Newsletter #3 September 2019

Dear Time flies and it is a pleasure to send off this newsletter as one of the last ‘to-do’ items before the C- Block Journey departs on Saturday. For the next two weeks we will live at a different pace, set by the sun and the moon…and our muscles! Brad Boulle, (East, 2014 - 2018) will join us as one of the paddle masters for part of the journey. Welcome back Brad!

Andrew Schaefer is our past Head Boy featured in this edition. Andrew and other OM’s: Simon Francis, Steuart Pennington, Jon Bates and Phiwayi Mbuyazi, are currently making a big difference to education in the Balgowan Valley, through their commitment to the Community Partnership programme. In this edition we feature Old Boys in education: What a privilege to have nine men across many generations from Pete Stevens (1972) to Aiden Friend (2014) back at “House”. Pete is leading his 9th Journey with C Block this year. This is a record and the boys in his group are really fortunate to be out there under his mentorship. James Thorpe, Patrick Lees and Chris Black are also making a difference in the lives of children. Andrew Brown (Michaelhouse Staff from 2002 – 2017) managed to lure Angelos Geranmayeh into the classroom to run a workshop. James Findlay has been prominent in literary circles for many years and brings books of all genres and vintages into our lives. We discovered James on BA flights this month! Our sportsmen continue to excel. Josh Moon, Gary Porter and Liam Furniss have been selected to the UCT team, which travels to Japan for the Varsity World Cup. Jordan Sesink Clee has been called up to the Sharks. Brandon Tattam is captaining the UCT squad at the Varsity Cup festival in Potchefstroom, where he will meet up with fellow Old Boy, Sean Gilson. Fraser Jones made the UCT squad, but is laid up for a while due to injury. Jean van der Westhuyzen continues to leave the opposition in his wake in World Cup Canoeing. Sadly, we record the passing away of two Old Boys in this edition. Cape Town, and branches have hosted wonderful functions and more are planned for the rest of the year, locally in Durban, Midlands, and Pretoria and then later in the year in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Dubai. Rector Antony Clark will be attending the Old Boys’ functions with Phil Roberts in the and I am looking forward to meeting the Old Boys in the Antipodes and Dubai later in November. We thank our Old Boys there who are setting up functions and accommodation overseas. More in the next edition…. And then……surprise, surprise, Pete Ardington and Nick Welsh bring Cameron Todd back for another appearance!

If you’re up to predicting the outcomes of matches in the Rugby World Cup, please see the Superbru challenge at the end of the newsletter or if you still need to load the Old Boys App, please view the App How To Guide. That said I’m off to pack the rucksack, load the boats and bikes, and field those last minute curved balls before we head for the hills. Meanwhile take care, have a blast and make a difference. Best to you all


PAST HEADS OF SCHOOL: Where are they now? Andrew Schaefer (Farfield, 1984 – 1987) Head of School: 1987 Currently residing in Johannesburg Married to Angela, father to Annabelle (19 years), Matthew (16 years) and Georgina (15 years)

Andrew is currently the chairman of the Stakeholder Sub Committee of the Board, as well as the Chairman of the Community Partnership Trust and a member of the Chairman’s Club. Andrew is seen here with Amy Webster, Community Partnership manager.

Since leaving school I graduated MBChB (UCT) and MBA (Cambridge); worked HSBC Investment Bank; Accenture; Standard Bank and Trafalgar Group. I have contributed to the broader community by initiating the founding of 3 creches and pre-schools in the Johannesburg Central Business District. Chairman of the Michaelhouse Community Partnership Trust. I consider the most significant thing I have done to be … a work in progress. One thing I learnt at school, which I draw on quite often: Humility.

OLD BOYS ……in education

Staff Old Boys with Rector, Antony Clark.

Standing: Aidan Friend (Maths & IT Intern, Tatham 2010 – 2014), Will Le Cordeur (Theatre Director, Founders 1995 – 1998), Ian Crawford (CAT & IT Teacher, Mackenzie 2001 – 2005), Richard Snowden (Head of English, Mackenzie 1993 – 1996), Simon Dottridge (Network Administrator, Founders 1991 – 1994), Murray Witherspoon (Marketing Director, East 1990 – 1993) & Xillen van Rooyen (Marketing, West 2003 – 2007).

Seated James Fleming (Director of Sports Medicine, West 1986 – 1989), Rector Antony Clark and Peter Stevens (Maths Teacher, Farfield 1969 – 1972).

Patrick Lees (Farfield 1986 – 1989)

Congratulations also to Patrick Lees (Farfield, 1986 – 1989) who has been appointed to the position of Executive Head of Pridwin Preparatory and will take up this role in May 2020.

James Thorpe (Tatham, 2001 – 2002)

OM James Thorpe (Tatham, 2001 - 2002) is pictured here alongside his boarding house captain at their Annual Goodwin House Dinner at the end of August.

James is currently the Deputy Head of Boarding, Boarding Housemaster (Goodwin), English Teacher, Officer of Cadets, Cricket and Rugby coach at the Anglican Church Grammar School (ACGS), "Churchie" - a large day and situated in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

James writes: "Like Michaelhouse, we are a Church of England or Anglican school established in 1912. This is my second stint at Churchie as I started my teaching career at the School. Since then, I have been a Day Housemaster at The Southport School (TSS, Gold Coast) and Head of English and Assistant Boarding Housemaster at Australia's oldest independent school, The King's School (Sydney). The King's School has a long relationship with Michaelhouse. My inspiration for teaching started at Michaelhouse and I am forever thankful for my time there. My dad, his three brothers and all of my cousins attended Michaelhouse which brings the total to nine Thorpe boys who are now OM's!"

Robin Thorpe (Pascoe, 1967 - 1970) Jeremy Thorpe (Pascoe, 1969 - 1972) Hamish Thorpe (Pascoe, 1971 - 1974) Nigel Thorpe (Pascoe, 1971 - 1974) Guy Thorpe (Founders, 2000 - 2004) Nicholas Thorpe (Founders, 2001 - 2005) Kyle Thorpe (West, 2001 - 2005) Tom Thorpe (Farfield, 2006 - 2010)

……a lifetime in education Chris Black (East, 1961 – 1964; Post Matric 1965)

A few weeks after completing his post-matric year at Michaelhouse (East House) in 1965, Chris started working as a part-time teacher of Class Music and Latin at Cowan House. Two years later he became a member of Ronald Brooks’ staff at Cordwalles, while studying for his BA at Natal University.

In 1972 Chris set sail for the UK where, after a year as a class teacher and house tutor at Clifton College Prep School in Bristol, he joined the staff of Heatherdown School in Ascot, a small and very exclusive boys’ boarding prep school which for many years had been the first choice of aristocratic British families. For the next five years he helped prepare the sons of Dukes, Earls and other titled gentry for entry to public schools, mainly Eton.

During those years, the boys in his English, Scripture and Latin classes included Queen Elizabeth’s youngest two sons, Prince Andrew and then Prince Edward, as well as a young ‘untitled’ lad by the name of David Cameron, who years later was destined to become UK Prime Minister

During his years on the Heatherdown staff, Chris also initiated annual ‘safari’ trips to during the UK’s long summer holidays, with trips to areas such as Ndumu, Hluhluwe, Giant’s Castle and even, on two occasions to Mala Mala.

In 1978 Chris was appointed Headmaster of Cowan House. Eight years later, he took a career break and spent a number of years working for the Natal Parks Board. However, schools and teaching would always be ‘in his blood’ and in the 1990’s he returned, initially as Deputy Head at Cordwalles but was soon appointed Headmaster of Clifton, Nottingham Road. Following this, he returned to the UK to take up the headship of The Downs, a long established co-educational preparatory school at the foot of the Malvern Hills in Worcestershire, now taken over by Malvern College. From there he moved to a headship in Tenerife before ‘retiring’ to teaching in various locum posts in Edinburgh where he is currently the full-time Primary 6 teacher at Clifton Hall School.

Chris & Elizabeth Black live in a converted farm steading in the countryside outside Edinburgh. He would be interested to hear from any of his Old Boy contemporaries who are planning to visit Scotland sometime in the future.

…. Not (yet) teacher - but in the classroom Good to see Old Boy Angelos Geranmayeh (Baines, 2010 – 2014) who is a Business Science Graduate presenting an Elevate Workshop to a class at Reddam Constantia, with ex- staff member Mr Andrew Brown (Michaelhouse 2002 – 2017).

Any other Old Boys who are in the Education sector, please drop us a line on [email protected] with a short biography (including your teaching experience) and a photograph.

…. In the media

If you have recently flown British Airways, you may have spotted Old Boy James Findlay (Tatham, 1985 – 1988) donning his Old Boys tie and gracing the pages of High Life Magazine.

On the sportsfields .…. On the water Jean van der Westhuyzen (Farfield, 2013 – 2017) does it again! Jean recently returned from a trip to the Junior & U/23 World Championships in Romania were he took part in the K2 1000m and K4 500m, He and his team mates came away with a Silver and Gold medal.

Jean’s last event for the year will be the Senior World Championships in Hungary - the Holy Grail of paddling – where they are expecting around 35 000 spectators. Competing in front of a crowd like that will be quite an experience, after which he will head to South Africa for a well-deserved rest.


We are delighted to hear that OM Jordan Sesink Clee (Mackenzie, 2011 – 2015) has been called up to the Sharks Currie Cup Squad and has been training with the team for the past few weeks.

Jordan, who is completing his studies at Stellenbosch University, has previously played for Western Province age groups and senior side in the Supersport Cup.


Congratulations to Old Boy, Brandon Tattam (Farfield, 2010 - 2014) who has been selected to captain the UCT Varsity Cup Cricket Squad as well as Old Boy, Sean Gilson (East, 2013 – 2017), also representing at the Varsity Cup for TUKS.

Well done to you both!


Our condolences go to the families of the following men:

Dave Short (Pascoe, 1952 – 1956) Richard Roberts (Tatham, 1993 – 1994)


…. Johannesburg Old Boys Dinner Our thanks to Johannesburg Old Boys Branch Chairman, Rob Brown (Founders, 1982 – 1985) and his team for arranging a great evening at the Bryanston Country Cub on Thursday 1 August 2019.

Guest speaker, Herman Mashaba gave a good insight into his vision and the challenges facing governance of the city.

…. Durban Old Boys Golf Day Hearty congratulations to the Old Boys team of Nigel Williamson (Farfield, 1989 – 1991), Steven Boast (Tatham, 1988 – 1991), Patrick Baker (East, 1987 – 1990) and all others involved in executing the most successful Durban Branch Fundraiser to date, raising R117 000!

A big thank you also to the ladies involved, namely Lori Davidson, Tanith Williamson & Belinda Boast. The team managed to secure 27 four balls for the day, made up of Old Boys, past, current and incoming parents.

Particular congratulations to Steve Boast on his Hole-in-One on the 15th, sponsored by Williamson Plumbers, which earned R35 000 for the Bursary Endowment Trust.

Pictured, Left to Right: Old Boy, Nigel Williamson, Old Boys’ Club Secretary, Paul Fleischack, Old Boys’ Club President, Philip Roberts and Old Boy, Steven Boast.

…. Cape Town Old Boys Events The Cape Town Committee comprising of Charles Phillips (West, 1965 – 1968) and Justin Fletcher (Mackenzie, 1996 – 2000) with the help of Siyabulela Ngcungama (Mackenzie, 2000 – 2004), organised an outstanding AGM and dinner at the Villagers Football Club in Cape Town on Friday 23 August 2019.

The event was very well attended with 110 Old Boys gathering for the occasion. Included were father and son, Wayne (East,1980 – 1984) and Tom Witherspoon (East, 2013 – 2017), a few brothers, four past Senior Prefects and a crowd of significant men. Thanks to the UCT students who delayed their flights for the mid-semester holiday to be at the dinner.

Siyabulela Ngcungama (Mackenzie, 2000 – 2004), James Harrison (Baines, 2015 – 2017) and Grant Hiscock (West, 2016 – 2018) ably led the singing of ‘Stars” and managed to keep the men in tune and rhythm for most of the verses. Adrian Krige (Farfield, 2008 – 2012), once again led the war cries.

Images from the Cape Town Dinner can be viewed HERE

Old Boy, Jaques Pretorius (Baines, 1979 – 1982) led the Eucharist Service at the Bishops Chapel on Sunday Morning, which was followed by a lunch at Mt Vernon Estate, hosted by John (West, 1986 – 1989) and Lara Hooper.

Charles has chaired the Cape Town branch for 42 years, which sounds like a record. Under his and Justin’s leadership Cape Town has become the fastest growing branch in South Africa and we thank them both for their hard work.

…. From abroad (UK Branch) The UK Branch Secretary, Rory McKenna (West, 1998 – 2002) has written a comprehensive report on the London Branch activities for the year. The UK Branch Summer Letter can be read in full HERE.

Thank-you Rory, Sean and the London team for your work and continued commitments.


Just when we thought we could close the chapter on James Cameron Todd, the piano and the Board of Governors, a new episode was delivered.

Dr Peter Ardington (East, 1961 – 1964, Post Matric 1965 & 2019 St Awardee) recently travelled to the United States and then on to England to see fellow Old Boy, Nick Welsh (Pascoe, 1961 - 1965), following Nick’s recent retirement from a lengthy and substantial career in teaching.

Pictured, Dr Peter Ardington and Rector Antony Clark

Nick’s career included a post as the Head of English at Eton College with his tenure there including the high school careers of Princes William and Harry.

Whilst there, Peter noticed a more recently printed copy of James Cameron Todd’s book in Nick’s Library, suggesting that this work was sufficiently important to warrant the printing of a second edition. The newer version was printed without re-setting the type, instead the original script, was copied and enlarged to maintain the integrity of the original version.

From left to right: James Cameron Todd’s Book: First edition, second edition and Nick Walsh


Plaque translation: James Cameron Todd BSC Hereof St Michael and the angels Founder and First Rector here recorded Fell asleep in Christ 1915

From the 1919 St Michael’s Chronicle, 16 years after Todd’s departure from Michaelhouse. It would appear that all was forgiven:

“On Monday, October 6th, the Lord Bishop of the Diocese dedicated a brass in Chapel erected ‘to the memory of our Founder, James Cameron Todd’… we would like here to say a few words to the younger generation as to what we owe to our Founder.

But for his enthusiasm and enterprise Michaelhouse would not exist today, or, at any rate, would exist in totally different conditions and surroundings. To him, as the Bishop said in his address, among many other things, we owe our name, our motto, our site, and to him we owe many of the best and greatest traditions of the School.

The School has developed to a wonderful extent on the lines laid down by him in the earliest days; and could he re-visit the scenes of his seven-year labour, he would, we venture to assert, be more than satisfied with the development of Michaelhouse.

We hope before long to be able to put up some further memorial to him in the School. At the next meeting of Old Boys, it is intended to bring this matter up for further discussion. At the same time, the greatest memorial to him that there can be is Michaelhouse, and to this memorial of him we can, one and all, contribute.

That Michaelhouse should live and grow was his greatest wish, and the best tribute that we can possibly pay to his memory, and the greatest return that we can make, for what he did for us, is to try and further in every way that we can the interests and the reputation of the School that he, founded. “

And so it is fitting that the bust of James Cameron Todd is now the centrepiece of the cobbled turning circle in front of the main archway at Screens.

UPCOMING EVENTS / OLD BOYS CALENDAR An overview of the Michaelhouse Old Boys Club Diary for the remainder of the year, is available by clicking below. Michaelhouse Old Boys Club Diary 2019

Midlands Old Boys Drinks Evening Keith Begg, who featured in the previous edition of the newsletter, will be flying his aircraft to South Africa for its service next month. We are really pleased that he will extend his stay and tell his story at the Midlands branch function. All Old Boys, partners as well as members of the Michaelhouse Community are invited to join a drinks evening hosted by the Midlands Old Boys Branch at the Fordoun Farm Village Venue. Old Boy, Keith Begg (Baines 1985 – 1988) will be our guest speaker for the evening. Full details can be found HERE.

SAVE the DATE: Pretoria Branch Be sure to diarise 3 October 2019 for our Pretoria Branch event. Full details to follow!

Hudson Bennett Golf Day –Pietermaritzburg Branch The 82nd Hudson Bennett Golf Day will take place on 4 October 2019 at the Victoria Country Club. For details on how to book your place, please view the invitation below. Hudson Bennett Golf Day

SAVE the DATE: Durban Branch Annual Formal Dinner