2011-11-21 KCB Agenda Nov2011

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2011-11-21 KCB Agenda Nov2011 Agenda Monday, 21 November 2011 5.00PM in the Cam and Mill Rooms Kaiapoi Community Centre, 24 Sewell St, Kaiapoi Members Neville ATKINSON Roger BLAIR Ben BRENNAN Caroline FAASS John MEYER Steve RYDER Sandra STEWART Robyn WALLACE (CHAIR) Jackie WATSON The Chairman and Members KAIAPOI COMMUNITY BOARD Agenda for the meeting of the KAIAPOI COMMUNITY BOARD to be held in the MILL and CAM ROOMS of the KAIAPOI COMMUNITY CENTRE, 24 SEWELL ST, KAIAPOI on MONDAY, 21 NOVEMBER 2011 at 5.00PM Karen Friedauer ADMINISTRATION OFFICER, KAIAPOI RECOMMENDATIONS IN REPORTS ARE NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS COUNCIL POLICY UNTIL ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL Pages BUSINESS 1. APOLOGIES Robyn Wallace 2. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Conflicts of interest (if any) to be reported here for minuting. 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 3.1 MINUTES OF THE KAIAPOI COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING – 17 OCTOBER 2011 1-7 RECOMMENDATION THAT the Kaiapoi Community Board a) Confirms the minutes of the Kaiapoi Community Board meeting held on 17 October 2011 (Trim 111020048753) having been circulated as a true and correct record. 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 5. DEPUTATIONS 5.1 Bruce Kearney, Principal Kaiapoi High School Mr Kearney, recently appointed Principal of Kaiapoi High School was invited to attend by the Chairperson to introduce himself to the Board Members and have an open conversation on continuing the relationship. 5.2 Kaiapoi Promotions Assoc – Update on Christmas Carnival 5.3 Hannah Dunlop and Kaiapoi Youth Action Group – Reporting back on the Palmerston North Trip and Ideas on a Potential Youth Space For Kaiapoi 5.4 Karen Wright – Friends of Hinemoa Park (Trim 111114053650) 5.5 Don Chittock, Programme Manager, and Commissioner Rex Williams from Environment Canterbury - discussing Clean Heat Programme and Air Quality 5.6 Kay Hickey, Community Development Officer and Karen Lindsay-Lees, Community 8-43 Development Officer – up date on the Earthquake Rebuild (Trim 110921042788) 111114053874 1 of 6 Agenda Kaiapoi Community Board GOV-26-01-07 21 November 2011 6. ADJOURNED BUSINESS 7. REPORTS 7.1 Craig Sargison, Manager Community and Recreation – Bowls at Kaiapoi (GOV-26-01 CPR- 44-95 04-19-29) THAT the Board recommends: THAT the Community and Recreation Committee: (a) Receives report No. 111114053575. (b) Confirms its earlier decision to approve a licence to occupy being granted for Bowls on Hinemoa Park, subject to gaining resource consent approval. (c) Circulates this report to the Boards. 7.2 Chris Brown - Community Green Space Manager - Moorcroft Reserve Fencing (GOV-26- 96-97 01-07, CPR-04-19-21) RECOMMENDATION THAT the Kaiapoi Community Board: (a) Receives report No. 111101051116. (b) Notes that after further negotiations with Kaiapoi North School it has been determined that planting of the southern side of the stop bank next to Allison Crescent with low growing species as an extension of what is currently already onsite will be a sufficient alternative. (c) Notes that staff will design and implement the planting with the full cost being covered by Kaiapoi North School. 7.3 Chris Brown - Community Green Space Manager - Trousselot Park Band Rotunda (GOV- 98-99 26-01-07, CPR-04-07-12) RECOMMENDATION THAT the Kaiapoi Community Board: (a) Receives report no. 111101051111. (b) Approves colour scheme 1 as the preferred option to be painted on the band rotunda at Trousselot Park in Kaiapoi. OR (c) Approves colour scheme 2 as the preferred option to be painted on the band rotunda at Trousselot Park in Kaiapoi. 7.4 Karen Friedauer, Administration Officer Kaiapoi - Application For Funding – St Patrick’s Parish (GOV-26-01-06) 100-110 RECOMMENDATION THAT the Kaiapoi Community Board: (a) Receives report No. 111012047076 (b) Approves a grant of $........... towards a toilet for the disabled for the St Patrick’s Parish hall and lounge facilities. OR 111114053874 2 of 6 Agenda Kaiapoi Community Board GOV-26-01-07 21 November 2011 (c) Declines the request for funding from St Patrick’s Parish. 7.5 Karen Friedauer, Administration Officer Kaiapoi - Application For Funding – St Vincent de 111-119 Paul Society (GOV-26-01-06) RECOMMENDATION THAT the Kaiapoi Community Board: (a) Receives report No. 111010046555 (b) Approves a grant of $.......... towards the cost of welfare support provided to Kaiapoi residents in emergency need. OR (c) Declines the request for funding from St Vincent de Paul, Kaiapoi Conference. 7.6 Karen Friedauer, Administration Officer Kaiapoi - Application For Funding – Waimakariri 120-126 Road Safety Committee (GOV-26-01-06) RECOMMENDATION THAT the Kaiapoi Community Board: (a) Receives report No. 111012047159 (b) Approves a grant of $........... to the Waimakariri Road Safety Committee; towards rewarding 120 school children who operate road patrols outside their schools with a disco. OR (c) Declines the request for funding from the Waimakariri Road Safety Committee. 7.7 Monese Ball – Property Lease/Licence Renewals Sept-Dec 2011 (CPR-06-0986) 127-129 RECOMMENDATION THAT the Kaiapoi Community Board (a) Receives the report number 111020048756 (b) Notes the upcoming renewals, status and nature of the lease/licence agreements. File Ref: Address Legal/Status Renewal/ Current Comments Review date Terms/Rental 324-02-095 Adj 336 Giles Road Reserve New from Licence to Occupy Road. Mr P Road 01/10/2011 Cattermole. Reserve for private sewer pipe. As per Council policy $200 admin fee 324-02-094 Part 85 South Reserve 01/10/2013 2 years from Part Silverstream land, behind Eyre Road 01/10/2011 new car park area. Grazing $1214pa + gst Tender as per C Sargison instructions. Public Tender with $1214 being highest tendered rental. 324-03-162 17 Otaki Street Baker Park 01/10/2014 10 years from Kaiapoi Toy Library, moved Reserve 4993, (rent) 01/10/2011 from Kaiapoi War Memorial 5051 Lease renewal $520 + gst due to e/quake damage. As 30/09/2021 per instruction from Comm and Recreation Team. 324-03-163 Williams Street Hansen Building 6 months from Kaiapoi Promotions 10/10/2011 Association. $1 if demanded - 111114053874 3 of 6 Agenda Kaiapoi Community Board GOV-26-01-07 21 November 2011 Short term tenancy agreement for office space. Bowden Consultancy vacated September. Office space available until future of Hansen Building determined. 324-03-077 Williams Street Hansen Building 14/10/2013 2 yrs from Renewal of ongoing Tenancy 14/10/2011 for Barnardos, for office space $115 per week in Hansen Building. Keeping same terms and conditions until future of Hansen Building established. 324-03-164 Double Days Road Reserve New Licence New licence to occupy road Road from reserve for Stock water pipe 01/11/2011 under Road. M Wells. $200 one off admin fee charged as per Council Policy. 7.8 Sarah Nichols – Community Board Advocate – Meeting Dates for 2012 (GOV-26) 130-132 RECOMMENDATION THAT the Kaiapoi Community Board: (a) Receives report No 111017047908. rd (b) Resolves to hold meetings on the 3 Monday of each month commencing at 5pm, in the Mill Room of the Kaiapoi Community Centre, situated at 24 Sewell Street, Kaiapoi and adopts the attached schedule. 7.9 Sarah Nichols – Community Board Advocate - New Zealand Community Boards Executive 133-136 Committee – Annual Levy (GOC-26-01-07) RECOMMENDATION THAT the Kaiapoi Community Board (a) Receives report No. Trim Number111103051714. (b) Approves a payment contribution of $166.66 (excluding GST) from the Kaiapoi Community Boards operational budget as a one-third Community Board share towards the New Zealand Community Boards Executive Committee Annual Levy. 7.10 Sarah Nichols – Community Board Advocate – Ratification of Submissions (GOV-26) 137-142 RECOMMENDATION THAT the Kaiapoi Community Board: (a) Receives report No. 111025049346. (b) Ratify the Boards’ submissions to the Waimakariri Zone Committee and the Tuahiwi Water Supply retrospectively. 8. REPORTS/MINUTES FOR INFORMATION ONLY 8.1 Phillippa Ashbey, district Libraries Manager – Library Update (Trim 111005045898) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 8.2 Tessa Sturley. Community Team Leader – Community Team Update (Trim 111005045584) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 8.3 Simon Hart, Aquatic Facilities Manager – Aquatic Facilities Network Update Report (Trim 1110006045985) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 111114053874 4 of 6 Agenda Kaiapoi Community Board GOV-26-01-07 21 November 2011 8.4 Simon Hart, Aquatic Facilities Manager – Waikuku Paddling Pool Replacement (Trim 111005045576) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 8.5 Kitty Waghorn, Solid Waste Asset Manager – Progress on Implementing the Waste Management Plan 2009 Action Plans (Trim 110525020144) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 8.6 Ken Stevenson, Roading Manager – Approval of Roading and Transportation Procurement Strategy (Trim 110707028290) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 8.7 Janet Fraser, Senior Policy Analyst – Adoption of Waimakariri District Council Road Safety Strategy 2011-2016 (Trim 110927043830) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 8.8 Ken Stevenson, Roading Manager – NZTA Priorities and Changes for the 1012- 2015 National Land Transport Programme and the Councils draft 2012-2015 NZTA Programme (Trim 111003044914) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 8.9 Gerard Cleary, Manager Utilities and Roading – Closure of Water Race through North Rangiora (Trim 111006046012) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 8.10 Chris Neason – Road Safety Coordinator – Road Safety Action Plans (Trim 110824037753) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 8.11 Ken Stevenson, Roading Manager – Reallocation of the 2011/12 Minor Improvements Programme and approval to Construct a Roundabout at King St/Queen Street Intersection (Trim 110927043847) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 8.12 Ken Stevenson, Roading Manager – King St/Queen Street Intersection – Proposed roundabout. Circulated to members for their information on 13 October 2011 (Trim 110926043672) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011. 8.13 Sandra James, Social Recovery Manager – Social Service Waimakariri – Mapping Report Circulated to members for their information on 14 October 2011 (Trim 110923043407) Circulated to Members on 14 November 2011.
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