Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Towson 3 News & Notes
Balancing Act The intrepid Luke Walz, 5, is all balance and agility as he walks a line of elementary playground equipment under the watchful eye of Michael Frankenberry, a student in TU’s Physical Education Teacher Education program. Luke and other home-schooled children came to a gym in Burdick Hall last fall as part of a kinesiology class, Physical Education Activities for Young Children. Andrea Boucher, professor of kinesiology, who has taught the class for nearly 40 years says, “This gives TU physical education majors an opportunity to plan and teach gymnastic activities, developmental games and sports activities to children ages 2 to 10.” CREATING A MONSTER 8 Monsters of HipHop, a hip-hop dance convention started by Andy ’96 and Becky ’97 Funk, crisscrosses the country, offering sizzling steps and a chance for dancers to make it big. FEATURES THE TURNAROUND TEAM 12 How the Tiger football team pulled an about-face on a losing record and marched down the field to win the 2011 CAA championship while capturing accolades for players and the head coach. LOESCHKE IN THE LEAD 16 Expect Maravene Loeschke ’69/’71 to be passionate, firm, practical, organized, dedicated to students, and more, in her new role as TU’s president. THE GYMNASTICS GURU 22 Dwight Normile ’78/’81 M.Ed., longtime editor of International Gymnast, is a leading authority on the sport. PRESIDENT’S LETTER 2 NEWS AND NOTES 3 ALUMNI NEWS 24 Meet the President Top Volunteers DEPARTMENTS Tapping In PHILANTHROPY MATTERS 31 Founders Gold T. Rowe Price Finance Lab CLASS NOTES 35 Head of the Class Cold Play Batter Up WEB EXTRAS 41* More About Maravene Winter Graduation Bridges Conference TU Presidential Scholar *Available only at www.towsonalumnimagazine.com to our readers Published three times a year by the Division of University Advancement for Towson University’s alumni, faculty, staff and friends.
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