: South Ellis Avenue approximately two (2) feet south of the south curb Une of West 56* Street; length approximately seventy (70) feet from the vault to the opposite property Une). Steam and condertsate pipes shall measure approximately eight huudred tert (810) feet irt lertgth, four (4) feet, six (6) iuches in viddth and have a depth of four (4) feet to the centerline ofthe pipes.

Three (3) steam and condertsate pipes shall be under East 56* Street, from the southwest corner of East 56* Street and South EUis Avenue north to 5530 South EUis Avenue (street crossing: East 56* Street approximately two (2) feet west ofthe west curb Une of South Ellis Avenue; length approximately fifty (50) feet from the vault to the property line). Steam and condertsate pipes shall measure approximately four hundred fifty (450) feet in length, four (4) feet, six (6) inches in width and a depth of four (4) feet to the center ofthe pipes.

The locatiort of said privilege shall be as shovim ort prirtt hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Pipes have been cortstructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the 98396 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Office of Emergency Martagemertt and Communicatiorts and the Department of Water Management.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1054597 herein granted the sum of Two Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy-two and no/100 Dollars ($2,772.00) per anrtum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after May 17, 2005.

[Drawing referred to in this ordirtance printed on page 98397 of this Journal]

The University Of Chicago (File Number 56) (Vaults)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to The University of Chicago (File Number 56), upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordirtartce, to mairttairt and use, as now cortstructed, five (5) existing vaults beneath the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises knovim as 5640 South Ellis Avenue. Said vaults shall be described follows:

Vault Number 1 shall be located on the southwest coruer of East 56* Street and South Ellis Avenue. Vault shall measure fifteen (15) feet in length, twenty-two (22) feet irt width and have a depth of twelve (12) feet.

(Contirtued on page 98398) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98397

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98395 and 98396 of this Journal


(Contirtued from page 98396)

Vault Number 2 shall be located at 5625 South EUis Aveuue. Vault shall measure twenty-two (22) feet in length, six (6) feet in width and have a depth of seven (7) feet.

Vault Number 3 shall be located at 1101 East 56* Street. Vault shall measure twenty-two (22) feet in length, six (6) feet in width and have a depth of seven (7) feet.

Vault Number 4 shall be located at 5630 South University Avertue. Vault shall measure twenty-two (22) feet in length, six (6) feet in width and have a depth of seven (7) feet.

Vault Number 5 shall be located at 5530 South Ellis Aveuue. Vault shall measure fifteeu (15) feet irt lertgth, twertty-two (22) feet irt width and have a depth of twelve (12) feet.

The location of said privUege shall be as shovim on print hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordirtance. Vaults have been constructed in accordance vidth plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communicatiorts.

This grant of privUege irt the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privUege Number 1054451 herein granted the sum of Two Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($2,000.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and grartted for a period of five (5) years from and after May 17, 2005.

[Dravidng referred to irt this ordinance printed on page 98399 of this Journal] 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98399

Ordinance associated vidth this drawing printed on pages 98396 and 98398 of this Joumal 98400 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

The University Of Chicago (File Number 56) (Water Lines)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to The University of Chicago (File Number 56), upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use, as now constructed, two (2) existing chilled water lines beneath the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 5640 South Ellis Avenue. Said chilled water lines shall be described as follows: Chilled water line Number 1 shall be located at 5625 South Ellis Avenue (street crossing: across East 56* Street approximately one hundred seventy-five (175) feet east of the west curb line of South Ellis Avenue. Chilled water Une shall measure approximately sixty-five (65) feet in length, five (5) feet, six (6) inches in width and have a depth of six (6) feet, three (3) inches.

Chilled water line Number 2 shall be located at 5530 South Ellis Avenue (street crossing: across South Ellis Avenue approximately four hundred twenty-five (425) feet from the north curb line of East 56* Street). ChiUed water line shall measure seventy-five (75) feet in lertgth, five (5) feet, six (6) irtches in viddth and have a depth of six (6) feet, three (3) inches.

The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by referertce is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinartce. Water lirtes have beert cortstructed iu accordartce vidth plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications and the Department of Water Managemertt.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 of the Municipal Code of Chicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1054598 herein granted the sum of Eight Hundred and no/ 100 Dollars ($800.00) per anrtum, in advance.

A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after May 17, 2005.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed Ort page 98401 of this Journal] 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98401

Ordinance associated witii this drawing printed on page 98400 of this Joumal 98402 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

University Of Chicago.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to University of Chicago, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts of this ordirtance, to construct, install, maintain and use a steam vault under the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 915 — 919 East 57* Street. Said steam vault shall measure thirty (30) feet in lertgth and fifteen (15) feet in width for a total of four huudred fifty (450) square feet. Steam vault shall be located under and along East 57* Street. Vault shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. This grant of privUege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1054429 herein granted the sum of Four Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($400.00) per annum, in advance. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98403 of this Journal]


Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to Vinci, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintairt artd use six (6) existing Ught fixtures projecting over the public right-of-way adjacent to its

(Continued on page 98404) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98403

Ordingirtce associated with this drawing printed on page 98402 of this Joumal 98404 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Contirtued from page 98402)

premises known as 1732 North Halsted Street. Said light fixtures shall be four (4) feet in lertgth and three (3) feet in viddth. Light fixtures shall be twelve (12) feet above grade along North Halsted Street. Light fixtures have been constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Streets and Sanitatiort and the Office of Emergency Management and Communications. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby irtcorporated artd made a part ofthis ordinance.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1056252 herein granted the sum of Four Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($450.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Dravidng referred to irt this ordinance printed on page 98405 of this Journal]

Volo Restaurant.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted to Volo Restaurant, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises

(Contirtued on page 98406) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98405

Ordinartce associated with this drawing printed on pages 98402 and 98404 of this Joumal

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(Contirtued from page 98404)

knowrt as 2008 West Roscoe Street. Said sign shall be sixteert and rtirte-tenths (16.9) feet irt lertgth artd four (4) feet in height for a total of sixty-seven and six-tenths (67.6) square feet and ten and six-tenths (10.6) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby irtcorporated artd made a part of this ordinance. Said privUege shall be constructed in accordance vidth specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057420 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per anrtum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98407 of this Journal]

Wabash Homes, L.L.C.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to Wabash Homes, L.L.C, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordirtance, to construct, install, maintairt and use two (2) buUding projections over the public

(Continued on page 98408) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98407

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98404 and 98406 of this Joumal 98408 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Contirtued from page 98406)

right-of-way adjaceut to its premises known as 1440 South Wabash Avenue. Said buUding projections (eaves) shall be described as follows:

Along South Wabash Avenue, said buUding projection shall measure approximately two hundred eighty-six (286) feet in length and project out over the public way two (2) feet.

Along East 14* Place, said buUding projection shall measure approximately fifty-nine (59) feet in lertgth artd project out over the public way one (1) foot, four (4) inches.

Both buUding projections shall be approximately forty-eight (48) feet above grade level. The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prints hereto attached, which by reference are hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance. Building projections shall be constructed in accordance vidth plans and specifications approved by the Department of Transportatiort and the Office of Emergency Managemertt and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privUege Number 1057383 herein granted the sum of Eight Hundred and no/ 100 Dollars ($800.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawings referred to in this ordirtance printed ort pages 98409 through 98410 of this Joumal] 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98409

Ordirtance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98406 and 98408 of this Joumal

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Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on pages 98406 and 98408 of this Joumal

z o I i 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98411

Water Tower L.L.C.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby giveu and granted to Water Tower L.L.C, upon the terms and subject to the conditiorts ofthis ordinance, to maintain and use, as uow cortstructed, eight (8) planters on the public right-of-way for beautification purposes adjacent to its premises knovim as 845 North Michigan Avenue. Said planters shall each measure ten (10) feet, eight (8) inches in length and five (5) feet, five (5) inches in width. Planter locations are as follows:

four (4) along North Michigan Avenue;

two (2) along East Chestnut Street; and

two (2) alortg East Pearsort Street.

Grantee must allow nine (9) feet of clear and unobstructed space for pedestrian passage at all times. Planters shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Planning and Development, the Department of Transportatiort and the Office of Emergertcy Management and Communicatiorts. The locatiort of said privilege shall be as shown on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1056521 herein granted the sum of Zero and no/100 Dollars ($0.00) per annum, in advance.

Authority herein given artd grartted for a period of five (5) years from and after May 2, 2006.

[Drawing referred to irt this ordirtance printed on page 98412 of this Journal] 98412 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98411 of this Joumal


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20 West Ontario Condominium Assodation.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby giveu and granted to 20 West Ontario Cortdomirtium Associatiou, upou the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to construct, install, maintairt and use one (1) sign over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 20 West Ontario Street. Said sign shall be seven and five-tenths (7.5) feet in length and fifteen (15) feet in height for a total of one huudred twelve and five-tenths (112.5) square feet and twenty-four (24) feet above grade. The location of said privUege shall be as shovim on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisious of Sectiort 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057687 herein granted the sum ofThree Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per annum, in advance.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98414 of this Journal]

111 West Illinois Street L.L.C.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby giveu and granted to 111 West Illinois Street L.L.C, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance.

(Contirtued ou page 98415) 98414 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing printed on page 98413 of this Joumal 'X


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(Contirtued from page 98413)

to construct, install, maintain and use four (4) planters on the public right-of-way for beautification purposes adjacent to its premises known as 111 West Illinois Street. Said planters shall be described as follows: Along North Clark Street shall be three (3) planters. Each planter shall measure fifteen (15) feet in length ctnd six (6) feet in viddth. Along North LaSalle Street shall be orte (1) planter. Said planter shall measure fifteen (15) feet in length and six (6) feet irt width.

All four (4) planters shall be six (6) inches in height. Grantee must allow at least nine (9) feet of clear and unobstructed space for pedestrian passage at all times. The location of said privilege shall be as shovim on print hereto attached, which by reference is hereby incorporated and made a part ofthis ordinartce. Planters shall be constructed in accordance vidth plans and specifications approved by the Department of Transportation and the Department of Planning and Development. This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago. The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1056963 herein granted the sum of Zero and rto/100 Dollars ($0.00) per annum, in advance. Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawing referred to in this ordirtance printed on page 98416 of this Journal]

400 North LaSalle Condominium Assodation.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Permissiort and authority are hereby given and granted

(Continued on page 98417) 98416 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated vdth this dravidng printed on pages 98413 and 98415 of this Joumal 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98417

(Contirtued from page 98415)

to 400 North LaSalle Coudominium Association, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use four (4) planters on the public right-of-way for beautification purposes adjacent to its premises knovim as 400 North LaSalle Drive. Said planters shall be one (1) at sixty-rtirte (69) feet in length and eight and eight-tertths (8.8) feet in width, one (1) at sixty-rtine (69) feet irt lertgth and five and seven-tenths (5.7) feet irt viddth and two (2) at twenty-eight and three- tertths (28.3) feet irt lertgth artd five and six-tenths (5.6) feet in width.

All planters must allow for six (6) feet of unobstructed clear walk space. The location of said privilege shall be as shown ort prirtts hereto attached, which by referertce are hereby irtcorporated and made a part ofthis ordinance. Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with specifications and plans approved by the Department of Transportatiort, the Departmertt of Plannirtg and Development and the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago.

The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057273 herein granted the sum of Zero and no/100 Dollars ($0.00) per aurtum, in advance.

Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after date of passage.

[Drawirtgs referred to irt this ordirtance omitted for printing purposes but on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk.]


The Committee on Transportatiort and Public Way submitted the following report: 98418 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

CHICAGO, February 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl

Your Committee on Transportation and PubUc Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an amendment to an ordinance passed by the City Council ofthe City ofChicago for Jerusalem Liquors on October 4, 2006 and printed upon page 87766 ofthe Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Coundl of the City of Chicago by deletirtg and adding language regarding number of signs and compensatiort. This ordirtance was referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe Committee, with no dissentirtg vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinartce trartsmitted with the foregoirtg committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwirtkle, Hairstort, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, SoUs, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Rebojras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, ShUler, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The followirtg is said ordirtance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. The ordinartce passed by the City Council of the City of Chicago for Jerusalem Liquors on October 4, 2006 and prirtted upon page 87766 ofthe Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago is hereby amended 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98419

by deleting the words: "Jerusalem Liquors, upon the terms and subject to the conditions ofthis ordinance, to maintairt and use two (2) signs projecting over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 3133 — 3135 West Lawrence Avertue. Said sigrts shall measure four (4) feet in length and six and one-tenth (6.1) feet in height and shall be nirte artd two-tertths (9.2) feet above grade. Six Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($600.00) per annum, in advance" and insertirtg irt their place the words: "Jerusalem Liquors, upon the terms and subject to the couditions ofthis ordinance, to maintairt and use oue (1) existirtg sigrt projectirtg over the public right- of-way adjacent to its premises knowrt as 3133 — 3135 West Lawrence Avenue. Said sign shall measure four (4) feet in length and six and one-tenth (6.1) feet in height and shall be nirte and two-tenths (9.2) feet above grade. Three Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($300.00) per aurtum, in advance".

SECTION 2. This ordinance amendment shall be in effect upon its passage.


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the foUowiug report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Council

Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed orders transmitted herewith to authorize the issuance of permits to various applicants for the installation, maintertance and use of canopies. These orders were referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommendatiort was cortcurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, with no dissentirtg vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman. 98420 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

On motion of Alderman Alien, the said proposed orders transmitted vidth the foregoing committee report were Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Colemau, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, SoUs, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, RebojT"as, Suarez, Matiak, MeU, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Said orders, as passed, read as follows (the italic heading irt each case rtot being a part of the order):

AAA Food: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to AAA Food ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 2700 West 25* Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissiorter of Trartsportatiort artd approved by the Commissiorter of Buildirtgs and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet in length and three (3) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057698 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the evertt the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim corttroversy, damage, persortal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obUgation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98421

privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twertty-five percertt (25%) pertalty will be added for paymertts received after due date.

A S5 D Supermarket: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to A 86 D Supermarket ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 2956 West Madison Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specificatiorts filed with the Commissioner of Transportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet in length and two (2) feet irt viddth. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1057168 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the anrtual compensatiort uutil the CEmopy is removed. The Permittee shall rertew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiratiort. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expertse, claim corttroversy, damage, persortal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Busiuess Affairs artd Licertsirtg at their discretiort vidthout the consent of the Permittee. Upon termirtatiort of the privUege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago. 98422 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised uutil a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Amanah Accounting Service Inc.: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Amanah Accountirtg Service Inc. ("Permittee") to construct, maintairt and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 4042 West Lawrence Avenue for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance vidth the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissioner of Transportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Preventiort. Said canopy shall not exceed twertty-orte and seventy-five hundredths (21.75) feet in lertgth and two (2) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057585 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the evertt the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remairt liable to the City of Chicago for the anrtual compertsatiort uutil the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemrtify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe coustructiort, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligertce of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termirtation of the privilege hereirt granted, by lapse of time or othervidse, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98423

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Ashland Developer Group, L.L.C: Canopies. (100 - 132 South Ashland Avenue)

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Ashland Developer Group, L.L.C. ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use fourteen (14) canopies over the public way attached to the structure located at 100 — 132 South Ashland Avenue for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage in accordartce with the ordirtances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissioner of Transportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Preventiort. Said cartopies shall rtot exceed fourteen (14) at eighteen and rtirte-tertths (18.9) feet irt lertgth and three (3) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privUege Number 1056765 the sum of Seven Hundred and no/100 DoUars ($700.00) per artrtum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, rtevertheless, remairt liable to the City of Chicago for the aurtual compensatiort until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemrtify artd hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintenance or operation of the canopies arisirtg out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort vidthout the consent of the Permittee. Upon terminatiort of the privUege hereirt grartted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies without cost to the City of Chicago. 98424 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has beert approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Ashland Developer Group, L.L.C: Canopies. (1601- 1613 West Monroe Street)

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licertsirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Ashland Developer Group, L.L.C. ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use seven (7) canopies over the public way attached to the structure located at 1601 — 1613 West Monroe Street for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed seven (7) at fifteen and two-tenths (15.2) feet in length and three (3) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1056784 the sum ofThree Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($350.00) per aurtum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the aurtual compensation until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privUege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obUgation arising out ofthe coustructiort, repair, replacemertt, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation of the caoopies arisirtg out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago artd the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort without the cousertt of the Permittee. Uport termirtatiort of the privUege hereirt granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies without cost to the City of Chicago. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98425

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Ashland Developer Group, L.L.C: Canopies. (1631 - 1633 West Ogdeu Avertue)

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Ashland Developer Group, L.L.C. ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use two (2) canopies over the public way attached to the structure located at 1631 — 1633 West Ogden Avertue for a period ofthree (3) years from aud after date of passage irt accordance vidth the ordinartces of the City of Chicago artd the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissioner of Transportatiort artd approved by the Commissiorter of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed two (2) at seventeen and six-tertths (17.6) feet irt lertgth emd three (3) feet in viddth. The Permittee shall pay to the City ofChicago as compensation for the privUege Number 1056786 the sum of One Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($100.00) per annum, in advance.

In the evertt the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remairt Uable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privUege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defeud, irtdemrtify and hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expertse, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obUgation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintertance or operatiort of the canopies arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendmertt, modificatiort or revocatiort by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretion vidthout the cousertt of the Permittee. Uport termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies without cost to the City of Chicago. 98426 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Bears Like Us: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Bears Like Us ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 3732 North Broadway for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance vidth the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed fifteert artd rtirte-tertths (15.9) feet irt lertgth and two (2) feet in viddth. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privUege Number 1055314 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per aurtum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintenartce or operatiort ofthe canopy arisirtg out of and including the passive negligertce of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocatiort by the Mayor of the City of Chicago artd the Director of Busiuess Affairs aud Licertsirtg at their discretiort without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privUege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98427

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for paymertts received after due date.

Bed, Bath & Beyond Of Califomia, L.L.C: Canopy.

It Is Hereby Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Bed, Bath 85 Beyond of California, L.L.C. ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use oue (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 1800 North Clybourn Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after July 30, 2006 in accordance vidth the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissioner of Transportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Preventiort. Said canopy shall not exceed twenty-two and five-tenths (22.5) feet in lertgth artd three and one-tenth (3.1) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1055598 the sum of Fifty aud no/ 100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain Uable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensatiort until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privUege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, persortal irtjury, death, liabiUty judgmeut or obligatiort arisirtg out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintertartce or operatiort of the caoopy arisirtg out of and including the passive negligertce ofthe City ofChicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort without the cousertt of the Permittee. Uport termirtation of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy vidthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing. 98428 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Califomia Pizza Kitchen: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to California Pizza Kitchen ("Permittee") to construct, maintairt and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 52 East Ohio Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissiorter of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal irt charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed forty-eight (48) feet irt lertgth artd five (5) feet in viddth. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1055510 the sum of Seventy-three and no/100 Dollars ($73.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the anrtual compensatiort until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligertce of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon terminatiort of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licertsirtg.

This order has beert approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98429

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date.

Mr. Juan A. Chapa: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Juan A. Chapa ("Permittee") to construct, maintairt and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 3740 — 3746 West Fullerton Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances ofthe City ofChicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissiorter of Transportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed sixty (60) feet in length and three (3) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privUege Number 1057599 the sum of Eighty-five aud rto/ 100 DoUars ($85.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privUege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defertd, irtdemrtify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, persortal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obUgation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendmertt, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licertsirtg at their discretiort without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy vidthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporatiort Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date. 98430 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Chicago Touch: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Chicago Touch ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 1121 North Ashland Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildiugs and the Division Marshal irt charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed six and two-tenths (6.2) feet in length and one and six-tenths (1.6) feet in viddth. The Permittee shall pay to the City ofChicago as compensatiort for the privUege Number 1056280 the sum of Fifty and no/ 100 Dollars ($50.00) per aurtum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the aurtual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expertse, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obUgation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and includiug the passive rtegligertce ofthe City ofChicago. The permit shall be subject to amendmertt, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago. The privUege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing. This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporatiort Counsel of the City of Chicago. A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Dana Liquors, Inc.: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Dana Liquors, Inc. ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98431

one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 3852 South Indiana Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance vidth the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Trartsportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Preveution. Said canopy shall not exceed twertty-five (25) feet irt lertgth artd orte artd eight-tertths (1.8) feet irt width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1057135 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers titie or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege hereirt grartted to the date of expiratiort. The Permittee shall protect, defeud, irtdemrtify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim corttroversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintertartce or operatiort ofthe cartopy arisirtg out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy vidthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have beien issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has beert approved as to form artd legality by the Corporatiort Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmiertts received after due date.

El Barco Restaurant: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to El Barco Restaurant ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 98432 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

1035 North Ashland Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance vidth the ordinances ofthe City ofChicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed fifty-six (56) feet in lertgth and seven (7) feet irt width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compeusatiort for the privilege Number 1055800 the sum of Eighty-one and no/100 Dollars ($81.00) per aurtum, in advance.

In the evertt the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, agairtst and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and includiug the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy vidthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised uutil a permit shall have beert issued by the Director of Busiuess Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

El Mariachi Restaurant, Inc.: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to El Mariachi Restaurant, Inc. ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) caoopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 3420 y2 North Broadway for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98433

in accordance with the ordirtances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissiorter of Transportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed thirteen (13) feet in lertgth and two and six-tenths (2.6) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1057287 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advartce.

Irt the evertt the Permittee trartsfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, rtevertheless, remairt liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privUege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemrtify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabUity judgmeut or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintertance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor ofthe City of Chicago artd the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion vidthout the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Elements In Motion: Canopy.

It Is Hereby Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Elements In Motion ("Permittee") to construct, maintairt and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 2918 North Lincoln Avenue for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage in accordartce vidth the ordirtances of the City of Chicago 98434 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

and the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissioner ofTransportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Preventiort. Said canopy shall not exceed nineteen and five- tenths (19.5) feet in lertgth and one (1) foot irt viddth. The Permittee shall pay to the City ofChicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1056299 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the evertt the Permittee trartsfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensatiort until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privUege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligertce ofthe City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the cousertt of the Permittee. Uport termirtation of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised Urttil a permit shall have beert issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Ewald-Barlock Funeral Home: Canopies.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Ewald-Barlock Funeral Home ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use four (4) canopies over the public way attached to the structure located at 2501 North Southport Avenue for a period ofthree (3) years from and after September 15, 2006 in accordance with the ordinances ofthe City ofChicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportatiort and 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98435

approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Preventiort. Said canopies shall not exceed orte (1) at fifteert (15) feet irt lertgth artd tert (10) feet irt width and three (3) at tert (10) feet irt lertgth and three (3) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privUege Number 1055610 the sum of Two Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($200.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensatiort until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability judgmeut or obligatiou arisirtg out ofthe coustructiort, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintertartce or operatiort of the canopies arising out of and including the passive negligertce of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor ofthe City ofChicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privUege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies vidthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has beert approved as to form artd legality by the Corporatiort Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Haus: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Haus ("Permittee") to construct, maintairt and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 5405 North Clark Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of 98436 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Preveutiort. Said canopy shall not exceed three (3) feet irt lertgth and four (4) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057583 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per artrtum, iu advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers titie or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the anrtual compertsatiort until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege hereirt granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemrtify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expertse, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obUgation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termirtatiort of the privilege hereirt granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privUege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legaUty by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Hilton Suites Chicago/Magnificent Mile: Canopies.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Hilton Suites Chicago/Magnificent Mile ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use eight (8) canopies over the public way attached to the structure located at 198 East Delaware Place for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plarts and specifications filed with the Commissiorter of Trartsportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98437

charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed one (1) at seventeen (17) feet in lertgth and ten (10) feet in width, five (5) at fourteen (14) feet in length and six (6) feet in viddth, Orte (1) at four (4) feet in length and nine (9) feet in width and one (1) at thirty-five (35) feet irt lertgth amd severt (7) feet irt width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsation for the privilege Number 1057622 the sum of Four Hundred Ten and no/100 Dollars ($410.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Pennittee shall, nevertheless, remairt liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopies are removed. The Pennittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expertse, claim corttroversy, damage, persortal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintenance or operation of the canopies arising out of and including the passive negligertce of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort vidthout the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privUege herein granted, by lapse of time or othervidse, the Permittee shgiU remove the canopies vidthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Images: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Images ("Permittee") to construct, maintairt and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 3908 — 3910 North Lincoln Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and 98438 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

specifications filed with the Commissiorter of Trartsportatiort artd approved by the Commissiorter of Buildiugs and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Preventiort. Said canopy shall not exceed forty-six and eight-tenths (46.8) feet in length and three and nirte-tertths (3.9) feet irt viddth. The Permittee shall pay to the City ofChicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1057605 the sum of Seventy-one and 80/100 Dollars ($71.80) per anrtum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remcdn liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and irtcludiug the passive rtegligertce of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termirtatiort of the privUege hereirt granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has been approved as to form and legaUty by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Kals Ogden Market: Canopy.

It Is Hereby Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Kals Ogden Market ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 3661 West Ogden Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissiorter of Transportatiort and 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98439

approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in lertgth and five (5) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1055766 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the aurtual compertsatiort until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemrtify artd hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintertance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and includiug the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy vidthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Couusel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Kim's Cleaners: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Kim's Cleaners ("Permittee") to construct, maintairt and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 4856 South Cottage Grove Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances ofthe City ofChicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire 98440 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed eighteen artd six-tertths (18.6) feet irt lertgth artd orte and five-tenths (1.5) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City ofChicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1057525 the sum of Fifty aud rto/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defertd, irtdemrtify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obUgation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago artd the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the cousent of the Permittee. Uport termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has beert approved as to form artd legaUty by the Corporatiort Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Kozy's Cyclery: Canopies.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Kozy's Cyclery ("Permittee") to coustruct, maintain artd use three (3) canopies over the public way attached to the structure located at 219 West Erie Street for a period of three (3) years from and after November 19, 2006 in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specificatiorts filed with the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed one (1) at fourteen (14) feet in length 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98441

and thirteen (13) feet in viddth and two (2) at twertty-orte (21) feet irt lertgth and two (2) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1057594 the sum of One Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($150.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemrtify artd hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agertts and employees, against and from any expense, claim corttroversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation of the canopies arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the cousertt of the Permittee. Uport termirtatiort of the privilege hereirt granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall rtot be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has beert approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

LaSalle Cleaners: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licertsirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to LaSalle Cleaners ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 156 West Division Street for a period ofthree (3) years from and after September 10, 2006 in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed fifteert (15) feet irt lertgth and two (2) feet 98442 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privUege Number 1057330 the sum of Fifty and no/100 DoUars ($50.00) per annum, in advartce.

Irt the evertt the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the aurtual compensatiort uutil the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privUege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, agairtst artd from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obUgation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenartce or operatiort ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termirtatiort of the privilege hereirt grartted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Busiuess Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Mayan Sol Restaurant: Canopies.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Mayan Sol Restaurant ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use four (4) canopies over the public way attached to the structure located at 3830 West Lawrence Avenue for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissioner of Transportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed one (1) at nineteen (19) feet in length and three (3) feet in width, one (1) at eleven (11) feet in length and three (3) feet in 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98443

width, one (1) at twenty (20) feet in lertgth artd three (3) feet irt width and one (1) at six (6) feet in length and three (3) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City ofChicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1053658 the sum of Two Hundred and rto/100 Dollars ($200.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers titie or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensatiort until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents and employees, agairtst and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation of the canopies arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion vidthout the consent of the Permittee. Upon terminatiort of the privUege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privUege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licertsirtg.

This order has beert approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Nereida Hair Studio: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Nereida Hair Studio ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 3843 West 26* Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed vidth the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissiorter of Buildiugs and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in length and five (5) 98444 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1057636 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per artrtum, irt advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the aurtual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemrtify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liability judgmeut or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintertance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and irtcludiug the passive uegligertce of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporatiort Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Netty's Furniture: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licertsirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Netty's Furniture ("Permittee") to coustruct, mairttairt and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 4001 South Archer Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportatiort artd approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal irt charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed twenty-two (22) feet in length and three (3) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City ofChicago as compertsatiort for 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98445

the privUege Number 1057634 the sum of Fifty aud rto/ 100 Dollars ($50.00) per aurturu, irt advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the anrtual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemrtify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, agairtst and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arisirtg out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintertance or operatiort ofthe canopy arisirtg out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or othervidse, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privUege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

No Que No: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to No Que No ("Permittee") to construct, maintairt artd use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 4124 West 26* Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plarts and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Trartsportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildiugs and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed twenty-one (21) feet in lertgth and three (3) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057433 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance. 98446 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remairt liable to the City of Chicago for the aurtual compensatiort until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expertse, claim controversy, damage, personal irtjury, death, liabUity judgmeut or obUgation arising out ofthe coustructiort, repair, replacemeut, cleanirtg, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and includiug the passive negligence ofthe City ofChicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termirtatiort of the privilege hereirt granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privUege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has beert approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

North Beach, Jet, Hogs And Honeys: Canopies.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to North Beach, Jet, Hogs and Honeys ("Permittee") to construct, maintairt and use three (3) canopies over the public way attached to the structure located at 1551 North Sheffield Avenue for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance vidth the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed one (1) at twelve (12) feet in length and three (3) feet in width, one (1) at ten (10) feet in length and three (3) feet in width and one (1) at eight (8) feet in length and three (3) feet in viddth. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privUege Number 1057461 the sum of One Hundred Fifty and rto/100 Dollars ($150.00) per annum, in advance. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98447

In the evertt the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege hereirt granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemrtify and hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from arty expertse, claim controversy, damage, personal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obUgation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation of the canopies arisirtg out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termirtatiort of the privUege hereirt granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for pajmients received after due date.

Oriole Enterprises, Inc.: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licertsirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Oriole Enterprises, Inc. ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 7354 West Addison Street for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of BuUdings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Preventiort. Said canopy shall not exceed twenty-four (24) feet in length and two (2) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057447 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the evertt the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain Uable to the City of Chicago for the annual 98448 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemrtify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim corttroversy, damage, personal irtjury, death, liability judgmeut or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligertce ofthe City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor ofthe City ofChicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licertsirtg at their discretiort without the consertt of the Permittee. Uport terminatiort of the privilege hereirt granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised uutil a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

The Painted Lady: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to The Painted Lady ("Permittee") to maintairt and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 2128 North Damen Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specificatiorts filed with the Commissiorter of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed eight and five-tenths (8.5) feet in length and two and six- tertths (2.6) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privilege Number 1048648 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain Uable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98449

herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemrtify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agertts artd employees, against and from any expense, claim corttroversy, damage, persortal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, deeming, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligertce of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon terminatiort of the privUege herein granted, by lapse of time or othervidse, the Permittee shall remove the canopy vidthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privUege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licertsirtg.

This order has beert approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

Park Place Condominium Assodation: Canopies.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Park Place Condominium Association ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use seven (7) canopies over the public way attached to the structure located at 600 North Kingsbury Street for a period of three (3) years from and after March 7, 2006 in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal irt charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed severt (7) at tert (10) feet irt lertgth artd orte (1) foot irt width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057531 the sum ofThree Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($350.00) per annum, in advance.

In the evertt the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensatiort until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privUege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect. 98450 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expertse, claim controversy, damage, persortal irtjury, death, liability judgmeut or obUgation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintenance or operation of the canopies arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendmertt, modification or revocatiort by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon terminatiort of the privUege hereirt granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporatiort Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) pertalty will be added for paymertts received after due date.

Pegasus Restaurant And Taverna: Canopies.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Pegasus Restaurant and Taverna ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use three (3) canopies over the public way attached to the structure located at 130 South Halsted Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plarts and specificatiorts filed with the Commissiorter of Transportatiort artd approved by the Commissiorter of Buildiugs aud the Divisiort Marshal irt charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed one (1) at thirteen (13) feet in lertgth and nirte (9) feet in width and two (2) at fourteen (14) feet in length and three (3) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057685 the sum of One Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($150.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensatiort until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98451

defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabUity judgment or obUgation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintertance or operation ofthe canopies arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termiuatiort of the privUege hereirt granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies vidthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel ofthe City ofChicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Pink's Child Care Academy, Ltd.: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Pink's Child Care Academy, Ltd. ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 8236 South Kedzie Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after October 1, 2006 in accordance with the ordinances ofthe City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissiorter of Transportatiort and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Preveutiort. Said caoopy shall rtot exceed forty-five (45) feet irt lertgth and three (3) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City ofChicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1057668 the sum of Seventy and no/100 Dollars ($70.00) per aurtum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remairt liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensatiort until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees. 98452 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arisirtg out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation of the canopy arising out of and including the passive negligertce of the City of Chicago.

The permit sheiU be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon terminatiort of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

River Norih Cleaners: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to River North Cleaners ("Permittee") to construct, maintairt and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 340 West Superior Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specificatiorts filed with the Commissiorter of Transportatiort artd approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed twenty-two (22) feet in length and two (2) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privUege Number 1057456 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per artrtum, irt advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain Uable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensatiort until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim corttroversy, damage, personal injury, death. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98453

liabilityjudgment or obUgation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligertce of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to ameudmertt, modificatiort or revocatiort by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termirtatiort of the privilege hereirt granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy vidthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has beert approved as to form artd legality by the Corporatiort Couusel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Su Vans, Inc.: Canopy.

It Is Hereby Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Su Vans, Inc. ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 3351 North Lincolrt Avertue for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance vidth the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed twenty-two (22) feet in length and two (2) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege Number 1056425 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, liabUity judgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement. 98454 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe cartopy arisirtg out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor ofthe City ofChicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termirtatiort of the privilege hereirt grartted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

Villa Del Mar Seafood: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Villa Del Mar Seafood ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 4214 West 26* Street for a period of three (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance vidth the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissiorter of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopy shall not exceed nineteen and eight-tertths (19.8) feet in length and two (2) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the privUege Number 1056390 the sum of Fifty and no/ 100 Dollars ($50.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expertse, claim controversy, damage, persortal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe constructiou, repair, replacemertt, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City of Chicago. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98455

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort vidthout the consent of the Permittee. Upon termination of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy vidthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty vidll be added for payments received after due date.

Witts: Canopy.

It Is Hereby Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Witts ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 2913 North Lincoln Avenue for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinartces of the City of Chicago and the plans and specificatiorts filed vidth the Commissiorter of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Preventiort. Said canopy shall not exceed twenty-two and five-tenths (22.5) feet in length and three (3) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City ofChicago as compensatiort for the privUege Number 1056423 the sum of Fifty and rto/100 Dollars ($50.00) per aurtum, irt advartce.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defertd, irtdemnify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from arty expertse, claim corttroversy, damage, persortal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe coustructiort, repair, replacement, cleaning, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligence ofthe City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at 98456 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

their discretiort without the cousertt of the Permittee. Uport terminatiort of the privilege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legaUty by the Corporatiort Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for pajmients received after due date.

215 Developers L.L.C: Canopy.

Ordered, That the Director of Busiuess Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to 215 Developers L.L.C. ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use one (1) canopy over the public way attached to the structure located at 160 North Stetson Avenue for a period ofthree (3) years from and after date of passage in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Chicago and the plans and specificatiorts filed vidth the Commissiouer of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of BuUdings and the Division Marshal in charge ofthe Bureau of Fire Preventiort. Said canopy shall not exceed twelve (12) feet irt length and ten artd six-tertths (10.6) feet irt width. The Permittee shall pay to the City ofChicago as compertsatiort for the privUege Number 1057690 the sum of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00) per anrtum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the annual compensation until the canopy is removed. The Permittee shall renew the privUege hereirt grartted to the date of expiratiort. The Permittee shall protect, defertd, irtdemrtify and hold harmless the City ofChicago, its officers, agents and employees, against and from any expense, claim controversy, damage, personal injury, death, Uability judgmeut or obligatiort arisirtg out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintenance or operation ofthe canopy arising out of and including the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendmertt, modification or revocation by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Director of Busiuess Affsdrs and Licensing at their discretion without the consent of the Permittee. Upon termirtation of the 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98457

privilege herein grartted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the cartopy without cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege hereiu granted shall not be exercised until a permit shaU have been issued by the Director of Business Affairs and Licertsirtg.

This order has beert approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.

1840 North Clyboum L.L.C: Canopies.

Ordered, That the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing is hereby authorized to issue a permit to 1840 North Clybourn L.L.C. ("Permittee") to construct, maintain and use twelve (12) canopies over the public way attached to the structure located at 1840 North Clybourn Avenue for a period of three (3) years from and after September 4, 2005 in accordance with the ordinances ofthe City ofChicago and the plans and specifications filed with the Commissioner of Transportation and approved by the Commissioner of Buildings and the Division Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Said canopies shall not exceed orte (1) at fifteert and one-tenth (15.1) feet in lertgth and three and seven-tertths (3.7) feet irt width, orte (1) at sixteert and one-tenth (16.1) feet in length and three and seven-tertths (3.7) feet irt viddth, orte (1) at severtteert and four-tenths (17.4) feet in length and three and seven-tertths (3.7) feet in width, orte (1) at sixteert and eleven-hundredths (16.11) feet in length and three and severt-tertths (3.7) feet irt width, orte (1) at fifteert and seven-tenths (15.7) feet in length and three and seven-tertths (3.7) feet in width, Orte (1) at severtteert and eight-tenths (17.8) feet in length and three and seven-tertths (3.7) feet in width, orte (1) at severtteert and three-tenths (17.3) feet in lertgth and three and severt-tertths (3.7) feet in width, one (1) at fourteen and nine-tenths (14.9) feet in length and three and seven-tenths (3.7) feet in width, one (1) at sixteen and six-tenths (16.6) feet in length and three and seven-tertths (3.7) feet irt width, two (2) at severtteert and three-tenths (17.3) feet in length and three and seven-tenths (3.7) feet in width and one (1) at fifteen and six-tenths (15.6) feet in length and three and seven-tenths (3.7) feet in width. The Permittee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compertsatiort for the privilege Number 1057625 the sum of Six Huudred and no/ 100 Dollars ($600.00) per annum, in advance.

In the event the Permittee transfers title or vacates the premises, the Permittee shall, nevertheless, remain liable to the City of Chicago for the anrtual 98458 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

compensatiort until the canopies are removed. The Permittee shall renew the privilege herein granted to the date of expiration. The Permittee shall protect, defend, irtdemrtify and hold harmless the City of Chicago, its officers, agents artd employees, agairtst and from any expertse, claim corttroversy, damage, persortal irtjury, death, liabilityjudgment or obligation arising out ofthe construction, repair, replacement, cleanirtg, use, maintenance or operation of the canopies arising out of and irtcluding the passive negligence of the City of Chicago.

The permit shall be subject to amendment, modification or revocation by the Mayor ofthe City ofChicago and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg at their discretiort vidthout the cousertt of the Permittee. Upou termination of the privUege herein granted, by lapse of time or otherwise, the Permittee shall remove the canopies vdthout cost to the City of Chicago.

The privilege herein granted shall not be exercised until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of Busiuess Affairs and Licensing.

This order has been approved as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.

A twenty-five percent (25%) penalty will be added for payments received after due date.


The Committee on Trartsportatiort artd PubUc Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98459

Your Committee on Transportation and PubUc Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance for the proposed Galewood Residential Subdivision located in the area bounded by the Canadian Pacific Railroad right-of-way (Metra, formerly the Chicago Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad), North Laramie Avenue, West Cortland Street and a line 1,069.27 feet east of and parallel with the centerlirte of North Central Avertue. This ordinance was refened to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, vidth no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas artd rtays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Conrtor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tuurtey, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stoue — 50.

Nays — Norte.

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the Superintendent of Maps, Ex Officio Examiner of Subdivisions, is hereby authorized and directed to approve a proposed Galewood Residential Subdivision located in the area bounded by the Canadian Pacific Railroad right-of-way (Metra, formerly the Chicago Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad), North Laramie Avenue, West Cortland Street and a line 1,069.27 feet east of and parallel with the centerlirte of North Central Avenue, for RSD Galewood, L.L.C. (File Number 33-29/37-06-2995).

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. 98460 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


The Committee on Transportatiort and PubUc Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl

Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Houorable Body Pass an ordirtance for the proposed Metro Place Subdivision in the area bounded by West Fillmore Street, South Campbell Avenue, West Roosevelt Road and the east line of the right-of-way of the Union Pacific Railroad. This ordinance was referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommendation was concuned in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Aldermart Allert, the said proposed ordirtance transmitted vidth the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, TUlman, Preckwinkle, Hairstort, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, SoUs, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Alien, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98461

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The followirtg is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained hy the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the Superintendertt of Maps, Ex Officio Examirter of Subdivisions, is hereby authorized and directed to approve a proposed Metro Place Subdivision in the area bounded by West Fillmore Street, South Campbell Avenue, West Roosevelt Road and the east lirte of the right-of-way of the Urtiort Pacific Railroad for Metro Place, L.L.C. (File Number 13-28-07-2996).

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


The Committee on Transportatiort and Public Way submitted the foUovidng report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl:

Your Committee on Transportatiort and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance for the proposed SPM Properties Resubdivision lying between North Talman Avenue and North Rockwell Street which lies north of a line drawrt at right angles to the east lirte of said North Talman Avenue through a point which is 149.66 feet, more or less, north of the northeasterly line of North Milwaukee Avenue having frontage of 50.49 feet on the east lirte of North Talman Avenue and frontage of 50.46 feet on the west line of North Rockwell Street. This ordinance was referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007. 98462 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

This recommendation was concuned in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, with no dissentirtg vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoirtg committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckvidnkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Alien, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tuurtey, Levar, ShiUer, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stoue — 50.

Nays — Norte.

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the Superintendent of Maps, Ex Office Examiner of Subdivisions, is hereby authorized and directed to approve a proposed SPM Properties Resubdivision Ijdng between North Talman Avenue and North Rockwell Street which lies north of a line drawn at right angels to the east line of said North Talman Avenue through a point which is 149.66 feet, more or less, north of the northeasterly line of North Milwaukee Avenue, having frontage of 50.49 feet on the east line of North Talman Avenue and frontage of 50.46 feet on the west line of North RockweU Street, for Jack R. Jesperson Tmst dated May 10, 1995 (File Number 36-1-07-2998).

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98463


The Committee ort Trartsportatiort and PubUc Way submitted the foUovidng report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Council:

Your Committee on Transportation and I\iblic Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance for the vacation of the east 8.0 feet of South Indiana Avenue lying between a line 40 feet south of and parallel with the south line of East Roosevelt Road, as operted artd vidderted, and a line 85 feet south ofthe south line of East Roosevelt Road, as opened and widened. This ordinance was refened to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe Committee, with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, TUlman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, AUen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, ShiUer, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 49.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natams moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Alderman Burke invoked Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure, disclosing that he had represented parties to this ordinance in previous and uurelated matters. 98464 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

The followirtg is said ordirtance as passed:

WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Chicago, after due investigation and cortsideratiort, has determirted that the rtature and extent of public use and the public interest to be subserved is such as to warrant the vacation of part of public street described in the following ordinance; now, therefore.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. All that part of South Indiana Avenue per Document Number 93954909 recorded November 22, 1993, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County Illinois, located in fractiortal Sectiort 22, Tovimship 39 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: commencirtg at the poirtt of irttersectiort of the east lirte of South Indiana Avenue aforesaid vidth the south line of East Roosevelt Road as dedicated per Deed of Dedication and Grant of Temporary Easement and perpetual easements recorded March 28, 1996 as Document Number 96237432; thence south 00 degrees, 01 minute, 19 seconds west along the east line of South Indiana Avenue aforesaid, 40.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence south 00 degrees, 01 minute, 19 seconds west along the east line of South Indiana Avenue aforesaid, 45.00 feet; thence north 89 degrees, 58 minutes, 41 seconds west, 8.00 feet; thence north 00 degrees, 01 minute, 19 seconds east, 45.00 feet; thence south 89 degrees, 58 minutes, 41 seconds east, 8.00 feet to the point of beginning in Cook County, Illinois; said part of public street herein vacated being further described as the east 8.0 feet of South Indiana Avenue Ijdng between a Une 40 feet south of and parallel with the south Une of East Roosevelt Road, as opened and viddened, and a line 85 feet south ofthe south line of East Roosevelt Road, as operted and widened as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Vacated" on the drawing hereto attached, which drawing for greater certainty is hereby made a part ofthis ordinance, be and the same is hereby vacated and closed, irtasmuch as the same is no longer required for public use and the public interest will be subserved by such vacation.

SECTION 2. The City of Chicago hereby reserves for the benefit of AT86T and MCI, their successors or assigns, an easement to operate, maintain, constmct, replace and renew overhead poles, wires and associated equipment, and underground conduit, cables and associated equipment for the transmission and distribution of telephonic and telecommunications and associated services under, over and along that part of the public street as herein vacated, with the right of ingress and egress.

SECTION 3. The City of Chicago hereby reserves that part of public street as herein vacated as a right-of-way for an existing water main and appurtenances thereto, and for the installation ofany additional water mains or other municipally- ovimed service facilities now located or which in the future may be located in that part of public street as herein vacated, and for the maintertance, renewal and reconstruction of such facilities, with the right of ingress and egress at all times 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98465

upon reasonable notice. It is further provided that no buildings or other stmctures shall be erected on the said right-of-way herein reserved lying below a horizontal plane of+49.0 feet Chicago City Datum or other use made of said area, which in the judgment of the municipal officials having control of the aforesaid service facilities would interfere vidth the use, maintenartce, renewal or reconstmction of said facilities, or the construction of additional municipally-owned service facilities. SECTION 4. The vacation herein provided for is made upon the express cortditiort that withirt one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance. Central Station, L.L.C. shall pay or cause to be paid to the City of Chicago as compensation for the benefits which will accme to the ovimer of the property abutting said part of public street hereby vacated the sum of One Hundred Twenty'-one Thousand Five Hundred and no/100 DoUars ($121,500.00), which sum in the judgment of this body vidll be equal to such benefits. SECTION 5. The vacation herein provided for is made upon the express condition that vidthin one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance. Central Station, L.L.C. shall file or cause to be filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois a certified copy of this ordinance, together with an attached drawing approved by the Superintendent of Maps. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

[Drawing and legal description refened to in this ordinance printed on page 98466 of this Journal]


The Committee on Transportatiort and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl

(Continued on page 98467) 98466 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated vidth this drawing and legal description printed on pages 98464 and 98465 of this Joumal

Dedicated for Public Street. Rec. Dec. 8, 1993. Doc.# 93954909 "B" Kiley's Sub. being a Sub. of part of the Land Property and Space of Sec. 22-39-14. i

Dr. No. 22-02-06-2931 NDfRTH


8. I To Be Vacated hi P\ > z I < 80

< Z <


(Continued from page 98465)

Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance for the vacation of the north 140.50 feet, more or less, of South Lotus Avenue lying between the south line of West Harrison Street and the north line of West Flournoy Street. This ordinance was refened to the Committee on January 11, 2007. This recommendation was concuned in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Courtor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None. Alderman Natams moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed:

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago ("City") is a home mle unit of local government pursuant to Article VII, Section 6(a) of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and, as such, may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its governmertt and affairs; and WHEREAS, The City vidshes to support the charitable, educational and philanthropic activities of established not-for-profit corporations and encourage the continued viability and growth of such activities; and WHEREAS, Many not-for-profit corporations own property that adjoirts streets and alleys that are no longer required for public use and might more productively be used in furtherance of such activities; and 98468 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The City bertefits from the vacation of these little used or unused streets and alleys by reducing City costs; it decreases City expenditures on maintenance, repair and replacement, as well as reducing fly-dumping, vandalism and other criminal activity that cost the City money in prosecutions and reduced tax base; and

WHEREAS, In additiort, whert it vacates streets artd alleys that revert to owrtership by rtot-for-profit corporatiorts ertgaged irt charitable, educational and philanthropic activities, the City obtains additional finartcial benefits by building stronger, more productive communities and by being relieved of the cost of social services that it might otherwise have to support with public monies; and

WHEREAS, Because the City obtains a net benefit, both financially and by facilitating improved social services for communities, the City Council has determined it to be in the public interest that when it vacates public streets and alleys where the abutting ovimer is a not-for-profit corporation engaged in charitable activities, no compensatiort will be required; and

WHEREAS, The properties located at 5437 to 5451 West Harrison Street, along with the properties at 5501 to 5525 West Harrison Street together with the properties at 601 to 611 South Lotus Avenue and the properties at 600 to 612 South Lotus Avenue are owned by Loretto Hospital, a not-for-profit corporation of IlUnois; and

WHEREAS, Loretto Hospital, a not-for-profit corporation of UUrtois, serves as a local medical facility; and

WHEREAS, Loretto Hospital, a not-for-profit corporation of Illinois, proposes to use the portion of street to be vacated herein for parkirtg for the medical facility; and

WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Chicago, after due investigation and consideration, has determined that the nature and extent of the public use and the public interest to be subserved is such as to warrant the vacation of part of the public street described in the following ordinance; now, therefore.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. All that part of in South Lotus Avenue Ijdng east of the east line of Lot 1 in Davis and Son's Subdivision of Lots 221 and 222 in School Trustees Subdivision ofthe north part ofSection 16, Tovimship 39 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, IlUnois, lying west of the west line of Lot 14 in F.C Brackhausen's Subdivision of Lots 219 and 220 in School Trustees Subdivision aforesaid, Ijdng south of a Une dravim from the northeast corner of Lot 1 irt Davis and Son's Subdivision of Lots 221 and 222 in School Trustees Subdivision aforesaid to the northwest corner of Lot 14 in F. C Brackhausen's Subdivision of Lots 219 and 220 in School Trustees Subdivision aforesaid and lying north of a line drawrt from the southeast corner of Lot 1 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98469

in Davis and Son's Subdivision of Lots 221 and 222 in School Trustees Subdivision aforesaid to the southwest comer of Lot 14 in F. C Brackhausen's Subdivision of Lots 219 and 220 in School Trustees Subdivision aforesaid, said part of public street herein vacated being further described as the north 140.50 feet, more or less, of South Lotus Avenue Ijdng between the south line of West Harrison Street and the rtorth lirte of West Flournoy Street as shaded and irtdicated by the words "To Be Vacated" ort the dravidrtg hereto attached, which dravidrtg for greater certairtty, is hereby made a part ofthis ordirtance, be and the same is hereby vacated and closed, inasmuch as the same is no longer required for public use and the public interest will be subserved by such vacation.

SECTION 2. The City of Chicago hereby reserves that part of the public street as herein vacated, as a right-of-way for an existing sewer and for the installatiort of any additional sewers or other municipally-owned service facilities now located or which in the future may be located in that part of the public street as herein vacated, and for the maintenance, renewal, and reconstmctiou of such facilities. It is further provided that no buildings or other stmctures shall be erected on said right-of-way herein reserved or other use made of said area, which in the judgment of the respective municipal officials having control of the aforesaid service facilities would interfere with the use, maintenartce, rertewal, or recortstmction of said facilities, or the constmction of additional municipally- owned service facilities.

SECTION 3. The City of Chicago hereby reserves for the benefit of Commonwealth Edison and ATSsT/SBC, their successors or assigns, an easement to operate, maintairt, constmct, replace, and renew overhead poles, vidres, and associated equipment and underground conduit, cables, and associated equipment for the transmissiort and distribution of electrical energy artd telephortic and associated services under, over, and along that part of the public as herein vacated, with the right of ingress and egress.

The City of Chicago hereby reserves for the benefit of The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company (Peoples Energy), their successors or assigns, the right to abandon in place all or arty part of the existirtg gas mairts, service pipirtg, associated equipment and appurtenances and all or any portion of its equipment as may be located over, through, under, along and across the vacated area. It is further provided that all costs and expertses associated vidth the removal of any abandoned main, pipe, appurtenances, or equipment shall be borne exclusively by the Beneficiary its successors and assigns and not by The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company (Peoples Energy).

SECTION 4. The vacatiort hereirt provided for is made upon the express condition that vidthin one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance, Loretto Hospital, a not-for-profit corporation of Illinois shall deposit in the City Treasury of the City of Chicago a sum sufficient to defray the costs of removing paving and curb returns and constructing sidewalk and curb across the entrance to South Lotus Avenue hereby vacated similar to the sidewalk and curb along the south side of West Harrison Street and shall remove paving, curb and 98470 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

sidewalk and reconstruct sidewalk and curb for South Lotus Avenue at the south terminus of to be vacated South Lotus Avenue, in order to create a new configuration for South Lotus Avenue as hereby vacated, similar to the sideweilk and curb in existing South Lotus Avenue, or as directed by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications — Traffic Management Authority, Permits Division. The precise amount of the sum so deposited shall be ascertained by the Office of Emergency Management and Communicatiorts — Traffic Management Authority, Permits Division after such investigation as is requisite.

SECTION 5. The non-profit corporation must execute a restrictive covenant or other agreement or instrument approved by the Corporation Counsel, restricting the use and improvement of the public way vacated in Section 1 of this ordinance solely to non-religious social service purposes which includes, but shall not be limited to parking for the Loretto Hospital, to be constmcted solely in furtherance of the non-profit corporation's, secular educational and community activities and for such use and improvements that are accessary thereto, as that term is defined in the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. Such uses and improvements are to be owned and operated by a nort-profit corporation. The restriction on use and improvement in the covenant, agreement or instmment shall not expire so lortg as the rton-profit corporation remains in title and upon breach of such restriction the public way herein vacated shall revert to the City and it shall be subject to the terms and conditiorts of the dedicatiort by which was heretofore held by the City. This restrictiort may be released by the City only upon approval of the City Council which may condition its approval upon the payment of compensation which it deems to be equal to the benefits accming because of the release. The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation is authorized to accept the executed restrictive covenant, agreement or other instrumeut restrictirtg the use and improvement of the pubUc way.

SECTION 6. The vacations herein provided for are made upon the express cortditiort that withirt one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance, Loretto Hospital, a not-for-profit corporation of Illinois shall file or cause to be filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this ordinance, together with a redevelopment agreemertt compljdrtg with Section 5 of this ordinance, approved by the Corporation Counsel, and an attached drawing approved by the Superintendent of Maps.

SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

[Drawing and legal description refened to in this ordirtartce prirtted on page 98471 of this Journal] 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98471

Ordinance associated with this drawing and legal description printed on pages 98468 through 98470 of this Joumal

Davis and Son's Sub. of Lots 221 and 222 in Scfiool Trustees Sub. of the N. part of Sec. 1S-39-13. "B" F.C. Brackhausen's Sub. of Lots 219 and 220 in School Tnjstees Sub. of the N. part of Sec. 16-39-13. "0" Opening of Floumoy St. from Kimball Av. to Central Av. by Town of Cicero. Ordinance passed Nov. 7. 1891. Rec. May 18, 1896 Doc.# 2390081 "D" Property acquired for West Route (Dwight D. Eisenhower Expressway) of Comprehensive Superhighway System. General Ordinance passed Oct. 31, 1940.

Dr. No. 16-29-06-2976


22. TS 2S 2S a B 2S 2S a 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 an 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 = 25 25 25

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1___ 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 i

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The Committee on Transportatiort and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl:

Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance for the vacation of all of Oakland Crescent, a public street Ijdng easterly of the easterly line of South EUis Avenue and lying north and northwesterly of the north line of East 4P' Street. This ordinance was referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordirtance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermert Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, SoUs, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natams moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The following is said ordinance as passed: 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98473

WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Chicago, after due investigation and consideratiort, has determirted that the nature and extent of public use and the public interest to be subserved is such as to warrant the vacation of public street described in the following ordinance; now, therefore.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. All that part of South Oakland Crescent bounded and described as follows: begirtrtirtg at the southwest corner of Lot 1 in Oakland Crescent Resubdivision of Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19 (except the northerly 20 3/12 feet of Lot 19) in Block 13 irt Cleaverville, beirtg the rtorth part of fractiortal Sectiort 2, Towrtship 38 North, Rartge 14, East ofthe Third Prirtcipal Meridian and south part of fractional Section 35, Township 39 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridiart, irt Cook County, Illinois; thence northwesterly alortg the southwesterly line of Lots 1 through 7, both inclusive, of Oakland Crescent Resubdivision aforesaid to the most westerly corner of said Lot 7, said comer also beirtg on the southeasterly line of Lot 8 in Oakland Crescent Resubdivision aforesaid; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly line of said Lot 8 and a southeasterly Une of Lot 1 in resubdivision of Lots 9, 10 and 11 in Oakland Crescent resubdivision aforesaid, to a northwesterly/southeasterly Une of said Lot 1 in resubdivision of Lots 9, 10 and 11 aforesaid; thence southeasterly along said northwesterly/southeasterly line of Lot 1 to a comer of said Lot 1; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly line of said Lot 1 and Lot 2 in resubdivision of Lots 9, 10 and 11 aforesaid to a corner of said Lot 2; thence southwesterly along a southeasterly Une of Lots 2 and 3 in resubdivision of Lots 9,10 and 11 aforesaid to the most southerly corner of said Lot 3; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 3 to its intersection with the northeasterly lirte of South Ellis Avenue; thence southeasterly along the easterly line of South Ellis Avenue to the most westerly corner of Lot 12 in Oakland Crescent Resubdivision aforesaid; thence easterly along the northwesterly Unes of Lots 12 and 13 in Oakland Crescent Resubdivision aforesaid to a corner of said Lot 13; thence easterly along the north Une of Lots 13, 14 and 15 irt Oakland Crescent Subdivision aforesaid to the northeast corner of said Lot 15; thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of said Lot 15 to the southeast corner of said Lot 15, said southeast comer of Lot 15 also being the north line of East 41*' Street; thence east along the north line of East 4P' Street to the southwest corner of Lot 1 in Oakland Crescent Resubdivision aforesaid, said southwest corner also being the place of begiurtirtg, said public street herein vacated being further described as all of Oakland Crescent, a public street Ijdng easterly of the easterly line of South EUis Avenue and lyirtg rtorth and rtorth westerly ofthe rtorth lirte of East 4 P' Street as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Vacated" on the drawirtg hereto attached, which dravidrtg for greater certairtty is hereby made a part ofthe ordinance, be and the same is hereby vacated and closed, inasmuch as the same is no longer required for public use and the public interest will be subserved by such vacation.

SECTION 2. The vacation hereirt provided for is made upou the express condition that the City ofChicago, Department of Planning and Development shall 98474 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

agree to accept and mairttairt as private sewers all existirtg sewers artd appurteuances thereto which are located in street as herein vacated.

SECTION 3. The vacation herein provided for are made upon the express cortditiort that withirt orte hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinartce, the City of Chicago Department of Planrtirtg and Development shall file or caused to be filed in the Office ofthe Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy ofthis ordinance together with an attached drawing approved by the Superintendent of Maps.

SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be irt force from and after its passage.

[Drawing and legal descriptiort referred to irt this ordirtance printed on page 98475 of this Journal]


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl

Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance for the vacation of the north half of East 138* Street lying east ofthe rtortherly extertsiort ofthe east lirte of South Cottage Grove Avenue, Ijdng within the Village of Dolton, Illinois and lying westerly ofthe westerly Une ofthe Little Calumet River. This ordinance was referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

(Continued on page 98476) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98475

OrcUnance associated with this drawing and legal description printed on pages 98473 and 98474 of this Joumal

"A" Oakland Crescent Resub. of Lots 16,17, 18 and 19 (except N.'ly 20 ^2 ft. of Lot 19) in BIk. 13 Cleaverville, being the N. part of Frac'l. Sec 2-38-14 and 8. partof Frac'l. Sec. 35-39-14. "B" Resub. of Lots 9, 10 and 11 in Oakland Crescent Resub. of Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19 (except N.'ly 20 ?^2 ft. of Lot 19) in BIk. 13 Cleaverville, being the N. part of Frac'l. Sec 2-38-14 and 8. part of Frac'l. Sec. 35-39-14.


Dr. No. 02-04-06-2955 NDF^TH


(Contirtued from page 98474)

This recommertdatiort was cortcurred iu uuanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natams moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The followirtg is said ordirtance as passed:

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago ("City") is a home mle unit of local government pursuant to Article VII, Section 6(a) ofthe 1970 Constitution ofthe State of Illinois, and, as such, may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its governmertt and affairs; and

WHEREAS, The City has experienced a significant loss of industry and jobs in recent years, accompanied by a corresponding erosion of its tax base, due in part to irtdustrial firms' inability to acquire additional property needed for their continued viability and growth; and

WHEREAS, Many firms adjoin streets and alleys that are no longer.required for public use and might more productively be used for plant expansion and modernization, employee parking, improved security, tmck loading areas, or other industrial uses; and 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98477

WHEREAS, The City would benefit from the vacation of these streets and alleys by reducing City expenditures on maintenance, repair and replacement; by reducing fly-dumping, vandalism and other criminal activity; and by expandirtg the City's property tax base; and

WHEREAS, The City can strengthen established industrial areas and expand the City's job base by encouraging the grov\d;h and modernization of existing industrial facilities through the vacation of pubUc streets and alleys for reduced compensation; and

WHEREAS, The properties at 1000 to 1438 East 138* Street are owned by Marina Developments, Inc., a firm emplojdng nine (9) full-time individuals and six (6) part- time individuals facilitating in the transfer of solid waste and in the operation of a recycling facility; and

WHEREAS, Marina Developments, Inc., proposes to use that portiou ofthe street to be vacated herein as a secure access road with a gate and guard house; and

WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Chicago, after due investigatiort and consideratiort, has determirted that the rtature and extent ofthe public use and the public interest to be subserved is such as to warrant the vacation of the public street described in the following ordinance; now, therefore.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. AU that part of the north half of East 138* Street, as opened from South Indiana Avenue to the Calumet River by the final report ofthe Commissioners of Highways, under the date of July 5, 1855 on page 10 of Records of Roads Laid Out from 1850 to 1862, lying east of the northerly extension of the east line of South Cottage Grove Avenue, lying within the Village of Dolton, IlUnois, and lying west ofthe Little Calumet River iu Sectiort 2, Towrtship 36 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian in Cook County, Illinois, said part of public street herein vacated being further described as the uorth half of East 138* Street, lyirtg east ofthe northerly extensiort ofthe east lirte of South Cottage Grove Avenue, Ijdng within the Village of Dolton, Illinois, and Ijdng westerly of the westerly Une of the Little Calumet River as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Vacated" on the drawing hereto attached, which drawing for greater certainty is hereby made a part of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby vacated and closed, inasmuch as the same is no longer required for public use and the public interest will be subserved by such vacation.

SECTION 2. The City of Chicago hereby reserves for the benefit of Commonwealth Edison Company, their successors or assigns, an easemertt to operate, maiutairt, cortstruct, replace and renew overhead poles, wires and associated equipment, and underground conduit, cables and associated equipment for the transmission and distribution of electric energy under, over and along that part ofthe public street as herein vacated with the right of ingress and egress. 98478 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

SECTION 3. The Commissioner ofTransportation is hereby authorized to accept, subject to the approval ofthe Corporation Counsel as to form and legality, and on behalf of the City of Chicago, the benefits of a covenant or similar instmment restricting the use ofthe public way vacated by this ordinance to the manufacturing (including production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing and repair) of materials, goods or proclucts only and for those stmctures and additional uses which are reasonably necessary to permit such manufacturing use including the location of necessary faciUties, storage, employee and customer parking, and similar other uses and facilities. Such covenant shall be enforceable irt law or irt equity and shall be deemed to provide for reconveyance of the property to the City upon substantial breach of the terms and conditions thereof The benefits of such covenant shall be deemed in gross to the City of Chicago, its successors and assigns, and the burdens of such covenant shall run Mdth and burden the public way vacated by this ordinance. The covenant may be released or abandoned by the City only upon approval of the City CouncU which may condition its approval upon the pajmient of such additional compensation which it deems to be equal to the benefits accming because of the vacation of the public way with restrictions on its use.

SECTION 4. The vacation herein provided for is made upon the express condition that within one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance, Marina Developments, Inc. shall file or cause to be filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this ordinance, together with a restrictive covenartt compljdrtg vidth Section 3 of this ordinance, approved by the Corporation Counsel and an attached drawing approved by the Superintendertt of Maps. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

[Drawing and legal description referred to irt this ordirtartce printed on page 98479 of this Journal]


The Committee on Transportatiort and Public Way submitted the follovring report:

(Contirtued on page 98480) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98479

Ordinance associated with this drawing and legal description printed on pages 98477 and 98478 of this Joumal

h- D Z

OO oO) o CO ID o to— "2 CO o§ in tr •- o o a> o o ro « Q c o c (0 (S a (D c w o !K •" 5 in CO CD c.>c o'o- I •D c it in o (t> O o = o £ Q CO ^o (0 -^ o E cd ot m p a g > "- OloO o(D 2 > •D r c CO in c o .»< 1^ ^ o (D X) eg nl (D C O) «g5 o^- £ cr 6 Z C)


(uctioa lo eesuiA) ^9AV^A0UD JDVlieS- 98480 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Continued from page 98478)

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl:

Your Committee on Transportation and PubUc Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance for the vacation of the south 150.0 feet, more or less, ofthe north/south 16 foot public alley and providing for the dedication ofan east/west 18 foot public alley located 221.87 feet, more or less, north of the north line of West Diversey Avenue and running east from the north/south 16 foot public alley to North Harding Avenue, all in the block bounded by West George Street, West Diversey Avenue, North Pulaski Road and North Harding Avenue. This ordinance was referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Alien, the said proposed ordinartce trartsmitted with the foregoirtg committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, SoUs, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, MeU, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natams moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The following is said ordinance as passed: 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98481

WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Chicago, after due investigation and consideration, has determined that the rtature and extent ofthe public use and the public interest to be subserved is such as to warrant the vacation of part of the public alley described in the followdng ordinance; now, therefore.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. AU that part ofthe north/south 16 foot pubUc alley lying west ofthe west line of Lot 1, lyirtg east of the east lirte of Lots 10 to 15, both inclusive, lying south of the easterly extension of the north line of Lot 10 artd Ijdrtg north of a line drawn from the southwest corner of Lot 1 to the southeast corner of Lot 15 all in Thomas M. White's Subdivision ofthe south half of the west 5 acres ofthe south half of Lot 15 of Davlin, Kelly and Carroll's Subdivision ofthe northwest quarter of Section 26, Township 40 North, Range 13, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, said part of public alley herein vacated being further described as the south 150.0 feet, more or less, ofthe north/south 16 foot public alley all in the block bounded by West George Street, West Diversey Avenue, North Pulaski Road and North Harding Avenue as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Vacated" on the drawing hereto attached, which drawing for greater certairtty is hereby made a part of this ordirtance, be and the same is hereby vacated and closed, inasmuch as the same is no longer required for public use and the public interest will be subserved by such vacation.

SECTION 2. Coles Property Group L.L.C. shall dedicate or cause to be dedicated to the public and open up for public use as a public alley the foUovring described property: the north 18 feet of Lot 1 in Thomas M. White's Subdivisiou ofthe south half of the west 5 acres of the south half of Lot 15 of Davliu, Kelly and Carroll's Subdivision ofthe northwest quarter ofSection 26, Township 40 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, IlUnois, as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Dedicated" on the aforementioned drawing.

SECTION 3. The vacation herein provided for is made upon the express condition that within one huudred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordirtance. Coles Property Group L.L.C. and Amalgamated Tmst and Savings Bank, as Trustee, Tmst Number 5423, shall pay or cause to be paid to the City of Chicago as compensation for the benefits which will accme to the owner of the property abutting said part of public alley the sum of Eleven Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($11,000.00), which sum in the judgment ofthis body vrill be equal to such benefits; and further shall, within one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance, deposit in the City Treasury of the City of Chicago a sum sufficient to defray the costs of removing paving and curb returns and constmcting sidewalk and curb across the entrartce to that part of the public alley hereby vacated, similar to the sidewalk and curb in West Diversey Avenue, between North Pulaski Road and North Harding Avenue and constmcting paving and curbs in and to the alley to be dedicated. The precise amount of the sum so deposited shall be ascertained by the Office ofEmergency Management and Communicatiorts — Traffic Managemertt Authority, Permits Division after such investigation as is requisite. 98482 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

SECTION 4. The vacation herein provided for is made upon the express condition that within one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance Coles Property Group L.L.C. and Amalgamated Tmst aud Savirtgs Bartk, as Tmstee, Tmst Number 5423 shall file or cause to be filed for record in the Office ofthe Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois a certified copy ofthis ordinance, together with an attached dravring approved by the Superintendent of Maps and a plat duly executed and acknowledged by the appropriate owner, providing for the dedication of the property described in Section 2 hereof. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

[Drawing and legal description referred to in this ordinance printed on page 98483 of this Journal]


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl: Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance for the vacation of the southeasterly 140.50 feet, more or less, ofthe northwesteriy/southeasteriy 14 foot public alley, also providing for the dedication ofan east/west 16 foot public alley mnning east to South Ingleside Avenue from the uorthwesterly termirtus of the northwesterly/southeasterly 14 foot public alley to be vacated all in the block bounded by East 7P' Street, as widened. South Ingleside Avenue, South Chicago Avenue and South Drexel Avenue. This ordinance was referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

(Continued on page 98484) 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98483

Ordinance associated with this drawing and legEil description printed on pages 98481 and 98482 of this Joumal

Thomas M. White's Sub. of the 8.)^ of the W. 5 acres of the S.)2 of Lot 15 of Davlin, Kelly and Carroll's Sub. of the N.W.y4 of Sec. 26-40-13.


Dr. No. 26-30-06-2957 NDRTH


DC \ \\ \l

1Z2.5e _ 8 3

s To Be Dedicated s

10 CO z Q DC D 12 < 13 I 14 15.,


(Contirtued from page 98482)

This recommertdatiort was cortcurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe Committee, with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motiort of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoirtg committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Rebojrras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allert, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, ShUler, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natams moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The foUovidng is said ordinance as passed:

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago ("City") is a home rule unit of local government pursuant to Article VII, Section 6(a) ofthe 1970 Constitution ofthe State of Illinois and, as such, may exercise any power and perform any function pertainirtg to its goverrtment and affairs; and

WHEREAS, The City wishes to support the charitable, educational and philanthropic activities of established not-for-profit corporations and encourage the continued viability and growth of such activities; and

WHEREAS, Many not-for-profit corporations own property that adjoins streets and alleys that are no longer required for public use and might more productively be used in furtherance of such activities; and 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98485

WHEREAS, The City benefits from the vacation of these little used or unused streets and alleys by reducing City costs; it decreases City expenditures on mairttertance, repair and replacement, as well as reducing fly-dumping, vandalism and other criminal activity that cost the City money in prosecutions and reduced tax base; and

WHEREAS, Irt additiort, whert it vacates streets artd alleys that revert to ovimership by rtot-for-profit corporatiorts ertgaged in charitable, educational and philanthropic activities, the City obtains additional firtancial benefits by building stronger, more productive communities and by being relieved of the cost of social services that it might otherwise have to support with public monies; and

WHEREAS, Because the City obtains a net benefit, both financially and by facilitating improved social services for communities, the City Council has determined it to be in the public interest that when it vacates public streets and alleys where the abutting owner is a not-for-profit corporation engaged in charitable activities, no compensation will be required; and

WHEREAS, The properties located at 7158 to 7160 South Ingleside Avenue, along with the properties at 7206 to 7216 South Ingleside Avenue and the properties located at 7201 to 7239 South South Chicago Avenue are owned by GCYC, L.L.C; and

WHEREAS, GCYC, L.L.C. is the owner ofthe South Shore DriU Team Center and provides this community center with a variety of activities and educational programs for area youths, including a practice and a performance space for the South Shore Drill Team and Performing Arts Ensemble, the center is a state ofthe art facility that includes five (5) instructional classrooms for various educational uses, a gymnasium that converts into a theater artd a cafeteria with a full kitchen; also an instructional kitchen for teaching culinary arts to students in the community and the roof over the gymnasium/theater area has a roof garden for teaching students about ecology and gardening; and

WHEREAS, GCYC, L.L.C. proposes to use the portion of the alley to be vacated herein for green space in cortjunction with providing neighborhood children safe access to the South Shore Drill Team Center and a safe pedestrian corridor for chUdren to and from the Paul Revere Elemeutary School; artd

WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Chicago, after due investigation and consideration, has determined that the nature and extent ofthe public use and the public interest to be subserved is such as to warrant the vacation of part of the public alley described in the following ordinance; now, therefore.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. All that part ofthe rtorthwesterly/southeasterly 14 foot public alley lying southwesterly of the southwesterly line of Lot 22, lyirtg rtortheasterly of the 98486 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

rtortheasterly lirte of Lots 23 to 28, both irtclusive, lying southeasterly of the westerly extension of the south line of the north 28.00 feet of Lot 22 and Ijdng northwesterly of a line drawn from the most southerly corner of Lot 22 to the most easterly corner of Lot 23 all in Block 6 in Cornell, being a subdivision of the west half of Section 26, the southeast quarter of Section 26 (vrith the exception of the east half of the northeast quarter of said southeast quarter), the north half of the northwest quarter, the south half of the northwest quarter, west of the Illinois Central Railroad and the northwest quarter ofthe northeast quarter of Section 35, all in Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, IlUnois, said part of public alley as herein vacated being further described as the southeasterly 140.50 feet, more or less, ofthe northwesterly/southeasterly 14 foot public alley, as measured along the southwesterly Une of said alley, in the block bounded by East 71^' Street, South Ingleside Avenue, South South Chicago Avenue and South Drexel Avenue, as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Vacated" on the drawing hereto attached, which drawing for greater certainty is hereby made a part of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby vacated and closed, inasmuch as the same is no longer required for public use and the public interest will be subserved by such vacation.

SECTION 2. GCYC, L.L.C. shall dedicate or cause to be dedicated to the pubUc and open up for public use as a public alley the following described property: that part of Lot 22 in Block 6 in Cornell, being a subdivision of the west half of Section 26, the southeast quarter of Section 26 (with the exception ofthe east half of the northeast quarter of said southeast quarter) the north half of the northwest quarter, the south half of the northwest quarter west of the Illinois Central Railroad and the northwest quarter ofthe northeast quarter of Section 35, all in Township 38 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows: begirtrtirtg at the irttersectiort ofthe south Une ofthe north 28.00 feet of Lot 22 aforesaid with the east line thereof; thence west along said south line, 95.86 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 22; thence southeasterly along said southwesterly Une, 22.67 feet to the south line ofthe rtorth 44.00 feet of Lot 22 aforesaid; thertce east alortg said south line of the north 44.00 feet, a distance of 79.78 feet to the east lirte of Lot 22 aforesaid; thertce north along said east lirte, 16.00 feet to the poirtt of begirtrtirtg, irt Cook County, Illinois, as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Dedicated" on the aforementiorted drawing.

SECTION 3. The nortprofit corporation must execute a restrictive covenant or other agreement or instmment approved by the Corporation Counsel, restricting the use and improvement ofthe public way vacated in Section 1 ofthis ordinance solely to nortreligious social service purposes which includes, but shall not be limited to: providing neighborhood children safe access to the South Shore Drill Team Center and a safe pedestrian corridor for children to and from the Paul Revere Elementary School solely in furtherance ofthe nonprofit corporation's, secular educational and community activities and for such use and improvements that are accessory thereto, as that term is defined in the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance. Such uses and improvements are to be owned and operated by a nonprofit corporation. The 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98487

restriction ort use and improvement in the covertant, agreement or instmment shall not expire so long as the nortprofit corporation remairts irt title and upon breach of such restriction the public way herein vacated shall revert to the City and it shall be subject to the terms cind conditions of the dedication by which was heretofore held by the City. This restrictiort may be released by the City ortly upou approval of the City CouncU which may condition its approval upon the payment of compensatiort which it deems to be equal to the benefits accming because of the release. The Commissioner ofthe Department ofTransportation is authorized to accept the executed restrictive covenant, agreement or other instmment restricting the use and improvement of the public way.

SECTION 4. The vacation herein provided for in the passage ofthis ordinance is made upon the express condition that within one hundred eighty (180) days after, GCYC, L.L.C. shall file or cause to be filed for record in the Office ofthe Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this ordinance, together with a redevelopment agreement complying with Sectiort 4 ofthis ordirtartce, approved by the Corporatiort Counsel, an attached drawing approved by the Superintendent of Maps and a plat duly executed and acknowledged by the appropriate owner, providing for the dedication of the property described in Sectiort 2 hereof.

SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

[Drawing and legal description referred to in this ordinance prirtted Ort page 98488 of this Journal]


The Committee ort Transportatiort artd PubUc Way submitted the foUovring report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Council:

(Continued on page 98489) 98488 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinsince associated with this drawing and legal description printed on pages 98485 through 98487 of this Joumal

"A" Cornell being a Sub. of the W.)J of Sec. 26, the S.E.YA of Sec. 26, with the (exception of the B.y2 of the N.E.Ji of said 8.E.>i), the N.)^ of the N.W.X^, the S.y2 of the N.W.y4, W. of the I.C.R.R. and the N.W.)i of the U.E.Y^ of Sec. 35 all in 38-14. "B" Ordinance for widening E. 71st St. between Cottage Grove Av. and Stony Island Av. Passed June 7, 1920. Order of possession entered of record Oct. 15, 1929.

Note; This Alley Vacation - Dedication is being done under the Not-For-Profit Street and Alley Vacation Program.

Dr. No. 26-05-06-2926


(Continued from page 98487)

Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance for the vacation-of the remaining east/west 16 foot public alley, together with the north 23 feet, rnore or less, ofthe north/south 16 foot public alley and providing for the dedication ofan east/west 18 foot public alley located 150.70 feet, more or less, south ofthe south line of West 95* Street, as widened and mnning east to South Claremont Avenue from the south terminus ofthe north/south 16 foot public alley to be vacated, all in the block bounded by West 95"" Street, as viddened. West 96"" Street, South Westem Avenue, as widened, and South Claremont Avenue. This ordinance was referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe Committee, with no dissentirtg vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted vrith the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yieas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillmart, Preckwirtkle, Hairstort, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, SoUs, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Rebojrras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tuurtey, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The follovring is said ordinance as passed:

WHEREAS, The City Council ofthe City of Chicago, after due investigation and consideratiort, has determirted that the rtature and extent ofthe public use and the public interest to be subserved is such as to warrant the vacation of part of the public alleys described in the followirtg ordirtance; now, therefore. 98490 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. All ofthe remairtirtg east/west 16 foot public alley lying south ofthe south line of Lots 1 to 6, both inclusive, Ijdng rtorth ofthe rtorth lirte of Lot 46, Ijdrtg rtorth of a lirte dravim from the rtortheast corrter of Lot 11 to the rtorthwest corrter of Lot 46, lyirtg west of a lirte drawn from the southeast corner of Lot 1 to the northeast comer of Lot 46 artd Ijdrtg east of the east lirte of the vacated east/west 16 foot alley, vacated by ordirtance approved November 25, 1958 by the City Council ofthe City ofChicago and recorded April 10,1959 in the Office ofthe Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, as Document Number 17505796, said east line being described in the last recorded document as, "the east line of Lot 11 produced north 16.00 feet", all in Block 4 in Highland Addition to Lortgwood, beirtg a resubdivision of Calumet Highlands, a subdivision ofthe northwest quarter ofthe northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 37 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois,


all that part of the north/south 16 foot public alley lying east of the east Une of Lots 11 and 12, lying west of the west line of Lots 45 and 46, lying south of a Une drawn from the northeast corner of Lot 11 to the northwest corner of Lot 46 and lying north of the westerly extertsiort of the rtorth line of the south 2 feet of Lot 46 all in Block 4 in Highland Additiort aforesaid, said part of public alleys herein vacated being further described as the remainirtg east/west 16 foot public alley, together vidth the north 23 feet, more or less, ofthe north/south 16 foot public alley all in the block bounded by West 95'*' Street, as widened. West 96* Street, South Western Avenue, as viddened, and South Claremont Avenue, as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Vacated" on the dravidng hereto attached, which drawing for greater certainty, is hereby made a part of this ordirtartce, be artd the same are hereby vacated and closed, irtasmuch as the same are no longer required for public use and the public interest will be subserved by such vacations.

SECTION 2. The V-Land Corp. of 1802 North Fremont Street, Chicago, IlUrtois 60614, shall dedicate or cause to be dedicated to the public and open up for public use as a public alley the following described property: the North 16 feet of Lot 45 and the south 2.00 feet of Lot 46 in Block 4 in Highland Addition to Longwood, being a resubdivision of the Calumet Highlands, a subdivision of the northwest quarter ofthe northwest quarter of Section 7, Tovimship 37 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Dedicated" on the aforementiorted drawirtg.

SECTION 3. The vacatiorts hereirt provided for are made upon the express condition that vidthin one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance. Viand Chicago 95* L.L.C. and V-Land Corp. of 1802 North Fremont 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98491

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60614, shall pay or cause to be paid to the City ofChicago as compensation for the benefits which vidll accme to the owners of the property abutting said parts of public alley the sum of Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($14,500.00), which sum in the judgment ofthis body will be equal to such benefits; and further shall, vidthin one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage ofthis ordinartce, deposit irt the City Treasury ofthe City ofChicago a sum sufficient to defray the costs of removing paving and curb retums and constructing sidewalk and curb across the eutrance to that part of the public alley hereby vacated, similar to the sidewalk and curb in South Claremont Avenue between. West 95* Street, as widened, and West 96* Street and constructing paving and curbs in and to the alley to be dedicated. The precise amount of the sum so deposited shall be ascertained by the Office of Emergency Management and Communicatiorts — Traffic Management Authority, Permits Division after such investigation as is requisite.

SECTION 4. The vacations herein provided for are made upon the express condition that vidthirt orte hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance. Viand Chicago 95* L.L.C. and V-Land Corp. of 1802 North Fremont Street, Chicago, IlUnois 60614, shall file or cause to be filed for record in the Office ofthe Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois a certified copy ofthis ordinance, together vidth an attached drawing approved by the Superintendent of Maps and a plat duly executed and ackrtowledged by the appropriate owrter, providirtg for the dedicatiort of the property described irt Section 2 hereof.

SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

[Drawing and legal description referred to in this ordirtance printed on page 98492 of this Journal]


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

(Continued on page 98493) 98492 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated wdth this drawing and legal description printed on pages 98490 and 98491 of this Joumal

"A" Highland Addition to Longwood being a Resub. of Calumet Highland a Sub. of the N.W.)^ of the N.W./* of Sec. 7-37-14. "B" 95th St. as opened from Westem Av. to Vincennes Rd. See final report of Commr's of Highways of the Town of Worth under date of Oct. 3rd 1850 on page 8 of records of roads laid out from 1850 to 1862 also Corporation Counsel opinion under date of Sept. 1,1911. "C" Ordinance for widening 8. Western Av. between W. 91st St. and W. 107th St. Passed Nov. 24,1919. Order of Possession June 14,1922. "D" Ordinance for widening W. 95th St.from S. State St. to S. Westem Av. Passed Feb. 7, 1923. Order of Possession by County Court July 9, 1941. iipii Vacated by Ordinance Passed Nov. 25, 1958. Rec. Apr. 10, 1959 Doc.# 17505796

-WT 95^ ^B"—STT

r ,Ti' ^s 79 ^ » ^.^ >:-^» ^^ -»-' yjT D In i 1 1 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dr. No. 07-19-06-2954 > NORTH •f < L 'W si; tSK!W3«iVBCBiBlSS:SS r- ..mi ,15 p;^46 S § i« 11 i 12 = To Be DadKrisd : 1l« IK 13 44 » 1" 14 43 « l« 15 42 « IK 16 41 s [ 40 « nr^^ 17 I ^« 18 7\ ' 39 « IR 19 38 « I- l« 20 37 « |« 21 36 « l« 22 35 a 1- UJ 1" 23 34 R DC |« 24 33 s < _J IR 25 32 R 1- 26 31 R o CO !« 27 30 R

28,.„ m.M 29 -^: * W. 96TH ST. « n r 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98493

(Corttirtued from page 98491)

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl:

Your Committee on Transportation and PubUc Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinartce for the vacation and dedication of streets bounded by East Illinois Street, North McClurg Court, East Grand Avenue and North Peshtigo Court. This ordinance was referred to the Committee on October 4, 2006.

This recommertdatiort was cortcurred irt unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe Committee, vidth no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motiort of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Rebojnras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 49.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Alderman Burke invoked Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure, disclosing that he had represented parties to this ordinartce irt previous and unrelated matters. 98494 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

The following is said ordinance as passed:

WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Chicago, after due investigation and consideration, has determined that the nature and extent of public use and the public interest to be subserved is such as to warrant the vacation of part of the public street described in the following ordinance; now, therefore.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. The north 6.33 feet of that part of West Illinois Street except the east 434.57 feet, as opened by Deed of Dedication approved, November 18, 1987 by the City Council ofthe City ofChicago, said Deed of Dedication recorded November 25, 1987 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois as Document Number 87630904, being described as Item 2 of said recorded Deed of Dedication and described as the south 9.33 feet (9 feet, 4 inches) of Block 3 (except the east 434.57 feet thereof) in Citjdront Center, being a resubdivision in the north fractiort of Section 10, Tovimship 39 North, Range 14, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, said part of public street as herein vacated being further described as the north 6.33 feet of East Illinois Street mnning east from the east line of North McClurg Court for a distance of 165.47 feet, more or less, as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Vacated" on the drawing hereto attached, which drawing for greater certainty is hereby made a part ofthis ordirtartce, be and the same is hereby vacated and closed, inasmuch as the same is no longer required for public use and the public interest will be subserved by such vacatiou.

SECTION 2. MCL CDC P21, L.L.C. shall dedicate or cause to be dedicated to the public and open up for public use for sidewalk purposes the foUowiug described property: that part of Block 3 irt Citjdrortt Cert ter, beirtg a resubdivision in the north fraction of Section 10, Tovimship 39 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded February 24,1987 as Document 87106320, described as follows: begirtrtirtg at the southwest corner of Block 3, aforesaid; thence north 00 degrees, 00 minutes, 15 seconds east, along the west Une thereof, 2.70 feet; thence south 90 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds east, 594.63 feet; thence north 00 degrees, 09 minutes, 24 seconds east, 210.93 feet; thence south 89 degrees, 59 minutes, 54 seconds west, 595.19 feet to the west line of Block 3; thence rtorth 00 degrees, 00 mirtutes, 15 seconds east, along said west line, 4.30 feet to the northwest corner thereof; thence north 89 degrees, 59 minutes, 54 seconds east, along the north line of Block 3, aforesaid 600.60 feet to the northeast corner thereof; thence south 00 degrees, 09 minutes, 24 seconds west, along the east line of Block 3, aforesaid, 217.93 feet to the southeast corner thereof; thence north 90 degrees, 00 mirtutes, 00 seconds west, along the south Une of Block 3, aforesaid, 600.02 feet to the point of beginning, in Cook County, Illinois, 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98495

as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Dedicated" on the aforementioned drawing.

SECTION 3. The City of Chicago hereby reserves for the benefit of Commortwealth Edison and AT&T, their successors or assigns, an easement to operate, maintairt, constmct, replace and renew overhead poles, wires and associated equipment and underground conduit, cables and associated equipment for the transmission and distributiou of electrical ertergy and telephonic and associated services under, over and along that part of the public street as herein vacated, vidth the right of ingress and egress.

SECTION 4. The vacation herein provided for is made upon the express cortditiort that withirt orte hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance, MCL CDC P21, L.L.C. shall pay or cause to be paid to the City ofChicago as compensation for the benefits which will accme to the owner of the property abutting said part of public alley hereby vacated, the sum of Zero and no/100 DoUars ($0.00) which sum in the judgment of this body will be equal to such benefits and further, shall within one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance, deposit in the City Treasury of the City of Chicago a sum sufficient to defray the costs of reconstructing sidewalk along the new rights-of-way Unes of East Grand Avenue, North Peshtigo Court and East Illinois Street. The precise amount of the sum so deposited shall be ascertained by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications — Traffic Management Authority, Permits Division after such investigation as is requisite.

SECTION 5. The vacation herein provided for is made upon the express condition that within one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinance MCL CDC P21, L.L.C. shall file or cause to be filed for record in the Office ofthe Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, IlUnois, a certified copy ofthis ordinance together with an attached drawing approved by the Superintendent of Maps and a plat duly executed and acknowledged by the appropriate ovimer, providing for the dedications of the property described in Section 2 hereof.

SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

[Drawing and legal description referred to in this ordinartce prirtted Ort page 98496 of this Journal] 98496 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this dravidng and legal description printed on pages 98494 and 98495 of this Joumal

"A" Cityfront Center being a Resubdivision in the N. Fraction of Sec. 10-38-14. "B" Dedication for only sidewalk purposes. Rec. Nov. 25, 1987. Doc. #87830904

\ Dr. No. 10-42-06-2925



V •• To Be Dedicated - To Be Dedicated • 6 "A"

53 BLOCK 3 oSl JJ wo I 0 "CO o -To Be Vacated LU CL I- /-To Be Dedicated



The Committee on Transportatiort artd Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl:

Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass a time extensiort ordinance for the vacation ofthe west 125.07 feet, more or less, ofthe 16 foot east/west public alley in the block bounded by West Chicago Avenue, West Iowa Street, North Pulaski Road and North Harding Avertue. The original ordinance was approved by the City Council ofthe City ofChicago on May 11, 2005 and printed upon pages 48454 and 48456 — 48459 ofthe Joumal ofthe Proceedings ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago. This ordinance was referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommertdatiort was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted vidth the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, TUlman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, RebojTas, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None. 98498 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Natams moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motiort was lost.

The followirtg is said ordirtartce as passed:

WHEREAS, Art ordirtance was passed by the City Council of the City of Chicago May 11, 2005, appearing on page 48454, and on pages 48456 to 48459, both inclusive, of the Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago of said date, providing for "Vacation Of Portion Of PubUc Alley In Block Bounded By West Chicago Avenue, West Iowa Street, North Pulaski Road And North Harding Avenue"; and

WHEREAS, Said ordinance was not recorded withirt the orte hundred eighty (180) day time period as provided in said ordinance; and

WHEREAS, The time period for recording said ordinance has expired; and

WHEREAS, The City CouncU of the City of Chicago desires to extend such time period for one hundred eighty (180) days; and

WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Chicago, after due investigation and consideratiort, has determirted that the nature and extent ofthe public use and the public interest to be subserved is such as to warrant the vacation of part of the public alley described in the foUovidng ordinance; now, therefore,

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. All of the remaining part of the east/west 16 foot public alley Ijdng north ofthe north line of Lots 24 to 29, both inclusive, Ijdng south ofthe south line of Lot 30, Ijdng east ofthe east line drawn from the northwest comer of Lot 29 to the southwest comer of Lot 30 and Ijdng west ofthe southerly extensiort ofthe east lirte of Lot 30 all in Block 7 in Thomas J. Givert's Subdivision of the west half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter and east half of the northwest half of the southwest quarter ofSection 2, Township 39 North, Range 13, East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois; said part of public alley, herein vacated being further described as the west 125.07 feet, more or less, of the 16 foot east/west public alley in the block bounded by West Chicago Avenue, West Iowa Street, North Pulaski Road and North Harding Avenue as shaded and indicated by the words "To Be Vacated" on the drawing hereto attached, which drawing for greater certainty, is hereby made a part ofthis ordinance, be and the same is hereby vacated and closed, inasmuch as the same is no longer required for public use and the public interest will be subserved by such vacation.

SECTION 2. The City of Chicago hereby reserves that part of the public alley as herein vacated, as a right-of-way for an existing sewer and for the installation ofany 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98499

additional sewers or other municipally-owned service faciUties now located or which in the future may be located in that part of the public alley as herein vacated, and for the maintenance, renewal, and reconstructiou of such facilities. It is further provided that no buildings or other stmctures shall be erected on said right-of-way herein reserved or other use made of said area, which in the judgment of the respective municipal officials having control of the aforesaid service facilities would interfere with the use, maintenance, renewal, or reconstmction of said facilities, or the construction of additional municipally-owned service facilities.

SECTION 3. The City ofChicago hereby reserves for the benefit of Commonwealth Edison, AT & T and Comcast, their successors or assigns, an easement to operate, maintain, construct, replace and renew overhead poles, vidres and associated equipment, and underground conduit, cables and associated equipment for the transmission and cUstribution of electrical energy and telephonic and telecommunications and associated services under, over and along that part of the public alley as herein vacated, with the right of ingress and egress.

SECTION 4. The vacatiort hereirt provided for is made upon the express condition that within one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage ofthis ordinance, Irwin Levin shall pay or cause to be paid to the City of Chicago as compensatiort for the bertefits which vidll accme to the owner of the property abutting said part of public alley hereby vacated the sum of Sixty-six Thousand Two Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($66,200.00), which sum in the judgment ofthis body will be equal to such benefits; and further shall, vidthin one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage of this ordinartce, deposit in the City Treasury of the City of Chicago a sum sufficient to defray the costs of removing paving and curb returns and constmcting sidewalk and curb across the entrartce to that part of the public alley hereby vacated, similar to the sidewalk and curb in North Pulaski Road between West Iowa Street and West Chicago Avenue. The precise amount ofthe sum so deposited shall be ascertained by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications — Traffic Management Authority, Permits Division after such investigation as is requisite.

SECTION 5. The vacation herein provided for is made upon the express condition that within one hundred eighty (180) days after the passage ofthis ordinance, Irwin Levin shall file or cause to be filed for record in the Office ofthe Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois a certified copy ofthis ordinance, together with an attached dravidng approved by the Superintendent of Maps.

SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

(Dravidng and legal description referred to in this ordirtance printed on page 98500 of this Joumal.) 98500 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ordinance associated with this drawing and legal description printed on pages 98498 artd 98499 of this Journal.

"A" Thomas J. Diven's Subdivision of the W.)^ of the S.W.Ji of the 8.W.)i and the E./2 of the N.W.)i of the 8.W.>'4 of Section 2-39-13. i

Dr. No. 2-27-04-2822 NORTH J L « W. IOWA ST.

Q > DC <

o CO z s s Q D DC CL 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 <

26.07 Si 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25.07



The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl

Your Committee on Trartsportatiort artd Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance, as amended, and as authorized by an ordinance passed on June 9, 1999 and published at pages 5442 — 5453 ofthe Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Coundl of the City ofChicago of that date by adding the locations on Exhibit A. This ordirtartce was referred to the Committee ort January 11, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, vidth no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yieas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, TUlman, Preckwirtkle, Hairstort, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. 98502 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The list of bus stop shelters located in the City of Chicago, as amertded, and as authorized by an ordinance passed on June 9, 1999 and published at pages 5442 — 5453 of the Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Coundl of the City of Chicago ofthat date, is hereby further amended by adding the locations showrt ort Exhibit A attached hereto.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.

Exhibit "A" referred to in this ordinance reads as follows:

Exhibit "A".

Locations For Bus Passenger Shelters - 8'^ Ward.

JCD Identification Cross Number Ward Direction Position Street Street Comi

Cottage 1 4127 8 NB NS Grove 100"^ SE

2 7545 8 NB FS Jeffery ggth NE


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report: 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98503

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl:

Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance, as amended, and as authorized by an ordinance passed on Juue 9, 1999 and pubUshed at pages 5442 — 5453 of the JoumaZ ofthe Proceedings ofthe City Council ofthe City ofChicago ofthat date by adding the location on Exhibit A. This ordirtartce was referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe Committee, with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted vidth the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, TUlman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natams moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The following is said ordirtance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. The Ust of bus stop shelters located in the City of Chicago, as amended, and as authorized by an ordinance passed on June 9, 1999 and pubUshed at pages 5442 — 5453 of the Joumal of the Proceedings of the City 98504 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Coundl of the City of Chicago of that date, is hereby further amended by adding the locations shovim on Exhibit A attached hereto.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.

Exhibit "A" referred to in this ordinance reads as follows:

Exhibit "A".

Locations For Bus Passenger Shelter — 9"" Ward.

JCD Identification Cross Number Ward Direction Position Street Street Corner

1 2000 SB NS Michigan 103'"'' NW


The Committee on Transportatiort and PubUc Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl

Your Committee on Trartsportatiort and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance, as amended, and as authorized by an ordinance passed on June 9, 1999 and published at pages 5442 — 5453 ofthe Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City ofChicago 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98505

ofthat date by adding the location on Exhibit A. This ordirtance was referred to the Committee on January 11, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members ofthe Committee, with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motiort of Alderman Allert, the said proposed ordirtance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, SoUs, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, RebojTas, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natams moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The foUovidng is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. The Ust of bus stop shelters located in the City of Chicago, as amended, and as authorized by an ordirtance passed ort June 9, 1999 and published at pages 5442 — 5453 of the Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Coundl of the City of Chicago ofthat date, is hereby further amended by adding the locatiort shown on Exhibit A attached hereto.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.

Exhibit "A" referred to in this ordirtance reads as follows: 98506 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Exhibit "A".

Locations For Bus Passenger Shelter - 22""^ Ward.

JCD Cross Identification Ward Direction Position Street Street Corner Number

3653 22 EB NS Cermak Homan SW


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the foUovidng report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl

Your Committee on Transportation and PubUc Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass an ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Transportation to install barricades at the mouth of the east alley bounded by South Western Avenue, Chicago 86 Northwestern Railroad tracks and West 13'^ Street. This ordinance was referred to the Committee on Febmary 6, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, vidth no dissentirtg vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Sigued) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98507

On motion of Alderman Allen, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairstort, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Rebojras, Suarez, Matiak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, ShUler, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The foUovidng is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Commissioner of Transportatiort is hereby authorized and directed to install barricades at the mouth of the east alley bouuded by South Westem Avenue, Chicago 86 Northwestern Railroad tracks and West 13"" Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and due publication.


The Committee on Transportation and Public Way submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 6, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Council 98508 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Your Committee on Trartsportation and PubUc Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass the proposed ordinances transmitted herewith authoriziug the exemption of sundry applicants from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and/or egress to parking facilities at various locations. These ordinances were referred to the Committee on December 13, 2006, January 11, 2007 and Febmary 6, 2007.

This recommendation was concurred in unanimously by a viva voce vote of the members of the Committee, with no dissenting vote.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) THOMAS R. ALLEN, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Alien, the said proposed ordinances transmitted with the foregoing committee report were Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillmart, Preckwirtkle, Hairstort, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Courtor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tuuney, Levar, ShiUer, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natams moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Said ordinances, as passed, read as follows (the italic heading irt each case rtot beirtg a part of the ordirtance):

Anchor Group Ltd.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, the Commissioner of Transportation is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Anchor Group Ltd. from the provisious requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 5140 South Kenwood Avenue. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98509

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from artd after its passage artd publicatiou.

Avilas Auto.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuaut to Sectiort 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Commissioner of Transportation is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Avilas Auto, Operating Manager, at 7053 West Belmont Avenue from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 7053 West Belmont Avenue. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Mr. Jimmy Banys.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Jimmy Banys of 5008 — 5012 West Lawrence Avenue from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 5008 — 5012 West Lawrence Avenue. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Blue Lion L.L.C/Blue Ribbon Construction.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, 98510 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Blue Lion L.L.C. or Blue Ribbon Constmction, 3660 West 111*^ Street, from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

CODEX Warehouse, Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt CODEX Warehouse, Inc. of 1927 North 77'*' Street, Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707, from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 211 — 217 North Mozart Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and pubUcation.

Commuter Rail Division Of Regional Transportation Authority (Metra).

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuantto Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, the Commissioner of Trartsportatiort is hereby authorized and directed to exempt the Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportatiort Authority ("Metra") of 547 West Jackson Boulevard from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for its commuter rail station located at 1803 West lOO"' Street/1820 West lOP' Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be irt force upon its passage and publication. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98511

Mr. Jose Abel Fernandez.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Jose Abel Fernandez of 5210 South Ashland Avenue from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 5210 South Ashland Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinartce shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and pubUcation.

n Taco/Mr. Wamen Shabaz.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Commissioner of Transportation is hereby authorized and directed to exempt II Taco, Warren Shabaz, of 1371 West Grand Avenue, from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 1371 West Grand Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordiuance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

John O'Flaherity Builders, Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt John O'Flaherity Builders, Inc. of 1136 West Diversey Parkway from the provisiorts 98512 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking faciUties for 2256 — 2258 West Belmont Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from artd after its passage and publication.

Mr. Iver Johnson.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Commissioner of Transportatiort is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Iver Johnson of 6100 — 6104 North Milwaukee Avenue from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 6100 — 6104 North Milwaukee Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication.

Lakeside Mortgage.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Director of the Department of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Lakeside Mortgage of 3025 North Western Avenue from requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 3025 North Western Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98513

Pratt Auto Works, Inc.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Pratt Auto Works, Inc., 1714 West Pratt Boulevard, from the provisious requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking faciUties for 1714 West Pratt Boulevard.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publicatiou.

Raul's Repair Service.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuantto Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Codeof Chicago, the Director of the Department of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Raul's Repair Service of 2328 West Nelson Avenue from requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking faciUties for 2328 West Nelson Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication.

Real Concord.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Real Concord, 2800 West Peterson Avenue, from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite 98514 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

to prohibit alley ingress and/or egress for new cortstmction at 6014 North Califomia Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after passage and publication.

Ciaran Richmond.

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Ciaran Richmond of 5406 South Indiana Avenue from the provision requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 5406 South Indiana Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Samland Health Care Training Program And Perpetual Help, Unlimited.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Samland Health Care Trainirtg Program artd Perpetual Help, Unlimited, 10146 South Western Avenue, from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking faciUties.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from artd after its passage and publicatiou. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98515

Mr. Michael Sato.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, the Commissioner of Transportatiort is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Michael Sato, property ovimer at 1634 West Grace Street, from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 1634 West Grace Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Shannonside Development.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuantto Section 10-20-430 ofthe Muuicipal Code ofChicago, the Commissioner of Transportation is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Shannonside Development at 1031 South Racine Avenue from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress for 1031 South Racine Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and due pubUcation.

Mr. Jonathan Split.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago (Prior Code 33-19.1), the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Jonathan Split from the provisions 98516 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and/or egress to parking facilities for 1106 — 1116 West Agatite Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and pubUcation.

Mr. Greg Sztejkowski.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Greg Sztejkowski of 5757 South Claremont Avenue from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and/or egress to parking faciUties for 5757 South Claremont Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Tema Firma Co.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, the Commissioner of Transportatiort is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Terra Firma Co., property owners at 2326 West Giddings Street, from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 2326 West Giddings Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98517

Anoosha Varda.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Commissioner of Transportatiort is hereby authorized and directed to exempt Artoosha Varda from the provisiorts of requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress to parking facilities for 3155 West Diversey Avenue. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Willow 719 L.L.C.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, the Commissioner of Transportatiort hereby authorized and directed to exempt Willow 719 L.L.C, 715 — 721 West Willow Street, from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and/or egress to the parking facility for 715 - 721 West WiUow Street. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication.

1122 South Wabash, L.L.C.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Commissioner of Transportation and the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt 1122 South Wabash L.L.C. of 1111 South Wabash Avenue from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 1122 South Wabash Avenue. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and pubUcation. 98518 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

2918-2920 North Sheffield Avenue.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuantto Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt 2918 — 2920 North Sheffield, L.L.C. from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 2918 — 2920 North Sheffield Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and pubUcation.

4239 West 2^^ Street.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuantto Sectiort 10-20-430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Commissioner of Transportation is hereby authorized and directed to exempt 4239 West 26* Street from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and/or egress to parking facilities for 4239 West 26"" Street.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

4856 Addison Inc./Ms. Dorothy Stepanek.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 10-20-430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Commissioner of Transportation is hereby authorized and directed to exempt 4856 Addison Inc./Dorothy Stepanek from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking facilities for 4856 West Addison Street. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98519

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication.

5725 South Wentworth Avenue.

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Pursuantto Section 10-20-430 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, the Director of Revenue is hereby authorized and directed to exempt 5725 South Wentworth Avenue from the provisions requiring barriers as a prerequisite to prohibit alley ingress and egress to parking faciUties for 5725 South Wentworth Avenue.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be irt force from and after its passage and publication.



The Committee on Zoning submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl:

Reporting for your Committee on Zoning, for which a meeting was held on January 18, 2007, I beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass 98520 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

various ordinances transmitted herevidth for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointments of the followirtg individuals as members ofthe Chicago Plan Commission. They are as follows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Lyneir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commissiort to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter C. B. Bjmoe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoirtt David Weirtsteirt as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amendment known as TAD-386 which was corrected and amended in its amertded form regardirtg Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of rtirte ordirtances which were corrected and amertded in their amended form. They are Application Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 and A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Allen abstained from voting on AppUcation Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, WUUam J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on Applicatiort Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City CouncU's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for approval ofthe reappointment of Ms. Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission transmitted herewith. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98521

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain from voting ort Applicatiort Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Banks, the committee's recommendation was Concumed In and the said proposed reappointment of Ms. Doris B. Holleb as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission was Approved by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Rebojnras, Suarez, Matlak, MeU, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, ShUler, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 48.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.


The Committee on Zortirtg submitted the foUowiug report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Council 98522 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Reporting for your Committee on Zoning, for which a meeting was held on January 18, 2007,1 beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass various orcUnances transmitted herevidth for the purpose of reclassifjdng particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointments of the following individuals as members ofthe Chicago Plan Commission. They are as follows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Lyneir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter CB. Bynoe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoirtt David Weirtstein as a member of the Chicago Plart Commissiort to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amendmertt known as TAD-386 which was corrected and amended in its amended form regarding Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of nirte ordinartces which were corrected and amended in their amertded form. They are Application Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 and A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Allen abstained from voting on Application Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, William J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on Applicatiort Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City CouncU's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for approval ofthe reappointment of Ms. Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission transmitted herewith. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98523

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain form voting ort Applicatiort Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City CouncU's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Banks, the committee's recommendation was Concumed In and the said proposed reappointment of Ms. Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission was Approved by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermert Flores, Haithcock, Preckwirtkle, Hairstort, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Colemau, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Rebojnras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 48.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.


The Committee on Zoning submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Council

Reporting for your Committee on Zoning, for which a meeting was held on January 18, 2007, I beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass 98524 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

various ordinances transmitted herewith for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointmertts of the follovidrtg irtdividuals as members ofthe Chicago Plan Commission. They are as follows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expirirtg January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Lyneir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commissiort to a term effective immediately artd expirirtg January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter CB. Bjmoe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoint David Weinstein as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amertdmertt knovim as TAD-386 which was corrected and amertded in its amended form regarcUng Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of nirte ordinances which were corrected and amertded irt their amended form. They are Application Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 and A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Alien abstained from voting on Application Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, William J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on Application Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City CouncU's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for approval ofthe appointment of Mr. D. Lyneir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission transmitted herevidth. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98525

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain form voting on AppUcation Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Banks, the committee's recommendation was Concumed In and the said proposed appointment of Mr. D. Ljmeir Richardson as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission was Approved by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Rebojrras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 48.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.


The Committee on Zortirtg submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl

Reporting for your Committee on Zoning, for which a meeting was held on January 18, 2007, I beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass 98526 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

various ordinances transmitted herewith for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointments of the foUovidng individuals as members ofthe Chicago Plan Commission. They are as follows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Ljmeir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter C B. Bynoe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commissiort to a term effective immecUately and expiring January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoint David Weinsteirt as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amertdmertt known as TAD-386 which was corrected and amertded irt its amertded form regardirtg Permitted Uses/Parks and Opert Spaces.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of nine ordinances which were corrected and amertded irt their amertded form. They are Applicatiort Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 and A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Allen abstained from voting ort Applicatiort Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City CouncU's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, William J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on Application Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City CouncU's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for approval of the reappointment of Ms. Linda A. Searl as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission transmitted herevidth. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98527

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain form voting on AppUcation Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Banks, the committee's recommendatiort was Concumed In and the said proposed reappointment of Ms. Linda A. Searl as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission was Approved by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 48.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.


The Committee on Zoning submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl:

Reporting for your Committee on Zoning, for which a meeting was held on January 18, 2007, I beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass 98528 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

various ordinances transmitted herewith for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointments of the following irtdividuals as members of the Chicago Plan Commission. They are as follows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Ljmeir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expirirtg January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter C B. Bjmoe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoint David Weinstein as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amendment known as TAD-386 which was corrected and amended in its amended form regarding Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces.

I beg leave to recommeud the passage of rtirte ordirtances which were corrected and amended in their amended form. They are Application Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 and A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Allen abstained from voting on Applicatiort Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that 1, William J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on Applicatiort Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for approval of the appointment of Mr. David Weinstein as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission transmitted herewith. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98529

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstairt form votirtg ort Applicatiort Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 aud 15644 uuder the provisiorts of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motiort of Alderman Banks, the committee's recommendation was Concumed In and the said proposed appointment of Mr. David Weinstein as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission was Approved by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, RebojTas, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Alien, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, ShiUer, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 48.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.


(AppUcation Number TAD-385)

The Committee ou Zortirtg submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Council 98530 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Reporting for your Committee on Zonirtg, for which a meeting was held ort January 18, 2007, I beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass various ordinances transmitted herewith for the purpose of reclassifjdng particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointments of the following individuals as members ofthe Chicago Plan Commission. They are as foUows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Ljmeir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately emd expiring January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter C B. Bjmoe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoint David Weinstein as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amendmertt known as TAD-386 which was corrected and amended irt its amertded form regardirtg Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of nirte ordinances which were corrected and amended irt their amertded form. They are Applicatiort Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 aud A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Allen abstained from votirtg ort Applicatiort Number 15644 uuder the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, William J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on Application Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for passage of the ordinance transmitted herewith. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98531

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain from voting on Application Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Banks, the said proposed ordirtance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yieas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Rebojras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 48.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoirtg vote. The motiort was lost.

The follovidrtg is said ordirtance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Section 17-4-1000 of Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance, is hereby amended by deleting the stmck-through language and insertirtg the underscored language as follows:

17-4-1004 Affordable Housing.

17-4-1004-C Bonus Formula.

3^ The cost of land must be based on sale prices within the most recent 5 vears. as provided by the Department of Planning and Development.

4. The Commissioner of Plannirtg and Development is responsible for updating estimates of land values annually. 98532 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance.)

17-4-1018 Off-site Park And Open Space Contributions.

17-4-1018-C Bonus Formula.

3. The Commissioner of Planning and Development is responsible for updating estimates of land values cveiy 5 yeai's aurtually.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance.)

17-4-1019 Streetscape Improvements.

17-4-1019-C Bonus Formula.

3. The Commissioner of Planrtirtg and Developmertt is resportsible for updating estimates of land values every 5 yeai's annually.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance.)

17-4-1020 Transit Station Improvements.

17-4-1020-C Bortus Formula.

3. The Commissioner of Planning and Development is resportsible for updating estimates of land values eveiy 5 years annually.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance.)

17-4-1021 Pedway Improvements.

17-4-1021-C Bonus Formula.

3. The Commissioner of Planning and Development is responsible for updating estimates of land values eveiy 5"ycai's annually. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98533

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance.)

17-4-1022 Adopt-A-Landmark. 17-4-1022-C Bonus Formula. 3. The Commissioner of Plannirtg and Developmertt is responsible for updating estimates of land values every 5 years anrtually.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance.)

17-4-1023 Chicago PubUc Schools Capital Improvement Program. 17-4-1023-C Bonus Formula. 3. The Commissioner of Planning and Development is responsible for updating estimates of land values every 5 years annually.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance.)

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon passage and publication.


The Committee on Zoning submitted the foUovidng report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl 98534 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Reporting for your Committee on Zonirtg, for which a meetirtg was held ort January 18, 2007, I beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass various ordinances transmitted herewith for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointmertts of the followirtg irtdividuals as members of the Chicago Plan Commission. They are as follows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Ljmeir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter C B. Bynoe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoint David Weinsteirt as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amendment known as TAD-386 which was corrected and amended in its amended form regarding Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of nirte ordirtartces which were corrected and amended in their amended form. They are Application Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 and A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Allen abstained from voting on Application Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, WilUam J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on AppUcation Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for passage of the ordinance transmitted herewith. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98535

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain from voting on Application Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 aud 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Banks, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and rtays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, SoUs, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Alien, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 48.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Section 17-4-1022 of Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by deleting the struck-through language and inserting the underscored language as follows:

17-4-1022 Adopt-A-Landmark.

17-4-1022-B Guidelines.

2. Landmarks eligible for adoption must be identified by the Commission on Chicago Landmarks and must be located on or vidthin 600 1.200 feet of a proposed development site.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance.) 98536 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon passage and publication.


(AppUcation Number TAD-386)

The Committee on Zonirtg submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Council Reporting for your Committee on Zonirtg, for which a meeting was held on January 18, 2007, I beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass various ordinances transmitted herewith for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas. I beg leave to recommend the appointments of the following individuals as members ofthe Chicago Plan Commission. They are as follows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Lyneir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter C B. Bynoe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission. to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011; and 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98537

MA-100 to appoint David Weinstein as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amendment knowrt as TAD-386 which was corrected and amended irt its amertded form regardirtg Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of nine ordinances which were corrected and amertded irt their amertded form. They are Applicatiort Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 artd A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Allen abstained from voting on Applicatiort Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, WilUam J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on AppUcation Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for passage ofthe substitute ordinemce transmitted herewith.

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain from voting on Application Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motiort of Alderman Banks, the said proposed substitute ordinance transmitted vidth the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 48.

Nays — None. 98538 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Section 17-6-0203 of Titie 17 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by deleting the stmck-through language and sjmibols and insertirtg the underscored language and sjmibols as follows:

17-6-0200 POS, Parks And Open Space District.

17-6-0203-E Use Table.

USE GROUP Park/Open Space Facility Type

Use Category POS-1 POS-2 POS-3 Additional Regional or Neighborhood, Open Standards Specific Use Type Community \t\n\- and Play-lot Space/Natural POS-4 Parks Parks Areas Cemeteries

A = accessory P = permitted by-right S = special use approval required - = Not allowed


A. Daycare

B. Parks and Recreation

Arboretums and Botanical 1. P P P - Gardens

Band Shells and Outdoor 2. P P - - Theaters

3. Batting Cage P P - -

4. Beaches P P P -

5. Bowling Alley P P - -

6. Canoe/Boat Launch P P P -

Community Center, 7. Recreation Building and S S - - Similar Assembly Use 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98539

USE GROUP Park/Open Space Facility Type

Use Category POS-1 POS-2 POS-3 Additional Regional or Neighborhood, Open Standards Specific Use Type Community Mini- and Play-lot Space/Natural POS-4 Parks Parks Areas Cemeteries

A = accessory P = permitted by-right S = special use approval required - = Not allowed

8. Community Garden P P - -

Conservatories and 9. P - - - Greenhouses

10. Dog Park P P - -

11. Driving Range P - - -

12. Fishing Pier P P P -

13. Forest or Nature Preserve P P P -

14. Golf Courses P - - -

15. Harbor Facilities P - - -

Ice Skating Rink (indoor and 16. P P - - outdoor)

17. Marinas PD - - -

18. Miniature Golf P P - -

19. Passive Open Space P P P -

Playgrounds including wrater 20. P P - - play areas

Playing Courts (basketball, 21. P P - - volleyball, et cetera)

Playing Fields (baseball, 22. P P - - soccer, et cetera)

23. Skate Park P P - -

24. Swimming Pools P P -

Tennis Courts (indoor and 25. P P - outdoor) 98540 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

USE GROUP Park/Open Space Facility Type

Use Category POS-1 POS-2 POS-3 Additional Regional or Neighborhood, Open Standards Specific Use Type Community Mini- and Play-lot Space/Natural POS-4 Parks Parks Areas Cemeteries

A = accessory P = permitted by-right S = special use approval required - = filot allowed

Trails for Hiking, Bicycling, or 26. P P P - Running

27. Zoos PD - - -

Parks and Recreation uses Allowed when expressly approved by governing body 28. not listed above with jurisdiction over facility or shown on approved = master plan

C. Cultural Exhibits and Libraries PD PD - -

D. Utility Service, Major S S S s

E. Utility Service, Minor P P P p

F. Hospitals forovided thev were in existence prior to the adoption of this P - - - comprehensive amendment)


FG. Food and Beverage Retail No liquor/alcohol sales A A - - Sales allowed

GH. Funeral and Interment Services

1. Cemeteries and Mausoleums

HI. Eating and Drinking Establishments


fJ. Field house, locker rooms or similar buildings that support primary outdoor recreation areas.

JK. Kiosks

KL Off-Street Parking, Accessory 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98541

USE GROUP Park/Open Space Facility Type

Use Category POS-1 POS-2 POS-3 Additional Regional or Neighboriiood, Open Standards Specific Use Type Community Mini- and Play-lot Space/Natural POS-4 Pari(s Parks Areas Cemeteries

A = accessory P = permitted by-right S = special use approval required - = hlot allowed

m. Off-street Parking, Non- S S - - accessory

MN. Restrooms A A - -

Must be screened from NO. storage and Maintenance A A - - public view by fences, Areas/Buildings walls and landscaping

OP. Temporary Uses P P - -

PQ. Wireless Communication Facilities

1. Co-located P P - P §17-9-0118

2. Freestanding (Tower) S S - S §17-9-0118

SECTION 2. This ordirtance shall be in force and effect upon passage and pubUcation.


(Committee Meeting Held January 18, 2007)

The Committee on Zonirtg submitted the following report: 98542 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

CHICAGO, Febmary 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl:

Reporting for your Committee on Zonirtg, for which a meeting was held on January 18, 2007, I beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass various ordinances transmitted herewith for the purpose of reclassifjdng particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointmertts of the followirtg irtdividuals as members of the Chicago Plan Commission. They are as follows: MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Ljmeir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commissiort to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter C. B. Bjaioe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoint David Weinsteirt as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expirirtg January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amendment known as TAD-386 which was corrected and amended in its amended form regarding Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces.

I beg leave to recommertd the passage of rtirte ordirtartces which were corrected and amended in their amended form. They are Application Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 and A-7071.

Please let the record reUect that Alderman Thomas Allen abstained from voting on Applicatiort Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order emd Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, WUliam J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on AppUcatiort Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98543

At this time, I move for passage of the ordinartces and substitute ordinance transmitted herewith.

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain from voting on Applicatiort Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Banks, the said proposed ordinartces artd substitute ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report were Passed by yeas and rtays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, ShUler, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 47.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Alderman Banks invoked Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure, disclosing that while he had no personal or financial interest in the ordinances he had a familial relationship with the applicants' attorney.

The following are said ordinances as passed (the italic heading in each case not being a part of the ordinance):

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 1-H. (Application Number 15993)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all the RT4 Residential Two-Flat, 98544 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Townhouse and Multi-Unit District sjmibols and indications as shown on Map Number 1-H in the area bounded by: West Warren Boulevard; a line 359.28 feet west of and parallel to North Ashlartd Avertue; the alley uext south of and parallel to West Warren Boulevard; and a line 419.15 feet west of and parallel to North Ashland Avenue, to those of an RM5.5 Residential Multi-Uuit District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 3-J. (Application Number 15815)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zonirtg Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all the RS3 Residential Single-Urtit (Detached House) District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 3-J in the area bounded by: a Une 145 feet south of and parallel to West Hirsch Street; the public alley next east of and parallel to North Hamlin Avenue; a line 200 feet south of and parallel to West Hirsch Street; and North Hamlin Avenue, to those ofan RT3.5 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District and a corresportdirtg use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 3-J. (Application Number 15875)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98545

Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all the RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District sjmibols and indications as shown on Map Number 3-J in the area bounded by: a line 50 feet south of and parallel to West Le Mojme Street; the alley next east of artd parallel to North Hamlirt Avertue; a liue 100 feet south of and parallel to West Le Mojme Street; and North Hamlin Avenue, to those ofan RT3.5 Residential Two-Flat, Towrthouse aud Multi-Unit District and a corresponding use district is hereby estabUshed in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force artd effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 5-H. (AppUcation Number 16009)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance, is hereby amended by changing all ofthe RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 5-H in the area bounded by: the alley next north of and parallel to West Cortland Street; the alley next west of and parallel to North Hojme Avenue; West Cortland Street; and a line 140.48 feet west of and parallel to North Hoyne Avenue, to those of an RM5 Residential Multi-Unit District. SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 5-L (Application Number 15904)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all the RS3 Residential Sirtgle-Urtit 98546 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

(Detached House) District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 5-1 in the area bounded by: a line 120 feet south of and parallel to West Wabansia Avenue; the alley next east of and parallel to North Artesian Avenue; a line 168 feet south of and parallel to West Wabansia Avenue; and North Artesian Avenue, to those ofan RT3.5 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District and a corresportdirtg use district is hereby estabUshed in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 7-1. (Application Number 15977)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinartce, is hereby amertded by changirtg all the RS3 Residerttial Sirtgle-Unit (Detached House) District symbols and indicatiorts as shown ort Map Number 7-1 in the area bounded by: a line 150 feet south of and parallel to West Altgeld Street; North Francisco Avenue; a line 175 feet south of and parallel to West Altgeld Street; and the alley next west of and parallel to North Francisco Avenue, to those ofan RT3.5 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 9-1. (As Amended) (Application Number 16003)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zonirtg 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98547

Ordinance, is hereby amended by changirtg all the Bl-3 Neighborhood Shopping District and Cl-1 Neighborhood Commercial District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 9-1 in the area bouuded by:

North Kedzie Avenue; a line 99.43 feet north of and parallel to West Waveland Avenue; and the public alley next east of and parallel to North Kedzie Avenue and West Waveland Avenue,

to those of a B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District and a corresponding use district is hereby estabUshed in the area above described.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.


(Committee Meeting Held January 18, 2007)

The Committee ou Zortirtg submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 7, 2007.

Tb the President and Members of the City Coundl

Reporting for your Committee on Zortirtg, for which a meeting was held on January 18, 2007, Ibegleave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass various ordinances transmitted herewith for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointmertts of the followirtg irtdividuals as members ofthe Chicago Plan Commissiort. They are as follows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010; 98548 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commissiort to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Ljmeir Richardsort as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter C. B. Bynoe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoint David Weinsteirt as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amertdmertt krtowrt as TAD-386 which was corrected and amended in its amertded form regardirtg Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of nirte ordirtartces which were corrected artd amended in their amertded form. They are Application Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 and A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Allen abstained from voting on Application Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, WilUam J. P. Banks, abstained from votirtg emd recused myself on Application Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City CouncU's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for passage ofthe ordinance transmitted herewith.

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain from voting on Applicatiort Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98549

On motion of Alderman Banks, the said proposed ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austiu, Colon, Mitts, Laurino, O'Courtor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 46.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motiort was lost.

Alderman Banks invoked Rule 14 of the City Couucil's Rules of Order aud Procedure, disclosiug that while he had rto persortal or firtartcial irtterest irt the ordinance he had a familial relationship with the appUcartt's attomey.

Alderman Allen invoked Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure, disclosing that he had a prior business relationship with the appUcant.

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changirtg all the C2-1 Motor Vehicle-Related Commercial District sjmibols and indicatiorts as showrt on Map Number 9-N in the area bounded by:

the alley next rtorth of and parallel to West Dakin Street; North Natchez Avenue; West Dakin Street; a line 244.34 feet west of and parallel to North Natchez Avenue; a Une 177.95 feet north of and parallel to West Dakin Street; and the alley next west of and parallel to North Natchez Avenue,

to those of a B2-2 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District and a corresponding use district is hereby estabUshed in the area above described.

SECTION 2. This ordirtartce shall be irt force and effect from and after its passage and due publication. 98550 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


(Committee Meetiug Held January 18, 2007)

The Committee on Zonirtg submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, Febmary 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Coundl: Reporting for your Committee on Zonirtg, for which a meetirtg was held on January 18, 2007,1 beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass various ordinances transmitted herewith for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointmertts of the followirtg irtdividuals as members ofthe Chicago Plan Commission. They are as follows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Ljmeir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter C. B. Bjmoe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expirirtg January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoint David Weinstein as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98551

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amendment known as TAD-386 which was corrected and amended in its amended form regarding Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of nirte ordinances which were corrected and amended in their amertded form. They are Applicatiort Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 aud A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Alien abstained from voting on Application Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, WUliam J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on AppUcation Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for passage ofthe substitute ordinance transmitted herewith.

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain from voting on Application Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motiort of Aldermart Banks, the said proposed substitute ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Alien, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natams, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 47.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. 98552 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Burke invoked Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure, disclosing that he had represented parties to this ordinance in previous and unrelated matters.

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the Plan of Development Statemertts, Plart of Developmertt Bulk Regulations and Data Table, exhibits and plans for Residential-Business Plaurted Development Number 489, as amended (bounded by West Randolph Street, North State Street, West Washingtort Street artd North Dearborn Street), as approved on May 11, 2005 and published iu the Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Coundl of the City of Chicago, page 46813, are hereby deleted artd replaced irt their entirety with the Plan of Development Statements, Plan of Development Bulk Regulatiorts artd Data Table, exhibits and plans attached hereto as Exhibit A.

SECTION 2. This ordinartce shall be irt full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.

Exhibit "A" referred to in this ordinance reads as follows:

Exhibit "A". (To Ordinance)

Residential-Business Planned Development Number 489, As Amended.

Plan Of Development Statements.

1. The area delineated herein as Residential-Business Planned Development Number 489, as amended, consists of approximately one hundred nineteen thousand five hundred fifty-eight (119,558) square feet (two and seventy-four hundredths (2.74) acres) of real property (the "Primary P.D. Parcel") and includes for development purposes certain above grade and below grade portions of surrounding rights-of-way as described in Statement Number 2 (the "R.O.W. Encroachment Areas") as depicted on the attached Right-of-way Adjustment Map (the Primary P.D. Parcel and the R.O.W. Encroachment Areas are collectively referred to as the "Property"). These plan of development statements, together with the attached exhibits and plans, are referred to as the "Planned Development". 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98553

Block 37, L.L.C. is deemed the "Applicant" for this Planned Development. Irt additiort, it is ackrtowledged that there are certairt below grade improvements which are rtot located within the Property, which are intended to be used primarily for a pedway, "back of house" functions and a foundation wall and which are irttertded to be located irt the subsurface areas of certain property owned by Commonwealth Edisort Company ("ComEd") having approximate dimensiorts of nirte (9) feet by eighty (80) feet and zoned DX-16 Dowrttown Mixed-Use District artd located immediately rtorth of ComEd's existirtg substation building, as depicted on the attached Below Grade Easement Area Plan (such property owned by ComEd is referred to herein as the "Below Grade Easement Area" and the improvements intended to be located therein are referred to as the "Below Grade Easement Area Improvements"). The Applicant has executed an easement agreement with ComEd to use the Below Grade Easement Area and therefore is entitled to use such area in cortrtectiort with the improvemertts corttemplated by this Planned Development. In additiort, subject to the provisions of Statement 8 below regarding the AppUcant's control thereof. Applicant will grant an easement to the City over a portion of the Below Grade Easement Area for the purposes of a public pedway. Notwithstandirtg that the Below Grade Easemertt Area is a part of a differertt zortirtg lot than the Property, the Below Grade Easement Area and the Below Grade Easement Area Improvements shall be permitted and regulated as a part of this Planned Development only and shall not be regulated under the provisions appUcable in the DX-16 Downtown Mixed- Use District (or such other district or designation as such areas may lawfully be classified). Nothing herein shall be constmed to apply to the above-grade areas of such property owned by ComEd; provided, however, that, subject to the approval thereof by ComEd and ComEd's commitment to maintain the same on an ongoing basis. Applicant shall construct a decorative fencing treatment on property owned by ComEd abutting the Dearbom right-of-way along the ComEd Access Area (as defined in Statement Number 10b), as shown on the Street Level Plan.

2. The Applicant shall obtain all applicable official reviews, approvals or permits which are necessary to implement this Planned Development. Any dedication or vacation of streets or alleys, easemertts or any adjustment of rights-of-way shall require a separate submittal on behalf of the Applicant or its successors, assignees or grantees and approval by the City Council. The Planned Development includes certain projections above, into and below the R.O.W. Encroachmertt Areas, as depicted on the Right-of- Way Adjustment Plans attached hereto, which are necessary, integral and appropriate components of the improvements contemplated by this Planned Development. The Planned Development also includes certain projections below street level/grade of the right-of-way adjacent to the Property which are necessitated primarily by the need to accommodate 98554 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

those underground public transportatiort facilities gerteraUy depicted oo the Floor Plans for levels LLl — LL3 attached hereto and other uses that serve the geueral public within the boundaries of the Property. It is acknowledged that the Applicant has, in accordance with established procedures, applicable laws, and the specific limitations stated on the Right-of-Way Adjustments Plans, obtained fee title to that property constituting the R.O.W. Encroachment Areas through vacation and conveyartce by the City.

3. The requirements, obligations and conditiorts contairted withirt this Plartrted Developmertt shall be bindirtg upon the Applicant, its successors and assigns and, if different than the AppUcant, the legal titleholders and any ground/air-rights lessors except as provided herein. All rights granted hereunder to the Applicant shall inure to the benefit of the Applicant's successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal titleholders and any ground/air-rights lessors. Furthermore, pursuant to the requirements ofSection 17-8-0400 ofthe Chicago Zonirtg Ordinance, the Property, at the time applications for amendments, modifications or changes (administrative, legislative or otherwise) to this Planned Development are made, shall be under single ownership or under single designated control. Single designated control for purposes of this Statement shall mean that any application to the City for any amendment to this Planned Development or any other modification or change thereto (administrative, legislative or otherwise) shall be made or authorized by all the owners of the Property and any ground/air-rights lessors of the Property, subject, however, to the following exceptions and conditions: (a) any chartges or modifications to this Planned Development applicable to or in a given subarea designated pursuant to Statement Number 10 below need only be made or authorized by the owners and/or any ground/air-rights lessors of such subarea; provided, however, that for so long as the AppUcant or any affiliate thereof owns or controls any part of the Property, any applicatiort to the City for arty such changes or modifications (administrative, legislative or otherwise) must in all cases be authorized by the Applicant; (b) where portions of the improvements located on the Property have been submitted to the Illinois Condominium Property Act, the term "owner" shall be deemed to refer solely to the condominium association of the owners of such portions of the improvements and not to the individual unit owners therein; and (c) ComEd's consertt for any such changes or modifications (administrative, legislative or otherwise) with respect to the Below Grade Easement Area shall not be required and control thereof shall be deemed to be vested in the Applicant. Nothing herein shall prohibit or in any way restrict the aUenatiort, sale or any other transfer of all or any portiort ofthe Property or any rights, interests or obligations thereirt irtcluding any ground or air- rights leases. Upon any alienation, sale or any other transfer of all or any 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98555

portiort of the Property or the rights thereirt irtcluding any ground or air- rights leases (but not including an assignment or transfer of rights pursuant to a mortgage or otherwise as collateral for any indebtedness) and solely with respect to the portion of the Property so transferred, the term the Applicant shall be deemed amended to apply to the transferee thereof (and its beneficiaries if such transferee is a land trust) and the seller or transferor thereof (and its beneficiaries if such seller or transferor is a land tmst) shall thereafter be released from any and all obligations or liability hereunder; provided, however, that the Applicant's right to authorize changes or modifications to this Planned Development for so long as it owrts or corttrols all or arty portiort of the Property as set forth irt clause (a) ofthis Statemeut Number 3 above shall not be deemed amended or transferred to apply to a transferee (or its beneficiaries as aforesaid) urtless expressly assigrted irt a writtert irtstrument executed by the original Applicant hereunder. It is acknowledged that the Property is further subject to the terms of a redevelopment agreement between the City of Chicago and the Applicant (the "Redevelopment Agreemertt"), which Redevelopment Agreement governed the conveyance ofthe Property to the AppUcant (or any affiliates thereof) and other matters relating to the use and development of the Property, and in the event of any conflict, corttradictiort or ambiguity between the terms of such Redevelopment Agreement and the terms of this Planrted Development, the more restrictive terms shall govern.

4. The foUowing uses shall be permitted in this Planned Development: all uses permitted in the DX-16 Downtowrt Mixed-Use District irtcluding, but not Umited to: retail and commercial uses including but not Umited to free­ standing carts and kiosks; offices, business, not-for-profit and professional; hotels; dwelling units and other residential uses; radio and television broadcast studios; transportatiort ticket offices; air freight transfer facilities (subject to the approval ofthe Department and C.D.O.T. in their sole discretion); night clubs, taverns, and other entertainment uses; food markets; physical culture and health services; public and/or quasi-public utility and service uses (including but not Umited to electric substations, railroad passenger stations, street railway terminals and railroad rights-of-way); converttiort certters artd meeting halls; public uses (including, but not limited to, activities such as entertainment, exhibits, dining, gatherings, retail sales and passive uses); pubUcly available pedway uses (including, but not limited to, public pedestrian travel and retail sales); electronic data storage centers; radio and television towers; broadcast and telecommunications stmctures (including related equipment and transmitting and receiving antertrtae); microwave relay towers; telephone trartsmission equipment buildings; wireless communication facilities (including towers, earth station antertrtas and parabolic dishes which shall not be subject to diameter or size limitations); 98556 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

day care centers; accessory parking; access for the benefit of ComEd for its existing substation building located on property adjacent to the Property as more specifically set forth irt Statemertt 10(b); and other accessory uses.

5. This Planned Development consists of severtteert (17) statemertts; a Bulk Regulations and Data Table; the WLS TV Block 37 Plan View of WLS and Block 37; the following exhibits, maps and plans, prepared by Perkins 86 Will and dated November 18, 2004 and most recently revised December 14, 2006: an Existing Zonirtg Map; art Existirtg Land-Use Plan; a Planned Development Property and Boundary Map; Level 1 Right-of-Way Adjustment Plan; Levels 2 and 3 Right-of-Way Adjustment Plan; Level 4 Right-of-Way Adjustment Plan; a Level 5 Right-of-Way Adjustment Plan; a Level 6 and above Right-of-Way Adjustment Plan; a Lower Levels 1 -- 3 Right-of-Way Adjustment Plan; a Site Plan; a Street Level Plart; East, West, North artd South Elevations; Lower Level Floor Plans (including a Lower Level 1 and Pedway Plan; East, West, North and South Signage Elevations and a Signage Elevations Gerteral Notes Plan; a Below Grade Easement Area Plan; and a Tower Envelope Plan. Full size sets are on file with the Department. These and no other zoning or signage controls shall apply to the Property. This Planned Development conforms to the intertt and purpose ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordinartce, Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago and all requirements thereof, and satisfies the established criteria for approval as a planned development.

6. The location artd square footage for business identification signs shown on the Sigrtage Plan attached hereto are hereby approved, subject to the specific limitations stated therein. All other business identificatiort sigrtage located ort or desigrted to be viewed from the exterior of arty buildings shall be subject to the review and approval of the Department. Temporary signs, such as constmction and marketing signs, shall be permitted within the Planned Development subject to the review and approval of the Department. No approvals shall be required for any signage located in and designed to be viewed solely from the interior ofany improvements on the Property. Irt addition to the foregoing, individual store front displays shall be permitted as long as they comply with the State Street Development Plan and Design Guidelines as adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission on May 13, 1993, in effect as ofthe date hereof, except to the extent said plan and guidelines may be hereafter amended to provide for requirements which are less restrictive than those currently in place. Electronic business identification signage for on-site entertainment uses only shall be permitted along Randolph Street as long as such signage is located no closer than twenty (20) feet from the intersection of State Street and Randolph Street. Electronic media signage shall be permitted to be located on the exterior ofthe office buUding at the 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98557

comer of Washington Street and Dearbom Street for the bertefit of the media tertant intended to be located therein and limited to the following tj^es of contertt: a) media tertartt statiort graphic or logo elemertts; b) live artd taped civic evertts; c) public service announcements; d) live and taped network or sjmdicated news broadcasts, irtcluding, during such broadcasts only, taped promotional announcements and commercials; and e) educational, cultural and athletic evertts, such as live sporting events already broadcast on CBS. Gaps of broadcasting time may be filled by broadcasts ofany nort-commercial still or video imagery that promotes the City of Chicago, media tertant station graphics, artd weather and traffic imagery. The media tenant may broadcast civic events and ceremonies that occur at Daley Plaza, i.e., events including the Mayor or events of major civic interest that would supersede regular programming. To facilitate the broadcast of these events, the City will allow CBS to install a fixed camera (pedestal) in an agreed-upon spot in the Plaza. Prior to January 1 of each year, the media tenant shall work with the Mayor's Office of Special Events to create a broadcast schedule (the "Broadcast Schedule") for the following year. The purpose of the Broadcast Schedule is to prioritize the civic events and ceremorties at Daley Plaza to avoid scheduling conflicts with the media tenant's other broadcasts. The Commissioner ofthe Department of Planning and Development shall have the authority to administratively adjust these requirements and limitatious upon the written request of the Applicant.

The improvements authorized by this Planned Development shall be designed, constructed and maintairted in substantial conformance with the plans and exhibits set forth in Statement Number 5 and the following:

a. The improvements shown in the plarts artd exhibits iderttified irt Statemertt Number 5 include, among other componertts, areas for three (3) towers, irtcluding the office tower shown at the corner of Washingtort and Dearbom Streets. Irt additiort to the office tower to be located at the comer of Washirtgtort Street and Dearborrt Street, the AppUcant shall have the right to constmct not more than two (2) towers within the area desigrtated ort the Tower Ertvelope Plart as the "North Tower Ertvelope", which towers may be constmcted to the maximum height provided for iu this Planned Development; provided, however, that the cortstmctiou of said additional towers shall not cause the maximum overall floor area permitted by this Planned Development to be exceeded. In the event the AppUcant wishes to constmct more than two (2) additional towers within the North Tower Envelope or wishes to locate said additional towers outside ofthe area ofthe North Tower Envelope, the Applicant shall seek a minor change in accordance with the provisions of Statement Number 14 below. 98558 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Applicant has set aside and designated certain areas on the exterior of the improvements for a possible "artistic frieze" display as designated on the elevations referenced in Statemertt Number 5 (the "Artistic Frieze Display Areas"). AppUcant shall consult with the commissioner of the Department of Cultural Affairs regarding the Artistic Frieze Display Areas. The content and design ofthe Artistic Frieze Display Areas shall be consistertt with the design of the portiort of the improvemertts irt the Plaurted Development on which they intended to be installed and shall be subject to the review and approval of the commissioner of the Department.

It is acknowledged that each retailer with at grade frontage along a public right-of-way shall be permitted to have at least one dedicated retail entrance.

In the event constmction of the tower improvements to be located within the North Tower Envelope has rtot commertced withirt eighteert (18) months of completiort of the retail base and related infrastmcture, the Applicant shall install a green grid system in such unimproved portions above the base until such time as construction begins on the applicable tower(s).

8. The improvements intended to be constructed pursuant to the Planned Development are irttended to corttairt publicly available areas comprisiug an east/west pedestrian pedway as depicted on the Lower Level 1 artd Pedway Plan (the "Pedway") and the street level atrium as depicted on the Site Plan (the "Atrium"). The Pedway and the Atrium are collectively referred to herein as the "Publicly Available Areas". The following standards shall apply to the I\ibUcIy Available Areas:

a. Uses. The uses of the Publicly Available Areas shall be subject to the conditions stated herein. The Publicly Available Areas shall be open to the public, in addition to being open to the occupants ofthe improvements, for the following purposes:

(1) Pedway. For public pedestrian travel underground between points lying to the east and west of the Property, for access to permitted uses which may be located in or adjacent to the Pedway and for such other uses permitted pursuant to this Planned Development as may be approved by the Commissioner of the Department and the Commissioner of the Department of Transportatiort.

(2) The Atrium. For programmed civic events, for informal gathering (subject in all cases to Statement Number 8e 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98559

below) and for public pedestrian access to and from the Pedway and to and from such other private uses within the improvements as may be made available by the Applicant. In additiort, uses permitted by the Planned Development (including the use of retail kiosks and carts) may occupy portions ofthe Atrium. The design ofany such kiosks and carts shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Department.

Design. The Publicly Available Areas shall be designed and constructed in general accordance with the Site Plan and the Lower Level 1 and Pedway Plan, subject to the following:

(1) Pedway. The configuration and location of the Pedway as depicted on the Lower Level 1 and Pedway Plan may be modified by the Applicant from time to time to accommodate the needs of Applicant's Pedway tenants without the necessity of a minor chartge as described by Statemertt . Number 14, provided that the Pedway desigu (a) has a minimum floor to ceiling height of fourteen (14) feet and a minimum width of fifteen (15) feet; (b) is constmcted of quality materials comparable to other portions of the City pedway network constructed or renovated within five (5) years of the date hereof; (c) is of similar character and quality materials otherwise as the other improvements on the Property; and (d) conrtects to the pedway rtetwork located to the east and west of the Property. Other proposed modifications to the configuration of the Pedway may be permitted, but only as a minor change as described by Statement Number 14.

(2) Atrium. The configuration, location emd design of the Atrium may be modified by the Applicant from time to time to accommodate the needs of tenants or Applicant's design plan without the necessity of a minor change as described in Statement Number 14, provided that (a) the Atrium design conteiins at least sixteen thousand (16,000) square feet of floor area located entirely on the ground floor in a contiguous horizontal plane; (b) view corridors to Atrium areas are visible to pedestrians from adjacent sidewalks; (c) the Atrium shall accommodate, subject to Statement Number 8e below, programmatic public gatherings and events; (d) the Atrium design is of comparable character and quality to the other improvements on the Property; and (e) amenities for use by the general public as informal 98560 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

gathering space are provided such as benches, landscaping and similar items to define through design elements the civic use of central portions ofthe Atrium. For the purposes of calculating said sixteen thousand (16,000) square feet of floor area of the Atrium, the area of all entry walkways, cart/kiosk areas and floor openings to the Pedway level and vertical and horizontal circulation areas shall be included. Nothing herein shall prohibit Applicant from utilizing the Atrium areas for retail, commercial, entertainment and other permitted uses hereuuder during times when, or in locations where, public gatherings and events are rtot takirtg place.

c. Maintertartce. The Applicant shall be responsible to assure that the Publicly Available Areas are maintained and managed for the purposes herein intended, including without limitation, assuring that all Publicly Available Areas and facilities are clean, litter free and in good working order and that any landscaping or plant material is in a healthy condition.

d. Hours.

(1) Pedway.

(a) The Pedway shall be accessible twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, subject to such reasonable terms and conditions regarding control, security and other operational matters as are agreed to by the Applicant and the City.

(b) The City acknowledges that the existing pedway will be closed while the below-grade and retail base improvements are under construction. The Applicant shall use reasonable efforts to minimize the length of time of such closure and will open the Pedway access to publicly available use as soon as life safety and building requirements and other relevant consideratiorts will allow.

(2) The Atrium shall open during hours which are consistent with the hours of operations of the retail/entertairtmertt comportcrtts of the Planned Development. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98561

e. Control. The Applicant shall retain ownership of the Publicly Available Areas. In addition, the Applicant shall control and have sole discretion over Pedway signage (irtcluding business identification, temporary and advertising). The requirements ofthis Plaurted Development appUcable to the Publicly Available Areas shall not be construed to permit interference wi h the reasonable private operation of the improvements by the ApplicEmt and tenants consistertt with the private operatiort and maintertance of an economically viable quality retail/hotel/residential office mixed-use project. The Applicant shall retain control over all activities and shall retairt the right to approve and limit all uses ofthe Publicly Available Areas including but not limited to, programmatic public gathering and evertts; provided that such control, approval and limitatiort shall rtOt conflict with the other provisions of this Plaurted Developmertt. Access to all uses developed on the Property may be by means ofthe Publicly Available Areas.

f. Duration. The requirements of this Statement Number 8 regarding the Publicly Available Areas shall remain operative at all times during which this Planned Development is in effect and the improvements constmcted pursuant hereto are used for the purposes set forth in this Planned Development.

Prior to issuance by the Department of a determination pursuant to Section 17-13-0610 ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordinance ("Part II approval") for any development of a hotel, residential or other tower above the retail base Ort the Property (but specifically excluding the south and west elevations of the office tower at the corner of Dearborn and Washington Streets), elevations for the proposed development shall be submitted to the Department for approval. This approval is intended to assure that the hotel and residential towers conform to the bulk regulations of this Planned Development and that the elevations of the hotel, residential and/or other tower as well as the north and east elevations of the office tower at the corner of Dearborn and Washington Streets are architecturally consistent with the design characteristics and quality of materials ofthe other improvements on the Property. Such elevations shall only be required to include the area or subarea of the Property (if so designated pursuant to Statement Number 10) for which approval is being sought by the Applicant. No Part II approval for development ofthe hotel, residential or other componertt withirt the Property, as appUcable, shall be granted until the applicable elevations have been approved. In the event of any inconsistertcy betweert approved elevatiorts and the terms of the Planned Development irt effect at the time of approval of such site plan or ofthe modifications thereto, the terms ofthe Planned Development shall govern. The elevations submitted for approval shall, at a minimum, provide the following informatiort with respect to the proposed improvemertts: 98562 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

— the locatiort of such compouertt withirt the Property boundaries; — roof plan (if applicable); — cross-sections ofthe improvements and material details; — statistical irtformation for the applicable improvements, including floor area and floor area ratio, uses to be established and buUding heights and setbacks; and — such other information as may be necessary to demonstrate conformity with the applicable provisious of the Planned Development.

10. (a) Subject in all cases to the other statements, terms, regulations and provisions ofthis Planned Development, the AppUcant shall have the right to designate subareas (which may include below grade subareas for C.T.A. and other below-grade uses) within the Planned Development from time to time in order to promote orderly development, to facilitate financing, acquisition, leasing or disposition of the Property or relevant portions thereof, to designate zonirtg corttrol or to otherwise administer this Planned Development. The designation and redesignation of subareas shall not in and of itself require an amendment or minor change to this Planned Development; provided, however, AppUcant shall provide notice of all material terms ofany such designation to the Department, includiug the designated area and the bulk regulations that will apply therein, for the Department's administrative purposes to facilitate Part II review for any such designated subarea. In furtherance of the foregoing, and in all cases subject to the other statements, terms, regulations and provisions of this Planned Development, the Applicant may allocate or assign the development rights under this Planned Development to and among the designated subareas, including, but not limited to, floor area and floor area ratio, signage, buUding height, and parking; provided, however, that the regulations and limitations set forth in the Bulk Regulations and Data Table and the plans and exhibits identified in Statemertt Number 5 applicable to the entirety of the Planned Development shall not be exceeded or increased as a result ofany such designation(s).

(b) A subarea is hereby designated for ComEd's benefit for surface access over the area bounded by a line seven feet north of the rtorth line of vacated West Court Place; a line eighty and three-hundredths (80.03) feet east of the east line of North Dearborn Street; the centerlirte of vacated West Court Place; and North Dearbom Street, as depicted on the Site Plan (the "ComEd Access Area"). No additional development or improvements shall be permitted in the above-grade portion of the ComEd Access Area unless and until (i) the Applicant and ComEd agree on the terms and conditiorts of such development or improvements and (ii) the Department approves any such development or improvements, which approval may be implemented administratively in accordance with the provisions of Statement 14. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98563

(c) It is acknowledged that, pursuant to Statement 10, the Applicant has designated three (3) additional subareas — the Residential Subarea, the Office Subarea and the C.T.A. Subarea. The Residential Subarea is generally located in the North Tower Ertvelope, as depicted ort the Tower Ertvelope Plan, above the retail podium. The Office Subarea is generally located in the area designated as "Media Tenant" on the Site Plart. The C.T.A. Subarea is generally located on those areas designated for C.T.A. use on the Lower Level 1 and Pedway Plan, the Lower Level 2 Plan and the Lower Level 3 Plan. The agreement effectuating the designatiort of these subareas is on file with the Department.

11. Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided in compUance with this Planned Development. A minimum of two percent of all parking spaces provided pursuant to this Planned Development shall be designated and designed for parking for the handicapped. Any service drive or other ingress or egress shall be adequately designed and paved in accordance with C.D.O.T.'s regulations in effect at the time of constmction and irt compliance with the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago, to provide ingress and egress for motor vehicles, including emergency vehicles. There shall be no parking within such paved areas. Ingress and egress shall be subject to the review and approval of the Department and C.D.O.T.. Applicant shall be permitted to utilize mechanical stackers, vehicular elevators or other mechanical parking devices subject to any required review and approval of the City department having applicable jurisdiction. For the purposes of satisfying minimum parking requirements set forth in the Bulk Regulations and Data Table, each space where a vehicle may be parked on such mechanical parking device, within the applicable manufacturer's specifications, shall count toward the minimum parking space requirements ofthis Planned Development. AppUcant shall further be permitted to operate all or any part of its off-street parking facilities with valet service in order to satisfy the required number of off- street parking spaces.

12. In additiort to the maximum heights of the buildings and any appurteuartces attached thereto described irt this Planned Development, the height of any improvements shall also be subject to (a) height limitations as certified and approved by the Federal Aviation Administratiort artd (b) for so lortg as such limitations are required for the continued use of transmission satellites, the WLS TV Block 37 Plan View ofWLS and Block 37.

13. For purposes of floor area, floor area ratio and building height calculations, the definitions ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordinance in effect as of the date hereof shall apply; provided, however, that irt additiort to the other exclusions from floor area for purposes of determining floor area ratio permitted by the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance, floor area devoted to mechanical equipment which exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet in any single location within the improvemertts and all rooftop mechanical 98564 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

equipment shall be excluded. The calculation of floor area ratio shaU be made based on the net site area of the Primary P.D. Parcel. In addition, and except with respect to the height limitation for the WLS TV Block 37 Plan View of WLS and Block 37, the calculation of any building height shall not include elevator shafts, ingress/egress towers mechanical penthouses and enclosures, telecommunications facUities or architectural design elements such as spires. 14. The requirements of the Planned Development may be modified administratively by the Commissioner of the Department (the "Commissioner") upou applicatiort and a determinatiort by the Commissiorter that such modification is minor, appropriate and consistent with the nature of the improvements contemplated by this Planned Development and the purposes underljdng the provisions hereof. Any such modification of the requirements of the Planned Development by the Commissioner shall be deemed to be a minor change in the Planned Development as contemplated by Section 17-13-0611 of the Chicago ZoningOrdinance. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 17-13-0611 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, such minor changes shall include a reduction in the minimum required distance between stmctures, a reduction in periphery setbacks, an increase of the maximum percent of land covered and changes to the location, size or display of signage. It is acknowledged that the demising walls for the irtterior spaces are illustrative only and that the location and relocation of demising walls or division of interior spaces shall not be deemed to require any further approvals pursuant hereto.

15. The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct and maintain all buildings in a manner that promotes and maximizes the conservatiort of rtatural resources. The Applicant shall use commercially reasonable efforts to design, cortstruct and maintain all buildings located within the Property in a manner generally consistent with the Leadership in Energy and Envirortmerttal Design ("L.E.E.D.") Green Building Rating System; provided, however, nothing set forth in this Plaurted Developmertt shall be cortstrued to require Applicant to obtain L.E.E.D. certification for any of the improvements on the Property. In furtherance ofthe foregoing. Applicant agrees that the retail portion ofthe building will have either a seventy-five percent (75%) net green roof or a fifty percent (50%) net green roof and the building will be L.E.E.D. certified; the residential and hotel buUdings will have a fifty (50%) net green roof or the building will be L.E.E.D. certified; and the office building will have a one hundred percent (100%) net green roof-- all as set forth in the Redevelopment Agreement. It is acknowledged that Applicant shall only be entitled to bonuses for green roof areas which are in excess of the requirements set forth in this Statemertt 15. 16. The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct and maintain the project in a manner, which promotes, enables 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98565

and maximizes universal access throughout the Property. Plans for all new buildings and improvemertts Ort the Property shall be reviewed and approved by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities ("M.O.P.D.") to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to access for persons with disabilities and to promote the highest standard of accessibility. No approvals shall be granted pursuant to 17-13-0610 of the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance untU the Director of M.O.P.D. has approved detailed constmction drawings for each new building or improvement.

17. Unless substantial construction ofthe improvements contemplated by this Planned Development has commenced within six (6) years of the effective date hereof and unless completion of those improvements is thereafter diligently pursued, then this Planned Development shall expire and the zoning ofthe Property shall automatically revert to the underlying DX- 16 Downtown Mixed-Use District. The six (6) year period may be extended for up to one (1) additional year if, before expiration, the Commissioner ofthe Department determines that good cause for an extension is shown. In no event shall the terms of this paragraph apply to tower improvements within the North Tower Envelope after constmction of the retail base has commenced.

[Existing Zoning Map; Existing Land-Use Plan; Planned Development Property and Boundary Map; Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Right-of-Way Adjustment Maps; Lower Levels 1 through 3 Right-of-Way Adjustment Maps; Pedway Plan; Site Plan; Lower and Street Level Plans; BuUding and Signage Elevations; General Notes; Below Grade Easement Area; Tower Envelope Plan; and WLS Height Limitations referred to in these Plan of Development Statements printed on pages 98567 through 98592 blank of this Journal]

Bulk Regulations and Data Table referred to in these Plan of Development Statements reads as follows:

Residential-Business Planned Development.

Plan Of Development Bulk Regulations And Data Table.

Gross Site Area (190,659 square feet (4.37 acres)) = Net Site Area (119,558 square feet (2.74 acres)) + Area Remaining in Public Right-of-Way (71,101 square feet (1.63 acres)). 98566 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Maximum Permitted Floor Area Ratio: 20.0

Base: 16.0

Bonuses: 4.0 Maximum Bonus Calculations:

Green Roof: To be determined based on design and in accordance with Statement 15

Through Block Connection: 1.53 (based on 17,300 square foot through block connectiort)

Upper Level Setbacks: To be determined based on desigrt

Below Grade Parking (LL-2): 0.87 (based ort 124 parkirtg spaces)

Below Grade Parkirtg (LL-3 and LL-4): 2.68 (based ort 286 parkirtg spaces)

Below Grade Loading: 0.16 (based ort 6 loadirtg berths)

Maximum Buildiug Height: 675 feet, subject to terms of Statement Numbers 12 and 13

Setbacks from Property Lirte: In substantial conformance with the Site Plan

Maximum Number of Dwelling Units: 400'"

Maximum Number of Keys: 500'"

Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces: 300 Minimum Number of Off-Street Loading Berths:

(1) The maximum number of hotel rooms/keys may be increased as long as there is a corresponding decrease in the maximum number of dwelling units, and the maximum number of dwelling units may be in increased as long as there is a corresponding decrease in the maximum number of hotel rooms/keys. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98567

Existing Zoning Map. 98568 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Existing Land-Use Plan.

BPDN0.4M I PDNO.379 DX-1«

IBPDN0.47i n DX-1$ PDW.ni

m DC-16

BPD NO. 191 DC-It BPD He. DC 16 19S DX-16 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98569

Planned Development Property And Boundary Map.



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Level 1 Right-Of-Way Adjustment.

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Levels 2 And 3 Right-Of-Way Adjustment.



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Level 4 Right-Of-Way Adjustment.



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Level 5 Right-Of-Way Adjustment.



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Level 6 And Above Right-Of-Way Adjustment.

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i ! |V>.AAAA/k^k^k^k^kJO ) WASHINGTON ST.


Lower Levels 1 - 3 Right-Of-Way Adjustment.




Site Plan.


Lower Level 1 And Pedway Plan.

.\- +--4 + 98578 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Lower Level 2. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98579

Lower Level 3.


•T—f-'-=5--f !•_, i U-4r—I^^*^-!-^ • ' I I ' 1 ' '


Street Level Plan. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98581

North Elevation.


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f !!t!! t 98582 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

South Elevation.

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. oe o 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98583

East Elevation.


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I ^ '°l i B ' i u o I' 98584 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

West Elevation.

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' i 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98585

North Signage Elevation.


\ s, r-P —— -1 w hk-• li a B • ^^ ^L wI - —Ii ^••1 nnniBiaiBiaiaiaiMiBnnnniBB iinr iP|! SIS S!S!S!S!S!B I •••! 1 J1J s ilili III ff II II .pilE LL ff - EJEB o i 35 (9 ~f 1 1 ..•• BQ gggsggi H^ Ul •LE" z Ul s m 1 1 I'J'LBI X ••;i».. o nr '1 U 1 ;•. _ _J u L L L L ttt Hn— .••; C p H iVm -j-BUJa .-= ••'•. ~ p_ t t F F p t PS

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South Signage Elevation.

a ii; rm It ^ ID UJ S

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East Signage Elevation.

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West Signage Elevation.

O n l| I S1 5g ll 1^ iSS Q 3

i 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98589

Signage Elevations — General Notes.


1 IP!!« !« !» o I ! f! " ell illi 19 11 (9 I' man HIH 98590 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Below Grade Easement Area.

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Tower Envelope Plan.


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WLS Height Limitations.

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(Committee Meeting Held January 18, 2007)

The Committee on Zonirtg submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, February 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Council Reporting for your Committee on Zoning, for which a meeting was held on January 18, 2007,1 beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass various ordinances transmitted herewith for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointmertts of the followirtg individuals as members of the Chicago Plan Commission. They are as follows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Lyneir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term elfective immediately artd expirirtg January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter C. B. Bynoe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoint David Weinstein as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amendment known as TAD-386 which was corrected and amended in its amended form regarding Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces. 98594 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

I beg leave to recommend the passage of nirte ordirtances which were corrected and amended irt their amertded form. They are Application Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 and A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Allen abstained from voting on Application Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, William J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on Application Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for passage ofthe substitute ordinance transmitted herewith.

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain from voting on Application Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Banks, the said proposed substitute ordinance transmitted with the foregoing committee report was Passed by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, MeU, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 47.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Alderman Burke invoked Rule 14 of the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure, disclosing that he had represented parties to this ordinance in previous and unrelated matters. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98595

The following is said ordinance as passed:

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance be amended by changing all of the current B3-2 Community Shopping District sjmibols and indicatiorts as showrt Ort Map Number 9-G in the area bounded by:

West Waveland Avenue; North Southport Avenue; a line approximately 499.8 feet south of and parallel to the south Une of West Waveland Avenue; and the alley next west of and parallel to North Southport Avenue,

to those of a Business Planned Development.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Plan of Development Statements attached to irt this ordirtance read as follows:

Business Planned Development Number _

Plan Of Developments Statements.

1. The area delineated hereirt as Business Planned Development (the "Planned Development") consists of approximately fifty-three thousand nine hundred ninety-three (53,993) net square feet (one and twenty- three hundredths (1.23 acres) of real property generally located at the southwest comer of North Southport Avenue and West Waveland Avenue and bounded as follows:

West Waveland Avenue; North Southport Avenue; a line approximately 449.8 feet south of and parallel to the south line of West Waveland Avenue; and the public alley next west of and parallel to North Southport Avenue in Chicago, Illinois (the "Property").

Jetco Properties, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Applicant"), is the owner of the Property and is the applicant for this Planned Development.

The Applicant or its successors, assignees, lessees, designees or grantees shall obtain all applicable official reviews, approvals or permits which are 98596 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

necessary to implement this Planned Development. Any dedicatiort or vacatiort of streets, alleys or easements or any adjustment of rights-of-way shall require a separate submittal on behalf of the Applicant or its successors, assignees or grantees, and approval by the City Council.

3. The requirements, obligations and conditions contairted withirt this Planned Development shall be binding upon the Applicant, its successors, lessees, designees and assignees and, if different than the Applicant, the legal titleholders and arty ground lessors. All rights granted hereunder to the Applicant shall inure to the benefit of the Applicant's successors, lessees, designees and assignees artd, if differertt than the Applicant, the legal titleholders and any ground lessees, designees, assignees and their respective successors and assigrtees. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 17-8-0400 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, the Property, at the time applications for amendmertts, modificatiorts or changes (administrative, legislative or otherwise) to this Planned Development are made, shall be under single ownership or under single designated corttrol. Sirtgle desigrtated corttrol for purposes of this paragraph shall mean that any application to the City for any amendment to this Planrted Developmertt or any other modification or change thereto (administrative, legislative or otherwise) is made or authorized by all the owners of the Property. Nothing herein shall prohibit or in any way restrict the alienatiort, sale or any other transfer of all or any portiort of the Property or any rights, interests or obligations therein. Upon any alienation, sale or any other transfer of all or any portion ofthe Property or the rights therein (other than an assignment or transfer of rights pursuant to a mortgage or otherwise as collateral for any indebtedrtess) artd solely with respect to the portiort of the Property so transferred, the term "Applicant" shall be deemed amended to apply to the transferee thereof (and its beneficiaries if such transferee is a land trust) and the seller or transferor thereof (and its beneficiaries if such seller or transferor is a land trust) shall thereafter be released from any and all obligations or liability hereunder.

4. This plan ofdevelopment consists of these fifteen (15) statements; a Bulk Regulations and Data Table; the following plans and maps prepared by Atwell-Hicks Development Consultants, all dated September 29, 2006, and revised as of December 14, 2006: Existing Zoning Map; Planrted Developmertt Boundary and Property Line Map; Land-Use Map; and Landscape Plan; and the following plans prepared by Camburas & Theodore, Ltd., all dated September 29, 2006, and revised as of December 14, 2006: Site Plan; Lower Level Parking Plan; East Elevation; West Elevation; North and South Elevations; and Roof Plan (collectively, and with the Landscape Plan, the "Plans"). Full-sized copies ofthe Plans are on file with the Department of Plannirtg and Development. These and no other zoning controls shall apply to the Property. In any instance where a provision of the Planned Development conflicts with the Chicago 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98597

Building Code, the Chicago Building Code shall control. This Planrted Developmertt conforms to the intent etnd purpose of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, and all requirements thereof, and satisfies the established criteria for approval as a planned development.

5. The following uses are permitted on the Property under this Planrted Development: retail food and beverage sales, including without limitation poultry packaging and retail sales of poultry; banks, savings bemks, savings and loan associations and credit unions; eating £tnd drinking establishments, temporary construction staging, temporary storage of construction materials, and temporary buildings for construction purposes; accessory and non-accessory parking; accessory uses; and all permitted uses in the B3-2 Community Shopping District.

6. All on-premise signs depicted on the Plans are approved and permitted. All other sigrts shall be subject to the reasonable review and approval ofthe Department of Planning and Development.

7. Ingress and egress for the Property shall be provided in substantial compliance with the Plans, which plan of ingress and egress has previously been approved by the Chicago Department ofTransportation.

8. The height of each building and free-standing structure located upon the Property, and any appurtenances attached thereto, shall be subject to the Bulk Regulations and Data Table as well as any height limitations established by the Federal Aviation Administration.

9. The improvements on the Property, the lartdscapirtg alortg adjacertt rights-of-way and all entrartces and exits to and from the parking and loading areas, shall be designed, constructed and maintained in substantial conformance with the Plans described in Statemertt Number 4 above.

10. For purposes of floor area, floor area ratio ("F.A.R.") and building height calculations, the definitions ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordinance in effect as of the date hereof shall apply.

11. The requirements of the Planned Development may be modified administratively by the Commissioner of the Departmertt of Plannirtg and Development (the "Commissioner") upon application and a determination by the Commissioner that such modification is minor, appropriate and consistent with the nature of the improvements contemplated by this Planned Development and the purposes underljdrtg the provisiorts hereof. Any such modification ofthe requirements ofthe Planned Development by the Commissioner shall be deemed to be a minor change irt the Planrted 98598 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Development as contemplated by Section 17-13-0611 of the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance rtotwithstanding the limitations of such sections.

12. All work proposed in the public way must be designed and constructed iu accordartce with the Chicago Departmertt ofTransportation Construction Standards for Work in the Public Way and in compliance with the Municipal Code ofthe City of Chicago. Any changes to ingress and egress as depicted in the Plans and as set forth below shall be subject to the review and approval of the Department of Transportation and the Department of Planning and Development. Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided irt compliance with this Planned Development. A minimum of two percent (2%) of all parking spaces provided pursuant to this Planned Development shall be designated and designed for parking for the handicapped.

13. The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct and maintain all buildings in a manner which promotes and maximizes the conservation of natural resources. The Applicant shall use commercially reasonable efforts to design and maintain all buildings located on the Property in a manner generally consistertt with the Leadership in Ertergy and Envirortmental Desigrt ("L.E.E.D.") Greert Building Rating System. The Applicant shall provide a green roof consistirtg of at least fifty percent (50%) ofthe net roof area which equates to approximately uirteteert thousaud five huudred forty (19,540) square feet; notwithstanding the foregoing, the actual green roof area shall be based on final design plans.

14. The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct and maintain the improvements of the Property in a manner which promotes, enables and maximizes universal access throughout the Property. Plans for all new buildings and improvements on the Property shall be reviewed and approved by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities ("M.O.P.D.") at the time of application for a building permit to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to access for persons with disabilities and to promote the highest standard of accessibility.

15. Unless substantial construction has commenced within six (6) years ofthe date of City Council approval ofthis Planned Development ordinance, then the zoning of the Property shall automatically revert to the B3-2 Community Shopping District. Said six (6) year period may be extended for up to one (1) additional year if, before expiration, the Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Developmertt determirtes that good cause for such an extension is shown. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98599

[Existing Zoning Map; Existing Land-Use Map; Planrted Developmertt Boundary and Property Line Map; Site Plan; Lower Level Parking Plan; Landscape Plan; Roof Pletn; and Building Elevations referred to in these Plan of Development Statements printed on pages 98600 through 98609 of this Journal]

Bulk Regulations and Data Table referred to in these Plan of Development Statements reads as follows:

Residential-Business Planned Development Number

Plan Of Development Bulk Regulations And Data Table.

Gross Site Area, 81,116 square feet (1.86 acres) = Net Site Area, 53,993 square feet (1.23 acres) + Area Remaining in Public Right-of-Way, 27,123 square feet (0.62 acres)

Maximum Floor Area Ratio: 2.2

Maximum Site Coverage: In accordance with the Site Plan

Minimum Building Setbacks: In accordance with the Site Plan

Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces: 100

Minimum Number of Bicycle 20, which may be provided in the public Parking Spaces: right-of-way, as depicted on the Landscape Plan

Minimum Number of Off-Street Loading Berths:

Maximum Building Height: 44 feet 98600 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO

Existing Zoning Map. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98601

Existing Land-Use Map.


L ETC DC H D c • • [ ::zj l=l[ • C D • [ D D C Dl D D C • Tl D D I t^'o r\£ i ii ±JC3 1 1 o: 1 1 a/0 1 1 l^ra 1 n F 1 a'o 1 1 o= 1 be pt - 1 jraTo"! 1 n - 1 1 K 1 • 1 a/ol r P 1 - 1 D c r] ! Q: 1 Ul = IT n 1 . 1 31 n ^ 1 M^ ^ 1 1 " P 1 - •. 1 H pl - 1 L 1 - 1 • ' ' '0 D j K D 1 -^1 1 D n 1 "^ 1 K E Di - 1 3 Dl - ) UUDL^ IIr-iD l - 1 1 1 1 1— i. a: M 1 (X.

(t/D a/0 98602 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Planned Development Boundary And Property Line Map.




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133UiS rCSiaOV iS3M 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98603

Site Plan.

JF- .0-.9Z ..o-.re f 0-.8li 3nN3/ \v c NV13AVM iS3M

"X •*" f y^ ^ 1 iL "^ i L i i cn o X fis 'B UJ 2S! in ^ o z .i b o 3^ /H _j f ^ri U j5 b CN

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Lower Level Parking Plan. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98605

Landscape Plan. 98606 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Roof Plan.

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North And South Elevations.

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East Elevation.

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!T^ •s: i_ 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98609

West Elevation.

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(Committee Meeting Held January 18, 2007)

The Committee on Zoning submitted the following report:

CHICAGO, February 7, 2007.

To the President and Members of the City Council: Reporting for your Committee on Zoning, for which a meeting was held on January 18, 2007,1 beg leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Pass various ordinances transmitted herewith for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas.

I beg leave to recommend the appointments of the following individuals as members of the Chicago Plan Commission. They are as follows:

MA-97 to reappoint Doris B. Holleb as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010;

MA-98 to reappoint Nancy A. Pacher as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective January 26, 2007 and expiring January 25, 2012;

MA-99 to appoint D. Ljmeir Richardson as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2010, to succeed Peter C. B. BjTioe, who has resigned;

MA-96 to reappoint Linda A. Searl as a member ofthe Chicago Plan Commission to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011; and

MA-100 to appoint David Weinsteirt as a member of the Chicago Plan Commissiort to a term effective immediately and expiring January 25, 2011, to succeed Allison S. Davis, whose term has expired.

I beg leave to recommend the passage of one text amendment knowrt as TAD-386 which was corrected artd amertded in its amended form regarding Permitted Uses/Parks and Open Spaces. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98611

I beg leave to recommertd the passage of rtirte ordirtances which were corrected and amended in their amended form. They are Application Numbers 16005, 16003, 15202, 15655, 15600, 15843, 15939, 15917 and A-7071.

Please let the record reflect that Alderman Thomas Alien abstained from voting on Applicatiort Number 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Please let the record reflect that I, William J. P. Banks, abstained from voting and recused myself on Application Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

At this time, I move for passage of the ordinances and substitute ordinances transmitted herewith.

Again, please let the record reflect that I abstain from voting on Applicatiort Numbers 15993, 16009, 16003, 15977, 15904, 15815, 15875 and 15644 under the provisions of Rule 14 ofthe City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) WILLIAM J. P. BANKS, Chairman.

On motion of Alderman Banks, the said proposed ordinances and substitute ordinances transmitted with the foregoing committee report were Passed by yeas and rtays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermert Flores, Haithcock, Preckwirtkle, Hairstort, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 48.

Nays — None.

Alderman Beavers moved to recortsider the foregoirtg vote. The motiort was lost.

The following are said ordinances as passed (the italic heading in each case not being a part of the ordinance): 98612 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 1-F. (As Amended) (Application Number 15855)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinartce be amended by changing all of the current DX-7 Downtown Mixed-Use District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 1-F in the area bounded by:

West Randolph Street; North Desplaines Street; West Court Place; and the public alley next west of artd parallel to North Desplairtes Street,

to those of a Residerttial-Business Planned Development.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Plan of Development Statements attached to this ordinance read as follows:

Residential-Business Planned Development Number .

Plan Of Development Statements.

The area delineated herein as Residential-Business Planned Development Number (the "Planned Development") consists of approximately thirty thousand five hundred forty-three (30,543) net square feet (zero and seventy-hundredths (0.70) acre) of real property generally located along North Desplaines Street between West Randolph Street and West Court Place and bounded as follows: West Randolph Street; North Desplaines Street; West Court Place; and the public alley next west of and parallel to North Desplaines Street in Chicago, Illinois (the "Property").

DAGS Desplaines L.L.C, an Illinois limited liability company (the "Applicant"), is the legal titleholder ofthe Property and the applicant for this Planned Development.

The Applicant or its successors, assignees or grantees shall obtain all applicable official reviews, approvals or permits which are necessary to implement this Planrted Development. Any dedication or vacation of streets, alleys or easements or any adjustment of rights-of-way shall 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98613

require a separate submittal on behalf of the Applicant or its successors, assignees or grantees, and approval by the City Council.

3. The requirements, obligations and conditions contairted within this Planned Development shall be bindirtg upon the Applicant, its successors and assignees and, if different than the Applicant, the legal titleholders and any ground lessors. All rights granted hereunder to the Applicant shall inure to the benefit ofthe Applicant's successors and assignees and, if differertt thart the Applicant, the legal titieholders and any ground lessors and their respective successors and assignees. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 17-8-0400 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, the Property, at the time applications for amendmertts, modifications or changes (administrative, legislative or otherwise) to this Planrted Development are made, shall be under single ownership or under single designated control. Single designated control for purposes of this paragraph shall mean that any applicatiort to the City for arty amertdmertt to this Planrted Developmertt or any other modification or change thereto (administrative, legislative or otherwise) is made or authorized by all the owners of the Property and any ground lessees of the Property. For purposes of this Planned Development, where portiorts of the improvemertts located ort the Property have beert submitted to the Illinois Condominium Property Act, the term "owner" shall be deemed to refer solely to the condomirtium associatiou of the owners of such portions of the improvements and not to the irt dividual unit owners therein; provided, however, that for so long as the Applicant or any affiliate thereof owns or controls any part of the Property, any application to the City for any such changes or modifications (administrative, legislative or otherwise) must in all cases be authorized by the Applicant. Nothing herein shall prohibit or in any way restrict the alienatiort, sale or any other transfer of all or any portion of the Property or any rights, interests or obligations therein. Upon any alienatiort, sale or any other transfer of all or any portion of the Property or the rights therein (other than an assignment or transfer of rights pursuant to a mortgage or otherwise as collateral for any indebtedrtess) and solely with respect to the portion of the Property so transferred, the term "Applicant" shall be deemed amended to apply to the transferee thereof (and its beneficiaries if such transferee is a land trust) and the seller or transferor thereof (and its beneficiaries if such seller or transferor is a land trust) shall thereafter be released from any and all obligations or liability hereunder; provided, however, that the Applicant's right to authorize changes or modifications to this Planned Development for so long as it owrts or corttrols all or any portion of the Property as set forth above in this Statement Number 3 shall not be deemed amended or transferred to apply to a transferee (or its beneficiaries as aforesaid) unless expressly assigned in a written instrument executed by the original Applicant hereunder.

4. This plan ofdevelopment consists of these sixteen (16) statements; a Bulk Regulations and Data Table; and the following plans prepared by 98614 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Brinirtstool + LjTich, Ltd., all dated September 12, 2006, and revised as of December 14, 2006 (collectively, the "Plans"): Existing Zoning Map; Planrted Development Bouudary and Property Line Map; Site Plan; Landscape Plan; East Elevatiort — Street Frorttage; East Elevatiort — Set Back; South Elevation — Street Frontage; South Elevation — Set Back; West Elevation; North Elevation; Floor 4 Greert Roof Plart; Floor 18 Greert Roof Plart; artd Floor 19 Greert Roof Plan. Full-sized copies ofthe Plans are on file with the Departmertt of Plartrtirtg and Developmertt. These and no other zortirtg corttrols shall apply to the Property. Irt any instance where a provision of the Planned Development cortflicts with the Chicago Building Code, the Building Code shall control. This Planned Development conforms to the intent and purpose of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago, and all requirements thereof, and satisfies the established criteria for approval as a planrted developmertt.

5. The followirtg uses are permitted on the Property under this Planned Development: dwelling units, including but not limited to multi-unit residential; residential support services; retail, service and commercial facilities; business and professiortal offices; food and beverage retail sales; temporary construction staging, temporary storage of construction materials, and temporary buildings for construction purposes; accessory and rton-accessory parking; accessory uses; and all permitted uses in the DX-7 Downtown Mixed-Use District, except for hotel/motel uses.

6. Temporary signs such as construction and marketirtg sigrts shall be permitted subject to the reasonable review and approval ofthe Department of Planning and Development. Business identification signs shall be permitted withirt the Planned Development subject to the review and approval of the Department of Planning and Development, cortsistent with the provisiorts of Sectiort 17-12-010, et seq., of the Chicago Muuicipal Code.

7. Irtgress and egress for the Property shall be provided in substantial compliance with the Plans, and rto further approvals shall be required for such ingress and egress plans.

8. In addition to the maximum heights of the buildings and any appurtenance attached thereto prescribed in this Planned Development, the height ofany improvements shall also be subject to height limitations as approved by the Federal Aviation Administration.

9. The improvements ort the Property, the landscapirtg along adjacent rights- of-way and all entrances and exits to and from the parking and loading areas, shall be designed, constructed and maintairted irt substantial conformance with the Plans described in Statement Number 4 above. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98615

Landscaping shall be installed and maintained at all times in accordartce with the Lartdscape Plart artd the Parkway Tree provisions of the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance and corresportdirtg regulatious and guidelines. On-site open space shall be provided in private and/or common open space areas at the rate of at least thirty-six (36) square feet per dwelling unit. On-site open space shall be desigrted irt conformartce with the requirements ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordinance.

10. For purposes of floor area, floor area ratio ("F.A.R.") and building height calculations, the definitions of the Chicago Zonirtg Ordinance in effect as of the date hereof shall apply; provided, however, that in addition to the other exclusions from floor area for purposes of determining F.A.R. permitted by the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, such floor area shall not include (a) all floor area devoted to mechanical equipment which exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet, and (b) all floor area associated with accessory parking and loading areas. The calculation of F.A.R. shall be made based on the net site area ofthe Planned Development. In additiort, the calculatiort of any building height shall not irt elude elevator shafts, ingress/egress towers, mechanical penthouses and enclosures, telecommunications facilities or architectural design elements such as spires.

The permitted floor area ratio ("F.A.R.") identified in the Bulk Regulations and Data Table has been determined using a Net Site Area of thirty thousand five hundred forty-three (30,543) square feet, a base F.A.R. of seven and zero hundredths (7.00) and additional F.A.R. for the amenity proposed, as follows:

Description Floor Area Ratio

Base F.A.R. 7.00

Affordable Housing Bonus 1.75

Total F.A.R. 8.75

11. The requirements of the Planned Development may be modified administratively by the Commissioner of the Department of Plannirtg and Development (the "Commissioner") upon appHcatiort and a determinatiort by the Commissiorter that such modificatiort is mirtor, appropriate and consistertt with the rtature of the improvemertts corttemplated by this Planrted Development and the purposes underlying the provisions hereof. Any such modification ofthe requirements ofthe Planned Development by the Commissiorter shall be deemed to be a mirtor change in the Planned Development as corttemplated by Section 17-13-0611 of the Chicago Zonirtg Ordinance. It is acknowledged that the demisirtg walls for the irtterior spaces are illustrative only and that the location and relocation of 98616 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

demising walls or division of irtterior spaces shall rtot be deemed to require any further approvals pursuant hereto.

12. All work proposed in the public way must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Chicago Department ofTransportation Constructiou Standards for Work in the Public Way and in compliance with the Municipal Code ofthe City ofChicago. Any changes to ingress and egress as depicted in the Plans and as set forth below shall be subject to the review and approval of the Department of Transportation and the Departmertt of Plartrtirtg and Development. Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided irt compliauce with this Planned Development artd irt cortformance with the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtartce. A mirtimum of two percertt (2%) of all parkirtg spaces provided pursuant to this Planned Development shall be designated and designed for parking for the hartdicapped.

13. The Applicant acknowledges that it is irt the public interest to design, construct and maintain all buildings in a maurter which promotes and maximizes the conservation of natural resources. The Applicant shall use commercially reasonable efforts to design and maintain all buildings located on the Property in a manner generally consistent with the Leadership in Ertergy artd Ertvirortmerttal Design ("L.E.E.D.") Green Building Rating System. The AppUcant shall provide a vegetated ("green") roof as indicated on the Greert Roof Plans and consisting of at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the net roof area.

14. The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct and maintain the improvements of the Property in a manner which promotes, enable and maximizes universal access throughout the Property. Plans for all new buildings and improvements on the Property shall be reviewed and approved by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities ("M.O.P.D.") at the time of application for a building permit to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to access for persons with disabilities and to promote the highest standard of accessibility at the time of application for a building permit.

15. Pursuant to the Affordable Housing provision ofthe City ofChicago Zoning Ordinance, Title 17, Chapter 17-4-1004, et seq. ("Zoning Ordinance"), the Applicant has asked for an increase in the floor area ratio of the Property. The Applicant hereby acknowledges that, according to Sectiort 17-4- 1004-D ofthe Zortirtg Ordirtance, the total floor area devoted to affordable housing units must equal at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the total increase in floor area allowed under the Affordable Housing Bonus or a cash paynient must be made to the City of Chicago Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund based on the increase in allowable floor area multiplied by eighty percent (80%) ofthe median cost of land per square foot. Based on Section 17-04-1004-D, the Applicant has agreed to provide twenty- 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98617

four (24) affordable housing units on-site, consisting of at least thirteen thousand three hundred fifty-nine artdfifty hundredths (13,359.50) square feet of floor area. Prior to the issuance of any approvals pursuant to Section 17-13-0610 of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("Part II"), the Applicant will enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement with the Chicago Department of Housing and provide a performance bond or other security, in the amount of Seven Hundred Twenty-six Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty-six and 80/100 DoUars ($726,756.80), ensuring construction ofthe affordable housing units. The Applicant must comply with all the applicable sections ofthe Affordable Housing Provisions ofthe Zonirtg Ordirtartce, which sectiorts are hereby irtcorporated irtto this Planrted Developmertt. The Affordable Housiug Agreemertt required by Section 17-4- 1004-E9 is also incorporated into this Planned Development.

16. Urtless substantial construction has commenced within six (6) years ofthe date of City Council approval ofthis Planrted Developmertt ordirtance, then the zonirtg of the Property shall automatically revert to the DX-7 Downtown Mixed-Use District. Said six (6)year period may be extended for up to one (1) additional year if, before expiration, the Commissioner ofthe Department of Planrtirtg and Development determines that good cause for such an extension is shown.

[Existing Zoning Map; Planned Development Boundary and Property Line Map; Site Plan; Landscape Plan; Street Frontage Elevations; Setback Frontage Elevations; and Greert Roof Plans referred to in these Plan of Development Statements printed on pages 98619 through 98631 of this Joumal]

Bulk Regulations and Data Table referred to in these Plan of Development Statements reads as follows:

Residential-Business Planned Development Number,

Plan of Development Bulk Regulations And Data Table.

Gross Site Area, 58,933 square feet (1.35 acres) = Net Site Area, 30,543 square feet (0.70 acre) + Area Remaining in PubUc Right-of-Way, 28,390 square feet (0.65 acre)

Net Site Area: 30,543 square feet 98618 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.):

Base F.A.R.: 7.00

Affordable Housiug Bonus: 1.75

Total F.A.R. 8.75

Permitted Uses: Dwellirtg units, includiug but not limited to multi-unit residential; residential support services; retail, service and commercial facilities; business and professional offices; food and beverage retail sales; temporary cortstructiort staging, temporary storage of construction materials, and temporary buildings for construction purposes; accessory and non-accessory parking; accessory uses; and all permitted uses in the DX-7 Downtown Mixed-Use District, except for hotel/motel uses.

Maximum Number of Dwelling 240 Units:

Maximum Site Coverage: In accordance with the Site Plan

Minimum Building Setbacks: In accordance with the Site Plan

Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces: 176

Minimum Number of Bicycle Parking Spaces: 50

Minimum Number of Off-Street Loading Berths: 2 at 10 feet by 25 feet, each

190 feet to the top of the highest Maximum Building Height: habitable space

36 square feet per dwelling unit in Minimum On-Site Open Space: private and/or common open space areas 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98619

Existing Zoning Map. 98620 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Planned Development Boundary And Property Line Map.

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xyvQNnoa iNawdonaAao a3NNvid-,6»'3 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98621

Site Plan.

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AWQNnOa iN3\Nd013A3a a3NNVld-.6t'Z 98622 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Landscape Plan. e B| ^"1


133)US S3NIVldS3a HiilON 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98623

North Elevation — Street Frontage.

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South Elevation — Street Frontage.

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ll ill! ill !^ 98625 OF COMMirTE^S REPO^T^S 1/7/2007

Street Frontage. East Elevation §6 il*; oI . 98626 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

West Elevation — Street Frontage.

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lisiil ii 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98627

South Elevation — Setback Frontage.

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East Elevation — Setback Frontage.


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Floor 4 Green Roof Plan.

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Floor 18 Green Roof Plan.

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Floor 19 Green Roof Plan.

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Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 2-L. (As Amended) (Application Number 15600)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the B3-2 Community Shopping District and Cl-2 Neighborhood Commercial District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 2-L in the area bounded by: West Harrison Street; a line 153.55 feet east of and parallel to South Lotus Avenue; the alley next south of and parallel to West Harrison Street; and a line 275.10 feet west of and parallel to South Lotus Avenue, to an RM4.5 Residential Multi-Unit District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changirtg the Residerttial Planrted Developmertt Number 35 and RM4.5 Residential and Multi-Unit District symbols and indications in the area bounded by: West Harrison Street; a line 153.55 feet east of and parallel to South Lotus Avenue; the alley next south of and parallel to West Harrison Street; a Une 275.10 feet west of and parallel to South Lotus Avenue; the alley next south of and parallel to West Harrison Street; a line 557.91 feet east of and parallel to South Central Avenue; West Floumoy Street; and South Central Avenue, to the designation of Residential-Irtstitutioual Development Number 35, as amended, which is hereby established in the area above described, subject to such use and bulk regulations as are set forth in the Plan of Development herewith attached and made a part thereof and to no others. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force artd effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Plan of Development Statements referred to in this ordinance read as follows:

Residential-Institutional Planned Development Number 35, As Amended.

Plan Of Development Statements.

1. The area delineated herein as Residential-Institutional Planned Development Number 35, as amended, consists of approximately one 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98633

hundred forty-seven thousand eight hundred sixty-six (147,866) square feet (three and thirty-rtirte hundredths (3.39) acres) and is owned or controlled by the AppUcant, Loretto Hospital (hereafter, "AppUcant").

2. All appUcable official reviews, approvals or permits are required to be obtained by the AppUcant or its successors, assignees, or grantees. Any dedication or vacation of streets or alleys, or easements, or adjustments of right-of-way, or consolidation or resubdivision of parcels, shall require a separate submittal on behalf of the Applicant or its successors, assignees, or grantees and approval by the City Council.

3. The requirements, obligations and conditions contained within this planned development shall be bindirtg upon the AppUcant, its successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal titleholder and any ground lessors. All rights granted hereunder to the Applicant shall inure to the benefit of the Applicant's successors and assigns and if different than the Applicant, then to the owrters of record title to all ofthe property and any ground lessors. Furthermore, pursuant to the requirements ofSection 17-8-0400 ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordinance, the property, at the time any applications for amendments, modifications or changes (administrative, legislative or otherwise) to this planrted development are made shall be under single ownership or under single designated control. Single designated control for purposes of this paragraph shall mean that any application to the City for any amendment to this planned development or any other modification or change thereto (administrative, legislative or otherwise) shall be made or authorized by all the owners ofthe Property and any ground lessors. An agreement among property owners, the board of directors ofany property owners association, or a covenant binding property owners, may designate the authorized party for any future amendment, modification or change. The Applicant shall retain sirtgle designated control and shall be deemed to be the authorized party for any future amendment, modification or change until the Applicant shall designate in writing the party or parties authorized to make application for any future amendment, modification or change.

4. This plan ofdevelopment consists of these fourteen (14) statements; a Bulk Regulations and Data Table; an Existing Zoning Map; an Existing Land-Use Map; a Planned Development Boundary, Property Line and Right-Of-Way Adjustment Map; a Subarea Map; an Overall Site Plan; a Subarea A Site Plan; a Subarea A Detailed Site Plan; a Subarea B Detailed Site Plan; a Subarea C Detailed Site Plan; an Overall Landscape Plan; a Subarea A Landscape Plan; a Subarea A Detailed Landscape Plan; a Subarea B Landscape Plan; a Subarea C Detailed Landscape Plan; a Massing Diagram; a Partial Elevation Emergency Department Addition; and a Roof Plan dated December 14, 2006, prepared by Richard A.M. Potokar, Inc.. Full-size sets ofthe Overall Site Plan, Overall Landscape 98634 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Plan, and Partial Elevation Emergency Department Addition are on file with the Department of Planrtirtg and Development. The Planned Development is applicable to the area delineated hereto and these and no other zoning controls shall apply.

5. The following uses shall be permitted within the area delineated herein as "Residential-Irtstitutioual Planned Development Number 35, as Amended": research, medical service, laboratories, hospital, professional offices (including medical offices), religious assembly, convenience retail and all hospital artd medical service related uses.

6. Identification signs shall be permitted within the planned development subject to the review and approval of the Department of Planning and Development. Temporary signs, such as construction and marketing sigrts shall be permitted, subject to the review and approval ofthe Department of Planning and Development.

7. Ingress and egress shaU be subject to the review and approval ofthe Department of Transportation and the Department of Planning and Development. All .work proposed in the Public Way must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Chicago Department ofTransportation Construction Standard for Work in the Public Way and irt compliartce with the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago. Closure of all or part of any public streets or alleys during demolition or construction shall be subject to the review and approval ofthe Chicago Department ofTransportation.

8. In addition to the maximum height ofthe building and any appurtenance thereto prescribed in this planned development, the height of any improvement shall also be subject to height limitations approved by the Federal Aviation Administration.

9. For purposes of floor area ratio ("F.A.R.") calculations, the definitions in the Chicago Zoning Ordinance shall apply.

10. The improvements on the Property shall be desigrted, irtstalled artd mairttairted irt substantial conformance with the Overall Site Plan and Overall Landscape Plan and in accordance with the parkway tree provisions ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordirtance and corresponding regulations and guidelines. No Part II approval shall be granted for an individual building or buildings withirt Subarea B or Subarea C until the Commissioner of the Department of Plaurting and Development shall issue written approval ofa Site Plan for Subarea B or Subarea C. Site Plan approval is intertded to assure that specific development proposals conform with this Planned Development and to assist the City in monitorirtg ort-goirtg developmertt.

A Site Plart shall, at a mirtimum, provide the followirtg irtformation: 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98635

Boundaries of development parcel or parcels.

Building footprint or footprints.

Building Facade Elevations and Heights.

Dimensions of all setbacks. Location and depiction of all parking spaces (including relevctnt dimensions). Location and depiction of all loading berths (irtcluding relevant dimensions). All drives, roadways and vehicular routes. All landscaping (including species and size). All pedestrian circulation routes and points of ingress/egress (including sidewalks). All site statistics appUcable to the development parcel or parcels including:

F.A.R. Floor Area and Floor Area Ratio as represented ort submitted drawings. Lot coverage as represented on submitted drawings.

Number of parking spaces provided. Number of loading berths provided.

Uses of development parcel.

Changes or modifications to approved Site Plans may be made after approval ofthe Commissioner, so long as the Site Plan, as so changed or modified, substantially conforms with this planrted development.

11. The terms, conditions and exhibits ofthis planrted developmertt ordinance may be modified administratively by the Commissioner ofthe Department of Plannirtg and Development upon the application for such a modification by the Applicant and after a determination by the Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Development that such a modification is minor, appropriate and consistent with the nature of the improvements contemplated in this planned development and the purposes underlying the provisions hereof. Any such modificatiou of the requirements of this planned development by the Commissioner ofthe Department of Planning 98636 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

and Development shall be deemed to be a minor change in the planned development as contemplated by Section 17-13-0611 of the Chicago Zonirtg Ordinance. 12. The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct and maintain all buildings in a manner which promotes and maximizes the conservation of energy resources. The Applicant shall use best and reasonable efforts to design, construct and maintairt all buildings located within this planrted developmertt irt a manner generally consistent with the Leadership in Energy and Envirortmerttal Desigrt ("L.E.E.D.") Greert Building Rating System. The Applicant agrees to provide a twertty- five percertt (25%) greert roof equaling approximately eight hundred seventy-eight (878) square feet of net useable roof area. 13. The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct and maintain the project in a manner which promotes, enables, and maximizes universal access throughout the property. Plans for all buildings and improvements on the property shall be reviewed and approved by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities ("M.O.P.D.") to ensure compliance with all appUcable laws and regulations related to access for persons with disabilities and to promote the highest standard of accessibility. No approvals shall be granted pursuant to Section 17-13- 0610 ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordinance until the Director of M.O.P.D. has approved detailed construction drawings for each building or improvement. 14. Unless substantial coustructiort of the landscapirtg improvemertts irt Subarea A has commenced within six (6) years following adoption of this planned development, artd unless completion is thereafter diligently pursued, then this planned development shall expire and the zoning of Subarea A shall automatically revert to the pre-existing Residential Planned Development Number 35 classification and the zonirtg of Subarea B and Subarea C shall automatically revert to the pre-existing classifications.

[Existing Zortirtg Map; Existirtg Land-Use Map; Planned Development Boundary, Property Line and Right-of-Way Adjustment Map; Subarea Map; Overall Site Plan; Subarea Site Plans; Overall and Subarea Landscape Plans; Massing Diagram; Partial Elevation Emergency Department Addition; and Roof Plan referred to in these Plan of Development Statements printed on pages 98638 through 98654 of this Journal]

Bulk Regulations and Data Table referred to in these Plan of Development Statements reads as follows: 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98637

Residential-Institutional Planned Development Number 35, As Amended.

Bulk Regulations And Data Table.

Net Site Area: Square Feet Acres

Subarea A: 78,374 1.80

Subarea B: 38,646 0.89

Subarea C: 21.573 0.49

Subtotal: 138,593 3.18

Proposed to be vacated: 9.273 0.21

Total Net Site Area after vacation: 147,866 3.39

Area in Adjoirtirtg Rights- of-Way: 49.142 1.13

Gross Site Area: 197,008 4.52

Maximum Floor Area Ratio:

Subareas A, B and C: 2.50

Maximum Site Coverage: Per approved Site Plan

Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces: 160

Minimum Number of Loading Spaces:

Maximum Building Height: 104 feet 98638 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Existing Zoning Map.

I -A "3 c=r=r COLUMBUl PARK ZONIO M CTA TmauL a ruvam btiRr MMp ZONED M TO l-t*0 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98639

Existing Land-Use Map.

eoLUHaus run CTA nrawAL • pAinan ie 98640 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Planned Development Bouudary, Property Line And Right-Of-Way Adjustment Map.

iifniTiiAtip TOHZtO SW 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98641

Subarea Map.


Overall Site Plan.


Subarea A Site Plan.

3nN3A» 1VIUN3* "S le 98644 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Subarea A Detailed Site Plau.

iu3 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98645

Subarea B Detailed Site Plan.


Proposed Vacated And Subarea C Detailed Site Plan.


Overall Lartdscape Plan.

Dmrr RAUP T0l-t90 iu7 98648 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Subarea A Landscape Plan.


Subarea A Detailed Landscape Plan.



Subarea B Detailed Landscape Plan.


le 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98651

Proposed Vacated And Subarea C Detailed Landscape Plan.



Massirtg Diagram. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98653

Partial Elevation Emergency Department Addition. 98654 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Roof Plan.

u UJ tl. IO in CD (0 Ill CM IO in N Ol o cc N 00 CM I- < < o _i (/) ID O z XC <_l o tli 3 o O UJ o o bJ < n vt O o o a. UJ Q: CE I- a: X o s 255 UJ LlJ ~y |

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 3-G. (As Amended) (AppUcation Number 15843)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changirtg all the Planned Manufacturing District Number 2 (Elston Corridor) Subdistrict 1 symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 3-G in the area bounded by:

a line 530 feet south of and parallel to West Blackhawk Street (as measured from the easterly right-of-way of North Elston Avenue); the north branch of the Chicago River; West Division Street; the easterly right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad/Metra (formerly the Chicago 86 Northwestern Railroad); West Potomac Avenue; and North Elston Avenue,

to those of a C3-3 Commercial, Manufacturing and Emplo5mient District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described.

SECTION 2. That the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance be amended by changing all the C3-3, Commercial, Memufacturing artd Employment District symbols and indicatiorts established irt Sectiort 1 above to the desigrtatiort of a Waterway- Commercial Planrted Development, which is hereby established irt the area above described, subject to such use and bulk regulations as are set forth in the Plan of Development herewith attached and made a part thereof and to no others.

SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force artd effect from artd after its passage and due publication.

Plan of Development Statements referred to in this ordirtance read as follows:

Waterway-Commerdal Planned Development Number .

Plan Of Development Statements.

The area delineated herein as a Waterway-Commercial Planrted Developmertt, cortsists of approximately two hundred fifty-one thousand eight hundred nine (251,809) square feet (five and seventy-eight hundredths (5.78) acres) and is owned or controlled by the appUcant, Michael J. McGrath. 98656 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

2. All applicable official reviews, approvals or permits are required to be obtained by the applicant or its successors, assignees or grantees. Any dedication or vacatiort of streets or alleys, or easemertts or adjustmeuts of right-of-way, or cortsolidatiort or resubdivisiou of parcels, shall require a separate submittal on behalf of the appUcant or its successors, assignees or grantees and approval by the City Council.

3. The requirements, obligations and conditions contained within this planned development shall be bindirtg upou the applicant, its successors and assigns artd, if differertt than the applicant, the legal titleholders and any ground lessors. All rights granted hereunder to the applicant shall inure to the benefit of the applicant's successors and assigns and, if different thert to the owrters of record title to all of the property and to any ground lessors. Furthermore, pursuant to the requirements ofSection 17- 8-0400 of the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance, the property, at the time applications for amertdments, modifications or changes (administrative, legislative or otherwise) to this planned development are made, shall be under single ownership or under single designated control. Single designated control for purposes of this paragraph shall mean that any application to the City for any amendmertt to this planned development or any other modification or change thereto (administrative, legislative or otherwise) shall be made or authorized by all the owners of the property and any ground lessors. An agreement among property owners or a covenant bindirtg property owners may designate the authorized party for any future amendment, modification or change. The appUcant shall retain single designated corttrol and shall be deemed to be the authorized party for any future amendment, modification or change until the applicant shall designate in writing the party or parties authorized to make application for any future ameudmertt, modificatiort or change.

4. This plan of development consists of fifteen (15) statements; a Bulk Regulations and Data Table; an Existing Zoning Map; an Existirtg Land- Use Map; a Planned Development Property Line and Boundary Map; and a Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Building Elevations prepared by Design Alterrtative, Irtc. dated December 14, 2006. Full size sets ofthe Site Plau, Landscape Plan, and Building Elevations are on file with the Department of Planning and Development. The planned development is applicable to the area delineated hereto and these and no other zoning controls shall apply.

5. The following uses shall be permitted within the area delineated herein as "Waterway-Commercial Planned Development": Subarea A: Automobile sales and automobile service center and related uses; Subarea B: Automobile service centers, automobile storage and related uses, no sales of automobiles are permitted in Subarea B. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98657

6. Identification signs shall be permitted within the Planned Development subject to the review and approval of the Department of Planning and Development. Temporary sigrts, such as construction and marketing signs shall be permitted, subject to the review and approval of the Department of Planrting and Development.

7. Arty service drives or other ingress or egress shall be adequately designed and paved in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Transportatiort in effect at the time of construction and in compliance with the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago, to provide ingress and egress for motor vehicles, including emergency vehicles. There shall be no parking within such emergency areas. Ingress artd egress shall be subject to the review and approval ofthe Department ofTransportation and ofthe Departmertt of Plannirtg and Development. Closure of all or part of any public streets or alleys shall be subject to the review and approval of the Chicago Department ofTransportation.

8. In additiort to the maximum height ofthe building and any appurtenance thereto prescribed in this planned development, the height of any improvement shall also be subject to height limitations approved by the Federal Aviation Administratiort.

9. For purposes of floor area ratio ("F.A.R.") calculatious, the defirtitiorts irt the Chicago Zortirtg Ordirtartce shall apply.

10. The improvemertts shall be designed, irtstalled and maintained in substantial conformance with the Bulk Regulations and Data Table, the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Building Elevations attached hereto. The landscaping (including street trees in the adjacent right-of-way) shall be designed, installed and maintairted irt accordance with the landscaping and parkway tree provisions of the Chicago Zorting Ordinance and corresponding regulations and guidelines.

11. The appUcant acknowledges the importance of the Chicago River as a resource for both commerce and recreation and also acknowledges the City's goals of improving the appearance, quality and accessibility ofthe river as provided irt the waterway planned development guidelines contained in the Chicago Zortirtg Ordinance (Section 17-8-0912). The applicant further acknowledges the City's goal of establishing a contirtuous publicly accessible river trail for jogging, bicycling and other recreational activities. To further these goals, the appUcant agrees to: (a) provide a landscaped thirty (30) foot wide river setback and riverside trail as irtdicated on the Site Plan and Landscape Plan; and (b) permit cortrtectiort of such setback and trail to the setbacks and trails of adjacent properties when the river edges of the adjacertt properties are similarly improved. The applicant shall permit ungated public access to the river improvements within the thirty (30) foot setback free of charge during tjTDical Chicago Park District hours. All improvements within the 98658 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

thirty (30) foot setback area must be substantially completed prior to receipt of occupancy certificate for the principal building on the property, provided that plantirtg may be delayed if cortsistertt with good lartdscapirtg practices, but no longer than one year following the receipt of the occupancy certificate. 12. The terms, conditions and exhibits of this planned development ordirtance may be modified administratively by the Commissiorter ofthe Departmertt of Plannirtg and Development, upon the application for such a modification by the applicant and after a determination by the Commissioner of the Department of Plartrtirtg and Development that such a modification is minor, appropriate and consistent with the nature of the improvements contemplated in this planned development and the purposes underljdng the provisions hereof. Any such modification ofthe provisions hereof. Any such modification of the requirements of this statement by the Commissioner of the Depcirtmertt of Plartrtirtg and Development shall be deemed to be a minor change in the planned development as corttemplated by Section 17-13-0611 ofthe Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance. 13. The applicant acknowledges that it is irt the public iuterest to design, construct and maintain all buildings in a manner which promotes and maximizes the cortservatiort of ertergy resources. The appUcant shall use best and reasonable efforts to design, construct and maintain all buildings located within this planrted development in a manner generally consistent with the Leadership in Ertergy and Environmental Design ("L.E.E.D.") Green Building Rating System. The applicant agrees to provide a fifty percent (50%) green roof equaling approximately thirty-five thousand thirty-three (35,033) square feet of net useable roof area on the new construction contemplated in this planned development. 14. The applicant acknowledges that it is irt the public interest to design, construct and maintain the project in a manrter which promotes, enables, and maximizes universal access throughout the property. Plans for all buildings and improvemertts ort the property shall be reviewed and approved by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities ("M.O.P.D.") to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to access for persons with disabilities and to promote the highest standard of accessibility. No building permit shall be issued by the Department of Construction and Permits until the Director of M.O.P.D. has approved detailed construction drawings for the building or improvement proposed to be constructed pursuant to the permit. 15. Unless substantial construction has commenced within six (6) years following adoption of this planrted development, and unless completion is thereafter diligently pursued, then this planned development shall expire. If this planned development expires under the provisions of this section, then the zoning of the property shall automatically revert to that of the pre-existing Planned Manufacturiug District Number 2, Subdistrict 1 designation. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98659

[Existing Land-Use Map artd Plartrted Development Property Line and Boundary Map referred to in these Plan of Development Statements unavailable at time of printing.]

[Elston Corridor Planned Manufacturing District; Overall Site Plan; Subarea Map; Fire Department Site Plan; Preliminary Site Plans; Green Roof Plan; Utility and Grading Plans; Landscape Plans; Site Plans; Building Elevations; Floor Plans; and Roof Plans referred to in these Plan of Development Statements printed on pages 98660 through 98687 of this Journal]

Bulk Regulations and Data Table referred to irt these Plan of Development Statements reads as follows:

Waterway-Commerdal Planned Development Number _

Bulk Regulations And Data Table.

Net Site Area: 251,809 square feet (5.78 acres) Maximum Permitted Floor Area Ratio for Total Net Site Area: 2.0 Maximum Percent of Site Coverage: Per approved Site Plan

Minimum Number of Parking Spaces: Subarea A: 17 spaces

Subarea B: 9 spaces

Minimum Number of Loading Docks: None Minimum Periphery Setbacks: Per approved Site Plan

Maximum Building Height:

Subarea A: 72 feet

Subarea B: 46 feet 98660 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Elston Corridor Planned Manufacturing District.


Overall Site Plan. 98662 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Subarea Map.

I iI iiiiiif I I 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98663

Fire Department Site Plan.

^ S EN h - i


PreUminary Site Plan. (Page 1 of 2)

- i n t I M mil Silt "sr ''e: . - o ti is 8 ilil ml 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98665

Preliminary Site Plan. (Page 2 of 2)




Green Roof Plan. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98667

UtiUty And Grading Plan. (Page 1 of 2)

mmmm(<«^M^^M l|9|p vii^


UtiUty And Grading Plan. (Page 2 of 2)

^i^»^tii«hW: 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98669

Landscape Development Plan And Planting Details. (Page 1 of 2)

I, nth i! Ilil! {i iiliiliiill 'ill llH3l);DiiKl!irs» .. >

ai'.!!bi !l|: ii[:i 71 'III 98670 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Landscape Development Plan Planting Details. (Page 2 of 2)

ifni u>muuiinjmm» i

'ill li.'l ill Illilli !m ill iiiKltPtMiUiitJHloJibn m 98671 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES

Site Plan. (Page 1 of 2)

i i* U33:a s 9 QUI ^ l!i!!!55!SM |Ai Jiiiii 98672 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Site Plan. (Page 2 of 2)

i IC SSI;E;X :I i ::: S :| l!!!!!| I! |!!! ••^iiif) i ! f ,^JB||^f^! 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98673

Building Elevations. (Page 1 of 4) 98674 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Building Elevations. (Page 2 of 4)

-»- -f -t- -^ . 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98675

Building Elevations. (Page 3 of 4)


. ci ' ii




Building Elevations. (Page 4 of 4)

f c 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98677

Floor Plan — North. 98678 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

First Floor Plan.

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"tsr 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98679

Second Floor Plan.

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_>!« ,—' ."we— i- t ^ •"« 98680 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Third Floor Plan.

-> « • —-K* : ri#

? 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98681

Fourth Floor Plan.

1° *t, M 1 wr- •e:: -3BS *—ISrI *" 5T^rt " M. I — I >-

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Fifth And Sixth Floor Plans.

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^^^Oi^TS OF C0MM7TTE£;s

98685 ^°of LeveJ ^ian. 98686 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Roof Plan. (Page 1 of 2)

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j" ^ t t 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98687

Roof Plan. (Page 2 of 2)


1 1


Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 3-1. (As Amended) (Application Number 15202)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance, is hereby amertded by changing all the RS3 District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 3-1 in the area bounded by:

a line 250 feet rtorth of West Le Moyne Street; the alley next east of North Fairfield Avertue; a line 224.75 feet north of West Le Mo5rne Street; and North Fairfield Avertue,

to those ofan RM4.5 District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 5-H. (As Amended) (Application Number 16005)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance, is hereby amended by changirtg all of the Ml-2 Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District sjTubols and indicatiorts as shown on Map Number 5-H in the area bounded by:

a line 128 feet north of and parallel to West North Avenue; a line 147 feet east of and parallel to North Hojme Avertue; West North Avenue; and a line 123 feet east of and parallel to North Hoyne Avenue,

to those of a B3-1 Community Shopping District.

SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98689

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 5-L (AppUcation Number 15975)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all of the B3-1 Community Shopping District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 5-1 in the area bounded by:

a line 24.5 feet south of and parallel to West Cortland Street; the public alley next east of and parallel to North Califorrtia Avertue; a line 48.5 feet south of and parallel to West Cortland Street; and North California Avenue,

to those of a B2-2 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District.

SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 5-L. (Application Number 15998)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all of the RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District symbols as shown on Map Number 5-L in the area bounded by:

a line 50 feet north of and parallel to West Dickens Avenue; the public alley next east of and parallel to North Laramie Avenue; West Dickens Avenue; and North Laramie Avenue,

to those of an RT4 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District.

SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval. 98690 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 7-G. (As Amended) (AppUcation Number 15939)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the Ml-2 Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 7-G in an area bound by:

a line 129.18 feet north of and parallel to West Wrightwood Avenue; the alley next east of North Ashland Avenue; a line 79.18 feet north of and parallel to West Wrightwood Avenue; and North Ashland Avenue,

to those of an RM4.5 Residential Multi-Unit District and a corresportdirtg use district is hereby established in the area above described.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 7-1. (Application Number 16006)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changirtg all of the RS3 Residential Sirtgle-Urtit (Detached House) District symbols and indicatiorts as shown on Map Number 7-1 in the area bounded by:

a line 24 feet south of and parallel to West George Street; the public alley next east of and parallel to North Talman Avenue; a line 72 feet south of and parallel to West George Street; and North Talman Avenue,

to those of an RT3.5 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District.

SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98691

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 10-D. (AppUcation Number 15987)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance be amended by changing all the Bl-1 Neighborhood Shopping District symbols and indicatiorts as shown ort Map Number 10-D in the area bounded by:

East 45*^ Street; the alley next east of and parallel to South Cottage Grove Avenue; a line 298.40 feet south of and parallel to East 45* Street; and South Cottage Grove Avenue,

to those of a B1-5 Neighborhood Shopping District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 1 O-E. (Application Number 15986)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all the Bl-1 Neighborhood Shopping District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 10-E in the area bounded by:

a Une 95.0 feet south of and parallel to East 45*^ Street; South Cottage Grove Avenue; a Une 193.0 feet south of and parallel to East 45*^ Street; and the alley next west of and parallel to South Cottage Grove Avenue,

to those of a B1 -5 Neighborhood Shopping District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publicatiou. 98692 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 11 -G. (AppUcation Number A-7076)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changirtg all of the RS3 Residential Single- Urtit (Detached House) District symbols and irtdicatiorts as shown on Map Number 11-G in the area bounded by:

a line 254.3 feet south of West Leland Avenue (as measured along the east line of North Beacon Street and perpendicular thereto); the alley next east of artd parallel to North Beacort Street; a lirte 304.3 feet south of West Leland Avenue (as measured along the east line of North Beacon Street and perpendicular thereto); and North Beacon Street,

to those of an RT4 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District.

SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 14-H. (AppUcation Number 15994)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all of the Ml-1 Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 14-H in the area bounded by:

a line 290 feet north of and parallel to West 59'*' Street (or the south line of the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way); the public alley next east of and parallel to South Wolcott Avenue; a line 290 feet north of and parallel to West 59* Street (or the south line of the Pertrtsylvartia Railroad right-of-way); South Honore Street; a line 141 feet north of and parallel to West 59* Street (or the public alley next north of and parallel to West 59* Street); the public alley next west of and parallel to South Honore Street; a line 141 feet north of and parallel to West 59* Street (or the public alley next north of and parallel to West 59* Street); and South Wolcott Avenue,

to those ofan RT3.5 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98693

SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 14-M. (AppUcation Number 15823)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zonirtg Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all of the RS2 Residential Single-Urtit (Detached House) District sjrmbols and irtdicatiorts as showrt ort Map Number 14-M in the area bounded by: a line 170 feet north of artd parallel to West 60* Street; the public alley next east of and parallel to South Massasoit Avenue; a line 120 feet north of and parallel to West 60* Street; and South Massasoit Avenue, to those of an RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District. SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 16-H. (AppUcation Number 15927)

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zonirtg Ordirtance, is hereby amended by changing all the RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District symbols and irtdications as shown on Map Number 16-H in the area bounded by: West 70* Street; the alley next east of and parallel to South Ashland Avenue; a Une 73 feet south of and parallel to West 70* Street; and South Ashland Avenue, to those of a B3-2 Community Shopping District and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication. 98694 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 16-J. (Application Number 15997)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amertded by changing all of the RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District sjmibols as shown on Map Number 16-J iu the area bounded by:

the public alley next north of and parallel to West Marquette Road; a line 65 feet east of and parallel to South Lawndale Avenue; West Marquette Road; and South Lawndale Avenue,

to those of an RS3 Residential Single-Urtit (Detached House) District.

SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 18-D. (Application Number 15991)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Titie 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changirtg all the RS3 Residerttial Sirtgle-Urtit (Detached House) District symbols and indicatiorts as shown on Map Number 18-D in the area bounded by:

East 7P' Street; a line 110 feet east of and parallel to South Woodlawn Avenue; a line 100 feet north of and parallel to the public alley next north of and parallel to East 7P' Place; and South Woodlawn Avenue,

to those of a Bl-1 Neighborhood Shopping District.

SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval. 2/7/2007 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 98695

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 20-E. (AppUcation Number 15981)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all of the B3-2 Community Shopping Center District sjmibols and indicatiorts as shown on Map Number 20-E in the area bounded by:

a line 57.25 feet east and parallel to South Champlain Avenue; East 79* Street; a line 107.25 feet east and parallel to South Champlain Avenue; and the alley next south and parallel to East 79* Street,

to those of a Cl-2 Neighborhood Commercial District.

SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval.

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 20-F. (Application Number 15840)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Titie 17 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all the Ml-1 Limited Manufacturing/ Business Park District symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 20-F in the area bounded by: a line 85.91 feet north of and parallel to West 84* Street; the alley next east of artd parallel to South Wentworth Avenue; West 84* Street; and South Wentworth Avenue, to those of an RS3 Residential Single-Urtit (Detached House) District and a corresportdirtg use district is hereby established in the area above described. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication. 98696 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 22-B. (Application Number 15953)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all ofthe RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District sjmibols and indications as shown on Map Number 22-B in the area bounded by:

a line 80 feet south of and parallel to East 91^' Street; South Brandort Avertue; a line 105 feet south of and parallel to East 9P' Street; and a line 130 feet west of artd parallel to South Brandon Avenue,

to those of a B2-2 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District.

SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval

Reclassification Of Area Shown On Map Number 24-A. (AppUcatiort Number 15989)

Be It Ordained by the City Coundl of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby etmended by changing all ofthe RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District symbols and indicatiorts as showrt ort Map Number 24-A in the area bounded by:

a line 90 feet south of and parallel to East 97* Street; South Avenue L; a line 125 feet south of and parallel to East 97* Street; and the public alley next west of and parallel to South Avenue L,

to those ofan RT3.5 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District.

SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and approval. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98697


Alderman Burke moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily for the purpose of including in the Agreed Calertdar a series of resolutions presented by The Honorable Richard M. Daley, Mayor, and Aldermen Beavers, Balcer, Burke, Troutman, Chandler, Ocasio, E. Smith, Carothers, Matlak, Natarus, Levar and M. Smith. The motion Prevailed.

Thereupon, on motion of Alderman Burke, the proposed resolutions presented through the Agreed Calendar were Adopted by yeas and rtays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermert Flores, Haithcock, TiUman, Preckwinkle, Hairstort, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, Rebojrras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tuurtey, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.

Sponsored by the elected city officials named below, respectively, said Agreed Calertdar resolutions, as adopted, read as follows (the italic heading in each case not beirtg a part of the resolution):

Presented By



WHEREAS, The members of this chamber were deeply saddened to learn of the death on January 28, 2007, at age seventy of Ruby T. Bryant, a dedicated educator and administrator; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Bryant was born in Vicksburg, Mississippi on April 24, 1936. An avid reader and wordsmith, Mrs. Bryant excelled at debate and wrote prize-winrtirtg 98698 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

essays at Kirtgs Elemerttary School and Bowman High School. Mrs. Bryant attended Alcorn A85M College, now Alcorn State University, where she met her husband, Ivory Bryant, a fellow student. Mrs. Bryant married in her freshman year and had two children before she graduated with a degree iu business education; and

WHEREAS, In 1959, Mrs. Bryartt artd her husband moved to Chicago, and the couple began working as teachers; and

WHEREAS, In her more than thirty-five years as a Chicago Public Schools teacher, Mrs. Bryant taught at several schools, including twelve years at George Howland Elementary School, and nirte years at West Garfield Upper Grade Certter, where she was an assistant principal and served for some time as acting principal; and

WHEREAS, Beside her teaching and administrative responsibilities, Mrs. Bryartt also devoted time to advartced education, and in 1970, she received a master's degree from Chicago State University; and

WHEREAS, In 1980, Mrs. Bryant became a math coordinator at Buriey Elementary School. Urttil her retirement in 1997, she also taught drama and supervised the computer lab at Webster School; and

WHEREAS, A devoted educator, whose commitment to teaching never waned, Mrs. Bryant made learning and teaching a part of her everyday life, and she used every opportunity to convey knowledge to her students and her children; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Bryant encouraged and influenced her students and her loved ones to resist mediocrity and to strive for excellence and superior achievements; and

WHEREAS, A truly remarkable human being, Mrs. Bryant will always be remembered as a dedicated educator and as a distinguished daughter of Chicago, whose commitment to public service will be felt for generations to come; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Ruby T. Bryant is survived by her husband. Ivory; her daughters, Gwendolyn Smith and Patricia Allen; a sister, Mary Heard; a stepbrother, Arthur Terry Jr.; grandsons, Keven Rashad Allen II and Justin Bryant Allen; a granddaughter, Breanna Reaby Joy Smith; nieces, Jacqueljm Heard and Brittney Sallis; and nephews, Tommie Lee, Michael Terry and Keith Sallis; rtow, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City ofChicago, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby honor the life and memory of Mrs. Ruby T. Bryant, and extend our heartfelt condolertces to her family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That suitable copies ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Mrs. Ruby T. Bryant as a sign of our sympathy and good wishes. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98699


WHEREAS, The members of this chamber were deeply saddened to learn of the death of Doris Neely on January 26, 2007, at the age of seventy-three; and

WHEREAS, Doris Neely, who was the mother ofChicago City Treasurer Stephanie Neely, was bom June 20, 1933 in Carroll, Mississippi and moved to Chicago with her family when she was still a child; and

WHEREAS, After graduating from DuSable High School, Doris Neely worked for the Alden's retail comparty; and

WHEREAS, On December 20, 1960, she married J. C. Neely, a businessman who preceded her in death irt 1986; and

WHEREAS, In 1976 after her daughter was born and she had spent time raising her family, Doris Neely returned to work as a teacher's aide at Robert A. Black School; and

WHEREAS, She later worked for over twenty years as a clerk in the child support division ofthe Cook County Circuit Court Clerk's office; and

WHEREAS, Doris Neely was extremely devoted to her family, and she was especially proud of her daughter's successful career and adored spending time with her grandson, Justin; and

WHEREAS, She made a lasting impression on all who had the pleasure of knowing her, as she was a valued mentor to many younger women, and was an elegant dresser and exquisite hostess; and

WHEREAS, In addition to her daughter, Stephanie, and her grandson, Justin, Doris Neely is survived by her sister, Viola, and six sisters-in-law; now, therefore,

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City' Council ofthe City of Chicago, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby mourn the passing of Doris Neely, and we extend our heartfelt sympathy to her family and friends; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That suitable copies of this resolution be presented to the family of Doris Neely as a sign of our honor and respect. 98700 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


WHEREAS, The members of this chamber were deeply saddened to learn of the death on January 13, 2007 at age ninety-orte of Cortcetta DeGrazia, a former entrepreneur, founder and namesake ofthe legendary Conrtie's Pizza; and

WHEREAS, Born to hardworkirtg Sicilian immigrants from Palermo, Concetta Contavespi graduated from Hirsch Metropolitan High School of Communications. In 1940, she married Rajmiond DeGrazia. The couple raised three sons, Paul, the late Anthony and Rajmiond; artd

WHEREAS, A very irtdustrious couple, Mrs. DeGrazia worked at the Campbell's soup factory and her husband worked at the Maxwell Street produce docks until they saved enough money to start their own business; and

WHEREAS, In the 1950s, after spertdirtg a year researchirtg the perfect pizza, Mrs. DeGrazia and her husband opened a Chicago pizzeria, which they named "Conrtie's Pizza" irt hortor of Mrs. DeGrazia; and

WHEREAS, Through the couple's hard work, the restaurant flourished. After they sold the business in 1963, it expanded to nirte Chicago area locatiorts, irtcluding Wrigley Field and Navy Pier, and to the frozen food sections of Jewel and Dominick's stores; and

WHEREAS, A dedicated family woman, Mrs. DeGrazia continued to make pizza for years every Christmas to her family's delight, and each Suuday she treated a full house of relatives to a spread of pasta, meatballs and roast beef or chicken; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. DeGrazia will always be remembered as a pioneering entrepreneur and a distinguished daughter of Chicago, whose contribution to our great city will be felt for generations to come; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Concetta DeGrazia is survived by her sons, Paul and Raymond; a sister, Marian Rita; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby honor the Ufe and memory of Mrs. Concetta DeGrazia, and extertd our heartfelt condolences to her family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That suitable copies of this resolution be presented to the family of Mrs. Concetta DeGrazia as a sign of our sjmipathy and good wishes. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98701


WHEREAS, The members of this chamber were deeply saddened to learn of the death on January 12, 2007 at age seventy-five of Thomas G. Lyons, the 45* Ward Committeeman and longtime chairman of the Cook County Democratic Party; and

WHEREAS, A native of Chicago, with deep roots in Our Lady of Victory Parish, Mr. Lyons interrupted his formal education to enlist in the United States Army Infantry, where he served as a captain of the elite United States Army Rangers; and

WHEREAS, As a young soldier stationed irt the deep south, Mr. Lyons demonstrated the qualities of personal initiative, fair play and egalitarianism that were to be the hallmarks of his life. While walking through the local bus station in Fort Benning, Georgia, Mr. Lyorts was shocked to see orte restroom desigrtated for whites and another for blacks. Incurring the wrath of local law enforcenient officials, Mr. Lyons took a public stand against racial discriminatiort by usiug the "colored bathroom"; and

WHEREAS, After completing his military service, Mr. Lyons retumed home, where he worked as a Chicago police officer. In 1957, Mr. Lyons received his law degree from Loyola University Chicago School of Law; and

WHEREAS, Following his graduation from law school, Mr. Lyons worked for two years as chief attorney for the Cook Couuty Assessor's office before joirtirtg the IlUrtois Attorney General's office. In 1965, Mr. Lyorts became a partrter irt the downtowrt law firm of O'Keefe, Lyons 86 Hynes, where he specialized in the area of govemmental relations. At the time of his death, Mr. Lyons was still an active member of the firm; and

WHEREAS, In 1964, Mr. Lyons began his storied political career as a senator in the Illinois General Assembly. Early during his tenure in Springfield, Mr. Lyons was elected to help lead a commission assigned to rewrite Illinois' certtury-old constitution. He subsequently served as a delegate to and vice-president ofthe 6* Illinois Constitutional Convention that authored the State's 1970 Constitution; and

WHEREAS, A courageous and principled man, who was willing throughout his political career to take a stand, regardless of concerrts of race, class or. status, Mr. Lyons risked his own reelection to office, when, in 1966, followirtg Dr. Martirt Luther Kiug's "open housing" marches in all-white Chicago neighborhoods, Mr. Lyons voted in favor of the statewide fair housing law that cost him his seat in the Illinois General Assembly; and 98702 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, Reelected to the Illinois Senate irt 1970, Mr. Lyorts served as chairman of the Appropriations Committee. A delegate to Democratic natiortal cortverttiorts for every campaign cycle from 1968 to 2000, and 45* Ward Committeeman for nearly forty years, Mr. Lyons was elected chairman ofthe Cook County Democratic Party in 1990, a position which he held for seventeen years until he resigned shortiy before his death; and

WHEREAS, A driving force in the Cook County Democratic Party, Mr. Lyons was both a stabilizing influence in the Party, who kept all factions together, and an advocate for change, who worked tirelessly to open doors for minority groups. Known for his repertoire of World War II ballads, Mr. Lyons was famous for trying to calm tempers and soothe old wounds by gathering politicians around a piano late at night to sing his favorite sortgs; artd

WHEREAS, Art honest and caring man who loved politics because of what it allowed him to do for others, in 1994, Mr. Lyorts was rtamed by President Bill Clinton to the American Battle Monuments Commission, a reflection of Mr. Lyons' dedication to the military service. Among the honors for his civic work, Mr. Lyons was named a Knight of the Holy Sepulcher by the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin and was awarded a Medal of Excellertce by the Loyola University Chicago School of Law; and

WHEREAS, An avid history buff and great family man, Mr. Lyons frequently took cross-country train rides with his family, went camping or kayaking with them or simply enjoyed sightseeing and spending time together; and

WHEREAS, A living example of the golden rule, Thomas G. Lyons will always be remembered as a truly special man who loved politics, and as an exemplary public servant, who dedicated his life to the people of Illinois and to the principles of the Democratic Party; and

WHEREAS, Thomas G. Lyons is survived by his wife, Ruth; two daughters, Alexandra Cooney and Rachel Cooper; two sons, Frank and Thomas; and eight grandchildren; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby honor the life and memory of Thomas G. Lyons and extend our heartfelt condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Thomas G. Lyons as a sign of our sjmipathy and good wishes. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98703


WHEREAS, The members of this chamber were deeply saddened to learn of the death on Jartuary 12, 2007, at age fifty-eight of Larry Stewart, a successful busiuessman artd a gerterous philauthropist; artd

WHEREAS, Irtspired by art act of kirtdrtess extertded to him when he was homeless artd hurtgry, Mr. Stewart became a philanthropist when he rose to wealth from poverty; and

WHEREAS, Knowrt around the world as "Secret Santa" for his habit of giving money anonjmiously to needy people during the Christmas season, Mr. Stewart gave away about $1.3 Million of his own money during his lifetime; and

WHEREAS, A truly benevolent man, Mr. Stewart sparked Ught with his humane acts of compassion when compassion was needed most. In 2001, Mr. Stewart went to New York, extendirtg his kirtdness to those victimized by the terrorist attacks ort the World Trade Certter, artd irt 2002, he was irt Washirtgtort, D.C, helpirtg out people in the aftermath of the serial snipers; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Stewart traveled to areas affected by rtatural calamities, and he inspired hope in the lives of thousands of people suffering from tragedies through his acts of generous giving. In 2003, Mr. Stewart was irt Sart Diego, helpirtg people whose rteighborhoods were devastated by wildfires. Irt 2004, Mr. Stewart was irt Florida, assistirtg thousands of people who were left homeless by three hurricanes, and in 2005, he went to Mississippi, after Hurricane Katrirta devastated the area, and extended his kindrtess to the people who were afflicted by the tragedy; artd

WHEREAS, A dedicated philanthropist, Mr. Stewart supported numerous charities in Kansas City, , and in his hometown of Bruce, Mississippi, including the Salvation Army, the YMCA, the ALS Foundation, the Negro League Baseball Museum, the National Paralysis Foundation and the Metropolitan Crime Commission's Surviving Spouse and Family Ertcodemertt program; aud

WHEREAS, Mr. Stewart successfully kept his ideutity hiddert for twertty-six years, Urttil 2006, whert he was diagrtosed with esophageal cartcer. At this time, Mr. Stewart chose to reveal his identity as part of his effort to encourage others to practice philanthropy; and

WHEREAS, A remarkable human being, whose compassion for people and gerterosity never waned, Mr. Larry Stewart will always be remembered as a true humanitarian, whose commitment to charity will be felt for generatiorts to come; rtow, therefore. 98704 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor artd members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby honor the life and memory of Mr. Larry Stewart, and extend our heartfelt condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That suitable copies ofthis resolutiou be presort ted to the family of Mr. Larry Stewart as a sigrt of our sjmipathy and good wishes.


WHEREAS, The Chicago Housing Authority (C.H.A.) created the Guardian Angel Award to recognize outstanding contributions by individuals for the improvement of the quality of life for C.H.A. residents; and

WHEREAS, At the 22"^* Annual Chicago Housing Authority HoUday Gala held on December 16, 2006, the first annual Guardian Angel Award was presented to Regina Wilson, a former C.H.A. relocation coordinator, for her selfless desire to help the most vulnerable ofthe CH.A.'s residents; and

WHEREAS, Several years ago, Mrs. Wilson, and her husband Don, generously offered their home and love to a four year old child who lived with her grandmother in a C.H.A. senior building; and

WHEREAS, Just as the child was to be placed in foster care because of her grandmother's inability to care for her, Mrs. Wilson and her husband took Keisha, now eight, into their home and cared for her as their own; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Wilsort's act of kirtdrtess and compassion not only changed the life of one small child but also helped restore a sense of community and neighborliness to the residertts, and has earned her the respect and gratitude of all citizens of Chicago; now, therefore,

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby honor Regina Wilson and express the gratitude of all Chicagoans for her extraordinary kindrtess, generosity and compassion; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98705

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be presented to Regina Wilsort as a tokert of our esteem and good wishes.


WHEREAS, The William Thybony Company is celebrating one huudred twenty years of continuous operation in Chicago; cUid

WHEREAS, William W. Thybony, a Swedish immigrant who was a skilled house painter, came to America in 1886 and opened a pairtt store in Chicago at 356 West Chicago Avenue; and

WHEREAS, In its early years, the store served the many Swedish immigrants who became painters and decorators in tum-of-the-century Chicago; and

WHEREAS, Over its many decades in business, the company continually adapted and diversified in order to stay competitive irt the chartgirtg wallcoverirtg sales irtdustry; and

WHEREAS, The Thybony Company today supplies wallpaper and fabrics to over five thousand retailers, designers and architects, and contirtues to serve Chicago as a retail establishment for paint and wallcoverings; and

WHEREAS, The company is now owned and operated by William Thybony's grandsort, James Thybony; and

WHEREAS, The company's retail store, Thybony Paint and Wallcoverings, is located in Chicago's Andersonville neighborhood at 5440 North Clark Street, and its corporate headquarters is on North Kedzie Avenue in Chicago; and

WHEREAS, As one ofthe oldest continually operating businesses in Chicago, the William Thyborty Comparty has demortstrated that adaptatiort and innovatiort, combirted with a respect for the past, cart lead to sustained commercial success for generation after generation; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby congratulate the William Thybony Company on its celebratiort of Orte hundred twenty years of continuous operation in Chicago; and 98706 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to James D. Thybony, the president ofthe company, as a sign of our respect and good wishes.

Presented By



WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom and judgment has called to his eternal reward, Robert Hale, Jr., beloved citizen and friend, January 10, 2007; and

WHEREAS, Born August 26, 1924 in Franklin, Kentucky, to the union of Naomi and Robert Hale, Sr., Robert Hale, Jr. was the youngest of five children; and

WHEREAS, Robert Hale, Jr. accepted Christ as his Savior at a young age and was united with Elevated Baptist Church in Franklirt, Kentucky. He received his education through the public school system in Simpson County, Kentucky. Robert served his country proudly in the United States Army during World War II, and received an Honorable Discharge in June 1955. Robert was a graduate from Kentucky State University and received a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineerirtg; and

WHEREAS, On December 21, 1952, Robert and the former Frances Louise Jackson were united in holy matrimony and to this union one daughter, Marcena Lois, was born; artd

WHEREAS, Irt 1953, Robert and Frances moved to our great city to make it their home. The young couple became employees with the Chicago Board of Education. After leaving the Chicago Board of Education, Robert was employed with the Illinois State Board of vocational education and retired in 1990; and

WHEREAS, Robert Hale, Jr., a vital and active member of his grateful community and family, will be sorely missed, but the memory of his character, intelligence and compassion will live on irt those who krtew and loved him; and

WHEREAS, His parertts; daughter; brothers, Wilson, Vincent and Eugene, having predeceased him, Robert Hale, Jr. leaves to mourn his loss, celebrate his life and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98707

cherish his memory his loving and devoted wife of fifty-four years, Frances; sister, Sadie McRejmolds and many nieces, nephews and friends; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2006 A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Robert Hale, Jr. and extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mrs. Robert Hale, Jr.


WHEREAS, Maggie Sturdivant is one ofthe most vital citizens in Chicago's great 6* Ward community and celebrated her ninetieth birthday August 16, 2006; and

WHEREAS, Bom in Tupelo, Mississippi, August 16, 1916, Maggie was the fifth of seven children born to her loving parents. She enjoyed her childhood with five sisters and orte brother, whom she raised as her own after the death of their father; and

WHEREAS, In 1921 Maggie and her beloved husband moved to Chicago. A devout Christian, Maggie became a member of Pilgrim Baptist Church in 1922, she later moved her membership to Pleasant Green Baptist Church after moving to Chicago's far south side community; and

WHEREAS, Among the many talents of Maggie Sturdivant is her creativity when it comes to cookirtg delicious meals. Family, frieuds and acquaintances enjoy the mouth watering courses Maggie enjoys preparing; and

WHEREAS, Maggie Sturdivant spent her birthday celebration with family and friends, at which time her best friend, Inetz placed a beautiful tiara upon her head and a special guest from the 6* Ward, State Representative Whitt Paterson presertted her with a dozert lortg stem red roses, promisirtg her that he will returu on her next birthday; and

WHEREAS, A loving aunt to Linda, great-aunt to Meloy Dee, great-great aunt to many grand nieces and rtephews, and affectionately knowrt as "Ma Ma" Maggie to co-workers Larry, Catherine and Sarah Ann, Maggie Sturdivant richly deserves the 98708 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

warm and fond wishes of her family members and friends as she marked her ninetieth birthday; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor artd members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby extend our best and happiest wishes to Maggie Sturdiveiut upon the occasion of her ninetieth birthday; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Maggie Sturdivant.

Presented By



WHEREAS, It is with great pleasure that the Chicago City Council is hereby informed ofthe observance of Bertha Glinsey's seventy-fifth birthday; and

WHEREAS, Her family and many friends are gathering Saturday, February 17, 2007 at the Serbian Social Center irt Lartsirtg, IlUrtois to pay tribute to Bertha Glirtsey, an ertthusiastic, active and much-loved resident of Chicago's great 7* Ward community; and

WHEREAS, Born Febmary 18, 1932, Bertha Glinsey has lortg beert a vital and highly respected member of her grateful community, spreading much love and good will for more than thirty-four years. Her active participation with the C.A.P.S. Program in the 7* Ward and the Saginaw Neighbors Program are among her many concems and interests in the South Shore community; and

WHEREAS, Bertha Glinsey, greatly deserves the love and affection of her family and friends who enjoy her boundless good humor and rich sense of history; and

WHEREAS, Bertha Glinsey remains today an inspiratiort to all who have reached their goldert years artd a treasured matriarch to her grateful and loving family; now, therefore. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98709

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby extend our heartiest congratulations and best wishes to Bertha Glinsey in celebratiort of her severtty-fifth birthday, as well as our best wishes for future health, happiness and fulfillment; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Bertha Glinsey.

Presented By



WHEREAS, His faithful followers and his many friends are gathering to pay tribute to Father Darryl F. James, rector of Messiah-Saint Bartholomew Episcopal Church, for his tireless and lasting contributions to his grateful congregation and community; and

WHEREAS, Father Darryl F. James, rector of Messiah-Sciint Bartholomew Episcopal Church since October 13, 1985, will be ministering at Grace Episcopal Church in Jamaica, New York; and

WHEREAS, Over the past years as rector, untold thousands of citizens have learned and watched their lives improve due to the teachings and spiritual healings of Father Darryl F. James. He has reached far beyond the church into the larger Chicago community through various community organizatiorts. He serves on the Human Resources Development Institute; The Community Advisory Council ofthe Chicago Sjmiphony Orchestra; The Community Renewal Society and chair of the Community Ministers Alliance. From 1990 — 1995 he was a valued and highly effective member of the Chicago Board of Education. From 1996 — 1998, Father James served as the national president ofthe Urtiort of Black Episcopalians, and he currently serves as national vice president for membership to the Howard University Alumni Association; and 98710 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, In the diocese and the natiortal church, Father James has served on the Design Team creating liturgies for the 2002 Episcopal Youth Event; the Benefits Research Advisory Committee of the Church Pension Fund; diocesan Excellent Disciples Committee 2003 — 2004; and currently serves on the Christian Formation Commission; and

WHEREAS, The leaders ofthis great city are cognizant ofthe great debt owed our great religious leaders. Father Darryl F. James is widely admired for his preaching and is entirely deserving of this tribute; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, gathered here in assembly do hereby joirt irt the tribute to Father Darryl F. James, rector of Messiah-Saint Bartholomew Episcopal Church in the Avalort Park community. We are aware of Father James' contributions and wish this great spiritual leader continuing inspiration and success; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Father Darryl F. James.

Presented By



WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom and judgment has called His precious child, Christora Howard Cook to eternal rest, Friday, December 15, 2006; and

WHEREAS, The members of the City Council have been notified of Christora Howard Cook's transition by The Honorable Anthony Beale, Alderman of the 9* Ward; and

WHEREAS, Ort December 16, 1948, irt our great city of Chicago, Charles and Christine Malone became proud parents of their loving daughter, Christora. Christora received her education at Kenwood Grammar School and Wendell Phillips High School. She was a dedicated employee with Illinois Bell Telephone Company for more than twenty years. She accepted Christ as her personal savior at a young age and was baptized at Mount Pisgah Baptist Church. She later moved her membership to Saint Luke Church of God in Christ where she remained a faithful member until her transition; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98711

WHEREAS, On August 31, 2002, Christora and WilUam Cook became husband and wife. Together they shared love, laughter and tears. Christora was a loving and devoted wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend and neighbor who enriched the lives ofthe young and the old. She was a vital and active member of her family and grateful community and will be sorely missed; and

WHEREAS, Christora Howard Cook leaves to celebrate her life and cherish her memories her devoted husband, William; mother, Christine Malone; sort, Dortchii; daughter, Artia Rikki Hawkins; step-daughter, VaPreece Cook; sister, Pauline Vaughn; best friend, Toni L. Gregory; sister-in-law, Shirley Malone; nieces. Tee Strickland, Elizabeth Strickland and Chrissy Strickland; nephew, Michael Malone; and a host of other relatives and many friends; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Christora Howard Cook and extend our sincere condolences to her family and friends; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Christora Howard Cook.


WHEREAS, God in His irtfirtite wisdom and judgment has called to her eternal reward, beloved citizen and friend, Emma Lou Price, December 5, 2006; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Anthorty Beale, Aldermart ofthe 9* Ward, has irtformed this august body ofthe passing of Emma Lou Price; and

WHEREAS, Emma Lou Price accepted Christ as her personal savior at an early age and was baptized at Pajme Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Aberdeen, Mississippi; and

WHEREAS, Irt December of 1934, Emma took her vows irt holy matrimorty and became the lovirtg and devoted wife of James P. Price. Their love lasted until his transition. Emma was a dedicated employee with Illinois Bell and retired after fifteen years to spend quality time with her family; and 98712 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, From her window, Emma Lou Price would be the umpire ofthe softball games between her grandchildren. She also enjoyed fishing and would go to Savannah, Illinois whenever anyone would drive her. She was a vital and active member of her loving family and grateful community, and will be sorely missed, but the memory of her character, intelligence and compassion will live on in those who knew and loved her; and

WHEREAS, Her loving husband, James Price, Sr.; three sons, Eddie, Jimmie and James Price, Jr.; daughter, Robin Wheeler; one sister and two brothers having predeceased her, Emma Lou Price leaves to celebrate her life and cherish her memory three daughters, Beatrice Appling, Runnett Carr and Mattie Pouncil; three daughters-in-law, Geraldine Price, Idelia Price and Minrtie Morris; orte sister-irt-law, Lucy Hampton; twenty-four grandchildrert; thirty-two great-grandchildrert artd a host of other relatives and many friends; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Emma Lou Price, extend our sincere condolence to all her family members and friends; artd

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolutiou be prepared and presented to the family of Emma Lou Price.

Presented By



WHEREAS, On Sunday, March 4, 2007 at 9:00 A.M. Mass, a recognition ceremony will take place at Saint Gabriel Church to honor and thank Sister Mary Jo DeMarco, RSM, in celebration of her ninetieth birthday; and

WHEREAS, Sister Mary Jo was borrt in Omaha, Nebraska on March 8, 1917 to Ralph and Fortunata (Mazzarese) DeMarco; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98713

WHEREAS, Sister Mary Jo entered the convent of the Sisters of Mercy, Chicago province as a postulant in 1934 to begin her religious preparation. She professed her final vows on August 16, 1940; and

WHEREAS, Sister Mary Jo's mission in religious Ufe has consisted of teaching at Santa Lucia School, Chicago in 1937; Resurrection School, Chicago from 1938 — 1940; in 1941, she taught in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Saint Clotilde, Chicago in 1942; in 1943, Sister Mary Jo taught in Ottawa, Illinois; from 1944 through 1953, she taught and was the assistant choir director at Saint Malachy irt Chicago; in 1954, she taught in Jonesville, Wisconsirt; irt 1955, she taught in Burlington, Iowa; in 1956 artd 1957, she taught in Des Plaines; in 1958 and 1959, taught in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; from 1960 through 1966, was principal at Saint Alphonsus School in Mount Pleasant, Iowa; from 1967 through 1970, was the director of religious education at Santa Lucia, Chicago; from 1971 until her retirement in 1990, Sister Mary Jo served as prirtcipal of Sairtt Gabriel School irt the Canaryville rteighborhood of Chicago; artd

WHEREAS, After Sister Mary Jo retired, she served at Sairtt Gabriel as director of reUgious education from 1998 through 2003; and

WHEREAS, Sister Mary Jo also volunteered at Misericordia South until it recently closed; and

WHEREAS, Today, Sister Mary Jo serves God as a pastoral care associate at Mercy Hospital and Medical Center where she also works in the gift shop; and

WHEREAS, Sister Mary Jo has dedicated her life to serving God by teaching His childrert and serving those irt rteed; rtow, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February in 2007, do hereby extend to Sister Mary Jo DeMarco, RSM, our sincerest appreciation for her dedication and service to childrert, education and persons most in need, as well as our best wishes for continued success in all of her endeavors; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be made available to Sister Mary Jo DeMarco. 98714 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Presented By



WHEREAS, On Saturday, March 3, 2007, the Chiuese New Year Spectacular Organizing Committee in Chicago will celebrate their second anrtual Chinese New Year celebration; and

WHEREAS, The Chinese New Year is the most colorful and important of China's fetes and the Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese celebrate their ancient tradition through family reunion and performing arts; and

WHEREAS, According to United States Census 2004, the State of Illinois has over eight hundred thousand ethnic Chinese; and

WHEREAS, The Sound of Hope is a nonprofit organization dedicated to facilitate cultural communications between the East and West, and to assist the public in their search for valuable cultural knowledge; and

WHEREAS, The Sound of Hope aims to enrich the lives of the public and to promote racial harmony through media pluralism and cross-cultural understanding; and

WHEREAS, The Sound of Hope has organized the Global 2007 Chinese New Year Spectacular to perform two live shows here in Chicago on Saturday, March 3, 2007 at the Auditorium Theater, with an expected audience of eight thousand; and

WHEREAS, The 2007 Chinese New Year Spectacular in Chicago aims to be a showcase of traditional Chirtese culture, a platform for cross-cultural understanding between the East and West, and a unifyirtg evertt for all people irtterested irt Chirtese culture; and

WHEREAS, Renowned international artists will be invited to perform in the same stage; now, therefore. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98715

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February iu 2007, do hereby extertd to the members of the Sound of Hope organization and the Chinese New Year Spectacular Organizing Committee in Chicago our sincerest congratulations and support for the 2007 Chinese New Year Global Spectacular festivities, as well as our best wishes for contirtued success in all of their endeavors; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be made available to the Sound of Hope organization and the Chinese New Year Spectacular Organizing Committee in Chicago.

Presented By



WHEREAS, Ort November 10, 1775, the Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia, Penrtsylvartia, passed a resolution stating that "two battalions of marines be raised" for service as landing forces for the naval fleet; and

WHEREAS, The resolution, sponsored by John Adams, established the Continental Marines and marked the birth of the United States Marine Corps; and

WHEREAS, The United States Marine Corps, over the course of its two hundred thirty-one year history, has fought gallantly by sea, on lartd and air irt defertse ofthe Urtited States of America; and

WHEREAS, To celebrate and honor the courageous history of the United States Marine Corps, marines of all ages now have a permanertt museum that reflects the tradition, sacrifice and training ofthe United States Marine Corps; and 98716 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, On November 10, 2006, the two hundred thirty first birthday ofthe United States Marine Corps, the Marine Corps Heritage Fouudatiort and the United States Marine Corps, dedicated and opened the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia; and

WHEREAS, Marines representing all batties from World War II to the Global War on Terror attended the dedication ceremony; were honored by our Commander in Chief, President George W. Bush, former commandants, and remembered their fellow marines who paid the ultimate sacrifice; and

WHEREAS, The dedication ceremony allowed marines to appropriately hortor their museum, reflect ou their service to the corps, and remember their fellow marines who paid the ultimate sacrifice; and

WHEREAS, In observing the two hundred thirty-first anniversary of the United States Marine Corps, it is fitting that we recognize and honor all past and present members ofthe marines for their dedicatiort, patriotism and sacrifices in service to this nation; and

WHEREAS, The Marine Corps motto, "Semper Fidelis" or "Semper Fi" means "Always Faithful", words that evoke a sense of intense pride and deep patriotism irt all marines past and present, and the new National Museum of the Marine Corps epitomizes this motto by pajdng respect and faithfulness to all who have had the courage to wear the Eagle, Globe and Anchor; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February in 2007, do hereby honor the National Museum of the Marine Corps, the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation and the United States Marine Corps for ajob well done; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That we honor and congratulate those marines who were integrally involved in ensuring that the National Museum of the Marine Corps became a reality. Lieutenant General George "Ron" Christmas and Lieutenant General Paul Van Riper for their leadership over the Marine Corps Heritage Fouudatiort; Major Gerteral Dort Gardrter, Presidertt of Marirte Corps Urtiversity, who will oversee the museum; Major General Jerry McKay for overseeing museum construction; Ms. Lin Ezell, who serves as the director of the museum; and the support of marines everjrwhere, and museum donors and contributors for who without them, the National Museum of the Marine Corps would not have been possible; artd

Be It Furiher Resolved, Special cortgratulations go to those who produced such a magnificent structure: the architectural firm of Fentress Bradbum for the museum's silhouette invoking the flag raising at the Battle of Iwo Jima; Jacobs Engineering for site management; CENTEX Construction for the museum construction; and Chadbourne and Associates for exhibit designs; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98717

Be It Furiher Resolved, That suitable copies of this resolution be presertted to Gerteral Mark Cortway, Commartdartt, Urtited States Marine Corps; General Michael W. Hagee, United States Marine Corps (retired), former comruEindartt ofthe Urtited States Marirte Corps; Lieuteuartt Gerteral George R. "Rort" Christmas, United States Marine Corps (retired). President ofthe Marine Corps Heritage Foundation; Ms. Lin Ezell, Director of the Natiortal Museum of the Mariue Corps; and presented to veterans organizations throughout Chicago, in hortor of all who are proud to claim the title of Urtited States Marirtes.

Presented By



WHEREAS, God irt His irtfirtite wisdom has called John B. Batuello to his etemal reward; artd

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Couucil has beert irtformed of his passing by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, The beloved husband ofthe late Vern; loving brother ofthe late George (the late Jean); dear cousin ofthe late Robert; uncle, great-uncle and great-great- Urtcle of marty rtieces and nephews; past owner of Toyota on Western and member ofthe Local Mechanics Union Number 701, John B. Batuello leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore,

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of John B. Batuello and extend to his family and friends our deepest sympathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of John B. Batuello. 98718 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom has called Joseph A. Bubacz to his etemal reward; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Aldermart Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, The beloved husband of Anna Marie; loving father of Michael (Nancy), Stephen (Diana) and Daniel (Leigh); cherished grandfather of Michael (Jackie), Anthony (Jill), Timothy (Tricia), Joseph, Vincent and Jacob; fond brother of Lorraine (the late James); also many nieces and rtephews; best friertd of Dan and Joan Perk and Tom Kelleher; and United States Marine Corps World War II veteran, Joseph A. Bubacz leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor artd members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Joseph A. Bubacz and extend to his family and friends our deepest sjmipathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Joseph A. Bubacz.


WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom has called Salvatore "Sammy" Cicero to his eternal reward; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Couucil has been informed of his passing by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, The loving husband and best friend of Linda; dearest dad of Karen; loving son of Sam and the late Mary; dear brother of Mary Ann (Joseph); dear uncle of many nephews and nieces; and loving cousin and dearest friertd of many, Salvatore "Sammy" Cicero leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Salvatore "Sammy" Cicero and extend to his family and friends our deepest sjmipathy; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98719

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Salvatore "Sammy" Cicero.


WHEREAS, God irt His irtfirtite wisdom has called Thomas R. Ferrarirti to his etemal reward; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been irtformed of his passirtg by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, The beloved husband of Rose; loving father of Thomas (Julie), Craig (Joyce), Deborah (Robert), Mary (Scot), Janice (Tony) and Dawn; cherished grandfather of thirteen; and great-grandfather of five; fortd brother of Artthorty (the late Catherirte), Mariort (Thomas) and Emil (Pat); preceded in death by Edward, John Mello and Theodore; dearest uncle to many nieces and nephews; and army veteran of World War II, Thomas R. Ferrarini leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Thomas R. Ferrarini and extend to his family and friends our deepest sjmipathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Thomas R. Ferrarirti.


WHEREAS, God irt his irtfirtite wisdom has called Rita M. Mangart to her etemal reward; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and 98720 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The beloved wife ofthe late Thomas and the late Robert; loving mother of Marge (Don) and Thomas (Kathy); dear grandmother of seven; cherished great- grandmother of three; she was a former dance instructor for the Archdiocese of Chicago and former owner of Green School of Dance, Rita M. Mangan leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Rita M. Mangan and extend to her family and friends our deepest sjmipathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Rita M. Mangan.


WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom has called Mary C Narel to her etemal reward; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been irtformed of her passirtg by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, The beloved wife of the late Harry; loving sister of Ann (the late Joseph), Sister Mary Gilbert, S.S., CM., the late Michael (the late Katherine) artd Frank; dear aunt of Gilbert (Joan), Mark and Michele (Richard); also other nieces artd rtephews; member of Saint Turibius Altar and Rosary, Jolly Seniors, West Elsdon Senior Citizens and Slovak Catholic Sokol Group Number 9, Mary C Narel leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor artd members of the Chicago City Couucil, gathered here this severtth day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow ou the death of Mary C Narel and extend to her family and friends our deepest sympathy, and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Mary C Narel. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98721


WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom has called Joseph W. Niemiec to his etemal reward; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, The beloved husband ofthe late Helen loving son ofthe late Johrt and the late Mary; dear brother of Mary (the late Thomas), Lottie (the late Joseph), Bemard (Barbara), Loretta (the late Johrt), Edward (Harriet) and the late Helen (the late John); uncle of many nieces and nephews; former parishioner of Sacred Heart Church and life member of DAV, Joseph W. Niemiec leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Couucil gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Joseph W. Niemiec and extend to his family and friends our deepest sjmipathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Joseph W. Niemiec.


WHEREAS, God in His irtfirtite wisdom has called James M. ODortrtell to his eterrtal reward; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, The beloved husband ofthe late Joan; loving father of BiU (Pat), Kathy (Robert) and Michael (Jean); dearest Poppy of Amy, Mary Kate, Bobby, Kevin and Danny; devoted son ofthe late Michael and Mae; dear brother of Gene (Sharon), Rita (Marty) and Brother Bill of Irish Christian Brothers; fond uncle of many nieces and rtephews; retired thirty-two year member ofthe Chicago Police Department and past president of the Saint Lawrence High School Fathers Club and the Queen of Peace High School Parents Club, James M. OT)onnell leaves a legacy of faith dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore. 98722 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of James M. ODonnell and extend to his family and friends our deepest sympathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of James M. O'Donnell.


WHEREAS, God in His irtfirtite wisdom has caUed Gladys M. Rudstrom to her etemal reward; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, The beloved wife of the late Joseph; loving mother of Cheryl (Larry); dearest grandmother of Daniel, Richard, Lawrence (Dawn), Stephen (Debbie) and Randall (Angela); cherished great-grandmother and cousin to many, Gladys M. Rudstrom leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Gladys M. Rudstrom and extend to her family and friends our deepest sjmipathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Gladys M. Rudstrom.


WHEREAS, God in His irtfirtite wisdom has called Salvatore "Sam" Tertuta to his eternal reward; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98723

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, The beloved husband of Elizabeth "Betty"; loving father of Linda (David), Alex (Barbara) and Joseph (Bernie Conners); dear grandfather of Robert (Lorena), Michael (Laura), Tara (Mike) and Gina; loving great-grandfather of Caden and Vincent; loving brother of Gloria (Kevin); uncle of many nieces and nephews; retired member of Teamster Local 705, Chicago, Illinois, and director of First Suburban National Bank, Salvatore "Sam" Tenuta leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Salvatore "Sam" Tertuta and extend to his family and friertds our deepest sympathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Salvatore "Sam" Tenuta.


WHEREAS, God in His infirtite wisdom has called Joseph P. "Mr. T" Tyeptartar to his eterrtal reward; artd

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, The beloved husband of Mary "Mrs. T."; loving father of Mary (Kevin, retired C.F.D.), Joseph T., James (Carol), Regina (Robert, retired C.F.D.), Paul and the late Moe; dearest grandfather of eleven and great-grandfather of three; dear brother of John and the late Anthony (the late Dorothy), Victor (the late Eleanor) and Marion "Dolly" (the late Art); fond uncle of many rtieces and nephews; veteran. United States Navy, World War II Pacific Theatre; member of the Boy Scouts of America since 1938; "Mr. T" was the CR. of Troop Number 1441 and charter committee member of Troop Number 673; retired forty-four year employee of the R 85 R Donnelley Corporation, Joseph P. "Mr. T." Tyeptanar leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore. 98724 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Joseph P. "Mr. T" Tyeptanar and extertd to his family and friends our deepest sjmipathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Joseph P. "Mr. T" Tyeptanar.


WHEREAS, Father Stanley Rataj, pastor of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine Parish for thirteen years will be trartsferred irt June; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed ofthis sad occasion by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, Father Stan has spent twenty-two years at Saint Nick's, but had a brief sabbatical in between his time as associate pastor and pastor. He is very proud of the continued success of the school, which is celebrating its ninety- seventh year of existence, making it one ofthe City's oldest CathoUc schools; and

WHEREAS, Father Stan has seen three generations of students. He has celebrated marriages ofthe kids he baptized and has baptized some of their kids. He has also beert very active irt the community and with the demographic changes in the parish, he has learned Spanish to be able to communicate with parishioners; and

WHEREAS, Father Stan realizes how hard it will be to leave this parish, and Representative Michael J. Madigan and Alderman Frank J. Olivo, as well as the staff at the 13* Ward and the parishioners of Saint Nick's will be very sad to see him leave. He will truly be missed by all; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, sadly say goodbye to Father Stanley Rataj and we wish him many years of success at his new parish; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98725

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Father Stanley Rataj.


WHEREAS, On January 20, 2007, Joseph Sarna was inducted into the Chicago 16-Irtch Softball Hall of Fame at a ceremony which was held at Hawthorne Race Track; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed ofthis special occasion by Alderman Frank J. Olivo; and

WHEREAS, Joseph has been irtvolved with softball as a player and organizer for more than fifty years. He began as a sixth grader plajdng at Saint Michael and continues today plajdng with the Beeks in the Marist High School League; and

WHEREAS, Joseph, who is retired from the Chicago Park District, has organized many leagues and tournaments at various parks within the City of Chicago. He also worked for the Mayor's Office of Special Events, where he orgartized the Mayor Daley Hall of Fame Softball Touruamertt, which features the best teams from around the Midwest; and

WHEREAS, Joseph lives in the Sairtt Mary Star of the Sea Parish with his wife Christirte, has three daughters and seven grandchildren, and he still assists in organizing and conducting the Mike Royko Memorial Softball Tournament at Grant Park; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby congratulate Joseph Sarna for this special honor and wish him years of continued success and softball plajdng; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Joseph Sarna. 98726 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Presented By



WHEREAS, Laurence Amstadter has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of eighty-four; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Laurence Amstadter was a widely respected architect and the loving and devoted husband of Erma; and

WHEREAS, Laurence Amstadter was employed by the firm of A. Epstein and Sorts Irttemational for more than three decades and was the lead architect on many projects in Chicago and throughout the United States; and

WHEREAS, An expert in high-rise office buildings, Laurence Amstadter designed the Borg-Warner building on Michigan Avenue and the TransUrtion building on Jackson Boulevard; and

WHEREAS, Early in his career, Laurence Amstadter apprenticed at several Chicago firms and worked for the Chicago Housing Authority; and

WHEREAS, Laurence Amstadter bravely served his country as a member ofthe United States Army Air Forces during World War II; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Laurence Amstadter serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared Laurence Amstadter to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to ertrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, Laurence Amstadter was an irtdividual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friertds and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his wife, Erma; his two sons; Marc and John; and his three grandchildren, Laurence Amstadter imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98727

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Laurence Amstadter for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our cortdolertces to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Laurence Amstadter.


WHEREAS, Robert Edward Bluhm has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of sixty-four; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been irtformed of his passirtg by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Robert Edward Bluhm was an etrtist, welder, firefighter and brave veterart of the Vietrtam War; and

WHEREAS, For twenty-five years Robert Edward Bluhm was a foreman and welder for the firm of C L. Doucette, a Chicago-based company specializing in the irtstallatiort and maintertartce of fire suppressiou sprinkler systems; and

WHEREAS, Robert Edward Bluhm earned a reputation as a hard-working and disciplined man who was one of the best at his trade; and

WHEREAS, Robert Edward Bluhm served his country as a member ofthe United States Navy during the Vietnam War, stationed aboard the USS Intrepid; and

WHEREAS, Upon completion of his military duties, Robert Edward Bluhm joined the Merrionette Park Fire Department as a volunteer firefighter and rose to the rank of chief before retirirtg irt 1982; and

WHEREAS, Robert Edward Bluhm was a member ofthe Veterans of Foreign Wars and the USS Irttrepid Associatiort; emd

WHEREAS, Robert Edward Bluhm was a talented artist knowrt to fashion figurines out of metal and make retirement plaques for his friends; and 98728 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Robert Edward Bluhm serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared Robert Edward Bluhm to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and ertabled him to ertrich their lives irt ways they will rtever forget; and

WHEREAS, Robert Edward Bluhm was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed artd fortdly remembered by his marty relatives, friertds and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his son, Scott; his three daughters, Lisa McNally, Ljmn Jankowski, and Leighann Cannort; his five grandchildrert; his sister, Margaret Strommer; and his three brothers, Rajmiond, Richard and James, Robert Edward Bluhm imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Robert Edward Bluhm for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Robert Edward Bluhm.


WHEREAS, The Honorable Jane Bolin has beert called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of rtirtety-eight; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Jane Bolin was the first African American female judge in the nation; and

WHEREAS, Bom irt Poughkeepsie, New York in 1908, The Honorable Jane BoUn graduated from Wellesley College in 1928 and in 1931 was the first African American woman to receive a law degree from Yale University; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98729

WHEREAS, The Honorable Jane Bolirt was appoirtted a judge of the Domestic Relations Court by New York City Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia in 1939 and served with distinction on the court for forty years; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Jane Bolin's work was irtstrumental in ending segregation in child-placemertt facilities and the assignmertt of probation officers based on race; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Jane Bolin served on the board ofthe Wiltwyck School for Boys, the Child Welfare League of America and the Neighborhood Children's Certter artd was active irt the Natiortal Associatiort for the Advartcemertt of Colored People; artd

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of The Honorable Jane Bolin serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, Her love of life and ability to live it to the fuUest endeared The Honorable Jane Bolirt to her family members, friends and all who knew her, and enabled her to enrich their lives irt ways they will rtever forget; artd

WHEREAS, The Hortorable Jane Bolin was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by her many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To her beloved family. The Honorable Jane Bolin imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate The Honorable Jane Bolin for her grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolertces to her family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of The Honorable Jane Bolin.


WHEREAS, Art Buchwald has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of eighty-one; and 98730 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Art Buchwald was a Pulitzer Prize winning humorist and political satirist affectionately known as the "Wit of Washington"; and

WHEREAS, For four decades, Art Buchwald chronicled the life and times of Washingtort irt his sjmdicated column which at its height appeared in more than five hundred newspapers worldwide; and

WHEREAS, In 1982, Art Buchwald won journalism's top honor, the Pulitzer Prize, for outstanding commentary and was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1986; and

WHEREAS, Krtowrt for his wide smile and affinity for cigars. Art Buchwald was a prolific author who penned more than thirty books throughout his life, including one detailing his improbable retum home after his stay in a hospice; and

WHEREAS, Art Buchwald served his country as a member of the United States Marines duriug World War II, achievirtg the rank of sergeant and editirtg a Marirte Corps newspaper while stationed irt the Pacific for more than three years; and

WHEREAS, Art Buchwald was the much-beloved husband ofthe late Anrt artd the loving and devoted father to their three children; and

WHEREAS, A man committed to excellence who maintairted a high level of irttegrity. Art Buchwald gave of himself fully to his family and was a loyal friend to many; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Art Buchwald serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared Art Buchwald to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, Art Buchwald was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his two daughters, Jennifer, and Connie Marks; his son, Joel; his five grartdchildrert; and his two sisters, Edith Jaffe and Doris Kahme, Art Buchwald imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98731

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Art Buchwald for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Art Buchwald.


WHEREAS, John Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr. has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of severtty-severt; artd

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, John Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr. was a widely respected member of the law enforcement community who upheld the highest and most noble traditions of the Chicago PoUce Departmertt; and

WHEREAS, John Wesley Douglas Chamberliu, Jr. joirted the Chicago PoUce Departmertt irt 1952 after servirtg his couutry during the Korean War; and

WHEREAS, John Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr. rose to the rank of assistant deputy superintendent and was commander of the Englewood district at the time of his retirement irt 1992; and

WHEREAS, Concemed for Chicago's youth, John Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr. oversaw a campaign to rid Chicago's public schools of weapons through the use of metal detectors; and

WHEREAS, John Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr. was the recipient of many awards, irtcluding the Chicago Junior Chamber of Commerce's Award of Merit and the PoUce Superintendent's Award of Merit; and

WHEREAS, John Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr. was a member ofthe Fraternal Order of PoUce, the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement and the Saint Jude Society; and 98732 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of John Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr. serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of Ufe and abiUty to live it to the fullest endeared John Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr. to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, John Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr. was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his two daughters, Charljmn and Miriam; his son, John III; his five grandchildren; and his great-grandsort, Johrt Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr. imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate John Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr. for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of John Wesley Douglas Chamberlin, Jr.


WHEREAS, Joseph B. Cicero has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of sixty-eight; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Joseph B. Cicero was the loving and devoted husband of Marilyn; and

WHEREAS, Bom and raised in Chicago, Joseph B. Cicero graduated from Amundsen High School and received degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigrt and the University of Chicago Law School; and

WHEREAS, Joseph B. Cicero began his career as a labor-union attorney for the Central States Joint Board AFL-CIO; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98733

WHEREAS, For more than two decades, Joseph B. Cicero served as executive director ofthe North River Commissiou, an organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for neighborhood residents; and

WHEREAS, Irt the early 1970s, the tireless efforts of Joseph B. Cicero were instrumerttal in the creation of North Park Village, a northwest side park which contairts a forty-six acre rtature preserve, a fitiiess certter and educational facilities; and

WHEREAS, A resident ofthe Albany Park neighborhood, Joseph B. Cicero took great strides working to revitalize and beautify his community, and successfully pushed for the opening of Northside College Preparatory High School for gifted students; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Joseph B. Cicero serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life artd ability to live it to the fullest endeared Joseph B. Cicero to his family members, friends and all who knew him, artd ertabled him to ertrich their lives irt ways they will rtever forget; and

WHEREAS, Joseph B. Cicero was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his wife, Marilyn, his son Marc, his daughters, Lisa Wilsou and Erica Shidle, and his four grandchildren, Joseph B. Cicero imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Joseph B. Cicero for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolertces to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Joseph B. Cicero.


WHEREAS, Denis J. Daly, Sr. has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of seventy-two; and 98734 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Denis J. Daly, Sr. was a widely respected member of the banking industry and the loving and devoted husband of Dorothy; and

WHEREAS, Bom and raised in Ireland, Denis J. Daly, Sr. began his bankirtg Ccireer upon graduation from high school before emigrating to the United States irt 1957; artd

WHEREAS, Dertis J. Daly, Sr. was president ofthe Hawthorne Bank of Wheaton from 1967 to 1969 and the Hyde Park Bank and Tmst Company from 1969 to 1973; and

WHEREAS, Denis J. Daly, Sr. was chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Suburban Trust 86 Savings Bank for two decades and also served as chairman of Pullman Bancorp in Chicago and Transpacific National Bancorp in Sart Francisco; and

WHEREAS, A man committed to excellence who maintairted a high level of irttegrity, Denis J. Daly, Sr. was active with numerous organizations, including the Illinois Bankers Association and the American Bankers Association and was a past president of the Bankers Club of Chicago; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Denis J. Daly, Sr. serve as art example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared Denis J. Daly, Sr. to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, Denis J. Daly, Sr. was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his wife, Dorothy; his two sons, Denis Jr. and John; his four grandchildren; his two sisters, Patricia Meehan and Helert Nolan; and his three brothers, Henry, Fred and George, Denis J. Daly, Sr. imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Denis J. Daly, Sr. for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98735

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Denis J. Daly, Sr.


WHEREAS, Concetta DeGrazia has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of ninety-one; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Concetta DeGrazia was the "Connie" behind Chicago's famous Connie's Pizza, a restaurant she co-founded with her husband, the late Raymond; and

WHEREAS, The daughter of Sicilian immigrants, Concetta DeGrazia created the recipes that led to the expansion of Conrtie's Pizza from its origirtal twelve table restaurant on the south side to nine Chicago area locatiorts; artd

WHEREAS, Concetta DeGrazia loved to entertairt family artd friertds and filled her home with relatives every week for a delicious Sunday dinner of pasta, meatballs, beef and chicken; and

WHEREAS, Concetta DeGrazia was a loving and devoted mother to her sons, Paul, Rajmiond and the late Anthorty; and

WHEREAS, A woman of grace, dignity and charm, Cortcetta DeGrazia irtspired the lives of courttless people through her great personal goodness, charity and concerrt; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Cortcetta DeGrazia serve as art example to all; and

WHEREAS, Her love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared Concetta DeGrazia to her family members, friertds and all who knew her, and enabled her to enrich their lives irt ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, Concetta DeGrazia was art irtdividual of great irttegrity artd accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by her many relatives, friends and admirers; and 98736 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, To her two sons, Paul and Rajmiond; her six grandchildren; her two great-grandchildren; and her sister, Marian Rita, Concetta DeGrazia imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Concetta DeGrazia for her grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolertces to her family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Concetta DeGrazia.


WHEREAS, Dr. Morton J. Frisch has beert called to eterrtal life by the wisdom of God at the age of eighty-three; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Morton J. Frisch was a widely respected professor of poUtical philosophy who led a long and fulfilling life of extraordinary accomplishment; and

WHEREAS, A proud veteran of World War II, Dr. Morton J. Frisch joirted the Urtited States Army after his graduatiou from Hyde Park High School and valiantly fought against German military forces during the Battle of the Bulge; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Morton J. Frisch was presented with the Belgian Croix de guerre medal for his heroic deeds in combat; and

WHEREAS, Upon completion of his military duty. Dr. Morton J. Frisch graduated from Roosevelt University, received his master's degree from the University of Chicago and earned his doctorate from Pennsylvania State University; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Morton J. Frisch joined the faculty of Northern Illinois University in 1964 where he founded the graduate program in political philosophy and taught full-time for nearly three decades; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98737

WHEREAS, Dr. Morton J. Frisch was revered by his students to whom he imparted many of the fine and noble qualities he possessed in abundance; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Dr. Morton J. Frisch serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared Dr. Morton J. Frisch to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Mortort J. Frisch was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his wife, Joeljm; his three children, Hollis, Mark and Rabbi Seth; his six grandchildren; and his brother. Jack, Dr. Morton J. Frisch imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Dr. Morton J. Frisch for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Dr. Mortort J. Frisch.


WHEREAS, Harry N. Haney has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of eighty-three; artd

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been irtformed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Harry N. Haney served with honor and distinctiort as the police commissiouer of the Village of Berkeley for more than twenty years; and

WHEREAS, Bom in South Haven, Michigan, Harry N. Haney enlisted in the Urtited States Navy upou graduation from high school and completed two tours of duty during World War II; and 98738 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, Harry N. Haney was awarded two citations ofthe Distinguished Fljdng Cross and nine Air Medals for his strength and courage in battle; and

WHEREAS, Prior to his appointment as police commissioner, Harry N. Haney was a firefighter for Berkeley's volunteer Fire Department and rose to the rank of captain; and

WHEREAS, A hard-working man of diverse talents who worked as a graphic artist, he founded the Harry N. Haney Graphics Company; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Harry N. Haney serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life artd ability to live it to the fullest endeared Harry N. Haney to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, Harry N. Haney was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his wife, Geraldine; his four sons, Paul, Ken, Bill and Steve; his daughter, Nancy Wozniak; his stepdaughter, Judy Krukoff; his stepson, Scott Rath; his thirteen grandchildren; and his great-granddaughter, Harry N. Haney imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Harry N. Haney for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Harry N. Haney.


WHEREAS, The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek has beert called to eterrtal life by the wisdom of God at the age of rtirtety-five; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98739

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek served with distinctiort as the Mayor of Jerusalem for six terms beginning in 1965; and

WHEREAS, Serving his first term during a time of discord. The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek successfully worked to defuse tensions between the Jewish and Arab residertts of the city; and

WHEREAS, Affectionately Imowrt as "Mr. Jerusalem", The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek could often be found greeting the citizens of the city and listening to their concerrts during his daily morning walk; and

WHEREAS, Throughout his illustrious tenure. The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek modernized and beautified the city by building elegant museums, gardens, theaters, promenades and a sports stadium bearing his name; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek helped found the IsraeU Intelligence Service and was committed to the support and development ofthe State of Israel; aod

WHEREAS, A man committed to excellence who maintairted a high level of irttegrity. The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek will be remembered for his exemplary leadership and tireless public service; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and abiUty to live it to the fuUest endeared The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives irt ways they will rtever forget; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his beloved family. The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and 98740 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of The Honorable Theodor Herzl KoUek.


WHEREAS, Anton Majeri has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of eighty-eight; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, A longtime resident ofthe north side, Anton Majeri was the loving and devoted husband of the late Helen; and

WHEREAS, Bom rtear Karlsdorf, Yugoslavia, Anton Majeri served in the Yugoslavian Army during World War II and immigrated to the United States in 1955 where he settled in Chicago with his wife and son, Anton, Jr.; and

WHEREAS, In addition to working several jobs, Anton Majeri studied English and history and became a United States citizen in the early 1960's; and

WHEREAS, Anton Majeri joined the Barbers Union and opened his owrt barber shop irt the Belden-Stratford Hotel in 1966; and

WHEREAS, A tireless and dedicated man who maintained a high level of integrity, Anton Majeri also worked as a custodian at the Tribune Tower for ten years where he was knowrt for his strong work ethic and vibrant personality; and

WHEREAS, A widely admired member of his community, Anton Majeri was an active member of his church who was always willing to devote his time to volunteer activities; and

WHEREAS, Anton Majeri inspired the lives of countiess people through his great personal goodness, charity and concern; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Antort Majeri serve as art example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and abiUty to Uve it to the fullest endeared Anton Majeri to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98741

WHEREAS, Anton Majeri was an irtdividual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friertds artd admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his son, Anton, Jr., his two grandchildren, and his three great­ grandchildren, Antort Majeri imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Anton Majeri for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Anton Majeri.


WHEREAS, Henry Mason, Jr. has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of sixty-two; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Henry Mason, Jr. was the lovirtg and devoted husband of Savannah and a widely respected member of the Chicago Police Department; and

WHEREAS, Henry Mason, Jr. achieved the rank of sergeant with the Chicago Police Department and served on the security detail of former Mayor Harold Washingtort; and

WHEREAS, Henry Masort, Jr. was a devoted father who took great pride irt his childrert and instilled in them the values of hard work and higher education; and

WHEREAS, A man committed to excellence who maintained a high level of integrity, Henry Masort, Jr. gave of himself fully to his family and church and was a loyal friend to many; and

WHEREAS, Henry Mason, Jr. inspired the lives of countless people through his great personal goodness, charity and concern; and 98742 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Henry Masort, Jr. serve as an example to all; eind

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared Henry Mason, Jr. to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will rtever forget; artd

WHEREAS, Hertry Mason, Jr. was an irtdividual of great irttegrity artd accomplishmertt who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his wife, Savanrtah and his beloved children, Henry Mason, Jr. imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; rtow, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Henry Mason, Jr. for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our cortdolences to his family; aud

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Henry Mason, Jr.


WHEREAS, Artrt Murphy has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of eighty; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Couucil has been informed of her passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Ann Murphy was the matriarch of a proud Chicago family and the much-beloved wife of Robert; and

WHEREAS, Ann Murphy was the devoted mother of eleven children to whom she imparted many ofthe fine and noble qualities she possessed in abundance; and

WHEREAS, A woman of deep faith, Anrt Murphy was an active member of St. Jerome Catholic Parish where she served as chairman of the school board for rtearly tert years; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98743

WHEREAS, Ann Murphy worked for Loyola University's registration and records department during the 1980's and 1990's; and

WHEREAS, A woman of dignity, grace and charm, Ann Murphy loved to entertain and welcome guests into her home; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Anrt Murphy serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, Her love of life and abiUty to Uve it to the fullest endeared Ann Murphy to her family members, friends and all who knew her, and enabled her to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, Artrt Murphy was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by her many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To her husband, Robert; her six sons, Brian, Sean, Kevin, Tim, Mike and Terry; her five daughters, Nancy, Ellen CHanlon, Patti Williams, Maureen Anderson and Theresa Quinlan; and her twenty-five grandchildren, Ann Murphy imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Ann Murphy for her grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolertces to her family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Ann Murphy.


WHEREAS, Dora McDonald has been called to eternal Ufe by the wisdom of God at the age of eighty-one; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and 98744 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, Dora McDortald served ably as the persortal secretary to The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. beginning in 1960; and

WHEREAS, Bom irt Greelejrvdlle, South Carolina, Dora McDonald was a confidant and colleague ofthe late civil rights leader and regularly typed his manuscripts and final versions of his speeches; and

WHEREAS, A tireless woman of high principle, Dora McDonald devoted herself to her job which often entailed long hours and sleepless nights; and

WHEREAS, Dora McDonald was charged with looking after the family of the Reverend Martirt Luther King, Jr. and with a heavy heart informed Coretta Scott King her husband had been killed on April 4, 1968; and

WHEREAS, Dora McDonald inspired the lives of countless people through her great personal goodness, charity and concern; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Dora McDonald serve as art example to all; and

WHEREAS, Her love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared Dora McDonald to her family members, friends and all who knew her, and enabled her to ertrich their lives irt ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, Dora McDortald was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed artd fortdly remembered by her many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To her beloved family, Dora McDonald imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Dora McDonald for her grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to her family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Dora McDonald.


WHEREAS, Ronald G. Nelson has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of stxty-nirte; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98745

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been irtformed of his passirtg by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Ronald G. Nelson was a widely respected member of the law enforcenient community and the much-beloved husband of the late Saynde; and

WHEREAS, Raised in the Lincolrt Park rteighborhood, Rortald G. Nelsort graduated from Lane Tech High School in 1955 before joining the United States National Guard; and

WHEREAS, As a member ofthe National Guard, Ronald G. Nelson was stationed in Glertview for three years where he also worked as a firefighter with the Glenview Fire Department; and

WHEREAS, Ronald G. Nelson proudly served his country as a member of the United States Navy for ten years, starting as a lortgshoreman and becoming a mechanic and test pilot; and

WHEREAS, Upon completion of his military duty, Ronald G. Nelson joined the Park Ridge Police Department before moving to the Wheeling PoUce Department where he retired as deputy chief of police in 1983; and

WHEREAS, A man committed to excellence who maintained a high level of integrity, Ronald G. Nelson was a member and past president of the Northwest Suburban Shrine Club; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Ronald G. Nelson serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of Ufe and abiUty to live it to the fullest endeared Ronald G. Nelson to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, Ronald G. Nelsort was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fortdly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his three sons, Ron, David and Scott; his stepdaughter, Samantha Cavanaugh; his eight grandchildren; his mother, Viola; and his two sisters, Linda Fruzyan and Lori Jefferson, Ronald G. Nelson imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Ronald G. Nelson for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and 98746 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Ronald G. Nelson.


WHEREAS, William R. Newgard has been called to his etemal reward at the age of twenty; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, William R. Newgard was a valiant member ofthe United States Army's P' Battalion, 26* Irtfantry Regiment, 2"^ Brigade Combat Team, P'Armored Division based in Schweinfurt, Germany; and

WHEREAS, William R. Newgard lost his life while bravely serving his country in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom; and

WHEREAS, William R. Newgard was a private first class whose duties included guarding high-ranking officials in Baghdad; and

WHEREAS, A resident of Arlingtort Heights, William R. Newgard joirted the military shortly after graduating from John Hersey High School in 2005; and

WHEREAS, The bravery, sacrifice and dedication of WiUiam R. Newgard serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fuUest endeared WilUam R. Newgard to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and ertabled him to ertrich their lives irt ways they will rtever forget; and

WHEREAS, William R. Newgard was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his beloved family, William R. Newgard imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98747

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate William R. Newgard for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of WilUam R. Newgard.


WHEREAS, The Reverend Abbe Pierre has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of ninety-four; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, The Reverend Abbe Pierre was a widely admired Catholic priest who devoted his life to helping the homeless and defending human rights; and

WHEREAS, Born to a prosperous family in France in 1912, The Reverertd Abbe Pierre forsook basic comforts and lived in a monk's cell for six years before joining the priesthood in 1938; and

WHEREAS, A member ofthe French Resistance during World War II, The Reverend Abbe Pierre created false identity papers to help Jews elude capture by German forces; and

WHEREAS, The Reverend Abbe Pierre served in the French ParUamertt from 1945 to 1951 where his work was irtstrumental in the passing of a law forbidding landlords from expelling tenants during the winter months; and

WHEREAS, The Reverend Abbe Pierre founded the Emmaus Community in 1949, an organizatiort with a global presence dedicated to helpirtg the poor and fighting the causes of poverty; and

WHEREAS, The Reverend Abbe Pierre inspired the lives of countless people through his great personal goodness, charity and concern; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of The Reverend Abbe Pierre serve as an example to all; and 98748 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, His love of Ufe and abiUty to live it to the fullest endeared The Reverend Abbe Pierre to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to ertrich their lives irt ways they will rtever forget; and

WHEREAS, The Reverend Abbe Pierre was an individual of great iutegrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his beloved family. The Reverend Abbe Pierre imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore,

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate The Reverend Abbe Pierre for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of The Reverend Abbe Pierre.


WHEREAS, The Honorable Mary D. Richards has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of seventy-three; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Mary D. Richards was a widely respected member of the Kane County Board for twenty-four years and the much-beloved wife of G. William; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Mary D. Richards was the chairman of the Public Health Committee and helped establish Kane County's first Department of Public Health; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Mary D. Richards ably served on the PubUc Safety, Judiciary, Public Service and Transportation Committees; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98749

WHEREAS, A Ufelortg resident of Aurora, The Honorable Mary D. Richards received her nursing degree from Northwestern University and worked as a registered nurse at Dreyer Medical Clinic; and

WHEREAS, A highly valued member of her community. The Honorable Mary D. Richards was a member of numerous organizations, including the Aurora Township Republican Women, the Visiting Nurse Association Board, the Friends of Phillips Park and the Aurora Food Co-op; and

WHEREAS, A woman of grace, dignity and charm. The Houorable Mary D. Richards irtspired the lives of countless people through her personal goodness, charity and cortcerrt; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of The Honorable Mary D. Richards serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, Her love of Ufe and abiUty to live it to the fullest endeared The Honorable Mary D. Richards to her family members, friends and all who knew her, and enabled her to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Mary D. Richards was an individual of great iutegrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by her many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To her husband; her two sons, Thomas and Chip; her five daughters, Rebecca Thompson, Debbie Angello, Robin Kramer, Mimi Steinwart, and Amy; her fourteen grandchildren; and her five great-grandchildren, The Honorable Mary D. Richards imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate The Honorable Mary D. Richards for her grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to her family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of The Honorable Mary D. Richards.


WHEREAS, Rene Riffaud has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of one hundred eight; and 98750 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Rene Riffaud fought in World War I and was orte of Frartce's last knowrt surviving veterans of the conflict; and

WHEREAS, Rene Riffaud was born in Tunisia in 1898 and joined a colonial artillery unit in 1917; and

WHEREAS, Rene Riffaud was a soldier who served with honor and valor and survived a mustard gas attack in the Ardertrtes forest irt the rtortheast of France; and

WHEREAS, Rene Riffaud was a loving and devoted husband preceded in death by his wife, Lucie; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Rene Riffaud serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and abiUty to live it to the fullest endeared Rene Riffaud to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will rtever forget; and

WHEREAS, Rerte Riffaud was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his marty relatives, friertds and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his beloved family, Rene Riffaud imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Rene Riffaud for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Rene Riffaud.


WHEREAS, LeRoy L. Schramer has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of nirtety-eight; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98751

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, LeRoy L. Schramer was a widely respected member of the law enforcement community and the much-beloved husband for sixty years of Charlotte; and

WHEREAS, Bom in 1908 in Big Woods, Aurora, LeRoy L. Schramer was a valued officer of the Aurora Police Department, joining in 1937 and rising through the ranks to retire as chief of police in 1965; and

WHEREAS, During his long and illustrious career, LeRoy L. Schramer upheld the finest and most noble traditiorts of the Aurora Police Department; and

WHEREAS, Uport retiremertt from law ertforcemertt, LeRoy L. Schramer embarked Ort a lortg and rewarding career with the IlUrtois Department of Motor Vehicles where he devoted thirty years of service; and

WHEREAS, LeRoy L. Schramer bravely served his country during World War II as a United States Army sergeant in the 270* Military Battalion Police; and

WHEREAS, LeRoy L. Schramer inspired the lives of countless people through his great personal goodness, charity and concern; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of LeRoy L. Schramer serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to Uve it to the fullest endeared LeRoy L. Schramer to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to ertrich their lives irt ways they will rtever forget; artd

WHEREAS, LeRoy L. Schramer was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his wife, Charlotte; his daughter, Chariene Newman; his son, Mark; his two grandchildren; and his sister, Evelyn, LeRoy L. Schramer imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate LeRoy L. Schramer for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and 98752 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of LeRoy L. Schramer.


WHEREAS, The Reverend Augustin Diamacoune Senghor has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God at the age of seventy-eight; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been irtformed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, The Reverend Augustin Diamacoune Senghor was a widely admired priest and leader who fought for an independertt state irt the southern Casamance region of Senegal; and

WHEREAS, Born in 1928 in Senghalene, The Reverertd Augustiu Diamacoune Senghor was a professor of literature in Ziguinchor, the regional capital of Senegal, and the director of a Catholic seminary from 1972 to 1975; and

WHEREAS, The Reverertd Augustin Diamacoune Senghor became involved in politics and in 1982 helped found and lead the Movemeut of Democratic Forces of Casamance; and

WHEREAS, A man of high principle and political visiort. The Reverend Augustin Diamacoune Senghor signed a peace accord with Senegal President Abdoulaye Wade in 2004, desigrted to restore harmony in the regiort; artd

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of The Reverend Augustin Diamacoune Senghor serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared The Reverend Augustin Diamacoune Senghor to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, The Reverend Augustin Diamacoune Senghor was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed artd fortdly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his beloved family. The Reverend Augustin Diamacoune Senghor imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98753

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate The Reverend Augustin Diamacoune Senghor for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of The Reverend Augustin Diamacoune Senghor.


WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of seventy-five; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets was a widely respected member of the legal community and the loving husband of Elaine; and

WHEREAS, Raised in Chicago's Albany Park neighborhood, Harvey M. Silets graduated from Roosevelt High School and received degrees from DePaul University and the University of Michigan Law School; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets served his country as a member ofthe United States Army before joining the United States Attorney's Office where he was chief of the Tax Division; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets entered private practice in the 1960s and earned a reputation as a meticulous and tenacious defense attorney with an unparalleled grasp of tax laws and codes; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets was a partner with Katten Muchin Rosenman L.L.P. for the last fourteen years where he defended countless clients and served as a friend and mentor to many young attomeys; and

WHEREAS, A man committed to excellence who maintained a high level of integrity, Harvey M. Silets was named one ofthe rtatiort's top tert litigators by the National Law Joumal and was elected as a fellow and board member ofthe American College of Trial Lawyers, the Intemational Academy of Trial Lawyers, the American College of Tax Counsel and the American Board of Criminal Lawyers; and 98754 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Harvey M. Silets serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared Harvey M. Silets to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets was an irtdividual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; artd

WHEREAS, To his wife, Elaine; his son, H.L.; his daughter, Alexandra; his three grandchildren; and his sister. Norma Pearl, Harvey M. Silets imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor artd the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Harvey M. Silets for his grace-filled Ufe and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Harvey M. Silets.


WHEREAS, The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of eighty-five; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, The Hortorable Matthew W. Slowik was a widely admired politician and entreprerteur who led a long and fulfilling life of extraordinary accomplishment; and

WHEREAS, Bom in Chicago on July 27, 1921, The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik graduated from Castle Heights Military Academy and received degrees from DePaul University and Loyola University; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik proudly served his country as a member of the United States Army and achieved the rank of first lieutenant; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98755

WHEREAS, A highly decorated soldier. The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik was awarded numerous medals and honors, including four battle stars, the National Service Defense Medal, the Korean Service Medal and the Pacific Campaign Medal; and

WHEREAS, Upon completion of his military duty. The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik entered politics, joining the 35* Ward Regular Republican Organization as a precinct captain; and

WHEREAS, Begirtrtirtg in 1956, The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik served three terms as Republican Ward Committeeman for the 35* Ward and was elected Delegate to the Republican National Converttion irt 1960; and

WHEREAS, A man committed to excellence who mairttairted a high level of irttegrity. The Hortorable Matthew W. Slowik was an appointed investigator for the Illinois Department of Registration and Education for fourteen years; and

WHEREAS, Owner of Slowik Realty and Slowik Family Restaurant and Banquet Hall, The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik was a highly successful businessman who also served as director of Parkview Savings and Loan Association; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik was active in a rtumber of fraternal and civic organizatiorts, irtcluding the Am Vets, the Knights of Columbus, the Polish- American Political League and the American Red Cross; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik was an individual of great accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friertds and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his beloved family. The Honorable Matthew W. Slovrik imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik for his grace-filled Ufe and do hereby express our condolertces to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of The Honorable Matthew W. Slowik. 98756 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


WHEREAS, Benito H. Smith has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of eighty-nirte; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been irtformed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Benito H. Smith was a longtime teacher and attorney for the Chicago Public Schools and the much-beloved husband of Virginia; and

WHEREAS, Bom and raised on the south side, Benito H. Smith graduated from Englewood High School and received degrees from Chicago Teachers College and John Marshall Law School; and

WHEREAS, Benito H. Smith bravely served his country as a member ofthe United States Army Air Forces during World War II and trained with the Tuskegee Airmen; and

WHEREAS, Upon completion of his military duty, Benito H. Smith joined the faculty of the Chicago Public Schools where he taught for twenty-two years; and

WHEREAS, Benito H. Smith was revered by his students to whom he imparted many ofthe firte artd rtoble qualities he possessed in abundance; and

WHEREAS, In 1970, Benito H. Smith left teaching to work for the Chicago PubUc Schools' legal department where he spent fourteen years before retiring; and

WHEREAS, A highly valued member of his community, Benito H. Smith belonged to the Berenikes, a social club which hosted dances and neighborhood events; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Benito H. Smith serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared Benito H. Smith to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives irt ways they will rtever forget; artd

WHEREAS, Bertito H. Smith was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98757

WHEREAS, To his wife, Virginia; his two sons, Steven and Rodney; his daughter, Sandra; his three grandchildren; and his brother, Theodore, Benito H. Smith imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; rtow, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Benito H. Smith for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Benito H. Smith.


WHEREAS, E. Norman "Bud" Staub has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God at the age of ninety; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, E. Norman "Bud" Staub was a widely admired business executive and the loving and devoted husband for sixty-six years of the late Mary Ann; and

WHEREAS, E. Norman "Bud" Staub devoted more than four decades of his Ufe to the banking industry and was a former director, chairman and chief executive officer of the Northem Trust Company; and

WHEREAS, Raised in Short HiUs, New Jersey, E. Norman "Bud" Staub graduated from the Peddie School and received degrees from Princeton University and Harvard Business School; and

WHEREAS, E. Norman "Bud" Staub was a skilled chef known to spend entire weekends preparirtg five star Sunday dinners; and

WHEREAS, A classical music lover, E. Norman "Bud" Staub was a life trustee and past president of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's Orchestral Association; and

WHEREAS, E. Norman "Bud" Staub grew and tended to a variety of plants in his greenhouse and was a life trustee of the Chicago Botanic Garden; and 98758 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of E. Norman "Bud" Staub serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared E. Norman "Bud" Staub to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to ertrich their lives irt ways they will rtever forget; and

WHEREAS, E. Norman "Bud" Staub was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friends and admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his two daughters, Sandra Bradbury and Susan; his son, Stephen; his two grandchildren; and his great-grandchild, E. Norman "Bud" Staub imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and dignity; rtow, therefore,

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate E. Norman "Bud" Staub for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of E. Norman "Bud" Staub.


WHEREAS, Christopher P. Swanson has been called to his etemal reward at the age of twenty-eight; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Christopher P. Swanson was a United States Army ranger who bravely served his country during eight tours of duty, five in Afghanistan and three in Iraq; and

WHEREAS, Christopher P. Swansort was a staff sergeant in the 2"^ Battaliort ofthe 75* Rartger Regiment stationed at Fort Lewis, Washirtgtort; and

WHEREAS, An accomplished soldier of courage and honor, Christopher P. Swanson served in every position of the Special Forces ranger rifle squad; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98759

WHEREAS, A rtative of Lirtcolrtwood, Christopher P. Swartsort joirted the Urtited States Army after receiving his bachelor's degree in history from the Urtiversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2001; and

WHEREAS, Christopher P. Swansort was awarded the Bronze Star for his distinguished service in defertse of his couutry; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of Christopher P. Swanson serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it to the fullest endeared Christopher P. Swanson to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and

WHEREAS, Christopher P. Swansort was an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who will be dearly missed and fondly remembered by his many relatives, friertds artd admirers; and

WHEREAS, To his parents, Paul and Mary, and his brother, Robert, Christopher P. Swanson imparts a legacy of faithfulness, service and digrtity; rtow, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby commemorate Christopher P. Swanson for his grace-filled life and do hereby express our condolences to his family; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Christopher P. Swansort.


WHEREAS, Norman R. Bobins has announced his retirement as chief executive officer of LaSalle Bank following nearly two decades of dedicated service; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed ofthis event by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Under the direction of Norman R. Bobins, LaSalle Bank has become one of the nation's largest and most successful banks; and 98760 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, During his illustrious tenure, LaSalle Bank has built a reputation as a top commercial lender and an institution dedicated to civic and cultural sponsorships; and

WHEREAS, LaSalle Bank's contributions and support were instrumental in the extraordinary restoration of Chicago's historic Shubert Theatre which was reopeued as the LaSalle Bank Theater; and

WHEREAS, Norman R. Bobirts was givert the Arts Legend Award by the Illinois Arts Alliance in recognitiort of his and LaSalle Bank's support for cultural groups; and

WHEREAS, Norman R. Bobins earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsirt in 1964 and his master's degree from the University of Chicago in 1967; and

WHEREAS, Before joining LaSalle Bank, Norman R. Bobins was senior vice president of American National Bank and Trust Company and senior executive vice president and chief lending officer ofthe Exchange National Bank of Chicago; and

WHEREAS, Norman R. Bobins is the former chairman of the board at the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce and serves as a member of the Chicago Board of Education; and

WHEREAS, Norman R. Bobins is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including DePaul University's Business Leadership Award, the Jane Addams Hull House Medal and the American Jewish Committee's Human Rights Medallion; and

WHEREAS, Norman R. Bobins served as presidertt ofthe Banker's Club ofChicago and is a member of the Financial Services Roundtable and the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago; and

WHEREAS, Norman R. Bobins is an individual of great accomplishment and integrity who is highly deserving of our admiration and esteem; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby congratulate Norman R. Bobins on the occasiort of his retiremertt artd do hereby express our gratitude for his many contributions to the City of Chicago; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Norman R. Bobins. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98761


WHEREAS, The Saint Vincertt de Paul Center will honor Dorothy Jiganti with the Fleur-de-Lis Award at the Fleur-de-Lis Ball on February 24, 2007 at the Chicago Hilton; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been irtformed ofthis evertt by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, The Saint Vincertt de Paul Center is a non-profit social service agency that effectively serves working poor families with programs desigrted to break the cycle of poverty; artd

WHEREAS, The Saint Vincertt de Paul Center is located in the heart ofthe Lincoln Park neighborhood and has served as an aochor irt the commuuity for more than ninety years; and

WHEREAS, The mission of the Saint Virtcertt de Paul Ceuter is "to provide for those irt rteed, strertgthert and preserve family life, and serve the community with dignity and respect"; and

WHEREAS, Dorothy Jiganti has been an active and valued member of the Saint Vincertt de Paul Center for more than ten years; artd

WHEREAS, The Fleur-de-Lis Awards are preseuted each year to recognize individuals who persouify the Certter's mission; and

WHEREAS, The Fleur-de-Lis Ball is an annual event that attracts over seven hundred Chicago-area professionals who share a commitment to the work of the Center; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby congratulate Dorothy Jiganti on being named a recipient ofthe Fleur-de-Lis Award and do hereby express our best wishes for her continued success and achievement; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Dorothy Jiganti. 98762 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


WHEREAS, The Faith and Politics Institute was founded in 1991 to bring together our nation's political leaders of all faiths seeking to nurture their spirits as they endeavored to create and refine policy regarding race, religiort and political ideology; and

WHEREAS, Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) and former Congressman Amo Houghton (R-NY) were invited by the Institute to help foster a relationship with representatives in the United States Capitol while serving as co-chairmert of the irtstitute's board of directors; and

WHEREAS, Under the leadership of Congressman Lewis, the Institute sponsors anrtual pilgrimages to civil rights sites throughout Alabama in an effort to explore the Civil Rights Movement and its continued relevance to understanding racial injustice as it affects American policy; and

WHEREAS, The pilgrimage leads participants to such historically significant sites as the Rosa Parks Library and Museum, the 16* Street Baptist Church, and eventually across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama where Dr. Martirt Luther King, Jr. led the march to Montgomery demanding equality for voting rights; and

WHEREAS, As the current president of the Institute, Reverend Cletus Kiley endeavors to sustain the vision of the founders of the Institute while reaching out to our nation's leaders to join the Institute on its pilgrimages that have expanded to include visits to South Africa and the upcoming pilgrimage along the historic Trail of Tears; and

WHEREAS, As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. so famously wrote in his letter from a Birmingham jail, "Injustice anj^where is a threat to justice everywhere...", the City of Chicago is hopeful that through the Institute's continued pilgrimages to places of historical importance, our nation's leaders will be encouraged to find innovative ways to address and combat injustice to people of all races, faiths and ideologies; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby recognize The Faith and Politics Institute of Washington, D.C. for holding its aurtual Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimages to Alabama; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98763

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to both The Reverend Cletus Kiley on behalf of The Faith and Politics Institute and to The Honorable John Lewis (D-GA).


WHEREAS, Scott Roger Marquardt, a distinguished citizen of DuPage County, will celebrate the joyous occasion of his fortieth birthday on Friday, February 9, 2007; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed ofthis event by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Bom in Elmhurst, Illiuois in 1967, Scott Roger Marquardt attended Glenbard East High School where he was a valued member of the baseball team; and

WHEREAS, Scott Roger Marquardt received his bachelor's degree in ecortomics from the Urtiversity of IlUrtois at Urbana-Champaign in 1989 and his juris doctor from Chicago-Kent College of Law in 1992; and

WHEREAS, Uport graduating from law school, Scott Roger Marquardt became an assistant state's attorrtey irt DuPage County where he worked in the traffic, misdemeanor and felony divisions; and

WHEREAS, Scott Roger Marquardt was appointed head ofthe Felony Screening Division prior to his departure from the State's Attorney's Office in 1996; and

WHEREAS, Scott Roger Marquardt is a widely admired and respected member of the legal community and the president of Marquardt, Kallas 8E Belmonte P.O., a law firm based in Wheaton, IlUnois; and

WHEREAS, Scott Roger Marquardt is the president of Marquardt 85 Company, a lobbying firm focused on legislative artd executive issues in Illinois; and

WHEREAS, Scott Roger Marquardt is the loving and devoted husband of Barbara and the caring father of Julia and Lauren; and 98764 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, Scott Roger Marquardt is a proficient athlete and avid golfer who sports an impressive five handicap; and

WHEREAS, Scott Roger Marquardt is an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who is worthy of our great admiration and esteem; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor artd the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our congratulations to Scott Roger Marquardt on the occasion of his fortieth birthday and do hereby express our warmest and best wishes for his corttirtued good health artd happirtess; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Scott Roger Marquardt.


WHEREAS, Joe Martinez has bravely served his country as an officer ofthe United States Army and has shown great courage and fortitude in the face of adversity; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his heroism by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Upon graduation from Saint Laurence High School where he was an All-State football player, Joe Martinez attended the United States Military Academy at West Point; and

WHEREAS, Joe Martinez played football at West Point and majored in systems engineering, graduating in the top twenty percent of his class; and

WHEREAS, Joe Martinez became a pilot of Chinook helicopters and was deployed to Afghanistan; and

WHEREAS, Joe Martinez was shot down by enemy fire while on a mission in Afghanistan, and through reliance on his training and steadfast determination, was able to save the lives ofthe twenty-rtine Canadian special forces aboard his aircraft; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98765

WHEREAS, A highly decorated officer, Joe Martinez was awarded the Air Medal With Valor and was promoted to the rank of captain; and

WHEREAS, Throughout his service, Joe Martinez has upheld the finest and most noble traditions of the United States Army; and

WHEREAS, Joe Martirtez is an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who is highly deserving of our admiration and esteem; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby honor Joe Martinez for his bravery artd sacrifice and do hereby express our gratitude for his unwavering service in defense of his country; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to Joe Martinez.


WHEREAS, Dr. Michael H. Moskow has announced his retirement as presidertt and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago after more than a decade of service; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed ofthis event by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Bom in Paterson, New Jersey, Dr. Michael H. Moskow received his bachelor's degree in economics from Lafayette College and his doctorate in business and applied economics from the University of Penrtsylvania; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Michael H. Moskow began his career teaching economics, labor relations and management at Temple University, Lafayette College and Drexel University; and

WHEREAS, From 1969 to 1977, Dr. Michael H. Moskow held a number of senior positions with the United States governmertt, irtcluding Under Secretary of Labor at the United States Department of Labor, Director ofthe Council on Wage and Price Stability, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research at the United 98766 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

States Department of Housing and Urban Development artd Sertior Staff Ecortomist with the Council of Economic Advisers; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Michael H. Moskow joined the private sector in 1977 at Esmark, Irtcorporated and later held senior martagemertt positiorts at Northwest Irtdustries, Dart and Kraft, Incorporated and Premark Interrtatiortal, Irtcorporated; and

WHEREAS, In 1991, Dr. Michael H. Moskow was appointed Deputy United States Trade Representative by President George W. Bush; and

WHEREAS, In this position, Dr. Michael H. Moskow held the rank of ambassador and was responsible for trade rtegotiatiorts with Japan, China and Southeast Asian countries as well as industries such as steel, semiconductors and aircraft; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Michael H. Moskow is active in numerous professional and civic organizatiorts, includiug the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, World Business Chicago and the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Michael H. Moskow is a trustee of Lafayette College and a member of the advisory board to the Kellogg School of Managemertt at Northwesterrt Urtiversity; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Michael H. Moskow is an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who is worthy of our great admiration and esteem; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby congratulate Dr. Michael H. Moskow on the occasion of his retirement and do hereby express our gratitude for his many contributions to the City of Chicago; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Dr. Michael H. Moskow.


WHEREAS, The Harvard School of Public Health researchers estimate that trans fats in the diet cause seventy-two thousand to two hundred twenty-eight thousand heart attacks annually, includiug approximately fifty thousand fatal heart attacks each year; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98767

WHEREAS, Trans fats pose a health danger through increasing a person's LDL (bad cholesterol) while simultaneously lowering HDL (good cholesterol); and

WHEREAS, Artificial trans fats are produced by partially hydrogenated cooking oils which are used widely in the restaurant industry, including the fast-food industry, where they are primarily used in both fried and baked foods; and

WHEREAS, Dietary guidelines released in 2006 by the American Heart Association caution that trans fats should only cortsist of rto more than one percertt of ertergy which translates to approximately two grams for a two thousand calorie diet; and

WHEREAS, Although artificial trans fats have to be labeled on all processed foods packaged and offered for sale, restaurants do not have to list the trans fat content in the foods they serve; and

WHEREAS, In 2003, the country of Denmark passed a law mandating that the total trans fat in foods must account for no more than two percent of the total fat; and

WHEREAS, New York City's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene amertded their health code in December 2006 to ban trans fats from all city restaurants; and

WHEREAS, Since the City of Chicago introduced legislation proposing to limit trans fats in many ofthe city's restaurants, other municipalities such as Cleveland, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and even the state of Massachusetts have followed our lead and introduced similar legislation that will either ban trans fats, severely limit them, or provide signage alerting cortsumers to the presence of trans fats; and

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago has beert made aware sirtce we irttroduced our legislation that many restaurants have taken the initiative to rid their kitcherts of cooking oils that contain artificial trans fats and replace them with healthier oils, allowing Chicagoans to contirtue dining at the restaurants they love without having to also consume artery-clogging trans fats;

WHEREAS, Ina Pinkney is the proud owner of Ina's, one of the most popular restaurants in the City of Chicago, famous for its delicious breakfast offerings as well as what has been proclaimed the tastiest fried chicken in the region; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Pinkney has a reputation of keeping the health of her customers in mirtd as is demonstrated by her insightfuluess irt being one of the first Chicago restaurants to ban smoking and discontinue the use of cooking oils that contain artificial trans fats; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Pinkrtey proves that restaurants, regardless of size, can be conscious of the health of their customers by making changes without sacrificing 98768 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

taste and without having to endure significant financial losses that often prove prohibitive for small businesses; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby congratulate Ina Pinkrtey for strivirtg to make the food she prepares healthier and for rising to the challenge of being a leader in her industry regardless of the size of her business; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be mailed to Ms. Ina Pinkney on behalf of her restaurant and her staff.


WHEREAS, Brenda Sexton has aurtounced her retirement from the Illinois Film Office where she has served with dedication as managing director since 2003; artd

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed ofthis event by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, During her illustrious tenure, Brenda Sexton helped reestablish Illinois as a coveted destination for filmmakers and vigorously and successfully lobbied for a major tax incentive package passed by the Illinois legislature; and

WHEREAS, As a direct result ofthe tireless efforts of Brenda Sexton, scores of new jobs have been created in IlUrtois' film irtdustry, irtcluding ten thousand in her first year as managing director; and

WHEREAS, Brenda Sexton's work was instrumental in generating diverse film projects for Illinois, from high profile productions such as Ocean's Twelve and Stranger Than Fiction to indepertdertt films and television shows such as "Prison Break"; and

WHEREAS, Brenda Sexton has been a film critic and studied acting and is an executive board member of the Chicago Film Critics Association; and

WHEREAS, Prior to joining the Illinois Film Office, Brertda Sextort worked irt commercial real estate for more than twenty years and was the executive managing director of OVA Williams Real Estate Services; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98769

WHEREAS, Brenda Sextort received her bachelor's degree from the Urtiversity of Dertver and her master's degree from the American Graduate School of International Management; and

WHEREAS, Brenda Sexton is an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who is worthy of our admiration and esteem; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our gratitude to Brenda Sexton for her dedicated service to the State of Illinois and do hereby express our warmest and best wishes for her contirtued good health and happiness; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Brenda Sexton.


WHEREAS, Al Steiner has announced his retirement from Illinois Tool Works after thirty-three years of dedicated and faithful service; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed ofthis event by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, Al Steiner begcin his long and valued career at Illinois Tool Works as an advertising manager where his acumen in business matters was quickly realized by his peers; and

WHEREAS, Al Steiner has worn many hats and served the company in numerous facets, including as national sales manager, national accounts manager, market manager, product manager and director of distribution; and

WHEREAS, Throughout his illustrious tenure, Al Steiner has displayed a tireless and unparalleled work ethic and will be dearly missed by his fellow employees; and

WHEREAS, Al Steirter is an individual of great integrity and accomplishment who is worthy of our admiration and esteem; now, therefore. 98770 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby congratulate Al Steiner on the occasion of his retirement and do hereby extend our most sincere wishes for his continued good health, prosperity and fulfillment; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Al Steiner.


WHEREAS, The Saint Vincent De Paul Center wiU honor Dan and Patty Walsh with the Fleur-de-Lis Award at the Fleur-de-Lis Ball on February 24, 2007 at the Chicago Hilton; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed ofthis event by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, The Sairtt Virtcent De Paul Center is a nortprofit social service agertcy that effectively serves workirtg poor families with programs desigrted to break the cycle of poverty; and

WHEREAS, The Saint Vincertt De Paul Ceuter is located irt the heart ofthe Lirtcoln Park rteighborhood and has served as an anchor in the community for more than nirtety years; artd

WHEREAS, The missiort of the Sairtt Virtcertt De Paul Center is "to provide for those in need, strengthert artd preserve family life and serve the community with dignity and respect"; and

WHEREAS, Dan and Patty Walsh have been active and valued members of the Saint Vincent De Paul Center for more than twenty years; and

WHEREAS, The Fleur-de-Lis Awards are presented each year to recognize individuals who personify the Center's mission; and

WHEREAS, The Fleur-de-Lis Ball is an annual event that attracts over seven hundred Chicago-area professionals who share a commitment to the work of the Center; now, therefore. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98771

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby congratulate Dan and Patty Walsh on beirtg rtamed recipiertts of the Fleur-de-Lis Award and do hereby express our best wishes for their contirtued success and achievement; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Dan and Patty Walsh.


WHEREAS, The City of Chicago is home to many hardworking residents who spend endless hours laboring to provide for their families and make Chicago a secure and pleasant place to live; and

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago is proud of these hardworking residents and has a considerable interest in their protectiort; artd

WHEREAS, A rtumber of these hard working residents face the burden of correcting the harm done to them by various forms of consumer fraud; and

WHEREAS, Consumer fraud can come in multiple variations includiug, but not limited to, home repair fraud, credit card fraud, identity theft and internet fraud; and

WHEREAS, Consumer fraud has a tremendous monetary impact on hardworking Chicagoans and their clean credit reports; and

WHEREAS, According to the Federal Trade Commission report entitied "Consumer Fraud in the United States", 24.4 million adults in the United States, or eleven and two-tenths percent of United States adults, were victims of consumer fraud; and

WHEREAS, The Federal Trade Commission has also reported that, one form of consumer fraud, identity theft, provided the greatest number of cousumer fraud complaints, accounting for thirty-nine percent of all consumer fraud related complaints; and

WHEREAS, In the course of their everyday actions, the citizens ofChicago engage in numerous activities that leave them vulnerable to consumer fraud; and 98772 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, In extreme cases, victims of consumer fraud have lost job opportunities, have been refused loans for education, housing or automobiles or have even been arrested for crimes they did not commit; and

WHEREAS, The residents of Chicago should be fully exposed to methods of protecting their livelihoods in the event they are victims of consumer fraud; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby encourage all Chicago residents to participate in the City of Chicago's Department of Consumer Services' Ninth Annual National Consumer Protection Week (N.C.P.W.) scheduled for Febmary 5* through Febmary 9*, 2007.


WHEREAS, The Harvard School of Public Health researchers estimate that trans fats in the cause seventy-two thousand to two hundred twenty-eight thousand heart attacks annually, including approximately fifty thousand fatal heart attacks each year; and

WHEREAS, Trans fats pose a health danger through increasing a person's LDL (bad cholesterol) while simultaneously lowering HDL (good cholesterol); and

WHEREAS, Artificial trans fats are produced by partially hydrogenated cooking oils which are used widely in the restaurant industry, including the fast-food industry, where they are primarily used in both fried and baked foods; and

WHEREAS, Dietary guidelines released in 2006 by the American Heart Association caution that trans fats should only consist of no more than one percent of energy which translates to approximately two grams for a two thousand calorie diet; and

WHEREAS, Although artificial trans fats have to be labeled on all processed foods packaged and offered for sale, restaurants do not have to list the trans fat content in the foods they serve; and

WHEREAS, In 2003, the couutry of Denmark passed a law mandating that the total trans fat in foods must account for no more than two percent ofthe total fat; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98773

WHEREAS, New York City's Department of Health and Mental Hygierte amertded their health code irt December 2006 to ban traris fats from all city restaurants; and

WHEREAS, Since the City of Chicago introduced legislation proposing to limit trans fats in many ofthe city's restaurants, other municipalities such as Cleveland, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and even the state of Massachusetts have followed our lead and introduced similar legislation that will either ban trans fats, severely limit them, or provide signage alerting consumers to the presence of trans fats; and

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago has been made aware since we introduced our legislation that many restaurants have taken the initiative to rid their kitchens of cooking oils that contain artificial trans fats and replace them with healthier oils, allowing Chicagoans to contirtue dirtirtg at the restaurants they love without having to also consume artery-clogging trans fats; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby congratulate all of our nation's restaurants that are striving to make the food they prepare healthier; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That we would wish to specifically mention the following national companies for their efforts throughout this process to impact the lives of Chicagoans as they change their cooking oil to a healthier alternative by either completely eliminating or severely limiting artificial trans fats from their menus without increasing the amount of saturated fat per serving: Arby's; Au Bon Pain; Brinker Intemational whose restaurants include Chili's and Maggiano's Little Italy; Darden Restaurants which owns Red Lobster; McDonald's; Wendy's; and Yum! Brands whose restaurants include A86W Restaurants, KFC, Long John Silver's, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be mailed to the chief executive officers ofthe above-mentiorted restaurants and/or corporations.

Presented By



WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, has called Armond Quinton Williams, to his eternal rest on November 21, 2006; and 98774 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The Honorable Shirley A. Coleman, Alderman ofthe 16* Ward, has informed this august body of his passing; and

WHEREAS, Armond Quinton Williams, a native ofChicago, came irtto this life ort March 19, 1971 astheyoungest of six children born to the union of Clark Cable and Gloria Jean Williams; and

WHEREAS, At the age of five, Armond Quinton Williams accepted Christ as his personal savior. He received his education from Wendell Smith Elementary School and Kenwood Academy; and

WHEREAS, Armond Quintort Williams, a vital artd active member in his grateful community and loving family, will be deeply missed, but the memory of his character, intelligence and compassion will live on in those who knew and loved him; and

WHEREAS, His grandmother. Ruby Austin, having predeceased him, Armond Quinton Williams leaves behind to mourn his passing and cherish his memory his loving parents, Gabe and Gloria; brothers, Vontrell (Verortica), Altort (Lawanda), Valon and Robert El; sisters. Chiffon, Chariene and Tuesday (Robert II); children, Aqeela, Imani, Rajah and Christopher; uncles, George, Harry, Peter and William; aunts, Sandra, Barbara and Joyce; thirty nieces and nephews; twenty great-rtieces artd nephews; Deon (Shorty) and a host of other relatives and many friends; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Armond Quinton Williams and express our true sorrow at his passing; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Armortd Quinton WilUams.


WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom and judgment has called to her eternal reward, Mary Elizabeth Williams, beloved citizen and friend, December 31, 2006; and

WHEREAS, This august body has been informed of her transitiort by The Hortorable Shirley Coleman, Alderman ofthe 16* Ward; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98775

WHEREAS, Bom November 23, 1928 in Rome, Georgia, Mary EUzabeth was the loving daughter of Norman and Willie Laura White; and WHEREAS, Mary Elizabeth matured into a young woman filled with an abundance of grace, charm, patience and irttelligertce. Sjmibolic ofthe strertgth and stability of family life, Mary was united in holy matrimony to Edward Charles Williams in 1951. Mary and Edward shared years of wedded bliss, many memorable times singularly, and a multitude of times with their loving children. The Williams Family moved to our great city of Chicago in 1967, making it their home; and WHEREAS, In 1972, Mary became an active and faithful member of the New Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church. She participated joyously with the congregatiort and was a member of the auxiliaries; and WHEREAS, Mary Elizabeth Williams enjoyed gardening and was givert the rtickname "Bird". She was a loving wife, mother, sister, grandmother, great- grandmother, friend of many and good neighbor to all. Her memory has left a valuable and lasting impression, she will be greatly missed and fondly remembered; and WHEREAS, Her loving husband, Edward Charles Williams; children, Annette, Charles, Shirley and first grandson, Rodney having predeceased her, Mary Elizabeth Williams leaves to celebrate her accomplishments and cherish her memory two daughters, Venita Williams and Kimberiy (Gino) Adames; three sisters, Maggie, Virginia White and Gussie (Johurtie) Morelartd; severtteert grandchildren; twenty-orte great grartdchildrert; two great-great-grartdchildrert; and ahost of other relatives and friertds; rtow, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the passirtg of Mary Elizabeth Williams aud extend to her family and friends our deepest sjmipathy; and Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Mary EUzabeth Williams.

Presented By



WHEREAS, God in His irtfirtite wisdom and judgment has called to her eternal rest Sabrina M. Poindexter, beloved citizen and friend, January 17, 2007; and 98776 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, This august body has been informed of her passing by The Honorable Arenda Troutman, Alderman ofthe 20* Ward; and WHEREAS, Born April 21, 1960 irt our great City of Chicago, Sabrina M. Poindexter was the loving daughter of John Paige and Fannie Sue Fisher. She attended Saint Martin Elementary School and graduated from Unity High School; and WHEREAS, Sabrina matured into a young woman filled with an abundance of grace, charm, patience and wisdom and she soon captured the heart of a youug man who was to become her husband, William Poindexter. They met and fell in love irt the summer of 1977 and became husband and wife on July 28, 1990; and WHEREAS, In 1983, Sabrina began working for Nabisco and remained a dedicated employee for twenty-three years; and WHEREAS, Sabrina M. Poindexter, a loving wife, daughter, aunt, friend and rteighbor will be sorely missed. She was a vital and active member of her family and grateful community, who enriched the lives of many. The memory of her character, intelligence and compassion will continue to live on in those who knew and loved her; and WHEREAS, Her aunt, Mary O'Bryant and mother-in-law, Lois Johnson having predeceased her, Sabrina M. Poindexter leaves to celebrate her life, mourn her loss, and cherish her memory her husband, William; parents, John Paige and Faurtie fisher; father-in-law, Thaddeus Johnsort; sisters-in-law, Vivian Davies and Michelle Johrtsort; brothers-irt-law, Dortrtell Johrtsort and Eugene Johnson; special nephew, Deante' Davies; goddaughter, Candice Short; and a host of other relatives and many good friertds; rtow, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City ofChicago, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby offer our best wishes that their grief will soon be replaced by the warmth of her memory; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Sabrina M. Poindexter.


WHEREAS, The Reverend St. John A. Chisum, Jr. founded the Gifts From God Ministry in 1992 committing himself to teaching and preaching wherever he goes. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98777

2007 marks the start of the fifteenth year of service to God and the south side community for both the ministry and its minister; and

WHEREAS, The Gifts From God Ministry celebrated those fifteen years on Saturday, January 20 with a luncheort program at the Caravan Room on South Westem Avenue and on Sunday, January 21 with two worship services that featured Pastor Lewis Flowers from the Austin Community Ministries and Pastor T.L. Barrett from the Life Center Church of God in Christ; and

WHEREAS, The Hortorable Arertda Troutman, Alderman of the 20* Ward has apprised this august body of the significant milestone reached by the Gifts From God Ministry and that she has received the support and encouragement of its pastor and congregants; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby salute the Gifts From God Ministry and its founder Reverend St. John A. Chisum, Jr. for its fifteeu years of exemplary service and express our heartfelt gratitude for its positive impact on the south side community it serves with sincerity and devotion; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Reverend St. John A. Chisum, Jr.

Presented By



WHEREAS, Robert G. Musolino, outstanding young citizen of Chicago's great southwest side, has been awarded scouting's highest honor, the rank of Eagle Scout; and

WHEREAS, A member of Boy Scout Troop Number 475, Robert G. Musolino has applied his energies and talents to upholding the great traditions of scouting; and 98778 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, Robert G. Musolino represents the finest startdards ofthe youth ofthis great City of Chicago, iu whom its leaders place so much hope and trust; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby offer our heartiest congratulations to Robert G. Musolino on having achieved the exalted rank of Eagle Scout and extend to this fine young citizen our best wishes for a bright, happy, prosperous future; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Robert G. Musolino.

Presented By



WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His infirtite wisdom, has called Cliff "Duwell" White, outstaudirtg citizert, businessman and member of his community, to his etemal reward ort September 20, 2006; artd

WHEREAS, Cliff White started life ort April 21, 1936 as the youngest of three children born to the late J.D. and Armelia M. White in Mound Bayou, Mississippi, near the Arkansas border and orte of the oldest African-American municipalities in the south. At the age of fifteen, he migrated to this city's west side working at various jobs until 1959 when he started his first business on Millard Street. He named his business "Duwell Cleaners" because he hoped it would "do well". However, everyone thought it was his name and it stuck with him for the next forty- seven years

WHEREAS, Cliff "Duwell" White certainly did "do weU". He became one of an exclusive group of successful African-American west side businessmen. He opened a grocery, a barbeque restaurant, a cartage company, a construction firm, a fish market and several other businesses. In 1974, he made an unsuccessful bid to become an alderman; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98779

WHEREAS, Not only was Cliff "Duwell" White successful, he was prolific as weU. He sired eighteen children, two of whom preceded him irt passirtg. He leaves behirtd to mourn his loss and cherish his memory a loving wife, Juanita Pirtle-White; sixteen children; thirty grandchildren; thirty-six great-gr£tndchildren; three-great- great-grandchildren; a brother, John White; two sisters. Pearl Voorhees and Lula Mae Bluntson; and a host of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, devoted employees and many, many good friends; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Michael D. Chandler, Alderman ofthe 24* Ward and The Honorable Ed H. Smith, Alderman ofthe 28* Ward, have informed this august body ofthe passing of Cliff "Duwell" White; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our sincerest sorrow upon the news ofthe passing of such a legend as Cliff "Duwell" White and extend our condolence to his large family and many, many good friertds and faithful employees; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Cliff "DuweU" White.

Presented By



WHEREAS, Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra is one ofthe greatest Spanish authors in the history of the world and his most famous literary work, Don Quijote, highlights his birth as a truly world class novelist; and

WHEREAS, Cervantes enlisted in to armed forces for the naval Battle of Lepanto which took place on the seventh of December of 1571; and

WHEREAS, In the battle he was injured, losing his left hand, but he still continued serving as a soldier; and 98780 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, In 1575 on his retum to Spairt he was captured by the Turks and enslaved for five years, jeopardizing his life with multiple attempts to escape; and

WHEREAS, Irt 1584 he wrote El Trato De Argel, a play that dealt with the life of Christian slaves in Algiers, but yet wasn't recognized as an influential plajrwright; and

WHEREAS, In 1605 he was able to publish Part I of Don Quijote-which was an immediate success and which became Cervantes' literary masterpiece; and

WHEREAS, Tradition maintains that he wrote Don Quijote in prisort at Argamasilla in La Mancha, in art attempt to give a picture of real Ufe and manners and to express himself irt clear language, bringing as a result a reading public who acclaimed the intrusion of everyday speech into a literary context; and

WHEREAS, The author stayed poor until 1605, when the first part of Don Quijote appeared and even it did rtot make Cervantes rich, it brought him international appreciation as a man of letters; and

WHEREAS, Cervantes' novel has contirtued to inspire other artists from around the world having it been translated into Ertglish, ItaUart, Russian, French, just to mention a few, and made into plays, ballet, operas, films, musicals, and tone poems; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That the City of Chicago recognizes the very relevant place in world literature occupied by Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra and the important contributions ofthe Cervantes Institute, one ofthe standards ofthe Spanish culture euid letters around the world, making possible the diffusion ofthe spirit and dignity of the Spanish language to all of the comers of the earth; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Jose Lopez and Maddi E. Amill.


WHEREAS, Luis A. Quintana was born in Ahasco, Puerto Rico and at the age of eight, moved with his family to Newark, graduating in 1979 from Barrirtger High School becoming the Outstanding Youth of the Year by ASPIRA, Inc.; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98781

WHEREAS, He received a bachelor of arts degree in criminal justice from Seton Hall Urtiversity, where he was actively irtvolved with the Upward Bound Program and numerous other community activities; and

WHEREAS, After graduation, Quintana became a youth counselor at the North Ward Center in Newark in 1983; and

WHEREAS, As a youth advocate, Quintana has worked with projects and programs related to young people for many years, including Essex Council Boy Scouts of America Explorer Officers, Rick Cerone Little League, Girls' and Boys' Clubs of Newark and the Urban Youth Task Force; and

WHEREAS, He is the first person of Hispanic descent to be elected at-large irt the city; artd

WHEREAS, Luis A. Quintana was elected to his first term as Newark council member-at-large in the June 1994 run-off election; and

WHEREAS, For more than thirty years he has been actively involved in his community with dedication and commitment; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That the City Council of the City of Chicago this seventh day of February, 2007 recognizes and applauds the leadership and personal commitment of the City of Newark's Councilman Luis A. Quintana for his outstanding contributions to the city he proudly represents.


WHEREAS, The Chicago International Salsa Congress opens an invitatiort for the sixth annual music and dance conventiort with some ofthe world's greatest salsa musicians and vocalists; and

WHEREAS, This event celebrates a music style whose rhjdihm and passion personifies the Afro-Latino roots of the Caribbean natiorts; artd

WHEREAS, The Cortgress represertts an opportunity to experience an array of dance workshops and witness fabulous performances by the world's best Latin dancers, trainers and instructors; and 98782 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The Chicago Interrtatiortal Salsa Cortgress was the brairtchild of Cultural Expressiorts and its founding members, Rosita Ragin-Alamin, Saladeen Alamin, Gloria Farr and Bernie Riley, who constantly demonstrate their commitment in the professional manrter irt which this evertt is presertted, with the assistartce of Mike Santana; and

WHEREAS, The mission ofthe Chicago Intematiortal Salsa Congress is to unite cultures and generations, engertder leadership through empowerment opportunities in its showcase and keep alive the history ofthe many cultures, collaboration in the creatiort of Latirt artd Afro-Caribbeart music and dance; and

WHEREAS, The Congress will bring together during four nights from February 15 through February 18, 2007 the best talent from around the world, making this event the Midwest's premier Latin music and dance event of the year; and

WHEREAS, The City ofChicago is honored to have visitors from across the globe as our guests and joirts you in celebrating el amor a la salsa with you; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That the City of Chicago congratulates the Chicago International Salsa Congress on its sixth year anrtiversary, and that we, the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Chicago declare this seventh day of February, 2007, the Chicago International Salsa Congress Day; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the Chicago International Salsa Congress.

Presented By



WHEREAS, God in His irtfirtite wisdom and judgment has called to his eternal reward Darrell Andrew Thomas, beloved citizen and friend, January 28, 2007; and

WHEREAS, This august body has been informed of his passing by The Honorable Isaac S. Carothers, Alderman of the 29* Ward; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98783

WHEREAS, Bom January 6, 1958, Darrell Andrew Thomas was the loving son of Esther and Henry Thomas. Darrell attended Saint Dorothy and Holy Angels Elementary Schools and Central High School; and

WHEREAS, Darrell worked at Thomas Bar BQ, a family-owned business. He enjoyed his work, but also had a passion for music. Darrell was a gifted musician and an individual who was much-loved by this family, friends and neighbors; and

WHEREAS, Darrell was predeceased by his brother, Henry E. Thomas, but he leaves to celebrate his life and cherish his memory his loving parents, Esther and Henry Thomas; children, Quiana and Julian Thomas (Renee); grandson, JaJuan (Quiana); rtiece, JaRita Thomas (Hertry, Jr.); three great rtephews, Egypt III, Tcihir and Linnell (Jarita); artd a host of other relatives and many friends; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007, A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Darrell Andrew Thomas and extend to his family artd loved ones our sincere condolertces; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Darrell Andrew Thomas.


WHEREAS, God in His infirtite wisdom and judgment has called to her etemal rest Lizzie White, beloved citizen and friend, at the age of eighty-six years; and

WHEREAS, This august body has been informed of Lizzie White's transitiort by The Hortorable Isaac S. Carothers, Alderman of the 29* Ward; and

WHEREAS, Bom February 9, 1919, Lizzie was the loving daughter of Gertrude and Henderson Davis. She was the second of eight children bom to this couple. Lizzie accepted Christ as her personal savior at an early age under the leadership of Pastor Parker at Calvary Baptist Church in Dundee, Mississippi; and

WHEREAS, Ort February 4, 1933 Lizzie was uuited irt holy matrimony to Jessie White and to this union four children were bom; and

WHEREAS, Lizzie White, a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother, aunt, sister, friend and neighbor who will be deeply missed, but the memory of her character, intelligence and compassion will live on in those who knew and loved her; and 98784 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, Lizzie White leaves to celebrate her life and cherish her memory two daughters, Gertrude (Willie, Sr.) Steele and Dorothy (Augusta, deceased) Henderson; sister. Celeste TolUver; eighteen grartdchildrert; thirty-rtirte great-grartdchildrert; fifty great-great grandchildrert; orte great-great-great grandchild; nine nieces and nephews; artd a host of other relatives and friends; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Lizzie White and extend our sincere condolences to her family and friends; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Lizzie White.

Presented By



WHEREAS, The Armenian community, as well as the global community, remembers the Armenian Genocide, which occurred ninety-two years ago; and

WHEREAS, During this tragic historical period between the years of 1915 and 1923, Armenians were forced to witness the gertocide of their loved ortes and the loss of their ancestral homelands; and

WHEREAS, This extermination and forced relocation of over 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks is recognized every year; and

WHEREAS, Armenigius continue to be a people full of hope, courage, faith and pride in their heritage, workirtg together to rebuild a firm foundation for Armenia; and

WHEREAS, Many of the fifteen-thousand Armenian-Americans in Illinois are descendents or survivors of the Armenian genocide, and have been forthright irt 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98785

their efforts to preserve their culture, heritage and language, while contributing much to our state and our nation's diverse society and economy; and

WHEREAS, Both recognitiort and education concemirtg past atrocities such as the Armenian Genocide is crucial in the prevention of future crimes against humeuiity; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, do hereby proclaim April 24, 2007 as Armenian Martjrrs Day in Illinois, in hortor ofthe rtirtety-secortd anniversary ofthe Armenian genocide.

Presented By



WHEREAS, Barbara A. Brand has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Thomas R. Allen; and

WHEREAS, The beloved wife of the late Arthur; loving mother of Cindy (Bob); devoted sister of Christine Kupczyk; dear cousin of Anne Wujcik; fond niece of Lucille Wujcik; and sister-in-law of many, Barbara A. Brand leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassiort and love; rtow, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor artd members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Barbara A. Brand and extend to her family and friends our sjmipathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Barbara A. Brand. 98786 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


WHEREAS, Margaret Mary Callahan has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Thomas R. Allen; gind

WHEREAS, The beloved wife of the late Emmett Valentine; loving mother of Emmett J. (Carolyn), Marguerite (the late John) Henker, Kathleert (Johrt) DeJortg, Pat (Gerald) Delfosse and the late Maureen (the late William) Thompson; cherished grandmother of CoUeen, Robert, Doreen, William, Karert, Erirt, Johrt, Michael, Mark, Thomas, Jort J., Patricia, Jertrtifer, Gerald, Jean-Paul and Margaret Mary "Meg"; fond great-grandmother of thirty-five; and great-great- grandmother of five, Margaret Mary Callahan leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Margaret Mary Callahan and extend to her family and friertds our sjmipathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Margaret Mary Callahan.


WHEREAS, Anthorty John Carlirto has beert called to eterrtal life by the wisdom of God; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Thomas R. AUen; and

WHEREAS, The beloved husband ofthe late Aurt; lovirtg father of Martirt A. (Julia) and Phillip M. (Patricia) Carlino; fortd grandfather of Michelle (James) Richards, Sharon (Leonard) Gangestad, Martin Jr., Anthony and Jamie Carlino; great­ grandfather of Kristopher (Joleen) and Jeurtifer Richards, Sharte, Adriane and Pajd:on Gangestad; dear brother of Nick, Lerta and Vince Carlirto; and fortd uncle of many, Anthony John Carlino leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98787

Be It Resolved, That we the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Anthony John Carlino and extend to his family and friends our sjmipathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Anthorty Johrt Carlirto.


WHEREAS, Helert Barbara Fitt has beert called to etemal life by the wisdom of God; artd

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Thomas R. Alien; and

WHEREAS, The beloved wife ofthe late Casimir J.; loving mom of Bob (Joyce) Fitt and Carol (Bill) Kolodziej; dear grandma of Roberta (David) McDevitt and Jacqueljm (John) Handzik, Lauren and Jimmy Kolodziej and great-grandma of Kayley and David Handzik and Elizabeth Rose McDevitt; fond sister of Jean (John) Weinbrertrter, the late Chester (the late Bernice) Orzech and the late Josephine (the late Ted) Fitt; and dear aunt of many rtieces and nephews, Helen Barbara Fitt leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassiort artd love; rtow, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Helen Barbara Fitt and extend to her family and friends our sympathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Helen Barbara Fitt.


WHEREAS, Marie J. Marros has been called to eternal life by the wisdom of God; and 98788 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Aldermart Thomas R. Allen; and

WHEREAS, The beloved wife of the late Herbert H.; loving mother of Mary Artrt (Gary) Herbst and Herbert J.; dear grandmother of Robert (Holly) and Elizabeth Herbst; fond sister of John B. Wysocki and the late Chester and Julia Koziol and Edmund Wysocki, Marie J. Marros leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Marie J. Marros and extend to her family and friends our sympathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Marie J. Marros.


WHEREAS, Daniel Noffke has been called to eterrtal life by the wisdom of God; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Thomas R. Allen; and

WHEREAS, The beloved son of Gloria and the late Delbert; loving brother of Joanne (John) Woodward; proud uncle of Candice; dear nephew of William Fisher and Diane (Kenrteth) Hrachovsky; and fond cousin and friend to many, Daniel Noffke leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassiort and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Daniel Noffke and extend to his family artd friertds our sympathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Dauiel Noffke. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98789


WHEREAS, Helert Rutz has been called to etemal life by the wisdom of God; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Thomas R. Allen; and

WHEREAS, The beloved wife ofthe late Hertry; dearest mother of Jim (Pat), Jarte artd Jan (Bob) Fletcher; and loving grandmother of Brad, Eric and Christopher, Helen Rutz leaves a legacy of faith, dignity, compassion and love; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Helen Rutz and extend to her family and friends our sjmipathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Helen Rutz.


WHEREAS, Phillip Reid, outstaudirtg young citizen of Chicago's great northwest side community, has been awarded scouting's highest honor, the rartk of Eagle Scout; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed ofthis great achievement by Thomas R. Alien, Alderman ofthe 38* Ward; and

WHEREAS, A member of Sairtt Pascal Boy Scout, Troop 815, Phillip Reid has applied his euergies artd his talertts to upholdiug the great standards and traditions of scouting; and

WHEREAS, Phillip Reid represents the finest standards ofthe youth ofthis great City of Chicago, in whom its leaders place so much hope and trust; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A. D., do hereby offer our heartiest congratulations to Phillip Reid on having achieved the exalted rank of Eagle Scout, and extend to this fine young citizen our best wishes for a bright, happy and prosperous future; and 98790 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared for presentation to Phillip Reid.

Presented By



WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom has called Mamie Calderone to her etemal reward; and

WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Margaret Laurino; and

WHEREAS, Mamie Calderone, beloved wife ofthe late Nicase, Sr., was an active and vital member of her community. The loving mother of Phylis (the late George) Chlebanowski, Prudence (Richard) Been, Nicase (Margaret) and Geraldine Calderone; loving grandmother of seventeen; and survived by many great and great- great-grandchildren, Mamie Calderone leaves a legacy of faith, compassion, dignity and love; and

WHEREAS, Mamie Calderone will be deeply missed, but the memory of her character, intelligence and compassion will live on in those who knew and loved her; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Mamie Calderone and extend to her family and friends our deepest sympathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Mamie Calderone. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98791


WHEREAS, God in His infirtite wisdom has called Joseph B. Cicero to his etemal reward; and

WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Margaret Laurino; and

WHEREAS, Joseph B. Cicero, the beloved husband of Mariljm, was an active and vital member of his community. The loving father of Marc (Lindsey), Lisa (Matt) Wilson artd Erica (Joseph) Shidle; devoted son ofthe late Sam and Theresa Cicero; and adoring Poppie of Cecilia and JuUa Wilson, Margo Cicero and Laura Shidle, Joseph B. Cicero leaves a legacy of faith, compassion, dignity and love; and

WHEREAS, Joseph B. Cicero will be deeply missed, but the memory of his character, intelligertce and compassion will live on irt those who krtew and loved him; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Joseph B. Cicero and extend to his family artd friertds our deepest sympathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Joseph B. Cicero.


WHEREAS, God in His infirtite wisdom has called Doris L. Dollins to her eternal reward; and

WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed of her passing by Alderman Margaret Laurino; artd

WHEREAS, Doris L. DolUrts, beloved wife of the late Roland, was an active and vital member of her community. The loving mother of Wilma J. (Dennis) Smigielski and Betty (James) Bugaren; devoted grandmother of Kristine (Charles) Rheirt and Scott (Tracy) Smigielski; and great-grandmother of Julia Rhein and Cailey Fitzgerald, Doris L. Dollins leaves a legacy of faith, compassion, dignity and love; and 98792 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, Doris L. DolUrts will be deeply missed, but the memory of her character, intelligence and compassion will live on in those who knew and loved her; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Doris L. Dollins and extend to her family and friends our deepest sympathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Doris L. Dollins.


WHEREAS, God in His irtfirtite wisdom has called Dorothea E. Farr to her eterrtal reward; artd

WHEREAS, The City Council has been irtformed of her passirtg by Alderman Margaret Lauriuo; and

WHEREAS, Dorothea E. Farr, beloved wife ofthe late John F., was an active artd vital member of her community. The loving mother of John F. (Jeanne) Farr, Jr., Joan Elizabeth (Frank) Garbacz and Judy Ann Farr; six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, Dorothea E. Farr leaves a legacy of faith, compassion, dignity and love; and

WHEREAS, Dorothea E. Farr will be deeply missed, but the memory of her character, intelligence and compassion will live on in those who knew and loved her; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Dorothea E. Farr and extend to her family and friends our deepest sympathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Dorothea E. Farr. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98793


WHEREAS, God in His irtfirtite wisdom has called Frederick J. Marski to his etemal reward; and

WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Margaret Laurino; and

WHEREAS, Frederick J. Marski, the beloved husband ofthe late Norine, was an active and vital member of his community. The beloved father of Jacqueline (Thomas) Longeway and James; dear grandpa of Jeanine Longeway and Christopher (Karen); dear great-grandpa of Benjamirt; fortd brother of Virtcertt, Carroll and Dolores Jeschke; and uncle of many, Frederick J. Marski leaves a legacy of faith, compassion, dignity and love; and

WHEREAS, Frederick J. Marski will be deeply missed, but the memory of his character, intelUgertce and compassion will Uve on in those who krtew and loved him; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the death of Frederick J. Marski and extend to his family and friertds our deepest sjmipathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Frederick J. Marski.


WHEREAS, God in His infinite wisdom has called Irfan Vora to his eternal reward; and

WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Margaret Laurino; and

WHEREAS, Irfan Vora, the beloved husband of Summaiya Muhammad, was an active and vital member of his community. The beloved father of Irfan Vora Summaiya, Irfan Vora leaves a legacy of faith, compassion, dignity and love; and 98794 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, Irfan Vora will be deeply missed, but the memory of his character, intelligence and compassion will live on irt those who knew and loved him; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Couucil of the City of Chicago, gathered here this severtth day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our sorrow ou the death of Irfart Vora and extend to his family and friertds our deepest sympathy; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to the family of Irfan Vora.


WHEREAS, Ardell Breyspaak turns one huudred years young on April 21, 2007; and

WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed ofthis special event by Alderman Margaret Laurino; and

WHEREAS, Ardell Breyspaak is a proud member of the aptly named Forest Glen Young At Heart Club; and

WHEREAS, The City ofChicago deeply values our more experienced citizenry and appreciates the wortderful contributions they provide to the social fabric ofthe city; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby congratulate Ardell Breyspaak on her one hundredth birthday and extertd our very best wishes for continued success and good health; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Ardell Breyspaak. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98795


WHEREAS, The Northeastern Illinois Urtiversity Board of Trustees has named Dr. Sharon K. Hahs as the university's next presidertt; and

WHEREAS, The City Couucil has been informed of this special occasion by Alderman Margaret Laurino; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Sharon K. Hahs was selected after an exhaustive natiortwide search that began in November, 2005; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Hahs has over thirty years experience in the field of higher education, most recently serving as provost and vice chancellor of Academic Affairs ctnd director of Special Projects at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; and

WHEREAS, The City of Chicago values the special relationship it shares with institutions of higher learning; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby congratulate Dr. Sharon K. Hahs on being named President of Northeastern Illinois University and extend our best wishes for her continuing success and achievement; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Dr. Sharon K. Hahs.

Presented By



WHEREAS, In His infirtite wisdom, God blessed Omrt G. and Cecil Wood with Marian Wood Baird on August 6,1915 in BrookUne, Massachusetts; and 98796 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, Marian Wood Baird graduated from Miss Porter's School in Farmington, Courtecticut in 1934; and

WHEREAS, In 1938, Marian Wood Baird graduated from Smith CoUege in Northhampton, Massachusetts; and

WHEREAS, Marian Wood Baird married John Baird, Chairman of Baird 86 Warner Real Estate, Irtc, ort March 29, 1941; the Bairds became parertts to Katherirte, Omrt, Steve and Wyllys; and

WHEREAS, Marian Wood Baird was an accomplished tennis player who gained respect and status from the United States Teurtis Association; and

WHEREAS, Marian Wood Baird was very active with the United States Tennis Association where she served on the rtatiortal level; she was active ort more than twelve committees; and

WHEREAS, Marian Wood Baird won several awards irtcluding: the United States Tennis Association's Girls 18 Indoor Tennis Doubles Championship, the Women's Inter-Collegiate Doubles Championship and the National Indoor Championship; she also ranked number two in the National Women's 75 Doubles Division; and

WHEREAS, In 1979, Marian Wood Baird received the United States Tertrtis Associatiort Service Bowl; artd

WHEREAS, Irt 1993, Marian Wood Baird was hortored with Urtited States Tertrtis Associatiort Sertior's Service Award; and

WHEREAS, Irt 1994, Mariart Wood Baird was irt ducted into the Westem Tennis Association Hall of Fame; and

WHEREAS, Marian Wood Baird held every position offered by the Western Tennis Association, including president, and was responsible for establishing the system for ertdorsirtg boys artd girls from the Westerrt Sectiort to the Urtited States Tertrtis Associatiort rtational championships; and

WHEREAS, In 2005, the United States Tenrtis 86 Educatiou Fund created the Marian Wood Baird Scholarship for high school seniors who displayed leadership skills, excelled academically, demonstrated good sportsmanship and participated irt community tennis programs; and

WHEREAS, For twenty years Marian Wood Baird was a coach or administrator for the Chicago District Tertrtis Associatiort; artd

WHEREAS, Mariart Wood Baird was ort the board of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98797

WHEREAS, Marian Wood Baird was the president of the Junior League of Evanston North Shore; and

WHEREAS, At the amazirtg age of rtirtety-orte, Mariart Wood Baird passed away ort Thursday, January 4, 2007 leaving to cherish her memory her husband of sixty- five years, John; daughter, Katherine Baird Mann; sons, Omn, Steve and Wyllys; seven grandchildrert; brother, Orrin; and sister, Alice; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, assembled in meeting this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby mourn the death and celebrate the Ufe of Marian Wood Baird; we also extend our deepest, most heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Marian Wood Baird; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Marian Wood Baird.


WHEREAS, In His infinite wisdom, the Lord blessed the world with Harvey M. Silets; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets is a native of Chicago, Illinois' Albany Park neighborhood; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets graduated from Roosevelt High School before eaming a bachelor's degree from DePaul University; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets is an alumnus of University of Michigan's Law School; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets and wife, Elaine, are the parents ofthree children: a daughter, Alexandra and two sons, H.L. and Jonathan; Jonathan died of congenital heart disease in 1982; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets served in the United States Army before he joined the United States Attorney's office irt Chicago, IlUrtois where he was chief of the Tax Division; and 98798 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets wertt to private practice during the 1960s; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets was a white-collar defense lawyer who represented mobsters, corrupt judges and politicians, corporations and hundreds of small businesses all ofwhich had tax problems; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets defended Teamsters boss, Jimmy Hoffa; mobster, AUeu Dorfman; Operation Greylord Judge, John Reynolds; and former Cook County treasurer, Edward Rosewell; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets was a partner with Katten Muchin Rosenman for fourteen years; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets possessed an advanced knowledge of tax law; skilled veteran tax agents dreaded facirtg Silets irt court; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets was named one ofthe nation's top ten litigators by the National Law Joumal; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets was elected as a fellow and to the boards of the American College of Trial Lawyers, the International Academy of Trial Lawyers, the American College of Tax Counsel and the American Board of Criminal Lawyers; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets passed away on Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at the age of seventy-five; and

WHEREAS, Harvey M. Silets is survived by his wife, Elaine; daughter, Alexandra; son, H.L.; sister. Norma Pearl; and three grandchildrert; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor artd Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled in meeting this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby mourn the death and celebrate the life and memory of Harvey M. Silets; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Harvey M. Silets.


WHEREAS, On Febmary 15, 2007, David Stewart \nll celebrate twertty-five years as a reporter and anchor with WGN Radio; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98799

WHEREAS, David Stewart began covering City Hall news in 1989 which is also the beginning of The Honorable Richard M. Daley's reign as Mayor of the City of Chicago; and

WHEREAS, David Stewart presents the news segment on John Williams Show ort WGN Radio; artd

WHEREAS, David Stewart is krtowrt as the "go-to guy" at WGN Radio because of his irtsight artd grasp of politics; artd

WHEREAS, David Stewart helps program hosts and WGN listeners understand what is happening at Chicago City Hall; and

WHEREAS, David Stewart hosted the weekly news and public affairs program. Dateline 720, interviewing newsmakers and elected officials in Chicago and throughout the state of Illinois; and

WHEREAS, David Stewart has proven to be an asset to WGN Radio, as well as, their faithful listeners; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled in meeting this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby congratulate David Stewart on twenty-five years of being WGN Radio's "go-to guy" and a great source of information for Chicago listeners; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to David Stewart.


WHEREAS, Streetwise is a not-for-profit 501 (c)3 organizatiort that was established in 1992 to assist homeless mert and women in restoring their lives; and

WHEREAS, Streetwise has provided more than three thousand six hundred individuals with jobs that have allowed them to secure housing, purchase food and clothing and other daily necessities; and

WHEREAS, In 1993, Streetwise hosted its first annual vendor picnic artd hired their first full-time staff; and 98800 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, In alliance with Urtited Airlirtes, Streetwise produced the first color edition ofthe newspaper in 1995; and WHEREAS, In 1996, Streetwise resportded to its growirtg demauds by publishing a bi-weekly paper and establishing an advertising department; and WHEREAS, In art effort to help impoverished men and women begin the journey to self-sufficiency. Streetwise offers programs such as Literacy Chicago, Writers, Classes and Special Evertts; and

WHEREAS, Irt partrtership with Literacy Chicago, Streetwise has dedicated tutors who help Streetwise vendors who cannot read to accomplish their desire to become literate; and

WHEREAS, Streetwise vendors are able to take advantage of an array of classes that will enable them to attain new skills, amongst them are computer training and basic bankirtg; and

WHEREAS, In 1998, Streetwise launched their Work Empowerment Center; and WHEREAS, Streetwise will be celebratirtg fifteert years of service ort Friday, Febmary 16, 2007 with a "Streetwise Birthday Bash" at the Garfield Park Cortservatory; the evertt will feature door prizes, a silent auction, food, drinks and dancirtg; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, assembled in meeting this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby congratulate Streetwise on fifteen years of service; we also thank the creators, staff and board of Streetwise for their wonderful work in helping impoverished citizens build bridges to better lives; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presertted to Streetwise.

Presented By



WHEREAS, The Old Town community is a vibrant part of the Lincoln Park area and a well-known and often visited part ofthe City of Chicago; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98801

WHEREAS, Brian Proctor has been a resident of the Old Town Triangle since 1994, and has been involved with the community from the beginning, serving to improve many aspects of life in Old Town; and

WHEREAS, Brian has served on the Old Town Triartgle Associatiort's Board for the last three years, artd as presidertt for the last two; and

WHEREAS, Much ofthe work that Brian did as president involved improving the quality of life in the neighborhood, including: the renovation ofthe children's play lot irt Ogdert Park and the enhancement of all of the pocket parks, the outreach communication effort with Hermon Baptist Church parishioners, and efforts to bring neighbors and children back to the LaSalle Playground to mingle and talk; and

WHEREAS, Brian also actively worked to improve the O.T.T.A. web site in order to expand information available about activities and events offered in Old Town; and

WHEREAS, Brian has also worked hard on the Old Town Art Fair by servirtg ort the Artists' Breakfast Committee, being a gates captain and chair of the Traffic Committee, for which he implemented an improved traffic flow pattern that has improved artists' access, and changing the Fair from an auction donatiort to a booth fee system, and supporting establishment ofan entertainment stage at the Fair; and

WHEREAS, This resolution celebrates the many contributions that Brian has made to the Old Town community and the O.T.T.A., and thanks him for his contributions as he retires from his position as president; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby express our thanks to Brian Proctor for his contributions to the Old Town community and to the City of Chicago, and wish him well in his future endeavors; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Brian Proctor.


WHEREAS, This resolution honors and gives thanks for the extraordinary life and contributions of a singular human being — Father Edward Wilhelm; and 98802 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEREAS, Father Wilhelm was bom in Chicago in 1920 and was baptized at Saint Michael Church in Old Town. Eighty-six years later, after a full and varied Ufe of giving all over the world, he has just retired from Saint Michael having celebrated sixty years of priesthood; and

WHEREAS, Father Wilhelm professed his Redemptorist vows in 1941 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1947. His first assignment was in Brazil where he worked for twenty-nine years teaching irt the semirtary and serving as a Isush priest' on a houseboat along the Amazon River where he earned the rtickuame "Padre Calmo" — calm father. He then went on to serve as vicar general to the bishop in Juazeiro, Brazil; and

WHEREAS, At the age of fifty-six. Father Wilhelm retumed to the United States and was sent to Fargo, North Dakota, a true polar opposite, where he was known most for his work with the sick and djdug, giving them comfort and helping them to endure their suffering with grace; and

WHEREAS, Father Wilhelm then came home to Saint Michael where, for the past nineteen years, he has become well known and well loved by all who know Saint Michael as he has baptized, married or buried and consoled family members of countless parishioners or friends over those rtirteteert years; and

WHEREAS, Father Wilhelm's retirement will, no doubt, not keep him from responding to a 'call' from someone in rteed and, in fact, he is still using most days to visit people in hospitals and shut-ins. He also now has more time to visit with family members including his sister Mildred who will soon tum orte hundred; and

WHEREAS, Everyone feels that Father Wilhelm is a 'joy' to be with and 'quick to offer praise or encouragement' and always willing to help in any way that is needed, and it is this that we celebrate with this resolution; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City ofChicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D. do hereby thank Father Wilhelm for all ofthe caring work he has done not only irt the City ofChicago but anjrwhere he has ministered and we wish him well and many more years to ertjoy his retiremertt from active service; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Father Edward Wilhelm. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98803

Presented By



WHEREAS, The Lincoln Park community is a vibrant and thriving area with many businesses and organizatiorts callirtg it home; and

WHEREAS, A certtral part of the success of Lincoln Park's business community is the active and strong leadership from the Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce; and

WHEREAS, For the past several years Lisa Brenner has been a strong advocate for businesses, a leader of bright ideas', and for the past two years the chairman ofthe board for L.P.C.C; and

WHEREAS, Lisa also served on the L.P.C.C. Strategic Planning Task Force in 2004 and was very instrumerttal in the development of L.P.CC's new strategic plan which for the past two years she has worked diligently to implement; and

WHEREAS, This strategic plan calls for the L.P.C.C. to be the 'premier catalyst' for business success, helping businesses with programs that will advocate for and champion their cause by offering programs for education, training and consulting, and also step up business recruitment, retention and growth programs; and

WHEREAS, Lisa has implemented this strategic plan by plajdrtg a major role irt the special service area development on North Lincoln Avenue and North Clark Street, and her efforts on behalf of the Chamber to support and promote North Clark Street businesses during the multi-year streetscape project which was completed this year; and

WHEREAS, This resolution celebrates and recognizes the contributions that Lisa has made through her work for the L.P.C.C, and thanks her for her work as she prepares to retire from her position as chairman; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby 98804 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

express our thanks to Lisa Brenner for her contributions to the L.P.C.C, the Lincolrt Park community and to the City of Chicago, and wish her well in her future endeavors; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Lisa Brenrter.

Presented By



WHEREAS, The Chicago Society ofthe Polish Natiortal AlUartce held its ninety-fifth inaugural ball on January 27, 2007 where T. Ron Jasinski-Herbert was sworn in as its fifty-fourth president. He has served with distinction in that capacity before as the Society's forty-eighth in 1996 and 1997; and

WHEREAS, T. Ron Jasinski-Herbert is the editor of Polonia Today, widely considered to be the world's most-read Polish American newsmagazine in the English language. Trusted for its faithfulness to the facts and dedication to Polish causes, it also has many faithful readers in Canada and Europe. The motto of Polonia Today is "Fact Without Favor — Truth Without Fear" and it is knowrt for the incisive and often hard-hitting editorial column that he writes; and

WHEREAS, Founded in 1912, the Chicago Society ofthe PoUsh National AUiance is a progressive social organization of Polish American professionals, businessmen and civic leaders founded to foster the ideals of good fellowship, promote the welfare of the community and to advance the civic, social, economic and cultural development ofthe community. The Society also provides assistance and leadership to many other outstanding organizations and charitable causes; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Patrick J. Levar, Alderman of the 45* Ward, has apprised this august body ofthis high honor and important responsibility bestowed upon T. Ron Jasinski-Herbert; now, therefore. 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98805

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor artd members of the City of Chicago City Council, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby salute T. Ron Jasinski-Herbert and the Chicago Society ofthe Polish National Alliance and wish them corttirtued success, well-being and prosperity in all they may wish to undertake; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to T. Ron Jasinski-Herbert.


WHEREAS, At Goverrtor Rod R. Blagojevich's second inaugural ceremony, the governor honored the People Are Today's Heroes (P.A.T.H.) Award winrters during his first term as governor. These honorees are citizens who, through their hard work and commitment, have improved the lives of people in their community in the areas of health care, public safety, education or economic development; and

WHEREAS, One such citizen is Wanda Majcher, the Executive Director of the Copernicus Foundation and one of the most active Polish-American leaders in the City of Chicago. She came to the Governor's attentiort as a result of her tireless effort to promote breast cancer awareness among the Polish-American women as well as her work on the Goverrtor's "All Kids" program and the Community Forum on Education that promotes new Illinois initiatives expandirtg access to pre-school and making college more affordable; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Patrick J. Levar, Alderman of the 45* Ward, has apprised this august body ofthe honor bestowed upon this distinguished citizen; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, assembled here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby salute Wanda Majcher for her significant achievements and applaud the Govemor for his official recogrtitiort of her worthy and substantial civic contributions; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Wanda Majcher. 98806 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Presented By



WHEREAS, On Saturday, Febmary 10, 2007, the Boy Scout Troop 894 at Queen of Angels Church will be celebrating their tenth anniversary; and WHEREAS, Boy Scout Troop 894 was originally chartered to Queen of Angels Church in the 1940's and existed until the early 1980's; and WHEREAS, In 1997, the new Boy Scout Troop 894 began its existence and has been going strong for ten years with weekly meetings, monthly campouts, outdoor activities, commuuity service projects, and anrtual summer camping at Owasippe, the Chicago Area Council's four thousand acre summer camp; and

WHEREAS, Nine Boy Scouts from Troop 894 have received the honor of Eagle Scout; and WHEREAS, Since 1997, over one hundred twenty boys have spent time as Scouts in Troop 894 and many for the full seven years a boy can be a Scout; and WHEREAS, The Boy Scouts should be honored for their ideals of preparedness, adventure, responsibility and commuuity involvement; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members ofthe City Council ofthe City ofChicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby salute Boy Scout Troop 894 and extend our gratitude for their outstanding community service and dedication; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Boy Scout Troop 894.


WHEREAS, Chicago's Degerberg Academy of Martial Arts won the Best Overall Martial Arts School Award at Black Belt magazine's First Annual Industry Awards Dinner on Thursday, July 6, 2006; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98807

WHEREAS, Fred Degerberg, president of Degerberg Academy of Martial Arts 86 Fitness, Inc., owns and operates one of the largest (13,000 square feet), most versatile, best-equipped martial arts school in the world; and

WHEREAS, Over the years, approximately two hundred martial arts have been taught at the Degerberg Academy located in the 47* Ward; and

WHEREAS, Founded in 1980, Degerberg Academy of Martial Arts is unique as it was established with a philosophy that embraces and respects all martial arts. Students learn a variety of disciplines, including karate, boxing, kickboxirtg, judo, , , kali, and more; and

WHEREAS, Degerberg has hosted or trained many champions, masters and celebrities including John Belushi, Bill Wallace, Dan Akroyd, Kathy Long, Gene LeBell and many others starting as early as three years old; and

WHEREAS, The school's mission is to instill in students values including honesty, respect, responsibility, integrity, courage, tolerance, justice, self-confidence and politeness by using the martial arts; and

WHEREAS, Fred Degerberg, the instructors and students should be commended for their hard work and dedication to provide excellent martial arts programs; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, gathered here this seventh day of Febmary, 2007 A.D., do hereby extend our gratitude for the contributions of Degerberg Academy of Martial Arts and best wishes for twenty-severt years of excellertce, and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Degerberg Academy of Martial Arts.


WHEREAS, Alexander Graham BeU School opened in 1917 located at 3730 North Oakley Avenue and is currently located in the 47* Ward irt the City of Chicago; artd

WHEREAS, The school was rtamed after the famous iuverttor Alexander Graham Bell, who was an advocate for the deaf; and 98808 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

WHEARAS, Bell School began its legacy servirtg hearirtg impaired students and continues to teach the deaf and hearing impaired today; and

WHEREAS, In additiort. Bell School students are taught sign language so that the deaf program can be integrated throughout the school; and

WHEREAS, Bell School has an acclaimed neighborhood progretm, a regional gifted program and an outstanding academic curriculum that includes art, music, computer and Chirtese; and

WHEREAS, BeU School wiU be celebrating its nirtetieth year birthday irt 2007 with the firtal celebratiort at Bell's Birthday Bash ort the third day of March 2007 — Alexander Graham Bell's birthday; and

WHEREAS, The passion and dedicatiort of Bell School's faculty, staff and parents should be recognized and commended for their commitment to providing an excellent education to our most important people — the students; and

WHEREAS, It is only fitting and proper that we should acknowledge and extend our gratitude to all of the individuals that contribute daily to the quality education at Bell School including students, faculty, staff, parents and Principal Bob Guercio (who coincidentally shares a birthday with Alexander Graham Bell); now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor artd members of the City Couucil of the City of Chicago, gathered here the seventh day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby commend and extend our best wishes to Alexander Graham Bell School for its ninetieth birthday celebration; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Alexander Graham Bell School.

Presented By

ALDERMAN M. SMITH (48'" Ward):


WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom has called Lieuteuartt Colonel James Michael O'Rourke, Sr., retired army officer and educator, to his etemal rest on December 23, 2006; and 2/7/2007 AGREED CALENDAR 98809

WHEREAS, Lieutenant Colonel James Michael O'Rourke, Sr. grew up in the South Shore neighborhood and graduated from Saint Francis De Sales High School. He entered the United States Army, subsequently graduating from their Officers Candidate School in Fort Benning, Georgia and serving with distinctiort in the Military Police Corps. He also graduated from the United States Army Command and General Staff College and held a Bachelor of Science degree in the Admirtistratiort of Crimirtal Justice aud a Master of Arts degree in Political Science; and

WHEREAS, After his retirement from active duty in 1999, Lieutenant Colonel James Michael O'Rourke, Sr. was a senior army instructor with the Chicago Public Schools Army Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps at Chicago Military Academy in the Bronzeville neighborhood, the city's first such iustitution. Eventually, he was in charge of overseeing the administration, operations, trainirtg and supervision of the one hundred sixty-two cadet cadre in the Edgewater neighborhood at the Nicholas Senn High School whose students come from sixty-five different nationalities making that high school the city's most demographically diverse; and

WHEREAS, In additiort. Lieutenant Colonel James Michael O'Rourke, Sr. was military affairs coordinator for the past six years for the Treasurer of the State of IlUnois. He was past commander ofthe seven hundred member Robert E. Coulter, Jr. American Legion Post 1941 and was elected to serve as their 5* district commander to represent twenty-six Illinois posts with almost three thousand members; and

WHEREAS, Lieutenant Colonel James Michael O'Rourke, Sr. was also active with numerous veterans' organizations and commissions, including the Advisory Board of the National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum and was a former museum board member; and

WHEREAS, Lieutenant Colonel James Michael O'Rourke, Sr. leaves behind to cherish his memory his wife of twenty-five years, Kim, and their three children, Kelley, James, Jr. and Sean, as well as the cadets and faculty ofthe Nicholas Senn High School where he last served; and

WHEREAS, The Hortorable Mary Artrt Smith, Aldermart of the 48* Ward, has irtformed this august body of the passing of Lieutenant Colonel James Michael O' Rourke, Sr.; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, assembled here this seventh Day of February, 2007 A.D., do hereby extend our sincerest sympathy to the family and friends of Lieutenant Colonel James Michael O'Rourke, Sr. and express our deepest sorrow upon the passing of such an upstanding role model and mentor; and 98810 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Lieutenant Colonel James Michael O'Rourke, Sr.


WHEREAS, The Chicago Park District and urban parks across the country provide countless social, health and environmental benefits for communities, usually at no or low cost; and

WHEREAS, Despite the clear and important benefits of urban parks to the health and welfare of our communities, it has been predicted that over the next four years, funding for local parks and recreation will fall $38 Billion short of meeting basic needs; and

WHEREAS, For over thirty years, the Federal Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act (U.P.A.R.R.) has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to urban park restoration projects, but for the past several years no federal funds have been appropriated for U.P.A.R.R., and without this funding there will essentially be no federal program dedicated to support urban park development; and

WHEREAS, Recognizirtg the importartce ofthis matter, in May 2006, the Chicago Park District co-hosted the "Urban Parks and Recreatiort Summit", where atteudees of park systems from across the country developed a "National Agenda for Urban Parks and Recreation", and issued a call to action to citizens, advocates and elected officials to support urban park and recreation projects; and

WHEREAS, The new national urban parks and recreation agenda calls upon the President ofthe United States and the United States Cortgress to provide irtcreased federal funding for urban parks in the nation's communities; and

WHEREAS, In June 2006, Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley sponsored a resolution at the "United States Conference of Mayors", which was unanimously adopted by its members, that supported this "National Agenda for Urban Parks and Recreation" and called upon the nation's mayors to help carry out a national advocacy campaign to implement this agenda; and 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98811

WHEREAS, With its two hundred sixty-five facilities in nearly five hundred seventy parks, the Chicago Park District's capital needs far exceed its current capital funding; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council of the City ofChicago, gathered here this seventh day of February, 2007, do hereby adopt, accept and pledge to support and promote the National Agenda for Urban Parks and Recreation, and further call upon the President and members of Congress to support federal funding for the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act.


(Presented By Wards, In Order, Beginning With The Fiftieth Ward)

Arranged under the following subheadings: 1. Traffic Regulations, Traffic Signs and Traffic-Control Devices. 2. Zonirtg Ordirtance Amendmertts. 3. Claims. 4. Urtclassified Matters (arranged in order according to ward numbers). 5. Free Permits, License Fee Exemptions, Cancellation of Warrants for Collection and Water Rate Exemptions, Et Cetera.



The aldermen named below presented proposed ordinances to establish loading zones at the locatiorts designated and for the distances and times specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows: 98812 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Location, Distance Artd Time

HAITHCOCK (2"^* Ward) South Morgan Street, at 410, for a distance of 25 feet — at all times — daily;

West Van Buren Street (south side) from a point 152 feet west of South Morgan Street, to a point 25 feet west thereof — 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday;

TILLMAN (3"^ Ward) South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, at 4747, from a point 110 feet north of East 48* Street, to a point 80 feet north thereof- 6:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. - daily;

East 45* Street, at 4455, from a point 167 feet east of South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, to a point 25 feet east thereof- 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. - daily;

BURKE (14* Ward) South Kedzie Avenue, at 4235, from South Kedzie Avenue to the first alley east thereof - 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. - Monday through Friday;

West Pope John Paul II Drive, from South Mozart Street to the first alley west thereof - 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. - daily;

SOLIS (25* Ward) West 18* Street, at 2000, for one parking space - 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. - daily;

OCASIO (26* Ward) West Armitage Avenue, at 3522 - 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98813

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

CAROTHERS (29* Ward) West Jacksort Boulevard, at 5433 5435 — at all times — daily;

REBOYRAS (30* Ward) West Armitage Avenue, at 4248 — 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. - daily;

West North Avenue, at 3923 - 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. - daily;

North Pulaski Road, at 2341 - 30 minute limit — unattended vehicles must have hazard lights activated — tow-away zone - 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. - Mortday through Friday;

MATLAK (32"'^ Ward) West Armitage Avenue, at 2220 — 8:30 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. - Monday through Friday and 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. -Saturday;

West Belmont Avenue, at 1747 — 12:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. - Wednesday through Saturday;

West Chicago Avenue, at 2038 - 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday;

West Chicago Avenue, at 2356 — 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 A.M. - daily;

West Weed Street, at 901 - 6:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. - daily;

West Willow Street, at 953 - 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday; 98814 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

COLON (35* Ward) North Kedzie Boulevard, at 2408 for a distance of 25 feet — at all times — daily;

LAURINO (39* Ward) North Lemont Avenue, for two automobile lengths - 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. - daily;

O'CONNOR (40* Ward) West Peterson Avenue, at 2300 (install signs on North Oakley Avenue — east side of Peterson — Surgery Center) 5:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday;

NATARUS (42"''Ward) East Erie Street, at 50 - 6:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. - daily;

West Huron Street, at 217 — at all times - daily;

West Ontario Street, at 35 - 5:00 P.M. to 12:00 A.M. - daily;

SCHULTER (47* Ward) North Lincoln Avenue, at 4363 (install signs on West Montrose Avenue — entire length of property) 15 minute limit — 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M. - daily;

North Western Avenue, at 4839 - 15 minute limit — unattended vehicles must have hazard lights activated — 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98815


Alderman Natarus (42"'' Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend an ordinance passed by the City Council on May 12, 1999 (Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago, page 2271) which established loading zones on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Jefferson Street (east side) from a point 60 feet south of West Fulton Street, to a point 95 feet south thereof — loading zone for handicapped — 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. — Monday through Friday — tow-away zone (public benefit)" and insertirtg irt lieu thereof: "North Jefferson Street (east side) from a point 60 feet south of West Fulton Street, to a point 95 feet south thereof — 30 minute standing zone — unattertded vehicles must have lights activated — 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. — Monday through Friday — tow-away zone after 15 minutes" , which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Natarus (42"'' Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which established thirty minute loading zones on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "East Ohio Street, at 251 — 30 minute limit - 9:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M." and inserting in Ueu thereof: "East Ohio Street, at 251 - 15 minute limit - 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


The aldermen named below presented proposed ordinances to restrict the movement of vehicular traffic to a single direction in each case ort portiorts of the public ways specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows: 98816 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Location And Distance

BURKE (14* Ward) West 58* Street, from South Lawndale Avenue to South Hamlin Avenue — easterly;

LANE (18* Ward) West 81*' Place, from South Springfield Avenue to South Pulaski Road — westerly.


Alderman M. Smith (48* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinartce which established parking meter areas on portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Broadway (west side) at 6038, 6052, 6054 and 6056, from West Glenlake Avenue to West Norwood Street - 25 cents per 15 minutes with a 15 minute limit — 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. — Monday through Saturday (Meters 31778, 31752, 31764 and 31569)" and insertirtg in lieu thereof: "North Broadway (west side) at 6038, 6052, 6054 and 6056, from West Glenlake Avenue to West Norwood Street — 25 cents per 30 minutes with a 30 minute limit - 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday (Meters 31778, 31752, 31764 and 31569)", which was Re/erred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Schulter (47* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which established parking meter areas on portions of 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98817

specified public ways by striking the words: "West Montrose Avenue, in the 1600 block - 2 hour limit - 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday" and inserting in lieu thereof: "West Montrose Avenue, in the 1600 block -- 2 hour limit — 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. — Monday through Saturday", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


The aldermen named below presented proposed ordinances to prohibit the parking of vehicles at all times at the locations designated and for the distances specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows;

Alderman Location And Distance

HAITHCOCK (2'^" Ward) South Michigan Avenue, at 2901, for a distance of 25 feet (post sign on South Indiana Avenue side) (Handicapped Parking Permit 52975);

HAIRSTON (5* Ward) South MerriU Avenue, at 7211V^ (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 48643);

South MerriU Avenue, at 7437 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51774);

East 70* Street, at 1622 (Handicapped Parking Permit 45153);

BEAVERS (7* Ward) South Crandon Avenue, at 7317 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 50627);

South Phillips Avenue, at 8628 (Handi­ capped Parking Pemiit 53105); 98818 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Location And Distance

HARRIS (8* Ward) South Bennett Avenue, at 7811 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 52714);

South Beurtett Avertue, at 8445 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 52713);

South Cornell Avenue, at 9011 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 52696);

South Dante Avenue, at 9047 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 50204);

South Dobson Avenue, at 9122 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53121);

South East End Avenue, at 7301 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53122);

South East End Avenue, at 8746 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51814);

South Ridgeland Avenue, at 7529 (Handicapped Parking Permit 53141);

East 84* Street, at 940 (Handicapped Parkirtg Permit 53119);

East 86* Place, at 1638 (Hartdicapped Parkirtg Permit 53128);

POPE (10* Ward) South Avenue E, at 10728 (Handicapped Parking Permit 52725);

South Avenue H, at 9804 (Handicapped Parking Permit 49207);

South Buffalo Avenue, at 8706 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 52728);

BALCER (11* Ward) South Union Avenue, at 3148 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53213); 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98819

Alderman Location And Distance

South Union Avenue, at 3420 (Handi­ capped Parking Pemiit 53216);

South Union Avenue, at 3354 (Handi­ capped Parking Pemiit 53215);

West 34* Street, at 826 (Handicapped Parking Permit 53217);

West 34* Street, at 939 (Handicapped Parking Permit 53214);

CARDENAS (12* Ward) South Honore Street, at 4357 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53237);

South Hoyne Avenue, at 4723 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 49005);

OLn/O (13* Ward) South Karlov Avenue, at 5950 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53258);

South Kilbourn Avenue, at 5649 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 35099);

South Kilbourn Avenue, at 5919 (Handi­ capped Parking Pemiit 50573);

South Kildare Avenue, at 6853 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53263);

South Kolin Avenue, at 6817 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53264);

South Komensky Avenue, at 6146 (Handicapped Parking Permit 49329);

West 63"" Street, at 3712 (Handicapped Parking Permit 50567);

West 63"* Street, at 3909 (Handicapped Parking Permit 53267); 98820 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Location Artd Distance

West 69* Street, at 3838 (Handicapped Parking Permit 53265);

BURKE (14* Ward) South Albany Avenue, at 5127 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 49958);

South Hamlin Avenue, at 4751 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53277);

South Maplewood Avenue, at 5237 (handicapped permit parking);

South Sacramento Avenue, at 5205 (Handicapped Parkirtg Permit 50715);

South Sawyer Avenue, at 5528 (Handi­ capped Parking Pemiit 53281);

South Whipple Street, at 5854 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 48877);

T. THOMAS (15* Ward) South Wood Street, at 5949 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 52546);

West 64* Street, at 3339 (Handicapped Parking Permit 51549);

COLEMAN (16* Ward) South Honore Street, at 5407 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53327);

South Mozart Street, at 5843 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 50712);

South Richmond Street, at 5939 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53331);

South Talman Avenue, at 5807 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53334); 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98821

Alderman Location And Distartce

LANE (18* Ward) West 77* Street, at 3790 (Hartdicapped Parkirtg Permit 52130);

i?C/GAr(19*Ward) South Artesian Avenue, at 10315 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53398);

TROUTMAN (20* Ward) South Kenwood Avenue, at 6551 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 47194);

South Laflin Street, at 4844 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 50891);

BROOKINS (2 r'Ward) West 83"' Street, at 832 (Handicapped Parking Permit 52039);

MUNOZ (22""* Ward) South Sawyer Avenue, at 2442 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53474);

ZALEWSKI (23^" Ward) South Kilpatrick Avenue, at 5221 (Handicapped Parking Permit 53511);

South Laramie Avenue, at 4849 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 47714);

West 63"' Place, at 6504 (Handicapped Parking Permit 52886);

SOLIS (25* Ward) West CuUerton Street, at 2028 for one parking space (Handicapped Parking Permit 52619);

OCASIO (26* Ward) West Crystal Street, at 3354 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53583); 98822 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Location And Distance

West Pierce Avenue, at 3248 (Handi­ capped Parking Pemiit 53572);

North Sawyer Avenue, at 1814 (Handi­ capped Parking Pemiit 52799);

West Superior Street, at 2525 (Handi­ capped Parking Pemiit 53589);

North Talman Avenue, at 1537 (Handi­ capped Parking Pemiit 53571);

E. SMITH (28* Ward) South Fairfield Avenue, at 1368 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53865);

North Long Avenue, at 129 (Handicapped Parking Permit 53643);

West Superior Street, at 5011 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 53620);

CAROTHERS (29* Ward) West Huron Street, at 5934 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 50490);

North Marmora Avenue, at 2526 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51937);

North Massasoit Avenue, at 1527 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 52814);

REBOYRAS (30* Ward) North Harding Avenue, at 3323 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 47544);

North Sprirtgfield Avenue, at 2148 (Handicapped Parking Permit 53693);

SUAREZ (3 r'Ward) West Belmont Avenue, at 4713 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 49675); 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98823

Alderman Location And Distance

West Oakdale Avenue, at 5047 (Handi­ capped Parking Pemiit 53699);

MATLAK (32"'' Ward) North Marshfield Avenue, at 2432 (handicapped permit parking);

West Wolfram Street, at 1901 (post signs on west side of North Wolcott Avertue) (handicapped permit parking);

West Wolfram Street, at 1910 (handi­ capped permit parking);

AUSTIN (34* Ward) South Peoria Street, at 10118 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51900);

South Wentworth Avenue, at 11831 (Handicapped Parking Permit 49611);

West 111* Place, at 134 (Handicapped Parkirtg Permit 51906);

COLON (35* Ward) North Drake Avertue, at 3119 (Hartdi­ capped Parkirtg Permit 47607);

North Kimball Avertue, at 3643 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 52803);

North Richmond Street, at 2143 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 52797);

BANKS (36* Ward) West Castle Island Avertue, at 8455 (Handicapped Parking Permit 50813);

North Newcastle Avenue, at 3448 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 50804); 98824 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Location And Distance

North Nordica Avenue, at 2112 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51411);

North Octavia Avenue, at 3301 (post signs at 3301 West School Street) (Hctudicapped Parking Permit 50920);

North Olcott Avenue, at 3621 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51422);

North Plainfield Avenue, at 3618 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 44048);

West School Street, at 6304 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 50815);

MITTS (37* Ward) West Haddon Avenue, at 4344 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51440);

West Iowa Street, at 4834 (Handicapped Parking Permit 50487);

North Kildare Avenue (both sides) in the 1200 block, from the 4300 block of West Division Street to the first alley south thereof (public benefit);

North Kilpatrick Avenue (both sides) in the 1200 block, from West North Avenue to the first alley south thereof (public benefit);

North Lavergne Avenue, at 832 (handi­ capped permit parking);

West Walton Street, at 4328 (handi­ capped permit parking);

ALLEN (38* Ward) North Marmora Avenue, at 4117 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 52614); 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98825

Alderman Location And Distance

North Monitor Avertue, at 4004 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51458);

LAURINO (39* Ward) West Ainshe Street, at 3909 (Hartdi­ capped Parking Permit 51484);

O'CONNOR (40* Ward) North Campbell Avenue, at 5526 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 50232);

North Greenview Avenue, at 6415 (Handicapped Parking Permit 50234);

North Sawyer Avertue, at 5525 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51499);

DOHERTY (4P'Ward) West Rascher Avenue, at 8553 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51527);

DALEY (43'" Ward) North Pine Grove Avenue, at 2756 (Handicapped Parking Permit 51581);

TUNNEY (44* Ward) West Wolfram Street, at 1123 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51975);

SCHULTER (47* Ward) North Bell Avenue, at 4054 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 48469);

M. SMITH (48* Ward) West Victoria Street, at 1278 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51801);

STONE (50* Ward) West Fitch Avenue, at 2930 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 52683); 98826 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Location And Distance

North Kedzie Avenue, at 6417 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51747);

West Touhy Avenue, at 2341 (Handi­ capped Parking Permit 51719).


Alderman Colon (35* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Albany Avenue, at 2853 (Handicapped Parking Permit 48319)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Cardenas (12* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Artesian Avenue, at 4017 (Handicapped Parking Permit 20830)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98827


Alderman Levar (45* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times ort portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Austin Avenue, at 4919 (handicapped permit parking)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Schulter (47* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Belle Plaine Avenue, at 1458 (Handicapped Parking Permit 1579)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Mitts (37* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Bloomingdale Avenue, at 5554 (Handicapped Parking Permit 20200)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98828 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Alderman O'Conrtor (40* Ward) presented a proposed ordinartce to amertd a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Bryn Mawr Avenue, at 2455 (Handicapped Parking Pemiit 31224)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Schulter (47* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Claremont Avenue, at 4745 (Handicapped Parking Permit 19967)", which was Re/erred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Chandler (24* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Congress Parkway, at 4734 (Handicapped Parking Permit 15560)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98829


Alderman Solis (25* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West CuUerton Street, at 2136 (handicapped permit parking)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Solis (25* Ward) presented a proposed ordinartce to amertd a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West CuUerton Street, at 2159 (handicapped permit parking)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Hairston (5* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Cjril Avenue, at 7150 (Handicapped Parking Permit 34009)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98830 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Alderman Harris (8* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Dante Avenue, at 8038 (Handicapped Parking Permit 9893)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Colon (35* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Drummond Place, at 3439 (Handicapped Parking Permit 44473)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Suarez (31*' Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Drummond Place, at 5317 (Handicapped Parking Permit 53698)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98831


Alderman Hairston (5* Ward) presented a proposed ordirtance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South East End Avenue, at 6748 (Handicapped Parking Pemiit 44416)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Austin (34* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Eggleston Avenue, at 10544 (Handicapped Parking Permit 16239)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Balcer (11* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Emerald Avenue, at 3055 (Handicapped Parking Permit 37433)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98832 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Alderman Stone (50* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Francisco Avenue, at 6140 (Handicapped Parking Pemiit 45998)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Suarez (3 P' Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West George Street, at 5141 (Handicapped Parking Permit 4372)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Chandler (24* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at aU times on portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Gladys Avenue, at 4417 (handicapped permit parking)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98833


Alderman Coleman (16* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Green Street, at 6110 (Handicapped Parking Permit 16794)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Zalewski (23'^'' Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Harding Avenue, at 5351 (Handicapped Parking Permit 37981)", which was Re/erred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Chandler (24* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Harrison Street, at 4824 (Handicapped Parking Permit 30334)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98834 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Alderman Banks (36* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinartce which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times ort portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Henderson Street, at 5025 (Handicapped Parking Permit 44534)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman T. Thomas (15* Ward) presented a proposed ordinartce to amertd a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Hermitage Avenue, at 6002 (Handicapped Parking Permit 42971)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Cardenas (12* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinartce which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Hoyne Avenue, at 3214 (handicapped permit parking)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98835


Alderman Olivo (13* Ward) presertted a proposed ordirtartce to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Karlov Avenue, at 6644 (Handicapped Parking Permit 43671)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Suarez (31*' Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Keating Avenue, at 4242 (Handicapped Parking Permit 16524 )", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Zalewski (23'^'' Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Kedvale Avenue, at 4746 (Handicapped Parking Permit 40700)", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98836 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Alderman Matlak (32"'' Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Kertmore Avenue, at 2779 (handicapped permit parking)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Harris (8* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Kenwood Avenue, at 8116 (Handicapped Parking Permit 37676)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Zalewski (23"'' Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Kolin Avenue, at 5212 (Handicapped Parking Permit 41459)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98837


Alderman Olivo (13* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South La Crosse Avenue, at 6314 (Handicapped Parking Permit 40486)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Levar (45* Ward) presertted a proposed ordirtance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Laramie Avenue, at 4453 (Handicapped Parking Permit 18897)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Mitts (37* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Latrobe Avenue, at 1755 (Handicapped Parking Permit 21882)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98838 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Alderman Colon (35* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinartce which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times ort portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Lawndale Avenue, at 3110 (Handicapped Parking Permit 28348)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman E. Smith (28* Ward) presented a proposed ordirtance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Long Avertue, at 15 (Handicapped Parking Permit 16502)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Balcer (11* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinartce which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times ort portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Lyman Street, at 2955 (Handicapped Parking Permit 1583)", which was Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98839


Alderman Harris (8* Ward) presented a proposed ordinartce to amertd a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Maryland Avenue, at 8324 (Handicapped Parking Permit 14597)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Allen (38* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times ort portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Melvina Avenue, at 4559 (Handicapped Parking Permit 21668)", which was Re/erred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Stone (50* Ward) presented a proposed ordirtance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Mozart Street, at 6009 (Handicapped Parking Permit 31186)", which was Re/erred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98840 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Alderman Banks (36* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times Ort portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Neva Avenue, at 2951 (handicapped, permit parking)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Tillman (3'^'' Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "East Oakwood Boulevard, at 425 (Handicapped Parking Permit 27515)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Balcer (11* Ward) presented a proposed ordirtance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Paulina Street, at 3210 (Handicapped Parking Permit 36596)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98841


Alderman Stone (50* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Peterson Avertue, at 3540", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Banks (36* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Plainfield Avenue, at 3311 (Handicapped Parking Permit 44070)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Burke (14* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West 43"' Street (north side)/West Pope Johrt Paul II Drive, from South Mozart Street to the first alley west thereof — tow-away zone (06-00130746)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98842 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Alderman Beale (9* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Prairie Avenue, at 10006 (Handicapped Parking Permit 29655)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Harris (8* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portiorts of specified public ways by strikiug the words: "South Ridgeland Avenue, at 7658 (Handicapped Parking Pemiit 15187)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Allen (38* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Roscoe Street, at 4936 (Handicapped Parking Permit 33353)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98843


Alderman Stone (50* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Rosemont Avenue, at 2207 (Handicapped Parking Permit 47018)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Stone (50* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinartce which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Sacramento Avenue, at 6431 (Handicapped Parking Permit 27837)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Colon (35* Ward) presented a proposed ordinartce to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West School Street, at 3509 (Handicapped Parking Permit 47453)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98844 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Alderman Tunney (44* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Seminary Avenue, at 3507 (Handicapped Parking Permit 11305)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Lyle (6* Ward) presented a proposed ordirtance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "South Vernon Avenue, at 8042 (Handicapped Parking Permit 31762)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Solis (25* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West 24* Street, at 217 (handicapped permit parking)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98845


Alderman Balcer (11* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West 29* Place, at 345 (Handicapped Parking Permit 11239)", which was Re/erred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Balcer (11* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West 34* Street, at 723 (Handicapped Parking Permit 14382)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Cardenas (12* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times ort portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "West 38* Street, at 2520 (Handicapped Parking Permit 4902)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98846 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Alderman Olivo (13* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "West 58* Place, at 4054 (Handicapped Parking Permit 39525)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Coleman (16* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "West 61*' Street, at 753 (Handicapped Parking Permit 21373)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Harris (8* Ward) presented a proposed ordirtance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "East 81*' Street, at 804 (Handicapped Parking Permit 21707)", which was Re/erred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98847


Alderman Lyle (6* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "East 90* Place, at 735 (Handicapped Parking Permit 12050)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Harris (8* Ward) presertted a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at all times on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "East 93"* Street, at 1716 (Handicapped Parking Pemiit 4330)", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Harris (8* Ward) presented a proposed ordirtance to give consideratiort to the removal of a parkirtg prohibitiort at all times at 7749 South East End Avenue (Handicapped Parking Permit 42160) (remove sign from 7753 South East Ertd Avertue), which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98848 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Alderman Balcer (11* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to reserve two percent of the parking available at 2825 South Halsted Street, for use by handicapped motorists to be in effect at all times, daily, which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Shiller (46* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to repeal a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at 725 West Bittersweet Place (Handicapped Parking Permit 29212), which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Alderman Shiller (46* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to repeal a previously passed ordinance which prohibited the parking of vehicles at 3522 North Pine Grove Avenue (Handicapped Parking Pemiit 29194), which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98849


The aldermen named below presented proposed ordinartces to limit the parking of vehicles at the locations designated and for the distances and times specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

ZALEWSKI (23'''' Ward) South Merrimac Avenue, from South Archer Avenue to first alley south thereof - 2 hour limit - 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. — Monday through Friday;

BURNETT (27* Ward) West Fulton Market, at 1023 - 1 hour limit - 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - Monday through Friday;

MATLAK (32"" Ward) West Homer Street, from North Elston Avenue and North Mendell Street — 2 hour limit - 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. - Monday through Friday.


The aldermen named below presented proposed orders to establish residential permit parking zones at the locations designated and for the distances and times specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows: 98850 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

CARDENAS (12* Ward) West 37* Place, in the 2600 block - at all times — daily;

BURKE (14* Ward) South Trumbull Avenue, in the 4500 block — at all times — daily;

SOLIS (25* Ward) West 21*' Street (north side) at 1526 1538 - at all times;

DOHERTY (41 '* Ward) West Balmoral Avenue, in the 6800 block - 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - daily;

North NashviUe Avenue, in the 4800 block - 6:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. - daily;

North Ottawa Avenue (both sides) in the 6800 block — at aU times — daily.


Alderman Shiller (46* Ward) presented a proposed ordirtance to amend a previously passed ordinance which established residential permit parking zones ort portiorts of specified public ways by striking the words: "North Racine Avenue, North Clifton Avenue and West Sunnyside Avenue in the 4400 block — 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. — Monday through Friday" and inserting in lieu thereof: "North Racine Avenue, North Clifton Avenue and West Sunnyside Avenue in the 4400 block — 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. — Monday through Friday", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98851


Alderman Ocasio (26* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to designate as a service drive and pemiit diagonal parking on portion of North Artesian Avenue (east side) from West Grand Avenue to begiurting of driveway south, which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


The aldermen named below presented proposed ordinances to establish standing zones, with tow-away zones in effect after expiration of the limits indicated, and require that vehicles have hazard lights activated while at the locations designated for the distances and times specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

FLORES (P'Ward) North Ashland Avertue, at 1130, for oue parkirtg space — 30 minute limit — 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday;

North Ashland Avenue, at 1132, for one parking space — 30 minute limit — 9:00 A.M. to 1:30 A.M. - daily;

West North Avenue, at 1717, for one parking space — 30 minute limit — 10:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. - daily;

HAITHCOCK (2"" Ward) South Michigan Avenue, at 1919, for a distance of 25 feet —15 minute limit — 6:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. - daily (valet parking); 98852 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

South Sangamon Street, at 411, for a distance of 25 feet — 30 minute limit — at all times — daily;

South State Street, at 1101, for a distance of 25 feet (sign to be posted on East 11* Street) 30 minute limit - 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. - daily;

West Van Buren Street, at 1033, for a distance of 50 feet — 15 minute limit — 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday;

MATLAK (32"" Ward) North Clybourn Avenue, at 2274 - 15 minute limit - 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. - daily;

North Lincoln Avenue, at 3056 — 15 minute limit - 11:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. — Monday through Saturday and 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. - Sunday;

NATARUS (42"" Ward) North LaSalle Street, at 640 - 30 minute limit — unattended vehicles must have hazard lights activated — at all times — daily.


Alderman Natarus (42"'' Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to repeal a previously passed ordinance which established a fifteen minute standing zone with a tow-away zorte irt effect and required that vehicles have hazard lights activated while at 731 North LaSalle Street, which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98853


The aldermen named below presented proposed ordinances to establish tow-away zones at the locatiorts desigrtated, for the distartces and times specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Alderman Location, Distance And Time

MATLAK (32"" Ward) North North Branch Street, at 900 - 5:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday;

LAURINO (39* Ward) West Peterson Avenue, at 4742 — 15 minute standing zone — unattended vehicles must have hazard lights activated - 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday.


Alderman M. Smith (48* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to amend a previously passed ordinance which established tow-away zones on portions of specified public ways by striking the words: "West Carmen Avenue (south side) from a point west of North Marine Drive, to a point 40 feet west thereof — no parkirtg tow- away zorte" and inserting in lieu thereof: "West Carmen Avenue (south side) from a point west of North Marine Drive, to a point 40 feet west thereof — 15 minute standing zone — tow-away zone after 15 minutes — unattended vehicle must have hazard lights activated — 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. — daily", which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 98854 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


The aldermen named below presented proposed orders to give consideration to the installation of traffic waming signs and traffic corttrol sigrtals of the rtature irtdicated and at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Alderman Location And Tj^e Of Sign

LYLE (6* Ward) East 89* Street, at South Eberhart Avenue - "Stop";

HARRIS (8* Ward) South Woodlawn Avenue, at East 94"" Street - "Two-Way Stop";

POPE (10* Ward) East 85* Street and South Houston Avenue - "AU-Way Stop";

BALCER (11* Ward) South Hermitage Avenue, at East 34"" Street - "Stop";

East 33"* Street, at South Justine Street - "Stop";

L. THOMAS (17* Ward) South Emerald Avenue, at 7329 -- "Parking Prohibited At All Times - Handicapped Permit Number 53358";

South Morgan Street, at 7205 - "Parking Prohibited At All Times — Handicapped Permit Number 52065"; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98855

Alderman Location And Tj^e Of Sign

LANE (18* Ward) West 82"'' Street, at South Mozart Street - "Four-Way Stop";

SOLIS (25* Ward) South Aberdeen Street, at West 15* Street - "Stop";

South Throop Street and West 18* Street - "Stop";

West 15* Street, at South Morgan Street - "Stop";

West 15* Street, at South Racine Avenue - "Stop";

OCASIO (26* Ward) West Armitage Avenue and North Ridgeway Avenue — "Stop";

West Grand Avenue and North Leavitt Street - "Four-Way Stop";

E. SMITH (28* Ward) West Jackson Boulevard, at South Karlov Avenue - "Two-Way Stop";

North Kolin Avenue, at West Maple Street - "Stop";

West West End Avenue and North Keystone Avertue — "Three-Way Stop";

MATLAK (32"" Ward) North Southport Aveuue and West Fletcher Street - "AU-Way Stop";

COLON (35* Ward) North Califorrtia Avertue, at West Shakespeare Avertue — "Stop"; 98856 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Location And Tj^e Of Sigrt

NATARUS (42"" Ward) West Wajmian Street, at North Jefferson Street - "Stop";

DOHERTY (41*' Ward) North Natchez Avenue and West Balmoral Avenue - "AU-Way Stop";

North Octavia Avenue and West North Shore Avenue - "Two-Way Stop";

LEVAR (45* Ward) West Foster Avenue, at 5456 — 5466 (on North Gettysburg Avenue) "No Parking Tow-Away Zone";

West Gunnison Street and North Lavergne Avertue — "AU-Way Stop";

North Lockwood Avenue and West Carmen Avenue — "AU-Way Stop";

SCHULTER (47* Ward) North Oakley Avenue and West Giddings Street - "Stop";


Alderman Levar (45* Ward) presented a proposed ordinance to limit the speed of vehicles to twenty-five miles per hour on North Lavergne Avenue, from West Lawrence Avenue to West Winnemac Avenue, which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98857



The aldermen named below presented eighteen proposed ordinances amending Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago (Chicago Zoning Ordinance) for the purpose of reclassifying particular areas, which were Re/erred to the Committee on Zoning, as follows:


To classify as a B3-2 Community Shopping District instead of a Cl-2 Neighborhood Commercial District the area shown on Map Number 3-H bounded by:

the public alley next north of and parallel to West Augusta Boulevard; North Winchester Avenue; West Augusta Boulevard; and a line 25.37 feet west of and parallel to North Winchester Avenue.

To classify as a B3-2 Community Shopping District instead of a Cl-2 Neighborhood Commercial District the area shown on Map Number 3-H bounded by:

the pubUc alley next north of and parallel to West Augusta Boulevard; a line 100 feet east of and parallel to the public alley next east of and parallel to North Damen Avenue; West Augusta Boulevard; and the public alley next east of and parallel to North Damen Avenue.


To classify as a B3-1 Community Shopping District instead of a Cl-2 Neighborhood Commercial District the area shown on Map Number 8-E bounded by:

a Une 178 feet south of and parallel to East 32"'' Street; South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive; a line 200 feet south of and parallel East 32"'' Street; and South Calumet Avenue. 98858 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

BY ALDERMAN BALCER (11* Ward): To classify as an RSI Residential Single-Urtit (Detached House) District iustead of an RT4 Residential Two-Flat, Towrthouse and Multi-Unit District the area shown on Map Number 8-H bounded by:

a line 100 feet north of and parallel to West 36* Street; South Seeley Avenue; West 36* Street; and the public alley next west of and parallel to South Seeley Avenue.

To classify as a Cl-1 Neighborhood Commercial District instead of a Cl-2 Neighborhood Commercial District the area shown on Map Number 6-G bounded by:

South Lock Street; the public alley next southeast of and parallel to South Archer Avenue; a line 48 feet southwest of and parallel to South Lock Street; and South Archer Avenue.


To classify as an RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District instead of an RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District the area shown on Map Number 11-M bounded by:

a line 92.50 feet north of and parallel to West Giddings Street; North Melvina Avenue; a line 62.50 feet north of and parallel to West Giddirtgs Street; and a line 283.50 feet west of and parallel to North Melvina Avenue.


To classify as an RT4 Residerttial Two-Flat, Towrthouse and Multi-Unit District instead of an RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District the area shown on Map Number 17-0 bounded by:

North Avondale Avenue; North Oliphant Avenue; a line 225 feet southwest of and parallel to North Avondale Avenue; and the public alley next northwest of and parallel to North Oliphant Avenue.


To classify as an RT4 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District instead of a Cl-2 Neighborhood Commercial District the area shown on Map Number 3-F bounded by: 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98859

aline 653.39 feet south of and parallel to West Blackhawk Street; North Mohawk Street; North Clyboum Avenue; and North Larrabee Street.


To classify as an RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District instead of an RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District the area shown on Map Number 11-K bounded by:

West Sunnyside Avenue; North Kostner Avenue; a line 191 feet rtorth of artd parallel to West Morttrose Avertue; and a line 156.5 feet west of and parallel to North Kostner Avenue.

To classify as an RS2 Residential Single-Urtit (Detached House) District instead of an RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District the area shown on Map Number 11-K bounded by:

West Sunnyside Avenue; a line 172 feet east of and parallel to North Kostner Avenue; a line 141 feet north of and parallel to West Montrose Avertue; and North Kostner Avenue.

To classify as an RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District instead of an RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District the area shown on Map Number 11-K bounded by:

West Wilson Avertue; a line 172 feet east of and parallel to North Kostner Avenue; a line 191 feet rtorth of and parallel to West Sunnyside Avenue; and North Kostner Avenue.

To classify as an RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District instead of an RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District the area shown on Map Number 11-K bounded by:

a line 48.9 feet south of and parallel to West Wilson Avenue; North Kostner Avenue; West Sunnyside Avenue; and the public alley next west of and parallel to North Kostner Avenue. 98860 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

To classify as an RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District instead of an RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District the area shown on Map Number 11-K bounded by:

West Leland Avenue; North Kilbourn Avenue; West Wilson Avenue; and a line 155.5 feet west of and parallel to North Kilbourn Avenue.

To classify as an RS2 Residerttial Sirtgle-Urtit (Detached House) District instead of an RS3 Residerttial Sirtgle-Urtit (Detached House) District the area shown on Map Number 11-K bouuded by:

West Wilson Avenue; a line 156.5 feet east of and parallel to North Kilbourn Avenue; West Sunnyside Avenue; and North Kilbourn Avenue.

To classify as an RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District instead of an RS3 Residential Sirtgle-Urtit (Detached House) District the area shown on Map Number 11-K bounded by:

West Wilson Avenue; North Kilbourn Avenue; a line 150 feet south of and parallel to West Wilson Avenue; and a line 155.50 feet west of and parallel to North Kilbourn Avenue.

To classify as an RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District instead of an RS3 Residential Single-Urtit (Detached House) District the area showu on Map Number 11-K bounded by:

West Leland Avenue; a line 155.5 feet east of artd parallel to North Kertrteth Avertue; West Wilson Avenue; and North Kenneth Avenue.

To classify as an RS2 Residerttial Sirtgle-Urtit (Detached House) District instead of an RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District the area shown on Map Number 11-K bounded by:

West Leland Avenue; North Kenton Avenue; West Wilson Avenue; and a line 131 feet west of and parallel to North Kenton Avenue.

To classify as an RS2 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District instead of an RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District the area shown on Map Number 11-K bounded by: 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98861

West Wilson Avenue; North Keurteth Avertue; a hue 50 feet south of and parallel to West Wilson Avenue; and a line 156.50 feet west of and parallel to North Kenrteth Avertue.



The aldermert named below presented two hundred twenty-eight proposed claims against the City of Chicago for the claimants named as noted, respectively, which were Refemed to the Committee on Finance, as follows:

Alderman Claimant

FLORES (P'Ward) Wolfram Towers Condominium Association;

HAITHCOCK (2"" Ward) Burnham Park Plaza;

Park Alexandria;

Prairie District Homes — Tower Residences;

Printers Row Lofts;

801 South Pljmiouth Court Condominium Association;

899 South Pljmiouth Court Condominium Association; 98862 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Claimant

TILLMAN (3"" Ward) Burnham Station II Townhome Association;

Dearbom Tower Cortdomirtium Associatiou;

Orte East 14* Place Cortdomirtium Associatiort (4);

PRECKWINKLE (4* Ward) Five Thousand East End Avertue Building Corporation;

The Newport Condominium Association;

Pruitt Condominium Association;

Regal Club Condominium Association;

Stratford on Ingleside Condominium Association;

5223 - 5225 South Dorchester Condominium Association;

HAIRSTON (5* Ward) East Park Condominium Association;

1938 Courtyard Condominium Association;

5340 Hyde Park Condominium Association;

5800 Blackstone Avenue Building Corporation;

BEAVERS (7* Ward) 7363 South Shore Drive; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98863

Alderman Claimant

HARRIS (8* Ward) Belvon Cortdomirtium Association;

Grove Condominium Association;

LANE (18* Ward) 4036 West 87* Street Condominium Association;

RUGAI (19* Ward) Parkview I Condominium Association;

Parkview Phase II Condominium Association;

ZALEWSKI (23''" Ward) Aheriow Condomirtium Associatiort;

Hale Park East Cortdominiums;

SOLIS (25* Ward) University Commons I;

University Commons II;

University Commons III;

BURNETT (27* Ward) Marshfield Park Condominium Association;

Pare Orleans Condomirtium Associatiou;

Warehouse Lofts Condominium Association;

525 North Ada Condominium Association (2); 98864 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Claimant

MATLAK (32"" Ward) Belden Landmark Condominium Association;

Gateway Lofts Condominium Association;

George Court Condominiums;

Ivy Lane Condominium Association;

Parkway Condomirtium Association;

Plaza Vista Condominium Association;

Roscoe Street Condominium Association;

Schubert Houses Association, Incorporated;

Seminary Court Townhomes;

Signature Lofts Condominium Association;

Vinery Lofts Cortdomirtium Association;

1041 - 1047 West Belden Condominium Association;

2835 North Lakewood Condominium Association;

BANKS (36* Ward) Addison Heritage Condominium Association;

Galewood South Condominium Association; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98865

Alderman Claimant

Oakfield North Condominium Association;

Pacific Terrace Cortdomirtium Association;

2151 Building Association;

3143 North Nashville Condominium Association;

ALLEN (38* Ward) Eastwood Plaza. Condominium Association;

Glenlake II Condominium Association (3);

Jefferson House Condominium Association;

Leland House Condominium Association;

Leland Manor Condominium Association;

Ridgemoor Estates Condominium Association IV (2);

Ridgemoor Estates Condominium Association VI Incorporated;

Ridgemoor Estates I Condominium Association;

Ridgemoor Estates V Condominium Association;

Washington House Condominium Association; 98866 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Claimant

O'CONNOR (40* Ward) Catalpa Terrace Condominium;

North Damen Square Condominium Association;

Pratt Shore Condomirtium Association;

Ridgewood II Condominium Association;

Stanford Courts Homeowners Association;

Winchester Hood Garden Homes Trust R-704 (2);

1427 — 1429 Rosemont Condomirtium Association;

1431 — 1433 Rosemont Condomirtium Association;

DOHERTY (4P'Ward) Birch Tree Manor Condomirtium Association;

Bryn Mawr Place I Cortdomirtium Association;

Edison Villa Condominium;

Higgins Manor Condominium Association;

L'Avenir Condomirtium Association;

Ms. Isobel B. Margolin;

Northwest Terrace Association Building Number 1; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98867

Alderman Claimant

Oakwood Court Condominium Association (2);

Parkview Condominium West, I.N.C;

5147 - 5151 North East River Road Condominium Association;

5155-5159 North East River Road Condominium Association;

6853 - 6855 North Olmsted Condominium Association;

8734 Summerdale Condominium;

NATARUS (42"" Ward) Admiral's Pointe Condominium Association;

The Caravel Condominium Association;

The Carlyle Apartments Homeowners Association;

City Centre Condominium Association;

Erie on the Park Cortdominium Association;

Farallon Condominium Association;

The Fordham Condominium Association;

Gold Coast Galleria Condominium Association;

The Grand Ohio Condominium Association; 98868 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Claimant

Ms. Ira S. Halper, M.D., S.C;

Lancaster Condominium Association;

Marina Towers Condominium Association;

Newberry Plaza Condomirtium Associatiort;

Oak Street Terrace Cortdomirtium;

One Magnificertt Mile Condomirtium Associatiort;

Park Millenrtium Condominium Association (2);

Park Newberry Condominium Association;

Park Place Chicago Condominium Association;

Plaza on DeWitt Condominium Association;

Plaza 440 Condomirtium Association;

Private Residences at Ontario Place Cortdomirtium Associatiort;

The Residertces at River East Certter;

River Plaza Homeowners' Association;

RiverView Condominium Association;

30 East Huron Condomirtium Associatiort; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98869

Alderman Claiimaut

100 East Huron Street Condominium Association;

132 East Delaware Place Condominium Association;

155 Harbor Drive Condominium Association;

175 East Delaware Place Home Owners Association;

180 East Pearson Street Homeowrter's Association;

212 West Washington Condominium Association;

247 East Chestnut Condominium Association;

401 East Ontario Condominium Association;

474 North Lake Shore Drive Condominium Association;

530 North Lake Shore Drive Condominium Association;

535 North Michigan Avenue Condominium Association;

630 North State Parkway Condominium Association;

777 Condominium Association;

800 North Michigan Condomirtium Associatiort;

850 DeWitt Place Cortdomirtium Association; 98870 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Claimant

1000 Condominium Association;

1010 Lake Shore Condominium Association;

1339 North Dearbom Condominium Association;

1550 State Parkway Condominium Association (2);

DALEY (43'" Ward) Americana Towers Condominium Association;

Armitage-Howe Condominium Association;

Dayton Homeowners Association;

Dickerts Poirtte Cortdomirtium Association;

Gallery 1250 Condominium Association;

Hampden Tower Condominium Association;

Lincoln Park Plaza Condominium Association;

Tower View Condominium Association;

Webster Park Condominium Association;

345 Fullerton Parkway Condominium;

1260 Astor Street Building Corporation;

1448 Lake Shore Drive BuUding Corporation; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98871

Alderman Claimant

1500 Lake Shore Drive Building Corporation;

1660 Condominium Association;

2016 Cleveland Condomirtium Associatiort;

TUNNEY (44* Ward) Aldine Association;

Aldine Court Condominium Association;

Atheling Condominium Association;

BjTon Greystone Condomirtium Association;

Melrose Garden Condominium;

Surf Condominiums at Cambridge Association;

440 West Aldine Cortdomirtium Association;

2800 Lake Shore Drive Condomirtium Association;

2912 Commonwealth Condominium Association;

LEVAR (45* Ward) Carousel Court Condominium;

Edmunds Street Condominium Association;

Ms. Dorothy R. Hetzel;

Higgins Condomirtium Associatiou;

Jeffersort Courte Condominium Association; 98872 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Claimant

Menard Manor Condominium Association;

The Park Condominium Association;

Rosedale Condominium Association;

Windsor House Condominium (2);

Windsor Long Condominium;

5500 Higgins Condominium Association;

SHILLER (46* Ward) Buena Pointe Condominium Association;

Clarendon-Belle Plaine Condomirtium Association;

Lakeside Manor II Condominium Association;

Montrose Manor Condominium Association;

The New York Private Residences;

Picadilly Condominium Association;

Sheridan Gardens Condomirtium Association;

Sunnyside Court Condominium Association;

625 -- 627 West Patterson Condominium Association;

900 Lakeside Condominium Association; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98873

Alderman Claimant

3600 Condomirtium Associatiort;

4028'North Sheridan Condominium Association;

4229 North Kenmore Condominium Association;

4640 North Kenmore Cortdomirtium Associatiort (2);

4728 North Maldert Cortdomirtium Association;

SCHULTER (47* Ward) Argyle Place Condominiums;

Camland Court Condominium Association;

Candy Factory Condominium Association;

NC 4000 Condominium Association;

Robey Pointe Condominium Association;

Rockwell Crossing Condomirtium Associatiort;

Saint Ben's Lofts Condominium Association;

Stonebridge Terrace Cortdomirtium Associatiort;

4408 - 4410 North Hermitage Cortdomirtium Association; 98874 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Alderman Claimant

4414 — 4416 North Ashland Avenue Condominium Association;

4501 - 4503 North Ashland Condomirtium Association;

4744 Paulina Condominium Association;

5001 North Oakley Condominium Association;

M. SMITH (48* Ward) Carmen Walk Condominium Association;

East Point Condominium Association;

Edgewater Beach Apartments Corporation;

Kenlake Condominium Association;

Norwood Condominium Association;

Rowhouses Lakewood Balmoral Association;

Sheridan Boardwalk Condominium Association;

Winona Walk Condominium Association;

909 — 911 West Gunnison Condominium Association;

930 - 932 West AinsUe Condominium Association;

939 — 941 West Winona Condomirtium Association; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98875

Alderman Claimant

1412 - 1414 West Elmdale Condominium Association;

1453 - 1455 West Rascher Condominium Association;

5040 - 5060 North Marine Drive Condominium Association;

5100 Marine Drive Condominium Association;

5445 Edgewater Plaza Condominium Association;

5455 Edgewater Plaza Condominium Association;

6251 - 6253 North Glenwood Condominium Association;

STONE (50* Ward) Albany Association;

Bel-Oaks East Condomirtium Association;

Bel-Oaks West Condominium Association;

Ms. Jennifer Jacobson;

Park Gables Apartment Homes, Incorporated;

Rockwell Rose Condomirtium Association;

Sherwood Castle Condominium Association. 98876 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


(Arranged In Order According To Ward Number)

Proposed ordinances, orders and resolutions were presented by the aldermen named below, respectively, and were acted upon by the City Council in each case in the manner noted, as follows:

Presented By



A proposed ordinance to amend Title 4, Chapter 60, Section 022 of the Municipal Code of Chicago by deleting subsection 26.46 which restricted the issuance of additional alcoholic liquor Ucenses on both sides of North Milwaukee Avenue, from North Western Avenue to North Oakley Avenue and from North Oakley Avenue to North Leavitt Street, which was Refemed to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection.


Also, thirty-four proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Wdj/, as follows:

Cafe Matou — to construct, install, maintain and use one windscreen adjacent to 1846 — 1848 North Milwaukee Avenue; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98877

Car Galaxy, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2730 North Western Avenue;

Citjrview Lofts Condominium Association — to maintain and use twelve balconies adjacent to 1259 North Wood Street;

Daurty's Buy Low — to maintain and use one illuminated sign adjacent to 2222 North Western Avenue;

Hispanic Housing Development Corp. — to construct, install, maintain and use one foundation wall adjacent to 2654 West North Avenue;

Lakeview Associates, Inc. — to maintain and use eight balconies adjacent to 2417 North Western Avenue;

Las Palmas Restaurant — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1835 West North Avenue;

Marshall McGearty — to maintairt and use one sign adjacent to 1553 North Milwaukee Aveuue;

Robbins Multi-Cultural Barber Shop 86 Salon — to maintairt and use one sign adjacent to 1522 North Ashland Avenue;

Ruby Room, Inc. — to maintairt and use one security camera adjacent to 1743 West Division Street;

Ruby Room, Inc. — to maintain and use one security camera adjacent to 1745 West Division Street;

Sun Financial Mortgage, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2423 West North Avenue;

Sunny Shoes, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1282 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1514 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1558 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt artd use one trash container adjacent to 1601 West Chicago Avenue; 98878 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt artd use one trash container adjacent to 1653 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maint£iin and use one trash container adjacent to 1656 West Chicago Avertue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash contaiiner adjacent to 1759 West Chicago Avenue;

West Towrt Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 1802 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1858 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash contairter adjacent to 1901 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 2001 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash contairter adjacent to 2103 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash contmner adjacent to 2403 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 2410 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to constmct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 2456 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 599 North Damen Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce -- to construct, install, maintairt and use oue trash contairter adjacertt to 699 North Damert Avertue;

West Towrt Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash contairter adjacent to 710 North Damen Avertue;

West Towrt Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 799 North Damen Avenue; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98879

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 755 North Westem Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 802 North Western Avenue; and

1927 North Milwaukee Avenue, L.L.C. — to construct, install, maintain and use eight balconies adjacent to 1927 North Milwaukee Avenue.


Also, a proposed ordinance to grant permission and authority to Touch of Sushi Japanese Restaurant to maintain and use a portion of the public way adjacent to 2015 West Division Street for the operation of a sidewalk cafe, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, three proposed ordirtances to exempt the applicants listed from the physical barrier requirement pertainirtg to alley accessibility for the parkirtg facilities adjacertt to the locatiorts specified, pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Chigal 1550, L.L.C. - 1558 North Bosworth Avenue;

Mobtown Enterprises — 2620 West Fletcher Street; and

Ranquist Development — 2028 West Division Street. 98880 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, three proposed orders directing the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to the applicants listed to park pickup trucks and/or vans at the locations specified, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Mr. Paul Douglas - 1518 West Fry Street;

Mr. Eliberto Morfin - 2422 West Iowa Street; and

Mr. WilUam Lopez - 2629 West Thomas Street.


Also, six proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintairt and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Bucktown Embroidery — for one canopy at 2114 North Western Avenue;

Doggy Style Pet Shop — for one canopy at 2023 West Division Street;

Las Palmas Restaurant — for four canopies at 1835 West North Avenue;

Thai Eatery Restaurant — for one canopy at 2234 North Western Avenue;

Touch of Sushi Japanese Restaurant — for one canopy at 2015 West Division Street; and

Urban Eyecare, Inc. — for orte canopy at 1515 North Milwaukee Avenue. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98881

Presented By



Two proposed ordinances providing inclusive exemption from all city fees to the applicants Usted, under their not-for-profit status, for the erection and maintenance of buildings, for a one year period not to exceed March 31, 2008, which were Refemed to the Committee on Finance, as follows:

The Core Foundation, 2020 West Harrison Street; and

Dr. King Boys And Girls Club, 2950 West Washington Boulevard.


Also, eight proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Morgan Street Cafe — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 111 South Morgan Street;

Old Franklin, L.L.C. — to maintairt and use four bay windows adjacent to 537 South Dearborn Street;

Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 947 West Van Buren Street;

Rush-Presbyterian-Saint Luke's Medical Center — to maintain and use two bridges adjacent to 600 South Paulina Street;

Terrapin Properties — to maintain and use one structural projection adjacent to 730 South Clark Street; 98882 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Triple Net Properties Realty, Inc. — to maintain and use one structural projection adjacent to 525 West Van Buren Street;

565 West Quincy Condominium Association — to construct, install, maintain and use ninety-nine balconies adjacent to 565 West Quincy Street; and

1400 South Michigan, L.L.C. — to install, maintain and use three fences adjacent to 1400 South Michigan Avenue.


Also, nine proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the appUcants Usted to maintain and use those portions of the public way adjacent to the locations noted for the operation of sidewalk cafes, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Baskin Robbins — 1231 South Wabash Avenue;

Cosi - 230 West Monroe Street;

Dunkin Donuts Baskin Robbins — 600 South Wabash Avenue;

Gourmand Coffee House — 728 South Dearborn Street;

Lou Mitchell's — 565 West Jackson Boulevard;

Oysy — 888 South Michigan Avenue;

Potbelly Sandwich Works L.L.C. - 542 South Dearborn Street;

Potbelly Sandwich Works L.L.C. — 175 West Jackson Boulevard; and

Potbelly Sandwich Works L.L.C. - 1459 West Taylor Street. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98883


Also, a proposed ordinance to exempt 2100 South Prairie, L.L.C. from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facilities for 2100 South Prairie Avenue , pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 430 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, two proposed orders directing the Commissioner of Buildings to issue permits to the applicants listed to install signs/signboards at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Buildings, as follows: Legacy Outdoors, L.L.C. — 329 South Franklin Street; and Prime Media, L.L.C. - 211 West Adams Street.


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Around The Corner — for one canopy at 325 South Franklin Street;

Bailey and Brill, L.L.C. — for three canopies at 1301 South Michigan Avenue; and 98884 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. — for nine canopies at 947 West Van Buren Street.

Presented By



Two proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicahts listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Ace Charter School — to construct, install, maintain and use five planters adjacent to 5410 South State Street; and La Candelaria Jewelry Inc. — to maintairt and use two signs at 1646 West 47* Street.


Also, five proposed ordinances to exempt the applicants listed from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facilities adjacent to the locations specified, pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 430 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Wdiy,as follows:

Choice Equity, L.L.C. - 5237 - 5239 South Wabash Avenue;

MOX Development - 5201 - 5203 South Indiarta Avertue;

MOX Developmertt — 5205 — 5207 South ludiarta Avertue;

MOX Developmertt — 4817 South Prairie Avenue; and 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98885

5037 - 5039 South Michigan, L.L.C. - 5037 - 5039 South Michigan Avenue.

Presented By



Four proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Hyde Park Bank 85 Trust Company — to construct, install, maintairt and use one ash um adjacent to 1525 East 53"' Street;

Hyde Park Bartk 85 Trust Company — to construct, install, maintain and use three bicycle racks adjacent to 1525 East 53"' Street;

Hyde Park Bank 86 Trust Company — to construct, install, maintairt and use one door push plate stand adjacertt to 1525 East 53'^'' Street; and

Pappy's — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4700 South Cottage Grove Avenue.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Revenue to issue the permits and licenses specified, free of charge, to participate in the events noted, to take place along the public ways and during the periods indicated, which were Refemed to the Committee on Spedal Events and Cultural Affairs, as follows: 98886 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

African/Carribean International Festival of Life — to be held in Washirtgtort Park at West 55* Street and South Cottage Grove Avenue, for the period extending July 4 through July 8, 2007, during the hours of 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. (Food Vendor and Itinerant Merchant Licenses); and

African International House's African Festival of the Arts — to be held in Washington Park, for the period extending August 31 through September 3, 2007, during the hours of 10:00 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. (Food Vendor, Itinerant Merchant Licenses, Street Closure and Tent Erection Pennits).


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue a permit to Pizza Capri to construct, maintain and use one canopy to be attached or attached to the building or structure at 1501 East 53"' Street, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance providing LaRabida Children's Hospital and Research Center with inclusive exemption, under its not-for-profit status, from all city fees related to the erection and maintenance of building(s) at East 65* Street at Lake Michigan for a one year period beginnirtg February 16, 2007 and ending February 15, 2008, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98887


Also, five proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the University of Chicago Hospitals for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way,a.s follows:

to maintairt artd use two pedestrian sky bridges adjacent to 5841 South Maryland Avenue;

to maintain and use six caissons adjacent to 5841 South Maryland Avenue;

to maintain and use one earth retention sheeting adjacent to 5841 South Maryland Avenue;

to maintain and use two support columns adjacent to 5841 South Maryland Avenue; and

to maintain and use one pedestrian tunnel adjacent to 5841 South Maryland Avenue.

Presented By



Five proposed ordinances to grant permission artd authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Aby 86 Summur, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 308 East 75* Street;

Camelot Motel — to maintain and use one security camera adjacent to 9118 South Cottage Grove Avenue; 98888 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Camelot Motel — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 9118 South Cottage Grove Avenue;

Ms. Izola White — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 522 East 79* Street; and

King Food 85 Liquor — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 560 East 71*' Street.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Commissioner of Transportation to waive the special event license and permit fees for the conduct of 6* Ward Bikeathon, on June 2, 2007, during the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., with participants to assemble in Meyering Park, 7140 South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, proceed south on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, to East 90* Street and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive to Tuley Park, which was Refemed to the Committee on Spedal Events and Cultural Affairs.


Also, five proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintairt artd use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Helen Scott Insurance Agency, Inc. — for one canopy at 732 East 75* Street;

Ms. Izola White - for one canopy at 522 East 79* Street; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98889

Massive (Store for Men) — for orte caoopy at 416 East 87* Street;

Red Peppers — for orte cartopy at 428 East 87* Street; and

Walgreen's Company — for four canopies at 347 East 95* Street.

Presented By



Two proposed ordirtances to grant permission artd authority to the appUcants listed to maintairt and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Payless Submarine — for one sign adjacertt to 2608 East 79* Street; and

Star Four, Ltd. — for one sign adjacent to 8201 South Exchange Avenue.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance providing South Shore Hospital with inclusive exemption, under its not-for-profit status, from all city fees related to the erection and maintenance of building(s) and fuel storage facilities at 8012 South Crandon Avenue, for a one year period not to exceed February 16, 2008, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance. 98890 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, five proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Cottage Cleaners — for one sign adjacent to 8111 South Cottage Grove Avenue;

King of Soul Food Cuisine 86 Bakery — for one sign adjacent to 8103 South Cottage Grove Avenue;

The New Dating Game — for one sign adjacent to 8924 South Stony Island Avenue;

Steak Hoagie — for one sign adjacent to 1914 East 79* Street; and

W 85 R Food 85 Liquor, Inc. - for one sign adjacent to 1717 East 79* Street.


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Aranoff True Value Hardware — for one canopy at 8235 South Cottage Grove Avenue;

Mariama's Hair Braiding — for one canopy at 8119 South Cottage Grove Avenue; and

Steak Hoagie — for one canopy at 1914 East 79th Street 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98891

Presented By



A proposed order authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue a permit to C 85 O Auto Rebuilders to maintain and use one canopy to be attached or attached to the building or structure at 10554 South Michigan Avenue, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.

Presented By

ALDERMAN POPE (10**" Ward):


Six proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Multi-Viajes Alejandra, Inc. — for one sign adjacent to 10455 South Ewing Avenue;

New Liberty Currency Exchange, Inc. — for three signs adjacent to 10600 South Ewing Avenue;

Sandela's Flower Shop — for one sign adjacent to 10146 South Ewing Avenue;

State Farm Insurance — for one sign adjacent to 3659 East 106* Street;

T's Tap And Grill — for two signs adjacent to 9801 South Ewing Avenue; and 98892 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Victoria Produce, Inc. — for one sign adjacent to 10500 South Ewing Avenue.


Also, thirteen proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintairt and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Banner Liquor — for one canopy at 10556 — 10658 South Ewing Avenue;

The Bedding Experts, Inc. — for one canopy at 10542 — 10544 South Ewdng Avenue;

City Hand Car Wash — for orte canopy at 9641 South Ewing Avenue;

Discount Store — for one canopy at 10532 South Ewing Avenue;

Griesel — Jiminez — Stodden Funeral Home, Ltd. — for one canopy at 10240 South Ewing Avenue;

La Jerezana — for one caoopy at 3022 East 91*' Avertue;

Multi-Viajes Alejandra, Inc. — for one canopy at 10455 South Ewing Avenue;

Pucci's Restaurant 85 Pizzeria — for three canopies at 10063 South Ewing Avenue;

Salon Vibe — for one canopy at 3653 East 106* Street;

State Farm Insurance — for one canopy at 3659 East 106* Street;

Supermercado El Tapatio — for one canopy at 10300 South Ewing Avenue;

Mr. Raul Gonzalez — for one canopy at 8759 South Commercial Avenue; and 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98893

Your Insurance Center Agency — for one canopy at 3837 East 106 Street

Presented By



Nine proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Amelia's Authentic Mexican Cuisine — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4559 South Halsted Street;

Huck Finn Restaurant and Donuts — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3414 South Archer Avenue;

"I Am Alexa" — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 243 West 31*' Street;

Illinois Sport Facilities Authority — to construct, install, maintain and use conduits adjacent to 3415 — 3417 South Shields Avenue;

La Baguette -- to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4319 — 4321 South Ashland Avenue;

Lula's Grill 85 Pizza Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1858 West Pershing Road;

Pershing Road Currency Exchange — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1856 West Pershing Road;

Protecta Home Loans, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 710 West 31*'Street; and 98894 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Shop "N" Go Restaurant Supplies, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 639 West 47* Street.


Also, a proposed ordinance to grant permission and authority to Jimbo's to maintain and use a portion of the public way adjacent to 3258 South Princeton Avenue for the operation of a sidewalk cafe, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Lula's Grill 86 Pizza, Inc. — for one canopy at 1858 West Pershing Road; and

Sweet Food 86 Gifts — for one canopy at 3362 South Halsted Street.


Also, a proposed resolution to approve the property at 4330 South Racine Avenue as eligible for Class 6(b) tax incentives under the Cook County Real 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98895

Property Classification Ordinartce, which was Refemed to the Committee on Economic, Capital and Technology Development.

Presertted By



A proposed ordirtartce providirtg ACCESS Community Health Network, San Rafael Family Health Certter with irtclusive exemption, under its not-for-profit status, from all city fees related to the erection and maintenance of building(s) and fuel storage facilities at 3204 West 26* Street for a one year period not to exceed February 16, 2008, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance.


Also, nine proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants Usted for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Area De Salvacion — to maintain and use two planters adjacent to 2615 West 35* Street;

Area De Salvacion — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2615 West 35* Street;

China Snack (I.D. Required) — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3025 West Cermak Road; 98896 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

El Chisme — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4440 South Westem Avenue;

John's G.A.R. Hot Dogs, Inc. — to mairttairt and use one sign adjacertt to 2658 West 47* Street;

La Casa De Samuel Restaurant — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2834 West Cermak Road;

M. Juniors Auto Parts — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2652 West 47* Sti-eet;

Parkview Automotive, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4139 South Westem Avenue; and

Western Cullen Hayes, Inc. — to maintain and use two fire shutters adjacent to 2700 West 36* Place.


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to Mr. Juan Salgado to park his pickup truck and/or van at 2543 West 46* Place, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Also, ten proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the appUcants listed to construct, maintairt and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows: 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98897

Area De Salvacion — for one canopy at 2615 West 35* Street;

Computer Shack Inc. — for one canopy at 2917 West Cermak Road;

Haj Financial Inc. — for one canopy at 2553 West 47* Street;

Joyeria Flores Inc. — for one canopy at 2449 West 47* Street;

La Casa De Samuel Restaurant — for one canopy at 2834 West Cermak Road;

Las Quince Letras — for one canopy at 2880 West Cermak Road;

M 86 J Tavem, Inc. - for one canopy at 2701 West 35* Street;

La Villita Furniture — for one canopy at 2500 South Troy Street;

Phones Plus, Inc. — for one canopy at 2871 West Cermak Road; and

Ron's Dollar Plus - for one canopy at 2453 West 47* Street.

Presented By



Three proposed ordinartces to grant pemiission and authority to the appUcants listed to maintairt and use signs adjacent to the locatiorts specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

La Fiesta Bakery — for one sign at 6424 South Pulaski Road;

Lily's Restaurant — for one sign adjacertt to 3914 West 71*' Street; and

Reyna's Travel — for orte sigrt adjacertt to 6148 South Pulaski Road. 98898 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, two proposed ordinances to exempt the applicants listed from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facilities adjacent to the locations specified, pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Referred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Highland Park CVS, L.L.C. - 3943 - 3957 West 63"' Street and 6301 - 6343 South Pulaski Road; and

Modell Funeral Home — 5725 South Pulaski Road.


Also, a proposed ordinance directing the Commissioner of Transportatiort to take the rtecessary actiort for standardization of the northwest comer of 5400 West 64* Place as "David Dalton Drive", which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, two proposed ordinances authorizing the Commissioner of Building, the Commissioner of Transportation, the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, the Commissioner of Fire, the Commissioner of Sewers, the Commissiouer of Water and the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg to issue all necessary special event licenses and permits, free of charge, for the events noted, which were Refemed to the Committee on Finance, as foUows: 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98899

Queen of the Universe Annual Festival — to be held at 7114 South Hamlin Avenue, for the period extending July 19 through July 22, 2007; and

Saint Symphorosa Parish Anrtual Festival — to be held at 6135 South Austin Avenue, for the period extending July 12 through July 15, 2007.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Revenue to waive the One Hundred Dollar annual Raffle License fees for the applicants listed, which were Refemed to the Committee on Finance, as follows:

Queen ofthe Universe Church — 7114 South Hamlin Avenue; and Saint Sjmiphorosa Parish — 6135 South Austin Avenue.


Also, seven proposed orders directing the Commissioner of Transportatiort to grartt permission to the applicants listed to park pickup trucks and/or vans at the locations specified, in accordartce with the provisiorts of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Mr. Braulio Alvardo — 6817 South Komensky Avenue;

Mr. Regino Barboza — 5945 South Kolin Avenue;

Mr. Ricardo Cura — 6416 South Kilpatrick Avenue;

Mr. Gabriel Garcia — 5539 South Tripp Avenue;

Mr. Cesar Ortega - 3844 West 60* Street;

Ms. Elva Rojas - 4018 West 58* Street; and 98900 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Mr. Edgar Vazquez — 6642 South Kildare Avenue.


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg to issue pemiits to the applicants listed to construct, maintairt and use cauopies to be attached or attached to the buildirtgs or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Pop-N-Pizza - for one canopy at 3701 West 59* Street;

Taqueria California — for one canopy at 6445 South Cicero Avenue; and

123 Wireless - for one canopy at 3920 West 71*' Street.

Presented By

ALDERMAN BURKE (14''' Ward):


A proposed ordinance to amend Title 1, Chapter 8, Section 030 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago by reconfiguring the design of the municipal flag to include five bright red stars with sharp points, six in number, to reflect and honor Chicago's 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98901

role as host to the 2016 Intemational Olympic Games, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance.


Also, a proposed ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Fleet Management to enter into and execute such documents as may be necessary to effectuate the donation of one ambulance and one fire truck, free of any liens and ertcumbrances in an "as is" conditiort, to the Asociacion Pro-Bomberos de Tijuana, A.C. based in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, which was Refemed to the Committee on Police and Fire.


Also, five proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Carnitas y Tacos La International — for one sign adjacent to 4311 South Archer Avenue;

Clarisa Video — for one sign adjacent to 5131 South Kedzie Avenue;

La Fuente — for one sign adjacent to 3640 West 59* Street;

La International — for one sign adjacertt to 4301 South Archer Avenue; and

Polish Highlanders Alliance — for one sign adjacent to 4808 South Archer Avenue. 98902 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, a proposed ordinance to grant permission and authority to Chicago's Original Maxwell Street to maintain and use a portion of the public way adjacent to 5304 South Western Avenue for the operation of a sidewalk cafe, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed ordinance directing the Superintendent of Maps, Ex Officio Examiner of Subdivisions, to approve a plat of Park Place Unit 1 Subdivision in the area bounded by West 51*' Street, South Lawndale Avenue, south of the former Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad right-of-way and west of the Grand Trunk Railroad right-of-way, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, four proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Fruteria Guayavitos — for one canopy at 2901 West 38* Place; La Fuente — for one canopy at 3640 West 59* Street; La Interrtatiortal — for orte canopy at 4301 South Archer Avenue; and Ocwieja Funeral Home — for one canopy at 4256 South Mozart Street. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98903

Presented By

ALDERMAN BURKE (14''' Ward) And ALDERMAN BALCER (11'" Ward):


A proposed ordinance to amend Title 1, Chapter 8, Section 040 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago to require display of the municipal flag at City Hall, municipal buildings and public places to be hung at half-staff or half mast from the day of death or notification of the death until interment upon the loss of life in the line of duty of any IlUnoisau serving in a branch of the natiortal armed forces or in the Illinois National Guard, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance

Presented By



A proposed ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Fire to enter into and execute such documents as may be necessary to effectuate the donation of 2,500 recently retired turnout gear, free of any liens and encumbrances in an "as is" condition, to the Bomberos y Paramedicos Voluntaries de la Region Centro del Estado de Queretaro, A.C. based in Tequisquiapan, Queretaro, which was Refemed to the Committee on Police and Fire. 98904 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Presented By



A proposed resolution requesting the Committee on Finance, the Committee on Ecortomic, Capital and Technology Development and the Committee on Police and Fire to hold joint committee meetings regarding the feasibility of 911 Emergency Center accepting image and/or text messages from cellular telephones and invite the City of Chicago Chief Informatiort Officer, the Executive Director of the Office of Emergency Management and Communications and the Director of the Office of Budget and Management to discuss measures currently taken to upgrade the 911 Center, which was Refemed to a Joint Committee comprised of the members of the Committee on Finance, the members of the Committee on Economic, Capital and Technology Development and the members of the Committee on Police and Fire.

Presented By



Two proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows: 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98905

Intemational Bakery — for one sign adjacent to 2809 West 63"' Street; and

Speedy Mirti-Mart — for one sign adjacertt to 2801 West 63"' Street.


Also, a proposed order directirtg the Commissioner of Transportatiort to grant pemiission to Mr. Jose T. Duran to park his pickup truck and/or van at 6110 South Troy Street, in accordance Avith the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Also, four proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

A.M. Comfort and Orthopedic Shoes — for one canopy at 3127 West 63"' Street;

Danny's Place - for one canopy at 3334 West 63"' Street;

Rebirth of Englewood CDC - for one canopy at 1912 West 63'" Street; and

6511 Club — for one canopy at 6511 South Kedzie Avenue. 98906 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Presented By



Three proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows: Lang Exterior — for one sign adjacent to 2323 West 59* Street;

Harold's Chicken Shack — for one sign adjacent to 6241 South Ashland Avenue; and Tibbs Superior Auto — for one sign adjacent to 6237 South Ashland Avenue.


Also, a proposed ordinance to exempt Southwest Audio Sounds Inc. from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facilities for 2545 West 59* Street, pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to Ms. Alicia Montejano to park her pickup truck and/or van at 3532 West 60* Place, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98907

Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Also, four proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

D 86 D TrilUon Cuts Barber Shop - for one canopy at 2438 West 59* Street;

Mary's Ceramics — for one canopy at 2800 West 59* Street;

TequUa Club - for one canopy at 2507 West 59* Street; and

123 Wireless - for one canopy at 2624 West 59* Street.

Presented By



Four proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants Usted to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Ashland Food Market — for two signs adjacent to 6848 South Ashland Avenue; 98908 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

E T Restaurant and Lounge — for one sign adjacent to 7247 — 7251 South Racine Avenue;

Happy Foods — for one sign adjacent to 1542 West 69* Street; and

Petie Boys — for one sign adjacent to 6900 South Western Avenue.


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to Mr. Daniel Henry to park his pickup truck and/or van at 7032 South Carpenter Street, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

E T Restaurant and Lounge -- for one canopy at 7247 — 7251 South Racine Avenue;

Happy Foods — for one canopy at 1542 West 69* Street; and

Petie Boys — for two canopies at 6900 South Western Avenue. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98909


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to give consideration to honorarily designate 1300 West 74* Street as "Bishop Charles E. Jones, Jr.", which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.

Presented By

ALDERMAN LANE (18'" Ward):


Four proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Arturos Mexican Food — to maintairt and use one sign adjacent to 7151 South Western Avenue;

Cellular Advantage Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 8251 South Pulaski Road;

Norfolk and Western Railway Company — to maintairt and use a water meter vault adjacent to 2543 West Columbus Avenue; and

Premier Homecare Supplies Ltd. — to maintairt and use one sign adjacertt to 8048 South Kedzie Avenue. 98910 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, a proposed ordinance to exempt SM Management Services L.L.C. from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facilities for 3510 West 79* Street, pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportatiort to grant permission to Ashburn Baptist Church to close to traffic that part of West 83"' Street, between South Lawndale Avenue and West Columbus Avenue, for the period extending June 25 through June 28, 2007, during the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and on June 29, 2007, during the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., for the conduct of Vacation Bible School, which was Refemed to the Committee on Spedal Events and Cultural Affairs.


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to Mr. Mitchell Wells to park his pickup truck and/or van at 8065 South St. Louis Avenue, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98911

Presented By



Three proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

African American Images — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1909 West 95* Street;

Metra — to maintain and use one area for occupation of space adjacent to 10401 - 10451 South Hale Avenue; and

World Folk Music Company -- to maintairt and use one sign adjacent to 1808 West 103"'' Street.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg to issue permits to the applicants Usted to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

The Education Depot Inc. — for one canopy at 10708 South Westem Avenue; and

World Folk Music Company - for two canopies at 1808 West 103"' Street. 98912 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Presented By



A proposed resolution reading as follows:

WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His irtfinite wisdom, has called uuto his etemal rest Cleaophas Irtgram, an outstanding citizen and unrelertting advocate for the children of his community; and

WHEREAS, Cleaophas Ingram started on his life's journey as the seventh child bom to the union of the late Reverend Henry and Carrie Browrt Irtgram Ort February 2,1921 in Yazoo City, Mississippi. The family relocated within that state to the town of Lexirtgton where he graduated from Ambrose Vocational High School before he was inducted into the United States Armed Services. After basic training, he was deployed to France and Germany where he was able to learn the language by mingling with the native children. Shortly after he returned home, he moved to Detroit, Michigan but eventually came to this city to live with his sister; and

WHEREAS, Cleaophas Ingram received a bachelors degree in radio and television engirteerirtg from the American Television Institute of Chicago and additional education from the Education Leadership Institute; and

WHEREAS, On June 17, 1945, Cleaophas Irtgram married his wife Laura, a sixty-one year union that ended only in his passage. The couple was blessed with five children, Alfred C, Walther H., John H. and twins Carol E. and Cleaophas, Jr.; and

WHEREAS, Irt 1948, Cleaophas artd Laura Ingram joined the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church where he served as a deacon, was very active in Sunday church school and, for many years, led their baptist trainirtg union; and

WHEREAS, Cleaophas Ingram will always be remembered as an advocate of the Chicago Public Schools and a champion of causes for the students that attended them. Long before there were local school councils, he established and chaired the Englewood High School Council of Elders to demand quality education for African American children. Through his service on various boards, committees 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98913

and councils, he worked at the forefront of community action in support of estabUshing a better education base for inrter city youth. He was tireless in his pursuit of justice for African American children and diligent in promoting programs intertded to keep youth away from the many dangers of drugs and gangs; and

WHEREAS, Cleaophas Ingram leaves to cherish his memory a loving wife, Laura; a son, Cleaophas, Jr.; grandchildren, Tovis, Ari, Michael, Anthony, Christopher, Ladena and Devoy; two great-grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and many, many friends; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Arenda Troutman, Alderman of the 20* Ward, has informed this august body of the passing of Cleaophas Ingram; now, therefore.

Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, assembled here this seventh day February, 2007 A.D., do hereby declare this day "Council of Elders Day" throughout Chicago in honor of the many accomplishments of Cleaophas Ingram and express our sincerest sympathy to his widow, family and friends; and

Be It Furiher Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mrs. Laura Ingram.

Alderman Troutman moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily to permit immediate consideration of and action upon the foregoing proposed resolution. The motion Prevailed.

On motion of Alderman Troutman, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted by yeas and nays as follows:

Yeas — Aldermen Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardenas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Burnett, E. Smith, Carothers, RebojTas, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Alien, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. 98914 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, two proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way,as follows:

Damen Communications — for one sign adjacent to 1813 West 47* Street; and

Whiteside Liquors, Inc. — for one sign adjacent to 425 East 63'" Street.


Also, a proposed ordinance to amend an ordinance passed by the City Council on September 13, 2006 and printed in the Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago, page 83791, which authorized the issuance of all necessary permits, free of charge, to The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest for the premises at 6415 South Woodlawn Avenue, by changing the street address from "6415 South Woodlawn Avenue" to "6401 - 6409 South Woodlawn Avenue", which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed ordinance to exempt Cable Communications, Inc. from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facilities for 5726 — 5728 South Michigan Avenue, pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98915

Section 430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Re/erred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Director of Revenue to issue, free of charge, Itinerant Merchant License and all other related licenses and permits in conjuuction with 33'" Artrtual Arts and Crafts Festival, to be held at 740 East 56* Place, on July 14 and 15, 2007, which was Refemed to the Committee on Spedal Events and Cultural Affairs.

Presented By



A proposed resolution urging the Chairman of the Committee on Education and Child Development, Alderman Patrick O'Connor, to converte a hearirtg to elicit testimorties from the parertts of students who were physically injured or emotionally traumatized as a result ofthe incident which occurred at D. S. Wentworth Elementary School on January 23, 2007, which was Refemed to the Committee on Education and Child Development. 98916 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Presented By



Three proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Foster Park Currency Exchange — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 8259 South Ashland Avenue;

New Halsted Motel — to maintain and use two security cameras adjacent to 8220 South Halsted Street; and

87* 85 Bishop Currency Exchange — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1435 West 87* Street.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Complete Fashion — for one canopy at 1537 West 79* Street; and

Three Muskateers — for one canopy at 8001 South Ashland Avenue. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98917

Presented By



Twenty-six proposed ordinartces to grartt permission and authority to the applicants Usted to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way,as follows:

Abogados Natkins 85 Associates — for one sign adjacent to 3615 West 26* Street;

Bonnie's — for one sign adjacent to 3601 West 26* Street;

Chicago Medical 86 Surigical Center — for one sign adjacent to 3736 West 26* Street;

Dolex — for three signs adjacent to 4000 West 26* Street;

EI Cubano Jewelry Corporatiort — for three sigrts adjacertt to 3611 West 26* Street;

El Molcas Taqueria Restaurant — for one sign adjacent to 4125 West 26* Street;

Enriquez Liquors — for one sign adjacent to 2459 South Drake Avenue;

Footsie, Inc. — for two signs adjacent to 3954 West 26* Street;

Giovanni Liquors, Inc. — for one sign adjacent to 4237 West 26* Street;

Gabriel Jewelry — for one sign adjacent to 3914 West 26* Street;

Jom Corporation — for one sigrt adjacertt to 3506 West 26* Street;

Key Discount Beauty Supply — for one sign adjacent to 2550 South Pulaski Road;

Lavandaria Sunshine — for one sign adjacertt to 3448 — 3452 West 26* Street;

Lavartderia Atotortiico Number 1 — for two signs adjacent to 3917 West 26* Street;

La Veracruzana Dollar Plus — for one sign adjacent to 4200 West 26* Street; 98918 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Little Artgel Derttal — for orte sigrt adjacent to 3915 West 26* Street;

Los Quiropracticos — for one sign adjacent to 3225 West 26* Street;

Midwest Fertility Center — for one sign adjacent to 3714 West 26* Street;

Ostioneria Restaurant El El Tecolote — for one sign adjacent to 3519 West 26* Street;

Panaderia Coral — for one sign adjacent to 3807 West 26* Street;

Red Dollar Plus, Inc. — for one sign adjacertt to 2756 South Pulaski Road;

Richart Tax Service — for oue sign adjacent to 3743 West 26* Street;

Sally's Hair Design — for one sign adjacent to 3058 South Avers Avenue;

Taqueria Atotonilco Number 1 — for two signs adjacent to 3916 West 26* Street;

Velazquez Jewelers — for one sign adjacent to 3544 West 26* Street; and

Zapateria Andera — for two signs adjacent to 4234 West 25* Street.


Also, eighteen proposed orders directing the Commissioner of Trartsportatiort to grant permission to the applicants listed to park pickup trucks and/or vans at the locations specified, in accordance with the provisiorts of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Mr. Raul Cancino — 2414 South Christiana Avenue;

Mr. Ignacio Frayre — 2736 South St. Louis Avenue;

Ms. Maria Garcia — 3225 South Karlov Avenue; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98919

Ms. Merrilee Jaimes — 2708 South Karlov Avenue;

Mr. Alberto Martinez - 4309 West 25* Place (Tmck Number 1);

Mr. Alberto Martinez - 4309 West 25* Place (Tmck Number 2);

Mr. Domingo Miguel — 2732 South Spaulding Avenue;

Mr. Jose Montero — 2638 South Avers Avenue;

Ms. Margarita Neri — 2840 South Homan Avenue;

Mr. Ramon Nunez - 4376 West 25* Street;

Mr. Santos Rojas — 2542 South Sawyer Avenue;

Ms. Maria Salazar — 2843 South Karlov Avenue (Truck Number 1);

Ms. Maria Salazar — 2843 South Karlov Avenue (Truck Number 2);

Mr. Martin Sequra — 2814 South Kedvale Avenue;

Mr. Humberto Unzueta — 3037 South Springfield Avenue;

Mr. Romualdo Vega — 2841 South Trumbull Avenue (Truck Number 1);

Mr. Romualdo Vega — 2841 South TrumbuU Avenue (Truck Number 2); and

Mr. Jose Vela — 2439 South Homan Avenue.


Also, twenty-seven proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue pemiits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows: 98920 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Agenda De Viajes Mexico — for one canopy at 3843 West 26* Street;

Andrea's Grocery Inc. — for one cartopy at 2800 South Drake Avenue;

Birreria La Barca Jal — for one canopy at 4304 West 26* Street;

Botanica La Guadalupana — for one canopy at 3842 West 26* Street;

Chicago Medical and Surgical Center — for one cartopy at 3736 West 26* Street;

Costa Azul Travel - for one canopy at 4076 West 26* Street;

Creaciones — for one canopy at 3711 West 26 * Street;

Delgado Travel Agency Inc. — for one canopy at 3900 West 26* Street;

El Molcas Taqueria Restaurant — for one canopy at 4125 West 26* Street;

El Polio Ranchero - for one canopy at 4147 West 26* Street;

Escape Travel - for one canopy at 3757 West 26* Street;

Family Furniture — for one canopy at 3751 West 26* Street;

Iris Gifts and Flowers — for one canopy at 3201 South Pulaski Road;

Jack R. Epstein — for one canopy at 4346 West 26* Street;

La Azteca Mini Market — for one canopy at 2700 South Ridgeway Avenue;

Littie Angel Dental - for one canopy at 3915 West 26* Street;

Maria's Fashions — for one canopy at 4136 — 4142 West 26* Street;

M G Shoes Number 2 Inc. - for one canopy at 3407 West 26* Street;

Navarro's Records — for one canopy at 3241 West 26* Street;

Perez Realtors Number 1 — for one canopy at 3759 West 26* Street;

Richart Tax Service - for one canopy at 3743 West 26* Street; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98921

Q's Wireless Concept - for one canopy at 3824 West 26* Street;

Three J Formal Wear - for one canopy at 3234 West 26* Street;

Tucker Pups L.L.C. — for one canopy at 219 North Carpenter Street;

Velazquez Jewelers — for one canopy at 3544 West 26* Street;

Vogue Beauty Salon — for one canopy at 4157 West 26* Street; and

213 Institute Place, L.L.C. - for two canopies at 213 - 215 West Institute Place.


Also, a proposed resolution to approve the property at 3136 South Kolin Avenue as eligible for Class 6(b) tax incentives under the Cook County Real Property Classification Ordinance, which was Refemed to the Committee on Economic, Capital and Technology Development.


Also, a proposed resolution authorizing the renewal of Class 6(b) real property tax incentives for the property at 3130 South Kolin Avenue under the Cook County Real Property Classification Ordinance, which was Refemed to the Committee on Economic, Capital and Technology Development. 98922 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Presented By



Five proposed ordirtances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Giordano's Restaurant and Pizzeria — for one sign adjacent to 5159 South r*ulaski Road;

Mexican Restaurant — for one sign adjacent to 4225 West 47* Street;

Murray's Discount Auto Stores — for one sign adjacent to 4901 South Cicero Avenue;

Mr. Richard Andrise — for one sign adjacent to 6746 West 63"* Street; and

Taqueria Los Gallos 3 Inc. — for orte sigrt adjacertt to 6222 South Archer Aveuue.


Also, two proposed orders directiug the Commissioner of Transportatiort to grant permission to the applicants listed to park pickup trucks and/or vans at the locations specified, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Mr. Hector N. Azuara — 5144 South Parkside Avenue; and

Mr. Robert Howard — 4620 South Lawler Avenue. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98923


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintairt and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Granat's First Count — for one canopy at 6843 West Archer Avenue; and

Taqueria Los Gallos 3 Inc. — for six canopies at 6222 South Archer Avenue.

Presented By



Nine proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Carniceria Iguala Guerrero — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3010 West Cermak Road;

Chicago Housing Authority/21*' and Albany Apartments — to maintairt and use two fences adjacent to 3030 West 21*' Place;

DJ Sub — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4216 West Cermak Road;

Dollar Buster Number 2 — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2336 South Kedzie Avenue; 98924 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Lexington Industrial L.L.C. — to maintairt, use and occupy space adjacent to 4452 West Lexington Street; Moses Auto 86 Tire Repair, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3256 West Cermak Road; The Peoples Gas, Light and Coke — to maintain and use four PVC electrical conduits adjacent to 1235 South Kilbourn Avenue; Rothschild Liquors — to maintain and use one sign adjacertt to 3530 West Roosevelt Road; and Valentina Food — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3555 West Roosevelt Road.


Also, a proposed ordinance to exempt 3 Dimensiort Auto Spa from the physical barrier requiremeut pertairtirtg to alley accessibility for the parkirtg facilities for 4513 West Harrisort Street, pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, four proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows: 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98925

Ali Baba Food - for one canopy at 4310 West 16* Street;

Carniceria Iguala Guerrero — for one canopy at 3010 West Cermak Road;

La Azteca Hardware Supply — for one canopy at 3020 West Cermak Road; and

Optical 20/20 — for one canopy at 3215 West Cermak Road.

Presented By



Nine proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Bacchanalia Restaurant 86 Lounge — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2413 South Oakley Avenue;

Emerald Homes II, L.L.C. — to construct, maintain and use one structural projection adjacent to 2318 South Canal Street;

Ms. Maria Gardea — to maintain and use one vault adjacent to 1146 West 17* Street;

H Kramer 86 Company — to install, maintain and use uirteteert trees adjacent to 1339 West 21*'Street;

The New Three Happiness, Inc. — to maintairt and use one sign adjacertt to 2130 South Wentworth Avenue;

Prospect Intemational — to maintain and use one sigrt adjacertt to 230 West Cermak Road; 98926 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Santos Electronics 86 Hand Car Wash — to maintain £ind use one sign adjacent to 2512 South Westem Avenue;

University ofChicago, L.L.C. — to construct, install, maintain and use stormwater sewers adjacent to 1000 - 1070 West 15* Street; and

Weldorte Omamerttal Irort, Irtc. — to maintairt and use one sign adjacent to 2445 West 24* Place.


Also, a proposed ordinance to grant permission and authority to Conte Di Savoia, Inc. to maintain and use a portion ofthe public way adjacent to 1438 West Taylor Street for the operation of a sidewalk cafe, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed ordirtartce to exempt Kedzior Developmertt from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facilities at 2021 South Western Avenue, pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98927


Also, a proposed ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Buildings, the Executive Director of Contracts and Permits, the Commissioner of Streets and Sartitatiort, the Commissiorter of Transportatiort, the Commissiorter of Water Managemertt, the Commissioner of Fire and the Director of Revenue to issue, free of charge, all necessary special event permits and licenses to Chicago Special Events Managemertt (Alivio Medical Center) for Alivio Y Salud Run for Health to be held in the 1900 block of West 18* Street on May 20, 2007, which was Refemed to the Committee on Spedal Events and Cultural Affairs.


Also, six proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or stmctures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Bob's Egg Palace — for one cartopy at 2151 West Cermak Road;

Costa Azul Travel — for one canopy at 1444 West 18* Street;

Irtgrtotz' Ristorante — for three canopies at 2421 South Oakley Avenue;

Moys Hair Salon — for one cartopy at 2334 South Weutworth Avertue;

The New Three Happiness, Inc. — for three canopies at 2130 South Wentworth Avenue; and

Weldone Orrtamental Iron, Inc. — for one canopy at 2445 West 24* Place. 98928 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, a proposed resolution declaring the month of March as "Go Direct Month" in the City ofChicago and urging all Chicagoans to recognize the safety and convenience of direct deposit and to encourage all federal benefit recipients to consider signing up for direct deposit, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance.

Presented By



Two proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the West Town Chamber of Commerce to construct, install, maintain and use trash containers adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

2501 West Chicago Avenue; and

600 North Damen Avenue.


Also, a proposed ordinance to grant permission and authority to Coco Restaurant to maintain and use a portion ofthe public way adjacent to 2723 West Division Street 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98929

for the operation of a sidewalk cafe, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed ordinartce directing the Commissioner ofTransportation to take the necessary action for standardization of the southwest corners of North Rockwell Street, West North Avenue and North Washtenaw Avenue as "La Raza Newspaper Street", which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed ordinance to amend an ordinance passed by the City Council on June 9, 1999 and printed on pages 5442 — 5453 ofthe Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Coundl of the City of Chicago which granted permission to JCDecaux Chicago, L.L.C. to constmct bus passenger shelters at various locations within the 26* Ward, by including additional locations for construction of such shelters, which was Referred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to Ms. Teresa Chodoski to park her pickup tmck and/or van at 1310 North Rockwell Street, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, 98930 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Armitage Hall — for one canopy at 3632 — 3636 West Armitage Avenue;

El Vigia Restaurant — for one canopy at 3612 West North Avenue; and

Wences Hair Studio — for one canopy at 3540 West North Avenue.

Presented By



A proposed resolution opposing the proposed fee increase from $400.00 to $675.00 for processing naturalization applications and other proposed fee increases for filing various immigration forms including application for citizenship for children of Urtited States citizens, application for green cards, sponsoring a fiance to immigrate and immigrant relative petition, which was Refemed to the Committee on Human Relations. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98931

Presented By



Two proposed ordinances providing inclusive exemption from all city fees to the applicants listed, under their not-for-profit status, for the erection and maintenance ofbuildings and fuel storage faciUties for a one year period not to exceed January 15, 2008, which were Refemed to the Committee on Finance, as follows:

Dr. James West Clinic at the Hajmiarket Center, 120 North Sangamort Street; and

Near North Family Health Center, 361 West Chestnut Street.


Also, sixty-two proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the appUcants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

The Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago — to maintairt artd use one occupation of space adjacent to 338 North Halsted Street;

Chicago Greenworks, L.L.C. — to construct, install, maintain and use four pipes adjacent to 457 North Sacramento Boulevard;

Chicago Housing Authority/Eckhart Park Aurtex — to maintain and use two fences adjacent to 847 North Greenview Avenue;

Chicago Housing Authority/Eckhart Park Apartments — to maintain and use one fertce adjacertt to 838 North Noble Street;

Chicago Housing Authority/ Flannery Apartments — to maintain and use two fences adjacent to 1531 North Clybourn Avenue; 98932 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Chicago Housing Authority/Flannery Apartments — to maintain and use two fences adjacent to 1531 North Clyboum Avenue;

Chicago Housing Authority/Franklirt 86 Drake Apartments — to maintain and use two fences adjacent to 440 North Drake Avenue;

Chicago-Springfield Accounting, L.L.C. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3848 West Chicago Avenue;

Hale Lofts Condominium Association — to maintain and use one pedestrian bridge adjacent to 14 North Peoria Street;

Harpo Studios, Inc. — to construct, install, maintairt artd use thirty-four planters adjacertt to 110 North Carport ter Street;

Madisort Square L.L.C. — to maintain and use twelve balconies adjacent to 1342 West Madison Street;

M 86 M Food Market Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3601 West Augusta Boulevard;

Multiple Wireless Solutions Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 819 North Milwaukee Avenue;

Pegasus Restaurant 86 Taverna — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 130 South Halsted Street;

Pharmacy — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1450 West Chicago Avenue;

Red Light — to maintain and use three building projections adjacent to 818—820 West Randolph Street;

Taqueria El Jardin — to mairttairt and use one sign adjacent to 1303 West Huron Street;

US Services Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3425 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 741 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash contairter adjacertt to 800 West Chicago Avertue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 929 West Chicago Avenue; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98933

West Town Chamber of Commerce -- to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 940 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, mairttairt and use one trash container adjacent to 1018 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to constmct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1030 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1058 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to constmct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1100 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash contairter adjacent to 1148 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce -- to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 1303 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash contairter adjacent to 1318 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash contairter adjacertt to 1354 West Chicago Avertue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to constmct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 1355 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 1369 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1372 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1401 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to constmct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1424 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1429 West Chicago Avenue; 98934 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 1445 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1456 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to cortstruct, install, maintairt and use one trash corttairter adjacent to 1463 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash contairter adjacent to 1513 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 1523 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash corttairter adjacertt to 1557 West Chicago Avertue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 2103 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 738 North Halsted Street;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to cortstruct, irtstall, mairttairt and use one trash corttairter adjacertt to 801 North Halsted Street;

West Towrt Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 654 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 701 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 708 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash contairter adjacertt to 721 North Milwaukee Aveuue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash corttainer adjacent to 726 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to cortstruct, irtstall, mairttairt and use one trash container adjacent to 738 North Milwaukee Avenue; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98935

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to cortstruct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 740 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 773 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 805 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 830 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 835 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 868 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 875 North Milwaukee Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 775 North Ogden Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 800 North Ogden Avenue;

688 Milwaukee Adventures, L.L.C. — to construct, install, maintairt and use two structural projections adjacent to 688 North Milwaukee Avenue; and

845 West Fulton Street, L.L.C. — to construct, install, maintairt artd use seven door swings adjacent to 845 West Fulton Market.


Also, a proposed ordinance to grant permission and authority to The Matchbox to maintain and use a portion of the public way adjacent to 770 North Milwaukee Avenue for the operation of a sidewalk cafe, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way. 98936 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, eight proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Amelia's Mexican Food — for one canopy at 1235 West Grartd Avertue;

Charles 86 Ruby Miller — for one canopy at 939 North Pulaski Road;

Gigliotti Natural Stone, Inc. — for two canopies at 825 North Milwaukee Avenue;

Habana Libre — for one canopy at 1440 West Chicago Avertue; Multiple Wireless Solutious Irtc. — for two canopies at 819 North Milwaukee Avenue;

The Radio Direct Group Inc. — for orte canopy at 401 North Milwaukee Avenue;

US Service Inc. — for twelve canopies at 3425 West Chicago Avenue; and

Victor Hotel — for orte canopy at 311 North Sangamon Street.

Presented By

ALDERMAN E. SMITH (28'" Ward):


A proposed ordinance to amend Title 4, Chapter 60, Section 022 of the Municipal Code of Chicago by deleting subsection 28.13 which restricted the issuance of 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98937

additional alcoholic liquor licenses on West Madison Street, from Kostner Avenue to Kenton Avenue, which was Refemed to the Committee on License and Consumer Protedion.


Also, four proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Chicago Laramie Currency Exchange, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 5135 West Chicago Avenue;

Family Dollar Number 5734 — to maintairt and use one sign adjacent to 2740 West Cermak Road;

Midland Properties Western, L.L.C. — to maintairt and use one structural projection adjacent to 2419 West 15* Street; and

Rothschild Liquors — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 118 South Cicero Avenue.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue a permit to Perfect Food 86 Liquor to construct, maintain and use one canopy to be attached or attached to the building or structure at 5318 West Madison Street, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way. 98938 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Presented By



A proposed ordinance to amend Title 8, Chapter 4 ofthe Municipal Code ofChicago by the addition of new Section 147 which would prohibit any person from leaving any object or device resembling an explosive or appearing to be a potential threat to public safety on any public way or place, or on private property except by express written consent by the owner, require any person having awareness of said conduct to notify the city by calling 911, and further, establish fines for violations thereof, which was Refemed to the Committee on Police and Fire.


Also, three proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Better West Car Repair — for one sign adjacertt to 5835 West Grand Avenue;

H 86 H Body Shop — for one sign adjacent to 5807 West Grand Avenue; and

North Avenue Gold 86 Silver Exchange — for one sign adjacent to 5936 West North Avenue. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98939


Also, two proposed ordinances to exempt the appUcants listed from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facilities adjacent to the locations specified, pursuant to the provisions of Titie 10, Chapter 20, Section 430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Re/erred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Bank of America — 6359 WesfDiversey Avenue; and

DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary US L.L.P. - 6359 West Diversey Avenue.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Director of Revenue to issue Food Vendor, Itinerant Merchant Licenses, Street Closure Permits and other related licenses and permits, free of charge, in cortjunction with the New 29* Ward Annual Picnic and Gospel Event to be held at 5701 West Jackson Boulevard on July 28, 2007, during the hours of 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., which was Refemed to the Committee on Spedal Events and Cultural Affairs.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Director of Revenue to waive the Food Vendor, Itinerant Merchant License and Street Closure Permit fees in conjunction 98940 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

with the New 29* Ward Annual Picnic and Gospel Evertt to be held at 5701 West Jacksort Boulevard on July 28, 2007, during the hours of 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., which was Referred to the Committee on Spedal Events and Cultural Affairs.


Also, four proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

H 86 H Body Shop — for one canopy at 5807 West Grand Avenue;

John Lo — for two canopies at 5924 West Fullerton Avenue;

North Avenue Gold 86 Silver Exchange — for one canopy at 5936 West North Avenue; and

Teloloapan — for one canopy at 5637 — 5639 West Grand Avenue.


Also, a proposed resolution urging representatives from the Chicago Police Department to testify before the Committee on Police and Fire on department's policy and practice regarding parking of police vehicles, which was Refemed to the Committee on Police and Fire. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98941

Presented By



Two proposed ordinances authorizing the Commissioner of Fleet Management and the Purchasing Agent to enter into and execute such documents as may be necessary to effectuate the donation of two outdated Fire Department ambulances and one pumper, free of any liens and encumbrances in an "as is" conditiort, to Maratio Michoacart, Mexico, which was Refemed to the Committee on Police and Fire.


Also, two proposed ordirtances authorizing the Commissioner of Fleet Management, the Commissioner of Fire and the Purchasing Agent to enter into and execute such documents as may be necessary to effectuate the donation of one outdated Fire Department pumper and seven hundred turnout gears, free of any liens and encumbrances in an "as is" condition, to Tepatitlan Jalisco, Mexico, which was Refemed to the Committee on Police and Fire.


Also, five proposed ordirtances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Bel Park Food 85 Liquor — for one sign adjacent to 4752 West Belmont Avenue; 98942 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Centrum Sport — for two signs adjacent to 5535 West Belmont Avenue;

Park Place, L.L.C. — for one sign adjacent to 4054 West North Avenue;

Protecta Home Loans, Inc. — for one sign adjacent to 3934 West North Avenue; and

Tommiz Hair Place — for one sign adjacent to 5023 West Belmont Avenue.


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Envy My Shoes — for one canopy at 4023 West Armitage Avenue;

Hermosa Furniture — for one canopy at 4022 West Armitage Avenue; and

St. Louis Auto Body — for three canopies at 3524 North Pulaski Road.

Presented By



Nine proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98943

for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

American Homes Group — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2418 North Cicero Avenue;

Dunkirt Dortuts/Baskin Robbins — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2337 North Cicero Avenue;

Family Dollar — to maintain and use two signs adjacertt to 4200 West Belmortt Avenue;

Jemm Wholesale Meat Co. — to construct, install, maintairt and use two grease traps adjacent to 4649 West Armitage Avenue;

Mama Luna Restaurant — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 5109 West FuUerton Avenue;

Maverick Auto Parts — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 2801 North Central Avenue;

Quick Wash Coin Laundry — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3000 North Laramie Avenue;

Sol De Mexico — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3018 North Cicero Avenue; and

Valu Most Liquors — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 3263 North Pulaski Road.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct,maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows: 98944 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Mr. Emmanuel Agno — for one canopy at 3242 North Pulaski Road; and

Doris Photography — for one canopy at 3436 North Cicero Avertue.

Presented By



Eighteen proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

ARCC Ballet — to maintain and use one banner adjacent to 2121 West Webster Avenue;

Banana Republic — to maintain and use three structural projections adjacent to 917 West North Avenue;

Brasil Legal — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2153 North Western Avenue;

Crosell 86 Co. — to maintairt and use one sign adjacent to 1922 North Damen Avenue;

Digital City Graphics — to maintairt and use one illuminated sign adjacent to 1852 North Damen Avenue;

Ivy Lane Condominium Association — to maintairt and use one catch basin adjacent to 2843 North Lincoln Avenue;

Labor Temps, Inc. — to maintain and use one security camera adjacent to 2147 North Westem Avertue;

North Beach, Jet, Hogs and Honeys — to construct, install, maintain and use two planters adjacent to 1551 North Sheffield Avenue; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98945

Peerles Imported Rugs, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3028 — 3030 North Lincoln Avenue;

Peerles Imported Rugs, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3033 North Lincoln Avenue;

Prudential Preferred Properties — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1620 West Belmont Avenue;

Subway Fullerton 86 Ashland — to maintairt and use one illuminated sign adjacent to 1513 West Fullerton Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash contairter adjacertt to 2004 West Chicago Avertue;

West Towrt Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 2100 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 2156 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintairt and use one trash container adjacent to 2158 West Chicago Avenue;

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash contairter adjacent to 2553 West Chicago Avenue; and

West Town Chamber of Commerce — to construct, install, maintain and use one trash container adjacent to 810 North Damen Avenue.


Also, seven proposed ordinances to grant pemiission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use those portions ofthe public way adjacent to the locations noted for the operation of sidewalk cafes, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Beat Kitchen — 2100 West Belmont Avenue;

Cabo Bar 86 GriU - 3407 North PauUna Street; 98946 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Chicago's Pizza — 3114 North Lincoln Avenue;

Club Lucky, Inc. - 1822 - 1824 West Wabansia Avenue;

Letizia's Natural Bakery - 2144 — 2146 West Division Street;

Taos Restaurant — 2114 West Roscoe Street; and

Twisted Lizard — 1964 North Sheffield Avenue.


Also, a proposed ordinance authorizing a time extension for the vacation of the east/west 16 foot public alley north of West Armitage Avenue, between North Wood Street and the John F. Kennedy Expressway, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, five proposed orders directing the Commissioner of Buildings to issue pemiits to the applicants listed to install signs/sigrtboards at the locatiorts specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Buildings, as follows:

Legacy Outdoor, L.L.C. — 2501 North Elston Avenue;

Prime Media, L.L.C. — 2312 North Ashland Avenue;

Prime Media, L.L.C. — 2501 North Elston Avenue;

Prime Media, L.L.C. — 2015 West Fullerton Avenue; and

Prime Media, L.L.C. - 1503 West Webster Avenue. , 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98947


Also, eight proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

ARCC Ballet - for one canopy at 2074 North Leavitt Street; At Home — for one canopy at 3062 North Lincoln Avenue; Big Fin Properties — for three canopies at 1721 — 1725 North Damen Avenue; Digital City Graphics — for two canopies at 1852 North Damen Avenue; d. Marie Boutique — for one canopy at 1867 North Damen Avenue; Filippo's — for one canopy at 2211 North Clyboum Avenue; The Nail Studio, Inc.— for orte cartopy at 3125 North Lirtcolrt Avertue; and Township Cleaners — for one canopy at 1802 North Damen Avenue.

Presented By

ALDERMAN MELL (33'" Ward):


Four proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Brisku Bistro — to maintain and use one fire escape adjacent to 4100 North Kedzie Avenue; 98948 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Bucharest Continental Cafe — to maintairt artd use one occupation space adjacent to 3661 - 3665 North Elston Avenue;

Bucharest Continental Cafe — to maintain and use one sign adjacertt to 3661 — 3665 North Elstort Avertue; and

TGC Development Corporation — to construct, install, maintain and use six balconies adjacent to 4300 North Kedzie Avenue.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue a permit to Globe Insurance Agency, Inc. to construct, maintain and use one canopy to be attached or attached to the building or structure at 4601 — 4611 North Kedzie Avenue, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.

Presented By



Two proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the appUcants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

McDonnel Cleaners, Inc. — for one sign adjacertt to 932 West 103'" Street; and 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98949

119* 86 Halsted Currency Exchange — for one sigrt adjacertt to 11932 South Halsted Street.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Taste of Mexico — for one canopy at 12303 South Halsted Street; and

119* 85 Halsted Currency Exchange -- for one canopy at 11932 South Halsted Street.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance to amend Title 4, Chapter 60, Section 022 of the Municipal Code of Chicago by deleting subsection 35.24 which restricted the issuance of additional alcoholic liquor licenses on North Milwaukee Avenue, from North CaUfomia Avenue to North Sacramento Avenue, which was Refemed to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection. 98950 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, nine proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintairt and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Buona Terra Ristorante — for one sign adjacent to 2535 North Califomia Avenue;

Car Care Center — for one sign adjacent to 3447 West Belmont Avenue;

Doris Magic Scissors — for one sign adjacent to 3520 West Diversey Avenue;

La Mexicana Bakery Cafe Number 2 — for one sign adjacent to 2929 North Milwaukee Avenue;

Magnum Insurance — for one illuminated sign adjacent to 3418 West Diversey Avenue;

New Diversey California Currency — for one sign adjacent to 2819 West Diversey Avenue;

Primex-Tune-Up Inc. — for orte sign adjacertt to 3659 West Addison Street;

Red Star Liquor — for one sign adjacent to 2719 North Milwaukee Avenue; and

Tobacco City — for one sign adjacent to 3252 West Armitage Avertue.


Also, three proposed orders directing the Commissioner ofTransportation to grant permission to the applicants listed to park pickup trucks and/or vans at the locations specified, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Mr. Christopher Bach — 2635 North Talman Avenue;

Lupe Calderon - 3057 North Troy Street; and 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98951

Mr. Jeremy Wrenrt - 2921 North Whipple Street.


Also, severt proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintairt and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Foremost Vas Liquors — for two canopies at 2300 North Milwaukee Avenue;

Hair Professionals — for one canopy at 2315 North Milwaukee Avenue;

Little Town Pizza — for one caoopy at 2801 North Certtral Park Avertue;

Logan Square Animal Hospital — for one canopy at 2543 North Milwaukee Avenue;

Magnum Insurance — for one canopy at 3418 West Diversey Avenue;

M Fishman 86 Co. — for one canopy at 3240 West Fullerton Avenue; and

Red Star Liquor — for two canopies at 2719 North Milwaukee Avenue.

Presented By



Six proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the appUcants listed 98952 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Auto Insurance Center — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 7142 West Belmont Avenue;

El Alegre Burrito — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 7193 West Grand Avenue;

Expert Real Estate Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 6309 West Belmont Avenue;

Harlem Court Condominium Association — to maintairt and use seven light fixtures adjacent to 3310 North Harlem Avenue;

Harlem Court Condominium Association — to maintain and use eight light fixtures adjacent to 3314 — 3318 North Harlem Avenue; and

State Farm Insurance — to maintain and use one sigrt adjacertt to 2643 North Harlem Avenue.


Also, eight proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Expert Real Estate Inc. — for orte canopy at 6309 West Belmont Avenue;

Fresh Start Daycare Center Inc. — for one canopy at 6924 West North Avenue;

Hi-Tech Auto Body of Chicago — for one canopy at 6941 West Grand Avenue;

How You Doin' Cafe — for one canopy at 2360 North Neva Avenue; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98953

MOR-DACC — for one cartopy at 6856 West North Avertue;

Mercato Del Pesce Inc. — for one canopy at 2623 North Harlem Avenue;

State Farm Insurance — for two canopies at 2643 North Harlem Avenue; and

Stylish Kitchen 86 Bath Cabinets — for one caoopy at 2727 North Harlem Avenue.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance providing West Divisiort Family Health Certter with irtclusive exemption, under its not-for-profit status, from all city fees related to the erection and maintenance of building(s) and fuel storage facilities at 4401 West Division Street for a one year period not to exceed January 15, 2008, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue a permit to Luca's Tacos to construct, maintain and use one canopy to be attached or attached to the building or structure at 1555 North Cicero Avenue, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way. 98954 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Presented By



A proposed ordinance providing Saint Viator Parish with inclusive exemption, under its not-for-profit status, from all city fees related to the erection and maintenance of building(s) at 4170 West Addison Street for the period of May 16, 2007 through May 15, 2008, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance.


Also, nine proposed ordirtances to grant permission artd authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

The Auto Warehouse — to maintain and use two security cameras adjacent to 3632 - 3636 North Cicero Avenue;

Bar Cafe San Francisco — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3815 North Harlem Avenue;

Budget Cleaners — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 5920 West Irving Park Road;

Carreno's Pizza — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 5739 West Irving Park Road;

Countrywide Home Loans Inc. -- to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 5653 West Irving Park Road;

Electronic Engineers, Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 5530 West Belmont Avenue;

Elegance Salon — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4204 West Irving Park Road; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98955

Saturn of Chicago — to maintairt and use one sign adjacent to 5515 West Irving Park Road; and

Whitestar Cleaners — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 5401 West Montrose Avenue.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Revenue to issue, free of charge, licenses and permits to the participants in the evertts rtoted, to take place alortg the public ways and during the periods specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Special Events and Cultural Affairs, as follows:

Saint Bartholomew's Church Festival — to be held on North Lavergne Avenue, from West Addison Street to the first alley north thereof, and on the east/west alley ofthe 4900 block, betweert West Addisort Street and West Patterson Avenue, for the period extending June 6 through June 10, 2007 (Food Vendor, Itinerant Merchant, Raffle Licenses, Street Closure, Special Event, Electrical and Tent Erection Permits); and

Saint Pascal's Church Carnival — to be held on North Melvina Avenue, from West Irving Park Road to the first alleys north and south thereof, and on North Moody Avenue to the first alley north of West Irving Park Road, for the period extending June 6 through June 10, 2007 (Food Vendor, Itinerant Merchant, Raffle Licenses, Street Closure, Special Event and Tent Erection Permits).


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the appUcants Usted to construct, maintain and use 98956 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

The Cut by Maurice — for one canopy at 5705 West Irving Park Road;

E S Electrortic Services — for orte canopy at 3333 North Central Avenue; and

Ksiegamia Globe — for one canopy at 5747 West Irving Park Road.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance to amend Title 11, Chapter 20, Section 061 of the Municipal Code of Chicago requiring public utilities furnishing or suppljdng gas to residences to notify the city of any service termination to any structure by redefining the term "residential buildings" as used therein to include any dwelling unit(s), which was Refemed to the Committee on Buildings.


Also, a proposed ordinance providing Northeastern Illinois University with inclusive exemption, under its not-for-profit status, from all city fees related to the erection and maintenance of building(s) and parking facilities at 5500 North St. Louis Avenue for a one year period not to exceed December 31, 2007, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98957


Also, two proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintairt and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Mayan Sol Restaurant — for one sign adjacent to 3830 West Lawrence Avenue; and

Pivot Point International — for one sigrt adjacertt to 3901 West Irvirtg Park Road.


Also, a proposed order directirtg the Commissiorter of Buildings to issue a permit to Doyle Signs, Inc. to install a sign/sigrtboard at 3205 West Carmen Avertue, which was Refemed to the Committee on Buildings.


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Albany Park Laundry — for one canopy at 5000 North Kedzie Avenue;

Ali Baba Hookah Bar — for one canopy at 4046 West Lawrence Avenue; and 98958 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Casa Musical Azuay — for one canopy at 3753 West Montrose Avenue.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance providing Evangelical Lutheran Saint Philip Child Care Center with inclusive exemption, under its not-for-profit status, from all city fees related to the maintertance of the building at 2444 West Brywn Mawr Avertue for a orte year period begirtrtirtg February 16, 2007 and endirtg February 15, 2008, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance.


Also, eight proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

AUState Insurance Company — to maintairt and use one sign adjacent to 1335 West Devon Avenue;

Cash America Pawn ofChicago Number 3 — to maintairt and use one sign adjacent to 1230 West Devon Avenue;

Chicago Housing Authority/ Harry J. Schneider Apartments — to maintain and use three fences adjacent to 1750 West Peterson Avertue;

Chicago Housing Authority/Sheridan 86 Devon Apartments — to maintain and use three fences adjacent to 6400 North Sheridan Road; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98959

Devon Morseview Drugs, Inc. — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 1358 West Devon Avenue;

I 86 Y Dollar Plus — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1501 West Devort Avertue;

Loyola Landing L.L.C. — to maintain and use one structural projection adjacent to 6306 North Broadway; and

Paisanos — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 5047 North Lirtcolrt Avertue.


Also, three proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed to maintairt and use those portions of the public way adjacent to the locations noted for the operation of sidewalk cafes, which were Re/erred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

CharUe's Ale House - 5308 North Clark Street;

Huey's — 1507 West Balmoral Avenue; and

Marty's — 1511 West Balmoral Avenue.


Also, two proposed orders directing the Commissioner of Transportatiort to grant permission to the applicants listed to park pickup trucks and/or vans at the locations specified, in accordartce with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Mr. Curt Merkle — 2422 West Farragut Avenue; and

Mr. Juan C Serna — 5736 North Richmond Street. 98960 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, seven proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintairt and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Ben Franklin Motors — for one canopy at 6100 North Clark Street;

Edgewater Mini Mart Inc. — for one canopy at 1215 West Devon Avenue;

Maison Des Crepes — for orte canopy at 5406 North Clark Street;

M O Foods — for two canopies at 1245 West Devon Avenue;

Oreoluwa Clothing and General Merchandise — for two canopies at 1237 West Devon Avenue;

Ten Ten Mortgage Inc. — for one canopy at 2410 West Brjrwn Mawr Avenue; and

Tibetan Healing Arts Center — for three canopies at 1352 — 1356 West Devon Avenue.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance providing Nor-Wood Life Care N.F.P. with inclusive exemption, under its not-for-profit status, from all city fees related to the erection and maintenance of building(s) and fuel storage facilities at 6016 — 6020 North Nina Avenue for a one year period not to exceed February 7, 2008, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98961


Also, three proposed ordinances to grant pemiission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Arby Realty 85 Builders — for one sign adjacent to 5801 North Northwest Highway;

Forest View DeU — for one sign adjacertt to 6452 North Milwaukee Aveuue; and

Perfect Car Wash — for one sign adjacent to 5850 North Northwest Highway.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue a permit to Pampanga's Cuisine and Filipirto Restaurant to construct, maintain and use one canopy to be attached or attached to the building or structure at 6407 North Caldwell Avenue, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.

Presented By



Two proposed ordinances to correct the December 13, 2006 Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Coundl of the City of Chicago conceming traffic 98962 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

regulations, which were Refemed to the Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics, as follows:

Page 95216:

by inserting language authorizing the removal of Disabled Parking Permit 16835 for 1029 North Menard Avenue; and

Page 95237:

by inserting language authorizing the erection of traffic waming signs on various public ways in the 9*, 11*, 13* and 14* Wards.


Also, forty-one proposed ordirtances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Bandera — to maintain and use one dumbwaiter adjacent to 537 North Michigan Avenue;

Bistro 110 — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 110 East Pearson Street;

Bristol Cortdomirtium Association — to maintain and use three planters adjacent to 57 East Delaware Place;

Center for Jewish Life — to construct, install, maintain and use one structural projection adjacent to 111 West Chestnut Street;

Clarion Realty Services — to maintain and use two areaways adjacent to 600 North Michigan Avertue;

Clarion Realty Services — to maintain and use twenty-eight caissons adjacent to 600 North Michigan Avenue; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98963

Clarion Realty Services — to maintain and use four manholes adjacent to 600 North Michigan Avenue;

Clarion Realty Services — to maintain and use one sheeting adjacent to 600 North Michigan Avenue;

CR Madison Management L.L.C. — to maintain and use two vaults adjacent to 105 West Madison Street;

Delaware Place Bank — to construct, install, maintairt and use one electrical conduit adjacent to 190 East Delaware Place;

ECD-Great Street L.L.C. — to construct, install, maintain and use one curb recess bay adjacent to 201 North State Street;

Erie Centre Condominium Association — to maintain and use thirteen balconies adjacent to 373 East Erie Street;

Evergreen Foodmart — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 105 West Division Street;

Gage Fee, L.L.C. — to mairttairt and use one vault adjacent to 18 — 20 South Michigan Avenue;

Howard Johnson Inn — to maintain and use one vaulted area adjacent to 720 North LaSalle Drive;

Mr. John W. Jordan II — to maintain and use two sections offence adjacent to 3 West Burton Place;

Kamai Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 60 East Lake Street;

Loyola University ofChicago — to construct, install, maintain and use one security camera adjacent to 25 East Pearson Street;

LR Development Company — to maintain and use thirty-five tieback systems adjacent to 840 North Lake Shore Drive;

Mambo Grill — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 412 North Clark Street;

Monroe/Wabash Development, L.L.C. — to construct, install, maintairt and use seven planters adjacent to 60 East Monroe Street; 98964 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Monroe/Wabash Developmertt, L.L.C. — to cortstruct, irtstall, maintairt and use one structural projection adjacent to 60 East Monroe Street;

Montesano Capital Management, Inc. — to maintain and use three sidewalk vaults adjacent to 28 East Jackson Boulevard;

O'Leary's Public House — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 541 North WeUs Street;

Park One Inc. — to maintairt artd use oue sign adjacertt to 57 East South Water Street;

Prime Group Realty Trust — to maintain and use one structural projection adjacent to 400 — 404 North Wabash Avenue;

Reid Murdoch, L.L.C. — to maintain and use three planters adjacent to 325 North LaSalle Street;

Reid Murdoch, L.L.C. — to maintain and use one structural projection adjacent to 325 North LaSalle Street;

Rosebud-Rush — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 55 East Superior Street;

Subway —to constmct, install, maintairt and use two signs adjacent to 1168 North Clark Street;

Sullivan's Steakhouse — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 415 North Dearbom Street;

TEC Properties, L.L.C. — to cortstruct, iustall, mairttairt and use one stmctural projection adjacent to 467 West Erie Street;

Ten East Delaware, L.L.C. — to construct, install, maintain and use one grease separator adjacent to 10 East Delaware Place;

TGI Friday's — to maintain and use one structural projection adjacent to 153 East Erie Street;

Tizi Melloul — to maintain and use one structural projection adjacent to 531 North WeUs Street;

Volare — to maintain and use one illuminated sign adjacent to 201 East Grand Avenue; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98965

Water Tower L.L.C. — to maintain and use two structural projections adjacent to 835 North Michigart Avertue;

Weber GriU Restaurant — to maintain and use two structural projections adjacent to 539 North State Street;

17 North State, L.L.C. — to maintairt and use four vaults adjacent to 17 North State Street;

29 East Madison, L.L.C. — to mairttairt and use four vaults adjacent to 29 East Madison Street; and

351 Mortgage Loan Borrower, L.L.C. — to construct, install, maintain and use one earth reterttiort system adjacent to 353 North Clark Street.


Also, two proposed orders directing the Commissiorter of Buildings to issue permits to M-K Signs, Inc. to install signs/sigrtboards at 105 West Madisort Street, which were Refemed to the Committee on Buildings, as follows:

Orte sigrt measuring 166 square feet; and

one sign measuring 188 square feet.


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing, the Commissioner of Construction and Permits and/or the Commissiorter of Buildings to waive license and permit fees in conjunction with the events noted, to take place along the public ways and during the periods specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Spedal Events and Cultural Affairs, as follows: 98966 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Chicago Opera Theater's Gala — to be held on March 7, 2007 (Raffle License fees);

Christkindlemarket 2006 — to be held in Daley Plaza for the period extending November 23 through December 24, 2006 (Food Vendor and Itinerant Merchant License fees); and

Crescent Holiday Sjmibol — to be held in Daley Plaza for the period extendirtg December 7, 2006 through January 4, 2007 (Installation fee).


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to Mr. Westirt Hill to park his pickup truck and/or van at 700 North Larrabee Street, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety.


Also, nineteen proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or stmctures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

CN Discounts Inc. — for one canopy at 222 South Wabash Avenue;

Dagwood's Sandwich Factory, L.L.C. — for two canopies at 162 North Franklin Street;

Dearkin Res, L.L.C. — for one canopy at 410 North Dearborn Street;

Delaware Place Bank — for one canopy at 190 East Delaware Place; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98967

Fletcher Jones Volkswagen — for three canopies at 1111 North Clark Street;

Friedman Properties Ltd. — for one cartopy at 431 North Dearbom Street;

Friedman Properties Ltd. — for six canopies at 420 North Wabash Avenue;

Hooters of Wells Street, Inc. — for one canopy at 660 North Wells Street;

Garrett's Popcorn Shops — for orte canopy at 2 West Jackson Boulevard;

Garrett's Popcorn Shops — for one canopy at 401 North Michigan Avenue;

Gruen Galleries — for one canopy at 226 West Superior Street;

Jake Melnick's Comer Tap — for one canopy at 41 East Superior Street;

Kizoku Japanese Restaurant — for one canopy at 358 West Ontario Street;

Mini Mart — for one canopy at 414 North Clark Street;

Parto Naderi — for one cartopy at 507 North Wells Street;

Reid Murdoch, L.L.C. — for eight canopies at 325 North LaSalle Street;

River North Hand Car Wash L.L.C. — for two canopies at 356 West Superior Street;

Rosebud on Rush — for three canopies at 720 North Rush Street; and

Weber Grill Restaurant — for fourteen canopies at 539 North State Street.

Presented By



Fifteen proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows: 98968 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America — to construct, install, maintain and use one monument adjacent to 2750 North Lakeview Avertue;

Burton Place — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1447 North Wells Street;

Home Depot/Expo Design Center — to maintain and use three structural projections adjacent to 1500 North Dajd:on Street;

Hudson Parker Mortgage Group Inc. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2523 North Halsted Street;

Image Nails P.C. — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 2458 North Lincoln Avenue;

Kabuki Japanese Restaurant — to maintain and use one illuminated sign adjacent to 2473 North Clark Street;

KDA — to install, maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1578 — 1580 North Clybourn Avenue;

Shine Garden Restaurant — to maintairt and use one sign adjacertt to 903 West Armitage Avertue;

Starbucks Coffee Number 272 — to construct, instaU, maintain and use two signs adjacent to 2529 North Clark Street;

Starbucks Coffee Number 2515 — to maintain and use one door swing adjacent to 2275 North Lirtcolrt Avertue;

Trattoria Gianni — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1711 North Halsted Street;

White Hen Pantry Number 30-85085-2 — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2004 North Halsted Street;

1515 Club — to maintain and use one sigrt adjacertt to 1555 North Dajrtort Street;

1900 North Howe Street — to construct, install, maintairt and use one area of concrete brick pavers adjacent to 1900 North Howe Street; and

2650 Lakeview Condominium Association — to maintain and use one structural projection adjacent to 2650 North Lakeview Avenue. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98969


Also, a proposed ordinance to grant pemiission and authority to Sausalito to maintain and use a portion ofthe public way adjacent to 543 West Diversey Parkway for the operation of a sidewalk cafe, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, a proposed order authorizing the Director of Revenue to waive the Food Vendor, Itinerant Merchant License and Street Closure Permit fees for participants in the Old Town Art Fair to be held on portions of North North Park Avenue, West Menomonee Street, North Lincoln Park West, West Wisconsirt Street, West Orlearts Street, West Willow Street and North Lirtcolrt Avenue, on June 9 and 10, 2007, during the hours of 5:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M., which was Refemed to the Committee on Spedal Events and Cultural Affairs.


Also, two proposed orders directing the Commissioner of Transportatiort to grartt permissiort to the applicants listed to park pickup trucks and/or vans at the locations specified, in accordance with the provisiorts of Title 9, Chapter 64, Sectiort 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Mr. Phillip King - 1661 North Dayton Street; and

Mr. John Marshall - 247 West Scott Street. 98970 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, severt proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Bell Rock Development Co. — for one canopy at 2732 North Clark Street;

FuUerton Parkway Towers, L.L.C. - for six canopies at 2349 - 2361 North Clark Street;

Hudson Parker Mortgage Group Inc. — for one canopy at 2523 North Halsted Street;

Image Nails P.C. — for three canopies at 2458 North Lincoln Avenue;

Louie on the Park — for three canopies at 1816 North Clark Street;

Magnifique — for oue canopy at 153 West North Avenue; and

Sapori — for one canopy at 2701 North Halsted Street.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance providing Marj^ille Academy with inclusive exemption, under its not-for-profit status, from all city fees related to the renovation and maintenance of the Madonna Center building and appurtenances at 1114 West Grace Street for a two year period not to exceed February 15, 2009, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98971


Also, a proposed ordinance to impose a temporary moratorium on certain provisions of Titie 4, Chapter 156, Section 430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the "Night Game Ordinance", which would allow production and presentation of musical performances on July 5 and 6, 2007 only, beyond the restricted hours in the open air portion of any stadium or plajdng field, subject to neighborhood protection requirements and attendance limitations related thereto, which was Refemed to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection.


Also, eleven proposed ordinances to grant pemiission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center — to maintairt and use one three inch steam pipe adjacent to 836 West Wellington Avenue;

Caribou Coffee Company Inc. — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 3500 North Halsted Street;

Chicago Housing Authority/Hattie Callner Apartments — to maintain and use one fence adjacent to 855 West Aldine Avertue;

Coobah II — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3423 North Southport Avenue;

Duk H. Rhee — to maintain and use one bay window adjacent to 3235 North Ashlartd Avertue; 98972 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

J. C Licht Co. — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3234 North Clark Street;

La Taberna Tapatia — to maintain and use one banner adjacent to 3358 North Ashland Avenue;

Monsignor Murphy's — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3019 North Broadway;

Self Storage 1 — to maintairt and use four banners adjacent to 941 — 957 West Sheridan Road;

Sopranos — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 2901 North Sheffield Avenue; and

Trace — to maintain and use one illuminated sign adjacent to 3714 North Clark Street.


Also, a proposed ordinartce to exempt 1252 Eddy L.L.C. from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facilities for 3535 North Lakewood Avenue, pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, two proposed orders directing the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to the applicants listed to park pickup trucks and/or vans at the locations specified, irt accordance with the provisiorts of Title 9, Chapter 64, Sectiort 170(a) of 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98973

the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Referred to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Mr. Martin Carroll — 1104 West Wellington Avenue; and

Mr. Dustin M. Seemann — 640 West Briar Place.


Also, eleven proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Belair Hotel — for one canopy at 424 West Diversey Parkway;

Blade Hair Skin Body L.L.C. — for orte canopy at 3356 North Ashland Avenue;

Bytes 86 Coffee — for two canopies at 604 — 606 West Barry Avenue;

Bobtail — for eleven canopies at 3425 North Southport Avenue;

City Suites Hotel — for one canopy at 933 West Belmont Avenue;

Duomo Ltd. — for one canopy at 2906 North Broadway;

Ethel's — for one canopy at 3404 North Southport Avenue;

J. C Licht Co. — for one canopy at 3234 North Clark Street;

La Taberna Tapatia — for one canopy at 3358 North Ashland Avenue;

Self Storage 1 — for one canopy at 941 — 957 West Sheridan Road; and 98974 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Trace — for one canopy at 3714 North Clark Street.

Presented By



Eight proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows: Edward Fox Photography — to maintain and use one decorative bronze sculpture adjacent to 4900 North Milwaukee Avenue; Meisa Coffee Restaurant, Inc. -- to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4908 West Irving Park Road;

National Quik Cash — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4820 West Irving Park Road; Rasenick's — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 3940 North Cicero Avenue;

Rasmos — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 4788 North Elston Avenue;

Susie's Drive In — to maintairt and use one sign adjacent to 4126 West Montrose Avenue;

Via La Scala Restaurant — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4364 — 4368 North Milwaukee Avenue; and

William J. Cassidy Tire Co. — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 3820 North Cicero Avenue. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98975


Also, a proposed ordinance to grant permission and authority to La Pena Restaurante to maintain and use a portion ofthe public way adjacent to 4212 North Milwaukee Avenue for the operation of a sidewalk cafe, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, seven proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to constmct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Gala Banquets — for one canopy at 5639 North Milwaukee Avenue;

K 85 L Realty — for one canopy at 5524 West Lawrence Avenue;

Las Tablas — for seven canopies at 4920 West Irving Park Road;

Meisa Coffee Restaurant, Inc. — for one canopy at 4908 West Irving Park Road;

Terry's Place, Inc. — for one canopy at 6323 North Central Avenue;

Via La Scala Restaurant — for one canopy at 4364 — 4368 North Milwaukee Avenue; and

Villa Roma Barber Shop — for orte canopy at 3936 North Cicero Avenue. 98976 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Presented By



Six proposed ordinartces to grant permissiort and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Ace Furniture — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4029 North Broadway;

Broadway Entertainment Inc. — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 3916 North Broadway;

Public Storage — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4072 North Broadway;

Stratford Lodge — to maintairt and use oue structural projection adjacent to 940 West Gordon Terrace;

Uptown Bikes — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4653 North Broadway; and

3500 North Lake Shore Cooperative Apartments — to maintain and use one structural projection adjacent to 3500 North Lake Shore Drive.


Also, three proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Referred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows: 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98977

Clippers 85 Shears Hair Consultants — for one canopy at 4543 North Broadway;

GNS Grocery — for one canopy at 4092 North Broadway; and

Randy's Market — for one canopy at 5010 North Sheridan Road.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance to amend Title 4, Chapter 60, Section 022 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago by deleting subsection 47.51 which restricted the issuance of additional alcoholic liquor Ucenses on North Ravenswood Avenue, from West Irving Park Road to West Berteau Avenue, which was Refemed to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection.


Also, a proposed ordinance to amend Title 4, Chapter 60, Section 023 of the Municipal Code ofChicago by deleting subsection 47.67 which restricted the issuance of additional package goods licenses on North Westerrt Avertue, from West Winnemac Avenue to West Foster Avenue, which was Refemed to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection. 98978 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, sixteen proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Addison Station Condominium Association — to construct, install, maintain and use two bay windows adjacent to 1801 West Addison Street;

Andies Restaurant II — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1461 — 1467 West Morttrose Avertue;

Atlas Electric Devices Co. — to maintairt artd use one conduit adjacent to 4114 North Ravenswood Avenue;

BjTon Flats, L.L.C. — to cortstruct, install, maintain and use eight balconies adjacent to 1952 West Byron Street;

Cell Link ofChicago, Inc. — to maintairt and use one illuminated sign adjacent to 1812 West Irving Park Road;

CY's Steak and Chop House — to maintain and use one sign adjacertt to 4138 North Lirtcolrt Avertue;

Enjoy, An Urban General Store — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 4727 North Lincoln Avenue;

Gannon's Pub — to maintain and use two bay windows adjacent to 4264 North Lincoln Avenue;

Gannon's Pub — to maintain and use one windscreen adjacent to 4264 North Lincoln Avenue;

Kam Mou Chan — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1465 West Irving Park Road;

La Bocca — to maintain and use two security cameras adjacent to 4618 North Lincolrt Avenue;

NC4000 Condominium Association — to maintain and use one grease basin adjacent to 4027 North Lirtcolrt Avertue;

Remesas Morttrose Corp. — to mairttairt and use two signs adjacent to 1924 West Montrose Avenue; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98979

San Miguel Bakery Inc. — to maintain and use two signs adjacent to 1607 West Montrose Avenue;

Starbucks Coffee Number 2491 — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 1900 West Montrose Avenue; and

Technical Tune Up — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 3658 North Lincoln Avenue.


Also, five proposed ordinances to grant pemiission and authority to the applicants listed to maintain and use those portions ofthe public way adjacent to the locations noted for the operation of sidewalk cafes, which were Re/erred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as foUows:

Chicago's Pizza — 1919 — 1921 West Montrose Avenue;

Glenn's Diner — 1820 West Montrose Avenue;

Jury's — 4337 North Lincoln Avenue;

The Rail Bar 86 GriU - 4709 North Damen Avenue; and

Sola Restaurant — 3868 North Lincoln Avenue.


Also, a proposed order directing the Commissioner of Transportation to give consideration to honorarily designate the intersection of North Hermitage Avenue and West Bjrron Street as "Mike and Marleert Fogarty Way", which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way. 98980 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, rtirte proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licertsirtg to issue pemiits to the applicants listed to construct, maintairt and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Andies Restaurant II — for two canopies at 1461 — 1467 West Montrose Avenue;

Better Kitchen 86 Bath — for one canopy at 3930 North Ashland Avenue;

Chicago Holistic Medicine — for one canopy at 1619 West Montrose Avenue;

El Llano Restaurant Inc. Number 2 — for one canopy at 3941 North Lincoln Avenue;

Homey Gallery — for three canopies at 3656 North Lincoln Avenue;

Horizon Group L.L.C. — for one canopy at 1938 — 1950 West Lawrence Avenue;

Horizon Realty — for seven canopies at 1828 — 1838 West Lawrence Avertue;

Lather Chicago — for orte canopy at 1826 West Montrose Avenue; and

West Lakeview Liquors, Inc. — for one canopy at 2156 West Addison Street.

Presented By

ALDERMAN M. SMITH (48'" Ward):


Two proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the appUcants listed to maintain and use signs adjacent to the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows: 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98981

Broadway Antique Market — for one sign adjacent to 6130 North Broadway; and

Turkish Cuisine and Bakery — for one sign adjacent to 5605 — 5609 North Clark Street.


Also, a proposed ordinance to grant pemiission and authority to Coffee Chicago to maintain and use a portion of the public way adjacent to 5256 North Broadway for the operation of a sidewalk cafe, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, seven proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensirtg to issue permits to the applicciuts listed to construct, maintain cmd use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or structures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Chicago Rhjrthm Cafe — for one canopy at 5230 North Sheridan Road;

Col-Uba Bar 86 GriU - for one canopy at 5663 - 5665 North Clark Street;

Haircuttery Number 3401 — for one canopy at 5539 North Clark Street;

Holljrwood Pantry — for two canopies at 1301 — 1303 West Holljrwood Avenue;

Leonardo's Ristorante Tuscan Bistro — for one canopy at 5657 — 5659 North Clark Street; 98982 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Los Arcos — for one canopy at 5525 North Clark Street; and

Turkish Cuisine and Bakery — for one canopy at 5605 — 5609 North Clark Street.


Also, a proposed resolution urging the Department of Planning and Development, the Department of Transportatiort and the Department of Environment to explore the feasibility of creating parking and auto related fee structures based on carbon dioxide emissions of a motor vehicle, which was Refemed to a Joint Committee comprised of the members of the Committee on Energy, Environmental Protection and Public Utilities and the members of the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.

Presented By

ALDERMAN M. SMITH (48'" Ward) And ALDERMAN O'CONNOR (40'" Ward):


A proposed order authorizing the Director of Revenue to waive Food Vendor License and Special Event Permit fees for participants in the Midsommarfest 2007 event to be held on June 9 and 10, 2007, during the hours of 11:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., which was Refemed to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98983

Presented By



A proposed ordinance to amend Title 13, Chapter 64 of the Municipal Code of Chicago by the addition of new Section 135 which would require the building owner, manager or agent of a residential rental unit to perform annual inspections of smoke detectors within said residential units and maintain the functionality of such smoke detectors or replace defective items therein, which was Re/erred to the Committee on Buildings.


Also, four proposed ordinances providing inclusive exemption from all city fees to the applicants listed, under their not-for-profit status, which were Refemed to the Committee on Finance, as follows:

Lester and Rosalie Anixter Center, various locations — related to the maintenance of buildings and fuel storage facilities for a one year period not to exceed January 15, 2008;

Loyola University, 6525 North Sheridan Road — for a one year period rtot to exceed Jartuary 15, 2008;

Mission Cristiana Elim, 1615 West Morse Avenue and 6918 North Ashland Boulevard — related to the erection and maintertance of a building for a one year period not to exceed February 15, 2008; and 98984 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Rogers Park Family Health Center, 1555 West Howard Street — related to the erection and maintertance of a building for a one year period not to exceed Febmary 15, 2008.


Also, a proposed ordinance to amend Title 4, Chapter 60, Section 023 of the Municipal Code of Chicago by the addition of new subsection 49.30 which would disallow the issuance of additional alcoholic package goods Ucenses on North Clark Street, from West Pratt Boulevard to West Wallen Avenue, which was Referred to the Committee on License and Consumer Protection.


Also, five proposed ordinances to grant permission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

The Common Cup — to install, maintairt and use two banners adjacent to 1501 West Morse Avenue;

Loyola University ofChicago — to maintain, use and occupy space adjacent to 1101 West Loyola Avenue;

Organics L.L.C. — to maintain and use one fire escape adjacent to 1724 West Greenleaf Avenue; 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98985

Quesadillas Dona Lolis — to maintain and use one sign adjacent to 6924 North Clark Street; and

Supermercado El Mexicano — to construct, install, maintain and use three security cameras adjacent to 6701 — 6703 North Clark Street.


Also, a proposed ordinance to grant permission artd authority to Charmers Cafe/The Dagel and Beli Shop to maintain and use a portion ofthe public way adjacent to 1500 West Jarvis Avenue for the operation of a sidewalk cafe, which was Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way.


Also, six proposed ordinances to exempt the applicants listed from the physical barrier requirement pertaining to alley accessibility for the parking facilities adjacent to the locations specified, pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 20, Section 430 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Re/erred to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

GerouUs Properties, L.L.C. - 6800 North Clark Street;

Mr. Juan Guzman — 6978 North Ashland Boulevard;

Western 4, Inc., doing business as Midas, the Auto Service Experts — 7501 North Western Avenue; 98986 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Mision Cristiana Elim — 6918 North Ashland Boulevard;

Pratt Auto Works, Inc. - 1714 West Pratt Boulevard; and

7501 L.L.C. - 7501 North Westem Avertue.


Also, two proposed orders directirtg the Commissioner of Transportation to grant permission to the applicants listed to park pickup trucks and/or vans at the locations specified, in accordance with the provisions of Titie 9, Chapter 64, Sectiort 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Mr. Joseph Lewis — 7338 North Winchester Avenue; and

Mr. WilUam Stuart — 7441 North Seeley Avenue.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or stmctures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

Howard Common Rentals — for five canopies at 1440 West Howard Street; and

Quesadillas Dona Lolis — for one canopy at 6924 North Clark Street. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98987

Presented By



A proposed order, presented by Aldermen Moore, Muhoz, Chandler, Mitts and Colon, directing the Office of Budget and Management to present to the City Council at its next regular meeting a proposed budget amendment appljdng tert percertt of rtatural gas utility and electric tax revenues to the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which was Refemed to the Committee on Energy, Environmental Protection and Public Utilities.

Presented By



A proposed ordinance providing the Midwest Asian American Center with inclusive exemption, under its not-for-profit status, from all city fees related to the erection and maintenance of building(s) and fuel storage facilities at 2534 West Devon Avenue for a one year period beginning February 25, 2007 and ending February 25, 2008, which was Refemed to the Committee on Finance. 98988 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Also, two proposed ordinances to grant pemiission and authority to the applicants listed for the purposes specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows:

ASAT, Inc. — to construct, install, maintain and use twelve roof overhangs adjacent to 2556 West Devon Avenue; and

Dunkin Donuts — to construct, install, maintairt and use two signs adjacent to 3132 West Devon Avenue.


Also, two proposed orders directing the Director of Revenue/City Clerk to grant permission to the appUcants listed to park pickup trucks and/or vans at the locations specified, in accordance with the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 170(a) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, which were Refemed to the Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, as follows:

Elon Kohrt/Abe's Smoked Fish Place — 6530 North Califomia Avenue; and

Mr. Matthew W. Reese — 6554 North Talman Avenue.


Also, two proposed orders authorizing the Director of Business Affairs and Licensing to issue permits to the applicants listed to construct, maintain and use canopies to be attached or attached to the buildings or stmctures at the locations specified, which were Refemed to the Committee on Transporiation and Public Way, as follows: 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98989

Salma Fabric 86 Fashion — for one canopy at 2316 West Devon Avenue; and

S 85 L Firtancial, Inc. — for orte canopy at 3052 West Devon Avenue.


Proposed ordinances, orders, et cetera, described below, were presented by the aldermen named and were Refemed to the Committee on Finance, as follows:



Grace Apostolic Church — for new construction on the premises knowrt as 8233 South Exchange Avenue.


Chance Ministries — for rehabilitation on the premises known as 309 North Cicero Avenue.


Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Saint John of Rila — for rehabilitation of existing altar and surrounding area on the premises known as 5944 West CuIIom Avenue. 98990 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007



El Valor Corporation, 1951 West 19* Street.


Fraternite Notre Dame, Inc., 502 North Central Avenue.


S.G.A. Coffee Cafe, 4300 North Narragansett Avenue.


Friends of Newberry Math and Science Academy, 700 West Willow Street.



Tobacco Road, Inc., 4701 South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive — annual ventilation inspection fee.


Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, 5480 South Kenwood Avenue — annual ventilatiort inspection fee.


Family Rescue, Rosenthal Family Lodge, 3234 East 91*' Street — annual refrigeration inspection fee. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98991


Beverly Montessori School, 9916 South Walden Parkway — aurtual refrigeratiort irtspection fee.

Sairtt Christirta School, 3333 West 110* Street — aurtual elevator inspection fee.


Norwood Crossing, 6016 North Nina Avertue — annual refrigeration inspection fee.


Cabrini Green Legal Aid Clinic, Irtc, 206 West Divisiort Street — anrtual verttilation inspection fee.


A.G. Beth Israel, 3635 West Devon Avenue — annual elevator inspection fee.



Tobacco Road, Inc., 4701 South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive.


Historic Pullman Foundation, 11160 — 11162 South Champlain Avenue.


NTO-OTONG Association USA Inc., 1809 West 51*' Street. 98992 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Washington Smith, 2315 West 112* Place.


Chinese American Service League, Inc., 2141 South Tan Court.


Midwest Bible School, 3463 North Cicero Avenue.


Saint James Ministries, 11770 South Lowe Street.


Daughters of Saint Mary of Providence/lortg term care facilities, various locations (4).


Nor-Wood Life Care N.F.P., 6016 North Nina Avenue.


Saint Edwards Roman Catholic Church, 4456 North Lowell Avenue.


Saint Margaret Mary Church, 2324 West Chase Avenue. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98993

Wright Hall, 6364 North Sheridan Road.


A.G. Beth Israel Congregatiort, 3635 West Devort Avertue.



The People's Community Development Association of Chicago, 3570 West Fifth Avenue — refund in the amount of $18,726.95.


Concordia Avondale Campus, 3300 North Whipple Street — refunds in the amounts totaling $632.50 and $345.00.



West Town Chamber of Commerce — for placement of garbage cans along portiorts of West Chicago Avertue and North California Avenue.


Special Service Area Number 29 -- for placement ofthree garbage cans on public way at 2158, 2201 and 2259 West Chicago Avenue. 98994 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007



Johnson, Carol J.

Hartigan, Lawrence J.

Parks, Evelyn J.


Ajayi, Zack Bogan, Nadine

Almand, Edith Bowles, Lois P.

Atkins, Joy S. Brashers, Mary

Bacon, Lousie M. Broms, Anita M.

Ball, Vera J. Bronson, Walter W.

Barnes, Amy L. Brooks, Beulah R.

Barrett, Laura Brookter, Gloria T.

Batte, Ruby L. Brown, Albert B.

Bell, Lucille Brown, Rose Marie

BeU, Dolores E. Brown, Loretta F.

Bennett, Cecil B. BuUock, Bertha M.

Bennett, Lois Burin, Liselotte

Blakemore, Verna L. Burnette, Clyde

Blumenthal, Milton Bjmum, Gloria 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98995

Caruara, Atilano Ellis, Joan E.

Campbell, Calvin C Ervin, Mel

Carter, Shirley A. Evans, Richard H.

Chiles, Opal C Finley, Louise V.

Chiu, Herman Fizer, Eloise M.

Clark, Alta Fleming, Clara B.

Clark, Beatrice S. Flemming, Dorothy B.

ColUns, Shirley Z. Friedrich, Lore

Cooper, Max Gant, Ozella J.

Cooper, Weldon G. Garmony, Katherine

Correa Da Silva, Gabriele B. Geeter, Joseph H.

Covington, Frances Geisel, Stefi

Cunningham, Almyrtle T. George, Eunice A.

Curry, Julia Goldman, Irene M.

Curry, Cicero E. Grinbarg, Thelma

Daniels, Jack and Beverly Hall, Lillian

Dray, Ida Harrell, Beatrice

Dungy, Leola S. Harris, Grace

Dupuy, Nelda A. Harris, Margie O.

Edwards, Althea Harris, Marion R.

Eggleston, Ophelia Harris, Shirley M. 98996 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Heard, Aaron Lindsey, Marie

Herzoff, Rhoda L. Lowrence, Joan E.

Hejmian, Dorothy Luhmann, Phillips R.

Hirschberg, Sonya Maurtie, Jessie A.

Holland, Imogene T. Maxwell, Floriese

Hopkirts, Johrtrtie M. McBride, Helen

Howard, Gladys J. McClellan, Mary

Hozinsky, Barbara L. McDaniel, Charles-Gene

Hjmien, Lorrta McGlory, Avadner

Ivory, Augusta Miles, Rosalie

Johnson, Nelleda Millet, Joseph A.

Jones, Ruth Mitchell, Marjorie L.

Keith, Elizabeth B. MitcheU, Rita L.

Kenward, Eleanor F. Montgomery, Alma

King, Gwendolyrt Moody, William H.

Koroma, Mahalia M. Nakagawa, William K.

Lee, Amy L. Nash, Lillian J.

Lee, Jertrtie Niksich, Kate

Letchinger, Melvin H. Pace, Frances M.

Levin, Eve K. Patinkin, Harold S.

Levison, Mary E. Paul, Helen L.

Lewis, Joan Perelmuter, Nancy G. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98997

Phillips, Bertrand Sidney, Nontharee E.

Piccirilli, Harriet D. Simmons, Charlotte M.

PiUett, Etiennette Simon, Mae

Pitts Evelyn, J. Sissman, Jerome

Podolner, Charlotte Smith, Jacqueline F.

Porter-Davis, Hazel Smith, Lillian

Prejeart, Julia A. Smith, Jesse

Pudik, Edward W. Smith, Thomasina

Railey, Johnnie Mae Spencer, Jean F.

Ray, Lillian L. Stein, Howard

Ries, CeciUe T. Stinnette, Cjmthia Z.

Robertson, Lillie N. Stockton, Gretta L.

Rosen, Charlotte Sturmack, Ellen N.

Rosenthal, Shirley L. Sumler, James E.

Rothblatt, Ben Summers, Georgia

Sacks, Martin M. Sutton, Clarence E.

Sanchez, Dolores Takaki, Nobuko

Saxon, Eveljm M. Talbert, Romance

Schwartz, Lillian H. Tarson, Phyllis

Scott, Ida L. Taylor, Barbara W.

Sen, Gouri Thomas, Myldred

Sibert, Frederick J. Tolbert, Bennie 98998 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Tompkins, Carol N. White, Annie

Towles, Delores White, James A. Sr.

Tumer, Ruth P. Whitley, George and Olive K.

Volkmar, Betty L. Wildee, Maude M.

Wallace, Martin WilUams, Pearl E.

Washingtort, Gloria H. WUson, Bentiey C

Washirtgtort, Vemort Wood, William

Waters, Lois H. Yancy, Eloise

Weems, Dolores J. Young, Anna T.

Weinstein, Sejmiour


Douglas, Juanita


Allison, Birdie L.


Albaracin, Carmen Banke, Lillian

Albright, Jeanette M. Bargi, Mario

AUotta, Antoniette A. Basich, Esther

Almaria, Susana R. Beer, Robert S.

Anderson, Jeurtie and Virginia Benson, Ruth 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 98999

Bezanes, Olga Chipei, Eva A.

Biedron, Joann B. Christian, Joaurte

Binkowski, Harry S. Christiansen, Betty L.

Bjork, LilUan E. Cicero, Jeanette M.

Blaho, Eleanor A. Cielocha, Theresa I.

Bonder, Eleanor V. Cipolla, Florence M.

Boyes, Norma A. Citko, Helen

Brando, Stella Ciupinski, Helen C

Brown, Bettie D. Clawson, Melvin L.

Bruno, Bernice Costa, Salvatore

Budnick, Frances A. Coughlin, Dolores M.

Budnik, John Cruz, Catherine

Bugielski, Lottie Cwanek, Richard A.

Buhler, Barbara A. Czech, Roselle A.

Burke, Thomas G. Dahlgren, Carl G.

Buscarini, Genevieve F. Dekas, Evelyn F.

Cain, Anna M. Delaney, Norinne

Carlino, Anthony J. Dillon, Eveljm A.

Caron, Robert L. Disbrow, Mildred G.

Ceffalio, Anna Donaldson, Patricia E.

Cervantes, Lucy M. Doran, John

Cervantes, Lupe Dougan, Arnold J. 99000 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Douglass, Eveljm E. Greinke, Dorothy V.

Doyle, Michael Grobosch, Joseph P.

Ducasse, Rajmiond A. Greener, Genevieve

Eirick, Rosemary Grossmayer, Nick M.

Filetti, Beatrice C Grund, Louise R.

Fischer, Maria P. Gudel, Harriet L.

Flammini, Barry J. Guske, Shirley F.

Froney, Harold P. Haag, David J.

Gagliano, Lola Hansort, Edwirt A.

Gandolfo, Rocco Hartman, Geraldine M.

Garioto, SteUa S. Holubovsky, Nancy R.

Gaskin, Julie Howe, Patricia A.

Gaughan, Mary Huebscher, Mildred

Gerakaris, Helen Huribrink, Phyllis

Giacone, Thelma J. Jambor, Frances

Giuffrida, Mario T. Jankowski, Laverne

Glidden, Mary M. Jarmuth, Anna M.

Goodman, Benjamirt Z. Johnson, Herman

Gore, Ray V. Jorgensen, Kristian N.

Goschi, Lawrence F. Kamienski, Lottie

Grabkowski, Teresa Karbach, Ann J.

Green, Lucille R. Karlak, Stella 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99001

Kelley, Josephine M. Lazzara, Sam S.

Kelly, Claire Lechowicz, Jane

King, Margaret Ledic, Julia

Klickman, Elenora A. Legenski, Irene

Krtudsen, Robert J. Lempicki, Helen

Koetz, Donna M. Leon, Ruth E.

Kolak, Mike Leouardi, Virtcertt J.

Kolodziej, Walter C Lewczertko, Maria

Koscinski, Antoinette Lichtfuss, Elizabeth

Kotlarz, Joseph L. Lindell, Vernon

Kotwica, Dolores C Lopresti, Vincertt M.

Krawczjm, Ann Marie Luczak, Miuerva M.

Kruk, Roman P. Ljmch, Artrt V.

Ksiazkiewicz, Ada Magani, Shirley M.

Kubica, Loretta H. Maibusch, Stephanie H.

Kurcz, Irene A. Malta, Marie M.

Kurz, Harriet M. Manicki, Lorraine

Kwiatek, Gertrude M. Manto, Doris A.

Lacesa, Yolanda A. Marchiortrte, Artrte C

Lambesis, Gus Mariovitz, Johrt

Lamont, Edwina Martirt, Irerte 99002 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Martino, Robert Novak, Charles J.

Masella, Anthony Nuccio, Girolamo

Mauro, Philip R. Olszewski, Loretta

Mayfield, Helen A. Olvera, Carlos

McGann, James G. Oria, Maxine G.

Metsala, Helen M. Oswald, Adam

Metzger, Elaine C O'Malley, Martin J.

Mejme, Jane Pacana, Lillian

Michalec, Leona E. Paju, Salme

Miodu, Renetta Palmisano, Verlie I.

Mockler, Margaret Paoli, Ida

Moore, Anna D. Parmley, Carolyn J.

Moriarty, Eugene M. Pienkos, Artgela V.

Morse, George E. Piwowar, Stephanie

Mueller, Agnes Polnik, Mary

Muench, Mary L. Potratz, Robert J.

Mulligan, Anne T. Readdy, Marie A.

Murphy, John Rebacz, Stanley J.

Naase, Katharina Rehor, Josef

Naumiec, June R. Reile, Irmgard B.

Netterstrom, Frances J. Rekosh, Eugenia

Noland, Mary H. Renaldi, Irene C 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99003

Rhodes, Regina M. Speaker, Dolores E.

Richter, Toni E. Stengel, Aurta

Rife, Nellie Styslo, Rose Marie

Rowe, Jack G. SurdeU, LilUan R.

Ruff, Rosalie Suzuki, Ruth

Ryan, Mildred Sztorc, Edward

Sahagan, Nadine Tamborello, Marion

Salamone, Verner J. Thomas, Marilyn B.

Sammartino, Joseph A. Torri, Eddie L.

Sander, Frank Totaro, Jean V.

Sasso, Marie Treletsky, Henry

Sbertoll, Grace L. Van Vlierbergen, Robert C

Scalzitti, Nancy Vydra, Florence M.

Seyb, WiUard H. Wahlquist, Bemard C

Sharkey, Dorothy G. Walsh, Anna M.

Skoneczny, Teofila Wavering, Elaine P.

Smith, Pleas J. Wawrzos, Wladyslawa

Snyder, Phyllis K. Webber, Dale

Sobolewski, Irene Y. Weber, David E.

Sochacki, Alfred Witte, Ann M.

Somogyi, Dolores Wojciechowski, Dolores 99004 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Wojcik, Filomena Zanetto, Lillian

Wojewocki, Leonard ZemguUs, Martha A.

Yatsushiro, Kenji Ziegenhorn, Patricia J.

Young, Blanch Zminkowski, EUzabeth A.

Zajakala, Loretta M. Zuba, Ted H.


Ang, Pacita Y. Dockery, Mary

Aronietis, Guna I. Didier, Alfred L.

Baclic, Melania Dunn, Marion B.

Barr, Elayne Erskine, Peggy

Beitz, Helen V. Ettwein, Manfred

Bennett, Andrew E. Fish, Norma T.

Berger, Carol C Galinis, John W.

Bouras, Fotis C Gierke, Sandra J.

Carlson, Norman A. Glow, Eugenia B.

Cetinske, Edward S. Goos, Louise E.

Connolly, Mary C Gugliuzza, Phillip C

Cross, Chester J. Hamilton, Florence

Desherow, Virginia Harris, Iris D.

Dettert, Rosellyn R. Hodges, Robert D. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99005

Holderbaum, Marion A. Proessner, Karl M.

Irmen, Paul T. Pruesser, Rita J.

Jedjmak, Wiktoria Quist, WilUam E.

Jensen, Marian R. Roman, Florence

Kerros, Clarence Schalk, DeUa

Klass, Minette Schar, Georgiana L.

Koehler, Dorothy E. Schuster, MyrI

Koenig, Margit Spetyla, Dolores A.

Komensky, Eveljm StangI, Dorothy G.

Kreger, Amy H. Stefanovic, Anneliese

Kushino, Betty Strojny, Leonard

Laftsidis, Helen Sullivan, John F.

Lehr, Rosemarie E. Summerville, Bridget A.

Mally, Dortald P. Swanson, Anna L.

Marks, Robert H. Vanslambrouck, Ann M.

Meyers, Frances M. Ward, Arlene

Michaletz, Roberta A. Welsh, Muriel

MiUer, SalUe A. Whisler, Peggy H.

MiUer, Walter L. Wolfberg, Eileen

Moran, Mary Donna Worozaken, Josphine S.

Nakamura, Ben Yep, Rose

Peterson, Mariljm ZiteUa, Agnes E. 99006 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007


Del Gado, Joseph R.

Greabe, Rajmiond R.


Ahmed, Latif Bentiey, Robert R.

Albertson, David E. Berberian, Kay

Alexander, George Berger, Theodore

Allesee, Raoul Berkowitz, George

Altbach, Milton Berkson, Ruth

Arbetman, Sylvia Bernstein, Isadore

Aries, Marie L. Bernsteirt, Rortald A.

Aronson, Harold L. Jr. Bielski, Pauliue B.

Asma, Fern Bifarto, Ned D.

Avis, Edward V. Blartkertship, Marshall L.

Baer, Doris Blessirtgtort, Judy

Banke, Harriet Blitz, Carmont

Baronick, Martin J. Blonsky, Marilyn S.

Bazer, Samuel Z. Bloom, Marceline

Belskey, John C Boden, Hans

Bendoff, Diane S. Bogan, Ralph Jr. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99007

Boggs, Joseph D. CaldweU, J. Robert

Bohm, John A. Callen, Lawrertce A.

Boniecki, Joseph M. Cardozo, Richard L.

Borowitz, Joseph Carr, Margaret W.

Boss, Edward H. Chapman Edward A.

Bowman, Robert P. Christensert, Robert A.

Braden, Donna B. Chung, Ki E.

Bragno, Henry W. Cichon, Louis B.

Brandt, Kermit A. Colodny, Maurty

Braun, Saramae Cortrtell, Joyce

Brodkin, Zerna M. CortrtoUy, Virtcent R.

Bromberg, Gloria Cortway, Sharort

Brown, Nancy H. Cook, Matthew D.

Brooks Davis, John Cooper, Doris F.

Brophy, Corinne B. Cooper, Margaret J.

Browrt, Gloria Crocker, Diane W.

Bucchianeri, Jean D. Crowell, Patricia

Buchanan, Robert R. Davies, Marshall F.

Burg, Leonard Desatnick, Robert L.

Buller, June Dick, AzUe V. 99008 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Dobrin, Marshall L. Florio, Selma

Domuray, William B. Forman, Ruth G.

Dow, Virginia H. Fox, David S.

Dubow, Shirley Fox, Matthew C

Dudeck, June Frank, EUzabeth H.

Ebinger, Edith F. Friedman, Lucille M.

Edelman, Sunny Friedman, Marcia F.

Eisenstein, Gerald T. Freiman, Arnold

Elman, Irwin M. Frohman, Lawrence A.

Erde, Frank Gailen, Wirtifred

Erdevig, Eleanor Gairtes, Edith B.

Erlich, Fanchon Geisertheimer, Edwin D.

Evans, Margaret T. Gluth, Robert C

Falbo, Rose Gold, Harry D.

Feiber, Milton Goldenberg, Larry

Field, Dona Gordon, Jeanette

Filkirts, Gilbert W. Gottlieb, Eveljm

Firtkel, Dorothy T. Gould, June L.

Fisher, Eugene Graham, Miriam

Fisher, Jack Grant, Gordon P. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99009

Gray, Melvin Joseph, Gerda and Jack

Grosby, Audrey Kaempf, James W.

Hadley, Priscilla Kanehl, Lois A.

Hajost, Joseph Kaplan, Sidney M. Kasakoff, Gertrude Hammerman, Charlotte

Kass, Margot K. Havey, Thomas W. Kelz, Theodore Hickey, Marjorie Kienlert, Louis J. HiU, CUssold E. Kinders, Doris M. Hirsch, John B. Kleeberg, Eileen HoUeb, Marshall M. Klein, Catherine E. Hurckes, Mary Louise Klein, Jean L.

lacono, Russel R. Klein, Sanford

Igelman, Mortort Kleper, Jeanne

Jacobs, Terri C Kolb, Betty H.

Jacobsert, Agrtes E. Kostman, Milford and Francine

Jalass, Lilliart Kowalsky, Walija

Jarolim, Carl Kretske, Harriette S.

Johnson, Elbe Krikorian, Ann

Johnsort, Carol B. Kubala, Mary Ruth

Johrtston, Kathleen A. Kulis, John C 99010 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Kurtzman, Bernice Lucich, Dragana L.

Kuzmickas, Virginia Luiken, Jerry A.

LaBeau, Ella Lustman, Haurtah T.

Lansky, Marvin S. Lynch, Earl D.

Lauer, Elaine M. Mack, Cecil

Lazar, Zelda S. Mages, Rita R.

Lefton, Tobi M. Malek, Molly C

Lenneberg, Johanna Maloff, Jack

Leonard, Maria Mandel, Mildred

Lerrter, Isadore Mann, Gertrude A.

Levirt, Harry and Betty Manna, Esther S.

Levine, Anne Markovich, Milan V.

Levine, Baruch Marks, Sally

Levine, Mimi T. Marsland, Susan L.

Levinson, Muriel Martin, Roselou

Levinthal, Lester M. Mathews, Cecil

Levit, Grace E. Mathin, Rochelle

Levy, Ann Magad Matson, Norman R.

Levy, Bernard M. Mayer, David P. Mayer, Nann Lifton, Robert B. Mecourt, Sandra L. Lowitz, Shana 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99011

Meganck, Marion J. Novak, Lawrence A.

Melnick, Judith Novick, Minna S.

Meltzer, Zelma Noyes, Richard J.

Metzger, Richard D. Nussbaum, MJTOU

Meyer, Heidi O'Connor, Marie

Meyer, Mary Beth T. Ogle, Margery S.

Meyer, Norma L. OUendorf, Kate R.

Micaletti, Patricia O'Meara, William L.

MiUer, David B. O'Neill, Margaret

Miller, Irving F. Ortiz, Everett M.

Miller, Lloyd Osimowicz, Geraldine H.

Miner, Judith OToole, Richard J.

Minghi, Michael A. Otvos, Robert P.

Moore, Katherine Ozmon, Nat P.

Mosser, Judith P. Palmer, Karl R.

Murray, Leota A. Palomo, Francisco

Nadler, Norbert Pantelis, Lorraine

Nathan, Harriet B. Parkirt, Louise

Nelson, Judith C Patinkin, Rosalie

Newmark, James H. Peschon, Mary

Niedelson, Martin S. Piser, Marvin 99012 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Plotkin, Manuel Ruttenberg, Sarajean

Potter, Babette J. Sage, Josephine

Powell, Bert Sama, Walter T.

Prikopa, John Schaller, CeU H.

Putman, Richard H. Schallmoser, Joseph

Quinn, Margaret M. Schulgasser, Evelyn

Raab, Emst and Edith E. Schumacher, Norma

Rath, Ethel Schwartz, Herbert X.

Ray, Monna J. Selfridge, Frederick

Reed, Mary L. Septow, Marjorie K.

Reiffel, Evelyn L. Shaffer, Frank J.

Rich, Richard M. Shames, Suzanne

Rich, Judith S. Shapiro, Arthur L.

Ritsos, George T. Shapiro, Norman D.

Robert, Emery D. Siegal, Blanche

Robinson, Jean C Silverman, Howard B.

Robinson, Roland Simmons, Charlotte I.

Roesel, Rudolph Simmons, Eleanor

Rosenbaum, Don Simon, Mariort E.

Roth, Phillip and Kei Simonian, Sara

Rummel, Zoe Snyder, Sherwood

Russinof, Patricia A. Sorensert, Verrton 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99013

Stack, James R. Valentine, John F.

Steadman, Dorothy Valleau, Marie C

Stein, Rose Vanderbeck, Catherine

Strasburg, Shiriee Vogelgesang, Wylla

Straus, Henry H. Wagner, Robert

Strobl, Walter Waller, Lois

Svoboda, Rajmiond Watanuki, Kumiko

Sweet, Lois Wedgeworth, Chung-Kjain

Sychowski, Robert White, Ida

Sykes, Heaton H. Windmiller, Betty

Tadman, Gloria M. Wineburgh, Leonard

Taghert, Francis Witkowsky, Iris S.

Taylor, Lois J. Wolin, Leon

Tecklenburg, Walter F. Yeslin, Meyer

Theodossis, Tom Young, Joann

Thomas, Beatrice J. Zivin, Alma

Topel, MUdred Zraiek, Rosemarie

Towne, Theodore L. Zweig, Rosette


Arkin, Mickey Bader, Arlene M. 99014 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Bardy, Helen Filipowski, John M.

Berky, Marcie Fishman, Mariljm

Block, Bernard K. Foley, Norine B.

Boliaris, Daniel F. Jr. Freed, Howard J.

Branch, Olive A. Futorian, Majorie

Brommel, Bernard J. Glaser, Esther H.

Bruffee, Bjrron A. Goldenberg, Rochelle

Buntain, Judith A. Graff, Mildred F.

Burman, Kay Grant, Jerry

Coyne, Erwin Graves, Karen J.

Cronirt, James T. Gregor, Marguerite

Cronin, Paul Grodzin, Roslyn and Sam

Cronin, Paul J. Hallissey, EUen C

Crow, Joan R. Hechtman, Karin F.

Daugirdas, George S. Herman, Simone

Deroose, Grace Homer, Marvin

Dima, Anthony Jajko, Carlyle J.

Dimmick, Helen Johnstort, Bruce D.

Duban, Norman M. Kawitt, Alan

Dugan, Margaret U. Kraus, Catherine

Edelson, Rose A. Lane, Peter

Fennelly, Rose Lawler, Marilyn R. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99015

Lazarus, Monte Rose, Roberta

Lenow, Martirt Rowe, Margaret Jean

Levatino, James Ryan, Nancy R.

Levinsort, Joseph L. Salkin, EsteUe

Levy, Marvin D. Sauvat, Pierrette E.

Lyman, Joan Scholz, Annelie

Manohis, Angelo T. Segal, Donald W.

Morreale, Yvonne L. Shure, Joseph P.

Novak, Ada B. Somberg, Edward D.

Oswald, Ronald E. Spieler, Robert J.

Parker, HUdred B. Synchef, Rena J.

Penz, Carol W. Tuntland, Charlotte

Periow, Bertha Turbin, Bita F.

Perry, Elaine B. Unsworth, Jean M.

Piowaty, Joan R. Variano, John

Pollock, Stanley L. Voutes, Thomas G.

Rajmiond, Shirley D. Walters, Irene

Rice, Vivian A. Watson, James L.

Rigoni, Gloria M. Weed, Robert F.

Roccaforte, Harry I. Weisenseel, Richard F.

Rogers, Paul R. Weisman, Avis 99016 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Weist, Barbara J. Yassin, Hisham

WeUand, Betty A. Zeitler, June E.

Wood, Charles P.


Jedrasek, Victoria


Beard, Emmitt

Daman, Joseph

Livingston, Donine

Schmidt, Nancy

Stevens, Audrey


Abarbanel, Gertrude Anagnostopoulos, George D.

Abe, Teiji Anagnostopoulos, Nicholas D.

Accola, Marilyn L. Angel, Joseph

AUen, Rochelle L. Anghelo, Luiza

Alvarado-Schafler, Gregory Aronson, Muriel

Alvare, Manuel Ascher, Dorothy

Alvarez, David E. Austin, Carolyn S.

Amici, Joyce Baim, Blanche and Florence

Amon, Rene Baitcher, Judith 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99017

Bakaitis, Lorraine T. Blumenthal, Judith E.

Baker, June L. Bowman, Billie J.

Balwin, Jacqueline M. Bowyer, Thomas S.

Banks, Leona Boyle, Neil

Barker, Eleanor Braverman, Beatrice

Barry, Mary Anne Brinkman, Roger B.

Bartholemaus, Mary L. Brociner, Haskal

Basevitz, Irwin R. Brockelmann, Marianne

Beaudoin, Ralph H. Brodnitch, Sophie

Beecham, Annie Brody, Thelma

Behrend, Jack Brortsort, Lois S.

Behurt, Charles Brorsert, Adelirte Q.

Bertedetti, Yolanda M. Browrt, Daniel M.

Bergbom, Grace Brown, Florence

Berjon, Julio BmU, Frank

Berman, Arthur L. Buchbinder, Irene

Bertacchi, John A. BuUard, Melvin B.

Bezalian, John P. BuUard, Patrick W.

Bilhorrt, Robert Burgeman, Jack

Bishop, Mable A. Burns, Martin H.

Black, Carol A. Bushart, Gregory L.

Blake, Joan M. Butler, Emily J. 99018 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Caim, Use B. Cohen, Pearle

Call, Forrest T. Cole, Edward M.

Cameron, Catherine I. Cole, Laurence

Canel, Bernice Coleman, Shirley

Cannon, Robert C Colovos, Dena

Carlson, Patricia T. Cortrtell, Joan

Caro, Maria A. Cook, Russell

Carney, Paula L. Corenon, Norman L.

Cary, Arlene D. Costos, Anne F.

Casieri, Elizabeth S. Courtney, Mary A.

Chait, Sam Cragon, Miller M.

Chambers, Marion Craig, Rajmiond E.

Chandavimol, Manida Cua, Nenita A.

Chandler, Josephine E. Cuartas, Luz M.

Chapman, Kenneth W. Daggers, Bernard

Chapman, George B. Ill Daitch, Lillian

Chase, Marilyn T. Dankert, Loretta

Clayton, EUzabeth Davis, Marian M.

Coe, Arthur Ned De Boer, Dorothy L.

Coen, Milton Denzler, Dorothy R.

Cohen, Florence Dimitrov, Vera

Cohen, Milton Dodd, Mary Ann T. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99019

Doem, David M. Friedman, Lillian L.

Dolan, Mary R. Friedman, Morris H.

Dolin, Florence K. Fript, Alice

Dolton, Bertha Fuetterer, Gertina

Dominique, Harriet M. Gallagher, Gerald A.

Donnelly, Nancy Gallagher, Valerie Z.

Dukor, Mary Galvin, Marie S.

Dumke, Carl F. Gardner, Anastasia

Duran, Frank G. Gardrter, Kelli

Elbert, Joan R. Garfield, Sandra G.

Elston, Elston Garofalo, John A.

Emery, Peter A. Genualdi, Marie

Epstein, Harry Georges, Sari

Ersler, Ruth Amy Gerlt, Bernice

Evans, Barbara J. Gibbs, Barry A.

Fiddler, Sally A. GUbert, Betty

Finke, Rosaljm Glasscock, Robert C

Fishman, Lorraine Glassner, Adele

Fitzsimmons, Diane M. Golbus, Delia

Fohrman, Mari C Goldman, Stanley M.

Forde, Wyonne Goldsher, Marvin

French, Eleanor Goloff, Jeanette 99020 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Golsen, Dorothy Harelik, Judith H.

Gomberg, Michael J. Harris, Lilyan

Goodman, Minrtette Harrison, Mary K.

Goodman, Philip Hausman, Arthur J.

Gore, Nadine Hawkins, Dorothy A.

Gountanis, Ted Hayes, Robert E.

Gray, Mary Heffernan, Katherine E.

Greco, Dorothy M. Heft, Theresia

Green, Dorothy A. Hefter, Terese R.

Greenberg, Leort I. Hemmings, Florine S.

Greenfield, Mariene R. Herrmanrt, Beatrice E.

Gros, WiUiam R. Herzog, Fred F.

Grubert, Victor P. Heyer, Astrid

Grubman, Eileen Higgins, Charrta P.

Guinness, Elizabeth J. Hilkirt, Carole W.

Gundersen, Roy M. Hofbauer, Laverne M.

Gunning, George Hoff, Charles W.

Gutierrez, Abraham D. Hoffman, Harold L.

Hahn, Myles Hoffmanrt, Frances C

Hallberg, Karen Hofmanrt, Marie-Theresa B.

Hansen, Grace Holstein, William

Harding, Jacqueline C Horwich, Pauline 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99021

Horwitz, Sanford J. Im, Won S.

Hoskins, Joanne M. loanitescu, Gheorghe

Hubick, Amold N. Ishida, Julius J.

lannitello, Rosario Johnson, Richard C

Jack, Marion S. Kalant, Adeline P.

Jacobs, Frances Kalians, Nicholas C

Jaffe, Sam B. Kamen, Jeanette

Jankovic, Miroslava Kantrowitz, Nathan

Jarchow, Lawrence E. Kanuk, Jack

Johnson, Brian P. Kaplan, Maria A.

Johnson, Doris I. Karageorge, Yetta

Johnson, Jane Katz, Arnold

Johnsort, Mae F. Kaushansky, Elizar

Jortes, Barbara M. Kavanagh, Margaret B.

Joseph, Lillian B. Kaye, Mary G.

Joyce, Thomas and Nancy E. Keller, Beat R.

Jungers, Wallace S. Kerstein, Lorraine

Juhasz, Stephen E. Khedroo, Frances

Kaatz, Arthur J. Kirtrtey, Mary Artrt

Kachel, Patricia S. Klagge, Dieter

Kahn, Artrta Klain, Ruth

Kaiz, Lillian Klement, Nesia 99022 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Knauff, Chariene M. Liebermart, Nelson R.

Koh, Tong-He Lipson, Muriel M.

Kolender, Leonard Loellbach, Herman J.

Komeya, Shirley London, Lorraine

Kornick, Jack Lugiai, Jennifer A.

Kosky, Vivian J. Lundeen, Edith M.

Kramer, Allen Lusk, Linda R.

Kransz, Lois M. Mackin, Mary H.

Kroening, Carol L. Magida, Phyllis

Kruppa, Arlene H. Magruder, Paul L.

Kushnir, Robert J. Malham, Howell J.

Larson, Mary C Manella, Margaret R.

Lauricella, Mae M. Maniates, Maria A.

Lawrence, William R. Mann, Joseph

Lazerson, Florence Mara, Marioara A.

Lebed, Edith Marandiuc, Paraschiva

Lee, May F. Marcus, Julius

Lee, Norma S. Markowitz, Jennie

Lekas, Marie-Jeanne Marks, Arljme M.

Levin, Leona M. Markus, Ida L.

Lewandowski, Maria Massouda, Leila 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99023

Mavetz, Edward J. Mistaras, Evangeline

Maxey, Ernest T. Moffatt, Kathryn J.

Mclntyre, Helen M. Moore, James B.

McKelvy, Helen Moshinsky, Norma R.

McKnight, Pearl Mostek, Karlene A.

McManamort, Ellen Mulherin, Geraldine

McSherry, Reiko Munoz, Mario

McWhorter, Giedre A. Murphy, Barbara J.

Mehta, Madhavi Musso, Mary R.

Melamed, Emilya Myszkowki, Paul

Melchor, Angela J. Naguwa, Charles M.

Mercola, Geraldine Nash, Doris A.

Mest, Belle R. Nicolay, Robert C

Metallo, Nuncio A. Nimitz, George T.

Meyers, Lorraine A. Nishi, Sally

Meyers, Thelma W. Nixon, Doris

Mihai, Dumitra L. Noma, Maudie

MUavetz, Ruth B. Novick, Sylvia

MiUer, WilUam Nowak, Georgiana

MiUs, Alan P. O'Brien, Charlotte

MiskeU, Emily W. O'Callaghan, Patricia J. 99024 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

O'Donoghue, Cathleen E. Rakstang, Shirley M.

O'Malley, Patrick Ramsey, Clarence

Orthel, Cleo V. Regner, Barbara M.

Osmanski, Mary G. Reich, Phillip I.

Pakin, Sherwin E. Reid, Roger R.

Palmer, Marian R. Resch, Mary L.

Palumbo, Anarose L. Rinaldi, Angela

Pannier, Joureene R. Ristic, Liliana

Parsons, Mary Alice Robin, Renee

Pastin, Max Robin sort, Lorrairte E.

Peiser, Cy Rodirt, Brirta K.

Pejovic, Radovan R. Rodmart, Yetta R.

Pelletier, Mary Elizabeth Rogers, Vivian R.

Penaherrera, George E. Romano, Michael

Peppier, Alice H. Romano, Mitzi K.

Peterson, Robert Rose, Lily S.

Pierre-Louis, Nina Rosenblatt, Libby

PoUse, Elsie M. Rothstein, Gail P.

Pollack, Mary Rothstein, Myles

Posternack, Ruth Ruby, Irwin and Bernice

Rachofsky, Annette F. Rutzky, Aldora 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99025

Ryan, Allan C Shortino, Agnes M.

Sakamoto, Fumiyo Siegel, Yale H.

Samlan, Edythe Siegler, Use

Sands, Ariine Silverbrand, Mae

Sato, Aya Y. Simich, Irene C

Saverino, Jolie Simon, Dorothy

Schaalman, Herman E. Simons, Helen P.

Schmidt, Dorothy Smith, Edwina M.

Schrieder, Susan K. Smith, James E.

Seabrook, Sue H. Suite, Fay

Seligman, Goldie Soter, Elaine M.

Semyon, Oirikh Spatuzza, John G.

Senderoff, Lois Spilky, Ruth-Betty

Serlin, Dorothy Spranger, Albert W.

Serritella, Anna Marie Spiegel, Rertate

Shapeck, Mary C Stake, EUzabeth J.

Shapiro, Arthur M. Steirt, Nathan

Sharrard, Charles Stehno, Nancy E.

Shaw, Marian W. Stensort, Virgilirt

Sher, Sidney Sternberg, Bernard and Betty

Sherman, Faye Stewart, Josephine 99026 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Stieber, Beatrice Vilcirts, Gunta M.

StoU, Evelyn E. Vittenson, Ruth

Stormont, Beverly B. Vratny, Patricia R.

StoU, Elsie Vuscko, George D.

Strauss, Leon F. Waaler, Margaret H.

Suarez, Mila C Wallin, Dorothy B.

Sukru, Errol A. Ware, Bemadirte G.

Susskind, Leatrice V. Weigartd, Robert E.

Taaffe, John H. Weirtshel, Betty

Tank, Richard E. Weirtsteirt, Beth

Tauber, Bernice Weismart, Marie C

Templer, Jeanne Wenger, Aurtette M.

Thompson, Robert G. West, MUdred

Tietz, Annegret H. White, Virginia M.

Timmins, Lawrence Wilke, Toni

Tobin, Francis X. Williams, Linda M.

Tolbert, Geneva Wise, Eileen M.

Topoaz, Gustav Wolff, Norman E.

Trabish, BeUe Yancey, Laura D.

Uretsky, CeUa K. Yones, Jan

Ursua, Rosalinda V. Young, Dwight W.

Van Wet, James H. Zevin, Esther N. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99027

Ziegler, Jerome Zimlina, Galina A.


Abreimchik, Gerda Baskovitz, Diana

Aizertstadt, Vitaly Battner, Szjmiort

Albrecht, Sidney J. Baum, Hilda

Alpem, Fred Becker, Garry

Alterovich, Maria Beraha, Louis

Altkorn, Richard Bergman, Charlotte

Alvarez, Josefina Berkowitz, Jeanne G.

Ament, Sidney Berner, Elaine

Ander, Rose Bernover, Mollie

Artdersort, Lucille K. Bernstein, Freida

Aron, Harry Bernstein, Nathan

Askourtis, Homer J. Berrtstein, Pearl

Asher, Morris Bernstein, Sylvia T.

Austin, Dale M. Beslow, Bernice

Balabnos, Aurt Blitstiert, Al

Balirta, Riva Block, Ben B.

Barbate, Florence A. Blortder, Rosalie

Baskin, Robert Bloom, Hildred L. 99028 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Blumen, Sidney Colmart, Miltort

Boll, Artrte Cote, Mariljm A.

Boress, Julius M. Cristol, Martha

Braude, Norma M. Davidson, Gussie

Bravinsky, Emmanuil Deitch, Herman N.

Brenner, Sadelle Diamond, Helen

Brimm, Rosetta M. Diamond, Rita

Brooks, Dorothy DiSalvo, Yoke

Brostoff, Florence Dolinky, Evelyn

Brueck, John F. Doyle, Lois E.

Bruski, Herman and Sonia Dreizen, Betty

Buckman, Ethel Drucker, Marion

Burd, Zlota L. Duchen, Shirley

Burnstein, Eveljm Dudnik, Sabina

Canoff, Shirley Dudovitz, Anne

Chadert, Esther Dunn, Dorothy

Chaimovitz, Dorothy Ebuer, Sylvia

Clark, David P. Edelheit, Arthur

Cloobeck, Gloria Edelman, Henrietta

Cohen, Esther Eisenberg, Harold

Cohn, Donald R. Eisenstein, Norman

ColUrts, Shirley J. EUis, Fritzie 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99029

EUs, Wanda C Geinisman, Tamara

Emmerman, Anrte Gelfman, Irina

Engermein, Sheldon Georgian, Charles

Erenberg, Sara A. Gershort, Philip S.

Estes, Myra K. Gersort, Charlotte

Evins, Violet Gertz, Gwertdoljm

Fair child, Virginia Glickman, Dorothy

Falsteirt, Lillian Gold, Esther

Feiger, Jean R. Goldberg, Herbert

Feldmart, Ruth Goldberg, Sylvia

Fellerman, Sherrell Goldfein, Edwin

Fiddler, Sylvia Goldman, Nathan

Filerman, Peggy Goldman, Shirley

Fisher, Jack Goldstein, Ruth

Fishman, Sylvia Goldstein, Shaney L.

Fox, Magdalena Gonsky, Mariljm

Franklin, Dorothy Goodman, Alvin L.

Freeman, Ursula J. Gordon, Ruth

Friedman, Eileen Gosenski, Joan C

Gander, Mary A. Goss, MjTtle

Garfinkel, Grace Graff, Janet

Garver, Juliet Greenberg, Leo 99030 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Greenblatt, Leon Hoff, Mildred

Gronemeyer, Louise Hoffman, Robert

Gross, Edith Hofman, Eva

Gross, Herman Horvath, Theresa M.

Gross, Josef A. Horvitz, Doris

Gruzinsky, Warren Horwitz, Anne

Gumola, Alma K. Horwitz, Morris

Guysenir, Maurice G. Hyson, Norma E.

Harris, Al A. Irwin, Clarisse

Harris, Barbara P. Isenberg, Adelle K.

Harris, Sylvia Ishida, George

Hauptman, Jack Jacobson, Eve

Kazan, Albert Joffe, Minnie

Herman, Ruth Kalika, Dorothy

Herman, Shoshana B. Kalopeses, Katherine

Hersh, Eva Kaltman, Simon

Hertzberg, Syril Kaplan, Frances

Herzog, Melvin Kaplan, Harry

Heyler, Elsie G. Karmazin, Julia

Hirsch, Elaine W. Karp, Emily

Hlinomaz, VlastimU and Anna Kast, Betsy

Hodapp, Philip H. Katz, MUdred 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99031

Katz, PhiUp M. Lazare, Rudy B.

Katz, Rae Lee, Kay

Kaufman, Evelyn Lefkovitz, Mary C

Kelner, Henrietta Letchinger, Marvin

Kestenbaum, Henryka Levin, Joseph

King, Helen Levin, Phyllis

Klein, Shirley M. Levison, Audrey

Kleinberg, Dorothy Levy, Estelle

Koenig, Mildred Lewis, Lenore H.

Koertigsberg, Maida Lewkowicz, Clara

Kohn, Samuel Liberson, William B.

KoUath, Richard B. Lichtshein, Joseph J.

Kolodny, Mary Lieberman, Ruth

Kovin, Florertce Lieberson, Lawrence

Kraft, Merle Lirtker, Louis and Shirley

Lipman, Maurice Kraitsik, Norman I. Liss, Ida Krause, Howard

Krauss, Sally Livshutz, Leo Z.

Krockey, Miriam Lock, Walter B.

Krum, Judith Locker, Phyllis J.

Krumhom, Elza Loeb, Sam

Landesman, Sylvia Loewenstein, Frances 99032 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

London, Estelle Mitchell, Howard

London, Hjmian I. Miura, Tsutomu

Loskove, Marvin J. Morris, Loretta S.

Lukaszuk, Stefan Mueller, Emily M.

Malina, Elizabeth Munson, Harry

Mall, Edith Myers, Netti

Margulis, Lev Myerson, Bernard and Shirley

Marshall, Joseph Nach, David L.

Martin, Ruth L. Natarus, Burton F.

Massarsky, Majorie H. Naxon, Ferrt

Mattes, Eleanor Neidich, Saralee

Matthews, Carl L. Neiditch, Julian

Mayster, Sidney Nemeroff, Haskell

McDermott, Mary Jo Nemzin, Phyllis E.

Meadow, David Norris, Lillian

Melnik, Marcus Novak, Arlene E.

Mermelsteirt, Albert Oliven, Anna

Meyer, Mortort H. Olson, Mariljm L.

Meyers, Mack J. Orenstein, Eva

Michaels, Barbara T. O'Hara, Margaret

Michaels, Lester B. O'Meara, Alice L.

Mirtter, William J. Pahl, Henry A. 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99033

Pechter, Lillian Rosen, Frances

Poller, Hannah Rosenbaum, Adele

Peltz, Seamen and Devorah Rosenberg, Selma

Perlik, Irving Rosenblum, Jenny

Pettineo, Rita Rosenblum, Ruth

Pickman, Beatrice Rosin, Mary

Pietrkowski, Morris Ross, Harry

Plass, Beatrice G. Roth, Ruth

Polonetzky, Mimi Rothman, Margie

Prale, Ruth Ruben, Earl L.

Prochep, Betty Russo, Louis

Radek, Sophie C Sacks, Ruthe G.

Recksieck, Gloria M. Sacolick, Marion

Reisberg, Dorothy Salice, James

Remish, Alexander Saltzberg, Sam

Resnik, Mariort Sanders, Joseph H.

Rice, Artrte Satter, Gertrude S.

Riebe, Eva Savitzky, Genia

Robirtsort, Abraham H. Savoy, Christine

Roidfeld, Miguel E. Schiff, Alvin

Rose, Rose Schlenvogt, Mary B. 99034 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Schrenzel, Crete Shimizu, Takeo

Schulman, Betty Shino, Victoria

Schulman, Betty I. Shoger, Shirley

Schultz, Claire F. Shonk, Robert A.

Schweircz, Dov T. Shubin, Asarel

Schwartz, Alex Siegel, Gertrude

Schwartz, Eve Sinay, Fred W.

Schwartz, Frances R. Singer, Rita

Schwartz, Fryma Sklair, Arnold S.

Schwartz, Norman Sklair, Mariljm G.

Sector, Morton A. Skolnick, Faye

Seigel, Blossom Sloyprtik, Michael

Shapiro, Barbara S. Slorart, Eveljm

Shapiro, Gerald Slutzky, Irving

Shapiro, Isaac Smith, Rosalie

Shaw, Marie Soibel, Bertha

Shedlow, BeUe Solar, Dorothy

Sher, Miriam G. Solomon, Rose

Sherman, Pearl Spektor, Sejmior

Sherman, Suzanne M. Stanis, Bernadette

Shier, Carl Starkman, Louise

Shifman, Clara Stavsky, Eileen 2/7/2007 NEW BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERMEN 99035

Stein, Shirley Towb, Rebecca

Steinbeigle, Barbara B. Trajmor, Anne G.

Steinberg, Jeanette Tuber, Thelma B.

Steiner, Sima Turner, Shabsi

Stem, Louis Unterman, Abe M.

Stem, Milton Vack, Georgia

Stem, Natalie L. Van VUerberghe, Helena

Sternberg, Anne L. Venet, Dianrte

Stolarsky, Abe Virter, Sally

StoUer, Paula E. Volkman, Michael

StoUer, Rose Wagman, Faye

Stopek, Helen Walkarz, Sara T.

Stroud, Doris J. Wall, Max

Sugar, Rosalie Wallace, Jerry

Sullivan, Patrick M. Warsaw, Lawrence

Tannenwald, Ruth Wassermart, Tamara

Teitelbaum, Frances Weirt, Edward

Tenenbaum, Betty Weirt, Sadie K.

Tennant, Shelby Weirter, Charles

Thoren, Astrid B. Weinstein, Adelaide

Tokowitz, Anita Weiss, Rayda

Torii, Grace Weiss, Zoltan 99036 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Wenger, Lirta C Wolfsort, Edith P.

Wexler, Celia Wolrtak, George

White, Jeart H. Wood, David and Rachel

White, Robert Wortsmann, Frances

Whitehouse, George Wydler, Florence

Whitman, Shirley L. Yablong, PauUne

Wiaz, Sara Yach, Jacob

Wilhelm, Deena Zackai, Deborah

Willens, Reva Zinger, Mark

Williger, Irwin F. Zoberman, Norman

Wolff, Gabriel Zoltak, Avraham

Wolff, Noah


JOURNAL (January 11, 2007)

The City Clerk submitted the printed official Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Coundl of the City of Chicago, for the regular meeting held on Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 10:00 A.M., signed by him as such City Clerk.

Alderman Burke moved to Approve said printed official Joumal and to dispense with the reading thereof. The question being put, the motion Prevailed. 99038 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/7/2007

Ms. Rachel Barton Pine, recipiertt of the 2006 Studs Terkel Humanities Service Award, accompanied by her husband, Mr. Greg Pine; Ms. Phoebe Stein-Davis, Director, Illinois Humanities Council; Ms. Kristine Valaitis, Executive Director, Illinois Humanities Council; Dr. Michael and Mrs. Joan Pine, her parertts-irt-law; Mrs. Almita artd Mr. Rolartd Vamos, violirt teachers and professors at Northwestern University; Mr. Fred Specter, retired, first violinist of the Chicago Sjmiphony Orchestra; Ms. Kay Mabie, President ofthe Board of Music Institute of Chicago; Ms. Rita Simo, founder of People's Music School and Advisory Board and member of the Rachel Elizabeth Barton Foundation; Ms. Barbara Wright-Pryor, President of the Chicago Music Association — Chapter 1 of the National Association of Negro Musicians and Advisory Board Member of the Rachel Elizabeth Barton Foundation; Mr. George Williams, Trustee ofthe Music Institute of Chicago;

Mr. Irving R. Levine, retired NBC news corresportdertt;

former Alderman of 21*' Ward, Council Elder Nile Sherman and Council Elder Mama Dee, representing the Englewood High School Council of Elders.

Time Fixed For Next Succeeding Regular Meeting.

By unanimous consent. Alderman Burke presented a proposed ordinance which reads as follows:

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:

SECTION 1. That the rtext succeeding regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chicago to be held after the meeting held on Wednesday, the seventh (7*) day of February, 2007, at 10:00 A.M., be and the same is hereby fixed to be held on Wednesday, the fourteenth (14*) day of March, 2007, at 10:00 A.M., in the CouncU Chambers in City Hall.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Ort motiort of Alderman Burke, the foregoing proposed ordinance was Passed by yeas and rtays as follows: 2/7/2007 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 99039

Yeas — Aldermert Flores, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Harris, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Cardertas, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Colemau, L. Thomas, Lane, Rugai, Troutman, Brookins, Muhoz, Zalewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Reboyras, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colon, Banks, Mitts, Allen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Tunney, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone — 50.

Nays — None.

Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost.


Thereupon, Alderman Burke moved that the City Council do Adjourn. Thernotion Prevailed and the City Council Stood Adjourned to meet in regular meeting on Wednesday, March 14, 2007, at 10:00 A.M. in the CouncU Chambers in City Hall.