BC High MUN 29 NFL CTE Chair: Alex Pinarchick Co- Chair: Luc St. Mary BC High MUN 29 Table of Contents I. Message from Chairs II. Why Have a Committee? III. History of CTE IV. Current Issue V. Profiles VI. Questions to Consider I) Message from Chairs Alex Pinarchick: Hello delegates and welcome to BC High Model UN Conference XXIX. We are very happy to be hosting committees during this strange year and would like to thank you for giving this online thing a shot. I am very excited to be a chair for this specific committee because a few years ago I did a similar committee which was at my first Model UN conference. I have been a part of Model UN for 3 years and have gone to a few high school conferences and two college conferences which includes NAIMUN and WMHSMUN (Georgetown and William & Mary). It was very interesting to hear different things from people across the country instead of the state. I know that we can have a very good discussion on the topic today as NFL CTE. Please send me your position papers at my email address below so that I may consider them for awards.
[email protected] Luc St. Mary: 2 BC High MUN 29 Hello delegates welcome all to this BC High Model United Nations. I would like to say we are happy to have you here in this committee to discuss the problems with CTE. I will be the co-chair to this committee and my name is Luc St.