Climate Change and in


ABSTRACT Climate change has added to the enormity of India's food-security challenges. While the relationship between climate change and food security is complex, most studies focus on one dimension of food security, i.e., food availability. This paper provides an overview of the impact of climate change on India's food security, keeping in mind three dimensions — availability, access, and absorption. It finds that ensuring food security in the face of climate change will be a formidable challenge and recommends, among others, the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, greater emphasis on urban food security and public health, provision of livelihood security, and long-term relief measures in the event of natural disasters.


At the heart of the Sustainable Development dropped only marginally from 210.1 million in Goals (SDGs) are targets to end hunger, achieve 1990 to 194.6 million in 2014,2 and India has food security, and improve nutrition. For India, failed to meet the Millennium Development food security continues to be high on its list of Goal of halving the proportion of people who development priorities because the country's suffer from hunger. About 12 Indian states fall relatively high rates of economic growth have under the 'alarming' category of the Global not led to a reduction in hunger and Hunger Index. According to the National Family undernutrition. India's gross domestic product Health Survey 2015-16, the proportion of at factor cost and per capita income grew at children under five years who are underweight is seven percent and five percent per annum, significantly high in states such as Bihar (43.9 respectively, from 1990-91 to 2013-14.1 percent), Madhya Pradesh (42.8 percent) and However, the incidence of undernutrition has (31.9 percent).3 Climate Change and Food Security in India

While large sections of the Indian population Moreover, it will be difficult to meet India's long- suffer from acute undernutrition, rising incomes term food requirements with domestic and growing urbanisation are rapidly changing production alone.7 Kumar et al (2009) also find the composition of the food basket—away from that with current production trends, meeting cereals to high-value agricultural commodities future demand for foodgrains through domestic such as fish and meat.4, 5 As a result, the total production will be difficult.8 demand for foodgrains is projected to be higher One of the biggest issues confronting Indian in the future due to an increase in population as agriculture is low productivity. India's cereal well as a growing indirect demand from the feed. yields are drastically lower than those of Mittal (2008) has made long-term projections of developed regions such as North America (6,671 India's food demand and supply up to 2026. kg per ha), East Asia and the Pacific (5,184 kg per According to her, the increase in total food ha), and the Euro area (5,855.4 kg per ha) (see demand is mainly due to growth in population Table 1). Moreover, Table 2 shows that yield per and per capita income while production is likely hectare of foodgrains has stagnated in India 6 to be severely constrained by low yield growth. since the 1980s.

Table 1: Cereal yields (kg per ha, 2013)

Country/ Region Kg per hectare East Asia & Pacific (developing only) 5,184.0 Central Europe and the Baltics 4,131.1 Sub-Saharan Africa 1,433.5 Europe & Central Asia (all income levels) 3,661.6 Euro area 5,855.4 North America 6,671.0 India 2,961.6 World 3,851.3

Source: World Bank Database,

Table 2: Growth rate of yield per hectare (%) of foodgrains

Rice Wheat Coarse Pulses Total Cereals Foodgrains

1980-81 to 1990-91 2.7 3.4 2.6 2.0 3.0 1990-91 to 2000-01 0.9 1.7 1.3 -0.6 1.7 2000-01 to 2010-11 1.6 1.0 4.1 2.4 1.7 2010-11 to 2014-15 1.6 -1.0 3.1 1.9 1.8

Source: Reserve Bank of India database,

2 ORF ISSUE BRIEF No. 157 l SEPTEMBER 2016 Climate Change and Food Security in India

HOW DOES CLIMATE CHANGE AFFECT Food production FOOD SECURITY? Climate change presents an additional stress on The World Food Summit in 1996 defined food India's long-term food security challenges as it security thus: “Food security exists when all affects food production in many ways. For one, people, at all times, have physical, social and it may cause significant increases in inter- economic access to sufficient, safe and annual and intra-seasonal variability of nutritious food which meets their dietary needs monsoon rainfall. According to World Bank and food preferences for an active and healthy estimates, based on the International Energy life.”9 According to this definition, there are Agency's current policy scenario and other three main dimensions to food security: food energy sector economic models, for a global availability, access to food, and food absorption. mean warming of 4°C, there will be a 10-percent Thus, adequate food production alone is not a increase in annual mean monsoon intensity and sufficient condition for a country's food a 15-percent increase in year-to-year variability 12 security. in monsoon precipitation. The World Bank (2013) also predicts that droughts will pose an Food security is one of the leading concerns increasing risk in the north-western part of 10 associated with climate change. Climate India while southern India will experience an change affects food security in complex ways. It increase in wetness.13 impacts crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, and can cause grave social and The impact of climate change on water economic consequences in the form of reduced availability will be particularly severe for India because large parts of the country already suffer incomes, eroded livelihoods, trade disruption from water scarcity, to begin with, and largely and adverse health impacts. However, it is depend on groundwater for irrigation. important to note that the net impact of climate According to Cruz et al. (2007), the decline in change depends not only on the extent of the precipitation and droughts in India has led to climatic shock but also on the underlying the drying up of wetlands and severe vulnerabilities. According to the Food and degradation of ecosystems.14 About 54 percent Agriculture Organization (2016), both of India faces high to extremely high water biophysical and social vulnerabilities determine 15 the net impact of climate change on food stress. Large parts of north-western India, 11 notably the states of Punjab and Haryana, which security. account for the bulk of the country's and Much of the literature on the impact of wheat output, are extremely water-stressed.16 climate change on food security, however, has Figure 1 shows that groundwater levels are focused on just one dimension of food security, declining across India. About 54 percent of i.e., food production. The impact of climate India's groundwater wells are decreasing, with change on the other dimensions of food security 16 percent of them decreasing by more than one – access and utilisation – have received little meter per year.17 North-western India again scholarly attention. This paper explores the stands out as highly vulnerable; of the 550 wells impact of climate change on India's food studied in the region, 58 percent had declining security by considering all these dimensions of groundwater levels. With increased periods of food security. low precipitation and dry spells due to climate

ORF ISSUE BRIEF No. 157 l SEPTEMBER 2016 3 Climate Change and Food Security in India change, India's groundwater resources will industrial levels, food water requirements in become even more important for irrigation, India will exceed green water availability.18 The leading to greater pressure on water resources. mismatch between demand and supply of water According to the World Bank projections, with a is likely to have far-reaching implications on global mean warming of 2°C above pre- foodgrain production and India's food security.

Figure 1: Groundwater level in India (meters below the ground level)

Source: World Resources Institute, -water-risks

Indian agriculture, and thereby India's food sensitive to climate change. Lobell et al (2012) production, is highly vulnerable to climate found that wheat growth in northern India is change largely because the sector continues to highly sensitive to temperatures greater than be highly sensitive to monsoon variability. After 34°C.19 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate all, about 65 percent of India's cropped area is Change (IPCC) report of 2007 echoed similar rain-fed. Figure 2 shows that most districts with concerns on wheat yield: a 0.5°C rise in winter very high and high vulnerability to climate temperature is likely to reduce wheat yield by change are in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, 0.45 tonnes per hectare in India.20 Acute water Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh. shortage conditions, together with thermal Wheat and rice, two crops central to nutrition in stress, will affect rice productivity even more India, have been found to be particularly severely.21

4 ORF ISSUE BRIEF No. 157 l SEPTEMBER 2016 Climate Change and Food Security in India

Figure 2: Vulnerability of Indian agriculture to Climate Change (2021-2050)

Source: CA Rama Rao et al (2013)22

Food access

While there has been considerable progress in Nira Ramachandran have underscored the understanding the sensitivities of crop importance of factoring climate change in the production to yield, there are relatively few discourse on nutrition in the country. models which assess the impact of climate Ramachandran warns that climate change can change on access to food. According to the slow down, and even drastically reduce, the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, improvements in food security and nutrition depending on the climate change scenario, 200 that India has managed to achieve so far.26 to 600 million more people globally could suffer 23 Climate change amplifies the economic from hunger by 2080 (Yohe et al., 2007). Lloyd drivers of food insecurity. Variation in the et al (2011) also make the projection that length of the crop growing season and higher climate change will have significant effects on frequency of extreme events due to climate future undernutrition, even when the beneficial change and the consequent growth of output effects of economic growth are taken into adversely affect the farmer's net income. India is account.24 According to their model predictions, particularly vulnerable because its rural areas there will be a 62-percent increase in severe are home to small and marginal farmers who stunting in South Asia and a 55-percent increase rely on rain-fed monocropping, which provides 25 in east and south sub-Saharan Africa by 2050. barely a few months of food security in a normal It is more difficult to find similar, modelling- year.27 According to Ramachandran (2014), food based studies on the impact of climate change stocks begin to run out three or four months on food access and nutrition specifically after harvest, farm jobs are unavailable and by focusing on India. However, noted experts like the next monsoon/sowing season, food

ORF ISSUE BRIEF No. 157 l SEPTEMBER 2016 5 Climate Change and Food Security in India shortages peak to hunger.28 Climate change will According to their study, children exposed to also have an adverse impact on the livelihoods of floods during their first year of life presented fishers and forest-dependent people. Landless higher levels of chronic malnutrition.33 agricultural labourers wholly dependent on Yet the impact of climate change on food agricultural wages are at the highest risk of access is not limited to rural areas. Urban food 29, 30 losing their access to food. insecurity is also a critical issue because poor In regions with high food insecurity and households from rural and coastal regions inequality, increased frequency of droughts and typically migrate to urban areas for livelihood floods will affect children more, given their options. Ramachandran observes that hunger often triggers off a wave of migration towards vulnerability. Vedeld et al (2014) conducted a cities, relocating entire families to urban survey of nine villages in the drought-prone slums.34 These migrants mostly join the ranks of Jalna district of Maharashtra and found that poorly paid workers in the urban informal local crop yields and annual incomes of farmers sector, where there is no security of tenure and dropped by about 60 percent in the drought of 31 wages fall below the legal minimum. India's 2012-13. Such a large fall in income is likely to urban food insecurity indicators present an have a huge impact on child nutrition because alarming picture. For example, over 30 percent poor households typically spend the bulk of of children below five years are underweight in their earnings on food. In another study based urban Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka on 14 flooded and 18 non-flooded villages of (See Table 3). The proportion of urban children Jagatsinghpur district in Orissa, Rodriguez- who are stunted and wasted is high even in Llanes et al (2011) found that exposure to floods Karnataka and Maharashtra, which are is associated with long-term malnutrition.32 relatively prosperous states.

Table 3: Child nutritional status in urban India (2014-15)

Proportion of Proportion of Proportion of children under 5 children under 5 who children under 5 who are stunted (%) are underweight (%) who are wasted (%)

Andhra Pradesh 28.3 28.4 15.5 Assam 22.3 21.4 13.2 Bihar 39.8 37.5 21.3 Goa 18.3 25.3 27.7 Haryana 33.4 28.5 21 Karnataka 32.6 31.5 24.8 Maharashtra 29.3 30.7 24.9 Manipur 24.1 13.1 6.4 Meghalaya 36.5 22.9 13.7 Madhya Pradesh 37.5 36.5 22 Puducherry 24.7 23.3 26.1 Sikkim 22.9 12 13.2 Telangana 20.9 22.2 14.6 25.5 21.5 19 Tripura 17.2 21.7 13.4 Uttarakhand 32.5 25.6 18.6 West Bengal 28.5 26.2 16.7

Source: Compiled from National Family Health Survey – 4 Database 35

6 ORF ISSUE BRIEF No. 157 l SEPTEMBER 2016 Climate Change and Food Security in India

Climate change will exacerbate India's and iron) due to elevated carbon dioxide levels.44 existing problems of urban food insecurity. The In India, where legumes (pulses) rather than highest risks related to climate change are likely meat are the main source of proteins, such to be concentrated among the low-income changes in the quality of food crops will groups residing in informal settlements which accelerate the largely neglected epidemic known are often located in areas exposed to floods and as “hidden hunger” or micronutrient landslides and where housing is especially deficiency.45 Phalkey et al (2015) argue that vulnerable to extreme weather events such as micronutrient deficiencies increase the risk of wind and water hazards.36 Mumbai and Chennai acquiring an infectious disease which in turn are especially prone to bear the brunt of climate worsens the problem of undernutrition, change.37 Dasgupta et al (2012) add Kolkata to creating a vicious circle.46 Evidence from the list of cities that are particularly vulnerable Botswana suggest that changes in climate that to climatic risks,38 as climate change is likely to lead to an increase in temperature and a intensify the frequent flooding in the Hooghly decrease in precipitation are associated with an 47 river during monsoon.39 The poor inhabitants of increase in diarrhoeal disease in children. In Kolkata are most vulnerable as their homes are India, children living in poor rural areas and located in low-lying areas or wetlands that are urban slums are at higher risk of morbidity and particularly prone to tidal and storm surges.40 mortality from diarrhoeal diseases. Projections made by Moors E. et al. (2013) say that climate Given that food is the single largest change will lead to an average increase of about expenditure for poor urban households, 48 13.1 percent in diarrhoea in the Ganga basin. displacement, loss of livelihood or damage to Ramachandran (2014) also argues that climate productive assets due to any such extreme change could lead to a reversal of India's weather event will have a direct impact on achievements in reducing diarrhoea-related 41 household food security. The urban poor has deaths.49 also been identified as the group most vulnerable to increases in food prices following The impact of climate change on vector- production shocks and declines that are borne diseases is fairly well documented. 42 Climate change will lead to the emergence of projected under future climate change. new patterns of pests and diseases which will Food absorption affect human health and lower the capacity to utilise food effectively, thereby posing new risks There are many potential impacts of climate for food security. For instance, more people will change on food absorption but there is a dearth be exposed to vector-borne diseases such as of quantitative studies on the subject which malaria, dengue and chikungunya. According to focus on India. Overall, the global threat is that Dhara, Schramm and Luber (2013), the entire climate change could lead to a reduction of population of India except those living in areas production and consumption of certain foods above 1700m above sea level are at risk of that play a critical role in the diets of poor rural contracting malaria.50 The arboviral diseases and indigenous populations such as fish, fruits chikungunya and dengue may also be influenced and vegetables, and wild foods.43 Change in by climate as both are transmitted by the climatic conditions could lead to a reduction in common vector Aedes aegypti.51 The urban poor the nutritional quality of foods (reduced living in informal settlements are particularly concentration in proteins and minerals like zinc vulnerable, absent the basic facilities such as

ORF ISSUE BRIEF No. 157 l SEPTEMBER 2016 7 Climate Change and Food Security in India piped water, sanitation, clean drinking water, prone to climate-induced droughts. Despite the drainage systems, and heath facilities. High benefits of drip irrigation, it is still largely incidence of undernutrition due to poverty adopted for high-value horticultural crops. To exposes the urban poor to diseases linked to enhance the area under micro and drip climate impacts, which in turn aggravates irrigation, the government should redirect the undernutrition and ill-health and reduces the subsidy on electricity for drawing water for ability to adapt and build resilience to climate irrigation purposes, which has been a major change.52 Adverse effects of malaria, diarrhoea contributor to declining groundwater levels, and undernutrition have been found to be towards the adoption of drip irrigation concentrated among children due to techniques. 53 physiological susceptibility. Children have A four-pronged strategy is recommended for been found to be at greater risk when food the water sector: supplies are restricted.54 ?Increase irrigation efficiency ?Promote micro irrigation in water-deficient WAY FORWARD: RECOMMENDATIONS areas Adoption of sustainable agricultural ?Better water resource infrastructure practices planning ?Restoration of water bodies in rural areas The main problem of Indian agriculture is low productivity. To meet India's growing food demand, there is an acute need for increasing Stronger emphasis on public health productivity in all segments of agriculture. But India has historically had a poor record in public given the vulnerability of Indian agriculture to health. With the worsening challenges of climate change, farm practices need to be climate change, the country's policymakers have reoriented to provide better climate resilience. India needs to step up public investment in also paid little attention to its impacts on development and dissemination of crop health. Despite the fact that the disease burden varieties which are more tolerant of from vector-borne and diarrhoeal diseases is temperature and precipitation fluctuations and very high in urban slums and tribal areas of are more water- and nutrient-efficient. India, this area was overlooked when the Agricultural policy should focus on improving original National Action Plan for Climate crop productivity and developing safety nets to Change (NAPCC) was formulated. The Ministry cope with the risks of climate change. of Health is currently formulating a National Mission for Health under the ambit of NAPCC Better management of water resources must but given the close relationship between climate be a key feature of sustainable agriculture. change, infectious diseases and food Water supply management options such as new absorption, public expenditure on health needs storages and water harvesting are important, to be stepped up drastically. especially in the water-stressed regions of north-western India. Water use efficiency in agriculture needs to be enhanced. India's Enhance livelihood security irrigation infrastructure needs to be upgraded; Achieving food security in the context of climate particular attention needs to be given to north- change calls for an improvement in the western India, the country's food basket that is

8 ORF ISSUE BRIEF No. 157 l SEPTEMBER 2016 Climate Change and Food Security in India livelihoods of the poor and food-insecure to not but also a victim of climate change as poor only help them escape poverty and hunger but people account for the bulk of its population. As also withstand, recover from, and adapt to the observed earlier, climate change will have an climate risks they are exposed to. India's enormous impact on urban food insecurity. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Therefore, urban food insecurity deserves (NREGA) of 2005 marked a global milestone in serious attention. The approach towards the history of poverty alleviation. NREGA has tackling urban food insecurity must take into had several positive effects: increasing rural account both the access and absorption wages, reducing gender wage gaps, enabling dimensions of food insecurity. To improve better access to food, and reducing distress access to healthy food, effective public migration from rural areas. NREGA has also distribution systems need to be put in place. made an important contribution to child well- Efforts must be made to learn from states such being, through the reduction of hunger and as Tamil Nadu which has an effective public 55 improvement of health and education. distribution system and has better nutritional Moreover, the scheme contributes to ecological outcomes.57 To improve food absorption, living restoration and natural resource regeneration conditions in urban informal settlements need in dry regions. Water conservation accounted to be upgraded. The Swachh Bharat Mission, for about half of the total projects supported by which aims to construct 10.4 million individual NREGA from 2006 to 2008, with 850,000 toilets and 0.5 million public toilets and adopt 56 completed works. Although some gaps have scientific solid waste management in 4,041 been observed in the implementation of towns, may be regarded as a step in the right NREGA, the scheme has various benefits for the direction. rural poor, particularly the marginalised sections, women, scheduled castes and Indian cities have an extremely poor record scheduled tribes. Therefore, funding allocations in disaster management. Therefore, public for NREGA should be maintained and efforts investment in climate-resilient infrastructure should be made to more effectively streamline should be enhanced. In India, flood control the funds to plug existing leakages. efforts, sanitation infrastructure and surveillance activities are not very effective. Given the level of urban poverty, Better infrastructure in urban areas will undernutrition, and lack of remunerative minimise the disease risks caused by flooding. employment, there is a strong case for providing guaranteed employment on the lines of NREGA in urban areas as well. Such a scheme should be Long-term relief measures in the event of tailored to not only provide livelihood security natural disasters to the urban poor but also create climate- resilient urban infrastructure in Indian cities. India's disaster-management strategies are Additional efforts are required for the mostly inadequate, short-lived and poorly vulnerable populations residing in the conceived. Also, much of the emphasis is laid on ecologically fragile coastal and forest regions. providing quick relief to the affected households as opposed to developing long-term adaptation Greater emphasis on urban food insecurity strategies. Little effort is made towards addressing the long-term impacts of natural Urban India is not only an important disasters on agricultural productivity and contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions undernutrition. A recent report by NITI Aayog

ORF ISSUE BRIEF No. 157 l SEPTEMBER 2016 9 Climate Change and Food Security in India suggests that “the government should transfer a in disaster-affected regions. Additional efforts minimum specified sum of cash to affected must be directed towards reducing the risk in farmers and landless workers as an instant agriculture. Such schemes should be specially relief”.58 For richer farmers who may want targeted towards small farmers. insurance above this relief, the report recommends a separate commercially viable Need for more impact assessment studies crop insurance programme.59 To develop climate-resilient strategies and make Given the vulnerability of Indian agriculture adequate policy interventions, there is a need to climate-induced natural disasters and their for an integrated assessment of the impact of long-term impacts on agricultural output, climate change on India's food security. So far, livelihoods and nutrition, such a short-sighted approach towards disaster relief will only prove there are fewer studies on the impact of climate inadequate. The government needs to take a change on other dimensions of food security long-term view of disaster relief. Moreover, besides production. Research efforts should be given the adverse impacts of natural disasters directed towards assessing and quantifying on child nutrition, long-term undernutrition where possible the impact of climate change on prevention programmes must be implemented undernutrition and food absorption.

(This paper has been prepared under a project on ‘Urbanising India’, funded by the Research Council of Norway and jointly undertaken by the Observer Research Foundation, Delhi and the Peace Research Institute, Oslo.)

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Malancha Chakrabarty is an Associate Fellow at Observer Research Foundation.


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