Groundwater Resources Association of

VOLUME 24, NO. 1 SPRING 2015

Summary of GRA’s California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater Symposium

By Ted Johnson, Rob Gailey, Brent Miyazaki, Ghina Yamout, Lynn Edlund, Jean Kulla, and Tim Parker

roduction of oil, natural gas and successfully produce both hydrocarbons groundwater from California’s and groundwater, while simultaneously Preservoirs and aquifers spans over minimizing the risk of negative impacts a century. In recent years, significant ad- to both resources. vances in geo-steering technologies have Below is a summary of the informa- allowed precision horizontal drilling tion provided at the Symposium and and enhanced formation stimulation to field trip. occur, creating a boom (and glut) in the hydrocarbon production industry. To- Setting the Stage: Questions day, oil extraction in the United States is at a 25-year high and rising, and natural and Issues Related to gas production is at an all-time high. Exploration, Production and The U.S. is currently the largest single- Protection of Hydrocarbon country producer of oil and natural gas and Groundwater Resources in the world. in California With this increased activity comes Moderated by Ted Johnson, Chief Hy- questions from public and private groups drogeologist at the Water Replenish- regarding potential impacts to the envi- ment District of Southern California, ronment resulting from increased oil and in Long Beach, CA to bring together and facilitated by Rob Gailey, R.M. gas activities. In 2013, California passed groundwater and petroleum specialists Gailey Consulting Hydrogeologist Senate Bill SB-4 (Pavley), which outlined to openly discuss the current state of new regulations on well and reservoir Dr. Donald Paul, Executive Director knowledge, separate fact from fiction, stimulation practices, including acidiz- at the University of Southern California and provide the latest information on ing and . The bill Energy Institute, presented Develop- current petroleum industry knowledge requires, among other things, that the ing Technologies for Solutions. He first and practices related to California State Water Resources Control Board summarized pertinent aspects of activi- groundwater. An optional field trip was develop model criteria for groundwater ties and operating environments of the held on February 20th to the offshore monitoring by July 1, 2015, to ensure petroleum and groundwater industries. THUMS Oil Islands, a land subsidence protection of groundwater from well Dr. Paul then outlined opportunities and area, and to the top of Signal Hill to stimulation activities. challenges to be addressed by technol- see firsthand the current oil operations, ogy development in the future, including GRA and the Los Angeles Basins monitoring and protection measures be- managing water derived from petroleum Geological Society (LABGS) held the ing employed. Attendees heard 22 invited production, developing substitutes for California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater experts in their respective fields commu- freshwater use, monitoring groundwater Symposium on February 18–19, 2015, nicate the latest information on how to Continued on page 5…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 1 The Groundwater Resources Association of California is dedicated to resource management that protects and improves groundwater supply and quality through education and technical leadership.

EXECUTIVE OFFICERS President, Ted Johnson Water Replenishment District of Southern Califnoria 562-275-4240 Vice President, Chris Petersen GEI Consultants, Inc. 916-631-4597 Treasurer, R.T. Van Valer Roscoe Moss Company 323-263-4111 Secretary, Steven Phillips US Geological Survey Inside this Issue 916-278-3002 To contact any GRA Executive Officer by email, Features go to

Summary of GRA’s California Oil, Gas, and 1 DIRECTORS Groundwater Symposium David Abbott Consulting Geologist One Alternative Exposure Pathway of VOC Vapors 20 Murray Einarson from Contaminated Subsurface Environments into Haley & Aldrich 510-879-4544 Indoor Air – Legacy Sewer-Plumbing Systems Thomas Harter University of California, Davis An Introduction to Hydraulic Fracturing of 25 530-752-1130 Petroleum Reservoirs in California Brad Herrema Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck GRA Requests Nominations for the 2015 “Lifetime 28 805-882-1493 Achievement” and “Kevin J. Neese” Awards Adam Hutchinson Orange County Water District 2015 David K. Todd Distinguished Lecturer Series 29 714-378-3214 John McHugh Santa Clara Valley Water District Columns & Corners 408-265-2607 Abigail McNally President’s Message 3 Confluence Environmental Field Services 510-837-8740 Upcoming Events 12 Lisa O’Boyle Geosyntec Consultants Technical Corner 14 510-708-2708 Tim Parker California Legislative Corner 16 Parker Groundwater Federal Legislative/Regulatory Corner 18 James Strandberg West Yost Associates Chemist’s Corner 19 925-949-5800 Emily Vavricka Organizational Corner 31 EEC Environmental 714-667-2300 Branch Highlights 34 Brett Wyckoff California Department of Water Resources 916-651-9283 To contact any GRA Director by email, go to HydroVisions is the official publication of Editor the Groundwater Resources Association of Steven P. Phillips California (GRA). GRA’s mailing address is [email protected] 1215 K Street, Suite 940, Sacramento, CA ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR 95814. Any questions or comments concerning EDITORIAL BOARD Sarah Kline this publication should be directed to the Roy Herndon | Tim Parker | Sarah Kline 916-446-3626 | [email protected] newsletter editor at [email protected] or faxed to Tom Mohr | David Von Aspern | Vicki Kretsinger (916) 231-2141. HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 2 President’s Message

The Drought Goes On By Ted Johnson

ey, where did all the rain go? average precipitation to replenish our What happened to the snow? water supplies. I hope that by writing HI mean really? Are we going to this article in January that I am jinxing have a fourth year of drought? Really? the dry weather pattern and that by the time you read this in March there will Those are the thoughts going through have been exceptional February storms my head as I sit in the Long Beach Air- that delivered copious amounts of wa- port, writing this article in a location ter to the state’s snowpack, rivers, and where cold beverages are graciously aquifers. If not, I am afraid 2015 will served (hey, it’s the only place with an be another drought year and will pose a available electrical outlet), and on the real challenge for the water suppliers to TV is a news report stating that despite meet the needs of water users. Conser- the terrific December rains, January will vation and cutbacks, and in some cases end up as one of the driest on record, if panic, will surely follow. not THE driest. What’s going on here? With all the recent attention focused Is it a continuation of that “Ridiculously How this year turns out climatically on groundwater management, GRA has Resilient Ridge,” a term coined by pales in importance to managing Cali- not lost sight of other equally important Stanford climate scientist Daniel Swain fornia’s groundwater basins sustain- groundwater issues, such as contami- who tells of the high-pressure ridge that ably and “living within our means” in nant hydrogeology. As water resources is parked offshore Washington State order to survive future droughts. GRA become more scarce, impaired water and western Canada that won’t break is proud to be taking the lead in pro- bodies are being targeted for treatment down, blocking the winter jet stream viding information related to the Sus- and reuse—for direct consumption, or and its storms from moving down into tainable Groundwater Management for pump, treat, and re-injection pro- California (see my fall 2014 report for Act that was passed in 2014. So far in grams. Site investigations and cleanup more information on the Ridge)? Or is 2015, we have presented two free web have been important for decades, but it a less ominous ridge that only blocks casts (“GRACasts”) on the topic and perhaps never as important as they are weak storms, but will allow the stronger had over 1,000 telephone lines (likely today. California will need to conserve, ones to pass? Time will tell, but for now over 3,000 people) listening in. GRA protect, replenish, and remediate its all we know is that January was dry. also will be presenting several one-day groundwater as part of a sustainable events on the topic in various CA lo- A quick look at the National Oce- water portfolio, which is why GRA will cations later this year, and at least 10 anic and Atmospheric Administration’s be hosting future GRACasts and events more GRACasts. Clearly, this is an im- (NOAA) California Climate Station on these groundwater contamination portant issue with associated timelines Precipitation Summary tells me that as topics, including the latest remediation in place and requirements that must of today, January 30, 2015, the total technologies, development of investiga- be met, and involves science (accurate precipitation in CA is about average for tive tools and techniques, and emerging information), consensus, political will, this time of year, with some areas a bit contaminants of concern. legal certainty, education, boundary up, and others a bit down. So the De- issues, agency creation, and funding Other aspects of groundwater hydrol- cember rains were offset by the January needs to form these Groundwater Sus- ogy will also be covered by GRA this nada, and we are now at about average. tainability Agencies. We hope you will year. Groundwater monitoring related to But an average year just won’t cut it for call into and attend future events to petroleum operations under SB4 and Un- sustaining the state’s water supply. The learn more about this important topic derground Injection Control has been the drought won’t be over and normal pre- and find out how you can be involved focus of GRACasts and a major two-day cipitation will not make up for the past with helping California reach its goal event in Long Beach in February, and will three years of deficit that caused our res- of having every medium- and high- be revisited in future events. Managed ervoirs, both surface and groundwater, priority basin achieve sustainability. to drain. We need significantly above Continued on the following page…

The statements and opinions expressed in GRA’s HydroVisions and other publications are those of the authors and/or contributors, and are not necessarily those of the GRA, its Board of Directors, or its members. Further, GRA makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the absolute accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this publica- tion and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents. No warranty of any kind, implied or expressed, or statutory, is given with respect to the contents of this publication or its references to other resources. Reference in this publication to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the GRA, its Board of Directors, or its members.

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 3 President’s Message

Groundwater Sustainability – A Common Goal – Continued aquifer recharge and land subsidence will much time as they can to make GRA as Board members Sarah Raker and David continue to be addressed. A GRACast good as it can be. It is led by 15 dedicat- Von Aspern, who also volunteered so on simulating flow and transport using ed members of the Board of Directors, much of their time to the success of the Unstructured-Grid version of MOD- plus ex-Board members, a treasurer, GRA. These individuals offered to retire FLOW will be on April 1 (no kidding!). committee participants, and Branch to make room for new members on Our annual Legislative Symposium will officers that all help to strategically the Board, including Murray Einarson, be on April 29 in Sacramento, where develop programs that best meet the John McHugh, Lisa O’Boyle, and Brett we’ll hear from numerous legislators needs of our membership. In addition, Wyckoff, who will offer new insights regarding new bills being introduced we use the services of the professional and points of view based on their years in 2015 related to CA groundwater. association management firm Smith of service to the groundwater industry. GRA’s quarterly journal, HydroVisions, Moore & Associates to administer all of I thank Vicki, Brian, Sarah, and David also provides outstanding, timely and the day-to-day needs and details of our for their hard work and efforts on the relevant groundwater information to our non-profit organization. All of these ef- Board—it was a real pleasure serving members. Keep checking our website at forts are hopefully fulfilling your needs with you—and welcome Murray, John, to find out about the lat- as a member of GRA. If not, and if you Lisa, and Brett. I look forward to meet- est events being offered and registration/ would like to offer advice, please send ing the challenges ahead with you on sponsorship opportunities, along with me an email at [email protected]. GRA’s continuing efforts to be the most back-issues of HydroVisions. relevant, current, diverse, and outstand- At the end of December, we saw the ing groundwater association in the state GRA recently passed the 1,500 mem- retirement of GRA founding Board and the nation. ber mark, which is an all-time record. members Vicki Kretsinger Grabert and Our Association continues to grow Brian Lewis, two individuals who since Rock on! with the increasing recognition of the 1992 led the way with vision and dedi- importance of groundwater in the state. cation to start and grow this Associa- The Association is run by a host of ener- tion to the premiere organization that it getic, passionate, and experienced water is today. We also saw the retirement of TJ resource professionals who volunteer as

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HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 4 Feature

Summary of GRA’s California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater Symposium – Continued from page 1 systems and ensuring long-term well groundwater, and (2) the groundwater gineering at Colorado State University, integrity. A key issue, he explained, is community must be included in discus- and co-director of the Colorado Energy what to do with the produced water and sions of UIC aquifer exemptions and Water Consortium. His presentation, associated contaminants. Technical solu- SB-4 monitoring. Colorado – Successful Government/ tions exist, and more are being developed Industry Collaboration, described the Kevin Buchan, Senior Coordinator at to handle this challenge. He emphasized collaboration between Colorado politi- the Western States Petroleum Associa- that new technologies should possess the cians, government regulators, academia, tion, presented Exploration, Production characteristics of robustness, reliability, and oil industry in developing an ap- and Protection of Hydrocarbon and flexibility, cost effectiveness and scalabil- proach to assess and monitor potential Groundwater Resources in Califor- ity/modularity. risks to groundwater. Their program, nia. He summarized well stimulation called “Colorado Water Watch,” is a treatment operations and the current real-time groundwater monitoring pilot regulatory landscape in California. program developed by the Center for Kevin then discussed potential sources of Energy Water Sustainability at CSU. The groundwater contamination from petro- monitoring system comprises a network leum operations, the potential migration of water-quality sensors capable of de- pathways for contamination to occur, tecting changes in groundwater quality and the associated risk of contamination due to natural or operational processes events. He made the case that monitor- using anomaly detection algorithms. ing under SB-4 should only be required One strong finding is that Oxidation where potentially complete migration Reduction Potential (ORP) can be a pathways exist. good surrogate for real-time monitoring How Are Other States Tackling of methane. The monitoring data are analyzed, and reported on the web site the Hydrocarbon/Groundwater Compatibility Issue? Ryan Leatherbury, a Client Service Jon Parker. Photo by Ted Johnson. Moderated by Brent Miyazaki, Associ- Manager at Weston Solutions, presented Jon Parker, General Manager of the ate Vice President, AECOM. Baseline Groundwater Sampling and Kern Water Bank Authority, presented Dr. Ken Carlson is an associate pro- California SB-4. He explained the im- The Kern Water Bank and Oil. He first fessor of Civil and Environmental En- Continued on the following page… summarized the facilities and operations of the Kern Water Bank Authority, then discussed petroleum production ac- Symposium At A Glance tivities within and adjacent to the Bank’s What: Oil, Gas and Groundwater: AECOM, Weston Solutions, Trihydro, area of operations. Examples of soil Wise Production and Protection of National Exploration-Wells-Pumps and groundwater contamination result- Our Valuable Natural Resources ing from legacy petroleum production Exhibitors: Accutest Labs, ASC operations indicated the need to guard When: February 18, 19, 20, 2015 Tech Services, Blaine Tech Services, against quality impacts to the freshwater Confluence Environmental Field Where: Long Beach, CA resource. His main concern is over in- Services, Enviro-Chem In-Situ, Layne creased total dissolved solids (TDS) from Committee: GRA & LABGS. Ted Christensen, National Exploration- petroleum operations, including disposal Johnson, Jean Kulla, Brent Miyazaki, Wells-Pumps, OTT Hydromet, Snap of produced water in unlined pits, and Ghina Yamout, Rob Gailey, Tim Parker, Sampler/ProHydro, Test America, associated impacts on fresh groundwater. Lynn Edlund, Brian Lewis, Smith Moore Wayne Perry Jon discussed the need for improvements and Associates Keynote: Don Clarke – AAPG 2014-15 in groundwater monitoring planning un- Attendees: 152 Distinguished Ethics Lecturer der the new SB-4 regulations and the Un- derground Injection Control Program, Speakers: 21, all invited, plus final Field Trip: John Jepson – Long Beach emphasizing that (1) more information panel and 3 Posters Gas and Oil Department to Offshore is needed to understand the relationship Oil Islands, Land Subsidence, and Top Sponsors: California Water Foundation, between oil-bearing formations and of Signal Hill

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 5 Feature

Summary of GRA’s California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater Symposium – Continued portance of baseline groundwater sam- injection, which adds significant cost and pling, which he defines as the process of risk. She presented the four documented collecting water samples from sources risks to water from hydraulic fractur- surrounding a well pad, to document ing, including contamination of shallow groundwater conditions prior to drill- aquifers with fugitive hydrocarbon gases; ing. The states with baseline sampling contamination of surface water and shal- regulations include Pennsylvania, Ohio, low groundwater from spills, leaks, or Colorado, Maryland, West Virginia, other inadequate management of Wyoming, Illinois, Alaska, and now gas wastewater; the accumulation of toxic California. He described getting permis- and radioactive elements in soil or stream sions to sample, what to sample, where sediments near disposal or spill sites; and to sample, analyses to perform, and the over-extraction of water resources for how California’s regulations differ from high-volume fracturing that could induce the other states—particularly in defining water shortages. the base of freshwater at 10,000 parts Mike Nickolaus is from the Ground- per million TDS, which is a more strict water Protection Council (GPC), where Keynote Speaker, Don Clarke. requirement than in any other state he he is Special Projects Director. His Photo by Ted Johnson. reviewed. presentation, National Trends on State (NRC) to form an ad hoc committee to Regulations, compared and contrasted examine the topic of “Induced Seismicity existing regulations from several states Potential in Energy Technologies.” Don for protecting groundwater from oil and Clarke, consulting geologist from Long gas activities. The GPC’s 2014 report, Beach, California, was one of eleven Regulations Designed to Protect State people selected to be on the committee. Oil & Gas Water Resources, identifies During the course of a year, the commit- the oil and gas regulations in 27 states tee convened five public information- that protect water, and describes the gathering meetings and produced a associated regulatory language. These consensus report on induced seismicity 27 states represent 98% of all oil and in the United States with respect to vari- gas production within the U.S. He also ous energy technologies; the report ad- outlined the emerging issues as the GPC dresses hazards, risks, government roles saw them, including water sampling and responsibilities, proposed research and analysis (with varying state require- needs and suggestions on how to move ments), and the presence of naturally oc- forward. The findings of the committee curring radioactive materials (NORMs) Dr. Kelly Sanders. Photo by Ted Johnson. dispelled some myths about hydraulic that have been documented in formation fracturing and revealed that deep waste- Dr. Kelly T. Sanders, an assistant waters brought to the surface during oil water injection was responsible for much professor at USC, in the Sonny Astani and gas operations in many sedimentary of the induced seismicity, particularly the Department of Civil and Environmental basins. He concluded with a discussion more significant seismicity. The commit- Engineering, presented The Energy-Water of future directions for the GPC, which tee also interviewed some of the people Nexus within the Marcellus Shale Re- in 2015 will be planning for the next shown in the movie, Gas Lands, which gion. She discussed water use and reuse report update (publication in 2017), and has been influential with the public. Don challenges for the oil and gas industry, for the 2016 regulatory evaluation. recounted that the interviews he held especially in the northeastern part of the revealed different facts and accounts U.S. She reported that the modern era of Lunch Keynote than were presented in the movie, such Marcellus Shale production in the Appa- Don Clarke, AAPG’s 2014–2015 as hydraulic fracturing activities in the lachian Basin, the largest known shale-gas Distinguished Ethics Lecturer, presented area did not actually cause cows to die resource in the country, began in 2004. Induced Earthquake Potential from nor water to ignite. Deep well injection is the preferred meth- Energy Technologies – Ethically, How od of disposal there; however, injection Do We Move Forward and Do the Right The committee was formed from a does not occur in Pennsylvania (about 8 Thing? In 2010, Senator Bingaman of large set of nominees sent to the NRC injection wells compared to over 50,000 New Mexico requested that Depart- staff from a spectrum of professionals in in Texas), so wastes from the Marcel- ment of Energy Secretary Steven Chu academia, government and industry, and lus exploration are trucked to Ohio for engage the National Research Council Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 6 Feature

Summary of GRA’s California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater Symposium – Continued was approved by the chair of the NRC. ter Basins – An introduction to California The committee members, each of whom Groundwater history and use. Where are served pro bono for the duration of the the basins and bedrock aquifers in rela- project, brought a wide range of exper- tion to oil and gas fields? Brent generally tise to the study, including oil and gas characterized groundwater basins’ loca- exploration and production, geothermal tions, quantity and usage in California, energy, drilling engineering, fluid injec- listing the concerns associated with the tion, seismic monitoring and modeling, state’s groundwater resources, including seismic hazard assessment, geomechan- overdraft, quality degradation, reduced ics, mining engineering, fluid-rock inter- storage, pumping from greater depths, action, and regulatory oversight, with and land subsidence. Added concerns professional experience derived from stem from various oil and gas activities. academic research, private industry, and He described the chemical additives used government service. The report stands as in well stimulation activities, and empha- an example of how a group of objective sized the need to protect groundwater professionals with varying viewpoints resources by documenting baseline con- Dr. Jane Long. Photo by Ted Johnson. can come to a consensus and produce a ditions, identifying data gaps, developing useful, scientifically-grounded document regulatory monitoring plans, monitoring Risks to Groundwater: SB-4 to help guide developments with emerg- supply wells, and delineating aquifers and and UIC Considerations ing energy technologies. The lunchtime barriers. He also pointed out the need for presentation from Don was both infor- the water, and oil and gas industries to Moderated by Lynn Edlund, PG, Senior mative and entertaining. develop sound mutual understanding Geologist for Trihydro Corporation of their concerns and present sources of Dr. Steven Bohlen, State Oil and Petroleum and Groundwater information. Gas Supervisor, Division of Oil, Gas, Activities in California Dr. Jane Long, California Council and Geothermal Resources, presented Moderated by Ghina Yamout, Princi- on Science and Technology (CCST), DOGGR’s Response to SB-4. Where pal Scientist at Weston Solutions Inc. concluded the session with An Indepen- Are We & Where Do We Go From dent Scientific Review of Advanced Well Here? He summarized the SB-4 regula- Dr. Don Gautier, consulting hydroge- Stimulation Technologies in California. tions required before, during, and after ologist, Don Gautier LLC, and Scientist The review, performed with the support well stimulation activities, and the Emeritus USGS, presented Petroleum in of multiple agencies, is being document- public notification requirements prior to California: Its historical development, ed in three volumes, the first published stimulation. He provided an overview of recent trends, and resource potential, in 2014, and the others scheduled for the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) including new field discoveries, further July 2015. She pointed out that of all and the Underground Injection Control development of existing fields, and stimulation methods used in California, uncertainties surrounding the potential on-shore hydraulic fracturing consti- for shale oil resources. He emphasized tutes over 85%, of which 96% occurs that California oil basins are character- in the , yielding 20% ized by the highest crude oil sediment of the oil and gas production in the state concentration in the world; billions of since 2001. The application of hydraulic barrels of oil remain in on-shore and fracturing in California is simpler than off-shore existing fields, undeveloped in other states due to shallower produc- and undiscovered fields, and in source- tion wells depths and smaller water rock systems. He described the distinc- volumes, and result in simpler fractures; tions between source-rock plays, such as however, recoverable shale oil estimates California’s Monterey shale versus the are highly disparate and uncertain. She Eagle Ford and Bakken in other clarified that the high-volume hydrau- states, concluding that the San Joaquin lic fracturing cutoff imposed in New Basin is the most likely location for York is greater than more than 90% of shale-oil production in California, if it California’s operations. Volumes II and were to occur. III of the study will focus on analyzing Dr. Steven Bohlen. Photo by Brent Miyazaki, associate VP at AE- potential impacts from well stimulation Ted Johnson. COM, presented California Groundwa- activities and case studies, respectively. Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 7 Feature

Summary of GRA’s California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater Symposium – Continued

(UIC) programs, and the Memorandum tion, and that the goal of the SWRCB is gas fields. He concluded by stating that of Understanding between the oversight to bring all Class II injection wells into 3-D characterization of basins is impor- agencies. He also discussed the water UIC compliance. tant for identifying transport pathways quantities used for well stimulation, and risk areas, and can be used along the flow-back, and reinjection require- SB-4 and SWRCB’s Activities with multiple tracer approaches to dis- ments. Dr. Bohlen stated that SB-4 Moderated by Ghina Yamout, Princi- tinguish the sources and movement of requirements, properly implemented, pal Scientist at Weston Solutions Inc. groundwater contamination. should protect California groundwater. John Borkovich, State Water Re- Phyllis Stanin, Principal and Vice sources Control Board (SWRCB), pre- President of Todd Groundwater, pre- sented Overview of SWRCB’s Activities sented Results of DOGGR’s Statewide and Schedule for Developing Model Cri- EIR – Risks to Groundwater. She in- teria for Groundwater Monitoring and cluded a summary of potential impacts Protection of Groundwater Resources. to groundwater quantity and quality He discussed events leading to the associated with hydraulic fracturing, groundwater criteria development re- and proposed mitigation measures to quirement by SWRCB, which will have address them. The proposed mitiga- oversight over the regional groundwater tion measures to address groundwater monitoring program to be implemented quantity included the use of alternative by January 2016. He listed the agencies water sources and an evaluation of the involved in the criteria development, contribution from hydraulic fractur- and summarized the elements of the ing to overdraft and localized impacts monitoring program, such as monitor- of pumping. The proposed mitigation ing methods, chemicals, frequency and Dr. Justin Kulongoski. Photo by measures to address groundwater qual- duration, and area-specific and regional Ted Johnson. ity are to (1) provide a surface seal to extent. Mr. Borkovich confirmed that prevent spills from percolating into the state will be using 10,000 ppm TDS Dr. Brad Esser, Lawrence Liver- groundwater, (2) install a full-length as the basis for protected water. The more National Laboratories (LLNL), cement seal in wells used for well stimu- draft model criteria are to be released presented SB-4 Model Criteria for lation, (3) demonstrate the effectiveness and discussed with the public between Groundwater Monitoring. After de- of the cement seal, (4) install methane April and June; the final criteria will be fining the role of LLNL as technical sensors, (5) conduct field surveys to adopted by July 1, 2015. experts to the SWRCB in developing locate improperly abandoned wells, and groundwater monitoring criteria, as (6) add tracers to well stimulation fluids. Dr. Justin Kulongoski, U.S. Geo- required by SB-4, he presented the logical Survey, presented Tools for timeline of the process; draft and final Jonathan Bishop, Chief Deputy Di- Distinguishing Sources and Pathways criteria are to be released for public rector, State Water Resources Control of Groundwater Contamination from comments on April 30 and June 19, Board, presented Underground Injec- Oil Exploration and Development. He 2015, respectively. Monitoring will be tion Control Drinking Water Source discussed the importance of developing required on a range of spatial scales, in- Evaluation. He summarized the back- tools to characterize the feasible po- cluding well-by-well (by the operators) ground of the UIC program, current tential pathways to groundwater con- and regional-based or oil-field based program issues, and the path forward tamination and identify their sources, (by SWRCB). The required monitor- for this program. One issue is that some anthropogenic or natural. Methane in ing will consider source characteristics aquifers may not have been properly re- groundwater, for example, has a range (such as location, quality, and usage) viewed before exemption; these will be of compositions indicating microbial to and potential pathways (such as surface evaluated. Jon stated that the SWRCB thermogenic sources. He demonstrated operations; vertical zone separation; and DOGGR will be working more that it is possible to distinguish the pres- and conduits, such as faults, wellbores, closely to address the aquifer exemption ence of fracking chemicals in produced and wastewater disposal wells). Dr. program and will review the existing water from a fracked well, which are Esser outlined the components of a and proposed injection well projects absent in the case of a typical produc- permit-required versus regional-based to asses if injection wells are poten- tion well. Another example showed that groundwater monitoring plans. He rec- tially impacting freshwater aquifers and the presence of benzene in groundwater ommended that vulnerability be used water-supply wells. Jon stated that no was geogenic, and higher detection as basis for monitoring prioritization. new injection wells will be permitted frequencies were associated with deep, Continued on the following page… unless EPA approves the aquifer exemp- older, saline groundwater closer to oil or HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 8 Feature

Summary of GRA’s California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater Symposium – Continued Industry Activities and water-supply well information. He also Dr. Ted Frankiewicz, Engineering Technologies for Groundwater addressed potential future questions Advisor, SPEC Services, Inc., pre- Monitoring, Monitoring when regulations become finalized, sented Produced Water Management in including the necessary ‘learning curve’ California Oil Fields. He summarized: Reservoir Stimulation, Well and the importance of communication. produced water management; the cost Competency, and Production and value for beneficial use of produced Dr. Norman Warpinski, Technol- water in California; disposal options; Water Conservation ogy Fellow, Pinnacle – A Halliburton the removal of dispersed contaminants Service, presented Hydraulic Fracturing, Moderated by Dr. Jean B. Kulla, Presi- and the challenges of removing dis- Where Does the Science Lead Us? He dent and Principal Geochemist and solved components. Dr. Frankiewicz described the significant importance of Hydrogeologist at K2 Enviro, Inc. and showed several examples of produced- hydraulic fracturing to the production of K2 Energy and Environment water treatment systems in use at vari- oil and gas, particularly gas in the U.S. ous oil production facilities, including Rob Gailey, Consulting Hydrogeolo- Dr. Warpinski summarized the intensive the Chevron San Ardo Facility, where gist, presented Groundwater Monitoring research history of fracturing beginning produced water is treated and reused Plans under SB-4. Mr. Gailey addressed in the 1940s, government (DOE) re- for irrigation. He concluded with a three key themes in his presentation: the search in the 1960s and 1970s involving discussion of emerging technologies, regulatory framework, activities during nuclear fracturing; diagnostic research such as the use of ultra-filtration and the first year under SB-4, and prospects and modeling beginning in the 1970s and microfiltration for the future use of for the coming years. Due to public 3-D modeling in the 1980s. Extensive produced water in aquifer recharge and concerns, problems from hydraulic research was carried out at Los Alamos, other beneficial uses. fracturing in other parts of the U.S., Sandia, the USGS, and AMOCO. More and the California legislature not being recently, the oil industry (i.e. Halliburton The Final Word – Concerns, satisfied with available information on and Schlumberger) have been researching hydraulic fracturing in California, SB-4 and developing micro-seismic monitor- Solutions and the Future of was passed to further regulate oil and ing techniques to measure fracture length Wise Production of California gas well stimulation operations. Initial and height, propagation, and induced Oil, Gas and Groundwater interim regulations were developed, and seismicity in real time for environmental Moderated by Tim Parker, Parker Mr. Gailey discussed their implementa- purposes and to optimize hydraulic frac- Groundwater tion, including the development of turing program design and well spacing groundwater monitoring plans under for oil and gas production. This final session of the Symposium the currently active interim regulations. was a panel discussion featuring the fol- Ned Clayton, Senior Engineer, Sch- Final regulations become effective on lowing panelists: July 1, 2015. He summarized the plans lumberger Water Services, presented Test- already approved and some challenges ing and Logging for Well Integrity and • Dr. Donald Paul, USC Energy in obtaining information for the plans, Reservoir Information, and Translating Institute including depth to fresh water and between Oil and Groundwater. He gave • Rob Gailey, R.M. Gailey an overview of downhole geophysical Consulting Hydrogeologist logging and testing as used in oil & gas, • Jon Parker, Kern Water Bank compared to groundwater, and briefly • John Borkovich, SWRCB described some logging techniques for well integrity evaluation. There are many One of the key actions identified technologies available to demonstrate as a result of the many excellent talks competency of a well construction proj- over the previous two days, was the ect, and if problems are found they can be need to engage in issues across industry isolated and repaired. He covered induced to cross-pollinate across technical and fracture monitoring using microseismic regulatory challenges and solutions in methods, caprock integrity evaluation, the oil, gas and groundwater industries. and opportunities for cross discipline/ As Dr. Paul put it, there are two com- resource collaboration. Ned also provided munities (petroleum and groundwater) slides to link the nomenclature of petro- that often don’t interact or understand leum exploration and the groundwater each other’s activities, but should. industry, such as permeability versus There is potential in California to Dr. Norman Warpinski. Photo by hydraulic conductivity, and absolute fluid extract more oil with improved recovery Ted Johnson. pressure versus hydraulic head. Continued on the following page… HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 9 Feature

Summary of GRA’s California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater Symposium – Continued

State University Long Beach presented a poster on Passive and Active Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing for Downhole Lithologic and Poros- ity Characterization at Terminal Island, Los Angeles County, California. Finally, Kimberly Gordon presented, along with coauthors D. Jordan, W. Oliver, and D. Lupton of INTERA Inc., a poster on Alternative Water Resources for Drill- ing and Completions. GRA and LABGS appreciate the submittal and presenta- tion of these terrific posters that helped Final panel: from left, moderator Tim Parker, Rob Gailey, Dr. Donald Paul, John educate the attendees during breaks and Borkovich, and Jon Parker. Photo by Ted Johnson. the reception. technologies. With the associated issues is to find leaks from well stimulation Field Trip and challenges comes the realization activities. Distance, gradients, hetero- of new opportunities, including using geneity, travel times, dilution, conduits, John Jepson, Senior Geologist with the approximate 300,000 acre-feet per etc., are all factors that can influence the City of Long Beach Gas and Oil year of produced water generated in how contaminants migrate, and finding Department, organized and led an im- oil and gas activities statewide in more it in a monitoring well may be extremely pressive field trip on Friday, February beneficial ways than reinjection, such difficult. Risk-Ranked scenarios were 20, to several nearby oil operations of as treatment and reuse, thus adding discussed, whereby consequences, prob- interest. The first stop was a short boat new water supplies to depleted areas. abilities, and resultant risk associated ride to Island White, one of the four However, ensuring groundwater protec- with various events are quantified, and THUMS offshore oil islands that sit on tion cannot be overlooked in the face of decisions of monitoring rigor are ap- top of the famous Wilmington Oil Field a potential oil bonanza and associated plied by level of risk. that has produced over 2.6 billion bar- new source of water. rels (335,000 acre-feet) of oil since its There are data gaps and a lack of discovery in 1936. Bill O’Toole, HSE There are legacy oilfield issues that comprehensive data management sys- Manager of California Resources Corp, continue to crop up in places. What is tems, which should be created to com- guided the group on the Island. The to be done if legacy (preexisting) con- bine hydrogeologic tabular and spatial four THUMS Islands (short for Texaco, tamination is found when exploring data with those for oil & gas fields. Humble, Union Oil, Mobil, and Shell) groundwater monitoring under SB-4? There is a need to characterize and map were constructed in 1965 and currently There is a timescale issue as well—our the base of fresh water (protected water) have 731 active production wells and largest problems may not be with risk to in oil field areas, particularly where the 457 water injection wells that produce groundwater from well stimulation ac- overlying aquifers are usable or poten- 1,036,608 barrels of fluid a day (137 tivities, but from the thousands of old, tially usable. In closing, this final session AF), of which 2% is oil; the rest is water forgotten, abandoned (either properly of the Symposium was a broad discus- that is reinjected after the oil is separated or not) oil and gas wells that cross the sion with active attendee participation. out. Because of land subsidence issues in aquifers and from unlined wastewater the Wilmington Field, more fluids need pits. Will these become conduits for Posters to be reinjected than are pumped out— oil and gas reservoirs to mix with fresh Three informative and practical normally about 103% to 105% of what groundwater? Current regulations seem posters were presented throughout the is produced; recycled water from the City to focus on short timeframes, but should Symposium and drew broad interest of Long Beach is added to the produced consider a more risk-based approach from the attendees, especially during water to make up the injection volume. to the nature and need for monitoring the reception and networking session. After returning to shore, Mr. Jepson petroleum operations in general, includ- James Lehman, PG, CHG, of Parsons, ing old wells, current activities of well led the group to an oil field area in the Walnut Creek presented a poster on Port of Long Beach that is ground zero stimulation, waste handling, and under- Limited Impacts of Natural Gas Gath- ground injection control. for the historic land subsidence problem ering Operations on Shallow Ground- in the Wilmington Field that occurred Groundwater monitoring was rec- water in the Sacramento Basin. Nicky roughly from 1928 through 1970, with a ognized as a tricky endeavor if the goal White and Dr. Matt Becker of Cal Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 10 Feature

Summary of GRA’s California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater Symposium – Continued received. Many attendees said it was one of the most organized and informative conferences they had attended. A key to this success was the weaving together of the often separated petroleum and groundwater professionals, who united for three days to learn from and better understand each other, and how to both produce and protect our valuable natural resources. The petroleum industry heard from the groundwater industry—how precious our groundwater resources are and why monitoring is so important— and the groundwater industry heard from the petroleum industry—how Field trip to “Island White,” an offshore oil drilling facility. The tour bus is more advanced technologies are used to ensure than 25 feet below sea level due to land subsidence from historic oil operations. safe practices and that over-regulation Photo by Ted Johnson. and cost of compliance could threaten subsidence rate of about 2.4 feet per year ports, and the subsidence area. Signal exploration in the state. measured in the 1950s. About 20 square Hill Petroleum is operating oil wells liter- We also heard that it would be impor- miles was affected by subsidence, with a ally feet from beautiful hilltop homes, tant to have an update to this conference maximum of about 29 feet near the field and prides itself in keeping good com- in about 18 to 24 months, after the trip stop. The tour bus parked on a dirt munity relations by minimizing noise, groundwater monitoring criteria have lot surrounded by active oil wells, and we working limited hours, and developing been finalized and put into practice hiked up a large earthen berm to see the open spaces and planned communities to by the State Water Resources Control harbor and ocean above; that’s right, our weave their oil operations unobtrusively Board. The purpose would be to learn bus was about 25 feet below sea level. with the residential environment. We all what is working, what is not, and what Without the berm, the entire area would enjoyed a nice lunch on top of the hill, changes might be appropriate to best be flooded by the sea; the only thing keep- then rode the bus back to the hotel past serve the needs of the state and industry ing it out was the manufactured earthen numerous other active oil fields that dot with regard to the wise production and walls. Today, subsidence is controlled by the Long Beach landscape. protection of oil, gas, and groundwater ‘water flooding’ (re-injection of water) resources. The Organizing Committee to replace the extracted oil. The injected Closing is up for that task, and will be looking water not only has eliminated subsid- The Oil, Gas and Groundwater in forward to presenting such updates in ence, but acts to push the oil toward the California Symposium was very well the not too distant future. extraction wells. The City of Long Beach uses continuous GPS to monitor the land surface to ensure subsidence control, and works with the oil operators to shift locations and amounts of injection to balance the extraction at any given time. The final stop was in the City of Signal Hill and at the facilities of Signal Hill Petroleum. Sean McDaniel and Devon Shay provided a tour of how their company produces oil and rein- jects 100% of the water produced with the oil. They have over 400 wells and produce over a million barrels of crude oil per year (130 AF). From the top of Signal Hill, there is a terrific view of the Organizing committee, from left: Tim Parker, Lynn Edlund, Brent Miyazaki, Dr. Jean Long Beach area, including the THUMS Kulla, Ted Johnson, and Ghina Yamout. Not pictured: Rob Gailey and Brian Lewis. islands, downtown Long Beach, the Photo by Peter Piestrzeniewicz.

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 11 Upcoming Events

SAVE THE DATE Dates & Details Groundwater Resources Association of California GRA EVENTs & Key Dates in cooperation with California Groundwater Coalition (Please visit for presents: detailed information, updates, and registration unless noted) Annual Legislative Symposium: The Infancy of California’s Sustainable Groundwater

GRA-CGC Annual Management Act – What’s Next? Legislative Symposium Apr. 29, 2015 | Sacramento, CA april 29, 2015 – sacramento, CA

GRA Board & Planning Meeting May 2-3, 2015 | Santa Barbara, CA s California’s drought condi- tions persist, state agencies and Groundwater Sustainability Alocal stakeholders are gearing Agency Formation Workshop up for implementation of the Sustain- Solid Steps Forward, Boundary able Groundwater Management Act Determination, Legal Agreements, (SGMA). Many questions remain on and Public Participation how implementation of SGMA should Jun. 2, 2015 | Sacramento, CA be approached at the state and local level, and how the Act itself should be 30th Biennial Groundwater changed in 2015. Join us for a dialogue Conference & on this and other subjects with Califor- 24th GRA Annual Meeting nia’s most influential Legislators and Oct. 6-7, 2015 | Sacramento, CA Administration Officials. Speakers: For information on how to sponsor or Topics: This year’s invited speakers include exhibit at an upcoming event, please • “Streamlined adjudication” – aid or Senate and Assembly Water Committee contact Sarah Kline at [email protected]. oxymoron? Chairs Pavley and Levine; Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins; Senate President • BDCP: what’s in it for Pro Tem Kevin de Leon; Senators groundwater? Canella, Stone, Wieckowski and Wolk; • Annual update on fracking, oil and Assembly Members Alejo, Bigelow, and gas Mathis and Rendon. • Water bond funding for Note: All speakers are not yet con- groundwater management and firmed and subject to change. development Questions? • CWAP update Contact Rosanna Carvacho at • Impact of the Chrom 6 MCL 916.594.9700 or email Wendy Smith • The need for and benefits of at [email protected]. enhanced recharge across California

• The return of the debate over public Register for this event access to well logs • And much more! er_regform.asp?eid=402

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 12 Upcoming Events

SAVE THE DATE SAVE THE DATE Groundwater Resources Association of California Groundwater in cooperation with California Groundwater Coalition Resources Association presents: presents: groundwater sustainability agency 30th Biennial formation: a workshop Groundwater Solid Steps Forward, Conference Boundary Determination, & 24th GRA Legal Agreements, and Public Annual Meeting Participation october 6-7, 2015 june 2, 2015 – sacramento, CA sacramento, CA

he Sustainable Groundwater n keeping with the 60-year tradi- Management Act (SGMA), tion of the Biennial Groundwater Tsigned into law September 16, IConference, sessions will include: 2014 and effective January 1, 2015, • A broad range of groundwater requires that approximately 100 topics, including contamination and high- and medium-priority basins form water-supply issues, how-to sessions Groundwater Sustainability Agencies for groundwater practitioners, the (GSAs) by June 30, 2017. To propose latest technological advances, and to be a GSA, a notice of intent that legislative directions; includes the local agencies of the GSA and the GSA boundary must be submit- • Detailed coverage of today’s ted to DWR, and a public hearing held. issues, including implementation Subsequently, the GSA must submit the Figure courtesy of the Water of the Sustainable Groundwater GSA legal agreement, list of interested Education Foundation Management Act, and the ongoing parties and how they can participate in drought. the development of a groundwater sus- Discussion topics are planned Questions? tainability plan. The SGMA requires to include: that GSAs consider the interests of all Contact Sarah Kline: 916-446-3626 groundwater users and beneficial uses, • SGMA and Challenges to GSA [email protected] as well as other relevant groundwater Formation For additional information, includ- sustainability plans. • Determination of GSA Boundaries • Legal Agreements – Concepts and ing scholastic, sponsorship and exhibi- the Devilish Details tor opportunities, please visit www. • Interested Party lists and Public Participation • Facilitation as a Key Tool for Public Participation Questions? Contact Sarah Kline 916-446-3626 or Tim Parker at 916-596-9163 or email [email protected] or [email protected]

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 13 Technical Corner

Wells and Words By David W. Abbott P.G., C.Hg., Consulting Hydrogeologist

The Relationship between Drawdown, Transmissivity, and Well Yield

here are infinite combinations Figure 1: Drawdown, Transmissivity, and Well Yield of drawdown and transmissiv- 100,000

ity that will produce a given 9 T Q = (T ÷ 2,000) × s Assumptions : T = 30,000 gpd/ft; t= 1 day; well yield, but the realistic set of such Confined Aquifer r = 0.5 feet; and = 0.001 combinations is constrained by physi- Specific Capacity (Q/s), gpm/ft𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺 at one day of pumping cal and economic limitations associ- 10,000 0.005 0.05 0.5 5.0 50 500 ated with well construction and the power requirements for lifting water to ground surface. Drawdown (s) is

1,000 the vertical distance between the static

100 feet of dd of feet 100 1 Municipal wells

> 250 gpm with with gpm 250 > 2 (non-pumping) water level (SWL) and the pumping water level (PWL). Trans- missivity (T) of an aquifer, commonly 100 expressed in gallons per day per foot

(gpd/ft), is the rate at which water of the prevailing kinematic viscosity is 10 transmitted through a unit width of gpm with gpm

Well Yield (Q), gpm at 100% Efficiency 100% at gpm (Q), Yield Well 50 feet dd of 50 aquifer under a unit hydraulic gradi- <50 Domestic Wells Domestic ent1,2; it is also equal to the hydraulic conductivity times the aquifer thick- 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 ness. Well yield (Q) is the discharge Transmissivity (T), gpd/ft of a pumped or free-flowing well3, or the maximum safe volume of water discharged per unit time; it is usually C is empirically derived by applying ing is that involved in changing the 4 expressed in gallons per minute (gpm) . certain logical assumptions to the Coo- head a unit amount in a unit volume T is proportional to the specific per-Jacob modified non-equilibrium of medium11. Let T = 30,000 gpd/ft, capacity (Q/s), which is the ratio of equation, which describes groundwater S = 0.001 for confined, and 0.075 for discharge to drawdown at a specific flow to a pumping well. unconfined aquifers. Inserting these time while pumping: T = (Q/s) × C; values in the logarithmic argument of 264 x Q 0.3 x T x t note that Q/s varies with time and s = ______Log ( ______) the denominator and solving for the 2 well efficiency. Various authors5,6,7,8,9 T r x S denominator yields values for C of 1,995 for confined aquifers and 1,500 have described different derivations where: “little” s is the drawdown in for unconfined aquifers12. These esti- and presentations of this relationship feet (ft), Q is in gpm, T is in gpd/ft, t mates of C embrace the assumptions13 and their corresponding constants. = elapsed time of pumping in days, r = associated with the Cooper-Jacob The proportionality constants (C) for horizontal distance in ft from the cen- 7 equation, including, for the water bear- unconsolidated aquifers from Driscoll ter of the well to a point of interest, and ing formations, (1) uniform in charac- are used here and seem to work quite “big” is storativity (unitless). Driscoll7 ter and permeability in both horizontal well for this author in most field ap- assumes that t = 1 day and r = 0.5 ft, and vertical directions, (2) uniform plications for high-yield production and rearranges the equation: wells (T > 5,000 gpd/ft) as long as the thickness, (3) infinite areal extent, (4) applied assumptions are fully under- Specific ______T receives no recharge from any source; = Q/s = stood and adjusted to meet actual field Capacity 264 x Log ( ______1.2 x T ) and for the well, (5) penetrates and conditions. For unconfined aquifers C S receives water from the full thickness = 1,500 and for confined aquifers C Note that T/S in the denominator is of the aquifer, (6) storage is discharged = 2,000. An exponential relationship the hydraulic diffusivity, which is the instantaneously with lowering of the was developed for low-yield fractured conductivity of the saturated medium head, (7) is 100 percent efficient, (8) rock aquifers as well: T = (Q/s)1.18 × C when the unit volume of water mov- Continued on the following page… (where C = 291)10.

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 14 Technical Corner

Wells and Words – Continued all water removed comes from aqui- a very productive aquifer capable of Dublin, OH. fer storage, (9) laminar flow exists much higher yields. Note that the rec- 9 Razack, M. and David Huntley, 1991, As- throughout the well and aquifer, and ommended long-term well yield (100 ft sessing transmissivity from specific capacity (10) the water table or potentiometric of drawdown) for the former aquifer in a large and heterogeneous alluvial aquifer, surface has no slope. (T= 4,000 gpd/ft) would be about 180 Groundwater, Volume 29, Number 6, pub- gpm rather than 500 gpm. lished by NGWA, Dublin, OH. Similar constants have been evalu- 10 Huntley, David, R. Nommensen, and D. ated and used by other authors using The proportional relationship be- Steffey, 1992, The use of specific capacity to slightly different methods and as- tween transmissivity and specific capac- assess transmissivity in fractured-rock aqui- sumptions. Remarkably, for high-yield ity is an extremely useful field term and fers, Groundwater, Volume 30, Number 3, aquifers, C ranges from 1,262 to 2,477 a valuable tool to apply for estimating published by NGWA, Dublin, OH. (confined) and from 469 to 1,764 the transmissivity of the aquifer if un- 11 American Geological Institute (AGI), 1987, (unconfined); for low-yield aquifers, known, or to evaluate the effectiveness Glossary of , AGI, Alexandria, VA, C ranges from 939 to 1,467 (confined) of well development programs and 788 p. and 300 to 972 (unconfined). Note that the well efficiency if the transmissivity 12 Weight, Willis D. and J.L. Sonderegger, even though T varies by 5 orders of is known15. Careful inspection of the 2001, Manual of Applied Field Hydrogeology, magnitude and varies by several orders assumptions used to determine the pro- McGraw-Hill, New York, 608 p. of magnitude14, the range of values portionality constant helps to validate 13 Walton, William C, 1970, Groundwater for C is slightly less than one order of transmissivity estimations or validate Resources Evaluation, McGraw-Hill Book magnitude, from 300 to 2,477! optimal specific capacities. Company, New York, 664 p. 14 Gabrysch, R.K., 1968, The relationship Figure 1 is a graph of T in gpd/ft on between specific capacity and aquifer transmis- the x-axis and Q in gpm on the y-axis; 1 Todd, David K., 1980, Groundwater Hy- sibility in the Houston area, Texas, Ground- both axes are logarithmic. A draft of drology (second edition), John Wiley & Sons, water, Volume 6, Number 4, published by this unpublished graph was originally New York, 535 p. NGWA, Dublin, OH. provided by David K. Todd, Ph.D. to 2 Lohman, S.W., 1972, Ground-Water Hy- 15 Helweg, Otto J., V.H. Scott, and J.C. Scalm- his staff in the late-1990s; the graph has draulics, US Geological Survey Professional anini, 1984, Improving Well and Pump Ef- been reproduced here in Excel format Paper 708, Washington, DC. ficiency, American Water Works Association, Denver, CO, 158 p. with minor modifications for clarity. 3 American Geological Institute (AGI), 1998, The resulting family of parallel diago- Glossary of Hydrology, AGI, Alexandria, VA, nal lines represents various drawdowns 248 p. in ft that span at least seven orders 4 Poehls, D.J. and G.J. Smith, 2009, Encyclo- of magnitude, from 0.1 to 100,000 pedic Dictionary of Hydrogeology, Academic ft for a confined aquifer that uses the Press, Amsterdam, 517 p. 7 Driscoll empirical approach. Realisti- 5 Thomasson, H.G., Jr., F.H. Olmsted, and cally, s is typically less than 200–300 E.F. LeRoux, 1960, Geology, Water Resourc- ft; the lower end of T for small water- es, and Usable Ground-Water Storage Capac- supply wells is usually >100 gpd/ft, or ity of Part of Solano County, California, US equivalent to well yields >3 gpm with Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1464, Washington D.C., (see p. 220–223). about 50 to 100 ft of drawdown. High- yield municipal and industrial wells 6 Bentall, Ray, 1963, Methods of Deter- mining Permeability, Transmissibility, and usually have T > 5,000 gpd/ft, which Drawdown, U.S. Geological Survey Water are equivalent to Q >250 gpm with 100 Supply Paper 1536-I, Washington, D.C., (see ft of drawdown. p. 331–340 and note especially the two brief papers by Theis and by Brown). It follows that different combina- 7 tions of T and s will produce identical Driscoll, Fletcher G. (editor), 1986, Groundwater and Wells (second edition), well yields. For example: an aquifer Johnson Division, St. Paul, MN, 1089 pages with a T = 4,000 gpd/ft and 280 ft of (see specifically p. 1021). drawdown (Point 1 on Figure 1) or 8 Bradbury, Kenneth R. and E.R. Rothschild, an aquifer with a T = 123,000 gpd/ft 1985, A computerized technique for estimat- and 10 ft of drawdown (Point 2) will ing the hydraulic conductivity of aquifers yield 500 gpm; the former would be a from specific capacity data, Groundwater, marginal or low-yield aquifer at that Volume 23, Number 2, published by NGWA, pumping rate and the latter would be

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 15 California Legislative Corner

Legislative Update By Tim Parker, GRA Legislative Committee Chairman, Chris Frahm and Rosanna Carvacho, GRA Legislative Advocates

s the Legislature returned in January for the first half of the A2015–16 Legislative Session, water is still a significant issue in the Capitol and across the state. Even though December brought higher than average rainfall, January brought re- cord lows. Much more rain and snow is needed to bring the state’s surface and groundwater levels back to pre- drought conditions, keeping water at the forefront for policy makers. On April 29th, GRA’s Legislative Committee will host the Annual Legis- lative Symposium, in partnership with the California Groundwater Coalition. With water being a major focus of the Legislature and the Administration this year, the Symposium will be an out- standing opportunity to present GRA’s agenda. Sustainable Groundwater Management Act As was detailed in the winter 2014 Legislative Update, the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (Act) A complete summary of the Governor’s proposed 2015–16 Budget proposal is was passed by the Legislature and available here. signed by Governor Brown in Septem- ber. On January 1, 2015, the Act went cfm. DWR currently is compiling habitat original measure. GRA will monitor into effect, turning the primary focus to and streamflow data for consideration in any new legislation introduced that Act implementation. potential basin prioritization revisions. attempts to modify the Act in order to Under the Act, the bulk of the imple- DWR is also responsible for adopting help maintain the integrity of the Act. mentation work during the first few years regulations covering potential revision The Governor’s 2015–16 proposed will occur at the Department of Water of basin boundaries and evaluation and budget includes $6 million from the Resources (DWR). Specifically, the DWR implementation of local groundwater General Fund for the DWR to provide must update Bulletin 118, including the sustainability plans. additional technical assistance to lo- ranking of basins or sub-basins as very GRA has already had meetings with cal agencies on the development of low-, low-, medium-, or high-priority ba- the DWR and State Board staff respon- groundwater sustainability plans. Uses sins based on the current threat to each sible for Act implementation and will of these funds include the proposed basin’s integrity. The Act required that continue to stay engaged with them addition of five staff, and implementa- DWR establish the initial groundwater throughout this process. tion of specific requirements of the Act, basin prioritization by January 31, 2015; such as the adoption of basin boundar- DWR has done so, for now, by using Additionally, even though the Act is ies and best groundwater protection the current CASGEM prioritization, now law, there will likely be proposals practices. available at to change the Act’s provisions both groundwater/sgm/SGM_BasinPriority. by proponents and opponents of the Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 16 California Legislative Corner

Legislative Update – Continued Water Bond With the start of a new Legislative Appointments Session comes new committee Chairs AB 1471 (Rendon), after being and committee assignments in both On January 2, 2015, Governor passed by both houses and signed by houses; those most relevant to GRA are Brown reappointed Felicia Marcus as a Governor Brown in August, went on outlined below. member and Chair of the State Water the November 2014 ballot as Proposi- Resources Control Board where she tion 1. Proposition 1 was passed by the Senate President pro Tem Kevin has served since 2012. This reappoint- voters with 67.1% voting in favor of DeLeón appointed Senator Ricardo ment will require Senate confirmation. the measure. Lara as Chair of the Appropriations Committee, Senator Bob Wieckowski Looking Ahead The Governor, in his 2015–16 as Chair of the Environmental Quality Groundwater and water in general budget, outlines a Proposition 1 Committee, and reappointed Senator in California will continue to be im- expenditure plan that allocates a Fran Pavley as Chair of the Natural portant topics over the next two-year total of $532.5 million to different Resources and Water Committee. state departments, with a 5 percent Legislative session. With the enact- administrative cost cap included for Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins ment of the Sustainable Groundwater Proposition 1 Bond funds. On page 16 appointed Assemblymember Jimmy Management Act (SGMA) and the is a chart that outlines the Governor’s Gomez as Chair of the Appropriations passage of the Water Bond, water is proposed expenditures. Given all the Committee, Assemblymember Das and will continue to be at the forefront work that GRA has done to elevate the Williams as Chair of the Natural Re- of California policy discussions. Addi- issue of groundwater management and sources Committee, Assemblymember tional legislation emerging or expected contamination, it is nice to see that the Marc Levine as Chair of the Water, to emerge includes ministerial fixes Governor included a separate section Parks and Wildlife Committee and re- to SGMA, streamlined adjudication, on groundwater sustainability, allocat- appointed Assemblymember Luis Alejo and SB20 to make well logs publicly ing money to DWR for Groundwater as Chair of the Environmental Safety available. As things take shape, we Management Planning and to the State and Toxic Materials Committee. will continue to keep GRA members Board for groundwater cleanup. apprised of the evolving political and policy landscape in Sacramento. Changes in the Legislature The statewide general election in November resulted in 27 new Assembly members and 12 Senators. The new Legis- SAVE THE DATE lators for the 2015–16 Legislative Session were sworn in on December 1, 2014. April 29, 2015 A special election was held on De- cember 9, 2014 to elect a replacement 2015 Annual Legislative Symposium for the 35th Senate District created by the resignation of Senator Rodrick Find out why the new groundwater Wright. Former Assembly member legislation and water bond are important Isadore Hall, III won the election, and to you­—and what’s next! was sworn in on December 10, 2014. There are currently three vacant Sen- ate Districts (the 7th, 21st, and 37th) created by the election of the Legisla- tors to Congress. The special primary election for these three districts will be held on March 17, 2015 and the spe- cial general election on May 19, 2015.

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 17 Federal Legislative & Regulatory Corner

The Federal Corner By Jamie Marincola, U.S. EPA

USGS Posts Report on the EPA Publishes Microbial Risk Natural Breakdown of Quality of the Nation’s Assessment Framework for Petroleum Underground Groundwater Waterborne Pathogens Can Lace Arsenic into he USGS found that more than EPA has published the document, Groundwater one in five groundwater samples Microbial Risk Assessment Tools, In a long-term field study, USGS and Tacross the country contained at Methods, and Approaches for Water Virginia Tech scientists have found that least one contaminant at a concentra- Media, to assist risk assessors and sci- changes in geochemistry from the natural tion of potential concern for human entists in the development of rigorous breakdown of petroleum hydrocarbons health, with contaminants from geo- and scientifically defensible risk assess- underground can promote the chemical logic sources accounting for about 80 ments for waterborne pathogens. The release (mobilization) of naturally oc- percent of the exceedances of health- document describes a human health risk curring arsenic into groundwater. This based standards. Regional results assessment framework for microbial geochemical change can result in po- of the Southwest Principal Aquifers hazards in water media that is compat- tentially significant arsenic groundwater found that contamination in one of ible with other existing risk assessment contamination. The findings were based every three drinking-water wells could frameworks for human health and on a 32-year collaborative effort between be a human-health concern and that chemical hazards. Risk assessment is a government, academic, and industry- geologically-introduced arsenic and science-based tool and is used to help supported scientists studying the natural uranium were of particular concern. managers explore the relative merits attenuation of a 1979 petroleum spill The southwest report also indicated of various management alternatives, near Bemidji, Minnesota. The scientists that dissolved-solids concentrations in identify important gaps in knowledge, attributed the elevated arsenic in the groundwater are increasing in certain and inform regulatory actions. Learn hydrocarbon plume to a series of inter- areas and that artificial recharge and more at: related geochemical and biochemical groundwater withdrawals are moving swguidance/standards/criteria/health/ processes that involve arsenic and iron contaminants to deeper parts of basin- microbial/index.cfm. oxides and the metabolization of carbon- fill aquifers. For the national report, rich petroleum by microbes in anoxic please visit: (low oxygen) conditions. For more in- features/usgs_top_story/the-quality-of- formation, visit: the-nations-groundwater/. newsroom/article.asp?ID=4110. EPA, States and Automotive Industry to Reduce Copper in Motor Vehicle Brake Pads EPA, the automotive industry and the states signed an agreement to reduce the use of copper and other materials in mo- tor vehicle brake pads. The Copper-Free Brake Initiative calls for cutting copper in brake pads to less than 5 percent by 2021 and 0.5 percent by 2025. This voluntary initiative also calls for cutting the amount of mercury, lead, cadmium, asbestiform fibers and chromium-6 salts in motor vehicle brake pads. These steps will decrease runoff of these materials from roads into the nation’s streams, riv- ers and lakes, where these materials can harm fish, amphibians and plants. Read more: From USGS national summary report of the quality of the nation’s groundwater. des/stormwater/copperfreebrakes.cfm.

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 18 Chemist’s Corner

Arsenic: The Cure By Bart Simmons

aracelsus (1493-1541) has been documented a significant decrease in The public perception of arsenic as credited with the saying: “The deaths due to breast cancer in women a toxin was a key force in the policy PDose Makes the Poison.” Ap- with high arsenic consumption. And reversal. The findings on arsenic and parently, Paracelsus never wrote that, as arsenic exposures varied, so did the breast cancer create a paradox: how do but what he did write was (translated breast cancer. The higher the arsenic we regulate arsenic in drinking water from German): “All things are poison concentration in drinking water, the if it increases the risk of some cancers, and nothing is without poison, only lower the breast cancer incidence. and decreases the risk of other cancers? the dose permits something not to be How should risk assessment methods The result is not without precedent. poisonous.” Arsenic is proving to be a address a substance which is both a Arsenic trioxide (trade name Tris- prominent example of that principle. carcinogen and an anti-carcinogen? enox®) is already used as a drug for For millennia, arsenic has been used the treatment of acute promyelocytic If arsenic is proven to be safe and ef- as a poison of choice for offing one’s leukemia (APL). The Berkeley Group fective for the treatment of breast cancer, enemies. In addition to its acute toxic is urging the clinical study of arsenic this may add another valuable weapon effects, chronic exposure to arsenic, for the treatment of advanced breast to the arsenal for cancer treatment. as in drinking water, can lead to skin cancer. pigmentation, thickening of the skin Epidemiology can be a powerful tool on the foot, and a variety of cancers. The regulation of arsenic in drink- for understanding causes of disease. Alan Smith and his collaborators at the ing water has a tortured history in the Time and time again, research findings U.C. Berkeley School of Public Health U.S. The Clinton Administration had can challenge the conventional wisdom have documented extensive incidence proposed lowering the Maximum Con- about environmental pollutants. of arsenic-caused cancers in exposed taminant Level (MCL) to 1 µg/L (ppb). Bart can be reached at populations in Asia and South America. The George W. Bush administration put [email protected]. the rule on hold, but ultimately yielded As part of one study on people from to the question: “Do you want more or South America, The Berkeley Group less arsenic in your drinking water?”

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HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 19 Feature

One Alternate Exposure Pathway of VOC Vapors from Contaminated Subsurface Environments into Indoor Air – Legacy Sewer-Plumbing Systems

By James A. Jacobs, Olivia P. Jacobs, and Kelly G. Pennell

Abstract Nationwide, legacy sewer lines are Indoor Air Quality Studies unintended conveyance systems for ewer-plumbing systems, land VOCs in sewer air. VOC-impacted There are many sources of indoor air drains and subsurface utility con- groundwater (and vapor in the vadose pollution, but one that has captured the Sduits/lines/trenches are alternate zone) infiltrates leaky sewer trunk lines attention of regulators and managers of exposure pathways for volatile organic and laterals. The VOCs volatilize from hazardous waste sites is the transport compounds (VOCs) in the shallow the sewer/groundwater liquids into of subsurface vapors into indoor air subsurface to migrate into indoor air. sewer air, which allows for migration spaces (i.e. vapor intrusion). U.S. EPA Sewers which are well past their design throughout the sewer system, and into (2002) developed a series of models for life, or legacy sewers, allow for leakage indoor air through failed vapor seals in estimating indoor-air concentrations of into and out of the pipes. Legacy sew- plumbing systems. VOCs and the associated health risks ers that intercept VOC-contaminated from subsurface vapor intrusion into groundwater or vapor likely contain This paper presents (1) currently buildings. These vapor intrusion models VOCs in the sewer air. This article used vapor intrusion conceptual mod- were based on the analytical solutions of highlights an often overlooked implica- els, (2) leakage and pipe damage as Johnson and Ettinger (1991) for contami- tion of legacy sewers and their inter- documented in a northern California nant partitioning and subsurface vapor ception of VOC plumes—the potential sewage conveyance system, (3) two case transport into buildings. Figure 1 shows a for VOC-impacted sewer air to enter studies demonstrating the presence of common site conceptual model for VOC indoor air spaces. VOCs in indoor air resulting from the vapor intrusion, based on US EPA (2002) intersection of breached sewer systems and modified by others. Since that time, Introduction with failed plumbing seals and PCE several revisions to the vapor intrusion plumes, and (4) recommendations. Sewer systems were designed to models have been made and a series of deliver residential, commercial, and new models have been developed. industrial liquid wastes to treatment plants without loss of wastes in transit. Sewer-plumbing systems inside build- ings were designed to properly vent sewer gases, preventing their entry into inhabited indoor space. Several decades, or even centuries, after the installation of sewer collection systems under the streets and the construction of vented plumbing in buildings, many components of sewer systems develop leaks, and some vapor seals designed to protect against sewer air intrusion into structures become compromised (pipes crack, fittings loosen, wax seals degrade and crack, and P-traps dry out). When compromised sewer and plumbing systems intercept contami- nated groundwater plumes, indoor air becomes directly connected to sewer Figure 1: A common site conceptual VOC vapor intrusion model air that can contain VOCs. (modified after others; original from US EPA, 2002). Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 20 Feature

One Alternate Exposure Pathway of VOC Vapors from Contaminated Subsurface Environments into Indoor Air – Continued

After nearly two decades of indoor- air monitoring in structures above contaminant plumes, practitioners have developed a term, “alternate exposure pathways,” to address con- taminated vapor intrusion into indoor air from sources other than underlying groundwater plumes. Many regulatory documents reference trench backfill containing piping conduits as a poten- tial pathway for contaminated vapor exposure, but few, if any, discuss the implications for the piping conduits (pipe interiors) themselves to serve as vapor exposure pathways. The current term alternate exposure pathways com- monly refers to trenching and piping for sewer-plumbing systems, land drains, storm drains, abandoned pipelines, cable ducts, steam lines, utility lines, other pipes and other conduits. When these alternative exposure pathways Figure 2: An example of an alternate exposure pathway model showing sewer gases enter, or are proximal to, structures, and VOCs entering indoor air through ineffective plumbing vapor seals. Note: VOCs they may serve as unintended convey- are released to the indoor air and through the vent line on roof. VOC data (Riis et al., ance systems for VOCs. A land drain 2010; Pennell et al., 2013) support this alternate VOC exposure pathway into indoor beneath a research house in northern air. Conditions in the houses reflect exposure pathways. A) Intact vapor seals and not Utah owned by Arizona State Uni- over VOC plume (exposure pathway not completed); B) Leaky vapor seals and not versity was documented to be a VOC over VOC plume (exposure pathway completed); C) Intact vapor seals and working conduit for detected indoor air impacts SSD over VOC plume (exposure pathway not completed); D) Leaking vapor seals (Johnson, 2014). Field investigations at and working SSDs over VOC plume (exposure pathway completed) Hill Air Force Base have shown some indoor air contamination to be the shown. The rationale for this updated These legacy sewers develop cracks, result of the connectivity of contami- conceptual model is provided below. separations and other damage over time nated sewer air to indoor air (Gorder associated with earth subsidence, cor- Note that in Figure 2, the SSD and Dettenmaier, 2011). Two other rosive substances, pipe settling, biologi- protects buildings overlying VOC-con- studies (Pennell et al., 2013; and Riis et cal intrusion and pipe material failure. taminated groundwater plumes from al., 2010) documented tetrachloroeth- Video camera inspections of sewers VOCs rising through the vadose zone ene (PCE) in sewer gas as an important show that breaches are common in or into indoor air. SSDs cannot protect source of indoor air contamination at between concrete, clay or transite pipes, indoor air quality in buildings where two vapor intrusion study sites. and from corrosion in cast iron pipes. VOCs in sewer air leak into indoor air Tree and plant roots grow into the Based on these reports of sewer- through failed plumbing seals. sewer system and commonly damage plumbing systems as alternate path- sewer pipe integrity. Pipe connections, ways, an updated conceptual model to Legacy Sewers, Mains, junctions, manholes, etc., likewise guide vapor intrusion studies is needed. Laterals and Plumbing develop structural damage resulting in Some of the combinations of factors Systems meet VOC plumes both leaks of sewage from the pipes/ related to plume location, vapor seal structures and inflow of groundwater integrity, and possible VOC exposure There are hundreds of thousands of and vapors (Jacobs et al., 2014). in indoor air are shown in Figure 2. shallow VOC groundwater plumes in Not all permutations of foundation, urban areas in North America. Urban Legacy sewer system pipes experience subsurface depressurization system sewer systems installed 50–100 years a baseline of infiltration and inflow (I&I) ago are well past their design life. (SSD) and sewer configuration are Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 21 Feature

One Alternate Exposure Pathway of VOC Vapors from Contaminated Subsurface Environments into Indoor Air – Continued

Figure 3: Variations in wastewater flow within a sewer pipe- Figure 4: Conceptual diagram showing wastewater flow line (modified after SASM, 2010). components (modified after SASM, 2010). of groundwater throughout the year, but experience significant increases in groundwater I&I during the rainy season (Figure 3). I&I within a wastewater pipeline system in northern California was shown to contribute 8 to 33 times the amount of daily sewer flow shortly after a strong storm (SASM, 2010). This wastewater system, including the trunk lines and sewer laterals, was originally installed 6 or more decades ago. Figure 4 is a conceptualized diagram showing the wastewater flow compo- nents of rainfall-dependent infiltration/inflow (RDI/I) into sewer pipes, and illustrates the lag between the timing of rainfall and its infiltration into the sewer pipes. Unlike storm-induced in- creases in wastewater flow, diurnal base wastewater flow (BWF) shows increases only during early-morning and dinner through evening hours. During dry weather, groundwater infiltration (GWI) into sewer pipes is relatively constant during the day in an area with no tidal influences. I&I leakage in sewer sections in northern California is frequently confirmed using smoke testing, flow meters and video inspections. These inspections consistently indicate that breaches of unpressurized sewer lines are common, and that failed sewer lines provide opportunities for vapors and groundwater to enter and exit the sewer system. Leakage into and out of the sewer system (from the inside drain to the wastewater plant) is not limited to subsurface fixtures. Within buildings, examples of ineffective vapor seals in plumbing systems include dry P-traps, breached toilet wax rings, cracked pipes, loose pipe fittings and gaskets, improper Figure 5: Examples of vapor leak locations (modified after repairs or additions, and settlement. Examples of vapor leak U.S. Department of the Army, 2001). 1) Cracked waste locations (Figure 5), a close-up of a P-trap (Figure 6) and the mi- stack; 2) Dry P-trap; 3) Cracked main vent; 4) Loose fit- gration pathway of sewer gas and VOCs into indoor air (Figure tings; 5) Faulty wax ring seal; 6) Leaking joints 7) illustrate how VOCs in sewer air can migrate into indoor air. Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 22 Feature

One Alternate Exposure Pathway of VOC Vapors from Contaminated Subsurface Environments into Indoor Air – Continued

findings established that the sewer air contained PCE and that the sewer intersected a PCE groundwater plume. The sampling also established that the sewer air was contribu- tory to the presence of VOCs in the indoor air. In both cases, the concentrations of PCE detected inside the buildings were orders of magnitude higher than levels generally considered safe for long-term indoor air exposure. In the Denmark study (Riis et al., 2010), PCE was reported in the cabinet under a kitchen sink at levels as high as 810 µg/ m³. In the Boston study, the concentration of PCE detected in bathroom air was 37 µg/m³. A faulty plumbing connection to the toilet was presumed to be the source of PCE. The con- centration of PCE detected in the sewer gas (sampled directly from the sewer pipe connected to the toilet) was 58 µg/m³. Figure 6: Anatomy of a P-trap vapor seal in cross-section. When the toilet connection was sealed, the PCE concentration Water in P-trap seals VOCs from entering indoor air. If wa- in the bathroom air decreased to 2.6 µg/m³. It was documented ter evaporates, or is siphoned to below the upper part of the in the Boston case that variability of VOC concentrations in trap dip, sewer air can be released into indoor air. (Modified sewer air between sampling events depended on many factors, after U.S. Department of the Army, 2001). including the integrity of the sewer seals. Breached Sewer Lines Intersecting Subsurface Regulatory Levels VOC Plumes The concentrations of PCE measured at these two sites, When breached sewer collection pipes intersect VOC- compared to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental contaminated soil and groundwater, water and vapor Protection (MassDEP) threshold (risk) value of 1.4 μg/m³, were containing VOCs infiltrate the breached sewer pipes. While 1 to 2 orders of magnitude higher. The California Department VOC-containing fluids flow downgradient in the sewer pipes of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC) Human and Ecological toward the wastewater treatment plant, the VOCs contained in Risk (HERO) recommended values for residential air screening the groundwater, pipe debris/solids and soil vapor have an op- for PCE, calculated using the Regional Screening Level (RSL) portunity to volatilize into the sewer air. Once in the sewer air, the contaminants can migrate within the connected sewer pipes independently from the liquid waste stream. Sewer air move- ment is dependent on a number of variables, but VOCs in vapor form are not exclusively gravity-driven, and could exit the sewer at any point where the sewer or plumbing is not vapor tight. Sewer Air Considered with Respect to Indoor Air Quality Investigations Indoor air quality degradation caused by vapor intrusion of VOCs into structures has been a health concern investi- gated by US EPA and other agencies for decades. However, public sewer and private plumbing systems have not been evaluated systematically for their role as vapor conduits in the standard site conceptual models for indoor air quality developed by US EPA (2002) and others. Recent PCE-specific vapor intrusion studies in Denmark and Boston document PCE indoor air concentrations result- ing from failed plumbing-sewer systems that intersect mapped Figure 7: Migration pathway of sewer gas and VOCs into in- PCE groundwater plumes (Riis et al., 2010; Pennell et al., door air (modified after U.S. Department of the Army, 2001). 2013). In both studies, iterative testing of indoor air (after PCE was detected indoors) led to direct sewer-air testing. The Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 23 Feature

One Alternate Exposure Pathway of VOC Vapors from Contaminated Subsurface Environments into Indoor Air – Continued calculator, are 0.41 μg/m³ for cancer Ultimately, the breached pipe network Pennell, K.G., Scammell, M.K., McClean, risk and 37 μg/m³ for non-cancer risk should be fixed in order to prevent M.D., Arnes, J., Weldon, B., Friguglietti, L., Suuberg, E.M., Shen, R., Indeglia, P.A., and (DTSC, 2010). The San Francisco Bay VOC intrusions into indoor air. W.J. Heiger-Bernays. 2013. Sewer Gas: An Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Nationwide, U.S. EPA’s focus on Indoor Air Source of PCE to Consider During (RWQCB, 2013) Environmental Screen- Vapor Intrusion Investigations, Groundwater I&I issues of sewer systems has been ing Level (ESL) for PCE in residential Monitoring & Remediation; Volume 33, Issue as a major source of sewer overflows 3, Summer 2013, p. 119–126. indoor air is 0.41 μg/m³. of untreated wastes onto land and Riis, C.E., A.G. Christensen, M.H. Hansen, and H. The levels of PCE detected in indoor into water bodies. Prioritizing sewer Husum. 2010. Vapor Intrusion through sewer air (Riis et al., 2010; Pennell et al., replacement projects in areas where systems: Migration pathways of chlorinated sol- vents from groundwater to indoor air. Presented 2013) are small compared to those im- known shallow VOC groundwater at the Seventh Battelle International Conference mediately dangerous to life and health plumes co-exist with breached sewer on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant (IDLH) for an instantaneous exposure systems would decrease the potential Compounds, Monterey. http://indoorairproject. of PCE. However, exposure to a low- for VOCs to enter sewer air and reduce sgs-attachment-1. concentration carcinogen (such as PCE the risk of indoor air exposure. pdf (accessed August 1, 2014). and other VOCs) over a long period of San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Con- More research is needed into as- trol Board (RWQCB). 2013. 2013 Tier 1 ESLs, time is a clear health risk; the hypothesis sessment and mitigation methods to Summary Table F, December, 19 p. of sewer air exposure should be tested address the presence of VOCs in sewer- Sewerage Agency of Southern Marin (SASM), to document the incidence of VOC plumbing systems and their migration 2010, Sewage Spill Reduction Action Plan; exposure through vapor seal failures into indoor air. Annual Report on Flow Monitoring, Prepared (see Figure 7) and to minimize the VOC by RMC, October, Mill Valley, CA, 31 p. exposure to unsuspecting occupants. References Cited United States Department of the Army. 2001. California Department of Toxic Substances Plumbing, Pipe Fitting, and Sewerage, Field Recommendations Control (DTSC). 2010. Human Health Risk Manual FM 3-34.471 (FM 5-420), Headquar- (HERO), Office of Human and Ecological ters, Washington, D.C., August 31, 276 p. Alternate vapor exposure pathways Risk Overview; Retrieved January 20, 2014; United States Environmental Protection Agency should be considered in environmental (US EPA). 2011. Background indoor air concen- indoor air assessments. The scien- risk2.cfm trations of volatile organic compounds in north tific and regulatory community needs Gorder, K. and Dettenmaier, E. 2011. Portable American residences (1990–2005): A compila- GC/MS Methods to Evaluate Sources of cVOC tion of statistics for assessing vapor intrusion. to update vapor intrusion models and EPA 530-R-10-001. Washington, DC: Office of consider alternate exposure pathways Contamination in Indoor Air. Groundwa- ter Monitoring & Remediation, National Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER). in health risk evaluations and regula- Groundwater Association, Fall, Vol. 31, Issue United States Environmental Protection Agency (US tory decision making. To establish the 4, p. 113-119. EPA). 2002. OSWER Draft Guidance for Evalu- risk of exposure of individual building Jacobs, J.A., Jacobs, O.P., and K.G. Pennell. 2014. ating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway inhabitants to VOCs, we recommend Geologists and Site Conceptual Models: VOCs from Groundwater and Soils (Subsurface Vapor Intrusion Guidance), November 2002. screening (PID and sorbent tubes), or and Sewer Gas in Indoor Air Resulting from Migration from Breached Sewer Conveyance About the Authors laboratory testing (passive sorbents and Systems, American Institute of Professional Ge- air samples) of nearby sewer manholes ologists National Meeting, Abstracts, p. 73-74. James A. Jacobs, P.G., C.P.G., C.H.G. is a geologist with over three decades of experience. and building sewer system cleanouts or Johnson, P. C, and R. A. Ettinger. 1991. Heuris- He is a Fulbright Scholar and has been an elected vent stacks. Further evaluation of inside tic model for predicting the intrusion rate of director of a sewer board since 2002. He can contaminant vapors in buildings. Environ. Sci. vapor seals and plumbing connections be reached at [email protected] or Technol. 25: 1445-1452. can be performed using smoke testing. Johnson, P. C. 2014. Vapor Intrusion: Lessons- Olivia Jacobs, C.E.M., is a Thomas J. Wat- To clear high VOCs in sewer pipe Learned from Four Years of Intensive air, active venting in manholes has son Fellow (subject was waste use). She brings Monitoring of a House Over a Dilute Chlori- experience with I&I modeling to decades of been shown effective. The remedy for nated Solvent Plume, GRACast Web Seminar environmental science experience. President of Clearwater Group, she can be reached at the vapor seal failure may be as simple Series on Vapor Intrusion, Part 2, Groundwater [email protected]. as filling a dry P-trap with water or Resources Association of California, Sacra- replacing toilet wax seals. For leaking mento, California, June 25. Kelly G. Pennell, PhD, PE is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineer- underground sewer system repair, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental ing at the University of Kentucky. She has over capital costs, including leak inspection Protection (MassDEP). 2011. Interim final va- 15 years combined environmental engineering por intrusion guidance, WSC#11-435. Boston, and testing, pipe engineering design, experience as a consultant, governmental liai- Massachusetts: MassDEP. and installation is millions of dollars son and faculty member. She can be reached at for municipalities or sewer agencies. [email protected]. HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 24 Feature

An Introduction to Hydraulic Fracturing of Petroleum Reservoirs in California

By GRA’s Technical Committee

Introduction hydraulic fracturing and acid well zones, typically a mixture of stimulation; they do not include steam the hydraulic fracturing water, rotecting and improving Califor- flooding, water flooding, cyclic steam- proppants, and chemical additives nia’s groundwater is GRA’s mis- ing, routine well cleanout work, other • Formation water – water naturally Psion. As an organization, GRA well maintenance, or routine removal present in the petroleum formation has strived to highlight the importance of formation damage caused by drill- that sometimes returns to the surface of proper groundwater management. ing. Hydraulic fracturing includes the through the well Hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas pro- pressurized injection of hydraulic frac- duction (also known as fracking) has in- turing fluid into the formation with the • Flowback water – the hydraulic creased in practice during the last several intent to fracture the formation. Acid fracturing fluid that returns to the years and is often controversial. GRA well stimulation treatments may be ap- surface through the well after the is therefore making efforts to educate plied at any pressure, and may be used completion of hydraulic fracturing the public and professionals, support in combination with hydraulic fractur- • Produced water – the combination regulators, and promote dialogue on the ing; however the applied pressures are of flowback water and formation ramifications of this petroleum reservoir lower than the pressure necessary to water that returns to the surface stimulation practice. GRA submit- fracture the formation. ted a letter on May 15, 2013 to the through the well, often with the California Department of Conservation Historically, hydraulic fracturing produced oil and gas. Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal was a method of enhancing extrac- Resources (DOGGR) regarding their tion of oil and gas with a vertical well Differences between pre-rulemaking discussion draft regula- tapping a single fracture or multiple California’s Monterey Shale tions on hydraulic fracturing. Addition- fractures created by the injection of Formation and several other ally, both GRA and the Association of relatively low volumes of high-viscosity somewhat comparable California Water Agencies (ACWA) fluid. A more recent method, called jointly submitted a letter on January 14, super fracking by some (Turcotte, Oil/Gas Producing Shale 2014 to DOGGR on proposed regula- Moores and Rundle, 2014), often gen- Formations in other states tions. GRA is also hosting a series of erates higher production rates by using California’s Miocene Monterey GRACasts on hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling within the target Formation was formed in a complex on February 18–19, 2015 co-hosted, zone, and taps multiple fractures creat- depositional environment associated with the Los Angeles Basins Geological ed by the injection of large volumes of with an active tectonic plate margin. Society, a symposium called Oil, Gas, low-viscosity fluid. For both methods The depositional environment created and Groundwater in California (see the fluids are principally water and ad- thick sequences of marine sediments page 1 of this issue). The purpose of this ditives (guar gum, potassium chloride consisting of multiple lithofacies of article is to provide useful information and many other chemicals), including siliceous, phosphatic, organic, and and a set of recommended references for proppants, typically silica sand, to hold clay-rich shales along with mudstones, those who want to delve deeper into the fractures open (Council of Canadian dolomites, and turbidite sandstones. practice of hydraulic fracturing used for Academies, 2014). Liquids used in the The active plate margin caused sub- oil and gas production in California. hydraulic fracturing process are de- sidence of the sedimentary basins, fined below, as paraphrased from Brent and created highly folded and faulted Definitions Alpach (AWWA, 2014): rocks along with structural traps for Senate Bill 4 (SB4) (Section 3157) • Hydraulic fracturing water – water migrating petroleum. Most of the oil defines “well stimulation treatment” used to make-up the majority of the produced in California is from reser- as any treatment designed to enhance fracturing fluid voirs associated with structural traps oil and gas production or recovery overlying the Monterey source rocks, • Hydraulic fracturing fluid – liquid by increasing the permeability of the and not from the Monterey Formation injected into the subsurface through formation. Well stimulation treat- shales themselves. the well to increase fracture ments include, but are not limited to, permeability in oil/gas production Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 25 Feature

An Introduction to Hydraulic Fracturing of Petroleum Reservoirs in California – Continued

The Bakken and Eagle Ford shale hydraulic fracturing (and a possible Law on December 30, 2014. The final plays in North Dakota/Montana and unconventional shale target). Hydrau- regulations are scheduled to go into Texas, respectively, are considered lic fracturing has been attempted in effect on July 1, 2015. analogous to the Monterey shale play the Monterey Formation; however, The final well stimulation regula- because they are similar in terms of the results have not been promising. tions include the following require- total organic content, depth, porosity, More exploration is needed to know ments: and permeability. However, there are how much oil has been retained in significant differences in depositional the Monterey source rock, or if the • Well maintenance and cleanout age, extent of natural fracturing, thick- oil has largely migrated away. Also, it history report ness, number of lithofacies, tectonic is unlikely the entire source rock will • A permit for hydraulic fracturing activity, and structural folding (Califor- be productive, given the extreme het- must be obtained from DOGGR, nia Council of Science and Technology, erogeneity in the Monterey Formation and must include plans for water 2014). For example, the Monterey (CCST, 2014). management, spill contingency, and Formation was deposited in the Mio- waste disposal cene, the Bakken in the Devonian/Mis- Regulatory Overview sissippian and Eagle Ford in the late Introduced on December 3, 2012, • Well casing must be sufficiently Cretaceous. The younger Monterey and signed into law by California cemented and mechanical integrity Formation generally has much higher Governor Jerry Brown on September testing must be conducted natural permeability than the older 20, 2013, Senate Bill (SB) 4, sponsored • Adjacent properties owners and Bakken and Eagle Ford Formations. by Fran Pavley (D – Agoura Hills), is tenants must be notified prior to These differences affect the type of well the first California statute specifically hydraulic fracking stimulation processes appropriate for regulating hydraulic fracturing in oil economic recovery. and gas reservoirs. Recent technologi- • Surface property owners identified may request water testing from In California, oil is produced using cal advances (such as advances in di- property wells or surface water conventional drilling, where vertical rectional drilling) have made hydraulic wells intersect structural or strati- fracturing for oil and gas more common • Well stimulation treatment area graphic traps containing oil. This and lucrative. Since about 2007, facili- analysis and design is different from practices used for tated partly by the hydraulic-fracturing • Monitoring and evaluation of unconventional shale reservoirs, such boom, production of oil and gas in the seismic activity in the vicinity of as the Bakken and Eagle Ford Forma- U.S. has increased more than five-fold hydraulic fracturing tions, where the oil production occurs and four-fold, respectively. primarily from horizontal wells drilled Upon learning of a gap in regulatory • Proper storage and handling of well within thin, and laterally extensive, oversight in 2011, the California Legis- stimulation treatment fluids and low-permeability (tight) shale forma- lature proposed numerous bills related wastes tions. Well stimulation in vertical wells to hydraulic fracturing. In the 2012– • Pressure testing and cement typically requires only low-volume, 2013 legislative session, proposed evaluation prior to well stimulation low-pressure processes, as compared legislation ranged from mandating treatment with the higher volume and pressure drilling regulations more stringent than processes required for horizontal wells those proposed by DOGGR to a full • A monitoring program must be to economically recover product. The moratorium on hydraulic fracturing in implemented Monterey Formation is also more California. However, of the introduced • Well monitoring after well permeable due to natural fractures in bills, only SB 4 survived and became stimulation treatment the shale, which is not conducive to law, effective on January 1, 2014. high-volume, high-pressure hydraulic • Public disclosures fracturing. The differences between the On December 19, 2013, DOGGR • A post-well-stimulation-treatment Monterey Formation and key uncon- released “interim well stimulation report must be generated. ventional shale plays are summarized regulations,” which became effective in Table 1. on January 1, 2014. DOGGR revised A narrative description of the final these interim regulations on June 27, well stimulation regulations prepared The organic-rich phosphatic shales 2014 and the final regulations were ap- by DOGGR can be obtained here. found within the Middle Monterey may proved by the Office of Administrative be the most promising source rocks for Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 26 Feature

An Introduction to Hydraulic Fracturing of Petroleum Reservoirs in California – Continued SB 4 also requires that DOGGR Conclusions monitoring, laboratory analyses and complete an environmental impact field studies will be shared to improve report (EIR) pursuant to the California Hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas our understanding of what occurs Environmental Quality Act by July 1, production has increased in the U.S., during and after hydraulic fracturing, 2015, and that DOGGR’s EIR must leading to lower energy prices and leading to a better dialogue on how to not conflict with EIRs conducted by greater energy independence; however advance energy production while pro- other agencies that are certified on or the new practice and the increase in oil tecting our natural resources. before July 1, 2015. This provision has and gas production has raised concerns prompted some local governments, such related to impacts on the environment. References as Kern County, to attempt comple- To address these concerns, GRA and others have made an effort to sum- Alspach, B. 2014. Produced Water and Salin- tion of local EIRs before DOGGR’s ity Management: The Desalination Frontier. statewide EIR is finalized. The EIR for marize known information, provide American Water Works Association, v. 106, DOGGR is being developed by Aspen guidance, and make recommenda- n. 11, p. 47 – 52. Environmental Group. The public tions. GRA’s contributions thus far are California Council on Science and Technology. review period for this Draft EIR began through two comment letters, GRA- 2014. Advanced Well Stimulation Technolo- gies in California: An Independent Review on January 14, 2015 and will end on Casts, the recently held symposium on Oil, Gas, and Groundwater in Califor- of Scientific and Technical Information. Pre- March 16, 2015, the deadline for writ- pared for the United States Bureau of Land ten comments. During the comment nia (see summary article on page 1 of Management in conjunction with Lawrence period, DOGGR will hold six public this issue), and this white paper. Berkeley National Laboratory and Pacific Institute, 400 p. comment meetings throughout the state In summary, there are major differ- to receive verbal and written comments ences between the Monterey Shale and Council of Canadian Academies. 2014. Envi- ronmental Impacts of Shale Gas Extraction on the Draft EIR. To access the Draft other shale plays in the United States. in Canada: The Expert Panel on Harnessing EIR and detailed information on how California’s unique geologic setting Science and Technology to Understand the to provide comments, please see the (based on tectonics and the sediment Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Extrac- Department of Conservation’s webpage. loading during the Miocene) allowed tion. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 292 p. Also, SB 4 requires the Secretary of the formation of the Monterey Shale. Eagle Ford California’s Natural Resources Agency Conventional oil production will National Energy Technology Laboratory, De- (which includes DOGGR) to complete continue to be used in the Monterey partment of Energy. 2011. A Comparative Study of the Mississippian Barnett Shale, Fort an independent scientific study on well Shale; producing oil through the use of horizontal drilling and hydraulic Worth Basin, and Devonian Marcellus Shale, stimulation treatments, including, but Appalachian Basin, 118 p. fracturing, as done in the other major not limited to, hydraulic fracturing and Turcotte, D. L., Moores, E. M., and J. B. Rundle. acid well stimulation treatments. The shale plays, has not yet been proven economically viable. California is also 2014. Super “Fracking”. Physics Today, v. risks and hazards explicitly included 67, n. 8, p. 34 – 39. for the study are: potential greenhouse unique in its regulatory response to hy- gas emissions, water contamination, draulic fracturing, including enacting noise pollution, induced seismicity, SB 4 and new regulations that require and impacts on wildlife habitats. The actions to prevent detrimental side ef- first volume of the scientific study was fects and to improve documentation, released on January 14, 2015; the two transparency and notification. remaining volumes are scheduled for Professionals in the petroleum and release in July 2015. The study is being water resources industries recently ac- conducted by the California Council on celerated the process of better explain- Science and Technology and Lawrence ing hydraulic fracturing and its effects Berkeley National Laboratory. on the environment through many GRA’s Technical Committee re- recent publications and professional viewed many documents; follow this forums. GRA has made available to link to Table 2, a list and descriptions you in this white paper a list of recom- of recommended documents with im- mended documents so that you can bedded hyperlinks. educate yourself. GRA is hopeful that future record keeping and results from

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 27 Feature

GRA Requests Nominations for the 2015 “Lifetime Achievement” and “Kevin J. Neese” Awards

he purpose of the GRA Awards Previous Lifetime Achievement Award 2011 – Sacramento County Envi- Program is to recognize note- recipients include: ronmental Management Department worthy projects and exceptional for its Abandoned Well program, the T 2014 – David Huntley, Ph.D. individual contributions related to the first of its kind in California understanding, protection, and man- 2013 – Shlomo P. Neuman, Ph.D. 2010 – Senator Fran Pavley for lead- agement of groundwater resources. 2012 – Anne J. Schneider* ership in the enactment of the compre- The objectives of the annual Awards hensive, statewide groundwater level Program are: 2011 – Joseph C. Scalmanini monitoring legislation in California 2010 – John A. Cherry, Ph.D. 1. To provide recognition to individuals 2009 – U.S. Geological Survey, who have demonstrated leadership 2009 – T.N. Narasimhan, Ph.D. California Water Science Center for and continuous dedication in 2008 – Perry L. McCarty, Ph.D. development of a new 3-dimensional groundwater hydrology 2007 – Herman Bouwer, Ph.D. groundwater-modeling tool for Califor- 2. To provide recognition for recent nia’s Central Valley and report “Ground- 2006 – Glenn A. Brown unique contributions to groundwater water Availability of the Central Valley hydrology. 2005 – Luna P. Leopold, Ph.D. Aquifer,” Professional Paper 1766 All nominations for the Lifetime 2004 – John D. Bredehoeft, Ph.D. 2008 – Orange County Water Dis- Achievement and Kevin J. Neese 2003 – Rita Schmidt Sudman trict for its Groundwater Replenishment Awards must be received by David W. System, a new water purification plant 2002 – Thomas W. Dibblee Abbott ([email protected]) or 2007 – University of California 607 Chetwood Street, Oakland, CA 2001 – Carl J. Hauge Cooperative Extension Groundwater 94610-1433) no later than Friday, June 2000 – Joseph H. Birman, Ph.D. Hydrology Program for its efforts to en- 19, 2015. 1999 – David Keith Todd, Ph.D. gage scientists, regulators, farm advisors, Nominations should be completed dairy industry representatives, and dairy 1998 – Eugene E. Luhdorff, Jr. using the nomination forms available farmers to better understand the effects on the GRA website at http://www.grac. *posthumously of dairy operations on water quality org/awards.asp. Nominations should Kevin J. Neese: recognizes a recent 2006 – Senator Sheila Kuehl for her not exceed one page, identify the award significant accomplishment by a person work to improve the production and for which the nomination is made, and or entity that fosters the understanding, availability of information about Cali- include justification for the award based development, protection, or manage- fornia’s groundwater resources on the criteria listed below. ment of groundwater. 2004 – California Department The GRA Awards will be presented Previous Kevin J. Neese Award recipi- of Water Resources for publication to the recipients selected by the GRA ents include: in 2003 of its updated Bulletin 118: Board of Directors during the 24th “California’s Groundwater” GRA Annual Meeting and 2015 Bien- 2014 – Governor Edmund “Jerry” nial Groundwater Conference in Sacra- G. Brown for his leadership in develop- 2002 – Glenn County Water Ad- mento, CA, October 2015. ing sustainable groundwater manage- visory Committee for formulating a ment legislation and shepherding it significant groundwater management Awards through the legislative process ordinance that was adopted by the Lifetime Achievement: presented to 2013 – Santa Clara Valley Water Glenn County Board of Supervisors individuals for their exemplary contri- District for implementing its unique 2001 – American River Basin Co- butions to the groundwater industry, Domestic Well Testing Program operating Agencies and Sacramento and contributions that have been in the 2012 – David L. Orth, General Man- Groundwater Authority Partnership spirit of GRA’s mission and organiza- ager of the Kings River Conservation for fostering the understanding and de- tion objectives. Individuals that receive District for his leadership and dedication velopment of a cooperative approach the Lifetime Achievement Award have to the collaborative initiatives to develop to regional planning, protection and dedicated their lives to the groundwa- the Upper Kings River Basin Integrated management of groundwater ter industry and have been pioneers in Regional Water Management Plan their field of expertise. Continued on page 30…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 28 Feature

2015 David K. Todd Distinguished Lecturer Series

he fifth year of GRA’s David Keith Todd Distinguished capacity to store water such that subsidence occurring today Lecture Series is now underway! Michelle Sneed (north- is a legacy for all tomorrows. This presentation will include Tern California) and Dr. John Izbicki (southern Califor- discussions of subsidence processes, measurements, analyses, nia) will be delivering their lectures to GRA Branches and aca- and consequences by exploring selected case studies through- demic institutions throughout the spring. This Series furthers a out California, including the San Joaquin Valley, the Coachella key GRA objective: to develop scientific educational programs Valley, and/or the Mojave Desert. that promote the understanding and effective implementation John Izbicki, Ph.D. of groundwater assessment, protection, and management. (Southern California) The Winter 2014 HydroVisions included biographical in- Research Hydrologist troductions of the lecturers for this year. Below are abstracts United States for their upcoming talks. Further details on these lecturers can Geological Survey be found on the GRA website. Look for the lecture schedule to Using Disparate, Process- be posted online, and attend an event near you! Oriented Data to Solve Michelle Sneed Hydrologic Problems (Northern California) Abstract: Hydrologist United States Groundwater hydrolo- Geological Survey gists have traditionally incorporated data from a Land Subsidence: The wide range of disciplines Lowdown on the Draw- into their work, often skillfully integrating geology, chemistry, down physics, and other disciplines to solve hydrologic problems. Abstract: Information from each discipline has strengths and limita- tions; collaboration between scientists having different skill Land subsidence caused sets can help interpret the disparate data sets developed by by groundwater withdrawal scientists from diverse backgrounds. These data sets are often in California, particularly in process-oriented, and may incorporate results from labora- the San Joaquin Valley, has tory and field-scale experiments, or integrate high-frequency recently received increased attention from water-science profes- data collected across a range of physical and temporal scales. sionals and the media because two recent droughts, 2007–09 As such, process-oriented data may differ greatly in scale and 2012–present, have triggered high rates of groundwater and scope from more traditional hydrologic data collected withdrawal and historically high rates of land subsidence (as in response to regulatory-driven mandates. For the purposes much as about 1 foot per year). The compaction of susceptible of this presentation, the specifics of groundwater source, aquifer systems caused by excessive groundwater pumping is movement, and age; trace-element occurrence, mobility, and the single largest cause of subsidence in California, and the pathways to wells; and anthropogenic contaminant move- 5,200 square miles affected by subsidence in the San Joaquin ment through, and reaction within, the unsaturated and Valley during the better part of the 20th century has been saturated zones (for example) are less important than the identified as the single largest human alteration of the Earth’s process-oriented approach used to understand and address surface topography. In some areas that historically depend on these issues. The goal of process-oriented work and col- surface-water resources, groundwater pumping has increased laboration is to produce “more-correct” interpretations, in during periods of drought to compensate for reduced surface- support of traditional field-data and model analyses, than is water availability, resulting in large and rapid groundwater- possible for individuals having limited perspectives and skill level declines. In some areas where surface water is a minor sets working alone or in “bureaucratic silos.” Over the years, component of the water supply or where land use has changed large societally-important problems have traditionally driven to more water-intensive uses, groundwater levels have declined basic, multidisciplinary, process-oriented research. Successful during both drought and non-drought periods. While more fo- solutions to these large problems have often required the cus has been placed on the highly visible infrastructure damage creation of diverse data sets and a high degree of collabora- from subsidence, which generally can be repaired, compaction of the aquifer system, sight unseen, permanently decreases its Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 29 Feature

GRA Requests Nominations for the 2015 UCOWR/NIWR/ 2015 “Lifetime Achievement” and CUAHSI Conference “Kevin J. Neese” Awards – Continued 2000 – Board of Directors of the Chino Basin Watermaster June 16-18, 2015 for delivering a remarkable OBMP that created a consensus- Green Valley Ranch Resort, Las Vegas, NV based approach for making water supplies in the Chino Basin more reliable and cost effective 1999 – Governor Gray Davis for his work and leadership in addressing MTBE.

2015 David K. Todd Distinguished Lecturer Series – Continued

tive interpretation by numerous researchers. For local-scale agencies responsible for addressing smaller-scale hydrologic Water is Not for Gambling: problems, scientific collaboration is expensive, and process- Utilizing Science to Reduce Uncertainty oriented work often appears excessively detailed or unnec- essary. Why not simply respond solely to regulatory-driven he Universities Council on Water Resources mandates by just measuring water levels or only reporting (UCOWR) in collaboration with the National data on regulated contaminants? However, as even small- TInstitute of Water Resources (NIWR) and the scale hydrologic problems have become increasingly complex Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of and as regulatory demands increase, the challenge is to apply Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) will hold a joint the optimal mix of innovative and basic science, collabora- conference on June 16-18, 2015 at the Green Valley tion, and communication to solve those problems. Ranch Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. The conference is titled: “Water is Not for Gambling: Utilizing Science to Reduce Uncertainty.” Uncertainties in climate, population, land use, bio- diversity, and infrastructure continue to pose enormous interdisciplinary challenges to our ability to effectively manage our water resources. UCOWR, CUAHSI, and NIWR invite you and your colleagues to join leading water managers, educators, researchers, and other pro- fessionals from across the country to the joint confer- ence of these national organizations to address some of the most compelling and important challenges facing our profession. For more information see conferences.

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 30 Organizational Corner

GRA Welcomes the Following New Members

September 2, 2014 – February 3, 2015

Ainsworth, Lydia Beth InterAct/AECOM Dutton, Philip SWRCB-Division of Drinking Water Anderson, Randy CA High Speed Rail Authority Dutton, Anona Erler & Kalinowski, Inc. Anderson, Nathan Layne Christensen Company Edwards, Mark PM Environmental, Inc. Andreson, Josh S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. Edwards, Emily UC Davis Ashby, Karen Larry Walker Associates Ekdahl, Erik SWRCB Barrese, Pat Terra Pacific Group Ellsaesser, Adrienne San Joaquin County EHD Bartlett, Gina Consensus Building Institute Evans, Will Water Resources Program Bean, Jessica SWRCB Evans, Will Lake County Department of Bergfeld, Lee MBK Engineers Water Resources Berka, Christopher Bingham McCutchen LLP Fields, Sue UC Davis Boettcher, Gary Gary Boettcher & Associates Firenzi, Tony Placer County Water Agency Boggs, Christina California Department of Fredrickson, Justin California Farm Bureau Federation Water Resources Fry, Gil TRC Boland-Brien, Samuel SWRCB Gable, Scott Enercon Services Bostick, John Confluence Environmental Genchanok, Jeanine Water Systems Consulting, Inc. Field Services Gibson, Maria Oregon State University Brand, Marina Delta Stewardship Council Gibson, Charles Santa Margarita Water District Brandt, Justin U.S. Geological Survey Gilkey, Jeffrey Summers Engineering, Inc. Brewster, William CA Department of Water Resources Gill, Sheryl CA Department of Pesticide Brown, Pete Water Replenishment District of Regulation Southern California Gurney, Lisa Cardno Bucher, Karl American AgCredit Hallinan, Catherine Department of Water Resources Burgin, Andrew BSK Associates Harty, J. Michael Kearns & West, Inc. Cadenazzi Nolan, Dina Madera Irrigation District Hensel, Jeff ERM Callahan, John Serialtone Hertler, Thurston Cal State LA Campbell, Lisa CDM Smith Hoffman, Derek Gresham Savage Nolan & Tilden, PC Canchola, Joe BSK Associates Hosangadi, Vitthal NOREAS Carlson, Zoe Ventura County Watershed Hovey, Lee U.C. Berkeley Protection District Howard, Mark Layne Christensen Company Carlson, Mack Golden State Water Company Hughes, Trudi California League of Food Processors CARR, JIM CDM SMITH Hull, Roy CA Department of Water Resources Ceesay, Abdoulie National Water and Electricity Co. Hunt, Craig SWRCB Chang, Wei SWRCB Hurley, Matthew Angiola Water District Chhang, Sothea Sacramento County EMD Hytopoulos, Gregory Golden West College Chowdury, Shyamal Wood Rodgers, Inc. Ibrahim, Bunnie Almond Board of California Choy, Janny Stanford, Water in the West Israelson, Brant Layne Christensen Company Christian-Smith, Juliet Union of Concerned Scientists Iversen, Lloyd ASHRAE and ISES Clark, Byron Davids Engineering Jackson, Anne PG&E Cohen, Daniel SWRCB Jacobsen, Brittani Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Cooper, Clay Desert Research Institute Jasper, Cameron Luhdorff & Scalmanini C.E. Couch, Scott SWRCB Jeung, John SGBWQA Curless, John Department of Water Resources Jha, Aarushi Bren School of Environmental Dahlke, Helen University of California, Davis Sciences & Management, UCSB Dai, Isaac Avanti Environmental, Inc Jobst, Silke Santa Clara Valley Water District David, Christina CSU Monterey Bay Jones, Whitney WSP Services Inc. Davis, Michael Gresham Savage Nolan & Tilden, PC Jude, Jason Pace Analytical Dhillon, Sheena SWRCB Jurek, Anne Alameda County Water District Doane-Allmon, Julie AECOM Kalsi, Satpal Bureau of Reclamation Dooley, Michelle DWR Kaltreider, Misty Solano County Dunaway, Donette Regional Water Quality Continued on the following page… Control Board HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 31 Organizational Corner

GRA Welcomes the Following New Members – Continued

Kamilos, Bruce Elk Grove Water District Parker, Doug UC California Institute for Kegel, Erika Bureau of Reclamation Water Resources Kenner, Spencer CDWR Parrott, Stanley US Bureau of Reclamation Khan, Abdul California Department of Partridge, Elizabeth Bureau of Reclamation Water Resources Peters, Roger Kiger, Luana USDA, NRCS Plinski, Michael City of Riverside Public Utilities Kihara, Annalisa SWRCB Porse, Erik UC Davis Killeen, Katharine CA Department of Water Resources Porzio, Kevin SWRCB King, Aaron Luhdorff & Scalmanini C.E. Poytress, Carrie Penfield & Smith Kinney, Phil The Source Group, Inc. Premzic, Rich Pace Analytical Kraemer, Stephen US EPA Rastegarzadeh, Lalei SWRCB Krohn, Joseph EBI Consulting Raybuck, Mark Parsons Kupferschmidt, Larissa California State Polytechnic Reed, Richard University, Pomona Resvani, Ali SWRCB Lancelle, Karen Environmental Science Associates Rice, Erin Bureau of Reclamation Landau, Katheryn SWRCB Richardson, Kevin DPR Lanza, Jodie LACSD Robb, Lora Washoe County- Central Truckee Laroche, Tara Eurofins Laboratories Meadows Remediation District Leffler, Sean Air Technology Laboratories, Inc. Rong, Yue LARWQCB Leffler, Pete Luhdorff & Scalmanini C.E. Rorty, Melitta Pacific Gas & Electric Lillis, Rebecca Placer County Dept. of Facility Rosenstein, Liaht Lockheed Martin Services Rowe, Ron Merced County Environmental Lopes, James California Department of Health Water Resources Sanchez, Fiona Irvine Ranch Water District Loschke, Carrie Modesto Irrigation District Satkowski, Casey Sacramento State University Lucero, Christina HydroFocus, Inc. Satkowski, Rich SWRCB Ly, Hoang LA County Fire Schiratis, Stephen TRC Solutions Macaulay, Steve Macaulay Water Resources Schumacher, Melanie Soquel Creek Water District/ Malama, Bwalya California Polytechnic State Golden Gate University University Schwarz, Ken Horizon Water and Environment Marcus, Laurel CA Land Stewardship Institute Scruggs, Mary CA Department of Water Resources Margrave, Todd NAVFAC Southwest Seeley, Marc Environmental Geology Marshall, Paul Energy Commission Services, Inc. Matthew, Andrew Cardno ENTRIX Segal, Daniel Chevron Maulhardt, Tom Campbell Soup Company Shardlow, Jonathan Gresham Savage Nolan & Tilden, PC Maxwell, Karen TestAmerica Laboratories Shepard, Jeremy Placer County Water Agency McLean, Laura DWR Short, Lauren URS Corporation Mehl, Steffen CSU Chico Shubert, Jack MAR Systems Inc. Mendez, Greg USGS Siebal, Val Sacramento County Mercado, John Bureau of Reclamation Simmons, Albert The Source Group, Inc. Moreno Jimenez, Jose PG&E Singh, Sandeep KISTERS North America, Inc. Mueller-Solger, Anke USGS CAWSC Singh, Abhishek INTERA Mugunthan, Pradeep Anchor QEA Smith, Ross Groundwater Consulting Services Munk, Daniel UCCE Smith, Robert Mysel, Stefanie CDM Smith Smith, Richard University of California Nasaei, Elnaz SWRCB Smith, Christopher Greenberg Glusker Fields Claman Nevarez, Manuel Madera County & Machtinger LLP Norgaard, Kevin City of Fresno Smith, Brent Placer County Water Agency Nunez, Ernest CSUN Sneed, Michelle U.S. Geological Survey O’Connell, Patrick West Yost & Associates Snyder, Ron Santa Clara Valley Water District O’Donnell, Cory Sonoma County Soehnen, Christopher Merced County Environmental OToole, William California Resources Corp Health Paddock, Emily Driscoll’s Continued on the following page…

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 32 Organizational Corner

2014 Contributors to GRA – Thank You (as of 11/5/2014)

Founder ($1,000 and up) Charles Jenkins Griffith & Masuda Supporter Brownstein Hyatt Christopher Johnson Haley & Aldrich, Inc. Aarushi Jha Farber Schreck Carol Kendall Horizon Environmental, Inc. Kit Custis Janie McGinn Valerie ºKincaid HydroFocus, Inc. Richard Casias Roscoe Moss Company Ted Koelsch Iris Environmental Melanie Schumacher Amalia Kokkinaki MAR Systems Inc Patron ($500-$999) Stephen Kraemer The Source Group, Inc. Taras Kruk WZI, Inc. Corporate ($250-$499) Jeff Kubran CHaRTeR ($100-$249) Peter Langtry Bob Abrams Bruce Lewis Bob Cleary Stephen Lewis Stanley Feenstra Mario Lluria Adam Hutchinson Richard Makdisi GRA Welcomes the Following New Sally McCraven Robert Marks Steven Phillips Andrew Matthew Members – Continued Brian Wagner Thomas McCarthy Mohsen Mehran Spangler, Debbie California Department of Sponsor ($25-$99) Jean Moran Water Resources Jerry Aarons Alec Naugle Staggs, Rosa City of Fresno Charles Almestad Michael Ohare Staggs, Rick City of Fresno James Arnold Aaron O’Brien Steenson, Ross Water Board - SF Bay Region Maria Barajas Charlie O’Neill Stolcenberg, David AMEC Environment & Gary Boettcher Tim Parker Infrastructure Richard Booth Rob Pexton Stroika, Seth Eco-Rental Solutions Frank Brommenschenkel Bryan Pilkington Tatusko, Joseph Borrego Water District Ahnna Brossy Lisa Porta Tellegen, Gwen Terraphase Engineering Kendra Brown Richard Raymond Thissen, Ryan SWRCB-Division of Drinking Water Kevin J. Brown Eric Reichard Thomson, Robert Dudek Kate Burger George Reid Tiegs, Kathleen Cucamonga Valley Water District Regina Bussard Tito Sasaki Turley, Todd Agreserves, Inc. Lisa Campbell William Sedlak Turpen, Troy Pace Analytical Andres Cano Marc Seeley Turrubiartes, Salvador SWRCB Jim Carr Pawan Sharma Urban, Robert AECOM Alan Churchill Marc Silva Van Den Hout, Allison Driscoll’s Billy Dixon Robert Smith Vanderburgh, Brent SWRCB David Dunbar Tom Sparrowe Vargas, Rick Stanislaus Food Products John Elliott Phyllis Stanin Velasquez, David Eurofins Edana Fruciano Ross Steenson Walker, Martin Arup Scott Furnas Kevin Sullivan Watada, Marianne SWRCB-Division of Drinking Water Scott Gable Chris Tatum Weideman, Nicole Sacramento Suburban Water District Chip Gribble Eddy Teasdale Wespestad, Bjorn Roux Associates Victor Harris Sustainable Technologies Woodworth, Bruce Wramp Foundation Thomas Harter Mike Tietze Xiong, Cindy UCLA J. Michael Harty Troy Turpen Zellmer, Ashley SWRCB Eric Hendrix Mark Wanek Zukin, Jeffrey Geosyntec Consultants Thurston Hertler Tom Whitehead Barbara Hennigan Sam Williams David Hokanson Cindy Xiong Vitthal Hosangadi BSK Associates Mike Huggins EMAX Laboratories, Inc. Alison Imamura HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 33 Branch Highlights

n November 14, 2014, the The December meeting featured the Southern California GRA Southern California Southern California Branch’s Annual OBranch held the first annual Holiday Mixer. The Branch hosted By Emily Vavricka, GRA Southern California Member- this free event, with food provided, in Branch Secretary ship Drive in Los Angeles, CA. The an effort to promote end-of-the-year event took place at the Roscoe Moss spirit and to show appreciation to Company facility and included an open GRA Members. Branch Officers were house where GRA Members and Non- on hand to talk to Members and Non- Members were able to take an informa- Members about membership benefits, tive tour of the facility to see and learn GRA state and local events, and op- about how water well casing and screen portunities for Members to become in- are manufactured. GRA Members and volved in GRA, including participation Non-Members were able to mingle on GRA committees and the potential and converse with GRA Directors and for serving as a local Branch officer. Officers throughout the evening over The Branch would again like to the course of appetizers and dinner, thank all GRA Members and Non- learning about GRA and the benefits of members for attending the November membership. The event attracted over and December events, and the Roscoe 50 GRA Members and Non-members Moss Company for hosting the GRA from the Southern California region. Southern California Membership Drive.

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HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 34 Parting Shot

Palomarin Beach, Point Reyes National Seashore

s a field trip leader for the Point Reyes National Seashore AAssociation, I am fortunate to teach geology to the general public. In preparing for a trip, I often revisit areas and observe dynamic and ephemeral changes to the landscape. For example, during this February 15, 2015 hike at Palomarin, I noticed a recent ground- water spring emerging from a winter gravel beach. Although January was one of the driest months ever recorded in the Bay Area, a rainstorm passed through this region about a week before my hike. The Palomarin area is underlain by low-permeability Miocene Santa Cruz mudstones and relatively thin surficial Quaternary deposits, which results in rapid surface runoff from these small coastal watersheds. Large winter storm waves also cause significant beach erosion and winnowing of sediment, which results in deposition of open-framework high-permeability gravels and offshore transport of sands, silts, and clays. Surface runoff from the small creek infiltrates and recharges the gravel beach deposits near the base of the bluffs. Within a time span of minutes to hours and over a short travel distance of approximately 30 m, the groundwater discharges onto the lower beach. This seascape provides an interesting and instructive example of a groundwater system, albeit on a very small scale. The author encourages you to hike and make your own hydrogeologic discoveries! by John Karachewski, Ph.D. (

HydroVisions – spring 2015 | Page 35