L FIELD RESERVE ARTILLERY. Gth Battalion, The (Lothian Regi- The L.imerick City Royal Field Reserve Artillery, ment);' John Mowat"Slater to be Second Lieu- Lieutenant-Colonel - and Honorary Colonel tenant. Dated 7th" February, 1909. ; Kiphard• A. M. Ilenn, on completion of his James' Hately Mowat to be Second Lieutenant. period .of service in command, relinquishes Dated 8th February, 1909. . . ' • : his Commission, and is granted permission to William Anderson Douglas to be- Second Lieu- retain his rank, and wear the prescribed ' tenant. Dated 9th February, 1909. . , uniform. Dated 1st March', 1909. 4th Battalion, Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own The Northumberland Royal Field Reserve Artillery, (Yorkshire ); Lieutenant William -F. Captain Geoffrey S. New'all resigns his Com- Mott to- be Instructor of Musketry. Dated mission. Dated 23rd February, 1909^ 1st January, 1909. . 6th' Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles); 3rd Battalion, The Duke of Cornwalts Light William-Bow to be Second Lieutenant. Dated Infantry, Captain Albert V. Scullard resigns 8th February, 1909. his Commission.! Dated 15th February, 1909. 8th Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Riflef); 4th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Notting- Captain David S. Arthur resigns his. com- hamshire and Derbyshire Regiment), Lieutenant mission. Dated 2nd February, 1909. Thomas J. Sheild, from The Glamorgan Royal 5th (Angus and Dundee) Battalion, The Black • Field Reserve Artillery, to be Lieutenant. Watch (Royal , Highlanders) ; Major and Dated 2nd March, 1909. Honorary .Lieutenant-Colonel James Buyers 3rd Battalion, The Prince, of Wales's (North resigns, his commission, with permission to ), Captain Horace E. retain his rank, and to wear the- prescribed -Falls 'is appointed Instructor of Musketry, vice uniform. Dated 2nd February, 1909.- • F. V. Hume-Kelly. Dated 18th February, 1909. ' bth (City of Glasgow") Battalion, The ; William Beckett, junr., to be 5th Battalion, The Royal Irish Riflts, Captain Second Lieutenant. Dated 1st February, William A. Hardy is granted the honorary 1909. rank of Major. Dated 18th February, 1909. Kenneth MacLellau to. be Second Lieutenant. 3rd Battalion, The Connavght Rangers, Lieutenant . Dated 1st February, 1909. . George E. de.Stacpoole is appointed Instructor 9th (Glasgow Highland) Battalion, The Highland of Musketry,, .yice Major J. C. R. Brewer. Light Infantry ;• Second Lieutenant Robert H. Dated 1st January, 1909. . Rutherford resigns '. his" commission. Dated 18th February,' 1909. 7th (Deeside) Battalion, The ; Charles Gordon, The Marquis -o/'Huntly, from . 1 • '• • • ' •- INFANTRY. • • - • the Honorary Colonelcy of the oth (Ueeside 4th Battalion., The Prince Albert's (Somersetshire Highland) Volunteer Battalion, is appointed to Light Infantry), Captain Ernest A. B. Warry , the Honorary Colonelcy . of the. battalion, resigns his Commission. Dated 31st August, with precedence as in the Volunteer. Force. 1908. Dated 1st April, 1908. ' . ..••-- 3rd Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles, Lieutenant 4.th Battalion, The Queen's Oion Cameron High- Garnet F. Murphy resigns his Commission. ( landers; Captain -David Edward Maitland Dated 27th June, i J08. . Makgill Crichton, The'Queen's Own Cameron . Highlanders, to be Adjutant, vice'; Captain G. I. Fraser, The Queen's Own Cameron-High- • • landers, whose tenure, of that appointment has War Office, . expired. Dated 1st March, 1909. 12th March, 1909. 6/7* (City of London) Battalion, The London . Regiment (Rifles); the undermentioned officers YEOMANRY. to be Captains:— . City of London (Roughriders) ; George Somer- Lieutenant Frederick G. Tucker. Dated Sth ville. Craggrs. to be Second Lieutenant. Dated December, 1908. 5th February, 1909. : Lieutenant Edward L, Phillips. Dated 22nd ROYAL FIELD-ARTILLERY. January, 1909. . ' . . ' 3rd Norfolk 'Battery, 1st East Anglian Brigade; Second Lieutenant Montague A. F. Cotton-to be Supernumerary Captain James Spinks is Lieutenant. Dated Sth December, 1908. absorbed into the establishment. Dated 1st Captain Stephen D. Myers resigns his commis- January, 1909. sion. Dated 22nd January, 1909. 4th Wessex Brigade; Captain Edward Scott IQth (County of London) Battalion, The London James, from the 5th Battalion, The (Paddington. Rifles); Walter Heury Regiment, to be Captain. Dated 16th January, Beetles, late Captain, Sth Middlesex (West " 1909. Middlesex) Volunteer Rifle Corps, to be Second INFANTRY. ' Lieutenant. Dated 16th February, 1909. 5tK Battalion (Queen's Edinburgh Rifles)} The 13$; (County, of London). Battalion, The. London • Royal Scots • (Lothian-• Regiment); The Right Regiment (Kensington); Arhhur .Ce.cil. Herne Honourable The Lord Provost of Edinburgh .for to be, Second Lieutenant.-, Dated 1st February, the time being, resigns the Honorary Colonelcy 1909.' of the battalion. Dated 1st April, 190S. John Esmond Longuet Higgins to be Second Colonel The Right Honourable Sir John Hay Athole Macdonald, K.C.B., from the Honorary Lieutenant. Dated 8th February, 1909. Colonelcy of the Queen's Rifle. Volunteer (County of. London)r Battalion, The London Brigade, is'. appointed to :the Honorary Regiment (Prince of Wdlea's Own Civil Service Colonelcy of the battalion, -with precedence Rifles'); Quartermaster and Honorary Captain as iii the * Bated 1st April, Robert BY Hughes is' granted the honorary 1008, ' ' ''' ' ' rank of Major. Baled, llth February, 1909,