UNHCR COVID-19 Response - 16 March to 30 September 2020 Û Doliana Protecting the elderly and high-risk " Orestiada


Fylakio Û FU Ioannina Û " people moved from overcrowded island centres to safer Katsikas " NORTH MACEDONIA

1,959 accommodation in UNHCR apartments and hotels Evros Team

Û Û Drama

" Û

Filippiada "

Support to unaccompanied children Û Nea Kavala " Û

" "

VagiochoriÛ Kavala


children left Greece on relocation Alexandria DiavataÛ Û 290 Û " " " Lagadikia

SO " " Û Volvi

477 children moved from the islands to the mainland " ALBANIA Û "

Kato Milia Û Doliana

Medical assistance " TURKEY

planning and set up of triage areas Û FU Ioannina Û Koutsochero Katsikas "

" Larisa Team

55 containers and tents provided for screening/treatment/isolation Û Emergency

" Û Û Site Volos " Û Filippiada " " Kara Tepe 97 equipment provided for examination and isolation areas SO Lesvos

" Û Thermopyles

329k items of protective equipment provided to frontline workers



" Û Û FO Chios

Thiva" Oinofyta " " Û


Elefsina Û Skaramangas" Vial

" " Û

Water, sanitation and hygiene Û Û Andravida Korinthos Û CO Athens Malakasa

" " " "

refugees received cash top-up for hygiene needs Eleonas Û 31.5k Û

" FO Samos "

178.2k hygiene items provided in-kind Û Lavrio Vathy

" Temporary Accommodation Site / Camp Û

Reception Identification Centre Û " PIKPA Û " Lepida 107 repairs or installation of taps, portable sinks and others FU Leros "

UNHCR Country Office FO KosÛ UNHCR Sub-Office " toilet units, shower units and sinks provided Pyli 228 UNHCR Field Office UNHCR Field Unit water provision, cleaning and sanitation works

FO KosÛ Core relief items " Pyli 99k blankets, sleeping bags, jerrycans and others

Rhodes Team 6k solar lamps provided Communicating with communities dedicated website, helplines, posters, and interpreters

refugees received cash top-up for mobile data to increase their 92k The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. connectivity and access to quality information on COVID-19 Printing date: 13 Oct 2020 Sources: UNHCR Author: Bekim Kajtazi Feedback: [email protected]