Lively Day la lh« Olr«rr« Market. The VmcsLira The pmpwuj 6E0B6KT0WH 1BTKBT EVENING STAR MX COl'FLKS D1SCXITRD iHU ORB P KAYAK for the next organ ooncert will comprise ft va¬ CITY ITEMS. DRY GOODS. PROPOSALS. Mill.I, riety of selections by the well-known end trio PllOO'S SlLYRR STERLING Will. TH08.»0WL1NQ, incttoBwj O^rtoWB. PURll HHI|MBTHI| )OTB no gf nnxsuLw***i Bill KBAT ^ !»?». r>n in of \ ercelin> S-st;rs who sang with mich sat¬ . PBOPOBaLavibwuptbk n« fT*u » r»l>Vwiary Thursday. the Conrt, *2 ."0 a set...... Matitrtarwli W mi<]« Equity Judge isfaction at the first reoeptton of the Y. M C. Tablespoons valoaili rmv |rk« ¦avt paiabtmrbt * bi arm J. ylle quite K nmb«r of decrees in di¬ Tablefcrks f2 SO a set. *ovVoVmfiW*25 ANPBOBCOGGIM COTTON (atighly soiled» lie. U A<»H JH<;TOW.D vorce («w. dismissing one prayer for A- the preeent season- They comprise three f1.35 a set. All other Cottons 1* pr portion C. separa¬ voices. with a Teaspoons l*f!M or h rnv a Nfi At IKKT, LOCAL NEWS. tion an t granting sir. The caee* tn which de¬ ?err sweet together floe accom¬ Medkrdves $5 a set- HI 4 WHITE BED SPBEADS, fl.M, worth I* I crees of divorce were panist, tn the person ot Master Allie Thiers. M» k.' Amusement*, Ac..*bl. granted vere the follow* liecelved at Prlgg'a jawelry store, No. 457 «1 (Lkifd r Wtl' be rwltM el tkli Otto* tBg: Pennsylvania arenoe, near .»)$ street. of ***ai«ctoi PB1«TIKG CfcLTCOES.V- apwent. otulltl * of tlet^H T<*t.»r I.I o.WPa.for Wmt^nai nmf*..The superb fairy spectacle All AL«*«;«D KLOPRWBITT. Kril F.statb Sale. .Messrs. Latimer & com??' D C? lV/niii^f rt?r1* PBB«8 OOOP8. IV .» ,»wi apwe-d Turt.tek'o* aod d-tn elt»" fdlowtoa -ob-dele of «f "Undine; or. the Spirit of the Waters.-' Edward W. Marks against E. Mark*. Clear* sold, yesterday afternoon, lots .<«, X7, 8* Quabtity tsI ytalitt. . DooUg't Vrast BLA< K ALPACA* am M('H AI .* v «rr Lowit-er. it ik« I« ^(U. . »' ..< S,rl ® 'gait- Mary end 80, In Nerment and Barrett's sub¬ I'oictier stands In as DARK l»BB»S GOO P0. marked » percrt:.. ol Ftyri t Op'rm Bnui*.'Not So Bsd After All,*' The petitioner states that they were married in Fey, pie-eminent market being fotsrr mo*** BeiMtag_ Weehlngtor. P P. a division of square 150, eitnated on the Powder that is free from in¬ prKe. r«K tM H. -ee ><> .i ll "Match for Mother-in» Law." October, 1800, by He*. Mr. Nichols, the respon- Biggs street, only Baking CAStHMERBS men M. <¦ or . .< f hero Ptn« between 17th and streets, aii-i im¬ substances. Not bat each f-*r ard b->va, «h«ap. aewa nent's maiden name that Boundary jurious only this, A( K KJ m!*, P*S itwbaa _ fV«/" .The Hem me isberg sister# being Buckley; they H Ml V ;roth"-o Pla« the garet C. Wallacb. for * 1.725.*6.900. while the is far to all others. mmmms ¦ PlMtilti geoanaed m4 t«»i«aed, 'W standtng hh» kind treatment or hi* wife, l« quality superior B>ik>l rrif * oedfn«ed month of Julv, 1*M, f>he wilfully deserted him . Pocley't Ytatt Potedfr will produce from twenty- B1CHABDBOB8 LIN BUS ieea then market tM4 exceeding foar Prof. J. M. and absconded with one F. Hall with Fa«ts that Should bs Know*. . That Hve to fifty f«r cent, more bread, pricea. Lan|{*U>o, kctiug nresident of the Benjamin Mfwrs. Woiford Jfc good roll*, T N N At" W feet BM iwon or loea < Hal "fan-, to Rata* Rovwd I'niver-itv, a to «bom he allege* she ha# ever since bee* living. Sbiiberg promise to make biscuits, pastry, Ac., than those of other manu¬ PAIN. tk *D4 h thirfc. ^re reception the a stir _ , _ In this case an absolute divorce wa* quite the coming week, on the facture, while it is convenient to hare in febiT 41* tiSI PeTlAe ATfDU*. .«« S^Wftrl B II Mntt or ) graduating cl»«e of that institution 1 art evening. granted. lot of white cheapest always "wliSsrr., I |W IthnfMir . l« ItM The msb for the Oazr'te Mr. I*, G. Hlne for and Mr. good* from the late sale the house, and is reliable and economical. If *^<^_JAVHo«ADt"u ~ 1 tick thick. la«t Sunday wan un¬ appeared petitioner, ever offered in this market. TH0MAH looser O «: E » p U»» M abated. Tomorrow the Colonel J. H. Mandevi le took the U-uim>ny. A decree See advertisemint. you have not tried it, ask foritatyour Grower's, B* Pt'Wi*ISO-1T4 ^ SO HAS ATT*NPBP OCR RFFOKTtt B II <»ereorlaaa»llabo«eoe,to «oiaB enterprising ot wad made. and take no other. Bnf trnstM»«v!* at the of John McOonnell against Elisabeth McOn- I.ewis', street, between I and K. J }*fp?*frT H*l«d Jul, Jirh MAKES**- VOWM TH A PK/IAS KAC h»( B M w( M will, course, have bat one THE cor Kit*. Silk Bat at 95 and Sfi. HIW M Kill. HOOOB »tj beat jnalil) -4 ibetr r»«p. < lee k inj>, iknr- a large audience. 1nV»; that they ohild, no* II ve»r* 2 And MCH and fro* Mr. Wm ol age. that respondent for four year* t>a«t ha* ClBcriT Cocrt, Jmdjt Cartter. BUrlr Md>h«ll continue!? eeaaoaed. fr>a lar. ¦«r, To-day, Morgan, superintendent of a number of Increase Torn lioht, reduce ga« PlhTAIN (U K KEPI TATION abekea, a'4 idlior 4eferta, ea»4 wm all b« del i irai assessments and taxes, remove ! treated the child with great cruelty, her To-day, judgments by default your bills, (a anl Ir »wk hK office trom obscene and he calling were tak^n. McGill Hill: new trial and prevent the disagreeable hissing and blow¬ FOB FAIB PBALINC TO ALL. AMP VERY aerbleng'ha «n«nilnw a* will be the Hall to the Columbia on I name*, and the child fear that agt. granted to LOW PRICK*. WITHOUT DIMATION cull <1 for by ihr lnr< City j on costs. Munder ing common with the old burners. . .treet. to Buildings, it would not be *ate for the child to live near payment of agt. Chapman; *tyle Tt» a-horn ni"«- raila ai d anx a I ha make room lor the office ot the Re¬ execution Williams Thousands are in uxe in this in the BOOAJI * WTLlt. heoit ati corder of Wills. the mother. He al*o charge* that *he has been quashed. agt. Webster; already city, M S tr 19l9»n4 10tlV7th , froo f»v» all dafecta. aa n-oe -titer *111 l-«en habitually drunk lor the la*: tire and left new trial refused. Cammmgs agt. Bits*; con¬ government printing office, hotels, public ball*, to at apt ,d. The superintendent ot streets ha* di¬ year*, ami 'I The he r . hi* Louse in July, to de¬ demnation of moneys in hands of garnishee and chtircbfs, private residences. The at«ove I ( H LAC k S I L k % ! n.ab* sany to f the boat oao'lt* '1 tarea. rected to remove the pnmp corner or North 1K73, only returning facts th . fan« the do t. or and Mr. Mandevllle took the Venderwerken agt. Green and Cornell discount large and the d**1 d*">' f r'atitt- of *4' I to erect a hydrant In plwe of the s^me. testimony. agt trade. r b' ial, deducting te« per Contain an¬ Vwnderwerken: on calendar anil set for With the German opal the i« Movptrb. 29tli. m» il I I bo rotn I . a < A in the Interest* of pris »n ref >r»n WHISKY THI CAC*H <>P TROUBL*. placed globe light 1 C a-r, 10 pieces lli;li Lu:»> ni to-mor- In the case of Mary Ai^n Folker against agt. BOugbton and bT,M,j . i >1. p»r > ird. air<«iiM by the penal h-t>J p. Frederick Moore; judgment for want of The same globe, very richlv decorated, is the .iwir-nh *h£\\T*r£* <(!».. r»apon* it lo »o«a4J ta bo aam of the** th*a- mw. General Garfield will preside, a d Sp'aker Folker, a divoroe from be I an! pica. most aa» I board with of month from Folic* Court, J Snell. beautiful thing in existence for parlor use. ltasrtlo piMftlRirk Hla-k l nrd. ai .! p- rf,-r tai t he e- i ' . at t if t.» anM b lta» «vf March was in Win. assault Headquarters. *-«.>-¦* > Caroline Talbot, it la expected, will make siiort 1st, granted. The petition this To-day. Luckett. and battery on Y. M. ^$tSKftiTb?.VoSSV *rr,:' i c of i bo o> rat it) bo <. rfft.<1 I tht I utiotl case state* the were at Richard £10. James C A. Building. !»th and I) streets. »"mir«» Ptate« addresses parties married El Paso, Hopkins; Foulke, Cbvgad 14,s,4 Hamilton Prarko*. -h.rrbr^*T-:. Tbe nbore gv>da are a ORB AT BkBGAIN Alto J I'l-il I* Il-O I into* Ht no- I' "irt, or Abont J this , in and that for twelve with stealing six blankets worth lined & on a &«aottm< nt of tbo |i at r let Atti ruey if tbi obt rrin o'clock mo-fling an si irra of Are August, IK56, #10; *10 bard, complete »>doa. dutrict In ro- was rung from box 2, corner :$d an 1 L street* nan tbey lived peacably together, although at and costs. Kichard Mullen, charged with as "Tt rep Nati re's S wickt Restorer. Balmy time* and BFLLOVH. MIL Th< IV-ro»im. nt r»aer*oa the narht to r rt an? .outheast. The fire department re*|in«m >re in the Sleep." But there are times when this "lie- BOXBXTrV, OriNETS, or respmdcd tnat for six her hu.-band of his and LION 8. TROUBt i. all bid*, tt it lio cot¦¦»d t«-r tho tato'oat t tlia promptly, ami tonrd that the alarm b*d beeu charges year* put has discharge duty; ?20 costs. John K newer Of Strength" is denied us, times when Gi'«ort nii-t t t" «!.< ao. atd ony b»d that i-e t m»|i> given for a tire built in front . become more dlsaipated, and on one occasion, <>'I)onnell and Lacy loud and boisterous our minds and aiid other celebrated make*, which ae are eel, at n t hi tilled fiitw lv It# big of K>me -han- each. Gray, bodies have been so overworked wig 9t obtatBi d ta tit* <¦(!< .Bad ties for the purpose of heating wa'er to scald aLen fhe expostulated with him be threatened S5 Thomas Perry wn fined S3 for pro and are so worn out that wo '-woo th" THE LOWEST SEW do<« i.i t r aaort to th- r <4iro- drowsy YORK PRICES'. . bogs. to '-cut her heart out;" that he sometimes fanity. Thomas Kay, same; #3, T. M. Wilkin* in vain." The Peruvian Iron ai4 »¦?» f th'a ..dtonla >n oat. wilt aot bo r..|i-'.W'd; Syrup tan t ri.lnr kill cr n The Kev. Walter <}. Scott, of this labors under an aberration of mind, and it Is fame'; S3. Thomas Perry, Charged with using «od'onic) renews our and make" our rest ONE PRICE ONLY. IN PLAIN FP.CRES K^rtal l»or» rol%td fr aartiM and formerly uiisare for her to live with and that he has and indecent The strength wbn aro not ikemu-liM o racod ta tho rirnbT city, recently installed as pastor of Arch him, profane language. testimony sweet and refreshing. trado. at d . bu bato But .treet thYee time* that on the 1st showed that Thomas went to Union FOBTT THBEE YEAR8, W. M. SHl'ITER * BRO , tho uocoaaarf fariiitioa !.* Pre-l>\terian church, of an attempted suicide; League fart l»V It C tb'- a a t t ial Fbiladrlphia. of he drove her from hi* bedroom, locked Hall last night when there was a An Extrni>ei» Puitlaritv.Each (till 5( eloquent and popii>sr voting preacher, will to¬ duly private enter¬ year 919 Pennsylvania avenue. Pr( ap- Bca*r*i>liir spondent the ated. He then to force Troches have been reliable. Obtain awsawSs't'swaraaar cle we aie church, is announced to lectnre at that answered, denying allegation* attempted his way in proved pa; nmt, detetmined to reduce oar now p(>ph> r< k church, bim, and make* the counter and was to street " Brown'» W. H. WHEATLEYI8 very «t«*k of m\khle work mm 13th street, between G and H, on Monday eve¬ against charge of ejected below, when he be¬ only Bronchial Trochr*" and do not large Foreign and Pome-tic PBY rK<1HI.p»ITII t* INiitil 1 III h K v\ sTlTK, ning next, on Nebuchadnezzar's Dretrn. for bad temper and the use of profane, vulgar and came disorderly; #10. Thomas Osborne, game take any of the worthless imitations that may *«¦*¦ «* GOOPS, end will Therefore .ff-r jr- at indgrrni^al* WAR AMP NAW l«riM abusive Mrs. Lockwood .John be ollered. Sold «h*»,»" to cloee bunm. We .jn<.t<-bUck Bilk* from th« b«wt KTMIChTB' the benefit language. appeared charge: *5. load and boister¬ eo3 * .?£*:.° and |a ttlt, HrlLMBr. *1-111N liTON . I» of tbe organ fund. The recognized Gettlnger, everywhere. beet IS5S »tom»tl», lixibia ot Lynn S6c to A3: black Caehmere and Dr O lor petitioner, Mr. M. for ous; ?5. -lane in Louse very manner ' .. Unit nt (rrtk\ Aa> ami t f ability of the reverend lecturer, tbe oddity of Thompson respon¬ Mary Hail, cursing Imitators and tiikir schemes come to ** P'Ete ( Lurins 81 and fl 40 and upward, tdack Al- * the the dent, and Mr. John Oruikshank took the testi¬ alley; #3. Kandall Hanson, a wa* sent grief J*rr«R60W8TB*«T. and A-Hl>«Ti>avI» C . r«b llil, 1 (Br* tained make tbe occasion an one. ' sixty days. Bridget forfeited Of'-rgefowii, and upward; Flannels b>e and bleat interesting Norris, Dr. stand the H if »?* upwart. tied etitfilSm i.fibt-TTM i>»v or M m i, fur far A of the HAD TO OO HOMK TO HUB MOTHRR. collateral for conduct. Helmbold, test of time, llelm- HA8. CRAOIH, M. I), fl 4fTKiii ard unbleached Cottona, 7c ut> to New York »r d lurt, meeting congregation of Ebenezer M. A from disorderly hold's Bucbu, which is the extract of that Coat* and mill*, lit«blli(t dt-lltortba tho folluwiro|>arttBoota' Bntl.I'na. Wblta Kev. Thomas A. Davis, who left to they were GEORGETOWN. Kidney Complaint, mmmmm other K< ode eiitiallv low. Our Harbla Tllo». I2\U\1 yesterday married on the I'.'th of 1*70, at Female Disorders, Impotency, Gravel, the IOHUL S~ goods have Iteen pur¬ ll rh fni. attend the conference at Winchester Virginia. October, York, Thi effects of and k; jCUAh r chased for cash. and ar« tiret-cleea ¦¦ qualit> and S/*Ci (laoir or lt*a> Ha'f do were Fa., and she charges that on the 1st of Cawal.President Gorman, who has dissipation all troubles of the IN 0**A* AMD OYSTEB New do. Speeches made by Sheriff Kuffin, of Vir- August, returned to from a in either sex. IOf st>le. gooda received daily. 11 AO (irniro tr li«a) Black Mar Mo 1 _'t l?v 1 llev dames Hi Muse, of 1*72, he refu*ed to provide for her and she wa* Annapolis trip over the line urinary organs Thissteadlly sue- »ng18-lT »» BROPHEAP A CO., llirh full Ttloa, ftnia: : to return to the of the Chesapeake and Ohio the cesstul medicine is recommended High stre«*. Georgetown. p.p. fel 21-imld r Lawyer P.rortley. of Prof. Storms, of obliged home of her mother, caual, reports by physicians. l«0A at..b-» H ti and 13th 1,1*0 Tot 111901(1(101 iicro or looa) R » i Marble Geo-gia: where she remained repairs to the work as and Beware of counterfeits, .lohn F. New ~~ Wayland Mr. Isaac Oarv, ami until January, lri7), when nearly completed, Henry, Bor«i-r« t.| lariom Bidtkia, froai « up, Seminary, she returned to hut on directions have been given to have the entire York, Sole Agent. Sold all eo3 all I inch thick full others. detendaut, account of ill line in by druggists. NEW PUBLICATFrtVs" £ARTEK'3 Bids treatment was to leave him on retdines* lor shipment of coal on the ~ will bo nroliod for furoiahinc th* Whtte obliged To ort - . again rid of the Chills take 1 f I I t I a \ ' Tiiitnif or Rial o'Dono- the 1st of June, 1KT3. Mr. A. K Browne 10th of March. immediately, SEW yE*lit I It.' UDod Italiai a titta- Estate. los ap¬ At a rbckmt Dooley'i Ague Powders. core perma¬ books, DRY GOODS STORE, voiotd Amtriran tuarldo t