sm69n1047 4/3/05 20:30 Página 47 SCI. MAR., 69 (1): 47-74 SCIENTIA MARINA 2005 Nanoplankton protists from the western Mediterranean Sea. II. Cryptomonads (Cryptophyceae = Cryptomonadea)* GIANFRANCO NOVARINO Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, U.K. E-mail:
[email protected] SUMMARY: This paper is an electron microscopical account of cryptomonad flagellates (Cryptophyceae = Cryptomon- adea) in the plankton of the western Mediterranean Sea. Bottle samples collected during the spring-summer of 1998 in the Sea of Alboran and Barcelona coastal waters contained a total of eleven photosynthetic species: Chroomonas (sensu aucto- rum) sp., Cryptochloris sp., 3 species of Hemiselmis, 3 species of Plagioselmis including Plagioselmis nordica stat. nov/sp. nov., Rhinomonas reticulata (Lucas) Novarino, Teleaulax acuta (Butcher) Hill, and Teleaulax amphioxeia (Conrad) Hill. Identification was based largely on cell surface features, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Cells were either dispersed in the water-column or associated with suspended particulate matter (SPM). Plagioselmis prolonga was the most common species both in the water-column and in association with SPM, suggesting that it might be a key primary pro- ducer of carbon. Taxonomic keys are given based on SEM. Key words: Cryptomonadea, cryptomonads, Cryptophyceae, flagellates, nanoplankton, taxonomy, ultrastructure. RESUMEN: PROTISTAS NANOPLANCTÓNICOS DEL MAR MEDITERRANEO NOROCCIDENTAL II. CRYPTOMONADALES (CRYPTOPHY- CEAE = CRYPTOMONADEA). – Este estudio describe a los flagelados cryptomonadales (Cryptophyceae = Cryptomonadea) planctónicos del Mar Mediterraneo Noroccidental mediante microscopia electrónica. La muestras recogidas en botellas durante la primavera-verano de 1998 en el Mar de Alboran y en aguas costeras de Barcelona, contenian un total de 11 espe- cies fotosintéticas: Chroomonas (sensu auctorum) sp., Cryptochloris sp., 3 especies de Hemiselmis, 3 especies de Plagio- selmis incluyendo Plagioselmis nordica stat.