INTERSTICES 20 after theGlobalFinancialCrisis An alternative for architecture Autonomy-within-relationality: GERARD REINMUTH&ANDREWBENJAMIN 93 from will emerge ourensuing As of architecturewithform and form-creation. to move from itpossible theidentification trality ofrelationality makes instead has eitherignoredoractively relationality assuch.Emphasisingthecen refused it that theframingofautonomy because inadequate precisely thusfarhasbeen rather ofautonomy dismissed, thatthequestion claimthenisnot shouldbe Our (Reinmuth,explore inwhatfollows forged 2017). how thismightbe ality between an interconnection we propose manifestation, building.Inrethinkingwhich givesto this thematerial rise formsmanifesting Rather,duces. as an exception, but asthat not relationality may understood, be thatitpro(buildings) defined bytheobjects views architecture asadiscipline the ly relational innature. Bythiswe thatanyabuilding—is mean singularity—e.g. asfundamental be understood to architecture might and formalskillsspecific ofautonomythe question anew, material thatthose withanassertion we start thusfarhave inadequate to thetaskinourview.proposed been Inapproaching of autonomy this,the modalities within architecture. Despite presence and its weAs willoutline, theevents of2007-8 arenewedonautonomy focus triggered inactivity.this increase that has come with of agency paradoxical loss the somewhat and in particular view have architecture’s ananxietyabout articulated withcapital association prior. dreamt ofinthedecades been Simultaneously, withTafuri’s aligned those andcomplexitythatcouldonly have ofascale innewprojects money—resulting reveling architects intheirdeploymentflow ofanunprecedented has seen (1976) warning thatto buildatallisto thislogic, accept sincetheGFC thedecade architecture. of modern Yet theemergence ed by unconcerned Tafuri’s forthose similarly Tafuri(2005: 3).Thislogic alignswithwhatManfredo situat believed intoformulation, “seekstothedomainofmarket” bringallhumanaction their relations to ofcapital.Thislogic, aninsistent logic David to use Harvey’s other, each to ontheirconnection andfinally reflected boundaries their fession andpro thediscipline occasions, Onboth (Pai,2002: 83). the Great Depression within architecturethatwasofwhichaccompanied reminiscent strangely an upheaval aftermathThe 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and its triggered after-effect —what will be identified henceforth as henceforth identified —what willbe of a network of relations. This position stands counter stands to ofanetwork onethat ofrelations. Thisposition 1

autonomy within relationality POLITICAL MATTERS autonomy and relation —and ------INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after Restless Sphere [Photograph] Restless Himmelb(l)au’sFig. 1(1971). Coop 94 to linked movement of experimentation conceptually was stake the question what was at be thesphere asobject, instance to inthefirst appears this project movement remove andacertain from thebuilt.So, whiletheidentification of ontotation, onewhere forms oflifepredicatedby architecture opens insistent experimen orphenomenological Himmelb(l)au claimaplace forexperiential ofmobileinterventioninto thecity, architecture asatype By positing Coop asarchitecture. whatcounts quality thatquestions isapolemical project Significantinthis andinteraction. organisation onsocial mobility andenclosure evolution ofthecity, ofevolving with regard specifically to theimpacts formsof asawindow into the ofpneumaticconstruction work exploringthepossibilities walking performance tice founders through Viennaina4mdiameter sphere—a practice. of experimental Restless Spheres Himmelb(l)aucompleted inthe1960s,Starting Coop study.structive case anin offers keypoints ofthese Himmelb(l)auateach shifting nature ofCoop withtheevolution fromsponds ofany 1969-2009, ofarchitects number butthe correbe noted, itshould Their work, ofneoliberalism. major test as thefirst ofReagan andThatcher by intheearly 1980s)marked theelection andtheGFC era(itself oftheneoliberal we thestart traceincludes thetrajectory this sense, thatspanfrom the late 1960s In to examined—projects thepresent. will be riods Himmelb(l)au. Specifically,Coop pe from differingtime three oftheirprojects instance, throughplored, inthefirst asingleexemplar, the practice Austrian autonomy, between The intersection relationality, ex willbe andbuiltobjects ofautonomy’sstanding potential. foraricherunder openings creates to thinkautonomy questions beyond these andindifference. isthatthecapacity be demonstrated separation Whatwill nary undoneistheidentificationofautonomyhas to ofdiscipli be withquestions what andprojects, positions ofrecentarchitectural withanumber engagement (see Fig. 1), a polemical work Fig. 1), a form polemical that came to define a particular (see Restless Architecture ( Restless Sphere POLITICAL MATTERS Restless Architecture ) records the prac (or ------INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after Vienna, Austria [Photograph] Rooftop Remodelling, Falkestrasse Himmelb(l)au’s Coop Fig.2 95 centre place.such object-making assumes later yond while decades anormative object, ofthearchitectural understanding itisapparent how projects, these (where is vastlyevations the dissonance Reading reduced). across and sections withdrawn greatest) exterior (where el photographs appears anon-relatedness etc.).cal drawings, orphotographs, forexample, we So periodicals, cancompare (whether intechni isexperienced by whichtheproject ofrepresentation modes tion ofrelation and/or extent atleast—uponthe some non-relation depends—to As suchtheques radical,are predominantly instead superficial. while appearing the original building and theadditions, between here is that the separation point integralto thenew. buildingbeing oftheexisting the formallogic Theimportant quite minorwith from isinfact theexisting ofdisconnection tension, thesense plexity ofthisrelation isrevealed inthedrawings particularly, wherethis despite relationship theoriginalandadditionisoneoftension. between Thecom building. Following of the host of a logic parasite, the logic organisational the isan theproject building, ofanexisting Fig.2).Sitedwithintheroofscape with acompletedbuilding(see priorbutwhere inthedecade architectureisnow developed equated of ideas in many ways ofconventional from theconfines abuiltmanifestation, practice, itself. ofthepractice Rooftop financial logic Remodelling Falkestrasse andasthatwhichunderpinsthe project interms ofthedisciplinary both point conventional istakenasthedefining ofarchitecturewhere theobject models Himmelb(l)au’s asCoop ishes cameto favour, ofpractice mode over time, more noteworthyself-identification) ishow withtheobject, thisambivalence van If asbuiltform—was central. nolonger the object—understood within the city. is that the identification ofarchitecture with point The important Restless Architecture problematised architecture’s problematised identification(perhaps addition to Restless Architecture but nevertheless not not butnevertheless allowed be foranopening POLITICAL MATTERS determined

1983-7 is

by the ------INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after Munich, Germany [Photograph] Munich, Germany Himmelb(l)au’sCoop BMWWelt, (2020). Gritschneder Fig. 3Eugen 96 Restless Sphere paradoxicalshiftgiven of cars—a selling theimportance about was aproject This only recently bytechniques enabled thenewcomputationtechnologies. thatwas ofrepresentational formal repertoire through demonstrated theuse asashrinetoutilisinganextraordinary consumption, designed unapologetically asignificantshifthadtakenplace.two BMW decades to haveWelt appears been revealed thatintheintervening aftermath, inits theBMWproject er structures workearlier in the context of the Paris Spring of 1969 of pow and the questioning If we consider Fig. 3). (see immediately oftheGFC BMW Welt priorto theonset designed itself building, evolution intothe amature capableofproducing commercial practice,apractice Himmelb(l)au’sCoop of thefinancialconsequences paralleled and theobject equating ofarchitecture may This still anobject. dodifferent butitis work, architecture’s insecuring instrumental Theobject identificationwiththeobject. inarchitecture,Hence, andthisproject’s deconstruction contributionto it,was fromand tools thistime, itself. whatcameto predominate was form-creation concepts indigitaldesign increase Withthesubsequent object. architectural “deconstruction”named atransformationinwhatcountedasan signalled into anewcanon ofthisproject roofs” (2003:188).Thus,theincorporation historically determined less shelter beneath andseeking houses comfortable from theironce provides aspaceforincluding“a estranged population inthelate 1980s, thattheaddition Vidlernoted of deconstruction emergence innovation decontextualisation. viaastylistic instead andornamentation,pursuing ofhistoricalstyles thereuse thatrefused project Here was ofathen prevalent, a eschewing . its architectural received to dueparticularly theproject alargely positivereception in fact work— adiminished to isnot suggest This return to object thearchitectural of alienated consumption moreof alienatedconsumption generally. writes: Inthisregard, Žižek of‘68 thatisconsistentwiththedefusingof legacy critique suggested, andits Restless Sphere in Coop Himmelb(l)au’s in Coop but one, work, earlier as Slavoj has Žižek and other related examples of Coop Himmelb(l)au’s ofCoop related andother examples 2 Anticipatingthe POLITICAL MATTERS - INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after 97 ten years ofdiscourse thatdominated thesubsequent a constellationofpositions theclaimhere out differences, iswhenconsideredasagroupstaked they portant havepositions im thefinancialcrisis.Whilethese andoccasioned sanctioned by thenetwork ically andeconomically “legitimated” ofrelations thatboth architecture, to defineitwithin aframework butwhichrefused thatpolit was Autonomy.” thatmaintained possibilities attempted to stage documents These on “Parametricism”, andthepublicationofPierVittorio Aureli’s of Project “The oftheEnvelope”,“Politics attheVenice lecture PatrikSchumacher’s Biennale of issue edited guest were: TillandSchneider’s these total synchrony autumnin2008. inthefewmonthsofnorthern Key amongst uncoordinated both yet in andcritique ofreflection inaburst emerged projects and articles, ofbooks, anumber that,astheGFCunfolded, Great Depression, inarchitecture to given the It isofnosurprise,particularly asimilarresponse Autonomy and the discipline terms by whichitcouldexist. but—just assignificantly—the onlyofdoingtheproject not themeans generated ofcapitalthat ofthelogic plicit withanddeferential to themulti-dimensionality fully com onbeing thatdepended itself, asophistication object architectural was systematically infavourproject abandoned inthe ofaradicalsophistication conflate didnot architecture withbuiltform.However,lowing forbuilding, that which,whileal activities concerns ofcitythereby creating anetwork ofpossible material possibility,design, andmovement were withtheoperational conjoined Yet Himmelb(l)au’s Coop inwhich direction—one inanother earlywork pointed ofinnovationwith thelocation withinabuilding’s andmaterial use. appearance thebuilding—and,secondly,architecture withtheobject—architecture becomes firstly, thecontinualidentification, both with Indifference iscontemporaneous of tecture. Here, withit. inwhatitbrings thesignificanceofindifferenceresides architecture. asthoughanarchitecture ofindifferencebe archi Itisnot fails to now predominate. Indifference, however, isalwaysstance within possible a betweenture here isthatthedifferences more broadly,what happened, fourdecades? Theconjec to architecture inthese helpusunderstand thiscomparison anddoes images; ofthese the juxtaposition whatcanwe from learn out: whatisatworkprojects; intheevolution ofthese stands Given of questions this evolution Himmelb(l)au,a series of work by Coop ofreceiving theirnewvehicle.process of BMW, the clients es—and in a highly who could now choreographed partake Himmelb(l)au’s consumed eagerly equally to architects—who imag spectacular Consistently, BMW Welt capitalism, marketed is a pinnacle in experiential necessary and strategic andstrategic necessary have oftheargumentinvolvesstrategies part The first theclaimthatthose a to it. sponse the crisis in architecture today,years—stages and the turn to autonomy in re Falkestrasse, andBMWWelt—and by 35 separated ofrelated images thusaset nor as status symbols; we provided symbols; buy bynor asstatus themtotheexperience them, get […] we neitheronaccountoftheirutility thusprimarily buy commodities (2014) we consumetheminorder to andmeaningful. makeourlifepleasurable indifference to the political andethicalconcernsthat to thepolitical Restless Sphere field POLITICAL MATTERS , Alejandro Zaera-Polo’s , Rooftop Remodelling ------INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after 98 ofplurality;sense is twofold: instance,status ofthis it concerns the inthefirst Thedifficulty ratherthatanontological stateofaffairs. here here isanaesthetic that theclaimmadeby Aureli to an“agonistic pertains experience” (42). At play noted Itshouldbe comprised? withinit.Of whatistheagonistic of theelements isthequality onthe description broughtpute, thathasto to be bear thequestion indis isnot (42). ofthe agonistic an “agonistic plurality” Whilethepossibility ofwhatheterms predicated onthepresence Aureli thatjudgmentisitself argues toThe agonistic, islinked judgment.Drawing ofcourse, onHannahArendt, Mies’ urbaninterventionsAureli claimsthat they: and assuch,anexemplar ofan“absolute architecture” (Aureli, 2008).Writing of Mies’ he identifies 1974 Centreasanislandintheurbanfield, inChicago Federal foundintheessay “Towardsign. Akeyexamplecanbe theArchipelago” where asrelatesto de on how hisapproachprojective works andcriticalmodes inboth of conventional ofpractice, themove toward wishto focus formal starkness—we eschewal withhisposition—the viawhichonecanengage ofregisters number Aureli’s provide anabundant onthesubject numerousand lectures writings andArchizoom). (Aldo Rossi practitioners and architectural omy Tronti (Mario andRaniero Panzieri) thinkers foundinthework ofpolitical Underpinning refracted. Aureli’s hasbeen decade ofauton isahistory project the lensthroughinlast whichmuchcriticalthinkingaround thediscipline Against Capitalism as sis, published to recentwork oflinkingEisenman inthisarea.Aureli’s means clearest the autonomy provides the asacriticalconcernforthediscipline to effort reassert central to the work of “the cut” is also of Pier VittorioThe question Aureli, whose be ofrelationality.think theprimacy needs relation isclear; itself Theconsequence to with it the need that brings reframed as a productive opening could be instead that the“cut”, Eisenman’s to use term,moreand hasto thanmere be separation, What thisentails is at logic a differentbe another work. ground; thereto needs his own position. there onEisenman’s was reluctance acertain of totheconsequences pursue part ontheplanetastheyare byofcapital.Yettions ofprogramorimpact thelogic of legitimation” theframework providedmodes become asmuchby theconven that “previous the recognition is predicated upon questions Answering these them?is, whatare thevalues andonwhatbasiscanwe defended to describe be tail? Secondly, That how isthetermoflegitimation” “modes understood? to be from ofEisenman’s thelanguage formulation.Firstly, this“cut” whatdoes en oflegitimation”from previous its modes (1997: 74). directly arise questions Two cutoff itto requires be preservation asasingularitythatforits understood be For autonomy discussion. Eisenman, tial references in any “must subsequent worth returning to Peter Eisenman’s that,from writings 1970s, have essen been To different of autonomy conceptions post-2008, these emerging address it is to conditionsnow. respond of autonomy thatmightbest forautonomyregarding thepotential inarchitectureand,specifically, theforms The city made of agonistic parts isthearchipelago. parts (2008:42) The citymadeofagonistic provokingofthecity. experience separateness, theagonistic its make clear architecture, for they ofabsolute examples […] constitute oneofthehighest 3 The Project ofAutonomy:The Project andArchitecture Politics Within and As suggested, another mode of legitimation cannot just invoke just cannot oflegitimation mode another suggested, As , offers a manifesto that successfully established autonomyestablished as thatsuccessfully amanifesto , offers POLITICAL MATTERS ------INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after Centre, [Photograph Chicago Federal Luscombe. Fig. 5:Desley van derRohe] [Diagram redrawn after planby Mies Federal Centre,(1959) Chicago Reinmuth (2020).Fig. 4Gerard 99 onprocess: that architecturefocus of architecturewiththeobject—what Tillcallsthe theprofession”,that defines aradicalmove makes away from theidentification intelligence as“thefebrilearchitectural while drawing described on whatBetsky that, foraposition argued onformalexploration, TillandSchneider ly focus 2008 Venice Biennale, “Beyond Building,” iteration thelast ofevent to overt even Inthewake obligation—to ofAaron rethinkown strategies. Betsky’s its way autonomy was ofasserting toontheprofession’s insist capacity—perhaps surprisingthatone itisnot ormergingofnumerous practices, disappearance andthe Given with massive oftheGFConprofession, losses job theimpact with NishatAwan. and later extendedto of intheir curationofanissue articulated first Tatiana intheirwork on“other Schneider ways ofdoingarchitecture”; aposition madeby Jeremy thatisalso remains unthought.Thisisanocclusion Tilland For himtheislandissimply separate. Thebroader relational context therefore andconnection. separation Aureli ofboth to failed thinktheoriginalnecessity urban fabric, theway underscoring are buildings ing ways inany are other ofthe inwhichbuildings implicated ineach experience theliteral Rather,significant isnot reflection. show lies in reflection significance whatis of reflection, Fig.5).Inimages isconsidered(see of therole ofreflection withinthecity,elements therelationunderstanding isundonewhenMies’clear of theFederal Centre. Whiletheplanworks tofrom holdthecentreother apart madeinregard to images claimcanbe other isthatthesame clear What isless radicallyfromFig. 4), the Federal thecityaround separate is indeed it. Centre Inthe drawingsa claim,where levelsare staged. ofseparation oftheplan(see It isclear, to makesuch thoughonly onthelevel oftheplan,thatitispossible ofthisplurality.instance and on the other, why it calls into question Mies’ Federal is an in Chicago Centre Spatial Agency: OtherWays Architecture ofDoing field a part product , again published inlate, againpublished 2008 POLITICAL MATTERS of each other. ofeach such As —by insisting instead —by instead insisting (2010) - - INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after 100 only not system that perpetuates very the quickreference andthussustains, what analltoo to enables, sustainability in which relationality remains unthought. Aurelia position is right to argue that sustains to process—still insimpleopposition though itexisted of products—as satisfactory. Autonomy as an intended differentiation merely thought in terms through thedevelopmenterted ofinnovative Yet processes. thisisfarfrom to autonomy, ex asopposed canbe agency agency suggest TillandSchneider drawn to be and“process”. distinction “product” a clear between Focusing on allow not for that relation clear does in detail, it then becomes Once analysed thereby amore missing comprehensive, reformist opportunity. asto makeitmore ofrealityso liveable”cupying thefringes (Chabard, 2018:45), by Aureli as“enthusiasticallyproblem onecharacterised endures, andothers oc conditions,a given onthese hissignificantcommentary ofthissetting, presence architecture isaxiomatically inrelation. thatTillisaware Whileitisclear ofthe place,dicament in the first namely,setting with which economic-political the humanity, architecture’s itleavesthatgenerated thesetting unanalysed pre and ofinterest andobjects locales creates culture.tectural Whilesuchaposition for all”,“pleasant spaces excluded by archi mainstream on those with a focus ofcreating theimportance tochallenge theparadigmofformandwhichassert attention a is then drawnOur as presenting framed to of practitioners a range through separation in the case ofAureli, in inthecase through separation andby supplantingitwithinprocess in different to note that this occurs ways; It is important sitioning the object. of autonomy the question Aureli by address repo Both and Till and Schneider Autonomy andtheprofession thatmotivatesextinction thesystem itself. Aureli As it: puts are responsive to, of parametricsystemaffirmingadisequilibrium aprimary by, inthatthey are organised areticulars defined by sameness relations of and thatinparametricism allpar towhenoneconsiders fracture starts this analogy Yet doubted. be as such cannot here of capital. Of course, is the logic naturalised is thattheoutcome issimilar to ofanaturalsystemand theoperative presence between Theargument alltheelements. fluidity” thereby a“seamless producing coordinated thatefficiently inherentby logic asingularorganisational variants determined to Hisclaimforparametricismwas be design thatitenabled books. and icism”, articles, oflectures, inaseries articulated subsequently aposition the 2008Venice hisargumentfor“parametr presented Biennale, Schumacher was, thelocus oroughttochitecture be,onautonomy. At theDarkSideClubof were ofthemarket,whereas for ar thatbuildings claimed aproduct Zaera-Polo and PatrikSchumacher ofTill and Schneider.the case period, thesame During (Till, 2010:(Till, 170) havingis about animaginative visionbutexecutingitinthenameofothers. yet takingalead timerelinquishing itisabout atthesame control. It recting; isarole ofactive andactive engagement The architect(ure) ofprocess di (2013: 67; emphasisinoriginal) survival on thedilemmabetween orextinction. isbased ric onsustainability conditionsastheyare.and political For example,rheto muchofthedesign isto pathology iteration ofareformist syndromelatest whose today popular thatare so are the practices and participatory The activist disequilibria of power but that impetus for of power but that impetus POLITICAL MATTERS preserve social social ------INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after 101 withina as well location asits andpolitical) economic ofpower (both disequilibria alreadyof its incorporating disavowal, thatany cityorsitenarrowest inits sense— setting—the architectural litical andtheeconomic. istheelimination,infact ofcourse, Whatthismeans, aseveranceofthepo thatstage acts political above,onthose noted itisbased as because, ofre-regulation thepossibility to resist isconstrained Deregulation ofautonomy,or modality where autonomy theformofderegulation. takes conception isthereforeofaparticular theexpression position Schumacher’s there aresult, issystematicindifference parametricism. As toaninsistent power. of aconception autonomy Insum,thisaffirmationdefines inherent in architect as“guardianarchitect and would delusional,arbitrary ofthepublicinterest” be himto consider. theclienthasinstructed ers Any ofthe self-appointment further stakehold ofallthose andto theinterests simultaneously safeguard like to host, institution would thattheclientorhosting life-processes social specific of those to allowformally andformalarticulation theflourishing viaspatialorganisation contentsspatially and as anticipatedby interpret entrepreneurs. Architects these uses, tosocial theeffectively demanded oflandresources grammatic allocation thepro the market regulates Within thegiven constraints, andpolitical legal count by Schumacher: there we was canconsiderthiseven any more inthisreading, explicitac doubt If project. to ofinterrelatedtheneo-liberal crisis andthecomplexset challenges en inthenameof ofcontestability, undoingofthepolitics they are thepolitical undertak apolitics evidenceofthe ofseparation and apparent modes ofany configuration. part realpolitical Nor, moreover, are formsofderegulation thatfinancialnetworks thefact formanintegral denies ical andtheeconomic thepolit Thisattemptedseveranceofthelinkbetween decisions). contestable in isdefined termsof thatpolitics sense (intheprecise sibility ofthepolitical thepos thatundoes withinasetting policy ofmonetary elements of essential thediminutionofnationalcontrol andtheincorporation both predicated upon flow ofmoney ofanincreased withtheidea Thus parametricismisequated words: capital. InSchumacher’s theflows of to to any optimise or infact externality asystem established outside taken asworking of themarket). theoperative against presence ofarchitecture (wherethe complete instrumentalisation thelatter would thenbe to ofthemarketarecomplete forces opposed control. Thus, theunconstrained asanuntenable either/or.scribed Either, there iscomplete or, freedom, there is de invokes best market isincreasingly whatcanbe deregulated. Thisposition propriety, by themarket—where anddirected inthatwhichisorchestrated the of sionalism inwhichthelatteronly hasasits formofregulation,andthussense ofprofes inthenameofaconception is denied responsibility that professional andthusarchitecture asapractice.Thebizarre conclusionis of professionalism view coterminous withthepromulgation ofacertain becomes of responsibility Therefusal withinthisoverall description. position There isanimplicitpolitical (2015:23) simply unprofessional. without relying orbureaucratic power. onpolitical (2009: 42) i.e. upprocess, identityinabottom order anemergent andlocal produces ofafreemarketurbanismthat Parametricism holdsoutthepossibility deregulation . now defined by the in-eliminability oftheclimate defined by thein-eliminability post-political POLITICAL MATTERS . Onthecontrary, now ------

INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after 102 theprivatisation andpolices sustains, necessitates, operative force—correlation istered as“variety”. its isthatwithinthislogic—within aspect Thesecond butwhatinformsitremainschange thesame, suchthatdifference isonly reg ofan overall logic.a fieldthatmaintainsthepresence organisational Form may ferentiation on the level within in that differentiationoccurs of appearance, only Firstly,In outline, parametricismhastwo definingaspects. itonly allows fordif anddeployed. tions are proposed spatialorganisa formationsthrough whichthose framing oftheprofessional as“spatial organization”,form, whichishere described butequallythevery profession’s own continuity. have not does thanthepromulgationprofession anyother ofthe responsibility thatthe Thecorrelate to theprofession. isofcourse isonlyarchitect responsible responsibility. argued, thus itmightbe From withinthisframeofreference the and theareaofengagement, islifted outside Professionalism as aprofessional. ofone’s to normthatitamounts theabdication olation ofany social role social claiminrelation to theextraordinary vi makes This iswhy also Schumacher that at no point does the nature of the exhibition, or of the body’s relation the nature to oftheexhibition,orbody’s art, does that atnopoint ofthecirculation are such Fig. 6).Thedominanceoftheformalandspatiallogics (see and walls oftherampnominatedasexhibitionspaceisnearlyimpossible floor exhibitinginthewarped Infact, engagement. ofarchitectural alocus longer the latter, tomakingexhibitionno exhibitwhilst maintainsanecessity foritboth of this circulation systemintolittleacknowledgement anexhibitionspaceoffers at thelevel ofexternalYet appearance. whencontinuinginside, thetransition of role in providing an overall differentiated that can only logic be organisational givencity itself. Thissystemofcontinuouscirculationtheproject, dominates its ofthe the site, to formsofcirculation andorganisingstructures lacksconnection to andfrom entranceandexitpoints lation which,beyond linkingupselected andcontinuouscircu system offree-flowing context only through anabstract tinguishing feature of the DDP is the way in which it is anchored to site its and Thedis project. economic ofautonomyconception by theneoliberal staged abuiltcorrelateSchumacher’s sinceitoffers withinthissetting to located can be (2009-11) HadidArchitects Plaza (DDP)by Zaha ’s Design Dongdaemun “unprofessional”. as labelled isto be thinkotherwise to ofcapitalisunthinkable—to thelogic by thepredominatingholdofmarket.Resistance organised tion inprojects through theirintegra matter mightbe—vanishes how tenuous suchdistinctions publicandprivate—no thatany between distinction of urbanspaceinthesense loss of domain and subsequent loss of agency can be resisted by focusing on the by focusing resisted canbe of agency loss of domain andsubsequent loss inVenicepresentation in2008. Zaera-Polo’s was thattheprofession’s thesis oftheEnvelope”, Politics “The Schumacher’s afew published afterweeks first of autonomy ofsuchaconception inAlejandro Zaera-Polo’s exists The possibility norindifference. neitherby guided separation of autonomy—one version ofanother Itconcernsthepossibility arises. At arealquestion thispoint from programmatic concerns. radicalseparation this timeinits with theobject; istheidentification ofthearchitectural whatisagainmaintained aresult, As follow not form;itisratherthattheyhave does Function anindifferent relation. autonomy conventional ofthemost offormyieldsprogrammaticrepetition kind. words, Inother attheDPP programmatic concernsremain under-addressed. aconcern.Thevolumetric diagramretainshegemony become its andasaresult, 4 Hence the logic of the market not only ofthemarketnot informs Hencethelogic POLITICAL MATTERS ------

INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after [Photograph] Korea South exhibition space. Seoul, Plaza, Dongdaemun Reinmuth. Fig. 6Gerard 103 determined by programmatic concerns,isnot by them. while inflected deregulatedspaceisthecreationofanonymity ratherthanaspacethat, so-called of programmaticspecificity.discrete areasormoments We contend here thata contain few learning spaces use, forms of these ibility andindifference to specific Given themselves. spaces with thelearning anoverall flex whichprivileges logic toled abuildinginteriorofcomplexcirculation consisting systemjuxtaposed inlightofnewformscontent delivery ofthecampusmodel This questioning movement. would have that privilege constant spaces apredominance offlexiblelearning workingtime. forstudents part Itfollowed ofeducation thatthebuilding service woulddelivering whenmany be “on used classes campus mightbe call”inthe how the transferto onlineteaching—questioned the current COVID-generated given Theproposition—prescient strategies. learning” ern university as“blended building thatcouldenablewhathaveof education known inthemod become andindustry. education the gapbetween FOA’s briefwas to provide anewform technology, thatfused landscape” “learning to narrow space, andtime—thought to a occupy the Greenwichforstudents campuscouldmakeconcrete desires its sector,the increasingderegulationofeducation anticipatedthat thecollege economy”. “knowledge withthe identified thatmightbe isations Inlinewith and organ of businesses on co-location focused an urban regeneration London, fromofRavensborne therelocation emerged to Greenwich,The project College oftheEnvelope” Politics his development of“The Zaera-Polo/FOA’s concurrent waswith designed Fig.7) Ravensborne (see College envelope. ofcapitalby theforces working exclusively ordiverting, onthe it oneresisting, albe heremaintainstheidentityarchitecturewithobject, still is occurring (199). Importantly, of faciality” newpolitics asa“whole what onto describe goes content” (2008:195).inevitably with political loaded Thisgivesto whathe rise envelope istheborder, thefrontier, theedge, theenclosure, itis andthejoint: chitect’s thatasthe“building control. Heargues Theclaimisstraightforward. envelope hecontends, ofabuilding—theonlythatremains part firmly inthear

and was completed in2010. POLITICAL MATTERS - - - - - INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after [Photograph] Ravensborne UK London, College, Fig. 7MichaelHolt(2010). 104 in Tafuri’snary ofthe the logics damnationof architecture asunable to escape In thispaper, we have bi theeither-or between attemptedto thread aneedle ofthepolitical. relations locus are, theactual that those in fact, ofarchitectureatworkthe conception hereindifferencepossibility isits to the itself, thus,aswiththework thantoother theobject ofSchumacher, whatdrives ofany to theconcomitantsuspension determining formofrelationalitynection time,same therefore, incon ofautonomy isaconception theobject thatdefines atthe thatrecalibrate programmaticdemands.Maintained spaces interstitial ofeven thecreation of thepossibility refuses of space-creation tendant project significantly,More theradical indifferenceits at toconcernsand programmatic political. asthesite ofthe onareconfiguration oftheobject since itispremised involvelitical still maintainingtheidentityofarchitecture withtheobject, po ofthe suchaconception and indifference, fails. only itnevertheless Not does ly promising thanseparation interms other ofanautonomy onsomething based oftheenvelope inthedevelopment isinitial While whatisoccurring ofapolitics ronmental performances intersect. (2008:199) intersect. ronmental performances complex: theenvelope afieldwhere identity, hasbecome security, andenvi increasingly complexrelationship, more ofinterface thehierarchies become technicallylonger necessary, andtheprivate andpublicareinan tangled and public, andwindows andwall.corners, are orroof no Oncecornices, private front between andback, ontheoppositions structured no longer development primitive ofenvelopes thatresist offaciality, models thatare political forms,runsparallel movements,to the affect-driven andother [the] current proliferation suchastrends, ofalternative practices, political tion between the logics ofthishighly differentiated thelogics tion between 2009: Andyet, inthedisjunc clear 23). whatis not forms” emergingpolitical (Zaera-Polo,addressing veloping alternative capableof formsoftessellation andde “modularpolitical effect differentiation asa through “emerging envelope exploring geometries” affected expression, political form ofcontemporary whole” (2008:202). For Zaera-Polo, theoutcome isa the individuality and the integrity of the of the part both thattranscend andscales agencies positions, whole, isdrawn across andattachments by influences individual between andsociety,articulation and part inwhich“the ofasociety—one his understanding inthewayrelation thetiles between theyrepresent foracor thisindifference,Zaera-Poloargues Despite tile pattern, andthusindifferent to theinterior use. ontheoverall dependent ofthe logic dom locations create ran arrangement, windows atseemingly that,intheir from ofsmalltiles formed thousands In Ravensborne theexterior envelope is College the “politics oftheenvelope”the “politics asfollows: more He writes generallyabout subject. the political isclaiminginterms oftheautonomyZaera-Polo of ontheinteriorwhat organisation—is dependency lackingany to be appears exterior—its organisation POLITICAL MATTERS ------INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after 105 advanced. further argument willbe ofautonomy forexamples withinrelationality thatthe atwork, cess—searching ofautonomy, inconceptions revealed shortfalls through asimilarpro be itmust relationality way. them insome andredirecting logics We callthisapproach withthese theterms ofengagement about from makingjudgements that results them, leaving inplayofalimitedautonomy—a formofaikido thepossibility to work theneed andaccept with ket isto predominating logics acknowledge atwork withinagivenlogics network ofrelations. Thatis,to work inthemar ity, ofpredominating whileallowingasthesuspension for autonomy understood theubiquityofrelational to acknowledge isthenecessity then, whatwe suggest of refusal inautonomyconcerns, toofcapital.Rather thelogic thanaposition continuing allegiance,andprogrammatic onthelevel design ofarchitectural from a separated is,intheend,illusory. be cannot separation positions Both We ofautonomy arguethattheconception oneitherindifference or based advanced. further will be analysis that yields exemplars of this “in-between” approach, thattheargument of autonomy, to the discipline through asimilarprocess—subjecting be itmust in conceptions hasrevealed exemplarsfrom shortfalls tion ofpast thediscipline “in-between” inTafuri’s asunthought.Therefore, asanexamina position just contributionsthatleaveonly withunsatisfactory thedifficulttaskoffinding Given andbuildingisbynature its projective, ofdesign thattheact we are left leave butinourviewstill of in-between, muchofTafuri’s dilemmaunthought. in Schumacher. two diverse and Schneider/Till represent very forms Zaera-Polo On theonehandiswithdrawal ofAureli, ishiscounter, whileontheother market—a that allows on current of autonomy. us to conceptions reflect position . Just as an examination of past exemplars from the discipline has exemplars from. Justasanexaminationofpast thediscipline POLITICAL MATTERS autonomy within - - - - INTERSTICES 20 Autonomy-within-relationality: Analternative for architecture theGlobalFinancialCrisis after Press. the diagram. Pai, H.(2002). Routledge. architecture. Hill, J. (2006). University Press. of neoliberalism Harvey, D. (2005). The Monacelli Press. inAmerica garde anavant- Positioning ideology: (Ed.), R.E. Somol, avant-garde In inAmerica. ofanarchitecturalnecessity and theavant-garde: The P.Eisenman, (1997). Autonomy firmitas, austeritas. Chabard, P. (2018). Utilitas, Uro. Publishers. Spaces Third and G.Reinmuth (Edss.) space. (2019). A. Benjamin, (Ed.), Zurich: Lars Müller. In Building. (2016). Building, A. Benjamin, Cambridge, TheMITPress. MA: of anabsolute architecture Aureli, P. V. (2011). precarity. and architecture intheage of of tabularasa: Walter Benjamin Aureli, P. V. (2013). 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, 18-27. Architectural Architectural . Retrieved from development . Cambridge, MA: Warped space: utopia: Design Design utopia: The , 14-23. AD Log 13/14 . , . , This paper is part ofanintegrated ispart This paper ENDNOTES architecture, Reinmuth (2017). see profession of andthediscipline relationship the between 4 (2019).Benjamin see ofthispoint discussion 3 Hotel. latter, Michael see Graves’ Swann Farrell &Partners; andfor the London,the SISBuilding, by Terry 2 Chabard (2018). addressed by Hill(2006) and (2008). are questions These also 1 Technology, Sydney. Architecture at theUniversity of of intheSchool Benjamin by Gerard Reinmuth andAndrew Masters Studiodirected Design analysis inthecontext ofa studio (2017-2020) based research involves afour-year the preparation the ofabook, architecture. Inaddition to research project onrelational For acounter view onthe For amore sustained For anexample offormer, see inparticular, See Zaera-Polo POLITICAL MATTERS